---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laurie, VK3AMA <grou...@vk3ama.com>
Date: Aug 1, 2009 6:16 AM
Subject: [30MDG] HamSpots.net back online
To: 30...@yahoogroups.com

Hello everyone,

Sorry for the extended downtime of HamSpots.net

It is now back online.

Some things to note.

-- New simpler URLs for band/mode/group pages and rss feeds for each.
-- The 30M page URL is http://www.HamSpots.net/30/<http://www.hamspots.net/30/>
-- The 30M RSS feed (of local spots) URL is
-- Spots are "Local" and don't go to the live "Cluster".
-- Cluster spots are filtered for the appropriate Band/mode display.
-- Auto lookup and display of Club membership numbers in both Local and
Cluster displays.
-- Club membership numbers are also included in the RSS feed of Local spots.
-- You only need to "Sign In' if you want to post spots and messages.
-- Guest mode allows you to view spots without the need to "Sign In".
-- Your login Name & Callsign are remembered between browser sessions
(if you have cookies enabled).

I have tested the page layouts extensively in several modern standards
compliant browsers (Firefox, Safari, etc) as well as older versions of
Internet Explorer (which usually breaks page layouts). If you experience
broken pages/layouts, please let me know.

73 de Laurie, VK3AMA


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