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From:                   "Bernie McClenny, W3UR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     <dailydx@kkn.net>,
        "'The Weekly DX mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Sat, 11 Jun 2005 11:35:56 -0000
Organization:           The Daily DX
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Subject:                [The Daily DX] CY9SS - UPDATE
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I know many of you have been wondering what happened to CY9SS.  
Ken McCormick, tells The Daily DX the CY9SS DXpedition temporarily
went QRT yesterday just prior to 1800Z.  As you all will recall they
had a tuff landing losing several sections of tower and a generator 
the ocean.  The weather also has not been very kind.  Yesterday one 
the team members was air lifted off the island and taken to a 
in Nova Scotia.  Around 2130Z yesterday K1LZ, Krassy Petkov, broke a
leg.  The helicopter crew, paramedics, Krassy and KY1V, David, left
the island via a Canadian Search and Rescue helicopter around 0015Z
today.  KY1V, David, is OK he went along with Krassy to help out.  On
top of all the other things that have happened, last night a major
storm with lightning came through.  This too kept the CY9SS team off
the air last night.  The CY9SS crew is now down to four operators and
will be back on the air as soon as they can manage.  In fact as of
this time (1130Z) CY9SS is QRV on 6 meters on 50103.  Tuesday 
June 15th, another five operators are expected on the island, weather
permitting.  Despite the weather on the island the first three days 
operation of CY9SS the team will continue until about July 7th.    

Bernie McClenny, W3UR

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