Re: [Dovecot] Implementation of editheaders in dovecot

2009-04-06 Thread Konstantin Lepa
My company is migrating to dovecot from commercial soft. It wants to  
use MySQL db instead sieve scripts. I must to write a new plug-in for  
dovecot with support of editheaders.

On Apr 5, 2009, at 20:30 , Stephan Bosch wrote:

Konstantin Lepa schreef:

I wrote the hook function for deliver. I want to add support of  
editheaders in the plug-in for dovecot. For this purpose I wrote  
the function rarules_get_stream. Remover of headrs works properly,  
but adding does not work. I took Timo Sirainen's advice from 
 . Do I use a correct way of creation of a message?
Hmm, by the subject of this message it looks like you are working on  
the new editheader extension for the Sieve language. Looking at your  
backtrace, however, it seems as though you are building a dedicated  
plugin for editing messages.

So, what exactly are you doing? :)


Stephan Bosch

Re: [Dovecot] dovecot-1.1.13 auth-worker killed

2009-04-06 Thread Jiri Novosad
Timo Sirainen wrote:
 On Apr 3, 2009, at 4:31 AM, Jiri Novosad wrote:
 #0  0x003d5e60d6fc in ?? () from /lib64/
 #1  0x003d5e60d86b in matchpathcon () from /lib64/
 #2  0x003d64203d3b in ?? () from /usr/lib64/
 #3  0x003d64204064 in krb5int_labeled_fopen () from
 #4  0x003d63679188 in profile_update_file_data () from
 #5  0x003d63679f3e in profile_open_file () from
 #6  0x003d6367d3dc in profile_init () from /usr/lib64/
 #7  0x003d636715e2 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/
 #8  0x003d63671742 in krb5_os_init_context () from
 #9  0x003d6365a91e in ?? () from /usr/lib64/
 #10 0x2ba68be0d044 in ?? () from /lib64/security/
 #11 0x2ba68be096d2 in pam_sm_authenticate () from
 #12 0x003d6a802dc7 in _pam_dispatch () from /lib64/
 #13 0x003d6a8026d2 in pam_authenticate () from /lib64/
 So you're using pam_krb5? Is dovecot-auth linked against any Kerberos
 libs? If it is, see if it helps by disabling gssapi when configuring.
 Maybe there is some library conflict.

Yes, sorry, my pam setup:

# cat /etc/pam.d/dovecot 
auth   include  system-auth
auth   sufficient
accountrequired # site-specific, checks host=?
accountinclude  system-auth

# cat /etc/pam.d/system-auth
authrequired nullok try_first_pass use_first_pass use_first_pass

authrequisite uid = 500 quiet

account uid  500 quiet

account required

passwordrequisite try_first_pass retry=3 md5 shadow nullok try_first_pass 
use_authtok use_authtok use_authtok

session optional revoke
session required
session [success=1 default=ignore] service in crond quiet 
session optional

I ran:
# ldd /export/packages/run.linux.64/dovecot-1.1.13/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-auth = /lib64/ (0x003d6d80) = /lib64/ (0x003d6a80) = /lib64/ (0x003d5d60) = /lib64/ (0x003d5ce0) = /lib64/ (0x003d6520)
/lib64/ (0x003d5ca0)
and then:

# ldd /export/packages/run.linux.64/dovecot-1.1.12/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-auth = /lib64/ (0x003d6d80) = /lib64/ (0x003d6a80) = /usr/lib64/ (0x003d5d20) = /lib64/ (0x003d5d60) = /lib64/ (0x003d5ce0) = /usr/lib64/ (0x003d5da0) = /lib64/ (0x003d6520) = /lib64/ (0x003d6120) = /usr/lib64/ (0x003d72c0) = /lib64/ (0x003d67a0) = /lib64/ (0x003d6220)
/lib64/ (0x003d5ca0) = /usr/lib64/ 
(0x003d63a0) = /usr/lib64/ (0x003d6360) = /lib64/ (0x003d61a0) = /usr/lib64/ (0x003d63e0) = /usr/lib64/ (0x003d5de0) = /usr/lib64/ 
(0x003d6420) = /lib64/ (0x003d6260) = /lib64/ (0x003d5e60) = /lib64/ (0x003d5ea0)

which reminded me, that there *were* some changes between the versions :).

This is how I configured 1.1.12:
./configure --without-nss --with-storages=mbox,raw --with-ldap=yes 
--without-docs --prefix=/packages/run.64/dovecot-1.1.12/

and 1.1.13:
./configure --with-storages=mbox,raw --without-docs 

[Dovecot] Dovecot, LVS and the issues I have with it.

2009-04-06 Thread neil
We run around 5 dovecot (debian etch 1.0.rc15) POP/IMAP 'nodes' using 
the LVS load balancer and an NFS based SAN. it works pretty well. I love 
the robustness of load balancing POP/IMAP.  We do a reasonable amount of 
throughput through these especially at peak times pushing our SAN to 
around 1.5k IOP/s

We currently have two issues with this setup. One of which is NFS index 
corruption issues we get due to NFS/dovecot locking. Basically the UUID 
list or a .index gets corrupt. This causes a full re-indexing of the 
mailbox / broken mailbox until i delete the indexes. In the UUID lists 
case the symptom tends to effect use who use POP rather than IMAP and 
insist on keeping messages on the server. Because it's corrupt it gets 
rebuilt one way or the other and the users email client proceeds to 
redownload the entire mailbox again until he remarks them to be saved. 
This tends to annoy the user a lot. After a bit of testing we do however 
expect this to be fixed by version 1.1. However if anyone has any 
comments on this I would certainly be interested.

The other issue is a little tricky to describe or even log effectively. 
Occasionally a node basically receives more connections than it is able 
to handle. The connection count goes through the roof for that node. It 
will go up way beyond 150 dovecot authentication threads and 100 or so 
active POP/IMAP dovecot threads. The IO_wait/cpu and memory usage also 
tends to be spiking at this point. The server gets to the tipping point 
where it can no longer serve it's POP/IMAP requests fast enough compared 
to the number of connections it's getting. I'd be fine with this but 
this creates some less than desirable symptoms:

1. We obviously reach the auth thread cap eventually so any new auth 
requests basically get refused by the server. To the user this is a seen 
as an outlook/mail client re-auth pop-up request. This annoys them. 
Ideally if the server stops accepting auth requests it should fall off 
our load balancer until it can consistently accept them again. Since the 
LVS detects a node fail by whether the tcp port is still open this 
doesn't happen, since dovecot keeps the port open. This is obviously 
more an LVS issue and not for this mailing list I expect unless anyone 
has any config tweaking tips here?

2. Now here's my real gripe. Dovecot does not handle running out 
resources very gracefully at all in our setup. It does start killing 
threads after a while. I get multiple *dovecot: child 17989 (login) 
killed with signal 9. *I'm not exactly sure what's going on here 
because after this all I can see is the machine totally out of memory 
and the kernel starts killing absolutely everything. All services are 
killed (including ssh etc..) and I plug a monitor into the server and 
find the last few lines of the console listing init and other rather 
important things having just been killed. At this point it is a case of 
power cycling the server and all is back to normal again.

I imagine there's not a huge amount of people using dovecot in this way. 
But anyone got any recommendations here? I really like using dovecot in 
this setup it handles it pretty well and the redundancy and 
functionality options it provides have been invaluable.


Re: [Dovecot] Implementation of editheaders in dovecot

2009-04-06 Thread Konstantin Lepa

It's my code of message creation:

chunks = t_new(struct istream *, max_chunks);
	chunks[cnt++] = header_filter(stream, ra_mail-exclude_headers,  
exclude_cnt); /* calls i_stream_header_filter */

#if 0
if (include_cnt) { /* calls i_stream_create_from_data  for my  
headers */
		chunks[cnt++] = create_header_stream(ra_mail-include_headers,  

	chunks[cnt++] = create_stream_for_msgbody(stream); /* calls  
i_stream_create_limit  for message body */

chunks[cnt++] = NULL;
*stream_r = i_stream_create_concat(chunks);

if I enable the block of code, then header_filter_callback is called  
for message body only. Why?
I reviewed `i_stream_header_filter' and noticed, that it returns  
`i_stream_create(mstream-istream, input, -1)' where `input' is  
parent stream. Maybe, is it reason of problem?

static void rarules_header_filter_callback(struct message_header_line  
* hdr,
   bool * matched, void *  

DPRINTF(Func `%s' is called, __FUNCTION__);

if (hdr  hdr-eoh == TRUE) { *matched = FALSE; }
else { *matched =  
TRUE;  }

if (hdr) { DPRINTF(#%s: %s, hdr-name, hdr-value); }

/* My header_filter:  

static struct istream *
header_filter(struct istream * stream, ARRAY_TYPE(const_string) *  

   unsigned int count)
const char * const * headers = NULL;

DPRINTF(Func `%s' is called, __FUNCTION__);

if (count) { headers = (const char **)array_idx(headers_arr,  
0); }

return i_stream_create_header_filter(stream,



On Apr 3, 2009, at 21:29 , Timo Sirainen wrote:

On Fri, 2009-04-03 at 21:25 +0400, Konstantin Lepa wrote:

Yeah, but it doesn't work without i_stream_seek(stream, 0) before.

How can I remove EOH after i_stream_create_header_filter (second
'\n')? Is it possible?

You can give i_stream_create_header_filter() a callback function,  
gets called for each header line, and once for the EOH with hdr-eoh  

TRUE. There you can set *matched = FALSE and it won't add the EOH.

[Dovecot] Could sharing a folder with other users cause a loss of emails?

2009-04-06 Thread Alfred Nutile
we are trying to figure out how and email box is not empty.
All we did was

ln -s /mail/shared /mail/user1/shared
ln -s /mail/shared /mail/user2/shared

Perms are fine and people where dropping emails in here fine.

We added a third one and the user also right clicked in their IMAP
client and added a subfolder.
It was around that time they where gone.

Could any of these actions cause that?
PS it is not a mbox layout.

[Dovecot] big picture

2009-04-06 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
Dear all,
You  every mail-man saw Big Picture of qmail.
I assumed qmail is black box.I want to extend big picture, i use qmail
admin ,Devocot  vpopmail.
I draw a few relation.Can you tell me whether i draw correct?Also i need
to if i didn't draw relation tell me that i will draw that.

[Dovecot] virtual domains with SQL auth + ntlm (winbind) auth for one of them...

2009-04-06 Thread Tomasz Lutelmowski
Hello !

Is it possible to configure dovecot so it can use SQL authentication
for set of domains, and ntlm authentication for one domain? In other
words, I would like to authenticate all users (with as
login) in SQL server, and if not found, then strip from
login and fallback to pam-winbind authentication. So far i have in my

auth_default_realm =
mechanisms = plain
passdb sql {
args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf
passdb pam {
passdb passwd {
userdb sql {
  args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf
userdb passwd {
userdb prefetch {

in pam.d/dovecot :
auth   required
auth   include  system-auth-winbind
accountinclude  system-auth-winbind
sessioninclude  system-auth-winbind

With this configuration I can authenticate all users for virtual
domains with logins - ok, then it fallbacks to pam -
but then it returns error (winbind uses only user or DOMAIN\user
as login). After I set auth_username_format = %n I get opposite
situation - I can authenticate users with pam, but I can't with SQL
(it requires u...@domain as login field). Unfortunately
auth_default_realm = is a must have (and most of the
windows clients uses as login anyway). Please help,
I'm banging my head against keyboard since 3 days but still no idea
how to do it.

Best regards,

Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot, LVS and the issues I have with it.

2009-04-06 Thread Thanos Chatziathanassiou

O/H neil έγραψε:
We run around 5 dovecot (debian etch 1.0.rc15) POP/IMAP 'nodes' using 
the LVS load balancer and an NFS based SAN. it works pretty well. I 
love the robustness of load balancing POP/IMAP. We do a reasonable 
amount of throughput through these especially at peak times pushing 
our SAN to around 1.5k IOP/s

We currently have two issues with this setup. One of which is NFS 
index corruption issues we get due to NFS/dovecot locking. Basically 
the UUID list or a .index gets corrupt. This causes a full re-indexing 
of the mailbox / broken mailbox until i delete the indexes. In the 
UUID lists case the symptom tends to effect use who use POP rather 
than IMAP and insist on keeping messages on the server. Because it's 
corrupt it gets rebuilt one way or the other and the users email 
client proceeds to redownload the entire mailbox again until he 
remarks them to be saved. This tends to annoy the user a lot. After a 
bit of testing we do however expect this to be fixed by version 1.1. 
However if anyone has any comments on this I would certainly be 

The other issue is a little tricky to describe or even log 
effectively. Occasionally a node basically receives more connections 
than it is able to handle. The connection count goes through the roof 
for that node. It will go up way beyond 150 dovecot authentication 
threads and 100 or so active POP/IMAP dovecot threads. The IO_wait/cpu 
and memory usage also tends to be spiking at this point. The server 
gets to the tipping point where it can no longer serve it's POP/IMAP 
requests fast enough compared to the number of connections it's 
getting. I'd be fine with this but this creates some less than 
desirable symptoms:

1. We obviously reach the auth thread cap eventually so any new auth 
requests basically get refused by the server. To the user this is a 
seen as an outlook/mail client re-auth pop-up request. This annoys 
them. Ideally if the server stops accepting auth requests it should 
fall off our load balancer until it can consistently accept them 
again. Since the LVS detects a node fail by whether the tcp port is 
still open this doesn't happen, since dovecot keeps the port open. 
This is obviously more an LVS issue and not for this mailing list I 
expect unless anyone has any config tweaking tips here?
Perhaps try the (Weighted) Least Connections algorithm ? That way, every 
member of your cluster would get a roughly equal number of pop/imap 
requests/active connections. Also, give the persistent (-p) option a 
look. If you're sill running out, then perhaps you need to throw more 
hardware/disk spindles/nfsd threads at the problem.

 Since the LVS detects a node fail by whether the tcp port is still open

That's not entirely true: LVS does not detect anything whatsoever 
regarding the health of the nodes.
ldirectord works that way and instructs LVS via ipvsadm to add or remove 
nodes. Unfortunately ldirectord is very http centered and only does 
plain tcp connection stuff for the rest of the services (https and ftp 
have their own check_ functions too).

Your options:
- It is fairly trivial to add something like ``check_imap'' or 
``check_pop3'' along the lines of ``check_http'' and ``check_ftp'' to 
ldirectord, and use that to monitor your actual service and not the tcp 
socket status. Perl Modules Mail::POP3Client, Net::POP3, 
Mail::IMAPClient or Net::IMAP will probably come in handy.
(untested) - use mon instead of ldirectord. it seems to have more 
monitoring options (

(untested) - use heartbeat v2 style resource monitoring

we're running a similar setup and the one thing that troubled us were 
the index files. As soon as we set up each server to maintain its own 
index files on local disk (we could spare the disk space and CPU) and 
not on NFS we were fine. Mail still resides on NFS. YMMV of course.

Best Regards,
Thanos Chatziathanassiou

2. Now here's my real gripe. Dovecot does not handle running out 
resources very gracefully at all in our setup. It does start killing 
threads after a while. I get multiple *dovecot: child 17989 (login) 
killed with signal 9. *I'm not exactly sure what's going on here 
because after this all I can see is the machine totally out of memory 
and the kernel starts killing absolutely everything. All services are 
killed (including ssh etc..) and I plug a monitor into the server and 
find the last few lines of the console listing init and other rather 
important things having just been killed. At this point it is a case 
of power cycling the server and all is back to normal again.

I imagine there's not a huge amount of people using dovecot in this 
way. But anyone got any recommendations here? I really like using 
dovecot in this setup it handles it pretty well and the redundancy and 
functionality options it provides have been invaluable.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[Dovecot] Dovecot+Sieve

2009-04-06 Thread Andrey Garkin

Hi All!!!
I'm configure mail server with Postix+Mysql+Dovecot.
How can I'm using to work sieve plugins?
My dovecot.conf
/protocol lda {
mail_plugin_dir = /usr/lib/dovecot/lda
#sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/postfix
#auth_socket_path = /var/run/dovecot/auth-master
mail_plugins = cmusieve
#global_script_path = /etc/sieve.conf
plugin {
sieve = /etc/sieve.conf
sieve = /home/vmail/

My sieve.conf
cat sieve.conf
/require fileinto;
if header :contains Subject ***SPAM*** {
fileinto .Spam;
My .dovecot.sieve
require fileinto;
if header :contains Subject ***SPAM***  {
fileinto .Spam;

The mail server is already installed and work, but the sieve plugins is 
not work(((

/ls /usr/lib/dovecot/lda

All messages marked as ***SPAM*** ,  get to a folder the .INBOX...
_Sieve plugins is not working._
In what there can be a problem?

Thanks for All!!!
Best Regards Andrey...

Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot, LVS and the issues I have with it.

2009-04-06 Thread Charles Marcus
On 4/6/2009, neil ( wrote:
 We run around 5 dovecot (debian etch 1.0.rc15) POP/IMAP 'nodes' using
 the LVS load balancer and an NFS based SAN. it works pretty well. I
 love the robustness of load balancing POP/IMAP.  We do a reasonable
 amount of throughput through these especially at peak times pushing
 our SAN to around 1.5k IOP/s
 We currently have two issues with this setup. One of which is NFS
 index corruption issues we get due to NFS/dovecot locking. Basically
 the UUID list or a .index gets corrupt.

One word: upgrade.

1.0rc15 is totally outdated and unsupported. There have been so many
fixed since then - many of which relate directly to NFS problems - they
are too numerous to list.

Personally, I'd go ahead and move to 1.2 rc2 (once you've got it working
on a test server), but you need to go to at least 1.1.13...


Best regards,


Re: [Dovecot] v1.2: can't access other users shared INBOX

2009-04-06 Thread Bernhard Reiter
Am Freitag, 3. April 2009 00:16:51 schrieb Timo Sirainen:
 On Wed, 2009-03-04 at 17:12 +0100, Sascha Wilde wrote:
  1) user/A at really should be accessible to user B.

 Do you still want that this would point to user's INBOX?

IIRC this is Cyrus' behaviour and it is sane, 
so I think dovecot should do it the same.

As Sascha pointed out the mapping with Cyrus is
User A:   when shared to User B maps to:
INBOX user/A at
INBOX/foo user/A at
INBOX/foo/bar user/A at

 I committed several fixes related to handling shared INBOXes and also
 some other mailbox listing bugfixes.

Thanks, I saw that Bernhard (H.)'s patch is in 1.2rc2.

(Note that Sascha is unavailable this week. He'll be back next week.)

Bernhard R.
Managing Director - Owner:   (Free Software Company)
Germany Coordinator: Coordinator:
Intevation GmbH, Osnabrück, DE; Amtsgericht Osnabrück, HRB 18998
Geschäftsführer Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread Timo Sirainen
I was hoping to finally get shared and libraries for v1.3, so Sieve (and maybe others)
could link against them. But I'm running into trouble getting it to
compile in Solaris 10. Could you non-Linux users test if this compiles
with you?

Or if anyone has ideas why this happens, I'd like to know:

libtool: link: gcc -std=gnu99 -g -O2 -Wall -W -Wmissing-prototypes 
-Wmissing-declarations -Wpointer-arith -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat=2 
-Wbad-function-cast -Wstrict-aliasing=2 -I/home/cras/include -o .libs/rawlog 
rawlog.o  ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ -lrt -lsocket -lsendfile 
-Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib/dovecot
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `dler...@sunw_1.22'
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `dlo...@sunw_1.22'
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `dl...@sunw_1.22'
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `dlcl...@sunw_1.22'

If I disable plugins (so dl*() functions aren't used) it compiles, so
it's only those functions that are problematic. pvs -s /lib/
lists the dl* functions under SUNW_1.22 so I'd think that should have

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Dovecot] Global Recipe Location

2009-04-06 Thread James Butler
Thank you for your response, Mr. Bosch.

 James Butler schreef:
 Hmmm. I'm having difficulty finding a good place for a global Sieve
 First of all, you should start a new thread (i.e. don't reply on an
 existing message) if you have a completely new question. Otherwise, some
 people may miss it and you'll mess the threads up in general.

I apologize. I thought I had created a new thread. I will be more careful
in the future.

 The problem seems to be related to saving the compiled version
 (xxx.svbin.tmp) in the same location as the script (xxx.sieve), which
 happens using the credentials of the recipient user.
 The .svbin.tmp is a temporary version of the binary that is produced
 (and removed) when the script is recompiled. So, the actual name for the
 Sieve binary is global.svbin.

Thank you.


 drwxr-xr-x dovecoter dovecoter /scripts
 -rw-r--r-- dovecoter dovecoter /scripts/global.sieve
 -rw--- recipient USERGROUP /scripts/global.svbin.tmp

 Where should I be storing a global script that will process all incoming
 mail, and is not user-specific? Also, I would love some suggestions
 regarding how the permissions should be set, or anything that would make
 this work as expected.

 The main problem is that the recipient users will not be able to write
 in the global directory, or they are not able to replace an existing
 binary with a recompiled version. This makes it impossible for deliver
 to store compiled global script binaries (it will work though). To
 prevent this, you must manually pre-compile your global scripts using
 the sievec tool each time you change them. Read the man page for more

If this is the method for utilizing a global script, I am still unable to
implement it.

I have manually pre-compiled the global.sieve script into global.svbin in
the same location, however I still get the error (shown below), plus there
is now another error, since a normal user does not have permission to even
access the binary, which is owned by the Dovecot user.

Here are the errors:

(Running as recipient user1, try to open the pre-compiled script, which is
owned by the Dovecot user:)

dovecot: deliver(user1): sieve: binary open(/dovecot/global.svbin) failed:
Permission denied

(No permissions, so it tries to create its own .tmp file:)

dovecot: deliver(user1): sieve: rename(/dovecot/global.svbin.tmp,
/dovecot/global.svbin) failed for binary save: Permission denied

For the record, here's my global script stuff:

drwxr-xr-x dovecotuser:dovecotgroup /scripts
-rw-r--r-- dovecotuser:dovecotgroup /scripts/global.sieve
-rw--- dovecotuser:dovecotgroup /scripts/global.svbin

And here's what is being attempted with regard to error #2, above:

-rw--- user1:user1group /scripts/global.svbin.tmp

Note that this .tmp file remains in the directory along with the other
files, and it is not removed.

Mr. Bosch, I am curious about your statement:

This makes it impossible for deliver to store compiled global script
binaries (it will work though).

I'm not sure what is 'impossible' and what 'will work though'. I can
definitely *store* a compiled global script binary ... it just seems to be
tricky to *use* it. ;) I appreciate any clarity you can give.


Re: [Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread Dave McGuire

On Apr 6, 2009, at 2:08 PM, Timo Sirainen wrote:

I was hoping to finally get shared and libraries for v1.3, so Sieve (and maybe others)
could link against them. But I'm running into trouble getting it to
compile in Solaris 10. Could you non-Linux users test if this compiles
with you?

Or if anyone has ideas why this happens, I'd like to know:

libtool: link: gcc -std=gnu99 -g -O2 -Wall -W -Wmissing-prototypes - 
Wmissing-declarations -Wpointer-arith -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat=2 - 
Wbad-function-cast -Wstrict-aliasing=2 -I/home/cras/include - 
o .libs/rawlog rawlog.o  ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ -lrt - 
lsocket -lsendfile -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib/dovecot
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to  
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to  
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to  
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to  

If I disable plugins (so dl*() functions aren't used) it compiles, so
it's only those functions that are problematic. pvs -s /lib/
lists the dl* functions under SUNW_1.22 so I'd think that should have

  I don't see -ldl in there anywhere..


Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL

Re: [Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread Timo Sirainen
On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 14:30 -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:
  ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to  
  ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to  
  ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to  
  ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to  
  If I disable plugins (so dl*() functions aren't used) it compiles, so
  it's only those functions that are problematic. pvs -s /lib/
  lists the dl* functions under SUNW_1.22 so I'd think that should have
I don't see -ldl in there anywhere..

The dl*() functions are in libc in Solaris. There is also libdl, but
adding -ldl doesn't help.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread Stewart Dean
Runs to completion now error free.  BTW, this compile includes plugin 

Timo Sirainen wrote:

On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 16:05 -0400, Stewart Dean wrote:
I'm compiling using IBM's C for AIX Enterprise compiler (with its crappy 
partial POSIX support) V9.

imap-search.h, line 36.16: 1506-007 (S) struct timeval is undefined.
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 1.

This should fix it:


 Once upon a time, the Internet was a friendly, 
neighbors-helping-neighbors small town, and no one locked their doors. 
Now it's like an apartment in Bed-Stuy: you need three heavy duty 
pick-proof locks, one of those braces that goes from the lock to the 
floor, and bars on the windows  Stewart Dean, Unix System Admin, 
Bard College, New York 12504 voice: 845-758-7475, fax: 

Re: [Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread Marcin Rzepecki
Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 02:08:45PM -0400, Timo Sirainen wrote:
 I was hoping to finally get shared and libraries for v1.3, so Sieve (and maybe others)
 could link against them. But I'm running into trouble getting it to
 compile in Solaris 10. Could you non-Linux users test if this compiles
 with you?

Hi Timo, 
on FreeBSD i'm getting:

libtool: link: gcc -std=gnu99 -g -O2 -Wall -W -Wmissing-prototypes 
-Wmissing-declarations -Wpointer-arith -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat=2
-Wbad-function-cast -Wstrict-aliasing=2 -o .libs/dovecot-auth auth.o 
auth-cache.o auth-client-connection.o auth-master-connection.o
auth-master-listener.o auth-request.o auth-request-handler.o auth-settings.o 
auth-stream.o auth-worker-client.o auth-worker-server.o
db-checkpassword.o db-sql.o db-passwd-file.o main.o mech.o mech-anonymous.o 
mech-plain.o mech-login.o mech-cram-md5.o
mech-digest-md5.o mech-gssapi.o mech-ntlm.o mech-otp.o mech-skey.o mech-rpa.o 
mech-apop.o mech-winbind.o otp-skey-common.o plain-common.o
passdb.o passdb-blocking.o passdb-bsdauth.o passdb-cache.o 
passdb-checkpassword.o passdb-passwd.o passdb-passwd-file.o passdb-pam.o
passdb-shadow.o passdb-sia.o passdb-vpopmail.o passdb-sql.o userdb.o 
userdb-blocking.o userdb-checkpassword.o userdb-nss.o userdb-passwd.o
userdb-passwd-file.o userdb-prefetch.o userdb-static.o userdb-vpopmail.o 
userdb-sql.o db-ldap.o passdb-ldap.o userdb-ldap.o -Wl,--export-dynamic
libpassword.a ../lib-ntlm/libntlm.a ../lib-otp/libotp.a 
../lib-sql/.libs/libsql.a ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ -lcrypt
-lpam -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib/dovecot
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv_open'
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv_close'
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv'
*** Error code 1

configure script goes without any problems and finds iconv libs:
checking for iconv... yes
checking for working iconv... yes
checking how to link with libiconv... /usr/local/lib/ -Wl,-rpath 
checking for iconv declaration...
extern size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, const char * *inbuf, size_t 
*inbytesleft, char * *outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);

Some sysinfo:
mar...@vm01:~% pkg_info -Ix iconv
iconv-2.0_3 Charset conversion library and utilities
libiconv-1.11_1 A character set conversion library

mar...@vm01:~% uname -a
FreeBSD vm01.lan 7.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE #0: Thu Jan  1 08:58:24
UTC 2009 amd64


Marcin Rzepecki

Re: [Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread Alan Ferrency
Timo Sirainen wrote:

 Could you non-Linux users test if this compiles with you?

During 'make' on FreeBSD 6, I get:

/usr/local/bin/bash ../../libtool --tag=CC--mode=compile gcc 
-DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../..-I/usr/local/include  -std=gnu99 -g -O2 -Wall -W 
-Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wpointer-arith -Wchar-subscripts 
-Wformat=2 -Wbad-function-cast -MT lib-signals.lo -MD -MP -MF 
.deps/lib-signals.Tpo -c -o lib-signals.lo lib-signals.c
libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I/usr/local/include 
-std=gnu99 -g -O2 -Wall -W -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations 
-Wpointer-arith -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat=2 -Wbad-function-cast -MT 
lib-signals.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib-signals.Tpo -c lib-signals.c  -fPIC -DPIC 
-o .libs/lib-signals.o

lib-signals.c: In function `lib_signal_code_to_str':
lib-signals.c:47: error: `SEGV_MAPERR' undeclared (first use in this function)
lib-signals.c:47: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
lib-signals.c:47: error: for each function it appears in.)
lib-signals.c:49: error: `SEGV_ACCERR' undeclared (first use in this function)
lib-signals.c:55: error: `BUS_ADRALN' undeclared (first use in this function)
lib-signals.c:57: error: `BUS_ADRERR' undeclared (first use in this function)
lib-signals.c:59: error: `BUS_OBJERR' undeclared (first use in this function)

% libtool --version (GNU libtool) 1.5.22 (1.1220.2.365 2005/12/18 22:14:06)

% gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 3.4.4 [FreeBSD] 20050518

I hope this helps, and I'd be happy to perform further compilation

Alan Ferrency
pair Networks, Inc.

Re: [Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread Timo Sirainen
On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 23:03 +0200, Marcin Rzepecki wrote:
 Hi Timo, 
 on FreeBSD i'm getting:

I updated the above URL, does it work now?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread Timo Sirainen
On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 17:12 -0400, Alan Ferrency wrote:
 lib-signals.c: In function `lib_signal_code_to_str':
 lib-signals.c:47: error: `SEGV_MAPERR' undeclared (first use in this function)
 lib-signals.c:47: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
 lib-signals.c:47: error: for each function it appears in.)
 lib-signals.c:49: error: `SEGV_ACCERR' undeclared (first use in this function)
 lib-signals.c:55: error: `BUS_ADRALN' undeclared (first use in this function)
 lib-signals.c:57: error: `BUS_ADRERR' undeclared (first use in this function)
 lib-signals.c:59: error: `BUS_OBJERR' undeclared (first use in this function)

Can you find these anywhere? Like:

grep -r SEGV_MAPERR /usr/include

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Dovecot] Quota calculation problem with 1.2 beta 4

2009-04-06 Thread Ralf Hildebrandt
* Timo Sirainen
 On Wed, 2009-04-01 at 11:28 +0200, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
  Two of my users are reporting that their quota is not being
  recalculated ALTHOUGH they deleted lots and lots of mails.
 Does maildirsize file show any such deletions? Like lots of lines /
 large numbers in lines beginning with -?
 I did a few tests and it seemed to work correctly. Also the Maildir++
 quota code hasn't really changed since v1.1 (quota configuration
 structures changed somewhat though).

It seems my users need to log out and back in again to get the correct
quota info displayed within Squirrel Mail

Ralf Hildebrandt
Postfix - Einrichtung, Betrieb und Wartung   Tel. +49 (0)30-450 570-155
Recipient user name postmaster ( not unique. 
Several matches found in Domino Directory. 
Oder auch: Viele Postmaster verderben den Server!

Re: [Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread Timo Sirainen
On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 17:14 -0400, Timo Sirainen wrote:
 On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 17:12 -0400, Alan Ferrency wrote:
  lib-signals.c: In function `lib_signal_code_to_str':
  lib-signals.c:47: error: `SEGV_MAPERR' undeclared (first use in this 
  lib-signals.c:47: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
  lib-signals.c:47: error: for each function it appears in.)
  lib-signals.c:49: error: `SEGV_ACCERR' undeclared (first use in this 
  lib-signals.c:55: error: `BUS_ADRALN' undeclared (first use in this 
  lib-signals.c:57: error: `BUS_ADRERR' undeclared (first use in this 
  lib-signals.c:59: error: `BUS_OBJERR' undeclared (first use in this 
 Can you find these anywhere? Like:
 grep -r SEGV_MAPERR /usr/include

Probably not. So this should help:

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread Alan Ferrency
On Mon, 6 Apr 2009, Timo Sirainen wrote:

 On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 17:12 -0400, Alan Ferrency wrote:
  lib-signals.c: In function `lib_signal_code_to_str':
  lib-signals.c:47: error: `SEGV_MAPERR' undeclared (first use in this 

 Can you find these anywhere? Like:

 grep -r SEGV_MAPERR /usr/include

Nope, sorry.
They're not in /usr/local/include either.

Maybe I have a missing dependency?

Alan Ferrency
pair Networks, Inc.

Re: [Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread Marcin Rzepecki
Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 05:12:56PM -0400, Timo Sirainen wrote:
 On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 23:03 +0200, Marcin Rzepecki wrote:
  Hi Timo, 
  on FreeBSD i'm getting:
 I updated the above URL, does it work now?

Unfortunately, i'm getting the same error.
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv_open'
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv_close'
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv'
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/home/marcin/dovecot-1.3.UNSTABLE/src/auth.
*** Error code 1

Some more info:
mar...@vm01:~/dovecot-1.3.UNSTABLE% libtool --version (GNU libtool) 1.5.26 (1.1220.2.492 2008/01/30 06:40:56)

mar...@vm01:~/dovecot-1.3.UNSTABLE% gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.2.1 20070719  [FreeBSD]

Marcin Rzepecki

Re: [Dovecot] Quota calculation problem with 1.2 beta 4

2009-04-06 Thread Timo Sirainen
On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 23:15 +0200, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
 * Timo Sirainen
  On Wed, 2009-04-01 at 11:28 +0200, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
   Two of my users are reporting that their quota is not being
   recalculated ALTHOUGH they deleted lots and lots of mails.
  Does maildirsize file show any such deletions? Like lots of lines /
  large numbers in lines beginning with -?
  I did a few tests and it seemed to work correctly. Also the Maildir++
  quota code hasn't really changed since v1.1 (quota configuration
  structures changed somewhat though).
 It seems my users need to log out and back in again to get the correct
 quota info displayed within Squirrel Mail

So visible quota information doesn't change within a Squirrelmail
session, but is updated after re-login? Sounds like a Squirrelmail
issue, especially because it uses short-running IMAP connections so
there shouldn't be any difference from Dovecot's point of view when user
does a re-login to Squirrelmail.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread Timo Sirainen
On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 23:23 +0200, Marcin Rzepecki wrote:
 Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 05:12:56PM -0400, Timo Sirainen wrote:
  On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 23:03 +0200, Marcin Rzepecki wrote:

 Unfortunately, i'm getting the same error.
 ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv_open'
 ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv_close'
 ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv'

Updated the URL once again, should work now?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread Alan Ferrency
On Mon, 6 Apr 2009, Timo Sirainen wrote:

 Can you find these anywhere? Like:

 grep -r SEGV_MAPERR /usr/include

 Probably not. So this should help:

That fixed the compilation error.  Now I have a link time error for libiconv:

libtool: link: gcc -std=gnu99 -g -O2 -Wall -W -Wmissing-prototypes 
-Wmissing-declarations -Wpointer-arith -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat=2 
-Wbad-function-cast -o .libs/dovecot-auth auth.o auth-cache.o 
auth-client-connection.o auth-master-connection.o auth-master-listener.o 
auth-request.o auth-request-handler.o auth-settings.o auth-stream.o 
auth-worker-client.o auth-worker-server.o db-checkpassword.o db-sql.o 
db-passwd-file.o main.o mech.o mech-anonymous.o mech-plain.o mech-login.o 
mech-cram-md5.o mech-digest-md5.o mech-gssapi.o mech-ntlm.o mech-otp.o 
mech-skey.o mech-rpa.o mech-apop.o mech-winbind.o otp-skey-common.o 
plain-common.o passdb.o passdb-blocking.o passdb-bsdauth.o passdb-cache.o 
passdb-checkpassword.o passdb-passwd.o passdb-passwd-file.o passdb-pam.o 
passdb-shadow.o passdb-sia.o passdb-vpopmail.o passdb-sql.o userdb.o 
userdb-blocking.o userdb-checkpassword.o userdb-nss.o userdb-passwd.o 
userdb-passwd-file.o userdb-prefetch.o userdb-static.o userdb-vpopmail.o 
userdb-sql.o db-ldap.o passdb-ldap.o userdb-ldap.o -Wl,--export-dynamic  
libpassword.a ../lib-ntlm/libntlm.a ../lib-otp/libotp.a 
../lib-sql/.libs/libsql.a ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ -lcrypt -lpam 
-Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib/dovecot
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv_open'
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv_close'
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv'

My libiconv is in /usr/local/lib.

Alan Ferrency
pair Networks, Inc.

Re: [Dovecot] big picture

2009-04-06 Thread John Simpson

On 2009-04-06, at 0836, Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh wrote:

You  every mail-man saw Big Picture of qmail.
I assumed qmail is black box.I want to extend big picture, i use qmail
admin ,Devocot  vpopmail.
I draw a few relation.Can you tell me whether i draw correct?Also i  

to if i didn't draw relation tell me that i will draw that.

the way i've always thought about it, is that there are three  
phases, and it's easier to think of each phase as a separate set  
of operations.

(1) message being sent INTO the queue, whether they originate from  
another process on the local machine, or from some other server (via  
qmail-smtpd or something similiar.)

(2) message being moved OUT OF the queue, either going into a local  
mailbox, or being forwarded to some other server.

(3) for messages in the mailbox, access to those mailboxes via POP3 or  
IMAP, or webmail (which usually, but not always, involves IMAP.)

i find it's easier to think of each phase of the process separately.

i made some diagrams a few years ago, which document the first two  
parts of the process.

i've been meaning to re-do them as a single multi-page PDF file, and  
include a third page about how dovecot, squirrelmail, and other  
mailbox access programs fit into the picture. your message is the  
kick i needed, i'm working on that as we speak... the first two pages  
will be pretty much identical to what's on the web site now, and the  
third page will cover how dovecot, squirrelmail, desktop MUAs, and  
other user accessing the contents of a mailbox programs fit into the  

as for your diagram...

(1) maybe i'm missing something, but it doesn't make any sense to me  
at all. maybe you and i are thinking on different levels, or looking  
at things from different angles.

(2) i'm surprised djb's list actually allowed it through to begin with  
(which is why i'm including the URLs for my own PDF files, rather than  
attaching them.)

| John M. Simpson---   KG4ZOW   ---Programmer At Large |
| |

| |

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread Marcin Rzepecki
Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 05:25:02PM -0400, Timo Sirainen wrote:
   On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 23:03 +0200, Marcin Rzepecki wrote:
  Unfortunately, i'm getting the same error.
  ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv_open'
  ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv_close'
  ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv'
 Updated the URL once again, should work now?

Nope, it still doesn't work.

P.S. I've tested n Gentoo (amd64) too - it builds ok.

Marcin Rzepecki

Re: [Dovecot] Quota calculation problem with 1.2 beta 4

2009-04-06 Thread Robert Schetterer
Ralf Hildebrandt schrieb:
 * Timo Sirainen
 On Wed, 2009-04-01 at 11:28 +0200, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
 Two of my users are reporting that their quota is not being
 recalculated ALTHOUGH they deleted lots and lots of mails.
 Does maildirsize file show any such deletions? Like lots of lines /
 large numbers in lines beginning with -?

 I did a few tests and it seemed to work correctly. Also the Maildir++
 quota code hasn't really changed since v1.1 (quota configuration
 structures changed somewhat though).
 It seems my users need to log out and back in again to get the correct
 quota info displayed within Squirrel Mail
Hi Ralf, thats maybe by design of squirrel
after all a refresh is a must have i think
for new calculate quota
as far i remember its the same with a courier install here

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


Re: [Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread John Lightsey
On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 23:40 +0200, Marcin Rzepecki wrote:
 Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 05:25:02PM -0400, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 23:03 +0200, Marcin Rzepecki wrote:
   Unfortunately, i'm getting the same error.
   ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv_open'
   ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to 
   ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `libiconv'
  Updated the URL once again, should work now?
 Nope, it still doesn't work.

Try changing $(LIBICONV) to $(LTLIBICONV) in
src/lib-dovecot/, then rerun automake, configure and make.

Re: [Dovecot] Compiling v1.3 on different OSes

2009-04-06 Thread Curtis Maloney

Timo Sirainen wrote:

I was hoping to finally get shared and libraries for v1.3, so Sieve (and maybe others)
could link against them. But I'm running into trouble getting it to
compile in Solaris 10. Could you non-Linux users test if this compiles
with you?

Or if anyone has ideas why this happens, I'd like to know:

libtool: link: gcc -std=gnu99 -g -O2 -Wall -W -Wmissing-prototypes 
-Wmissing-declarations -Wpointer-arith -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat=2 
-Wbad-function-cast -Wstrict-aliasing=2 -I/home/cras/include -o .libs/rawlog 
rawlog.o  ../lib-dovecot/.libs/ -lrt -lsocket -lsendfile 
-Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib/dovecot
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `dler...@sunw_1.22'
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `dlo...@sunw_1.22'
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `dl...@sunw_1.22'
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ undefined reference to `dlcl...@sunw_1.22'

If I disable plugins (so dl*() functions aren't used) it compiles, so
it's only those functions that are problematic. pvs -s /lib/
lists the dl* functions under SUNW_1.22 so I'd think that should have

Solaris 9 + GCC:

$ ./configure
Install prefix .. : /usr/local
File offsets  : 64bit
I/O loop method . : poll
File change notification method . : none
Building with SSL support ... : yes (OpenSSL)
Building with IPv6 support .. : yes
Building with pop3 server ... : yes
Building with mail delivery agent  .. : yes
Building with GSSAPI support  : no
Building with user database modules . : static prefetch passwd passwd-file 
Building with password lookup modules : passwd passwd-file shadow pam 

Building with SQL drivers :

$ make
libtool: link: gcc -std=gnu99 -g -O2 -Wall -W -Wmissing-prototypes 
-Wmissing-declarations -Wpointer-arith -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat=2 
-Wbad-function-cast -o .libs/dovecot-auth auth.o auth-cache.o 
auth-client-connection.o auth-master-connection.o auth-master-listener.o 
auth-request.o auth-request-handler.o auth-settings.o auth-stream.o 
auth-worker-client.o auth-worker-server.o db-checkpassword.o db-sql.o 
db-passwd-file.o main.o mech.o mech-anonymous.o mech-plain.o mech-login.o 
mech-cram-md5.o mech-digest-md5.o mech-gssapi.o mech-ntlm.o mech-otp.o 
mech-skey.o mech-rpa.o mech-apop.o mech-winbind.o otp-skey-common.o 
plain-common.o passdb.o passdb-blocking.o passdb-bsdauth.o passdb-cache.o 
passdb-checkpassword.o passdb-passwd.o passdb-passwd-file.o passdb-pam.o 
passdb-shadow.o passdb-sia.o passdb-vpopmail.o passdb-sql.o userdb.o 
userdb-blocking.o userdb-checkpassword.o userdb-nss.o userdb-passwd.o 
userdb-passwd-file.o userdb-prefetch.o userdb-static.o userdb-vpopmail.o 
userdb-sql.o db-ldap.o passdb-ldap.o userdb-ldap.o  libpassword.a 
../lib-ntlm/libntlm.a ../lib-otp/libotp.a ../lib-sql/.libs/libsql.a 
../lib-dovecot/.libs/ -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/ssl/lib 
-ldl -lpam -lrt -lnsl -lsocket -lsendfile -R/usr/local/lib/dovecot

Undefined   first referenced
 symbol in file
libiconv_close  ../lib-dovecot/.libs/
libiconv_open   ../lib-dovecot/.libs/
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to .libs/dovecot-auth
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `dovecot-auth'

Curtis Maloney

[Dovecot] Script to install dovecot 1.2 plus Managerootsieve to CentOS5.2

2009-04-06 Thread Bruce A. Mallett
I have no idea if this is of interest to anyone but it might save you
some work ..

I created a script that will install Dovecot 1.2-rc2 (currently) to a
CentOS5.2 installation complete with Stephan Bosch's Managesieve,
postfix, virtual users, LDAP, and LDAP personal address books.  Oh
right! .. and Squirrelmail plus various plugins (change LDAP password,
LDIF import, Avelsieve).  Also self-signed certificates are created from
data supplied in a configuration file.

I've stuck the required files here:

I did an install to a 32 bit CentOS so it has worked at least once on
that architecture.  It *should* work on a 64 bit as well (I provide the
RPM) but I've not personally tested it.

I am by no means an expert on any of this stuff (particularly the
security aspects), so I'd certainly welcome any suggestions for ways to
improve on the installation, the script, life, the universe, ...  ;-)

  - Bruce

Re: [Dovecot] big picture

2009-04-06 Thread John Simpson

On 2009-04-06, at 1730, John Simpson wrote:

i made some diagrams a few years ago, which document the first two  
parts of the process.

i've been meaning to re-do them as a single multi-page PDF file, and  
include a third page about how dovecot, squirrelmail, and other  
mailbox access programs fit into the picture. your message is the  
kick i needed, i'm working on that as we speak...

if anybody is interested, here's the updated diagrams, as a single PDF  

| John M. Simpson---   KG4ZOW   ---Programmer At Large |
| |

| |

Description: This is a digitally signed message part