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        (todd and matthieu, if this does not go through please forward it)

>I wasn't suggesting to use it on Linux. My suggestion was to revert to
>using a single socket on all platforms and use the above code to enable
>accepting IPv4 connections on *BSD.

        there is security risk in using single socket, as outlined in
        therefore, there are platforms which does not have IPV6_V6ONLY sysctl,
        and there are platforms which does not work at all with single socket
        (IPv4 packet does not get routed to IPv6).

        therefore, i suggest
        - on all platforms try to open 2 sockets, AF_INET6 then AF_INET
        - ignore error from socket(2) and bind(2) on both cases
        - raise error only if both attempt fails

        by doing this,
        - userland code works with IPv4-only kernel, IPv6-only kernel or
          IPv4/v6 dual stack kernel (independence from kernel configuration)
        - with linux IPv4/v6 dual stack case, it will use single AF_INET6
          socket (with security risk described above)
        - other platforms should work with two sockets

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