With great sorrow, I am not pleased to report that once again, some 
AOL subcriber has complained that the reflector is spamming his mail 
box and once again, Urb is getting the warning notices and once 
again, for the last time, I am/have unsubscribed all AOL subscribers 
from the DXR.  I have moved them to a distributionj list I have set 
up on my earthlink account so that you/they will at least get a 
digest version of the daily "traffic"

Urb is very concerned that this latest go-around will affect his 
business and with that in mind I did what I had to quickly and 
without notice

Since doing this yesterday, the warnings have ceased, so at least we 
havce narrowed down the "suspects" to 7 individuals (no I am not 
pointing fingers..yet) 

I/we will continue this policy indefinitely, or intil we can find a 
way of dealing with this problem.  Why someone who voluntarily 
subscribes to a mailing list then complains when they get mail is 
beyond me.  Obviously a person with no life other than to make others 
as miserable as he/she.

Anyway, I apologize for any inconvenience. We try to run this as best 
we can with the limited resources available.  We prefer not to go to 
the Yahoo-type boards because then we lose control of how things are 

As it was 

so let it be written, so let it be done 

Steven - KF2TI
Systems Administrator
NJDXA DXR Reflector

outgoing mail scanned with Norton's NAV2005

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