Perhaps I am skating on thin ice here (seeing as there are
so many market makers on this list), but... Does there exist
a competitive guide to the e-gold market makers, dynamically 
updated, so that one can compare bid/ask spreads (i.e.,
premia and discounts) for various transactions (e.g., based
on transaction size and payment method)?  Presumably,
the spreads narrow as transaction size increases, so that
the smaller market makers have a source of e-gold from the 
larger ones, and so on.  Or am I missing something basic?

Disclosure:  We're planning on becoming a market maker. :-)

-- David Beroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Founder/CEO,
P.O. Box 234, Jenkintown, PA 19046-0234 (USA)
Voice: +1 (215) 576-6800   Fax: +1 (215) 576-6853   ICQ: 3652887
Toll-free: 1.800.668.3163   Home page:

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