Hi All,

I have noticed that the "Add More" buttons on the edit-metadata.jsp page are 
adding fields that weren't requested.
If all of the available fields are filled in for each of the input fields, and 
you press the "Add More" button next to the Author field, then all of the 
repeatable input fields get more boxes.

e.g.- On my form the AUTHORS, KEYWORDS, and SUBJECT HEADING fields are all 
repeatable. The AUTHOR input field consists of a last name field and a first 
name field (2 input boxes), while the other two types have two text boxes each. 
When I fill in all of the fields (one AUTHOR name, two KEYWORDS, and two 
SUBJECT HEADINGS) and press the "Add More" button next to the AUTHOR field, I 
get 4 more text boxes for AUTHORS (two sets of two fields), two more text boxes 
for KEYWORDS, and two more text boxes for SUBJECT HEADINGS. IF, however, I 
press the "Add More" button next to one of the other two fields, then I only 
get 1 more set of two fields for the AUTHOR, and two boxes for each of the 
other fields.

I have been looking at the code in edit-metadata.jsp, but I am at a loss to see 
why it is behaving this way. Has anyone else noticed this before? Is there a 
fix? Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Darren Arsenault
Algonquin College
1385 Woodroffe Avenue
Ottawa, ON, K2G 1V8

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