Hi everyone,

A few days ago I posted a blog entry on my learning.now blog offering 
some Web 2.0-related predictions for the upcoming school year, which is 
just beginning here in the US. I'd be curious to hear your own 
predictions, too - what tools will be hot, which ones won't, what policy 
changes may impact edtech, etc.

For myself, I offered "five predictions and a waffle":

1. The Cell Phone Wars Will Heat Up Across the Country Until a Number of 
Parents and School Board Members Spontaneously Combust

2. MySpace Loses It-Girl Status To Some Upstart Punk

3. Cyberbullying Gets Worse Before It Gets Better

4. Moodle’s Meteoric Rise Become a Hurtling Asteroid

5. Vlogging Becomes the New Podcasting

Waffle: Web 2.0 Hits a Brick Wall - Maybe - Because of DOPA

Please check out the blog for more thoughts on each of these.



  And if you're a blogger, I'd encourage you to respond by tagging your 
post with this tag, so it'll be easier for people to follow the meme:

<a href="http://technorati.com/tag/2006-2007+edtech+predictions"; 
rel="tag">2006-2007 edtech predictions</a>


Andy Carvin
acarvin (at) edc . org
andycarvin (at) yahoo . com

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