Re: What exactly are the benefits of libpkix over the old certificate path validation library?

2012-01-05 Thread Robert Relyea
On 01/04/2012 05:56 PM, Brian Smith wrote:
 Robert Relyea wrote:
 On 01/04/2012 04:18 PM, Brian Smith wrote:
 Are you actually fetching intermediates?

 In the cases where you fetch the intermediates, the old code will not
 work! We don't fetch the intermediate if we already have it, or it's
 already sent in the SSL chain.

 If you are seeing some performance issue, perhaps it some other
 issue? (are you turning on CRL fetching?).

I think we are misunderstanding each other.

I'm not talking about revocation on intermediates. I'm talking about
fetching intermediates themselves because they weren't included in the
chain. I thought that is what you were talking about. That was certainly
what I was talking about.

 We can just tell libpkix not to do OCSP fetching for intermediates. So, this 
 particular performance issue isn't a blocker for switching to libpkix, as 
 long as we make such a change before making libpkix the default.

 My point is that, in order to actually enable libpkix's ability to fetch 
 intermediate certificates in Firefox, we will have to do a substantial amount 
 of work to eliminate the performance regression that is inherent with the 
 serial fashion that libpkix does OCSP fetching. In some ways, this might be a 
 question of fast vs right but I am not sure that the right here is 
 enough of benefit to justify the performance cost. Still, I would like to do 
 the intermediate OCSP fetching if it can be made close to free, which means 
 doing it in parallel with the EE OCSP fetch, AFAICT.
If the OCSP responder is the same for the EE and intermediate certs, you
can issue a single OCSP request (at least in theory). It would require
some NSS code.

 (Persistent) caching of OCSP responses will help. But, caching won't help for 
 the I just installed Firefox and now I am going to see how fast it is by 
 going to test. And, also, we haven't even started working on the 
 persistent caching of OCSP responses in Firefox yet.
What is the actual cost, BTW. persistent caching of OCSP responses are
not likely to buy a whole lot. You still have to fetch the OCSP
responses for the validity period of the response (usually something
like 24 hours).


 - Brian

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: What exactly are the benefits of libpkix over the old certificate path validation library?

2012-01-05 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Robert Relyea a écrit :

7. libpkix can actually fetch CRL's on the fly. The old code can only
use CRL's that have been manually downloaded. We have hacks in PSM to
periodically load CRL's, which work for certain enterprises, but not
with the internet.

PSM's periodic CRL download's certainly quite broken, but OTOH on the 
fly CRL fetching certainly won't work either on the Internet with 
regard to the delay it induces.

I'm ok if someone wanted to rework the libpkix code itself, but trying
to shoehorn in the libpkix features into the old cert processing code is
the longer path to getting to something stable. Note that the decision
to move away from the old code was made by those who knew it best.

Probably quite true, but the question of why libpkix is so big stays, it 
very unlikely it brings a value proportionate to it's size.

In the best of world, I'd vote for a complete reworking of it.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: What exactly are the benefits of libpkix over the old certificate path validation library?

2012-01-05 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Brian Smith a écrit :

3. libpkix can enforce certificate policies (e.g. requiring EV policy
OIDs). Can the non-libpkix validation?

EV policy have been defined in a way that means they could be supported 
by a code that handles an extremely tiny part of all what's possible 
with RFC5280 certificate policies.

They could even not be supported at all by NSS, and instead handled by a 
short bit of code inside PSM that inspects the certificate chain and 
extract the value of the OIDs. Given that the code above NSS needs 
anyway to have a list of EV OIDs/CA name hard coded (*if* I'm correct, I 
might be wrong on that one), it wouldn't change things that much actually.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: What exactly are the benefits of libpkix over the old certificate path validation library?

2012-01-05 Thread Ryan Sleevi
(resending from the correct address)

  On 01/04/2012 03:51 PM, Brian Smith wrote:
  Ryan Sleevi wrote:
  IIRC, libpkix is an RFC 3280 and RFC 4158 conforming implementation,
  while non-libpkix is not. That isn't to say the primitives don't exist
  they do, and libpkix uses them - but that the non-libpkix path doesn't
  them presently, and some may be non-trivial work to implement.
  It would be helpful to get some links to some real-world servers that
  would require Firefox to do complex path building.
  Mostly in the government. They higher 3rd parties to replace our current
  path processing because it is non-conformant. In the real world, FF is
  basically holding the web back because we are the only major browser
  that is not RFC compliant! We should have had full pkix processing 5
  years ago!

To echo what Bob is saying here, in past work I saw problems on a weekly
basis with non-3280 validating libraries within the areas of government,
military, and education - and these are not just US-only problems. The
'big ideas' of PKI tended not to take off commercially, especially in the
realm of ecommerce, but huge amounts of infrastructure and energy has been
dedicated to the dream of PKI elsewhere.

While you talk about the needs of Firefox with regards to NSS' future, I
think it is important to realize that libpkix is the only /open/
implementation (at least, as far as I know) that even comes close to
3280/5280, at least as is available to C/C++ applications. The next
closest is probably Peter Gutmann's cryptlib, which unfortunately is not
widely used in open-source projects. Note, for other languages, you have
Sun/Oracle's Java implementation (which libpkix mirrors a very early
version of, as discussed in the libpkix history) and the Legion of the
Bouncy Castle's C# implementation.

These are the same customers who are often beholden to keep IE 6/ActiveX
around for legacy applications. So while much energy is being put forth
(including from Microsoft) to move these organizations to 'modern' systems
that can support a richer web, if their security needs can't be met by
Firefox, then there will be a problem (or, like Bob said, they'll make
their own - and weigh that as a cost against switching from MSFT).

A couple examples would include the GRID project (which uses a
cross-certified mesh -, the US government's Federal
PKI Bridge CA ( ), and
the DOD/DISA's PKI setup. The layout of the DOD PKI is fairly similar to
those among various European identity card PKIs, with added
cross-certification for test roots so that third-parties can develop
interoperable software.

However, even outside the spectrum of government/enterprise, you still see
issues that 3280/5280 address better than the current non-libpkix
implementation. EV certificates (and soon, the CA/B Forum Baseline
Specifications) rely on proper policy OID validation - but the failure to
match the OID is not a validation failure, it's just a sign of a 'lesser'
level of identity assurance. CA key rollover is incredibly common.
Likewise, as CAs buy eachother out, you end up with effectively bridge or
mesh topologies where they cross-certify eachother for legacy systems.

As far as non-TLS-compliant servers, I think that's an
oversimplification. It relies on the assumption that 1) There is one and
only one root certificate 2) the server knows all the trust anchors of the
client. Both statements can be shown to be demonstrably false (just look
at how many cross-certified verisign or entrust roots there are, due to CA
key rollovers). So there is no reasonable way for a server to send a
client a 'complete' chain, nor to send them a chain that they can know
will validate to the clients trust anchors. At best, only the EE cert

For all of these reasons, I really do think libpkix is a huge step forward
- and it's many nuances and bugs can be things we should work on solving,
rather than trying to determine some minimal set of functionality and
graft that onto the existing pre-libpkix implementation.

Speaking with an individual hat on, there are only a few reasons I can
think of why Chromium /wouldn't/ want to use libpkix universally on all
supported platforms:
1) On Windows, CryptoAPI simply is a more robust (5280 compliant) and
extendable implementation - and many of these government/enterprise
sectors have extended it, in my experience, so having Chromium ignore
those could be problematic.
2) On Mac, I haven't had any time to explore developing a PKCS#11 module
that can read Keychain/CDSA-based trust anchors and trust settings.

I would be absolutely thrilled to be able to use libpkix for the Mac
implementation - Apple's path building/chain validation logic is horrid
(barely targets RFC 2459), and they're on their way to deprecating every
useful API that returns meaningful information, over-simplifying it to
target the iOS market. This has been a 

Re: Developing pkcs11 module for Firefox

2012-01-05 Thread Anders Rundgren
On 2012-01-05 02:45, Robert Relyea wrote:
 I am curious as to how smartcard management is supposed to work for Linux. 
 It seems to me that it would be ideal for Firefox to support the shared DB
 on Linux. Are there OS-level tools for managing the shared DB.
  For example, is there an OS-level UI for adding/removing PKCS#11
 modules in Fedora/RHEL that would make Firefox's UI for this redundant?

 System level PKCS #11 modules (installed by the administrater) are
 stored in /etc/pki/nssdb, user level pkcs #11 modules (installed by the
 user) are stored in ~/.pki/nssdb . User level application load both the
 system modules and the user modules. Now this works under the covers is
 described here:

Doesn't Gnome Keyring essentially shoot for the same target?

-- Anders
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: What exactly are the benefits of libpkix over the old certificate path validation library?

2012-01-05 Thread Ryan Sleevi
  On 01/04/2012 03:51 PM, Brian Smith wrote:
  Ryan Sleevi wrote:
  IIRC, libpkix is an RFC 3280 and RFC 4158 conforming implementation,
  while non-libpkix is not. That isn't to say the primitives don't exist
  they do, and libpkix uses them - but that the non-libpkix path doesn't
  them presently, and some may be non-trivial work to implement.
  It would be helpful to get some links to some real-world servers that
  would require Firefox to do complex path building.
  Mostly in the government. They higher 3rd parties to replace our current
  path processing because it is non-conformant. In the real world, FF is
  basically holding the web back because we are the only major browser
  that is not RFC compliant! We should have had full pkix processing 5
  years ago!

To echo what Bob is saying here, in past work I saw problems on a weekly
basis with non-3280 validating libraries within the areas of government,
military, and education - and these are not just US-only problems. The
'big ideas' of PKI tended not to take off commercially, especially in the
realm of ecommerce, but huge amounts of infrastructure and energy has been
dedicated to the dream of PKI elsewhere.

While you talk about the needs of Firefox with regards to NSS' future, I
think it is important to realize that libpkix is the only /open/
implementation (at least, as far as I know) that even comes close to
3280/5280, at least as is available to C/C++ applications. The next
closest is probably Peter Gutmann's cryptlib, which unfortunately is not
widely used in open-source projects. Note, for other languages, you have
Sun/Oracle's Java implementation (which libpkix mirrors a very early
version of, as discussed in the libpkix history) and the Legion of the
Bouncy Castle's C# implementation.

These are the same customers who are often beholden to keep IE 6/ActiveX
around for legacy applications. So while much energy is being put forth
(including from Microsoft) to move these organizations to 'modern' systems
that can support a richer web, if their security needs can't be met by
Firefox, then there will be a problem (or, like Bob said, they'll make
their own - and weigh that as a cost against switching from MSFT).

A couple examples would include the GRID project (which uses a
cross-certified mesh -, the US government's Federal
PKI Bridge CA ( ), and
the DOD/DISA's PKI setup. The layout of the DOD PKI is fairly similar to
those among various European identity card PKIs, with added
cross-certification for test roots so that third-parties can develop
interoperable software.

However, even outside the spectrum of government/enterprise, you still see
issues that 3280/5280 address better than the current non-libpkix
implementation. EV certificates (and soon, the CA/B Forum Baseline
Specifications) rely on proper policy OID validation - but the failure to
match the OID is not a validation failure, it's just a sign of a 'lesser'
level of identity assurance. CA key rollover is incredibly common.
Likewise, as CAs buy eachother out, you end up with effectively bridge or
mesh topologies where they cross-certify eachother for legacy systems.

As far as non-TLS-compliant servers, I think that's an
oversimplification. It relies on the assumption that 1) There is one and
only one root certificate 2) the server knows all the trust anchors of the
client. Both statements can be shown to be demonstrably false (just look
at how many cross-certified verisign or entrust roots there are, due to CA
key rollovers). So there is no reasonable way for a server to send a
client a 'complete' chain, nor to send them a chain that they can know
will validate to the clients trust anchors. At best, only the EE cert

For all of these reasons, I really do think libpkix is a huge step forward
- and it's many nuances and bugs can be things we should work on solving,
rather than trying to determine some minimal set of functionality and
graft that onto the existing pre-libpkix implementation.

Speaking with an individual hat on, there are only a few reasons I can
think of why Chromium /wouldn't/ want to use libpkix universally on all
supported platforms:
1) On Windows, CryptoAPI simply is a more robust (5280 compliant) and
extendable implementation - and many of these government/enterprise
sectors have extended it, in my experience, so having Chromium ignore
those could be problematic.
2) On Mac, I haven't had any time to explore developing a PKCS#11 module
that can read Keychain/CDSA-based trust anchors and trust settings.

I would be absolutely thrilled to be able to use libpkix for the Mac
implementation - Apple's path building/chain validation logic is horrid
(barely targets RFC 2459), and they're on their way to deprecating every
useful API that returns meaningful information, over-simplifying it to
target the iOS market. This has been a sore point for many Apple users in

Re: Regarding PSM with external SSL library

2012-01-05 Thread Ashok Subash
Hi Brian,

We'll go with your suggestion of using NSS after size reduction for
this project for our security requirements. But right now we cannot
upgrade to latest firefox due to the current schedule and resources we
have for this project. We will follow the guidelines listed in the
611781 as well your other suggestions in the mail. It will be great if
you can support us
if we hit a roadblock.

We will update on the progress soon.


dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: What exactly are the benefits of libpkix over the old certificate path validation library?

2012-01-05 Thread Brian Smith
Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
 Brian Smith a écrit :
  3. libpkix can enforce certificate policies (e.g. requiring EV
  policy OIDs). Can the non-libpkix validation?
 EV policy have been defined in a way that means they could be
 supported by a code that handles an extremely tiny part of all what's
 possible with RFC5280 certificate policies.

Right. How much of PKIX a client actually needs to implement is still an open 
question in my mind.

 They could even not be supported at all by NSS, and instead handled
 by a short bit of code inside PSM that inspects the certificate chain
 and extract the value of the OIDs. Given that the code above NSS needs
 anyway to have a list of EV OIDs/CA name hard coded (*if* I'm
 correct, I might be wrong on that one), it wouldn't change things that
 much actually.

AFAICT, it is important that you know the EV policy OID you are looking for 
during path building, because otherwise you might build a path that has a cert 
without the EV policy even when there is another possible path that uses certs 
that all have the policy OID.

On the other hand, do we really need to do path building at all? It seems 
reasonable to me to require that sites that want EV treatment to return (in 
their TLS Certificates message) a pre-constructed path with the correct certs 
(all with the EV policy OID) to verify (sans root), which is what the TLS 
specification requires anyway. So, I would say that, AFAICT, practical EV 
support doesn't really require PKIX processing, though other things might.

- Brian
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Regarding PSM with external SSL library

2012-01-05 Thread Brian Smith
Ashok Subash wrote:
 We'll go with your suggestion of using NSS after size reduction for
 this project for our security requirements. But right now we cannot
 upgrade to latest firefox due to the current schedule and resources
 we have for this project. We will follow the guidelines listed in
 the 611781 as well your other suggestions in the mail. It will be
 great if you can support us if we hit a roadblock.

The best way to get such support is to attach ask questions and to post your 
patches in bugs in our bugzilla database. Try to write patches in a way that is 
beneficial to the overall NSS and Gecko (Firefox) projects, so that we can 
incorporate those patches into the mainline Gecko and/or NSS source code. If 
you identify new ways to shrink NSS besides the ways listed in those bugs, then 
please file new bugs and document your findings in them (And please CC me in 
the bug report). It is likely that any such reductions in the size of NSS that 
you make for Firefox 3.6 will be applicable to Firefox 12+ as our usage of NSS 
hasn't changed much between 3.6 and 12. Whenever I get around to working on bug 
611781, the improvements I make will probably benefit your project as well 
(possibly requiring some small modifications.)

- Brian
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: What exactly are the benefits of libpkix over the old certificate path validation library?

2012-01-05 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Robert Relyea a écrit :

On 01/04/2012 05:56 PM, Brian Smith wrote:

  Robert Relyea wrote:

  On 01/04/2012 04:18 PM, Brian Smith wrote:
  In the cases where you fetch the intermediates, the old code will not

[...] I'm talking about
fetching intermediates themselves because they weren't included in the
chain. I thought that is what you were talking about. That was certainly
what I was talking about.

Well, as Rob noted that's *very* surprising because the standard code 
will *not* work in that case, so you're talking about a case that's 
broken in the non-libpkix world which should be a rare case.

And not the one where performance is the main concern.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list