Hellooooooo... I think I know the answer to this one. Finally I can help
some one back.
 Avery 8160 is same as 5160. So choose 5160  as your label size, and try
printing. See it that works for you.
 Should be EZ fix.
Also look at the Inkjet label box in small print it  references (same as
Avery 5160).
Happy Printing! Bernie/WO2N.>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Maass" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "DX4WIN Mailing List" <dx4win@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 8:27 PM
Subject: [Dx4win] QSL Labels and Avery 8160 Labels

> After getting all my recent PJ2/K8ND 160m QSOs imported to
> DX4WIN, I'm printing QSL info labels for the first time. I am
> using DX4WIN with a HP Deskjet 990Cse printer and Avery
> 8160 labels.
> I'm having a problem that doesn't seem specifically related to
> DX4WIN, but to something else in setting up for these labels.
> Perhaps someone can share similar experiences and
> solutions?
> From Word (Office 2000) or DX4WIN, the labels do not align
> with the labels on the sheet. The first is off (too far down by 1/4-inch
> or so), but they *all* seem  spaced incorrectly relative to each
> other, as if the 8160 template were wrong in both Word 2000
> *and* DX4WIN (I know - unlikely). Even if the first label were
> aligned correctly, each subsequent rows would "walk" down,
> with each label starting lower in the label space.
> There could be some misconfiguration of the printer, but I
> would think that this should be handled by the printer driver
> based on the template rather than requiring any kind of
> manual setup?
> Any ideas?
>  Jeff Maass       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Located near Columbus Ohio
>          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
> Maass' IPSC Resources:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/index.html
> Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm
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