For those of you not familiar with the network neutrality debate, please read below. Potential changes in the law may soon exacerbate the digital divide significantly here in the US. -andy

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        [AFCN Members] Stopping COPE (HR5252)
Date:   Fri, 5 May 2006 01:39:20 -0500
From:   Michael Maranda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization:   AFCN
To:     'The AFCN member list' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

All Friends here in the States,

As most of you are aware, the COPE Act (HR 5252) emerged from committee
without the hoped for Network Neutrality language proposed by Rep. Markey.

I highly recommend that you review materials at
_http://www.saveaccess.org_, and take the actions requested on their top
node, today.  Please also reach out through your networks, asking others
to take action.  Unless the legislation is significantly modified,
fundamental Internet principles such as Anti-Discrimination or Network
Neutrality will be cast aside.   Community Access networks are likewise
at stake.  Local governements, where the public has the greatest hope
for accountability will no longer be able assure full service coverage
in their communities.  Read up on the materials at
_ and other sources such as the
Benton Foundation _http://www.benton.org_, Common Cause
_http://www.commoncause.org_ or _http://www.savetheinternet.com_..

We need to take a stance on these matters and leverage our networks.
Please spread the word today!


Michael Maranda
President, The Association For Community Networking (AFCN)
Executive Director, CTCNet Chicago Chapter
Co-Chair, Illinois Community Technology Coalition (ilCTC)

Andy Carvin
acarvin (at) edc . org
andycarvin (at) yahoo . com
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