Re: Build System Improvements

2014-10-21 Thread Andre Fischer

Hi Dennis,

please see my comments to your two mails inline.

On 20.10.2014 19:23, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

Concerning refactoring the build of AOO, I wonder about Cygwin
alternatives.  Msys2 may be superior with regard to being
friendly to the Windows environment:

As far as I know cygwin is primarily used to provide a Unix like shell 
environment with commands like ls, cp, sed, awk, etc.  We are not using 
to compiling source code.  So, in a sense, being Windows friendly is not 
the primary goal :-)
But you are still making a valid point.  At the moment we are forcing 
all platforms to use e.g. the cp command for copying files to reduce the 
complexity of the build scripts (and possibly because the authors could 
not be bothered to use the Windows platform). Using native commands 
might lead to shorter build times.

I was led to this today when looking into this project:  That's much simpler than
building AOO. The clean instructions and the easy
handling of multiple platforms (and being good for x64 Windows)
strikes me as an excellent example. Having so little friction
in beginner AOO builds seems very desirable.

Making the build easier is one of my goals but I am afraid that at the 
moment the initial configuration is the most complicated step. And I 
don't want to touch that right now.

I'd wager that the VC++ 2013 compiler could be used more easily
There also.

  - Dennis

Speaking of refactoring, there may be some inspiration in
this report on a benchmark Windows product being taken
multi-platform, multi-device:

-Original Message-
From: Dennis E. Hamilton []
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 08:22
Subject: RE: Build System Improvements

orcnote inline below.

-Original Message-
From: Andre Fischer []
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 04:39
Subject: Re: Build System Improvements

On 17.10.2014 13:21, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi Andre,

will these in the long term lead to a system, where AOO can be build
directly in MS Visual Studio without need of cygwin?

Hi Regina,

this is not a direct goal but could become possible as a side effect.

One of the key ideas of the proposed approach is to further separate
between dependencies and build logic and have scripts/programs transform
the dependencies into actual make files.   Once the dependencies are
present as uniform XML files we can more easily write a transformation
into Visual Studio solution files.   But this will still not be a
trivial task.

It would help me if you or somebody else could provide a description or
even a specification of Visual Studio solution/project files.

I don't think you need to go all the way to solution files in order
To compile native (win32 and x64) for Windows using Visual Studio, even
Visual Studio 2013 Express for the Desktop.  One can have makefile-
controlled builds and command-line compiles just fine.

Well, yes.  But we already have command line based builds which work 
quite well.  The big advantage of using of environments like Visual 
Studio or Eclipse is that writing/editing code becomes easier.  I guess 
that for that we need the solution files.

Developers might want to create makefile solution files, but they
should not be needed in the source tree. (It might also be valuable to
understand MSBuild, which is XML-based already, and that might be a

That is interesting.  I was not aware of MSBuild before.  I will look 
into it.


better alternative to constructing solution files. Finally, one reason
to make a solution file is to use VS 2013 GIT repository integration,
but that only works if pull requests become supported and cloning is
to places where pulls can reach.)

I think an interesting aspect of Andre's proposal is that one could
Take advantage of linking and DLL creation more, not requiring full
builds so much so long as there are unchanged static libraries and
DLLs.  This kind of refactoring might also be important for
configurations on limited platforms.  The idea is to build and
test AOO by component layers. That might make working with
GIT more practical as well.

(I don't mean releasing separate components, but being able to build
  up dependencies in stages, even the first time as a way to start
  working with a fresh clone/checkout of the source tree. Of course,
  building smaller, specialized distros might be more-easily come by.)


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Re: Build System Improvements

2014-10-18 Thread Andre Fischer

Am 17.10.2014 19:33, schrieb Kay Schenk:

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 12:32 AM, Andre Fischer wrote:

As you may know, in the past years I have made a couple of experiments
regarding the
build system of AOO.  With the resulting experience I
would now like to start to work on improving the build system.  I have in
mind a
soft conversion that gradually replaces parts of the existing build
system, not a big push that takes years to complete and then breaks

I would like to start with some under-the-hood changes to how the
build process is controlled.  At the moment we have prj/build.lst
files that control how builds the dmake modules.  Then there
are in directories of dmake modules and finally we have
makefiles in gbuild modules.  All of them are not makefiles in the
classical sense, i.e. they seldomly contain directives of how to build
a target.  They are data files that primarily define dependencies
between targets or, for example, which object files go into a shared
library.  They use three different, mostly unspecified and
undocumented, notations.

The first work item would be the conversion of these files into a
unified XML syntax.  At first these XML files would be converted back
to the old syntax on-demand and on-the-fly so that the old build tool
chain can still be used.

Q: Could a build change like this just be used for SOME modules without
having to convert back?

The conversion back to the existing build.lst, dmake or gbuild files is 
just a migration step.  The goal is to replace
all these with a unified build system.  But that second step is much 
harder than the first.

Subsequent steps would then improve or replace
parts of this tool chain.

If you don't object to this general plan then I would start the XML
conversion with the prj/build.lst files as proof of concept.  I would
also start to write Wiki pages that explain in more detail how the
current build process works, what its draw backs are, and how, in my
opinion, it can be improved.

Best regards,

This sounds interesting and I can't wait to see what happens next!

Is this Ant-like? Or can be used by Ant...which we use already for some

The format will borrow some ideas from ant but should be a lot simpler.  
It is intended to be read by transformation scripts and I certainly 
don't want to write an parser for Ant files :-)


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Re: Build System Improvements

2014-10-18 Thread Andre Fischer

Am 18.10.2014 11:56, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:

On 17/10/2014 Andre Fischer wrote:

improving the build system.  I have in mind a
soft conversion that gradually replaces parts of the existing build
system, not a big push that takes years to complete and then breaks

This seems a reasonable approach. But this is the n-th time that 
someone proposes a new build system.

I am aware of that and understand that you are sceptical.  For that very 
reason I propose a first step that just introduces a different notation 
for our makefiles without (big) changes to the underlying build system.

The next step of actually replacing parts of the build system with 
something better is certainly much harder and less likely to succeed.

Can I ask at least if there is anything (in terms of knowledge, if not 
of code) that came out of 
that can be reused here?

The aim of that project was not reached, but still the analysis and 
discussion might be worth reviewing (probably you already did). And 
maybe there is some knowledge from that project that hasn't been 
documented yet.

If you don't object to this general plan then I would start the XML
conversion with the prj/build.lst files as proof of concept.  I would
also start to write Wiki pages that explain in more detail how the
current build process works, what its draw backs are, and how, in my
opinion, it can be improved.

This is very good; had it come one month ago, we could have submitted 
it as a Capstone project for 2014 so that you would get a small team 
of students to mentor for a few months. But there might be other 
opportunities if you believe that new developers can work on this task 
without an excessive strain on you as a mentor.

I do.  But I need a week or two to set this all up.



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Build System Improvements

2014-10-17 Thread Andre Fischer
As you may know, in the past years I have made a couple of experiments 
regarding the

build system of AOO.  With the resulting experience I
would now like to start to work on improving the build system.  I have 
in mind a

soft conversion that gradually replaces parts of the existing build
system, not a big push that takes years to complete and then breaks 

I would like to start with some under-the-hood changes to how the
build process is controlled.  At the moment we have prj/build.lst
files that control how builds the dmake modules.  Then there
are in directories of dmake modules and finally we have
makefiles in gbuild modules.  All of them are not makefiles in the
classical sense, i.e. they seldomly contain directives of how to build
a target.  They are data files that primarily define dependencies
between targets or, for example, which object files go into a shared
library.  They use three different, mostly unspecified and
undocumented, notations.

The first work item would be the conversion of these files into a
unified XML syntax.  At first these XML files would be converted back
to the old syntax on-demand and on-the-fly so that the old build tool
chain can still be used.  Subsequent steps would then improve or replace
parts of this tool chain.

If you don't object to this general plan then I would start the XML
conversion with the prj/build.lst files as proof of concept.  I would
also start to write Wiki pages that explain in more detail how the
current build process works, what its draw backs are, and how, in my
opinion, it can be improved.

Best regards,

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Re: Build System Improvements

2014-10-17 Thread Andre Fischer

On 17.10.2014 13:21, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi Andre,

will these in the long term lead to a system, where AOO can be build 
directly in MS Visual Studio without need of cygwin?

Hi Regina,

this is not a direct goal but could become possible as a side effect.

One of the key ideas of the proposed approach is to further separate 
between dependencies and build logic and have scripts/programs transform 
the dependencies into actual make files.   Once the dependencies are 
present as uniform XML files we can more easily write a transformation 
into Visual Studio solution files.   But this will still not be a 
trivial task.

It would help me if you or somebody else could provide a description or 
even a specification of Visual Studio solution/project files.


Kind regards

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Re: [discussion] how to stop mails being sent to multiple lists.

2014-08-14 Thread Andre Fischer

On 14.08.2014 14:02, jan i wrote:


Have you also noticed that the amount of AOO mails have exploded
latelysounds good you think lots of activity

SADLY the truth is different, we have a fair amoun of real mails, but
something like 8 of 10 are sent to multiple ML.

Can you give an example?

It is unwise to send the same mail to multiple lists, for a couple of
- the discussion becomes scattered over multiple ML
- you force your fellow community members to read the same mail several
- you waste our bandwith

If most mails are copied to most MLthen why do we have so many ML, one
solution could be to only have dev@ and let the others be an alias
(absolutely not one I prefer).

How can we stop this tendency to blow up our inboxes ?

jan I

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Re: Why is it so hard to make a Java program appear native?

2014-08-12 Thread Andre Fischer

On 11.08.2014 20:25, jan i wrote:

On 11 August 2014 20:12, Peter Kelly wrote:

On 11 Aug 2014, at 3:42 pm, Andre Fischer wrote:

Question: To what extent is the OO UI frontend code separate from the
backend editing, file format handling, and rendering code? I'm thinking in
particular here of mobile - which demands a completely different approach
to user experience design than desktop. Could OO conceivably be adapted to
mobile by replacing its UI?

Conceivably? Probably.  But the problem is in the details.  AOO has put a
lot of effort into separating UI from model and from underlying frameworks.
  For example you can use the UNO API to access a lot of functionality
without bothering with the UI.  You can run AOO headless (without any UI),
and you can run AOO on several different GUI frameworks (Windows, Mac OSX,
Linux with a mixture of X11 and Gnome/KDE).  The problem is that there are
dependencies between UI and model or framework.  Most of them not designed
but grown because of convenience or laziness.

So, if you wanted to port AOO to another window system with basically the
same UI as today you would probably port VCL (the UI abstraction layer of
AOO).  That would involve a lot of cursing but it is doable (it has been
done for OSX).  For a mobile device you probably don't want the same UI but
something that can be operated with larger input devices then the typical
mouse pointer (i.e. fingers).  One way to do that would be to write the GUI
from scratch and use the UNO API as a backend.   I am not sure that that is
possible though.  If you drop VCL, you don't have SFX2 with its view shells
(a mix of view and controller) or slots (a mix of remote procedure calls
and value passing).  That means that a) a lot of functionality has to be
rewritten (not necessarily a bad thing when you consider the quality of the
existing implementation) and b) that that might break the UNO API (which
would be bad).

Maybe we need an experiment to see what is possible?

I'll have a look into the code to understand the architecture better and
then hopefully be able to contribute some more informed thoughts about it.

 From what you've described, it sounds like there is a dependence from the
OO codebase to VCL, is that correct? If my initial understanding it is
correct, it sounds like it would be possible to port this to iOS/Android
with sufficient effort, though I think that writing a from-scratch UI would
be needed, as you suggested. That is, largely to address the much smaller
screen real estate and touch controls, and the types of UI layouts that are
common on phones/tablets.

The fact that OO can run in headless mode sounds promising, since the
ability to access much of the functionality without any UI implies that a
totally different UI could be put in place on top of this.

I just wonder if the effort pays off. AOO contains tons of very good ideas
(proven over time) but equally old code. Juergen have multiple times argued
that it might be more efficient, to pick the ideas and write new code with
modern tools, i tend to agree to that.

Please remember AOO is a good mixture of C/C++/Java/Python/Perl (I might
have missed something), whereas a new codebase would be simpler.

We might be able to avoid the big bang, by using AOO in headless mode and
change to new code part by part.

But I agree with andre that an experiment, just  moving a little part would
be a nice proof.

Please don't get me wrong.  I did not mean to advocate porting the 
existing code base to iOS or Android.  Only that if one where to try it, 
then start with an experiment to avoid nasty surprises at a later stage.

If we would want to go towards mobile I would prefer a rewrite.  We 
could certainly salvage one or the other idea but I believe that we 
should focus more on the mistakes that where made and try to avoid 
them.  Remember, AOO is based on a design that was made 15 to 20 years 
ago.  A lot of bug fixes where made and a lot of features added in the 
meantime.  But many limitations (like VCL providing rendering of UI 
controls, behavior of them, event loop and some other things, or SFX2 
with its slots, items and view shells) still exist.

Therefore I would start fresh with a limited feature set but with a 
better design than before.


just my 2ct.
jan I.

Dr. Peter M. Kelly
Founder, UX Productivity

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Re: About debugging tokenizer of writerfilter

2014-08-11 Thread Andre Fischer

On 09.08.2014 03:10, Hung Mark wrote:


I tried to understand why my document doesn't format correctly.

I followed steps on wiki :

./uno -l -c debugservices.ooxml.ScannerTestService --

error: cannot get factory of demanded implementation:



./uno -l -c debugservices.doctok.ScannerTestService --

error: cannot get factory of demanded implementation:



Is the document outdated or did I miss anything?

Yes to the first part of your question, maybe to the second :-)

The wiki page describes a state during the development of the OOXML 
writer filter.  I am not sure that it was updated to keep track with 
development.  I was not directly involved in it so I can not give you 
any details.  But I did look into it a couple of months ago to asses 
whether to build on it for a better OOXML support or whether to rewrite 
it.  There are some interesting ideas in it but not all where realized 
and some don't work anymore.  Maybe the dumping of tokens is a case of 
not working anymore.

Some info that might help you:

The source of the ooxml/ScannerTestService can found in 
There are some #ifdefs that depend on a DEBUG_ELEMENT environment 
variable.  I don't know if that is important but I also don't see a 
place where it is ever defined.
You might run the uno command in you debugger and place a breakpoint in 
ScannerTestService::run().  If you don't reach it then your problem is 
located in the UNO framework, otherwise it is in the OOXML scanner itself.


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Re: Why is it so hard to make a Java program appear native?

2014-08-11 Thread Andre Fischer

On 11.08.2014 09:59, Peter Kelly wrote:

An interesting discussion I came across today:
I know that the answer to this is not really important, but just in 
case.  This gives you not 100% native rendering but maybe 80%:


(and yes I realise OO doesn't use Java for it's UI, but the points 
raised apply to all cross-platform UI toolkits).

Question: To what extent is the OO UI frontend code separate from the 
backend editing, file format handling, and rendering code? I'm 
thinking in particular here of mobile - which demands a completely 
different approach to user experience design than desktop. Could OO 
conceivably be adapted to mobile by replacing its UI?

Conceivably? Probably.  But the problem is in the details.  AOO has put 
a lot of effort into separating UI from model and from underlying 
frameworks.  For example you can use the UNO API to access a lot of 
functionality without bothering with the UI.  You can run AOO headless 
(without any UI), and you can run AOO on several different GUI 
frameworks (Windows, Mac OSX, Linux with a mixture of X11 and 
Gnome/KDE).  The problem is that there are dependencies between UI and 
model or framework.  Most of them not designed but grown because of 
convenience or laziness.

So, if you wanted to port AOO to another window system with basically 
the same UI as today you would probably port VCL (the UI abstraction 
layer of AOO).  That would involve a lot of cursing but it is doable (it 
has been done for OSX).  For a mobile device you probably don't want the 
same UI but something that can be operated with larger input devices 
then the typical mouse pointer (i.e. fingers).  One way to do that would 
be to write the GUI from scratch and use the UNO API as a backend.   I 
am not sure that that is possible though.  If you drop VCL, you don't 
have SFX2 with its view shells (a mix of view and controller) or slots 
(a mix of remote procedure calls and value passing).  That means that a) 
a lot of functionality has to be rewritten (not necessarily a bad thing 
when you consider the quality of the existing implementation) and b) 
that that might break the UNO API (which would be bad).

Maybe we need an experiment to see what is possible?


Dr. Peter M. Kelly
Founder, UX Productivity

PGP key:
(fingerprint 5435 6718 59F0 DD1F BFA0 5E46 2523 BAA1 44AE 2966)

Re: Impress 4.1.0 unable to display earlier .odp files

2014-07-21 Thread Andre Fischer

On 21.07.2014 11:30, Rory O'Farrell wrote:

On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:55:34 +0100
Rory O'Farrell wrote:

On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:31:45 +0100
Rory O'Farrell wrote:

On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 21:53:17 +0200
Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Rory O'Farrell wrote:

I have tried with Impress 4.1.0 to open and display as Slide Shows
some existing .odp files made and displayed with OO 3.4 (and
earlier). Tomorrow I'll find a sample file to upload to Bugzilla;
pending that, I thought I'd give advance warning of such instability,
so that others can check out some of their existing presentations. If
this is confirmed should we consider it as a showstopper?

It will help to know in detail what's going wrong (are the file not
displayed at all? not even opened correctly?), but if we have a
regression opening old .odp files this would for sure qualify for a
release blocker candidate and need investigation (and hopefully fix)
before 4.1.1.

On the other hand, I opened many .odp files that I had created with
earlier OpenOffice versions in 4.1.0 and I didn't notice regressions.


I think I have tracked this down! (Famous last words??!!) The crash on Slide 
Show seems to be caused by use of Fade smoothly or Fade through black 
transitions between slides. Substitution of some other transitions (note - a 
random small selection, not extensive testing of all transitions) to replace 
the Fade/Fade Down transitions made the presentation stable. Could some others 
please test if the Fade transitions cause such instability. I have a small 
presentation of eleven sides (700KB) which I was preparing for a project 
(stillborn), which I use as a test. I'll willingly share this with anyone who 
is interested.

I failed to reproduce this crash on an Ubuntu 14.4 (vanilla, no X or K) 
machine.  Therefore I would like to ask you for (all or some) of the 

- the 700 KB document you mentioned above, either per personal mail or 
as attachment in a bug

- a Bugzilla bug description

- more information, like

  - do you use more than one display?
  - is  the presenter screen enabled?
  - your graphics hardware (probably not important; don't open your 
computer when you don't know :-)

  - does it crash when the slide effect starts or ends?

- does your console show a stack trace of the crash?


Rory O'Farrell

Also, under OO 4.1 on Xubuntu 14.04, application of Fade Smoothly or Fade to 
Black transitions to a presentation under construction immediately caused a 

I've been doing a little more testing. I find the following transitions cause 
an immediate crash on application to a presentation under construction:

Fade Smoothly
Fade to Black
Flipping Tiles
Outside turning cube
Turn around
Turn down

In general, I only tested one of each group of transitions. I assumed if (e.g.) 
Wipe Down worked, then probably all  the other Wipe directions would be stable 
(OO 4.1 on Xubuntu 14.04)

Other than Fade Smoothly, I cannot comment on stability when they are used in a 
Slide Show of an existing presentation. My expectation would be that such slide 
show might immediately crash. as happens when Fade Smoothly is used in an 
existing presentation.

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Re: Impress 4.1.0 unable to display earlier .odp files

2014-07-21 Thread Andre Fischer

On 21.07.2014 13:49, Rory O'Farrell wrote:

On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:34:45 +0200
Andre Fischer wrote:

On 21.07.2014 11:30, Rory O'Farrell wrote:

On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:55:34 +0100
Rory O'Farrell wrote:

On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:31:45 +0100
Rory O'Farrell wrote:

On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 21:53:17 +0200
Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Rory O'Farrell wrote:

I have tried with Impress 4.1.0 to open and display as Slide Shows
some existing .odp files made and displayed with OO 3.4 (and
earlier). Tomorrow I'll find a sample file to upload to Bugzilla;
pending that, I thought I'd give advance warning of such instability,
so that others can check out some of their existing presentations. If
this is confirmed should we consider it as a showstopper?

It will help to know in detail what's going wrong (are the file not
displayed at all? not even opened correctly?), but if we have a
regression opening old .odp files this would for sure qualify for a
release blocker candidate and need investigation (and hopefully fix)
before 4.1.1.

On the other hand, I opened many .odp files that I had created with
earlier OpenOffice versions in 4.1.0 and I didn't notice regressions.


I think I have tracked this down! (Famous last words??!!) The crash on Slide 
Show seems to be caused by use of Fade smoothly or Fade through black 
transitions between slides. Substitution of some other transitions (note - a 
random small selection, not extensive testing of all transitions) to replace 
the Fade/Fade Down transitions made the presentation stable. Could some others 
please test if the Fade transitions cause such instability. I have a small 
presentation of eleven sides (700KB) which I was preparing for a project 
(stillborn), which I use as a test. I'll willingly share this with anyone who 
is interested.

I failed to reproduce this crash on an Ubuntu 14.4 (vanilla, no X or K)
machine.  Therefore I would like to ask you for (all or some) of the

- the 700 KB document you mentioned above, either per personal mail or
as attachment in a bug

- a Bugzilla bug description

- more information, like

- do you use more than one display?
- is  the presenter screen enabled?
- your graphics hardware (probably not important; don't open your
computer when you don't know :-)
- does it crash when the slide effect starts or ends?

- does your console show a stack trace of the crash?


The machine on which I was testing is a two screen machine and Presenter screen 
was enabled. The crashes were immediate on slide effect being applied. I'll 
send you the 700KB document and stack trace in about five hours, with details 
of graphics hardware (from memory Nvidia GT7900, but I'll check details later). 
 If desirable, I can substitute an ATI graphics card - I can do hardware!

Thank you.

The crash takes place when the effect is being applied when the slide 
transition is selected in the Slide Transition pane?  If so, can you 
uncheck the Automatic preview box in that pane?


Rory O'Farrell

Also, under OO 4.1 on Xubuntu 14.04, application of Fade Smoothly or Fade to 
Black transitions to a presentation under construction immediately caused a 

I've been doing a little more testing. I find the following transitions cause 
an immediate crash on application to a presentation under construction:

Fade Smoothly
Fade to Black
Flipping Tiles
Outside turning cube
Turn around
Turn down

In general, I only tested one of each group of transitions. I assumed if (e.g.) 
Wipe Down worked, then probably all  the other Wipe directions would be stable 
(OO 4.1 on Xubuntu 14.04)

Other than Fade Smoothly, I cannot comment on stability when they are used in a 
Slide Show of an existing presentation. My expectation would be that such slide 
show might immediately crash. as happens when Fade Smoothly is used in an 
existing presentation.

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Re: Impress 4.1.0 unable to display earlier .odp files

2014-07-21 Thread Andre Fischer

On 21.07.2014 14:45, Rory O'Farrell wrote:

On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:59:29 +0200
Andre Fischer wrote:

On 21.07.2014 13:49, Rory O'Farrell wrote:

On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:34:45 +0200
Andre Fischer wrote:

On 21.07.2014 11:30, Rory O'Farrell wrote:

On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:55:34 +0100
Rory O'Farrell wrote:

Fade Smoothly
Fade to Black
Flipping Tiles
Outside turning cube
Turn around
Turn down

Most of these transitions are provided by the OGLTrans code in the 
slideshow/ module.  It is based on a GSOC 2007 project and, to my 
knowledge, still regarded experimental.  This would fit nicely with your 
observation that the crash goes away after using a different graphics 
driver.  However, Fade Smoothly and Fade to Black are not part of 
OGLTrans.  Therefore a faulty OpenGL driver seems not to be the (only) 
reason for the crash.

At the moment I have no access to a computer with NVidia graphics card, 
so I am not sure that I will be able to find the root cause.


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Re: Build error - helpcontent2

2014-07-09 Thread Andre Fischer

On 09.07.2014 12:12, Michal Hriň wrote:

Dňa 08.07.2014 23:02, Kay Schenk  wrote / napísal(a):

On 07/08/2014 11:27 AM, Michal Hriň wrote:


I am going through Building guide - Step by step, and I have some
problem with building helpcontent2. I am on Ubuntu 12.04 and I have JDK
6 and 7 installed from distribution repository and I am trying to build
4.1.0 release.



taken was 2.886 seconds
/usr/bin/java   -cp
.:../../ -lang en-US -mod sdatabase -zipdir
../../ -o
Exception in thread main java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError:
com/sun/star/help/HelpIndexerTool : Unsupported major.minor version 

 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
 at Method)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
 at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
Could not find the main class:
Program will exit.
dmake:  Error code 1, while making

1 module(s):
need(s) to be rebuilt


ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making



After forcing Java to v. 7, build was sucessful. I wonder why 
configure script recognized Java 6 when both was installed. Maybe I 
have ghost in the machine.

 From this output, it looks like your java version for this build was
java 6. I think we're using 7 as the default for the builds but I'm not
positive this is causing your problem. However, you might try it and
explicitly declare it as part of your config options.

--with-jdk-home=(path to your java 7 version)

Is somewhere in the universe complete list of these build parameters ?
Can you point me there ?

Configure itself provides the list:

main/configure --help


My java version is java version 1.7.0_51 (openJDK) and I did not
experience any problems with the build I did yesterday at this section.

Unfortunately, we don't seem to have source for HelpIndexerTool (just
the class files) so it's difficult to tell what's going on exactly.

Michal Hriň

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Re: News about the new OOXML framework.

2014-06-10 Thread Andre Fischer

Another update of my progress.

I can now create a validating parser, i.e. one that checks that a 
document conforms to the specs while it parses its content.
At the moment the validation is restricted to complex types (as opposed 
to simple types and attributes) but I think that is the hardest part.

One NFA (non-deterministic finite automaton) is created for each complex 
type and one for the top level elements.  The NFAs are then converted 
into equivalent DFAs (deterministic FAs) and finally minimized (via the 
Hopcroft algorithm).  The minimization step became necessary when I 
added support for the 'all' schema element which states that its 
children each occur once in arbitrary order. Recognizing this with an FA 
leads to enumerate all permutations of the children.  With n children 
there are n! permutations.  Luckily the 'all' element is used only once 
and then only for 7 children (7! = 5040).

Here are some numbers:
The 1st and 4th edition of the ECMA-376 specification (1st edition is 
what is used by MS Office, 4th edition is equivalent to the ISO 
standard) have 40 schema files.

These contain 1917 complex types and 781 simple types.
Used are 1851 complex types and 727 simple types (have to check if there 
are really unused complex types or if my optimization is broken).

The non-validating parser has 1853 states and 6987 transitions.

The validating parser has 129530 states and 43512 transitions after 
creating the NFAs.

After conversion to DFAs there remain 20999 states and 73772 transitions.
After minimization there are 6097 states and 34286 transitions.

Please note that the time for parsing OOXML documents does not depend on 
the number of states or transitions.   It only depends on the length of 
the input.  The number of states and transitions only make the parser 

Progress and commits are tracked in issue 125035.

Best regards,

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News about the new OOXML framework.

2014-06-03 Thread Andre Fischer

I would like to give a short status update about the new OOXML framework.

- Created the new module main/ooxml
  There are not yet any makefiles that build the contents of the ooxml/ 
module nor link it into the build process of OpenOffice. However, you 
can use e.g. Eclipse to import the Java projects that are described below.

- Moved the old Office Open XML wiki pages out of the way and create two 
new ones:
  = OfficeOpenXML contains an introduction into the OOXML file 
format, a status overview of the implementation progress and links to 
more detailed information.
  = OOXML and ooxml (uppercase/lowercase) redirect to 
OfficeOpenXML so that there is no excuse to not find this page.
  = OOXML Framework contains more detailed information about the new 

- Created a new Java project at ooxml/main/source/framework/SchemaParser 
that parses the XML schema files that come with the ECMA-376 
specification files.
  Its purpose is to read the schema files and create a skeleton OOXML 
parser from it.  This skeleton can then be filled in with code for 
importing certain elements of OOXML documents.

- Created a new Java project at 
ooxml/main/source/framework/JavaOOXMLParser.  Its purpose is testing and 
debugging of and experimenting with the schema parser.  It is not 
intended to become a runtime component of OpenOffice.

The SchemaParser is able to parse all files of the ECMA-376 
specification both in the old (1st edition of 2006) and new (4th edition 
of 2012) versions.  It looks like we need both since the new one is the 
current standard (equivalent to the ISO standard) while the old on is 
actually used.

Not all details of the schema files are handled yet.

The JavaOOXMLParser, based on parser tables created by the SchemaParser, 
is already able to parse the large DOCX file of the 1st edition 
specification.  When pretty printed it is about 90 MB large.  It takes 
the parser about 90 s to read it.  Note that the parser is not optimized 
in any way (if it where then it would be optimized for readability, not 
for speed) and that it writes about 650 MB of log files in the process.

If anyone would like to play with the parsers, I will gladly provide 
more details.

Best regards,

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Re: refererence for dmake?

2014-05-23 Thread Andre Fischer

On 23.05.2014 00:05, Kay Schenk wrote:

Does someone have a link to an actual reference guide for dmake?  I found
one at one time but now, not so easy, and I didn't save it. :(


Strangely enough, seems to be the best source of 
information regarding dmake:

There the dmake man pages are listed up to version 4.11


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Re: [PROPOSAL] New OOXML import framework

2014-05-21 Thread Andre Fischer

On 20.05.2014 23:38, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

On 19/05/2014 Andre Fischer wrote:

As one of the first tasks in the OOXML area I would like to propose to
redesign and re-implement the OOXML parser.

I can only agree with this one. We've already discussed it many times, 
but even the many users who prefer ODF need a good support for OOXML 
for interoperability, and better support for the Microsoft Office 
native formats is consistently in the top requests.

I propose a new and unified approach that will essentially replace the
current design and implementation.

Sounds good. Especially the idea to be able to automatically know how 
much of the specification is covered will be helpful.

I also propose to focus first on Impress. Its complexity regarding
OOXML is less than that of Writer and Calc

And this is probably good for users too. In my experience, the import 
of .PPTX files is the most unsatisfactory one at the moment, with many 
obvious deficiencies. Improving this one first would already give good 
results for users.

I have made several experiments regarding the reading of the
specification and generation of parsers and am confident that the
outlined approach will work.

A not-so-original question: we have another Apache project, POI, that among the other things has an OOXML 
parser. If we are starting from scratch, why not reusing their code? 
And, if there are reasons for not reusing it, could we validate this 
roadmap with the POI developers, who are probably more familiar with 
OOXML parsing than the average reader of this list?

First, we are not really starting from scratch.  There are several 
components to importing OOXML files.  Two important ones are the parser 
that reads (OO)XML streams and turns them into events for start tags, 
end tags, text, etc.  The second  part are the callbacks that are called 
for each of these events.  This second part is the larger and more 
important part.  I want to replace the parser but would like to migrate 
as much as possible of the second part callbacks as possible.

Most of the work in the OOXML import/export project, however, will be 
spent in other areas:

- Implementing features that exist in MS Office but not in OpenOffice.  
Examples are SmartArt shapes (for all applications).

- Improve features in OpenOffice that are not working as well as they 
should/could.  Examples are pivot tables in Calc or the slide show in 

- Support existing features in OpenOffice that are just not handled by 
the OOXML importer.

Regarding POI, there are several reasons not to use it:

- As said above, the existing import code is to be migrated to the new 
framework.   The new framework should offer an interface that supports 
this migration.

- POI is implemented in Java.

- As far as I understand POI (I don't find its documentation very 
helpful) is more like a DOM tree with better access to its nodes then a 
streaming parser.  That would result in lower execution speed and larger 
memory consumption.

- OOXML / MS Office is supported up to 2007.   That seems like an 
undesirable restriction.

- The original naming (see does 
not imply professional development of the POI project.



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Re: [PROPOSAL] New OOXML import framework

2014-05-20 Thread Andre Fischer

On 20.05.2014 00:28, Kay Schenk wrote:

[top posting for a moment]

Thank you for this initial introduction to planning better support for
OOXML. The reality is this is necessary, and I would imagine most
involved in the project realize this.  OK, just a bit more below.

On 05/19/2014 06:39 AM, Andre Fischer wrote:

The compile time part of the framework is to be implemented in Java to
allow an efficient and fast development process.

Does this basically mean that we will need to use both Java and C++ for
future builds?

We already need Java and C++ for builds.  This does not change.


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Re: [CODE]: proposal to integrate Google test framework as replacement for cppunit

2014-05-19 Thread Andre Fischer

On 16.05.2014 15:41, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:


I am currently investigating in Google's C++ test framework [1] which
seems to be quite powerful and a good replacement for cppunit which has
not the proper license.

My idea is to use gtest as general C++ unit testing framework in our
build environment and replace long term all cppunit based tests with new
or adapted tests using gtest.

A further goal is to use this testing framework for new C++ unit tests
and enable these new unit tests by default. Means I plan to introduce a
new build requisite and let the user actively disable unit testing on
demand (eg. configure ... --disable-unit-tests).

I believe it is a good thing to enable these unit test by default and
let them disable on demand. We want to get informed if something gets
wrong as soon as possible.

But we will have different options to complete a build even if an unit
tests fails. But more detailed information will come later.

For the moment I just want to propose this enhancement (from my pov) and
trying to build it on Linux, Mac and Windows.


It will be very helpful in upcoming development work.




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2014-05-19 Thread Andre Fischer
As you may know, the OOXML support of OpenOffice is not very good.  It 
is also a feature that many of our users are asking for.  Therefore I 
would like to propose that we focus our work on OOXML import and export.

OOXML support consists of three parts: the import, the export, and the 
implementation of features that are missing in OpenOffice.  It is a 
large task and will easily occupy us for two releases or more.  It is 
likely that much of the initial work will not be very visible and will 
not contribute much to the next release.  But I am convinced that it is 
preferable to start working on this important feature now than on some 
more obvious UI changes (but there are some smaller features that we can 
and should still do, like making the UI more flat or replacing the 
application icons).

In a separate proposal I will talk more about the technical aspects of 
the OOXML support.


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[PROPOSAL] New OOXML import framework

2014-05-19 Thread Andre Fischer
As one of the first tasks in the OOXML area I would like to propose to 
redesign and re-implement the OOXML parser.

At the moment each application has its own OOXML import design. Those of 
Impress and Calc are basically classic hand written push parser designs 
while that of Writer is semi-automatically derived from the 
WordprocessingML specification.  For all three designs there is hardly 
any documentation and their implementation is hard to understand and 
hard to maintain. All that means that you have to work hard to obtain a 
working knowledge about the OOXML parser for one application and then, 
once you have it, can not transfer it to the other applications.

I propose a new and unified approach that will essentially replace the 
current design and implementation.  Using the same framework in all 
applications has several advantages:

- You only have to learn how to use one well documented framework 
instead of three different and badly documented XML import techniques.

- It exploits the information given by the OOXML schema to produce 
automatically some of the code that has to be hand written today.

- It allows automatic analysis of the coverage of the OOXML 
specification so that we can easily see which parts have already been 
implemented and which are still missing.

- It will be much more easily understandable than the current OOXML 
import (especially that of Writer).

The one big downside is that the new design requires basically a 
reimplementation of the OOXML import.  But to everyone who has seen the 
current implementation might not see that as a downside at all :-)

Development and migration

I propose to do the implementation in a new module (possibly called 
main/ooxml/) with the goal to eventually (i.e. in a couple of releases) 
replace main/oox/ and other places that contain OOXML import code.  It 
will not be active by default until every one agrees that it is release 
ready.  Of course, there will be switches to easily (but not 
accidentally) activate it for development builds.

I also propose to focus first on Impress.  Its complexity regarding 
OOXML is less than that of Writer and Calc and the still existing 
expertise in this area of OpenOffice is probably larger than in Writer 
and definitely larger than in Calc.

Development will start with implementation of the new framework that is 
hinted at above and explained in more detail below.  Then the existing 
Impress import is migrated to the new design by copying and adapting the 
code.  The existing import in main/oox/ remains unchanged.

The new framework

The design of the new framework is based on exploiting the OOXML 
specification (plural because there are different versions, migration 
addendums and MS Office specific extensions).  A parser generator reads 
the specs and creates the actual OOXML parser from that.  The generated 
parser will basically be a (nested) stack automaton where each state 
corresponds roughly to a complex type as defined by the spec.  
Transitions from on state to another correspond to start and end tags 
that move from one complex type to another.

The actions that are executed on transitions and which do the actual 
import work, still have to be provided manually.  With an intermediate 
DSL (domain specific language) that represents the interface between 
OOXML parser and developer, even this step will become more easy and 
more robust.

The use of an intermediate DSL also allows tweaking of the rules derived 
from the OOXML specification should the need arise (to e.g. cope with 
OOXML files that are not 100% conformant to the specs).

The compile time part of the framework is to be implemented in Java to 
allow an efficient and fast development process.  The runtime part of 
the framework, including the generated parser will be implemented in C++ 
and be an integral part of OpenOffice.


At the moment we are using a bare bones XML push parser for reading 
OOXML files.  That means that as the XML parser reads the stream of XML 
elements it asks the OOXML import code to handle start tags, end tags, 
and the text in between.  It is the task of these callbacks to provide 
so called contexts for each element. These contexts can then be used to 
make information like attribute values (which the parser only provides 
to start tags) accessible to the callbacks of text and end tags.
The creation of contexts and persistence of intermediate data is done 
manually in the existing import code.  The new import framework, 
however, will create it automatically, based on the OOXML specifications 
and semi automatically based on DSL requests.  The automatic part is 
extracted from the specs and responsible for preprocessing attribute 
value (e.g. conversion from string to boolean, integer, float/double or 
enumerations). The semi automatic part is driven by developer supplied 
information in DSL files and defines the subset of attributes that are 
really evaluated by the 

Re: Need help to understand code moVert.get( XML_horz ) != XML_horz

2014-04-25 Thread Andre Fischer

On 24.04.2014 18:36, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi all,

in file trunk\main\oox\source\drawingml\textbodyproperties.cxx
there is the part

void TextBodyProperties::pushToPropMap( PropertyMap rPropMap ) const
rPropMap.insert( maPropertyMap.begin(), maPropertyMap.end() );

// #160799# fake different vertical text modes by top-bottom 
writing mode

if( moVert.get( XML_horz ) != XML_horz )
rPropMap[ PROP_TextWritingMode ] = 


moVert is a member in
struct TextBodyProperties
PropertyMap maPropertyMap;
OptValue sal_Int32  moRotation;
OptValue sal_Int32  moVert;


voidpushToPropMap( PropertyMap rPropMap ) const;
in file trunk\main\oox\inc\oox\drawingml\textbodyproperties.hxx

Why is it not simple
if (moVert != XML_horz)

moVert is defined as

OptValue sal_Int32  moVert;

The oox::OptValue template class, defined in 
oox/inc/oox/helper/helper.hxx, does not provide direct access to its 
value.  You have to call the get() method to read the 

Looking at the code you pasted, I am asking myself if there should not 
be a call to OptValue::has() before the get() method is called.

Kind regards

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Re: Installation guide are asked to review and update when fix bug 124599

2014-04-10 Thread Andre Fischer

On 10.04.2014 06:55, Yuzhen Fan wrote:

Hi all,

Bug 124599 [2] is verified fixed in AOO 4.1.0 RC2, from current behaviors
and comments provided in this bug, the expected behaviors for upgrade on
Windows could be:

Good idea.  Good text but maybe a native speaker can tweek the wording.


1. If the former version is 3.x, there will be a check box in Installation
Wizard providing the option to keep or remove the former version
- If select Remove all older product versions, then 3.x will be removed
and 4.x will be installed with 1 startup group, 1 desktop icon and 1 entry
in the Add/Remove Programs list. This artifact is for 4.x
- If de-select Remove all older product versions, then 4.x will be
installed with keeping 3.x, there will be 2 startup groups, 2 desktop icons
and 2 entries in the Add/Remove Programs list. These artifacts are one
suite for 3.x and the other suite for 4.x

2. If the former version is also 4.x, but older than current installing
one(e.g. install 4.1.0 over 4.0.0), then the older one will be removed and
the newer one will be installed with 1 startup group, 1 desktop icon and 1
entry in the Add/Remove Programs list. This artifact is for the newer one.

I think above behaviors are acceptable, I propose to update the
installation instructions [1] according those. Any comments, or any

[2] Issue 124599 - Windows 4.1.0 installer does not recognize former
versions correctly

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 12:37 AM, Kay Schenk wrote:

On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 2:39 AM, Yuzhen Fan wrote:


The current installation instructions [1] (last updated on 2014-03-26)


not differentiate the clean installation and upgrade installation for
Windows, thus it does not state the option to keep or delete the old
version for an upgrade installation.

I propose development update the installation instructions [1] when


the fix to bug 124599 [2], to provide what is expected to see with


as below:

1. Upgrade from old version to relative new version (e.g. from 3.3 to
3.4.1, from 3.4.1 to 4.1.0, from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0, etc)
2. Specify the different behavior/experience on all platforms (Windows,
Linux and Mac) - I do not see problems in the current instructions on


and Mac, but need confirmation

That is essential, because for testers we need this as criteria for
testing, and for end users we need this as instructions for guiding.

You are right. We need to have our installations instructions accurate!
Commmitters can directly edit this page and commit. Others can submit
patches which we can review.  We could use help from all folks using our
installation binaries on this.

[2] Issue 124599 - Windows 4.1.0 installer does not recognize former
versions correctly

Yu Zhen



Cats do not have to be shown how to have a good time,
  for they are unfailing ingenious in that respect.
-- James Mason

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Re: AOO Weekly News?

2014-04-07 Thread Andre Fischer

On 06.04.2014 18:03, Kay Schenk wrote:

On 04/06/2014 07:10 AM, Rob Weir wrote:

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Tal Daniel wrote:

Rob Weir wrote:

I noticed this blog post from another Apache project, CouchDB:

Isn't that a cool idea?

Sounds like a good idea, to summarize key discussions, and news, 
for the

rest of us who can't track all the forum posts.
Weekly? Monthly?

I don't know.  Maybe something in the middle, like every two weeks?
It depends on the pace of interesting things on the lists, forums,
news, etc.

One easy way to do this would be to have a wiki page called AOO
Weekly News (or something like that).  Anyone in the community can
add something there.  Then each week (or month or whatever) at an
agreed-upon time, we cut and past the wiki content into a blog post
and press post.  The one thing to test is whether text formatting
and hyperlinks are preserved when copying and pasting from wiki to
blog.  But if that does work, this could be an easy solution.


I like this idea.

Yes, good idea.


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Re: [VOTE]: Release Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0 (RC)

2014-04-04 Thread Andre Fischer

On 03.04.2014 09:56, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

Hi all,

this is a call for vote on releasing the available release candidate
(RC) as Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0.

Another problem came up that looks serious enough so that I would like 
to cancel this vote, if nobody objects. Juergen, who started the vote, 
is on vacation today, so I need your help to do that.

The problem is described by issue 124599 [1].  Here is a summary:

When you install the RC on Windows then a previously installed version 
(3.* and 4.*) is not removed.  For versions 3.* this leads to a parallel 
installation (because there are different installation paths).  For 
versions 4.* the files of the older version are overwritten but registry 
entries and links on the desktop remain. If you install the RC on a 
system with no prior installation of AOO then there are no problems.

This problem is caused by my patch related changes and is therefore 
restricted to Windows.  Linux and Mac are not affected.

I am currently working on a fix which will probably consist of a small 
change in our Perl program for creating the downloadable installer.  
That means that it requires an SVN commit and therefore a rebuild on all 
platforms.  So,  even if Mac and Linux are not directly affected, they 
still have to be rebuilt so that they report the correct SVN revision.

If you don't object to a cancellation of the vote then the current plan 
is to provide a fix today, rebuild and upload tomorrow and re-start the 
vote on the second RC on sunday or monday depending on how smooth this 
process works.



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Re: Re issue 124599

2014-04-04 Thread Andre Fischer

On 04.04.2014 17:01, Andre Fischer wrote:
Issue 124599 is the release blocker that requires a second RC. We have 
a bug fix, the patch is attached to the issue.  Question is, how to 
proceed without Juergen to approve the release blocker flag?  Does 
anybody else feel like a stand in for Juergen or should I just 
proceed?  After all, if I stop his vote, I should probably fix the bug 
so that we/he can start the next vote.


Herbert just reminded me that the upload speeds on the weekend are so 
much better then during the week.  So I think that it would be good to 
check in the patch right now, start the builds and upload.  Then we can 
decide on Monday how to proceed.


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Regarding the repackaging of Windows RC builds

2014-04-03 Thread Andre Fischer
As you may have seen in another thread, we have to rebuild the Windows 
binaries.  This is necessary to be able to install a 4.1 full 
installation set over an already installed 4.0.1.  At the moment you get 
a dialog with text another version of this product is already 
installedand then the installation process is terminated.

I will try to explain the technical details, as far as I understand them.

The full installation sets of the RC build (and the release, of course) 
are basically just a wrapper around an MSI file and a lot of data 
files.  The MSI controls how the data files are unpacked and copied into 
c:\Program Files (X86)\OpenOffice 4.  An MSI contains, among a lot of 
other information, a product code and an upgrade code.  Both are UUIDs 
and are used by Windows to check that the program you are installing 
(Apache OpenOffice) is not already installed.  For an update from 4.0.1 
to 4.1 Windows provides an alternative mechanism in from of MSP patch 
files.  I have added initial support for creating MSP files to AOO in 
the second half of 2013 and Juergen has built MSP files for all 
languages so that we can check that these work without error.

The problem with all this is that MSIs and MSPs have competing 
requirements regarding product codes and upgrade codes.  For MSPs (in 
its minor upgrade variant, which lies in size and scope between small 
updates and major upgrades) the product codes have to remain the same 
and the upgrade code has to be different.  The identical product code 
represents the Windows view that both are an OpenOffice 4 with some 
minor differences.  For the MSIs the identical product code is 
interpreted so that both versions are the same product.  Therefore you 
are not allowed to install both at the same time.  I have to figure out 
how to trigger first to uninstall the old version and then install the 
new one.  I thought that that where the default but apparently I never 
tested it.

In the meantime we will re-build the installation sets with randomly 
chosen product codes.  They replace a previously installed 4.0.1 just as 
you would expect.  The only downside with that is that when the 4.2 (or 
whatever the next version will be called) is released, we will not be 
able to provide a single patch that can be applied to both a 4.1 
resulting from a full installation and a 4.0.1 that was patched to 
version 4.1 with an MSP.  The reason for this is that the two have 
different product codes and an MSP patch can only target one specific 
product code. As patches are still not officially released this is 
probably not a big problem.

One final detail.  To fix this problem we don't have to change any 
source code. The source release remains unmodified and the SVN revision 
remains the same.  We just have to go to instsetoo_native and run the 
build command without the release=t flag and create new installation sets.

I am sorry for the inconvenience.


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Re: [REVIEW REQUEST] Re: review granted: [Issue 124553] Highlight of table with comment and text causes crash : [Attachment 83037] Initialize pointers in ScAccessibleCell contructor.

2014-04-01 Thread Andre Fischer

On 01.04.2014 12:11, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


On 01.04.2014 11:04, wrote:

Oliver-Rainer Wittmann has granted  review:
Issue 124553: Highlight of table with comment and text causes crash

Attachment 83037: Initialize pointers in ScAccessibleCell contructor.

--- Additional Comments from Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
patch is fine, but additionally method SwAccessibleCell::GetTable() 
sets the forgotten initialized members is not needed. code will be 
moved into


I have refined the patch as stated and made it already available on 
trunk, revision 1583589

Patch looks good.


Please provide me a review.

Thx in advance,

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Re: AOO 4.1 Beta Survey Results

2014-03-26 Thread Andre Fischer

On 25.03.2014 19:52, Rob Weir wrote:

9. Invisible scrollbars

This is a problem with the default theme (Adwaita) of the gnome shell, 
which is used by Fedora 20.  There are other paint errors as well.  See 
issue 124482 [1] for details.



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Bug/Issue: There and back again

2014-03-24 Thread Andre Fischer

I never saw an announcement of this, so I am writing this summary instead.

The AOO Bugzilla issue tracker has a feature that turns text of the form 
'bug number' into an HTML link to the referenced bug.  Some days ago 
this suddenly changed and only the pattern 'issue number' was 
recognized, see also bug 124460. Apparently this has been fixed.  Now 
both patterns work in parallel.

It would be nice if in the future there would be an announcement before 
such a change where made and we had the chance to discuss it.


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Re: Be careful before the release

2014-03-24 Thread Andre Fischer

On 24.03.2014 10:22, Herbert Duerr wrote:
We're on a good way to a healthy AOO 4.1 release so we should avoid 
the pitfalls that prevented a timely AOO 4.1 Beta release.

Let's examine this negative example a bit further, so we can all learn 
from it: A commit [1] stopped the Beta and forced the only respin that 
was needed despite the massive changes+improvements that went into the 
code base.


The commit broke the installation of language packs and this breakage 
wasn't discussed before. The responsible developer sneaked that 
train-wreck in with a mega-patch under a non-suspicious comment. I 
don't remember him discussing the breakage of language packs before 
and that the creation of patches could negatively influences the 
usability of the language packs wasn't discussed either.

I was the one who caused this build breaker and I am sorry for it. It 
was not the first and will not be the last build breaker that I 
introduced.  I did not announce it in advance, because -- maybe this is 
hard to believe -- I did not do it on purpose.  I also don't have a 
crystal ball that let's me see my future errors.  Otherwise all my code 
changes would be error free, which, sadly, they are not.  It was an 
honest mistake in a very complex feature (enabling our build system to 
create patches).  I made the error in a file that was directly linked to 
the new feature.  I did not see, at the time, that it would affect the 
regular build.

Of course one could say It happens, but since that developer gets 
VERY annoying if It happens to anyone else the same casual attitude 
would be inappropriate.

What's worse is that the commit comment [2] for unbreaking the 
language packs was Wrong initialization of . which is completely 
unusable. It didn't even mention language packs. That they were broken 
and now they are fixed. And what's that '.' Is this some magic 
hyper-linked dot? We should better use commit messages that can stand 
on their own.

You are absolutely right.  As an explanation, but not as excuse: what 
happend with this particular comment is, if I recall correctly, that I 
accidentally hit RETURN in mid-sentence.  And then I was too lazy to 
look up SVN documentation and find out how to fix the comment.   Instead 
I relied on all the necessary information being present in the issue 
description (for example see and provided 
the correct comment in the issue 
(  I had the 
chance to fix the broken comment when I merged the change into trunk.  
But that seemed to me to be a bit dishonest, like I where trying to 
cover up a mistake.


So in short: Be careful, be professional, don't do unto others what 
you wouldn't want them do unto you, and yes It happens and we have 
to deal with it. Positively if possible that is.

I am not exactly sure what that is supposed to mean.  If you have a 
problem with anything I have done, except from the build breaker, please 
be more explicit.

I just have one wish.  I don't have a problem with my errors being 
pointed out in the public.  After more than a decade as developer in an 
open source project I have grown a thick skin.  But please don't do that 
to others.  That might discourage potential developers from joining our 



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Re: [Bug 124386] Improve Help for Version Selector

2014-03-19 Thread Andre Fischer

On 18.03.2014 14:54, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 12:05:31PM +0100, Herbert Duerr wrote:

Since many entries in our bugzilla database are not about bugs, but
about new features or enhancements I'd also like to use the term
issue instead of bug, when Bugzilla refers to such an entry.

Isn't it possible to use both? The recent change turns all bug XXX
into simple text, for example used to have
a link in See bug 119006 for more information.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention and thanks to Rainer for 
creating bug/issue 124460 for this.  Fooled by the title of the thread I 
did not read the proposed patch carefully enough to see the unrelated 
part about the bug-issue renaming.  Could we please discuss or at least 
announce such changes with more meaningful titles in the future?



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Re: openoffice.lst, can wJRE be deleted?

2014-03-14 Thread Andre Fischer

On 13.03.2014 23:15, Kay Schenk wrote:

On 03/13/2014 06:49 AM, Raphael Bircher wrote:

Hi all

In openoffice.lst there is still a configuration for the with JRE 
build. We have anymor Builds with JRE, and I doubt that we will have 
in future. The license of Java is not ALv2 compatible, right. So the 
question is, can we delete this part?

Greetings Raphael

I would think so unless others have a different opinion.

I agree that removing this entry from openoffice.lst is a good idea.

Raphael, do you want to do it or shall I?  I already have two modules on 
my to-remove list for Monday already.


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Proposal to delete unused modules

2014-03-13 Thread Andre Fischer
I would like to propose to delete two unused modules: main/splitbuild 
and main/writerperfect

- splitbuild looks like a collection of files that drive (drove) some 
sort of build script to build selected parts of OpenOffice.
It may or may not be related to what is described in [1]. splitbuild 
depends on postprocess but nothing depends on splitbuild, therefore it 
is not used in any of our builds.

- writerperfect is a second module that is not used anymore.  The only 
module that depends on writerperfect is splitbuild.
  = There are some references in sysui to the wpf file format 
  = There is a configure switch --with-system-libwpd.  It would trigger 
the building of library libwpft, which is referenced in postprocess and 
scp2, but without a dependency on module writerperfect this library is 
never built and using --with-system-libwpd could only lead to an error.

Does anybody know of any reason not to delete the two modules?



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Re: Anything we can do about premature redistribution?

2014-03-10 Thread Andre Fischer

On 10.03.2014 08:32, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

On 3/9/14 8:49 PM, Marcus (OOo) wrote:

Am 03/09/2014 07:33 PM, schrieb Kay Schenk:

On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 10:08 AM, Marcus (OOo)

Am 03/08/2014 12:09 AM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:

Rob Weir wrote:


   Or maybe a disclaimer in the voting thread email?

Andrew's comments show clearly that these editors do not care to be
careful or factual, or even read those disclaimers, unfortunately.

We can be successful only if we manage to block their downloads. They
link to our binaries hosted on SourceForge (which is fine). Just
thinking loud, but if it was possible (on the Sourceforge side) to deny
all download requests that do not come from the or the domains, then the project would effectively be in
control. The embargo could be lifted just after the release.

I'm a bit confused by this statement. There are MANY sites the
re-route to
SourceForge for our downloads, and this is perfectly fine. The concern is
for the  inadvertent download of not yet released Beta which is available
from the following URL space which is not even SourceForge:

OK, for the Beta release in special this is true. It's not yet available
on Sourceforge - at least I cannot see it.

it is there as well, hdu started the synch when the bits where ready on
the Apache server for some further testing purposes (especially upload
performance). And of course to have them in place in time for today.

It was probably a little bit early but independent where we upload the
bits they will be grabbed immediately. Which is not necessarily bad if
they would do their job a little bit better ;-) There was no official
release announcement.

Is it possible to upload to some kind of staging area on sourceforge 
that is not accessible to the public?  Keep the bits there until our 
vote has finished and them move them to the download area?



In general, they link to our binaries at Sourceforge.

Correct? So, I think the restriction would need to be from,
not SourceForge.

For the Beta release this is true.

However, I don't know how long this makes sense.


For me this sounds like a great idea.

Maybe we should start with denying all download requests that some from
these bad websites.

Can you tell us if this possible? If yes, is it much effort for you?

   Sure, sites could still copy all binaries being voted upon and offer

them locally, but this would require a more significant effort. on

And more HDD space and more own bandwith - which is also not what they


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Re: Building OpenOffice using VS2012 Express?

2014-03-10 Thread Andre Fischer

On 09.03.2014 10:25, LOH KOK HOE wrote:

Dear all,
Has anyone successfully build OpenOffice using VS2012 Express? I'm
currently experiencing some error while following command is issue:

./configure --with-dmake-url=
Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio

Maybe this is a problem with the path syntax and quoting.  Can you try a 
different quoting for the --with-cl-home option?  I use something like

---with-cl-home=/cygdrive/c/Progrram Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual 


And I have this error:

checking for mspdb80.dll... no
checking for mspdb71.dll... no
checking the Microsoft C/C++ Compiler... found
(/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~2/Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0/VC/bin/cl.exe)
checking the Version of Microsoft C/C++ Compiler... found Compiler version
  in ./configure: line 8127: /cygdrive/c/PROGRA~2/Microsoft: is a directory
./configure: line 8138: test: : integer expression expected
configure: error: Compiler too old. Use Microsoft C/C++ .NET 2008.

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Re: Compiler warnings

2014-03-10 Thread Andre Fischer

On 05.03.2014 11:54, Andre Fischer wrote:

On 05.03.2014 09:30, Andre Fischer wrote:

I have created issue 124361 for this.  The 4555 warning is triggered 
by the hash_map wrapper in module stl_port/ when it includes 
unordered_map.  Luckily this allows us to turn of the warning 
temporarily for just this header.

Revision 1575930 enables exception support for all source files of sc.  
So if you experience any problems, this is the change to roll back :-)


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Re: Building OpenOffice using VS2012 Express?

2014-03-10 Thread Andre Fischer

On 10.03.2014 14:42, LOH KOK HOE wrote:

This is interesting. On Windows 8, when I issue the command  dir /x in
command prompt to retrieve Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0's unique name, it
shows nothing. Why this could happened? How you guys workaround on this

I have not made the transition from Windows7 to Windows 8, so I can not 
comment.  Internally we use the cygpath command to convert from long to 
8.3 file names.  If OpenOffice still builds on Windows 8 then this 
technique still works and Windows 8 can still interpret 8.3 file names.


On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 6:31 PM, Andre Fischer wrote:

On 10.03.2014 10:42, John O'Sullivan wrote:

I copied my Visual Studio Express 2008 into a short dir tree with no
in the dir names to work around this issue. I took the Common7 and VC
subdirs from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 into
another dir, and all worked smoothly.

The long filenames have only to be understood by configure.  They are then
converted to 8.3 syntax, unreadable but without spaces.
Look into the and you won't see that many spaces in



On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 8:41 AM, Andre Fischer wrote:

  On 09.03.2014 10:25, LOH KOK HOE wrote:

  Dear all,

Has anyone successfully build OpenOffice using VS2012 Express? I'm
currently experiencing some error while following command is issue:

./configure --with-dmake-url=
Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio

  Maybe this is a problem with the path syntax and quoting.  Can you try

different quoting for the --with-cl-home option?  I use something like

  ---with-cl-home=/cygdrive/c/Progrram Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual


  And I have this error:

checking for mspdb80.dll... no
checking for mspdb71.dll... no
checking the Microsoft C/C++ Compiler... found
(/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~2/Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0/VC/bin/cl.exe)
checking the Version of Microsoft C/C++ Compiler... found Compiler
in ./configure: line 8127: /cygdrive/c/PROGRA~2/Microsoft: is a
./configure: line 8138: test: : integer expression expected
configure: error: Compiler too old. Use Microsoft C/C++ .NET 2008.


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RIP soldep

2014-03-10 Thread Andre Fischer
I have just removed the unused module soldep.  It seems to have 
contained ancient parts of the build system. I saw references to the old 
build servers that, on Windows, had to be mounted on r:, n:, w:.  I saw 
Perl parsers for reading build.lst files and convert them to XML.  I saw 
handwritten C++ parsers for reading these XML files that use handwritten 
implementations of hash maps.

Sometimes I think we should build a museum for code that has no other 
place.  But then again, much of our code that would belong into such a 
museum is still actively used.

More information can be found in issue 124316.


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Re: [VOTE]: Release Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0 Beta (RC)

2014-03-07 Thread Andre Fischer


Regards, Andre

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Iterator debugging

2014-03-06 Thread Andre Fischer
With the transition from stlport to system STL we lost some (most?) 
debugging support for STL on Windows.  The MSVC STL offers debugging 
support but that is not activated in our builds.  There is, for example 
the _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING environment variable that is responsible for 
activating iterator debugging.  However, that only works when doing a 
retail build (compiler message is warning CRT1005: Iterator debugging 
not supported in retail builds.)
Does anybody know how to turn off retail builds?  Building a non-pro 
version of OpenOffice is apparently not enough.

Additional ideas for debugging system STL are also welcome.


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Compiler warnings

2014-03-05 Thread Andre Fischer
I am currently working on some bug in the sc module and find that it is 
really hard to even find compiler errors among the many warning 
messages.  Some of these warnings are caused directly by code in sc but 
the majority of the warnings originate in header files.  Platform is 
Windows.  The most annoying warnings are

   warning C4530: C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are 
not enabled. Specify /EHsc

and even more (because of the warning text that is repeated again and 

warning C4555: expression has no effect; expected expression with 

(see full text below)

Any ideas how to silence these two?

 re C4530: One option would be to compile all sc code with exceptions 
enabled.  Does anyone know of a reason not to do that?

Best regards,


PS: here is the complete output for one instance of the C4555 warning:

  C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1.0\VC\include\../../VC/include/list(1137) : 
warning C4555: expression has no effect; expected expression with 
C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1.0\VC\include\../../VC/include/list(1126) : while 
compiling class template member function 'void 

_Ty=std::pairconst String,OpCode,
_Ax=std::allocatorstd::pairconst String,OpCode,
C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1.0\VC\include\xhash(205) : see reference to 
class template instantiation 'std::list_Ty,_Ax' being compiled

_Ty=std::pairconst String,OpCode,
_Ax=std::allocatorstd::pairconst String,OpCode
C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1.0\VC\include\../../VC/include/unordered_map(86) : 
see reference to class template instantiation 'stdext::_Hash_Traits' 
being compiled

C:\source\trunk\git\main\solver\410\\inc\stl\hash_map(59) : 
see reference to class template instantiation 
'std::tr1::unordered_map_Kty,_Ty,_Hasher,_Keyeq,_Alloc' being compiled

: see reference to class template instantiation 
'std::hash_map__K,__T,__H,__E' being compiled


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Re: Compiler warnings

2014-03-05 Thread Andre Fischer

On 05.03.2014 10:01, Herbert Duerr wrote:

On 05.03.2014 09:30, Andre Fischer wrote:

I am currently working on some bug in the sc module and find that it is
really hard to even find compiler errors among the many warning
messages.  Some of these warnings are caused directly by code in sc but
the majority of the warnings originate in header files. Platform is
Windows.  The most annoying warnings are

warning C4530: C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are
not enabled. Specify /EHsc

and even more (because of the warning text that is repeated again and

warning C4555: expression has no effect; expected expression with

The problem is in MSVC2008's list header. They probably fixed that in 
their newer versions. Another reason to update our build environment 
on that platform to something newer.

The warning expression has no effect itself is interesting enough, 
just not in in list header. Fortunately terms like list(1137) can be 
filtered out easily.

Please explain how that can be filtered out easily.

Any ideas how to silence these two?

We could disable such warnings altogether by adding e.g. the -wd4555 
option to CFLAGSWARNCXX in main/solenv/inc/ and 

How do we do that only for the system headers?


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Re: Compiler warnings

2014-03-05 Thread Andre Fischer

On 05.03.2014 11:28, Herbert Duerr wrote:

On 05.03.2014 10:28, Andre Fischer wrote:

On 05.03.2014 10:01, Herbert Duerr wrote:

The warning expression has no effect itself is interesting enough,
just not in in list header. Fortunately terms like list(1137) can be
filtered out easily.

Please explain how that can be filtered out easily.

e.g. by piping the output through the command
perl -ne 'print if not /^.*list.1137/../^\S/'
It removes all list.1137 lines and their indented followup lines. 
Unfortunately also one more line but perl experts can probably fix 
that easily.

Of course, on the command line this is easy, but I am building inside 
emacs.  Any idea how to do it there?



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Re: Compiler warnings

2014-03-05 Thread Andre Fischer

On 05.03.2014 12:38, John O'Sullivan wrote:

Use MSVC's WD flag to disable the warning. You'll probably need to hack

I wouldn't like to turn off this warning globally.  I only don't want to 
see it for system headers that I can't change anyway.


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Re: Compiler warnings

2014-03-05 Thread Andre Fischer

On 05.03.2014 10:01, Herbert Duerr wrote:

On 05.03.2014 09:30, Andre Fischer wrote:

  re C4530: One option would be to compile all sc code with exceptions

That sounds reasonable.

 Does anyone know of a reason not to do that?

Not that I'm aware of.

I am neither, that's why I ask :-)

Exception support does make object files larger and possibly a bit 
slower.  The question is, is that significant?  Module sw nowadays has 
exception support for all its files.  And not changing at least the 
files in sc/ for which there are warnings might lead to memory leaks 
when there are exceptions.  So it is probably best to activate support 
for exceptions module wide.



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Re: Compiler warnings

2014-03-05 Thread Andre Fischer

On 05.03.2014 11:53, Herbert Duerr wrote:

On 05.03.2014 11:45, Andre Fischer wrote:

On 05.03.2014 11:28, Herbert Duerr wrote:

On 05.03.2014 10:28, Andre Fischer wrote:

On 05.03.2014 10:01, Herbert Duerr wrote:

The warning expression has no effect itself is interesting enough,
just not in in list header. Fortunately terms like list(1137) 
can be

filtered out easily.

Please explain how that can be filtered out easily.

e.g. by piping the output through the command
perl -ne 'print if not /^.*list.1137/../^\S/'
It removes all list.1137 lines and their indented followup lines.
Unfortunately also one more line but perl experts can probably fix
that easily.

Of course, on the command line this is easy, but I am building inside
emacs.  Any idea how to do it there?

As I don't use emacs I had to rely on my googling skills instead and 
found [1] that looks relevant. Does it help?

No, building in emacs works a little different.  But keep trying :-)




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Re: Compiler warnings

2014-03-05 Thread Andre Fischer

On 05.03.2014 14:49, jan i wrote:

On 5 March 2014 14:42, Andre Fischer wrote:

On 05.03.2014 10:01, Herbert Duerr wrote:

On 05.03.2014 09:30, Andre Fischer wrote:

re C4530: One option would be to compile all sc code with exceptions


That sounds reasonable.

   Does anyone know of a reason not to do that?
Not that I'm aware of.

I am neither, that's why I ask :-)

Exception support does make object files larger and possibly a bit slower.
  The question is, is that significant?  Module sw nowadays has exception
support for all its files.  And not changing at least the files in sc/ for
which there are warnings might lead to memory leaks when there are
exceptions.  So it is probably best to activate support for exceptions
module wide.

On ubuntu, the  slower is not measureable. It is basically to extra
function calls, and a word extra on heap, I assume it is identical on

On ubuntu object files seems to be 5-10% bigger, but the final exe (I use
this in e.g. genLang) in my case is less than 1% bigger.

Thanks, that is good to know.  I remember vaguely that the size increase 
on Solaris was more noticeable.   But that was years ago.


I had problems with exceptions in modules where java is called (just a

jan I.


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Re: Compiler warnings

2014-03-05 Thread Andre Fischer

On 05.03.2014 14:18, Rob Weir wrote:

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 7:32 AM, jan i wrote:

On 5 March 2014 12:46, Andre Fischer wrote:

On 05.03.2014 12:38, John O'Sullivan wrote:

Use MSVC's WD flag to disable the warning. You'll probably need to hack

I wouldn't like to turn off this warning globally.  I only don't want to
see it for system headers that I can't change anyway.

Use #pragma  to disable/enable the warnings. Put the #pragma around the
include statement.

Or use a push/pop set of pragmas, which handles nested inclusion
scenarios safer:


Thanks John, Rob, Jan, I think I have this warning under control now.  
As suggested I use

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4555)
#include ...
#pragma warning(pop)

After putting this in hash_map and still seeing warnings 4555 I thought 
that maybe not only the definition of the list template had to be 
treated this way but also the template instantiation, which would have 
required a lot more work.  Luckily I just had to do the same fix for the 
list template.  No more 4555.


jan I.


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Re: Help wanted for a new volunteer to fix bug 122003 ( missing titels)

2014-03-03 Thread Andre Fischer

On 01.03.2014 02:12, Reem Elnagar wrote:

Hi :)

It was written in the oreintation that after building OpenOffice I should try 
fixing easy bugs. So  I chose to start with that bug 122003,  so can any one 
help me with some guidelines on how to fix it.
Thanks in advance and much appreciated :)

This issue seems already to be worked on and may even be fixed (although 
the 'assigned to' and 'status' fields are not set).  And this bug is 
about the OpenOffice web site not its source code.  This may or may not 
be what you want to work on.  Maybe you can pick another one?

Thanks for your interest,

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Re: Build error on Mac OS X 10.7 with AOO main in testtools

2014-03-03 Thread Andre Fischer

On 03.03.2014 10:03, Raphael Bircher wrote:

Hi at all.

I have a build error on my Mac OS X 10.7 in testtools

 xsltproc --nonet --stringparam uri './' -o 
../../ \
 xsltproc --nonet --stringparam uri \
 '${MY_CLASSDIR_URL}testComponent.jar' -o 
../../ \
 xsltproc --nonet --stringparam prefix 
 -o ../../ \
cd ../../  :  
 /Users/nacnaub/Documents/AOO_main/main/solver/410/ \
-ro uno_services.rdb -ro uno_types.rdb \
-s -- \
/bin/bash: line 1: 51041 Segmentation fault: 11  
 /Users/nacnaub/Documents/AOO_main/main/solver/410/ -ro 
uno_services.rdb -ro uno_types.rdb -s --
dmake:  Error code 139, while making 'runtest'

Is this a reproducable problem?  It it is then rebuild cpputools (this 
is where the 'uno' executable is built), deliver and try again to build 


1 module(s):
need(s) to be rebuilt


ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making 

When you have fixed the errors in that module you can resume the build by 

build --from testtools

Any touch what's wrong?

Greetings Raphael
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Re: Fighting epm

2014-02-28 Thread Andre Fischer

On 28.02.2014 06:24, Raphael Bircher wrote:

Hi at all

For some reasons I have problemes with epm on Ubuntu 12.04. I run into the 
fellowing build error:

dmake:  Error: -- 
`./' not 
found, and can't be made
The epm swithch I Used is the fellowing:

Did configure run without errors?  Do you see the 
3ade8cfe7e59ca8e65052644fed9fca4-epm-3.7.tar.gz in ext_sources/ ?


Maybe someone can help me

Greetings Raphael

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Beta naming

2014-02-28 Thread Andre Fischer
Juergen, Oliver and I have changed product names and some images to 
contain the word 'beta'.  I would like to explain some of the technical 
background and constraints.

How to use:

Go to instsetoo_native/util and run

dmake openofficebeta

to build the beta version of OpenOffice for all languages and supported 
package formats on the platform or

dmake openofficebeta_language/format

to do the same for the specified language and package format (run dmake 
help for details on language and package format).

What has changed:

Most places that show the name 'OpenOffice' or 'Apache OpenOffice' now 
display 'OpenOffice Beta' or 'Apache OpenOffice Beta'. Examples are the 
title bar of application windows, the about box, installation dialogs 
(if they exist on your platform), and the download packages.

Some images now contain the word 'beta' in big red letters.  These are 
the splash screen, the start center and the about box. Guiding principle 
here was not to make the images pretty but to make the beta status obvious.

How that is implemented:

instsetoo_native/util/openoffice.lst contains a description of the 
different 'products' like the regular OpenOffice, developer versions, 
language packs and the SDK.
For the beta we have copied the Apache_OpenOffice product (which defines 
the regular OpenOffice) and basically added the word 'Beta' to all 
variants of the product name.

The same was done for the languagepacks and the SDK.

See openoffice.lst if you are interested in the details.

Some changes where necessary to add the make targets to 
instsetoo_native/util/ and to replace the images. Guiding 
principle for the changes was to minimize changes of the existing 
workflow to not introduce regressions or beta-specific artifacts.


The format of openoffice.lst and the meaning of its content are largely 
undocumented and don't allow too fine a control over how the product 
names can be changed.
For example placing the 'Beta' after the version number, eg 'OpenOffice 
4.1 Beta' is not easily possible, so 'OpenOffice Beta 4.1' has to do for 
now.  Maybe we can improve that for the next release.

You can experiment with finding a better solution by changing the 
variables in the Apache_OpenOffice_Beta section in openoffice.lst, build 
a new installation set (building just instsetoo_native should be 
sufficient for most changes), and install it.

The images posed a different set of constraints due to limited free 
space.  Again, the guiding principle was to change as little as 
possible.  The 'beta' text is added without changing or moving any other 

The images are available here:
default_images/introabout/beta/intro.png(splash screen)
default_images/introabout/beta/about.png(about dialog)
framework/res/beta/backing.png   (start center)

With more time and your input we can improve both product names and 
images but for the time being the current state is as good as was 
possible in available time.

Best regards,

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Re: Beta naming

2014-02-28 Thread Andre Fischer

On 28.02.2014 10:14, Andre Fischer wrote:

dmake openofficebeta_language/format

That should be

dmake openofficebeta_language.format

(. instead of /)


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Re: How to search for files to modify to fix a bug?

2014-02-26 Thread Andre Fischer

On 25.02.2014 20:21, Tenzin Chhosphel wrote:

Hi all, 
I am just starting out to fix bugs. I spent some time around Bugzilla 
and now have a decent knowledge about how it works. And I understand  finding 
the right files to fix is big part of fixing a bug. It seems there's no set of 
rules on how to find the files of interest. But, I bet there's some logical way 
to look for those files that needed to be modified to fix a bug. Any 
ideas/suggestions/advices on how to do that is much appreciated.

It is hard to give a general answer to your question, but if you have a 
concrete problem/bug that you would like to work on, then maybe we can 
help you.


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Re: How could I make a build on writer module?

2014-02-25 Thread Andre Fischer

On 25.02.2014 15:20, LOH KOK HOE wrote:

I can see the sw library is inside the workdir, anyhow it is still not an
executable. I'm just curious to know how could I run sw module in debug
mode while fixing a defect so that I could understand whether my fix is
correct. The worst is I'll never run an executable until I rebuild the
installer and then install it into the system and test it from there. This
is too costly as I'm just trying to verify my fix.

Please have a look at

The general idea:

a) Edit code in module sw/
b) Build sw
c) Deploy sw libraries to your installed office
d) Run soffice.bin in your debugger
e) Find bug
f) Go to a)


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Re: How could I linked the dependencies of soffice.bin?

2014-02-25 Thread Andre Fischer

On 25.02.2014 15:46, LOH KOK HOE wrote:

I just make a build and the executable file (soffice.bin) was locate
at /main/solver/410/ When I execute the file, it shows me:

./soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

What happens when you start soffice (without the .bin extension)?
This is a script that sets some envirnment values that control (among 
other) where to look for the libraries.


When I use `strace -f ./soffice.bin` command, I can see there are bunch of
dependencies shown up. May I know how could I link these dependencies
together if I execute soffice.bin directly?

THanks @!

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Re: EXTERNAL: Re: dmake clean

2014-02-20 Thread Andre Fischer

On 19.02.2014 16:03, Steele, Raymond wrote:

Yes, we have made many local modifications. Gladly, we had the backup. Couldn't 
a check be placed in the make file to ensure $INPATH  is set?

That would be the minimal solution.
I have created issue 124263 [1] for it.  I have some trouble to 
reproduce your problem because

a) I don't want to delete my object files at the moment :-)
b) When INPATH is not set then typically the whole solar environment is 
not set.  But in that case dmake complains that it can not find  Unless dmake is in PATH.  But that is usually not the case 
when the solar environment is not set ...



-Original Message-
From: Kay Schenk []
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 4:49 PM
To: OOo Apache
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: dmake clean

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Steele, Raymond raymond.ste...@lmco.comwrote:

I see in the Makefile:

clean .PHONY

 -rm -rf */$(INPATH)
 -rm -rf solver/*/$(INPATH)

I am going to make an assumption that I performed the dmake clean and
$INPATH was not set, therefore  rm -rf */ was performed

From: Steele, Raymond
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 3:58 PM
Subject: dmake clean

I am not sure why, but I just did a dmake clean in ../main and once if
finished all the module directories including source was deleted.
Thankfully, I had a backup.  Can anyone explain this?


Hello Raymond --

Yes, an incredibly annoying thing and one I have experienced as well.

  If you source your env script and THEN do dmake clean, only the bits 
generated toward the native build will disappear. The clean script does a MUCH bigger remove if you 
don't do that first. The first time this happened to me, I freaked a bit, but as I hadn't made any 
local mods, an svn update got everything back.

  It's good that you had a backup since I'm assuming you made local mods that 
you wanted to keep.  The build doc needs a bit of updating to help others avoid 
this pitfall.

Happy coding!


Cats do not have to be shown how to have a good time,  for they are unfailing 
ingenious in that respect.
-- James Mason

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Re: Bug 124268 - OOXML import problems

2014-02-20 Thread Andre Fischer

On 20.02.2014 09:37, Rainer Bielefeld wrote:


I think we should decide whether we want to use a tracking bug [2] or 
a Key word (interop_OOXML) [2]. Using both in parallel only makes it 
more difficult to create reliable queries.

I don't think so.   I have created [1] to have list of bugs with 
interesting documents that highlight certain problems of the OOXML 
import.  It is assigned to me, so you can see this as a personal list.  
Key words, in contrast, are global.  I have no intention to start 
tracking all OOXML bugs.

By the way, the interop_OOXML keyword has been used only five times.  I 
assume that we have more OOXML problems than that.






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Re: Question on building OpenOffice

2014-02-19 Thread Andre Fischer

On 19.02.2014 00:22, Reem Elnagar wrote:

Hi :)

I had a problem while building open office it was written in the step by step 
building guide in Ubuntu 
to write the command

but when I did that I got  No such file or directory can anyone tell what 
went wrong ?
Thanks in advance :)

This file is created when configure runs without error. Please check the 
output of configure to see if there where any errors.

If you are on a 32 bit system, then the file name is slightly 
different.  Does a

ls main/Linux*
list anything?


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Re: deleted files still showing in repository browse -- help!

2014-02-19 Thread Andre Fischer

On 18.02.2014 23:06, Kay Schenk wrote:

In this repository --

I did an svn delete yesterday on all files  named

Just the ones followed by a number, not the others, and not the png
Yet, they are still showing in the web browse of the repository. In my
local repo, even deleting the whole directory, followed by an svn update
yields the correct files. So, does anyone know why these files are still
stuck like this in the web browse mode?

You still need an svn commit to, well, commit your local changes to the 
svn server.

and, oops! I didn't realize svn delete wouldn't prompt me for a log
message so there was none. :/

That is strange, svn delete should not need a log message.  But the 
following svn commit should.


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Re: deleted files still showing in repository browse -- help!

2014-02-19 Thread Andre Fischer

On 19.02.2014 09:07, Andre Fischer wrote:

On 18.02.2014 23:06, Kay Schenk wrote:

In this repository -- 

I did an svn delete yesterday on all files  named

Just the ones followed by a number, not the others, and not the png
Yet, they are still showing in the web browse of the repository. In my
local repo, even deleting the whole directory, followed by an svn update
yields the correct files. So, does anyone know why these files are still
stuck like this in the web browse mode?

You still need an svn commit to, well, commit your local changes to 
the svn server.

and, oops! I didn't realize svn delete wouldn't prompt me for a log
message so there was none. :/

That is strange, svn delete should not need a log message.  But the 
following svn commit should.

Sorry, I did not read the rest of the thread.  Not quite awake.


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Re: I have posted 3 wiki for OOXML export

2014-02-19 Thread Andre Fischer

On 19.02.2014 02:30, shzh zhao wrote:

1. shape export
2. DrawingML shape export
3. UT method in OOXML export

VML shape export will be added later.

Great.  Thanks for the information.  Especially the idea about using POI 
as a test tool is interesting.


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Re: Paste screenshots in AOO writer 4.1 bêta

2014-02-18 Thread Andre Fischer

On 18.02.2014 10:08, Guy Waterval wrote:

Hi all,

I dont know if this issue is relevant or not, just for info.
I generally use greenshot to make screenshots and copy them from greenshot
to the clipboard before pasting them in Writer.
I have noticed a little issue with writer in the latest bêta AOO 4.1 under
Windows 7.0 (not tested in other OS).
In Impress, Draw and Calc all is OK, but not in Writer,  the command Paste
or Ctr+V gives no results (in AOO 4.01 it was OK).
If I make screenshots with the simple Windows Printscreen command, all is
OK, also in Writer.
So, only to indicate a change noticed between AOO 4.01 and AOO 4.1 bêta,
not obligatory a bug.

What does Edit-Paste Special list as available data formats?



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Re: Trace Output

2014-02-18 Thread Andre Fischer

On 18.02.2014 16:56, Steele, Raymond wrote:

I configured the OpenOffice build without debug and disabled symbols, but I am 
still getting 'trace' output in the terminal when I run ./soffice. How do I 
disable this?


Can you give us an example?  With that we can find the place in the 
source and understand why it is still printed.


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Re: dmake clean

2014-02-18 Thread Andre Fischer

On 19.02.2014 00:48, Kay Schenk wrote:

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Steele, Raymond raymond.ste...@lmco.comwrote:

I see in the Makefile:

clean .PHONY

 -rm -rf */$(INPATH)
 -rm -rf solver/*/$(INPATH)

I am going to make an assumption that I performed the dmake clean and
$INPATH was not set, therefore  rm -rf */ was performed

From: Steele, Raymond
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 3:58 PM
Subject: dmake clean

I am not sure why, but I just did a dmake clean in ../main and once if
finished all the module directories including source was deleted.
Thankfully, I had a backup.  Can anyone explain this?


Hello Raymond --

Yes, an incredibly annoying thing and one I have experienced as well.

  If you source your env script and THEN do dmake clean, only the bits
generated toward the native build will disappear. The clean script does a
MUCH bigger remove if you don't do that first. The first time this happened
to me, I freaked a bit, but as I hadn't made any local mods, an svn update
got everything back.

  It's good that you had a backup since I'm assuming you made local mods
that you wanted to keep.  The build doc needs a bit of updating to help
others avoid this pitfall.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.  Up to now I thought that the 
worst that 'dmake clean' would do would be to delete dmake as well.

I will see what I can do.


Happy coding!

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Re: [RELEASE][DISCUSS] How to download AOO 4.1.0 Beta?

2014-02-17 Thread Andre Fischer

On 14.02.2014 22:32, Rob Weir wrote:

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Marcus (OOo) wrote:

As this is our first beta release at Apache, I would like to clarify some
things before it's maybe too late to change the facts and to prepare

1. Target group

It is intended to be downloaded for the general public, right?

2. Hosting

We are planning to host the files at Sourceforge, right?

3. File names:

Of course the file names of the install files have to show a difference
compared to the general release files. Suggestion:


*If* there is a need to publish another round, it could be extended with a
number like:


4. Directory structure:

Is it OK to expect to use the same dir structure like we have currently for

In general, yes, but please keep in mind that our Mac builds are now 
64bit.  I assume that the directories that contain the Mac downloads got 
renamed (Servers are currently down so I can not check).


The above makes sense to me.

5. Download webpage:

Is it OK to expect to offer the download on our main download webpage?

If yes, I can build up a download offer like we have for the green box. To
ease the download as best as possible.

I would not make this the default download option for users.  We still
want most users to download AOO 4.0.1. So keep the first box on
/download.html as it is now.

Maybe a yellow box (yellow == caution) with language that makes it
clear that this is beta and gives the URL for reporting bugs.

Were you thinking of a language/platform switch logic for the beta?
Or just a link to a beta_other.html page with a table of links?  If
we do the table, then we would have room on the same page to give  a
prominent warning, a link to BZ, Release Notes, etc.





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Re: svn commit: r1568331 - in /openoffice/trunk/main: default_images/introabout/intro.png ooo_custom_images/dev/introabout/intro.png ooo_custom_images/dev_nologo/introabout/intro.png ooo_custom_images

2014-02-17 Thread Andre Fischer

On 17.02.2014 09:33, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


good catch.

One minor remark:
openoffice/trunk/main/default_images/introabout/intro.png and
does not carry the ASF logo anymore.
I think these should carry the ASF logo while the other two do not.

Because of the nologo part in their name?  These images exist for a long 
time and I don't think that nologo refers to the ASF logo. I don't 
know what they should display, I don't even know if they (all 
intro.png's outside default_images/) are still used.


Best regards, Oliver.

On 14.02.2014 16:02, wrote:

Author: af
Date: Fri Feb 14 15:02:32 2014
New Revision: 1568331

124224: Using the modern logo once again.


Modified: openoffice/trunk/main/default_images/introabout/intro.png

Binary files - no diff available.


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Re: EXTERNAL: Re: OO 4.01 Compiled for Solaris 11 x86 Runtime Memory Fault

2014-02-17 Thread Andre Fischer

On 14.02.2014 22:37, Steele, Raymond wrote:


I think we are going to keep that section commented out for now.  We 
are not sure what to do. Do you think commenting out that section will 
have a big impact at runtime?

Not big.  It is probably OK to move on and come back later when you have 
some sort of enlightenment.


We are working on the Save now (described below).

*From:*Andre Fischer []
*Sent:* Friday, February 07, 2014 2:18 AM
*To:* Steele, Raymond; Andre Fischer;; 
Herbert Duerr (;

*Cc:* Meffe, David K
*Subject:* Re: EXTERNAL: Re: OO 4.01 Compiled for Solaris 11 x86 
Runtime Memory Fault

On 07.02.2014 00:04, Steele, Raymond wrote:


When we commented out the section below, we were able to get the
application to work correctly

I would expect subtle errors in the sidebar, like panels not updating 
after context changes or when switching between application windows.

(although it did not let us save a spreadsheet to disk for some 
reason. Each time we hit okay to save after supplying a unique name, 
the filechooser closes, but instantly reappears again. It did let us 
save it as another format, such as .dif).

Strange, this change should not modify the saving of the document.  
That is probably an unrelated problem.

However, the application crashes when we replace the lines with:

ReferenceSidebarController xThis (this, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE);
WeakReferenceSidebarController xWeakController (xThis);

I've attached the stack trace of that crash. It crashes right after 
the SidebarController destructor on line 177 (which is empty). 
 Stepping from the destructor brings us into boost's 
checked_delete.hpp and eventually crashes at line 34 delete x. See 
attached stack trace. m_RefCount was 3 for us as well.

Also strange.  All this does not fit together.  If the ref count is 
larger than 0 then the SidebarController should not be deleted.  And 
if it where deleted, then not from Reference...::iquery.  And 
boost::scoped_ptrWindow should have no problem deleting the control 
(I have not enough information to say which one it is).  All controls 
are created in the initializer of the constructor and should be fully 
created and initialized by the time the crash is triggered.

All this looks like the actual problem happens earlier, maybe some 
memory overwrite.

Maybe you can use valgrind (or some other memory checker) to see if 
there is a memory problem?

Thanks for taking the time to look into this, we are grateful.  Would 
you happen to be located in the U.S.?

No problem.  I am a little worried that you have discovered a problem 
that lurks on all platforms and Solaris is the only one where it leads 
to an actual crash.

And, no, I am not located in the US.  I am in Germany.


*From:*Andre Fischer []
*Sent:* Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:03 AM
*To:* Steele, Raymond;; Herbert Duerr (;

*Cc:* Meffe, David K;
*Subject:* Re: EXTERNAL: Re: OO 4.01 Compiled for Solaris 11 x86 
Runtime Memory Fault

On 05.02.2014 20:02, Steele, Raymond wrote:


We are not seeing any exception before the actual crash. Maybe I
am not looking in the right place, but we've been using dbx
intercept command to track any. Any other suggestions?


there a few thing you can do to find out if this is a local problem 
(broken in the constructor) or something more fundamental that is 
possibly caused by an error that happened much earlier.

- Comment out the last few lines:
WeakReferenceSidebarController xWeakController (this);
That should tell us whether the crash is caused just by storing the 
weak reference.

The sidebar should still work in general but some updates may be lost.

- Replace the last few lines by this:
ReferenceSidebarController xThis (this, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE);
WeakReferenceSidebarController xWeakController (xThis);
That removes one (of two) acquire calls (I don't know yet why there is 
a second acquire,  after all the purpose of the weak reference is just 
/not/ to increase the reference count).

- Check the value of the reference count of 'SidebarController* this' 
(in OWeakObject::acquire, cppuhelper/source/weak.cxx) when line 168 of 
the SidebarController

Re: OO 4.01 Compiled for Solaris 11 x86 Save As Stuck in a Loop

2014-02-17 Thread Andre Fischer

On 14.02.2014 23:06, Steele, Raymond wrote:

We are attempting to use the newly build OpenOffice 4.0.1 for Solaris 
11 x86, but  the 'Save As' to disk of any document type (i.e. .ods) 
continuous to prompt for a file name.  Each time we hit okay to save 
the document after supplying a unique name, the FilePicker closes, but 
instantly reappears again.

I have narrowed  it down to the following code located in 
sfx2/source/doc/guisaveas.cxx lines 1497-1520

The program gets stuck in the while loop below.  The variable 'bExit' 
is never set to sal_True, so the loop continuous. I provide a name to 
the FilePicker interface, click Save and the loop continuous, 
redisplaying the dialog. To resolve the issue, I added bExit = 
sal_True after line 1513 so that the loop discontinuous. I am not sure 
if this will have effects in other situations, maybe someone can 
provide some feedback, but for now. I am able to save.

sal_Bool bExit = sal_False;

1497   while ( !bExit )

1498   {

1499   bUseFilterOptions = aModelData.OutputFileDialog( 
nStoreMode, aFilterProps, bSetStandardName, aSuggestedName, 
bPreselectPassword, aSuggestedDir, nDialog, sStandardDir, aBlackList );


1501   // in case the dialog is opend a second time the folder 
should be the same as before, not what was handed over by parameters

1502   aSuggestedDir = ::rtl::OUString();

1503   if ( nStoreMode == SAVEAS_REQUESTED )

1504   {

1505   // in case of saving check filter for possible alien warning

1506   ::rtl::OUString aSelFilterName = 

1507   aFilterNameString,

1508   ::rtl::OUString() );

1509   sal_Int8 nStatusFilterSave = aModelData.CheckFilter( 
aSelFilterName );

1510   if ( nStatusFilterSave == STATUS_SAVEAS_STANDARDNAME ) 
These are equal during runtime

1511   {

1512   // switch to best filter

1513   bSetStandardName = sal_True; bSetStandardName is set to 
sal_True here, but bExit is not, so the loop continuous. Setting bExit 
following this line allows the program to save.

++bExit = salTrue;

1514   }

1515   else if ( nStatusFilterSave == STATUS_SAVE )

1516   {

1517   // user confirmed alien filter or good filter is used

1518   bExit = sal_True;

1519   }

1520   }

1521   else

1522   bExit = sal_True;

1523   }

I tried this on Windows7.  I come through the else if (line 1518).  
When saving a Writer document aSelFilterName is writer8. What is the 
value in your case?


Raymond Steele

U-2 Mission Planning

Software Engineer Sr

Lockheed Martin -- ISGS Defense

1300 S. Litchfield Rd.

Goodyear, AZ 85338


Business phone:  623-925-6402

Re: svn commit: r1568331 - in /openoffice/trunk/main: default_images/introabout/intro.png ooo_custom_images/dev/introabout/intro.png ooo_custom_images/dev_nologo/introabout/intro.png ooo_custom_images

2014-02-17 Thread Andre Fischer

On 17.02.2014 12:05, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


On 17.02.2014 11:10, Andre Fischer wrote:

On 17.02.2014 09:33, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


good catch.

One minor remark:
openoffice/trunk/main/default_images/introabout/intro.png and
does not carry the ASF logo anymore.
I think these should carry the ASF logo while the other two do not.

Because of the nologo part in their name?

Please have a second look ;-)
The two above mentioned images does _NOT_ have a nologo part in 
their path/name.
These two images carried the ASF logo before Jürgen's accidental 
change on 2014-02-12.

I know.  I interpreted that as another oversight.  Why would we want the 
ASF logo in one variant of intro.png but not the other?

Is there anybody who actually *knows*
a) whether the non default_images/ variants are still used (otherwise we 
don't have to bother anyway)

b) whether the ASF logo should be in some intro.png variants


Best regards, Oliver.

These images exist for a long
time and I don't think that nologo refers to the ASF logo. I don't
know what they should display, I don't even know if they (all
intro.png's outside default_images/) are still used.


Best regards, Oliver.

On 14.02.2014 16:02, wrote:

Author: af
Date: Fri Feb 14 15:02:32 2014
New Revision: 1568331

124224: Using the modern logo once again.



Modified: openoffice/trunk/main/default_images/introabout/intro.png


Binary files - no diff available.



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Re: [RELEASE][DISCUSS] How to download AOO 4.1.0 Beta?

2014-02-17 Thread Andre Fischer

On 17.02.2014 20:44, Marcus (OOo) wrote:

Am 02/17/2014 09:37 AM, schrieb Andre Fischer:

On 14.02.2014 22:32, Rob Weir wrote:

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Marcus (OOo)

As this is our first beta release at Apache, I would like to clarify
things before it's maybe too late to change the facts and to prepare

1. Target group

It is intended to be downloaded for the general public, right?

2. Hosting

We are planning to host the files at Sourceforge, right?

3. File names:

Of course the file names of the install files have to show a 

compared to the general release files. Suggestion:


*If* there is a need to publish another round, it could be extended
with a
number like:


4. Directory structure:

Is it OK to expect to use the same dir structure like we have
currently for

In general, yes, but please keep in mind that our Mac builds are now
64bit. I assume that the directories that contain the Mac downloads got
renamed (Servers are currently down so I can not check).

This is currently the complete path to the AOO 4.0.1 install files, 
example for English US: 

There is no part included to reflect the OS and I don't know of an 
idea to do so. Or have I misunderstood you?

Looks like I assumed wrong.  I had the directory structure of the 
snapshot builds in mind, which obviously differ from that of the release.
So we only keep in mind that the names of the Mac binaries change (not 
sure if that is relevant).



The above makes sense to me.

5. Download webpage:

Is it OK to expect to offer the download on our main download webpage?

If yes, I can build up a download offer like we have for the green
box. To
ease the download as best as possible.

I would not make this the default download option for users. We still
want most users to download AOO 4.0.1. So keep the first box on
/download.html as it is now.

Maybe a yellow box (yellow == caution) with language that makes it
clear that this is beta and gives the URL for reporting bugs.

Were you thinking of a language/platform switch logic for the beta?
Or just a link to a beta_other.html page with a table of links? If
we do the table, then we would have room on the same page to give a
prominent warning, a link to BZ, Release Notes, etc.





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Re: [Proposal] Update Icons for AOO 4.1

2014-02-17 Thread Andre Fischer

On 18.02.2014 04:36, Samer Mansour wrote:

I know for windows 48x48 is used in windows 8 in a lot of defaults.
I'm hoping I'm not too late to get the list of all icons sizes/formats
needed to finish this before the next release.
Anyone know when the next release is?

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 10:24 PM, Samer Mansour wrote:

cwiki is back up now

I've uploaded the application icons in a zip to
Scroll down to feb 17th, I went with my last design and did the final
pixel tweaking so anti-aliasing doesn't blur the pixels in the icons.
Its the circle with the gull and the context offset in the lower left

Samer, thanks for your work.  I have one remark and one (possibly 
stupid) question:

- The PNG icons for Calc have slight transparancy in their background 
color.  As this does not exist in the SVG nor in icons for other 
applications, I assume this is a mistake.

- Maybe I have missed this in a previous mail, but what does the @2 part 
of some of the icons mean?  Is that a Mac thing?



On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:

On 02/17/2014 08:41 AM, Samer Mansour wrote:

Sorry about this situation.

I will produce the following pngs for macOS today. The cwiki seems to be
down, so I can e-mail you the sources and finished products directly

icon_16...@2.png (32x32)
icon_32...@2.png (64x64)
icon_128x...@2.png (256x256)
icon_256x...@2.png (512x512)
icon_512x...@2.png (1024x1024)

Can you compile a list of formats we need? ie windows and mac, and what
ever else we need.

Hi Samer --
Since both wikis are currently down, can you put sources area somewhere so we could get to them?
We can do the rendering once we have the .svg files without any problem.

I think Jürgen is on vacation this week.

Thanks for all your wonderful work on these updates.

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 4:15 AM, Jürgen Schmidt


  On 12/16/13 10:19 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

On 12/13/13 6:37 AM, Samer Mansour wrote:

Just so you don't think I died in a fire. I'm just under a lot of

at my new workplace and I'm working weekends because we're flying by

edge of our seats at this start up.

I just ordered my family gifts online. I'm trying to get my priorities
right.  I will have this done before the new year.  Just need to

squeeze it
Hi Samer,

no pressure and your new job should have of course a higher prio.
for keeping us updated

I assume that we get no new icons for AOO 4.1, correct?

Maybe you can share the source files and somebody else is interested to
continue. I like the new icons and would like to see them in the office
as soon as possible.

Kind regards



On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 7:36 AM, Jürgen Schmidt


  On 11/23/13 6:45 PM, Samer Mansour wrote:

I think I found what we need with the following:





The application icons will have the bird and the circle branding.



application icon is 16x16 I will drop the gull.

The file icons are absolutely an improvement off the old file icons,


  that in mind.

I won't be placing the gulls in the file icons.  The file icon at



17x20 inside for the application context and that's being dedicated



I can have the rough icons ready in a week and a half.

just to ensure that we get all sizes we need

The main.icns file on MacOS contains

icon_16...@2.png (32x32)
icon_32...@2.png (64x64)
icon_128x...@2.png (256x256)
icon_256x...@2.png (512x512)
icon_512x...@2.png (1024x1024)


Samer Mansour

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Samer Mansour


  I've been so busy at work in the last week, let me set myself a

  to review this on Saturday and give everyone an update and propose



move forward.

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 4:47 AM, Jürgen Schmidt


  On 11/4/13 8:23 PM, Samer Mansour wrote:

This is just a reminder that this coming Nov 9th is the end of



window for list folk to submit ideas, whether in words or images.

After this date, I will compile the ideas and feedback.

Hi Samer,

any news on this? I believe we should integrate new icons as soon


Samer Mansour

On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 11:01 PM, Samer Mansour



I'm proposing to have the icons (and related assets) updated for



release. I would 

Re: Md5sum failed

2014-02-14 Thread Andre Fischer

On 14.02.2014 03:16, wrote:

Checksums do not match...  thought someone should know.

Can you provide more information?

Which file did you check?
Where did you download it from ?



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Re: User data storage

2014-02-14 Thread Andre Fischer

On 14.02.2014 08:52, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


On 13.02.2014 21:09, wrote:

I recommend the DevGuide [1] and the related configuration chapter. And
SDK contains a sample in Java that shows how to access the 

I'm new to this and has just recently completed my first build of the 

The code I'm looking at is C++ in the cui module and not Java. Is it not
right that Java is used for users to develop extensions and addins 
not for
correcting aoo bugs. My aim is to commit a bugfix to the aoo 
codebase. What
I am looking for is pointers into the C++ codebase where user 
is read and written. 

Some time ago I have written a simple class for accessing the configuration:

header: sd/source/ui/inc/tools/ConfigurationAccess.hxx
implementation: sd/source/ui/tools/ConfigurationAccess.cxx
used here: sd/source/framework/module/ModuleController.cxx
and here: sd/source/ui/sidebar/RecentlyUsedMasterPages.cxx

once you know the UNO intefaces to implement and services to use you can 
find other examples via OpenGrok 


Is this not the correct forum for aoo developers, but
aoo addin developers?

This is the general mailing list for AOO - it is the right place for 
your requests.

I think Jürgen pointed you to the DevGuide as the configuration is 
also available via the UNO-API and thus can be used by extension 
To get familiar with the configuration management this is a good 
start, I think.

You probably have to define a new schema first to store your data. For
testing you can do that via an extension and you can use Java to play
around with the API.

The same API is also available in the C++ code. Thus, the code used in 
an extension could be converted into C++ code.

Best regards, Oliver.




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Re: Getting started with development

2014-02-11 Thread Andre Fischer

On 10.02.2014 18:32, Pranet Verma wrote:

Thanks for the link.
I completed the build earlier, but i'm still not able to achieve the task
listed here

This is the exact change i made in the file(Accelerators.xcu): (after line
!-- Tutorial-1 --
node oor:name=T_MOD1 oor:op=replace
 prop oor:name=Commandvalue xml:lang=x-no-translateI10N
!--  --

2) Now the next steps says
*You can copy your changed Accelerators.xcu file directly into the install
directory (\
- Im unable to find this file. When they say install directory, Im assuming
they mean : opt/openoffice4/

Sadly, this information is outdated.

  So i tried the next option:

*Or, you can build the module and rebuild the installer (this assumed you
have previously fully built it, if not then just do the usual build --all
-P4 from the instsetoo module).*
Did this one i think. Just followed the building guide and got the software
running earlier. So far so good(I think)
*From the $SRCROOT\officecfg directory call build, then deliver to send
the changed Accelerators.xcu file to the solenv module.*
Im assuming this is: source/aoo-trunk/main/officecfg. There is no
option to call build or deliver (these are terminal commands here?)

The module postprocess/ has to be built, too. So, do

cd officecfg
cd ../postprocess
cd ../instsetoo_native

And install the new set of packages (I assume you are working on 
Linux).  The part that is missing from the Wiki page seems to be that 
several XCU files have to be combined into main.xcd (that is done in 
postprocess/).  You can skip building a new installation set

cd ../instsetoo_native

and just copy main.xcd into your installed office like

cd ..   # (to get back to main/)
cp solver/410/platform/xml/main.xcd 

where platform the content of the $INPATH environment variable and 
office-installation is something like /opt/openoffice4/

If you succeed then we can think about updating the Wiki page.


EDIT: i called
./bootstrap and then source LinuxX86Env.Set.sh
from main/ and then repeated the above step. It worked. Ouput:

deliver -- version: 275594
Module 'officecfg' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 247 files unchanged

*Then change to the instsetoo module and call build, then install.*
I dont need to do build -all here do I? I just used build, and it did

3)After installing when I run, the software and press ctrl+T nothing
Could you please tell me where I'm going wrong?

Thank You

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 10:43 PM, Rob Weir wrote:

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Pranet Verma

Could you please tell me how to get started with Open Office development?

I began by following this guide :
, but after building the source and installing the program when I reached
the first tutorial ( )


failed(I'm pretty sure i followed all the steps but ctrl+T just doesnt


like its supposed to) .
The page does seem to be outdated to me (considering some folder name and
syntax of files do not match with the guide, though i may be wrong), I


wondering if there was a better source to learn from.

I'm reasonably comfortable with c/c++ , and am pretty active in


programming, but developments new for me , so any help is appreciated.
Also, if possible could you direct me to modules using c/c++


Im open to learning new languages, but to start with I would prefer


in a familiar environment.

Hi Pranet,

Welcome to the Apache OpenOffice project!   I'd recommend taking a
look at our New Volunteer orientation pages for some useful background
on the project and how it works:

The page on getting started with development is the key one:

That will get you started on downloading the source code and doing
your first build of OpenOffice.  Getting a build running on Linux is
pretty easy.  Windows takes a bit more effort to set up the pre-reqs.
(I've never done a Mac build, but I hear it is easy as well).  Either
way, give it a try and post further messages if you get stuck.



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Re: Windows 8

2014-02-10 Thread Andre Fischer

On 08.02.2014 14:06, Varun Bezzam wrote:

Hi Everybody!
   I have noticed that the official Building on Windows page
does not have any information on Building For Windows 8. My laptop
runs Windows 8. Is this a problem? Should I install a different OS?

No, don't install a different OS :-)
But you may also want to look at [1] and [2].  And it would be great if 
you note anything that does not work on Windows 8 as described and how 
you solved it, so that we can add a section for Windows 8 to the wiki pages.



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Re: OpenOffice icons panels

2014-02-10 Thread Andre Fischer

On 09.02.2014 18:39, Απόστολος Συρόπουλος wrote:


I have recently built OpenOffice on Solaris. There are still some problems which
I try to sort out. One of them is that the panel with the File, Edit, etc menues
is empty and there are no icons on panel under this. In fact the whole upper 
is empty. Could you please let me know which package contains this images
etc and where they should go in the solver folder?

All I know is that the icons can be found in main/default_images and a 
few in main/ooo_custom_images and that the icons/images are processed in 
main/packimages into some sort of archive/texture map.

Menus and toolbars are described by XML files in 
main/module/uiconfig/*/menubar and main/module/uiconfig/*/toolbar.  
The implementation of toolbars is done in

 - vcl (low level)

- framework (high level)


Thank you!


Apostolos Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece

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Re: My self-build AOO starts and then closes immediately

2014-02-10 Thread Andre Fischer

On 08.02.2014 13:59, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi all,

I have build r1565724 as debug build. I have installed the resulted 
binaries administrative with setup -a. I can start it, but it closes 
immediately, without any error message. The folder 'user' is created, 
but the welcome screen does not appear. There are no remaining 
processes, it really closes.

A part of this is the normal behavior on the first start:
OpenOffice starts, shows the splash screen, does some initialization and 
at about 50% of the progress bar, it shuts down and restarts.

Looks like the restart does not work.

What happens when you start soffice.bin instead of soffice.exe ?


The daily build r1565724 from buildbot installs fine.

Any idea, what is wrong with my build?

Kind regards

My configure:
./configure \
 --with-directx-home=/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft DirectX SDK 
(June 2010) \
 --with-cl-home=/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 
9.0/VC \

 --disable-activex \
 --with-mozilla-build=/cygdrive/c/mozillabuild \
 --enable-dbgutil \
 --enable-category-b \
 --with-asm-home=/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 
9.0/VC/bin \

 --with-jdk-home=/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_38 \
 --with-ant-home=/ant \
 --with-mspdb-path=/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 
9.0/Common7/IDE \

 --without-junit \


 --without-fonts \
 --with-atl-include-dir=/cygdrive/c/WinDDK/7600.16385.1/inc/atl71 \
 --with-atl-lib-dir=/cygdrive/c/WinDDK/7600.16385.1/lib/ATL/i386 \
 --with-mfc-include-dir=/cygdrive/c/WinDDK/7600.16385.1/inc/mfc42 \
 --with-mfc-lib-dir=/cygdrive/c/WinDDK/7600.16385.1/lib/Mfc/i386 \
 --with-vendor=Regina_Henschel \
 --with-build-version=r1565610 2014_02_07

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Re: a mistake in drawingml.hxx?

2014-02-10 Thread Andre Fischer

On 10.02.2014 11:08, shzh zhao wrote:

in oox\inc\oox\export\drawingml.hxx
there is a line like
#include svx/escherex.hxx

if you search 'escherex.hxx' ,you can find it in filter/inc/filter/msfilter.

can anyone fix this bug in the code base?

I assume you found this while working on the OOXML export?  This makes 
you the one who can best fix it :-)  Probably the escherex.hxx file got 
moved from svx/ to filter/ after the OOXML code was written and later 
abandoned.  That would mean that the obvious fix is to replace

#include svx/escherex.hxx


#include filter/msfilter/escherex.hxx

But, at the moment, you are probably the only one who can judge whether that 
works or not.


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Re: Successful 1st Build!

2014-02-07 Thread Andre Fischer

On 06.02.2014 20:37, Tenzin Chhosphel wrote:

Hi all,
I had previously introduced myself and subscribed to the dev list with 
another email. But, I'll be using  this e-mail: from now on 
so I am reintroducing myself shortly. I am Tenzin Chhosphel from New York City. 
I am currently a computer science major at City College - CUNY, a rising 
senior. I have hands-on experience on multiple languages: C, Objective-C, Java, 
etc. but I primarily code in C++. I have successfully built OpenOffice on 
Ubuntu 12.04

Great.  Did you experience any problems that should be handled in the 
building guide?

and ready for coding, debugging, and woking. So what projects can I contribute, 
where can I get started?

OpenOffice has a wide range of features that include areas like 
graphics, text processing, numerical computations, database etc.  If you 
tell us a little about your interests and goals then we can probably 
find something for you to work on.



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Re: Solaris GCC or Sun Studio?

2014-02-07 Thread Andre Fischer

On 07.02.2014 11:32, Απόστολος Συρόπουλος wrote:


As far it regards Solaris,I have noticed that the building scripts of OpenOffice
assume that one is building with Sun Studio. This compiler is a bit outdated
and of course GCC is available for most platforms. Since LibreOffice has
removed support for Sun Studio, I guess it would be a goof idea to remove
support for Sun Studio. It adds complexity without reason. For example,
I tried to compile a module and it failed just because it assumed that
I was using Sun Studio.

Today that would be Oracle Solaris Studio, current version seems to be 

There is no buildbot for the Solaris version of OpenOffice and it is not 
tested.  So, in a sense, we have already dropped support for Solaris 
:-)  But there are others on this list that are currently doing a 
Solaris build.  Anybody still using  Sun|Oracle Studio?

By the way, is clang also available on Solaris?


Kind regards,

Apostols Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece

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Re: EXTERNAL: Re: OO 4.01 Compiled for Solaris 11 x86 Runtime Memory Fault

2014-02-06 Thread Andre Fischer

On 05.02.2014 20:02, Steele, Raymond wrote:


We are not seeing any exception before the actual crash. Maybe I am 
not looking in the right place, but we've been using dbx intercept 
command to track any. Any other suggestions?


there a few thing you can do to find out if this is a local problem 
(broken in the constructor) or something more fundamental that is 
possibly caused by an error that happened much earlier.

- Comment out the last few lines:
WeakReferenceSidebarController xWeakController (this);
That should tell us whether the crash is caused just by storing the weak 

The sidebar should still work in general but some updates may be lost.

- Replace the last few lines by this:
ReferenceSidebarController xThis (this, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE);
WeakReferenceSidebarController xWeakController (xThis);
That removes one (of two) acquire calls (I don't know yet why there is a 
second acquire,  after all the purpose of the weak reference is just 
/not/ to increase the reference count).

- Check the value of the reference count of 'SidebarController* this' 
(in OWeakObject::acquire, cppuhelper/source/weak.cxx) when line 168 of 
the SidebarController constructor is executed.

  In my case it is 3.


  Also, I've attached the stack trace of the first and second 
notifyContextChangeEvent.  They are different.

That is OK.  They should be different.  But the stack trace of the 
second call looks broken.  The top two frames (notifyContextChangeEvent 
being called from Reference constructor) indicate that something is very 
wrong, like the vtable overwritten or not fully created.  One 
explanation (although I cannot say how probable that is) could be that 
the Solaris compiler has not fully created/initialized the vtable in the 


*From:*Steele, Raymond
*Sent:* Wednesday, February 05, 2014 9:48 AM
*To:* ''; Herbert Duerr (;

*Cc:* Meffe, David K; ''
*Subject:* RE: EXTERNAL: Re: OO 4.01 Compiled for Solaris 11 x86 
Runtime Memory Fault

Hi Andre,

Thanks for the response. We are looking at that now.

In the constructor of SidebarController at line 168 
WeakReference..., on your system, does the code step to 
 Reference.h: Line 359 -- XInterface operator, as it does during our run?

It appears  that at runtime Reference.hxx: Line 136 - 
_pInterface-acquire()  that occurs after WeakReference..  does not 
 execute as it does after addContextChangeEventListener a few lines 
above WeakReference. Do you see a similar behavior?  Can you provide 
the first 5-10 steps your code takes after WeakReference (line 168)?

Here are the requested frames

cppuhelper3MSC.dll!cppu::OWeakObject::acquire()  Line 204 C++
cppuhelper3MSC.dll!cppu::WeakComponentImplHelperBase::acquire() Line 236 
+ 0x9 bytesC++
Line 70 + 0xc bytesC++
* pInterface)  Line 136 + 0x12 bytesC++
* pParentWindow, const 
rxFrame)  Line 168 + 0x12 bytesC++



*From:*Steele, Raymond
*Sent:* Tuesday, February 04, 2014 3:59 PM
Herbert Duerr (;

*Cc:* Meffe, David K
*Subject:* RE: EXTERNAL: Re: OO 4.01 Compiled for Solaris 11 x86 
Runtime Memory Fault


Raymond and I have been using the dbx debugger feature of Solaris 
Studio 12.3 with an equivalent throw/catch feature 
(intercept/whocatches) and have found that the cases where we tried to 
intercept exceptions, they were unhandled. This includes inside the 
SidebarController where we have tracked the problem origination. We 
have stepped through the code multiple times and while we have found 
that the problem originates in the SidebarController, we cannot 
explain how it happens.

Using the debug tool we see that the SidebarController constructor 
doesn't complete because the segmentation fault occurs when the 
notifyContextChangeEvent is called a second time. The first time it is 
called it is located in the addContextChangeEventListener where 

Re: About openxml handling code

2014-02-06 Thread Andre Fischer

On 03.02.2014 18:54, Mayur wrote:

Found something interesting. Writer seems to reject any graphics in OOXML
documents - even VML ones. But there does seem to be code to support it.
Only, if a couple of tiny glitches were fixed, possibly Writer will start
showing VML shapes (at least). That'd work for all the 2007 MS word
documents, as well as for some 2010 documents which would have the vml data
in their mc:Alternativecontent tags. Here're the problems:
   i.  A function getNamespace( )  in
oox/source/shape/ShapeContextHandler.cxx always returned 0. The problem
seems to be a
   rather strange looking definition of the NMSP_MASK constant in
oox/source/token/namespaces.hxx.tail. It says there:
*const sal_int32 TOKEN_MASK* = static_castsal_int32* ( (1 
16) - 1 );  *
*   const sal_Int32 NMSP_MASK   = static_cast sal_Int32 (

  Why SAL_MAX_INT16? That would translate into (for windows)
*  TOKEN_MASK = static_castlong(0x);  // 65535*
*and NMSP_MASK = static_castlong(0x7FFF  ~TOKEN_MASK). //
which is 0x7FFF  0x = 0.*
   Where as really, we should be looking for is the namespace value
which is in the higher two bytes. i.e. the following change fixes it.
*const sal_Int32 NMSP_MASK   = static_cast sal_Int32 (
That should set NMSP_MASK to the required 0x to obtain the
higher two bytes.

Good analysis.

To my mind, this sort of compactness isn't called for. Maybe, we
could have simply used a compact struct to store namespace and tag.

I always wondered why we keep namespace and token separable once they 
have been read into memory.  While the XML file is scanned it does makes 
sense to use the same token for names in different namespaces.  This 
keeps the number of tokens and thus the complexity of the scanner small 
(well, as small as possible).  But once we have the tag (namespace and 
name) in memory we should not have to extract namespace or name from a 
tag.  After all, if I have a name n in two namespaces a and b then a:n 
and b:n are two different things and we can use enum values a_n and b_n 
with arbitrary values to represent them.  But maybe I am missing something?


  ii. In oox/source/vml/vmldrawingfragment.cxx, there's a switch in the
function onCreateContext that says:
   if ( isRootElement() )  {... }

   Is this so that whenever a vml file is received as a separate
document fragment, only then we create a shape context? Why not for the
inline (v:rect or other) objects? I tried removing the check, and instead
checking simply if nElement is a VML, then vml drawings were suddenly
visible in writer.

Is this a valid fix?

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Andre Fischer wrote:

On 28.01.2014 13:47, Mayur wrote:


I am very new to the OpenOffice code, and need some help understanding the
open-xml handling code. Could someone please answer the following

   i. There seem to be two distinct pieces of code that do open-xml parsing
in different ways. There's one part in writerfilter that has some
generated code (xslt based) that provides factories and classes for
creating different object types. And then, for sc and sd, all of the
parsing code is in the oox module and seems to be hand-written. Why is
that? Are there plans to move the parsing code to a common module?
oox ...)

Re why: OOXML import has been developed while OpenOffice was maintained by
Sun, later Oracle.  There where at least three development teams involved
(for Writer, Calc, Draw/Impress). Sometimes they did not communicate with
each other as well as they should have.  Having different modules is one of
the results.  But, as far as I know, writerfilter has some calls into oox
for shared functionality.

Re future plans: Some of us are thinking about improving the OOXML
support.  Consolidation of the code base into one module is a long term

ii. Probably a related question - why are drawing-ml shapes and pictures
not supported in sw, while they are supported in sc and sd? The parsing
code seems to be there. The tag wps:wsp has very little delta with the
tag. Is this in works?

Well, see my above comments.
And, parsing OOXML is the easy part, importing the data into the
application model is the hard part.  Calc and Impress use the same model
for representing graphical objects, Writer has its own.

If you are interested in OOXML import/export then maybe we can work
together on improving it?



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Re: EXTERNAL: Re: OO 4.01 Compiled for Solaris 11 x86 Runtime Memory Fault

2014-02-05 Thread Andre Fischer

On 04.02.2014 23:58, Steele, Raymond wrote:


Raymond and I have been using the dbx debugger feature of Solaris Studio 12.3 
with an equivalent throw/catch feature (intercept/whocatches) and have found 
that the cases where we tried to intercept exceptions, they were unhandled. 
This includes inside the SidebarController where we have tracked the problem 
origination. We have stepped through the code multiple times and while we have 
found that the problem originates in the SidebarController, we cannot explain 
how it happens.

Hi, my name is Andre.  I am the one who wrote the sidebar framework.   I 
don't know if I can help (I can not reproduce this problem on a platform 
which I have access to) but I will try.

Which exceptions (before the actual crash) do you see?

Using the debug tool we see that the SidebarController constructor doesn't 
complete because the segmentation fault occurs when the 
notifyContextChangeEvent is called a second time. The first time it is called 
it is located in the addContextChangeEventListener where it appears to work as 
expected, even the acquire function appears to call the 
ContextChangeEventMultiplexer without any errors.

The following lines are what we see as we step-by-step through the execution of 
the SidebarController.cxx constructor when we select the Spreadsheet or the 
Text Document.

The first time the notifyContextChangeEvent is called:

SidebarController: Line 147 - addContextChangeEventListener is called

Reference.h: Line 359 - XInterface operator - is called

Reference.h: Line 217 - castFromXInterface is called

Reference.hxx: Line 134 - castToXInterface is called

Reference.h: Line 232 - function castToXInterface

Reference.hxx: Line 135 - if(_pInterface)

Reference.hxx: Line 136 - _pInterface-acquire();

compbase4.hxx: Line 70- WeakComponentHelperBase::acquire prototype

implbase.hxx: Line 236 - WeakObject::acquire definition

-  ContextChangeEventMultiplexer receives and processes event.

-  In ContextChangeEventMultiplexer addContextChangeEventListener 
adds and calls the notifyContextChangeEvent

-  SidebarController::notifyContextChangeEvent: Line 257 is called. 
The rEvent associated with the notifyContextChangeEvent is a valid address

-  The rEvent STRUCT contains the application name and context name 

Context.cxx: Line 51 - msContext(rsContext)

ustring.hxx: Line103 - pData = str.pData

-  Processing continues as normal from this point till line 168 of 

The second time the notifyContextChangeEvent is called:

I checked what is happening on Windows:

- there should be exactly one call to the SidebarController constructor 
per application window.  The constructor is called from the 
SidebarDockingWindow constructor.  A second call, as described in your 
earlier mail should not take place.  Can you check the stack trace of 
that second call and see who makes that call?

- While in the constructor of SidebarController I see only one call to 
notifyContextChangeEvent().  As you found out it is triggered by the 
SidebarController registering itself as listener (it is being informed 
of the current context). The second call (while inside the constructor) 
is not necessarily an error but I would like to know what triggers it.  
The second call that I see is triggered after the SidebarController is 
constructed and is made (indirectly) from SfxViewFrame::DoActivate().  
Can you show me the stack trace of that second call?

SidebarController: Line 168 - the xWeakController(this) is called

Reference.hxx: Line 134 - castToXInterface is called

Reference.h: Line 232 - function castToXInterface

Reference.hxx: Line 135 - if(_pInterface)

Reference.hxx: Line 136 - _pInterface-acquire(); (Why does this not behave 
like the first call above? Should there be a call to 
WeakComponentHelperBase::acuire? The next step appears to skip all these 

SidebarController::notifyContextChangeEvent: Line 257 is called, the rEvent is 
pointing to a reference that cannot be accessed.

-  The dbx dump has an rEvent = STRUCT

-  The dbx print of the rEvent says that it is referenced through a 
nil pointer

Context.cxx: Line 51 - msContext(rsContext)

ustring.hxx: Line103 - pData = str.pData

-  Accessing the pData in the string has been corrupted and causes 
the following Segmentation Fault:

-  Signal SEGV(no mapping at the fault address) in 
rtl::OUString::OUString at line 103 in file ustring.hxx

We are trying to do our due diligence on this problem and we have been 
investigating it as best we can, but we are lacking in knowledge that the 
community can provide, which is why we are seeking help. Also the errors don't 
seem to make sense, so we believe we are dealing with a bug. We hope we are not 
being an inconvenience, and we definitely appreciate the help. We are 

Re: Bottom up build

2014-01-31 Thread Andre Fischer

On 30.01.2014 23:10, Rob Weir wrote:

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 4:18 AM, Andre Fischer wrote:

I would like to report some observations that I made when thinking about how
to make building OpenOffice with one global makefile feasible.  It will
probably the last of build related mails in the near future.

Traditional make uses a top-down approach.  It starts with a target, 'all'
by default, and looks at its dependencies.  When one of those has to be made
or is newer then the target then the target also has to be made.  This is
done recursively and depth-first.  Every file on which 'all' has a direct or
indirect dependency has to be checked.  If we would build OpenOffice with
one makefile (included makefiles don't count) then that are a lot of files
to check.  There are about 9800 cxx files, 3500 c files, 12000 hxx files,
and lot of external headers.  Checking the modification time of so many
files is one of the reasons for the delay in , say, sw/ between starting
make and its first action.

As I don't have all global dependencies in a format that would allow
experimation, I tried how long it would take to get the mtime (time of last
modification) for all files, source, generated, compiled, linked, about
12.  I wrote a small Java program for that.  With a warm cache that
takes about 23s.  When run in 4 threads this reduced to less than 8s.  Could
be worse.

But it also could be better because in general there are only a few files
modified, usually files that you modified yourself in an editor.  There is
another approach, introduced, as far as I know, by the tup [1] build tool,
that is bottom up.  If you had something similar to the oracle of complexity
theory, that gave you the list of modified files since the last build, you
could find the depending files much faster.  Faster for two reasons.
Firstly, there is only one path in the dependency tree up towards the root
(while there are many down from the root).  Only targets on this path are
affected by the modified file. Secondly, the dependency analysis is
comparatively cheap.  The expensive part is to determine the file
modification times.  If they where miraculously given then even the top-down
approach would not take noticably longer.

So I made another experiment to see if such an oracle can be created.  Java
7 has the java.nio.file.WatchService that lets you monitor file
modfifications in one directory.  I registered it to all directories in our
source tree (some 16000 directories).  With the WatchService in place every
file modification can be recorded and stored for later.  On the next build
you only have to check the set of modified files, not all files.
Registering the directory watchers takes a couple of seconds but after that
it does not cause any noticeable CPU activity. Any file modifications are
reported almost at once.  I do not have the framework in place to start a
build with this information but I would expect it to be as fast as compiling
the modified files and linking takes.

The tup website references a paper [2] in which the established top-down
approaches are called alpha alogithms and the new bottom-up approach is
called beta algorithm. Tup has implemented a file modification watcher (in C
or C++) only for Linux.  On Windows it just scans all files (for which it
needs a little more time than my Java program, maybe it does not use more
than one thread).

This is something that we should keep in mind for when we ever should get a
build solution with global dependencies and this build tool would turn out
to be too slow.

If can find the source code of my Java experiments at [3]. If nothing else
you can see an application of the ForkJoinPool that allowed my to write the
parallel file system scan in just a few lines.  There is also an alternative
implementation that uses the ExecutorService (with a fixed thread pool)
which needs a few more lines of code.  And there is of course the use of the

Has anyone read this book?

It was on my list to read for many years.   From what I've seen it
suggests design approaches to the improve build times.  So things that
go beyond what you can do by just changing build files, more
fundamental changes to how interfaces are defined.

I have not but I might, thanks for the hint.

I agree that improving our software design is always a good idea but I 
would not change our design just to make the build faster.  Many of our 
code related problems are caused by the design and the limitations of 
the build system.   Examples are the individual building of directories 
(in dmake modules) and creation of one library per directory or by the 
many ugly tricks that avoid becoming incompatible (the need to compile 
files in other modules).

Otherwise I wonder if we're trying to optimize a bubble sort?

I would smile about this if I had not seen a handcrafted sort algorithm 
in our build scripts

Re: scripts to assist in editing helpcontent2

2014-01-30 Thread Andre Fischer

On 30.01.2014 09:10, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


On 30.01.2014 02:34, Kay Schenk wrote:

I decided to assist with the task of adding help information the four
functions added to scalc some time ago
  (see mail thread:

so I fist tracked down the help files in which to add the 
information. Then

a major stumbling block -- how to create the needed header ids, bookmark
ids, paragraph ids for my proposed additions.

I ended up constructing a  script that went through all the help 
files and

culled out the ids that had already been used producing 3 little files
corresponding to header ids, bookmark ids and paragraph ids, thinking 

ones could be chosen using these lists. Really crazy results -- not all
nice numerical id sequences but oh well.

Anyway, where's a good place for this if someone else needs to use 
them? I

think the wiki takes attachments? Should I just upload there along with
some instructions for use?

What about ?

If the script would make our build easier then it might also go to 


Best regards, Oliver

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Building on Mac

2014-01-30 Thread Andre Fischer
Yesterday I was trying to make a new build on OSX.  I have not used this 
platform for a while so I instead of updating my SVN repository, I 
cloned the new GIT repository.  That went as smooth as expected (thanks 
to everybody involved setting it up).  But my configure failed.  It 
complained that there was no xcode installed.  This is probably due to 
the transition from 32bit to 64 bit. The only information I found about 
what to do is a short notice regarding build requirements [1].  That 
brought me as far as asking me for my Apple Developer Id.  I have one, 
but not readily available, so I can not continue right now.

So, I have some questions:

1. Is it possible to build on OSX with only freely available tools (that 
don't require registration)?

2. Is there anybody with access to a Mac who is willing to extend the 
building guide to cover OSX?
   [2] and [3] describe in some detail how to build OpenOffice on 
Windows and Linux (in its Ubuntu flavor) but hardly a word on OSX.  Is 
there another page buried in our Wiki?

3. I remember that I also had to set up macports [4] for some frequently 
used shell commands (I think) but that is not mentioned anywhere in the 
building guide.  Is it not needed anymore?

I think that it is not enough that it is theoretically possible to build 
OpenOffice on Mac OSX.  It should also be documented in a public place 
so that everybody can do it.





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Re: Building on Mac

2014-01-30 Thread Andre Fischer

On 30.01.2014 10:24, Herbert Duerr wrote:

On 30.01.2014 09:40, Andre Fischer wrote:

1. Is it possible to build on OSX with only freely available tools (that
don't require registration)?

Apple's XCode development environment is available for free in either 
their app store or in their downloads for developers area. Apple 
requires a registrations for both.

Instead of free I should have used the word open as in open source. 
Registration seems not to be compatible with that concept.

Since an Xcode download is a plain disk-image file that could be 
easily redistributed there might be alternative channels for them, but 
I'd strongly recommend to use the reliable and legal download 
locations from the original provider Apple. If there are direct 
download links at Apple that don't require registration then they are 
not well publicized. If anyone knows such a link please provide it.

I am not asking for ways around the registration.  I am asking for 
alternatives that maybe do not come from Apple.  Does macports provide a 
gcc/clang compiler?

2. Is there anybody with access to a Mac who is willing to extend the
building guide to cover OSX?
[2] and [3] describe in some detail how to build OpenOffice on
Windows and Linux (in its Ubuntu flavor) but hardly a word on OSX.

Once XCode is installed it's just the plain generic svn-checkout, 
configure and build steps documented in [1]. The good thing about 
XCode is that it provides all that's needed.

So?  The same is true for Linux and Windows and we still have detailed 
building guides for them.

3. I remember that I also had to set up macports [4] for some frequently
used shell commands (I think) but that is not mentioned anywhere in the
building guide.  Is it not needed anymore?

I don't have macports or fink installed and can build just fine. All 
our build requirements are covered by Xcode.

Of course these tool sets provide a lot of value, e.g. if anyone 
prefers to write his helper scripts in e.g. Lisp then macports is a 
good way to get a lisp interpreter for free. But our build doesn't 
require any of this.

Ah, I didn't know that.

I think that it is not enough that it is theoretically possible to build
OpenOffice on Mac OSX.  It should also be documented in a public place
so that everybody can do it.

Get XCode 4.5 and install it.

What about the ... or later on the build requirements page.  The 
referenced download page offers by default XCode 5.  Does that work?

Do the generic AOO build [1].


By the way, I'm working on enabling an AOO build with newer XCode 
versions, that no longer provide a 10.7 SDK.

I'd suggest to not give up so easily. If a download requires a 
registration then annoying as it may be, it is nothing a reasonably 
experienced developer cannot handle. Even Mac newbies often manage to 
get things from the App Store.

Not without their passwords.

And you are right, I am not an experienced developer on the Mac 
platform.   More reason to have proper documentation.  I still have not 
given up hope that sometime somebody will provide it.



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Bottom up build

2014-01-29 Thread Andre Fischer
I would like to report some observations that I made when thinking about 
how to make building OpenOffice with one global makefile feasible.  It 
will probably the last of build related mails in the near future.

Traditional make uses a top-down approach.  It starts with a target, 
'all' by default, and looks at its dependencies.  When one of those has 
to be made or is newer then the target then the target also has to be 
made.  This is done recursively and depth-first.  Every file on which 
'all' has a direct or indirect dependency has to be checked.  If we 
would build OpenOffice with one makefile (included makefiles don't 
count) then that are a lot of files to check.  There are about 9800 cxx 
files, 3500 c files, 12000 hxx files, and lot of external headers.  
Checking the modification time of so many files is one of the reasons 
for the delay in , say, sw/ between starting make and its first action.

As I don't have all global dependencies in a format that would allow 
experimation, I tried how long it would take to get the mtime (time of 
last modification) for all files, source, generated, compiled, linked, 
about 12.  I wrote a small Java program for that.  With a warm cache 
that takes about 23s.  When run in 4 threads this reduced to less than 
8s.  Could be worse.

But it also could be better because in general there are only a few 
files modified, usually files that you modified yourself in an editor.  
There is another approach, introduced, as far as I know, by the tup [1] 
build tool, that is bottom up.  If you had something similar to the 
oracle of complexity theory, that gave you the list of modified files 
since the last build, you could find the depending files much faster.  
Faster for two reasons. Firstly, there is only one path in the 
dependency tree up towards the root (while there are many down from the 
root).  Only targets on this path are affected by the modified file. 
Secondly, the dependency analysis is comparatively cheap.  The expensive 
part is to determine the file modification times.  If they where 
miraculously given then even the top-down approach would not take 
noticably longer.

So I made another experiment to see if such an oracle can be created.  
Java 7 has the java.nio.file.WatchService that lets you monitor file 
modfifications in one directory.  I registered it to all directories in 
our source tree (some 16000 directories).  With the WatchService in 
place every file modification can be recorded and stored for later.  On 
the next build you only have to check the set of modified files, not all 
files.  Registering the directory watchers takes a couple of seconds but 
after that it does not cause any noticeable CPU activity. Any file 
modifications are reported almost at once.  I do not have the framework 
in place to start a build with this information but I would expect it to 
be as fast as compiling the modified files and linking takes.

The tup website references a paper [2] in which the established top-down 
approaches are called alpha alogithms and the new bottom-up approach is 
called beta algorithm. Tup has implemented a file modification watcher 
(in C or C++) only for Linux.  On Windows it just scans all files (for 
which it needs a little more time than my Java program, maybe it does 
not use more than one thread).

This is something that we should keep in mind for when we ever should 
get a build solution with global dependencies and this build tool would 
turn out to be too slow.

If can find the source code of my Java experiments at [3]. If nothing 
else you can see an application of the ForkJoinPool that allowed my to 
write the parallel file system scan in just a few lines.  There is also 
an alternative implementation that uses the ExecutorService (with a 
fixed thread pool) which needs a few more lines of code.  And there is 
of course the use of the WatchService.



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Re: switch trunk from Mac 32bit to 64bit

2014-01-28 Thread Andre Fischer

On 28.01.2014 23:18, Marcus (OOo) wrote:

Am 12/19/2013 05:58 PM, schrieb jan i:

On 19 December 2013 17:29, Herbert  wrote:

The new Mac port looks quite good. I uploaded a current version to 
my page
[1]. Jürgen already mentioned it will only work for OSX 10.7 and up. 
It is

based on todays trunk, which already contains a lot of fixes and
enhancements compared to our latest release. For details you can have a
look at our progress tracking page [2].


In the early days of next year I plan to update our trunk so the new 
becomes active. To build it yourself you'll need XCode4 then. XCode4 

with the 10.7 SDK.

+1 the wiki build instructions should also be updated.

I've created a new webpage for sys reqs:

Thanks, great work.
Maybe we should not state so prominently that we are not Windows 8 
certified.  We don't have the goal to be and probably never will. As far 
as I know we also not certified on any other Windows, or any other OS.


Of course it is not yet linked from somewhere.


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Re: Capstone project and new build

2014-01-28 Thread Andre Fischer

On 28.01.2014 10:39, jan i wrote:


Last week the capstone project managed to completely generate a module
(hwpfilter) without using build and/or makefiles. It is all done in a
visual studio solution.

That is really good news.  Thank you and everybody involved for your 
great work.

Do you have a link to your changes?  I would like to see what you have done.


The next targets are:
1) expand the solution to multiple modules (this is more or less just work)
2) define a xslt that generates a Makefile (we have tested that we can
store the extra information needed in the vxproj file)
3) Define a way to set common defines in all vxproj files (most likely a
4) Document the new system.

The project started with 4 students, 1 left the project and 1 is less
active, however the remaining 2 really do a good job.

We have defined the branch capstone, but only use it locally and to merge
from trunk, so at this point in time the solution is not available.

jan I.

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Re: About openxml handling code

2014-01-28 Thread Andre Fischer

On 28.01.2014 13:47, Mayur wrote:


I am very new to the OpenOffice code, and need some help understanding the
open-xml handling code. Could someone please answer the following

  i. There seem to be two distinct pieces of code that do open-xml parsing
in different ways. There's one part in writerfilter that has some
generated code (xslt based) that provides factories and classes for
creating different object types. And then, for sc and sd, all of the
parsing code is in the oox module and seems to be hand-written. Why is
that? Are there plans to move the parsing code to a common module? (perhaps
oox ...)

Re why: OOXML import has been developed while OpenOffice was maintained 
by Sun, later Oracle.  There where at least three development teams 
involved (for Writer, Calc, Draw/Impress). Sometimes they did not 
communicate with each other as well as they should have.  Having 
different modules is one of the results.  But, as far as I know, 
writerfilter has some calls into oox for shared functionality.

Re future plans: Some of us are thinking about improving the OOXML 
support.  Consolidation of the code base into one module is a long term 

ii. Probably a related question - why are drawing-ml shapes and pictures
not supported in sw, while they are supported in sc and sd? The parsing
code seems to be there. The tag wps:wsp has very little delta with the p:sp
tag. Is this in works?

Well, see my above comments.
And, parsing OOXML is the easy part, importing the data into the 
application model is the hard part.  Calc and Impress use the same model 
for representing graphical objects, Writer has its own.

If you are interested in OOXML import/export then maybe we can work 
together on improving it?



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Re: Capstone project and new build

2014-01-28 Thread Andre Fischer

On 29.01.2014 08:53, jan i wrote:

On 29 January 2014 08:46, Andre Fischer wrote:

On 28.01.2014 10:39, jan i wrote:


Last week the capstone project managed to completely generate a module
(hwpfilter) without using build and/or makefiles. It is all done in a
visual studio solution.

That is really good news.  Thank you and everybody involved for your great
Do you have a link to your changes?  I would like to see what you have

At the moment I keep the actual files of the radar, because it undergoes
rapid changes. However I think we see each other at the end of the week and
there I can show you and we can discuss my makefile idea.

That is good enough for me :-)
See you in Brussels.


jan I.

The project started with 4 students, 1 left the project and 1 is less
active, however the remaining 2 really do a good job.

We have defined the branch capstone, but only use it locally and to merge
from trunk, so at this point in time the solution is not available.

jan I.


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Re: Building sw/ with ninja

2014-01-24 Thread Andre Fischer

On 23.01.2014 19:23, Kay Schenk wrote:

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 5:32 AM, Andre Fischer wrote:

Not quite a week ago I wrote about an idea to use XML files to store the
declarative part of our makefiles: dependencies of libraries on source
files, which resources are to be created and so on.  In the meantime I have
found the time to do make (conduct?) an experiment.  I am now able to build
module sw from the XML files with the help of the ninja build 'system' [3].
  Most of the work of converting the XML files into one single
file was done on one weekend.  You can see the source code at [1] ([2]
contains everything zipped together).

I think link [2] needs to be:


instead of --

Yes, thank you.

I am looking forward to checking this out.

Great, but please be aware that this is just an experiment.  At the 
moment it only works on Windows.


The results are promising.  It runs faster and the generator
looks more maintainable than our solenv/gbuild/... makefiles.  But I am
certainly biased.
Before I give you some numbers, I should say that I have collected the
numbers totally unscientifically and it may be necessary to add some
missing steps to the ninja build.  To the best of my knowledge all C++
files are compiled, libraries linked, resource files built, XML files
copied.  Only the single sw.component file somehow escaped.

I ran my experiments on ani7 2.2GHz, 8GB notebook.

Complete build of a clean module:
 gbuild about 9m30s (make -sr -j8)
 ninja  about 7m15s (ninja)

Cleaning up
 gbuild about 40s   (make clean)
 ninja  less then 1s(ninja -t clean)

rebuild after touching one single header (sw/inc/section.hxx)
 gbuild about 1m10s (make -sr -j8)
 ninja about50s (ninja)

Building an already built module (nothing to do): depends very much on
whether the disk cache is warm or cold.  Best times:
 gbuild   more than 3s (make -sr -j8)
 ninjaabout 0.4s(ninja)

Why is ninja faster than make/gbuild?
- Make runs each recipe in its own shell (bash), ninja executes its
command directly.
- Ninja understands the header dependencies created by gxx/clang and msvc
and stores them in a compact format that can be read in very fast on
- I avoided some steps of build that are unnecessary in ninja
   = Ninja creates directories for the targets it makes.  Gbuild creates
them explicitly.
   = GBuild first creates empty dependency files and later, in a second
step, fills them with the actual dependency information created by one of
the C/C++ compilers.

But, for me, these numbers are just a welcome side effect.  More important
to me is maintainability.
Ninja follows a very different approach from (GNU) make.  Its lack of even
simplest control structures such as if/then/else or foreach, requires the
generation of the main makefile (by default that is called by
program or script.  This leads to my current approach:
- Use XML to represent the static data (C++ files, libraries, resource
files, XML files).
- Use a Perl script to translate the XML files into the file.
The best tool for each job (XML: data representation, Perl: data
processing).  Instead of Perl we could use any language that is part of our
current build requirements (Java, C/C++, Python (we would have to compile
that first, though)).  Look at the Perl files in [1] or [2]
(build/source/ninja/*pm) and compare them to solenv/gbuild/*mk and see
which you can understand better.

I think this could be one way to set up a better maintainable build system
that is even slightly faster then what we currently have.

Best regards,


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Re: My Windows Build Settings

2014-01-23 Thread Andre Fischer

On 23.01.2014 15:31, Rob Weir wrote:

I've noticed a few questions recently about getting a Windows build
environment set up.  I'm not the world's greatest expert on this, but
I was able to get a build running. If I can do it, then anyone can do
it ;-)

This was on a Windows 7 32-bit system, a clean OS install, with all
current Windows patches.  No VC++ installed, just the free SDK.

Here are the commands I used, after installing the pre-req's:



SDK_PATH=/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v7.0


./configure --with-frame-home=$SDK_PATH --with-psdk-home=$SDK_PATH
--with-midl-path=$SDK_PATH/bin --with-directx-home=C:/Program
Files/Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)
--enable-pch --disable-atl --disable-activex  --disable-binfilter

You don't need --disable-binfilter anymore, binfilter has been removed.
You also don't need --with-epm-url, epm is a *nix tool.
Better use --with-nsis-path to create the EXE installer.
Add --enable-category-b and --enable-bundled-dictionaries if you want 
the full feature set of OpenOffice.




cd instsetoo_native/

build --all




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Re: Reporting a problem with the OpenOffice website

2014-01-23 Thread Andre Fischer

On 23.01.2014 13:50, Sune Drougge wrote:

My problem is with BASE.
On opening a database BASE is indicating that I have 40 items and it
indicate this as: 40*
There are more items in the database and when pressing the button for last
item ( | ) the rest of the items are shown.
Can you help me or direct me to anyone that can?

This is a know bug or a known feature, depending on who you ask [1] ( I 
tend to see it as a bug).

The * means that the total number of the table rows is not yet known.

I am sorry that I can not be of more help.



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Building sw/ with ninja

2014-01-22 Thread Andre Fischer
Not quite a week ago I wrote about an idea to use XML files to store the 
declarative part of our makefiles: dependencies of libraries on source 
files, which resources are to be created and so on.  In the meantime I 
have found the time to do make (conduct?) an experiment.  I am now able 
to build module sw from the XML files with the help of the ninja build 
'system' [3].  Most of the work of converting the XML files into one 
single file was done on one weekend.  You can see the source 
code at [1] ([2] contains everything zipped together).

The results are promising.  It runs faster and the generator 
looks more maintainable than our solenv/gbuild/... makefiles.  But I am 
certainly biased.
Before I give you some numbers, I should say that I have collected the 
numbers totally unscientifically and it may be necessary to add some 
missing steps to the ninja build.  To the best of my knowledge all C++ 
files are compiled, libraries linked, resource files built, XML files 
copied.  Only the single sw.component file somehow escaped.

I ran my experiments on ani7 2.2GHz, 8GB notebook.

Complete build of a clean module:
gbuild about 9m30s (make -sr -j8)
ninja  about 7m15s (ninja)

Cleaning up
gbuild about 40s   (make clean)
ninja  less then 1s(ninja -t clean)

rebuild after touching one single header (sw/inc/section.hxx)
gbuild about 1m10s (make -sr -j8)
ninja about50s (ninja)

Building an already built module (nothing to do): depends very much on 
whether the disk cache is warm or cold.  Best times:

gbuild   more than 3s (make -sr -j8)
ninjaabout 0.4s(ninja)

Why is ninja faster than make/gbuild?
- Make runs each recipe in its own shell (bash), ninja executes its 
command directly.
- Ninja understands the header dependencies created by gxx/clang and 
msvc and stores them in a compact format that can be read in very fast 
on startup.

- I avoided some steps of build that are unnecessary in ninja
  = Ninja creates directories for the targets it makes.  Gbuild creates 
them explicitly.
  = GBuild first creates empty dependency files and later, in a second 
step, fills them with the actual dependency information created by one 
of the C/C++ compilers.

But, for me, these numbers are just a welcome side effect.  More 
important to me is maintainability.
Ninja follows a very different approach from (GNU) make.  Its lack of 
even simplest control structures such as if/then/else or foreach, 
requires the generation of the main makefile (by default that is called by program or script.  This leads to my current approach:
- Use XML to represent the static data (C++ files, libraries, resource 
files, XML files).

- Use a Perl script to translate the XML files into the file.
The best tool for each job (XML: data representation, Perl: data 
processing).  Instead of Perl we could use any language that is part of 
our current build requirements (Java, C/C++, Python (we would have to 
compile that first, though)).  Look at the Perl files in [1] or [2] 
(build/source/ninja/*pm) and compare them to solenv/gbuild/*mk and see 
which you can understand better.

I think this could be one way to set up a better maintainable build 
system that is even slightly faster then what we currently have.

Best regards,


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Re: Building sw/ with ninja

2014-01-22 Thread Andre Fischer

On 22.01.2014 14:45, Rob Weir wrote:

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 8:32 AM, Andre Fischer wrote:

Not quite a week ago I wrote about an idea to use XML files to store the
declarative part of our makefiles: dependencies of libraries on source
files, which resources are to be created and so on.  In the meantime I have
found the time to do make (conduct?) an experiment.  I am now able to build
module sw from the XML files with the help of the ninja build 'system' [3].
Most of the work of converting the XML files into one single
file was done on one weekend.  You can see the source code at [1] ([2]
contains everything zipped together).

The results are promising.  It runs faster and the generator
looks more maintainable than our solenv/gbuild/... makefiles.  But I am
certainly biased.
Before I give you some numbers, I should say that I have collected the
numbers totally unscientifically and it may be necessary to add some missing
steps to the ninja build.  To the best of my knowledge all C++ files are
compiled, libraries linked, resource files built, XML files copied.  Only
the single sw.component file somehow escaped.

I ran my experiments on ani7 2.2GHz, 8GB notebook.

Complete build of a clean module:
 gbuild about 9m30s (make -sr -j8)
 ninja  about 7m15s (ninja)

Cleaning up
 gbuild about 40s   (make clean)
 ninja  less then 1s(ninja -t clean)

rebuild after touching one single header (sw/inc/section.hxx)
 gbuild about 1m10s (make -sr -j8)
 ninja about50s (ninja)

Building an already built module (nothing to do): depends very much on
whether the disk cache is warm or cold.  Best times:
 gbuild   more than 3s (make -sr -j8)
 ninjaabout 0.4s(ninja)

Why is ninja faster than make/gbuild?
- Make runs each recipe in its own shell (bash), ninja executes its command
- Ninja understands the header dependencies created by gxx/clang and msvc
and stores them in a compact format that can be read in very fast on
- I avoided some steps of build that are unnecessary in ninja
   = Ninja creates directories for the targets it makes.  Gbuild creates them
   = GBuild first creates empty dependency files and later, in a second step,
fills them with the actual dependency information created by one of the
C/C++ compilers.

But, for me, these numbers are just a welcome side effect.  More important
to me is maintainability.
Ninja follows a very different approach from (GNU) make.  Its lack of even
simplest control structures such as if/then/else or foreach, requires the
generation of the main makefile (by default that is called by
program or script.  This leads to my current approach:
- Use XML to represent the static data (C++ files, libraries, resource
files, XML files).
- Use a Perl script to translate the XML files into the file.
The best tool for each job (XML: data representation, Perl: data
processing).  Instead of Perl we could use any language that is part of our
current build requirements (Java, C/C++, Python (we would have to compile
that first, though)).  Look at the Perl files in [1] or [2]
(build/source/ninja/*pm) and compare them to solenv/gbuild/*mk and see which
you can understand better.

I think this could be one way to set up a better maintainable build system
that is even slightly faster then what we currently have.

Do you get a sense for how well-maintained Ninja is?  Are there many
contributors?  Many users?

I only know that it was developed by/for the chrome project [4] and that 
cmake has support for ninja as back end.

Are we confident it will be around in 5
years?   I worry (but only a little) of another DMake.

Then I probably should not tell you that I may make a similar experiment 
with tup as backend.




Best regards,


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Re: Building sw/ with ninja

2014-01-22 Thread Andre Fischer

On 22.01.2014 14:58, Andre Fischer wrote:

On 22.01.2014 14:45, Rob Weir wrote:
On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 8:32 AM, Andre Fischer 
Not quite a week ago I wrote about an idea to use XML files to store 

declarative part of our makefiles: dependencies of libraries on source
files, which resources are to be created and so on.  In the meantime 
I have
found the time to do make (conduct?) an experiment.  I am now able 
to build
module sw from the XML files with the help of the ninja build 
'system' [3].
Most of the work of converting the XML files into one single

file was done on one weekend.  You can see the source code at [1] ([2]
contains everything zipped together).

The results are promising.  It runs faster and the 

looks more maintainable than our solenv/gbuild/... makefiles. But I am
certainly biased.
Before I give you some numbers, I should say that I have collected the
numbers totally unscientifically and it may be necessary to add some 
steps to the ninja build.  To the best of my knowledge all C++ files 
compiled, libraries linked, resource files built, XML files copied.  

the single sw.component file somehow escaped.

I ran my experiments on ani7 2.2GHz, 8GB notebook.

Complete build of a clean module:
 gbuild about 9m30s (make -sr -j8)
 ninja  about 7m15s (ninja)

Cleaning up
 gbuild about 40s   (make clean)
 ninja  less then 1s(ninja -t clean)

rebuild after touching one single header (sw/inc/section.hxx)
 gbuild about 1m10s (make -sr -j8)
 ninja about50s (ninja)

Building an already built module (nothing to do): depends very much on
whether the disk cache is warm or cold.  Best times:
 gbuild   more than 3s (make -sr -j8)
 ninjaabout 0.4s(ninja)

Why is ninja faster than make/gbuild?
- Make runs each recipe in its own shell (bash), ninja executes its 

- Ninja understands the header dependencies created by gxx/clang and 

and stores them in a compact format that can be read in very fast on
- I avoided some steps of build that are unnecessary in ninja
   = Ninja creates directories for the targets it makes. Gbuild 
creates them

   = GBuild first creates empty dependency files and later, in a 
second step,

fills them with the actual dependency information created by one of the
C/C++ compilers.

But, for me, these numbers are just a welcome side effect. More 

to me is maintainability.
Ninja follows a very different approach from (GNU) make.  Its lack 
of even
simplest control structures such as if/then/else or foreach, 
requires the
generation of the main makefile (by default that is called by

program or script.  This leads to my current approach:
- Use XML to represent the static data (C++ files, libraries, resource
files, XML files).
- Use a Perl script to translate the XML files into the 

The best tool for each job (XML: data representation, Perl: data
processing).  Instead of Perl we could use any language that is part 
of our
current build requirements (Java, C/C++, Python (we would have to 

that first, though)).  Look at the Perl files in [1] or [2]
(build/source/ninja/*pm) and compare them to solenv/gbuild/*mk and 
see which

you can understand better.

I think this could be one way to set up a better maintainable build 

that is even slightly faster then what we currently have.

Do you get a sense for how well-maintained Ninja is?  Are there many
contributors?  Many users?

I only know that it was developed by/for the chrome project [4] and 
that cmake has support for ninja as back end.

Are we confident it will be around in 5
years?   I worry (but only a little) of another DMake.

Then I probably should not tell you that I may make a similar 
experiment with tup as backend.

There are two different and independent ideas:

- Use an easy to read data format for expressing module data (C++ files, 
libraries, etc.) that is independent from the actual build tool.

- Use ninja as a back end.

The first part is much easier to accomplish and enables us to make 
experiments regarding different back ends.
Our current gbuild system would be a natural choice for the first back 
end.  Pure make might be the second.  And maybe ninja would be the third.





Best regards,


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