[DX-CHAT] Leaderboards - and everything else.

2012-06-06 Thread Ernie Walls



Just what is wrong, exactly, with working a DXpedition by band/mode?


What's the problem? 


Isn't that what we all want to do anyway, that is, work everyone on all
bands and all modes? Isn't that why the DXpedition goes too far flung places
at great expense for - to have as many QSOs as they can. 


Why do we have so many people 'setting the rules' for others. 


Seems to me if you work what you want then I will not say anything to you,
and if I work what I want, then I don't expect you to say anything (to me,
that is). Seems like it might work OK!


Only one over-riding rule - we all do it with some dignity and fairness to


I get sick of being told what to do by others - my government runs most of
my life, my XYL most of the rest of it - guys, give me a break and let me
live what is left by my own rules. Because I most certainly will not be
taking any notice of any of you, anyway.


Some years ago, our (then) Prime Minister said something like 'life wasn't
meant to be easy'! He was right, you know.


Good DXing to all. Fair and dignified, that is.



Ernie H Walls VK3FM


Mobile 0418 301 483



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[DX-CHAT] Mellish Reef

2009-03-11 Thread Ernie Walls
For those VKs who are dedicated DXers (perhaps, as distinct from contesters)
Tomi HA7RY has indicated that he will look out for VKs on 30 metres SSB
occasionally whilst he and George AA7JV are on Mellish Reef between 22 March
and 6 April (or thereabouts).


Both Tomi and George have been made aware that VKs can work SSB on this
band, and I am sure there will be some VKs who would welcome the opportunity
to do so, even as somewhat as a novelty.


I also emailed Bill VK4FW about the possibility of doing the same thing from
Lord Howe Island on the upcoming VK9L Dxpedition to that location, and he
also indicated that, if opportunities arose, he (they) may well consider it.



Ernie Walls VK3FM




Mobile 0418 301 483


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[DX-CHAT] Desecheo pronunciation.

2009-03-05 Thread Ernie Walls
To everybody who took the time and effort to respond, either through the
reflector, or direct, thank you all.


I think I must have caught everyone on a slow news day, as I received quite
a number of responses, here and direct. Not all of them agree, but then,
that's democracy, Hi.


FWIW, ZL7T Chatham Island hit the air, on 17 and 20, just a few hours ago.
Not a big one, but sometimes 'small fish are tasty'.


73 - good health, and good Dxing. 



Ernie Walls VK3FM




Mobile 0418 301 483


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[DX-CHAT] Desecheo

2009-03-05 Thread Ernie Walls
A question on Desecheo, site of the recent Dxpedition that we all spent some
time chasing!


Does anyone know the correct pronunciation of the place - there is quite a
fundamental difference of opinion amongst a few amateurs at my club.


My stab is DE  SESH  E  O - but this may be nothing like it should be.


Any further input, please?



Ernie Walls VK3FM




Mobile 0418 301 483


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[DX-CHAT] T31 - Kanton Island

2008-11-23 Thread Ernie Walls
I thought that T31 would have been activated by now. I realize that the sea
trip was going to take a few days, but I guess it's been a fortnight now and


Has anyone heard how things are going?



Ernie Walls VK3FM




Mobile 0418 301 483


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[DX-CHAT] Titan antenna question

2008-03-23 Thread Ernie Walls
Can anyone provide me a reflector site, or website, that would be good to
get some advice on how to re-build a Gap Titan vertical antenna. (As an
aside, Gap themselves want more than the antenna is worth to provide a


The coax that came with the antenna was destroyed (effectively) by moisture
ingress, and I need  a diagram, or something similar, to determine what is
needed to replace it, and how!


Appreciate any help.



Ernie Walls VK3FM




Mobile 0418 301 483


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[DX-CHAT] TX5C Clipperton

2008-03-17 Thread Ernie Walls
Speaking of DXpeditions, or those just concluded, does anyone have any
information on TX5C.


Since they went off air the silence has been deafening - their website still
says they are QRV, although they are obviously QR, there has been no log
update since the second last day of operation, I have not seen a single word
of information of them leaving the island safely, nowell... nothing!!





Ernie Walls VK3FM




Mobile 0418 301 483


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[DX-CHAT] Directional CQs.

2008-03-16 Thread Ernie Walls
I think I may be on a hiding to nothing with this post, but.


With both the Ducie and Clipperton DXpeditions, I simply called when I could
hear them well (that is, genuinely well) and I must say they both seemed to
come back 'without malice' if they heard me calling, irrespective as to
where they were directionally calling at the time. I think their response
was the same to any VK/ZL who did the same thing! But, at least, I will
stand being corrected on this point!


Now, why would I deliberately 'call out of turn'.


Well, you have to believe me when I say that, by nature, I am not normally
disruptive of otherwise sensible processes but, if I waited for a DXpedition
operator to ask for VK/ZL, specifically, I could wait a very long time - and
because the total DXing strength of both countries combined is probably no
more than 500 dedicated souls, when a DXpedition does call for VK/ZL, they
generally work all that are on the frequency, at that particular moment, in
about a minute. So, again you could wait for a very long time between VK/ZL
calls. As an aside, at one stage, late in their operation Clipperton went
for more than three hours, on 30 metres, without calling for anyone other
than EU or NA - the whole time being close to, or at, 599 at my QTH. Yes, I
was already in the log on 30, so I could afford to listen, and take notes,
without my blood pressure rising, Hi. But any VK/ZL who listened through
that period, without throwing in their call at least once, probably deserves
a medal.


I digress to say that whenever Martti OH2BH is involved, anywhere, he seems
to call for VK/ZL way above our true fighting weight (level of importance),
but I cannot be critical of that, can I. And the 3B7C mob also called for
VK/ZL quite regularly - but not every DXpedition does, or does very often.
Ducie did - Clipperton did not. But please, I have no complaints. None at
all. That's the way the cookie crumbles.


It is also my belief that many VK/ZL stations now operate the same way as I
do, and for the same reason.


Is it fair? Probably not!


Is it 'against the rules'? Obviously.


Does it provoke a few souls? Yes, it does - but not too many, in my


Is there a better way for VK/ZL (or any one of the 'lesser' areas) to get a
crack at the DX? Not one that I know of.


Frankly, mainline DXpeditions have to call by direction, or number, or
country, or something, because it is a valid way of reducing the pile
somewhat, even if not always to manageable proportions. A directional to NA,
EU and JA is justified, given the numbers of DXers in each of those areas,
but the rest of the world (OC, SA, AF, AN, AS (minus JA)  - and even
sub-sets of some of the above ie Caribbean, Scandanavia, etc) simply do not
earn the right to expect such a service - again, based only on the relative
strengths of their Dxing numbers


I don't have the answer, and I don't think anyone who reads this post does
either - sorry about that!


But, I have no complaints. I am retired, have plenty of time, and being in
VK realise that I will never be able to compete at the top end, due to
fundamental propagation facts of life. But I will have a lot of fun trying.


Regards to all DXers.



Ernie Walls VK3FM




Mobile 0418 301 483


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2007-10-31 Thread Ernie Walls
FWIW, I have worked Herik many times, and as a result I have requested
his QSL, direct, on four occasions, for four different band QSOs.


My notes retained in my log state that I used two slightly different
addresses, one ending with 'Reunion Island via France', and the other
just 'France'.


Three of the requests made it OK - the fourth I had to send twice. But
interestingly, from this particular request I also received a buro card
sometime after I had also received a card from my second request.


All these requests were prior to the turn of the century - but it at
least confirms that he used to QSL quite OK.


Like was posted here a couple of days ago, I had been advised not to
address it directly to Reunion, but to direct it through the French
postal system. It seems to work - not only here, but on many other
directs for cards from the French outposts.


For the same reason, exactly, I send cards for Mongolia 'via Japan'.
Works wonderfully well. 

Ernie Walls VK3FM 


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[DX-CHAT] SSB on 30 metres

2006-01-26 Thread Ernie Walls
SSB is perfectly legal on 30 metres in VK - has been since day one.

Band plan suggests -

CW 10.100 to 10.150
SSB 10.115 to 10.140
Digital 10.140.to 10.150

Ernie Walls VK3FM

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Re: [DX-CHAT] FCC proposes to drop morse code requirement for all licence classes.

2005-07-21 Thread Ernie Walls
Hello all.

For longer than I can remember, I have followed the various trials and
tribulations of the ham radio fraternity through the eyes of the various
reflectors to which I subscribe.

I have witnessed some of the most horrible angst one can imagine a
fellow ham could possibly bear, as well as the highest of highs,
covering more subjects than I care to recall.

I can declare that all of these threads have led to NO change whatsoever
to the greater scheme of things at this QTH - life has, indubitably,
moved on. 

To all my 'W' friends who believe this latest FCC proposal is 'the end
of civilisation as we know it', 'the last roll of the dice', 'the final
straw', etc, can I suggest you grit your teeth , think FORWARD, and
enjoy the hobby you so obviously love, and EMAIL ME directly in twelve
months if you can identify a SINGLE difference to your hobby as a result
of this determination (assuming that it does, indeed, go through in due

Australia dropped morse completely some time ago as a licence
requirement, and let me tell you, folks, that it made not a JOT of
practical difference to the hobby in VK. CW is alive and well, for those
who are interested, and is a thing of the past, like B&W television, and
paper $, to those who are not.

I will not get into any further conversation about the merits of this
latest proposal because we all will have an opinion that is somewhat
valid, and honestly held.

I was moved to these comments only because of a casual conversation
quite some time ago now, with both my sons, and my son in law, who ALL
wondered aloud, and non too subtly, why a hobby such as ham radio would
proclaim its 'modernity' at the same time it struggles to lessen its
embrace of something that has been declared 'past its use by date' by
the rest of the world.

Frankly, I could give them no sensible answer.

Fellow hams, there IS life beyond code tests - its called SSTV, ATV,
phone, SSB, FM, PSK, Amtor, Pactor, Throb, Moonbounce, SHF, etc etc etc
- before you go and die, ENJOY.

BTW, I am a COMPLETE EXTRA class ham here in VK - sat my code exam once,
and passed. I will own up though - it was only 10 WPM.

Good hamming to all.   

Ernie Walls VK3FM

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