Patrick Wins!!!

I bet that e-gold would explain the mystery 250 grams -- they have not.

Will they ever?

I am now paying Patrick 10 grams via 1mdcGrams......

1mdc-grams spend confirmed:
   10.000 grams spent irrevokably
   at 2003-06-12 00:39:12.

Now, what's to become of the extra 1/4 kilo ?

Hey JP, remember a year ago when I bet you 10gg that by midnight GMT on 06-Jun-2003, that we would still have no explanation from e-gold why their gold assets in reserve continue to slightly exceed the number of digital grams in circulation?

Well, the assets still exceed the liabilities and we still have no explanation.

Reserve = 1,738,952.90 gg
Circulation = 1,738,717.31gg

Reserve Excess = 235.59 gg

At the time, my position was that this excess was of no consequence and did not matter whatsoever. You took the position that it was an unacceptable accounting practice akin to commingled funds. In any event, I maintained that e-gold would not offer any explanation regarding the nature of this excess or who owned it.

From all the available evidence, it does appear that I have in fact won this bet. Thanks to my Palm Pilot for reminding me of this.

-- Patrick


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