Big picture half-baked thoughts

2022-04-25 Thread Hal Murray via devel

What's the right way to think about how security fits into our priorities?  
How should we use that to prioritize our work?

Should we split this discussion into NTP and TLS/KE?

Eric wants to convert our current code base to Go.  In terms of security, how 
does that compare with getting our code running on Windows?  How do we think 
about that sort of trade off?

There is another feature we need.  The current code wakes up every second.  
That's evil if you want to save battery power.   How important are laptops?

Our code doesn't do OCSP.  How important is that?  Alternatives?
[One example I looked at cached the answer for a week.  How does that fit into 

One of the attack modes with TLS is that one of the CAs on a distro's root 
cert list gets compromised, either due to company incompetence or state level 
arm twisting.  How important is it to restrict the root CAs?  Do we need 
features/code on the NTP package for that?  [We have a ca option on the server 
command.  I think we need a script to tell somebody which root CA a site is 

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

devel mailing list

Re: Getting ready for a release, wildcards

2022-04-25 Thread Hal Murray via devel
Thanks again for your helpful comments.

On the cert documentation ...

What is our target audience?  Admins who already know about certificates or 
newbies who are getting a certificate for the first time?  (This was my first.)

Is there a certificates-for-newbies document we can reference?
If not, should we write one?

On my knobs...

What is our role in this corner of the security world?  Should we explore the 
edges where convenient, or blindly follow what everybody else is doing?

Is there a document discussing the big picture security of TLS?
I'm looking for something that describes what "everybody else" is doing and 
the risks of various options, things to think about, ...


Thanks for the wildcard link:
Should we add that to our documentation?  Where?

I like your "science fair project" tag.

Science fairs can be educational.  What is the tradeoff between clutter and 
education?  How should we decide?

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

devel mailing list