[Dspace-tech] Anyone using dc.creator instead of dc.contributor.author?

2008-01-28 Thread Keith Gilbertson

This has been discussed on the list previously, but it has been quite a 
while and I wondered if this has actually been done.

In the default metadata schema that ships with DSpace, the dc.creator 
element is marked with a scope note as Do not use; only for harvested 
metadata, while the default item submission input form requires that a 
value be entered into the dc.contributor.author field.  The author 
browse index is based, by default, on dc.contributor.author. 

I'd like to change an installation to require dc.creator rather than 
dc.contributor.author in the input form, and to configure it to build 
the author search index on dc.creator rather than dc.contributor.author.

When this was discussed previously, the consensus seemed to be that the 
default schema was based on an early draft of  Dublin Core, and that 
making these changes should cause no problems. Is this still the case?  
Has anyone done this, and have there been any issues?

Also, is it true that an upcoming version of DSpace will allow the 
author browse to use an index based on both the creator and the 
contributor elements?

Thank you,
Keith Gilbertson
Systems Developer

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Anyone using dc.creator instead of dc.contributor.author?

2008-01-28 Thread Keith Gilbertson
I seem to have found another dependency, in that the OAIDCCrosswalk 
class that's used by the OAI-PMH interface exposes the 
contributor.author field as a creator element.  This isn't necessary if 
we're using dc.creator in DSpace.

It looks easy enough to change this class so that the contributor.author 
field in DSpace is exposed in the OAI-PMH interface as a contributor 
element, and then redeploy the changed class where it is needed.  I'm 
wondering if this is an okay approach, or if it would be better to 
create a new class with the differing functionality, and then configure 
the oai webapp to use the new class?

Dorothea Salo wrote:
 I'd like to change an installation to require dc.creator rather than
 dc.contributor.author in the input form, and to configure it to build
 the author search index on dc.creator rather than dc.contributor.author.

 Not too difficult. Change index-forms.xml accordingly, and one SQL
 query in the metadatavalues table in the database should do the trick
 for existing items.

 Also, is it true that an upcoming version of DSpace will allow the
 author browse to use an index based on both the creator and the
 contributor elements?

 This brings up an interesting detail about Manakin. When determining
 authors for items that come up in title or subject browse listings,
 the algorithm is: when there's a dc.contributor.author, use that; if
 not, use dc.author; if neither of those, use whatever dc.contributor
 there is. The FIXME comment I left in my utility stylesheet reads

 FIXME: This template should pull out dc.contributor.author and
 dc.creator, then make a list of all of them... Should probably have
 better way to cope with other dc.contributor as well. The trick is
 that some dc.contribs feel author-y (composers, maybe editors) and
 others don't (e.g. translators, advisors). Three Minute Hate on Dublin
 Core. -DS

 I haven't in fact tried to fix this yet, but it shouldn't be
 impossible; the tricky bit for me is figuring out how to make XSLT
 union dc.contributor.author (and maybe one or two other
 dc.contributor.X) with dc.creator.

 For item metadata listings, the same union trick would come into play.
 The nice thing is that it's not hard to add lines for additional
 metadata. Here's mine for dealing with thesis advisors (note that I'm
 not using Manakin's table markup and have added author linking):

 test=$data/dim:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'contributor'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'advisor']

 select=$data/dim:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'contributor'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'advisor']
 xsl:attribute name=href

 xsl:copy-of select=text()/
 xsl:copy-of select=text()/

 test=count(following-sibling::dim:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'contributor'[EMAIL 
 != 0
 xsl:text; /xsl:text


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