Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Kamil Toman wrote:

Bugzilla may help a bit (if it was activelly maintained). I
don't expect bugreports regarding x-protocol.

Indeed, such type of bug report is extremely rare.

I'm quite sure that most of reports would concern drivers.

I can back that up with my own experience.  Almost all bug 
reports that come into our database are either:

1) Driver related
2) Configuration related
3) App related

There are other bug categories too of course, and it would be 
interesting to divide up X into different categories, then go 
through and get statistics on those categories.

The plus is that such bugreports can be easily categorized (per
driver) and seen only by interested people (driver maintainer,
contributors and maybe some power-users), another that (at least
some) people will stop asking about the same all over again
(there are even volunteers outside projects who often help
marking duplicates and nonsential bugreports). More general
reports could be forwarded elsewhere.

Yep.  That is basically what I see on a day to day basis.

Another point of view: Bugzilla can be thus seen (and used!) as
an email filter + advanced search. Thus (if set properly!) can
substantively reduce the amount of mail a
developer/maintainer/contributor of a smaller part has to skim
through. Of course, you could subscribe into many smaller lists
than devel but who does it (especially if the chance of any
response is smaller?) There are also people who do care about a
particular bug only...

Indeed.  Some developers just read the bugzilla emails, and 
prefer to work with stuff in that context, only using the web 
interface when they need to.  I use both myself.  I sometimes use 
my email folder for quick searches, and to flag bug reports in 
pine with a * for looking at later today.  There are many ways of 
using the tool though as there are developers that use it.  ;o)

Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Mark Vojkovich wrote:

   Is a bug tracking system necessarily imposing?  Perhaps it's not
well understood what's really involved with one.  Keeping track
of what is broken and when it gets fixed seems like a good idea
to me.  What does this impose on developers?

Nothing is imposed on developers at all.  If we were to
hypothesize that tomorrow, all of a sudden a bugzilla database
sprung up for XFree86, I think it would take a while - not long, 
for it to get set up, organized, get the quirks out, and start 
getting useful data input.  There are already tonnes of 
volunteers knocking on the door to triage, and help maintain such 
a thing.  I can't speak for anyone but myself, but all I'd 
request, would be for people to look at such an effort with an 
open mind, and to at least voluntarily try it on their own free 
will, and provide whomever would be running it with feedback 
about what they like/dislike, and such.

In other words, all that is really being requested, is open 
mindedness, and open co-operation to try new things that are 
likely to help the project.

   I think frivilous bugs and non-bugs being reported could be 
a potential time waster.

Yes, they can be a bit of a time waster.  That's why developers 
would not at all be expected to do anything they do not want to 
do voluntarily.  The whole idea is _completely_ volunteer based.  
Volunteer as in, people contribute to the bug database only if 
they want to, and how much they want to, and they only do _what_ 
they want to also.  I for one would be the first person to tell 
someone to take a long jump off a short dock if they demanded 
anything of me.  I'm sure many people reading this email will 
vouch that I do that right now in fact.  In fact, I volunteer to 
be the person who tells other people to take a long jump off a 
short dock, if they make any demands on other developers also.  

Who gets to file bugs?

It might be a good idea to discuss that with the various people 
whom would actually volunteer to help out at the beginning, and 
also receive input from those who aren't willing to volunteer, 
but are willing to look at it with an open mind.

Personally, I think having the database be open to the public is 
a good idea, and it has proven to be a good idea with many other 
large projects.

As long as there are people to triage, and trim out the riff raff
and useless crap (like 90% of the bug reports traditionally
received on the existing bug report mechanism), and people
volunteering to help get bug reporters to provide proper
information and details until there is something useable for a
developer to look at.  Many people have volunteered already to
participate in such an effort, and many of those volunteers
already do triage on other existing bugzilla databases out there.

Who determines whether they are legitimate or not?

I suppose anyone can do that.  If a developer says this is not a 
valid bug report, that is pretty close to the final word in lieu 
of more details from the reporter or someone else.  Some bug 
reports are rediculously useless - no question.  When I get 
those, if I can't get information out of someone that is useful, 
their bug report hits the can.

Does a bug tracking system necessarily complicate the work that
some developers do?

I can speak from both sides of the fence on that one.  I used to 
HATE bugzilla (and I can hunt down my email postings on this 
subject for proof if need be grin) until a short while after I 
begun maintaining X for Red Hat.  I get bug reports via email 
still, and I also get bug reports from the XFree86 bug report 
list.  I can say, without a question, the quality of the bug 
reports received on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] bug submission list, 
is close to zero on 60-90% of all submissions.  Bugzilla bug 
reports concerning XFree86 on the other hand, generally have a 
much higher information to noise ratio, and since there is a 
simple method of 2 way communication involved, I can easily ask 
the person for more information.  Also, _anyone_ else can also 
ask the person for more information, and many people do, 
including other employees, other users, and a few people who just 
seem addicted to helping with bugzilla.

There are a heck of a lot of volunteers out there though that 
take care of some of the tedious boring stuff like finding 
duplicates and closing them as such, closing already fixed 
issues, requesting more information, and the variety of other 
things that bug tracking needs doing.

I delete bug reports sent via email directly to me on first
sight, and I also delete emails unread where someone has replied
to the email message bugzilla sends out that specifically says 
do not reply to this email.  I do so because if I respond, then 
I have to email back and forth with the person, and remember 
their situation, store the emails that are related to their 
problem, and stand on my head simply because they can't read do 
not reply via email, use 

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Jim.Gettys

  The Linux kernel for example has a very large source code base,
  and has countless developers whom have worked on it under the
  Bazaar model, and the code is quite high quality.  People write
  good patches, and people write bad patches regardless of what
  model of development is used.  However, I think that due to the
  bazaar style of development the kernel is done under, the bad
  patches get weeded out much more easily, whereas with the
  cathedral style of development, they're more likely to simply get
  ignored or cast aside.
  Is that similar to what you mean?
 This seems to be another angle ;) My point was that the easier it is for
 patches to go in the more attractive the project looks to new developers.

 I couldn't agree with you more.

Personal experience:

I had a simple patch to fix a typedef in the kernel, mailed to Alan Cox;
reply less than 5 minutes later: 'applied to my pool'.  Appeared in the next
Linux release 3 days later.  These days, with bitkeeper, the patch would be
widespread almost instantly.

This is *strong* incentive to contribution.
- Jim

Jim Gettys
Cambridge Research Laboratory
HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard Company
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Georgina Economou
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

  From: Egbert Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 11:10:14 +0100
  Subject: Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice
  Matt Wilson writes:
I'm not attempting to bully anyone, nor have I argued that you or any
other member (individual or corporate) of XFree86.  However, there
plenty of volunteers that are offering to set up and maintain a bug
tracking system for you.  I think that such a project would be much
more successful if it were endorsed by XFree86 and integrated into
development policy for the project.

 Matt, I'm *very* uncomfortable with saying a bug tracking system should
 policy for any project unless/until a project has a pretty universal
 buy in that it should be that way.  We're a *very* long way from that

  Sorry, this is not how it goes. We won't be willing
  to adopt anything blindly. There is a German saying
  applying here:
  'Never buy a cat in the bag!'
  1. First there should be a proposal

 Seems like that's what some of us have been making, though we haven't
 fleshed it out completely yet.  Without discussion, it is difficult
 to make it concrete.  Ergo, the discussion.

  2. Secondly there should be a test implementation
 as proof of concept we can work with and see
 how well it goes.

 Entirely agree.

  4. Thirdly this should be evaluated
  - if we think it is usable at all.
  - what modifications we would like to see.

 Entirely agree.

  5. The modified system needs to get retested and reevaluated.

 Entirely agree.

  6. This is the earliest stage we can talk about a more or
 less formal policy.

 Entirely agree.  Any policy, however, can/should only occur if there is
 nearly complete consensus.  We're a long way from that, if ever.

  Up to now it is not even clear who should be able to
  submit to this bug tracking system:

 Very good questions on which multiple opinions are solicited.

  Should it be internal only?
  Should only projects like GNOME, KDE etc and
  distributions like RedHat, SuSE, Mandrake be able to
  submit bugs?
  Or should it be open to the general public?

 I personally argue for openness, with a couple major caveats:

 o The verbiage around bug submission should be carefully crafted to
 try to help with the triage process between projects (e.g.
 if your server crashes, its definately an XFree86 bug; if it is bad
 rendering, asking people to verify it is specific to a particular
 piece of hardware, else report to the appropriate project's bug system,
 and so on.

 o the states of a bug inside the database allow for triage, with
 states like bug verified, duplicate, etc.  I suspect/expect many
 might ignore problems until they've been marked verified.  That's the
 of a triage process: to bounce the problem the right direction so that not
 all bugs get looked at by all people (or no people).

 One could go through an evolutionary process, from developers, to invited
 others, to fully open.

 The question still is: is there enough interest among the developer
 to it be worth the investment to get it set up?  If no-one is going to use
 it, why bother?  On the other hand, if enough of us say, as I do, that
 we're dropping too many problems on the floor and such a system might
 be useful if it gets established correctly, I think there is enough
 resources to start getting it set up.  But those resources should go
 elsewhere if there is no interest.

And who would determine the 'no interest'?.  Is this mutual or some arbitary
self-appointed person?


- Jim

 Jim Gettys
 Cambridge Research Laboratory
 HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard Company
 Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This seems to be another angle ;) My point was that the easier it is for
 patches to go in the more attractive the project looks to new developers.

 I couldn't agree with you more.

Personal experience:

I had a simple patch to fix a typedef in the kernel, mailed to Alan Cox;
reply less than 5 minutes later: 'applied to my pool'.  Appeared in the next
Linux release 3 days later.  These days, with bitkeeper, the patch would be
widespread almost instantly.

This is *strong* incentive to contribution.

I have had many similar experiences with different projects as
well.  Most projects like that have more heirarchial tree
structures of developers though I find than a flat list.  I think
it's a difference that shows up more in the bazaar type of
development more naturally than it could in the cathedral style.
Perhaps the age old bazaar style motto:
Release early, release often.
Could be also enhanced with:
Patch early, patch often.
I know that many people don't contribute code simply because
they've been ignored, or FEEL they've been ignored, and have no
incentive to attempt to try and contribute again.

So I can certainly relate to what you're saying also.

Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Richard A. Hecker
Mark Vojkovich wrote:


Where I work, bug tracking is necessarily tied to source control
 in rather strict ways.  Ways that I don't necessarily like, and
 would not want to see XFree86 emulate.  But I can envision non-
 intrusive bug tracking.


This might be a good topic for discussion.  In the MediaGX driver,
bugs have appeared and disappeared without any obvious coding
changes.  I have much less time than I devoted to the initial 4.X
driver but a good tracking system might help.  I  found it too
discouraging to work on the driver when changes elsewhere in
the server changed the behaviour.  Devoting more time might
be the obvious solution but I prefer to focus on maximizing the
results of whatever time I happen to devote.


Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Devel mailing list changes.

2003-01-13 Thread Tim Roberts
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 09:14:19 +, David Woodhouse wrote:

Please could we drop the [Devel] which serves no useful purpose and 
just obscures the _real_ subject line? 

I'm very surprised anyone would object to this.  This tag, which is common to 
mailman lists, is enormously useful for e-mail filtering.  It certainly helps 
me distinguish mailing list messages from the depressingly vast array of e-mail 
I already get just by scanning my inbox.

- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Devel mailing list changes.

2003-01-13 Thread Edward S. Marshall
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 11:00:01AM -0800, Tim Roberts wrote:
 I'm very surprised anyone would object to this.  This tag, which is common to 
 mailman lists, is enormously useful for e-mail filtering.  It certainly helps 
 me distinguish mailing list messages from the depressingly vast array of e-mail 
 I already get just by scanning my inbox.

The List-Id header is there precisely for the purpose of mail filtering,
and if you're overwhelmed by email, you might want to use it. :-) On top
of that, a subject tag of Devel is really not very useful; I subscribe
to dozens of development lists, and Devel is fairly ambiguous. :-)

Those of us who do filter our mail into separate folders and still read
email on a 80x24 terminal would really like the screen line real estate
back. :-)

Edward S. Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.
Devel mailing list

No Digests?

2003-01-13 Thread Tim Roberts
After coming in to find 170-odd messages from the new [Devel] list in my inbox, 
I decided to switch to digest mode.  However, mailman tells me that the list 
administrator has disabled digest delivery for this list.  Any particular 
reason why this is so?

- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Xterm on Mac OSX

2003-01-13 Thread Matthieu Herrb
Hans Mittendorf wrote (in a message from Monday 13)
  Installing X11 on a Mac under OS 10.2.3 gave a problem related to typing
  inside xterm from a french keyboard. For typing Œm¹ I have Œ;¹.
  Changing keyboard to US via software, does not change anything. Therefore,
  my question: does XFree86 4.2.1 support french keyboards?

Are you referring to XDarwin or the X11 package from Apple ? 
XDarwin has a global preference to set the keyboard layout, but it
needs to be restarted to take effect. 

AFAIK Apple's X11 need a command line option to speficy the keyboard
layout.  Both X server can't change their layout from the main OS X
menu bar.

If you want to change your keyboard dynamically (ie without restarting
X) on Mac OS X, you can use xmodmap(1). Appended below is set of
xmodmap commands to set up an french layout keyboard. For more
information see the xmodmap manual page. 

-- cut --
keycode 234 = Mode_switch
remove mod1 = Alt_L
remove mod1 = Alt_R
add mod1 = Meta_L
!add mod3 = Mode_switch
!keysym Alt_L = Mode_switch Alt_L

keycode 61 = at numbersign 
keycode 38 = ampersand 1
keycode 39 = eacute 2
keycode 40 = quotedbl 3
keycode 41 = apostrophe 4
keycode 42 = parenleft 5
keycode 43 = paragraph 6
keycode 44 = egrave 7
keycode 45 = exclam 8
keycode 46 = ccedilla 9
keycode 47 = agrave 0
keycode 53 = parenright degree
keycode 54 = minus underscore
keycode 50 = BackSpace Delete

keycode 28 = A
keycode 34 = Z
keycode 55 = dead_circumflex dead_diaeresis
keycode 56 = dollar asterisk

keycode 12 = Q
keycode 59 = M
keycode 60 = ugrave percent
keycode 58 = grave sterling

keycode 108 = less greater
keycode 37 = W
keycode 24 = comma question
keycode 62 = semicolon period
keycode 63 = colon slash backslash bar
keycode 64 = equal plus
-- cut --
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Georgina Economou wrote:

[Extremely large nontrimmed quote snipped]
 Since I am a member however, I get both of these lists
 automatically and can't be sure if they're public now or not.

A member?  A member of what?  The public lists?  Not sure to what
memberhsip you are referring.

Sorry.. member is what I was refering to.  Prior to
the recent list changes and whatnot, only XFree86 member
developers to my knowledge had the ability to subscribe to the
fixes@ and patches@ mailing list addresses.  I asked other people 
and they were of the same assumption.

Just seeking clarification of wether or not the general public
has access to subscribe to the 2 patch mailing lists now or not
after David declared the private lists to be no longer private.
Since I've received them all along, as an member 
developer, and still do, it's easier to ask than to try and test 
because if I attempted to subscribe, being already a member, it 
would likely succeed.

Thanks in advance,

Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Matthieu Herrb
Mike A. Harris wrote (in a message from Monday 13)
  I'd be interested also in hearing feedback and comments from 
  Debian, Mandrake, SuSE, Gentoo, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, 
  Caldera, and other Linux and BSD distribution XFree86 
  package maintainers, and other developers also.  I've talked 
  personally with some of them already, but the more who get 
  involved the better.  We all benefit, and everyone's feedback is 
  very valuable.

In my opinion, a bug tracking system would help, but as others
already said, setting up and maintaining such a system in a useful
state is a really time-consuming task. 

The Gnats systems used in OpenBSD (and in other BSDs too) is not
perfect, but it has been proven itself useful in a few occasions,
although not all submitted PRs get handled. 

On the other side, I've seen other projects where the bug tracking
system totally failed : no one would take the time to fill reports and
anyways no developper ever bothered to look at the few reports that
were filed.

A bug tracking software per itself doesn't prevent bug reports from
staying unanswered for weeks nor does it automagically insure that
fixes are correct. Only the work of the people reviewing and editing
the contents of the database can produce those effects.

If some people are seriously volunteering to go through a specification
and review process to setup a system that will be bring something the
project, let's start it. If done right it will help to focus
developper attention on things that need fixing.

Devel mailing list

Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Marc Aurele La France
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Vladimir Dergachev wrote:

  So.. any chance of GATOS getting into XFree86?  ;o)

 This question gets asked very often. The answer is that part of GATOS is
 already there. The part that isn't is TV-in and hardware Xv for mach64
 cards. And it was submitted but it takes quite a while to get in. The
 major reason for this is that ATI driver maintainer and me have different

 My impression is that ATI driver maintainer (Marc please correct me) is
 primarily interested in

* clean and working code that is easy to maintain

 which, IMO, is a worthy goal.

 My priorities are:

* robust (non-crashing) driver that supports new features
* experimentation with new approaches to programming and new features

 These two do imply clean and easy to maintain but in a significantly
 different way.

 Also both of us are quite short on spare time.

That, pretty well, sums it up.  And more of GATOS will be merged shortly.
I know I promised earlier to get the merge done before 4.3, but that just
didn't happen, sorry.


|  Marc Aurele La France   |  work:   1-780-492-9310   |
|  Computing and Network Services  |  fax:1-780-492-1729   |
|  352 General Services Building   |  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  University of Alberta   +---+
|  Edmonton, Alberta   |   |
|  T6G 2H1 | Standard disclaimers apply|
|  CANADA  |   |
XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

Devel mailing list

Re: programming question: Window Information

2003-01-13 Thread The Rasterman
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:43:14 +0100 (CET) Krasi Zlatev [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I would like to gather inforamtion about all the
 running X applicaiotns.
 Thus I do
 Window root = RootWindow (dpy, screenno);
 XQueryTree (dpy, root, dummywindow, dummywindow,
 children, nchildren);
 for (i = 0; i  nchildren; i++) {
 if (XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, children[i],
 attr)  (attr.map_state == IsViewable)) {
 XFetchName(dpy, children[i], win_name);
 printf(Window ID: 0x%lx\n,children[i]);
 I thought that win_name will contain the name of the
 window, but it is always null,
 what am I doing wrong?

short answer and you'll figure it out yourself:

xwininfo -tree -root

long answer:
x loves windows. it isnt single level like mac os (a root and then windows).
it's a big big big VRY deep tree. client window will be 2 or 3, maybe 4
levels down (this may vary depending on how deep your wm likes to reparent
client windows within its scheme of things).

you need to keep traversing the tree down as far as you can go (ALL the way...
do NOT just stop at the first window with a title... it IS possible that client
windows can be managed within other client windows... ie MDI style). :)

--- Codito, ergo sum - I code, therefore I am 
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mobile Phone: +61 (0)413 451 899Home Phone: 02 9698 8615
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 07:36:57PM -0500, Matt Wilson wrote:

As for providing resources - we've done this for many projects that
have approached us.  For example:

[msw@sid openoffice]$ host has address
[msw@sid openoffice]$ whois [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(snip out big reply pointing to Red Hat, Inc.)
[msw@sid openoffice]$ host is an alias for has address
[msw@sid openoffice]$ whois [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(snip out big reply pointing to Red Hat, Inc.)

These resources come out of projects finding themselves in need and
requesting assistance.  Thus far the only thing I hear from you is
that XFree86 doesn't need a bug tracker...

Hosting isn't the type of resource I'm referring to -- we're fine on
that thanks.  I mean the much more difficult to find (non-volunteer)
people resources needed to make a bug tracking system really work without
sapping development resources -- like IBM is doing with the Linux kernel.
If you're offering something like that, then I'm all ears.

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Devel mailing list changes.

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 01:05:45AM +, David Woodhouse wrote:

Like Reply-To:? Now the status of the list has changed, is the decision to
have a Reply-To: header added also up for reconsideration? :)

We have to draw a line somewhere :-)

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 09:14:41PM -0500, Jeff Garzik wrote:
On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 07:23:37PM -0500, David Dawes wrote:
 Since you mention those $200 Walmart systems, has anyone actually
 seen one?  They don't have them in any Walmart I've been to -- only
 the $600+ HP and eMachines systems.

Yes I have seen the same.   Thanks for the info.

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Devel mailing list changes.

2003-01-13 Thread David Woodhouse
 I'm very surprised anyone would object to this.  This tag, which is
 common to  mailman lists, is enormously useful for e-mail filtering.
 It certainly helps  me distinguish mailing list messages from the
 depressingly vast array of e-mail  I already get just by scanning my

If for some reason you don't want to filter list mail into a separate folder
for each list, and you _really_ want the subject noise, it's trivial to do
-- just insert a mail filter on the SMTP sender of the mail list everyone
else does, only have it insert whatever you like into the Subject line
instead of filing into an appropriate folder. But please make sure you
remove the noise again if you reply to such mails.

The fact that GNU mailman ships with this crap on by default is a serious
bug, IMHBCO. It's not 50/50, because adding it locally is so much easier 
than removing it locally, for those users who have a strong preference 
either way.

It is far more of a problem to _remove_ the noise if it's been added by a
misguided mail admin. You can manage to remove it for the majority of posts,
but when a message is cross-posted to another such list, you get its crap 
also polluting the subject line too, and you can't easily filter that out.

 The List-Id header is there precisely for the purpose of mail

 That is why all GNU mailman mailing lists have a header line:

Both of these give false positives. Consider the situation where you have
such a filter in place, but have unsubscribed from the list or are reading
it with 'grep' because you've been out of the office.

Your colleague/friend/cat sees a message he knows you need to see, but will 
probably miss due to the circumstances above. He bounces it to you, headers 
intact, or to another internal mailing list or something. Your mail filter 
then sticks it in the folder for the original list and you still don't see 
it. It's rare, but it's happened to me at least once, before I fixed my 

The only 100% reliable way to filter such mail is on the SMTP reverse-path,
which depending on your MTA is usually either the Sender: or Return-Path:
header by the time it gets to your procmail filter.

* ^Return-Path:.*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|$HOME/bin/MHstore +lists/Xdev

Not that it really matters _that_ much, but if you're encouraging people to 
filter sensibly, you might as well give a 100% reliable solution.

 Enjoy many lists whom use the subject line listname annoyance in
 complete peace and harmony, and without getting sucked in to 50/50

As I said, it's not 50/50. It's been fixed on this list now, thankfully.

 This leaves you tonnes more time to participate in other,
 much more worthy flamewars that might also seem  equally pointless,
 but for which procmail can't help.  ;o) 

Like Reply-To:? Now the status of the list has changed, is the decision to
have a Reply-To: header added also up for reconsideration? :)

/me runs...


Devel mailing list