Re: F41 Change Proposal: Make OpenSSL distrust SHA-1 signatures by default (system-wide)

2024-06-08 Thread Björn Persson
> == Summary ==
> OpenSSL will no longer trust cryptographic signatures using SHA-1 by
> default, starting from Fedora 41.

Validating DNS resolvers are still required to be able to validate
signatures made with SHA-1. RFC 8624 is still current as far as I can

There have been reports of SHA-1 disablement causing name resolution
problems. Here's one example:

Here's a crappy program that can show some statistics but won't let me
link directly to the relevant table:

It shows about 14 SHA-1-signed domains. That's only 6‰ of the signed
domains, but still a rather large absolute number.

Before voting on this proposal, Fesco should be informed of what will
happen in Bind, Unbound and SystemD-ResolveD when users try to look up a
domain that is signed with SHA-1.

Will SHA-1 signatures be treated as invalid signatures, causing the
resolver to return SERVFAIL? That will violate RFC 8624 and make users
scramble for quick workarounds. Many will apply far too big hammers,
such as disabling DNSsec validation entirely or switching their whole
system to the LEGACY policy just to be able to resolve a domain name
signed with SHA-1. In this case it should be announced far and wide how
users can unbreak DNS without weakening the security of the rest of
their system. Otherwise this change could easily do more harm than good.

Will DNSsec validation be skipped whenever an algorithm number for SHA-1
is encountered? That will make the resolver vulnerable to downgrade
attacks. An attacker can then disable DNSsec by sending manipulated
responses indicating for example RSA/SHA-1 for records that are actually
signed with RSA/SHA-256.

If that were implemented relatively well, it might only introduce a
vulnerability when a domain is signed both with SHA-1 and a stronger
algorithm. If implemented badly, it could allow DNS cache poisoning to
succeed even for domains signed only with strong algorithms. Here's a
paper that discusses such vulnerabilities found in popular resolvers:

It seems to me that the following would be the best way to distrust
SHA-1 in DNSsec:

1: If a valid chain of trust can be established where strong algorithms
are used throughout, then return the records to the client with the AD
bit set, per the standard, indicating that the data are authentic.

2: If there should be signatures, but no valid chain of trust can be
established because records are missing or signatures fail to verify,
then assume it's an attack and return SERVFAIL per the standard.

3: If one or more valid chains of trust are found, but they all involve
SHA-1 somewhere, then return the records to the client with the AD bit
zeroed, indicating that no attack was detected but the data should not
be trusted any more than an unsigned domain.

To be able to distinguish between cases 2 and 3, the resolver must
remain able to verify SHA-1 signatures.

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Re: FAS login not possible

2024-06-05 Thread Björn Persson
Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> It sounds like perhaps a proxy is misbehaving... if there's any way you
> could enable debug console next time you login and see what proxy you
> were hitting when the timeout or issue happened that might be good info
> for us.

I posted some logs here:

In one case is mentioned.

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Re: FAS login not possible

2024-05-27 Thread Björn Persson
Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> I am unaware of any recent auth issues aside this kernel app one.
> Everything has been working great since we moved the ipsilon servers to
> f39 on march 27th. If there are, please let us know.

Logging in to or has been flaky to me in
recent weeks. I got Gateway Timeout a few minutes ago when logging in to I tried again and then it worked. Other times
I've gotten errors when logging in, but when I tried again I was logged
in without submitting the login form a second time.

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Re: Mass Package Change: Turn deprecated %patchN syntax into %patch -PN

2024-05-14 Thread Björn Persson
Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> the %check section
> (which, if I remember correctly is run AFTER the creation of the
> binary RPMs)

No, it runs after %install but before the files are packaged up. It's
possible for %check to make changes to what was staged in %install and
have those changes appear in the package. I think removing that ability
would be an improvement, but that's how it currently is.

Any changes made by %check outside of %{buildroot} should not affect the
binary package though.

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Re: mdadm Update in Rawhide

2024-05-09 Thread Björn Persson
Jonathan Wright via devel wrote:
> My latest commit to rawhide adds signature verification and updates the
> source URL to https.

A comment in the spec file says:

# keyring should be one from
# which will vary depending on who did the release

That's a long list. Can all of those people make mdadm releases?

Please try to avoid replacing the keyring every time you upgrade the
package to a new release. That would severely diminish the security
benefit of the signature verification. You can have multiple keys if
there are multiple people who make releases. For the current version of
gpgverify you need to combine the keys into a single file. Simple
concatenation seems to work. The Nginx package does that:

This pull request would improve gpgverify to accept multiple key files,
so you wouldn't need to concatenate them:

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Re: "fedpkg local" builds fail for rust packages

2024-04-06 Thread Björn Persson
Fabio Valentini wrote:
> - Installing rust-*-devel packages on your local system (i.e. outside
> of ephemeral build environments) is not supported.
> - The "rust-*-devel" packages are build system implementation details,
> if you want to say it like that.
> - They are not shipped to users and are not useful for Rust developers.
> - They are *only* intended to be installed in temporary chroots (like
> those set up by mock).

I don't know enough about Rust to understand how the perfectly normal
usecase of installing libraries as RPM packages has been made so
problematic. I'll just state my strong opinion that packages that
aren't meant for software development should not have "-devel" in their

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Re: F42 Change Proposal: Fedora Plasma Workstation (System-Wide)

2024-04-06 Thread Björn Persson
Vít Ondruch wrote:
> In any case, I prefer to use Gtk apps for Gnome and I assume this is the 
> case for Gnome users. Similarly I won't be surprised if KDE users prefer 
> QT apps.

I suppose there might be some people who get so emotionally attached to
a widget library that they don't want to use programs that use another
widget library. Personally I use what works acceptably for my needs
regardless of which widget library it's built on. I edit photos in Gimp
(the origin of GTK) even though I currently use a desktop built on Qt.
I edit text files in Kate (a KDE program) regardless of which desktop
I'm using. I used Kmail for many years, even in Gnome 2 at times, until
Kmail became so bad that I had to switch to Claws Mail, which happens to
use GTK. I even used to endure Gnome Calculator's annoying Gnome-3-ness
because it was the best calculator I had until it recently stopped
working. I hope I'm not alone in using what works instead of getting
hung up on widget libraries.

> Mixing the DE and frameworks might not always work without issues.

That's not usually a crippling problem in my experience. Each time the
desktop I use breaks down, I switch to another. So far I've always been
able to find one that could be configured to work acceptably. It's
annoying when I have to spend time on that, but fortunately most of the
important programs tend to survive. It would be really horrible if I'd
have to log in to one desktop for programming and then switch to
another for photo editing or word processing. Let's hope the discord
never gets that bad.

If I can manage to set a sensible theme that exists for both Qt and GTK,
then most programs will look similar enough to not distract me from my
work – except for those Gnome 3 programs that refuse to obey the theme.
(And Firefox which just has to be different, but that has nothing to do
with desktops or widget libraries as far as I can see.)

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Re: xz backdoor

2024-03-29 Thread Björn Persson
Michael Catanzaro wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 29 2024 at 07:44:12 PM +01:00:00, Mikel Olasagasti 
>  wrote:
> > Do we know if GH release tarballs are safe?  
> The tarballs generated by GitHub that just include the contents of the 
> git repo should be safe (at least from this particular issue),

So it is reported. The bulk of the attack code is in the Git repository,
but the line that triggers it is only in the release tarballs, according
to the report – but that means that the attacker is or was able to push
commits to Github, so at this point it would be foolish to blindly trust
the Git repository or the Github-generated tarballs.

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Re: xz backdoor

2024-03-29 Thread Björn Persson
Mikel Olasagasti wrote:
> For whatever reason Source for xz was changed 2 months ago[1] to use
> GH releases instead of site.

The public key jia_tan_pubkey.txt did not change at the same time. It
was introduced on 2023-05-04 when the package was updated to version
5.4.3. Apparently the current tarballs on and older tarballs
on were signed with the same OpenPGP key.

Either the attacker has been preparing this for a long time, and is
able to upload files to too, or else the attacker has
compromised an honest developer and gained access to their secret
OpenPGP key, their Github account, and probably all of their other

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Re: Non-responsive maintainer landgraf for package aunit.

2024-03-28 Thread Björn Persson
Pavel Zhukov wrote:
> I see you have received review of the MR .  Emails have been answered by 
> Bjorn too.

If you don't have time to maintain Aunit, then please give me or Dennis
access to the package so we can take care of it.

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Re: do we need CONFIG_UPROBES=y in our kernels?

2024-02-19 Thread Björn Persson
Marius Schwarz wrote:
>  From guest to host:  you need to trust the host not to spy on you, your 
> data, connection targets aso.

Correct. This is a fundamental principle. Users are at the mercy of the
sysadmin. Programs are at the mercy of the operating system. Virtual
machines are at the mercy of the host operating system. "The cloud" is
just other people's computers, and those people have the power to spy
on what you do on their computers.

The processor vendors market so-called "secure enclaves" that are
supposed to make it so that the host operating system can't see what a
guest program does. Of course that means only that the vendor's
firmware is the true host, so now the "host" and the guest are both at
the mercy of the unfree and secretive firmware. And there have been
news about firmware bugs that let attackers bypass the protection,
rendering the enclaves useless.

The solution is to consider security before you rent other people's
computers, and keep secrets and sensitive data on your own hardware.

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Re: just to let you know FESCo agreed to a preliminary injunction while we consider this issue

2024-02-03 Thread Björn Persson
Neal Gompa wrote:
> It's extremely obvious that people want to use it.

It's extremely obvious that *some* people want to use Wayland. It's
equally obvious that some other people want to use X. It's also obvious
that certain people want to make *everybody else* use Wayland. On the
other hand I'm not seeing anyone trying to make everybody use X.

Honestly this looks a lot like the usual human desire to force deviants
into the mainstream mold.

> Neither of you are aligning with the Fedora Foundation of Friends,

Building artificial obstacles to make it difficult for other people to
use what works best for them is not friendly. I'm seeing people trying
to make it difficult to use X by relegating it to Copr. I have not seen
anyone try to relegate Wayland to Copr. So who's actually being
unfriendly here?

The users will come when Wayland provides a better user experience than
X. For *their* usecases, not only for yours.

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Re: Mass rebuild: git push --no-verify

2024-01-18 Thread Björn Persson
kevin wrote:
> The mass rebuild is only doing a bump/rebuild. There's no reason it
> should ever cause something that be caught by the hook, and if it did,
> it would be better for it to do the commit anyhow and cause a failed
> build. IMHO.

If, hypothetically, a defect in the mass-rebuild script would corrupt
thousands of spec files, how easy would it be to write a mass-revert
script to repair the damage? The mass-revert script shouldn't just
revert the latest commit in every package, because the corruption might
not have happened in every package, and some might have been reverted
manually in the meantime. The mass-revert script would need to verify
that it reverts only commits done by the defective mass-rebuild script.

If that's nontrivial to get right, then it seems to me that there is
value in a hook that validates changes made by a script.

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Re: side-tag with GCC 14.0.1 snapshot for Fedora 40

2024-01-16 Thread Björn Persson
Jakub Jelinek wrote:
> The f40-build-side-81394 side-tag contains new
> gcc, annobin, libtool and redhat-rpm-config for f40, meant to be
> tagged into rawhide shortly before the mass rebuild.
> If there is anything you'd like to rebuild against it before the mass
> rebuild (such as packages depending on Ada which like every year bumped
> sonames of its shared libraries), please do so soon.

Thanks for the side-tag. Most of the Ada packages – those that I have
access to – are now rebuilt if I did everything right. The rebuild went
smoothly this time.

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Re: Intention to tighten RPM crypto-policy back

2023-09-26 Thread Björn Persson
Kevin Kofler via devel wrote:
> I am still opposed, because it is still a backwards-incompatible change that 
> breaks existing repositories (such as my Calcforge one)

Backwards-incompatible changes are often made far too nonchalantly.
This is not one of those cases. When it comes to cryptographic
algorithms, backwards-incompatible changes are necessary from time to
time. Cryptanalysis always progresses, and quantum computers loom at
the horizon. Secure algorithms do not remain secure (except for One-
Time Pad, which is mathematically proven but quite impractical).

Maybe there will some day be a set of cryptographic algorithms that are
mathematically proven to be secure for all eternity (and more practical
than One-Time Pad). Until that day comes, all software, including your
Calcforge repository, must be prepared to replace algorithms as needed.

> just so that someone can tick a checkbox on some "security" checklist.

As a packager you are responsible for all Fedora users' security. If
you behave as if security is nothing but a pointless checklist, then
you put all of our computers in jeopardy. An attacker who breaches
your computer will be able to inject malware into Fedora through your
packages. It is your duty to take security seriously as long as you
have commit privileges to any Fedora packages.

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Re: Adding Passim as a Fedora 40 feature?

2023-08-31 Thread Björn Persson
Richard Hughes wrote:
> I was thinking of adding Passim as a default-installed and
> default-enabled dep of fwupd in the Fedora 40 release. Before I create
> lots of unnecessary drama, is there any early feedback on what's
> described in
> please.

I finally read the README, and, oh geez, this thing is even documented
as assuming a friendly network! And it's being proposed to be enabled
by default, which means it will run on laptops that move around between
cafés, hotels, airports and all the hostile environments anyone can

The document doesn't say what design decisions were made based on the
assumption of a friendly network. All of those design decisions need to
be reconsidered with the assumption that there are attackers on the LAN
who will abuse Passim any way they can, and that Passim must deal
reasonably with any and all attacks.

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Re: Potential (security) issue for beginners/non-experts when release is End Of Life: Fedora doesn’t consider the behavior of beginners/non-experts sufficiently

2023-08-13 Thread Björn Persson
Matthew Garrett wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 12, 2023 at 12:07:05PM +0200, Leon Fauster via devel wrote:
> > Please do not clutter the user experience with such _additional_
> > informations. The user on such workstations are not always the
> > administrator and such informations would not help/change the
> > situation either.
> I think it's reasonable that this should be something under admin 
> control, but for the common default scenario where the single uesr is 
> also the admin it seems reasonable to let the user know that they'll no 
> longer receive security updates?

Notifying the user only if they're a member of the wheel group seems
like a reasonable default.

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Re: F39 Change Proposal: Enable fwupd-refresh.timer by default on IoT, CoreOS & Server Editions (Self-Contained)

2023-07-26 Thread Björn Persson
Vitaly Zaitsev via devel wrote:
> On 26/07/2023 11:04, Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski wrote:
> > You could, for example, buy a supported Logitech
> > Receiver  
> I don't recommend anyone to buy this proprietary hardware:

For years I tried to use Bluetooth mice, thinking a standard would be
preferable over a proprietary protocol. But Bluetooth never worked well
for me. It's not just mice. Everything I've tried to do with Bluetooth
has been unstable and unreliable. Eventually I gave up and concluded
that Bluetooth in Fedora is not a thing to rely on. The mice I've used
that connect to Logitech dongles have always been responsive and never
had any connection problems.

Mouse cables get in my way and disturb my work. As long as GUIs and web
programs require a mouse, I need a wireless mouse. Since Bluetooth is
out, Logitech is it.

I'd never use a wireless keyboard though. Whether Bluetooth or Logitech,
I'm not going to type passphrases over some iffy radio protocol using a
random number generator of unknown quality.

Alexander Ploumistos wrote:
> And thanks to fwupd and Logitech's embracing it, we had the fix in a
> very short time.

I never knew about it until now, because nothing notified me that a
firmware update was available. I have now enabled fwupd-refresh.timer.
I seem to get notifications only in SSH, not on the console, but that's
something at least. If it had been on by default, then it would probably
have been less than four years before I found out about those

If the firmware files are properly authenticated, then I think
notifications about firmware updates should be enabled on all

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Re: Orphaned packages looking for new maintainers

2023-07-19 Thread Björn Persson
Bob Mauchin wrote:
> I'm currently assessing what is needed by our binaries packages and will
> take packages needed that have been orphaned.

Thank you! I was getting really worried that Restic would drop out and
I'd have to design a new backup solution yet again.

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Re: F40 Change: Privacy-preserving Telemetry for Fedora Workstation (System-Wide)

2023-07-07 Thread Björn Persson
Looking at the screenshot, I wonder what percentage of users will read
"Privacy", see that all the switches are on, and click "Next" in the
belief that all the privacy features are on.

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Re: F40 Change: Privacy-preserving Telemetry for Fedora Workstation (System-Wide)

2023-07-07 Thread Björn Persson
Michael Catanzaro wrote:
> The problem is if users are expected to answer, they are going to 
> probably answer No and it's effectively the same as an opt-in. But if 
> we have a default value, users will be inclined to leave the default 
> value.
> Remember, for avoidance of doubt, we will NEVER enable telemetry upload 
> without the user's consent, which is indicated by either (a) not 
> flipping the telemetry switch in gnome-initial-setup to the off 
> position,

In other words, you expect that many users will click "Next" without
thinking, and you intend to call that "consent". It's a popular tactic
to make people "agree" to things without knowing it.

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Re: F40 Change: Privacy-preserving Telemetry for Fedora Workstation (System-Wide)

2023-07-07 Thread Björn Persson
Michael Catanzaro wrote:
> I would envision installing 
> eos-event-recorder-daemon via a Recommends: from the 
> gnome-control-center and gnome-initial-setup packages (and probably 
> also by adding it to the workstation-product comps group), so if you 
> don't have gnome-initial-setup or gnome-control-center installed, you 
> wouldn't get in on upgrade.

I don't seem to have a package named gnome-initial-setup installed.
gnome-control-center is installed, but fortunately it looks like I can
remove it without losing anything important. I don't know what pulled in
gnome-control-center or when, but I used XFCE for many years (until it
became unusable on my laptop and drove me over to LXQT), and XFCE had
ties to various gnomy things.

> Certainly the metrics 
> components should not be installed for non-GNOME users as part of this 
> change proposal.

Having some package installed is not the same thing as using a
particular desktop environment. There are many possible reasons why
packages get installed, and they won't always get removed when they're
no longer needed. Among more than 4000 installed packages, there are
surely several I'm not actually using, but examining them all to
determine which ones can be removed would take a lot of work.

> I think eos-event-recorder-daemon uses some sort of ring buffer to 
> eventually discard old events, so that storage space does not increase 
> forever and should not become an issue?

That should make it somewhat less of a problem if it is so. It should of
course be verified before data gathering is turned on.

> (BTW, the GNOME 3 era concluded with the release of GNOME 40 in Fedora 
> 34, so I wouldn't except Fedora users to still be using GNOME 3. :)

I need some way to distinguish between the Gnome that once was and the
very different thing that took over the name "Gnome".

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Re: F40 Change: Privacy-preserving Telemetry for Fedora Workstation (System-Wide)

2023-07-06 Thread Björn Persson
As a non-user of Gnome 3 who normally never runs any Gnome 3 settings
programs, I get the impression that Fedora 40 will begin accumulating
unused metrics somewhere in the filesystem. To prevent a constantly
growing waste of storage space, I'll have to run one of two Gnome 3
settings programs – which may or may not require starting a Gnome 3
desktop session – and find the right switch to either turn on uploading
or turn off collection. I'll have to remember to do that after
upgrading around a year from now, and also on any new installations in
the distant future.

If my impression is wrong, then the change proposal needs to be amended.

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Re: more distinct default bash prompt?

2023-07-01 Thread Björn Persson
Jens-Ulrik Petersen wrote:
> it now defaults to normal green and adds the
> red error code from Stephan (maybe this part could still be improved?)

I like the red error code enough that I'm trying it out on my own
workstation. Yet I doubt it's suitable for the default prompt. I'll
remember what it means because I've configured it myself. To a beginner
who hasn't configured their prompt, the intermittent appearance of a
red number will be very cryptic.

If the error code is included, then appending it to the working 
directory isn't the best choice. It looks like a part of the directory
name, especially to red/green blind users I expect. There should be a
space or other separator, but even then it could be ambiguous as
filenames can contain almost any characters. Writing the error code
before the username is less confusing. Users are unlikely to think that
the digits are part of their username.

This code expands to nothing if the exit code is zero, and to the exit
code followed by a space otherwise:

prompt_result_separator=' '

Note also the "0;" in the beginning. I think all prompts should begin
with that to clear any attributes that may have been left behind by a
broken program. (Try "echo -e '\e[8m'" and see if it hides your prompt.)

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Re: How to deal with sysusers files inside the package

2023-06-30 Thread Björn Persson
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden wrote:
> I'm looking at converting my package (where I'm also the upstream) to 
> use sysusers.d but I'd prefer shipping the sysusers.d file inside the 
> source tarball rather than in packaging. This allows me to use the same 
> definition on Debian, which I think is a huge benefit of systemd 
> standardizing these kinds of things.

Yes, of course you'd want to do it that way, but Fedora isn't ready.

> The documentation[1] only mentions shipping it as a separate source, not 
> inside the tarball. Should I simply replace %{SOURCE3} in the docs with 
> the path from the extracted tarball?

My experience is that sysusers_create_compat can't be made to work with
a file extracted from the tarball. It requires a separate source file.
As long as user and group accounts must be added in the packaging, it's
more convenient to do it in the spec file than in a separate sysusers
file. Thus sysusers_create_compat seems rather useless to me.

If your program needs its user account only at run time (such as a
daemon that runs as non-root), then it's enough to drop the sysusers
file into /usr/lib/sysusers.d. The account will then be created at the
end of the RPM transaction, after all the packages have been installed.
In that case shipping the sysusers file inside the tarball should work,
and you don't need sysusers_create_compat.

If your package contains any files owned by the account it creates,
then installing the sysusers file is not sufficient. In that case the
account must be created in %pre before the files are installed, either
with sysusers_create_compat (which requires a separate source file) or
with plain old useradd or groupadd.

I've seen some discussion recently about integrating sysusers support
into RPM. That should allow an upstream sysusers file to work in all
cases, if I understand correctly. If your package currently works, then
I suggest waiting until the RPM integration is done before you change
how user accounts are created.

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Re: Are we ready for ipv6-mostly networks?

2023-06-01 Thread Björn Persson
Petr Menšík wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have attended recently conference [1], where some interesting 
> presentations took place. They were usually in Czech, so it is not 
> something I am going to share more. But what took my interest were ipv6 
> readiness with some exceptions. Fedora is ready to be run on dual-stack 
> IPv4 and IPv6 networks just fine. But the presentation were about future 
> case where we run most hosts on IPv6 network only, but allow some older 
> devices to take and use also IPv4 address.
> Fortunately there is roughly the same presentation[2] in English, which 
> took the place on RIPE 85 meeting. What catched my interest were talk 
> about Windows 11 and Apple systems are ready, but not really talk about 
> how any linux distribution is ready for such situation. It seems to me 
> we should improve the support for mentioned mechanisms in Fedora.

Having watched the latter presentation, I understand that the idea is
that, on a network with a limited pool of globally routable IPv4
addresses, IPv6-capable clients should use only IPv6 and refrain from
requesting IPv4 addresses, so that addresses will be available to
legacy devices that need IPv4.

It seems to me that it would be very difficult for a DHCP client
program to know whether the Fedora installation it's running on needs
an IPv4 address. I think it would have to be manually configured.

It's mentioned in the presentation that IPv6 support is required in
Apple's App Store. That's not currently the case in Fedora. In my own
opinion everything should by now assume IPv6 as the norm, and treat
IPv4 as the legacy protocol that must still be supported for
compatibility – but that's not Fedora's policy. The policy is as

| If an application contains native and stable support for both IPv4 and
| IPv6, and support for IPv6 does not negatively affect IPv4 then both
| MUST be enabled in the Fedora package.

That means that IPv4-only programs are still quite welcome in Fedora if
their lack of IPv6 support is an upstream limitation and not introduced
by the packager. Thus the network configuration must expect that the
user might run such a program and might need IPv4 connectivity. The
policy should probably be changed before Fedora begins requesting only
IPv6 addresses by default.

Another concern is that the entire IPv6-mostly concept seems to assume
devices that are strictly clients. It doesn't seem like it would work
for anyone who runs any kind of server or peer-to-peer program. The idea
seems to be that IPv6 clients will access IPv4-only servers over NAT64.
Like all address translation, NAT64 is an obstacle to peer-to-peer
communication. If you need to communicate with a peer who is stuck with
an RFC 1918 address behind NAT on an IPv4-only network – a case that is
still far too common – and you're using IPv6 and NAT64, then you and
your peer will both be unable to connect to each other. If globally
routable IPv4 addresses are available on the network where you are,
then you'll want one so that your peer can at least connect to you.
Users of peer-to-peer programs will want to configure their DHCP client
to request an IPv4 address in case that need arises.

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Re: more distinct default bash prompt?

2023-05-26 Thread Björn Persson
Marián Konček wrote:
> AFAIK Gnome Terminal is the only terminal that uses white background by 
> default. To my knowledge, all the other terminals use black background.

If you can get *all* the terminal emulators amended so that users can
configure the prompt color in the same dialog box where they configure
the background and text colors, and also get that configuration to take
effect across SSH, even between different operating systems, *only then*
is it somewhat reasonable to expect users to also choose another prompt
color when they set the background color.

As long as the prompt is configured in a completely different place
than the background, and separately on each server, the prompt must be
readable by default on both light and dark backgrounds.

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Re: more distinct default bash prompt?

2023-05-26 Thread Björn Persson
Chris Adams wrote:
> My personal (bike-shedding) preference is to not run external commands
> on every prompt though; when a system is slow or having problems, those
> can kill any chance at recovery or even troubleshooting.

I agree. Please keep the number of things that can make the shell
unusable minimal.

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Re: more distinct default bash prompt?

2023-05-26 Thread Björn Persson
Jens-Ulrik Petersen wrote:
> In Fedora the bash prompt is not colored or highlighted by default.
> I personally find this a usability issue: it makes it hard to find previous
> commands between long outputs when scrolling back in a terminal.

I find myself pressing Enter several times before running a command to
be able to find the beginning of the output afterwards, so I agree. The
prompt should stand out more.

> For example I could suggest we change the default fedora bash prompt from:
> PS1="[\u@\h \W]\\$ "
> to something like:
> PS1="\[\e[\${PROMPT_COLOR}m\][\u@\h \W]\[\e[0m\]\\$ ".
> Then the PROMPT_COLOR envvar would make it easy for users to change or
> customize their prompt coloring anyway.
> For example with PROMPT_COLOR="1;32" one gets a bold green prompt, which
> seems readable in both dark or light terminals.

It seems popular among terminal emulators to make bold text extra
bright. That makes the bold green prompt a bit too bright for me on a
white background. It's nowhere near as bad as yellow on white, but a
little too bright to be comfortable. Once I turn off the brightening to
let bold text be the specified color, the bold green prompt works well
for me.

One way to avoid all the color issues could be to just make the prompt
bold by default. That would probably make it stand out enough in many
situations. I think it wouldn't help much for programmers compiling
software though, because GCC outputs filenames in uncolored bold text,
so even a bold prompt would blend in among the compilation errors.

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Re: C-specific compiler parameters (was: Update on Changes/PortingToModernC)

2023-05-10 Thread Björn Persson
Jakub Jelinek wrote:
> On Wed, May 10, 2023 at 12:09:10AM +0200, Björn Persson wrote:
> > Florian Weimer wrote:  
> > > I am going to explore a way to land -Werror=implicit-int
> > > -Werror=implicit-function-declaration among the default compiler flags.
> > > There's a bit of an issue because the C++ front end warns on
> > > those flags, so we need another -specs= kludge that is incompatible with
> > > Clang.  
> > 
> > It sounds like those parameters should be added only to CFLAGS, not to
> > 
> > __global_compiler_flags already contains things that cause warnings
> > from the Ada and Fortran compilers. The Ada packages get the warning
> > “'-Werror=' argument '-Werror=format-security' is not valid for Ada”
> > over and over. It doesn't break any builds but it's annoying noise in
> > the build logs.  
> GCC 13 has a solution for that, one can add
> -Wno-complain-wrong-lang
> to
> -Werror=format-security
> etc. and avoid such warnings (that some compiler option is only appropriate
> for a subset of GCC languages and it is compiling some other language).

Thanks. That's an acceptable workaround, and seems to work as
advertised. I may add it to build_adaflags if a central solution won't
be accepted.

It would still be better to use parameters only where they are
meaningful. Longer command lines make troubleshooting more difficult.

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C-specific compiler parameters (was: Update on Changes/PortingToModernC)

2023-05-09 Thread Björn Persson
Florian Weimer wrote:
> I am going to explore a way to land -Werror=implicit-int
> -Werror=implicit-function-declaration among the default compiler flags.
> There's a bit of an issue because the C++ front end warns on
> those flags, so we need another -specs= kludge that is incompatible with
> Clang.

It sounds like those parameters should be added only to CFLAGS, not to

__global_compiler_flags already contains things that cause warnings
from the Ada and Fortran compilers. The Ada packages get the warning
“'-Werror=' argument '-Werror=format-security' is not valid for Ada”
over and over. It doesn't break any builds but it's annoying noise in
the build logs.

It would be better if __global_compiler_flags would contain only
language-independent parameters, and language-specific parameters were
added in build_cflags and build_cxxflags.

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Re: The new version of Fedora Messaging Notifications will arrive this week

2023-05-04 Thread Björn Persson
Aurelien Bompard wrote:
> do you mind opening a ticket on FMN's tracker please?


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Re: The new version of Fedora Messaging Notifications will arrive this week

2023-05-01 Thread Björn Persson
Aurelien Bompard wrote:
> If I understand correctly, you browser's javascript engine can't run the app?

That's how it seems at least. This error message might be relevant:

Error: SyntaxError: expected expression, got keyword 'import'
Line: 19, column: 17689 

> which browser are you using?

Seamonkey. I originally switched to Seamonkey to keep the Web calm when
the ability to stop GIF animations was removed from Firefox. That's
still relevant in places, but these days the greatest advantage of
Seamonkey is that I don't have to relearn how to do things each time
Firefox's user interface gets reshuffled.

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Re: The new version of Fedora Messaging Notifications will arrive this week

2023-04-27 Thread Björn Persson
Aurelien Bompard wrote:
> > I see only a blank page. So it has strict requirements for which
> > Javascript runners can be used to run it, then?  
> Yes, the UI is written in javascript (Typescript with Vue.js to be precise). 
> We should probably add a noscript tag to make that clearer.

I won't see that. I have whitelisted Javascript from,
so my browser will ignore the content of noscript and try to run the
Javascript program. But the program requires something that my browser
doesn't have, so nothing is displayed.

The new FMN is far from alone. These demanding Javascript programs are
becoming ever more common, and I can no longer avoid all of them. None
the less it's frustrating each time I have to start another browser and
cope with a worse user interface to run one of those programs.

A locally installed program would have a file header specifying the
executable format, or a shebang specifying which interpreter to use,
and RPM dependencies would ensure that the correct interpreter is
installed. For a web program there's no way to specify in the URL which
Javascript interpreter shall be used to run the program, so I have to
figure out and remember when I have to start the browser for demanding
Javascript programs and when I can use the browser with the stable and
sensible user interface.

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Re: The new version of Fedora Messaging Notifications will arrive this week

2023-04-26 Thread Björn Persson
Aurelien Bompard wrote:
> OK, the switch is complete, the new notifications app is at 
>, and if necessary you'll see a link 
> to the old app there.

I see only a blank page. So it has strict requirements for which
Javascript runners can be used to run it, then?

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Re: It’s time to transform the Fedora devel list into something new

2023-04-24 Thread Björn Persson
Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 11:21:58PM +0200, Björn Persson wrote:
> > Kevin Fenzi wrote:  
> > > We could probibly come up with some
> > > better way to start new topics/discussions  
> > 
> > Yes I think I can come up with a better way. Give each tag its own
> > email address, like a mailing list. That was very easy to come up with.  
> I think you mean each category?

I don't know Discourse but we're told that something called a tag is
roughly equivalent to a mailing list. I suppose categories could have
addresses too.

> But you may want multiple tags on a post... 

Like Vít said, you can send to multiple addresses. That's how you
cross-post to multiple mailing lists. The Discourse server would then
read all the addresses and apply all of those tags and/or categories
to the post.

When there are multiple recipient addresses in the same domain, a
well-behaved SMTP client is supposed to transmit a single copy of the
message in a single SMTP session with multiple RCPT commands. Thus the
Discourse server will receive only one copy.

It is however possible that some badly written program might mishandle
such a message and send a separate copy to each recipient address. Each
copy would then still contain the whole list of addresses in the To and
CC fields. If the Discourse server would read the header fields and not
just the SMTP envelope, then the copies would appear as duplicate posts,
each with the full set of tags, not as separate posts with one tag each.

If duplicates would turn out to be a great nuisance, then the Discourse
developers might want to add a deduplication feature. The Message-ID
field would be useful for discovering duplicates, but deduplication
should not be done based on the message ID alone. The full contents
should be compared to ensure that the messages really are identical, in
case some defective or malicious email client produces non-unique
message IDs.

As you can see, it doesn't take any great inventions to do this. The
email standards already contain the necessary features. They just need
to be implemented, if the Discourse developers are serious about
supporting interaction by email.

> But that also doesn't solve the spam problem... anyone could send to
> those addresses, and indeed spammers will. ;( 

We're told that only sender addresses associated with a Fedora account
are allowed to send to the single global new-topic address. Obviously
that would apply to the tag (and category) addresses too. That's
analogous to reducing spam to mailing lists by accepting posts only
from subscribers.

In what scenario do tag-specific new-topic addresses result in a worse
spam problem than a single global new-topic address?

> But perhaps this could be useful with some other way to autenticate
> posts.

I haven't seen spammers impersonate subscribers in the mailing lists.
The occasional spam that gets into the mailing lists seems to be done
by subscribing a disposable address and sending from that address.

If spammers would start putting in a legitimate user's address as sender
to get the spam into mailing lists or Discourse, then there's DKIM. I
have found DKIM by itself ineffective, as most of the spam is DKIM-
signed now, but DKIM combined with a requirement for a known sender
address should be sufficient authentication to stop spam. The spammer
would at least have to actually send from the same domain as the user
they impersonate.

For registered users whose email provider doesn't sign their messages
with DKIM, a verification message could be sent that they have to reply
to, like when signing up for a mailing list but repeated for every post
that isn't a reply. There's also OpenPGP/MIME. But I rather doubt that
such measures will be needed just to fight spam. Strong authentication
is for preventing more targeted attacks than spam.

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Re: It’s time to transform the Fedora devel list into something new

2023-04-23 Thread Björn Persson
Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> We could probibly come up with some
> better way to start new topics/discussions

Yes I think I can come up with a better way. Give each tag its own
email address, like a mailing list. That was very easy to come up with.

You can write the tag after the plus sign if that makes it easier to
implement. Instead of "" the
address could be "" or maybe
"fedoraproject+devel/". Or some other format.
The local-part can be structured any way the Discourse developers like,
as long as it's at most 64 bytes and adheres to the dot-atom-text syntax
in RFC 5322.

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Re: It’s time to transform the Fedora devel list into something new

2023-04-23 Thread Björn Persson
Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> One bug I hit setting this up this weekend... some (but not all) of the
> categories appear to have newlines in the List-ID: header. ;( 
> ie, 
> List-ID: Fedora Discussion | Ask Fedora Ask in English
> Hopefully this is a bug that can be fixed... 
> So the above won't really work as the MATCH doesn't include the second
> line with the actual listid in it, only the description. ;( 

I think you'll have to blame Procmail for that. What you show is called
folding in RFC 5322. It's valid syntax if the continuation line begins
with whitespace, which it looks like it does. Folding is even
recommended for lines longer than 78 characters. Programs that parse
email are supposed to unfold folded lines.

The complexities of text-based protocols provide for so much fun!

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Re: It’s time to transform the Fedora devel list into something new

2023-04-23 Thread Björn Persson
Matthew Miller wrote:
> It is also possible to enable
> new topics by email, but that's vulernable to impersonation (and spam) so
> if we enable that there probably will be a moderation step.

Email signed with OpenPGP/MIME solves the impersonation and spam
problems. A message could be allowed to bypass the moderation after it's
verified that it's signed with the correct public key for an email
address registered in a Fedora account.

DKIM also seems able to assert that a message is from a certain sender
address, although almost all usage I've seen states only a domain name.

But if those new topics can't be sent to a mailing-list-equivalent, but
just end up in some sort of "other" bucket, then it seems useless

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Re: It’s time to transform the Fedora devel list into something new

2023-04-23 Thread Björn Persson
Matthew Miller wrote:
> There _are_ email notifications, 

You keep talking about "notifications". I don't want a notification
saying "somebody said something; run our Javascript program to find out
what it was". I want the actual message delivered to my mailbox.

But some people in this thread talk as if it's possible to get the
actual messages by email. I even see some hints that a proper tree view
might be possible. But many others say the email features of Discourse
are no good. The overall picture is unclear and far from convincing.

> and you can interact by replying to them.

You let the quarrel go this far before you even bothered to mention
that? You're clearly not serious about selling the email features of

You're trying to convince email users that your preferred communication
program is better than their preferred communication program. Users of
various email programs are saying no, the program I have chosen works
better for my needs. Do you also waste time trying to convince Emacs
users to switch to Vi?

Instead of trying to make everybody use the same Javascript program,
what you should do is show how your preferred program implements the
relevant standards to be interoperable with my preferred program, so
that we can communicate while each using our respective programs. If
it's not interoperable, then that's where the problem is.

So how complete is Discourse's email functionality actually? Can it be
used as a mailing list server, or not?

> Do take a look at

Okay okay fine! I'll start up a browser in which the Javascript program
even works and go read in the Javascript program about how I might not
have to use the Javascript program.

So it says a "tag" is supposed to be sort of like a mailing list, but
there's only a single global email address for starting new threads.
There's no way to send to a specific tag. Thus it's impossible to post
to a specific mailing-list-equivalent. How am I supposed to ensure that
my messages reach the appropriate audience?

Maybe by replying? It's rather unclear how replies by email are handled,
but I can guess that they're given the same tag as the message they
reply to. If that's the case, then it almost seems like they *want*
people to reply to an irrelevant thread instead of posting a new thread.
I suppose a more likely explanation is that the email notifications are
meant to draw users back to the Javascript program.

Either way, according to that post the answer is no, Discourse is not
usable as a list server. Those who want to replace Mailman with
Discourse should work on improving its email capabilities until it can
be used as a list server.

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Re: Auto-assign packager sponsors to tickets?

2023-04-04 Thread Björn Persson
Jakub Kadlcik wrote:
> > From this thread I get
> > the opposite impression, that Pagure tickets are processed quickly and
> > FE-NEEDSPONSOR blockers are not looked at. If so, I propose the policy
> > is updated to ask for a Pagure ticket in every case.  
> I get the same impression and I would agree with Otto's proposal to
> get rid of the FE-NEEDSPONSOR entirely.

To a beginner (in any project) it's cumbersome to file two separate
requests in two different issue trackers for what feels like a single
task. It's less of a barrier to beginners if they only have to deal
with Bugzilla.

On the other hand it's important that there are ways to become a
packager without adding a new package, so a package review in Bugzilla
can't be the only way to get sponsored.

Therefore, if some automation can notify the sponsors in Pagure when a
review is completed and still blocks FE-NEEDSPONSOR, that sounds like a
better idea than getting rid of FE-NEEDSPONSOR. It would lower the
barrier to entry for those beginners who begin by making a new package.

> Apart from it not being
> processed as effectively as the package-sponsor repo tickets, the
> FE-NEEDSPONSOR is confusing anyway (it is set to a review ticket but
> the ticket doesn't need to be sponsored, the contributor does. That
> becomes weird when the contributor has more tickets at the same time
> and so on).

I would think most beginner packagers start with a single package. I had
three myself, but they depended on each other so one specific package
had to go first. A beginner with multiple independent packages, such
that they can be reviewed and imported in arbitrary order, is probably
an uncommon case.

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Re: RFC: No koji builds during mass branching and updates-testing enablement

2023-03-09 Thread Björn Persson
Fabio Valentini wrote:
> As a follow-up from a recent discussion on Matrix/IRC, I'm proposing
> the following change to the development cycle / release schedule:
> "Koji builds are blocked while mass branching and updates-testing
> enablement are in progress."

What will packagers see?

Will builds be queued, and get processed when the lock is released?

Will build attempts be rejected with a clear explanation? "You can't
build while we're branching. Please try again later."

Or will packagers start asking why they get an incomprehensible stack
trace from fedpkg?

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Re: fedpkg: Failed to get repository name from Git url or pushurl -> %build

2023-03-08 Thread Björn Persson
Kenneth Goldman wrote:
> Let's see if I have this right ...
> %build
> %configure
> %make_build
> are not three separate steps.  %build is the overall step, and the next two 
> lines
> are the build steps.  The blank line terminates the %build.  Correct?

A blank line has no special meaning. A section continues until the next
section begins.

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Re: Proposal: drop delta rpms (for real this time)

2023-02-23 Thread Björn Persson
Gordon Messmer wrote:
> Contrary-wise: Because Fedora updates only contains the latest built, 
> once a build marked as a security fix is obsoleted by another build, 
> there is no longer any indication that a security issue existed in any 
> version, at which point "dnf update --security" no longer works.

There are also other dangers with installing only security fixes. If a
bugfix is released and packaged, and later it's discovered that the bug
had security implications, then no security update will be made because
the fix is already packaged. It might be possible to set a security
flag on the update after the fact, but nobody will bother with that.

I would therefore advise against using --security. If one can't install
all the updates continuously, then one should use a more stable
distribution than Fedora.

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Re: Update on SPDX license id adoption in Fedora

2023-02-23 Thread Björn Persson
Jilayne Lovejoy wrote:
> It is not scalable 
> for Richard to submit most of the licenses to SPDX and me to create the 
> files for those licenses... :)

On the other hand, having many people learn a complex process and use it
only once is very inefficient use of man-hours.

> We have been implementing labels in the Fedora License Data repo to help 
> indicate what is needed next.

Nothing notifies me about changes to labels, so they don't work as
reminders that there's more work to do, but they have some value as
confirmation that the next step in the procedure is what I think it is.

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Re: HyperKitty broken References and In-Reply-To headers

2023-02-22 Thread Björn Persson
Eike Rathke wrote:
> On Wednesday, 2023-02-22 00:46:19 +0200, Otto Liljalaakso wrote:
> > Ok, I found the other parts of the thread now.
> > Something strange is going on here - it seems that when Arthur replies,
> > threading breaks and I see separate subthreads in Thunderbird.
> > Also seems to be similarly confused.  
> That's likely because
> | User-Agent: HyperKitty on
> writes broken References and In-Reply-To headers:
> | References: <
> |  
> >
> | In-Reply-To: <
> |  
> >
> Note the doubled <<>> and folding line break after first <.

Yes, it looks like Hyperkitty has trouble with unfolding folded header

Kenneth's Message-ID fields are folded over two lines. That's unusual
but perfectly valid syntax. It's even recommended by RFC 5322 because 
Kenneth's message IDs are rather long.

This line folding seems to trigger some defect in Hyperkitty so that it
fails to recognize the message ID each time somebody replies to Kenneth,
and shows the reply as a separate thread.

And then, when Artur uses Hyperkitty to reply to Kenneth, Hyperkitty
seems to think the line break is part of the message ID, which results
in that invalid syntax.

That's just one example of how difficult it is to write a correct email
parser. It's even a rather simple case compared to the monstrosities
that are allowed in valid email syntax.

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Re: F38 proposal: IPP-USB as a weak dependency of CUPS and sane-airscan (Self-Contained Change proposal)

2023-02-19 Thread Björn Persson
Zdenek Dohnal wrote:
> On 1/16/23 12:31, Björn Persson wrote:
> > Robert Marcano via devel wrote:  
> >> The admin can implement CUPS
> >> authentication but an ipp://localhost:6 open port entirely open to
> >> anyone on the local machine to submit print jobs directly bypassing CUPS.  
> >
> > In that case it's also accessible to all the untrusted Javascript junk
> > that regularly runs in the user's browser. Because IPP is built on HTTP,
> > a Javascript program can tell the browser to send an IPP request. What
> > has been done to secure those "virtual printer devices" against DNS
> > rebinding attacks?
> >  
> I'll ask IPP-USB upstream about it, stay tuned.

What did upstream answer?

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Re: Feedback wanted for a proposed improvement to RPM's ELF dependency generator

2023-02-19 Thread Björn Persson
Gordon Messmer wrote:
> If a maintainer enabled the _elf_require_fallback_versions macro
> before a mass rebuild where the _elf_provide_fallback_versions macro
> had been enabled globally, then the resulting package would have
> versioned dependencies, and the packages it depends on might not have
> versioned dependencies.  That package wouldn't be installable.

It seems to me that it would be much safer if the dependency generator
would verify that the library package actually provides the generated

If _elf_provide_fallback_versions is turned off in a single package for
whatever reason, then dependent packages should only need rebuilding to
pick up the unversioned dependency. The maintainers of the dependent
packages shouldn't have to turn off _elf_require_fallback_versions

There are always some failures in each mass rebuild. If library L fails
to build in Fedora N, and fails again in Fedora N+1, then under the
current policy, L will be retired from Fedora N+2. If you turn on
_elf_provide_fallback_versions in Fedora N, and then turn on
_elf_require_fallback_versions in Fedora N+1, then any packages that
use L will become uninstallable in Fedora N+1, half a year before L
will be retired. Therefore, if you're going to rely on the FTBFS
retirement process to ensure that all libraries provide version
numbers, then you shouldn't turn on _elf_require_fallback_versions
before Fedora N+2.

Once the dependency generator has found the filename it gets the
version number from, it would be easy to run

rpm --query --provides --file  | grep --quiet ^$

except that people keep saying that package builds shouldn't invoke RPM
for some reason. Is there a way to do the above without actually
invoking RPM?

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Re: Feedback wanted for a proposed improvement to RPM's ELF dependency generator

2023-02-18 Thread Björn Persson
Gordon Messmer wrote:
> In order to enable the requires feature on a single package (without a 
> mass rebuild in between), the maintainer would need to ensure that all 
> of the package's dependencies had been build after the provides feature 
> was enabled, and arrange to rebuild any that hadn't.

If they fail to do that correctly, will their package become
uninstallable due to unsatisfiable dependencies, or will it just get
normal unversioned dependencies on those libraries that don't provide a
version number?

That should also be explained in the change proposal.

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Re: Feedback wanted for a proposed improvement to RPM's ELF dependency generator

2023-02-18 Thread Björn Persson
Gordon Messmer wrote:
> Before merging that feature, RPM's maintainers are 
> interested in feedback from a wider audience.

The Detailed Description describes the problem thoroughly, but fails to
describe the solution. Unanswered questions include:

· What exactly will be added to the dependencies?
· How will the dependencies be generated?
· Will packages require the version of a library that was present when
  they were built, even if they don't use any new interfaces?
· Will they require that exact version, or that version or newer?
· Will this make it even harder to achieve the ideal of reproducible

Yes I can find some of the answers elsewhere. I shouldn't need to go
searching for answers. They should be available in the change proposal.

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Spec file encoding (was: fedpkg: Failed to get repository name from Git url or pushurl)

2023-02-16 Thread Björn Persson
Kenneth Goldman wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Miro Hrončok 
> > 
> > On 16. 02. 23 14:50, Kenneth Goldman wrote:  
> > > Could not execute mockbuild: Could not query n-v-r of hello: 'utf-8' 
> > > codec  
> > can't decode byte 0x93 in position 259: invalid start byte
> > 
> > That indicates it's not actually UTF-8.  
> I can only report when I cut and paste the smart quotes
> from the web page to the .spec file (Firefox -> emacs), I
> get 0x93 and 0x94 and fedpkg reports that error.

So apparently Emacs saved the file in some Microsoft encoding, probably
Windows code page 1252, but FedPKG tried to read it as UTF-8.

When I load the packaging tutorial I get UTF-8 from the web server, so
it seems that something on your computer converted the text into a
Microsoft encoding.

Programs should generally use the character encoding specified in your
locale, but FedPKG might be hardcoded to use UTF-8, perhaps justified
by the policy that Fedora spec files must be UTF-8 encoded:

If you're going to cooperate with the rest of us in the Fedora project,
then you'll need to handle UTF-8 in spec files. Sooner or later you'll
encounter some non-ASCII characters. You may need to tell Emacs to read
and write spec files as UTF-8, or you may need to fix your locale. Run
"locale" to check. Going by your email address, en_US.utf8 is probably
the right locale for you.

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Re: Bootstrapping package with circular dependencies in koji

2023-01-24 Thread Björn Persson
Jaroslav Skarvada wrote:
> Thanks for the info, we will try it. It would be great to have it
> documented somewhere in the guidelines

Yes it would. This looks like a good place:

"koji edit-tag --help" calls it "Set tag extra option". I would not
have guessed that an "extra option" would transform into an RPM macro,
nor that a "_with_" prefix would need to be added.

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Re: FYI... yubioath-desktop is slated to be removed from F38 repository

2023-01-19 Thread Björn Persson
Gerald B. Cox wrote:
> yubioath-desktop and potentially yubikey-manager-qt will not be included in 
> the F38 repository due to packaging issues. 

Just when it looked like they had gotten Yubioath-desktop to work
properly, it disappears. It's so tiresome to have rugs pulled like this
all the time. I wish I had a way to know which programs will continue
to work, so I can rely on them.

I suppose I'll try Ykocli and see if that's usable.

> For additional information and suggested mitigations, please review:  

And that's such a fancy modern Javascript program that it can't even be
scrolled in a browser with a stable user interface. Wonderful.

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Re: SPECfiles - conditionals with EOLed Fedora releases - any value in keeping them ?

2023-01-19 Thread Björn Persson
Michal Schorm wrote:
> I'd like to learn why people would (not) like such a check or reminder.

The maintainer sees the conditional every time they update the spec.
They can remove it whenever it's convenient to them. There's no need to
pester people about such non-urgent maintenance. It's not like
something will break if the conditional isn't removed in time.

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Re: GCC 13 broke 50 packages requiring and

2023-01-17 Thread Björn Persson
Pavel Zhukov wrote:
> Yes, that happens every year because of koji limitation.
> Ada rebuild is not just mass-rebuild thing.
> Because of circular dependencies: gprbuild buildrequires xmlada and
> xmlada build requires gprbuild and both of them requires
> they were built with
> bootstrap of gprbuild should be done which requires manual steps (pretty
> straightforward process and documented in xmlada and gprbuild spec files 
> though. thanks to Bjorn!) 

The bootstrap is actually needed only if something is seriously broken,
or to add a new arch. GPRbuild is statically linked precisely to remain
functional each time GCC or XMLada is upgraded, so that it can rebuild
itself and the other Ada packages. Thus the dependency loop isn't
normally a problem. A bump and a rebuild per package should be
sufficient, but they must be done in the right order.

A package can't be built if it requires a library that can't be
installed. Therefore those libraries that depend only on Libgnat must be
built first, so they become installable again. Once those packages
appear in the buildroot, the packages that depend on them can be built.
Then those packages in turn must be added to the buildroot before the
third tier can be built. (I have now done all that for all packages I
have commit access to. I rebuilt GPRbuild too, so it's now statically
linked to the new Libgnat. Nobody needs to worry that the static
linking will cause old code to linger.)

For the mass rebuild to handle this automatically, two changes would be

· It would have to walk the dependency graph and build the packages in
dependency order instead of alphabetical order.

· It would have to make the newly built packages available to packages
that depend on them, not set them aside and then tag them all in at the

So as things stand, these rebuilds need to be done by a human who knows
the dependency graph.

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Re: GCC 13 broke 50 packages requiring and

2023-01-17 Thread Björn Persson
Jakub Jelinek wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 01:24:45PM +0100, Miro Hrončok wrote:
> > Hello. GCC was updated to 13 in rawhide while the Fedora change was still
> > being voted about by FESCo.
> > 
> > Apparently, the following packages now don't install:  
> There is a mass rebuild tomorrow.  The Ada soname changes every year
> and we've never rebuilt Ada packages separately for that, just during the
> mass rebuild.

Pavel and I have always rebuilt the Ada packages separately for the
yearly soname change. They must be rebuilt in dependency order, and
that's not how the mass rebuild does it.

I'd be willing to cooperate to do the rebuild in a side tag, but I
can't promise to always be available at a moment's notice.

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Re: F38 proposal: IPP-USB as a weak dependency of CUPS and sane-airscan (Self-Contained Change proposal)

2023-01-16 Thread Björn Persson
Robert Marcano via devel wrote:
> The admin can implement CUPS 
> authentication but an ipp://localhost:6 open port entirely open to 
> anyone on the local machine to submit print jobs directly bypassing CUPS.

In that case it's also accessible to all the untrusted Javascript junk
that regularly runs in the user's browser. Because IPP is built on HTTP,
a Javascript program can tell the browser to send an IPP request. What
has been done to secure those "virtual printer devices" against DNS
rebinding attacks?

Considering the attitude to security I've seen from CUPS before, I
won't be surprised if they just assume that someone else will protect
them from DNS rebinding attacks.

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Re: F38 proposal: Shorter Shutdown Timer (System-Wide Change proposal)

2022-12-28 Thread Björn Persson
Fabio Valentini wrote:
> Even if systemd prints nice diagnostic messages, they're useless if
> nobody is going to see them.
> And I doubt that many people know that pressing the Esc key makes
> plymouth go away.

Quite. Troubleshooting information as an Easter egg! Seriously people,
is there some competition to produce the most textless user interface?

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Re: F38 proposal: Unified Kernel Support Phase 1 (System-Wide Change proposal)

2022-12-27 Thread Björn Persson
Lennart Poettering wrote:
> dracut uses fixed offsets for the sections to be placed in memory
> in. The values are simply hardcoded, literally specified address
> offsets, that worked for the original authors. This typically works –
> as long as your sections are not much larger than they were for the
> people wo came up with these offsets initially. But as it turns out
> this doesn't work for some cases. In such cases the sections will be
> loaded into memory overlapped and bad things happen.

Oh yuck! And the manpage is written as if dracut --uefi is expected to
work reliably. I see no big eye-catching warning that such-and-such
must be smaller than x bytes.

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Re: F38 proposal: X Server Prohibits Byte-swapped Clients (System-Wide Change proposal)

2022-12-22 Thread Björn Persson
Vít Ondruch wrote:
> Dne 22. 12. 22 v 9:56 Olivier Fourdan napsal(a):
> > When the connection fails, the Xserver returns a reason in plain text.
> > In that case, the reason for the connection being rejected would be
> > „Swapped clients prohibited“.  
> Appreciate that there is at least some explanation, but if I saw this 
> error, I would not be much smarter what is going on and how should I 
> proceed 

Yes, that's a really bad error message. My reaction would be "What
nonsense is that? I haven't swapped any clients." If it had at least
said "byte-swapped" it would probably have gotten me searching in the
right direction, but if the X server wants to be helpful it should say
"big/little-endian mismatch; the option AllowSwappedClients is off".

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Re: F38 proposal: Unified Kernel Support Phase 1 (System-Wide Change proposal)

2022-12-21 Thread Björn Persson
Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 20, 2022 at 04:31:20PM -0500, Simo Sorce wrote:
> > And if you chose your HW carefully you may even be able to register
> > your own public keys, generate and sign your own built UKIs and re-
> > enable SecureBoot after that... your choice!  
> And when your hardware doesn't allow that you can still add your own
> keys with mokutil so shim.efi will accept your self-signed UKIs.

I'll see when I can take the time for a research project to figure out
how customized UKIs can be produced, and develop a tool to do that.
Probably never, because I have way too much to do already.

Apparently there is no such tool and no plan to provide one, because
surely that would have been mentioned under "User Experience".

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Re: F38 proposal: Unified Kernel Support Phase 1 (System-Wide Change proposal)

2022-12-21 Thread Björn Persson
Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 20, 2022 at 08:42:14PM +0100, Björn Persson wrote:
> > > Switching the whole distro over to unified kernels quickly is not
> > > realistic though.  Too many features are depending on the current
> > > workflow with a host-specific initrd (and host-specific kernel command
> > > line), which is fundamentally incompatible with unified kernels where
> > > everybody will have the same initrd and command line. Thats why there
> > > is 'Phase 1' in title, so we can have more Phases in future releases
> > >   
> > 
> > Whew! So usable kernels won't go away in F38. I only have to worry
> > about being forced to build my own kernels in some unspecified future
> > phase. Doom is still coming but no one knows when. That's *such* a
> > relief.  
> Note the proposal talks about adding support for ukis, not about
> removing support for current separate kernel+initrd setup.

That's not how I read "switching the whole distro over". Switching over
means to remove the old thing and use only the new thing.

I see you have changed that in the wiki. The change proposal looks less
scary now.

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Re: F38 proposal: Unified Kernel Support Phase 1 (System-Wide Change proposal)

2022-12-20 Thread Björn Persson
> Main motivation for this move is to make the distro more robust and more 
> secure.

Improving security would be great, but it must be done in a way that
allows the sysadmin to configure and repair the system and authorize
the new configuration.

> Switching the whole distro over to unified kernels quickly is not
> realistic though.  Too many features are depending on the current
> workflow with a host-specific initrd (and host-specific kernel command
> line), which is fundamentally incompatible with unified kernels where
> everybody will have the same initrd and command line. Thats why there
> is 'Phase 1' in title, so we can have more Phases in future releases
> 

Whew! So usable kernels won't go away in F38. I only have to worry
about being forced to build my own kernels in some unspecified future
phase. Doom is still coming but no one knows when. That's *such* a

> A host-specific initrd / command line is needed today for:
> * configuration being specified on the kernel command line.
> ** root filesystem being the most important one.
> [ Discoverable partitions]
> allow to remove this.

Why link to a page that only contains a link to another page? Why not
link directly to

That page makes it clear that omitting root= from the kernel command
line is only an *option* which is proposed only "for simpler,
appliance-like installations". My workstation and my laptop aren't
appliance-like in the slightest. And on appliances you want a stable,
reliable operating system, not a fast-moving, unstable one like Fedora.

** Troubleshooting being the second most important one. When the system
won't boot, it's necessary to remove "quiet" and "rhgb" from the kernel
command line to see how far the boot process gets and what error
messages are printed. It may also be necessary to configure a serial
console for example.

The root filesystem is also relevant for troubleshooting, when I take a
storage device out of a broken computer and connect it to another
computer to inspect it. Suddenly there are two "discoverable" root
partitions, and the kernel parameter is necessary to specify which one
is the root filesystem, as stated under "Doesn’t this break multi-boot

> Phase 2/3 goals (longer-term stuff which is not realistic to complete for 
> F38).
> * Move away from using the kernel command line for configuration.

I note that taking away the kernel command line is indeed a clearly
stated goal, which will limit Fedora to simple, appliance-like uses.

If any of what I wrote above misrepresents the change owner's
intentions, then the change proposal is badly written and needs
reworking to communicate the true intentions.

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Re: Question about git signed tags

2022-11-29 Thread Björn Persson
Vitaly Zaitsev via devel wrote:
> On 29/11/2022 17:33, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> > One of reasons being that it's (at least slightly) easier to
> > notice a change to the public key / keyring when it's in
> > dist-git versus the lookaside cache  
> It depends on public key format. Armored (ASCII format) vs. binary keys.
> Storing binaries in Git is a bad idea.

Why is that? Does 8-bit data break Git somehow?

A key is a small file. It doesn't bloat the repository like a tarball
would. When a key needs replacing, the new key is entirely different
whether it's ASCII-armored or not, so there's nothing to gain by
storing a diff instead of the whole file.

ASCII-armor is for sending messages over old 7-bit protocols, just like
Base64 and UUencoding. In 8-bit-clean channels ASCII-armor doesn't
accomplish anything other than making the message slightly larger. I
can't believe that Git wouldn't be 8-bit-clean.

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Re: Question about git signed tags

2022-11-29 Thread Björn Persson
Bob Hepple wrote:
> If we _do_ support "signed git tags" how do we code for it in the spec
> file?

As the builders lack Internet access, they can't pull directly from the
upstream Git repository. To verify a signed Git tag during the build,
it would be necessary to package up the whole Git repository (or enough
of it to include the source code, the tag and the signature) and upload
that instead of the source tarball. Then I suppose you would unpack the
repository in %prep and run some Git command to verify the signature,
probably "git verify-tag" which is described as "check the GPG signature
of tags".

gpgverify uses the command gpgv instead of gpg. It's a simplified
verification method that fits this usecase better. If Git calls gpg and
expects to find a keyring in the user's home directory, then you'd have
to write the spec to prepare a suitable keyring, ensure that GnuPG will
find that and no other keyring, and tell it to trust the correct key.
It's far from trivial to get that right and secure.

I'm not aware of any tooling for this other than gpgverify, so I
suppose the answer is that Fedora does not support signed Git tags.

It should also be noted that with gpgverify we verify the signature
before we unpack the tarball. If a malicious tarball tries to attack
some vulnerability in Tar or Gzip, then either the verification will
fail and stop the build before the attack gets a chance to work, or else
the tarball was already malicious when the upstream developer signed it.
With Git I don't know how we could avoid unpacking the repository
archive before we verify the signed tag.

As to why the builders lack Internet access, I wasn't around when that
was decided but it helps ensure that the source RPM packages actually
contain the source code.

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Some help with creating a group in a scriptlet please?

2022-10-31 Thread Björn Persson
A package I'm reviewing needs to create a group, so it has a sysusers
file. There's a problem getting sysusers_create_compat to work.
shows how to use it with a sysusers file as a separate numbered source.
In this package the sysusers file is included in the upstream tarball,
which seems appropriate if other distributions also use sysusers files.

Somebody who knows syusers and scriptlets, please have a look at the
review and comment on point 28:

Is there a way to use sysusers_create_compat with a file from the
tarball, or is it necessary to have the sysusers file as a source
separate from the tarball?

The subpackage that needs the group during installation depends on the
one that contains the sysusers file, so can sysusers_create_compat be
avoided by running systemd-sysusers in a suitable scriptlet between the
two packages?

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Re: Ridiculous new Red Hat Bugzilla password security requirements

2022-10-14 Thread Björn Persson
Kevin Kofler via devel wrote:
> I have generated a new 20-character random password with "pwgen -s 20 1", 

See how easy that was. And your using random passcodes tells me that
you keep them in a password manager, which means that you don't need to
type the passcode, so you have no need to limit its length.

Can't you find some actual problem to be angry over?

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Re: Mesa in F37- vaapi support disabled for h264/h265/vc1

2022-09-30 Thread Björn Persson
Kevin Kofler via devel wrote:
> Considering that we have been shipping these hardware codec interfaces for 
> years without any legal trouble, I find this absolutely ridiculous.

The entire codec patent business is absolutely ridiculous. Such is the
reality we must live in.

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Re: Check out the Fedora Packager Dashboard!

2022-09-01 Thread Björn Persson
Josef Skladanka wrote:
> [...] document the UI changes you'd like to see, the different icon
> choice you made, and explain why you believe those are more
> "universally understood" or better.

I would not choose different icons, because I believe it's impossible
to draw a universally understood picture of an abstract concept. The
closest you can get to universally understood is an English word,
English being the most widely understood language in our time.

> Thanks for taking the time to sum up your thoughts, we are looking
> forward to seeing less "this sucks" and more "here's how I'd fix it,
> though"!

Quoting myself, here's how I'd fix it:

Björn Persson wrote:
> Rather than hiding the intelligible words in mouseover boxes, it would
> be better to write them directly on the screen instead of the icons.

That's clearly not how you like it though. And if you would actually
accept such a change, then I'm sure you could make the change in like
1% of the time it would take me to get familiar with your code, set up
a test environment, and make a pull request.

As I also wrote:

> It would be nice to have consistent terminology

That means I would choose either "options" or "settings" and use that
word consistently.

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Re: Check out the Fedora Packager Dashboard!

2022-08-27 Thread Björn Persson
Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote:
> I think it
> is important to remember that the page is _supposed_ to be "dense".
> It is intended to pack a lot of information into a small area

It leaves plenty of empty space on my screen. It seems to prioritize
aesthetics over information density.

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Re: Check out the Fedora Packager Dashboard!

2022-08-26 Thread Björn Persson
Fabio Valentini wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 11:43 AM Artur Frenszek-Iwicki
>  wrote:
> > I'll forget the meaning and the numbers will go back to being visual 
> > clutter. It would be immensely helpful
> > to have some symbolic icons next to the numbers, which would allow to 
> > easily guess what each of them means.
> Sounds like you need to clear your browser cache or something, because
> there *are* symbols next to these numbers:

I too can see the icons when I allow, but few of them
help with understanding the numbers. The beetle for "bugs" and the
speech bubble for "comments" are pretty obvious, but I still have to
point to all the others to find out what they mean, and even then many
of them seem completely random. How does a lightning bolt symbolize
updates? What's the connection between a shield and priority? A
triangle, a circle and a square combine into "overrides"? There are two
different line chart icons. How does one remember which is which? And a
seatbelt apparently means "orphans" somehow.

I assume that "PRs" stands for "pull requests". The icon for that is
the word "git". That's better than a random unrelated picture, but if a
picture is just text, then it should be actual text and not a picture.
It's also somewhat inaccurate because pull requests aren't a Git thing
but a concept that some web interfaces layer on top of Git.

Rather than hiding the intelligible words in mouseover boxes, it would
be better to write them directly on the screen instead of the icons. If
there is some idea that the icons should be language-independent, then
the beetle also fails. Software defects are not called insects in all

> > Similarly, at the top of the page, I get a banner that informs me about FAS 
> > integration and says:  
> > > After linking the dashboard with your FAS through the settings menu...  
> > Which is all nice and dandy, but doing a Ctrl+F on the page for "settings" 
> > gives exactly one match -
> > that being the text in the banner. So there's no visible link to said 
> > "settings menu" anywhere.
> > How do I access it?  
> The big "gear" icon (the almost universal symbol for "Settings") in
> the top panel should be what you're looking for.

The gear is called "Options", and beside it is an icon called
"Customize dashboard". "Settings" could refer to either of those. It
would be nice to have consistent terminology, but hey, we can always
click on everything and explore.

The gear icon is also misleading. It alludes to machinery in motion, so
it suggests a menu of commands to do things, rather than options or
settings. There is a wrench icon that would be a good symbol for
settings, but that apparently means Koschei.

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Re: Important changes to software license information in Fedora packages (SPDX and more!)

2022-07-31 Thread Björn Persson
Matthew Miller wrote:
> All documentation related to Fedora licensing has moved to a new
> section in Fedora Docs, which you can find at:

Several links to other sections are broken. All five links under
"Licensing in Fedora" should point to other pages instead of
non-existent sections of the same page. Several links on contain two
fragment identifiers. There can only be one. I haven't searched the
other pages for similar errors.

> Many software packages consist of code with different free and open
> source licenses. Previous practice often involved “simplification” of
> the package license field when the packager believed that one license
> subsumed the other — for example, using just “GPL” when the source code
> includes parts licensed under a BSD-style license as well. Going
> forward, packagers and reviewers should not make this kind of analysis,
> and rather use (for example) “GPL-2.0-or-later AND MIT”. This approach
> is easier for packagers to apply in a consistent way.

Does that also apply to licenses that explicitly say how they may be
combined? Are we supposed to write "GPL-3.0-or-later AND
GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later AND GPL-3.0-only" or do those
still combine into GPL-3.0-only?

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Re: Change proposal: make Change proposals more obvious

2022-04-28 Thread Björn Persson
Ben Cotton wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 9:01 AM Neal Gompa  wrote:
> > We could also start the email subject with "CHANGE PROPOSAL" instead of 
> > "Change"  
> I'm pretty sure I used to, but people were upset about how much space
> it took in the subject so that you couldn't see what the actual
> proposal was. And the word proposal *is* already in each subject line
> (just at the end).

Maybe spend two more letters and write "Proposal" instead of "Change"?
"F37 Proposal: Frob the job knob (System-Wide Change proposal)"

Once you write "proposal", the word "change" becomes rather redundant.
What proposal doesn't propose any kind of change? If somebody doesn't
want to change anything, they won't write a proposal.

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Re: verifying signature for a package

2022-04-17 Thread Björn Persson
Ben Beasley wrote:
> It doesn’t really matter what the file is called. Personally, I would rename 
> it to oclock.gpg and add a brief spec file comment explaining where it came 
> from.

I agree. It's important to document where the key came from, and the
filename by itself would just be confusing.

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Re: verifying signature for a package

2022-04-17 Thread Björn Persson
Ben Beasley wrote:
> Please see 
>  for an example from the same group of X11 programs.

What's described there is known as TOFU – trust on first use. Ben
looked up which key made the signature, downloaded that key and added it
to the Git repository. Initially this adds no security, as all that can
be verified is that the tarball was signed by whoever signed it.

The value of TOFU comes when the same key is used to verify another
tarball. As long as the key in the Git repository remains unchanged,
the signature verification can prove that each new release of Xfontsel
is signed by the same person who signed the earlier releases.

In this case I see that Oclock and Xfontsel are signed with the same
key. That seems quite legitimate as both tarballs are from
Instead of doing another, separate TOFU, you should copy Ben's
xfontsel.gpg from the xfontsel Git repository. That way your initial
Oclock package is not a first use of the key, but a second use, and
when you invoke gpgverify it will prove that the Oclock tarball was
signed by the same person who signed the Xfontsel tarball.

Once you have the key, remember to pass all three parameters to
gpgverify: --keyring, --signature and --data.

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Re: Would it be useful to have a video call to discuss the "Deprecate Legacy BIOS" Change proposal?

2022-04-15 Thread Björn Persson
Jóhann B. Guðmundsson wrote:
> "In the bios, upgraded to 810 the option to enable legacy boot is greyed 
> out"
> So how do people propose the situation to be handled when firmware from 
> vendors, disables the legacy boot option via firmware update.

I haven't seen anyone arguing that Fedora should drop UEFI support and
enforce BIOS-booting even on brand new hardware, so I don't even
understand what you're arguing against here. Obviously buyers of new
computers whose bioses support only UEFI will have to use UEFI – and
hope that those UEFI implementations are capable of booting Fedora.

In case you meant to argue that bios updates will remove the need for
Fedora to support BIOS-booting, this example does not support that
position. The computer in question is at most a few months old. Twelve-
year-old computers that never had UEFI support get no more bios updates
and will never get UEFI support added.

Anyway, it's not clear that the computer was shipped with a working
legacy boot option. The forum post doesn't say that. It says only that
the legacy boot option is unavailable and that the bios has been

By the way, the forum post is an example of a user who is dissatisfied
with UEFI for some reason, and wants to boot in BIOS mode instead.
Dropping BIOS-boot support from Fedora would presumably not make that
person any happier.

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Re: Would it be useful to have a video call to discuss the "Deprecate Legacy BIOS" Change proposal?

2022-04-15 Thread Björn Persson
Jóhann B. Guðmundsson wrote:
> For example EU has regulation that requires vendors to have spare parts 
> available for 7–10 years after date of manufacturing so it makes sense 
> for the project to support hw no longer than a decade from the date of 
> it's manufacturing.

I fail to imagine what use case you might have in mind where that
requirement would interact with Fedora. If such regulation would be
applied to Fedora, the closest equivalent would be that the Fedora
Project would be required to provide bug fixes to old releases for seven
to ten years, so Fedora would essentially have to be RHEL.

If I had the kind of strictly specified system where any broken part
must be replaced with an identical part, then I would definitely not
run the constantly changing Fedora on it. Such a system would rather
run RHEL, or something even more stable than RHEL. It makes no sense to
take special care to keep the hardware unchanging for ten years, even
when repairing it, and then replace the software twice a year with
different user interfaces, changed behavior and a new set of bugs in
every release.

As for the kind of computers that Fedora is suitable for, I'll use them
until they break, whether that happens after five or fifteen years, and
then I'll replace the broken part or the whole computer with modern
hardware that can be expected to last for many more years.

If a broken part is less than three years old, then I have a right to
get it repaired or replaced. Past the three-year limit I won't make any
attempt to buy the exact same model to replace a broken motherboard
(where the bios is stored). I'll take the opportunity to upgrade to the
latest stuff when I need to buy a new motherboard anyway, so it will
remain useful for as long as possible. That doesn't change at any seven-
or ten-year limit. I seriously doubt I could find a seven-year-old
motherboard on the market anyway. Used perhaps, but not from the vendor.

If a computer doesn't break, I may eventually have to replace it when
the processor can no longer keep up with the software's demands, but
that takes much longer than ten years nowadays.

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Re: GNOME Online Accounts "Fedora" - Pre-authentication failed

2022-04-08 Thread Björn Persson
Vitaly Zaitsev via devel wrote:
> If Fedora's kinit will start asking for an OTP code in a separate field, 
> it would technically be possible to store the password in Gnome Keyring 
> and just ask for an OTP code once a week.

It should ask for an OTP when the user does something that requires
authentication, if the previous ticket has expired. Don't ask for
authentication just for the sake of renewing a ticket when the user is
doing something else. That would teach users dangerous habits.

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Re: GNOME Online Accounts "Fedora" - Pre-authentication failed

2022-04-08 Thread Björn Persson
Michael Catanzaro wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 7 2022 at 12:30:42 PM -0400, Stephen Gallagher 
>  wrote:
> > Well, it *could* grow an interface to some of the password wallet
> > services that support TOTP or HOTP codes (like Bitwarden, Lastpass,
> > 1password, etc.) and configure it to query that service and append the
> > code to the password. It doesn't help if you want/need a physical
> > token, though.  
> Good idea. Of course we'd probably want to use GNOME Keyring for this 
> (which does not currently support third-party services, but could in 
> the future). I suppose gnome-online-accounts would only need to store 
> the TOTP/HOTP seed and some config data.

This sounds like you would store the password and the TOTP seed
together in the same keyring. That's rather pointless. If you store two
secrets together, then they are effectively a single secret, and the
TOTP just adds an unnecessary step to the authentication protocol. It's
better to generate a long random key for your "password", store that in
your keyring, and not bother with TOTP.

Two-factor authentication is when you have two secrets stored in two
different storage media, for example one in Gnome Keyring and the
other in a Yubikey.

If the keyring is encrypted with a master passphrase, then that's also
two-factor authentication. The encrypted key stored in the keyring is
one factor, and the master passphrase stored in the user's brain is the
other factor. In that case a TOTP seed stored in a Yubikey becomes a
third factor.

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Re: F37 Change: Deprecate Legacy BIOS (System-Wide Change proposal)

2022-04-06 Thread Björn Persson
JT wrote:
> I realize some will have the attitude of "they can just not upgrade and
> keep using their old Fedora versions".

That's obviously not a solution for any Internet-connected computer.
Even if you communicate only by moving files on USB sticks or
diskettes, it's still dangerous to let known security holes accumulate.

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Re: F37 Change: Deprecate Legacy BIOS (System-Wide Change proposal)

2022-04-06 Thread Björn Persson
laolux laolux via devel wrote:
> I am willing to throw away my still working notebook, producing a little bit 
> electronic waste when the time comes.

I'm not. It remains to be seen how long Fedora will continue to work on
my ten-year-old laptop, but when the time comes I will not trash it and
buy a new one. Unless the hardware breaks first, I'll install some other
distribution when the laptop is no longer welcome in Fedora. I'll
probably go with Debian, which is usually good with not quite brand new
hardware. This may reduce my ability and motivation to contribute to

I use this laptop to develop and test performance measurement tools. It
handles build jobs, testsuites and virtual machines just fine. The days
when a three-year-old computer was too slow to be useful are long gone.

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Re: Landing a larger-than-release change (distrusting SHA-1 signatures)

2022-03-16 Thread Björn Persson
Robert Relyea wrote:
> 2) in fedora 38, SHA-1 gets turned of in the default policy and ships 
> that way.

Isn't that the default already? I use the default crypto policy, and I
had a case last year where Seamonkey and Firefox refused to talk to a
certain web server, which I worked around by temporarily adding "SHA1"
to /etc/crypto-policies/back-ends/nss.config.

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Re: F37 Change: Curl-minimal as default (System-Wide Change proposal)

2022-02-24 Thread Björn Persson
Kamil Dudka wrote:
> There seems to be demand for libcurl with IDN support on minimal Fedora 
> installations, so I created a pull request to enable it in libcurl-minimal:

Thank you.

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Re: F37 Change: Curl-minimal as default (System-Wide Change proposal)

2022-02-23 Thread Björn Persson
Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote:
> Apart from Dmitry, I don't think there were any opinions from folks
> who would be directly impacted.

I don't know which programs use Curl so I can't tell whether I'd be
impacted. I understand that Yum uses it. Lack of IDNA in Yum would
impact me if I had a private mirror, but I don't. For downloading
files from a command line, my habit is to use Wget, so I guess I'm
dodging that bullet.

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Re: F37 Change: Curl-minimal as default (System-Wide Change proposal)

2022-02-23 Thread Björn Persson
Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote:
> According to ICANN [1], there were 8.3 mln IDN domains worldwide.

And that's presumably only second-level domains. Nobody knows how many
non-ASCII subdomains exist under ASCII second-level domains, since
domain holders define subdomains at will without telling anybody.

There are currently 153 non-ASCII top-level domains out of 1486 total,
which is 10.3%:

> Apparently .рф is fairly popular, with 1/5th of .ru registrations [3].

And that was eight years ago, only four years after рф was opened for

> But from what I have seen, all those internationalized domains serve
> as a redirect or backup to sites also available as ascii.

In 2013 11% of рф domains redirected to ASCII domains, 50% were in use
and not redirecting, and 39% were only registered but unused. Already
in 2011, the year after the floodgates were opened, 34% were in use and
not redirecting. This is according to page 116 of this report:

But yes, it's still often necessary to resort to ASCII, either the ACE
form (xn--gobbledygook) or a separate ASCII-only fallback domain. Email
in particular remains a major drag. Only in 2012 was there enough
consensus to publish a proposed standard for SMTPUTF8. Extensions to
IMAP and POP followed in 2013. Support in various email-handling
programs is still lacking. As long as people feel that they must have
an ASCII domain for email, some will naturally choose to use that same
domain for their website rather than using two separate domains.

> And for command-line
> tools or scripting, using those ascii versions seems quite likely…

That's another area where support for IDNA is spotty, yes. OpenSSH
still lacks support for example. So does Nmap. The Bind utils have
incomplete and inconsistent support. "dig", "host" and "nslookup" can
look up non-ASCII domain names, but if a server to query is specified,
then they expect the server to have an ASCII-only name. "delv" lacks
support entirely.

This is the problem that you're about to make worse. People will find
that support for IDNA is unreliable in various programs that use Curl
under the hood. To work around the problem they'll resort to the ACE
form, or to an ASCII-only domain they have for precisely that purpose.
Thus you end up hampering the adoption of international domains even

> So I'd definitely vote to enable libidn2 in curl-minimal,
> _if_ there are people who'd actually use this for real.

People can't use it until it's consistently supported, and you won't
support it until people use it. Do you mean to wait for all the other
command line programs to support IDNA first, and then, when the whole
world is waiting for you, then you'll turn it on in Curl and people
will start using it? Guess what – everybody else is also waiting for
everybody else.

This is the same deadlock that hampers IPv6, encrypted email and many
other things. Everybody's waiting for everybody else to move first.

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Re: F37 Change: Curl-minimal as default (System-Wide Change proposal)

2022-02-22 Thread Björn Persson
> `curl-minimal`+`libcurl-minimal` are compiled with various
> semi-obsolete protocols and infrequently-used features disabled:
> SFTP, SCP, TELNET, TFTP, brotli compression, IDN2 names.

Disabling IDNA makes libcurl-minimal suited only for programs that only
communicate with a predefined set of servers in ASCII-only domains. Any
program that accepts user-provided URLs will need curl-full to be able
to handle arbitrary domain names, even if the program speaks only HTTPS,

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2FA (was: Preventing account takeovers through expired domains)

2022-02-21 Thread Björn Persson
Adam Williamson wrote:
> However, it supports Google Authenticator-style OTPs. Folks
> with infra privileges on their accounts (like me) are already required
> to use these. It works fine. I preferred being able to use a yubikey so
> I don't always have to open an app on my phone and retype a six digit
> code when I need to log in to something, but that's just a minor
> annoyance.

You can produce compatible OTPs with a yubikey if you want. Install
yubioath-desktop. You open an app on your workstation/laptop instead of
on the phone, and paste from the clipboard instead of retyping. (Still
not as good as U2F of course.)

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2FA (was: Preventing account takeovers through expired domains)

2022-02-20 Thread Björn Persson
Demi Marie Obenour wrote:
> Security keys are the only form of 2fa that is immune to
> phishing attacks.

U2F and FIDO2 are said to be immune to phishing. HOTP, TOTP and various
proprietary challenge-respone protocols are not immune.

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Re: Preventing account takeovers through expired domains

2022-02-20 Thread Björn Persson
Mattia Verga via devel wrote:
> Il 19/02/22 19:38, Björn Persson ha scritto:
> > Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote:  
> >> I think it'd be better to check the status weekly and only require
> >> account reconfirmation if the quarantine status is detected ⌊N / 7 - 1⌋
> >> times in a row (where N=quarantine length in days).  
> > It will be fine as long as it's done before the domain is released for
> > registration. Let's just not make it so tight that a little unscheduled
> > downtime can open an attack window.
> >  
> But this covers just the case where a domain is expired and free to take.

Correct. I'm not saying it would be a panacea.

> I agree this would be the easiest attack vector, but what about if it's
> the user email only to expire and free to take? There are (at least, I'm
> sure there were) some free email services that expire email addresses
> not used for a year or so. Also, in a previous comment in this thread,
> someone pointed out that also email addresses from universities or other
> institutions can be "recycled". These are harder attack cases, but
> they're possible.

Do these services and institutions publish lists of expired email
addresses and dates when they will be recycled? In that case they could
be handled the same way as expired domains.

> That's why I proposed a check against user activity rather than a check
> against domain or email reachability.

Doing one does not prevent doing the other.

Disabling inactive user accounts makes sense because abandoned accounts
are more likely targets for takeover. It can be expected to reduce the
risk somewhat, but it's not a reliable way to prevent takeovers
entirely. Zbigniew said that some registries use quarantine times as
short as 14 days. You can't disable packagers just because they take a
two-week vacation.

Monitoring for expired domains is a reliable way to eliminate one
attack vector, but not other attack vectors. Other countermeasures
against other attack vectors are also needed. Existence of other attack
vectors is not a valid argument against eliminating one attack vector.

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Re: Preventing account takeovers through expired domains

2022-02-19 Thread Björn Persson
Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote:
> I think it'd be better to check the status weekly and only require
> account reconfirmation if the quarantine status is detected ⌊N / 7 - 1⌋
> times in a row (where N=quarantine length in days).

It will be fine as long as it's done before the domain is released for
registration. Let's just not make it so tight that a little unscheduled
downtime can open an attack window.

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Preventing account takeovers through expired domains (was: Do we have any policy for disabling inactive users)

2022-02-19 Thread Björn Persson
Vitaly Zaitsev via devel wrote:
> We're talking about potentially hacked accounts, right?

In this subthread I'm talking about *preventing* account takeovers so
that they don't happen in the first place. One specific method of
takeover that the Fedora Project would be able to prevent.

I thought the quote I posted was perfectly clear. Evidently it wasn't.
Allow me to explain the scenario step by step:

Step 1: J. Doe joins the Fedora Project using a working email address, J. Doe gets sponsored and makes some packages. All
is well so far.

Step 2: Much later, the holder of stops paying the renewal
fee. The registry removes the domain from DNS. ceases
to exist. J. Doe forgets to update the address in their Fedora account.
This has happened to 2818 NPM accounts according to the article I
quoted. It can happen to Fedora accounts too.

Possible step 3: A program on a Fedora Project server notes that has been deactivated. The program removes the address from J. Doe's account, or disables sending to the
nonexistent address.

Question: Does step 3 happen? I suspect that this program doesn't exist.
I haven't seen any mentions of it.

Step 4: The quarantine period ends. The registry releases
for registration.

Step 5: Malicious Mallory registers, sets up a mail server
and configures the alias "j.doe". Suddenly exists
again, but now this address quite legitimately belongs to Mallory.

Step 6: Mallory enters J. Doe's username into and clicks on

Branch 6A: If step 3 was not done, then a passphrase reset email is sent
to and is received by Mallory. Mallory takes over J.
Doe's account and replaces any SSH and OpenPGP keys with his own.
Malicious Mallory is now a Fedora packager in the name of J. Doe, and
is empowered to insert malware into J. Doe's packages.

Branch 6B: If step 3 was done, then no passphrase reset email is sent.
Mallory's attack fails.

Step 7: J. Doe tries to log in.

Branch 7A: If step 3 was not done, then none of J. Doe's credentials
work anymore. Mallory has control of the account and J. Doe is locked

Branch 7B: If step 3 was done, then the account still belongs to J. Doe.
The account system tells J. Doe to enter a new email address. The
system sends a verification code to this new address. This is not a
passphrase reset. It's an email address verification code, which J. Doe
must paste into the web interface while logged in, to prove that the
address belongs to the right person. After the new address is verified,
J. Doe's account works normally again.

Note that Mallory must do step 5 before step 6 for the attack to work,
and the registry won't allow step 5 to happen before step 4. Therefore
doing step 3 before step 4 ensures that step 6 cannot happen before
step 3. That way the Fedora Project could reliably prevent this kind of

I hope this explanation is clear enough to be understood. In case of
TL;DR, the short version is four posts upthread from here.

So, does step 3 exist?

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Re: Do we have any policy for disabling inactive users

2022-02-16 Thread Björn Persson
Vitaly Zaitsev via devel wrote:
> On 15/02/2022 19:43, Björn Persson wrote:
> > The packager would then be required to authenticate with their existing
> > credentials – or prove their identity in some way that does not rely on
> > ownership of the email address – and set a new email address in their
> > account.  
> How? I know only one suitable option - an email signed with a previously 
> added GPG key, but most users don't have it in their FAS accounts.

Loss of an email address does not imply loss of a FAS passphrase, so in
most cases they would just log in as usual. If they have lost both their
passphrase and their email address, then yes, an OpenPGP key is one
possible method. Theoretically an SSH key could also be used. I don't
think there currently is an interface for managing a FAS account over
SSH, but an ad-hoc manual method could be devised.

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Re: Do we have any policy for disabling inactive users

2022-02-15 Thread Björn Persson
Mattia Verga via devel wrote:
> I also imagine the case where a user no more use their email address and
> that become available to someone else. The new user may easily reset the
> password and gain access to the old Fedora account (provided that the
> old user didn't use 2fa).

Here's an article about similar concerns regarding NPM:

An excerpt:

| Researchers said they found that 2,818 project maintainers were still
| using an email address for their accounts that had an expired domain,
| some of which they found on sale on sites like GoDaddy.
| The team argued that attackers could buy these domains, re-register
| the maintainer’s address on their own email servers, and then reset
| the maintainer’s account password and take over his npm packages.

This seems like a risk for Fedora too, unless there are routines in
place to prevent it.

This particular method of account takeover could be reliably prevented,
considering that expiry dates are public and domains are quarantined
before they are released for registration by someone else. A program
could monitor domains that are due for renewal. If a domain expires,
then account recovery by email should be disabled for addresses in that

The packager would then be required to authenticate with their existing
credentials – or prove their identity in some way that does not rely on
ownership of the email address – and set a new email address in their
account. Entering the old email address again would be allowed, in case
they have recovered the domain, but they would have to prove that they
can receive a confirmation message regardless of whether the new address
is the same as the old address.

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Re: Do we have any policy for disabling inactive users

2022-02-11 Thread Björn Persson
Ben Cotton wrote:
> I would support removing the 113 who don't exist in Koji.

If they have been that way for a long time, I suppose. Don't cause
additional hurdles for newcomers just because their first review takes
a while.

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Re: Do we have any policy for disabling inactive users

2022-02-11 Thread Björn Persson
Gary Buhrmaster wrote:
> A quick (and likely
> bad and incomplete) bugzilla search shows
> over 1000 tickets where there are upstream
> updates that are still in NEW status in
> bugzilla and had been (initially) opened
> over a year ago.  I think that represents
> around 350 unique people.  Those people
> may be otherwise active, of course, but
> those packages themselves look to be
> under maintained.

Yes, that's a bad search. Till Maas told me eight years ago that the
release monitoring tickets are supposed to remain open when the
packages are upgraded. Thus an open Bugzilla ticket is no indication
that the package is unmaintained. You need to check what version is
actually in Rawhide.

If the Bugzilla tickets should in fact not be left open, then they
should be automatically closed just like they're automatically opened.

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Re: gcc-12.0.0-0.4.fc36 in rawhide

2022-01-17 Thread Björn Persson
Jakub Jelinek wrote:
> If there are bugs on the compiler side, please let me know immediately,
> so that those bugs can be fixed before the mass rebuild next week.

Certain Ada source files trigger what looks like infinite tail
recursion in add_sibling_attributes in dwarf2out.c:

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Re: New tool - license-validate

2021-12-27 Thread Björn Persson
Miroslav Suchý wrote:
> $ license-validate-v'GPL or (MIT and BSD)'
>      No terminal defined for 'G' at line 1 col 1

Approximately nobody will understand "No terminal defined for 'G'". Can
the error message be improved?

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Re: new systemd in rawhide

2021-12-10 Thread Björn Persson
Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote:
> This means that various libraries that were
> previously always pulled in, are not listed as Recommends by the various
> subpackages:
> Recommends are normally installed, but if you're using 'dnf --setopt 
> install_weak_deps=False'
> or similar, please make sure that you install those libraries too if 
> appropriate.

Was "not" supposed to be "now"? Otherwise these statements don't make
sense together.

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Re: F36 Change: Make Rescue Mode Work With Locked Root (System-Wide Change proposal)

2021-12-09 Thread Björn Persson
Michel Alexandre Salim wrote:
> - do we want to allow any /local/ %wheel users to log in?

This seems fine to me.

> - or do we want to use a recovery passphrase of some sort?

I'm not sure what you mean here. When a passphrase is called a recovery
passphrase, it's usually because authentication is normally done
some other way. For example, if you normally log in by inserting some
kind of hardware token, then you may want a recovery passphrase to use
in case the hardware token is broken or lost.

As long as users normally log in with a passphrase, I see no need to
have a separate passphrase for rescue mode. Root's or a wheel user's
usual passphrase should be fine.

> For F36 - I agree that it's better to *not* have a rescue mode than a
> broken one. How about this as an end state we can realistically achieve:
> - if the root password is set, rescue mode should appear in the GRUB
>   menu
> - if the root password is not set
>   - rescue mode should not be listed
>   - if someone tries to invoke it, it should display an error rather
> than prompting for a non-existent password

This looks sane.

If there is a separate boot entry for the rescue mode, then maybe Grub
could be programmed to require a passphrase before it will boot that

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Re: F36 Change: Make Rescue Mode Work With Locked Root (System-Wide Change proposal)

2021-12-09 Thread Björn Persson
> A more user-friendly setup is to allow the password to be bypassed in
> case it's not set.
> This does not pose an increased security risk:
> - you can already boot with `init=/sysroot/bin/bash` anyway
> - anyone with physical access to a machine can probably compromise it
> - you can enforce the need for a root password in single-user mode by setting 
> it

To disallow root login in normal operation, and then turn around when a
problem occurs and open a root shell without any login at all, is
inconsistent and will lead users to believe that their computer is more
secure than it actually is.

If Fedora is going to allow unauthenticated root access when there is a
boot problem, then for consistency the same should be true in normal
operation. Both root and other users should by default just be allowed
in without any authentication – not over SSH or any kind of network
access, but on local text consoles and GUI desktops. Anaconda's Root
Account page should be changed to make the root account enabled and
passphraseless by default, and on the User Creation page the checkbox
"Require a password to use this account" should be unchecked by
default. Anyone with physical access to a machine can probably
compromise it, so it's pointless to ask for passphrases on the console,

*That* would be a change that users would be aware of, unlike the one
proposed in the Change proposal – and if users want to enforce the need
for a passphrase, then they can set one, on user accounts as well as on
the root account. When a root passphrase has been set, then that
passphrase should be required in all situations – normal operation,
rescue mode, single-user mode or whatever – and for consistency the
same passphrase should be required in Grub before the boot parameters
can be changed. A user who wants to enforce the need for a passphrase
should be able to do that in one place, not three.

Conversely, if it's considered correct that Anaconda forbids an open
passphraseless root account and promotes setting a passphrase on the
user account, then that policy should be applied consistently, even in
rescue mode. This makes a root passphrase necessary so that rescue mode
can work. Some day it may become possible to use a wheel user's
passphrase in rescue mode. Then, and not before, can the root account
be locked.

In this case, Grub should also by default require root's or a wheel
user's passphrase before boot parameters can be changed. That is

Björn Persson

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