Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Hover over point - Display name

2010-04-15 Thread Alexandre Dube

You can't. You can only use it with Vector features. If you're planing 
to use WMS only, you can use the GetFeatureInfo control triggering 
requests when the mouse stops for a brief moment and display a div with 
the name of the feature hovered.

Here's an other solution (still using WFS to get and draw vector 
features though, you'll need to make sure that you have a WFS server setup):

Unfortunately seems to be down for the moment so you 
won't be able to see it live, but look a the source and you should be 
able to reproduce the same thing in your application. Basically, with 
the demo you can draw boxes on the map and a WFS GetFeature request is 
sent and the returned features are drawn as vector features on the map, 
looking as they were highlighted. It might be a bit too much for what 
you want, but it's good to see alternatives.

IMHO, a WMS GetFeatureInfo request should be enough. See (instead of 
triggering requests on map click, make it happen on mouse move stopped):

See also :

Hope this helps,


geojoe wrote:
 It turns out the layer I'm using for hover is a WMS layer and the features
 property is NULL.  

 How do I use hover with a WMS layer?



Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Hover over point - Display name

2010-04-13 Thread Alexandre Dube

I'm not sure what's wrong with what you're doing, but maybe a quick look 
at this example [1] might help. I would use 'highlightOnly': true only 
and register events instead of overwriting the native callback methods 
used when hovering.

Hope this helps,


geojoe wrote:
 I would like to hover over one of my layers and display the feature site_name
 next to the feature like a label. I would also like to have this control
 active all of the time - while pan, identify, zoomIn, ... are active.

 Using the control below the overFeature code is never reached.


  userHoverControl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(
   hover: true,
   highlightOnly: false,
   clickout: false,
   toggle: false,
   multiple: false,
   overFeature: function(feature) {
   outFeature: function(feature) {
   console.log('hover out:  ' + 


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Get direction from route to route... draw route on map (Like GPS)

2010-04-07 Thread Alexandre Dube

CampToCamp worked on such a widget in GeoExt.ux. Currently in a sandbox :

See also :



yellow wrote:

 I would like to know if it is possible to create an application using open
 layers that gives users the shortest road to a particular destination by
 drawing the route on the map. And if possible avoiding one-way roads.

 Can anyone please suggest any resources, ideas or show me a simple example.

 Thanks in advance. 

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Printing map sections...

2010-03-10 Thread Alexandre Dube

GeoExt has this kind of tool, see some examples at :



yellow wrote:
 HI Guys  Gals,

 I would like to know if there is a method or piece of code that allows us to
 print certain segments of the map. 

 Is there any functionality that allows you to specify an perimiter area by
 co-ordinates and assembles all tiles in a large image??


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Who is interested in a Style Editor?

2010-02-11 Thread Alexandre Dube

There are some discussion currently going on to integrate that kind of 
tool as a GeoExt.ux widget. See the GeoExt-dev mailing list.



Marc Jansen wrote:
 Hi mortac,


 That is old, beta, OL 2.7 and unmaintained since Aug. 2008...

 I'd love to have time fgor that editor...


 mortac8 wrote:
 Has anyone continued work on this?  Is the original demo still available

 Dev mailing list

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

[OpenLayers-Dev] Lang not in utf-8, small fix

2010-02-08 Thread Alexandre Dube

  I opened a small ticket [1] including a fix for the only lang file not 
in utf-8.  There's a bug when using this file in IE6 while using a meta 
http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 tag.



Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Markers and Vector Layer conflict

2010-02-05 Thread Alexandre Dube

  Instead of defining the externalGraphic property directly in your 
StyleMap (that affects all your features on your layer), you could 
register a featureadded event to your DrawFeature control for points 
and set the externalGraphic property there.  You would need to redraw 
your feature to affect the new style.  This might look like (untested) :

   var oDrawPoint = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(vectors, 
OpenLayers.Handler.Point);{featureadded: onPointFeatureAdded, scope: 

   var onPointFeatureAdded = function(event) {
var feature = event.feature;
var symbolizer = this.layer.styleMap.createSymbolizer(feature); = symbolizer; = images/markers/marker-gold.png; = 10;

The remaining thing to do is to think about how to have different 
markers for your features.

Hope this helps,


Alex G. wrote:

 thanks again for your valuable help!

 At the moment the best idea would be to have vector points as markers, 
 which would make them both clickable and perfect for what I need to do.

 I have added this info to the vector layer:

 vectors = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('Vectors', {
 styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
 externalGraphic: images/markers/marker-gold.png,
 pointRadius: 10

 And the point appears correctly with the marker icon. But I have run 
 into 2 problems now:

 1) All my polygons and lines appear black or invisible
 2) I would like to use more than one image for the markers

 My controls looks like this:

 controls = {
 point: new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(vectors,
 line: new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(vectors,
 polygon: new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(vectors,
 drag: new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(vectors),
 select: selectControl

 Is there a way to maybe pass the external image specifically to the 
 point control?

 I am unsure about the syntax and I wasn't able to find any info 
 around, maybe something like this:

 point: new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(vectors,
 OpenLayers.Handler.Point, {style: blah blah}),

 If it's possible, then that solves my 2nd problem as well for 
 different images.

 Thanks in advance!

 Best regards,


 On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 8:26 PM, Alexandre Dube wrote:


  Take a look at this example [1].  Vector features can be used
 with a SelectFeature control to open popups.  You only need to
 define the externalGraphic to have images and define the geometry
 type to point.  See an other example of draw types.

  You might be interested to take a look at this example [3] too
 (it's a development sandbox for a RedLining widget in GeoExt).  It
 uses a lot of OpenLayers components to draw/select the features.
  Maybe that can helps too.

 Kind regards,



 Alex G. wrote:


 thanks for your thoughts. Although if I understand what you're
 saying and the example correctly, this will not make the
 markers to pop up with bubbles where I can put text.

 I am currently placing markers with text on them where if you
 click on the marker a little bubble will appear.

 Here's another snippet that I forgot to include:

var click = new OpenLayers.Control.Click();
var new2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Text( 'Texts', {
 layerToUse: markers, newLat: '4188741.7304207', newLon:
 '217101.58694106', newTitle: Title1, newDesc: Desc1,
 idUser : '62', userName: 'admin', newIcon:
 'images/markers/marker.png'} );
var new3 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Text( 'Texts', {
 layerToUse: markers, newLat: '4182021.7304207', newLon:
 '210801.58694106', newTitle: Title2, newDesc: Desc2,
 idUser : '62', userName: 'admin', newIcon:
 'images/markers/marker-blue.png'} );
var new4 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Text( 'Texts', {
 layerToUse: markers, newLat: '4179441.7304207', newLon

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Markers and Vector Layer conflict

2010-02-04 Thread Alexandre Dube

  Take a look at this example [1].  Vector features can be used with a 
SelectFeature control to open popups.  You only need to define the 
externalGraphic to have images and define the geometry type to point.  
See an other example of draw types.

  You might be interested to take a look at this example [3] too (it's a 
development sandbox for a RedLining widget in GeoExt).  It uses a lot of 
OpenLayers components to draw/select the features.  Maybe that can helps 

Kind regards,



Alex G. wrote:

 thanks for your thoughts. Although if I understand what you're saying 
 and the example correctly, this will not make the markers to pop up 
 with bubbles where I can put text.

 I am currently placing markers with text on them where if you click on 
 the marker a little bubble will appear.

 Here's another snippet that I forgot to include:

 var click = new OpenLayers.Control.Click();
 var new2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Text( 'Texts', { layerToUse: 
 markers, newLat: '4188741.7304207', newLon: '217101.58694106', 
 newTitle: Title1, newDesc: Desc1, idUser : '62', userName: 
 'admin', newIcon: 'images/markers/marker.png'} );
 var new3 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Text( 'Texts', { layerToUse: 
 markers, newLat: '4182021.7304207', newLon: '210801.58694106', 
 newTitle: Title2, newDesc: Desc2, idUser : '62', userName: 
 'admin', newIcon: 'images/markers/marker-blue.png'} );
 var new4 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Text( 'Texts', { layerToUse: 
 markers, newLat: '4179441.7304207', newLon: '219681.58694106', 
 newTitle: Title3, newDesc: Desc3, idUser : '62', userName: 
 'admin', newIcon: 'images/markers/marker.png'} );
 I am not quite sure what that click function does, could it be the 

 I have used this example as a base:
 The thing is I use a form also to create new bubbles where users can 
 enter a title, marker icon and description and get a result similar to 
 the above.

 Thanks again,


 On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 3:34 PM, Alexandre Dube wrote:


  I just looked at the SelectFeature control code and I think you
 could try this solution :

  Change you Marker layer for a Vector one (you can define
 externalGraphic to a vector feature, see an example [1]) and then
 configure your SelectFeature control with both your layers :

  var select = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature([vectors,
 markers], options);

  The SelectFeature control will create a RootContainer layer
 object enabling selection on both at the same time, thus fixing
 your issue.   Please, tell me if that worked.

 Hope this helps,



 Alex G. wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am probably having a conflict problem with some of my
 layers. I currently have 3 layers active on my installation:
 - a layer containing the data from a shapefile (running WMS)
 - a vector layer where users can draw
 - a layer dedicated to markers.

 I have noticed that if I place a marker, I cannot interact
 with it afterwards unless I hide the vectors layer. The order
 is correct, I load first the shp layer, then the vector one
 and then the markers one.

 I include here some of my code in hope that it will help, it's
 mostly from examples on openlayers so there's really nothing new.

map = new OpenLayers.Map('map',{maxExtent: new
 maxResolution: 120, units: 'dd'});
layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( 'Landmass ',

layers: 'zak',
srs: 'EPSG:4326'

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] problem with vector Layer Feature's geometry, that is null !

2010-01-28 Thread Alexandre Dube

I replied to your message from Nabble because I didn't see it in my 
OpenLayers-Dev Mailing-List mailbox. I guess it's because of the big 
image attached to it. I'll copy it here for convenience. See below.

BTW, your problem is more suitable for the users mailing list.



Alexandre Dubé wrote:

   If you look at the Console tag, you can see the request sent.  From there,
 look a the response received.  Does the response have geometry ?  If it
 does, put a breakpoint on your format read method to see what happens and
 why the geometry isn't parsed.



Original message :

HHi guys
I use OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS approach for display a vector layer. this 
layer include points.
This is my code :

var saveStrategy = new OpenLayers.Strategy.Save();
EducationLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(EducationLayer Ho ha ha, {
strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX(), saveStrategy],
projection: new OpenLayers.Projection(EPSG:4326),
styleMap: EduStyles,
protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
version: 1.1.0,
srsName: EPSG:4326,
url: ../../cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=../../apps/mashar/,
featureNS : http://localhost:3000/mashar/wfs;,
featureType: Education,
featurePrefix: MF,


with this code i can see EducationLayer features retrieved to browser 
and loaded (I use Firefox with Firebug extension). but nothing displayed 
on map.

When i want to see geometry property of EducationLayer such as 
EducationLayer.Features[each number of array].geometry it retrieve null.

where is my wrong?

below picture explain more detail: [1]

I use Mapserver as WFS server with this configs in web section:
wfs_title Mashar WFS Server

wfs_srs EPSG:4326
wfs_abstract Some text
wfs_encoding UTF-8
wfs_namespace_uri http://localhost:3000/mashar/wfs;
wfs_namespace_prefix MF

And there is Layer definition section in map file:
NAME Education
DATA Education
wfs_title Education
WFS_ABSTRACT Education WFS Layer
gml_include_items all
NAME 'Education'
COLOR 45 220 182

This problem confused me very much. solving this problem is very 
important for me.
Thanks in advance!


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] doesn't support contexts

2010-01-18 Thread Alexandre Dube
Andreas, Eric, Cédric,

  Thanks to all of you for your support.  Your answers are very clear 
and well detailed.  I'll make the changes according to what you proposed 
and come back if I have any more questions.

  Thanks again,


Andreas Hocevar wrote:

 Alexandre Dube wrote:
   I want to be able to save a OpenLayers.Style object or hash to a 
 vector feature.  Currently, in code, exists but you 
 must define a hash or else it doesn't work.

 That's correct and expected. Let's call your hash symbolizer.

   My problem is that I want to be able to draw features to be used as 
 labels (floating text on the map).  To be able to do so, I need to 
 define a StyleMap with a context to display the label (I manually set 
 feature.isLabel on featureadded) [1]

 You can evaluate the symbolizer from the context before setting = myStyleMap.styles[default].createSymbolizer(feature);

   That works well, but as soon as I want to bind / save the style 
 to the feature, I mean set, I need to set a hash and 
 the feature will be rendered without the contexts.

 The above snippet creates a symbolizer from the default style of the 
 style map, and evaluates everything from the context.

   I don't fully understand how the contexts, symbolizers, etc. work, 
 but my first guess would be to support OpenLayers.Style object 
 directly in the feature object.  Does that make sense ?

 No. Context-based styling and symbolizers-per-feature are two 
 different things.

   Or maybe I'm doing it wrong and their's an other way of labeling 
 features.  My goal is to create features on a cosmetic layer with a 
 default style, then to be able to change the style of the features 
 and bind it to them (I mean without using rules on the layer level, 
 but by defining directly the feature style)

 That makes sense, and the snippet above is the solution. You start 
 with a layer with a StyleMap, and to override the evaluated style for 
 a specific feature, you set with the symbolizer you get 
 from Style::createSymbolizer.

 Note that if you want to change the label for such a feature later, 
 you need to set symbolizer.label, not

 Also note that if you want a point feature with just a label and 
 without the geometry rendered, it is better to set the graphic: false 
 symbolizer property instead of pointRadius: 0.


 Many many thanks,


 // [1] START
 var labelStyle = {
 label: ${name},
 labelSelect: true,
 pointRadius: ${radius}
 var styleOptions = {
   context: {
   'name': function(feature) {
   var szValue;
   if (feature.attributes['name']  
 feature.isLabel === true) {
   szValue = feature.attributes['name'];
   } else {
   szValue = ;
   return szValue;
   'radius': function(feature) {
   return (feature.isLabel === true) ? 0 : 6;

 var style = new OpenLayers.Style(

 var styleMap = new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
 default: style
   layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(
 Cosmetic, {'styleMap': styleMap});

 // [1] END


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

[OpenLayers-Dev] doesn't support contexts

2010-01-15 Thread Alexandre Dube

  I want to be able to save a OpenLayers.Style object or hash to a 
vector feature.  Currently, in code, exists but you must 
define a hash or else it doesn't work.

  My problem is that I want to be able to draw features to be used as 
labels (floating text on the map).  To be able to do so, I need to 
define a StyleMap with a context to display the label (I manually set 
feature.isLabel on featureadded) [1]

  That works well, but as soon as I want to bind / save the style to 
the feature, I mean set, I need to set a hash and the 
feature will be rendered without the contexts.

  I don't fully understand how the contexts, symbolizers, etc. work, but 
my first guess would be to support OpenLayers.Style object directly in 
the feature object.  Does that make sense ?

  Or maybe I'm doing it wrong and their's an other way of labeling 
features.  My goal is to create features on a cosmetic layer with a 
default style, then to be able to change the style of the features and 
bind it to them (I mean without using rules on the layer level, but by 
defining directly the feature style)

Many many thanks,


// [1] START
var labelStyle = {
label: ${name},
labelSelect: true,
pointRadius: ${radius}
var styleOptions = {
  context: {
  'name': function(feature) {
  var szValue;
  if (feature.attributes['name']  feature.isLabel 
=== true) {
  szValue = feature.attributes['name'];
  } else {
  szValue = ;
  return szValue;
  'radius': function(feature) {
  return (feature.isLabel === true) ? 0 : 6;

var style = new OpenLayers.Style(

var styleMap = new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
default: style
layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(
Cosmetic, {'styleMap': styleMap});

// [1] END

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] ModifyFeature control - multiple selection support

2009-12-11 Thread Alexandre Dube

Nice. So instead of using a FeatureHandler, the future SelectControl 
would listen to these events instead, right ?


Andreas Hocevar wrote:

 I think the future way to go is something based on Tim's experiments
 with the FeatureAgent. See the example:

 Multilayer support for ModifyFeature would e.g. still not make it
 possible to grab features that are entirely covered by another feature.
 With the FeatureAgent, you would also be able to edit such a feature.


 On 2009-12-11 15:10, Alexandre Dube wrote:
 Hi devs,

   === short version ===

  * Is there any plan to support multiple feature selection in the 
 ModifyFeature control ?
  * If not, would that make sense to support it ?  (Clicking features 
 beyond the first one would enable the editing for those as well while 
 keeping the first one selected too)

   === long version : the need ===

   There's a Redling tool discussion going on on the GeoExt-dev ML [1].  
 Among the needs, there's the multiple feature edition.  Basically, it 
 would be possible for a user to select as many feature as they want and 
 edit their style and/or attributes in a form, but having the possibility 
 to edit the geometry too would be nice.

   After making some tests with the current trunk version of the 
 ModifyFeature control, it's possible to select many features (with the 
 standalone option turned on), but if a feature is already selected, 
 selecting an other feature removes the 1st feature vertexes and 
 reselecting it won't make them reappear.

   === small conclusion ===

   I'm doubt the multi-feature edition could be that useful, but who 
 knows...  I'd like to know your thoughts on the subject, please.

 Many thanks,




Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] ModifyFeature control - multiple selection support

2009-12-11 Thread Alexandre Dube
Right.  The only thing left useful with the SelectFeature control is to 
store the selected features in the layer's selectedFeature's array.  So, 
users would have to do that manually and as they please from there 
on...  Sounds logical.

Thanks Andreas for the pointers,


Andreas Hocevar wrote:
 Yes, and it would be much easier to interact with features even without
 the SelectFeature control.



Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Query featureserver?

2009-10-02 Thread Alexandre Dube

Kushy wrote:
 What if I need to put on this layer just some of them? Can I filter them in
 some way? I tried writing featureserver.cgi/punti?id=100, thinking it
 would have displayed the POI with id=100, but it doesn't work.

For single selection, try : featureserver.cgi/punti/100.gml

But you might want to check :

[1] a smart way to only fetch features from current map (viewport) extent
[2] a way to add filters in OpenLayers




Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Select Feature - programatically select - doesn't check if feature is already selected

2009-08-06 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi Ivan,

Do you have an example showing when this can happen ? I've been playing 
with the SelectFeature control and can't figure how you can have the 
same feature added 2 times to the layer.selectedFeatures array, unless 
you do it manually.



Ivan Grcic wrote:
 If we do several times:

 feature is added to layer.selectedFeature array several times.

 Should we first check  if the feature is allready selected (ill open a ticket)

 if (OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(layer.selectedFeatures, feature) == -1) {;

 Or we leave selectControl as it is, and leave this to user to solve it
 on application level?



Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Unhighlight feature + KEY_ESC : IE bug

2009-08-05 Thread Alexandre Dube
Alexandre Dube wrote:

   I made an example out of the select-feature.html example.  I only 
 added a keyboard handler to the SelectFeature control and it still do 
 the problem.  See the example (1).

   I opened a ticket for this (2).  Currently unassigned and without a patch.




Any comments about this issue ?

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Unhighlight feature + KEY_ESC : IE bug

2009-08-03 Thread Alexandre Dube

  I tried an other key (instead of 'esc') and the problem went away.  So 
it really looks like a 'esc' key problem in IE.  Can anyone comments 
about this, please ?


Alexandre Dube wrote:

   I have a very odd behavior with the SelectFeature control in IE + 
 keyboard handler using the KEY_ESC to unselect all features.I use a 
 customized DeleteFeature control, who is responsible to set the feature 
 state to delete and redrawing it.  It has it's own SelectFeature 
 control for feature selection.

   When unselecting by 'clicking out', it works fine.  But when hitting 
 esc, it DOES unselect all features + the unhighlight function is 
 called, but features stay the selected color.

   I checked the select-feature example (1) and it doesn't have this 
 behavior, so it looks like a combination of ESC key problem + 
 SelectFeature Control...  See a live example of the problem (using 
 trunk) (2).

   I'm out of solution for this one.  Any comments ?


 N.B. Problem viewed in IE7, don't know about other IE versions.


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Unhighlight feature + KEY_ESC : IE bug

2009-08-03 Thread Alexandre Dube

  I made an example out of the select-feature.html example.  I only 
added a keyboard handler to the SelectFeature control and it still do 
the problem.  See the example (1).

  I opened a ticket for this (2).  Currently unassigned and without a patch.



Alexandre Dube wrote:

   I tried an other key (instead of 'esc') and the problem went away.  So 
 it really looks like a 'esc' key problem in IE.  Can anyone comments 
 about this, please ?


 Alexandre Dube wrote:

   I have a very odd behavior with the SelectFeature control in IE + 
 keyboard handler using the KEY_ESC to unselect all features.I use a 
 customized DeleteFeature control, who is responsible to set the feature 
 state to delete and redrawing it.  It has it's own SelectFeature 
 control for feature selection.

   When unselecting by 'clicking out', it works fine.  But when hitting 
 esc, it DOES unselect all features + the unhighlight function is 
 called, but features stay the selected color.

   I checked the select-feature example (1) and it doesn't have this 
 behavior, so it looks like a combination of ESC key problem + 
 SelectFeature Control...  See a live example of the problem (using 
 trunk) (2).

   I'm out of solution for this one.  Any comments ?


 N.B. Problem viewed in IE7, don't know about other IE versions.



Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Unhighlight feature + KEY_ESC : IE bug

2009-08-03 Thread Alexandre Dube

  I just noticed that the bug only exists with line  polygons.  Points 
have the good behavior.  Try to draw points + lines + polygons, then 
select them all with a box and press 'esc' to unselect them all : they 
get ALL unselected but only the points get their actual default style 

  An other weird behavior : if you use shift+esc, all features get drawn 
back to default normally...

  Comments would be welcomed, please.


Alexandre Dube wrote:

   I made an example out of the select-feature.html example.  I only 
 added a keyboard handler to the SelectFeature control and it still do 
 the problem.  See the example (1).

   I opened a ticket for this (2).  Currently unassigned and without a patch.



 Alexandre Dube wrote:

   I tried an other key (instead of 'esc') and the problem went away.  So 
 it really looks like a 'esc' key problem in IE.  Can anyone comments 
 about this, please ?


 Alexandre Dube wrote:

   I have a very odd behavior with the SelectFeature control in IE + 
 keyboard handler using the KEY_ESC to unselect all features.I use a 
 customized DeleteFeature control, who is responsible to set the feature 
 state to delete and redrawing it.  It has it's own SelectFeature 
 control for feature selection.

   When unselecting by 'clicking out', it works fine.  But when hitting 
 esc, it DOES unselect all features + the unhighlight function is 
 called, but features stay the selected color.

   I checked the select-feature example (1) and it doesn't have this 
 behavior, so it looks like a combination of ESC key problem + 
 SelectFeature Control...  See a live example of the problem (using 
 trunk) (2).

   I'm out of solution for this one.  Any comments ?


 N.B. Problem viewed in IE7, don't know about other IE versions.



Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] A kind of MultiLayer container

2009-08-03 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi Ivan,

Here's my thoughts on that topic :

Like you said, I also did something similar. I had 4 different data 
sources that were normalized and had to use 4 Vector layers with 
moveend events to automatically switch from one to an other.

What I though to be 'a bad idea' was to have 4 layers (all of the same 
kind, i.e. Vector) for a slight difference. That's why the OptionByZoom 
Strategy I then made (1) was better.

What you're seeking to do is different. Switching from a WMS layer to a 
Vector layer can't be done by 'switching properties' of one layer. IMHO, 
you currently can't avoid having multiple layers for that, so your idea 
of a 'container' could be good. That doesn't need to be much 
complicated. You could have a dummy layer with inLayerSwitcher: true 
that could be your container for other layers. It could have 
properties/features like:
layers (the layers to have together)
currentLayer (set on each moveend events of layers)
setCurrentLayer() (set the current inRange layer from layers, only one 
should be inRange at a time)
addLayer() (automatic map.addLayer, moveend event registration to 
setCurrentLayer, etc.)

and added layers should have min/max Scale/Resolution properties to have 
unique ranges.

What do you think ?



Ivan Grcic wrote:
 Hi devs,

 I want to ask if anyone has made something like Vector/RootContainer,
 a layer that would contain several layers, and every layer would
 activate/deactivate on different zoomLevels.

 Simple case: 3 (or more) layers combined in one ContainerLayer
 small scale: WMS raster layer
 larger scales: other WMS  raster layer
 large scale: WFS vector layer

  Usually I always register zoomend event on map, and manually activate
 or deactivate layers...but it got little bit boring to do that on
 application level every time.

 I remember Alexandre did something like that but for Vector layer

 Anyone did something like that? (does mapfish maybe has soemthing like that)
  If not, can anyone just give few tips, so I could start developing it...



Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

[OpenLayers-Dev] Unhighlight feature + KEY_ESC : IE bug

2009-07-31 Thread Alexandre Dube

  I have a very odd behavior with the SelectFeature control in IE + 
keyboard handler using the KEY_ESC to unselect all features.I use a 
customized DeleteFeature control, who is responsible to set the feature 
state to delete and redrawing it.  It has it's own SelectFeature 
control for feature selection.

  When unselecting by 'clicking out', it works fine.  But when hitting 
esc, it DOES unselect all features + the unhighlight function is 
called, but features stay the selected color.

  I checked the select-feature example (1) and it doesn't have this 
behavior, so it looks like a combination of ESC key problem + 
SelectFeature Control...  See a live example of the problem (using 
trunk) (2).

  I'm out of solution for this one.  Any comments ?


N.B. Problem viewed in IE7, don't know about other IE versions.

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

[OpenLayers-Dev] WMSGetFeatureInfo ctrl format parameter missing

2009-07-24 Thread Alexandre Dube

 One of my coworker had some trouble using the WMSGetFeatureInfo 
control.  The response always said Missing FORMAT property.  Here's 
what he found on this :

Section 7.3.1 of the WMS 1.1.1 specification says:

Because the WMS protocol is stateless, the GetFeatureInfo request 
indicates to the WMS what map the user is viewing by including most of 
the original GetMap request parameters (all but VERSION and REQUEST).

So, even if the FORMAT parameter is meaningless in the context of a 
GetFeatureInfo request, according to the spec it is a required parameter 
(as per section 7.2.2) and should be included by OpenLayers in its 
GetFeatureInfo requests.

What do you think ?

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] handler style

2009-07-23 Thread Alexandre Dube

jessisena wrote:
 Anybody knows if is possible to have two differents controls Draw feature,
 with the same kind of handler (for example point), and everyone with their
 own style? 

 That is, if I can have two controls that draw points with different styles,
 in the same layer.



You could overwrite the activate and deactivate function of both your 
DrawFeatures control to add a featureadded listener to your layer. On 
activate, register the event. On deactivate, unregister the event. 
Both events could call a different function to add an attribute to the 
added feature, let's say type, the first control adds 1 as a value, 
the second 2, then you would need to redraw the feature.

With all this, you could have a addUniqueValueRules to your layer's 
styleMap object to render your features differently, based on your 
type attribute.

Does this make sense ?

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] DeleteFeature control

2009-07-23 Thread Alexandre Dube

Eric Lemoine wrote:

 I still agree with automatic controls and handlers activation/deactivation.
  Attached an new patch with the simple changes needed.  Is it ok ?  If it
 is, I'll open a ticket.

 Ok to me.

 Thanks Alexandre,

currently unassigned


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] DeleteFeature control

2009-07-22 Thread Alexandre Dube

  I'm going to work on my example today.  See below.

Eric Lemoine wrote:
 why not using the regular

 var i, len, control;
 for(i = 0, len = controls.length; i  len; i++) {
 control = controls[i];


Right.  I just wondered if it could have been possible to have a {} 
instead of a [] for controls, like {selectControl: new OL.C.SF(), 
myCustomControl: new OL.C.Custom() } (like the handlers) instead of 
[new OL.C.SF, OL.C.Custom]...

I'll just go with [] then.  Thanks,

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Trigger save event

2009-07-22 Thread Alexandre Dube

jessisena wrote:
 Finally I 've solved the problem triggering an event (from save.js) of the
 layer which was the listener... 
 Anyway, exists some way to do what I was asking for? Which is the way to
 receive in a specific layer the success or fail event declared in Save.js ?


I'd like to help, but I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Do you 
have more than one vector layer you commit changes with a single 
SaveStrategy ? You said you were able to trigger the events you were 
looking for : what more do you need to do ?

Kind regards,

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] DeleteFeature control

2009-07-22 Thread Alexandre Dube

Eric Lemoine wrote:


I now understand one of your problems, you need to give the handler a
reference to the control, but the control does not exist yet since
you're actually creating it. Giving the handler a fake control, of the
form {map: map} (where map is the map instance) should do the trick.

I think handlers do not actually require a reference to the control,
they just need a reference to the map (to register listeners). So I
don't understand why we have this constraint. Anyone involved in the
design of handlers knows?


Mmm... I understand, but since I need to use callbacks on handler 
events, I think it's simpler to create my control the way I already did 
it.  I won't go any further in this example.

I still agree with automatic controls and handlers 
activation/deactivation.  Attached an new patch with the simple changes 
needed.  Is it ok ?  If it is, I'll open a ticket.

Again, many thanks for your help,

Alexandre Dubé

Index: Control.js
--- Control.js	(revision 9573)
+++ Control.js	(working copy)
@@ -117,6 +117,20 @@
 handler: null,
+ * Property: handlers
+ * {Array of(OpenLayers.Handler)} null
+ */
+handlers: null,
+ * Property: controls
+ * Controls can contain other controls.  When this control is activated, all
+ * its child controls, i.e. this.controls should be activated as well.
+ * {Array of(OpenLayers.Controls)} null
+ */
+controls: null,
  * APIProperty: eventListeners
  * {Object} If set as an option at construction, the eventListeners
@@ -235,6 +249,16 @@
 if (this.handler) {
+if(this.handlers) {
+for(var key in this.handlers) {
+if(this.controls) {
+for(var i=0, len=this.controls.length; ilen; i++) {
@@ -303,6 +327,16 @@
 if (this.handler) {
+if(this.handlers) {
+for(var key in this.handlers) {
+if(this.controls) {
+for(var i=0, len=this.controls.length; ilen; i++) {
+} = true;
 if( {
@@ -328,6 +362,16 @@
 if (this.handler) {
+if(this.handlers) {
+for(var key in this.handlers) {
+if(this.controls) {
+for(var i=0, len=this.controls.length; ilen; i++) {
+} = false;
 if( {
Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] DeleteFeature control

2009-07-21 Thread Alexandre Dube

  I'm trying to reproduce what we discuss.  I'm not really familiar with 
this method and I'm having difficulties with 'this'.  Here's what I have 
so far :

/*** START ***/
var delCtrl = new OpenLayers.Control({
layer: olWFSRoads,
  handlers: {keyboard: new OpenLayers.Handler.Keyboard(this,{ // 
--- 'this' is not the control
keydown: function(evt) {
var code = evt.keyCode;
//var features = this.layer.selectedFeatures; // --- 
this is not the control, and so on...
var features = olWFSRoads.selectedFeatures; // - can we 
avoid the use of olWFSRoads ?

if(code == OpenLayers.Event.KEY_DELETE  features.length  0 
   this.confirmDelete() ) {
controls: [
new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(
olWFSRoads, {
onSelect: function(f) {
f.state = OpenLayers.State.DELETE;
confirmDelete: function() {
return (confirm(Delete selected features ?))
deleteFeatures: function(features) {
/*** END ***/

I made the discussed changes to the OL.Control to be able to automatize 

If you look at the -- arrow, you'll see a 'this', which is 
supposed to be the control, owner of the handler.  Well, that 'this' is 
not the control, it's the html page (figures).  I tried to put 'delCtrl' 
instead but it didn't work.  I really wonder how I am supposed to create 
controls that way (without creating a class) and use the 'this' (or 
something else).

Any hint would be greatly appreciated,


P.S. Also, I believe it's ok to have my 'user' functions, like 
confirmDelete directly inside the control since the control is 
completely custom-made (i.e. not using events).

Alexandre Dube wrote:
 Eric Lemoine wrote:
 so, to get to the delete control you've been working on, I see more
 value, in terms of flexibility, in adding control composition to the
 control base class.


 I also agree.  Originally, the control had a Feature handler instead of 
 a SelectFeature control.  Looking at it now, it's too simple to be 
 justified as a new control.

 About the 'controls' property and the act./dea. automatism : that's a good 
 idea, but wouldn't it be good to have a 'handlers' property also and 
 activate/deactivate all handlers as well ?  Currently, control has a 
 'handler' property only.  Would it make sense to have 'handlers' added a 
 do the same kind of automatism as the new 'controls' property ?




Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] DeleteFeature control

2009-07-21 Thread Alexandre Dube
Oh and by the way, here's what I did for the Control (attached).  Is it 
ok (too much, i.e. about the use of hasOwnProperty functions) ?



Alexandre Dube wrote:

Eric Lemoine wrote:

so, to get to the delete control you've been working on, I see more
value, in terms of flexibility, in adding control composition to the
control base class.


I also agree.  Originally, the control had a Feature handler instead of 
a SelectFeature control.  Looking at it now, it's too simple to be 
justified as a new control.


About the 'controls' property and the act./dea. automatism : that's a good 
idea, but wouldn't it be good to have a 'handlers' property also and 
activate/deactivate all handlers as well ?  Currently, control has a 'handler' 
property only.  Would it make sense to have 'handlers' added a do the same kind 
of automatism as the new 'controls' property ?





Alexandre Dubé

Index: Control.js
--- Control.js	(revision 9573)
+++ Control.js	(working copy)
@@ -117,6 +117,20 @@
 handler: null,
+ * Property: handlers
+ * {Array of(OpenLayers.Handler)} null
+ */
+handlers: null,
+ * Property: controls
+ * Controls can contain other controls.  When this control is activated, all
+ * its child controls, i.e. this.controls should be activated as well.
+ * {Array of(OpenLayers.Controls)} null
+ */
+controls: null,
  * APIProperty: eventListeners
  * {Object} If set as an option at construction, the eventListeners
@@ -235,6 +249,22 @@
 if (this.handler) {
+if(this.handlers) {
+for(var key in this.handlers) {
+   typeof this.handlers[key].setMap == function) {
+if(this.controls) {
+for(var key in this.controls) {
+   typeof this.controls[key].setMap == function) {
@@ -303,6 +333,22 @@
 if (this.handler) {
+if(this.handlers) {
+for(var key in this.handlers) {
+   typeof this.handlers[key].activate == function) {
+if(this.controls) {
+for(var key in this.controls) {
+   typeof this.controls[key].activate == function) {
+} = true;
 if( {
@@ -328,6 +374,22 @@
 if (this.handler) {
+if(this.handlers) {
+for(var key in this.handlers) {
+   typeof this.handlers[key].deactivate == function) {
+if(this.controls) {
+for(var key in this.controls) {
+   typeof this.controls[key].deactivate == function) {
+} = false;
 if( {
Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] DeleteFeature control

2009-07-20 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi Eric,

Eric Lemoine wrote:
 (I never used Protocol.MapFish and Strategy.Save together, I'm curious
 to know why they don't play together)


I haven't tried either, but in the past I tried the HTTP protocol + 
featureserver and the Save strategy wasn't able to read the insertedId 
of the response received.  I should simply try it and see what's the 
status now...

 So long that the control user can be notified when a feature is
 deleted I don't see the value of having the control committing the



 I don't understand. Can't you listen to featuredeleted from your
 control and trigger (assuming Strategy.Save work
 with Protocol.MapFish).


Yes.  I just wondered if it was better to do it internally...

 Some general comments on your control: from my understanding the
 control has two activities, (1) when a feature is selected change its
 state and redraw it, (2) when some delete key is pressed trigger
 events. Since they are *independent* activities they could be done by
 independent controls, and I think I'd disagree with wiring independent
 activities within a single control.

 If we had support for composite controls in the base Control class one
 could do something like what follows to implement your delete
 control's behavior:

 var delCtrl = new OpenLayers.Control({
 handler: new OpenLayers.Handler.Keyboard({
 keydown: function(evt) {
  var delKey = ...
  if(delKey) {;
 controls: [
 new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(
 layer, {
 onSelect: function(f) {
 f.state = DELETE;

If I understand correctly, you would disagree to have this control added 
as a new OpenLayers official control because of its 2 independent 
actions, so you suggest instead I should define a customized control 
like above but it requires to have controls within the control to be 
automatically activated/deactivated on 'this' control 
activation/deactivation.  Is that it ?

 (the support for composing controls I mentioned above involves having
 the base Control class activates and deactivates every control that's
 passed in the controls option.)

 What do you think?



About the 'controls' property and the act./dea. automatism : that's a 
good idea, but wouldn't it be good to have a 'handlers' property also 
and activate/deactivate all handlers as well ?  Currently, control has a 
'handler' property only.  Would it make sense to have 'handlers' added a 
do the same kind of automatism as the new 'controls' property ?



   Any hint would be appreciated,


 Alexandre Dube wrote:

   I just sent (finally) a new patch for ticket 1882 (1) (DeleteFeature
 control) and set the status to review.



 Alexandre Dubé

 Dev mailing list



Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] [openlayers/mapserver]display shapefile content having TYPE as LINE

2009-07-20 Thread Alexandre Dube

  First, that question is more suitable for the 'users' mailing list.  
See below for more.

abir rezgui wrote:
 Hi there!

 I want to display the content of a shapefile using mapserver with 
 openlayers. I did it successfully in cases where the layer's type is 
 POLYGON but I still don't know where is the problem to do it when the 
 layer's type is LINE.

 Here are informations about my shapefile displayed with ogr info:

 INFO: Open of 

 using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
 Geometry: Line String
 Feature Count: 6
 Extent: (633527.743437, 2517184.387950) - (669562.958005, 2556945.272294)
 Layer SRS WKT:
 ID_SEGMENT: Real (24.5)
 ID_RESEAU: Real (24.5)
 TYPE_ETB_O: String (5.0)
 ID_ETB_ORI: Real (24.5)
 TYPE_ETB_E: String (5.0)
 ID_ETB_EXT: Real (24.5)
 CODE_OUVRA: String (30.0)
 ID_RAMONAB: Real (24.5)
 CLASSIFICA: String (80.0)
 LONGUEUR_S: Real (24.5)
 PME: Real (24.5)
 EXPL_DEGS_: String (80.0)
 COMMENTAIR: String (255.0)
 PK_INIT: Real (24.5)
 ID_ENTITE_: String (30.0)
 STATUT_CON: String (1.0)
 AUTEUR: String (80.0)
 DATE_DERNI: Date (10.0)

 Here is the content of my mapfile:

   EXTENT 633527.743437 2517184.387950 669562.958005 
   SIZE   400 300
   SHAPEPATH  /ms4w/Apache/htdocs/my_shape_files/shape_ams
   IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255
   NAME   AMS Example
 COLOR0 0 0

 finally here is the content of the html file with the javascript code:

 html xmlns=;
 titleMapServer Layer: AMS Example/title
 script src=../../lib/OpenLayers.js/script
 script type=text/javascript
 var map, layer, mybounds;
 function init(){
 map = new OpenLayers.Map(map);
 layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer( Exemple AMS, 
 {layers: EXP_SEGMENT_FONCTIONNEL, format: 'image/png', isBaseLayer: 
 false, opacity: 1});
 mybounds = new 

 map.addControl( new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher() );
   body onload=init()
 div id=titleMapServer Layer: AMS Example/div
 div id=map/div

Your map object is missing an 'options' object (2nd argument) with the 
required 'projection', 'units', 'maxResolution', etc. properties.  Plus, 
your data seems to be in meters.  OpenLayers is in degrees by default.  
Here's an example of what I mean :

var oMapOptions = {
controls: [], units: 'm', maxResolution: 156543.0339,
maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds( -1192709.604, -204908.6926,
  1172293.7082, 2338511.3665),
projection: new OpenLayers.Projection(EPSG:32198),
numZoomLevels: 11,
scales: [1300, 800, 400, 200, 100,
  50, 25, 10, 5, 25000, 1]

oMap = new OpenLayers.Map( 'map', oMapOptions );

Also, the 3rd argument of your OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer object is an 
object of 'params'.  isBaseLayer is a 'options' parameter of the 4th 
argument.  See the code source of Layer/MapServer.js.  This should look 
more like :

layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer(
  Exemple AMS, // layer name
// url
  {layers: EXP_SEGMENT_FONCTIONNEL, format: 'image/png'}, // params 
(server-side options)
  {isBaseLayer: false, opacity: 1} // options (openlayers options)

By the way, 'format' is a Layer.WMS parameter only.  You should switch 
to WMS since it's better than MapServer.


 I tried to display this shapefile without using openlayers and it 
 worked so I guess the problem is in the javascript code probabily when 
 calling the method /*OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer()*/ but when I tried 
 to debug the code I found no errors! Note that I did the same way to 
 display other shapefiles content having TYPE POLYGON with openlayers 
 using mapserver and that worked well so I don't know what else to do now!

 Please HELP!

 Abir Rezgui
 Elève Ingénieur à l'Ecole Nationale des Sciences Informatiques ( ENSI )

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] DeleteFeature control

2009-07-20 Thread Alexandre Dube
Eric Lemoine wrote:

 so, to get to the delete control you've been working on, I see more
 value, in terms of flexibility, in adding control composition to the
 control base class.


I also agree.  Originally, the control had a Feature handler instead of 
a SelectFeature control.  Looking at it now, it's too simple to be 
justified as a new control.

 About the 'controls' property and the act./dea. automatism : that's a good 
 idea, but wouldn't it be good to have a 'handlers' property also and 
 activate/deactivate all handlers as well ?  Currently, control has a 
 'handler' property only.  Would it make sense to have 'handlers' added a do 
 the same kind of automatism as the new 'controls' property ?




Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] DeleteFeature control

2009-07-17 Thread Alexandre Dube

  I'd like to ask a couple of questions about this control.

  Currently, the only thing it really does is change the state of the 
selected features to DELETE and on 'del' keypress, it triggers a 
'deletefeatures' event, but it doesn't actually delete (commit, destroy, 
remove, etc.) anything.  The user needs to listen to the event and do 
what he wants himself.

  That bugs me a little.  What good is a DeleteFeature control if it 
doesn't do anything by itself ?  So I'm thinking of adding a couple of 
functions that would take care of theses actions, but at the same time 
I'm aware of the Strategy.Save strategy that already has the role of 
committing changes.  It's not supporting HTTP/MapFish protocol at the 
moment though...

  Here's what I would do :

  - add a boolean 'commit' property
- false : only destroy the features on screen
- true : commit the changes (using the Save strategy or 

  Since I'm using featureserver and Protocol.MapFish (which is not part 
of the OpenLayers project) I can't figure how I could avoid to delete 
'manually' the features, i.e. not in the control itself.

  Any hint would be appreciated,


Alexandre Dube wrote:

   I just sent (finally) a new patch for ticket 1882 (1) (DeleteFeature 
 control) and set the status to review.




Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

[OpenLayers-Dev] DeleteFeature control

2009-07-16 Thread Alexandre Dube

  I just sent (finally) a new patch for ticket 1882 (1) (DeleteFeature 
control) and set the status to review.



Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] SelectFeature control

2009-03-16 Thread Alexandre Dube
Thanks Eric,

  I'll have to try that in the following days.  I'll let you know if I 
have comments.



Eric Lemoine wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Eric Lemoine wrote:
 I like it. See the attached eric-to-alexandre patch ;-)

 Alexandre, I attached a more complete patch to


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] SelectFeature control

2009-03-16 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi Eric,

  This is sweet.  It accomplish everything we need to have two or more 
SelectFeatures controls at the same time, on the same layer.  And the 
new highlight events make it possible to have temporary things 
happening at the same time, like displaying a popup on hover.

Great work Eric.  You're going to make a lot of people happy with this fix.


Eric Lemoine wrote:

 Alexandre, I attached a more complete patch to


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] SelectFeature control

2009-03-06 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi Eric,

  This looks flawless but the easiest way to know would be to test it.  
I would be glad to test this.

  One thing to though is that a SelectFeature control can draw features 
depending on its renderIntent value OR selectStyle value.  So, instead 
of storing the previous renderIntent, it could be the previous drawer ( 
i.e. control ) and call feature._previousdrawer.drawFeature(feature) and 
the previous control itself would draw the feature depending if it has a 
selectStyle or renderIntent.

  Your solution looks simple and great.  It has this concept :

  this == current drawer
  feature._previousdrawer ( or previousrenderintent ) == the previous drawer

  With our 2 controls example that is enough.  Plus, as long as we keep 
the selectedFeature array in the layer objet, there's no need to know 
more than current and previous.  If we have let's say ( silly ) 6 
select features at the same time, having all their own colors, a feature 
is selected/highlighted and unselected/unhighlighted one at a time so 
curent and previous drawer is enough.  With that in mind, no need 
for a stack of renderIntent or a stack of _previousDrawer.

  What do you think ?


Eric Lemoine wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Alexandre Dube wrote:
 Sorry, I should have written :

 Control #1, select on click, color: blue
 Control #2, highlight on hover, color: yellow, highlightOnly

 The problem is that control #2 :

 highlight a feature even if it's selected
 doesn't unhighlight a feature that is selected

 so, a blue-selected-feature becomes yellow, and then moving out it remains
 yellow.  Do you see what I mean ?

 You are so right!

 How about that: unhighlight only if I'm the last drawer of the
 feature, and unhighlight to the previous render intent. The
 implementation would look like this:

 (1) the select feature control places a reference to itself in the
 feature it is about to highlight (whether highlightOnly is set or not)

 feature._drawer = this;
 this.layer.drawFeature(feature, selectStyle);

 (2) before highlighting a feature store in the feature it current renderIntent

 feature._previousRenderIntent = feature.renderIntent;

 (3) unhighlight only if I'm the last drawer of the feature

 if(feature._drawer == this) {
 this.layer.drawFeature(feature, feature._previousRenderIntent);

 It looks better to me, tell me if this is flawed again.

 Thanks for the collaboration on this Alexandre.


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] DeleteFeature Control

2009-03-03 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi Devs,

The way I see this control now the more I think it should have been done 
an other way.

Currently :
  - It uses feature+keyboard+box handlers for selection/unselection
  - It has its own array of selected features
  - It directly changes the renderIntent of the selected/unselected 
features (which is wrong)

Should instead :
  - Have an integrated SelectFeature control, like the ModifyFeature 
control, but with more handlers (keyboard).

I think this needs discussion :
  - A SelectFeature control, on deactivation, should always unselect all 
  - This control has the following behaviors : keyboards combinations of 
shift + ctrl for selections and the select on click, more select on 
click+ctrl and no unselection on click on a selected feature.  They are 
different than the SelectFeature control.  IMHO, the DeleteFeature 
behaviors are more standard-like.

Comments are welcomed.

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

[OpenLayers-Dev] SelectFeature control

2009-03-03 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi devs,

  I brought several weeks ago some possible modification ideas that the 
SelectFeature control could have, including :

  - having its own selectedFeatures array with the corresponding events 
that are currently in the layer
  - the feature renderIntent could be a stack of strings ( an array ) 
instead of a string only, selecting a feature would add select to the 
array, unselecting would remove it.

  That would enable the possibility to have multiple SelectFeature 
controls at the same time.  For example, one onHover the other onClick, 
both having their own customized style.  So far, I had no positive 
comments about theses ideas but I'd like to talk about it more to know 
exactly why they're not good ideas, please.

  Kind regards,

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] selectedfeature + mousemove

2009-02-20 Thread Alexandre Dube

  Could you explain a little more what you're trying to accomplish ?  
There might be other ways to do what you want.



toni hernández wrote:

 I've been a couple of days looking at the code and trying to add a 
 mousemove function inside the SelectFeature control.
 I have tried with handlers but so far I haven't succeeded. Still trying.
 Anyone can give a hand?


 Dev mailing list

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] WFS protocol

2009-01-26 Thread Alexandre Dube
Unfortunately, the meeting didn't happen yet. We'll let the community 
know when it happens.


Christopher Schmidt wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 09:37:02AM -0700, Tim Schaub wrote:

 We've done quite a bit of work toward a working WFS protocol in the 
 topp/wfs sandbox.  The work includes (fairly significant) changes to 
 filters and formats and will need to be divided into a few tickets at least.

 The protocol will likely not satisfy *all* cases for WFS, but I think it 
 is important that we get something working in the trunk.  Additional 
 enhancements can come later.

 Alexandre Dube and I will be meeting on #openlayers at 16:30 GMT, Tues 
 Jan 20 (next week) to talk about dividing up responsibilities for making 
 patches and getting this in the trunk.

 Somehow I missed this meeting taking place on IRC. Can you sum up the
 results of it? Perhaps post a log?


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] multipleSelectFeature on one layer

2009-01-26 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi Eric,

  You're right.  So instead of removing the last renderIntent from the 
stack, we need to remove the last renderIntent of the current SelectFeature.

  SFC = SelectFeature Control
  RIA = renderIntents array

  Let's say the mouse goes hover a feature and get selected by a 1st SFC :

  RIA : [temporary]

  Then the user click it to select it with an other SFC :

  RIA : [temporary, select]

  Then the mouse goes out of the feature, unselecting it from the 1st SFC :

  RIA : [select]

  The feature is still drawn with the select renderIntent.  What do 
you think ?  With this, you don't need to have 4 different 
possibilities.  The user can define an infinite number of different 
renderIntents, have a styleMap defining each one of them.


Eric Lemoine wrote:
 Hi Alex

 Consider this sequence: mouse goes over feature, feature is clicked
 (for selection), and clicked again (for unselection). With your stack
 of intents logic, the feature isn't redrawn as a result of the second
 click; instead it should be redrawn with the hover control's render
 intent, shouldn't it?


 2009/1/23, Alexandre Dube
 Hi devs,

   Eric was right :


 A first note. The current select feature implementation should
 accomodate this use case: two controls on the same layer, one working
 on click and the other on hover, only one of them actually changing
 the feature style. This is achievable by registering a
 beforefeatureselected listener, and have this listener return false.
 Adding beforefeatureunselected might help fully accomodate that use

 Now if we want the two controls to do feature styling, we need the
 stuff I mentioned previously - per-control selectedFeatures arrays and
 events. But this is unfortunately not sufficient. Use case: two
 controls, one working on click and the other on hover, both doing
 feature styling but with different render intents. If we have this
 sequence mouse goes over feature, mouse clicks feature, mouse goes
 out of feature, then the feature ends up being rendered with the
 default render intent, while it's still selected from the click
 control's perspective. In most cases, this isn't desirable I think.

 At this point I don't have a solution to the above issue.


 An idea that could resolve this issue : features could have a stack of
 renderIntent instead of a normal string value.  Instead of assigning new
 renderIntent value, it would stack in renderIntents array.  Instead of
 reseting to default, it would remove the last renderIntent in the
 stack.  When the stack is empty, the default renderIntent is applied.

   That could work.  I'll try this and come back with more details.


 Alexandre Dube wrote:
 Hi devs,

   I would like to propose some changes about the SelectFeature control.

   First, I'll introduce what I want to do : I want to change the color
 of a feature while the mouse is over it without selecting it.  I managed
 to do this by building a customized control similar to the SelectFeature
 control named HighlightFeature.  I shared the code and some people
 showed interest in this feature.  In fact, it was a good enough to be
 added to trunk but there was a problem : it's too similar to the
 SelectFeature control.

   My first new option was to modify the SelectFeature control to be able
 to select and highlight.  That's what I did, but I hit a wall : I needed
 to add more new events beforefeaturehighlighted, featurehighlighted,
 etc.  a new array of highlightedFeatures, etc...  That also became a
 pain because it was yet an other duplication of something already
 existant ( similair select feature events, an array of selected
 features, etc)

   SO, that brings me to this solution, the first one Eric Lemoine
 proposed : an array of selectedFeatures and select events for the
 control ( without removing the ones of the layer ).  Doing that, one
 vector layer could have multiple select feature controls that would know
 which feature it has selected, they could all have a different
 renderIntent value ( this is already possible ) or their own style.
 Then, the user could interact directly with the desired control's

   My example : One SelectFeature that select on click, has the default
 render intent select, on which I register a featureselected to
 display a form to fill.  And one other SelectFeature that select on
 hover, has a custom render intent temporary to have a different color
 and an event registered to featureselected to display a quick popup of
 the infos of the hovered feature.

   Even my DeleteFeature control I created a couple of weeks ago could
 work by using an other SelectFeature control and using its own
 featureSelected array.

   I'll make thoses small changes, an example and propose this as an
 enhancement.  What do you think ?


 Alexandre Dubé

 Dev mailing

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] multipleSelectFeature on one layer

2009-01-26 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi devs,

  My only problem remaining : should the layer keep its selectedFeature 
array ?  If so, on selection, it's easy to know if a feature is already 
selected.  As soon as one control adds it to its own array, it checks in 
the layer's one and add it if it's not there.

  But for unselection, before removing it from the layer's array, we 
would need to check all select features control and all controls 
containing select features control.  Since we can easily say that one 
control does a specific task at a time, I don't really see the use of 
the selectedFeatures array in the layer.  I would just remove it and 
avoid the above problem.  What do you think ?


Alexandre Dube wrote:
 Hi Eric,

   You're right.  So instead of removing the last renderIntent from the 
 stack, we need to remove the last renderIntent of the current SelectFeature.

   SFC = SelectFeature Control
   RIA = renderIntents array

   Let's say the mouse goes hover a feature and get selected by a 1st SFC :

   RIA : [temporary]

   Then the user click it to select it with an other SFC :

   RIA : [temporary, select]

   Then the mouse goes out of the feature, unselecting it from the 1st SFC :

   RIA : [select]

   The feature is still drawn with the select renderIntent.  What do 
 you think ?  With this, you don't need to have 4 different 
 possibilities.  The user can define an infinite number of different 
 renderIntents, have a styleMap defining each one of them.


 Eric Lemoine wrote:
 Hi Alex

 Consider this sequence: mouse goes over feature, feature is clicked
 (for selection), and clicked again (for unselection). With your stack
 of intents logic, the feature isn't redrawn as a result of the second
 click; instead it should be redrawn with the hover control's render
 intent, shouldn't it?


 2009/1/23, Alexandre Dube
 Hi devs,

   Eric was right :


 A first note. The current select feature implementation should
 accomodate this use case: two controls on the same layer, one working
 on click and the other on hover, only one of them actually changing
 the feature style. This is achievable by registering a
 beforefeatureselected listener, and have this listener return false.
 Adding beforefeatureunselected might help fully accomodate that use

 Now if we want the two controls to do feature styling, we need the
 stuff I mentioned previously - per-control selectedFeatures arrays and
 events. But this is unfortunately not sufficient. Use case: two
 controls, one working on click and the other on hover, both doing
 feature styling but with different render intents. If we have this
 sequence mouse goes over feature, mouse clicks feature, mouse goes
 out of feature, then the feature ends up being rendered with the
 default render intent, while it's still selected from the click
 control's perspective. In most cases, this isn't desirable I think.

 At this point I don't have a solution to the above issue.


 An idea that could resolve this issue : features could have a stack of
 renderIntent instead of a normal string value.  Instead of assigning new
 renderIntent value, it would stack in renderIntents array.  Instead of
 reseting to default, it would remove the last renderIntent in the
 stack.  When the stack is empty, the default renderIntent is applied.

   That could work.  I'll try this and come back with more details.


 Alexandre Dube wrote:
 Hi devs,

   I would like to propose some changes about the SelectFeature control.

   First, I'll introduce what I want to do : I want to change the color
 of a feature while the mouse is over it without selecting it.  I managed
 to do this by building a customized control similar to the SelectFeature
 control named HighlightFeature.  I shared the code and some people
 showed interest in this feature.  In fact, it was a good enough to be
 added to trunk but there was a problem : it's too similar to the
 SelectFeature control.

   My first new option was to modify the SelectFeature control to be able
 to select and highlight.  That's what I did, but I hit a wall : I needed
 to add more new events beforefeaturehighlighted, featurehighlighted,
 etc.  a new array of highlightedFeatures, etc...  That also became a
 pain because it was yet an other duplication of something already
 existant ( similair select feature events, an array of selected
 features, etc)

   SO, that brings me to this solution, the first one Eric Lemoine
 proposed : an array of selectedFeatures and select events for the
 control ( without removing the ones of the layer ).  Doing that, one
 vector layer could have multiple select feature controls that would know
 which feature it has selected, they could all have a different
 renderIntent value ( this is already possible ) or their own style.
 Then, the user could interact directly with the desired control's

   My example : One SelectFeature

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] multipleSelectFeature on one layer

2009-01-26 Thread Alexandre Dube
Amos Hayes wrote:

 I think the big questions for me are:

 Where are you planning to store the states?

Do you mean feature.state ?  I don't understand what you mean.

 How will an app developer obtain a list of currently selected features 
 and distinguish between the 'selections' that have been applied if 
 more than one control has been set up?

Since each SelectControl would have its own selectedFeatures array, you 
can easilly access them with yourControl.selectedFeatures.  By defining 
each control a different renderIntent and having a renderIntents stack 
array,  you can easilly keep track of by what control the feature was 

I understand the fact that trying to have more than one SelectFeature at 
a time is not very logic since one control == one type of action the 
user wants to do, and normally the user wants to do 1 at a time, like :

  - select features to delete them
  - select a feature to modify its geometry then save
  - select a feature to display its attributes values in a popup

Normally, only one of theses should be active at a time, except the last 
one because it's only to display some info.  The feature doesn't get 
modified.  So, it could be active at the same time as the other two, 
with a hover:true option to display the popup when over a feature and 
changing its color.  Nothing more.  What do you think ?


 Amos Hayes
 Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre
 Carleton University

 On 26-Jan-09, at 10:13 AM, Alexandre Dube wrote:

 Hi devs,

  My only problem remaining : should the layer keep its selectedFeature
 array ?  If so, on selection, it's easy to know if a feature is already
 selected.  As soon as one control adds it to its own array, it checks in
 the layer's one and add it if it's not there.

  But for unselection, before removing it from the layer's array, we
 would need to check all select features control and all controls
 containing select features control.  Since we can easily say that one
 control does a specific task at a time, I don't really see the use of
 the selectedFeatures array in the layer.  I would just remove it and
 avoid the above problem.  What do you think ?


 Alexandre Dube wrote:
 Hi Eric,

  You're right.  So instead of removing the last renderIntent from the
 stack, we need to remove the last renderIntent of the current 

  SFC = SelectFeature Control
  RIA = renderIntents array

  Let's say the mouse goes hover a feature and get selected by a 1st 
 SFC :

  RIA : [temporary]

  Then the user click it to select it with an other SFC :

  RIA : [temporary, select]

  Then the mouse goes out of the feature, unselecting it from the 1st 
 SFC :

  RIA : [select]

  The feature is still drawn with the select renderIntent.  What do
 you think ?  With this, you don't need to have 4 different
 possibilities.  The user can define an infinite number of different
 renderIntents, have a styleMap defining each one of them.


 Eric Lemoine wrote:

 Hi Alex

 Consider this sequence: mouse goes over feature, feature is clicked
 (for selection), and clicked again (for unselection). With your stack
 of intents logic, the feature isn't redrawn as a result of the second
 click; instead it should be redrawn with the hover control's render
 intent, shouldn't it?


 2009/1/23, Alexandre Dube

 Hi devs,

  Eric was right :


 A first note. The current select feature implementation should
 accomodate this use case: two controls on the same layer, one working
 on click and the other on hover, only one of them actually changing
 the feature style. This is achievable by registering a
 beforefeatureselected listener, and have this listener return false.
 Adding beforefeatureunselected might help fully accomodate that use

 Now if we want the two controls to do feature styling, we need the
 stuff I mentioned previously - per-control selectedFeatures arrays 
 events. But this is unfortunately not sufficient. Use case: two
 controls, one working on click and the other on hover, both doing
 feature styling but with different render intents. If we have this
 sequence mouse goes over feature, mouse clicks feature, mouse goes
 out of feature, then the feature ends up being rendered with the
 default render intent, while it's still selected from the click
 control's perspective. In most cases, this isn't desirable I think.

 At this point I don't have a solution to the above issue.

 An idea that could resolve this issue : features could have a 
 stack of
 renderIntent instead of a normal string value.  Instead of 
 assigning new
 renderIntent value, it would stack in renderIntents array.  
 Instead of
 reseting to default, it would remove the last renderIntent in the
 stack.  When the stack is empty, the default renderIntent is 

  That could work.  I'll try this and come back with more details.


Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] multipleSelectFeature on one layer

2009-01-26 Thread Alexandre Dube

Eric Lemoine wrote:

 If I understand you correctly, on unselect you always redraw the
 feature after removing the intent from the intents array, right?


 Does your logic work with two controls, two of which having the same
 render intent. If the intents array is [a, b, a], I fear that an
 not the proper intent will be removed. Am I wrong?

It does, because having the same renderIntent == having the same style 
applied.  The only issue remaining is : does the layer need to keep its 
selectedFeatures array ?




 2009/1/26, Alexandre Dube
 Hi Eric,

   You're right.  So instead of removing the last renderIntent from the
 stack, we need to remove the last renderIntent of the current SelectFeature.

   SFC = SelectFeature Control
   RIA = renderIntents array

   Let's say the mouse goes hover a feature and get selected by a 1st SFC :

   RIA : [temporary]

   Then the user click it to select it with an other SFC :

   RIA : [temporary, select]

   Then the mouse goes out of the feature, unselecting it from the 1st SFC :

   RIA : [select]

   The feature is still drawn with the select renderIntent.  What do
 you think ?  With this, you don't need to have 4 different
 possibilities.  The user can define an infinite number of different
 renderIntents, have a styleMap defining each one of them.


 Eric Lemoine wrote:
 Hi Alex

 Consider this sequence: mouse goes over feature, feature is clicked
 (for selection), and clicked again (for unselection). With your stack
 of intents logic, the feature isn't redrawn as a result of the second
 click; instead it should be redrawn with the hover control's render
 intent, shouldn't it?


 2009/1/23, Alexandre Dube

 Hi devs,

   Eric was right :


 A first note. The current select feature implementation should
 accomodate this use case: two controls on the same layer, one working
 on click and the other on hover, only one of them actually changing
 the feature style. This is achievable by registering a
 beforefeatureselected listener, and have this listener return false.
 Adding beforefeatureunselected might help fully accomodate that use

 Now if we want the two controls to do feature styling, we need the
 stuff I mentioned previously - per-control selectedFeatures arrays and
 events. But this is unfortunately not sufficient. Use case: two
 controls, one working on click and the other on hover, both doing
 feature styling but with different render intents. If we have this
 sequence mouse goes over feature, mouse clicks feature, mouse goes
 out of feature, then the feature ends up being rendered with the
 default render intent, while it's still selected from the click
 control's perspective. In most cases, this isn't desirable I think.

 At this point I don't have a solution to the above issue.


 An idea that could resolve this issue : features could have a stack of
 renderIntent instead of a normal string value.  Instead of assigning new
 renderIntent value, it would stack in renderIntents array.  Instead of
 reseting to default, it would remove the last renderIntent in the
 stack.  When the stack is empty, the default renderIntent is applied.

   That could work.  I'll try this and come back with more details.


 Alexandre Dube wrote:

 Hi devs,

   I would like to propose some changes about the SelectFeature control.

   First, I'll introduce what I want to do : I want to change the color
 of a feature while the mouse is over it without selecting it.  I managed
 to do this by building a customized control similar to the SelectFeature
 control named HighlightFeature.  I shared the code and some people
 showed interest in this feature.  In fact, it was a good enough to be
 added to trunk but there was a problem : it's too similar to the
 SelectFeature control.

   My first new option was to modify the SelectFeature control to be able
 to select and highlight.  That's what I did, but I hit a wall : I needed
 to add more new events beforefeaturehighlighted, featurehighlighted,
 etc.  a new array of highlightedFeatures, etc...  That also became a
 pain because it was yet an other duplication of something already
 existant ( similair select feature events, an array of selected
 features, etc)

   SO, that brings me to this solution, the first one Eric Lemoine
 proposed : an array of selectedFeatures and select events for the
 control ( without removing the ones of the layer ).  Doing that, one
 vector layer could have multiple select feature controls that would know
 which feature it has selected, they could all have a different
 renderIntent value ( this is already possible ) or their own style.
 Then, the user could interact directly with the desired control's

   My example : One SelectFeature that select on click, has the default
 render intent select, on which I register a featureselected

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] multipleSelectFeature on one layer

2009-01-26 Thread Alexandre Dube
Alexandre Dube wrote:

   Here's an other possibility :

   SFA : selectedFeature Array
   RI : renderIntent
   RIA : renderIntent Array

   Let's say we forget about the controls to have their own SFA.  Only 
 the layer has its own SFA.

   on featureselect
   if feature is not in SFA
   add feature to SFA
   trigger featureselected
   add RI of the control to the feature's RIA
   drawFeature(feature, RI)

   on featureunselect
   find RI of the control unselecting and remove it from RIA
   drawFeature(feature, LastRI)
   if LastRI == default, meaning no more controls have this feature 
   remove feature from SFS
   trigger featureunselected
   Issues :
 - The wierd concept here is that the events select are only 
 triggered once.
   solution ? : They could be triggered every time the feature gets 
 drawn instead of added to the array.
 - If the user define a selectStyle in the SelectFeature control, 
 then the renderIntent is not added to the stack.
   solution ? : When the user define a selectStyle, it could add the 
 control's renderIntent to the feature stack without using it to draw the 
 feature.  The only problem is that on unselection, the feature could 
 sometime be drawn with the wrong color, but at least the problem of is 
 the feature still selected would be resolved.  Using renderIntent would 
 be preferable that way.

   What do you think ?

forget about the below part ...  ( too much copy/paste )

   On featureselect, add the feature to the SFA, add the RI of the 
 control selecting it to the feature's RIA and drawFeature.

   On featureselect by an other control, do not add the feature in the 
 SFA since it's already there but add the RI to the

   The SelectFeature controls does 2 things : select features ( adding 
 them to the layer.sf array ) and changing the color.


forget about the above part...


 Amos Hayes wrote:
 I think the big questions for me are:

 Where are you planning to store the states?

 How will an app developer obtain a list of currently selected features 
 and distinguish between the 'selections' that have been applied if 
 more than one control has been set up?

 Amos Hayes
 Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre
 Carleton University

 On 26-Jan-09, at 10:13 AM, Alexandre Dube wrote:

 Hi devs,

  My only problem remaining : should the layer keep its selectedFeature
 array ?  If so, on selection, it's easy to know if a feature is already
 selected.  As soon as one control adds it to its own array, it checks in
 the layer's one and add it if it's not there.

  But for unselection, before removing it from the layer's array, we
 would need to check all select features control and all controls
 containing select features control.  Since we can easily say that one
 control does a specific task at a time, I don't really see the use of
 the selectedFeatures array in the layer.  I would just remove it and
 avoid the above problem.  What do you think ?


 Alexandre Dube wrote:
 Hi Eric,

  You're right.  So instead of removing the last renderIntent from the
 stack, we need to remove the last renderIntent of the current 

  SFC = SelectFeature Control
  RIA = renderIntents array

  Let's say the mouse goes hover a feature and get selected by a 1st 
 SFC :

  RIA : [temporary]

  Then the user click it to select it with an other SFC :

  RIA : [temporary, select]

  Then the mouse goes out of the feature, unselecting it from the 1st 
 SFC :

  RIA : [select]

  The feature is still drawn with the select renderIntent.  What do
 you think ?  With this, you don't need to have 4 different
 possibilities.  The user can define an infinite number of different
 renderIntents, have a styleMap defining each one of them.


 Eric Lemoine wrote:

 Hi Alex

 Consider this sequence: mouse goes over feature, feature is clicked
 (for selection), and clicked again (for unselection). With your stack
 of intents logic, the feature isn't redrawn as a result of the second
 click; instead it should be redrawn with the hover control's render
 intent, shouldn't it?


 2009/1/23, Alexandre Dube

 Hi devs,

  Eric was right :


 A first note. The current select feature implementation should
 accomodate this use case: two controls on the same layer, one working
 on click and the other on hover, only one of them actually changing
 the feature style. This is achievable by registering a
 beforefeatureselected listener, and have this listener return false.
 Adding beforefeatureunselected might help fully accomodate that use

 Now if we want the two controls to do feature styling, we need the
 stuff I mentioned previously - per-control selectedFeatures arrays 
 events. But this is unfortunately not sufficient. Use case: two

[OpenLayers-Dev] multipleSelectFeature on one layer

2009-01-23 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi devs,

  I would like to propose some changes about the SelectFeature control.

  First, I'll introduce what I want to do : I want to change the color 
of a feature while the mouse is over it without selecting it.  I managed 
to do this by building a customized control similar to the SelectFeature 
control named HighlightFeature.  I shared the code and some people 
showed interest in this feature.  In fact, it was a good enough to be 
added to trunk but there was a problem : it's too similar to the 
SelectFeature control. 

  My first new option was to modify the SelectFeature control to be able 
to select and highlight.  That's what I did, but I hit a wall : I needed 
to add more new events beforefeaturehighlighted, featurehighlighted, 
etc.  a new array of highlightedFeatures, etc...  That also became a 
pain because it was yet an other duplication of something already 
existant ( similair select feature events, an array of selected 
features, etc)

  SO, that brings me to this solution, the first one Eric Lemoine 
proposed : an array of selectedFeatures and select events for the 
control ( without removing the ones of the layer ).  Doing that, one 
vector layer could have multiple select feature controls that would know 
which feature it has selected, they could all have a different 
renderIntent value ( this is already possible ) or their own style.  
Then, the user could interact directly with the desired control's 

  My example : One SelectFeature that select on click, has the default 
render intent select, on which I register a featureselected to 
display a form to fill.  And one other SelectFeature that select on 
hover, has a custom render intent temporary to have a different color 
and an event registered to featureselected to display a quick popup of 
the infos of the hovered feature.

  Even my DeleteFeature control I created a couple of weeks ago could 
work by using an other SelectFeature control and using its own 
featureSelected array.

  I'll make thoses small changes, an example and propose this as an 
enhancement.  What do you think ?


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] multipleSelectFeature on one layer

2009-01-23 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi devs,

  Eric was right :

A first note. The current select feature implementation should
accomodate this use case: two controls on the same layer, one working
on click and the other on hover, only one of them actually changing
the feature style. This is achievable by registering a
beforefeatureselected listener, and have this listener return false.
Adding beforefeatureunselected might help fully accomodate that use

Now if we want the two controls to do feature styling, we need the
stuff I mentioned previously - per-control selectedFeatures arrays and
events. But this is unfortunately not sufficient. Use case: two
controls, one working on click and the other on hover, both doing
feature styling but with different render intents. If we have this
sequence mouse goes over feature, mouse clicks feature, mouse goes
out of feature, then the feature ends up being rendered with the
default render intent, while it's still selected from the click
control's perspective. In most cases, this isn't desirable I think.

At this point I don't have a solution to the above issue.


An idea that could resolve this issue : features could have a stack of 
renderIntent instead of a normal string value.  Instead of assigning new 
renderIntent value, it would stack in renderIntents array.  Instead of 
reseting to default, it would remove the last renderIntent in the 
stack.  When the stack is empty, the default renderIntent is applied.

  That could work.  I'll try this and come back with more details.


Alexandre Dube wrote:
 Hi devs,

   I would like to propose some changes about the SelectFeature control.

   First, I'll introduce what I want to do : I want to change the color 
 of a feature while the mouse is over it without selecting it.  I managed 
 to do this by building a customized control similar to the SelectFeature 
 control named HighlightFeature.  I shared the code and some people 
 showed interest in this feature.  In fact, it was a good enough to be 
 added to trunk but there was a problem : it's too similar to the 
 SelectFeature control. 

   My first new option was to modify the SelectFeature control to be able 
 to select and highlight.  That's what I did, but I hit a wall : I needed 
 to add more new events beforefeaturehighlighted, featurehighlighted, 
 etc.  a new array of highlightedFeatures, etc...  That also became a 
 pain because it was yet an other duplication of something already 
 existant ( similair select feature events, an array of selected 
 features, etc)

   SO, that brings me to this solution, the first one Eric Lemoine 
 proposed : an array of selectedFeatures and select events for the 
 control ( without removing the ones of the layer ).  Doing that, one 
 vector layer could have multiple select feature controls that would know 
 which feature it has selected, they could all have a different 
 renderIntent value ( this is already possible ) or their own style.  
 Then, the user could interact directly with the desired control's 

   My example : One SelectFeature that select on click, has the default 
 render intent select, on which I register a featureselected to 
 display a form to fill.  And one other SelectFeature that select on 
 hover, has a custom render intent temporary to have a different color 
 and an event registered to featureselected to display a quick popup of 
 the infos of the hovered feature.

   Even my DeleteFeature control I created a couple of weeks ago could 
 work by using an other SelectFeature control and using its own 
 featureSelected array.

   I'll make thoses small changes, an example and propose this as an 
 enhancement.  What do you think ?



Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

[OpenLayers-Dev] Strategy.Save new events

2009-01-15 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi devs, is an unassigned ticket with a 
patch implementing new features to the Strategy.Save.

  Comments are welcomed,


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

[OpenLayers-Dev] Proxy with

2009-01-15 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi devs,

  Some examples on sandboxes don't work because doesn't exist.  Could that be fixed ?

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

[OpenLayers-Dev] new Strategy.OptionsByZoom

2009-01-15 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi devs, is an unassigned ticket implementing a 
new feature : Strategy.OptionsByZoom

  See live examples of use :
(missing different data sources)

  Comments are welcomed,


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Cluster strategy should not process data when layer is currently disabled (visibility=false)

2008-11-14 Thread Alexandre Dube

Eric Lemoine wrote:

 Could you apply the patches attached to #1831 et #1834 and report back?


Problem solved for me.  No events ( like clustering) are triggered by 
the layer on moveend while it's not inRange or visible.

Thanks Eric,

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Cluster strategy should not process data when layer is currently disabled (visibility=false)

2008-11-13 Thread Alexandre Dube
I get the same behavior as Ivan's on my application which has very 
similar resolution settings on map an vector layer.

Because a layer's features are not destroyed when it goes out of range 
(inRange) or becomes invisible (visibility), the cluster strategy still 
clusters those existing features. I don't have that many features to 
display when the layer becomes inRange, so I never noticed any slowing down.


Ivan Grcic wrote:
 This post evolved from previous discussion named bbox strategy and zooming

 Clustering features with cluster strategy takes some time. If there
 are many features to cluster, it will take even more time :)

 So there are some scenarios where clustering shouldnt be recalculated.

 I want to see my cluster layer only after 5th zoom level. No
 clustering should be made when i play on zoom level 0-4 with other
  because it slows things down, and the cluster layer is still not
 visible at all (its only clustering features in background)

 It should only cluster when layer is visible (and the current map
 resolution is inside array resolution of clustered layer, if we define
 seperate set of resolution)

 So if map has:
 resolutions: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

 and vector layer:
 resolutions: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

 clustering should occur only on vector layers resolution :5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

 I hope you see where im pointing now,

 Best regards,


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Cluster strategy getResolution bug ?

2008-11-10 Thread Alexandre Dube
Ok thanks Tim,

  I had some trouble at first trying to use 
minResolution/maxResolution...  But quickly found out that when you want 
a layer only visible at a certain reach, you must choose either scale 
OR resolution to work with, not both.  I was setting maxResolution to 
3.527775872778806 but at some point it was given a new value of 
35.27775872778806 ( the maxResolution of the baseLayer... ) because I 
used scales:[xx,xx,xx].

  Using resolutions[xx,xx,xx] solved this problem.

  But, in the end it didn't help with my cluster strategy problem.  I 
still have to hack Cluster.js to make it work properly.  Well, in the 
end I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.  Sorry.


Tim Schaub wrote:

 Alexandre Dube wrote:
 Hi Eric,

   Ok, I understand what you mean.  But I already set specific scales to 
 the vector layer that are supposed to give the same resolutions I need.  
 I mean :

   Base layer (map) has scales in its options: [ 10, 5, 25000, 
 1, 5000, 2500, 1000, 500, 250, 100]
   Vector layer has scales in its options: [1, 5000, 2500, 1000, 500, 
 250, 100]

   So I expect the vector layer to have the good corresponding 
 resolutions, but it hasn't.  Maybe that is the issue.  Any thoughts ?

 Only the resolutions in your base layer are respected.  Individual 
 resolution values on all overlay layers are ignored.  When your map 
 changes resolution, layer.calculateInRange is called for each overlay 
 layer.  If this returns false, the layer is not displayed.

 The layer.calculateInRange method checks layer.minResolution and 
 layer.maxResolution.  If map.getResolution returns a value that is 
 between the min/max for the layer (inclusive), calculateInRange returns 
 true.  (The exception to this is when layer.alwaysInRange is true.)

 If you are encountering a situation where calculateInRange does not 
 return the appropriate value, or if you think the precision in the scale 
 to resolution conversion is not consistent, please start a new thread 
 (this has nothing to do with vector layers or the cluster strategy).



 Eric Lemoine wrote:
 Hi Alexandre

 If you want your vector layer to be visible only for a subset of the
 base layer's resolutions you should set maxResolution and/or
 minResolution in your vector layer options.

 If you pass an array of resolutions to the vector layer, you can end
 up with vectorlayer.resolutions[i]  != baselayer.resolutions[i], where
 i is any index of the vector layer's resolutions array.

 And I think you are hitting the above case, which is making the
 cluster strategy doesn't behave as you expect it to.

 So I don't see anything wrong with the cluster strategy relying on

 I'd really like to hear what others think about that.



 2008/11/7, Alexandre Dube [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi devs,

   I got a problem using the cluster strategy.  At first, it didn't
 seemed to work at all.  I always got the same number of feature with or
 without the cluster strategy applied.  After a few search, I found out
 the problem was at line 143 : *var* resolution =

   I just replaced the line for : *var* resolution =
 *this*; and it worked.

   The reason is :

   My base layer has 10 fixed scales ( which gives 10 resolutions), from
 0 to 9.  My vector layer has only 7, which represents resolutions 3 to 9
 of the base layer's scales, but the vector layer itself has his own
 scales array from 0 to 6.  So, the line 143 which called resolution 3
 from the base layer calls resolution 3 from the vector layer, which is
 wrong !

   Anyone else noticed this ?

 Alexandre Dubé

 Dev mailing list



Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Bug in rendering features with cluster strategy

2008-11-07 Thread Alexandre Dube
I tried this small patch but unfortunately the problem persist. Is there 
a new patch for this issue ( feature stays on screen when zooming with 
mouse over it with cluster strategy ) ?

If not, I would like to disable the wheel zoom. How can I do that ?


Tim Schaub wrote:

 Eric Lemoine wrote:
 Yes. Especially since drawFeature is often called from addFeatures,
 where we're assured that the feature is in the layer. So, instead, we
 may want to change the select feature control so that it calls
 drawFeature only if, in the case of selection, the feature is in the
 features array, and in the case of unselection, the feature is in
 the selectedFeatures array. What do you think? Eric


 The problem is in the Feature handler.  We destroy features, but 
 references to them are still truthy.  Since the destroy code sets the 
 layer property to null, one check of an undestroyed feature is to check 


 2008/11/4, Tim Schaub [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Ivan Grcic wrote:
 OK... i found it..inside the question is: should i
 put something like this:

 if (OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.features, feature) != -1){

 inside drawFeature: function(feature, style) {
 Nope.  Making drawFeature that safe at the expense of iterating through
 every feature with every draw is a mistake.

 or inside every other function inside Layer.Vector that uses
 drawFeature function?

 When I put it here:

 drawFeature: function(feature, style) {
 --if (OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.features, feature) != -1){

 it works pretty fine for me :) Eric?

 On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 9:53 AM, Ivan Grcic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yup, its not Cluster Strategy...

 On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 9:11 AM, Eric Lemoine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, this looks like a bug in OpenLayers.

 I'm under the impression that this isn't a bug in the cluster strategy
 but either in Layer.Vector or in Control.SelectFeature. Indeed, I
 think SelectFeature calls layer.drawFeature on feature
 selection/unselection without checking whether the feature is in the
 layer. And i'm saying this may be a bug in Layer.Vector because it may
 be that drawFeature should be responsible for checking whether the
 feature is in the layer before actually drawing it.

 This is just coming from the top of my head so i may be wrong, but i'm
 feeling this is a good track to follow :)


 2008/11/2, Ivan Grcic [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi list,

 i discovered a bug while developing my OL application, in cluster
 strategy class.

 Bug occurs when you hover over one feature that represent a cluster
 (or externalGraphic or like in cluster example - vector circle

 When you zoom in/out while that feature-cluster is selected (by
 quickly double-clicking or easier using scroll on ur mouse), on next
 zoom that cluster is rendered (stays on screen) together with newly
 created clusters! And clearly it shouldnt be there. The old
 (phantom) cluster is not selectable, as he doesnt exist on the new
 zoom level..he just stays there on screen...annoying me :)

 As you zoom in again and again, phantom clusters always render, always
 at the same position in the map div...

 Please confirm that this is a bug, im going crazy here with this one :|

 Ivan Grcic
 Dev mailing list

 Ivan Grcic

 Tim Schaub
 OpenGeo -
 Expert service straight from the developers.
 Dev mailing list



Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

[OpenLayers-Dev] Cluster strategy getResolution bug ?

2008-11-07 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi devs,

  I got a problem using the cluster strategy.  At first, it didn't 
seemed to work at all.  I always got the same number of feature with or 
without the cluster strategy applied.  After a few search, I found out 
the problem was at line 143 : *var* resolution = 

  I just replaced the line for : *var* resolution = 
*this*; and it worked.

  The reason is :

  My base layer has 10 fixed scales ( which gives 10 resolutions), from 
0 to 9.  My vector layer has only 7, which represents resolutions 3 to 9 
of the base layer's scales, but the vector layer itself has his own 
scales array from 0 to 6.  So, the line 143 which called resolution 3 
from the base layer calls resolution 3 from the vector layer, which is 
wrong !

  Anyone else noticed this ?

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

[OpenLayers-Dev] Vector labels

2008-10-30 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi dev,

  Anything new about vector labels ?

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

[OpenLayers-Dev] WFSDescribeFeatureType request in 2.7-rc1 extra ?

2008-09-08 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi devs,

  I noticed a new strange behavior with OpenLayers 2.7-rc1 using 
WFSDescribeFeatureType format.

  Here's the request I'm using :
var sUrl =  olWFSRoads.getFullRequestString({
REQUEST: DescribeFeatureType,
VERSION: 1.0.0
OpenLayers.loadURL(sUrl, '', this, setRoadAttributes);

  Here's the end of the URL in :

  With 2.7, I get the following error : Invalid typename 
(BDGA_ROUTE_L_ARC?).  There should not be a ? at the end of the request.

  Then, I realized that typename is already at the beginning of the 
request so I just quoted //TYPENAME: BDGA_ROUTE_L_ARC, and it worked, 
but the ? is still there ( at the end ) but it didn't affect 
anything.  I don't know if this extra ? could appear elsewhere ( on 
other requests )

 Should I open a ticket for this ?

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] WFSDescribeFeatureType request in 2.7-rc1 extra ?

2008-09-08 Thread Alexandre Dube
I tried an other request and got the same problem.  In Requests.js at 
line 90, that's where it gets its extra ?

/bdga/getLayersByType.php?mapfile=+szMapfile, '', this, setLayers);

The request becomes :


Alexandre Dube wrote:
 Hi devs,

   I noticed a new strange behavior with OpenLayers 2.7-rc1 using 
 WFSDescribeFeatureType format.

   Here's the request I'm using :
 var sUrl =  olWFSRoads.getFullRequestString({
 REQUEST: DescribeFeatureType,
 VERSION: 1.0.0
 OpenLayers.loadURL(sUrl, '', this, setRoadAttributes);

   Here's the end of the URL in :

   With 2.7, I get the following error : Invalid typename 
 (BDGA_ROUTE_L_ARC?).  There should not be a ? at the end of the request.

   Then, I realized that typename is already at the beginning of the 
 request so I just quoted //TYPENAME: BDGA_ROUTE_L_ARC, and it worked, 
 but the ? is still there ( at the end ) but it didn't affect 
 anything.  I don't know if this extra ? could appear elsewhere ( on 
 other requests )

  Should I open a ticket for this ?


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Vector features don't display at level 0

2008-09-05 Thread Alexandre Dube
Ok, I'll just have to wait for the next release then :)  ( I wasn't sure 
if the trunk was actually as the next release would be. )



Christopher Schmidt wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 07:37:57AM -0400, Alexandre Dube wrote:
 Hi devs,

   I use OpenLayers 2.6 and I have an issue while using vector features.  I 
 have a WFS layer that displays features on different zoom levels.  When I 
 initialize the zoom level to anything but 0, features are displayed.  If I 
 then go back to level 0, features are displayed.

  But, when I start at level 0, features are not displayed.  I then zoom to 
 level 1 and here they are.  Back to 0 they're here again.  Also, if I start 
 at level 0 ( features not here ), and unselect the layer in the 
 layerswitcher and reselect it, features appear.

   When starting at level 0, the features array contain features.  The layer 
 is inRange and is Visible so it should show its features ?

   I tested my application with the trunk and the features are displayed at 
 level 0 on start.  I was wondering if this is a known bug and if it has 
 already been fixed.

 Er, if it works in trunk, then isn't the answer to this an obvious yes?


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] SVG viewbox problem with minScale

2008-07-29 Thread Alexandre Dube
Thanks Eric,

  I'll test your patch as soon as it's ready.


Eric Lemoine wrote:
 I have a patch that i'd like you to test. I cant post it right now but
 will do as soon as i can. Cheers. Eric

 2008/7/29, Eric Lemoine [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Just checked: zoomChanged is set to true in moveTo when coming from
 setVisibility(true), so the fix describes in my previous email might
 just work. Eric

 2008/7/29, Eric Lemoine [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi. Still i'm not convinced the problem is related to the pixel limit.
 When the layer is back to in range i tend to think that this.left and should be reset to zero, which isn't the case today because
 from the renderer perspective it's like resolution has never changed.
 One way to solve this would be to have the layer pass the renderer the
 zoomChanged boolean value when calling setExtent, and have the
 renderer rely on that value to know whether resolution's changed.
 Although this will probably work in the going back in range
 situation, i'm not sure it'll work in the going back to visible
 situation, which must also be dealt with. Unless setVisibility(true)
 does pass zoomChanged=true to the layer moveTo call. This to be check,
 which i cant do at the moment. Regards. Eric

 2008/7/28, Alexandre Dube [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi Eric,

   The location is correct.  It is ok to have a 15000px limit and that
 works perfectly.

   To fix the bug, I think when the code checks the resolution, if it's
 the same than before, it should also check the location of one of our
 feature position...  If it's near our 15000px limit ( let's say more
 than 14000px for example ) it should change the left-top value of the

   That way, even if we zoom out or pan, if we get out of our 15000px
 limit, features will continue to be displayed.

   What do you think ?


 Eric Lemoine wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 3:35 PM, Alexandre Dube [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 So it seems to me that the problem doesn't really related to the 15000
 px limit. In this scenario:

 - go out of range
 - pan and zoom without going beyond the 15000 px limit
 - go in range (the features should be visible as the limit was crossed)

 is the location of features correct?


 Alexandre Dubé


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

[OpenLayers-Dev] Scale control uses moveend

2008-07-29 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi Everybody,

Is it ok if the Scale control registers a moveend event instead of a 
zoomend ?  To recalculate the scale after panning doesn't look very useful to 
me.  What do you think ?

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] SVG viewbox problem with minScale

2008-07-28 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi Eric,

  I opened a ticket : #1631.

  Of what I understand, the bug comes from the resolution and inRange 
value of the layer.  While it's not inRange, our renderer doesn't change 
its left and top values, even if we zoom.  But, when inRange, it first 
checks the resolution.  If it changed, then new left-top values are 
created but in our case it didn't so the left-top values remain the 
sames and when each features is added, they are out of the 15000 pixel 
range and are not displayed.

  Best regards,


Eric Lemoine wrote:
 You indeed found a bug. Can you open a ticket and attach some code to
 help developpers reproduce it.

 Do you observe the same problem if you dont go beyond the 15000 px?
 I.e. go in range, pan w/o going beyond the limit, go out of range,
 pan, and go back in range. I'm trying to understand whether the
 problem comes from the code relating to the 15000px limit.

 Thanks. Eric

 2008/7/25, Alexandre Dube [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi everybody,

   I use Firefox ( big fan ).

   Of what I understand, each time I zoom in or out a map that has a
 vector layer, the left and top values of the rederer's viewbox are
 reseted to 0.

   I have a WFS layer with a minScale: 4 in my map.  So, the first
 time I get inRange of my layer, left and top are reset to 0.  If I pan,
 they change their value and if their value is 15000 pixels away from my
 original left-top, no feature will be drawn.

   The problem is if I zoom out of my minScale: 4, my layer becomes
 inactive.  Zooming out don't reset the left-top values.

   So, if I pan to somewhere else and then zoom in until I get inRange of
 my minScale, my WFS layer shows no features because it's as we didn't
 zoom at all ( the resolution is the same that the time we zoom out of
 range ) .  But, if I zoom in again once, then the features appear
 (because the resolution has changed, and left-top are reseted to 0).  If
 I zoom out once, the features are still there.

   I think the line 504 in SVG.js should be changed.  Instead of doing
 nothing if not inValidRange, it should check again by ignoring the
 resolution.  That would resolve the issue, I think...

 Any comments ?

 Alexandre Dubé

 Dev mailing list


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

[OpenLayers-Dev] Layer.Text popup getting bigger

2008-07-28 Thread Alexandre Dube

I posted this message to the users list but got no reply.

I don't know if anybody noticed this yet : when you use a Layer.Text and 
you keep clicking on the same marker, the popup gets bigger and 
bigger.  Even the example it does that :

Any comments ?  Is that a reported bug ?

Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] SVG viewbox problem with minScale

2008-07-28 Thread Alexandre Dube
Hi Eric,

  The location is correct.  It is ok to have a 15000px limit and that 
works perfectly. 

  To fix the bug, I think when the code checks the resolution, if it's 
the same than before, it should also check the location of one of our 
feature position...  If it's near our 15000px limit ( let's say more 
than 14000px for example ) it should change the left-top value of the 

  That way, even if we zoom out or pan, if we get out of our 15000px 
limit, features will continue to be displayed.

  What do you think ?


Eric Lemoine wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 3:35 PM, Alexandre Dube [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So it seems to me that the problem doesn't really related to the 15000
 px limit. In this scenario:

 - go out of range
 - pan and zoom without going beyond the 15000 px limit
 - go in range (the features should be visible as the limit was crossed)

 is the location of features correct?


Alexandre Dubé

Dev mailing list