While my primary interest in digital mode amateur radio is the keyboard QSO, I 
have spent the past few weeks extensively testing WINMOR, PSKMAIL, ALE, FLdigi 
with Wrap and FLARQ.   All of these applications have essentially the ability 
to send files and messages via digital mode and with error correction. I am 
quite interested in HF initiated messages, a system whereby the ham does not 
need Internet access to initiate a message.   WINMOR , as part of RMS Express,  
allows only peer to peer messaging at the moment but as it develops will add 
mailboxes that shift messages to the Internet where desired.   However, WINMOR 
has a long way to go in its development and ,as it presently stands , is not 
particularly effective.  Lots of promise for the future though.  ALE , both the 
"standard" version and ALE 400 , are always quite useful but their mail 
interfaces seem to  need simplifying.  

After a few weeks of testing, Fldigi seems to have emerged as the application 
with the most "ecomm" message transfer interest.  There are many  groups of 
hams that are using FLdigi in emergency drills and sending mail or file 
transfers.  Much has been written already about FLARQ but the recent addition 
(almost seamlessly)  of WRAP files to FLdigi really is a significant 
development for those wishing to easily send messages that are error free.  I 
still stand by Skip Teller's statement a couple of hears ago, that emergency 
communication will work best when hams are using "emcomm" applications that are 
the same applications they use for regular on-air activities.  FLdigi with wrap 
files , and a few other bells and whistles,  achieves this perfectly. 

I'm greedy and "want it all".  Some applications allow mailbox  type functions 
and some allow ham-to-ham direct connects, not all allow provide for both.  
With Fldigi  ( and Multipsk in ALE400 )  you can easily send files ham-to-ham 
with error correction,  In FL-digi you can easily do this with a large variety 
of digital modes, whichever one suits the conditions.  However, what about mail 
transfers ?  You can do that with Fldigi via the email client in FLARQ but I 
think my tests with PSKMAIL have established that the perfect fit for HF mail 
transfers is PSKMAIL.  PSKMAIl is not ham-to-ham (use Fldigi for that) but 
PSKMAIL does allow you to send and retrieve email without Internet access.  
Essentially, PSKMAIL is an "add-on" to FLDIGI, it uses fldigi as the "engine" 
for many of  digital modes FLDIGI supplies.  PSKMAIL may eventually need a new 
name because you do not  necessarily need to use PSK as the digital mode, Thor, 
MFSK, and DominoEx are also used.

So in the digital ham's world.. on a daily basis the ham might use fldigi (or 
others like DM780 or Multipsk) for ragchew keyboard QSOs.  They can now use 
FLdigi for the transfer of any files with error free capability , and with 
PSKMAIL added on ....they can connect to a server and pick-up or send email 
without the Internet.  I hope to test PSKMAIL more in the next few weeks, my 
thanks to all those that are providing HF "servers" for us to access.  
Hopefully we can add a few more in North America soon. The standard at the 
moment for PSKMAIl transfers appears to be the higher speed PSK modes (e.g. 
PSK250)  .  That will provide fast transfers but also will need a good signal , 
thus a network of stations rather than relying on long-hop DX connections will 
improve things.  Long-hop DX can be done , one PSKMAIL Server operator said he 
had a person in a boat off the coast of Africa use his 30M station in the USA 
to pick up mail, but a good server network will make things easier.  While 30M 
seems a good choice for national and International PSKMAIL operations, I am 
also now beginning to thing amateur radio emergency groups my also want to 
explore 6 meters for some regional applications. 

Just a few reflections,   73 de Andy K3UK

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