i'm not sure if this is relevant, but i had lots of trouble on 2 win2k sp3 machines running zonealarm.  zonealarm cause random reboots on the slower pentium machine and explorer lockups on the faster athlonXP machine.  i switched to outpost firewall and don't have any problems at all.  of course, i switched a few dqsd versions back.
check  system tools > event viewer > application and system events -- if you have a bunch of vector service errors, perhaps switching firewalls will help. 
this is just a semi-educated guess.  hope it helps.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 4:37 AM
Subject: [DQSD-Users] dqsd makes my PC very slow

Hello everyone,

I hate to say this because I really value dqsd, but I'm more and more convinced that it makes my PC very slooow at times, to the point that I'm seriously considering to uninstall dsdq. At the moment, I've just closed the bar and my PC seems to be back to its normal speed and responsiveness.

What I noticed is that with dqsd enabled, IE and Explorer too "stutter" and block for long times for apparently no reason. I can't understand what's going on. I'd like to dig further into it, but I probably lack the necessary technical expertise. I think I could handle running a debug version of dqsd if someone told me how to, and collecting log files.

Has anyone else noticed their PC became slow with dqsd enabled?

Can anyone give me general performance improvement suggestions?

I'm running win2k SP3 (but noticed this with SP2 too), IE 6.0.2800.1106, dqsd, ZoneAlarm 2.6.362.

I sure hope I won't have to depart from dqsd because without it the web has truly become more limited for me...

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