Re: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy) [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]

2004-11-30 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 22:29:35 -0800, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks, Craig.  I think there might be a misunderstanding.  See within.
 On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 18:32:06 -0800, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 17:36:09 -0800, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am not sure what you mean by transparently swap.  IoC requires
   fairly extensive configuration for this transparency.  I don't see
   what is transparent about the IoC setting of an implementation at all.
Am I missing something?
  If I use create at startup, I'm going to get my instance of a
  service class configured with its own dependencies.  For example, if
  I'm using constructor injection:
  public class Foo {
  public Foo(Bar bar) { = bar;
  ... code that uses bar ...
 So far the comparison is this: IoC creates the implementation of the
 Bar class with configuration and so on at startup.  There has to be a
 class somewhere, of course, which is the implementation that IoC plugs
 into the app.   HaD just starts with this class sitting where the
 implementation class is supposed to be.  Your class might be called
 BarTypeXImpl.  My class is always called BarImpl merely.
 So far, all HaD requires none of the considerable coding overhead
 required by dependancy injection.  (I hope I don't sound negative
 about lightweight, IoC containers, because I am not.  Just looking
 around here.)
 Now, if you want to change the implementation class to, say,
 BarTypeYImpl, you have to change the configuration and restart the
 application.  I just drop call this new implementation by the same
 name (BarImpl) and drop it in place of the old implementation.
 Then, I call BarHotFactory.loadBarImpl().  The result is that the Bar
 class reference and the Bar classloader class reference are changed to
 the new BarImpl.  There will be no straggler references to cause
 garbage collection problems, I now see.
  Now, in your scheme you upgrade the Bar class (of course, setting up a
  new class loader to contain it).
 This only happens when there is a change.  The IoC has also to do something.
  But what you haven't done is
  notified my Foo instance that you should somehow update the private
  bar variable to point at a new instance based on the new class
  (possibly having to do some sort of state transfer as well) ... it
  continues to use the old one -- with the side effect that the old one
  will not get garbage collected either.
 This is, I think, mistaken.  Isn't it?  The class reference content
 has changed.  The reference Bar has to a classloader and the reference
 Bar has to a class remains the same but points to a different entity.

Only partly.  The renference to the old version of Bar remains in
existence fo the lifetime of the Foo instance that contains it,
until the Foo instance is told to release the old reference.

  So, when Foo no longer uses Bar, Bar will be garbage
 collected.  The sole result that is of significance is that Bar has
 been updated but the Bar in Foo is using the old version.  Right?  All
 new Bars created in Foo will be the new version.  All new Foos will
 create new Bars.  Right?

Yes, but so what?  It's the existing Foos that will be broken by your change.

Updating the bytecodes that your factory method returns for a
getInstance() method for a Bar class has nothing to do with any
existing object that uses a Bar object as a service, and maintains a
reference to that instance.

You could get away with what you're after if Java supported
ClassLoader.unloacClass() -- but it doesn't for valid technical

 If we want all client Foos to use the newest and greatest Bars, we can
 do so by restarting the application.  This is the same thing we have
 to do with IoC, or we can get a solution for HaD that wil mirror any
 solution for IoC.  So, the sole problem is that HaD can do things that
 IoC cannot do.  You don't have to do that.  Correct?

Restarting the application works (for this particular scenario) ...
but it makes any attempt to pretend to do hot deploy pretty
pointless - the newly restarted app will already pick up the new
version of your implementation class, without any special attention on
the part of the app itself.  There is no need, if you're willing to
restart the app, to do anything like this.


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Re: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:34:13 -0800 (PST), David Graham
 --- Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I agree with Don's assessment, but wanted to add an FYI note -- Shale
  does zero-config for #3 (because the mapping between a JSP page and
  the corresponding ViewController is implicit), and doesn't require #1
  unless you need it for doing Commons Validator stuff.
  Simpler is definitely better.
 But is adding yet another framework to Struts simplifying anything for the
 user or just for us developers?  If we add Spring, we would need to know
 the following to write a Struts webapp:
 1.  struts-config.xml
 2.  validator-rules.xml
 3.  spring.xml (or whatever they call the config file)
 4.  possibly tiles-config.xml
 5.  possibly jsf config files
 How is learning and remembering up to 5 different configuration files
 better for the user?  If I was put in this position, I would seriously
 consider other ways of writing Java webapps.

The current Shale version of struts-mailreader requires *one*
configuration file (WEB-INF/faces-config.xml), and adding client side
validation and/or Tiles *might* add one for each (although that is not
a given).  For example, Spring config files are only needed if you
want to use Spring in addition to JSF -- if you are satisfied with the
setter injection support that JSF already provides, you don't need
Spring for basic IoC functionality.

Tell me again why it is ok for Stuts 1.x to require more configuration
files than Shale does :-)


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RE: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy) [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]

2004-11-30 Thread Pilgrim, Peter

 -Original Message-
 From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 29 November 2004 01:55
 To: Struts Developers List; Dakota Jack
 Subject: Re: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy)
 [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]
 On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 15:36:27 -0800, Dakota Jack 
  With hot deploy, instead of switching the implementation 
 and the name
  of the implementation class, e.g. ColonSeparatedMovieFinder for
  DatabaseMovieFinder, you just have an implementation called
  MovieFinderImplementation (or whatever you want, e.g. X) and a
  MovieFinderImplementationHotFactory for getting object instance
  implementations of the MovieFinder interfaces.  
 Conceivably, in fact,
  you can give people differing implementations with the same name by
  simply putting them in different directories: no problem.  
 This means
  that the code can be dynamic and alterable at will and that 
 there need
  be no changes anywhere if you don't want there to be other than
  dumping the new MovieFinderImplemenation.class in some directory
 Within a single JVM (such as a servlet container), the only way to
 have different versions of the same fully qualified class name is to
 use different class loaders, which loads the different versions from
 lots of different places.  That sounds like a pretty significant code
 management issue that any hot deploy strategy like what you describe
 would need to deal with.
 On the other hand, you're going to need individual class loaders to
 solve a different aspect of hot deploy as well ... recompiling an
 existing implementation class to modify its behavior (instead of
 trying to switch to a new one).  There is no ClassLoader.unloadClass()
 method in Java, so the only way to throw away an old class is to
 throw away the class loader that contained it (and hope that the rest
 of the application doesn't have any pointers to the old class or any
 instances created by it, which would cause a big memory leak).
 That's what a servlet container does, for instance, when you reload an
 app -- it throws away the old context class loader and creates a new
 one.  It's not a perfect solution, but it's not an easy problem,

Late to this thread, but hot deployment is quite difficult
to achieve inside a framework without very careful programming
for very reason that Craig explained above. 

First, you need to solve the problem of deciding when the 
use of object is finished (pre garbage collect state) before
you can ever remove the class. Since objects are based on
classes you must know when it safe to discard the object. 

Second, if you need to invent a standard scheme to reload the
class, if some external event (e.g a file modification time
change in your native operating system) occurs.

Third, decide about versioning with your (hot deployable) 
classes. What if I replace the current version of a class B
with an ancient version A? Now if the number of classes of A
is less than the number of classes of B, then you must loop
right back to the first to the first problem.

Hence WebLogic etc have Admin Server and Managed Server to 
handle application and web container requirements, but
it would be harder to further divide this macro architecture 
into more finer architecture and also have good ease-of-development 

Peter Pilgrim
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)207-883-4497

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RE: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy) [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]

2004-11-30 Thread Pilgrim, Peter

I think I got a book at home in the attic that went into so-called 
``Hot Deployment'' in great detail. (Been a year since I last 
looked at it for generic service locator idea, in the end 
I found myself looking at IoC / Dependency Injections pattern.)

It is addison wesley from 2001-2002. Let me google for you ...

Yep! Here it is

# Component Development for the Java Platform (DevelopMentor Series)
# by Stuart Halloway
# Paperback 304 pages (January 7, 2002)
# Publisher: Addison Wesley
# ISBN: 0201753065

This is where I got my information from that Hot Deployment is hard to achieve
in Java without careful programming. I think you ask too much for developers
of an application frameworks to follow strict programming rules in
whatever hot deployment scheme you invent. Let's it was so simple
we'd all be doing it.

Peter Pilgrim
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)207-883-4497

 -Original Message-
 From: Dakota Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 29 November 2004 09:00
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy)
 [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]
 Here is code, as opposed to pretty pictures -- LOL  ;-)
 This is intended to demonstrate how simple Had is in contrast to
 normal Service Locator or Inversion of Control (Dependency Injection)
 frameworks.  Remember, THIS IS ALL THE CODE.  There are no
 NanoContainers.  Not XML.  No Config classes, etc.  Where you want to
 have a single class with potential changes in implementations, you
 simply do not change the name of the class, e.g. provide new
 implementations under the same name.  Where you want implementations
 that are different, e.g. if the Action class were an interface, you
 simply use different names for the different implementations and then
 you can hot deploy variations on the code in classes with those names.
  This allows you to change an existing implementation radically either
 by hot deploy or by name.  Which you want to do depends on the
 situation.  ActionServlet would want to be, for example, an interface
 that allowed differing implementations under ActionServlet without
 having different named implemenations, like you have with IoC and
 Service Locator solutions.  On the other hand, you also would get hot
 deploy of various Action implementations under different names, e.g.
 LogonAction, PublishAction, etc.
 A working application with the App interface and client tester is
 available in a zip file,, at
 This code has some additions that allow us to see whether or not a
 particular object has the last loaded implementation of AppImpl.  The
 code includes:
 To use a new AppImpl, all you have to do is to drop the AppImpl.class
 into the classes/deploy/com/crackwillow/app directory and call
 To see the name command work with the client, start the client with
 java com.crackwillow.testing.TestAppClientTester NEW_NAME
 You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.
 ~Native Proverb~
 Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary for 
 eagles to be crows.
 ~Hunkesni (Sitting Bull), Hunkpapa Sioux~
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RE: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped proper ty to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread Pilgrim, Peter

 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --- Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I agree with Don's assessment, but wanted to add an FYI 
 note -- Shale
  does zero-config for #3 (because the mapping between a JSP page and
  the corresponding ViewController is implicit), and doesn't 
 require #1
  unless you need it for doing Commons Validator stuff.
  Simpler is definitely better.
 But is adding yet another framework to Struts simplifying 
 anything for the
 user or just for us developers?  If we add Spring, we would 
 need to know
 the following to write a Struts webapp:
 1.  struts-config.xml
 2.  validator-rules.xml
 3.  spring.xml (or whatever they call the config file)
 4.  possibly tiles-config.xml
 5.  possibly jsf config files
 How is learning and remembering up to 5 different configuration files
 better for the user?  If I was put in this position, I would seriously
 consider other ways of writing Java webapps.

XML configuration cannot replace traditional programming.

You can quote me on that.


XML configuration cannot replace programming

Peter Pilgrim
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)207-883-4497

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[OT] SVN / Eclipse / Subclipse error

2004-11-30 Thread James Mitchell
Sorry for the OT, but I figured some folks here are doing this.
I'm trying out Subclipse and getting this error:
How are you getting around this?
Command line works fine for me, but I would really like to use Eclipse.
James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx

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RE: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped proper ty to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread Ted Husted
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 11:23:35 +, Pilgrim, Peter wrote:
 How is learning and remembering up to 5 different configuration
 files  better for the user?  If I was put in this position, I
 would seriously  consider other ways of writing Java webapps.

 XML configuration cannot replace traditional programming.

 You can quote me on that.


 XML configuration cannot replace programming

We're not talking about programming, but configuration. OOP defines a program 
as a graph of objects. The XML configuration is a convenient way to define the 
graph of objects we are using to solve the problem.

Meanwhile, IoC containers, like Spring, have become the conventional way to 
create the objects we need at runtime. Some factories can be configured from an 
XML document, others can be configured by direct calls to the Spring API. 
Everybody wins :)


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Re: Roadmaps (was Spring dreaming ...)

2004-11-30 Thread Ted Husted
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 00:34:54 -0800, Craig McClanahan wrote:
 Tell me again why it is ok for Stuts 1.x to require more
 configuration files than Shale does :-)

It's not OK, which is why the latest proposed roadmap mentions combining the 
configurations. All three configurations support partial and multiple files, so 
combining them should not be difficult. People could then use the existing 
files or combined then in anyway they pleased. (I forget why we didn't do this 
in the first place.) I'll take a minute to update the website tonight, before 
getting on to my other todo items.

Speaking of todos, is there more to be done on the struts-faces taglib? Or is 
that ready for a release vote?

The struts-faces taglib seems like a great way to introduce people to JSF on 
the frontend.

Hopefully, the work on Struts 1.3.x will enable people to migrate the guts of 
Struts Actions to Chain Commands. In terms of providing a clear migration path, 
Chain is important since it could work equally well for Struts or JSF 
applications. Then, there will be a way for people to migrate both pages and 
Actions, and the JSF leap becomes  a baby step.


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[OT] Metadata Musings.... (was Spring etc)

2004-11-30 Thread Duncan Mills
 XML configuration cannot replace traditional programming.
I'd rephrase that slightly as:
 XML configuration cannot completely replace traditional programming.
The issue being here that with the right frameworks and tooling you can 
go a long way to eliminating all code except that which actually is 
unique to your business problem and is not worth describing in those 
common terms.  Everything is an abstraction, XML metadata is just a at 
higher level.  I personally feel that the more  configuration and logic 
you can describe through some sort of metadata the better, under the 
proviso that the metadata you are dealing with is not more complex than 
the code you're substituting for, but that's just me.

Duncan Mills

Pilgrim, Peter wrote:
-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


--- Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree with Don's assessment, but wanted to add an FYI 

note -- Shale

does zero-config for #3 (because the mapping between a JSP page and
the corresponding ViewController is implicit), and doesn't 

require #1

unless you need it for doing Commons Validator stuff.
Simpler is definitely better.

But is adding yet another framework to Struts simplifying 
anything for the
user or just for us developers?  If we add Spring, we would 
need to know
the following to write a Struts webapp:
1.  struts-config.xml
2.  validator-rules.xml
3.  spring.xml (or whatever they call the config file)
4.  possibly tiles-config.xml
5.  possibly jsf config files

How is learning and remembering up to 5 different configuration files
better for the user?  If I was put in this position, I would seriously
consider other ways of writing Java webapps.

XML configuration cannot replace traditional programming.
You can quote me on that.
XML configuration cannot replace programming
Peter Pilgrim
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)207-883-4497

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RE: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped proper ty to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread Pilgrim, Peter
 -Original Message-
 From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 11:23:35 +, Pilgrim, Peter wrote:
  How is learning and remembering up to 5 different configuration
  files  better for the user?  If I was put in this position, I
  would seriously  consider other ways of writing Java webapps.
  XML configuration cannot replace traditional programming.
  You can quote me on that.
  XML configuration cannot replace programming
 We're not talking about programming, but configuration. OOP 
 defines a program as a graph of objects. The XML 
 configuration is a convenient way to define the graph of 
 objects we are using to solve the problem. 
 Meanwhile, IoC containers, like Spring, have become the 
 conventional way to create the objects we need at runtime. 
 Some factories can be configured from an XML document, others 
 can be configured by direct calls to the Spring API. Everybody wins :)

This is a misunderstanding between you and I.

External configuration of JavaBeans (or plain old java object) 
with or without XML is the idea of springing objects into 
existance without hard wiring of dependencies (
The IoC/Dependency Injection is the solution to the 
generic service locator problem, which I have been battling
over for a couple of years. So you see, we're not a million
miles apart. 

The warning is that XML configuration of POJO cannot solve all 
problems. There some problems that are really part of the 
programming domain (sequence, iteration, recursion).

Peter Pilgrim
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)207-883-4497

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Re: [OT] Metadata Musings.... (was Spring etc)

2004-11-30 Thread Vic
repost (gmane)
Flex just does that, it is declerative programing language.  I think 
it is the far future (I think SoA is up 1st).
It even has a repeater xml
 XML configuration cannot replace traditional programming.

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Re: [OT] SVN / Eclipse / Subclipse error

2004-11-30 Thread Matt Bathje
James Mitchell wrote:
Sorry for the OT, but I figured some folks here are doing this.
I'm trying out Subclipse and getting this error:
How are you getting around this?
Command line works fine for me, but I would really like to use Eclipse.
James - maybe this will be of some help, I have it bookmarked from when 
I first started using Subclipse...
(I don't remember what exactly I had to do at the command line though...)
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RE: Chain enhancement idea

2004-11-30 Thread Pilgrim, Peter
 -Original Message-
 From: BaTien Duong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Craig McClanahan wrote:
 On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 14:20:02 -0600, Joe Germuska 
 I need to have a hook into processValidate() on validation failure.
 Currently that can only be done by copy-and-pasting the 
 method from RequestProcessor into a subclass and sticking 
 a hook into the
 middle of the code.
 When I asked about this on the dev list long ago, it was 
 confirmed that
 there was no other way to do this, but that chain would 
 eventually provide
 this flexibility.
 If the chain isn't configured at a fine-grain level, then 
 it's not all that
 much more functional than the existing RequestProcessor.
 The chain is configured at as fine-grained a level as you like, in
 XML.  Hubert is talking about configuring the chain programatically
 as well, or at least in some way independent of the configuration of
 the primary processing chain.
 Programmatic configuration is certainly feasible ... there's no
 requirement in [chain] that you use the XML format at all.  It's just
 one option.
 Greetings and request expert advice:
 Commons-chain invented by Craig proves to be very flexible 
 and work in 
 conjuction with other great technonologies. What i am trying 
 to figure 
 out is a proper and practical places for using CoR and IoC (such as 
 Spring framework) in the construction and configuration of software 
 objects. I put out some of my preliminary thinking and hope 
 some experts 
 care to add more arguments to enlighten us.
 1) Both CoR and IoC (and also Jsf setter injection) enable the 
 configuration and linking objects via XML metadata. But IoC 
 allows the 
 object configuration at a finer level of object attributes 
 and take care 
 of the objects declared as singleton. In this sense, IoC is 
 finer grain 
 than CoR in object creation, configuration and management.
 2) CoR is very light weight and appropriate for 
 programmatically created 
 processes. It does not not have the complexity and the depth 
 of plug-in 
 features as Spring IoC.

Chain of Responsibility is pattern that separates the sending of a
message from the receiver of message. So it solves 
different problem for inverse of control. I think you are
looking at this from the perspective of `callback interfaces',
therefore IoC appears to have much more power and depth.

 3) CoR is finer grain than IoC in the construction and rounting of 
 services within and between software layers, while IoC is 
 aprropriate at 
 the application level.

IoC is an application level, because it does help with configuration
and look up of services, beans or other artefacts. 
The CoR is a messaging pattern primarily. It is not a question
of either CoR or IoC, you can use both of them together.

The question is how? That is question of architecture, what is
the best way to build a house, I think you will find a million
and one answers there. There are ways of designing software,
but one needs to understand what the patterns are, what
are they purporting to solve. After that it is easier
to decide if a particular pattern is heavy or lightweight,
better or worse, because each pattern has it original
context of application.


 4) If we want to combine Jsf as view controller, Spring IoC and 
 commons-chain CoR, a practical infrastructure may be something like 
 a) Jsf as a view controller takes care of objects 
 directly related 
 to User Interface (UI)
 b) Spring IoC takes the responsibility of object creation, 
 especially singletons and fine grain configurations of objects not 
 directly related to UI. This is a proper choice of configuration if 
 other features of Spring framework such as application level 
 event and 
 aop are used.

An IoC container can take over construction of objects 
that you required a lightweight container full stop (period).
If you want to take advantage of AOP light weight 
containers then you must register your objects with
the IoC container beforehand.

 c) CoR is used to construct Front Controller a la pattern 
 of Struts 
 of each software module, the rounting of services among modules, and 
 action commands (or chain) of specialized services in each service 
 module. It programmatically links created components from IoC 
 to a finer 
 grain at each software module, which holds the module Catalog 
 of commands.

I think Struts is a FrontController. So I'd be more inclined
to let Struts be Struts. 

There appears to be confusion about CoR and IoC and also
various idioms and patterns common place in the J2EE world.

In the new Struts applications I think there are three chains:
front controller, action, and view. The chain of the front controller
effectively ties together the CoR for the request processor.
The other two chains are for Web User Interface actions and 
view rendering technologies. 

I think the latter two 

RE: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy) [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]

2004-11-30 Thread Hollaway, Shedrick L CIV TRIREFFAC

Peter's point ``Hot Deployment'' can be located in Chapter 2 p29-34

 Way out of my league 

-Original Message-
From: Pilgrim, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 6:16
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy)
[was Re: Chain enhancement idea]

I think I got a book at home in the attic that went into so-called 
``Hot Deployment'' in great detail. (Been a year since I last 
looked at it for generic service locator idea, in the end 
I found myself looking at IoC / Dependency Injections pattern.)

It is addison wesley from 2001-2002. Let me google for you ...

Yep! Here it is

# Component Development for the Java Platform (DevelopMentor Series)
# by Stuart Halloway
# Paperback 304 pages (January 7, 2002)
# Publisher: Addison Wesley
# ISBN: 0201753065

This is where I got my information from that Hot Deployment is hard to
in Java without careful programming. I think you ask too much for
of an application frameworks to follow strict programming rules in
whatever hot deployment scheme you invent. Let's it was so simple
we'd all be doing it.

Peter Pilgrim
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)207-883-4497

 -Original Message-
 From: Dakota Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 29 November 2004 09:00
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy)
 [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]
 Here is code, as opposed to pretty pictures -- LOL  ;-)
 This is intended to demonstrate how simple Had is in contrast to
 normal Service Locator or Inversion of Control (Dependency Injection)
 frameworks.  Remember, THIS IS ALL THE CODE.  There are no
 NanoContainers.  Not XML.  No Config classes, etc.  Where you want to
 have a single class with potential changes in implementations, you
 simply do not change the name of the class, e.g. provide new
 implementations under the same name.  Where you want implementations
 that are different, e.g. if the Action class were an interface, you
 simply use different names for the different implementations and then
 you can hot deploy variations on the code in classes with those names.
  This allows you to change an existing implementation radically either
 by hot deploy or by name.  Which you want to do depends on the
 situation.  ActionServlet would want to be, for example, an interface
 that allowed differing implementations under ActionServlet without
 having different named implemenations, like you have with IoC and
 Service Locator solutions.  On the other hand, you also would get hot
 deploy of various Action implementations under different names, e.g.
 LogonAction, PublishAction, etc.
 A working application with the App interface and client tester is
 available in a zip file,, at
 This code has some additions that allow us to see whether or not a
 particular object has the last loaded implementation of AppImpl.  The
 code includes:
 To use a new AppImpl, all you have to do is to drop the AppImpl.class
 into the classes/deploy/com/crackwillow/app directory and call
 To see the name command work with the client, start the client with
 java com.crackwillow.testing.TestAppClientTester NEW_NAME
 You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.
 ~Native Proverb~
 Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary for 
 eagles to be crows.
 ~Hunkesni (Sitting Bull), Hunkpapa Sioux~
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Re: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread David Graham

--- Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:34:13 -0800 (PST), David Graham
  --- Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I agree with Don's assessment, but wanted to add an FYI note --
   does zero-config for #3 (because the mapping between a JSP page and
   the corresponding ViewController is implicit), and doesn't require
   unless you need it for doing Commons Validator stuff.
   Simpler is definitely better.
  But is adding yet another framework to Struts simplifying anything for
  user or just for us developers?  If we add Spring, we would need to
  the following to write a Struts webapp:
  1.  struts-config.xml
  2.  validator-rules.xml
  3.  spring.xml (or whatever they call the config file)
  4.  possibly tiles-config.xml
  5.  possibly jsf config files
  How is learning and remembering up to 5 different configuration files
  better for the user?  If I was put in this position, I would seriously
  consider other ways of writing Java webapps.
 The current Shale version of struts-mailreader requires *one*
 configuration file (WEB-INF/faces-config.xml), and adding client side
 validation and/or Tiles *might* add one for each (although that is not
 a given).  For example, Spring config files are only needed if you
 want to use Spring in addition to JSF -- if you are satisfied with the
 setter injection support that JSF already provides, you don't need
 Spring for basic IoC functionality.
 Tell me again why it is ok for Stuts 1.x to require more configuration
 files than Shale does :-)

My basic concern is that we're heading down a path that doesn't simplify
things for Struts users (including myself in that group) and instead using
the next shiny technology in front of us.  If Spring and/or JSF simplify
using Struts, then I wholeheartedly support using them.  But first we need
to show how they accomplish that and not just use them because they're

Writing Java webapps should be easy.



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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 21244] - FormFile implementations should be serializable

2004-11-30 Thread bugzilla

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-11-30 17:42 ---
This bug isn't resolved but could be resolved very easy. 

The internal used DefaultFileItem class to hold the upload data contains a 
member named dfos of type DeferredFileOutputStream. This member must be 
declared as transient because Streams cannot be serialized. I think, that this 
would fix any problem with serialized upload forms.

I cannot access the cvs repository but I made a local diff -u to the file 
based on revision 1.21. Here is the diff I made.

@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
  * Output stream for this item.
-private DeferredFileOutputStream dfos;
+private transient DeferredFileOutputStream dfos;

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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 21244] - FormFile implementations should be serializable

2004-11-30 Thread bugzilla


   What|Removed |Added


--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-11-30 17:43 ---
This bug isn't resolved but could be resolved very easy. 

The internal used DefaultFileItem class to hold the upload data contains a 
member named dfos of type DeferredFileOutputStream. This member must be 
declared as transient because Streams cannot be serialized. I think, that this 
would fix any problem with serialized upload forms.

I cannot access the cvs repository but I made a local diff -u to the file 
based on revision 1.21. Here is the diff I made.

@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
  * Output stream for this item.
-private DeferredFileOutputStream dfos;
+private transient DeferredFileOutputStream dfos;

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RE: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread Durham David R Jr Contr 805 CSPTS/SCE
 Writing Java webapps should be easy.

Kind of a lengthy read, but it seemed appropriate.

- Dave

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Re: Roadmaps (was Spring dreaming ...)

2004-11-30 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 07:45:17 -0500, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Speaking of todos, is there more to be done on the struts-faces taglib? Or is 
 that ready for a release vote?

There are two outstanding bugs ... 32014 and 32370.  The latter is
fairly straightforward, the former is a must fix (the current wrapper
that was added for MyFaces compatibility breaks the servlet API rules,
but changing that makes Tiles not work).  I'd also like to see MyFaces
get to the point where it can actually run with Struts (since lots of
people will try it) -- as of 1.0.7 they still had some bugs (which I
filed in their SF bugtracking system a while back).


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Re: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 08:38:54 -0800 (PST), David Graham

 My basic concern is that we're heading down a path that doesn't simplify
 things for Struts users (including myself in that group) and instead using
 the next shiny technology in front of us.  If Spring and/or JSF simplify
 using Struts, then I wholeheartedly support using them.  But first we need
 to show how they accomplish that and not just use them because they're

Does your definition of easier include writing less Java code?  and
less stuff in configuration files?  If so, please compare the
mailreader code in Struts 1.x versus the Shale-ized version.  You'll
find substantial improvements.

If those aspects are not included in your definition, I'd be curious what is.

 Writing Java webapps should be easy.

I'd say as easy as possible, but no easier :-)



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RE: Chain enhancement idea

2004-11-30 Thread Joe Germuska
At 3:31 PM + 11/30/04, Pilgrim, Peter wrote:
The theory is to compose
your own request processor, but has anyone got a working
example of such a beastie (yet)?
Well, I'm not sure what you mean, but I have a production app which 
includes eight locally developed commands interspersed among the 
standard chain commands.  These are responsible for instantiating and 
populating our ActionContext class (similar to some things we've 
discussed here recently), deriving the user ID from a variety of 
possible authentication sources, establishing the user's session 
based on the authenticated ID, enforcing access control rules, and 
executing our view controller code before dispatching to the 
requested view.

A chain based RP made throwing in each of these in its place 
extremely simple, while adding each of these in the appropriate place 
by extending any other RequestProcessor class would have been 
extremely cumbersome.

Joe Germuska
Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction  -The Ex

Re: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread Vic
+ 1
David Graham wrote:
 If Spring and/or JSF simplify
using Struts, then I wholeheartedly support using them.  But first we need
to show how they accomplish that and not just use them because they're

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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 6096] - [resources] PropertyMessageResources uses HashMap instead of Set

2004-11-30 Thread bugzilla


   What|Removed |Added

  Component|Sandbox |Resources
   |uses HashMap instead of Set |PropertyMessageResources
   ||uses HashMap instead of Set

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Re: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread Eddie Bush
Good points, but there do exist tools to somewhat aide in configuration. 
True, not all configs have tools for them, and not all editors/IDEs support 
all tools ... but the tools do exist none-the-less :-)

... 'course, it's still nice to know the format of a config file, in case 
there's some feature you can't realize using a tool.  WSAS tells me, for 
example, that I have a broken link in my config file as a result of 
referencing a tile through the forward attribute of an action.  It annoys 
me, but, of course, it works fine (Seems WSAD 5.1.1 only supports Struts 
1.1).  I can imagine a circumstance where a config could change by adding an 
attribute or some other thing so that the tool couldn't edit these pieces.

- Original Message - 
From: David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property 
to ActionConfig)

But is adding yet another framework to Struts simplifying anything for the
user or just for us developers?  If we add Spring, we would need to know
the following to write a Struts webapp:
1.  struts-config.xml
2.  validator-rules.xml
3.  spring.xml (or whatever they call the config file)
4.  possibly tiles-config.xml
5.  possibly jsf config files
How is learning and remembering up to 5 different configuration files
better for the user?  If I was put in this position, I would seriously
consider other ways of writing Java webapps.

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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 32014] - HttpServletRequestWrapper in struts-faces broken for servlet 2.4

2004-11-30 Thread bugzilla


   What|Removed |Added

Summary|HttpServletRequestWrapper in|HttpServletRequestWrapper in
   |struts-faces broken for |struts-faces broken for
   |servlet 2.4 |servlet 2.4

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-11-30 19:45 ---
On the dev list, Craig wrote that this fix causes Tiles not to work.  Can anyone
provide more information about this?  Presumably we should also be changing
o.a.s.upload.MultipartRequestWrapper to extend HttpServletRequestWrapper when we
move to Servlet 2.3 for Struts core.

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Re: [OT] SVN / Eclipse / Subclipse error

2004-11-30 Thread Michael Rasmussen
 I tried subclipse over the weekend, and I would have to agree.  I am
really dissapointed so far.  I am well versed with the Eclipse CVS 
stuff, but Subclipse was a nightmare.  It hosed my repository and It
may have been the cause of my hosed eclipse install.  I don't know
what version of Subversion Apache is using, but if it is anything
besides 1.1rc2 subclipse is not tested with it.
  All in all, I decided it is too early for subclipse, which is
dissapointing, because I am not sure tigris sis still
supporting/developing it.
  If you do get it working, please let me know.  I want to post some
instructions for using it with Struts.

On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 08:55:15 -0600, Matt Bathje [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 James Mitchell wrote:
  Sorry for the OT, but I figured some folks here are doing this.
  I'm trying out Subclipse and getting this error:
  How are you getting around this?
  Command line works fine for me, but I would really like to use Eclipse.
 James - maybe this will be of some help, I have it bookmarked from when
 I first started using Subclipse...
 (I don't remember what exactly I had to do at the command line though...)
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RE: [OT] SVN / Eclipse / Subclipse error

2004-11-30 Thread Deadman, Hal
Subclipse just released an updated version today.
(Note the Feature Change - IMPORTANT paragraph is not true, that
change didn't make the release)

I am subscribed to their dev list to keep tabs on the progress. They are
still working on it and a new committer just joined that has been
contributing a good deal. Synchronization is still not working but
Subclipse definitely works although it's not yet up to the high
standards of Eclipse CVS. 

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 1:53 PM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: [OT] SVN / Eclipse / Subclipse error
  I tried subclipse over the weekend, and I would have to agree.  I am
 really dissapointed so far.  I am well versed with the Eclipse CVS
 stuff, but Subclipse was a nightmare.  It hosed my repository and It
 may have been the cause of my hosed eclipse install.  I don't know
 what version of Subversion Apache is using, but if it is anything
 besides 1.1rc2 subclipse is not tested with it.
   All in all, I decided it is too early for subclipse, which is
 dissapointing, because I am not sure tigris sis still
 supporting/developing it.
   If you do get it working, please let me know.  I want to post some
 instructions for using it with Struts.
 On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 08:55:15 -0600, Matt Bathje [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  James Mitchell wrote:
   Sorry for the OT, but I figured some folks here are doing this.
   I'm trying out Subclipse and getting this error:
   How are you getting around this?
   Command line works fine for me, but I would really like to use
  James - maybe this will be of some help, I have it bookmarked from
  I first started using Subclipse...
  (I don't remember what exactly I had to do at the command line
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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 32396] - contentType has no effect with tomcat 5.0.28

2004-11-30 Thread bugzilla


   What|Removed |Added


--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-11-30 19:20 ---
I don't believe there's any evidence that this is a Struts bug.  I just took a
simple Struts app (Niall's validatorjs example which happened to be in my local
Tomcat webapps dir) and added the same controller... line you specified below
(except that i closed the element because I didn't have any other values to set)
and when I retrieved the page, it was typed UTF-8.  When that line was not in
the struts-config.xml, the content type had no character encoding.

I'm using Tomcat 5.0.16, but I am skeptical that the version number is the
difference.  Please try this with another Struts app in the same servlet
container.  You can get the one I used from

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Re: Chain enhancement idea

2004-11-30 Thread BaTien Duong
Peter, Thanks for your view. I have made a good working prototype sice 
the first email. Interested persons can see my updates below:

Pilgrim, Peter wrote:
-Original Message-
From: BaTien Duong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Greetings and request expert advice:
Commons-chain invented by Craig proves to be very flexible 
and work in 
conjuction with other great technonologies. What i am trying 
to figure 
out is a proper and practical places for using CoR and IoC (such as 
Spring framework) in the construction and configuration of software 
objects. I put out some of my preliminary thinking and hope 
some experts 
care to add more arguments to enlighten us.

1) Both CoR and IoC (and also Jsf setter injection) enable the 
configuration and linking objects via XML metadata. But IoC 
allows the 
object configuration at a finer level of object attributes 
and take care 
of the objects declared as singleton. In this sense, IoC is 
finer grain 
than CoR in object creation, configuration and management.

2) CoR is very light weight and appropriate for 
programmatically created 
processes. It does not not have the complexity and the depth 
of plug-in 
features as Spring IoC.


Chain of Responsibility is pattern that separates the sending of a
message from the receiver of message. So it solves 
different problem for inverse of control. I think you are
looking at this from the perspective of `callback interfaces',
therefore IoC appears to have much more power and depth.


3) CoR is finer grain than IoC in the construction and rounting of 
services within and between software layers, while IoC is 
aprropriate at 
the application level.


IoC is an application level, because it does help with configuration
and look up of services, beans or other artefacts. 
The CoR is a messaging pattern primarily. It is not a question
of either CoR or IoC, you can use both of them together.

The question is how? That is question of architecture, what is
the best way to build a house, I think you will find a million
and one answers there. There are ways of designing software,
but one needs to understand what the patterns are, what
are they purporting to solve. After that it is easier
to decide if a particular pattern is heavy or lightweight,
better or worse, because each pattern has it original
context of application.

Here is how based on my working prototype:
Using commons-chain Agility, i build a request/response framework for 
communicating and specialized processing between different software 
layers or containers: web tier with portal container, business tier with 
containers such as authentication/authorization, portlets, services, 
etc. Each container is a singleton catalog to provide its specialized 
action commands. Each specialized thread-safe command just extends its 
base and override the handle(request) method similar to Struts 
actionCommand. Spring IoC is used to instantiate and configure 
application singletons (such as catalog) with default attributes, while 
CoR commands are instantiated only when needed and will be removed from 
its catalog if not used by a specified time.

4) If we want to combine Jsf as view controller, Spring IoC and 
commons-chain CoR, a practical infrastructure may be something like 
   a) Jsf as a view controller takes care of objects 
directly related 
to User Interface (UI)
   b) Spring IoC takes the responsibility of object creation, 
especially singletons and fine grain configurations of objects not 
directly related to UI. This is a proper choice of configuration if 
other features of Spring framework such as application level 
event and 
aop are used.

An IoC container can take over construction of objects 
that you required a lightweight container full stop (period).
If you want to take advantage of AOP light weight 
containers then you must register your objects with
the IoC container beforehand.


   c) CoR is used to construct Front Controller a la pattern 
of Struts 
of each software module, the rounting of services among modules, and 
action commands (or chain) of specialized services in each service 
module. It programmatically links created components from IoC 
to a finer 
grain at each software module, which holds the module Catalog 
of commands.

I think Struts is a FrontController. So I'd be more inclined
to let Struts be Struts. 

There appears to be confusion about CoR and IoC and also
various idioms and patterns common place in the J2EE world.
In the new Struts applications I think there are three chains:
front controller, action, and view. The chain of the front controller
effectively ties together the CoR for the request processor.
The other two chains are for Web User Interface actions and 
view rendering technologies. 

I think the latter two chains are well understood, but the
front controller chain is not at the moment, at least by me.
The original idea of commons chain was to solve the request

RE: [OT] SVN / Eclipse / Subclipse error

2004-11-30 Thread Hollaway, Shedrick L CIV TRIREFFAC

Fetch in IE, you should get a Security Alert. Just
View Certificate = Install Certificate. It worked on Win 2K, eclipse
3.0/3.1 with subclipse 0.9.22/0.9.23. Upgrade subclipse javahl worked
right out of the box.


-Original Message-
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 7:38
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: [OT] SVN / Eclipse / Subclipse error

Sorry for the OT, but I figured some folks here are doing this.

I'm trying out Subclipse and getting this error:

How are you getting around this?

Command line works fine for me, but I would really like to use Eclipse.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx

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Re: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread Don Brown
Very applicable actually :)

Let's look it this way - what types of information needs to go into
configuration?  I see the following types:

1. Action/Backing bean definitions.  Perferably support for connecting
with business objects.
2. Form/field definitions and validations.
3. ActionForwards/Navigation

My understanding how these are handled by several major frameworks:

  1. Actions defined in struts-config.xml.  No support for linking to
business objects.
  2. Forms defined in struts-config.  Validations in validation-rules.xml
  3. ActionForwards in struts-config.xml, no support for navigation

  1. Backing beans defined in faces-config.xml.  Integration with
Spring to connect to bus objects.
  2. Forms and validations defined in the JSP's.  No support for 1:M
forms (save custom components)
  3. No action forwards as page based.  Navigation information stored
in faces-config.xml

  1. Beans definied in each page's specification xml file.  Support
for bus object linking with hivemind.
  2. Form fields defined in page spec file.  No support for 1:M forms
(save custom components).
  3. No action forwards as page based.  No explicit navigation configuration.

One could argue Tapestry was the simplest, however it could also be
argued the opposite since each page needs its own xml configuration

The question is what and where do we want the user to be able to
configure.  On one extreme of configuration, NanoWeb/NanoWar require
no configuration as the framework handles everything.  On the other
side, Struts seems to require configuration for everything.  The
better approach depends on your objectives and requirements, as well
as personal taste.

I'd argue Struts should continue to provide the maximum flexibility,
but search for ways to provide intelligent defaults wherever possible
to allow the new developer to be able to pick up Struts quickly, yet
allow the advanced user the capability to customize the framework to
their needs.  I like Ted's one DTD idea to bring everything together,
yet provide import-type capability to let those that perfer multiple
files split out sections.  I also like Spring's idea of separating the
configuration from the code, to allow for alternate configuration
schemes which may not even use XML.  I think we should continue to
strive for flexibility to allow innovative projects like Beehive to
more easily explore new ideas and techniques.


On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 10:47:23 -0600, Durham David R Jr Contr 805
  Writing Java webapps should be easy.
 Kind of a lengthy read, but it seemed appropriate.
 - Dave
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Re: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy) [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]

2004-11-30 Thread Dakota Jack
Thanks for the information, Peter.  A couple of comments within.  To
think ahead to the next couple of submissions, I know about Halloway,
and based most of what I have done so far on his thinking.

On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 11:04:58 -, Pilgrim, Peter
 Hence WebLogic etc have Admin Server and Managed Server to
 handle application and web container requirements, but
 it would be harder to further divide this macro architecture
 into more finer architecture and also have good ease-of-development

Seems to me like it would be worth while if we are talking about a
basic web architecture.  I am going to pursue this a bit.  Thanks for
these references.  I take it you have worked extensively with
WebLogic's servers (Admin and Managed)?


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Re: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy) [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]

2004-11-30 Thread Dakota Jack
Hi, Paul,

Sorry to disappoint you, but thanks for stopping in to say you are not
interested.  LOL  Seriously, this is a think tank thread not a
completed idea which is being ballyhooed thread.  If you know a better
way than is being presented, please step up.  I have not seen this
conversation and am learning a lot and still pretty convinced there is
some ore to be mined in these hills.

What I am interested in is whether or not from the perspective of the
developer of applications or the user of a container a hot deploy
container might provide the best and easiest environment.  Being
interesting, first, or anything like that is not important to me.  It
does seem as if you have some knowledge which I would encourage you to
share.  But, I am not here to be deep.  Just to be practical.


  From my perspective, I kept hoping it was something deeper, but (no
 insult intended at all) it just kept seeming like someone figured out
 how to marry the factory pattern with a classloader.  Much more
 interesting classloader magic has been done in the Eclipse internals,
 for example.
 -Paul Speed
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You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

~Native Proverb~

Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary for eagles to be crows.

~Hunkesni (Sitting Bull), Hunkpapa Sioux~

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Re: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy) [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]

2004-11-30 Thread Dakota Jack
Thanks again.  More useful information, Craig.  I am trying to figure
out a good way to do a class without messing up garbage
collection.  I was hoping to use finalize() to keep track outside of
the garbage collection loop of live classes, but have discovered, I
think, that only classes with new in their creation have their
finalize() method called during garbage collection.

Do you have any ideas on a good hook for a registry on garbage
collection and live classes which does not inhibit garbage collection?


Anyone else with an idea on that?


On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 00:21:42 -0800, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Restarting the application works (for this particular scenario) ...
 but it makes any attempt to pretend to do hot deploy pretty
 pointless - the newly restarted app will already pick up the new
 version of your implementation class, without any special attention on
 the part of the app itself.  There is no need, if you're willing to
 restart the app, to do anything like this.

While the hot deploy part of the hot deploy would not be utilized in
this case, the dependency injection equivalent would, and without the
xml configuration being required.  So, there seems to be some, if not
a considerable, gain.  Yes?



You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

~Native Proverb~

Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary for eagles to be crows.

~Hunkesni (Sitting Bull), Hunkpapa Sioux~

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Re: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread Joe Germuska
While I'm one who has had good experiences with Spring's BeanFactory 
for managing my business objects, maybe we should focus first on 
defining what Struts is and what needs to be configured.  This would 
allow us to move more flexibly to various configuration approaches, 
or conceivably support more than one.

I've been thinking for a while that we should stop storing so many 
things directly in the ServletContext and instead, define a Struts 
object which would hold these things.  I've mentioned this obliquely 
a few times and not gotten much response, so maybe no one else likes 
the idea.  Or maybe it's been too oblique.  Benefits of something 
like this would be reducing dependencies on the Servlet API and 
providing a better environment for testing.

Is there any interest in this, or is it cracked?  If it's not 
cracked, we might also take a longer-term look at abstracting the 
session, which seems tedious, but has some of the same issues.  We 
may never need to truly abstract away the HttpServletRequest, since 
the Chain context will have the same lifecycle and serve about the 
same purpose.

Now, then:  This whole thread started as a different question and was 
motivated by an earlier question.  Assuming that we continue to use 
Digester to instantiate and populate ActionConfig objects, I would 
like to add a generic mapped property to ActionConfig so that 
rather than writing trivial and boring subclasses of ActionConfig, 
one can simply set properties on it.  I'd make it a Properties 
because I'd expect it to have strings, but I would accept arguments 
to make it a map instead with the idea that later other Objects might 
get in there.  (Ugh, but all that casting!)  Assuming no one objects 
in the next day or two, I'll assume it's ok, and I'll call it 
props, just because I would rather not screw around waiting for 
another name.

The motivation for this was a perceived flaw in the ChainAction and 
chain DispatchAction classes which won't know in which catalog to 
look for the command either one is supposed to execute.  A generic 
property map would allow the ChainAction to define the name of the 
properties it wants for its configuration, rather than requiring that 
its ActionConfig implement some specific interface just to get one 
more property in.

Joe Germuska
Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction  -The Ex

Re: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy) [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]

2004-11-30 Thread Dakota Jack
I'm putting a cap on my work here for the moment.  I would be
interested if anyone has some ideas, directions, etc. they could offer
on the Registry issues.  I would like to thank everyone, even Paul
;-), for their assistance on this thread.  I need to do some homework
and then will be back on this.  Imagine me fading out with one of
those background dreamy voices on the tube as in the Brady Bunch
talking like a bubble in a cartoon, saying What a great bunch of guys
and gals; I will return soon to this place.  LOL



You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

~Native Proverb~

Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary for eagles to be crows.

~Hunkesni (Sitting Bull), Hunkpapa Sioux~

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Struts API Bean (was Spring dreaming)

2004-11-30 Thread Don Brown
On the topic of a Struts API bean, I completely agree.  We should have 
one bean, probably actually stored in the servlet context, which 
contains references to all the Struts-specific components like 
configuration elements and message resources.  Now this, and the Spring 
topic, do overlap since this API bean could actually be a Spring 
BeanFactory which might be a more flexible approach actually.

This would be separate from the ActionContext idea which would hold 
references to objects necessary for the execution of actions (chain 
context, http request/response, all current Action helper methods, etc).

Ted, in fact, suggested an API bean previously as well, and I believe 
has even started sketching out what one might look like.

Joe Germuska wrote:
While I'm one who has had good experiences with Spring's BeanFactory 
for managing my business objects, maybe we should focus first on 
defining what Struts is and what needs to be configured.  This would 
allow us to move more flexibly to various configuration approaches, or 
conceivably support more than one.

I've been thinking for a while that we should stop storing so many 
things directly in the ServletContext and instead, define a Struts 
object which would hold these things.  I've mentioned this obliquely a 
few times and not gotten much response, so maybe no one else likes the 
idea.  Or maybe it's been too oblique.  Benefits of something like 
this would be reducing dependencies on the Servlet API and providing a 
better environment for testing.

Is there any interest in this, or is it cracked?  If it's not cracked, 
we might also take a longer-term look at abstracting the session, 
which seems tedious, but has some of the same issues.  We may never 
need to truly abstract away the HttpServletRequest, since the Chain 
context will have the same lifecycle and serve about the same purpose.

Now, then:  This whole thread started as a different question and was 
motivated by an earlier question.  Assuming that we continue to use 
Digester to instantiate and populate ActionConfig objects, I would 
like to add a generic mapped property to ActionConfig so that rather 
than writing trivial and boring subclasses of ActionConfig, one can 
simply set properties on it.  I'd make it a Properties because I'd 
expect it to have strings, but I would accept arguments to make it a 
map instead with the idea that later other Objects might get in 
there.  (Ugh, but all that casting!)  Assuming no one objects in the 
next day or two, I'll assume it's ok, and I'll call it props, just 
because I would rather not screw around waiting for another name.

The motivation for this was a perceived flaw in the ChainAction and 
chain DispatchAction classes which won't know in which catalog to look 
for the command either one is supposed to execute.  A generic property 
map would allow the ChainAction to define the name of the properties 
it wants for its configuration, rather than requiring that its 
ActionConfig implement some specific interface just to get one more 
property in.


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Re: Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig

2004-11-30 Thread Don Brown
Sure, works for me :)
Joe Germuska wrote:
snip /
Now, then:  This whole thread started as a different question and was 
motivated by an earlier question.  Assuming that we continue to use 
Digester to instantiate and populate ActionConfig objects, I would 
like to add a generic mapped property to ActionConfig so that rather 
than writing trivial and boring subclasses of ActionConfig, one can 
simply set properties on it.  I'd make it a Properties because I'd 
expect it to have strings, but I would accept arguments to make it a 
map instead with the idea that later other Objects might get in 
there.  (Ugh, but all that casting!)  Assuming no one objects in the 
next day or two, I'll assume it's ok, and I'll call it props, just 
because I would rather not screw around waiting for another name.

The motivation for this was a perceived flaw in the ChainAction and 
chain DispatchAction classes which won't know in which catalog to look 
for the command either one is supposed to execute.  A generic property 
map would allow the ChainAction to define the name of the properties 
it wants for its configuration, rather than requiring that its 
ActionConfig implement some specific interface just to get one more 
property in.


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Re: Experiences with MockObjects for Servlet testing?

2004-11-30 Thread Joe Germuska
At 5:13 PM + 11/23/04, Gareth Webbley wrote:
I don't know if this is the correct way to do it but if you call
setupGetAttribute on the MockServletContext with the key that you require and
a null value, when the code you want to test calls getAttribute it will get a
null value (which I assume is what you want in the test) and the
AssertionFailedError will not be seen. 

I think the idea is you call setupGetAttribute with each attribute you expect
the code you are testing to try to get even if you want the code to receive a
null value.  If the code attempts to get an attribute which you haven't told
the MockServletContext about you get the AssertionFailedError.
This moved me further, but only to another error:
attributes.actions has run out of objects.

The JavaDoc for the Mock servlet objects is hopeless.  Can you point 
to any other good docs for using the MockObjects for servlet testing?

Joe Germuska
Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction  -The Ex

Re: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread David Graham
--- Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


This sounds like a good idea to me.  I generally avoid Properties in favor
of Maps in external interfaces but the casting really is a pain. 
Properties is a Map so you could store any old object in there anyways.


 Now, then:  This whole thread started as a different question and was 
 motivated by an earlier question.  Assuming that we continue to use 
 Digester to instantiate and populate ActionConfig objects, I would 
 like to add a generic mapped property to ActionConfig so that 
 rather than writing trivial and boring subclasses of ActionConfig, 
 one can simply set properties on it.  I'd make it a Properties 
 because I'd expect it to have strings, but I would accept arguments 
 to make it a map instead with the idea that later other Objects might 
 get in there.  (Ugh, but all that casting!)  
 Assuming no one objects 
 in the next day or two, I'll assume it's ok, and I'll call it 
 props, just because I would rather not screw around waiting for 
 another name.
 The motivation for this was a perceived flaw in the ChainAction and 
 chain DispatchAction classes which won't know in which catalog to 
 look for the command either one is supposed to execute.  A generic 
 property map would allow the ChainAction to define the name of the 
 properties it wants for its configuration, rather than requiring that 
 its ActionConfig implement some specific interface just to get one 
 more property in.
 Joe Germuska
 Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction  -The Ex

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Re: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread Ted Husted
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 17:15:51 -0600, Joe Germuska wrote:
 I've been thinking for a while that we should stop storing so many
 things directly in the ServletContext and instead, define a
 Struts object which would hold these things.  I've mentioned this
 obliquely a few times and not gotten much response, so maybe no one
 else likes the idea.  Or maybe it's been too oblique.  Benefits of
 something like this would be reducing dependencies on the Servlet
 API and providing a better environment for testing.

Like it? I implemented it two years nine months ago :)


It's also mentioned on the proposed updates to the Roadmap.


under the moniker ViewContext.

I was going to try and work on updating the website tonight, but my flight was 
delayed, and I might not get to it.

I do think we should be passing a Struts API bean out to the view, which could 
also include a context for arbitrary properties.


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Re: Chain enhancement idea

2004-11-30 Thread Ted Husted
Is your implementation of Agility something you could share with us, BaTien?


On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 12:23:39 -0700, BaTien Duong wrote:
 Here is how based on my working prototype:

 Using commons-chain Agility, i build a request/response framework
 for communicating and specialized processing between different
 software layers or containers: web tier with portal container,
 business tier with containers such as authentication/authorization,
 portlets, services, etc. Each container is a singleton catalog to
 provide its specialized action commands. Each specialized thread-
 safe command just extends its base and override the handle(request)
 method similar to Struts actionCommand. Spring IoC is used to
 instantiate and configure application singletons (such as catalog)
 with default attributes, while CoR commands are instantiated only
 when needed and will be removed from its catalog if not used by a
 specified time.


 In the above framework, i use Jsf+Tile as a view controller. A page
 is submitted directly to Jsf which is routed to a tile definition
 via MyFaces. I intent to use Shale as the application controller
 when shale has a custom ViewHandler to handle tiles. Currently, i
 use shale as a single servlet filter to wrap all application

 User action event is handled by Jsf actionListener that passes user
 and hidden inputs (which include not only the requested action but
 also the catalog of the action and other properties) to the
 processUserAction(passedString) of an adapter. It receives the
 request outcome and set the outcome for Jsf navigation.

 Under this framework, chain catalog is the front controller of its
 specialized container, whose commands are very similar to struts
 actionCommand which must be done in thread safe. Since a chain is
 also a command, we can later drill down to a more elaborate process
 driven by business. The framework is very neat and flexible. That
 may be the reason why Ted calls his little framework Agility.


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Re: Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig

2004-11-30 Thread Martin Cooper
I like the idea of having a mapped property like this, but I'm not
sold on this particular mechanism for implementing it. The reason is
that it takes the general purpose set-property element and makes a
particular property name special. That doesn't seem very clean to
me, and we could end up breaking apps where people are already using a
'props' property.

I'd prefer to use a new element nested within the action element for
this, or perhaps even better, enhance the existing set-property
element to handle it. The latter would allow the same mechanism to use
used anywhere we currently allow set-property to be used.

One example of how we might do this:

Do things the way we do now (i.e. a custom property):
set-property property=foo value=bar/

Set a mapped property instead of an individual one:
set-property key=foo value=bar/

Notice the use of 'key' instead of 'property' to indicate that this
will land up as a key/value pair in the mapped property set.

Martin Cooper

On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 16:05:16 -0800, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sure, works for me :)
 Joe Germuska wrote:
  snip /
  Now, then:  This whole thread started as a different question and was
  motivated by an earlier question.  Assuming that we continue to use
  Digester to instantiate and populate ActionConfig objects, I would
  like to add a generic mapped property to ActionConfig so that rather
  than writing trivial and boring subclasses of ActionConfig, one can
  simply set properties on it.  I'd make it a Properties because I'd
  expect it to have strings, but I would accept arguments to make it a
  map instead with the idea that later other Objects might get in
  there.  (Ugh, but all that casting!)  Assuming no one objects in the
  next day or two, I'll assume it's ok, and I'll call it props, just
  because I would rather not screw around waiting for another name.
  The motivation for this was a perceived flaw in the ChainAction and
  chain DispatchAction classes which won't know in which catalog to look
  for the command either one is supposed to execute.  A generic property
  map would allow the ChainAction to define the name of the properties
  it wants for its configuration, rather than requiring that its
  ActionConfig implement some specific interface just to get one more
  property in.
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Re: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread Martin Cooper
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 17:15:51 -0600, Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While I'm one who has had good experiences with Spring's BeanFactory
 for managing my business objects, maybe we should focus first on
 defining what Struts is and what needs to be configured.  This would
 allow us to move more flexibly to various configuration approaches,
 or conceivably support more than one.
 I've been thinking for a while that we should stop storing so many
 things directly in the ServletContext and instead, define a Struts
 object which would hold these things.  I've mentioned this obliquely
 a few times and not gotten much response, so maybe no one else likes
 the idea.  Or maybe it's been too oblique.  Benefits of something
 like this would be reducing dependencies on the Servlet API and
 providing a better environment for testing.

+1 for defining a context, reducing servlet API dependencies, and
making the framework more testable. :-)

Martin Cooper

 Is there any interest in this, or is it cracked?  If it's not
 cracked, we might also take a longer-term look at abstracting the
 session, which seems tedious, but has some of the same issues.  We
 may never need to truly abstract away the HttpServletRequest, since
 the Chain context will have the same lifecycle and serve about the
 same purpose.
 Now, then:  This whole thread started as a different question and was
 motivated by an earlier question.  Assuming that we continue to use
 Digester to instantiate and populate ActionConfig objects, I would
 like to add a generic mapped property to ActionConfig so that
 rather than writing trivial and boring subclasses of ActionConfig,
 one can simply set properties on it.  I'd make it a Properties
 because I'd expect it to have strings, but I would accept arguments
 to make it a map instead with the idea that later other Objects might
 get in there.  (Ugh, but all that casting!)  Assuming no one objects
 in the next day or two, I'll assume it's ok, and I'll call it
 props, just because I would rather not screw around waiting for
 another name.
 The motivation for this was a perceived flaw in the ChainAction and
 chain DispatchAction classes which won't know in which catalog to
 look for the command either one is supposed to execute.  A generic
 property map would allow the ChainAction to define the name of the
 properties it wants for its configuration, rather than requiring that
 its ActionConfig implement some specific interface just to get one
 more property in.
 Joe Germuska
 Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction  -The Ex

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Re: Struts API Bean (was Spring dreaming)

2004-11-30 Thread Martin Cooper
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 16:00:49 -0800, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On the topic of a Struts API bean, I completely agree.  We should have
 one bean, probably actually stored in the servlet context, which
 contains references to all the Struts-specific components like
 configuration elements and message resources.  Now this, and the Spring
 topic, do overlap since this API bean could actually be a Spring
 BeanFactory which might be a more flexible approach actually.
 This would be separate from the ActionContext idea which would hold
 references to objects necessary for the execution of actions (chain
 context, http request/response, all current Action helper methods, etc).

Well, let's generalise that to references to objects necessary for the
processing of a specific request, and not tie it to actions per se.
;-) But yes, this would be where things like the current module and
the module's resource bundles are stashed, amongst other things as you

Martin Cooper

 Ted, in fact, suggested an API bean previously as well, and I believe
 has even started sketching out what one might look like.
 Joe Germuska wrote:
  While I'm one who has had good experiences with Spring's BeanFactory
  for managing my business objects, maybe we should focus first on
  defining what Struts is and what needs to be configured.  This would
  allow us to move more flexibly to various configuration approaches, or
  conceivably support more than one.
  I've been thinking for a while that we should stop storing so many
  things directly in the ServletContext and instead, define a Struts
  object which would hold these things.  I've mentioned this obliquely a
  few times and not gotten much response, so maybe no one else likes the
  idea.  Or maybe it's been too oblique.  Benefits of something like
  this would be reducing dependencies on the Servlet API and providing a
  better environment for testing.
  Is there any interest in this, or is it cracked?  If it's not cracked,
  we might also take a longer-term look at abstracting the session,
  which seems tedious, but has some of the same issues.  We may never
  need to truly abstract away the HttpServletRequest, since the Chain
  context will have the same lifecycle and serve about the same purpose.
  Now, then:  This whole thread started as a different question and was
  motivated by an earlier question.  Assuming that we continue to use
  Digester to instantiate and populate ActionConfig objects, I would
  like to add a generic mapped property to ActionConfig so that rather
  than writing trivial and boring subclasses of ActionConfig, one can
  simply set properties on it.  I'd make it a Properties because I'd
  expect it to have strings, but I would accept arguments to make it a
  map instead with the idea that later other Objects might get in
  there.  (Ugh, but all that casting!)  Assuming no one objects in the
  next day or two, I'll assume it's ok, and I'll call it props, just
  because I would rather not screw around waiting for another name.
  The motivation for this was a perceived flaw in the ChainAction and
  chain DispatchAction classes which won't know in which catalog to look
  for the command either one is supposed to execute.  A generic property
  map would allow the ChainAction to define the name of the properties
  it wants for its configuration, rather than requiring that its
  ActionConfig implement some specific interface just to get one more
  property in.
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Re: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread Joe Germuska
Yep, that's a lot of what I had in mind.  But I 
had been thinking that there was call for some 
more functionality in the controller layers as 
well as in the view.  The interface is read-only, 
which is right for a view, but maybe incomplete 
in other layers.

But I'm ready for bed now, so I will have to 
sleep on it before I could say just what write 
type methods I think there would need to be.

At 11:16 PM -0500 11/30/04, Ted Husted wrote:
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 17:15:51 -0600, Joe Germuska wrote:
ÝI've been thinking for a while that we should stop storing so many
Ýthings directly in the ServletContext and instead, define a
ÝStruts object which would hold these things. ÝI've mentioned this
Ýobliquely a few times and not gotten much response, so maybe no one
Ýelse likes the idea. ÝOr maybe it's been too oblique. ÝBenefits of
Ýsomething like this would be reducing dependencies on the Servlet
ÝAPI and providing a better environment for testing.
Like it? I implemented it two years nine months ago :)

It's also mentioned on the proposed updates to the Roadmap.

under the moniker ViewContext.
I was going to try and work on updating the 
website tonight, but my flight was delayed, and 
I might not get to it.

I do think we should be passing a Struts API 
bean out to the view, which could also include a 
context for arbitrary properties.


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Joe Germuska
Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction  -The Ex

Re: Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig

2004-11-30 Thread Joe Germuska
Yes, I like this better.  Then, a method on ActionConfig:
public String getProperty(String key)
which returns the value which was set.
As an implementation detail, there would also be a setProperty(String 
key, String value).  This method would obey the configured/frozen 
semantics of other properties of ActionConfigs, so that users don't 
mistakenly change values during runtime on a shared object.

I think I like Martin's proposed configuration syntax also.  I 
suppose it could be confusing in some ways, but I think those who 
need to use it would figure it out.

I'll probably do this in the next few days.  Thanks for the opinions...
At 8:30 PM -0800 11/30/04, Martin Cooper wrote:
I like the idea of having a mapped property like this, but I'm not
sold on this particular mechanism for implementing it. The reason is
that it takes the general purpose set-property element and makes a
particular property name special. That doesn't seem very clean to
me, and we could end up breaking apps where people are already using a
'props' property.
I'd prefer to use a new element nested within the action element for
this, or perhaps even better, enhance the existing set-property
element to handle it. The latter would allow the same mechanism to use
used anywhere we currently allow set-property to be used.
One example of how we might do this:
Do things the way we do now (i.e. a custom property):
set-property property=foo value=bar/
Set a mapped property instead of an individual one:
set-property key=foo value=bar/
Notice the use of 'key' instead of 'property' to indicate that this
will land up as a key/value pair in the mapped property set.
Joe Germuska
Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction  -The Ex