[DX] Raportoinnista ennen ja nyt

2020-10-30 Thread Markku Niiranen
Niin se aika muuttuu eskoseni.
Ennen klassinen nojatuoliraportti oli vähintään puoli tuntia niin, että
raportissa on vähintään kolme varmaa ohjelman yksityiskohtaa..
Ja raportissa (saatteessa) kiiteltiin mielenkiintoisesta ohjelmasta, vaikka
lokin tekstit oli karumpaa tyyliin "jollotusta, mahatautia, rautalangan
virittelyä" jos oli kyse Aasiasta.
Nykyisin raportiksi taitaa riittää pelkkä ääniklippi kuulutuksesta tai jopa
ilman sitä.
"Elämme vaikeita aikoja" luki taannoin Aku Ankassa.

Perinteen kannattajana kahta-kolmea kertaa lukuunottamatta raportit ovat
lähteneet etanapostilla.
Olen Hailuodossa pitänyt kolme lyhyttä kuunteluperiodia jolloin myös
Pituudeltaan 1-3kk.
Vuodenvaihteessa 2012-2013 vastausprosentti 51% ja vuoden alussa 2104
peräti 59%.
Mutta vuodenvaihteen 2018-2019 prosentit oli aivan jotain muuta, vain 18%.
Valtaosa asemista oli tuolloin Aasiasta.
Sukupolvetkin muuttuu. Nykyisille nuorille sukupolville alkaa olla täyttä
utopiaa käsin (ei edes koneella!) raapustetut kirjeet.
Miten niihin pitäisi reagoida kun meilit, twitterit ja facet (kaikkia en
edes tiedä) kuuluu viesteilyyn.
Käsin täytetty raporttikaavake aiheuttanee suunnatonta hämmennystä.
Tosin sillä on hyvätkin puolensa; vastaukset voivat ovat aivan muuta kuin
Ja kirjeessä voi aina yllättää jollain.
Ja onhan kirjelaatikossa lojuva eksoottinen kirje
postimerkkeineen sykähdyttävä näky.
Mutta vanha tapa ei sovi massaraportointiin.
Siinä on käsi kipeä kun päivän mittaan on raapustanut kymmenisen raporttia.
Selkäkin vanhalla huutaa hoosiannaa.
Kalliiksihan se tulee ja vastausajat pitkiä.
Nykyajan ihmisille ei kuulu kärsivällisyys; vastauksen on tultava alle
viikossa tai jopa päivässä-kahdessa.
Kun odottelee vuoden-kaksi loppuu into. Vai?

Joskus minua ennen haittasi (ei enää) raportointilaiskuuteni.
Ja välissä oli jopa 21v kuuntelua ilman ainoatakaan raporttia.
Haittasi sikäli, että sinne meni tavoittamattomiin monta helppoa maata.
Riukiu-saaret, Hong Kong, Etelä-Jemen...
Guinea-Bissaustakin olisi saanut raportin aikaiseksi ym.
Nyt vanhemmiten eläkeukkona on antanut tuossa suhteessa jo itselleen armon.
Mitäpä väliä, silloin oli muuta, elämäntilanteet toisia, oli stressiä,
työväsymystä ja kaikkea muuta tavan elämään kuuluvaa.
Nyt riittää jos saan sen 150 maata täyteen.
Tavoite, jonka olisi pitänyt täyttyä jo kymmeniä vuosia sitten.
Ja kaksi maata vielä puuttuu. 
Ja muuten raportoin vain asemia, jotka syystä tai toisesta ovat
Niin olen ennenkin tehnyt säästääkseni postikuluja.

Perinteisessä kirjallisessa raportissa on vaikeutensa.
Kolme varmaa yksityiskohtaa.
Joensuun Kiihtelysvaaran etäradion (kiitos MR) kautta kuulin ensimmäistä
kertaa Malediivit (1449kHz) tiistaina 27.10.
Silloin hieman paremmin ja viime yönä aloituksesta kuului vain linnut.
Teepä moisesta raportti.
Parhaiten erottuu alusta se linnun huutelu ja käheä-ääninen kukko.
Olisihan se yksityiskohta.
Myös lintuharrastajana olen yrittänyt jäljittää linnun lajin ihan
loogisella tavalla.
Lienen jo jäljillä.
Sittenpä koraania ja sen selitystä.
Tasalta kansallislaulu, joka 27,10 täysin peittyi God Save the Queenin alle
ja sinne saudi ja britti upotti koko aseman.
Onnistui nopeammin kuin koko Malediivien saariston uppoaminen meren alle.
Sekin ajan kysymys jos koko saariryhmän suurin korkeus merenpinnasta on
vain 2,5 metriä.
En ole vielä heittänyt kirvestä kaivoon.
Josko tuosta kelien myötä irtoaisi jotain enemmän? Ja jota voisi edes
kirjallisesti kuvailla?

ex MNi
Markku Niiranen Hailuodosta
DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/dsl.html

[HCDX] log Oct 30, remotedly noted in Doha Qatar and Delhi India

2020-10-30 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel

KUWAIT  7585even new fq US Radio Farda in Persian via
IBB exBBG USAGM VoA Kuwait al-Dschahra suburb, US exIBB USAGM VoA RL RFA
bcast center Kuwait relay site is  n o t  at Kabd location,
rather 43 kilometers distance apart northerly at al-Dschahra suburb
29 30 45.59 N  47 40 17.84 E

Report sent to: 

Persian scheduled 02.30-08.30 UT, S=9+20dB in Doha Qatar remote SDR,
07.40 UT on Oct 30, S=8 signal still in Delhi India remote Perseus unit.
unusually hard rock pop mx played.

INDIA  6000 kHz NOT HEARD at 07.52 UT Oct 30, AIR Leh Ladakh NOT ON AIR.

6099.960  AIR Voice of Kashmir, scheduled 07.30-08.10 UT in Kashmiri,
via AIR Delhi Kampur shortwave center. S=9+35dB locally on remote
Delhi Perseus unit. Local subcontinent music heard. 07.55 UT on Oct 30.

CHINA/TAIWAN  9259.950  SOH TWN / CNR1 jamming Mandarin at 08.01 UT,
S=6 or -84dBm  signal into India remote rx.

UZBEKISTAN/ARMENIA  11550  Persian opposition radio 'Iran International
TV' from London once again measured with worldwide KiwiNet direction
finding option TDoA, and centered as RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan
bcast center. Tashkent Shortwave Transmitting Station, c/o RRTM,
Amir Timur str. 109 "A", Central Asia.

S=9+15dB in Doha Qatar at 08.20 UT on Oct 30. Scheduled 02-13 UT,
later scheduled on 6270 kHz via Yerevan Gavar(ex Kamo-USSR) site
via local winter night time.

BULGARIA  11600even  Sermon roarer BS TOM transmission noted on Doha 
Qatar remote Perseus SDR rx, S=9+10dB signal at 08.33 UT on Oct 30.

Bcast via Spaceline Ltd. SPC-NURTS Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay site.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 30)

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] FEBA & IBRA via defective transmitter in Tashkent, October 30:

2020-10-30 Thread Ivo Observer
*UZBEKISTAN(non)   FEBA & IBRA via defective transmitter in Tashkent,
October 30:*
1430-1500 on  9540 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg to SoAs Hindi Wed-Sun FEBA Radio India &
1500-1530 on  5895 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg to SoAs Bengali Daily IBRA Radio Ibrahim


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 28-29, 2020

2020-10-30 Thread Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX
NOTE! Apparently due to icestorm in Enid, internet and cable access 
was lost Wed Oct 28 at 1610 UT, and still not restored almost 48 
hours later. I am attempting to get online at library ASAP on Fri Oct
30. At least we did not lose power at home like so many others.

** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98-RCUSB, Oct 28 at 1524, LRA36 is on the air for 
final day of the 2020y winter season as previously publicized; S4-S7 
via Brasil KiwiSDR, mostly chat by W, bits of music and canned IDs 
such as at 1530 for ``Nacional -- la radio pública``. Some mentions of 
Antártida along with Argentina; past 1546. At 1557 I really 
concentrate, trying to understand what they are colloquially charlando. 
1559 a song, 1602 ID and song, and they mention ``último programa -- 

Nominally ending at 1600 but always running overtime, still going at 
1610 when I suddenly lose Suddenlink internet, as well as cable, and 
it`s still off 3 hours later, no doubt to be blamed on the OK icestorm. 
SL robot tells me they hope to have it repaired by =20 UT. Nope. Then 
=24 UT: nope. At 01 UT Oct 29 I call again: now it`s ASAP. Meanwhile my 
datamining in preparation for next WOR 2058 has ground to a halt.

Manuel Méndez previously forwarded the latest notice he received from 
Base Esperanza which I transcribe from jpg. Note names of staff. Next 
winter`s crew could be partially or totally different, resuming in 
February or March? I would rather spend a summer in Antarctica than a 
winter, but that`s just me.

``El equipo de LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel se despide 
del ciclo 2020. Te esperamos a las 11 (14 Hs UTC) hasta las 13 Hs para 
que junto a

Eliana Baraldo, Julia Morena, Tamara Milán, Yanina Galeano, Damián 
Tranamil y el director Norman Nahueltripay cerremos un gran año de la 
radio mas {sic} austral del mundo.`` Tranamil is the one to whom go 
reports (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

{late news from Mendez: ``final`` broadcast will be repeated Sat Oct 31}

** CUBA. 13700 & 13740, Oct 28 at 1506, RHC is running late with a 
speech, live event? No doubt by some Commie; then also audible still 
going past 1508 on 9535, 11760, 15140, JBA carrier 15230; past 1522, 
7350 and 6000 also (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NIGERIA [non]. 7255, Oct 29 at 0616, VON absent, while Qur`an makes 
it on 7245, presumably Algeria via France (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 930, Oct 28 at 2356 UT, silly sports talk from WKY OKC 
keeps hiccuping, modulation dropping out about once a second; with BFO 
I can tell the carrier is also dropping off, timed at the rate of about 
48/minute until it stop doing that (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 90.1, Oct 28 into Oct 29 past 1500 UT, KUCO-FM OKC appears 
to be on the air but with weakened carrier only vs other classical 
station KHCC Radio Kansas. KUCO studio if not transmitter probably part 
of widespread power outage in OKC due to icestorm. Still the same Oct 
30 past 1400 --- hearing KHCC Radio Kansas 90.1 but also seeming dead 
carrier from KUCO (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** U S A. 18130-USB, Oct 28 at 1510, W5KI concluding a contact; and just 
before at 1509 on 18115-USB, another JBA ham, a WA3, discussing a silly 
baseball game. I often scan the so-called 17m hamband for any signs of 
activity, usually without. 16m too: now 17775- KVOH only JBA carrier 
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2057 monitoring: confirmed Wednesday October 28 
until 2129:19, so started circa 2100:20 on WBCQ 7490v, S7-S9.

Also confirmed Wed Oct 28 at 2200 on WRMI 9955, S2-S5 via broken-LW-on-

Not confirmed UT Thu Oct 29 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, JBA carrier, but 

Next WOR 2058 may be delayed depending on when internet outage be fixed 
and on whether power be lost at HQ.

WOR 2057 did have to replay UT Fri Oct 30 at 0130 on WRMIs 5850 VG and 
5010 fair-good.

Later: WOR 2058 has been produced but unable to upload to website or ftp 
to affiliates. Instead will attempt to send as email attachment via 
library computer, ASAP October 30 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9395, Oct 28 at 1502, this WRMI is still off, nor is that BS 
replaced by extending 9955 into midday as was planned; yet 9455 remains 
in well with own BS. It`s overkill anyway, when 9395 & 9455 carry same 
programming 60 kHz apart on same parameters. But TOMBS fell for that, 
too much sucker money to spend (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 870, Oct 28 at 2353 UT, WWL New Orleans still has plenty of 
time for commercials as the eye of Hurricane Zeta is right over the 
city. Eventually gets back to coverage, callers, and reports from 
parish sheriff(s).  Oct 29 into CBS News leading with a report from 
the same WWL guy; some fades vs something hetting in its null. Then 
locally explains the modified jock schedule overnight, including this 
one coming back at 6 am [CDT] -- that is apparently his normal shift 
as he keeps saying ``good morning`` now and swears at himself for 
sodoing (Glenn 

[HCDX] Winter B-20 schedule of Voice of Tibet

2020-10-30 Thread Ivo Observer
*TAJIKISTAN(non)   Winter B-20 schedule of Voice of Tibet*
1300-1305 on  9899 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1305-1310 on  9891 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1310-1330 on  9884 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1330-1335 on  9876 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1330-1344 on  9864 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1335-1340 on  9886 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1340-1400 on  9894 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1344-1400 on  9814 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
2300-2307 on  7494 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
2307-2335 on  7476 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
2335-2340 on  7486 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
2340-2400 on  7499 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Marconi Radio International on air on 31 October 2020 with a Special Halloween Broadcast

2020-10-30 Thread Manuel Méndez

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

De: "Marconi Radio" 
Enviado: 30/10/2020 19:32:12
Asunto: Marconi Radio International on air on 31 October 2020 with a 
Special Halloween Broadcast

Greetings from Italy!

Please be advised that  Marconi Radio International will once again be 
on air tomorrow, Saturday, 31 October 2020, as follows:  07.00-08.00 UTC 
on 11390 kHz and 16.00-17.00 UTC on 7720 kHz (USB Mode).

To celebrate  Halloween, we’ll air  a special show, with  a number of 
rock songs, from punk to power metal,  with the word "Halloween" in 
their title.

MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) 
of our broadcasts are welcome! We QSL 100%. Our electronic mail address 
is: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com -

Please don’t forget to include your postal address as some lucky 
listeners will also receive a printed QSL card.

Last but not least, we need your help! If you are  a DX blogger, or use 
social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or 
Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the broadcast. You can also 
forward this message to a friend. This should help increase our 
potential audience.

We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our 

Best 73's

Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Last QSL received

2020-10-30 Thread Manuel Méndez

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

GERMANY, 9670, Atlantic 2000 International, Rohrbach, received eQSL in 
seven days.

Reception report sent to: atlantic2000internatio...@gmail.com

GERMANY, 6115, Radio SE-TA 2, Hartenstein, received eQSL in 2 days.
Reception report sent to: se...@web.de

ITALY, 6070 USB, Marconi Radio International, received eQSL in 9 days.
Reception report sent to: marconiradiointernatio...@gmail.com
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Texas Radio Shortwave on WBCQ Halloween night

2020-10-30 Thread Terry Colgan
Cap’n Ric’s pleased to announce that WBCQ in Monticello, Maine will broadcast 
The Texas Halloween Party from Texas Radio Shortwave.  It’ll air at 0200 UTC on 
November 1 (still October 31 in NAm) on 6160 kHz.

The program, along with all WBCQ's Area 51 programs, streams at

As always, TRSW has a special eQSL for correct reception reports, including 
from streaming media.  The card features Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, who you 
may remember from TV, movies, and comic books.
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 30-31, 2020

2020-10-30 Thread Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX
** CANADA. 335-MCW kHz, Oct 30 at 0620 UT, my shortened and lowered
unrepaired longwire still manages to inpull dash and YLD, which is
1000 watt ND beacon from Chapleau, Ontario.

Also 413-MCW kHz, Oct 30 at 0624, dash and YHD, 250 watts in Dryden,
Ontario (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) See also USA

** CUBA. 18135-USB, Oct 30 at 2014, CO8LY repeating his call
fonetikaly, lima-yanqui --- h! over and over; at least I think it
was the caller rather than the callee; and the only phone station on
band, OPSOB.

``CO8LY Cuba flag Cuba, Eduardo Somoano Cremati, P.O. Box 104,
Santiago de Cuba 90100, Cuba`` per QRZ.com but his QSL manager is in
Spain, and he`s trying to raise real US$ money to pay for awards he
has earned (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MADAGASCAR. 17570, Oct 30 at 2016, VP S9-S6 talk in unknown
language, 2028 open carrier, 2030* off. HFCC shows it`s AWR in Mos
language, 250 kW at 295 degrees favorably USward. WRTH shows it is
Mossi, where else, under UK page 496; EiBi readme.txt does not include
either spelling in exhaustive language list! Wikipedia says it`s the
same as Moore + various spellings, which is; almost 8 mega speak it in
Burkina Faso and five nearby countries. And they are on the road to SD
Adventism (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 4970-USB, Oct 31 at 0153, JBA pirate S3 into
Rochester NY SDR, eerie music and narration, I guess a Hallowe`en
story as pre-publicized by MARE to start at 0030 for some two hours
from Radio Nova; did not get an ID for sure; fading down after 0203.
More reports and SSTV here:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 90.1, Oct 30 circa 1455 UT, still no signal except weak
unmodulated carrier from classical KUCO, Edmond/OKC. Shortly restored
my internet access, I can find why on http://www.kucofm.com


Listener supporters and friends, KUCO 90.1 continues to be off in
central Oklahoma, the outage including our internet stream. It’s a
fiber optic cable problem and we await restoration from Cox. It’s how
we send our signal STL back to the tower from our new location in
downtown OKC. The fiber optic is our only option at this time.

Cox Business Ice Storm Outage Update

The Cox Business commercial technical support team is presently
working to restore operations to affected areas of the ice storm. They
are responding to critical medical and public safety restoration
priorities and then additional commercial service impacts. Service
outages are primarily due to power outages and ice damage. For power
related outages, Cox follows the local energy provider in its recovery
as it enters damaged areas once the energy company as declared it safe
of power hazards.

We are currently offering our overnight WCPE service via 91.9 KBCW in
McAlester and 95.9 KCSC in Woodward. We will keep you posted. Hosts
stand ready to go back on the air immediately and we will have our
weekend programming running for all three listening areas as well.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid,

** U S A [and non]. 332-MCW kHz, Oct 30 at 0621, ND beacon IC, 400
watts from Wichita - Picnic, Kansas [both with IC in them!], which I
had not heard in weeks and feared off the air. Even now it`s JBA under
dash and QT, 1000 watts from Thunder Bay, Ontario, which had been the
only 332 to be heard among many (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 11720, Fri Oct 30 at 2050, big carrier already from VOA
Grimesland, 2059 sign-on, 2100 news by caster working remotely but
including an AP axuality; 2105 `Music Time in Africa`, as I
commemorate our renewed B-season bigsig access to it weekly off the
back from `Greenville`. It`s my napping hour, so despite the lively
music I doze in and out. Hyper Heather Maxwell spends too much time
chatting with musicians rather than just playing their music; and also
disrespects music by talking over it; source countries include
Mozambique, Rhodesia, Angola. Also plays old stuff from previous
hostess Rita Rochelle. Mid break mentions MTIA airtimes lacking this
one; and HHM`s outro as usual ignores it too, just: ``Live`` Saturday
and Sunday 1505 and 2005; also on SW Friday 0905, S 0905, 1505, 2005
and ``2205-hundred``. 2200 cut to Yankee Doodle sign-off but carrier
stays on a while (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2058 monitoring: I was finally able
to upload it to website and stations after 17 UT Oct 30 when my
internet access was at last restored by Suddenlink after some 49

WOR 2058 is available as of 1727 UT Friday October 30
(mp3 stream)http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2058.m3u
(mp3 download)  http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2058.mp3

[there was a delay because of 49-hour internet outage
here; meanwhile was availablized by e-mail attachments]

Or via http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html
Also linx to podcast services.

WORLD OF RADIO 2058 contents: Antarctica, AUstralia, Bangladesh,
Bougainville, Brasil, 

Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 214, Issue 33

2020-10-30 Thread hard-core-dx-request
Send Hard-Core-DX mailing list submissions to

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Hard-Core-DX digest..."

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

Today's Topics:

   1. log Oct 30, remotedly noted in Doha Qatar and Delhi India
  (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   2. Winter B-20 schedule of Voice of Tibet (Ivo Observer)
   3. FEBA & IBRA via defective transmitter in Tashkent, October
  30: (Ivo Observer)
   4. Glenn Hauser logs October 28-29, 2020 (Glenn Hauser)
   5. Marconi Radio International on air on 31 October 2020 with a
  Special Halloween Broadcast (Manuel M?ndez)
   6. Texas Radio Shortwave on WBCQ Halloween night (Terry Colgan)
   7. Last QSL received (Manuel M?ndez)
   8. Glenn Hauser logs October 30-31, 2020 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2020 09:42:09 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" 
To: "hcdx" , "wor" 
Subject: [HCDX] log Oct 30, remotedly noted in Doha Qatar and Delhi
Message-ID: <10B9D8DDB0E249788DD127095B0B684F@HNPC1>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

KUWAIT  7585even new fq US Radio Farda in Persian via
IBB exBBG USAGM VoA Kuwait al-Dschahra suburb, US exIBB USAGM VoA RL RFA
bcast center Kuwait relay site is  n o t  at Kabd location,
rather 43 kilometers distance apart northerly at al-Dschahra suburb
29 30 45.59 N  47 40 17.84 E

Report sent to: 

Persian scheduled 02.30-08.30 UT, S=9+20dB in Doha Qatar remote SDR,
07.40 UT on Oct 30, S=8 signal still in Delhi India remote Perseus unit.
unusually hard rock pop mx played.

INDIA  6000 kHz NOT HEARD at 07.52 UT Oct 30, AIR Leh Ladakh NOT ON AIR.

6099.960  AIR Voice of Kashmir, scheduled 07.30-08.10 UT in Kashmiri,
via AIR Delhi Kampur shortwave center. S=9+35dB locally on remote
Delhi Perseus unit. Local subcontinent music heard. 07.55 UT on Oct 30.

CHINA/TAIWAN  9259.950  SOH TWN / CNR1 jamming Mandarin at 08.01 UT,
S=6 or -84dBm  signal into India remote rx.

UZBEKISTAN/ARMENIA  11550  Persian opposition radio 'Iran International
TV' from London once again measured with worldwide KiwiNet direction
finding option TDoA, and centered as RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan
bcast center. Tashkent Shortwave Transmitting Station, c/o RRTM,
Amir Timur str. 109 "A", Central Asia.

S=9+15dB in Doha Qatar at 08.20 UT on Oct 30. Scheduled 02-13 UT,
later scheduled on 6270 kHz via Yerevan Gavar(ex Kamo-USSR) site
via local winter night time.

BULGARIA  11600even  Sermon roarer BS TOM transmission noted on Doha 
Qatar remote Perseus SDR rx, S=9+10dB signal at 08.33 UT on Oct 30.
Bcast via Spaceline Ltd. SPC-NURTS Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay site.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 30)


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2020 14:00:02 +
From: Ivo Observer 
To: frequenc...@bnr.bg
Subject: [HCDX] Winter B-20 schedule of Voice of Tibet

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

*TAJIKISTAN(non)   Winter B-20 schedule of Voice of Tibet*
1300-1305 on  9899 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1305-1310 on  9891 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1310-1330 on  9884 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1330-1335 on  9876 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1330-1344 on  9864 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1335-1340 on  9886 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1340-1400 on  9894 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1344-1400 on  9814 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
2300-2307 on  7494 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
2307-2335 on  7476 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
2335-2340 on  7486 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
2340-2400 on  7499 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire