Re: JSP EL in struts2 tags

2007-12-03 Thread Ing. Andrea Vettori

Il giorno 03/dic/07, alle ore 08:48, Don Brown ha scritto:

On 12/3/07, Ing. Andrea Vettori [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm happy to know that a complete solution is being planned/ 

I just say that if the security problem is caused only by bad
programming practice, removing EL evaluation into S2 tld is causing
upgrading problems to many well-written applications.

It isn't so much bad programming practices as unintentionally opening
your application up to abuse.  If you are confident that your
application isn't vulnerable, feel free to replace the struts-tags.tld
in the struts jar with one that allows expressions.  The 10 minutes
that will take will probably save you tons of time.

I'll try to do so.

Can you confirm that the problem is triggered only when using request  
parameters inside EL ?

Thanks !

Ing. Andrea Vettori
Consulente per l'Information Technology

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Re: JSP EL in struts2 tags

2007-12-03 Thread Ted Husted
As someone mentioned, do we want to bundle both under different URIs?

We could keep the paranoid/safe one as the default, and use a URI like
struts-tags-rt for the one that allows all runtime expressions. To use
the other, we can change one line at the top of the file to opt in.


On Dec 3, 2007 2:48 AM, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 12/3/07, Ing. Andrea Vettori [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm happy to know that a complete solution is being planned/developed.
  I just say that if the security problem is caused only by bad
  programming practice, removing EL evaluation into S2 tld is causing
  upgrading problems to many well-written applications.

 It isn't so much bad programming practices as unintentionally opening
 your application up to abuse.  If you are confident that your
 application isn't vulnerable, feel free to replace the struts-tags.tld
 in the struts jar with one that allows expressions.  The 10 minutes
 that will take will probably save you tons of time.


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Re: Struts 2.0.11 localization issue

2007-12-03 Thread giglian

I tried using the example application (struts2-blank-2.0.11.war) and it
working fine using and, that is I
getting the messages in the right language. 
I get the same result using rather than 
But if I rename the in, it did't
work, that is the messages are always displayed in the O.S. language. 
Anyone can help me? I'm becoming crazy... 
It seems to be a bug related with the it extension !!!
Thank's for your time! 


astepanenko wrote:
 Hi Dave,
 I didn't notice it was sent to dev list. I apologise for this.
 On Dec 1, 2007 1:01 AM, Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please move this discussion over to the struts-user
 mailing list. Thanks!


 --- Andrew Stepanenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I have something similar like this. If I append
  request_locale=uk to a
  JSP there is no effect, and still the default locale
  from is displayed. If I append
  request_locale=uk to an
  .action link, than the locale is changed, but only
  for this current
  HTTP request. Next clicks on links cause the default
  locale to be
  displayed again.
  Did anyone experience anything similar to the above?
  On Nov 30, 2007 4:34 PM, giglian
   my web app display message in jsp page ( using
  s:text name=.../)
   always in one language.
   I have two localization files (
   in the same folder), and I always get the messages
  in Italian language even
   if the client language is English (en-us).
   Rather in my production environment (O.S. Windows
  Server 2003 English), the
   same web app always displaying the same messages
  in English language even if
   the client language (IE 6) is Italian (it).
   I tried to do everythings but with any result.
   Please help me to solve this issue.
   Thanks in advance for your time.
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Re: JRuby in Struts 2

2007-12-03 Thread rvalyi

I don't really know what to think about making a yet new Struts2 oriented 
toward JRuby on Rails but I'm sure working on a better integration between 
JRuby on Rails and legacy J2EE frameworks such as Struts2 would be indeed 

Some think Rails succeeded mainly because of ActiveRecord. Well the view part 
which is 'suboptimal' in Struts as you said is also certainly a reason.

As for reusing the clever declarative validation language from Rails, please, 
bare in mind this reply I already gave to the ActiveHibernate (allow using 
Hibernate from JRoR) author on the JRuby mailing list:

I saw a chapter of the 'Rails Recipes' book that could help to do the trick, 
called how to use ActiveRecords validations without ActiveRecord. So if ever 
that helps here is the recommended way to do. May be you can include or 
document this for ActiveHibernate:

the basic trick is to do:

You have your own non-database-backed model objects that require
validations. You would like to re-use the ActiveRecord validation frame-
work to declare how these objects should be validated. You also want to
take advantage of the error_messages_on( ) and error_messages_for( ) helpers
in your views.
How do you make your custom model objects work with ActiveRecord


make such a module that takes the ActiveRecord validation module:

module Validateable
 [:save, :save!, :update_attribute].each{|attr| define_method(attr){}}
 def method_missing(symbol, *params)
   if(symbol.to_s =~ /(.*)_before_type_cast$/)
 def self.append_features(base)
   base.send(:include, ActiveRecord::Validations)

Place this module in lib/validateable.rb, and you can mix it into your own
non-ActiveRecord models as needed. Now, in terms of validation and
error reporting, your model is virtually indistinguishable from a real
ActiveRecord model.
Here's an example of a non-ActiveRecord model that supports ActiveRe-
cord validations.

class Person
  include Validateable
  attr_accessor :age
  validates_numericality_of :age

To trigger the validations, just call the model's valid?( ) method in your
controllers. This will both return true or false depending on whether
the object passes validations and will populate the model's errors( ) so
that they can be accessed from the ActiveRecord view helpers.
Here's an example of how you can interact with the validations from
the Rails console:
chad ruby script/console
 person =
= #Person:0x236e180
 person.age = NOT A NUMBER
= false
= #ActiveRecord::Errors:0x236b430 [EMAIL PROTECTED]NOT A NUMBER,
@errors=#ActiveRecord::Errors:0x236b430 ...,
@errors={age=[is not a number]}
 person.age = 30
= 30
= true
= #ActiveRecord::Errors:0x236b430 @base=#Person:0x236e180 @age=30..

Hope this will help. Good luck in your implementation. Regards,

Raphael Valyi.
Posted via Jive Forums

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Re: JSP EL in struts2 tags

2007-12-03 Thread Brian Pontarelli
I'm not 100% on the specification, but isn't this case what the delayed 
evaluation is for?


Adam Hardy wrote:
Oh I see. The JSP standard specifies real-time expression evaluation 
with EL when declared in the TLD for evaluation by the servlet 
container, and OGNL is only evaluated by tag code and for security's 
sake, the TLD declares 'no real-time expression' so that the container 
does nothing to it.

So separate TLDs, jarred with the appropriate code? One jar for the 
MVEL S2 stack, and one jar for the traditional OGNL-based S2/webwork 
stack? Presumably there must be something more that stops you doing 
that which I don't know about.

Tom Schneider on 02/12/07 21:57, wrote:
It wouldn't even be a configuration change.  Just drop the plugin jar 
in your s2 project and you're using my value stack.  (Most likely 
breaking a lot of your OGNL)  At this point, we execute the unified 
EL outside of the JSP engine, within the tags/value stack.  So at a 
minimum, if we wanted to support EL at a JSP level, we'd have to 
create a new tld file.  I'm not sure how that would work with the 
existing tags, it's been a while since I've written a taglib outside 
of s2/webwork.  It all depends on how seamlessly you would want it to 
work with existing JSP taglibs, like JSTL.  The work I've done would 
certainly be a darn good start.  If we needed a whole new taglib, I 
think that would be a good amount of work.


Adam Hardy wrote:

Very interesting.

The situation at the moment is that EL and OGNL should not be used 
together, for security reasons as I understand it, and therefore S2 
doesn't allow EL. It seems the ideal solution is to offer the option 
of either EL or OGNL, with only a change in one configuration option 
needed to specify which.

Tom Schneider on 02/12/07 19:34, wrote:
I was working on a proof of concept for Unified EL:

I had a basic value stack up and running, however, I never took it 
any farther than that.  Richard Burton is planning on implemented 
an MVEL stack in the near future, but he's waiting on some changes 
from Chris Brock in MVEL itself.

I think in the long run, we really need a new tag library to fully 
take advantage of the unfied EL.  Even if we do that though, 
standard unified EL is not as powerful as OGNL.  We would need to 
extend the language or be limited when compared to what is possible 
with OGNL today.  Maybe for some people that's not an issue, but I 
fear that would keep some people from switching.


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Re: JRuby in Struts 2

2007-12-03 Thread Brian Pontarelli

Tom Schneider wrote:
I agree, I think it would be interesting to create a plugin that gives 
us a seamless full stack: Struts2/Spring/JPA or Struts2/Guice/JPA.
As an aside, I've been working on a framework originally called Vertigo 
and now called JCatapult ( that is a full stack framework 
for web apps. It uses Struts2/SmartURLs/Guice/JPA-Hibernate and a bunch 
of other stuff. It takes cues from Rails and other locations and should 
be up and running with full documentation and examples in the next few 
weeks. Feel free to check out the code and send me questions and comments.


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Re: How to restrict direct accessing .jsp and .do in struts webapp

2007-12-03 Thread Brian Pontarelli

SmokeTheSun wrote:


Iam working in Struts1.2 application development. In that i want to restrict
direct access(through URL) for jsp pages or by calling .do action.

Specifically unauthenticated user must not access any pages.

Can you give the idea(s)..  


Please ask this question on the users list.


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How to restrict direct accessing .jsp and .do in struts webapp

2007-12-03 Thread SmokeTheSun


Iam working in Struts1.2 application development. In that i want to restrict
direct access(through URL) for jsp pages or by calling .do action.

Specifically unauthenticated user must not access any pages.

Can you give the idea(s)..  

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Re: JSP EL in struts2 tags

2007-12-03 Thread Brian Pontarelli
The case I know of is anytime an OGNL expression is the value of a JSP 
EL expression that the user has control of. This could be in the 
session, request, or context from what I can think of. Usually it is a 
parameter that is being passed in like this:{bad ognl expression}

Obviously this would be escaped, but this would be handled like this:

s:text key=${jspEL}/

The JSP replaces the expression prior to passing to Struts and then 
Struts evaluates the OGNL expression.

I'm sure there are other cases as well. This is the main one that comes 
to my mind.


Ing. Andrea Vettori wrote:

Il giorno 03/dic/07, alle ore 08:48, Don Brown ha scritto:

On 12/3/07, Ing. Andrea Vettori [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm happy to know that a complete solution is being planned/developed.
I just say that if the security problem is caused only by bad
programming practice, removing EL evaluation into S2 tld is causing
upgrading problems to many well-written applications.

It isn't so much bad programming practices as unintentionally opening
your application up to abuse. If you are confident that your
application isn't vulnerable, feel free to replace the struts-tags.tld
in the struts jar with one that allows expressions. The 10 minutes
that will take will probably save you tons of time.

I'll try to do so.

Can you confirm that the problem is triggered only when using request 
parameters inside EL ?

Thanks !

Ing. Andrea Vettori
Consulente per l'Information Technology

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RE: JSP EL in struts2 tags

2007-12-03 Thread Bob Tiernay

Perhaps this can be remedied by adding a switch to each struts tag whereby if 
the switch is high, then ognl is not evaluated inside the tag:
s:text key=${jspEL} eval=false /Since the nature of this problem concerns 
the expressive power of ognl (calling methods), this approach wouldn't penalize 
jsp el users.
Also, I think having 2 tlds with 2 different uris to be totally reasonable. 
Bob Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 09:11:10 -0700 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: Re: JSP EL in struts2 tags  The case I know 
of is anytime an OGNL expression is the value of a JSP  EL expression that the 
user has control of. This could be in the  session, request, or context from 
what I can think of. Usually it is a  parameter that is being passed in like 
this:{bad ognl expression}  
Obviously this would be escaped, but this would be handled like this:  
s:text key=${jspEL}/  The JSP replaces the expression prior to passing to 
Struts and then  Struts evaluates the OGNL expression.  I'm sure there are 
other cases as well. This is the main one that comes  to my mind.  -bp   
Ing. Andrea Vettori wrote:   Il giorno 03/dic/07, alle ore 08:48, Don Brown 
ha scritto:   On 12/3/07, Ing. Andrea Vettori [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 I'm happy to know that a complete solution is being planned/developed.  
I just say that if the security problem is caused only by bad  programming 
practice, removing EL evaluation into S2 tld is causing  upgrading problems 
to many well-written applications.   It isn't so much bad programming 
practices as unintentionally opening  your application up to abuse. If you 
are confident that your  application isn't vulnerable, feel free to replace 
the struts-tags.tld  in the struts jar with one that allows expressions. The 
10 minutes  that will take will probably save you tons of time.
I'll try to do so.   Can you confirm that the problem is triggered only 
when using request   parameters inside EL ?   Thanks ! --   
Ing. Andrea Vettori  Consulente per l'Information Technology 
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Re: Missing source jars in maven repo

2007-12-03 Thread Paul Benedict
I agree this is a problem. I haven't been able to find the Struts 2 source
code (and javadocs) in the repos myself.


On Dec 3, 2007 2:04 PM, Tomislav Stojcevich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can somebody please manually upload the source jars to the maven repo.

 See the following issues:

 Either the profile isn't getting used during release or there is
 something wrong with the profile or there is something wrong with the
 sync to the maven repo.

 After at least 4 reported and closed issues, i still cannot find a
 single source file for any of the version 2 jars in the central repo.


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Re: JSP EL in struts2 tags

2007-12-03 Thread Jessek

I don't know how relevant it is to the conversation or how awful it's going
to be trying to do it but I did plan on taking a stab at creating a new
unified-el compatible grammar for OGNL when I do my big IoC-friendly
re-factor.  (probably a 2.7.3 release kind of change)

Since jboss and others already sound like they do some el extensions of
their own to support parameter passing / other things it hopefully won't be
too bad.   I'll try and post updates wherever I can to get more people
involved but knowing how you want to handle backwards compatibility -
unified el + ognl stuff (if at all) and if OGNL needs to perform any extra
tricks to make it happen would be a good thing to have ready and discuss /
etc during that dev cycle. 

I'm guessing I'll probably start on it sometime this month and finish
whenever. .

Tom Schneider wrote:
 I was working on a proof of concept for Unified EL:
 I had a basic value stack up and running, however, I never took it any 
 farther than that.  Richard Burton is planning on implemented an MVEL 
 stack in the near future, but he's waiting on some changes from Chris 
 Brock in MVEL itself.
 I think in the long run, we really need a new tag library to fully take 
 advantage of the unfied EL.  Even if we do that though, standard unified 
 EL is not as powerful as OGNL.  We would need to extend the language or 
 be limited when compared to what is possible with OGNL today.  Maybe for 
 some people that's not an issue, but I fear that would keep some people 
 from switching.

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Getting patches committed

2007-12-03 Thread chengas123

I submitted a bug fix patch about three weeks ago and it seems like it was
approved and never committed (WW-2094 and WW-2300).  I know everyone's busy,
but it seems like those issues on the JIRA are being ignored.  Another patch
(WW-2240) has been ignored as well.  I've got a much more recent patch
(WW-2256) that I'm also hoping someone will take a look at.  Let me know if
there's anything I can do to help get these fixes committed (which address
rather noticeable, major, and easy to fix issues) since I don't have commit


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Re: Missing source jars in maven repo

2007-12-03 Thread Martin Gilday
Normal Maven procedure would just entail sticking -DperformRelease=true
on the end to generate source and javadoc jars.  

mvn deploy -DperformRelease=true

Does performing a Struts 2 release require doing something non-maven

- Original message -
From: Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 17:13:19 -0500
Subject: Re: Missing source jars in maven repo

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to fix it. My setup here isn't quite
right, and it might have something do with it. The exact steps we
follow are here:


I know Antonio has been working on it, and if he, or someone else,
runs the 2.1.1 release, maybe he or she will be able to do a better
job. :)

I'd like to get an Ubuntu system installed here soon, which might also


On Dec 3, 2007 3:06 PM, Paul Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I agree this is a problem. I haven't been able to find the Struts 2 source
 code (and javadocs) in the repos myself.


 On Dec 3, 2007 2:04 PM, Tomislav Stojcevich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Can somebody please manually upload the source jars to the maven repo.
  See the following issues:
  Either the profile isn't getting used during release or there is
  something wrong with the profile or there is something wrong with the
  sync to the maven repo.
  After at least 4 reported and closed issues, i still cannot find a
  single source file for any of the version 2 jars in the central repo.
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HTH, Ted

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Re: Getting patches committed

2007-12-03 Thread Ted Husted
I'll be heads-down until at least December 19th, but I should be able
to start appying patches again by the end of the year.

It's not that they are being ignored, it's just, as you say, that no
one has time. Struts is still an all-volunteer project, and everyone
has some other full time job.

Personally, I think that the Java web community should be ashamed.
Struts has generated millions of dollars of revenue for consultants,
training centers, and publishers, the world over, and saved tens of
thousands of companies the expense of developing and documenting their
own framework. Yet, no one has ever stepped up and tried to put a paid
developer into the Struts group. It boggles the mind.


On Dec 3, 2007 3:24 PM, chengas123 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I submitted a bug fix patch about three weeks ago and it seems like it was
 approved and never committed (WW-2094 and WW-2300).  I know everyone's busy,
 but it seems like those issues on the JIRA are being ignored.  Another patch
 (WW-2240) has been ignored as well.  I've got a much more recent patch
 (WW-2256) that I'm also hoping someone will take a look at.  Let me know if
 there's anything I can do to help get these fixes committed (which address
 rather noticeable, major, and easy to fix issues) since I don't have commit


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HTH, Ted

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Re: Missing source jars in maven repo

2007-12-03 Thread Ted Husted
Unfortunately, I have no idea how to fix it. My setup here isn't quite
right, and it might have something do with it. The exact steps we
follow are here:


I know Antonio has been working on it, and if he, or someone else,
runs the 2.1.1 release, maybe he or she will be able to do a better
job. :)

I'd like to get an Ubuntu system installed here soon, which might also help.


On Dec 3, 2007 3:06 PM, Paul Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I agree this is a problem. I haven't been able to find the Struts 2 source
 code (and javadocs) in the repos myself.


 On Dec 3, 2007 2:04 PM, Tomislav Stojcevich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Can somebody please manually upload the source jars to the maven repo.
  See the following issues:
  Either the profile isn't getting used during release or there is
  something wrong with the profile or there is something wrong with the
  sync to the maven repo.
  After at least 4 reported and closed issues, i still cannot find a
  single source file for any of the version 2 jars in the central repo.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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HTH, Ted

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Re: Missing source jars in maven repo

2007-12-03 Thread Paul Benedict
Also I believe the maven-release-plugin (if you use it) forks with


On Dec 3, 2007 4:20 PM, Martin Gilday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Normal Maven procedure would just entail sticking -DperformRelease=true
 on the end to generate source and javadoc jars.

 mvn deploy -DperformRelease=true

 Does performing a Struts 2 release require doing something non-maven

 - Original message -
 From: Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Developers List
 Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 17:13:19 -0500
 Subject: Re: Missing source jars in maven repo

 Unfortunately, I have no idea how to fix it. My setup here isn't quite
 right, and it might have something do with it. The exact steps we
 follow are here:


 I know Antonio has been working on it, and if he, or someone else,
 runs the 2.1.1 release, maybe he or she will be able to do a better
 job. :)

 I'd like to get an Ubuntu system installed here soon, which might also


 On Dec 3, 2007 3:06 PM, Paul Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I agree this is a problem. I haven't been able to find the Struts 2
  code (and javadocs) in the repos myself.
  On Dec 3, 2007 2:04 PM, Tomislav Stojcevich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Can somebody please manually upload the source jars to the maven repo.
   See the following issues:
   Either the profile isn't getting used during release or there is
   something wrong with the profile or there is something wrong with the
   sync to the maven repo.
   After at least 4 reported and closed issues, i still cannot find a
   single source file for any of the version 2 jars in the central repo.
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 HTH, Ted

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Re: JSP EL in struts2 tags

2007-12-03 Thread Tom Schneider
Well, I am definitely interested in this.  I had no idea this was being 
planned.  (I'll have to pop over to the OGNL site more often now)  It 
definitely would be good for us to keep in sync since we may be 
duplicating efforts.  My work thus far has been mostly a Proof of 
Concept, so I haven't invested too much time at this point.  It would 
also probably be easier from a migration standpoint if we could get 
something like this going.


Jessek wrote:

I don't know how relevant it is to the conversation or how awful it's going
to be trying to do it but I did plan on taking a stab at creating a new
unified-el compatible grammar for OGNL when I do my big IoC-friendly
re-factor.  (probably a 2.7.3 release kind of change)

Since jboss and others already sound like they do some el extensions of
their own to support parameter passing / other things it hopefully won't be
too bad.   I'll try and post updates wherever I can to get more people
involved but knowing how you want to handle backwards compatibility -
unified el + ognl stuff (if at all) and if OGNL needs to perform any extra
tricks to make it happen would be a good thing to have ready and discuss /
etc during that dev cycle. 

I'm guessing I'll probably start on it sometime this month and finish
whenever. .

Tom Schneider wrote:
I was working on a proof of concept for Unified EL:

I had a basic value stack up and running, however, I never took it any 
farther than that.  Richard Burton is planning on implemented an MVEL 
stack in the near future, but he's waiting on some changes from Chris 
Brock in MVEL itself.

I think in the long run, we really need a new tag library to fully take 
advantage of the unfied EL.  Even if we do that though, standard unified 
EL is not as powerful as OGNL.  We would need to extend the language or 
be limited when compared to what is possible with OGNL today.  Maybe for 
some people that's not an issue, but I fear that would keep some people 
from switching.



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Re: Struts 2.0.11 localization issue

2007-12-03 Thread Dave Newton
Please move this discussion to the user list.


--- giglian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I tried using the example application
 (struts2-blank-2.0.11.war) and it
 working fine using and, that is I
 getting the messages in the right language. 
 I get the same result using
 rather than 
 But if I rename the in, it did't
 work, that is the messages are always displayed in
 the O.S. language. 
 Anyone can help me? I'm becoming crazy... 
 It seems to be a bug related with the it extension
 Thank's for your time! 
 astepanenko wrote:
  Hi Dave,
  I didn't notice it was sent to dev list. I
 apologise for this.
  On Dec 1, 2007 1:01 AM, Dave Newton
  Please move this discussion over to the
  mailing list. Thanks!
  --- Andrew Stepanenko
   I have something similar like this. If I append
   request_locale=uk to a
   JSP there is no effect, and still the default
   from is displayed. If I append
   request_locale=uk to an
   .action link, than the locale is changed, but
   for this current
   HTTP request. Next clicks on links cause the
   locale to be
   displayed again.
   Did anyone experience anything similar to the
   On Nov 30, 2007 4:34 PM, giglian
my web app display message in jsp page (
   s:text name=.../)
always in one language.
I have two localization files
in the same folder), and I always get the
   in Italian language even
if the client language is English (en-us).
Rather in my production environment (O.S.
   Server 2003 English), the
same web app always displaying the same
   in English language even if
the client language (IE 6) is Italian (it).
I tried to do everythings but with any
Please help me to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance for your time.
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Re: JRuby in Struts 2

2007-12-03 Thread Dave Newton
--- Martin Gilday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think having erb (is that right?) views

We do; they're called scriptlets. Erb is a step
backwards from anything I want to be involved with.

To answer somebody else's question: the reason to use
a different framework besides JRoR with JRuby is
because Rails forces you into the Rails framework.

It's difficult to extend, difficult to debug, and I've
spent more time working around its limitations and
code than is practical. For certain application spaces
it's a beautiful thing; step outside of its domain and
it will beat you about the head and shoulders
repeatedly and with great vigor.

Now that the JRuby compiler is working I'd be much
more interested in pursuing it (or Groovy, or Clojure,
or Scala) as glue, particularly for validation,
rules, possibly configuration, etc. 

(I don't have much interest in ActiveRecord, either,
but that's primarily because I'm currently working
with a lot of legacy data for which ActiveRecord is
particularly unsuited.)


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Re: JSP EL in struts2 tags

2007-12-03 Thread Jessek

I felt bad about the jsp f-job that your tags went through and have some dim
hope that maybe Howard will use it in T5 since he seems to be leaning more
towards jsf friendly spec -like things.   Haven't posted anything about this
anywhere else except in a private email to Drew/Patrick though.  

Anyone is more than welcome to help contribute towards whatever effort is
involved.   The actual el -compatible language part should be easy as it'll
just require copying / editing a new grammar file for javacc (ognl already
supports all the language features and then some of course..),  but I expect
all the API refactoring / whatever hell the u-el API has in store to not be
as easy.  (it's better to be pessimistic) 

Tom Schneider wrote:
 Well, I am definitely interested in this.  I had no idea this was being 
 planned.  (I'll have to pop over to the OGNL site more often now)  It 
 definitely would be good for us to keep in sync since we may be 
 duplicating efforts.  My work thus far has been mostly a Proof of 
 Concept, so I haven't invested too much time at this point.  It would 
 also probably be easier from a migration standpoint if we could get 
 something like this going.
 Jessek wrote:
 I don't know how relevant it is to the conversation or how awful it's
 to be trying to do it but I did plan on taking a stab at creating a new
 unified-el compatible grammar for OGNL when I do my big IoC-friendly
 re-factor.  (probably a 2.7.3 release kind of change)

 Since jboss and others already sound like they do some el extensions of
 their own to support parameter passing / other things it hopefully won't
 too bad.   I'll try and post updates wherever I can to get more people
 involved but knowing how you want to handle backwards compatibility -
 unified el + ognl stuff (if at all) and if OGNL needs to perform any
 tricks to make it happen would be a good thing to have ready and discuss
 etc during that dev cycle. 

 I'm guessing I'll probably start on it sometime this month and finish
 whenever. .

 Tom Schneider wrote:
 I was working on a proof of concept for Unified EL:

 I had a basic value stack up and running, however, I never took it any 
 farther than that.  Richard Burton is planning on implemented an MVEL 
 stack in the near future, but he's waiting on some changes from Chris 
 Brock in MVEL itself.

 I think in the long run, we really need a new tag library to fully take 
 advantage of the unfied EL.  Even if we do that though, standard unified 
 EL is not as powerful as OGNL.  We would need to extend the language or 
 be limited when compared to what is possible with OGNL today.  Maybe for 
 some people that's not an issue, but I fear that would keep some people 
 from switching.


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