On Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 08:45:58AM -0400, Tellier, Stephane wrote:
> It could be a problem too for the DSpace web interface : does it means
> that every time we access an Item, it creates an instance of this
> object and puts it in the cache, and to be never removed as long as
> the user's session is still alive? Could someone confirms if that is
> actually the case?

Not really, no. It will be cached for the lifetime of the Context object
into which it was cached (I think). Contexts are usually created on a
per-request basis, so the cache is burned pretty frequently. Naturally,
this isn't the case for the indexing and media filters which is probably
why that's the only code that uses decache().

> If it is, we should maybe check if the decache() method could be used
> more often. It would certainly help large repositories having items
> with a lot of bitstreams...

I actually disagree with this statement (in the general case). In terms
of performance, it is much better to cache as much as possible (provided
that the information is accessed multiple times). Reaching into the data
layer every time we access an object will get expensive very quickly, so
we need to reconcile the two to achieve satisfactory performance.

The work I am doing on DAOs separates the in-memory objects from the
storage layer entirely (as well as introducing light-weight proxy
objects), which should make DSpace "smarter" about what is cached in
memory as well. Once this prototype stabilises (soon) I will be doing
some simple performance checks to see how this new mechanism compares to
the current method. The new layer of indirection I have introduced will
itself introduce a performance penalty, but should more than make up for
that by being clever (it will also present a much nicer API to code



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