is available again

2014-03-31 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I found out that wasn't viewable anymore even though 
the builds were still occuring.

I just updated to the latest jenkins and github-oauth plugin and it 
seems to work again.



Re: Wicket Stuff commit access

2012-10-22 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

Hi Tom,

Access granted.



GitHub username:  raystorm

Off and on I keep finding minor things with In-Method Grid that I would like to 
fix and easily contribute back.

Tom Burton

Looking for help with wicketstuff-core releases

2012-05-30 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I've been doing the wicketstuff-core builds since May 2010 and I've been 
pretty selfish in that I only added myself to the list of users allowed 
to publish org.wicketstuff artifacts through the 

My wife had twin boys this past January so I have found that my 
available free time has suddenly gone to zero.

I'd like to find one or more volunteers to take over the release process 
for wicketstuff-core or at least part of it (Maybe one person per 
branch) so that releases are more regular again.

The best way for frequent releases is to take some piece of your 
application and then put it into wicketstuff then when you need new 
features, etc for a real work release you are extremely motivated to cut 
a wicketstuff-core release :)

I will still keep the jenkins instance running and 
hopefully in a few months I will have better time management and can get 
back into doing some releases myself.

Next Steps:
1. create an account at then sent me your 
username and I will update the ticket and get your account permissioned 
to be able to release org.wicketstuff artifacts.



Re: Howto patch wicket 1.5.4

2012-01-23 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

The wicket git repo is here:




i would like to apply some patches not included in 1.5.4 yet. But i 
can't find the wicket-git repository.

On website there is only a description for building wicket from svn.


Re: Howto patch wicket 1.5.4

2012-01-23 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

Hi Per,

I see the wicket-spring module in the main directory:

$ git ls-tree release/wicket-1.5.4
100644 blob 6121122a4abb527e4c0b841339d6c17ce17a9e2b.gitignore
100644 blob 39213b2449fd6734a2d5fc0fdff6882e90612773CHANGELOG-1.5
100644 blob d645695673349e3947e8e5ae42332d0ac3164cd7LICENSE
100644 blob 3faa3bb03db97b934a18bfbe49967fb072be4b12NOTICE
100644 blob 82e28ab926a9f9a1e228bae82c7291f1c96b7fb1README
04 tree d206a05d0a5ddbb8c11190a9c359d25bc4d9728darchetypes
04 tree 8179cc32cbd7aa6482609e0e9c5a6ebdb8501633licenses
100644 blob 324efbe31b8dff72acc273b371e81ed6f37ed666pom.xml
100755 blob
100755 blob
04 tree 1bbc10070b550cb916a2f23e3f7300ae0f7b167dtesting
100644 blob 92fdf7fa6bfc851e5d6ff9e04ec84a279e98c9ab

04 tree 96de318ed1240938ecb15a0f12e02429a54d84c1wicket-auth-roles
04 tree 03ffdf4c1f5e1d1ff2152a91b71f906ba5b0ef85wicket-core
04 tree bf0dbba79b57ab32df6f0aefc7b9ea65bfded362wicket-datetime
04 tree 3cf7463ab2235b3912831bea5cf4b42d0f69a894wicket-devutils
04 tree bdc30b2e587e405b9f99a86b8aacae24a8b8855cwicket-examples
04 tree 3a8e2d68c88f8ca93f170de88283e5d64dac8789wicket-extensions
04 tree 09bc05e7a95856ecea87e505665aa86f716d5dabwicket-guice
04 tree 2092367dbd7cf0259670ddde08d8677d24e258b6wicket-ioc
04 tree e3faddcb22c4abe706d40eb8d0e34b44bf18c510wicket-jmx
04 tree 680a40126a70aab3febf347a63787e735a81b4ef

04 tree dc4c356470cc1cc801ae7bde1652eb8a9dc53a70wicket-request
04 tree 5407e76c262e2c90da28cb601216cb6d8ee99af5wicket-spring 
-- right here

04 tree eb3b8c8f0efdeeca4bb0dfefaa8c91d9529d9d9cwicket-util
04 tree cff725cc137db59e48b022ba1a83e5337ed5723ewicket-velocity
04 tree dd7833ce6747d0b2fc4bf83fadce8c5b70ac92d4wicket

If you are working in Eclipse typically you import the base artifact and 
then import existing maven projects from that one in the package explorer.

Are you sure you need to compile wicket yourself?  because the 
1.5-SNAPSHOT artifacts are built automatically on the Apache 
infrastructure and if you just need some features not yet released that 
would be the easiest way to get them.

You would just add the snapshot repository to your project or maven 
settings.xml file:

nameApache Snapshot Repository/name


Please, please , please don't call be stupid. But after cloning and 
checkout i don't see the wicket-spring project. Has it moved anywhere?


Am 23.01.2012 16:09, schrieb Martin Grigorov:


I just updated the docs.

git clone

git checkout -b wicket-1.5.4 release/wicket-1.5.4

verify that you use 1.5.4 with:
git branch

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 4:22 PM, Per  wrote:

Thanks Mike,

but release/wicket-1.5.4 is not there

What can i do ?

The wicket git repo is here:




i would like to apply some patches not included in 1.5.4 yet. But 
i can't

find the wicket-git repository.
On website there is only a description for building wicket from svn.


Re: buildbot failure in ASF Buildbot on wicket-master

2011-12-29 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh
This is a bit strange, the wicket-master builder is building the couchdb 

It seems that the builder knows the sha1 for the couchdb project HEAD 
which doesn't exist in the wicket git repository in the builder which is 
what is failing the build.

If you look here:  you 
can see that the build-bot started tracking non-wicket changes at 
18:45:00 on Wednesday Dec 28.  At least some of them seem to be from the 
tomcat project.

I checked the svn to git ticket at but that doesn't talk 
about the build bot.  I think a wicket committer should file a new 
infrastructure ticket about this (i.e. non wicket project being built 
with the wicket-master builder and contaminating the build history)



The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder wicket-master while building 
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Buildslave for this Build: hemera_ubuntu

Build Reason: scheduler
Build Source Stamp: [branch master] ee00d8183f9cff14e900897fed7a14f78bb7f617
Blamelist: Randall

BUILD FAILED: failed git

  -The Buildbot

Re: Wicket Stuff commit access

2011-11-19 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh
Hi Peter, 

I've granted you commit access.

Please be aware that we recently moved wicket 1.5 development to the
core-1.5.x branch.  Wicket 6 development is taking place on master.



wicketstuff-core master branch now tracks wicket 6.0-SNAPSHOT

2011-11-17 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


Issue #75 ( was raised to 
create a core-1.5.x branch in wicketstuff-core.

I have done this and switched the master branch to track wicket 
6.0-SNAPSHOT and switch the version number to 6.0-SNAPSHOT since we 
track the wicket upstream version numbers.

I have created the changes in the server but both 
tree's seem to need a full build which may take about 4-5 hours to run.

If you have outstanding changes please take care when merging to use the 
right branch.

i.e. your master to origin/core-1.5.x



I added Till Freier into wicketstuff committer team.

2011-11-16 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I just added Till Freier (github usename: tfreier) into the committer 
team of wicketstuff.

He is the contributor of the wicket-facebook and soon to be contributed 
wicket-twitter wicketstuff modules.


Mike is now live with the new jenkins server

2011-11-02 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


Martijn Dashorst created the domain and pointed it at 
my server.

I've just finished setting up the proxy settings to that it works.

I have implemented the github post commit hook (via the github-plugin) 
so any changes that are committed into the core-1.4.x or master branch 
trigger a build for the modules touched.  This is faster than the 
@hourly polling that was used before.

Everything works fine for the master branch (targeting wicket 
1.5-SNAPSHOT) but there are still some issues with the core-1.4.x branch 
(targeting wicket 1.4-SNAPSHOT).

I'm trying to make the core-1.4.x branch build from a single tree like 
master does now for space reasons but there have been some issues and 
its not working yet.

Any developer that is a 'public' member of any team in the wicketstuff 
github organization will be able to login.

Doing a full build is slower than before, probably about 1 hour and 20 
minutes.  But because of the fast turn around with the post commit hook 
incremental changes should rebuild and be pushed into 
much faster.



Proposal: Moving Jenkins instance to a linux server (I volunteer to manage it)

2011-10-13 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


Jenkins currently runs at  The 
server is running FreeBSD which is not directly supported by Jenkins and 
so upgrading and installing related tooling becomes a burden on the 
server admins.

Recently there has been intermittent instability that causes jenkins to 
become unavailable and prevents developers from being easily able to 
generate and test new snapshot releases.

My proposal is that we take advantage of the Jenkins community support 
for Linux that includes auto-installers and binary packages and switch 
to running the Jenkins instance on a Linux box.

I am volunteering to host this on a VPS I have and to take care of the 
server side admin.

If this is acceptable I would suggest moving jenkins from to a DNS A name like that 
could point at my server.

Then depending on the load I might ask to have the 
server setup as a slave to sometimes assist in building the projects but 
not be the main access point for the developers.  Once this is setup I 
would also be interested in letting others contribute slaves to help 
with the build.

In the past when I noticed that the server was 
down I  would setup a private Jenkins instance to take care of building 
the SNAPSHOT's because I didn't want to run it in public with the same 
anyone can signup privileges.

To get around this issue I have written a  Jenkins 
authentication/authorization plugin that will restrict access to only 
members of a named github organization (i.e. only github users that are 
a member of the wicketstuff organization can access and invoke builds.

This will let us manage access entirely through Github.   The only 
restriction on the plugin right now is that the users affiliation in the 
team needs to be publicized.

Plugin Link:

I've published the 0.6 version of this plugin which now supports a post 
commit hook from github to trigger builds (i.e. no more @hourly polling 
is required).

The test instance is here:  Anyone with commit 
access in github  that is a public member of the any team in the 
wicketstuff project can login and have the trigger build permission.



Re: [Announce] Wicket Stuff Core 1.4.18 Released

2011-08-12 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


Actually I don't really do any work for the release.

I just create a new branch change the pom version tie the root pom to 
the stable wicket version and build using my credentials.

It is the other wicketstuff developers that do all of the work in 
keeping the master and core-1.4.x branches buildable and applying fixes 
and improvements to their projects.



Hi Brian,

core-1.4.x branch if for development against Wicket 1.4.x
master branch is like trunk in SVN - there we commit the changes
against Wicket's trunk (1.5.x)

wicketstuff's core-1.4.x gets much less commits these days compared to
master branch. The same is valid for Wicket's SVN repo.

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 5:44 AM, Brian  wrote:

Congrats Mike! :-)

Seems I don't have a good handle on the release process and the different 
branches, my bad for not having read the previous one of these emails.  Oops!

What (if anything) is the master branch used for?  If future dev is on 
core-1.4.x, does master need to be kept up to date?  It appears it isn't being 
ignored, but I don't see any patterns between the branches either.

Any insight or rtfm pointers appreciated!

Cheers, Brian

On Aug 11, 2011, at 9:56 PM, Michael O'Cleirigh wrote:


Following the release of wicket 1.4.18 I have cut a matching wicketstuff-core 

The artifacts have been promoted and should be synced into the maven central 
repository with in a 2-3 hours.

They can be retrieved like this:


The release tag is here:

Development on the next release takes place on the core-1.4.x branch here:

Issues can be reported here:

The Project Wiki is available here:

New Modules included in this release:

ModalX: Extensions to the upstream Wicket ModalWindow component.

Changelog between wicketstuff-core- and this release:

martin-g (4):
  Add ModalX project.
  Rename packages to org.wicketstuff
  Ignore SBT's project/boot/ folder
  Rename folder css.modalx to css/modalx as it was in SVN export

Chris Colman (1):
  Added wrapper Form around ModalWindow to comply with Wicket design and

Michael O'Cleirigh (1):
  commit wicketstuff-core-1.4.18 release pom's

(This listing was generated using: git shortlog -n 

I will plan to do the next release within one month of today but if you commit 
code and/or need a release cut sooner please either contact me directly or file 
a ticket.



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Re: Wicketstuff Jenkins Status?

2011-07-04 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

I made the git path change and now the 1.4-SNAPSHOT's are building again.

There was a configuration issue with the 1.5-SNAPSHOT version but I 
copied over the settings from my jenkins instance and it should work 
once the build gets to it.

There is a problem with the dojo project that uses the 
maven-ant-plugin.  It works fine in my linux instance but on it dies, see this link:$dojo-resources-standard/console 

Is ant installed on the server?


[~]$ which git
[~]$ git --version
git version

Git is there.
I have few accounts in Jenkins but none of them is admin.
Can someone with Admin rights to give me the karma for user martin-g ?

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Harald  wrote:

Am 04.07.2011 19:51, schrieb Ron Smits:

Actually looking at the output at
will see that it cannot find the git program: This is actually the

Cannot run program git: error=2, No such file
or directory

Looks like either git is not installed on the machine, or it's not in the
PATH - in that case, it should be sufficient to set the absolute path to the
git binary in Jenkins' main configuration page.


Re: Wicket Stuff commit access jbrookover

2011-06-15 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


If you want feedback before pushing I would suggest registering a pull 
request from your fork like this describes:

Then other wicketstuff devs can comment before the changes are merged in.




I'm quite new to Git, but I've made various changes to the 'tinymce' module and 
would like to push those changes to GitHub.  Those changes include..

- Updating to a later version of TinyMCE
- A fix that allows lazy loading of dependencies during an AJAX rendering of 
- Updating to some newer plugins (e.g. autoresize)
- Fix for a rendering bug that would fail to re-render a TinyMCE instance 
through an AJAX Call (e.g. when form validation fails)

Also open to any and all oversight and advice during my first Git push - took 
me several tries to get it figured out in Eclipse.  Always used SVN up to this 
point :)


Jake Brookover
GitHub: jbrookover

Re: Externalized Page Flow in Wicket

2011-05-13 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

Hi Clint,

wicketstuff/core is always welcoming more contributors.  You could start 
out with the code in wicketstuff and then later decide if it really 
needs a separate repository it could be moved.The Developer 
Information page here: has more 
information on how new modules can be contributed.

If you already have project history that you want to opensource you 
could look at how the wicket-security merge was done.  In this case a 
multiyear history on the wicket-security projects were merged into the 
exiting wicketstuff/core history (this is the sha1 of the 

I don't know the exact merge type used for wicket-security but this page 
has a method that I used to extract the dojo project from the sandbox 
back into master:
Section: Import a New project from an external git repository

If you need commit access into the wicketstuff-core repository then send 
me you github username and I will add you.



Thanks for the great direction. I'll let you know once I have a home for the

Just to sum up, the best way to contribute new code to the Wicket project
1- Find a place to share the new code (ie wicket-stuff or a git-hub)
2- Listen to feedback from the community, improving the code
3- If there is a large enough need (and enough interested folks in
maintaining that specific code) then it may get accepted into the Wicket
code itself.


On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Jeremy


  We (Wicket devs and community) are always happy to see new developers and
development teams (especially) show interest in contributing back to the
Wicket community.  On behalf of both, welcome!

  As all developers understand, maintaining code is much more costly than
initially developing it.  Especially is this true with framework code like
Wicket.  It must be very robust and fit so many individual needs of
different users.  Maintaining code written by others is doubly hard.  For
that reason, for any wicket-* integration projects as well as other large
Wicket plugins / add-ons, we like to see the code incubate on its own
considering the merit of it entering the Wicket codebase.  Once it enters
the Wicket codebase, we then have to maintain it ad infinitum.  If your
project gains widespread adoption within the community, and there is a
developer base that is willing to support it, we may later pull it into the
core codebase.

  Although Wicket Stuff is a viable option for contributing this code, if
you would like more control over the project, you may also want to consider
creating a GitHub account for your team or company.  You could create the
project there, and easily add contributors, manage contributions, etc.
  Google Code or are other options.

  As one last point, there is a little bit of paperwork required to take any
large contribution of code into any Apache Software Foundation codebase.
  See the two subheadings here: License Agreements
and Software Grants).

Jeremy Thomerson
*Need a CMS for Wicket?  Use Brix!*

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 1:35 PM, Martin


I think it will be better to put it in wicketstuff/core for the


We are kinda conservative to accept more code to support officially.
We don't have much resources anyway.
And I don't remember someone else to ask for such flow so maybe it is
not that common needed functionality.
But if the project gain more popularity, who knows - one day it may
become part of the Apache Wicket project.

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 6:26 PM, Checketts, Clint  wrote:

Wicket Devs,

As part of a rollout of Wicket, we had a requirement to externalize the

page flow from the Java code. As the result of that effort we created an
integration layer for Wicket to work with Spring Web Flow ( )  Now I'd like to open source that
layer and contribute it back to the Wicket project.

What are your thoughts? After you all have viewed the code and agree


the overall design (and unit tests), I could see the code being a new
separate module like the wicket-spring one is, ie wicket-spring-web-flow.


-Clint Checketts

Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development

Re: Wicketstuff commit access

2011-04-10 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

Hi Pedro,

I've added your 'pedrosans' username into the committers team.

You should be able to push the changes into wicketstuff/core and edit 
the wiki repo.



Hi, I want to contribute to minis project with a new request handler
responsible to respond some table component as a XLS file.
I already forked the project and sent 2 examples[1], next I will to write
some doc in the wiki also.


Re: Wicketstuff spring cleaning 2011 maintenance update

2011-04-04 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

Hi Martijn,

Thanks to you and Johan for making these changes.

I have turned off my private jenkins server as wicketstuff's jenkins is 
now building properly.

I still have interest in the confluence data.  I have created 
placeholders for the project pages on the new wiki but most of the 
content remains to be transferred.

I think I was hoping that project contributors would have made their own 
changes.  However with confluence about to disappear for good I would 
like to migrate the data.

Actually if there were a way to get the raw pages out without 
reactivating confluence that would work for me.  I think for the push 
project documentation I just copied the raw markup out of confluence and 
then changed it into markdown (or the dialect that github wiki understands).

If it has to be turned on to extract the data then maybe it could be 
over this weekend?





On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Martijn Dashorst  wrote:

Also working on enabling git client support on server
so that hudson can build once more!


On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Martijn Dashorst  wrote:

Johan and I have cleaned up some of wickestuff's folders to free up
diskspace and upgrade some things:

  - hudson -  jenkins 1.404
  - tomcat -  6.0.32

I've disabled the confluence instance and will remove all data
associated with it in the near future-ish. If you have anything worth
preserving, let me know, and I'll bring it up one last time giving you
the chance to get the content.

Right now you'll get a 503, I'm waiting for the automatic restart
script to kick in.


Become a Wicket expert, learn from the best:

Become a Wicket expert, learn from the best:

Re: Wicket Stuff commit access

2011-03-22 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I've added you to the committers team in

Let me know when your module is in and working and I can cut 
wicketstuff-core point releases to get it distributed into maven central.



Can I please have wicketstuff commit access? I want to add a new module. My
github username is cretzel.

- Nick

View this message in context:
Sent from the Forum for Wicket Core developers mailing list archive at

[Announce] wicketstuff-core 1.4.16 is released.

2011-03-02 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


Following the release of wicket 1.4.16 last week I have cut a matching 
release for wicketstuff-core (

The artifacts have been promoted and are now available through the maven 
central repository.

They can be retrieved like this:


The release tag is here:

Issues can be reported here:

The Project Wiki is available here:

Release Notes - WicketStuff Core - Version 1.4.16:

Michael O'Cleirigh (10 commits)
Brought the dojo integration back from the sandbox.
Minor pom changes.

seb (2 commits):
  - introduced IPushEventContext
  - introduced broad casting channels
- renamed IPushChannel to IPushNode
- added new IPushChannel interface representing a broadcasting channel
- IPushService: an event can now either be send to a push node 
directly (1-1 communication) or to a broadcasting channel (1-n 

Martin Funk (1 commit)
Summary: work on snapshot version to track 1.4-SNAPSHOT and other git 
and eclipse fixes.

The plan is to release another 1.4.x stable release within one month 
from today. If you commit code and/or want a release sooner let me know 
as one month is the worst case target.



[announce] Wicket Stuff Core 1.5-rc2 is released

2011-02-26 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


Following the release of wicket 1.5-rc2 I've cut a matching release for 
wicketstuff-core (

The artifacts have been promoted and are now available through the maven 
central repository.

They can be retrieved like this:


The release tag is here:

Issues can be reported here:

The Project Wiki is available here:

Release Notes - WicketStuff Core - Version 1.5-rc2:

akiraly (35 commits):
Contributed new wicketstuff-springreference project.
Contributed new wicketstuff-logback project.
Various pom updates to better align with upstream wicket release.
Upgrade from jetty 6 to jetty 7.
Assorted pom changes to improve the consistency of dependencies used.

Martin Grigorov (22):

  Issue 10 - Fix wicket-scala-sample in master branch due to 
upstream change
  Issue 11 - shiro-example-spring-hibernate pom has a wrong parent 
  Update Maven dependencies to newer versions (version that match 
Wicket's dependencies)

  Improvements to the scala integration project.

Michael O'Cleirigh (7 commits):
  Fixing breakage caused by upstream wicket changes since 1.5-RC1.
  Minor changes related to the release.

Christian Strempfer (3 commits):
  Fixed a bug, which causes the InputBehavior to execute multiple 
times after an AJAX update.

To see a list of all the commits between wicketstuff-core-1.5-RC1.1 and 
wicketstuff-core-1.5-rc2 use this command (on branch master in the root 

git log --name-only wicketstuff-core-1.5-rc2 wicketstuff-core-1.5-RC1.1..

The plan is to release a 1.5 series version within one month from 
today.If you commit code and/or want a release sooner let me know as 
one month is the worst case target.


Mike keeps giving 503 errors for hudson

2011-02-25 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


There is a problem with hudson on  Builds have been 
failing for the last little while but I think what is happening is due 
to the infrastructure split caused by the Hudson fork.

I don't think git was ever installed on the server so I 
had the build delegated to my person vps.

I've temporarily disabled the Hudson slave and have my vps building the 
1.4 and 1.5 snapshot versions directly.

I picked Jenkins and it works fine for building the projects.

Can Jenkins (or the latest Hudson) be installed on and 
see if that resolves the 503 error issue?

Jenkins version 1.98 is available here:



How to get access to HttpServletRequest in wicket 1.5-SNAPSHOT?

2011-02-05 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I'm trying to fix a bug in wicketstuff/core master branch that tracks 
wicket 1.5-SNAPSHOT. In the 
it needs to get access to the underlying HttpSession.

In 1.5-RC1 this worked (line 105 in the file):

HttpSession session = ((ServletWebRequest) 

But in 1.5-SNAPSHOT ServletWebRequest doesn't have a 
getHttpServletReqest() method anymore.

See the build error here:$wicket-shiro/console

What is the new way to get access to the HttpServletRequest?



Re: How to get access to HttpServletRequest in wicket 1.5-SNAPSHOT?

2011-02-05 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh
I found the answer in this recent commit: 
(scroll down to the first file:

HttpSession session = ((ServletWebRequest) 

HttpSession session = ((HttpServletRequest) 


I'm trying to fix a bug in wicketstuff/core master branch that tracks 
wicket 1.5-SNAPSHOT. In the 
it needs to get access to the underlying HttpSession.

In 1.5-RC1 this worked (line 105 in the file):

HttpSession session = ((ServletWebRequest) 

But in 1.5-SNAPSHOT ServletWebRequest doesn't have a 
getHttpServletReqest() method anymore.

See the build error here:$wicket-shiro/console

What is the new way to get access to the HttpServletRequest?



Re: Can the main page at be changed to not automatically redirect to the confluence wiki?

2011-01-30 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

Hi Martijn,

Thanks for styling the page it looks a lot better than my draft.

There are usage stats we can extract from on the number 
of downloads or unique IP's that access the artifacts.  Within their 
interface there are charts but they also support exporting the number as 
(scroll down to see the chart example).

Are you thinking of another repository on github to hold the jekyll site?

I have seen examples where the deployed site directory is a git 
repository (cloned from the public git url) and then a cron job is 
scheduled to periodically run 'git pull' which automatically update the 
site to reflect any upstream changes.


Thanks for your suggestion. I've added that, and also taken the
liberty to style the page to something I want to use for the future of
wicket stuff.

I'd like to create a real community page (using jekyll) where we can
do the following:
  - have a wicket stuff blog (release can be announced here, newly
added projects, members)
  - have a project of the month (detailed description of one project,
interview with creator?)
  - statistics: number of projects, committers, repositories

That said, I won't be the one pushing the content: this has to be a
community effort.


On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 6:11 AM, Michael O'Cleirigh  wrote:


The site presently has a basic page and then shows
several links before automatically redirecting to the confluence wiki.

I have been migrating the confluence content into the github wiki.  Would it
be possible to change the index page at to not automatically
redirect to confluence and instead show a different message?

Here is a draft version of I am suggesting for the main page in place of
what is currently there:


pA place for accessing the examples fora
href=;Apache Wicket/a  and information on user
contributed wicketstuff projects.


Development and issue tracking of the wicketstuff-core projects have
moved toa


The information contained in thea href=confluenceConfluence wiki/a
is being migrated into thea
href=;github wiki/a
The Apache Wicket project wiki is located here:a


h2Wicket Examples Demo/h2

Thebwicket-examples/b  maven artifact contains a war file showcasing
the main interface controls provided by Wicket.

Below are the examples running on the old stable 1.3.x version, the
current stable 1.4.x version and the development trunk 1.5.x version.

lia href=wicket13/Wicket 1.3 Examples/a/li
lia href=wicket14/Wicket 1.4 Examples/a/li
lia href=wicket/Wicket trunk Examples/a/li

h2Contributed Wicket Examples Demo/h2

Note that most wicketstuff-core projects have an example application but
they are not presently hosted.

lia href=wicketsecurityWicket Security Examples/a/li
lia href=wicketdojo13Wicketstuff Dojo 1.3 Examples/a/li

p- The Wicket Stuff admins/p



Can the main page at be changed to not automatically redirect to the confluence wiki?

2011-01-29 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


The site presently has a basic page and then 
shows several links before automatically redirecting to the confluence wiki.

I have been migrating the confluence content into the github wiki.  
Would it be possible to change the index page at to not 
automatically redirect to confluence and instead show a different message?

Here is a draft version of I am suggesting for the main page in place of 
what is currently there:


pA place for accessing the examples for a 
href=;Apache Wicket/a and information on 
user contributed wicketstuff projects.


Development and issue tracking of the wicketstuff-core projects 
have moved to a 


The information contained in the a href=confluenceConfluence 
wiki/a is being migrated into the a 
href=;github wiki/a

The Apache Wicket project wiki is located here: a 


h2Wicket Examples Demo/h2

The bwicket-examples/b maven artifact contains a war file 
showcasing the main interface controls provided by Wicket.

Below are the examples running on the old stable 1.3.x version, the 
current stable 1.4.x version and the development trunk 1.5.x version.


lia href=wicket13/Wicket 1.3 Examples/a/li
lia href=wicket14/Wicket 1.4 Examples/a/li
lia href=wicket/Wicket trunk Examples/a/li

h2Contributed Wicket Examples Demo/h2

Note that most wicketstuff-core projects have an example 
application but they are not presently hosted.

lia href=wicketsecurityWicket Security Examples/a/li
lia href=wicketdojo13Wicketstuff Dojo 1.3 Examples/a/li

p- The Wicket Stuff admins/p



Re: [discuss] How to resolve wicket aggregate classes / sources jar issues

2011-01-24 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

I looked into the wicket/pom.xml and the maven-source-plugin is disabled:

!-- Do not deploy -sources.jar file.
This project has no .java files

But google found this goal for the plugin:

I haven't tested it but the description of 'Aggregate sources for all 
modules in an aggregator project.' sounds like

exactly what you want for these tasks.


the aggregate is there to protect users if/when we split more things out...


On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 10:06 AM, Jeremy Thomerson  wrote:

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Igor Vaynbergigor.vaynb...@gmail.comwrote:

  have the wicket module not create an
aggregate jar, just list all the dependencies.

Then we don't need the wicket module at all, right?  Or I'm misunderstanding
what you mean by list all the dependencies - which I assume to mean
document the jars you need somewhere.

Jeremy Thomerson
*Need a CMS for Wicket?  Use Brix!*

[announce] Wicket Stuff Core 1.5-RC1 is released

2011-01-22 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


Following the release of wicket 1.5-RC1 I've cut a matching release for 
wicketstuff-core (

Many of the projects presently in the 1.4.15 release are present in this 
release.  However there are several that still need to be adapted to the

changes introduced by wicket 1.5.

We will continue the 1.4.x wicketstuff-core series for the foreseeable 

The artifacts have been promoted and will be synced into the maven 
central repository within 2 hours.

They can be retrieved like this:


You can use the sonatype release repository if you need access before 
the propagation to central is complete:


The release tag is here:

Issues can be reported here:

The Project Wiki is available here:

Release Notes - WicketStuff Core - Version 1.5-RC1:

A new project in WicketStuff family.
Putting gae-initializer.jar in the classpath of your application will 
automatically configure it so that it can run in Google AppEngine.

The configuration includes:
 - disable the resource polling
 - set IObjectStreamFactory which doesn't extend 

 - set HttpSessionDataStore as a storage for the page history

The plan is to release again within one month from today.If you 
commit code and/or want a release sooner let me know as one month is the 
worst case target.



Re: [wicketstuff core] preparing for 1.5-RC1

2011-01-20 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh
There is a problem with my subtree merge method in that it doesn't check 
dates, etc so it can clobber any 1.5 changes in master.  I found this 
out with my test case of jasperreports-parent which had the 1.5 changes 
present (but the jdk-1.5-parent/pom.xml was missing the module entry) 
but the merge reverted key files back to their wicket 1.4 state.

While the merge will work, you need to make sure that there are changes 
in core-1.4.x that are newer than what is in master.


git log --diff-filter=AM --name-only master -- 
git log --diff-filter=AM --name-only core-1.4.x -- 

This shows all adds and modifies on master  and then core-1.4.xwith a 
path of jdk-1.5-parent/jasperreports-parent.  Look for the most recent 
commit with changes to non pom.xml project files for each branch and 
then decide if the merge would make sense.

Its also possible to try out the change and if it is wrong then use `git 
revert SHA1-of-merge-commit` to create a commit that reverts the changes.


When we split master from the core-1.4.x branch we kept all of the 
original and working in 1.4.x projects and then adjusted the 
master/pom.xml to remove any projects that wouldn't compile with 1.5.

Now that wicket 1.5-RC1 will be released soon we should work on 
getting as many of the non working projects in master working.  Even 
if most are missing from the 1.5-RC1 I can do accelerated point 
releases as more are added.

For some projects it could be as simple as adding them into the 
pom.xml and then working through the 1.5 migration changes directly on 
the present code.

But for some projects the version in the core-1.4.x branch has been 
updated since the core-1.4.x branch was created (the master branch 
code is out of date).

I've found a way in git to use the subtree merge that will allow the 
core-1.4.x/project files to be merged onto the master/project files, 
(scroll down to the last section)

1. Fork the repository
2. Follow the steps on the wiki page to backport the changes from a 
specific module.

3. Commit the merge (updating the pom.xml's back to 1.5-SNAPSHOT)
4. Add in additional commits as required to make the project 
compatible with wicket 1.5-SNAPSHOT (i.e. make it build)

5. Create a pull request onto master to let us pull in your changes.

For the test I did with jdk-1.5-parent/jasperreports-parent I just 
committed directly into wicketstuff/core repository but I think using 
the pull functionality of github would be more verbose.



hudson is building wicketstuff/core 1.4-SNAPSHOT and 1.5-SNAPSHOT again

2011-01-20 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I've attached a slave node to that can 
successfully build the snapshot artifacts.

Its working for both the 1.4-SNAPSHOT and 1.5-SNAPSHOT versions.


[wicketstuff core] preparing for 1.5-RC1

2011-01-19 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


When we split master from the core-1.4.x branch we kept all of the 
original and working in 1.4.x projects and then adjusted the 
master/pom.xml to remove any projects that wouldn't compile with 1.5.

Now that wicket 1.5-RC1 will be released soon we should work on getting 
as many of the non working projects in master working.  Even if most are 
missing from the 1.5-RC1 I can do accelerated point releases as more are 

For some projects it could be as simple as adding them into the pom.xml 
and then working through the 1.5 migration changes directly on the 
present code.

But for some projects the version in the core-1.4.x branch has been 
updated since the core-1.4.x branch was created (the master branch code 
is out of date).

I've found a way in git to use the subtree merge that will allow the 
core-1.4.x/project files to be merged onto the master/project files, 
(scroll down to the last section)

1. Fork the repository
2. Follow the steps on the wiki page to backport the changes from a 
specific module.

3. Commit the merge (updating the pom.xml's back to 1.5-SNAPSHOT)
4. Add in additional commits as required to make the project compatible 
with wicket 1.5-SNAPSHOT (i.e. make it build)

5. Create a pull request onto master to let us pull in your changes.

For the test I did with jdk-1.5-parent/jasperreports-parent I just 
committed directly into wicketstuff/core repository but I think using 
the pull functionality of github would be more verbose.



Re: Update and/or restart Hudson on to enable use the Git Plugin

2011-01-12 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I've tested locally with Hudson 1.393 and I can get the wicketstuff 
projects to build using the git plugin and using the maven 3 plugin.

The same split approach (core - java 5 modules - java 6 modules) as we 
used with SVN will work using git.

Could the hudson on be upgraded to 1.393?  There may be 
setup required to install the correct plugins (which I can do after 
1.393 is installed) and if so hudson would have to be restarted once 
more to get the build working.




one quick note:
Hudson 1.391 doesn't have Maven 3 support, 1.392 will have Maven 3 
support (see [1]), and based on the comments to the ticket I would say 
1.391 may be a better choice yet, Maven 2 support could show new bugs 
in 1.392.
Mike, I think if you set the build to poll SCM like @hourly , then 
that should be sufficient too.



2010-12-31 14:39 keltezéssel, Michael O'Cleirigh írta:


I've installed the Git plugin on the Hudson server. To
use it requires Hudson to be restarted.

I hope that an upgrade to the latest Hudson can be done at the same
time. I think just replacing the war with the version
here( and then restarting will 

There is a Fresh Ports version here 

Also the Git Plugin depends on the box itself having git installed. The
latest versions are in the 1.7.x series and the Fresh Ports page is

Once Hudson restarted I will adjust the jobs to pull and build from
github and also look into using post commit hooks to notify Hudson when
changes are committed.



Re: Wicket Stuff Commit Access

2011-01-04 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


Please add me too.  My username is jwcarman.  Thanks.

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 8:32 AM, Martin  wrote:

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 2:29 PM,  wrote:

Please add me too.

username: sebthom




On 01.01.2011 15:47, Michael O'Cleirigh wrote:

Hi PĂ©ter,

I've added you into the Committers team and you can push and pull from
wicketstuff/core and wicketstuff/sandbox.




My github username is: aldaris

p.s.: Happy new year! ;)


Re: Wicket Stuff Commit Access

2011-01-01 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

Hi PĂ©ter,

I've added you into the Committers team and you can push and pull from 
wicketstuff/core and wicketstuff/sandbox.




My github username is: aldaris

p.s.: Happy new year! ;)


Update and/or restart Hudson on to enable use the Git Plugin

2010-12-31 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I've installed the Git plugin on the Hudson server.  To 
use it requires Hudson to be restarted.

I hope that an upgrade to the latest Hudson can be done at the same 
time.  I think just replacing the war with the version 
here( and then restarting will work.

There is a Fresh Ports version here (

Also the Git Plugin depends on the box itself having git installed.  The 
latest versions are in the 1.7.x series and the Fresh Ports page is 

Once Hudson restarted I will adjust the jobs to pull and build from 
github and also look into using post commit hooks to notify Hudson when 
changes are committed.



Re: wicketst...@github: re-organize now or later?

2010-12-31 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

Hi Igor,

Yes, I think everything is good to go now


so are we good to go now import-wise?


On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 7:13 PM, Michael O'Cleirigh  wrote:

I was able to add in a remote to the wicketstuff-core-1.4 branch from the
first import and then use git cherry-pick to pull in each of the 11 commits
that had occurred since the 1.4.14 release tag was applied.

I've pushed my changes into the wicketstuff/core repository.  This should
build the 1.4.15-SNAPSHOT version.

Once we have everything finalized and announced I will cut the 1.4.15
release and update the core-1.4.x branch to track 1.4.16-SNAPSHOT

Since about 1.4.10 I have been creating branches for each stable
wicketstuff-core release for the 1.4.stable.x point releases.  Those weren't
preserved as branches but I think the tags will be sufficient.

I might try a new approach that follows how git is showing the historical
releases in that each release will get a tag and for the stable branch that
tracks the non snapshot wicket release it would move forward from release to

Actually the build just failed with push-timer complaining about java6


i was able to restore it off the 1.4.14 release tag. hopefully there
havent been commits in the interim.


2010/12/29 Major PĂ©

I think the wicketstuff-core-1.4 branch got lost, the core project now
has the 1.5-SNAPSHOT stuff, at least that branch should be restored IMHO.


2010-12-29 22:50 keltezéssel, Igor Vaynberg írta:

i think i got them split. core is already pushed, sandbox is incoming.

we lost branches in the process, i dont think this is a big deal since
they were mostly used as tags to mark releases. on the other hand i
converted release branches to tags before i did the split, and those
seemed to stick around - so maybe we havent lost anything at all.


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Martijn Dashorst  wrote:

Great, I won't be of much help as I left my laptop at work due to a
mishap with my car (apparent broken battery) and needing to entertain
the AAA guy.


On Wednesday, December 29, 2010, Igor

i will play around with splitting and we can see what happens


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:04 AM, James Carman  wrote:

On Dec 29, 2010 12:49 PM, Igor

i think core and sandbox are probably better names and more clearly
communicate the intent.


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Martijn Dashorst  wrote:

Currently our wicketstuff repo at github is one gigantic repo
containing everything. I'd like to propose to split the repository
into two:

  - (containing just the


  -  (containing all the
side projects)

The idea is that wicketstuff core is already a huge project, and
like to make the footprint contain just that, without the legacy
projects that surround the core.

I'd like to do this before folks start cloning away, so before we
announce the availability. But if anyone wants to wait that's fine
with me as well...

Anyone got ideas or a different opinion?


Become a Wicket expert, learn from the best:

Become a Wicket expert, learn from the best:

[Announce] Migration of wicketstuff from sourceforge to github is now complete

2010-12-31 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I am pleased to announce that the migration of the wicketstuff project 
from sourceforge to github is now complete.

Developers will again be able to commit their changes (pending 
registration as a committer); Users will be able to report their issues 
and new documentation can start to accumulate on the Wiki.

Thanks to all of the Wicket and Wicketstuff developers that have 
contributed to this migration effort.


Git Hub project page:

There are now two main projects:

1. core

These are the projects that were part of the wicketstuff-core project 
grouping.  There are two branches:
A) 'master' which tracks wicket 1.5-SNAPSHOT 
B) 'core-1.4.x' which tracks wicket 1.4-SNAPSHOT 

These two branches will be used by to generate 
the snapshot artifacts soon.

2. sandbox

This is basically everything else from the trunk branch in subversion. 

Commit Access:

Developers can fork the project in github or clone directly but in order 
to push your commits into the central repository each developer will 
need to be added into the committers team.  You can get added to this 
team by sending an email to the wicket development mailing list with a 
subject of  'Wicket Stuff Commit Access' and your github username.


Issues on Core Projects can be recorded here:


I've created an initial page here:

And we can start migrating the confluence content over.

Getting started with Git:

The main git documentation is here: (If you have an hour the Linus Torvalds 
video is fun)

We are using the same topology that we used with subversion.  There is a 
central server (gitbhub) that has the repository and then each developer 
has a local working copy where they make their changes.  The difference 
is that in git each 'working copy' on the developers computer is a full 
copy of the remote repository with all of the commit, branch and tag 

Developer Git:   GitHub

Local Branch
  \ /
Remote Branch--  Local Branch
(remotes/origin/core-1.4.x)   (core-1.4.x)

From your local repository you can 'pull' changes from the GitHub Local 
Branch into your Remote Branch and then merge those changes into your 
Local Branch.

If you are a committer then you can 'push' the changes (possibly several 
commits) you have made on your Local Branch through to GitHub which will 
update both your Remote Branch (a copy of the github local branch) and 
the GitHub Local Branch.

Important:  Git has many tools for altering the commit history of a 
branch.  While these are useful for local work they should not be used 
on the github published branches themselves.

This is because if you change the commit history of a branch that has 
been shared with others it will break all of those users the next time 
they pull down new changes.

Useful tools:

In eclipse you can use the EGit plugin here :

But in general you will need to interact with the command line tools.  
In windows you will get the git bash shell that will let you access all 
of the core git commands including gitk for displaying the branch history.



Re: wicketst...@github: re-organize now or later?

2010-12-30 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

There are a 11 commits that were done since 1.4.14.

They are contained in the test import (first one) which I have checked 
out here.

I will try to cherry-pick them back and commit them into the core-1.4.x 

I'll update the list when it is done.


i was able to restore it off the 1.4.14 release tag. hopefully there
havent been commits in the interim.


2010/12/29 Major PĂ©

I think the wicketstuff-core-1.4 branch got lost, the core project now only
has the 1.5-SNAPSHOT stuff, at least that branch should be restored IMHO.


2010-12-29 22:50 keltezéssel, Igor Vaynberg írta:

i think i got them split. core is already pushed, sandbox is incoming.

we lost branches in the process, i dont think this is a big deal since
they were mostly used as tags to mark releases. on the other hand i
converted release branches to tags before i did the split, and those
seemed to stick around - so maybe we havent lost anything at all.


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Martijn Dashorst

Great, I won't be of much help as I left my laptop at work due to a
mishap with my car (apparent broken battery) and needing to entertain
the AAA guy.


On Wednesday, December 29, 2010, Igor

i will play around with splitting and we can see what happens


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:04 AM, James Carman

On Dec 29, 2010 12:49 PM, Igor

i think core and sandbox are probably better names and more clearly
communicate the intent.


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Martijn Dashorst

Currently our wicketstuff repo at github is one gigantic repo
containing everything. I'd like to propose to split the repository
into two:

  - (containing just the


  -  (containing all the
side projects)

The idea is that wicketstuff core is already a huge project, and I'd
like to make the footprint contain just that, without the legacy
projects that surround the core.

I'd like to do this before folks start cloning away, so before we
announce the availability. But if anyone wants to wait that's fine
with me as well...

Anyone got ideas or a different opinion?


Become a Wicket expert, learn from the best:

Become a Wicket expert, learn from the best:

Re: wicketst...@github: re-organize now or later?

2010-12-30 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh
I was able to add in a remote to the wicketstuff-core-1.4 branch from 
the first import and then use git cherry-pick to pull in each of the 11 
commits that had occurred since the 1.4.14 release tag was applied.

I've pushed my changes into the wicketstuff/core repository.  This 
should build the 1.4.15-SNAPSHOT version.

Once we have everything finalized and announced I will cut the 1.4.15 
release and update the core-1.4.x branch to track 1.4.16-SNAPSHOT

Since about 1.4.10 I have been creating branches for each stable 
wicketstuff-core release for the 1.4.stable.x point releases.  Those 
weren't preserved as branches but I think the tags will be sufficient.

I might try a new approach that follows how git is showing the 
historical releases in that each release will get a tag and for the 
stable branch that tracks the non snapshot wicket release it would move 
forward from release to release.

Actually the build just failed with push-timer complaining about java6 


i was able to restore it off the 1.4.14 release tag. hopefully there
havent been commits in the interim.


2010/12/29 Major PĂ©

I think the wicketstuff-core-1.4 branch got lost, the core project now only
has the 1.5-SNAPSHOT stuff, at least that branch should be restored IMHO.


2010-12-29 22:50 keltezéssel, Igor Vaynberg írta:

i think i got them split. core is already pushed, sandbox is incoming.

we lost branches in the process, i dont think this is a big deal since
they were mostly used as tags to mark releases. on the other hand i
converted release branches to tags before i did the split, and those
seemed to stick around - so maybe we havent lost anything at all.


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Martijn Dashorst

Great, I won't be of much help as I left my laptop at work due to a
mishap with my car (apparent broken battery) and needing to entertain
the AAA guy.


On Wednesday, December 29, 2010, Igor

i will play around with splitting and we can see what happens


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:04 AM, James Carman

On Dec 29, 2010 12:49 PM, Igor

i think core and sandbox are probably better names and more clearly
communicate the intent.


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Martijn Dashorst

Currently our wicketstuff repo at github is one gigantic repo
containing everything. I'd like to propose to split the repository
into two:

  - (containing just the


  -  (containing all the
side projects)

The idea is that wicketstuff core is already a huge project, and I'd
like to make the footprint contain just that, without the legacy
projects that surround the core.

I'd like to do this before folks start cloning away, so before we
announce the availability. But if anyone wants to wait that's fine
with me as well...

Anyone got ideas or a different opinion?


Become a Wicket expert, learn from the best:

Become a Wicket expert, learn from the best:

Re: Moving wicket stuff to github

2010-12-23 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


In testing last week it took about 5 hours to clone from svn using 
git-svn.  I've been trying to trying to get a version of the repository 
ready but its been taking longer than I wanted.

I think what we will need to do is to clone it locally and prepare it 
and then upload to github.

My java migration program can extract the first and last names of the 
developers and create the git-authors.txt usable when importing.  I 
changed the email addresses to  since 
this is an actual routable address.  (This is what Martin Funk used in 
his wicketpit migration from 2009).

In my testing I have:

1. checked out the entire project history into master (i.e. no branches)
2. used JGit to rewrite the entire history using the git users and 
removing the svn-git-id lines.

This part works fine and the accented characters (umlauts) have been 
inserted properly.  I could not get git-svn to write them in properly.

The next part involves extracting branches from the master.   My code 
works for identifying the first commit to contain a path and to extract 
from the original commits the branch sub-tree.  But I still need to 
delete the non-branch files on the initial branch commit.

When the repository is large using windows is not recommended (I was 
using windows 7 on a quad core 3.4 Ghz Athlon and the git performance on 
my Xen vps was 50% faster).  It was taking me 45 minutes to checkout 
master.  Yesterday I bought a faster hard disk and installed Linux and 
the performance seems a lot faster.

I think I should be able to get it to work today (I'm on vacation now so 
my productivity should be improved).

I'll update the list in a few hours if my git repository looks like it 
will be viable.


import is running really slow, even from a local copy of svn repo.
going to take a while...


On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Igor  wrote:

running a manual import right now with git svn, lets see how that goes.


On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Martijn Dashorst  wrote:

Import ran too long.  Try running locally with svn2git or git-svn.

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 8:57 AM, Igor  wrote:

gah. i will try a manual one and see if that goes better. can you
forward the error message to me, i didnt get one...


On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:29 AM, Martijn Dashorst  wrote:

I received an error message that the import has failed.


On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 6:24 AM, Jeremy Thomerson  wrote:

On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Igor Vaynbergigor.vaynb...@gmail.comwrote:

i started the import here:


I removed everyone from the project except Igor, Martijn, and myself.
  I took SVN commit permissions away from the three of us.  This should
prevent anyone from accidentally committing to the repo now that it is

Once I hear from Igor that we are good to go at GH, I'll svn delete * or
svn mkdir ALL_CODE_IS_MOVED; svn mv * ALL_CODE_IS_MOVED/ and svn add

Jeremy Thomerson
*Need a CMS for Wicket?  Use Brix!*

Become a Wicket expert, learn from the best:

Become a Wicket expert, learn from the best:

Re: Moving wicket stuff to github

2010-12-23 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


Let me know if your current import works or not.

I've given up on the JGit approach.  At least right now there isn't 
enough time to get it to work properly for extracting branches.

There may be a way to extract branches using the git filter-branch 
command directly; it seemed to work in my test but gitk doesn't show the 
branches as I would expect it so I'm not sure.



im importing using the addresses, but i dont
think that matters much.


On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 5:45 PM, Michael O'Cleirigh  wrote:


In testing last week it took about 5 hours to clone from svn using git-svn.
  I've been trying to trying to get a version of the repository ready but its
been taking longer than I wanted.

I think what we will need to do is to clone it locally and prepare it and
then upload to github.

My java migration program can extract the first and last names of the
developers and create the git-authors.txt usable when importing.  I changed
the email addresses to  since this is an
actual routable address.  (This is what Martin Funk used in his wicketpit
migration from 2009).

In my testing I have:

1. checked out the entire project history into master (i.e. no branches)
2. used JGit to rewrite the entire history using the git users and removing
the svn-git-id lines.

This part works fine and the accented characters (umlauts) have been
inserted properly.  I could not get git-svn to write them in properly.

The next part involves extracting branches from the master.   My code works
for identifying the first commit to contain a path and to extract from the
original commits the branch sub-tree.  But I still need to delete the
non-branch files on the initial branch commit.

When the repository is large using windows is not recommended (I was using
windows 7 on a quad core 3.4 Ghz Athlon and the git performance on my Xen
vps was 50% faster).  It was taking me 45 minutes to checkout master.
  Yesterday I bought a faster hard disk and installed Linux and the
performance seems a lot faster.

I think I should be able to get it to work today (I'm on vacation now so my
productivity should be improved).

I'll update the list in a few hours if my git repository looks like it will
be viable.


import is running really slow, even from a local copy of svn repo.
going to take a while...


On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Igor

running a manual import right now with git svn, lets see how that goes.


On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Martijn Dashorst

Import ran too long.  Try running locally with svn2git or git-svn.

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 8:57 AM, Igor

gah. i will try a manual one and see if that goes better. can you
forward the error message to me, i didnt get one...


On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:29 AM, Martijn Dashorst

I received an error message that the import has failed.


On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 6:24 AM, Jeremy Thomerson

On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Igor

i started the import here:


I removed everyone from the project except Igor, Martijn, and
  I took SVN commit permissions away from the three of us.  This
prevent anyone from accidentally committing to the repo now that it

Once I hear from Igor that we are good to go at GH, I'll svn
delete * or
svn mkdir ALL_CODE_IS_MOVED; svn mv * ALL_CODE_IS_MOVED/ and svn

Jeremy Thomerson
*Need a CMS for Wicket?  Use Brix!*

Become a Wicket expert, learn from the best:

Become a Wicket expert, learn from the best:

Re: disk is full

2010-12-12 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

Hi Martijn,

Thanks to you and Johan for freeing up the space.

I've looked into the Apache2 documentation and piped logs look like a 
possible way to handle this log filling up case.

Basically the log output is sent using a pipe to a command (rotatelogs 
in their examples but it could be any program).

It looks to me like the log content is received via STDIN on the command 
specified and then it acts as a proxy to the actual log file.  Based on 
conditions like file size and or the current date the target log file is 

I found the source for the rotatelogs command here:

It supports switching the target file but not limiting the maximum 
number allowed to exist or looking at the message content.

Here is an apache2 module that is supposed to support auto log rotation 
and capping the number of files allowed to exist:



Johan has cleaned up /var.

In this case it's not a question of cleaning out the logs. Apparently something 
is misconfigured according to httpd. And that fills up the logs.


On 10 dec. 2010, at 17:26, Michael O'  


Hudson is stuck again because the disk is full.  I tried 
cleaning out the maven local repository but that doesn't fix the problem.

Can someone with the appropriate access check it out?

Is the problem something that would be scriptable? I can write something for a 
cron job if it is.

I believe in the past its been related to logs not rolling? maybe this link 
would be of use:
it says that if you put a file into the $CATALINA_HOME/lib 
directory you can specify to roll the logs.

In terms of upgrading hudson I believe it has to occur with a tomcat restart, 
if one is required to fix the space issue could the latest version 1.388 be 

Its available from here: 
(we are currently running version 1.367)


Mike disk is full

2010-12-10 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


Hudson is stuck again because the disk is full.  I tried 
cleaning out the maven local repository but that doesn't fix the problem.

Can someone with the appropriate access check it out?

Is the problem something that would be scriptable? I can write something 
for a cron job if it is.

I believe in the past its been related to logs not rolling? maybe this 
link would be of use:
it says that if you put a file into the 
$CATALINA_HOME/lib directory you can specify to roll the logs.

In terms of upgrading hudson I believe it has to occur with a tomcat 
restart, if one is required to fix the space issue could the latest 
version 1.388 be installed?

Its available from here: (we are currently 
running version 1.367)



Re: wicketstuff maven repository

2010-09-13 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

 Hi Ryan,

wicket-shiro is has been included in the wicketstuff-core releases since 
version in June 2010.

See in central here:

So long as it builds it will be included in the next release aswell 
(probably thursday or friday to align with the wicket 1.4.12 version).

We switched over to for wicketstuff-core a few months 
ago and the (you can self create an account for 
yourself) build the snapshots here:

Your recent commits triggered a build that is presently in progress:



On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 4:59 PM, Ryan  wrote:

I would like to make sure that wicket-shiro is included in the next
wicketstuff release.  When I build:
everything runs OK, but I don't see anything in:

Do we need to do anything to get projects to show up in the 'release'


/var is full on

2010-08-16 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


Hudson on is failing to build anything because of a lack 
of temporary space.  I created a job to run nightly and attempt to clean 
up some space.  Normally I have seen the local repository grow very 
large but in this case cleaning it doesn't work.

I did a df -kh and was able to see that the /var partition is the one 
with issues and is full at 104% (with -135M free).

Could I get a hint on the location that needs to be cleaned up and how 
it is related to hudson?

The build works to download the source, build and install the artifacts 
but during deploy it hits /var in a way I can't figure out.

For example:

I read about a log rolling issue that existed in the past.  If this is 
still present perhaps a script can be created and called from the hudson 
job to periodically reclaim space from /var.

Thanks for your help and let me know if there is anything I can do to 
resolve this issue,


[Vote] wicketstuff-core structure to support wicket 1.5 related development

2010-08-13 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


With the first milestone of wicket 1.5 released there has been some 
interest expressed for a corresponding wicketstuff-core branch.

Because wicket 1.5 is basically experimental right now I'm not sure if 
switching trunk to track it is the best idea.

But eventually trunk will track 1.5, probably at the release candidate 

However, I'm willing to implement the consensus opinion on this.

Structure Options:

[ ] - trunk to track 1.5, branch for 1.4.11-SNAPSHOT and subsequent 
releases. (+:no merge later; -: trunk will be broken for an extended period)
[ ] - trunk stays on 1.4.x, create new branch to track 1.5-M1.  (+: no 
switch is needed; -: at some point need to merge the branch back into trunk)

Wicket 1.5 Options:

[ ] wicket 1.5 branch is set to wicket 1.5-M1, hard code to the released 
milestone and increment with each new version until the 1.5 release.
[ ] wicket 1.5 branch is set to wicket 1.5-SNAPSHOT and if there is 
demand we can cut releases to match the wicket milestones and/or release 

I'll wait until Monday night (eastern time) before making any changes 
based on the vote.



Can jjava 5 update 22 be installed on the server?

2010-08-12 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


With the version of java 5 currently installed on hudson 
gives build errors with one of the jwicket projects (related to 
instanceof outerclass?.innerClass, a generics issue).

But compiling in Linux and Windows using the latest jdk5 update 22 
results in no compile error.

I tried to use the hudson auto jdk installer but it doesn't seem to work 
for FreeBSD:

JDK installation skipped: Unknown CPU name: freebsd
JDK installation skipped: Unknown CPU name: freebsd

Would someone with the correct access be able to install the jdk update 
22 onto the server?

This won't effect my ability to cut a wicketstuff-core 1.4.10 release 
but it would be nice if all the jwicket artifacts can have a latest 
snapshot version.



Re: Can jjava 5 update 22 be installed on the server?

2010-08-12 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

Hi Johan,

It turns out to be really easy to use jnlp to connect a slave node into 

I can contribute a slow Linux node with the latest jdk 5 on it for 
running the jdk5 builds.

But I will need the firewall opened up for a specific tcp port for the 
master/node communication.  I've entered in a port of 32323 but any port 
could be configured and then setup in hudson.



i think i can get _16 on it if i get it right.. But not sure if that
would fix your compile problem

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 15:55, Johan  wrote:

at the moment 1.5.0_13-p7 does run there.
And i dont know how to update that under freebsd.

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 14:53, Michael O'Cleirigh  wrote:


With the version of java 5 currently installed on hudson
gives build errors with one of the jwicket projects (related to instanceof
outerclass?.innerClass, a generics issue).

But compiling in Linux and Windows using the latest jdk5 update 22 results
in no compile error.

I tried to use the hudson auto jdk installer but it doesn't seem to work for

JDK installation skipped: Unknown CPU name: freebsd
JDK installation skipped: Unknown CPU name: freebsd

Would someone with the correct access be able to install the jdk update 22
onto the server?

This won't effect my ability to cut a wicketstuff-core 1.4.10 release but it
would be nice if all the jwicket artifacts can have a latest snapshot




[wicketstuff-core] changes in progress to support java5 and java6 modules

2010-08-09 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


Since the switch to the new hudson build server some 
projects haven't been building because they have java6 dependencies.  
With the 1.4.10 release occurring soon I need trunk to be building to 
cut the release.

I've just committed a change to the wicketstuff-core pom.xml to create 
two profiles one for each compiler type.


I've been copying the structure that was used in the wicket 1.3.x series 
to support jdk-1.4 and jdk-1.5.  I don't have sub-directories created 
yet but that is probably going to have to be the structure.  something like:

wicketstuff-core/pom.xml (changes to have no modules defined)

wicketstuff-core/jdk-1.5-parent/pom.xml (parent is set to wicketstuff-core)

projects that can be built using java 5 move down into the 
jdk-1.5-parent directory.

wicketstuff-core/jdk-1.6-parent/pom.xml (parent is set to wicketstuff-core)

projects that can only be built using java 6 move down into the 
jdk-1.6-parent directory.

Then I can create two hudson jobs (one for each compiler) and still be 
able to release with the parent having no modules and then the modules 
for each compiler defined in each subdirectory.  I should have some time 
on wednesday to do the final rearranging and be ready to release a 
wicketstuff-core release to match wicket 1.4.10.

I'm also thinking that when 1.5M1 is released we should create a 1.4.x 
branch and switch trunk to track 1.5-SNAPSHOT to give lots of time for 
the wicketstuff-core projects to switch over to 1.5.



New hudson server reveals java 6 isms in some wicketstuff-core projects

2010-07-22 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


The hudson server I had  running used Java 6 for some internal projects 
and I was relying on the maven compiler plugin to ensure that the 
wicketstuff-core projects were built in a way compatible with Java 5.

With the switch to the based hudson a 1.5 JDK is being 
used for building and it has revealed issues in a few of the modules 
that use Java 6 features that break the build.

According to this question the java 6 JDK is buggy in this regard and is 
probably not generating valid java 5 class files:

I think its likely that the wicketstuff-core releases and snapshots that 
I've been building are not 100% java 5 compatible.

What I am thinking is that a separate maven project tree needs to be 
created that can be build the java 6 projects using the java 6 JDK.

This is the structure I am envisaging:


wicketstuff-core/ this is the existing project tree (or maybe it 
should be refactored to wicketstuff-core-java5 for consistency)

wicketstuff-core-java6/ this is the project tree for java6 projects

The wicketstuff-core-java6/pom.xml would declare a parent of 
wicketstuff-core/pom.xml but would override the maven compiler plugin 
for 1.6 instead of 1.5.

Hudson would have a separate builder for the java6 projects that would 
use the java 6 JDK.

I think the groupID and artifactID's can remain the same with this 
approach and it would decouple from any version change with wicket 1.5 
as projects could migrate to the java6 tree as required.

Some of the project problems are:
1. @Override annotation on interface implementing method (invalid in 
java 5 default in java 6)
2. Inclusion of Java 6 compiled dependencies (class file has wrong 
version 50.0, should be 49.0)

3. Use of Java 6 API like string.isEmpty() method.

Once we figure out how to handle java5 vs java6 I will create a 
release to make things 100% compatible.



Re: [proposal] Replace TeamCity on with Hudson for building wicketstuff projects

2010-07-21 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

In linux I've been using the screen command like this:

screen java -jar hudson.war --httpPort=9090

Then detaching and letting it run.  Running it like this is useful if 
auto update doesn't work and a manual restart is required.

Google seems to show that the 'screen' command also exists for FreeBSD 
which would make this setup easy.

The big space use when using maven is that all the dependencies are 
downloaded into ~/.m2/repository of the user running maven.  Also when 
the maven deploy goal is run all of the artifacts will be installed into 
the local repository aswell.

My wicketstuff core hudson jobs don't archive artifacts in hudson (this 
lets the build history be longer) but periodically the ~/.m2/repository 
directory needs to be cleared out to reclaim space and manual access is 
useful for this.

The CI username/password need to be placed into the 
~/.m2/settings.xml for the user running hudson.

By default hudson runs on port 8080 but using the --httpPort option it 
can be run on any port.  Probably there is a way to set the host aswell 
so that it could be forced onto and then the apache interface 
would be the only way to access it.

In terms of access control there is the option to require users to 
specify a username/password and then assign appropriate rights to each 
user.  I think the power to create users can also be delegated.  This 
would prevent anyone from shutting down the server unless they had the 
access to do it.

I checked and Hudson when run this way uses the: Winstone Servlet Engine 

The actual hudson configuration and job configuration files are located 
by default in the ~/.hudson directory I would be able to create a 
starting point for this directory with the suitable access controls 
enabled and provide it with the installation steps to the person with server access.  That way it could be deployed in a 
secure way without risk of tampering before it is setup properly.



Here are the instructions for setting it up on linux/unix:

You *can* just do:

java -jar hudson.war

and it'll run.  That's just a quick way to get it up and running to
play around with it.

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 9:11 AM, Johan  wrote:

how do you deploy then?
has hudson its container (tomcat)??
Then we also need another port. And have all kind of apache config to
support things like:

hmm that i dont like. It should just run on the tomcat instance we have.

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 14:51, Martijn Dashorst  wrote:

Security needs to be enabled and other stuff. Deploying as a war does
have some drawbacks: restarting using the UI won't work,
installing/updating plugins/new versions of hudson is enabled by


On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Johan  wrote:

hudson is just a war right?
so that can be dumped by anybody of the wicket devs to onto the tomcat
webapp dir.

What more does hudson need?

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 11:14, Martijn Dashorst  wrote:

My little bird told me that no build server is part of the new deal
which is slated to be announced mid-august, so IMO we should not delay
the migration off of teamcity and setup hudson. I'll contact the
sysadmin for the box to see if I can grant direct access, or that only
trusted folks are allowed.


On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Martijn Dashorst  wrote:

There are some developments unfolding in the near future that might
help out on the future of our wicketstuff server and/or its
infrastructure. I don't have the full details to those plans yet, and
don't know if they entail a build server of some sorts.

I'm perfectly happy with switching to hudson—we use it at work and it
has been a godsend compared to the other available solutions (though I
still don't like the UI).

I hope we can wait a (couple of) week(s) and see the future plans
unfold to see what the details are, especially with respect to a build
server. I'll ask around to see if it is part of that deal.


On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 4:06 AM, Michael O'Cleirigh  wrote:


I've been using Hudson reliably to build wicketstuff core snapshot's and
deploying them into the sonatype maven repository.  I put together an older
machine for this purpose (P4 1.8Ghz) and while it worked at first recently
there have been memory issues (at least one of the DDR1 DIMM's is bad and
the JVM keeps crashing).   I have the builds running temporarily somewhere
else but the long term solution is to run Hudson on a box that can be opened
up to the other wicketstuff developers.

My proposal is to replace TeamCity on with Hudson and then

[proposal] Replace TeamCity on with Hudson for building wicketstuff projects

2010-07-20 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I've been using Hudson reliably to build wicketstuff core snapshot's and 
deploying them into the sonatype maven repository.  I put together an 
older machine for this purpose (P4 1.8Ghz) and while it worked at first 
recently there have been memory issues (at least one of the DDR1 DIMM's 
is bad and the JVM keeps crashing).   I have the builds running 
temporarily somewhere else but the long term solution is to run Hudson 
on a box that can be opened up to the other wicketstuff developers.

My proposal is to replace TeamCity on with Hudson and 
then do the necessary setup to allow wicketstuff developers access to it 
for initiating builds and viewing the projects status.

I am willing to do all of the necessary setup and configuration to make 
this happen; basically copying over what I have working right now plus 
adding in user authentication.

The easiest way would be if I could get a user account on the server (at least initially) and then get everything setup.

There are still some questions around if the box is 
still banned by sourceforge but I think the best way to find out the 
answer is to try and see what happens.



Re: [proposal] Use apache nexus repository for org.apache.wicket release and snapshot artifacts.

2010-06-22 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

Thanks Martijn and Jeremy for all your work on getting this to work.

I have the 1.4.10-SNAPSHOT wicketstuff-core artifacts deploying again 
now that they can fetch the snapshots from

Martijn: your Apache Infrastructure ticket has been updated that the 
builds in 1.5.x were failing due to load on the build server.  I checked 
the log for #111 and the profile is correct but the goal is still 
'install' not 'deploy' which is needed to deploy the 1.5-SNAPSHOT artifacts.

A committer can check their ability to deploy by seeing if they can log 
into the nexus interface at then check for 
the 'Enterprise' left section and the 'Staging' link.  There should be 
an org.apache.wicket row in the top table and nothing in the bottom 
table. The bottom table can be shown by selecting the org.apache.wicket 
row in the top table.

You should be able to test the staging release process by downloading a 
working copy of trunk, changing the versions to remove the SNAPSHOT (mvn 
versions:set -DnewVersions=1.4.11) and then 'mvn -P apache-nexus-deploy 
clean deploy'

Once deploy has been run you can reload the bottom table in the web 
interface and you should see a unique row for each computer (IP address) 
that has run a deploy.  At this point you know it works and can just 
right click the staging row and click 'drop'.

Thanks again,


Fixed for 1.4.x, 1.5.x seems to have a hudson error (getting http 500 errors)


On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 12:13 AM, Michael O'Cleirigh  wrote:

On 20/06/2010 2:12 PM, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Martijn Dashorst


I've setup the hudson stuff, but I haven't seen an example build that
deploys snapshots to nexus.



I just committed the pom changes from Michael.  I think all you'll need to
do in Hudson (for trunk) is change the build profile to use
apache-nexus-deploy instead of whatever it's currently using.  Then we
duplicate for 1.4.x.


You will need to modify the Goals and options text field of the Hudson Job
to something like this:
-Papache-nexus-deploy clean deploy

I looked at build #6 of the 1.4.x branch and the maven command being
executed is:

Executing Maven:  -B -f /home/hudson/hudson-slave/workspace/Apache Wicket
-Dmaven.repo.local=/home/hudson/hudson-slave/workspace/Apache Wicket
1.4.x/.repository clean install

So the key changes will be to active the new profile and to run the deploy
goal instead of install.

When it is working you should see entries like this in the build log:

[INFO] [deploy:deploy]
[INFO] Retrieving previous build number from apache.snapshots.https
[INFO] repository metadata for: 'snapshot
org.apache.wicket:wicket-parent:1.5-SNAPSHOT' could not be found on
repository: apache.snapshots.https, so will be created
26K uploaded
[INFO] -





Re: [proposal] Use apache nexus repository for org.apache.wicket release and snapshot artifacts.

2010-06-20 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

On 20/06/2010 2:12 PM, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Martijn Dashorst  wrote:


I've setup the hudson stuff, but I haven't seen an example build that
deploys snapshots to nexus.


I just committed the pom changes from Michael.  I think all you'll need to
do in Hudson (for trunk) is change the build profile to use
apache-nexus-deploy instead of whatever it's currently using.  Then we can
duplicate for 1.4.x.

You will need to modify the Goals and options text field of the Hudson 
Job to something like this:

-Papache-nexus-deploy clean deploy

I looked at build #6 of the 1.4.x branch and the maven command being 
executed is:

Executing Maven:  -B -f /home/hudson/hudson-slave/workspace/Apache 
Wicket 1.4.x/wicket-1.4.x/pom.xml 
-Dmaven.repo.local=/home/hudson/hudson-slave/workspace/Apache Wicket 
1.4.x/.repository clean install

So the key changes will be to active the new profile and to run the 
deploy goal instead of install.

When it is working you should see entries like this in the build log:

[INFO] [deploy:deploy]
[INFO] Retrieving previous build number from apache.snapshots.https
[INFO] repository metadata for: 'snapshot 
org.apache.wicket:wicket-parent:1.5-SNAPSHOT' could not be found on 
repository: apache.snapshots.https, so will be created

26K uploaded
[INFO] -



Re: [proposal] Use apache nexus repository for org.apache.wicket release and snapshot artifacts.

2010-06-19 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

Hi Jeremy,

 On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:


The apache infrastructure ticket you registered has been fixed.  My 
reading of the ticket response is that simply activating the 
'apache-nexus-deploy' profile in the Hudson job will cause the snapshot 
artifacts to be deployed into the apache nexus maven repository.

Let me know if there is anything else I can do,



Re: [proposal] Use apache nexus repository for org.apache.wicket release and snapshot artifacts.

2010-06-16 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I've attached the patches for the 1.4.x pom.xml and the trunk 1.5 
pom.xml  to the issue: (

I added the apache parent pom and then created a copy of the bamboo 
profile minus the dependencyManagement section to let the definition 
contained in the apache parent pom to be used.

I'm not totally clear at this point how the access credentials will work 
but I think it should be the existing committer username/password

Essentially one username/password will have to be placed into a 
settings.xml file that can be located relative to the workspace 
directory within the hudson job that builds each version.

With the repository I created a set of CI credentials 
that were then granted permission to deploy a specific groupID 
(org.wicketstuff) then I used a custom settings.xml file with those 
credentials to line up with the id/tag of the snapshot repository 
which allowed hudson to deploy the snapshots. In my hudson instance I 
needed to use shell access to place the settings.xml file in the right 

The release repository is configured to use staging so when a release is 
cut the deploy will upload into a temporary space within nexus.

The nexus username/password is used to authenticate and 'close' (a right 
click menu option) the repository which makes the uploaded artifacts 
available for download by those knowing the link.  If the vote to 
release is passed there is an option to 'promote' (another right click 
menu item) the staged release which will then within an hour sync it up 
with the central repository. 

I think testing the nexus release mechanism should be doable before the 
next release because it can be staged and if successful it can be dropped.



I don't see a downside to extending the Apache parent pom.


On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 4:35 AM, Michael O'Cleirigh wrote:

)Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 6:58 PM, James Carman


I believe that repository is for software published by the ASF, but I
could be wrong.

He wants us to deploy Wicket to it, so I think that fits the bill.  :)

I'm +1 for this.   I'll do the committer part with the help of Michael.
 Let's see if anyone has an objection.  Michael, could you open a JIRA for
this and attach a patch for our pom?  If nobody has an objection, I'll
on it later in the week.
I've created an issue and will attach the modified pom's hopefully by
tomorrow.  My thinking is that only future releases need to be handled so I
will create new snapshot and release profiles in the 1.4.x branch and the
1.5 trunk to handle the snapshots right now and to support the next

For the snapshots the apache build cluster job definition would need to be
modified with the appropriate server credentials to be able to deploy the
snapshot artifacts.  I also found out that the nexus repository supports
auto removal of older snapshots (I think it will keep the last 3) and will
remove all the snapshots when a matching release is made.  So the
uniqueVersionfalseuniqueVersion flag is no longer needed and apparently
maven 3.0 removes support for this tag anyways.

I've looked at a couple of the other apache projects that were setup to use
the apache nexus repository and most of the have a parent pom of the
org.apache.apache  artifact version 7.

But I will try and figure out a profile that incorporates this definition
without needing the parent pom to be defined.

Also the ticket ( asks that
sub issues include a link (like through nabble) to the vote on switching
over to the nexus managed repository.




[proposal] Use apache nexus repository for org.apache.wicket release and snapshot artifacts.

2010-06-15 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


The site seems to have gone down over the weekend.

The main item for me is that the maven repository is also missing which 
is breaking the wicketstuff-core trunk build (we depend on 1.4-SNAPSHOT).

Apache has a sonatype nexus instance that is available for projects to 
use.  As far as I can tell this is not being used by Apache Wicket right 

I propose that the current maven repository unavailable 
issue be resolved by migrating the Apache Wicket artifact deployment 
process from using the wicketstuff repository to the Apache  Nexus maven 

This page has the registration details:

It says to create a sub issue on this one:

The creation of the issue has to be done by a project committer.

If this migration is deemed acceptable I would be able to assist since 
its similar to what we did for wicketstuff-core to be deployed into the repository.

Here is a summary of how we deploy wicketstuff-core into a nexus repository:

We use hudson to build and deploy the artifacts into the oss nexus 

1. create profile that defines the repository url for snapshots
2. create server section in settings.xml with the username/password to 
use when deploying

e.g. in wicketstuff core we use this profile:


   nameSonatype Nexus Snapshots/name

and then we specify a custom settings.xml file to the hudson job that 
defines a server like this:

?xml version=1.0?

   !-- todo replace this with the hudson-wicketstuff user --


Then we activate the profile in the goals and options section like this:
-P -fae deploy



Re: [proposal] Use apache nexus repository for org.apache.wicket release and snapshot artifacts.

2010-06-15 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh

)Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 6:58 PM, James Carman ja...@carmanconsulting.comwrote:


I believe that repository is for software published by the ASF, but I
could be wrong.

He wants us to deploy Wicket to it, so I think that fits the bill.  :)

I'm +1 for this.   I'll do the committer part with the help of Michael.
 Let's see if anyone has an objection.  Michael, could you open a JIRA for
this and attach a patch for our pom?  If nobody has an objection, I'll work
on it later in the week.
I've created an issue and will attach the modified pom's hopefully by 
tomorrow.  My thinking is that only future releases need to be handled 
so I will create new snapshot and release profiles in the 1.4.x branch 
and the 1.5 trunk to handle the snapshots right now and to support the 
next releases.

For the snapshots the apache build cluster job definition would need to 
be modified with the appropriate server credentials to be able to deploy 
the snapshot artifacts.  I also found out that the nexus repository 
supports auto removal of older snapshots (I think it will keep the last 
3) and will remove all the snapshots when a matching release is made.  
So the uniqueVersionfalseuniqueVersion flag is no longer needed and 
apparently maven 3.0 removes support for this tag anyways.

I've looked at a couple of the other apache projects that were setup to use the 
apache nexus repository and most of the have a parent pom of the 
org.apache.apache  artifact version 7.

But I will try and figure out a profile that incorporates this definition 
without needing the parent pom to be defined.

Also the ticket ( asks that 
sub issues include a link (like through nabble) to the vote on switching over 
to the nexus managed repository.



Re: Apache Shiro 1.0.0 and getting shiro-security to build for release later this week

2010-06-08 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


For work reasons I need to cut a release this week (our internal 
release needs a newer release version of wicketstuff-core).  Since 
Apache Shiro is released I'd like to get shiro-security included in the wicketstuff-core release.

Even with the SNAPSHOT shiro there are problems with the examples and 
the latest wicket 1.4.9 release.

[INFO] Apache Shiro Security for Wicket - Parent . SUCCESS 
[INFO] Apache Shiro Security for Wicket .. SUCCESS 
[INFO] Apache Shiro Security for Wicket - Examples ... SUCCESS 
[INFO] Apache Shiro Security for Wicket - Example Base ... SUCCESS 
[INFO] Apache Shiro Security for Wicket - Realm Example .. SUCCESS 
[INFO] Apache Shiro Security for Wicket - Spring, JDBC Example  SUCCESS 
[INFO] Apache Shiro Security for Wicket - Spring, Hibernate Example  
FAILED [3.476s]
[INFO] Apache Shiro Security for Wicket - Spring, Hibernate Example, 
Shiro Native Sessions  FAILED [4.767s]

If these can be fixed in trunk and then backported to the 1.4.9 branch 
the Shiro modules can be included in the next point release.

Otherwise if they can be fixed in trunk the module will be available 
centrally once wicket 1.4.10 is released and we do a wicketstuff-core 
1.4.10 matching release.



@Shiro team: Congratulations !

On Sun, 2010-06-06 at 10:45 -0400, Ryan McKinley wrote:

Thanks Les-

I updated the wicketstuff project to point to the use the new release.

I was unable to get all of wicketstuff-core to build, so i did not change that.

I vote that we remove:
and enable:

Any objections out there?

Better move ki-security to the attic [1]. This way if anyone still need
it for some reason will be able to find/use it.


On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 2:26 AM, Les  wrote:

Hi all,

There have been a few people waiting for an Apache Shiro stable Maven
release so they can include it in WicketStuff.  So I wanted to make it known
for their benefit that we released 1.0 last week.  Enjoy!


Les Hazlewood



[Vote] Release wicketstuff-core 1.4.7

2010-05-22 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I was able to successfully stage a release for wicketstuff-core 1.4.7 
into the infrastructure. 

All of the 1.4.7 artifacts can be retrieved from this staging repository:

This is the subversion tag that corresponds to this release:


[   ] - release wicketstuff-core 1.4.7
[   ] - don't release wicketstuff-core 1.4.7

Since this is the first release through sonatype I need to file a ticket 
to get central sync up working but after that it will be automatic.

Projects included in this release:


[INFO] Reactor Summary:

[INFO] WicketStuff Core Parent ... SUCCESS 
[INFO] Wicket-Scala Parent ... SUCCESS 
[INFO] Wicket-Scala .. SUCCESS 
[INFO] Wicket-Scala Samples .. SUCCESS 
[INFO] Wicket-Scala Archetype  SUCCESS 
[INFO] Wicket Annotations  SUCCESS 
[INFO] JSLibraries ... SUCCESS 
[INFO] CalendarViews - Parent  SUCCESS 
[INFO] CalendarViews . SUCCESS 
[INFO] CalendarViews - Examples .. SUCCESS 
[INFO] Client and Server Validation .. SUCCESS 
[INFO] Datatable Autocomplete - Parent ... SUCCESS 
[INFO] Datatable Autocomplete Common . SUCCESS 
[INFO] Datatable Autocomplete  SUCCESS 
[INFO] Datatable Autocomplete Examples ... SUCCESS 
[INFO] GMap2 - Parent  SUCCESS 
[INFO] GMap2 - Examples .. SUCCESS 
[INFO] Google Charts - Parent  SUCCESS 
[INFO] Google Charts . SUCCESS 
[INFO] Google Charts - Examples .. SUCCESS 
[INFO] InMethod Grid Parent .. SUCCESS 
[INFO] InMethod Grid . SUCCESS 
[INFO] InMethod Grid Examples  SUCCESS 
[INFO] Input Events - Parent . SUCCESS 
[INFO] Input Events .. SUCCESS 
[INFO] Input Events - Examples ... SUCCESS 
[INFO] JavaEE Inject - Parent  SUCCESS 
[INFO] JavaEE Inject . SUCCESS 
[INFO] JavaEE Inject - Examples .. SUCCESS 
[INFO] JavaEE Inject - Example EJB Module  SUCCESS 
[INFO] JavaEE Inject - Example Web Module  SUCCESS 
[INFO] JavaEE Inject - Example EAR ... SUCCESS 
[INFO] JQuery Integration - Parent ... SUCCESS 
[INFO] JQuery Integration  SUCCESS 
[INFO] JQuery Integration - Examples . SUCCESS 
[INFO] Minis - Parent  SUCCESS 
[INFO] Minis - Examples .. SUCCESS 
[INFO] ObjectAutoComplete - Parent ... SUCCESS 
[INFO] ObjectAutoComplete  SUCCESS 
[INFO] ObjectAutoComplete - Examples . SUCCESS 
[INFO] Openlayers Integration - Parent ... SUCCESS 
[INFO] Openlayers  SUCCESS 
[INFO] Openlayers - Proxy  SUCCESS 
[INFO] Openlayers - Examples . SUCCESS 
[INFO] Wicket Phonebook Example .. SUCCESS 
[INFO] Prototype Integration . SUCCESS 
[INFO] Scriptaculous Integration - Parent  SUCCESS 

Re: Future of

2010-04-30 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


The main feature I like about wicketstuff is that its easy for 
developers to add in code that is automatically built and deployed into 
maven.  It allows an easy way to reactor a project to extract certain 
reusable functionality, externalize it for others to use, and still be 
able to build the originating project reliably.

+1 for using for the example applications and the build 
server and removing jira and confluence, etc for presupplied low 
maintenance options.

I want to help find a solution to the current team city - source forge 
build problems.  I want to look at changing build servers before 
considering switching the repository from sf to github.  (vote: [X] stay 

I'm not sure how much resources are required to build wicketstuff but I 
plan on starting with an old Linux box at work (P4 single core 1.8 
Ghz).  I want to start with hudson and see if I can keep it unbanned 
while running the same high frequency updates.

The  other part is getting accounts setup through sonatype to let the 
maven artifacts be deployed.  This requires an issue being filed into 
the sonatype JIRA.

I could start with creating the JIRA issue for me first then if I can 
get it to work or others want to help we get the additional users added. 

My thinking is that I could test this stuff out separately and if it 
works then could be switched over.

If anyone thinks it would be a bad idea (or if there are other 
considerations I don't seem to be aware of)  for me to file the JIRA 
request let me know otherwise I'll plan on getting started on this stuff 
next week.



On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 11:16 PM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:

I've requested hudson access to build our Apache Wicket core projects
on the Apache hudson grid.


On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:

Currently we have a maintenance nightmare. Keeping up confluence,
jira, teamcity and the maven repo is cumbersome at best. We keep
running out of diskspace (/var has reached -300M disk free, yes minus

So I propose the following:
 - use Apache's build grid for Wicket code, Apache repository for
staging and snapshot releases: separating the Apache Wicket projects
from Wicket Stuff projects
 - no more custom, self hosted products a la confluence and jira (no
matter how much we like them)
 - use only for running examples and a build server
for wicket stuff projects
 - use sonatype's OSS repo hosting for our snapshots, release staging
and releases (no more

Most importantly:
 - vote on the future of the hosting of Wicket Stuff:
 [ ] stay with
 [ ] move to github
 - if we stay on use the provided tools to manage the
project: issues, wiki and website
 - if we stay to move to github: use github's provided tools to manage
the project: issues, wiki and website



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How does TeamCity collect Wicketsuff SVN changes (post commit hook or polling)?

2010-04-11 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


This message is a follow up to the TeamCity access issue with 
wicketstuff at

I asked about the access problem in the source forge irc support but the 
response was to have a project admin open up a ticket which is what 
didn't work last time.

I was wondering if TeamCity was setup to continuously poll the SVN 
repository or if a post commit hook was being used?

I would think that triggering svn update only after a developer commits 
would generate less requests and hopefully prevent the build server from 
being blacklisted.

At work we use the post commit hook to fire a wget into our Hudson CI 
server that in turn triggers the svn update and build.

TeamCity seems to support the same:

Sourceforge won't let projects directly edit the svn/hooks/post-commit 
file.  Instead they support several scripts that can be configured by a 
project admin.

There is no wget option available; the closest is the 'svnnotify' script 
that can send an email when a commit occurs.  I can provide a dedicated 
email address for this purpose and offer to write a script to convert 
the commit notifications into wget calls into teamcity which would 
active the build.  



Correct as always.

I think Sf were convinced that it was not their problem or something.
We actually switched from Bamboo to TeamCity for that reason.. I also
created a separate project on google called wicketstuff, but we never
could agree on using that instead of sf.

regards Nino

2010/4/1 Igor Vaynberg keeps banning our TC instance because they think it access svn
too often. nothing we can do about it. i think nino filed a ticket
with them that never got resolved.


On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 6:48 AM, Michael O'Cleirigh wrote:


Recently there has been some initiative in organizing more WicketStuff core
releases and changes have been going into the sourceforge subversion
repository for that effect.

But there is a problem with Teamcity not being able to access the
wicketstuff repository which prevents the updated artifacts being built and
distributed into the maven snapshot repository.  I like to only checkout the
specific submodules I work on and have m2eclipse resolve the parent from the
snapshot repository; but that approach doesn't work when the snapshots are
not being created.

I searched the dev list archive and there was a problem like this in the
past (Re: TeamCity on from November 29 2008).

Here is a link to the build log with the
'//org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: connection refused by the
server'//  error:

It feels like the build server might be blacklisted in some way by
sourceforge; although it could be something else.

Does anyone know what was done before or have a contact from that time which
could be used to get teamcity talking subversion again?




WicketStuff Teamcity can't access the sourceforge subversion repository

2010-04-01 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


Recently there has been some initiative in organizing more WicketStuff 
core releases and changes have been going into the sourceforge 
subversion repository for that effect.

But there is a problem with Teamcity not being able to access the 
wicketstuff repository which prevents the updated artifacts being built 
and distributed into the maven snapshot repository.  I like to only 
checkout the specific submodules I work on and have m2eclipse resolve 
the parent from the snapshot repository; but that approach doesn't work 
when the snapshots are not being created.

I searched the dev list archive and there was a problem like this in the 
past (Re: TeamCity on from November 29 2008).

Here is a link to the build log with the 
'//org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: connection refused by the 
server'//  error:

It feels like the build server might be blacklisted in some way by 
sourceforge; although it could be something else.

Does anyone know what was done before or have a contact from that time 
which could be used to get teamcity talking subversion again?



Preview (finally) of datatable-autocomplete

2009-12-10 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I got my wicket stuff commit access over a year ago and finally have the 
datatable-autocomplete module ready to be committed into wicketstuff-core.

I have a working version that I will be committing as soon as I can 
confirm that wicketstuff-core will still build with my new module 
(Hopefully tomorrow or next week at the latest).

The main use for this extension is to have quick ajax lookups for large 
static datasets.   It includes a Patrica Trie 
( which is the index and the 
necessary wicket components and behaviors to tie a text field into an 
IDataProvider to display the results in a data table.

I've deployed the example application on my website here:

This is the best test case I could come up with to generate a large 
number of items to search, in this case 74271.  It works by opening up 
the rt.jar file in the jvm classpath and then indexing all of the 
methods found.  You can search by the method name only but sort the 
results by method name, parameters or class name and see how many 
results there are in total after each character of the search.

There are two search modes:
1. prefix matching which is what the Trie is meant for and is the 
fastest at.
2. any string matching which is still fast at 100,000 elements but 
probably slows down faster than prefix matching as the dataset size or 
maximum indexed string length grows large.



WFS changes are committed for the wicketstuff openlayers project

2009-08-21 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I've just committed some additions to wicketstuff-openlayers that allow 
for Web Feature Service requests to be used. 

See wicketstuff jira for details:

There are 3 new examples in openalyers-examples that show how WFS 
requests work. 

Next Steps:

1. commit a Servlet filter that can be a proxy aswell.  The behavior 
approach is nice in that it scopes the proxy to the lifetime of the 
session but for others an always on proxy might be better.

2. WMS proxy that uses an Ajax behavior to update ogc filters on the 
layer to the wicket application.  Then GET requests hit the proxy and 
are converted into an XML GetMap document including the filter details 
that is posted to the actual WMS server.  the image returned is then 
passed back as response to the initial GET.  This is useful to get 
around browser url length limits (~2000 in IE and ~4000

in Firefox).



I've added some extension points to wicketstuff-openlayers OpenLayersMap

2009-08-05 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


At work we are trying to get Web Feature Service layers working with the 
wicketstuff-openlayers project.  We have a partially working system, as 
a first step I've committed some changes that open up what can be 
overridden in a subclass of OpenLayersMap:

We have a working http proxy embedded in a wicket behaviour that allows 
WFS to work without needing to do any external setup (it integrates with 

We are working to get OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature to work properly 
with our custom wicket form components and once done plan on 
contributing the implementation.

I've created an issue for WFS support here:

Unless others are interested in this feature sooner it will probably be 
added by the middle of September.



Re: Generating email link

2009-03-27 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


A link is also a WebMarkupContainer so you can adjust your markup like:

a href=# wicket:id=emailspan wicket:id=emailText//a

and then add a label into the link like:

ExternalLink link = new ExternalLink (email, mailto:; + user.getEmail());

link.add (new Label (emailText, user.getEmail()));

item.add (link);



 I'm still not seeing how to do this using the ExternalLink component. 
I'm reading the email addresses from a database and using a ListView 
to iterate through them to display on the screen. I added the 
following to my Java file:

item.add(new ExternalLink(email, user.getEmail()));

And the following to my markup:

a href=# wicket:id=email/a

Obviously, this isn't complete, but I'm not sure what I need to do to 
get it to turn the email address into something like:

a class=email;

-- Original message from Martijn Dashorst --

 The easiest that comes to mind:

 new ExternalLink(link,;)


Why is Component.isVisibilityAllowed() not considered before executing Component.OnBeforeRender()?

2009-02-10 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I am using wicket 1.3.5.

I control the visibility of my component hierarchy by overriding 
Component.onBeforeRender() and calling the 
Component.setVisibilityAllowed(..) as required for each sub component/panel.

I've been having a performance problem that I've tracked to the 
Component.onBeforeRender() method being called on my entire component 
hierarchy regardless of the defined Component.isVisibilityAllowed() 
context.  i.e. I would have expected that if the parent 
Component.isVisibilityAllowed() returns false that none of the child 
components onBeforeRender() method's would need to be called.

In Component.render(markupStream) it calls 
Component.determineVisibility() which delegates to isVisibilityAllowed() 
and applies my visibility preference during the rendering of the component.

However in Component.internalBeforeRender() (see below) the execution of 
onBeforeRender() is controlled by isVisible() which skips my visibility 

private final void internalBeforeRender()
   if ((isVisible() || callOnBeforeRenderIfNotVisible())  


   throw new IllegalStateException(Component.class.getName() +
has not been properly rendered. Something in the 
hierarchy of  +

   getClass().getName() +
has not called super.onBeforeRender() in the 
override of onBeforeRender() method);


I was able to switch all my calls from setVisibilityAllowed() to 
setVisible() using eclipse refactoring to get the behavior/performance I 
need but am still wondering if this is how 
Component.setVisibilityAllowed() is supposed to work?



Wicket Stuff commit access

2008-10-17 Thread Michael O'Cleirigh


I'd like to get commit access to the wicketstuff subversion repository.  
My sourceforge, JIRA and TeamCity id is 'mocleiri'. 
If its easier I can wait for the JIRA and TeamCity setup until after I 
get the code into subversion.

I want to add a DataTable based autocomplete component (I'm hoping for 
wicketstuff-datatable-autocomplete in trunk).  It is attached to the 
markup of say a panel and takes in the model of the text field that 
contains the string to be completed.   

The results come from a DataProvider implementation backed by a 
TrieObj which contains an in memory tree where any string can be used 
to locate a subtree which when traversed provides an ordered list.

We use it at work for searching quickly through reference data,  
primarily a list of about 50k street names and municipalities.

