Hi Evgeni Dimitrov

You have to modify the "public Serializable getKey()" and "public SourceValidity getValidity()" methods of that same class. These methods evaluate whether addBody should be called or whether the cached document may be used.

Evgeni Dimitrov schreef op 13/05/15 om 11:01:

This is about DSpace 5.1.

I am trying to make a small change in the way an item is displayed. When the user has "write" rights on the item it should display as originally. Otherwise the item handle is passed to another web application.

I added several lines in the beginning of org.dspace.app.xmlui.aspect.artifactbrowser.ItemViewer.addBody

Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);
if(!AuthorizeManager.authorizeActionBoolean(context, item, Constants.WRITE)) {
    StringBuilder redirectURL = new StringBuilder();
redirectURL.append(request.getContextPath().replace("/xmlui", "/dspviewerf/"));

    HttpServletResponse httpResponse =
(HttpServletResponse) objectModel.get(HttpEnvironment.HTTP_RESPONSE_OBJECT);

It works as expected for the user without "write" rights.
It works as expected for the user with "write" rights.

But after it has worked once for the user with "write" rights, it creates cache and displays the same page for the user without "write" rights.

What can I reasonably do? Disable the cache in some way?

Best regards

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