[e-gold-list] Re: Lateko: BE warned!

2002-12-01 Thread Colonel Bosco
Considering that that vast majority of these so called *anonymous* debit 
cards are used for criminal activity, I don't blame them for slamming your 
acct's down.  i.e. Just about all the crooks who rip-off e-gold acct's (via 
key loggers, auction fraud, etc..) use Cards like the one you so vigorously 
peddled to get their pilfered funds in their dirty little hands.

IMHO Companies who acted in this irresponsible and unethical behavior aided 
and abetted thievery and deserve what they have coming! After all this (+ 
ospyrite) you still want to peddle anonymous cards - your signature says:  
get your no-name card now

If you want to be the front man (fencer) for fraud, as well as aid thieves 
and money launderers then you shouldn't complain when you get treated the 
way you do by a Bank.

You Sir, are the proverbial loose cannon!  With your Banking track record 
(of constantly having acct's closed, frozen, or being asked to leave) if I 
were a Bank manager (and saw you coming) I would Pay You to NOT open an acct 
with my Bank!!


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[e-gold-list] Re: fastgold

2002-12-01 Thread Colonel Bosco
I have seen a few of these types of requests recently.

Judging by recent events regarding Ospyrite I would suggest checking 
International Airports in Oklahoma.  Look for someone with a one way ticket 
out of the USA and displaying nervous tendencies while checking over their 
shoulder often.

You may also want to check with the US District Attorneys office in Tulsa 
too.  If all of the above fail you can always check cell pod #8, sect #116 
Blcok #10 - at the Marion FPC (Federal Penitentiary Center).

Who knows?


Can someone please help me locate Mr James Shupperd? How can I contact


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[e-gold-list] Re: Lateko: BE warned!

2002-12-01 Thread Colonel Bosco
No-one said anything about Security.

If you wish to use YOUR Company to be a front for illegal activity then feel 
free to do so.  Just make sure you charge enough for the service to set 
aside some money for high-power attorneys that can bail you out (they don't 
come cheap) WTSHTF.  Then don't bitch and whine about your Bank acct's 
getting closed all the time, with Mr. Kelly it seems to be on an almost 
constant basis (or every several months anyway).

It seems the Companies who operate in a less than professional manner are 
the ones who are dragging down (as your quote references below) reputations 
in the DGC community, not me!

If the DGC community DOES NOT Police itself (and do so quickly) then you 
WILL see Governmental Regulation and Enforcement.  Either clean the DGC 
system up from the inside out and gain mainstream acceptance, or do nothing 
and watch the system destroyed.


You and they are like drowning non-swimmers thrashing
about in the water. Pay them no heed nor get close or they will drag you 
down with them.

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[e-gold-list] Lawsuit

2002-11-24 Thread Colonel Bosco
I don't know?  It seems pretty simple to me.  If you don't want to be 
subject to US courts or US laws then don't do business with US residents. 
Refuse it!  Then you don't have to worry about being sued in US Courts if 
you get involved in something like OSPyrite or many of the other Ponzis out 

Don't accept US business, don't use US Banks, etc..   If you do the 
opposite, then offshore jurisdiction bullshit means nothing.  It's all an 
illusion peddled by snake oil salesman who make a lot of money selling false 

These guys all want the money from US residents,, but WTSHTF they want to 
run to some offshore Banana Republic for protection and say: hey, why am I 
having problems? I'm not even a US Company??...


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[e-gold-list] Re: Visit Gold

2002-11-19 Thread Colonel Bosco
In theory it all sounds good and well.  However the clearances required to 
even get close to where bullion repositories are located are stringent.

The extra clearances to get inside are even more stringent, at least so I am 

I am sure that Via-Mat or Brinks or whomever would simply open their doors 
to any Joe Schmoe who shows up on their doorstep and says: Hey, I have an 
acct at E_gold that has about 25 grams in it (or if it's an acct at GMoney 
then you would be saying; I have an acct at GM that has about 1/2 a gram in 
it) -- do you to terribly mind if I come in and browse around a bit because 
I want to make sure that you REALLY have my $255 worth of Gold in your 

I have a pretty good feeling you would get your rear-end booted about as far 
as 1/2 dozen heavily armed Guards could throw you.

As far as I am concerned, if you don't trust the issuer than don't do 
business with them, period!!

All this crap about audits and such is because of SR and OSpyrite (a 
description I coined BTW) -- Two companies that had NO experience in the 
Precious Metals business and had NO business running a metals backed 

E-gold and GMoney require a minimum redemption of 400oz Bars -- take your 
400 Oz's and tell them to ship you a Bar if you don't trust them.

E-Bullion is even easier to trust as far as I am concerned, because they 
don't limit you to 400oz Bars and you can redeem as little as a KiloBar.

IMHO if you have any questions about credibility then you should apply them 
to a Company that requires you to shell out over $120K to see the Gold!!

Here again it all reduces to the fact that if you don't trust them don't buy 
or sell their product! Period.  If you think you can do a better job at it 
then build your own GBC and have at it!  After browsing all the whining 
about GBC's on this list over the last Year or so I would think it would be 
more appealing to stick needles in my eyeballs!


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[e-gold-list] Re: Visit Gold

2002-11-19 Thread Colonel Bosco
Wow, them thare are pretty big words Jimbo.  I may have to go get one of 
them College boys to translate your last mail to me?

Whooo Boy, you can shoot that mouth of yours as fast as an M-60 in 

The fact is that you get your *peebles off* (rocks would be much to generous 
a description) telling other people how their Companies should be managed.

WTF are you to make demands on management of GBC's?  Are you a major 
shareholder? Have you ever built one? Managed one? Sold one? etc..

Or are you simply content sitting on the fence pretending to be the wise old 
Owl of the GBC community?  You didn't even know what a GBC was until you 
fumbled across the e-gold site (while in a drunken stupor) one night a 
couple of years ago.

Whenever you are countered in any forum you reply with veiled insults and 
displays of your superior intellect!!

The needles in the eye comment was referencing my opinion of being a 
superior experience than to have to read the constant whining and dribble on 
these forums..  As far as you having the honor on inserting the needles, I 
think not friend. I would roll you like a week old doughnut and then charge 
you $35 for removing my boot from your ass!!

You shouldn't talk like a real Texan (when you're not) and let your mouth 
write checks your body (or will) can't Cash. You're a Houstonite remember?

What'd you do there anyway?  Make about $165K a year at Nasa designing 
defective *O-Ring*gaskets that fail and blow up Space Shuttles or 
something??  Or where you in quality control on the Hubbell Space Telescope 
project??  I forget??

Tell Ole' Danny Goldin I said Hello the next time you see Him, I haven't 
pow-wowed with Him since the Mid 90's.

You and Turk are a lot alike, both of you always want to run around and 
stick your noses in others peoples business.  If you spent as much time 
working on your own businesses as you do commenting on the management of 
others (like Turkie) then you would be a friggin' Billionaire by now.


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[e-gold-list] Anti-Tax Rally labeled Extremists'

2002-11-16 Thread Colonel Bosco
I guess the next level of escalation will be classification as Terrorist's 
and shipment to re-education camps in NYC??


Anti-Tax Group Makes 'Final Warning' to Federal Government
By Michael L. Betsch
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
November 15, 2002

Washington (CNSNews.com) - A cross-country anti-tax rally culminated in the 
nation's capital Thursday, with several hundred protestors warning all 
branches of the federal government to obey the Constitution, or else.

The conservatives and Libertarians attending the rally said their protest 
should serve as a wake-up call to lawmakers, but the Anti-Defamation League 
regards the protest as an extremist threat.

The tax protest movement is a right-wing extremist movement, said Mark 
Pitcavage, director of fact finding for the ADL. You're not talking about 
tax reformers here. You're talking about people who have incredible 
conspiracy theories about the government.

The ADL considers those who organized and attended the anti-tax rally to be 
such a serious threat, that the ADL included the group on its monthly 
calendar of extremist events. Pitcavage said that the event's organizer - 
a group called We The People Congress - advocates an agenda that is so 
far out of the mainstream that the group has effectively disenfranchised 
itself from the rest of American society.

These are people who do not think simply that taxes are too high or want 
tax reform, Pitcavage said. They have convinced themselves they do not 
have to pay taxes and that there's a major government conspiracy designed to 
cover-up that fact.

Pitcavage also warned that the anti-tax movement is not confined to protest 

It's also a movement that has been linked strongly to violence; to attacks 
on IRS agents; to blowing up IRS offices, as well as many other crimes, he 
said. There's a great deal of criminal activity associated with the 

'Turn back time'

A spokesman for We The People Congress dismissed the ADL's accusations as 
an incredible propaganda campaign. Mike Bodine said the sole purpose of 
the anti-tax rally (called Freedom Drive 2002) is to restore the 
Constitution to what it was in 1788.

Frankly, I don't understand how trying to uphold and defend the 
Constitution of this nation can be construed to be an extremist event by 
anybody, Bodine said. Unfortunately, we do question government, he added.

According to Bodine, his group has issued four petitions for redress of 
grievances to the federal government. Those petitions challenge the 
constitutional legitimacy and legality of the federal income tax; the 
Federal Reserve; the War Powers clause; and the USA Patriot Act.

The first petition states that there is no legal authority for the federal 
government to enforce the federal income tax on average Americans. He said 
research conducted by We The People Congress includes the sworn testimony of 
IRS agents and CPAs who support the group's claim.

The second petition accuses the federal government of auctioning off the 
U.S. Treasury to the highest bidding corporations, financiers and campaign 

We The People Congress has also demanded that Congress and the president 
adhere to the Constitution's War Powers clause in the imminent war against 
Iraq. Bodine said the Constitution mandates that Congress must pass a formal 
declaration of war before the U.S. can commit troops to battle. A 
resolution, such as that recently passed by Congress, is not enough, the 
group insists.

The reason that they don't make a formal declaration of war anymore, and 
that we haven't since World War II, is that it's very, very politically 
difficult to do, Bodine said. But that's exactly why the Founding Fathers 
put it in there. It was supposed to be difficult to do.

Bodine said his group's final petition condemns Congress for passing the USA 
Patriot Act, which he said, contains language that clearly violates the 
Constitution. According to Bodine, the law makes it legal for law 
enforcement officials to disregard the search and seizure clause contained 
in the Fourth Amendment.

Armed and angry

We're trying to give the government a warning, kind of like a final 
warning, said Rick Stanley, a Denver businessman and member of the 
Libertarian Party, who recently tried to unseat Sen. Wayne Allard (R-Colo.).

Last March, Stanley released a comprehensive list of demands, including 
repeal of all unconstitutional laws at all levels of government. In other 
words, they've been given the petition for redress of grievances many times, 
and the bottom line is we want them to obey the Constitution...or else, he 

Asked what or else means, Stanley was evasive, but he hinted at armed 
rebellion, mentioning a Million Gun March he is planning for July 4, 2003.

We're coming [to Washington] to make sure that they [the government] comply 
with the Constitution and with our petition demands.

[e-gold-list] SpyCop

2002-11-16 Thread Colonel Bosco
This stuff is supposed to detect keyloggers and hack-ware -- does anyone 
have any experience with this software or are their claims just B.S.??  
Qualified opinions on whether it works please..


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[e-gold-list] Re: warning, Free-market.net forum message contains suspect code

2002-11-11 Thread Colonel Bosco
Posting a malicious link was certainly not my intent, I had several links 
included in the mail post you reference.

If I had been aware that particular link was suspect then I certainly 
wouldn't have published it.

However, the strange thing about this situation is that when I viewed the 
link from Within the FM.net pages there was NO malicious activity -- for 
some reason it seems that the link becomes a problem ONLY when you click 
through from OUTSIDE the FM.net web site.  Therefore I was unaware that 
there was a potential problem, and I don't know enough about coding to even 
judge if the link IS a malicious URL or not?

Maybe someone more educated about these thing's can check it out and 


From: Jim Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [e-gold-list] warning, Free-market.net forum message contains 
suspect code

Dear Colonel Bosco,

You posted this link:


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[e-gold-list] FreeMarket List

2002-11-10 Thread Colonel Bosco
I occassionally check out the e-gold list at the Freemarket.net site, and I 
have noticed a couple of heated threads regarding fraud within the GBC 
community that may interest readers here.






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[e-gold-list] Good Read..

2002-10-29 Thread Colonel Bosco
A little off topic but a great article none the less...

Lew Rockwell Site.


You have to view the images in the article for full effect of the points 

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[e-gold-list] Re: Good Read..

2002-10-29 Thread Colonel Bosco
I disagree strongly and completely.  You never point a loaded weapon at 
ANYTHING unless you intend on dropping the hammer on what you're pointing 

If these yahoo's were in the Military they would have been slapped silly 
until they sprung a few leaks for handling weapons in this manner.

This is typical *in your face* - LEO - intimidation tactics, plus the fact 
that Cops are just about scared of anything that moves nowadays, they always 
have an itchy trigger finger to scratch.

This is deplorable behavior, and it conveys just how ineffective and 
desperate the modern Civilian Law Enforcement community really is.

By the way -- the cop finger you pointed out was a tactic initiated by the 
Military, not Police.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Cash Cards Customer Service

2002-10-04 Thread Colonel Bosco

Wow, those are pretty interesting comments coming from someone who resides 
in a Ultra-Socialistic/ Semi-Communist State such as Z.A.

Heck, according to Z.A. Law citizens aren't even allowed to own Gold in the 
1st place, so I guess GBC's are one of those gray areas (for now).

The way things are going I would bet that Z.A. will be *Zimbabe-ized* in 
another year or so.  Such a shame to see it happen too, but that will 
probably be good for a decent spike in spot prices when the Country falls 
apart and the Mines shut down, because the people that know how to run 
things will either flee or be killed by disease (and) or rioting.

From: Fred Michaelis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Cash Cards Customer Service
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 23:22:05 -0400

Why would anyone want a card based in the USA?  We E-gold people need our
own smart-card system.  I haven't found one card that I am happy with.
They cost to much, have no real privicy

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[e-gold-list] Re: Dismissed without Prejudice

2002-09-27 Thread Colonel Bosco

Get serious..  If GM can't prove infringement NOW what the hell can they 
prove in another year, or two or three??  The system that IS E-Gold will not 
change in the next several quarters to SUDDENLY infringe upon GM and 
Turkie's Patent's -- it's all BS on GM's part to save face.

GM sold a lot of big-wig backers on his patent issue and now that's all 

Kinda like the bully in the kiddie park who lost a fight -- Here's Turk: 
yeah, you kicked my ass this time, but next time I am coming back with 
friends and we'll get you THEN, so look out,, next time it's your turn,, 
yeah,, yeah,, you wait till then, you'll see!!

Oh yeah, JPM I guess you better pucker UP Baby, and try to get back on 
E-Gold's good side after all the S**t you were talking (in favor of GM) back 
when the Patent-suit was launched.  If I were Jackson, I would kick your 
1MDC right out of the E-Gold system..


To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Dismissed without Prejudice

So, if GM can bring the suit again in the future it still isn't a dead

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[e-gold-list] Re: Why would anyone need Pay Pal?

2002-09-21 Thread Colonel Bosco

That more then rocks, sounds like suicide to me since ACH transfers can be 
reversed 90 to 180 days after they complete.

Have fun, I am sure the crooks using E-Gold will catch up with you soon..


John Kyle wrote:
We basically do this right now. We have customers who have told their
employers to deposit a portion of their paycheck every pay cycle directly
into our account via ACH. Then we later credit that person's e-gold

That rocks.  It doesn't get much easier than that!

-- Patrick

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[e-gold-list] Re: E-Bullion

2002-08-13 Thread Colonel Bosco

I got an e-mail from their Admin earlier tonight that the Tech Dept is 
processing Database/ Security upgrades over the next several days and they 
are requiring acct holders to change passwords by either calling the office 
or by requesting a password reset Online.

Check the e-mail address your acct is linked to, as this is where I received 
my notice.

They also mentioned that if you are using a CryptoCard that the password 
update doesn't apply.

Hope this helps.


To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [e-gold-list] E-Bullion
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 00:50:18 -0500

Can anyone else get into their E-Bullion account now? It would do my heart
good to know that it's a system error.


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[e-gold-list] Re: E-Bullion

2002-08-13 Thread Colonel Bosco

I can only pass on what I received in my e-mail, I have friends who have 
E-Bullion accts and they got the same mail as me.

As far as why? - I don't know.

But I actually have seen this happen before in the past with a Company I 
worked for, who did this same thing randomly and unannounced as a security 

I also saw it happen another time when a Key Person on a project we were 
assigned was terminated.

The move was Kind of like a crazy Ivan (Red October)-- during the cold war 
when Russian Submarines would suddenly zig-zag their course to see who was 
in their Sonar baffles.


Everyone has to change their passwords? What, did all the passwords get
stolen by a hacker? I don't see any other reason this would be necessary.

- John

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[e-gold-list] Re: Xchangers, fraud scams

2002-07-06 Thread Colonel Bosco

Man, you're angry! which is likely justified, but there are Two points/ 
issues here and it's unclear if you lost your money at Standard Reserve or 

1) If you lost you money at OSpyrite then the only person you should be 
angry at is yourself!  Don't Tar the legitimate GBC's with OSPyrites brush.  
OSPyrite has always been a joke -- unfortunately the joke is on the users!  
Frankly, the sooner they disappear the better the Industry will be..

2) Standard Reserve is horse of another color entirely.  There is supposedly 
fraud involved, lawsuits, the fact that E-Gold executives or E-Gold itself 
was a major owner of SR, etc..

Now, whether the SR problem was handled correctly is open to debate!

Personally, I think E-gold Management mad a big mistake the way SR was 
handled.  An executive decision should have been made to cover the losses at 
SR -- protect the acct holders -- and THEN try to recover the losses on an 
executive level or write off what couldn't be recovered.

Of course the easiest way would have been to send a hit team to Elwyns crib 
and recover the funds one way or another, but the management at E-Gold 
doesn't have this kind of pull so lawyers will have to fill in.

The reasoning for this is, the SR problem muddies the water for E-Gold -and 
makes people wonder (reasonable people) : if similar situations arose would 
they shut down e-gold too?

To Protect E-Gold -- they should have stepped up and said: Yeah, the 
situation got out of control -- we bear some responsibility because we are 
major equity holders of SR -- and we will see that the accts are settled and 
We will take the hit here.

IF that had been done, E-Gold would have come out of this smelling like 
roses!!  As a matter of fact, a PR man couldn't have engineered a BETTER 
situation!!  All the acct holders would have walked away satisfied, and 
E-Gold would have been elevated to a level beyond reproach because they 
stepped in and *did the right thing* and repaired damage that was caused by 
an affiliate, and EVERYONE would be singing the praises of how E-Gold is 
rock-solid and you don't every have to worry about your money there!!

Before you knitpickers go bonkers,, I am referring to E-gold in the generic 
sense here and not concerned with the alphabet soup of companies that make 
up E-gold and SR.

Joe Six pack doesn't care about the governance either -- he just knows that 
E-gold and SR are related at an executive level..

That's my 4cents worth.


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[e-gold-list] re: Xchangers, fraud scams

2002-07-06 Thread Colonel Bosco

I would tend to agree with you on some points.  Particularly the issue of 
guilt by association.

E-gold shouldn't have allowed trash like OSpyrite to exchange their credits 
on an on-par basis. Allowing equal exchanges of a REAL GBC with worthless 
stuff (like OSpyrite) simply cheapens the GBC that actually goes to the 
trouble of buying real gold as reserves.

At the very least they (E-Gold) should have discouraged the exchanges and 
even harassed OSpyrite itself by closing OSpyrites e-gold accounts and 
FORCING Ospyrite to supply credentials for their accts, and done whatever 
was needed to convince OSpyrite to close up shop and move somewhere else 
(like to GoldMoney they could sure use the business!).

Hey, they did that with Costagold (and) do it with other HYIP's, WHY or 
didn't they do this with OSpyrite (which is a HYIP also)??

They fact that this wasn't done should raise some serious questions about 
the relations between the Two entities or questions about the competence of 
E-Gold's management?

At the very least this lack of action shows the public that E-gold exec's 
DON'T really believe that THEIR product is superior to junk like OSpyrite.

IF they had made some effort to do this (and prevent OR discourage ON PAR 
exchanges of OSpyrite) -- then at least they could now say I told you so -- 
we did what we could to distance and DIFFERENTIATE E-gold from OSpyrite, 
don't blame us.

I notice that some other GBC's actually make an effort to distance 
themselves from operations like OSpyrite, E-gold hasn't, at least not 
publicly (where it counts).

As far as the SR fiasco, IMO E-Gold also should have handled that 
differently (like my previous post) but they didn't.

Are people unjustified to think that if E-Gold is incompetent to oversee SR 
what makes my E-gold safe??  I think not!

This is exactly the kind of stuff I was talking about a few days ago 

IMHO -- I require that MY Issuer be experienced with WHAT they issue, and 
the only GBC on the market with experience in trading and handling precious 
metals (and I don't mean writing a News Letter about PM's either) is 
E-bullion.  But that's just my opinion, however I sleep better at night with 
this rule in place.  It all depends on how much risk YOU wish to assume when 
you make YOUR choice?

Because of E-gold and OSpyrites incompetence, the ENTIRE Industry is 
suffering a black eye now and that's not good for business or good for acct 


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[e-gold-list] Professionals.

2002-07-03 Thread Colonel Bosco

With all that is going on with the Standard Reserve and OSPyrite, it's nice 
to know that there are some Professionals involved with Issuers of GBC.

I am not referencing the secondary market and exchange providers -- I mean 
from the issuer side of the table entirely.

If I had a broken transmission in my car I wouldn't take it to be fixed by a 
painter, so it naturally extrapolates that your issuer should have 
experience with what they issue.

These are some Press Release's I just noticed on the wire while browsing for 
metals news.


Yahoo Finance link:


Canada Finance link:



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[e-gold-list] RE: [dgc.chat] RE: OSGold market ?!

2002-07-02 Thread Colonel Bosco

Heh,,heh,,  I was wondering how long it would take for people to PAY to get 
rid of their OS-PYRITE..

It's a friggin crime to call it OSGold so I nominate a NEW name -- 

$6.00 of E-gold for $300 of OS-pyrite -- that's pretty funny.

Oh, for those of you who don't know what pyrite is!


Pyrite is the classic Fool's Gold. There are other shiny brassy yellow 
minerals, but pyrite is by far the most common and the most often mistaken 
for gold. Whether it is the golden look or something else, pyrite is a 
favorite among rock collectors. It can have a beautiful luster and 
interesting crystals. It is so common in the earth's crust that it is found 
in almost every possible environment, hence it has a vast number of forms 
and varieties.

To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [e-gold-list] RE: [dgc.chat] RE: OSGold market ?!
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 15:34:24 -0500


I will give you 50:1 on it = $6.00 in e-gold for your $300 worth of

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[e-gold-list] Re: OSgold and market makers

2002-07-02 Thread Colonel Bosco

I would say that not only would your reputation be in question but, in 
todays litigious world I would bet it's only a matter of time before you end 
up in a lawsuit.

As a matter of fact, I would be surprised if someone hasn't already thought 
about suing an exchange provider for not fulfilling an outexchange.

Accepting a redemption without fulfilling it could possibly be viewed as 
negligence (regardless of OSPyrite's condition because the order WAS 

It may not be right -- but that's the way things and Courts are today..


To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [e-gold-list] OSgold and market makers
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 19:58:32 -0700 (PDT)


If you are a market maker (exchange provider) that holds OSgold
currency, and if a client comes to you today who wants to
purchase OSgold, and you sell him the currency without notifying
the client of the current situation, your reputation will be
harmed.  Count on it.



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[e-gold-list] Re: This is a must read for all of us.

2002-06-27 Thread Colonel Bosco

see below.

From: Crowne Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How do you explain the movements in the market today then?
Gold down DJIA saved by some unforseen miracle
dollar up?

The explanation is simple:  It's called trading. The facts are: there is 
MORE money in equities and bonds than there is in PM's -- therefore Traders 
and Brokers will do whatever is needed to try and preserve the status quo.

If that requires flipping PM's and using that money to prop up the DOW so be 

It isn't going to work,, it just prolongs the agony --- but if you can't 
stand the heat get out of the kitchen, and quit whining about 

When you have MORE money in the markets THEN THEY DO -- then you can 
manipulate markets too..  Until then the best thing to do is to THANK them 
for allowing you to buy metals at firesale prices.

*The trend is your friend*

If this is not manipulation I'll be.

So What!!!  ALL markets are manipulated by whomever has the most money at 
risk.. That my friend is a SAD BUT TRUE FACT of life.

You're just pissed because you aren't the one doing the manipulation.

Granted I do not believe in all of everything.

I disagree, I think you do believe everything that's written on the 

The thrust of the item was to make sure you have physical
possesion of your investments.

No, the thrust was, you trying to scare people into buying Crowne Gold -- 
specifically, you saying that Crowne Gold was Safer then physical 

Is there a problem with that?

IMHO -- I think so.  Because of these FEAR Mongers, the avg Joe Six pack 
doesn't know what to believe and takes the tact that *since the sky is 
falling and the end is near* what the hell do I need Gold for? I can't eat 
it -- and it ain't going to help me when I burn to a crisp in a Nuclear 
Holocaust, and IF I DO buy some,, Uncle Sam is simply going to confiscate 

All this *scare em up* bullshit is hurting gold sales more them helping 

Hocus Pocus my ass, do you think the 1000 people arrested for alleged 
or another since 9-11 believe in Big brother?

Personally, I don't have 1st hand knowledge of this so all I could do is 
speculate (which is what you do freely), and I really don't believe much of 
what the Media publishes.

There is ALWAYS another side to the *official* party-line.

If you're so scared of Big Brother, why would you choose to live here?  If I 
was as concerned as you I would pack up and move OR campaign for change.


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[e-gold-list] Re: This is a must read for all of us.

2002-06-27 Thread Colonel Bosco


From: Gimme Shelter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This was a requested piece from ancient times, that was asked to be
brought forth again.

Ancient Times???  1995   whoa...

Who asked that *IT* be brought forth again?

All of us understood the initial article to be for

I think you presume to much.  So what you're trying to say is that there 
must be something wrong with little ole' Me because everyone else 

At the time of the article and prediction, those of us on the inside of
the initial conversation were merely relating to the task that was being

Oh,, sorry I didn't know that this article was some thesis being discussed 
by members of a Secret Society with inside information.

Sorry for transgressing O' Grand Poobah..

By the way did you get to the point of what your certificates were doing?

I don't own Certs -- and I sure wouldn't trust my Gold to someone that 
doesn't even understand the basics of market movements, bear/ bull markets 
and how they evolve, or someone who forms their opinions (of where the 
metals markets are going) by using the kind of worthless drivel that was 
posted yesterday!


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[e-gold-list] Re: strange ..

2002-06-27 Thread Colonel Bosco

I don't know about Goldfinger -- but from their website it looks as if this 
Company accepts E-Bullion AND E-gold for Gold Coins.



To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [e-gold-list] strange ..
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 16:31:40 -0500

there must be someone who accepts e-gold (or any DGC) for purchase of 
bullion coins?

Goldfinger .. no ??

Just curious .. JP

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[e-gold-list] Re: This is a must read for all of us.

2002-06-26 Thread Colonel Bosco

Man, do you really believe all this hocus-pocus B.S.??

The article says the meltdown was scheduled for 1996 -- it's now 2002,, 
reminds me of the Y2K ridiculous-ness.

The real *mark of the beast* is these people who are fear mongers, and see a 
secret G-Man hiding behind every Tree..

You give the FRsrve and the Big-Govt way to much credit,, they are nowhere 
close to being the all-seeing Nemisis these *chicken-littles* are always 
clucking about.


From: Gimme Shelter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [e-gold-list] This is a must read for all of us.
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 13:50:39 -0400


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[e-gold-list] Re: This is a must read for all of us.

2002-06-26 Thread Colonel Bosco

Whoops,, so much for the *best kept secret in America* (as described in your 

The DTC srewed up big time and forgot to hide their Web Site!!!  QUICK check 
it out before Alan Greenspan finds out about this e-mail and orders the site 


BTW:  here's a Top Secret list of DTCC's Board of Directors...

DTCC’s Board is made up of 21 directors who also serve as directors of the 
company’s operating subsidiaries. Seventeen are from participants including 
international broker-dealers, correspondent and clearing banks, mutual fund 
companies and investment banks. Two directors are designated by DTCC’s 
preferred shareholders: NASD and the New York Stock Exchange. The remaining 
two are the chairman and chief operating officer of DTCC itself. Individuals 
are nominated for election as directors based on their ability to represent 
participants of each of DTCC’s operating subsidiaries, and Board committees 
are specifically structured to help achieve this objective.

The list includes:

Bradley Abelow
Managing Director
Goldman Sachs

Michael C. Bodson
Managing Director
Morgan Stanley

Jonathan E. Beyman
Chief Information Officer
Lehman Brothers

Frank J. Bisignano
Chief Administrative Officer and Senior Executive Vice President
Citigroup / Solomon Smith Barney's Corporate Investment Bank

Stephen P. Casper
Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer
Fischer Francis Trees  Watts, Inc.

Jill M. Considine
Chairman, President  Chief Executive Officer
The Depository Trust  Clearing Corporation (DTCC)

Dennis J. Dirks
Chief Operating Officer
The Depository Trust  Clearing Corporation (DTCC)

Mary M. Fenoglio
Executive Vice President
State Street Corporation

George Hrabovsky
Alliance Global Investors Service

Ronald J. Kessler
Vice Chairman
A.G. Edwards  Sons, Inc.

Catherine Kinney
President, Co-Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice Chairman
New York Stock Exchange

Peter B. Madoff
Senior Managing Director
Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities

James H. Messenger
Chief Executive Officer
National Financial Services LLC

Eileen K. Murray
Managing Director and Global Head of Technology and Operations
Credit Suisse First Boston

Thomas J. Perna
Senior Executive Vice President
Financial Companies Services Sector of The Bank of New York

Ronald Purpora
Chief Executive Officer
Garban LLC

Peter Quick
American Stock Exchange (Amex)

Robert H. Silver
Executive Vice President and President of PaineWebber Services
UBS PaineWebber Inc.

Thompson M. Swayne
Executive Vice President
JPMorgan Chase

Arthur L. Thomas
Senior Vice President, Chairman
Merrill Lynch Securities Services Division

James W. Zeigon
Managing Director
Deutsche Bank AG


From: Gimme Shelter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [e-gold-list] This is a must read for all of us.
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 13:50:39 -0400


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[e-gold-list] List Confusion

2002-06-04 Thread Colonel Bosco

Man,, you've been dogging e-gold (for days now) over their specifics, but 
then you answer a question about 1mdc's accounting practices like this 
mish-mash answer below!!

If you're so unhappy with e-gold why don't you back 1mdc with Gold Money so 
we don't have to read 500 e-mails making mountains of mole-hills.


You yourself said that both the E-Gold Trust and 1mdc should disclose
their balance sheets, so as to conform with solid business practice.

note really man! ...
 (2) with the caveat that 1m, like goldMoney, operates in a no, we
 DON'T tell you how much is in circulation mode.

You also said I can simply ask (almost) anything I want to know about the
1mdc operation.

OK, I want to know these numbers:

Assets of 1mdc   = ?

Well, really just the value of the software.  Now, ISL sells the
DGCPak for about 100 grand, so you could put an accounting value on
all of 1mdc's assets of about 100 grand.

Depending on what sort of accounting practices you're into, you could
argue that the brand has a fairly high value.

Liabilities of 1mdc  = ?

It has none.  The only expense I can think of is hosting, it is paid
~3.5 months ahead of time currently.  There'll be another liability
when the next bill arrives.

Conceivably, 1mdc owes ISL for the programming.  ie, since ISL wholly
owns 1mdc, ISL could make that a liability by fiat any time (say, in
advance of a sale, you know?)  But that's just mumbo jumbo :)

Just as a curisoity, generaly speaking you would never, ever want a
DGC to be in the red' [that's purely my business opinion], so 1mdc
will never have any debts [while I'm at the helm]

note --- [1]

Equity of 1mdc   = ?

0.00  {1mdc has a 1mdcGrams account in which profits, etc, might
accrue, but it's balance is 0.00!}

It does have a small (trivial) 1mdcGrams slush account to allow for
the fact that e-gold continually withdraws storage fees and 1mdcGrams
pays 1mdcGrams users a matching bonus to use 1mdcGrams - but I can't
tell you the exact size of that as it would hint at the overall
circulation of 1mdcGrams! :)

I predict that you will not tell us any single one of these numbers, and 
certainly won't give us a full balance sheet.

Just state anything else you want to know in more detail  (examples
.. how much the web site design cost, or whatever -- i can't think of
an example, but anything you want to know .. type it out)

[1] PS, I think what you're trying to get at in the above is data in
relation to the e-gold in the 1mdcGrams system of which 1mdc is the
caretaker for 1mdcGrams users.  (We no more consider that a 1mdc
asset than a mini-storage company consders the sofas, etc, in the
sheds to be assets of the mini-storage company.)**  As it says
endlessly on the web site (and even if it didn't) Very simply,
instead of leaving your e-gold in your own e-gold account, you move
it to 1mdc's mass e-gold account where all 1mdc users hold their
e-gold grams.  and Don't forget, 1mdc-grams are simply e-gold moved
to a collective e-gold account, and with a simple double-entry
bookkeeping system on top: etc etc!

** PPS I'm an Ian Griggist  -(Hello Ian!!)   the IDEAL situation
would be if 1mdc Ltd didn't even KNOW much about the 1mdcGrams in
ciculation; for example, 1mdcLtd may not even know the totals, etc.
also, it would ALL BE xml!

   If it can't scale fast and big you got nuthin'

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[e-gold-list] Nevermind!

2002-06-04 Thread Colonel Bosco

If you're so unhappy with e-gold why don't you back 1mdc with Gold Money so 
we don't have to read 500 e-mails making mountains of mole-hills.

Sorry, I forgot --- the answer to this one is that you would need more than 
Half a Dozen regular users/ customers to make 1MDC work, and using GMoney 
would make that prohibitive.

I don't think 1MDC could survive with just JPM, Clifford, Claude, James  
Jeffrey  Charles E. as the client base.

Nevermind, no response needed.  My apologies.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Horse still dead but shows signs of recovery

2002-05-23 Thread Colonel Bosco


From: C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Basically Ken is saying that you must be able to point to a distinct
  piece of something and say that's mine.  If you can't pick it up and
  carry it away with you, you can't own it.  (When I put it that way it
  sounds kind of absurd, doesn't it?)







Well if this is what he thinks... he is wrong. At least in the law of
many if not most countries, undivided property is a known concept
printed in the law books and totally accepted as a form of




  I'm sorry, Claude and Patrick, but CLEAR TITLE requires 100% ownership


BTW:  How (what) is GMN going to pay E-Gold's legal fees with when they get 
a judgement against them after the suit is lost?  Acct holders gold maybe?? 
That would worry me alot.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Horse still dead but responds well to IV drip

2002-05-23 Thread Colonel Bosco

You are referencing Joint_Property (bad example)..

If your wife AND you have a $100 bill in your safe you BOTH have claim to 
the asset -- you have claim to $50 and she to $50..  Now, you could change 
the $100 bill for Two $50's and settle the matter --- OR  you could cut 
the bill in 1/2 and each possess One half of the bill.  Now,, you might say 
that would be stupid, however, since the bill has SERIAL NUMBERS the two 
halves could be taped together at a later date and still be cashed at a bank 
for 100 -- one dollar bills.

IF THE TWO HALVES did not have MATCHING SERIAL NUMBERS then they would be 

LET'S TURN THIS EXAMPLE AROUND A BIT -- let's use the same dollar in your 
safe as the subject.  Now,, let's say you neighbor breaks into YOUR safe and 
steals that $100 bill??  You file a report and the Police happen to catch 
your neighbor with a whole bunch of $100 bills.  Now,, how are you going to 
prove WHICH $100 BILL (IF ANY) confiscated by the Police belongs to you??  
Well,, if you were smart enough to RECORD THE SERIAL NUMBER TO THE BILL 
(that was in your possession) then it becomes a simple matter of matching 
your bill number to the bills which are held by the Police.

WITHOUT the serial number you can't prove that YOU OWN THAT $100 BILL...

On to other examples...  Your shares of Microsoft,, guess what? Corporate 

When you bought your shares of Microsoft, UNLESS YOU SPECIFIED PHYSICAL 

You may THINK you own the actual shares --- but unless you have them 
delivered and REGISTERED to you,, then you only own a CLAIM to MSFT shares 
in the possession of (and owned by)your broker.

Even a grid system does not help you here.  Once the bad grams diffuse
through the system, you aren't going to track down the entire chain of
events and subtract from each affected account.

Now you are finally seeing the light.  You are EXACTLY RIGHT The system 
the GM patent.

Have you read the patent (I Have)?  Patent's are very specific,, and 
frankly, the system(s)that the Patent(s) describe(s) DOES (DO) NOT EXIST AT 

That's a damn good question.  If you catch the fake and you know who bailed
in the bar, you can zero out his account if he still has enough grams in 
account.  If he has already spent the grams to other people, then those
grams he spent are tainted.  They get passed around through the system very
quickly, and there's no way you can go in and nullify those specific grams
of lead in the exact accounts.

Now this is interesting Are you saying that there is RISK IN THE GMN 

Because according to the Patent (and) the ONLY REASON MR. TURK WAS GRANTED A 
PATENT,, was because He invented a new way to eliminate the risk of payment 
systems.  However, if the system that is described in the Patents EXISTED,, 
then you could actually easily track down the offending Fake gold -- it 
would be no different then culling counterfeit dollar bills from the vaults 
of the FedResrv.

So obviously, again on another point, the GMN does not even comply with 
their own Patent.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Horse still dead but responds well to IV drip

2002-05-23 Thread Colonel Bosco

You're missing the point. completely

You are comparing apples to oranges here with this ridiculous *water* 

You are comparing unallocated and unsegregated storage to allocated and 
segregated storage!!!

Your water example is UNALLOCATED AND UNSEGREGATED water - you have 

If your water bank was segregated and allocated then YOUR WATER would be 
held seperately from WATER OWNED BY OTHERS.  It is physically, and 
technically possible to allocate AND segregate the water -- however it is 
not economical to do so at this time because water is plentiful in most 
places.  In the future though, it is possible that water storage will be 
allocated and segregated should H2O become as rare as Gold.

This water rights example doesn't apply.. It doesn't apply to the issue of 
the Patent and Patent infringement.

However it is a another pretty good example of how GMN doesn't comply with 
the Patent --- as your GGrams are NOT ALLOCATED AND SEGREGATED AND TITLED to 
the owner of the GG's (as specified in the Patent).

They are comingled with GG's owned by others within the GMN network - just 
like your 1000 liters of water.


From: Patrick Chkoreff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Kenneth C. Griffith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The water bank owes you 1,000 liters.  But you don't own the water
  in the tank.

You do own the 1,000 liters.  That is why the water bank owes it to you.  
you didn't own it, they wouldn't owe it to you.  Why would they owe you
something you don't own?

-- Patrick

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[e-gold-list] Re: Horse still dead but responds well to IV drip

2002-05-23 Thread Colonel Bosco

My broker does not know that I own three specific shares #12038375,
#87289738, and #22703611.  He only knows that I own three shares.

Wrong.  UNLESS you have the shares physically delivered to you, he knows 
that YOU OWN a claim to three shares which are in the name of the brokerage 

You own three shares out of a pool of MSFT shares in the brokers name and in 
possession of the broker.

If you ordered physical delivery of the shares, then the Broker WOULD 
register those shares to you and deliver them out of their pool holdings.

But if you want a grid system, here's one.

I never said that *I* wanted a grid system.

Every day at midnight, the GoldMoney system devises a random mapping of 
physical gold gram (as a cube) to a specific account number, proportional 
account balance.  The mapping is determined by sampling the random noise at

There is not enough info here to comment on,, Randon sampling is used for 
many things.

There's your grid system.  It works because each gold gram is equivalent.

That's your opinion -- I haven't seen the details and the web site you 
referenced is not a GMN site.

It would be interesting to see when this supposed system was put in place?  
After they filed a lawsuit -- or was it built into the code originally?

Now I did read the patent a long time ago, and I don't remember the part
about individually numbering the gold grams.  Would you be so kind as to
direct me to the relevant section?

I never said the Patent specified this.  The serial # example was my way of 
making a point.


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[e-gold-list] Dell and Oracle?????

2002-05-23 Thread Colonel Bosco

Your point was that GoldMoney would have to implement some kind of serial
numbering system in order to have a patent claim.  They don't.  The
GoldMoney system in its current form conforms to Patent #5,671,364.

That wasn't what I implied -- it was a expression example to make a point 
regarding the Patent issue.  However, something simliar to this would be 
required to meet the Patent specs.

Re-read the Patents again as you have mis-interpreted the contents.

And we obviously disagree, so when the lawsuit is shredded in a US Court, we 
can all meet here again and discuss it further.

Now on another issue.  What's with the Dell and Oracle logos on the GMN 
(formerly named: partners page) safety page??  Is that supposed to imply 
that Dell and Oracle are partners/ affiliated with GMN??

If not,, and they are simply acknowledging that they (GMN) use Oracle 
software and Dell computers -- then WHY put the links NEXT TO links for 
their associations (like ViaMat)?


Man,, that's pretty chezzy  even by GM standards...


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[e-gold-list] Re: [dgc.chat] re: New Report

2002-05-21 Thread Colonel Bosco

This ground was already covered throughly last Feburary, for a full 
explanation see this article.


This article will take a closer look at some of the claims made by GoldMoney 
and ask some hard questions.

The question has been raised whether the term “backed” should be used in 
reference to digital gold currencies. There is some controversy surrounding 
this issue. James Turk, the founder of GoldMoney says, “I don't want to 
sound pedantic on this point, but I think it is important to note that 
GoldMoney is not a “Gold Backed Currency (GBC)”. GoldGrams are not backed by 
gold; rather, they are gold. GBC's are a thing of the past, and a throwback 
to fractional reserve banking. As the inventor of digital gold currency, we 
believe that to be correct on this point GoldMoney should be called a 
Digital Gold Currency.”

There is a problem with this assertion, however. When I spend 1.0 GoldGrams 
to another person, a physical gram of gold does not pass through the wires 
of the Internet. For that matter, a physical 1 gram piece of gold does not 
exist in the ViaMat vault where GoldMoney stores gold for its account 
holders. When I make a 1.0 GoldGram spend there is an instruction sent over 
the wire to transfer my claim on 1 gram of gold in the GoldMoney system 
(presumably part of an 11 kg bar) to another holding.

This is important to think about because the GoldMoney patent that was 
granted to James Turk by the US Patent Office says that Mr. Turk created a 
new invention because digital gold extinguishes payment obligation 
instantly, “thereby eliminating payment risk”. The basis of this claim is 
that the GoldMoney account holder directly owns the gold in the vault.

Can this be possible?

There is a significant difference between a claim and a title. A title is a 
legal instrument giving ownership of a specific asset. You can obtain the 
title for a particular 1996 Nissan Sentra. The title has a serial number 
identifying the particular vehicle. Likewise, with land, a non-movable 
asset, a real estate title is a claim to a specific piece of land defined by 
meets and bounds. You cannot get a title to “a Nissan Sentra” or a title to 
“an acre of land”. Title requires a specific tangible asset be identified 
with a specific owner.

A claim can be functionally similar to a title, but it does not attach to a 
specific asset, because a claim is a liability against a person or 
organization. A bank deposit receipt can be considered a claim on the money 
you just put in the bank, but it doesn’t identify which particular dollar 
bills you own, because the bank owns the dollar bills, and you have a claim 
against the bank. The bank can give you any dollar bills from its pile to 
redeem your claim. Likewise, a car dealership could issue a lottery in which 
they give away a new corvette. The person with the winning ticket can 
present it as a claim against the dealership for one corvette, the winning 
ticket is not a title to the “2001 Red Corvette in the showroom.” Not until 
they fulfill his claim by giving him a corvette does the winner obtain title 
to a particular corvette that he now owns.

The reason that the distinction between claim and title is important in the 
case of GoldMoney is that the company claims to eliminate currency risk by 
making the GoldGram holder the actual owner of the gold in the vault with no 
intermediaries. However, as we will show below, this is impossible with the 
present GoldMoney infrastructure.

The GoldMoney patent for gold as a digital currency defines a “deposit 
currency” as “the liability of the banks that accept deposits of a country’s 
national currency.” The patent then goes on to claim that a GoldMoney 
transaction eliminates payment risk because once the transfer has been made 
the gold asset itself extinguishes any debt liability and the payee now 
holds an asset instead of a promise to pay. A one-dollar bill is a “promise 
to pay” that is a liability to the bank, but a one ounce gold coin in your 
pocket is an asset. In effect, GoldMoney is claiming that GoldGrams are the 
same thing as a physical gold coin in your pocket, but safer.

However, it is the contention of this writer that the GoldMoney system 
functions in a manner identical to “deposit currency” the only difference 
being that the system uses gold by mass instead of national currency to 
denominate its account liabilities. Whether or not the liabilities are 
backed by 100% tangible assets or fractional reserve has no bearing on the 
nature of the “invention” itself, because the reserves backing the claims 
against the institution are governed by the policy of the issuing 
institution, not an invention.

ViaMat, like all bullion storage vaults, has an inventory list of every 
bullion bar in its vault with a serial number, exact weight, fineness, and 
owner for that bar. The bars vary in exact weight and fineness making one 
different and 

[e-gold-list] Hackers out-hacked

2002-05-16 Thread Colonel Bosco

Interesting article (since some posters are discussing credit card theft and 
password issues lately ). I am glad I have my gold protected with an 
E-Bullion CRYPTOCard! --


News Story Link:


Full Story

Feds Out-Hack Russian Hackers
CBS News

SEATTLE (CBS) - Even for the FBI, it was an audacious sting, reports CBS 
News Correspondent Wyatt Andrews.

With the help of some new computer spying software, FBI agents were able to 
out-hack a pair of Russian hackers who had stolen thousands of credit card 
numbers and broken into Web sites like Pay Pal, the leading online bill 
payer, and online auctioneer eBay.

The challenge, said Assistant U.S. Attorney Floyd Short, was that the 
suspects, Alexei Ivanov and Vasily Gorshkov, were Russians. And their server 
where Short says they kept thousands of stolen credit card numbers was also 
in Russia.

The game -- which was successful -- was for authorities in Seattle, Wash. to 
steal the passwords and codes to the Russians' server in Russia.

Gorshkov went on the Internet, said Floyd. We obtained the name of the 
server in Russia, his user name and his password.  It was critical to the 

How exactly did the FBI record an encrypted password and codes? With a $100 
piece of software invented by Richard Eaton of Kinnewick, Wash.

Eaton's program, WinWhatWhere Investigator, has revolutionized computer 
snooping with what's called keystroke logging. The software secretly records 
everything a user types, coded or not, and sends a report to a third party 
who is spying on the user.

The Russians just sat down and entered their passwords. It couldn't have 
been any better than that, said Eaton.

The principle, I think, is a very dangerous one, said Gorshkov's lawyer 
John Lundin.

What the FBI did, Lundin said, should make Americans afraid. Using the 
keystroke logging program, agents lifted the Russians passwords, and used 
them to enter the main server in Russia and copy files. Only then did the 
agents get a search warrant to read what they downloaded.

They consciously bypassed that legal requirement and used an intercepted 
password to unlock a safe to get into and access private papers, said 
Lundin, comparing the Russians' server in Chelyabinsk to a locked safe.

The problem, I think, is a misuse of information obtained from the 
keystroke technology.

Lundin lost his attempt to have the stolen evidence kicked out of court. 
Prosecutors were able to fend off the privacy challenge by pointing out how 
precisely the FBI lured the Russians into the trap.

The FBI set up a bogus computer security company named Invita in downtown 
Seattle and let it be known they needed hackers as consultants on computer 
security. In an elaborate scheme, FBI agents posing as Invita employees made 
phone and e-mail contact with Gorshkov and Ivanov, and offered them 
consulting work as Internet security experts.

While demonstrating their hacker skills, the Russians also took time out to 
use an Internet connection to tap into their server in Russia. What they 
didn't realize was that the keystroke logging program was copying 
everything. FBI agents used those passwords to tap into the Russian server 
and copy what was there.

Gorshkov was convicted on Oct. 10, 2001 of 20 counts of fraud and computer 
crimes. Ivanov, who has other charges against him in Connecticut and 
California, is still awaiting trial.

Legal experts stress that the Russian case is an exception, that even now as 
keystroke spying grows more pervasive, the FBI still needs a warrant to raid 
a private computer.

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