Re: [Edu-sig] Programming in High School

2008-12-09 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

David MacQuigg wrote:
 What ever happened to the original enthusiasm with Computer Programming
 for Everyone?  If everyone with a high school diploma knew how to write a
 simple program, not only would we be more productive, but we would
 understand the world better.  Instead of loose talk and isolated numbers,
 the news would show us charts.  The general public, not just experts,
 would have seen the very obvious bubble growing in the housing market,
 and could see now where we are on the down side.  What if the average
 real estate agent could show me the price trends on property similar to
 what I am looking at.  Instead, I have to dig out the data myself, and
 plot it in Excel.  Then when I show her the result, she still doesn't see
 the significance.

Many years ago someone said (probably Kirby, and probably on this list) 
essentially that while computing is taught in school as if it were a 
subset of schoolish math, it's really more true that schoolish math is a 
subset of computing. Obviously, real knock-your-socks-off math subsumes 
*everything*, as in physics is a subset of math in a way, but that is not 
the case either in most K-12 schools. And even then, the lines between 
computing and math are starting to blur, as even modern physicists now spend 
a lot of time with their computer simulations that their base equations. So, 
I feel from a practical point of view, computing should be introduced as 
early as possible in education (perhaps after, say age seven and kids get 
the real world at an intuitive level), and learning to do schoolish math 
(including algebra, trigonometry, logical proofs of correctness, and so on) 
should flow from that. And, for example, you can then link things like 
physics, chemistry, and biology (and even English and history) into a 
computer base curriculum using simulation and data acquisition.

On the larger issue:

David MacQuigg also wrote:

At 06:52 PM 12/8/2008 -0800, Guido van Rossum wrote:

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 5:10 PM, David MacQuigg

At 03:30 PM 12/8/2008 -0800, michel paul wrote:

I think part of the problem in the past has been the
misunderstanding about tech jobs getting outsourced.  I've heard
people say there's no point in becoming a programmer, because all
the jobs are going overseas.  It's really kind of silly.

Stated that way, it does seem circular.  I've heard it stated more
convincingly by an EE prof to a class of undergrads.  If you go into
engineering, you will be facing layoffs.  Imagine the effect of that
expectation on smart students who see their buddies going into law or
medicine, and getting more pay and more respect than engineers.  It's
no wonder there are almost no US students in our graduate classes.
I've thought about what I would have said to those students.  It
would be more like If money is your major motivation, find another
profession.  If technology is in your blood, stay with it.  Learn
everything you can.  The money will come out OK.

I read this as: Engineering is something where mediocrity doesn't pay. 
Doctors and lawyers are like cobblers, their output is limited by the 
number of hours they can work, so there is room for good solid workers 
who aren't particularly innovative. Engineering at its best is not like

that at all. It's a field whose main *point* is to make manual labor
redundant. Good engineers do their work because it's their passion. The
rest... Well they can always try to earn a living cranking out Java
code. ;-)

I'm a bit uncomfortable with the idea that engineering is a field where
only the brightest should feel comfortable.  There is plenty of need for
good solid workers, and I would like to see our schools and our economy
support that.  If we outsource the grunt work, and hope to keep just the
top geniuses employed, eventually we lose the top also.  I remember in
the 80's thinking the Japanese could never catch up with us in circuit
design.  They just didn't have the creative spark.  It wasn't in their

On this general topic of the cultural context of engineering education,
here a few ideas about historical trends, and one speculation based on 
projecting things forward a couple decades from what Guido said elsewhere.

After WWII, the USA was the only significant manufacturing power. Europe and 
much of Aisa were either in rubble, social turmoil, or both. The Southern 
hemisphere still had little infrastructure too. So, it could be expected 
that the manufacturing base in the USA would grow as it made stuff for the 
world, and like China today, this would be a good position to be in, having 
the world depending on it for stuff. But over the decades, this unusual 
situation has shifted, and while the USA still sells a lot of manufactured 
goods, as the world has rebuilt in some places and developed industrially in 
others, a more normal situation is reestablishing itself. Culturally, it is 
true that different places have different strengths and weaknesses, 

Re: [Edu-sig] OLPC G1G1 sales start today

2007-11-13 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
 haven't noticed, like most people.

 In a message of Mon, 12 Nov 2007 18:48:33 EST, Paul D. Fernhout writes:
 Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
 And I
 really should not be using developed / developing as they are loaded
 terms (even though the OLPC project uses them too), since there is a lot 
 USA can learn from other countries, including poor ones, some of whom rank
 higher in overall happiness in various surveys -- here's a different one:
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] OLPC G1G1 sales start today

2007-11-12 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Michael Tobis wrote:
 I think this limited time only idea defeats the purpose of the whole
 software environment. Why should I buy a community building tool that
 will not be available to potential members of my local community?

A very good point. And you can find lots of people who agree the OLPC
distribution model is problematical for various reasons, for one example:

But as I see it, this is not about the OLPC XO-1 as an innovation by itself.
For me, this is about experimenting with doing education with lightweight
portable dynabooks
running GNU/Linux supporting dynamic languages (like Python) with wireless
connectivity, which don't break when you drop them or use them outdoors
around a little bit of water or heat or dust. That's the big picture, long

I've bought several portable devices (with hopes of running Python software
on some of them) -- none have had the (projected) robustness of the OLPC.
The robust alternatives I could buy still seem to be in the thousands of
dollars, for example:
Still, it is possible the XO-1 won't live up to the hype of toughness. And
if it doesn't, in my eyes it will have been a failure, because I think that
is the most important aspect of it -- reasonably performing GNU/Linux and
Python in a tough but cheap enclosure. The software can be fixed up, and I
expect will improve over time like it did for the Zaurus SL-5500 or Nokia
N800. If the hardware has problems, then you're stuck.

Here is a related article with a video clip of earlier (prototype) OLPC's
with problems:
From there: On walking around school I saw kids that had laptops with
spoiled screens, torn off ears, and defect batteries ­ one kid even told
me that his laptop had been stolen. There are teachers for whom the idea of
using the laptops in learning is not yet natural, and there are challenges
regarding how to digitalize the curriculum the kids must go through during
primary school.
I found that clip a little heartbreaking as at the end the child puts his
hand across the apparently defective laptop screen, me thinking -- is he
wonderingly if perhaps there goes his chance at a hopefully better
education? Probably need at least 1.2 laptops per child to account for
spares. :-(

Still, even if only a few people can only get a few now, the general
principles related to dynabooks will become more and more ubiquitous as
years go by. And they are already happening -- one can get a Nokia N800 for
a similar price (although it isn't quite as robust, and it is harder on the
eyes). This has been an ongoing trend for many years. With a couple decades
this trend might even culminate in devices equivalent to the OLPC XO-1 given
away for free on the back of cereal boxes. :-)
  Electronics goes organic

But even if that seems to hard to believe, it's not much of a stretch to
imagine in ten years buying the equivalent of the OLPC XO-1 used on ebay is
only going to cost in the tens of dollars. At that price, almost everyone in
the world can afford one (or someone can afford to buy them one if they
can't themselves). We are seeing the continued emergence of Pierre Teilhard
de Chardin's noosphere.
Whether that will be seen as good or bad for most remains to be seen.

So, I see the XO-1 as mostly a funky vehicle for this kind of dynabook
experimentation. But I expect in two or three years this OLPC XO-1 will be
obsolete (if it isn't already. :-) Though on the other hand the Newton
MP2100 has held its value for almost a decade, and probably still exceeds
the OLPC XO-1 in good power management and ease of use -- although that is
mostly software related, for example the Newton may sleep 100 times during
the time it take you to draw a line across its screen.

I could write a lot on OLPC failings based on the Newton's successes (OLPC
didn't use an ARM processor like the Newton, color maybe wasn't essential
and if it was, it could have been done the usual way,
the Newton OS and GUI really did get out of your way most of the time and
worked well in a mobile setting). I could even point out at length how the
OLPC project duplicates some of the Newton's mistakes (making it hard for
developers to use existing code or develop using existing desktop equipment,
as OLPC could have made Sugar optional add-ons to Gnome instead of
essentially replacing Gnome, etc.),
Still, I think there are also a lot of good points about the general OLPC
concept anyway (and even about Sugar's aspirations). I also admire the way
it was 

Re: [Edu-sig] OLPC G1G1 sales start today

2007-11-12 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
 For a more typical home user, especially one who does not already know and
 like GNU/Linux, I'm not sure if it would meet expectations in the developing
 world as other than either as special purpose device (like used as an ebook
 reader or robot controller) or alternatively, for a family who buys several,
 as a family activity to use some of the built in connectivist software
 (either what is there now or what might be speculatively available in the

That should have read in the developed world, meaning like the USA. And I
really should not be using developed / developing as they are loaded
terms (even though the OLPC project uses them too), since there is a lot the
USA can learn from other countries, including poor ones, some of whom rank
higher in overall happiness in various surveys -- here's a different one:

On using Java/Jython and the OLPC:
  Pepper on the OLPC
A technology preview of a special version of the Pepper environment is now
available for the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) XO laptop. This version of
Pepper for OLPC runs on the XO laptop and replaces the standard Sugar
environment while retaining the XO's Fedora-based Linux distribution. ...
The Pepper environment is written primarily in Java, though it includes open
source components like Mozilla and Java that are written in C or C++. The
Pepper application framework supports Java, C, C++, XUL, HTML, etc. We're
also working on adding Python support soon. ... We'll be making the source
code for the Pepper for OLPC environment available soon. We're planning to
release it under an LGPL license. We'll also be sponsoring an open source
community to maintain the Pepper for OLPC environment.

Using Pepper (if it is indeed released under the LGPL as announced above),
which is an environment built in Java and including JVM 1.5, I hope I can
run Jython on the OLPC. I'll have to try it and see. Maybe the Pepper people
do not know about Jython? Of course, software written there in Jython is not
going to run on the regular OLPC environment (which is CPython+pyGTK).

An informative pro-OLPC post at Slashdot:
  Worth Careful consideration
An excerpt: While you can certainly waste time and goof off on the web,
there is also a wealth of instructional material, learning material, free
encyclopedias, and help of all kinds to be had on message boards. Children
could learn, for example, methods of improving local sanitation,
agricultural techniques, and health information which could end up saving
the developed world millions or billions of dollars in humanitarian aid.
They could also learn other languages which could open up entire worlds to
them. Even if they didn't have the internet, they could learn how to
program, how to compute, make art, photographs, drawings, and a whole bunch
of other stuff with it. Not to mention the fun factor. It's not an
educational panacea but it WILL change the world. 

And as another slashdot poster says, you can't buy that many paper textbooks
for $200, especially compared to what you can cram into 1GB of Flash (or
even more if you get the files from local servers and delete old ones). And
paper books have their own problems in areas of high humidity (mold, chewed
by rodents, fade in the sun, etc.). I think a lot of the economics that
governments are considering for deploying OLPC have more to do with
replacing plain old paper textbooks with a single laptop than any of the
issues of connectivity or simulation or learning to program which are more
the sorts of things we think about for computers in, say, the USA or Europe,
where we pretty much take purchasing textbooks and access to local libraries
of tens of thousands of printed books for granted. Still, even for USA
schools, OLPCs may make sense if they save money on textbooks. So, USA
school districts could save money of textbooks (if they were free, as in here:)
   Global Text Project – Wiki Textbooks
(or even just at direct author royalty cost) and kids get Python and
educational simulations thrown in as a bonus. Plus, they get a lighter load
and less back pain.
  Heavy backpacks lead to early strain and pain for schoolkids

Anyway, as an ebook reader alone the OLPC might be worth the US$425 cost,
which is only a $100 more than what a Sony Reader costs with an extra
waterproof cover, and that amount is less than the more flexible (but
heavier) iRex Iliad. See:
I think key to happiness with the OLPC in the USA is reduced expectations.
Consider that for $425, you get an OLPC ebook reader than runs Python, and
then some kid somewhere else with limited access to books gets one too

[Edu-sig] Software Engineering with Python for Scientist and Engineers

2007-11-01 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
This project was one funded by the Python Software Foundation:
  Software Engineering with Python for Scientist and Engineers.

Seems like an interesting source of material for teaching people using
Python and Jython in a larger science and engineering context. Seems to
cover (Briefly) a lot of ground, including things like version control which
aren't strictly just Python but are important anyway in Python programming
in practice. Plus it is free and open source and so possible to change.

From that page:


Many scientists and engineers spend much of their lives programming, but
only a handful have ever been taught how to do this well. As a result, they
spend their time wrestling with software, instead of doing research, but
have no idea how reliable or efficient their programs are.

This course is an intensive introduction to basic software development
practices for scientists and engineers that can reduce the time they spend
programming by 20-25%. All of the material is open source: it may be used
freely by anyone for educational or commercial purposes, and research groups
in academia and industry are actively encouraged to adapt it to their needs.

Does anyone here have any comment on it or used it in teaching or
self-education? I looked in the edusig archives and did not find a mention
of it here before, which I found surprising. Maybe I just missed it?

--Paul Fernhout

Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] Ditch self?

2007-10-24 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Thanks; that was very helpful in improving my understanding of Python in

--Paul Fernhout

Dethe Elza wrote:
 to assign a function to an instance object (rather than a class) as a
 new method, use the new module:
 = start module ==
 Example of adding methods to an instance object and a class
 import new
 class Foo(object):
 def bar(self):
 print 'bar', self.__class__
 # outside of class Foo, define some functions to turn into methods:
 def baz(self):
 print 'baz', self.__class__
 def foobar(self):
 print 'foobar', self.__class__
 # make some instances
 a = Foo()
 b = Foo()
 # make baz a method of Foo, both a and b should be able to call it
 Foo.baz = baz
 print 'baz:', Foo.baz
 # make foobar a method of a, calling b.foobar should fail
 a.foobar = new.instancemethod(foobar, a, a.__class__)
 print 'foobar:', a.foobar
 b.foobar() # fails
 = end of module ==
 and when you run it:
 $ python
 baz: unbound method Foo.baz
 baz class '__main__.Foo'
 baz class '__main__.Foo'
 foobar: bound method Foo.foobar of __main__.Foo object at 0x75990
 foobar class '__main__.Foo'
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 42, in module
 b.foobar() # fails
 AttributeError: 'Foo' object has no attribute 'foobar'
 More info:
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] Ditch self?

2007-10-24 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 Since you've rejoined, 

To be clear, I never left. Just been listening and learning and focusing my
writing on other stuff (even towards a new PataPata version focused mainly
on Jython).

 I promise to keep quiet until you leave, which
 may be never.

I know you posted similar things in your interactions here with Art, but I
personally hope you continue to post your interesting thoughts on edusig,
whether we agree on everything or not or whether another topic comes of here
of immediate interest to me. As I said, I am focusing mainly on other things
right now, but this issue of self in declarations was just one I have
wrestled with in the context of trying (and perhaps failing) to make Python
easier to use and learn (and I appreciated Dethe's help in coming up with an
implementation alternative).

By the way, on rereading my post, I realize I should make clear, while I
feel self in function declarations may be superfluous as a matter of
opinion (given the typical indentation of the declaration of such functions
inside the scope of a class definition), I like the explicit use of self
within the body of a function (unlike the common standard practice in, say,
Java or the language Self where it can be frequently omitted); the two
issues are different ones; I should have been clearer on the distinction,
and as I realize now I think your post was likely more focused on the issue
of self in the body of a function as opposed to the declaration, and in
that area I think you, Guido, and I (as well as Smalltalk's designers) all
agree on the value of an explicit self.

All the best.

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] Ditch self?

2007-10-23 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Whitespace clearly removes redundant clutter (either braces or begin/end);
all complex human-edited programs need to be indented for readability anyway.

The redundant self in Python method/function definitions mainly adds
clutter IMHO, and so is a wart IMHO (even as it is sometimes changed when
used in class methods, and so on). Smalltalk managed to get by with self
being implicit, and that language definitely has people reading code
sometimes with the kind of self projection you mention.

Conceptually, I feel that since globals are not passed in explicitly into
functions, self should not be either. The word self not a global of
course, and nor it is reserved in Python (unlike Smalltalk), but it still
feels to me that self is more a part of an active function's namespace
more than it is a calling parameter IMHO.

But I can also see the arguments to have it be explicit, including the ones
you mention. I specially like the Unicode name change one for people coding
in a language other than English, but even then, there are so many other
English words you can't change in Python statements, so does it really get
you very far to be able to change only self? It seems like a deeper
multi-language paradigm for programming is needed to address that specific
issue, and that is something, say, the OLPC project is struggling with in
terms of viewing source code written mostly in English.

I do know that in supporting prototypes under Python in PataPata, I did
wrestle with issues where assigning new functions into slots used as methods
was more complex than I naively would have expected.


For example, when copying a method from one prototype to another, I ended up
with this complex code, both for assignment and calling, using an indirect
PrototypeMethod class as a wrapper for functions:

class PrototypeClass(object):
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
  if callable(value):
if isinstance(value, PrototypeMethod):
if value.prototypeHoldingTheFunction != self:
wrappedMethod = PrototypeMethod(self, value.function,
value = wrappedMethod
value = PrototypeMethod(self, value)

class PrototypeMethod:
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.function(self.prototypeHoldingTheFunction, *args, **kwargs)

This was rather than a more simple assign of Python functions. There was an
issue in that the method function was already bound to the specific
prototype instance, rather than being a more generic function as self in
the parameter list might imply. Maybe someone who knows more about Python
internals than I could have done this more simply without introducing these
extra classes?

Clearly this works:

$ python
Python 2.4.4 (#2, Apr  5 2007, 20:11:18)
[GCC 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 class Foo:
...   def bar(self):
... print hello
 def test(self):
...   print hello 2
hello 2 = test
hello 2

 y = Foo() = Foo().bar
hello 2

But this additional code does not work:

 x = Foo()
bound method Foo.test of __main__.Foo instance at 0xf7ce72ec
function test at 0xf7ce0bc4 = test
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
TypeError: test() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)

And it is this second case which I was concerned about in prototypes.
Clearly the two functions are different. One if a function; the other is a
bound method.

It seems to me that if self is indeed the same in both functions that the
assign of test to the Foo instance should work the same way the assign of
test to the Foo class does. But it does not, because the assignment to the
instance needs to be with a function which already has self bound to the
specific instance. So, I feel like there is a conceptual mismatch here. But
maybe I am just not looking at it the right way?

I certainly understated why, to pass function pointers using to
objects which call them, that self needs to be bound. Although I have some
problems with even this, since the function pointer is bound so tightly that
if you completely replace it in the class or instance, the previously bound
version is used, not the new one (unless you just replace code internal to
the function). A common place where this issue comes up is if you build a
GUI which has methods linked to button events, and you want to modify or
reload the class on the fly and have the button activate the new code, not
the old code; you can do it, but it is non-obvious how to do it and involves
mucking about with the internals of functions (as has been discussed here
before). I'd rather see bind foo more lightly, so
that the actual function was looked up at dispatch time rather than at

Re: [Edu-sig] Politics and Python in Education (meta on list charter)

2007-07-22 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Peter Bowyer wrote:
 In the context of deploying Python as a teaching aid (or the language
  for a Computer Science course)  I don't give a damn about what 
 education *should* be.  I want to hear the approaches others are 
 finding successful, I want to hear what people are doing/planning to 
 do and their ideas.  I don't want a load of theoretical talk - I'll 
 join another mailing list for that.

OK, let's talk specifics of a CP4E-like project and its limitations.
Consider one that is mentioned in the CP4E proposal (though somewhat
dismissively) -- DrScheme, or as it is now, Teach Scheme:

Teach Scheme is IMHO (arguably) currently the most successful
worldwide project to bring a dynamic computer programming language into
the classroom. [OLPC (carrying Python) might someday soon eclipse it,
but that still remains to be seen. Same with the Shuttleworth
Foundation's noble effort. ]  The Scheme effort is more advanced and
organized with more integrated pedagogical content about teaching
programming than Python/CP4E. See for example:
  How to Design Programs: An Introduction to Computing and Programming
  [Free Scheme book, problem sets, solutions, teachpacks, etc.]
It has an IDE built specifically both for learning programming and for
advanced development supporting multiple language levels.
And, unlike how they are described way back when in the CP4E proposal as
The focus of TeachScheme is on a relatively narrow audience--college
students..., at least now the Schemers say Teach Scheme is Specially
designed for high schools, see:

Consider the preface to their book _How to Design Programs_:
Our claim that everyone programs or should learn to program might
appear strange considering that, at first glance, fewer and fewer people
seem to program these days. Instead, the majority of people use
application packages, which don't seem to require any programming. Even
programmers use ``program generators,'' packages that create programs
from, say, business rules. So why should anyone learn to program?
The answer consists of two parts. First, it is indeed true that
traditional forms of programming are useful for just a few people. But,
programming as we the authors understand it is useful for everyone: the
administrative secretary who uses spreadsheets as well as the high-tech
programmer. In other words, we have a broader notion of programming in
mind than the traditional one. We explain our notion in a moment.
Second, we teach our idea of programming with a technology that is based
on the principle of minimal intrusion. Hence our notion of programming
teaches problem-analysis and problem-solving skills without imposing the
overhead of traditional programming notations and tools. ...
No one can predict what kind of application packages will exist five or
ten years from now. But application packages will continue to require
some form of programming. To prepare students for these kinds of
programming activities, schools can either force them to study algebra,
which is the mathematical foundation of programming, or expose them to
some form of programming. Using modern programming languages and
environments, schools can do the latter, they can do it effectively, and
they can make algebra fun.

Sound familiar? Great minds think alike in some respects. :-)

The Teach Scheme project even offers free summer workshops to
But, notice on that free workshop page the first *hint* of a systemic
school-related educational politics problem on that page, where they
write: We also welcome high school teachers who cover at least one of
computer science, mathematics, and the physical sciences. We ask that
you first contact your school to determine whether they will allow you
to make curricular changes based on the summer course. You should find
out what obstacles you will face from your school if you decide to adopt
this curriculum.

Odd, isn't that? Here is wonderful content and software implementing
some of the core goals of CP4E, all for free to the end user, labeled by
the authors as specially designed for high schools, with
presumably High School teachers so interested in using it they are
willing to take the time to attend a week-long summer workshop so they
can help their students learn using the best tools for their own unique
situation, and yet, this group throws out a wet blanket warning to put
out the fire in those teachers' eyes? Surprising, or is it? I can only
speculate on the ocean of tears motivating that warning.

So, for all that high quality free content, those specialized teaching
tools, those person-years of dedicated work, and so on, (pursuing a lot
of the CP4E mission but in 

Re: [Edu-sig] Politics and Python in Education (meta on list charter)

2007-07-19 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

The change to edusig's charter by you as BDFL seems to be a fait
accompli, so the redirect to meta-sig seems to be a waste of time, so
I'm going to drop this topic after this last post (I need to get back to
writing software in Python. :-)

As closure, someone with more perspective on this discussion than I told
me offlist they think it is *hilarious* that this sudden ban on
political discussion on edusig has come about in proximal response to
Kirby originally posting (in part):
In the USA, most schools erect an artificial wall between mathematics
and any discipline involving computer programming.  To question this
wall is considered heresy.  One is branded a radical for even calling
attention to its existence. Instead of using the Python or any other
kid-friendly language to develop ideas about rational and complex
numbers, vectors, sets, primes versus composites, important algorithms
of mathematics, our children are enslaved to a dark ages regime that
permits only calculators, probably by Texas Instruments. Programming is
considered irrelevant to mathematics learning. Open source software is
scarcely whispered about. The use of Python or other programming
languages is either strictly forbidden or strongly discouraged within
primary and secondary school mathematics classes.

We'll see how well censorship works here too.

All the best.

--Paul Fernhout
I just wake up in the morning and tell myself, 'There's been a military
coup'. And then it all makes sense. -- a US State Department official,12271,1045302,00.html

Guido van Rossum wrote:
 I'm just speaking for the majority of list members who are tired of
 your and Kirby's (and it the past Arthur's) rants. I really don't care
 about arguments proving that the list charter is what you want it to
 be. Most people want it to be something else. Check the recent
 discussions. Almost nobody has spoken in defense of you or Kirby, many
 responded with an enthusiastic +1 to my original proposal to ban
 On 7/18/07, Paul D. Fernhout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been on this list continuously since about the second day
 (2/3/2000) -- a little over seven years. I'll admit I was so turned off
 by Kirby's comments after my initial posts (on bringing good ideas from
 Squeak into Python, the technical topic I still like the most, and
 continue to work towards). I went into lurk mode for about five years,
 mostly until the issue of Python drawing from Squeak resurfaced from
 others. I've since come to appreciate Kirby's unique charm. :-)

 Remember when you sent out this in your email of 2/2/2000 entitled:
 Special Interest Group: Python in Education? It read in part: I don't
 have a fixed idea about what the charter of the SIG should be; I'd like
 to see discussion of CP4E, but also of other issues related to Python
 and education, and I'd like to include all levels of education (from
 grade school to college level as well as adult education), as long as
 people are interested in learning or teaching Python.

 That can be read a lot of ways. If you intended something more specific
 you should have said so then.

 Remember the start of very *first* reply by someone else (to the CCs,
 not to the list) and the related thread? The very first reply by someone
 else (not me) started with: the only way you can succeed is to have
 choice in education and without competition, the current public
 education monopoly will crush you. they are just to paranoid about
 virtual classrooms and the nea and aft are like stalin in their efforts
 to block every and any attempt to do this in k to 18, ... And went on
 from there.

 And then the start of the *second* reply by someone else (also to the
 CCs and not to the list): While I may not be quite as cynical as Mr.
 [Name omitted] I must admit that I have seen some of the attitudes that
 he describes. While one would think that you would find progressive out
 front thinkers in the field of education, unfortunately they seem to be
 the exception to the rule. Instead they are offen territorial,
 politically motivated and especially uncomfortable with change of any
 kind. They give lip service to out of the box thinking but rarely
 reward it.

 Didn't those two initial replies to the CC list give you some inkling of
 what you were getting yourself into with CP4E? Or the whole reason why
 DARPA would think it was so essential as to be worth funding your
 proposal to solve a serious problem in the USA affecting the entire
 nation's security and prosperity? Or perhaps the world's security and
 prosperity, for that matter, in the face of a likely technological

 Look, if you suddenly pop up after five months of silence on this list
 to present an admitted strawman proposal (like you did)
 which is to actually *change* the evolved

Re: [Edu-sig] Politics and Python in Education

2007-07-18 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Anna Ravenscroft wrote:
 Still, I could essentially see Guido's point, because some conventional
 school staff who otherwise like Python may face issues posting to a list
 talking about the future of education (which may appear to threaten
 their job), so perhaps ultimately a solution would be to have one list
 for python in mainstream education and another list for python for
 alternative or future education.
 Or how about one list on educational politics and one on python in
 education. Oh wait - there ARE already lists on educational
 politics... how about those who want to discuss that, go to those
 lists and discuss it there?! And use this list to specifically discuss
 python in education?

I think your analogy (and by extension Guido's strawman proposal) is
flawed, because a key aspect of *design* is to see how values and
priorities (which is the core of politics) lead to new and interesting
structures for software and content and hardware. In a Python CP4E
context I see this as including any or all of:
* changes to Python itself (e.g. edit and continue support in the core
and in IDLE), or
* new libraries for Python (e.g. PataPata), or
* new application based on Python (e.g. constructivist educational
simulations, including perhaps, though he might have disagreed, the late
Arthur Siegel's PyGeo :-), or
* new curricula or other smaller educational materials (e.g. the
Shuttleworth Foundation's steps in that direction), or
* even new hardware which is Python-powered (e.g. OLPC, or even Lego
Mindstorms NXT robotics, which I just got two of and was yesterday
looking up references to using Python to program).

To talk about creating such software or hardware or content without a
sense of priorities and values would be analogous to going to an
architect, asking them to design you a custom house and, and then
saying, well, you're an architect, just design us something, we are
busy people and have no time to talk about values or priorities.
Although I guess even there a clever architect would learn one thing
about such people's values and priorities. :-)

For a personal example, to show these issues are not just talk, consider
the literally person-months I spent building the PataPata experiment
to bring some Squeak-like constructivist ideas more directly into a
Python-powered IDE, and which I discussed on this list. Maybe not a huge
success, but a big investment of my limited time in the free Python
realm and I learned a few things from it (including the importance of
naming objects if you wished to share them, a departure from the Self
prototype programming ideal using unnamed pointers to parent objects).
Ultimately, PataPata was of very marginal interest here. Other people
can talk about how Squeak has ideas that might work in Python, but when
things got going, the talk was just talk. Ideally, from my point of
view, people here would have discussed how these priorities and values
of learned-centered technologies such as PataPata was a step towards
could be translated into even more Python-related software, stuff beyond
PataPata and even better. People could go beyond what I reference, and
go beyond my own self critique, and as experienced educators suggest
even better ideas for new technology related to Python (e.g. the
students are always saying if only we had X Y or Z for Python they'd be
using it so much more for the things they want to do -- like the
reasons a homeschooled kid chose DarkBasic instead of Python, as
mentioned on the Math Forum Kirby posts to).

But that doesn't happen here much, in large part I'd speculate since
most educators here are teachers, and the authoritarian context most
teachers work in is unfortunately very limiting both as to free time and
as to possible horizons, at least in the USA. Again, for example,
consider my relative who could be fired if she installed Python on her
classroom computer, and who would not have enough free time to go
through the bureaucratic hoops to get Python installed district wide,
let alone then have time to learn how to use it).

That all to me is tremendously disappointing, especially as:
  CP4E != CP4MainstreamSchools
in my thinking (even if mainstream schools are part of Everyone).

It's no big surprise the US military (of all US institutions including
the Department of Education) initially funded CP4E, because, in the USA,
historically the military has had the most difficulties dealing with
lack of education among recruits, see for example:
Back in 1952 the Army quietly began hiring hundreds of psychologists
to find out how 600,000 high school graduates had successfully faked
illiteracy. Regna Wood sums up the episode this way: After the
psychologists told the officers that the graduates weren’t faking,

Re: [Edu-sig] Politics and Python in Education (meta on list charter)

2007-07-18 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
 to say.

I'd like to draw everyone's attention back to the spinoff list which
others started to have a narrower focus:
Description: Supporting the development of online resources and
interactive tools to serve high school students, undergraduates, and
hobbyists learning Python, and to assist teachers and instructors in
reaching those audiences.

One comment by Michael T. on that list:
There was general agreement among the attendees at the education BOF
meeting at PyCon that a new list was necessary, so although my own
presence is recent, my assertion was not unsupported. There has also
been some discussion of dissatisfaction with the breadth of discussion
here expressed since I have been following the list, notably including
some strongly worded advice from Guido van Rossum recently.

Note the words new list.

It seems to me you are trying to beat edusig into that new list (which
is a bit ironic, as the new narrower list itself seems to be not very
active in the past few months, especially compared to edusig). What's
next, restricting discussion on educational philosophy as opposed to
politics? That's another thing some people have complained about. And
then after that? References to Squeak or DrScheme? Maybe comments on

If you want a new list with a highly focused charter (can such a thing
even be defined in this context?), with an explicit policy anyone
posting something beyond that narrow charter will be booted from the
list, then by all means, go for it, and give it your blessing. Changing
edusig's policies and culture midstream through censorship threats or
related intimidation seems ultimately counterproductive to me. As you
suggest, your main concern is just on the hypothetical chance a strict
rule might prevent possible future problems like some *unspecified*
lists had in the past and which this one has not had (at least not to
that degree, even if watching Art and Kirby wrestling with each other
could get tiring sometimes. :-)

Having said that, I had pretty much moved back to lurk mode on the list
(my previous last post was in April) before your strawman proposal
anyway; I only started responding on this topic to defend Kirby. If you
want to ban me for responding to a meta-discussion *you* started, then
go ahead. :-) I'm certain we *both* have better things to do.

--Paul Fernhout

Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Please stop arguing politics on the list NOW.
 I don't want to start actually kicking people or posts off the list,
 but I will if it doesn't stop. This is simply not the platform for it.
 Find a different platform where this topic are welcome.
 On 7/18/07, Paul D. Fernhout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anna Ravenscroft wrote:
 Still, I could essentially see Guido's point, because some conventional
 school staff who otherwise like Python may face issues posting to a list
 talking about the future of education (which may appear to threaten
 their job), so perhaps ultimately a solution would be to have one list
 for python in mainstream education and another list for python for
 alternative or future education.
 Or how about one list on educational politics and one on python in
 education. Oh wait - there ARE already lists on educational
 politics... how about those who want to discuss that, go to those
 lists and discuss it there?! And use this list to specifically discuss
 python in education?
 I think your analogy (and by extension Guido's strawman proposal) is
 flawed, because a key aspect of *design* is to see how values and
 priorities (which is the core of politics) lead to new and interesting
 structures for software and content and hardware. In a Python CP4E
 context I see this as including any or all of:
 * changes to Python itself (e.g. edit and continue support in the core
 and in IDLE), or
 * new libraries for Python (e.g. PataPata), or
 * new application based on Python (e.g. constructivist educational
 simulations, including perhaps, though he might have disagreed, the late
 Arthur Siegel's PyGeo :-), or
 * new curricula or other smaller educational materials (e.g. the
 Shuttleworth Foundation's steps in that direction), or
 * even new hardware which is Python-powered (e.g. OLPC, or even Lego
 Mindstorms NXT robotics, which I just got two of and was yesterday
 looking up references to using Python to program).

 To talk about creating such software or hardware or content without a
 sense of priorities and values would be analogous to going to an
 architect, asking them to design you a custom house and, and then
 saying, well, you're an architect, just design us something, we are
 busy people and have no time to talk about values or priorities.
 Although I guess even there a clever architect would learn one thing
 about such people's values and priorities. :-)

 For a personal example, to show these issues

Re: [Edu-sig] Python in Secondary Schools

2007-07-17 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
I mostly agree with Andrew.

And, further, as is made clear in the book _Disciplined Minds: A
Critical Look at Salaried Professionals and the Soul-Battering System
That Shapes Their Lives_
you can't separate politics from the educational process. In many ways,
politics is about the control of the educational process. You can
pretend to separate them -- by adopting a supposedly objective and
professional viewpoint --  but in the end, when you do that, you just
have made a vote to uphold the status quo, which is obviously and
clearly failing the next generation (at least, in the USA). See also for
  why education technology has failed schools
(which links to an essay of mine).

From there: Ultimately, educational technology's greatest value is in
supporting learning on demand based on interest or need which is at
the opposite end of the spectrum compared to learning just in case
based on someone else's demand. ... Compulsory schools don't usually
traffic in learning on demand, for the most part leaving that kind of
activity to libraries or museums or the home or business or the real
world. In order for compulsory schools to make use of the best of
educational technology and what is has to offer, schools themselves must
change... So, there is more to the story of technology than it failing
in schools. Modern information and manufacturing technology itself is
giving compulsory schools a failing grade. Compulsory schools do not
pass in the information age. They are no longer needed. What remains is
just to watch this all play out, and hopefully guide the collapse of
compulsory schooling so that the fewest people get hurt in the process.

I think Kirby's original post was completely on topic and illustrating
why Python (and other programming languages) has not made the progress
one might expect in expanding into broad areas of education. He uses
math as an example, but one could just as well find similar issues in
why computers (and Python driven software) are not used in teaching
social studies or science via having kids build their own simulations or
do detailed analysis of various issues from a critical and quantitative
perspective. These political issues of constructing disciplined minds
remain the elephant in the living room of any discussion of educational
technology IMHO.

However, as the recent discussion of scaffolding and Papert shows,
there remains a lot of value in having another human being around to
provide scaffolding and mentoring (even if it happens indirectly or
subtly). And people on this list have made clear how writing a good
tutorial requires special skill and much effort, and that is independent
of whether you force people to use that tutorial at any point in time.
So, both those things suggest the value of the *educator* even if one
can (and I think should) have disagreements with the authoritarian
*process* most educators in our society find themselves embedded if they
are in a school environment or supporting one somehow.

Basically, as I see it, there is a (peaceful) educational revolution
going on right now around the world, see for example:
related to learner-centered approaches to education. It is difficult
to discuss Python in education or Computer programing for everyone
in any *meaningful* terms without the context of this ongoing
educational revolution towards learned-centered solutions. Those ideals
in turn guide the development of related techniques -- supporting
learning on demand, learning by playing with a simulation, or learning
by doing or construction or programming. This change in many is just a
return to how learning used to be done hundreds of years ago either in a
neighborhood or apprenticeship context.

Essentially, what seems to me to be proposed here is making edusig a
discussion group for How or why to use Python (as is) for use in the
standard K-12 classroom to meet narrowly defined instructional
objectives?. The short answer to that implicit question is, as Kirby
implies, that there is essentially no role for Python in the standard
mainstream K-12 classroom (I'd frame it as it's simply too dangerous a
concept :-). Or, as someone else suggests, the other answer to that
implicit question is, learn Java if you want a strategic plan because
you can use it to get A.P. credit and save money in college. But those
are not good answers for people who want kids to be empowered, since the
mainstream classroom is mostly not about empowering kids, just like Java
(unlike Python or other dynamic languages like Smalltalk or Lisp or
Ruby) is mostly not about empowering programmers.

Still, I could essentially see Guido's point, because some conventional

Re: [Edu-sig] Python in Secondary Schools (politics of installing Python edit and continue)

2007-07-17 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
For some specific examples of how educational politics are effecting
Python, see below .

Anna Ravenscroft wrote:
 as a parent, I agree with Kirby about the education system in this
 country. Kirby, I suggest you join one of the many lists/groups on the
 topic, including and others. Save your
 polemics for that community.

Looks like that site you reference may have disappeared. It now seems to
be a parked site hawking links to conventional mathematics teaching
stuff.  Here is an old version from 2001:

That old page links to this other site,
which might be of similar interest:
Join us  to stay current with the latest information about mathematics
education reform. Over 2,000 people have already joined!

It links to this essay on The Goals of Mathematical Education by
George Polya (an expert on methods for solving problems)
from around 1969 (so, almost forty years ago):
Therefore the schools, especially the primary schools, are today in an
evolution. A sizable fraction, ten to twenty percent, already have the
new method of teaching which can be characterized in the following way
in comparison with the old method of teaching. The old method is
authoritative and teacher-centered. The new method is permissive and
student-centered. In the old time the teacher was in the center of the
class or in front of the class. Everybody looked at him and what he
said. Today the individual students should be in the center of the
class, and they should be allowed to do whatever good idea comes to
their mind. They should be allowed to pursue it in their own way, each
by himself or in small groups. If a student has a good idea in class
discussion then the teacher changes his plans and enters into the good
idea and now the class follows this idea.
Two schools where kids learn like that:

There you have the core of what is still the *political* problem posed
by educational technology (including Python in the classroom). Is it to
be authoritative and teacher-centered (and to reflect a similar
society) or is it to be permissive and student-centered (and also
reflect such an alternative society)? Or is it to be some
hierarchy/meshwork hybrid of both approaches (and reflect a hybrid
society)? From Manuel de Landa's writings:
Indeed, one must resist the temptation to make hierarchies into
villains and meshworks into heroes, not only because, as I said, they
are constantly turning into one another, but because in real life we
find only mixtures and hybrids, and the properties of these cannot be
established through theory alone but demand concrete experimentation.

Finding our way to some balance of hierarchy and meshwork is the
political problem of our age, and educators are smack in the middle of
it, even when they choose to do something seemingly innocent like to
install Python on their computer instead of teach AP Java. With all due
respect to Guido for his programming and project management and other
skills, somebody like Kirby lives his professional life in the
educational trenches (or alternatively, now helping people get out of
them for a day or a week at a time). I have a relative who teaches K-12;
her school district made her sign an agreement a few years back
acknowledging that despite her other employment protections she could be
fired if she installed *any* software on her classroom computer. That is
what it is like in those trenches even for many teachers -- it's often
crazy-making. What's the point of having a computer in your classroom if
you can't install free software on it which might be of interest to the
class (like Python itself or even just other Python-based software)?
What does this say about the culture of the classroom or even the
expectations of the community in relation to the legal and technical
literacy of teachers? And then what's the point of even discussing
Python in secondary schools if no one can use it there for short-sighted
legal or doctrinal reasons? Policies like that are one reason the web is
playing such a big role in schools, including Java and Flash applets.
How can one plot out future directions in education for Python unless
one takes stock of where such policies are driving classrooms? Yet does
discussion here of education in the classroom emphasize Jython (which
could produce Java applets and so be usable by my relative)? Or some
sort of platform to produce Flash applets from Python somehow (which
also might be usable by my relative)? Not really. Although Crunchy Frog
might help in that direction (but ignoring the fact most schools won't
install and maintain their own server for similar 

Re: [Edu-sig] More OLPC chatter (PataPata; EditContinue)

2007-07-01 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
First, to emphasize a key idea below, everyone here should see for a six
minute video walkthrough example:
  A nice demo of Smalltalk development in the debugger by David Buck.
That's what OLPC should ideally be able to do with a View Source key IMHO.

Well, we've been round this before, obviously:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02442.html

Developing a more dynamic way to view and edit source on running systems
built on Python was, of course, the main point of the PataPata
experiments. :-)
Here is Francois Schnells' related demo video:

The phrase that now seems to be in vogue to describe such capabilities
is Edit and Continue. Not quite entirely the same, but it covers
enough to be really useful as a search term. This feature is of great
value to beginners when it is integrated into an IDE well, as it helps
them immediately focus on broken pieces of code rather than finding them
by more indirect means.

In hindsight, I wish I had focused more on getting plain Python and
Jython to be more friendly in terms of Edit and Continue:
like by hacking the core C and Java code, and perhaps IDLE and PyDev,
rather than focusing on using plain-vanilla Python to support
prototypes, to add properties, or wrapping various widget libraries.
After all, Smalltalk (Squeak or VisualWorks or several others) all allow
edit and continue even though they are, like Python, mostly class
based. In the end your (Kirby's) points have proven all too valid --
it's hard to get a new paradigm accepted, especially when it goes
against the grain of how underlying libraries are written, all the books
out there, and so on. The path of least resistance really would have
been to add an edit and continue patch to C-Python (or Jython),
perhaps centered around a PEP. It's not what I wanted -- since I wanted
backward compatibility with older Python versions -- but in the end it I
feel it would have been more effective, and likely a better payback for
the person-months of effort that went into the PataPata experiment.
Still, that's why people do experiments, to learn, and I learned. :-)
Hopefully others can benefit from what I learned too.

I still feel one thing PataPata got right (as a technical advance,
inspired by Self) was showing how you could save and restore the state
of a world of Python objects (and their behaviors) just by writing a
plain text (and highly readable) Python program which reconstructed that
world of objects (with that made slicker by using Ian Bicking's
suggestions for meta class uspport). See my postmortem self-critique
(for more information:
  PataPata critique: the good, the bad, the ugly
I feel that's a good idea to keep in the back of your mind when thinking
about OLPC applications and view source. And it's so much nicer to do
things that way than via pickle which produces an almost unreadable (and
so effectively unmodifiable) output of a live set of Python objects.

On edit and continue, from Microsoft's web site:
Edit and Continue is a time-saving feature that enables you to make
changes to your source code while your program is in break mode. When
you resume execution of the program by choosing an execution command
like Continue or Step, Edit and Continue automatically applies the code
changes with some limitations. This allows you to make changes to your
code during a debugging session, instead of having to stop, recompile
your entire program, and restart the debugging session.

I pick Microsoft's definition even though they were late to the party
(compared to Lisp and Smalltalk doing this decades ago) just to show how
mainstream such technology has become. Isn't this omission just a
glaring embarrassment for Python at this point? And no, module reloading
doesn't cut it, as it entails building your own hooks into your
application as well as thinking through a lot of implications of what
that means -- definitely not something for Python newbies to consider
doing. I myself add limited support for module reloading in a commercial
application while developing and it makes a lot of difference when
developing an application which has long load times or long processing
times -- but it's not a trivial thing to manage, nor is it the same as
Edit and continue.

So I think another attempt towards PataPata's ideals, but not
emphasizing prototypes, and considering changes to the Python and Jython
cores (C and Java), might be worth trying from a Python community point
of view -- or even as Python3000 feature. Sadly, I'm now wrapped up in
other things and can't devote even a few weeks (or more) to realizing
this right now; plus I do think it 

[Edu-sig] More OOP bashing ( which metaphor is best?)

2007-04-04 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
I just came across these links (bearing indirectly on the value of
Python emphasizing both procedural and Object-Oriented Programming
support as a language good for beginners and experts):

  Object Oriented Programming Oversold!
  Guide To Myths

  Why I Prefer Procedural/Relational Over OOP
From the last, for example: It is my opinion that the division between
data and behavior in procedural/relational (p/r) applications also has
software design benefits. It allows a certain contract between the
database and the database user (application programmer). Contracts
usually have certain obligations and costs, but these costs are
worthwhile for the parties of the contract or else the contract would
not be entered into. The relational paradigm involves just such a
contract. If you follow your end of the bargain, then the other party,
the relational paradigm, will provide wonderful benefits. The
limitations required are not arbitrary, for they provide a powerful
intellectual rigor which is one of the greatest tools of modern software
technology in my opinion. Along with GUI's, relational technology is one
of the rare wow! technologies that is a fundamental leap forward in
software design. ... The contract of the relational paradigm basically
says, If you put or keep your information (data) in a certain given
structure, then there are powerful and concise operations that you can
do on this information.  E. Codd, the inventor of relational algebra,
opened the world's eyes to a powerful kind of math (with some help
from more practical-minded collegues). This math can reduce complex
structures and patterns into relatively simple formulas, or relational

Of course, one might argue relational databases are just well defined
objects... :-) But then the object paradigm starts to break dawn -- and
one is really thinking more in terms of modules then how objects are
usually discussed. As I previously wrote here (and on the Squeak list a
long while back):
Personally, one way my opinions differer from Alan Kay's in a deep way
is on his, I think mistaken, notion that an object (or a class) can have
any  meaning apart from the ecology of objects (or really classes) it is
 embedded in. I think there is a deep philosophical (and practical)
point  there which he is perhaps only slowly beginning to see. :-) But
it is reflected in the superiority of, say, Python's modularity in
practice  compared to early Smalltalks, that is, if you think classes
stand alone, then there is no need for a higher level of module,
whereas if you think  classes need to be clustered to support each
other, than modules make a lot of sense.

Still, I think the more general issue, present even in AK's new
proposal, is how one can simulate the world by objects but one also can
simulate the world (perhaps more accurately, if with more effort) as a
set of fields defined by relations (or by any other method). Whether
such fields are best implemented procedurally or via OOP is another
question. Anyway, when one delves this, it gets murkier and murkier --
in part because people often confuse having a modeling layer of discrete
objects somewhere as meaning the models are all about Objects and OOP,
but there is no reason one cannot use objects to model other things
(fields) -- or even vice versa. Still, from a beginner point of view,
why should you have to get the metaphor of objects if what you are
interested in are fields (e.g an astrophysics simulation of particles
in an electrostatic gradient and/or gravity well)? I think the appeal of
APL based on arrays is in part the appeal of fields.

One thing that makes this all confusing to understand is the human mind
has a layer (or module) that models the complex real world in terms of a
simplified representation of objects (as I wrote in my undergraduate
thesis in 1985: Why Intelligence: Objects Stability Evolution and
Model). William Kent explored this in his book _Data and Reality_:
For example, by numbers, people are about 90% bacteria, but we generally
don't see other people as walking bacterial colonies. :-)
  People Are Human-Bacteria Hybrid
Yet if you want to understand some branches of holistic medicine (and
why using antibiotics might have lifelong health impacts) then you need
to think about people this way, as hard as it is.
And then, if you want to understand bacteria, you have to see them more
as a vast worldwide supercomputer than isolated individuals:
  New Science Of Metagenomics to Transform Modern Microbiology?
So, as Plato's Allegory of the Cave suggest it is sometimes hard to
see past 

Re: [Edu-sig] [BULK] More OOP bashing ( which metaphor is best?)

2007-04-04 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Peter Chase wrote:
 Not sure you can trust anyone using the phrase appeal of APL.

Personally, I haven't used APL for over twenty years (since when you
needed it to run a graphics package called FOIL to produce multicolor
plotter output). I'm not a big fan of backspacing over funny characters
to make more even complex operators (as neat an idea as I'm sure that
sounded at the time). :-(

Still, consider:
The executive committee is making an effort for SIGAPL to strengthen
its position as an organization that sponsors the use of many array
programming languages, including APL, J, K, matlab, Gauss, and APLus. In
addition, we want to re-activate the relationships with local APL user
groups and initiate relationships with users of other APL dialects.

Obviously, matlab is very mainstream in several domains (especially
related to signal processing).

But even in the Python context, NumPy or variants are bringing the power
of arrays to Python. See:
  NumPy for Matlab Users
MATLAB® and NumPy/SciPy have a lot in common. But there are many
differences. NumPy and SciPy were created to do numerical and scientific
computing in the most natural way with Python, not to be MATLAB® clones.

FScript tried to bring powerful array concepts to Smalltalk.
The OOPAL model, a new high level programming model which unify OOP and
APL-like Array programming.

So, let me rephrase that as, the appeal of APL, J, K, matlab, Gauss,
APLus, FScript and NumPy. :-) Sound slightly more trustworthy? :-)

Anyway, my point is that array processing offers yet another paradigm
alternative to OOP, and for the right task (e.g. simulating fields of
force), it can be a very attractive approach. Of course Python, being
very flexible and modular and expandable, gives you a lot of those
possibilities without all the line noise. :-) And one might argue, that
if you were teaching programming to, say, Astrophysics-interested
people, you might be better off focusing on NumPy and doing array
calculations using procedural code than talking about all the typical
OOP examples of hierarchies of shapes and such.

All the best.

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] [edupython] Python in Education Advocacy Article

2007-03-30 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
To clarify, on PataPata, at the moment I am using Jython to prototype a
version of a Smalltalk-like system and syntax for the Java (JVM)
platform. I am doing this in part to have a system which supports edit
and continue, and also in part just because it is fun.

I think Java is a terrible language for a human to use because it is too
verbose (among other reasons). Still, after ten years, the JVM is a
not-that-terrible platform which has the advantage of hype and installed
base and can supply about 1/2 C speeds in a portable way. So Java (or
JVM byte codes) isn't that awful as a portable machine language -- and
it involves less work for a single programmer to maintain a complex
application across multiple platforms than for C. Personally, I like
Swing, but then, I come from the world (VisualWorks) where most core
Swing designers come from. :-) There is no question in my mind that
Jython is a much saner way to write code for the JVM than Java in most
situations. And Jython is probably a better choice for most JVM things
than most of these JVM languages:
(unless you already know one of the other languages or have a problem
which has a neatly packaged solution in one of those systems).
Still, for anything other than writing arbitrary portable fast code (1/2
C) or code that interfaces easily with Java libraries, Python by itself
is probably a more reliable cross platform solution than JVM approaches
in many situations.

In any case, there is still a lot of Python in my own noodling around,
at least for now. :-) And also, while I learned a lot about prototypes
and their strengths and weaknesses when writing Python code for PataPata
to emulate prototypes in Python, if anything, I developed a better
respect for how much you could do quirky things in plain old Python when
you wanted to or needed to, thus minimizing some of the need to use
prototypes for everything.

Still, there are always tempting new projects like Factor
which uses FORTH ideals to do amazing things (like with OpenGL) in
fairly small footprints and with minimal external dependencies and with
fairly few core developer-years of work (though the developers are
unusually bright. :-) From the web page: Factor has an optimizing
native compiler, automatic memory management with a generational garbage
collector, a powerful collections library, and various advanced language
features such as higher-order programming, continuations, and extensible
syntax. Factor development is done in an interactive environment with a
graphical user interface. There is a single-stepping debugger which can
travel backwards in time, and extensive documentation. An easy to use C
library interface allows one to call C libraries without writing any
glue code in C. Bindings for OpenGL, FreeType, X11, Cocoa, and Windows
APIs are provided.  (I can hope AK's FONC
in a few years will produce something even beyond that, if it succeeds).

In any case, I see the JVM, Python, C, FONC, Squeak, and Factor as all
possible substrates for running a higher level system on top of. A well
designed self-reflective system really should be able to run on all of
them with appropriate back ends and interface layers. It just requires a
higher level of abstraction than, for example, how PataPata already runs
on both top of Python/TK and Jython/Swing. And also a willingness to
sacrifice some performance in some situations. :-)

Right now, on a 3Ghz AMD64, this new VM in Jython is doing about 25000
message sends a second (and about 30K in Python). This is about 1/1000
the speed of C, but I think when the system reflects on itself and can
generate pure Java, I am hoping to have it at Python-ish and Squeak-ish
speeds of about 1/20 to 1/100 C overall for loops and calls and sends.
But given how fast computers continue to get, I'm not too concerned
about performance. Even if it remained at 1/1000 C speed, in ten years,
that would mean it would run about the speed of C on today's computers
-- and there are plenty of interesting applications one can run on
today's computers. I also have Jython GUI that lets me single step
through hand-compiled code. (None of this has been checked in so
SourceForge yet though.) From an educational point of view, looking at
such a system and changing it, even if the system was never used for any
other activity) could help Python-literate people understand more about
message passing and VM construction and (abstractly) how a CPU works.
I'm certainly learning something from it. :-)

I certainly remain completely pro-Python for commercial development.

And I remain pro-Python as the language of choice to teach most kids
with at the appropriate age. It's a great language. And a great
community. Python generally plays nice with other systems (including C
and Java) and looks a lot like what most programmers already 

Re: [Edu-sig] Comments on Kay's Reinvention of Programming proposal

2007-03-19 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Thanks for the thoughtful reply, including the interesting historical
information on earlier Smalltalk VM sizes and also on performances
losses with newer hardware and OpenGL's origins. Thanks then too for
OpenGL! :-)

I wrote the following long essay, but feel free to ignore it as I'm sure
you have lots of coding still to do, and I am eager to see the results.
:-) Essentially though, I explore whether one can really claim to be
reinventing programming while ignoring tackling head on the issues of
managing complexity and supporting legacy code.

 On managing complexity and supporting legacy code:

I especially liked your point of: we want to use Math Wins! as the
motto of this project. Certainly Moore's law is making it more possible
for plain general math to win big, without the clutter of a lot of
hand-coded implicit and explicit optimizations (which can be added later
as you propose). And certainly Moore's law is only working to benefit
existing dynamic systems like Smalltalk and Python as any late-binding
performance overhead is becoming less and less important for more and
more tasks.

Also on math, and on rereading your proposal, it is common, if not
essential, for a mathematician to redefine the terms of a problem until
it matches something they know how to solve. Sometimes the result is
useful -- sometimes it is not. In the realm of science, it is generally
always interesting and entertaining though. From:
Q:  How many mathematicians does it take to screw in a light bulb?
 A:  One.  He gives it to six Californians, thereby reducing the problem
to an earlier joke...

I'll agree that ... the proposal is clear as to its aims, and it is
sketchy as to how the aims will be realized 

That of course is the nature of much research. If it was claiming to be
*very* basic research (which the USA has fallen down on), I'm sure it
would be sketchy as to its aims too, :-) but then it would be unlikely
to get funded these days. And that is why one famous academic I know
said he built his basic research career on always submitting grant
proposals for the work he was already doing and was near completing, and
then using the grant money to do something new and unexpected, which
after success became the basis of the next retrospective grant proposal.
:-) But he also built his career back in the 1950s-1970s, when funding
was more plentiful relative to PhDs.

I'll also agree with your sentiment that: The rest of your discussion
is orthogonal to the aims of the proposal.  But, as you also say:
Basically, we think we know how to do the bottom and the top, but the
most interesting stuff in the center (how programs are expressed,
etc.) is currently described in terms of analogies to good ideas rather
than good ideas themselves.

It's the stuff in the middle that several of my points are about. From
my experience with other projects, including Squeak, I can agree
wholeheartedly with with this fragment of the larger Dijkstra quote Ian
Piumarta has in his talk slides of: ... we all know that unmastered
complexity is at the root of the misery...

Of the techniques you outline, which are really directed at managing
complexity? Perhaps some will help sometimes (like programming using
particles and fields for page layout) but they may introduce their own

And while ignoring the outside world of legacy code leads to a simple
set of issues for the design, they also lead the community to have
complexity issues of its own maintaining and writing code in all sorts
of areas.

Where is, say, the broad emphasis on wrestling code complexity to the
ground? Or where is, say, a broad emphasis on being able to  easily
interface with, reverse engineer, and maintain any legacy system in any
language on any hardware? Fanciful perhaps to think so big, but is that
not what reinventing programming would be about? Especially one that
added in the word practical in the subtitle?  Or is the proposal more
really about reinventing all computers?. :-) which is a great goal,
agreeing with your comment on performance loss by poor design by vendors
of hardware or software, but still is quite a bit different.

I know in practice one needs to draw lines somewhere, and one may have
limited resources, so I am not faulting you on having to draw lines. In
fact, it's remarkable you drew them as far out as you have! Nonetheless,
I'm just playing with the boundaries here -- knowing they are unlikely
to change, but doing so both to understand the nature of the problem
space better and to understand more precisely what this projects
contribution will be, given the provocative title. See:
There are at least two kinds of games: finite and infinite. A finite
game is a game that has fixed rules and boundaries, that is played for
the purpose of winning and thereby ending the game. An infinite game 

Re: [Edu-sig] Reloading code (was Re: OLPC: first thoughts)

2007-03-12 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
 the exceptions
that bubble up to the top, since a lot of Python code routinely handles
exceptions like for not opening a file or when using exceptions to check
the duck typing of something, which is why this weaker form would entail
extra work). A lot of IDEs for other languages (like C++) let you
control what exceptions the debugger breaks on, so this is not that

--Paul Fernhout

Michael Spencer wrote:
 Paul D. Fernhout pdfernhout at writes:
 This xreload module Guido supplies is similar to the approach I used for 
 Jython in my earlier link.
 If you look at that thread, I acknowledge Michael Spencer as having 
 supplied some of the more sophisticated reload logic which is similar to 
 what Guido has posted here (not sure where Michael got it from of course, 
 nor where Guido got xreload from). See Michael's first related post here:

 FWIW, I still tinker with the reloading issue from time to time, in pursuit 
 of a
 fully-interactive environment.  My latest module is at:  It's not documented 
 standalone use, but may contain some useful ideas, and I'd be happy to discuss
 it if anyone were interested.
 Incidentally, class bodies provide one of the hard problems for reloading.
 Ideally, for reloading, one would execute the class body in a proxy of the
 existing dict, as for modules, but this can't be achieved with the same exec
 modulecode in proxyofexistingdict approach.   In order to work-around 
 I wrote a pure-python compiler.  With this, it becomes possible to modify the
 class definition bytecode to execute the class definitions in the existing 
 dict rather than a new one.  The compiler itself is at: .  However, I have 
 yet connected it into the reloading module.
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] Reloading code (was Re: OLPC: first thoughts)

2007-02-25 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Oh, what a giveaway! Did you hear that? Did you hear that, eh? That's 
what I'm on about! :-)

This xreload module Guido supplies is similar to the approach I used for 
Jython in my earlier link.
If you look at that thread, I acknowledge Michael Spencer as having 
supplied some of the more sophisticated reload logic which is similar to 
what Guido has posted here (not sure where Michael got it from of course, 
nor where Guido got xreload from). See Michael's first related post here:

Notice xreload's update is much smaller than the one I made with Michael's 
additional inspiration and ideas:
In some ways, xreload's is better by including a general Provide a hook 
for updating concept. However xreload just ignores what to do with top 
level objects like lists or dicts -- xreload apparently throws away the 
updates to them. Notice it is not recursive -- for example does it handle 
nested classes? I'm not sure of all the reasons for the other differences 
-- it was tricky code I admit I never fully understood how to write 
thoroughly, mucking about with Python/Jython internals I only hazily 
understood. And even for the reload code I supplied, it is not always 
clear what to do with changes to top level objects -- do you want to 
update them or replace them? If you do update them, how deeply do you want 
the update to go?

Notice xreload still has sections with comments like Not something we 
recognize, just give up (that's throwing away changes to top level lists 
and dicts and singletons and such), or Cop-out: if the type changed, give 
up, and it can not handle in general the issue of side effects I 
mentioned (e.g. is a singleton instance recreated?). And of course you 
can't use it to restart an exception after making a change (though it is 
perhaps a piece of that puzzle). It does however deal with updating 
pointers to existing function as far as I can tell (so previously set GUI 
callbacks will still call the old code) -- and does it in the same way the 
previous code linked to did (e.g. oldfunc.func_code = newfunc.func_code).

So, the xreload module Guido supplies is nifty piece of code to have 
(assuming Python licensed?). Using it properly will make you more 
productive. However, it still requires building hooks into your 
application explicitly to call it for each module of interest; the Jython 
version I supplied includes a brief GUI control window listing all modules 
which could be made to work similarly under wx or tk.

Still, elegant as it is (including the reload hook), even xreload does not 
handle all the important cases -- just (forgive me :-) the *easy* ones.

When Guido supplies an :-) python 2.5 code module that lets 
you restart exceptions after having modified one of the functions in the 
stack trace, then I will admit it is something I have never seen before in 
Python and be suitably impressed. Is it even possible without modifying 
the VM? :-)

There will remain the semantic problem of what to do with top level 
objects, but as I said, one can avoid that somewhat by just never 
expecting to reload an entire module at a time -- so using the core of 
these ideas to reload a method or class (which is what reload does, as it 
does not update other globals than code related ones).

And then, a next bigger step is getting both xreload and xrestart (or 
related code) into general use into common Python IDEs like IDLE or PyDev.
Otherwise, how is a beginner ever going to understand why you would want 
this xreload piece of code, or how it works, or when to use it? It's one 
thing to have a bit of code that suggest how something can be done -- it 
is another to weave an idea throughout a community and a set of 
application implementations. And the prevalence of those ideas of fine 
grained changes and fixing code using the debugger and then restarting is 
a big reason Smalltalk coders are more productive than Python coders, all 
other things being equal (which of course they are not given licensing, 
availability, libraries, community, and so on, which is why I use Python 
instead of Smalltalk. Can't stop pining for the fjords, I guess. :-).

One impressive thing about the Python design which I liked from all this 
was how Python separates the notion of execution code from a pointer 
reference. That is what makes all these reloading tricks possible. And my 
hat goes off to Guido for having included the extra level of indirection 
which makes this feasible. I can hope that generality and late bindingness 
might also make possible restarting an exception without VM changes.

--Paul Fernhout

Guido van Rossum wrote:
 On 2/24/07, Paul D. Fernhout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
To step back for a minute, the fundamental problem here is that for

[Edu-sig] Reloading code (was Re: OLPC: first thoughts)

2007-02-24 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
 defining metaclasses to affect future class loading to 
executing random bits of code (sort of like Forth in this sense). So, only 
modules without these side effects can be easily reloaded. Consider for 
example what if your module makes a singleton instance of something -- 
when you reload it, should it make a new singleton instance and leave the 
other one to still perhaps be used by old instances, or should the 
singleton instance get upgraded to the new class? Just one of many issues 
that happen when you are using Python's textual module reloading paradigm. 
Ideally, when you change a method in a text file you probably almost 
always want only that specific method to change with everything else being 
left alone. But that breaks the Python paradigm. Still, even with this 
problem, easier class reloading like I outlined above still gets you great 
value when developing new code, especially if you slightly alter how you 
layout your new modules with this limitation in mind. But reloading older 
code may present you with problems -- making maintenance using this 
technique harder.

--Paul Fernhout

Andreas Raab wrote:
 Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
This edit and continue support is much more fine grained and 
easier to use than reloading Python modules, even with the variants I and 
others have created. 
 Where can I find out more about these variants and what they do? We are 
 currently trying to enable a workflow that centers around a life 
 environment and these issues become important for us. Are there any 
 other life environments (besides Patapata which I have looked at) that 
 are worth studying?
Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] Reloading code (was Re: OLPC: first thoughts)

2007-02-24 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 On 2/24/07, Paul D. Fernhout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There may be one major semantical issue, in terms of the meaning of side
effects when loading a module  (e.g. defining singletons, opening files,
etc.) which is hard to deal with generically with Python. You can deal
with [it] specifically in how you write your own code, but that is not a
general solution.
 Not sure I follow yet.  A module loads top to bottom, with lower defs
 premised on
 those previously mentioned.  Is that what you mean?  Once everything is 
 it's more like a __dict__, i.e. the namespace of the module of
 accessible, either
 via dot notation, or directly if the names are top level.

To step back for a minute, the fundamental problem here is that for 
whatever reason a programmer wants to modify just one method of an already 
loaded Python class (which came from a textual module which was loaded 
already), save the change somewhere so it can be reloaded later 
(overwriting part of the textual module?), and also have the program start 
using the new behavior for existing instances without any other side 
effects arising from recompiling this one change. In practice, this is 
trivial to do in almost any Smalltalk system; it is hard if not impossible 
to do in any widely used Python IDE or program (even when a Python shell 
is embedded).

Unfortunately, the paradigm used by every Python IDE I've tried is to 
reload an entire textual module (or more typically, entire program) at a 
time for even the slightest change to one function. Embedded Python shells 
generally allow you to redefine a function if you have a copy of the code, 
but they offer no way to save the code. Most Smalltalks uses a different 
paradigm, where code is presented to the user one function at a time in a 
browser and is compiled one function at a time. Yes, there are cases where 
people filein Smalltalk code defining a complex program, but such 
fileins are generally considered an *interchange* format, not a preferred 
program representation for editing unlike as is usually the case with Python.

Consider the meaning of an arbitrary piece of Python code near the bottom 
of a textual module. Essentially, you have no idea what it means if the 
original author has used some Python bells and whistles. For example, he 
or she could have defined a metaclass where every nested def under a 
class was converted to, say, an uppercase string and stored under a key 
that was the numerical hash of the function name (with no functions 
actually defined for that class perhaps). The specific metaclass behavior 
may even hinge on the current state of a global which has been modified 
several times during the course of loading the module. So essentially, you 
have no way of knowing for sure what any apparent Python code really means 
by isolated inspection. And because any module can run any arbitrary 
Python code, without actually running the Python program (or doing the 
equivalent analysis), you can never be sure what side effects loading a 
module has. Now, Smalltalk has metaclasses too, but in practice, because 
of the way code is presented to the user and edited and recompiled one 
method/function at a time, the context makes fairly clear what is going to 
happen when that snippet of code you just changed is compiled. The big 
difference is really the effective unit of compilation -- the complex 
module in Python or the simple method/function in Smalltalk.

Now, this is rarely a problem the *first* time a module is loaded, but it 
generally becomes a problem when a module is *reloaded*. If you only 
treated as module as an *interchange* format, and then modified the live 
classes using a tool which only works on regular classes (like PataPata 
does), there is no  need to reload the module, so this potential problem 
related to parsing a modules meaning via an IDE tool remains only 
potential, and also avoided is the possibility reloading a module might 
have side effects. (In practice, anything still depends on mapping from a 
function back to its source text, and this may go wrong for various 
reasons... :-)

Naturally, this kind of major redefinition is rarely done, and it would 
create lots of confusion, but it is possible, so IDE tools that do not 
support it are incomplete. This is a perrenial problem with, say, C, where 
you can make all sorts of macros and so never know just exactly what 
arbitrary C code out of context does (see the obfuscated code 
contests...). And it means that you can't get a simple one-to-one mapping 
of a section of a file that looks like it defines a function and an actual 
function reliably without analyzing the entire program. Yes, 99.99% of the 
time Python code does the obvious thing, but it is not 100% certain. The 
same is true for Forth -- in theory any isolated snippet of Forth can mean 
anything, since it is trivially easy to modify how the compiler interprets 
text -- something that make Forth very

Re: [Edu-sig] arthur siegel has passed away

2007-02-02 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

I just read your note. I am sorry to hear about the death of Arthur.

I enjoyed conversing with Arthur via email. We didn't always agree (who 
does?), but he made a lot of great points and I learned much from reading 
his writing, including looking back on is contributions for years in the 
edusig archives. Arthur had many thought provoking things to say, and I am 
glad he took the time to say them and contribute to a large discussion on 
computers and education. We were certainly in broad general agreement 
about the value of learning and a desire to make the learning experience 
as good a one as possible for as many people as possible.

Arthur may not have had the publicly-recognized star quality of some in 
the computer field (including some whom he critiqued here on the edusig 
list), but the woods would be very quiet if no bird sang there but the 
one judged best. Arthur's was an important voice in the wilderness of 
technology, and it saddens me that I will no longer be able to get his 
perspective on new technology issues as they arise.

Arthur made a positive contribution to education with PyGeo (and I'm sure 
other things, including his writings to edusig, the archive of which will 
hopefully continue to echo his voice for a long time to come). I am glad 
PyGeo is hosted at SourceForge and so will also continue to be available 
to learners as a monument to Arthur's dedication and caring and generosity 
and love of learning and love of Geometry.

One of the most insightful things Arthur wrote to edusig recently was:
: One theme that seems to run through discussions here is related to this
: issue. Is it the educators' mission to find just the right motivational
: buttons and push them just right ???  Or rather focus on responding
: appropriately to those who come to the learning process with some
: critical mass level of  motivation???
: It seems to be one of the fault lines, in some of the discussions here.

It was a great insight into the nature of education and the soul of the 
educator and the learner. It is an insight I still need to reflect on 
more, along with his other writings.

Arthur will be missed. Whatever the nature of the great Geometric mystery 
beyond the end of life in this world, I wish him well.

Again, my condolences in this difficult time for you and the rest of his 

--Paul Fernhout

Arthur wrote:
 We wanted to inform anyone familiar with Arthur Siegel's work with PyGeo 
 that Arthur passed away on Tuesday.  Anyone interested in more 
 information can email his sister at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The funeral 
 will be at 12:00 at the Riverside Memorial Chapel, 21 West Broad Street 
 in Mount Vernon New York.
Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] Exploring visible mathematics with IMAGINE: Building new mathematical cultures with a powerful computational system

2007-01-31 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Just came across this reference which might be of interest to people here:

Ivan Kalas, Andrej Blaho:
Exploring visible mathematics with IMAGINE: Building new mathematical 
cultures with a powerful computational system.
Learning in School, Home and Community 2002: 53-64

Link to the first few pages:,M1


In our paper we explore how programmable pictures together with events, 
parallel independent processes and direct manipulation tools can be used 
for building powerful interactive elements and provide rich environments 
for exploring basic mathematical concepts. To visualize the concepts we 
use IMAGINE turtles, the shapes of which are specified in the Logo 
language. Thus we achieve high interactivity in the resulting microworlds. 
Children can easily create such objects, control them, combine, move, 
group, match, etc. We hope that new features of IMAGINE will inspire math 
teachers and developers to create new visible educational materials.

 From the book:
_Learning in School, Home and Community: Ict for Early and Elementary 

Schools, homes and communities, including after-care centres, resource 
centres and libraries, have increased and acquired more technologies, and 
a wider range of applications are being used. Research shows that students 
use ICT differently in each setting. School-based technology use is often 
viewed by students as routine and disconnected from their interests and 
abilities. Many teachers are hesitant as to how to teach about ICT and, at 
the same time, integrate ICT into subject-based learning. Parents and the 
community-at-large have goals that differ from the goals espoused by 
teachers and students. This volume highlights the concerns of all - 
students, teachers, parents, policy makers and the general public.Major 
themes in Learning in School, Home and Community: ICT for Early and 
Elementary Education include: *Teachers' and researchers' studies of ICT 
use in school, home and community. *National strategies and policies 
affecting ICT use in school, home and community. *ICT tools designed to 
promote learning and the optimal settings to promote learning. *School and 
community responses to ICT use that promote the integration of ICT for all 
members of the community. This volume contains the selected proceedings of 
the Working Conference on Learning with Technologies in School, Home and 
Community, which was sponsored by the International Federation for 
Information Processing (IFIP) and held June 30-July 5, 2002 in Manchester, 
United Kingdom. Contributions from experts around the world, working as 
teachers, teacher educators, researchers and government officials, make 
this volume an essential contribution to the development and 
implementation of ICT policies andprograms for schools, homes and 

[Note: Personally I do not think computers an apropriate way for kids to 
spend much of their time before, say, age seven.]

Related with online content:

Imagine… a new generation of Logo: programmable pictures
In 2000 we completed the development of a new generation of Logo 
environments containing a radical combination of the direct manipulation 
interface and rich interactive programming language.

Not open source it seems, and so had dropped by the wayside or become 

--Paul Fernhout

Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] Tracing the Dynabook: A Dissertation

2007-01-19 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Bert Freudenberg wrote:
 Btw, I hope that we might get a bit closer to this on the OLPC UI -  
 at least it is running in Python, you have that view source key on  
 the keyboard, so the necessary ingredients are there. It's just hard  
 to get people to even *imagine* that something this powerful is  
 actually doable.

While it is not progressing at the moment, check out the PataPata 
environment for Python I developed to see what is at least a 
proof-of-concept of this level of interaction in Python.
It allows one to browse and modify the code of a running world of objects 
(using either tk or Swing as the interface).

The screencasts done by Francois Schnell showes an earlier version in 
action, see for example:

I think if I took PataPata further, I might de-emphasize the 
prototype-oriented aspect of it in favor of classes, while still trying to 
retain PataPata's capability of having an image or world of live 
objects stored as Python scripts that rebuild the objects of interest.

I would certainly emphasize any changes to Python needed to easily debug 
into a function, change it, and restart it (which is at the core of a lot 
of Smalltalk productivity). I had earlier made support for that for plain 
Python (mostly in Jython, posted to that list) but it would be nice to see 
such support much better integrated into the base Python --  as a PEP 
perhaps? (And this suport is a lot more fine-grained than module reloading...)

I think making easy and widely available this support for easy debugging 
into a function and changing it and restarting all in a still running 
application would be of great value to anyone learning through tinkering 
with a Python-powered application (like an educational simulation). And it 
would increase Python programmer productivity when developing medium to 
large applications probably by a factor of at least 2X or 3X.

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] Edusig auf Deutsch [in German] using Babelfish

2007-01-18 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Just for fun, here is a link through Babelfish for edusig auf Deutsch: :-)

See for example:
[ Edu-Edu-sig ] Slashdot Artikel: Programmieren Zicklein Jedoch?

Or January's posts:

I'd be curious what a native German speaker had to say about the quality 
or usefulness of these automatic translations of edusig?
Useful? Confusing? Useless?

--Paul Fernhout

Bert Freudenberg wrote:
 Am Jan 18, 2007 um 6:45  schrieb Paul D. Fernhout:
  so no matter how cheap you made distributing a
 diversity of text books or related educational materials, schools  would
 not want any but the standardized ones to be used at the standardized
 times. The point of conventional schooling was then ansd still is to
 produce a standard graded product, not amplify differences. As I  
 point out
 in my previously linked essay
   Why Educational Technology Has Failed Schools
 computers linked to the internet have revolutionized just about  every 
 of life today related to information access and education -- except,
 ironically, schooling. I think there is a reason. Schools are  *actively*
 in the way of everything the better side of the world wide web  
 promises --
 diversity, expression, disintermediation, innovation, etc.
 Hi Paul,
 I *very* much enjoy reading your thoughts on technology and  education. 
 I wish they were in German, to be able to show them to  people here ... 
 Do you know any German writer with similar views?
 - Bert -

Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] An OLPC comment (Why Educational Technology Has Failed Schools)

2007-01-18 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
I guess you have your work cut out for you then to write one. :-)

Thanks for the comments on Babelfish.

--Paul Fernhout

P.S. I did find that John Holt's _How Children Learn_ has been translated 
to fourteen languages -- not sure what they are though:

You also might find this to have interesting links:
According to that:
Although homeschooling is not legal in Germany at this time, there is a 
new web site for promoting respectful parenting and natural learning in 
Germany. Mit Kindern leben und lernen it's in German
German Unschooling list Mostly ... German with a few Austrians and a 
handful of Dutch and English readers

Poking around at the  URL, I found:
I would think someone in there are bound to be links to people writing 
about technology and education in a German context, as there is some 

There are also some links here, of course, mostly to German news articles:

Then there is also Skolelinux Germany:
Might be some discussions related to that in German?
A related wiki:

My German from school is very rusty, so I can't easily be of more help; 
sorry. I would think searching on John Holt for his later writings might 
get you some interesting things though.

Also, one more thought:
The following schools follow the Sudbury model of non-compulsory, 
democratic education, pioneered by Sudbury Valley School:
   [One in Leipzig, Germany]

Maybe some links from there or people to talk to about technology and 
education (especially if you are anywhere around Leipzig, Germany)?

I know that unschooling or homeschooling is generally not as available in 
Europe as in the USA, but I also think that alternative schools, like 
Montessori, Waldorf, or the Sudbury model are perhaps more common (as you 
yourself discovered already). Personally, I think the Free school model 
is the most workable compromise given today's society, and if I lived in 
Europe I would be thinking more about those. I'd even consider it if my 
family lived nearby one here in the USA. I guess there is something I can 
thank the USA's social conservative movement for -- homeschooling laws 
making unschooling possible. :-)

I can't imagine how much fun it would be to teach Python in such a 
setting, where if the kids are working with you they are doing it out of 
genuine interest (even if it might not be long lasting). Those schools 
tend to expect more parental involvement in the schools, and I know if I 
sent a child to one, as a parent, I'd want to be offering Python (or 
Squeak) programming experiences to all the kids there as a volunteer.

Bert Freudenberg wrote:
 Thanks Paul,
 I know of Steiner, we have a son who went to a Waldorf school. We  
 choose a Montessori school for our other kids, which I like much better.
 Anyway, I was specifically looking for someone both knowledgable in  
 education *and* technology, and writing about the intersection of the  two.
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] An OLPC comment (Why Educational Technology Has Failed Schools)

2007-01-17 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

It is funny to see the learning just in case educators crying out for 
more testing just in case. Like the Albany Free School, or John Holt, or 
The Hole in the Wall project or various other success stories relating 
to learning on demand which the OLPC project supports did not exist. No 
amount of testing will ever be enough for those who use testing as a way 
to hold people back and keep them in a lower class. :-(
The second lesson I teach is your class position.  I teach that
you must stay in class where you belong.  I don't know who decides that
my kids belong there but that's not my business.  The children are
numbered so that if any get away they can be returned to the right
class.  Over the years the variety of ways children are numbered has
increased dramatically, until it is hard to see the human being plainly
under the burden of numbers he carries.  Numbering children is a big and
very profitable business, though what the strategy is designed to
accomplish is elusive.  I don't even know why parents would allow it to
be done to their kid without a fight.
   In any case, again, that's not my business.  My job is to make
them like it, being locked in together with children who bear numbers
like their own.  Or at the least endure it like good sports.  If I do my
job well, the kids can't even imagine themselves somewhere else because
I've shown how to envy and fear the better classes and how to have
contempt for the dumb classes.  Under this efficient discipline the
class mostly polices itself into good marching order.  That's the real
lesson of any rigged competition like school.  You come to know your

I don't in general disagree with the notion that empiricism and testing as 
part of either engineering or science can be useful. But there are still 
aspects of garbage in / garbage out when doing testing in relation to 
the testers' assumptions, methods, and biases. And testing can also be 
just a big waste of time if you test for the wrong things -- for example, 
what do higher test scores really prove about whether people will be 
happier or whether some part of society will be better off (economically 
or spiritually)? Consider, how do you test for character or imagination or 
virtue? And how do you test for people who won't put up with BS of taking 
too many tests or being asked to jump through too many hoops? :-) 
Historically, if you measure programmers on, say, lines of code, you may 
get a lot of lines of code but poorly running and hard to maintain 
programs. Same too for testing kids for grades -- maybe you get high 
graders but little else. Consider the goal of Computer Programming For 
Everybody -- to make people more comfortable and in control of their 
increasingly computerized environment -- it's hard to put a number on 
someone's sense the importance of that or when it has been reached.

There is some fancy sounding statistical term for numbers not being 
connected with the reality you are interested in but I forget it off-hand. :-)

On the larger issues, see this essay I recently wrote which supports 
Negroponte's position indirectly:
   Why Educational Technology Has Failed Schools

That essay could be considered supporting Alan Kay's suggestion that
   the computer revolution hasn't happened yet.
Essentially I explore whether computer technology which enables learning 
on demand has made learning just in case compulsory education obsolete.

--Paul Fernhout

Arthur wrote:
 Hate being the grunch.  I hope the OLPC accomplishes everything it sets 
 out to and more.
 What I suspect is that - having learnt something about complexity and 
 dynamic systems from computers - that the most profound effects of the 
 initiative will be unintended ones. Let's hope they are mostly good.
 Particularly given this, I don't understand the embedded need, as part 
 of the process, to the compromise on some basic ideas - normally called 
 We - on edu-sig - were trying to form some consensus on the need for 
 empiricism around these issues.
 And in his own way, by my reading of events, my erstwhile friend Kirby 
 was trying to suggest something along these lines during his 
 participation at the Shuttleworth summit.  Or - maybe more what he was 
 suggesting - is that until there is empricial evidence that leads us in 
 a certain and clear direction, best encourage the diversity of ideas.
 OLPC seem to represent very much a counter vision.
 Seems to me the OLPC has counter ideas on both empiricism *and* the 
 diversity of ideas.
 Here is Nicholas Negroponte's reaction to the idea of bringing empricism 
 to the party.
 So there will not be consensus, apparently,

Re: [Edu-sig] An OLPC comment (vs. Apprenticeship)

2007-01-17 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

I think one issue is here is the difference between apprenticeship and
teaching. Perhaps there is a middle position of mentoring between
those too, as apprenticeship can often be exploitive, plus take many
years. One of the best ways to learn a skill (like programming) might be
to be apprenticed to someone who does it to some useful end. For example,
I learned much about computers in high school working (for pay, outside of
school hours) for a teacher who had an educational computer company. He
didn't teach me much directly, but he provide me documents and hardware
and reasonable challenges and experiences and time which helped me grow as
a software developer. Still, two other high school teachers provided me
access to computers as well to a lesser extent, and I was also aided by my
father's support of my earlier IC electronic hobby and subsequent computer
activities, including buying a KIM-1, some books at  a computer fair, and
then a Commodore PET with printer and disk drive. It's hard to remember
how difficult *access* was to computers in the USA way back when in the
1970s. But obviously that difficulty still exists in much of the world for
many people.

I am happy to agree that human apprenticeship (or even mentoring) is more
powerful than a sink-or-swim approach of just connecting a kid with some
technology or a hole in the wall:
-- as far as learning effective skills as part of a larger liberal
education including values and strategies. When I read of the experiences
of many other programmers who grew up around, say, Palo Alto (Xerox) or
Yorktown Heights (IBM), I can see the tremendous advantages they had being
part of such cultures and being able to learn from others. Consider, for
example, Bill Gates, who learned to write better code by reading the
operating system code listings thrown in the dumpster at a computer center:
Not that he would extend that privilege to others, of course. Contrast
that to me at the one time I went to a local computer users group meeting
as a kid and the person with a print out of the FORTRAN source code for
Adventure would not let me look at it. So, these people who were close
to such industrial or adult activities had big advantages.

When people are put in a role of being a teacher, and they bring a
personal enthusiasm for their subject, that enthusiasm can carry over into
aspects of apprenticeship despite operating in a conventional classroom.
Kirby U. here sounds like he does that. But, there is no realistic way a
person can really have 30 apprentices, let alone 150 as is typical in high
school (one teacher with five classes of thirty kids each). One or two
apprentices is quite doable, even up to five, maybe. Much more than that,
and at best you have a pipeline (like the one room schoolhouse) where the
older apprentices teach the younger, as a sort of learning community.

But the big difference is that with apprenticeship there is generally some
easily measurable economic goal (or at least, someone one, the master)
who is assumed to be in a good position to judge the apprentices output in
terms of usefulness or craft. This is not always the case, since obviously
apprenticeships can go bad, and some acclaimed masters are that way for
bad reasons. But in general, apprenticeship is how most people have
learned most complex skills for most of history -- well, that coupled with
trial-and-error coupled with reading. Learning skills mainly from books or
lectures is likely a very recent thing. Listening to people stand and talk
has a place in human society -- but it often is more by way of story
telling and communicating history and values through entertaining story.

So perhaps if one wants a coherent alternative to a constructivist vision
of OLPC and Kay and Papert and so on -- perhaps pushing apprenticeship
(like to learn Python) is a positive alternative?
However, schools typically do not have
apprenticeships, in part because of child labor laws intended to protect
children but which sometimes may harm them. Gatto talks about this from
his own experience hooking kids up with apprenticeships only by breaking
the rules:
But he values other types of experience as well:

--Paul Fernhout

Arthur wrote:
 What I hear when I look over the Squeak shoulders is that of course we 
 are not claiming that any of this is a substitute for an involved, 
 caring, creative teacher working in a caring, creative environment. But 
 given such a teacher in such an environment do you really suppose that 
 Squeak, or the OLPC, or Python, or PyGeo, or PataPata is actually of 
 much importance?
 I don't.
 My interest in computers and education is almost 180 degrees away.
 I am not convinced that they have any fundamental importance in 

Re: [Edu-sig] An OLPC comment (Why Educational Technology Has Failed Schools)

2007-01-17 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

That's a good sentiment to use testing to see how we the tester is 
succeeding at communicating. I totally agree with the benefit to any 
presenter of feedback about whether the audience gets what they are trying 
to present. Refining presentations and presentation skills is important.

On the other hand, textbook authors or other non-fiction authors refine 
their presentations all the time without testing readers. They use other 
means (peer review, editors, focus groups, direct feedback on previous 
editions by readers, and so on). Would you buy a non-fiction book if you 
knew after each chapter someone would quiz you for fifteen minutes so the 
author could maybe make that chapter better? As an adult, you'd probably 
buy another book.

A seemingly short ten minute test of a class of thirty uses up 300 life 
minutes, or five life-hours. Does a presenter have any clear right to 
those five life hours per test? Perhaps those life-hours could be spent 
more productively (like directly by the presenter in refining their 
presentation in other ways?) Personally I love written tests, or at least 
used to; so how the individual student experiences a test might vary, 
depending in part on attitude (and also a variety of other factors).

Also, consider, on a practical basis, what is most important to teach is 
often attitude. That's why the suggestion is to only praise effort (I 
saw you tried hard!) and, perhaps, incremental progress (You're getting 
smarter every day!). See for example:
   Five Reasons to Stop Saying Good Job!

In the case of Computer Programming for Everybody the right attitude 
probably includes thinking you can understand some software component, or 
replace it, or make it better. For example, one thing that in the 1980s 
used to mark a good UNIX systems administrator was a willingness to 
consult the man pages for new commands; that was the only common thing 
about them in one study. It did not really matter how much they could 
recall about any command on a test.

How do you test for attitude? I would think most good teachers don't 
need a written test for attitude of a student -- and would not even trust 
a written test as they get a lot of feedback from reading body language. 
And they can get that body language feedback even while presenting (not 

Sure, you can test skills perhaps. You can test aptitude. But how do you 
really test attitude on a practical basis, other than by being in a 
person's life and watching them in a variety of situations?

Of course, you could try to formalize this the way, say, a behavioral 
ecologist scores actions of monkeys in a troupe (one grooming behavior, 
one eating behavior, etc.) but is there really much value in that? It's 
not a very human way to relate to other humans. Sure, anthropologists may 
do it, but people trying to communicate and mentor? Seems like a bit of a 
distraction if done regularly.

Consider Gatto's more general comment on testing here, to see where the 
slippery slope of numerical grading heads:
[I recommend to measure] performance with individualized instruments. 
Standardized tests, like schools themselves, have lost their moral 
legitimacy. They correlate with nothing of human value and their very 
existence perverts curriculum into a preparation for these extravagant 
rituals. Indeed, all paper and pencil tests are a waste of time, useless 
as predictors of anything important unless the competition is rigged. As a 
casual guide they are probably harmless, but as a sorting tool they are 
corrupt and deceitful. A test of whether you can drive is driving. 
Performance testing is where genuine evaluation will always be found. 
There surely can’t be a normal parent on earth who doesn’t judge his or 
her child’s progress by performance.

So, how about performance testing as an indicator kids are learning some 
specific skill? For computer programming for everyone, perhaps it could be 
to write a program that does some task, and watch them do it?  This is the 
kind of continual feedback one gets on presentations based on working with 
kids in the computer lab afterwards.

Also, does it really matter if kids are learning what anyone is 
specifically trying to teach them at the time? Why should it matter? Kids 
are Learning all the Time, to quote John Holt:
So what if they don't learn what you want them to know when you want them 
to know it? Surely, if the environment is interesting enough, they are 
learning something.

The need to test to ensure learning is a denial of people as learning 
creatures, who learn in their own ways, on their own timetables. Does a 
library give you a grade for each visit? Does a museum? Does your web 
browser? Does anyone deny libraries or museums or web browsers can 

Re: [Edu-sig] Learning (some more) programming

2006-12-26 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
 Arthur wrote:
One theme that seems to run through discussions here is related to this 
issue. Is it the educators' mission to find just the right motivational 
buttons and push them just right ???  Or rather focus on responding 
appropriately to those who come to the learning process with some 
critical mass level of  motivation???

It seems to be one of the fault lines, in some of the discussions here.
 You're right; this is very insightful.

Bad form to reply to myself, I know, but on reflection, I realize there is 
at least one other obvious alternative. One can also try to change the 
system to lower the bar.

So, here are some options, if you think of learning to program in Python 
like learning to jump over a high bar.

1. Motivate kids to want to try really hard and jump over that bar 
(perhaps using operant conditioning like training dolphins, perhaps just 
making the value of jumping over the bar so compellingly obvious like the 
value of driving in US society, or perhaps by wrapping the subject matter 
in something a kid will find more interesting like a game or contest or 
story or artwork). This is conventional schooling and even conventional 
homeschooling at its best -- and is based on *extrinsic* motivation. (*)

2. Leave a bar around, and wait however long it takes until a kid really 
wants to jump over a bar, and then make any help available to him or her 
they want right then (just in time learning). This is the unschooling 
approach, and it is also the approach of free schools.

3. Compel or coerce the child to jump over the bar by whatever unpleasant 
means is acceptable -- threat of the police or parents, threat of 
withdrawal of privileges, using peer pressure and related threat of 
humiliation, or alluding to some long term failure to find a job and 
succeed in life out of school. This is conventional schooling (or even 
conventional homeschooling) at its worst.

4. Lower the bar. This is the technology developer point of view (the one 
I usually have).

5. And as I reflect more on it, here is a fifth options. You could also 
change the task of jumping the bar into something the kid wants to do from 
*intrinsic* motivation. This merges somewhat into point #1, except it 
builds the feedback into the process directly. So, for example, you could 
put up all sorts of numerical feedback about each jump and plot a kids 
increasing jump height against on a big graph so they can see their 
progress jump to jump (with no praise per jump needed, except maybe for 
effort or progress). (Hard to know how to do this in a programming IDE? 
Perhaps length of programs? Or how often you go between syntax errors?) 
Or, for a high tech approach to jump training, perhaps you put up a smoky 
fog with a laser border shining on it to show a target area to jump though 
and then laser illuminate the area the kid actually jumps through (perhaps 
without the bar being there at first), or some such thing. (For 
programming, this might be some fancy system to give you metrics about 
programs you write: like on complexity or simplicity or elegance -- which 
are hard to think of, especially as aesthetic evaluation of programs is 
perhaps hard to formalize.) So, you are changing the nature of the task 
into one where there is continuous feedback of some kind the kids 
intrinsically wants to excel at even if they don't like the original task 
in its own right.

Great teachers in any setting tend to naturally think about their material 
in this fifth way, I would expect -- assuming they don't otherwise just 
convey enough excitement to get kids hooked on the subject matter in its 
own right out of intrinsic interest in, say, the feel of jumping well. In 
the case of our gardening education work, we could have written a 
gardening curriculum that kids had to study and answer multiple choice 
questions about, giving out gold stars (extrinsic motivation) for success. 
Or we could, as we did, make a virtual microworld where they could succeed 
or fail on their own, where motivation is *intrinsic* from seeing plants 
grow and harvesting the results, and which might then motivate them to 
read about gardening from other sources (books, peers, mentors, trial and 
error, the help system, etc.) in order to make their virtual plants grow 
better. Now, I think our garden simulator fails at being intrinsically 
motivating as much as we wanted it to be for various reasons (it's both 
too confusing from having too many features while also missing some other 
key features) but I think the *intrinsic* motivating approach was 
otherwise sound.

As primarily a software developer, I think of options #4 and #5 as the 
ones I explore. :-)

I think the fourth option of lowering the bar (as well as sometimes the 
fifth option of changing the bar) is where I always get into 
disagreements with Kirby here. He maintains the bar is low enough and 
intrinsically interesting enough (that is, Python is adequate to use

[Edu-sig] Python Smalltalk (was Re: OLPC related: pyGTK)

2006-12-21 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
 Squeaks pretense issues, and its licensing issues, are - by the way -  not 
 when you look at it.

Sometimes I think something like that myself. :-)

But, to elaborate on your point a little more (in a toned down way :-):

Smalltalk came out of an industrial research lab (Xerox PARC). The people 
who invented and then built it and refined it were paid industrial 
employees working in the scope of their duties on company time (though 
very unusual ones, even by such RD standards. :-) Its subsequent history 
for decades involved mainly development by commercial organizations 
(either as Smalltalk or also as the Macintosh OS which in some sense was a 
Smalltalk-derivative, but Steve Jobs just got the window system because he 
left too soon. :-).
One of the best parts of the [1979] demo was when Steve Jobs said he 
didn't like the blt-style scrolling we were using and asked if we cold do 
it in a smooth continuous style. In less than a minute Dan found the 
methods involved, made the (relatively major) changes and scrolling was 
now continuous! This shocked the visitors, espeicially the programmers 
among them, as they had never seen a really powerful incremental system 
Steve Jobs: ... That's the real gem. I'll tell you an interesting story. 
When I was at Apple, a few of my acquaintances said You really need to go 
over to Xerox PARC (which was Palo Alto Research Center) and see what 
they've got going over there. They didn't usually let too many people in 
but I was able to get in there and see what they were doing. I saw their 
early computer called the Alto which was a phenomenal computer and they 
actually showed me three things there that they had working in 1976. I saw 
them in 1979. Things that took really until a few years ago for us to 
fully recreate, for the industry to fully recreate in this case with 
NeXTStep. However, I didn't see all three of those things. I only saw the 
first one which was so incredible to me that it saturated me. It blinded 
me to see the other two. It took me years to recreate them and rediscover 
them and incorporate them back into the model but they were very far ahead 
in their thinking. They didn't have it totally right, but they had the 
germ of the idea of all three things. And the three things were graphical 
user interfaces, object oriented computing and networking. Let me go 
through those. Graphical interface: The Alto had the world's first 
graphical user interface. It had windows. It had a crude menu system. It 
had crude panels and stuff. It didn't work right but it basically was all 
there. Objects: They had Smalltalk running, which was really the first 
object-oriented language. Simula was really the first but Smalltalk was 
the first official object oriented language. Third, networking: They 
invented Ethernet there, as you know. And they had about two hundred Altos 
with servers hooked up in a local area network there doing e-mail and 
everything else over the network, all in 1979. I was so blown away with 
the potential of the germ of that graphical user interface that I saw that 
I didn't even assimilate or even stick around to investigate fully the 
other two.

Essentially Xerox Parc in 1976 (thirty years ago!) invented the computing 
landscape most of us use now, and Alan Kay was part of that. What we have 
seen since is mainly just the dispersal and magnification of those ideas 
(often in a warped or dumbed down fashion, e.g. C++ instead of Smalltalk; 
XML instead of Lisp).

Smalltalk's demise as a major player on the commercial scene in terms of 
VisualWorks and its predecessor ObjectWorks (*the* leading Smalltalk 
product, and still the most comprehensive and definitive and most 
cross-platform -- excepting perhaps Squeak is more cross-platform in 
theory) was mostly due to greed and mismanagement IMHO by a now defunct 
company (the current VisualWorks owners bought it cheaply from them). 
IBM's VisualAge Smalltalk's demise, on the other hand, was mostly due to 
IBM's decision to back Java (shortsighted and unfortunate I think as IBM 
had the clout to push Smalltalk syntax through to the masses IMHO). 
Smalltalk is still actively used by many, but is more of a niche player at 
the moment (like, say, OCaml or Haskell or Common Lisp), having been 
eclipsed by Java. The support community for Smalltalk was (at first) 
mostly commercially oriented, and remains so to some degree. While there 
were academic users, and in the past decade, especially with Squeak, the 
number of people using it for academic or free or open source type 
applications has grown, that has not been the bulk of the history. Even 
Squeak's most recent evolution was driven by work at Apple and then at 
Disney, with the Smalltalk principals reprising their roles as employees 
of large industrial research and 

Re: [Edu-sig] Python Smalltalk

2006-12-21 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
; it 
certainly also would not play well politically in terms of negative PR to 
the vendor. In some ways, in the end, this single issue may mean the death 
of free Smalltalks long term (barring one major vendor freeing their 
version) -- the fact that Smalltalk was open source (taken literally) 
embodied in proprietary products for so long but not free. Which is one 
reason Richard Stallman dislikes the term open source as it deemphasizes 
the freedom aspect. :-) In essence, the history of Smalltalk is 
brilliance shackled. Since its conception, the history of Python is 
pragmatism unshackled. :-)

Still, I abhor having to, like Daedalus, turn away from brilliance for 
pragmatic reasons, even though I know what happened to his son Icarus when 
he did not. :-)
Especially considering Python was designed as a workhorse, and Squeak was 
supposedly designed for kids and education (both the focus of this mailing 
list, and an interest of mine).

[Of course the metaphor is inverted here since Smalltalk is really the 
older of the two and if anything more like conceptually the father of 
Python. I need another myth where the father encounters disaster the son 
avoids because the sun is plugged into a different community spirit or 
Zeitgeist. :-)]

--Paul Fernhout

Arthur wrote:
 Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
Squeaks pretense issues, and its licensing issues, are - by the way -  not 
when you look at it.
Sometimes I think something like that myself. :-)

But, to elaborate on your point a little more (in a toned down way :-):
 It is hard to know how to respond.
 I don't know how to tone down on this particular issue any more than I 
 have.  If you want to call it an obsession, OK.  You can search the 
 archives of edu-sig and find me obsessively attacking Kay and not Squeak 
 itself, but Kay's positioning of Squeak,  from the earliest days here, 
 and suffering attacks here for doing so as:
 a) being presumptuous.
 b) being irrelevant.
 Let's leave it that I fully accept the standard history, the importance 
 of Smalltalk, the role of Kay during the period of history which you 
 And the fact that he is un-shy about recounting it, and having others 
 recount it on his behalf, provides him with certain powers, but with 
 certain responsibilities.
 I am not a fan of how he has handled that power and those responsibilities.
 But that if I have not yet successfully communicated why I firmly 
 believe his later efforts, his later approach and most particularly his 
 later rap is more destructive than productive, I guess that I have to 
 resign myself to the fact that I never will.
 I assure you, I am making perfect sense to myself - however.

Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] Python Smalltalk

2006-12-21 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Arthur wrote:
 My point was only that Paul is saying that Smalltalk was developed 
 specifically for children.  It is never fully clear to me in conversing 
 with Paul whether he means for children to *write* or for children to 
 reap the benefits of what can be accomplished by adults that can. 

If I have been unclear on this issue it was unintentional. Smalltalk, 
according to its creators, was always first about kids being able to write 
their own programs.
However, another issue is kids being able to understand and extend the 
work of others, and that brings one further into the second category you 
mention; they are not completely disjoint. In fact, most work done in a 
Smalltalk image is generally adapting other people's work to your current 
needs. Very rarely is stuff written completely from scratch. Libraries and 
classes arr reused; one often starts from working running application, 
say, a paint program) and makes incremental changes until it is more what 
you like, say, a program to design maps.

Also, Kay, as in his 1972 paper of the title, seems to sometimes use 
phrases like: A personal computer for children of all ages. So, you see 
he is playing fast and loose with what it means to be a child, perhaps 
often meaning not age but a state of mind, as in child-like or playful.

However, you would be right to call Alan Kay on what for children means, 
as you have in the past. Even he has said in public lectures (jokingly) 
that the way to get money to support work on new programming systems that 
are easier to use is to pitch them as if they were for children (since 
everyone wants to make things easier or more possible for kids), whereas 
if you pitch work to make programming easier for adults, at least 
historically he says the response is something like (not his exact words), 
well those engineers should just suffer and use what we have right now, 
what do we pay them for anyway? :-)

I think he did find an interesting and effective sales pitch to continue 
his work, which I think is broader than just for people of, say, the five 
to fifteen year old range. I think he genuinely does want better to use 
systems, if for no other reason than so he can use them himself for 
example. But I see nothing wrong in that -- much software gets developed 
because someone wants to develop it to scratch a personal itch. However, 
Alan Kay, having said *something* like that is still somewhat wrong about 
that. There are, at least now, two reasons better programming languages 
get built.One is that people just build them for personal or academic 
reasons. The other is that people make arguments based on programmer 
productivity (e.g. Jython developers are, say, 4X more productive than 
Java programmers :-).

You are also right to question Constructivism as an ideology, methodology, 
or so forth, on the general grounds it is good to be skeptical of anything 
people pitch for kids for any reason; still, that is where we part ways 
obviously, since I do see the value in a constructivist approach towards 
education, meaning, present kids with tools and objects they can use to 
build things with and hope learning occurs for many if they are ready; 
present them with things they can take apart to see how they work (say, 
working drawing program), and let them take them apart or change them if 
they want. And your PyGeo
is a great example of that kind of constructivist tool Alan Kay and 
Seymour Papert and so on would admire as a Geometry Microworld. [Ducks. 
:-)] See:
   The Turtle's Long Slow Trip: Macro-educological Perspectives on 
(Also note that Papert believes in both Microworlds (much about little) 
and Hyperworlds, the World Wide Web being an example of the second -- 
(little about much, or in his words: large world of.. loose connections).

That does not mean other forms of education are invalid. Some people learn 
better by other channels, some people have different interests or needs, 
everyone benefits from reading the appropriate books or tutorials at 
certain times which are essentially mini lectures, and so on.

Personally, for younger kids, I am leaning more and more to media 
restriction in the early years (say, five to seven and under) as a very 
good thing. See for example the Waldorf policy on that:
 From the second link: We KNOW the facts and the facts are that CHILDREN 
So the Waldorfers might lump your PyGeo and Alan Kay's Squeak into the 
same boat, both problematical from that point of view. :-)
My position is not as extreme as theirs, of course. :-)

In the end, perhaps what you may smell 

[Edu-sig] Constructivism (was Re: Python Smalltalk)

2006-12-21 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
 But the fact remains that the only thing I have be willing to say about
 PyGeo with any sense of definiteness is that *building* it was an
 extraordinary learning experience.

And I can say a similar thing about our (free, GPL) Garden Simulator. My
wife and I are the people who learned the most about gardening (and
software design) by spending over six person-years building it.

And I think others, even Papert or Kay, would agree with that. Using a
Microworld is a different (and usually lesser) experience than building
one. Or, as is often said, if you really want to learn a subject, try to
teach it. :-) On the other hand, you sometimes use a microworld for a
different reason than you build one. If you just want a taste of a
subject, or to get a hint or even a basic command of the big ideas in it,
then learn using a microworld. If you want to really understand a subject
in depth, or at least learn what is easily known and unknown about it,
then try to build a microworld. :-)

 Though I am confident that just the right person, at just the right
 time, with just the right background, and just the right motivation
 would gain much from exploring and using it.

Yes, that is the core of a movement like Unschooling.
Or as Holt or Gatto puts it, when a kid is ready and motivated, it only
takes about a hundred contact hours (perhaps much less) to teach them
enough about letters and words for them
to then be able to bootstrap themselves by themselves
through reading to as high a level of literacy as they can or
desire to achieve. So too for basic math. I would guess the same
might be true for programming with, say, Python or Smalltalk. But if the
kid is not interested, you can spend thousands of hours trying to teach
them to read or do math or to program and they never will learn those
things (which is exactly why schools graduate functional illiterates and
even more innumerates, even at a huge expense in dollars and student
life-hours). Ask *any* teacher what a dream their classrooms would be if
only the kids who wanted to be there were the ones there.

In an exchange with Kirby a long time back on this list, we agreed that
the potential of computers includes having learning labs in schools where
kids can approach subjects as they want to. I think where I differ from
many others is saying that, unless schools change radically, that sort of
learning lab is not going to happen (at least in any meaningful way using
a great deal of a student's time). The only schools I know of now that
would permit such thing are the few free schools, like this one:
General info on free schools:
The issue is not one of technology or tools (Kirby is right to say we have
enough of them, even as I think they could be better); the issue is one of
philosophy. And that is why I have greater hopes for an effort like Sugata
Mitra's hole in the wall projects:
over Mark Shuttleworth's initiative
(as noble as his intent may be, because ultimately he is up against
bureaucratic pressures which he will likely be unable to overcome with a
small effort, as so many have tried and failed before, including many,
like John Holt, with much more inside knowledge of how schools work now).
Still, I wish all such efforts well.

But feeling that current schools cannot be fixed is no longer such a
radical opinion -- consider this recent mainstream report, just out:
   To fix US schools, panel says, start over
 From there:
What if the solution to American students' stagnant performance levels
and the wide achievement gap between white and minority students wasn't
more money, smaller schools, or any of the reforms proposed in recent
years, but rather a new education system altogether? That's the conclusion
of a bipartisan group of scholars and business leaders, school chancellors
and education commissioners, and former cabinet secretaries and governors.
They declare that America's public education system, designed to meet the
needs of 100 years ago when the workplace revolved around an assembly
line, is unsuited to today's global marketplace. Already, they warn, many
Americans are in danger of falling behind and seeing their standard of
living plummet. 

See also Time:
   How to Bring Our Schools Out of the 20th Century,8599,1568429,00.html

The organization coordinating the report:

The report itself:

Of course, I do not think they go far enough in their proposals, from what
I have read of the summary. :-) *One* answer seems simple enough to me --
just look at how the Albany Free School operates and duplicate it. :-)
That's a no brainer. There 

Re: [Edu-sig] OLPC related: pyGTK for cross-platform (Mac especially)?

2006-12-20 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Wow, thanks for the link (and thanks also to you and Ian for the other 
comments). This is a little like what I tried to do with the PataPata 
OpenGL window, but that never went very far. Wonder if this system would 
easily work on the OLPC system?

The key point for me (as a lazy programmer :-) is maximum effectiveness 
for least effort. It's one thing to build a proof of concept or something 
fun for oneself, but when one starts thinking about how does the biggest 
audience share what you have made, then the issue becomes ease of 
installability and how open the license is and how likely the effort will 
not have legal problems.

(On your other post, Squeak has some licensing issues still in flux; it's 
hard to assess how they will come out as they are not *fun* to deal with 
for most programmers; Python's legal situation seems much clearer).

By the way, in outlining the programming style that makes you smile, you 
just rediscovered Squeak. :-) The ability to work in Smalltalk all the way 
down and into the VM is what many people like about it. When working in 
Python I keep hitting these brick walls or black boxes of the compiler or 
window libraries which require switching languages and development 
environments. Now if they could just solve licensing and modularity issues 
as well as Python had.

--Paul Fernhout

Arthur wrote:
 Arthur wrote:
Like offering alternatives.

 Like this new-on-the-scene effort
 Pyglet is a cross-platform multimedia library written in pure Python.
 Checked out the svn version.
 Exciting to see for - among other reasons - it seems to implement what 
 had been kicked around here regarding VPython, i.e. a pure Python - via 
 ctypes - fully native
 crossplatform windowing, OpenGL capable infrastructure.
 Humbling - the effort and background needed to pull something like this off.
 It is early, but with what has clearly been invested in it to date, one 
 suspects the effort will continue to get it to wherever it needs to get.
 What I imagine to be the underlying axiom from an educational point of 
 view is that it is more infrastructure for doing engaging things by 
 writing pure Python from what - if it were up to me- would be the 
 simplest possible edit/run environment.
 I don't have a name for the educational philosophy behind such thinking, 
 and don't expect it to become ubiquitous.
 Justs makes me smile.
 Edu-sig mailing list
Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] OLPC related: pyGTK for cross-platform (Mac especially)?

2006-12-18 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
I'm still in a state of flux about where to go next after PataPata Phase I 
(recently discussed here). Assuming I continue with Python (rather than 
moving more towards Smalltalk, either Squeak or one for the JVM), what 
interests me most is working on cross-platform applications (Mac, PC, 
GNU/Linux). Fro cross-platform work, I prefer Jython  Swing over a Python 
plus widget set solution. This is because Swing is cross platform, Sun has 
announced plans to put lots of Java under the GPL, the JVM lets me ship 
very portable Java code alongside the Jython code if needed for 
performance, and we have already used Jython in cross-platform Mac, PC, 
GNU/Linux commercial projects with some success (we've only used Python + 
wxWidgets on PC and GNU/Linux, not Mac).

However, for the areas I am interested in, especially educational 
simulations, being able to run on the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) platform 
would be a nice motivating plus. However OLPC does not currently run Java. 
And with its resource constraints, the best choice for the OLPC is the 
mainline supported system, which is Python 2.4 (maybe later) and GTK+.
(Some variant of Squeak Smalltalk is another possibility too, as there is 
work on that.)
Now, I don't *need* to support OLPC, and the JVM might run there someday, 
but I would say that is my biggest sticking point going forward with 
Jython/Swing if I stick with Python over Smalltalk. Our garden simulator 
especially is a natural match for the OLPC goals (and we have previously 
had people in various developing nations interested in it).

So, I know I brought up this topic of PyGTK etc. before only about six 
months ago, but the computing landscape continues to change rapidly. So, 
what do people have to say now about using GTK+ (which the OLPC supports) 
for cross platform educational work these days, especially on the Mac and 
PC (since GNU/Linux support will be excellent)?

Previously when I asked this there was a big groan from the Macintosh side 
of the Python educational community (at least from Brad Miller, see 
below). However, since then there is a continuing move for Aqua support 
for GTK. See:
   This is the project site for the effort to port Gtk+ 2 to Mac OS X 
natively (so that you can run Gtk+ applications without X11 on Mac OS X).
And from::
PyGTK 2.10.0 includes the following new features: ... MacOS X support

Brad Miller had written back in June:
There is some work in GTK+ 2.9.x to get a native port of GTK working on 
the mac.  Maybe when this effort is finally successful then native 
versions of vpython and other packages will be easier. .. But I also think 
that the effort required to get everything working under X11 would be too 
difficult for many beginners.

So, is this still true six months later for shipping pyGTK based 
applications? Or should GTK now be considered a reasonable choice for 
applications to run under Mac and GNU/Linux? Anyone out there having easy 
success with pyGTK applications on the Macintosh? And if it works, is it 
still too bleeding edge to count on?

As for Windows, it's long been working OK there as an easy install, right?
Still, the installations I see seem to be separate packages, so it is not 
as easy as with wxWidgets, where I bundle the wxPython  wxWidgets 
libraries with the Windows application, right?

So, I guess my general question is, is pyGTK now an acceptable choice for 
applications that want to run on Mac, PC, GNU/Linux and the OLPC project?

And if it is not, perhaps because of the Mac, is it likely within, say, 
six months of being an easy install on the Mac? (Software takes a long 
time to write and debug, so that time frame is reasonable for 
cross-platform support.)

For reference, my most recent google search:;
turns up this comment:
GTK is being ported to Aqua, but the port it is in its early stages.
And also:;
GTK 2.8 uses an abstraction layer for drawing widgets called Cairo. 
Cairo can use OpenGL or Quartz as backends (still experimental). Thus, you 
can get a hardware-accelerated GUI from PyGTK if you are willing to use an 
experimental backend in Cairo.

In any case, moving forward, for me, in Python, I think the choices are 
down to Jython + Swing vs. Python + pyGTK (assuming I don't try to write 
code at a level of abstraction that make the system mostly widget 
independent :-).

--Paul Fernhout

Re: [Edu-sig] A Call to Arms - Advocating Python in Education

2006-12-07 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Don't forget unschoolers and home schoolers. :-)
Plus free schoolers and other alternative schoolers:

The needs here are often very different than conventional compulsory K-12 
education -- they are generally more open ended and free form.

Such students number about two million strong in the USA and growing, and 
include many parents and kids with free time to contribute as part of an 
educational experience (including potentially to free software development).

So I'd suggest considering having an Unschooling / Home Schooling Advocacy 
Kit, too. :-)

--Paul Fernhout

Jeff Rush wrote:
 Greetings.  I've just joined this list, to check out what is needed to 
 Python in the education community.  I'm the Python Advocacy Coordinator that 
 the PSF has hired to help out.
 My main jumping off point for advocacy topics is at:
 One of the items I'm hoping to get input about is the contents of three 
 advocacy kits I'm getting together:
- College Student's Python Advocacy Kit
- University Educator's Python Advocacy Kit
- K-12 Educator's Python Advocacy Kit
 Details at:
 I'm drumming up a series of whitepapers, flyers, videos and podcasts to put 
 into those kits.  Not being an educator myself, I need ideas on what is 
 The actual individual items are being solicited at:
 Next, we are seeking reusable/retargetable teaching materials, such as those 
 under a Creative Commons license.  We need slide presentations and class 
 handouts.  Now I know there are a great many slide presentations on the web 
 about Python.  I can google them all but we're not looking for just any 
 presentation, we're looking for the best of field.  We're collecting links 
 ideas at:
 I know some of this already exists in the education community and I just need 
 some nudges to come up to speed on what is available for me to make use of. 
 Also permissions for reuse and reformatting, in some cases.
 Thanks for any assistance you have time to provide,
 Python Advocacy Coordinator
 Edu-sig mailing list
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] FYI: PataPata postmortem link

2006-11-27 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Fair enough criticism of the critique, and thanks for the perspective.
You made a very good point I will need to meditate on. Thank you.

Sadly, nothing about PataPata experiment really progressed far enough in 
terms of a user base to, in even just an action research experimental 
way, even begin to resolve the issue you raise. I'll have to muse on how 
one would even begin to construct an experiment to evaluate this axiom.

--Paul Fernhout

Arthur wrote:
 Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
For reference, the PataPata project is/was an experiment to support 
educational constructivism on the Python platform, inspired by Squeak 
and Self, but going beyond those in a Pythonic way.

 Was PataPata an experiment in education or an experiment in technology??
 My own reaction was a strong desire to take it apart to see what made it 
 tick, but little interest in using it as intended - or said better, its 
 intent was never clear to me. Certainly not its *educational* intent..
 Nothing about that is made clearer by reading your self-critique.
 I think that the real introspection that is necessary in order for you 
 to better apply your technical expertise to the matter of education 
 would be in regard to some of the underlying assumption you are making 
 about educational constructivism, particularly as that relates to the 
 use of technology, and more particularly as it relates to use of the GUI..
 IOW, I think the real issues are at the level of your axioms, not your 
 Sure there is a strong school-of-thought that would support your 
 axioms.  What that school-of-thought seems to rally around, it sometimes 
 seems to me, is hostility  to the notion that devotion to these axioms 
 needs to re-examined every few decades.
 That is the self-critique I would like to be reading, anyway.
 Edu-sig mailing list
Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] FYI: PataPata postmortem link

2006-11-26 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Just as an FYI, as a way to wind up the PataPata project (or at least one 
phase of it), I wrote a lengthy postmortem critique of the PataPata 
project to date, plus ideas for where to go from here. You can read the 
critique by following this link:

PataPata critique: the good, the bad, the ugly

Comments welcome.

For reference, the PataPata project is/was an experiment to support 
educational constructivism on the Python platform, inspired by Squeak 
and Self, but going beyond those in a Pythonic way.

 From the introduction: It's been about three months from my last post 
to the PataPata list as well as my last major change to the system. I have 
been thinking about the system in the intervening time, and feel ready to 
produce a critique of it as an experiment (sort of as a, sadly, 
postmortem report). Others are welcome to chime in. This critique covers 
various good, bad, and ugly results from this experiment, and then 
outlines some thoughts on where to go next. This note
marks the end of this phase of the PataPata experiment. I am uncertain if 
this project on SourceForge will see more development, but I am certain if
there is more development on this particular SourceForge project, it will 
likely be in a radically different direction than the work published here 
to date. 


By the way, my decision to write a critique of PataPata was inspired in 
part by this paper by Drew McDermott, Artificial Intelligence meets 
Natural Stupidity. [fee based link]

The core of the paper is here:

 From there:

McDermott explains how all research should be based on actual 
implementations, and be a thorough report on them. What is needed is a 
very clear picture of what was tried, what worked, what didn't, why didn't 
that work. And there must be a working program that later researchers can 
play with. Later research can build on these partial solutions, and report 
the exact improvements made since the previous version, the improvement in 
performance, etc. As McDermott states:

 The standard for such research should be a partial success, but AI as 
a field is starving for a few carefully documented failures. Anyone can 
think of several theses that could be improved stylistically and 
substantively by being rephrased as reports on failures. I can learn more 
by just being told why a technique won't work than by being made to read 
between the lines.

Thanks again to people here for your previous feedback on the project.

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] Python-powered Fab labs the next big thing?

2006-09-27 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Dethe Elza posted about Fab Labs on this list in 2005.

A year later, here is a mainstream new article on them:
   'Fab labs' deliver high-tech tools: MIT's fabrication laboratories aim 
to help developing communities find innovative solutions to local needs.



MIT opened the first international Fab Lab in Costa Rica four years ago 
and has sponsored nine others since then. Meanwhile, many more labs have 
opened on their own. They're just sort of popping up, Lassiter says. 
It's a good idea, and people want to do it.

That's what is happening in South Africa, where the government has a 
stated goal of improving the country's science, technology, and 
manufacturing capabilities.


The high concept is to get these into the communities, says Naas 
Zaayman, who runs the Innovation Hub Fab Lab for Advanced Manufacturing 
Technology Strategy, a government program created to spread science and 
technology. It's the idea that if you're somewhere in rural South Africa, 
and you want something for solar energy, you can go to a Fab Lab and make 
your own.


Justinos Nkutshwev is one of the regulars. He sits at a computer, using 
the mouse to manipulate lines on a graphics program. He is building a bus, 
he says, and a generator to make it run. He is 15 years old and never used 
a computer before he came to the Fab Lab a few months ago. Now, he works 
with the lab's machines twice a week. I come here because I can make 
interesting things, he says.

Although the lab technically closes at 5 p.m., the staff regularly keeps 
it open hours later. Sometimes teenagers show up at staff members' houses 
on Sunday, begging them to unlock the doors.

They say 'We need to finish our projects, can you please open?'  
Nkadimeng says. It's great to see them so eager. There's no way to say no.


Looks like they use Python too:
We primarly use the computer in each Fab Lab for running our computer 
aided design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM). Our main 3D tool is BLENDER 
(pictured on the left above) which we are extending in Python (for 
example, see cad.blend) for use with our specific audiances. We also use 
SDRAW and PSTOEDIT for 2D design.

Anyway, just fodder for the imagination -- nice having Python running 
these things.

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] slashdot: Teaching Primary School Students Programming?

2006-08-26 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Teaching Primary School Students Programming?
Posted by Cliff on Saturday August 26, @08:25PM
from the toddlers-as-coders dept.
Education Programming
NotesSensei asks: Recently I was teasing the teacher who runs the 
computer club in my sons' primary school: 'You teach the kids only how to 
use software but not how to make software.' Today I got an email: 'OK, 
you're in: teach them programming.' Now I wonder what language should I 
pick? My first lesson will be the board game c-jump, but after that? The 
contestants are: Kids programming language KPL (ab derivate; Java 
using BlueJ; Greenfoot (and the BlueJ); and HTML. Does it sound like I'm 
on the right track or should I try something completely different? We are 
looking at primary 3-5 (that's 10-13 in this part of the world). Where can 
I find inspiration for the curriculum?


Python is mentioned there, along with a lot of other suggestions.
Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] PataPata 0.2.04 released (Smalltalk parser; unified worlds)

2006-08-20 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
I've released version 0.2.04 of PataPata on SourceForge:

Big changes:

* DandelionGarden, ExampleWorld, and WorldInspector now all use identical 
code file for TK and Swing. This is a big milestone, as even if the 
results don't always look 100% the same, being able to have an identical 
source file could be the basis for making a HyperCard-like format for 
PataPata to do simple stacks that work with both Python and Jython.
There remains work to be done on unifying the support files, but that is 
hidden to the user worlds. The xturtle example is in a separate 
TK-specific world file now. WX and GLUT still use their own world files.

* Added Pointrel version with Smalltalk-like parser (in Pointrel 
directory, not integrated into GUI yet, but included wx version).
This is based mostly on work I did about two years ago, but which I never 
released before. The Pointrel Smalltalk-like parser work may be of 
interest for a few reasons:
1. It shows Python (the language plus libraries) being a universal VM for 
other languages. (Yes, performance is a potential issue, etc.)
2. The Pointrel data storage format used makes explicit a lot of implicit 
things in data storage for programs, and so might be of interest for 
people learning how program compiling and evaluation can be represented 
abstractly (using Python).
3. It might someday support blending Python and Smalltalk/Self syntaxes 
for prototype development under PataPata.
Anyway, it's an experiment more than anything else. It does not use 
bytecodes to represent compiled programs, instead it uses triads. 
MethodContext objects should work; BlockContext objects are probably 
broken in this variation (though BlockContext objects should work in the 
older 20041201 code).

 From the Pointrel subdirectory README.txt file:

Work in progress toward support Smalltalk syntax (for prototypes) on 
Python using triadal data storage.

File is a standalone program which offers a 
smalltalk-like development environment (with a browser, inspector, 
debugger, and workspace) Python under wxWidgets using a Pointrel triadal 
approach. This is the most complete. It can read and write the image.p 
file. From the first window you can open others.

File is a first cut at translating Smalltalk to 
Python (not finished). This just prints out an attempt at Python code to 
the console. It is mostly the same code as without the 
GUI and with a different code generator.

File calls and other pointrel*.py 
files to parse a Smalltalk-like syntax with a different pointrel and VM 
approach  (intended to be simpler and clearer than 20041201 version).
Essentially, this is mostly the same code as but 
broken up into separate files and with changes to the VM instruction 
evaluation (and triadal storage approach) and with the wx GUI removed. It 
prints out:

Welcome to Protos
('String', 'The result of adding 10 and 20 is:')
('Integer', '30')

As minor as that output is, it accomplishes the addition using a message 
send and a stack of two [MethodContext] objects.

  python (makes and reads, and prints test output)

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] Learning Math or Simulation with Python or Smalltalk

2006-08-11 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Andreas Raab wrote:
   triangular num n 
   = sum of n consecutive counting nos (n=1) 
  n = 1
ifFalse:[^n + (n-1) tri]

Perhaps a Smalltalk could be changed to accept from a workspace the following?

   self = 1
 ifTrue: [self]
 ifFalse: [self + (self - 1) tri]

There is a bug with the use of n I think in your example? This 
modification also eliminates the return, as it is implied as being the 
result of #ifTrue:ifFalse: and also as it is the last statement in the 
method. Python needs the return however.

I guess I actually don't see this if as control flow, by the way, more 
as result calculation, so the lack of a preceeding if does not bother me 
in this case. But I agree with you that since the f(x) style is how 
conventional math is taught, x f could be disconcerting. The question 
then is, how far would gnu math be willing to depart from current 
mathematical conventions? :-)

For fun, another approach using imaginary Self-like Smalltalk prototypes. :-)


Calculator := Proto new.

Calculator at: #tri: put:
   [:n |
   triangular num n = sum of n consecutive counting numbers (n=1)
   n = 1
 ifTrue: [n]
 ifFalse: [n + (self tri: n - 1)]

Calculator at: #sqr: put:
   [:n |
   square num = sum of 2 consecutive triangular numbers 
   n = 1
 ifTrue: [n]
 ifFalse: [(self tri: n) + (self tri: n - 1)]

(Calculator tri: 20) print.
(Calculator sqr: 4) print.


So, you could select this code in a Workspace and pick do it.

But, explaining the use of brackets to novices could be awkward, as they 
need to understand a level of abstraction related to deferring a computation.

If one could integrate Python-ish identational syntax into Smalltalk 
somehow, one could have:

Calculator at: #tri: put:
   triangular num n = sum of n consecutive counting numbers (n=1)
   n = 1
n + (self tri: n - 1)

where indenting a subsequent line implied a block, except when it began 
with a keyword (not sure that covers all cases though, or if it does not 
create other problems). Generally I Smalltalk doe snot need indentational 
syntax as much as Python does, because methods are typically short and 
managed in a browser, whereas Python functions are often long and managed 
in a text editor with perhaps hundreds or thousands of lines in one file.

In PataPata, this could be done as:

import Prototypes
Calculator = PrototypeClass()

def tri(self, n):
 # triangular num n
 # = sum of n consecutive counting nos (n=1)
 if n=1: return n
 else: return n + tri(n-1)
Calculator.tri = tri

def sqr(self, n):
 # square num = sum of 2 consecutive triangular nos
 return sqr(n) + sqr(n-1)
Calculator.sqr = sqr


Or as:


import Prototypes
world = PrototypeClass()
class Calculator:
   __metaclass__ = world.buildPrototype
   def tri(self, n):
 # triangular num n
 # = sum of n consecutive counting nos (n=1)
 if n=1: return n
 else: return n + tri(n-1)

   def sqr(self, n):
 # square num = sum of 2 consecutive triangular nos
 return sqr(n) + sqr(n-1)


Still, a lot more extra stuff than Kirby's orignal:



def tri(n):
 # triangular num n
 # = sum of n consecutive counting nos (n=1)
 if n=1: return n
 else: return n + tri(n-1)

def sqr(n):
 # square num = sum of 2 consecutive triangular nos
 return tri(n) + tri(n-1)

But, it is also doing more. Kids spend tens of hours learning to type. Why 
should we expect them to be doing math from the first minute? Maybe the 
issue is that kids need to learn about levels and abstraction and pointers 
first? When I taught C programming to Bio majors I spent a lot of time in 
the first classes getting the college kids to point to each other and 
follow that around the room, and to pass string around, and so fort. The 
reason is I knew that pointers were the hardest part of C programming, and 
so I started with that fairly early on (Well, after a bit of turtle stuff, 
and getting kids to pretend to be turtles, or trying to. :-) Then I spent 
hours in the computer lab with them. (To answer a question Kirby asked 
previously on teaching style.)

Again, both the Smalltalk-sh prototype code and the PataPata example are 
doing more -- by building objects which respond to messages. But whereas 
Kirby starts with recursion as important (levels of nesting), from a 
Smalltalk-ish OO point of view  (and by extension, OO simulation) getting 
kids to understand the abstraction of objects receiving and processing and 
sending messages may be seen as more important. :-)

One of the problems of teaching programming is that many kids need to 
learn the very basics sometimes. For example, that is one reason learning 
to play music at an early age may be better for building a programmer than 
actually learning to program first. 

Re: [Edu-sig] Freedom: some Smalltalk history and Python implications

2006-08-10 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Thanks for the insightful comments, including about vacation languages, 
which I agree with.

You make a good point distinguishing conventional content (astronomy, 
higher mathematics) from programming issues. I guess my answer there is 
handwaving about the potential for a PataPata version of HyperCard as an 
authoring environment. Now that is still just mostly vaporware at this 
point, though closer to substance than it might look in some ways, i.e. 
you can already plop down buttons which do things or open other windows, 
but it is vaporish in the sense of not being done with the elegance of 
HyperCard. So, in that sense PataPata falls in the category of trying to 
make a Python GUI easier to build than existing methods. Perhaps it fails 
at that still (no documentation, probably bugs, perhaps performance 
issues, and so on), but anyway that's part of that hope. Of course, I 
could do even more handwaving about things that are just twinkles on the 
horizon about large projects being easier to maintain and debug using 
prototypes like Self and integrated development tools similar to 
Smalltalk, but clearly PataPata isn't showing that yet (i.e. prototypes 
add another layer of clutter right now including strange error messages, 
and there is no integrated debugger).

Still, I don't think your characterization about respect or aloofness 
are accurate, and (as in the past with such comments I usually let slide) 
are perhaps verging on twising thigns in an ad hominen fashion. One can 
respect a language while still being critical of aspects of it.

In the syntax case, I am continuing to point out that Smalltalk's keyword 
syntax (e.g. Point x: 10 y: 20 versus Point(10, 20) ) produces code 
where all arguments are labeled and so it is easier to read and 
understand. As I see it, that is a fact independent of licensing, object 
models, breadth of libraries, size or quality of community, or engineering 
reliability of the VM, and so on (areas which Python often has as an 
advantage over any specific Smalltalk). From a programmer point of view, 
thinking about maintaining a large system, that one syntactical point is a 
big win for Smalltalk and the Smalltalk culture. And, while I can label 
arguments in calling Python, as in:
  class Point:
...   def __init__(self, x, y):
... pass
  Point(x=10, y=20)
that call is syntactically noisier (i.e. more special characters) than the 
   Point x: 10 y: 20.
and clearly not how the bulk of Python code is written.

And in Python, the internal names of variables are then exposed into the 
API and then effectively fixed in concrete and immune to easy refactoring 
(without introducing another layer of variables in the function). Also, 
for beginners, Smalltalk code is then easier to understand (assuming the 
beginner isn't already steeped in a BASIC or C or Java or Scheme 
background). And programmers spend most of their time reading code, not 
writing it.

When I refer to politics I don't mean mainly in the PEP sense -- but 
more in the issue of seriously (not this level of chatter) lobbying for a 
language feature to people who are embedded in a C mindset against a 
community norm, where there is unlikely to be change and is likely to be 
outright misunderstanding and hostility (as Prothon etc. show). And where 
the language (Python) succeeds in large part exactly because of its syntax 
looking familiar to the majority of existign programmers (i.e. like C).

And I am still unable to bring across the massive decrease in 
effectiveness and immersion I feel programming a large system in Python 
compared to Smalltalk, like were when an exception is raise I cannot 
immediately change the code and then carry on from the point in the 
program where the exception was generated, without either restarting the 
entire application. Granted, with some user added code (including from 
more general approaches I've posted to the Jython list) one can get a 
specific Python application to the point where you can reload some 
libraries and continue after an exception with modified code but usually 
only from the top of the event loop (so, redoing a menu selection or 
button press for example). I have used that in making one medium sized 
application in Jython. But that level of support is both dependent on 
active user modification of their program to have such hooks and limited 
in how well it works and certainly is not in the same level of what almost 
all Smalltalk support. And it is not the community norm. So, if you have a 
big application to develop, Smalltalk wins on this front as well. But also 
from a learner point of view, I think Smalltalk also wins here -- and 
beginner's programs often have many errors, and a restartable debugger can 
help them understand what is going on, keeping them in the flow of their 
program more than starting their application over every time an error 
shows up, or worse, trying to put in by hand all sorts of specific code 

[Edu-sig] Smalltalk syntax benefits

2006-08-10 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

As a simplification, admittedly a cartoon, most professional 
mathematicians often care very deeply about a very few things for a long 
time (where a mathematician might spend ten years thinking about, say, 
proving Fermat's last conjecture) where they refine a concise notation 
they understand in a specific problem domain (with some cultural norms 
perhaps like dX), while most professional programmers need to care 
somewhat about a lot of things which change from function to function and 
application to application (where in a year a programmer might work on 
thousands of functionsand tens of applications, and perhaps read the 
intent of hundreds of thousands of function calls). That is why, for 
example, when I read code written by mathematicians they feel it totally 
acceptable to use, say, rd everywhere in a small program, when I as a 
professional programmer would prefer rainfallPerDay_mm, because to me I 
experience their program as just one little day trip on a lifelong 
journey, and life is too short to spend hours puzzling over cryptic 
variable names or mathematical items in simulations used without units 
(and often inconsistently in hard to find bugs where the code works but is 

I think this issue of argument labeling may fall into the same category of 
variable naming. Sure, if you maintain one program only and it is short, 
or if you spend a lot of time in one problem domain, then not labeling 
arguments so anyone can read them may be acceptable. But if you have to 
read and understand the intent of literally tens of thousands of function 
calls per year across dozens of libraries, then writing or reading 
something like calc(rd, i) or in your example Line(point1,point2) just 
does not cut it IMHO. (The Python codebase itself may suffer from 
something of the same effect in parts.)

What about constructors like
   Line origin: 10 @ 10 angle: 35 degrees distance: 10 mm
(which is easy to have in Smalltalk syntax) and so on? And I bet you can 
read what it means not even knowing Smalltalk. Would you rather read:
   Line(10, 10, 35, 10)?
Or at best:
   Line(Point(10, 10), 35, 10)?
Which is clearer? I think this goes beyond my bias as being experienced 
using Smalltalk system keyword syntax.

Not to be too hard on you or Kirby, but I think it is easy to not see the 
value of the unfamiliar, and there is a lot functional foo() syntax makes 
difficult and awkward looking (Lisp, a Python ancestor in a sense, has a 
bit of this problem too).

Again, just because Smalltalk has this and Python does not does not mean 
I'm saying use Smalltalk. I'm just saying, how can Python get this 
feature? Maybe it can't. Then my next thing is, can the two syntaxes live 
side by side -- a possible area for exploration.

--Paul Fernhout

Arthur wrote:
 Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
In the syntax case, I am continuing to point out that Smalltalk's keyword 
syntax (e.g. Point x: 10 y: 20 versus Point(10, 20) ) produces code 
where all arguments are labeled and so it is easier to read and 

 That is, IMO, an arbitrary point of view, at best.
 Touches a particular nerve with me because I went to great trouble in 
 the design of PyGeo to *avoid* the use of keyword arguments, feeling it 
 in fact important that in creating a construction one should be in 
 geometry mindset mode, not programmming mindset mode, and therefore 
 *not* have to be explicit in stating the obvious.
 The point is not whether my design is right or wrong, but that I found 
 myself to be using  a tool that allowed me to express my design exactly 
 as I wanted to - right or wrong.
 Would I have had the same right to be wrong using Smalltalk?
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Re: [Edu-sig] Version 0.2.03 of PataPata released (adds Jython/Swing support)

2006-08-09 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Looking more into this issue (and based on testing feedback here) I see a 
couple if things:

That the module has been under recent development:
[ 1224621 ] tokenize module does not detect inconsistent dedents

The source versions for are at:
Though it looks like only minor changes in the latest version.
And the version before that introduced this test.

Looking carefully in, there are two lines in the file in 
that class ( SimpleSequenceLayoutManager) which have extra space at the 
end before the carriage return. I think that is perfectly legal Python 
(though sloppy of me perhaps) but I'm wondering if the specific version 
(2.4.3) of Python you are using has a bug in the in handling it?

So, a few more things to try based on previous tests (thanks to people who 

So you could remove trailing space on these two lines:
Line 834:
width = panel.width - panel.borderwidth * 2 - self.sidePadding * 2
Line 859:
lengthUsed += self.betweenMorphSpacing * (len(visibleMorphs) - 1)
And see if that makes a difference.

You could also modify on your machine to generate a better 
exception with a line number where the error is. I haven't tried this, but 
something like:
   raise IndentationError(
 unindent does not match any outer indentation 
would become something like:
   raise IndentationError(unindent does not match any outer indentation 
level around line %d % lnum)
That would at least help pinpoint the textual line does not like.

Just to get running under Windows, if there was another later windows 
installer for 2.4, you could try upgrading to Python 2.4.4 (the Python 2.4 
I have on my Debian machine is 2.4.4c though I don't use it by default, 
which apparently also works with the code according to my own testing). 
However, looks like the Windows installer from the Python site is only 2.4.3.
You could try 2.5 beta maybe? Or downgrade to Python 2.3.5? Or install 
them side by side? But I'm not sure how much trouble having two Pythons 
installed under Windows might get you into, or what else might go wrong 
with different versions. But even if that worked for you, that isn't a 
great solution, as it means anyone using the latest Windows installer is 
out of luck.

Anyway, I'll keep looking at other possibilities too.

--Paul Fernhout

Andreas Raab wrote:
 Hi Paul -
 When I try to run 0.2.3 (Python 2.4 on Windows XP) all I get is an 
 indentation error (stack dump below). Any ideas?
- Andreas
 PataPata Version 0.2.03
 Using 'Alt' as the meta key to drag Morphs and get menus
 You can change this key in the file
 If you use ALT under GNU/Linux and it drags windows instead of morphs,
 then you need to change a setting in your desktop settings.
 Loading world file: from C:\PataPata_v203\PataPata_v203
 Loading world file: from C:\PataPata_v203\PataPata_v203
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File, line 18, in ?
File C:\PataPata_v203\PataPata_v203\, line 24, 
 in main
  world = PrototypeClass(None).newPrototypeFromFile(
File C:\PataPata_v203\PataPata_v203\, line 514, in 
  newPrototype = worldModule.define_prototype(
File C:\PataPata_v203\PataPata_v203\, line 9, in 
  world.worldLibraries = [world.newWorldFromFile(]
File C:\PataPata_v203\PataPata_v203\, line 522, in 
  result = newWorld.newPrototypeFromFile(fileName)
File C:\PataPata_v203\PataPata_v203\, line 514, in 
  newPrototype = worldModule.define_prototype(
File C:\PataPata_v203\PataPata_v203\, line 794, in 
  class SimpleSequenceLayoutManager:
File C:\PataPata_v203\PataPata_v203\, line 641, in 
  prototype.setAttributeWithoutSideEffects(propertyName, value)
File C:\PataPata_v203\PataPata_v203\, line 576, in 
  value = PrototypeMethod(self, value)
File C:\PataPata_v203\PataPata_v203\, line 47, in __init__
  source = inspect.getsource(function)
File C:\Python24\Lib\, line 563, in getsource
  lines, lnum = getsourcelines(object)
File C:\Python24\Lib\, line 555, in getsourcelines

Re: [Edu-sig] Version 0.2.03 of PataPata released (adds Jython/Swing support)

2006-08-09 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 When Python first came out, maybe C programmers were the primary
 target, but a lot of us were used to an interactive shell environment
 from xBase (i.e. dBase II, III, IV, V, Clipper, FoxPro).
 So when MSFT purchased FoxPro to compete with Borland (FoxPro for
 Windows versus Borland's dBase V), and started going OO, that pushed a
 huge cadre into the OO paradigm'd who'd hardly even heard of
 Smalltalk, let alone coded in it.
 What was cool about FoxPro is it didn't go the VB route and just let
 programmers use precoded objects from libraries (the OCX, later
 ActiveX model).  VBers were kept blissfully igorant of OO at the level
 of actually defining classes (with VB .NET, that's all changed).

Just for reference, I seriously learned OO from ZetaLisp+Flavors on a 
Symbolics, as the TekTronix Smalltalk machine in the lab was hogged and 
APDA (Apple) Smalltalk was too slow and limited on the Mac Plus.

Before I seriously got into Smalltalk years later, I learned the dBase 
compiler Clipper for an information management project, and that was 
phenomenal for the time. The best thing about Clipper for our use was that 
you could ship live code in the application -- that is, while Clipper 
was fast compiler, it could also interpret some of an applications code 
loaded from a database. For a time, I used ObjectWorks (a VisualWorks 
precursor) to prototype stuff I recoded in Clipper. After Clipper, I 
started doing some stuff in FoxBase, which I agree was really neat for the 
time and PC equipment. Not being able to ship end-user modifiable code 
like I could with Clipper haunted me for a long time after that in my own 
later work in C++ or Delphi (or VisualWorks) -- one reason I liked Python 
and Squeak (this was before open source ideas of just ship the whole 
source took root).

Python definitely has a comfortable Clipper or FoxPro sort of feel. Not 
sure completely what defined that -- interactive turnaround? useful error 
messages?  the syntax? And I agree that helps with its adoption.

My phrasing was perhaps not clear. I think Python does have many benefits 
now for beginners or non-C users, but I feel its early success and 
continued (relatively) easy acceptance by industry derives from looking a 
lot like C without the braces. But I'll agree that feeling like dBase in 
terms of libraries or interactivity or some other aspect was a big win too.

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] Freedom: some Smalltalk history and Python implications

2006-08-09 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 On 8/9/06, Arthur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yeah, because after years of OO in commerce and industry, it's not
 this big elitist thing any more to have mastery of that jargon.
 Smalltalkers were impressive, in their day and age, to the great
 unwashed.  But no longer.  In and of itself, just knowing OO is not a
 mark of anything special.  Knowing a dead language implementation of
 the paradigm is also not a turn on for young people.

While you can repeat Smalltalk is a dead language until as many people 
believe it as Iraq had WMD (i.e. too many :-), but Smalltalk remains 
quite a live language, thought smaller in adoption than many others and 
often a secret weapon.
Old might be more appropriate. :-) Or maybe, mismanaged, or less 
popular. Unfortunately (for me :-), general consulting rates have fallen 
for it from the heydays of the mid 90s when I did it commercially, as have 
the number of new gigs. Still, VisualWorks Smalltalk as a cross-platform 
stable environment useful for mission critical software where performance 
matters has never been surpassed IMHO (although Python comes closer every 
day, but will never match it for syntax reasons IMHO).

While there are other Smalltalks,
the flagships in the mid 1990s, mainly VisualWorks, and secondly Digitalk, 
determined much of the landscape. Hard to even remember what that 
landscape was like before so many free and open source projects became 
popular, like Python (but also CommonLisp variants, Ruby, Perl, even GCC, 
and so on).

Rumor has it VisualWorks missed its biggest chance when Sun wanted to 
license it for their set top box work, and PPD wanted too much in run-time 
fees, and so Sun turned to what became Java instead. The chance not being 
to make money from Sun, but instead to have forestalled the development of 
Java. Short-sighted greed. Sigh.

If VisualWorks had been open sourced instead of sold for a song to Cincom, 
I maintain ParcPlace/Digitalk/ObjectShare might still be a going concern 
with consulting, the way, say, the Zope Corp is. And surprise, I (and 
others) advocated that in 1999. :-) See my post here:

One snippet of my post there back in 1999 (which also pertains to Python):

Because of these factors, I think there is much residual anger at
ObjectShare. After all, it is unpleasant to think about how the most
advanced development tool and OO language on the planet has been
mismanaged and mismarketed into relative obscurity over the past twenty
years. It has caused real suffering to programmers forced to take work
in other (painful) languages like C++ or Java or VB. Nonetheless,
Smalltalk is still in my opinion the best OO language (although Python
is easier to learn for C/C++ coders and more modular).

I've been having more success lately getting people to consider Python
for places where Smalltalk might be the better tool and price is not a
factor. The reason for this has to do with the license and availability
of source (and smaller download footprint). It also (sadly) has to do
with it looking like C (although I see no reason Python could not run on
a Smalltalk VM as a combines Smalltalk/Python product).(*) It also has
something to do with the community surrounding Python. This is a bunch
of people who are using Python every day in mission critical
applications (like web servers, data reformatting, spacecraft launch
operations, industrial facilities, and complex simulations). They make
sure it works, and have a great set of add-ons. This is all enhanced by
the fact that Python supports modules well (each with its own
namespace). Squeak has much potential, but is not used as much (at all?)
in mission critical applications. It also has a license that makes it
awkward to use in embedded systems (GPL actually is better in that
respect). VW NC has potential, but will forever be hampered by not being
a completely open solution (unlike Squeak or Python). The same thing
happened with the ST/V free release, where without an open VM, interest
in working with it has been marginal (compared to Squeak).

I think it will be difficult if not impossible for ObjectShare to
overcome this two decade legacy by conventional marketing tactics. A
name change is not sufficient. My suggesting to ObjectShare is that
since the bulk of their revenues (73%) is now from service, make
VisualWorks open source under a Python-like license.

Then users will be assured of indefinite support of the product. Source
code escrow as many big users have is not adequate because no one at a
client's staff can keep current with the source. ObjectShare will be in
a great position to increase its service revenue, 

Re: [Edu-sig] Version 0.2.03 of PataPata released (adds Jython/Swing support)

2006-08-08 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Thanks for the tests. So, you got the same error on just one platform. 
Maybe an interaction of that version and perhaps line endings like Arthur 

Yes, xturtle is not in the Jython version as it is a library written for 
TK by someone else (Gregor Lingl) -- though in theory it could be ported 
(not sure how much work for someone). Sorry, I should have mentioned that 
somewhere. I also have a 3D turtle of our own I might put in there down 
the road (when I finish porting it from Delphi).

And yes, I too think the Jython version is sluggish in several ways, 
compared to TK. Some of it might be how I am using a glass pane for some 
events, or might be some other issues. I'm assuming the dispatching 
approach I use is not the culprit (as not much is being done by the 
prototypes yet other than passign through some limited data). Definitely 
sluggish in redrawing when you drag; I tried to improve on that for quite 
a while with yields and sleeps and so on, but could not get it to work 
better. Hopefully mucking around some more with other approaches with 
Swing could fix some of that?

--Paul Fernhout

Tony Theodore wrote:
== testing wanted

Any Smoke Test level (e.g. does it run at all for you?) feedback on 
trying PataPata under Jython 2.2 on various Mac/Win/GNULinux 
 Just downloaded and installed Jython 2.2, it starts up (very slowly)
 and mostly seems to work, however the xturtle doesn't work and there's
 significant lag in most actions.
 As a matter of interest python 2.3.5 and 2.5b2 both work very well, but
 2.4.3 raises the indentation error reported earlier. I'm running WinXP
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Re: [Edu-sig] Version 0.2.03 of PataPata released (adds Jython/Swing support)

2006-08-08 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Thanks for the suggestion. I used hexedit to look at the 
file and there were no 0x0d characters (cr). There were only 0x0a 
characters (new line). So, at least that file is consistent. But I'll keep 
looking (or maybe find a Python program that checks this for me?)
Maybe I should write a checker using PataPata as a test... :-)

--Paul Fernhout

Arthur wrote:
 Paul D. Fernhout wrote:

Thanks for trying PataPata and sending the informative bug report.

 I have run into what I think is a bug in when it confronts 
 mixed line endings in a module. Tried to get some feedback on 
 python-list but no one bit.
 I would check your line endings to see that they are consistent. 
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] Version 0.2.03 of PataPata released (adds Jython/Swing support)

2006-08-08 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 However, I have had many hours in an intimate setting with Kay
 himself, and so am not shy about stating what I think were his clearly
 expressed views e.g. (a) we haven't yet done enough to empower
 children (adults abuse their authority by dumbing it all down too
 much) and (b) we should have killed off Smalltalk long ago, but people
 since Kay have generally been too stupid to come up with a better
 language (victims of (a)), with maybe the exception of Guido.

That sounds about right. But to be clear by killing smalltalk he doesn't 
mean Smalltalk is worse than any other language, just that he wants 
something even better. It goes along with is mantra of burn the disk 
packs and also, as I reflect on it, points to one of the sources of 
conflict in the squeak community -- between those wanting Squeak to be a 
good free Smalltalk implementation, and Alan Kay wanting it to be a 
stepping stone to something much better. The problem was though -- that 
without a relatively stable base, all the blue plane efforts got bogged 
down in the mud of silly little problems any commercial Smalltalk long ago 
resolved (e.g. even things like not having underscore for use in names -- 
mapping to a return arrow instead).

In this video:
Alan Kay: The Computer Revolution hasn't happend yet. Keynote OOPSLA 
Alan Kay talks about the pink plane and the blue plane of thought. 
Simplifying, pink plane activities are exploring agreed on spaces (like 
playing a game by its rules) and blue plane activities are pushing 
boundaries (like making up new rules for a game).

This previously mentioned link relates to that:
 From there:
To have a tension between the Pink Plane and the Blue Plane in
Squeak, you would need a Blue Plane to begin with, and there isn't
one. No, the tension is only on the Squeak list, where for years now
people crop up requesting blue plane things (blue plane widgets, child
windows and separate system windows, small deliverable images, too name
some). These requests often turn the Pink Planers red, and so provoke a
genuinely hostile (or more often, condescending) response. There have
been some valiant attempts in the Blue plane during that time, but the
general direction that Squeak has taken for the last few years has taken
us further away from having a Blue Plane, to make it more like eToys, to
have an image more and more addled with osteo-pink-plane-itus. Make
Morphic *more* like eToys?! Oh how little that idea appeals. The Pink
Plane is a plain old pain.

I quote it because it reminds me of your comments on list sometimes. :-)
And this is not to disagree with your points on using Python as-it-is for 
education -- in the sense that you remain absolutely correct that Python 
is a great system and people can learn a lot using it just the way it is 
in the manner it was primarily intended (as something better than C or 
shell scripting for those who already know C syntax and shell scripting). 
Or, because of its continued success over the past decade, that is is now 
a good first language for programmers (for reasons relating to community 
and libraries and popularity, as well as other good things about it).

Now this is not to say any specific camp is right or wrong -- just to 
point out the difference in hopes, dreams, fears, and so on by various 
groups. The thing about lists and projects is they often become 
self-selecting -- people come to them, see the main line of philosophy or 
effort is in a different direction, and go onto other lists.
Also, in a sense, relative to a Smalltalk Pink Plane of experimentation, 
Python has explored a relatively blue plane of reliability and modularity 
and so on. So labelling of  planes are relative to expectations and 

 With PataPata, it seems you're unhappy with Python being a crystal
 clear implementation of a simple paradigm, and want to schmoo it into
 something for which its ill-suited, but which Self and/or Smalltalk
 may handle quite well.  You'd like to ruin Python in other words.  Or
 so it sounds to me.  But I don't worry about it, as I know Guido well
 enough to know he's ruthless about keeping Python on track, at least
 through this 2.x series.  But maybe he'll have a mid-life crisis and
 decide we should all be learning Smalltalk instead.

I guess you could put it that way? Although perhaps one person's ruins 
are another person's foundation? :-)

Ten plus years is a long time to stick with any one project. And sounds 
like, at the very least, Guido must be pretty jaded with Monty Python 
jokes by now. :-) So what is the Pink Plane for Python? Some interaction 
of Guido and the (self-selecting) community will define that.

Anyway, with PataPata so far I have tried to stick with just adding a 
library to Python, although now I do use a metaclass function (inspired by 

[Edu-sig] Version 0.2.03 of PataPata released (adds Jython/Swing support)

2006-08-07 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Version 0.2.03 of PataPata (a live Python object environment of Prototypes 
and Morphs) has been released. The zip file is at:

The big thing in this new version is support for Jython (2.2 only) using 
the Swing interfaces ans supporting essentially the same prototype-based 
API and widget dragging GUI as the TK version uses. The Inspector and 
Dandelion example world also work under Swing in this release (and needed 
only minor changes from the TK version).

Read on for more details.

== testing wanted

Any Smoke Test level (e.g. does it run at all for you?) feedback on 
trying PataPata under Jython 2.2 on various Mac/Win/GNULinux 
configurations would be appreciated. You need to use a Jython 2.2 (not 
2.1) version (sorry, PataPata save file source format uses object for 
metaclass support for loading files). Jython 2.2 can be downloaded and 
installed from links here:
To run PataPata for Jython under GNU/Linux (assuming 
jythonRelease_2_2alpha1 is installed in your home directory), use:
   java -jar ~/jythonRelease_2_2alpha1/jython.jar

I'm getting this out early so people can play with it. As the first Swing 
verison it is bound to have some issues. Still lots of rough edges and 
some cut corners (e.g. some missing events like enter/leave). A future 
version needs to integrate the swing and TK versions better so that user 
World files that are now almost the same will really be the same.

== unique benefits to a Jython version

It might be possible to add quicker prototype method dispatch lookup more 
easily to a Jython version as a patch on top of regular Jython as opposed 
to doing that under C.

I'm not sure I'm up for it at the moment, but in theory with a little big 
of effort and wading through Sun's documentation (and ignoring some other 
potential deployment issues, e.g.
   why we dropped Java web start )
one could in theory make a one click Web Start application with PataPata 
and Jython that would give you a live Python environment with a GUI 
builder and Inspector with (essentially) one click from a browser on any 
computer with Java Web Start enabled. That might be nice in some 
educational settings. No doubt WebStart will continue to improve as a 
delivery vehicle, just like I hope Sun's Java will be open source someday.

== grungy work to be done

Right now there is a lot of duplication of files between Swing and TK 
(havign similar and files, 
etc.) Ideally, I want to refactor the system to have common files, general 
platform files, and unique platform files
   such as:,,,,
using, which woudl import,
which would import one of:,,,
World files could then also import:,,, making them 
platform dependent. Doable, but that looks like some slogging. :-(

== future directions and a pause for reflection

Perhaps the best news about this all shows that I can make progress using 
PataPata and any specific widget set it wraps and then later use the 
(almost) identical code on another platform with some effort to write 
support code for that platform. Of course, Python's anygui and even 
wxPython has already done that, but in a different way. :-) Still, I know 
that the more I stray from the basic widgets (Buttons, Labels, Lists) the 
more work that would be -- but it is likely fairly doable. On the other 
hand, a truly 3D GUI if I had one is not going to be easily portable to a 
2D platform. This version also started a GLUT 3D version of the interface, 
but that just opens a window as a proof of concept (I like the 3D 
approach, but it looks like a lot of work).

Anyway, the good news is, PataPata now supports the default GUI for the 
Python and Jython releases. That means people could write some simple 
educational software that run on both platforms using (near) identical 
code. I don't think I'll venture into IronPython dot net support any time 
soon to cover all the major Python bases (I've never used IronPython and 
don't want to learn it right now).

I'm not sure where to go from here on GUIs as I've gotten more interested 
in the One Laptop per Child project
and they are using Python and GTK.
 From there: GTK+ is the basic GUI toolkit used by Sugar and other OLPC 
applications. Any application that needs a GUI consisting of standard 
Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers should use GTK+. The OLPC include the 
PyGTK Module to simplify the task of building Python 

Re: [Edu-sig] Version 0.2.03 of PataPata released (adds Jython/Swing support)

2006-08-07 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Thanks for trying PataPata and sending the informative bug report.

Reading through the stack trace, there is an error when loading (a file defining supporting prototypes for the TK based 
GUI). But (see below) the error doesn't seem to happen when importing the 
file, just when doing introspection for the source of a function.
As a first guess I suspect the Windows Python version of you 
are using is somehow having trouble parsing the file on 
your XP system for some reason, but Python itself can parse it. So again 
as a first guess it seems like some sort of tab-to-space problem, or line 
ending translation, or character encoding issue, or something like that, 
where might use a different approach than Python compiler 
itself. Or maybe a garbled file?

My focus on 2.03 was for Jython support, so I'd be curious if you would 
have the same problem trying to run the previous version (2.02). If both 
have the same problem (no source loaded) then that may mean it is an issue 
with something about the configuration of Python under XP you are using 
which I would have to adjust for (I test under 2.3 for Debian). I just 
tested under 2.4 under Debian and it starts also so it might be a Windows 

Sorry I don't have a clearer answer for you; we don't have XP here, just 
2000 under VMWare, and I just now tested under that with Python2.3 and it 
works OK. I know from Francois Schnell's testing in June that previous 
versions a while back did run under Windows XP, so it would be something I 
more recently introduced (perhaps with the metaclass function handling?)

== more details on my reasoning and other ideas to try

That error by itself is directly from a line of code I see I 
unintentionally left in when I was testing today. Sorry. Remove the line 
that says raise in on line 49 which reraises a caught 
exception. I normally catch that exception, but temporarily reraised it to 
resolve something related to Jython packaging at the last minute and 
forgot to take it out, sorry. Normally, that exception should not be 
generated in the first place though unless something else is wrong, so if 
the system otherwise works, that line should be mostly harmless. Removing 
that raise line might let it start if there are no other issues, however 
there would at best remain a deeper problem (probably making a new error).

If it is failing there, that also means there is likely another problem 
where it is not finding or parsing the source code for a method it is 
loading from the file. Assuming the source code for the file being loaded 
was correctly parsable (and I suspect it is not for some reason), you 
might get a GUI, but you could not look at the source for some or all 
methods. (Think of it as almost like some variation of sources file not 
found in Squeak. :-) But, normally that code should never have an 
exception in the first place -- it is mainly a holdover from supporting 
the wx version where you can type in code from the command line and the 
source is not stored in a file and so inspect does not work for such 
functions. So while the raise should ideally be removed, I don't think 
that will fix the entire problem.

The stack trace part:

  File C:\PataPata_v203\PataPata_v203\, line 794, in
  class SimpleSequenceLayoutManager:

is probably most significant here, as SimpleSequenceLayoutManager is 
likely the prototype being defined at the time in The 
rest of the stack below that is calling the metaclass function 
(world.buildPrototype) to define a prototype instead of a class and that 
in turn is calling library functions to look up the source of a function. 
(And frankly, I feel that source introspection code is a little shaky in 
Python, unlike Smalltalk. :-) That prototype only has one function 
(layoutMorphs). However, if the code is not indented properly, likely 
loading that file would fail in some other way as an import even if that 
exception you saw was not raised.

I just replicated a similar error (but not identical) by going into that 
function and adding one extra space before layout = {}. I got:
Traceback (most recent call last):

   File, line 18, in ?
   File /home/pdf/workspace/PataPata/, line 24, in main
 world = PrototypeClass(None).newPrototypeFromFile(
   File /home/pdf/workspace/PataPata/, line 513, in 
 newPrototype = worldModule.define_prototype(
   File /home/pdf/workspace/PataPata/, line 9, in 
 world.worldLibraries = [world.newWorldFromFile(]
   File /home/pdf/workspace/PataPata/, line 521, in 
 result = newWorld.newPrototypeFromFile(fileName)
   File /home/pdf/workspace/PataPata/, line 508, in 

Re: [Edu-sig] Version 0.2.03 of PataPata released (adds Jython/Swing support)

2006-08-07 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Thanks for your note (and also the previous ones when I went on vacation, 
which I did read but replies got lost in the homecoming shuffle). I didn't 
reply to those (e.g. how important categories are in practice in Smalltalk 
as a cultural convention thing), but to sum them up it without the details 
it might revolve around your use of SmallTalk versus Smalltalk. Using 
the first signifies having been part of that community for any length of 
time. :-) Now, that capitalization of SmallTalk may actually   most 
sense, because by the communities own common coding conventions it is 
actually the proper way to capitalize it if you think of it as two words 
Small and Talk -- it just isn't done though, as the community tends to 
think of Smalltalk as one unique concept as another sort of convention. 
So, is that capitalization consistent? Or inconsistent? Anyway, the deeper 
issue is that every community has conventions (even when they may not make 
total sense), and you made that point yourself a while back I believe, in 
the context of how library implementation are a big part of defining the 
syntactic and semantic conventions of a language (especially one like 
Python with open source libraries), and it's hard to swim against that 
tide. And any new effort runs into difficulties when it attempts to swim 
against the conventions (or leap into the blue plane instead of stay on 
the pink plane in Alan Kay's metaphor), requiring not a 10% improvement to 
be acceptable, but more like a 10X improvement.

In the case here, looking at the prototype related issues (not Python with 
classes, for which your comment holds better) for a beginner, the 
Smalltalk (or really Self) way would a single obvious option when you need 
to get something and the getting has a side effect (just put code in a x 
slot). But in Python, you either need to have a function activate on using 
a property or you need (as PataPata supports) some way of specifying a 
side effect before or after a setting operation. That makes for a few 
points of confusion for any learner (or implementor. :-) You sort of 
handwave away the property function as a rarely used necessary evil for 
Python, but needing such thing often in Prototypes is one of the big 
points here about elegance. And in writing code to wrap widgets, having 
side effects on property access turns out to be  common thing in order to 
keep state consistent with a widget which may not always send changed 
events for various internal fields (and side effects on setting even more 
so). In the PataPata case using side effects defined in properties breaks 
the link between the name of a property and the name of the code that says 
what it does plus you have to need to know to look at property definitions 
to see how these are defined. So, you are left as a learner with a basic 
confusion given that functions in a prototype system are also properties 
-- so if a piece of code is used related to a property, is it called 
directly on the property get or is is intended to be used as a function 
with parens? Now there are ways to resolve this, but they require more 
intellectual effort and tracking usage and such. So, one more layer of 
difficulty between you and the code -- and the whole point of prototypes 
is to bring a person closer to the code IMHO. I think that is one ugly 
thing about PataPata I saw more clearly after my vacation. But another 
issue is from a debugging standpoint that you can override __getattr__ in 
Python (as PataPata does) but it is not clear whether the caller intends 
to use the result to send a message or as a value, and that can have a big 
impact on how to handle messages (e.g. when to call doesNotUnderstand in 
Smalltalk and perhaps invoke other delegation code, where there is a big 
and obvious difference from accessing the code for a method, say, to copy 
it, and actually using it).

Anyway, these are finer points, but they bear on issues of conceptual 
elegance and ease of learning. Granted, people can learn the exceptions 
and deal with ambiguity or create new conventions, and a language like 
Python has so many great features that may overcome these issues for 
Prototypes, but they are still in some sense conceptual warts in this case 
for using it to do prototype based systems. Then again, maybe there is a 
cleverer approach I have not seen yet. I really need to reflect more on 
how I have used and elaborated on the notion of properties and see how 
much of it still makes good sense on reflection, and also consider your 
points here further.

The parens on a constructor never bothered me. :-) But coming from 
Smalltalk (not Self) it is a big deal you can't have multiple 
constructors. with different names

--Paul Fernhout

kirby urner wrote:
 On 8/7/06, Paul D. Fernhout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On the other hand, after doing even more coding in Python, I'm really
 missing even more all the Smalltalk development tools, a situation which

[Edu-sig] The keyhole problem and learning environments

2006-07-13 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
While looking around the web looking at issues related to Squeak and 
Python and 3D GUI issues(*), I came across this:
   The Keyhole Problem.
 From there: This is the web page for my current book project, The 
Keyhole Problem. The book explains how some kinds of constraints in 
software systems decrease the quality of those systems in many ways. It 
proposes practical steps programmers can take to avoid these constraints. 
I call the constraints I'm interested in keyholes: arbitrary restrictions 
on your ability to see or express something. The name is motivated by the 
analogy of looking at a room through a keyhole in the door. I'm especially 
interested in keyholes that programmers can easily avoid, i.e., on 
gratuitous keyholes. The book defines a number of such keyhole types, 
gives a variety of examples of how they manifest themselves, explains why 
they are harmful, and describes how they can be avoided or mitigated. 

While much of the book seems to be more about specific smaller programming 
issues, metaphorically I think that the general metaphor relates to my 
concern about promoting web-based development environments for Python 
beginners. Especially having seen the alternative as advanced by Smalltalk 
development environments thirty-odd years ago, I am concerned that such 
efforts may be creating experiences of looking through lots of keyholes 
instead of feeling increasing mastery of a powerful development 
environment. Maybe this is also a spin on what Kirby uses other language 
to describe related to when people try to hide the guts of GNU/Linux.
Now, that doesn't mean that it is not worth making web tools, just that 
this is a concern, to be weighed against the advantages of getting people 
doing any programming at all or having an easy way to deploy educational 
Python simulations, and I think it worth reflecting on to see if one can 
both get the cake of people using Pythonic simulations easily and eat it 
too by letting them change those simulations in unexpected ways.

Consider again my previous mention of transient versus sovereign
applications. I accept the idea that when you want to know something 
specific it may be nice to find a canned simulation about it on, say, a 
Wikipedia page. But, what I want is a way for people. when they wish, to 
go further, and turn that transient experience of interacting with a 
canned simulation into an ongoing expandable experience using sovereign 
development tools. For a decade that has always been my indirect goal with 
plans for our garden simulator -- to present something complex and 
educational, yet open to the user to easily build on, tear down, or just 
go further with, and that has been part of what has driven my interest in 
Squeak and now Python. Essentially, after the user looks through the 
keyhole of the specific simulation running, ideally they can open the door 
and walk into the simulation with easy-to-use development tools and start 
making changes. For the web systems, I would have less problems with the 
concept if it was easy to easily point your large development tool at the 
web page, download the code, and then keep modifying it (and republish it).

I think this also returns to earlier comments on how to design a good 
graphical context for Python newbies -- one that just lets you do some 
interesting things easily (a keyhole) versus one that makes such things 
easy but still gives you power to move beyond that and do general graphics.

Thinking about a 3D turtle vs. 2D turtle in that context, then maybe a 
same idea would be to have a turtle that does 2D by default with a simple 
API but also supports complete 3D operations in an extended API for people 
who suddenly have an interest in going further.

Part of this of course comes from pedagogical philosophy -- restrict what 
kids can do at the moment versus point them to interesting things and see 
what happens. I guess one could have a system that restricts at first and 
gradually unlocks. Games are often structured this way as you proceed 
across levels or acquire new abilities. While that is looking at it from a 
pedagogical point of view, this issue pops up in lots of contexts. For 
example, emacs has tons of key bindings, and it is easy for a beginner to 
press one by accident and instead of getting a beep they get some 
completely unexpected behavior which they may not be able to back out of 
easily. It might be nice if for beginners only some of the key bindings 
worked, and they could be gradually added as needed in an easy way. 
Similarly, a criticism leveled in the link below on Squeak is that it is 
very easy to just break Squeak in various ways from the advanced shooting 
yourself in the foot by making a base class change that causes an error 
window to open when opening a window :-) to simple things like tearing off 
a window's close box in Morphic. PataPata has 

Re: [Edu-sig] Alan Kay - another one of his ideas

2006-07-12 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
 pages which users wander onto. But Wikipedia is a complex 
platform both in a social sense and in a technological sense, even if the 
content is served through a web browser. It's kind of like looking at 
Squeak and its community and saying, well, that's just about clever use of 
BitBlit, so let's make BitBlit better. I feel that just trying to make 
more dynamic pages misses the broader issue here of Wikipedians (the 
authors) interacting with a very large system with a long persistent 
history and surrounded by a community. It's ironic that when I started 
thinking about contributing to Wikipedia some time back, my reaction is 
that it needs local tools to it can be a distributed network to share 
server load and allow people to visualized relationships between articles 
and authors in 3D (i.e. perhaps something built on Squeak :-).  So, I had 
a very different set of thinking about that forest heading in a very 
different direction.

I'm not saying, say Wikipedia, could not benefit from LogoWiki technology, 
just that I don't see that as a really big win, compared to say, just 
using Flash or Java Applets for dynamic content. What's really happening 
here is just a battle over standards for end user content delivered over 
the internet. A nice win, maybe, to use more open solutions like 
JavaScript over Flash, and so a battle worth fighting, but not a big win 
in-and-of-itself for education. And many solutions can coexist. And it 
seems to me that Alan Kay's work was always about the big ideas. And if 
one is going to fight the battle directly, then perhaps it might be easier 
at this point to argue more for Java solutions (as problematical as they 
are) like Java Applets or Java web start. For the Python Community, Jython 
already runs on those, so it is a good enough solution. So, maybe 
targeting Jython/Java (or using a similar compatible approach) is another 
way to go, even for Smalltalk related systems.

[I have a bit more to say on Squeak/Python/Jython issues I'll put in 
another post.]

--Paul Fernhout

Andreas Raab wrote:
 Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
I don't mean to complain specifically about these pages, just to point out 
that while the supposed intent here is to make programming available to 
the masses by using a dumbed down environment like a web browser, in 
practice, this fails for me. Whereas, when I install Squeak or Python, it 
works. So, I think Alan Kay may be going in the wrong direction here in 
some ways, compared to Squeak. Not to say it might not be useful for 
certain audiences, just that it fails the everyone test, at least for me.
 Not surprising, really, because you're missing the point of Logowiki. 
 Logowiki's main purpose is as an example for what dynamic content on a 
 web page can mean, in particular in an educational setting. Remember 
 that we lost the ability to author with the introduction of the world 
 wide web and we're only about to get it back. The choice of Logo is 
 simply because it's easily recognizable for the intended target audience.
 [A secondary motivation for Logowiki is as an experiment in zero 
 install deployment and to be able to see what can be done with Ajax and 
 friends and a bit of compiler translation technology which is not so 
 different from PyPy btw - parts of it would make perfect sense to 
 translate Python to Javascript code on the fly]
And of course, the site was also inaccessible when I first learned about 
it (from Kirby's post to this list I think) from too much demand most 
likely, so it also failed the cost test. Presumably, they just could not 
afford to put enough resources into the project for everyone.
 Paul, you are confusing a demo with a product. Logowiki was done to 
 explain to OLPC what we mean when we use terms like dynamic content and 
 what may change if, for example, Wikipedia had the ability to included 
 such dynamic, end-user authored content.
Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] Big thanks to Ian Bicking for metaclass ideas for PataPata

2006-07-02 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

I just wanted to publicly thank you for your suggestions, help, and 
patience here on this Edusig list getting me (and PataPata) started with 
using metaclasses to define prototypes (using the class ProtoFoo: 
syntax), for example your note here:

I just started using a metaclass approach inspired by your comment there 
for the main library, viewable here:
After a lot of work :-) I could just open the old code written by hand in 
a more procedural way in PataPata and write it out that live world of 
prototypes in the new metaclass way. (I did lose some comments I may want 
to put back in eventually though, probably in some sort of overall 
comment property or in the documentation for specific properties.)

For reference, you can see the old approach here:

So, here is an example from that file (again, wrapping 
Gregor Lingl's xturtle library) of how you can now define a prototype in 
PataPata using the class syntax (and stored as a global to use 
elsewhere) somewhat along the lines your outlined:

 class XTurtleCanvas(Morph):
 __metaclass__ = world.buildPrototype
 pen = None
 size = (200, 200)
 def _destroyEmbeddedWidget(self):
 if self.widget:
 if xturtle._canvas == self.widget:
 xturtle._canvas = None
 if xturtle.pen == self.pen:
 xturtle._pen = None
 self.widget = None
 self.setAttributeWithoutSideEffects(pen, None)

 def _newWidget(self):
 xturtle._root =
 newCanvas = xturtle.ScrolledCanvas(self.container.widget)
 xturtle._canvas = newCanvas
 self.setAttributeWithoutSideEffects(pen, xturtle.Pen())
 xturtle._pen = self.pen
 return newCanvas

 def userInterrupt(self):
 xturtle.TurtleScreen._RUNNING = 0

 def windowFocusIn(self):
 if self.widget:
 xturtle._canvas = self.widget
 xturtle._pen = self.pen

 _property_writeFunction_pen = '_store_None'
 _property_copyFunction_pen = '_store_None'
 world.worldGlobals['XTurtleCanvas'] = XTurtleCanvas

[You can also see the older xturtle wrapping approach in my earlier re: 
News about turtle graphics post to the Edusig list.]

Notice how I also added inline support for defining properties (anything 
starting with _property_ is processed as a property directive). I also 
used a builder function __metaclass__ = world.buildPrototype instead of 
a metaclass, and that builder function is actually a method of an existing 
world; all prototypes need a link back to the world they are in, in the 
current approach, so it was either that or some other initialization code 
with a module or class global. Notice also how what would normally be 
shared class variables (e.g. pen or size) are instead now more like 
local prototype instance variables.

And here is actually using the global prototype in another file 

 class proto17(XTurtleCanvas):
 __metaclass__ = world.buildPrototype
 pen = None
 position = (38, 377)
 widget = None

For reference, I made a decision a long while back to explicitly require 
naming prototypes before you could derive from them (for development 
clarity). There is no reason you could not link directly to other 
prototypes, and I used to do that, and it was more work to make the 
indirect lookup through a globals dictionary, but I'm hoping that 
explicitness make documentation of intent clearer.  So, what is going on 
here isn't quite copying or cloning, it is setting a self.traits array 
to have one or more strings, which are then used to look up properties and 
values if they are not locally defined in the prototype itself, so 
something like multiple inheritance from named base classes. You can then 
override behavior locally or otherwise modify the globally named prototype 
you have as a trait.

Anyway, thanks again for your help and suggestions, Ian.

All the best.

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] PataPata 0.1.19 release Stigmergy

2006-06-29 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 Or committed company employees, or crew members, or television screen 

Good point.

By the way, SourceForge is finally allowing logins again, so there is now 
a proper release here:

 I wonder if you've contacted Kevin Altis, the PythonCard developer I
 know best.  Robin Dunn, author of wxPython is also local (we've met
 many times).  I saw the new wx book at Powell's Technical, and almost
 bought it (I'm waiting for a bigger book budget to materialize, so I
 might expand my library).

To be clear, it is limited PythonCard compatibility, but it is using TK to 
achieve that, not WX. Eventually, I hope to improve the wx GUI, but the TK 
one is more advanced right now and the PythonCard compatibility is built 
on that. So, you can take your PythonCard resources (simple ones) and 
build TK GUIs with them (at least, as far as laying out widgets, 
connecting code still needs to be done by hand, and automating that is not 
a priority for me, if it would be doable at all given various issues).
It's a tribute to PythonCard's modular design of using a resource file 
that I was able to do this with PataPata.

The basic difference between PythonCard and PataPata is that PythonCard 
seems focused on helping you develop GUI-oriented Python applications 
faster and in a more maintainable way, whereas PataPata attempts to give 
you a live world of Python objects where some of those objects are Morphs 
and non-visual Prototypes.

Still, I'd expect the PythonCard project might not like a competitor? 
:-) I'm all for friendly competition of course -- but the reality is there 
are only so many volunteer developers to go around at any specific time, 
so if PataPata picked up some I would expect PythonCard might lose some. 
Certainly I could have tried to improve PythonCard rather than make 
something different. On the other hand, sometimes when something becomes 
popular, say building GUIs in Python, then everyone benefits (say if VB 
and Ruby and PHP developers switch to Python and either PythonCard or 
PataPata). In the PythonCard case, since it is under a more permissive 
license (BSD-ish) than PataPata (GPL) they do address different audiences.

So, see, some teamwork going on, though of an artifact mediated kind. I
think of that as a form of Stigmergy.
 Wow, I'd never have guessed.  Same root as stigmata, no?  Maybe not.

Never thought of that.

On etymology:

stigmata ... [plural of stigma, from Gr.,=brand]

Below are some variations on the terms origins (see the [poster for 
 * ‘stigma’ (goad) and ‘ergon’ (work)…” to “…stigmergy (stigma: Wound 
from a pointed object; ergon: Work, product of labour = stimulating 
product of labour).
 * from the Greek words stigma ‘sign’ and ergon ‘action,’ and captures 
the notion that an agent’s actions leave signs in the environment, signs 
that it and other agents sense and that determine their subsequent actions.
 * [F]rom the Greek stigma: sting, and ergon: work.

So actually related in some sense I guess.

 From there: Stigmergy is a method of communication in emergent systems
 in which the individual parts of the system communicate with one another
 by modifying their local environment.

 So like when I mow my lawn in a certain pattern, signalling a
 satellite, or when ETs use a crop circle to phone home, right?
 Science fiction examples of stigging out (slang for exercising
 stigmergic abilities).

Not quite the same, though interesting examples to work with. The point of 
the individual or group stigmergic activity is not generally explicitly to 
signal, which is what you give examples of -- people intending to send a 
communication, but just doing it by making a large physical artifact. 
Rather, the idea is that each actor does something that feels good to them 
to improve their local environment, and other actors then build on their 
work in some way, or connect their own independent work to the others work 
on recognizing it.  So the cooperation is mediated through the artifact, 
but the artifact itself isn't necessarily intended as a signal (though it 
could be). For a better example, it would be like your neighbor sees you 
mow part of a crop circle in your cornfield, and they then decide to mow 
another part of a circle along the same arc which joins up with yours 
because it feels right, and so on, until soon your community has got a 
really big circle around the whole neighborhood someone really could see 
from space.

In the PataPata example, Gregor wasn't writing xturtle for PataPata, and 
PataPata wasn't written to host xturtle, but it turns out the two things 
can be used together. That is more like stigmergy in termite mound 
building, where termites mill 

Re: [Edu-sig] News about turtle graphics

2006-06-29 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Gregor Lingl wrote:
 I've decided, that my new turtle graphics module ready


Nice work!

Just for fun, I've integrated with PataPata as a component, and 
here are a few changes I made to it (in diff format, at the end of this 
message), in case you are interested. Using PataPata, I was able to 
interactively build a xturtle script which took parameters, where the 
parameters were entered via Morphs I made as I needed them (like 
iterations, or color). I have an example world file with two widgets. Now, 
obviously, such an activity is not for the beginner user -- but more 
advanced ones might like being able to make parameterized xturtle functions.

Since I use Python2.3 mainly as it is the default install for Debian, I 
made run with Python2.3 by changing the static methods and the 
use of sorted(). There might be more Python2.3 issues, but those were the 
only ones I've come across so far.

I also added a line of code to reset TurtleScreen._RUNNING before throwing 
the Terminator exception, as otherwise you can't restart the turtle if you 
are using the library in a long running application. When I started 
playing around with it, that was a big issue for me, so that motivated my 
adding a BREAK interrupt key response to PataPata (though it only works 
for the xturtle XTurtleCanvas -- an endless loop doing nothing or just 
printing will still hang TK and PataPata).

Now, whether you want to make it run with Python2.3 may be debatable, and 
you may well use those static methods in other code, so making them 
instance methods may well break other demos. But you most probably want to 
reset the _Running flag in any case.

PataPata 0.1.19 has the component in it, but the extra 
BREAK handling code is only in the latest stuff I've been adding to SVN here:

By the way, here is a simple world file written by PataPata that uses an 
Note how the color and iterations are taken from GUI widget Morphs in the 

 def mouseClick(self):
 for i in range(int(self.components.iterationsEntry.text)):

This is the file that defines the XTurtleCanvas (among other things):
This is the relevant xturtle specific code to make an XTurtleCanvas:

 XTurtleCanvas = world.newPrototype(Morph)
 XTurtleCanvas.size = (200, 200)
 XTurtleCanvas.pen = None
 def _newWidget(self):
 xturtle._root =
 newCanvas = xturtle.ScrolledCanvas(self.container.widget)
 xturtle._canvas = newCanvas
 self.setAttributeWithoutSideEffects(pen, xturtle.Pen())
 xturtle._pen = self.pen
 return newCanvas
 XTurtleCanvas._newWidget = _newWidget
 def _destroyEmbeddedWidget(self):
 if self.widget:
 if xturtle._canvas == self.widget:
 xturtle._canvas = None
 if xturtle.pen == self.pen:
 xturtle._pen = None
 self.widget = None
 self.setAttributeWithoutSideEffects(pen, None)
 XTurtleCanvas._destroyEmbeddedWidget = _destroyEmbeddedWidget
 def windowFocusIn(self):
 if self.widget:
 xturtle._canvas = self.widget
 xturtle._pen = self.pen
 XTurtleCanvas.windowFocusIn = windowFocusIn
 XTurtleCanvas.localProperty(pen).writeFunction = _store_None
 XTurtleCanvas.localProperty(pen).copyFunction = _store_None
 XTurtleCanvas.localProperty(pen).setFunction = None
 world.worldGlobals[XTurtleCanvas] = XTurtleCanvas

(The bit at the end with properties just ensures the pen is read only and 
is stored as None when the world is saved to a Python file).

It was a bit tricky to get the thing to work right with those global 
functions when you have multiple canvases! I'm still not sure I'm quite 
satisfied with the result, but basically I swap in _pen and _canvas into 
the loaded xturtle module from the window's xturtle canvas whenever a TK 
window gets focus (I had to add that window focus handling too). This 
would be a problem if there was more than one xturtle canvas on a window, 
but by then for multiple canvases on one window I assume one could write 
code that accessed the each canvas's pen directly instead of using those 
globals functions.

Good luck with your talk. Thanks for making such a nice library.

--Paul Fernhout

$ diff ~/workspace/PataPata/
  # PDF -- Modified to work with Python2.3 instead of 2.4 (removed static 
methods  use and sorted() use)
  # PDF -- added TurtleScreen._RUNNING = 

[Edu-sig] PataPata 0.1.19 release Stigmergy

2006-06-28 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 In other words:  as I learned long ago, the solo developer is quickly
 outclassed by what teamwork can do, when it comes to finalizing a
 commercial and/or educational product.  We've discussed this several
 times on this list, in connection with game development.

How often true...

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can 
change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead

 But a lot of times, one just
 goes for green field development, per the recent Pata Pata example.

Well, it's somewhat green, but as mentioned before, I'm building on the 
shoulders of giants. :-)

I've been pretty quiet on edusig as I've been hard at work. :-)

SourceForge is partially down right now so I can't make a proper release 
in response to your mention :-) but I just added 
(version 0.1.19) to SVN here:
You can download from that web page.

This version includes the current release of Gregor Lingl's xturtle 
library, wrapped as a Morph. (I modified the library slightly to work with 
Python 2.3).

To run the demo (after unzipping the file) use:

It even has some PythonCard compatibility. It can read PythonCard resource 
files and build GUIs for them -- if the widgets are from the limited set 
it supports (Button, CheckBox, TextField, TextArea, Menus, and a few 
others). You still have to link in the code by hand though. I converted 
one example -- the conversions sample which converts temperatures, 
currencies, and Morse code. I also converted the menu builder tool GUI but 
it has no functionality yet. (Limited) PythonCard compatibility motivated 
several major improvements in the system (including naming morphs and 
supporting menus and a visible flag).

There is also one example using the approach Ian Bicking outlined 
previously here of using metaclasses to read in prototypes defined using 
class. Also included is an example of how it works just using regular 
python code to construct them, so one can compare the two. It still uses 
the old approach for writing as I explore the new (for me) idea.

There is also a webcast Francois Schnell made of PataPata on ShowMeDo:

So, see, some teamwork going on, though of an artifact mediated kind. I 
think of that as a form of Stigmergy.
 From there: Stigmergy is a method of communication in emergent systems 
in which the individual parts of the system communicate with one another 
by modifying their local environment.

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] Accessibility to non CS types?

2006-06-05 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 I also admire many of the constructivists you mention. [snip]

Wow, you sure get around, Kirby! :-)

By the way, in my post on sources, I forgot to mention Doug Engelbart, 
of course. His mother of all demos is still driving much of computing 
RD today (including, perhaps, a lot of Alan Kay's work). You can see the 
original demo at:
Even if you don't want to watch the entire 90 minutes, there is a textual 
description there of what is presented.

Perhaps making computers accessible to non CS types should involve 
teaching them more of the history of computing, i.e. how far we have *not* 
come. :-)

If one taught that, one would want to include Alan Kay's comments (linked 
by Francois in another thread)
on how hardly anybody wants to use post 1960s language ideas. :-)
(Although, even in the 1960s, there was Lisp with first class functions, 
which mainstream Java still lacks. :-)

While I'd rather have my three screen Debian GNU/Linux box and internet of 
today than his specific 1960s technology, clearly what Doug Engelbart's 
team demonstrated was such a quantum leap from what went before(*) that it 
really is barely matched in some ways by today's consumer systems, at 
least in spirit almost forty years later -- as around 1968 he demonstrated 
real-time collaborative audio and video conferencing and editing over a 
network, a dynamic extendable language, hypertext, graphics, the mouse, a 
chord keyboard, and so on. Have we really come that much further in four 
decades conceptually? In terms of chord keyboard use, for example, we're 
still behind his demo (his argument was learning to chord keys was a good 
investment for a professional, as beyond the improved speed, you could 
also mouse with one hand and chord text with the other).

I did try to get Doug's newer effort to consider doing the next version in 
Python (as part of his Unfinished Revolution II Stanford course), as 
well as try to hook them up with the Zope people directly, but I had 
trouble prying them away from the grip of Sun's Java. :-) See for example:
(I have long since taken down the experimental Zope site linked there, 

Note: while I thought using Java six years ago was not a very good idea 
because at that time, beyond the language's clutter and limitations, the 
JVM was also an unstable write once, debug everywhere solution with 
limited libraries, now, six years later, while I still think Java remains 
a problematical language syntactically, I think the JVM itself is a 
reasonable deployment vehicle in many situations (i.e. for Jython 
applications) and the Java libraries themselves have finally gotten most 
of the bugs out and there are some fairly good free versions of JVMs (e.g. 
Kaffe) and supporting libraries (e.g. GNU Classpath).

--Paul Fernhout

P.S. I should also mentioned Neil Postman and Charles Weingartner, from 
their late 1960s book:

P.P.S. (*) well, this is ignoring Ivan Sutherland's work on Sketchpad,
or Vannevar Bush's Memex concept,
which both informed Doug Engelbert  colleagues' work (and which
J.R. Licklider funded, and even relates to Theodore Sturgeon's 1950s 
writings). Vannevar Bush's 1940s Memex idea really seems like the origin 
of many of these ideas.
By the way, here is a Python version of a Memex-like system I wrote a 
while back (included in a larger Python package):
The implementation is in the included sample file
It is mentioned by me here with some usability tips:
Oh, and that article reminds me I did a Jython version of Memex too, see:
which has a screen shot and links to the code here:
I guess I'm kind of working my way through the history of computing with 
Python. :-) First Memex, now sort-of a nod towards Smalltalk (and Self) 
with PataPata, and then maybe, someday, Augment. :-)
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] PySqueak: pyGTK Cairo pygtkglext (OpenGL) next?

2006-06-04 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
francois schnell wrote:
 Still take care of  yourself !  undefined day you should ...  time.sleep

Well, after a good night's sleep, the bug I've spent endless time chasing, 
scouring all the delegation code in for perhaps ten or so 
hours on and off, turned out to be a problem in the GUI code from all the 
way back to the wx code I copied for tk (which it turns out had the same 
problem). So nothing wrong with the delegation code (though I did optimize 
it some, and add a debugging flag during all the hair pulling. :-).

Avoiding these kind of mistakes is just the reason pair programming is 
surprisingly cost effective.
 From there: One programmer, the driver, has control of the 
keyboard/mouse and actively implements the program. The other programmer, 
the observer, continuously observes the work of the driver to identify 
tactical (syntactic, spelling, etc.) defects and also thinks strategically 
about the direction of the work. Someone looking over my shoulder when I 
wrote the original code might have noticed that and saved me lots of 
debugging. Need to add support for doing that virtually over the net with 
PataPata someday. :-) It's amazing how much even a novice programmer can 
contribute to an expert's productivity by just noticing something like 
that and asking a question about it while the code is being first written.

For those who are curious, or to mildly challenge your students, here is 
the offending piece of code (though most of the problem was knowing where 
to look, of course. :-):

 def duplicateMorph(self, morph):
 newMorph = morph.copy()
 newMorph.x += 5
 newMorph.y += 5
 if morph.getPropertyDefinition(createEmbeddedWidget):
 World.duplicateMorph = duplicateMorph

As the Monty Python team might say, Can you spot the loony [bug]? :-)

 If you need a hint: ===

  If I had done a better job of naming the input variable to 
originalMorph this would have been a more obvious problem.

Solution below: (*)

I also corrected the wx version, which used the identical code, which I 
had copied to the tk version.

 Don't worry about the package I've actually co the repository a day ago (on
 my XP and Kubuntu box) and will check for updates often to have my current
 juicy PataPata version :)

Great. :-)

 Here's the problem I have with the Tk version:
 On Win XP :
 - If I alt-right-click on a Morph and call the inspector it doesn't work 
 I can see in the dos window that it called InspectMorph Prototype x
 but the inspector doesn't focus on this Morph)
 - If I manually search for a morph in the Inspector (where it says morphs
 'type list') and if I try to change its color for example (lets say
 'red') and click accept = the morph disappear from the world and the dos
 window says : problem drawing morph Prototype 
 On Kubuntu Dapper Drake:
 - the alt (left or right) click  doesn't work as expected : if I want to
 drag a morph I'm always dragging the whole application window and I can't
 drag an individual Moph anymore. If do an alt-right click I can't access 
 menu to inspect the morph (I have a ~resize icon for the mouse cursor).
 - I have the same bug than for XP if I want to change a value in the
 Maybe it is related to the bug you were talking about ? I can make a quick
 screencast if it helps you to visualize the problem.

Sorry about those difficulties. You've kept me busy for the afternoon. :-)

Probably no need for a screencast for these issues, but I'd love to see 
one for TK once things are working well for you.

First, so it works at all (even with smoke coming out :-)? That was my 
first concern, and implicitly I think that is answered by yes. :-) Hooray!

For the the inspector tree updating, that was simply not finished. I had 
known about this, but I has just had not got around to fixing it. I have 
now fixed it and it is in the latest SVN. Should work for all platforms.

The non-widget morph disappearing and generating a drawing error message 
is most likely a problem with validation of whatever was entered for the 
color field. If TK can't interpret the color value of the widget, it can't 
draw it. I can't be certain that is the problem, but I think that is the 
most likely cause because I have seen it happen myself (like if I put in 
blue instead of blue). There is a color selector dialog now used under 
TK, though you need the world menu. In testing this just now, I'm finding 
the TK multi-line edit is adding an extra newline. I think this is a known 
TK issue, so I just now changed the code in SVN to strip that out, 
otherwise this will never work from the inspector? You can also use a new 
right click menu option of edit value which gives you a popup single 
line editor where you can enter blue and no 

[Edu-sig] Jython Poll: Java3D apps -- one click works or not?

2006-06-03 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
I'm wondering how suitable Jython would be right now for easy-to-install 
educational 3D apps in Python (e.g. PySqueak/PataPata, but could just as 
well be any Python 3D app that runs under Jython).

So, I would be curious, for those who care to try it, what percentage of 
people on the edusig list who go to this Java 3D site,
and click on one of the web start links, will actually see a 3D 
application window open up on their system and run properly without much 

This is the simplest test (a rotating cube) so you could just click here:
One click and you are done (in theory, if your machine has a JVM installed 
and web start enabled).

On my Debian GNU/Linux system, the first was a 4.6 MB download, after 
accepting a couple of Verisign certificate from Sun for trusted code. Then 
it just worked. After that, the other apps did not require much of a 
download, and all just worked. However, I've done lots in the past related 
to Jython and Java (including enabling web start for some tests), so my 
system certainly is far from being a stock one.

I also just tested it on an iBook G4 and it ran. Though I had to do an 
extra click for accepting a certificate, plus say no to whether I wanted 
a desktop icon. But I'd consider that a one click success. :-)

However, I then tried it under another Debian machine and while everything 
loaded, the window did not display. And I also tried it on that machine 
under VMWare running Windows 2000, and while a window came up, it was 
empty. That machine probably does not have proper 3D drivers configured 
for X Windows, but in any case, it fails the one click test (twice, sadly).

So far, we have:
Debian/Gnome -- Yes
Mac OS X -- Yes
Debian/KDE -- No; No window
VMWare Windows 2000 under Debian -- No; Empty window.

So, I'm running 50% here for four tries. :-) The biggest determinant for 
Debian GNU/Linux is probably whether I have already tried to get 3D 
running on the machine.

I'm not so much interested right now in who could in theory or practice 
make these 3D programs run on their machines with effort (though reports 
related to that are appreciated, of course). I kind of expect, if people 
are willing to put in some work on any recent computer and OS (minutes to 
hours), these programs should run (although other things might get broken 
in the process, if twiddling with any OS's configuration. :-)

What I am trying to get at here, as a real world data point, is how many 
educators (or parents) on this list can just click and get Java3D working 
at home or in a school computer lab (ignoring the 5MB download, I'm 
assuming we almost have broadband here?)

Even though these are just plain Java applications (using the Java3D 
library), if there is any significant level of responses of One clicked 
worked for me with few negatives then I would have to rate Jython as a 
strong candidate for doing 3D with Python with minimal install problems, 
since if you can run these Java 3D apps, then you should pretty much just 
as easily be able to run a Jython 3D app. Obviously, this isn't a 
statistically valid experiment (e.g. only adventurous types may try it), 
but it is the best I can do easily.

If you try it, please mention what OS you tried it on too (Mac OS X, Win 
2000, Debian GNU/Linux, etc.). Negative reports very much wanted too, so 
if you try and it fails, please let us know. Having webstart disabled 
maybe should count as a negative report, although I'd be curious the app 
it did run after enabling and how hard the issue was to resolve.

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] PySqueak: pyGTK Cairo pygtkglext (OpenGL) next?

2006-06-03 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
 in SVN -- 
though I have not packaged it, so you'd need to check it out with SVN (or 
download each of about twenty files separately, ouch).
I could make a package if that makes it a lot easier though.

The inspector is now live in the world, and you can now save and load 
files with TK widgets. You can even delete the save and load buttons. :-) 
I'm trying to resolve a bug right now related to the prototype delegation; 
I've spent hours trying to trace what is probably some tiny mistake 
somewhere; it is related to copying a TK button and modifying the copy's 
click method and having the first buttons click method still called; so I 
haven't wanted to make a new released version with that problem.  Anyway, 
I'd be curious to read your opinion on whether a TK version would hold 
your interest (or the interest of other educational people) given you 
mention somewhere on your site an interest in moving from tk to wx. If TK 
is good enough for you, I might keep developing with it for a while just 
to see how far it can go (hopefully to the point of a HyperCard like 
thing), since it is, for good or ill, the most cross-platform easy-install 
solution right now for Python GUIs and related graphics. Even wx takes an 
extra set of libraries. (I also think PataPata could make TK a little more 
approachable in some ways. :-)

Then, with a little magic and tinkering, maybe a future Jython version 
could come along to make any future HyperCard-like PataPata stacks into 
applets? It really does not take that long to wrap the basic widgets of a 
system (a suprise for me, as I thought it would), and I already know 
Jython and Swing (my TK was very rusty).

Anyway, I think a TK HyperCard-like system (and eventually raiding the 
PythonCard demos :-) that might be a nice next goal to aim for. Not as 
funky as pyGTK and Cairo and OpenGL, but something I could show ready 
progress on to some point of critical mass.

However, if there are a predominance of yes responses to my other post 
about one click Java3D, I might think about moving to Jython and Swing. 
Even though two of my four tests failed, I think they failed due more to 
lack of OpenGL support on one machine than Java WebStart failing, which 
would mean a regular Jython Swing app might run correctly with one click 
more often than not.

Anyway, for now, I am pushing along with TK as these issues percolate and 
I get feedback. Several things I need to do (e.g. making PataPata worlds 
talk to each other so you can have you app in one and the development 
tools in another) have little to do with the GUI anyway.

All the best.

--Paul Fernhout

francois schnell wrote:
 On 03/06/06, Paul D. Fernhout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just for feedback, I've just installed PyGTK  GTK+ 2.8 runtime  
 pyCairo on
 a WinXP box and its really quick: 1 exe for each to double click on.
 The 3D gtkglext is more difficult for now (I didn't find any exe): = mingw
 , make for win, etc ...
 Maybe for very *motivated* people (under win and mac-intel), a heavy-gear
 possibility to be sure that most things are well set-up will be a
 patapata-liveCD (maybe based on something like Morphix - that I might try
 this summer).
 While checking this I've just found out that pyro made an apparently nice
 live-CD (with knoppix) :
 Actually I think it would also be useful to have a ~ 
 with :
 - Python resources  (+ videos)
 - all the educational Python softs possible (patapata, vpython,
 Crunchy-Frog, rur-ple, gnu-math, pyro, pygeo, pygame, pymol, etc ...)
 - Pyhon and Python bindings apps to make contents with (Blender, Gimp, etc)
 or to play games.
 In fact I'd like something I could show to people and say : all this
 software are done either in Python or you can tinker them with Python
 (bindings)  and if you want to  begin to discover/learn Python all you need
 is the live CD and begin playing with all these.
 Concerning your java options, I don't know if you've seen the Logo TNG Gui
 on OS-X :
 I'm not a big Java fan but if Java applets could help to bring patapata 
 in a
 browser with some python code background it could be important.
 For Alan Kay the browser is something to reconsider:
 (And I would rather be modifying Jython than CPython,
 since Java is somewhat easier to work with than C.) So, maybe I should
 think harder about a Jython/Swing version of PataPata (at least as 
 proof of concept)?
 Dear me I don't now were you find all this pluridisplinarity and energy !
 I don't know what you eat (or drink) in the morning but I want to order the
 same ;)
 Concerning the different graphical/GUI choices I just don't now enough yet
 to be useful but I'm

Re: [Edu-sig] Accessibility to non CS types?

2006-06-02 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Andre Roberge wrote:
 Indeed!  This is really neat.  I had downloaded a much earlier version
 which left me rather underwhelmed (probably because I had no clue as to 
 patapata was leading to).  This is really neat.  Congrats Paul!

Thanks for the encouragement.

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] Elementary graphics library

2006-06-02 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
 context otherwise, it 
becomes a design goal issue of, Is it more important to *potentially* 
support multiple backends for a simple display context, or is it more 
important to provide a display context that is easy to use and yet does 
not limit a kid's imagination and possibilities once they get started with 
it (assuming it runs on the platform they have access to)?.

So anyway, looking back at Johannes' original proposal,
it seems to me that just making Cairo a little easier to use would still 
fulfill the intent there (including being cross-platform enough), while 
not creating any artificial limits on what kids could do. Installation and 
availability still may be an issue, of course, but long term, won't that 
be solved for Cairo if Mozilla and GTK use it?

Still, I should admit to being a little self-serving with my argument 
here; if Python educators got behind a good cross-platform standards like, 
say, Cairo, and GTK, and pygtkglext (for OpenGL), and it got bundled into 
the main CPython distribution in the future
(or at least as an easy add-on package for Mac, Win, and GNU/Linux), then 
I think there would be enormous value for Python in education to have a 
solid GUI, 2D, and 3D display engines which everyone could count on for 
being available when introducing people to Python. And, that selection of 
libraries features in my next post (on PySqueak/PataPata). That level of 
standardization might be a pipe dream of course, but still, as an edusig 
community, having a set of technologies like those as commonly recommended 
ones for intro Python programmers might still be of great benefit (when 
going beyond the command line or text handling). Right now, if I'm going 
to write educational software for Python, the only thing I can count on 
easily being installable cross-platform is TK/Tkinter. And if we are 
agreeing that is not a good enough solution (say, for web graphics as in 
this case), then it seems to me it would be nice to push along a good set 
of emerging standards rather than spend a lot of time writing all sorts of 
extra abstraction layers to support lots of libraries. I mean sure, if you 
have a commercial product, fine, support everything, but time is so 
limited for these things, that having just one good library choice which 
is a no brainer in each area of interest in learning GUIgraphics with 
Python (widgets, 2D, 3D) can save a lot of time and painful searching. So, 
maybe this is a variant of, if TK is not good enough anymore as a standard 
given the things people want to do with Python and how they want them to 
look, then what's next? An EasyCairo display context for Python which is 
made popular might be an important part of that push.

Anyway, just my two cents. :-)

--Paul Fernhout

Andre Roberge wrote:
 On 6/1/06, Paul D. Fernhout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Amazing how much of these decisions often hinge on easy installability 
 ready availability. So, as another comment for the original poster, 
 can TK
 as a backend meet the basic graphics operations desired?

 Doubtful, since Johannes's intent is to render graphics in a web browser,
 not in a separate window.

Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] PySqueak: pyGTK Cairo pygtkglext (OpenGL) next?

2006-06-02 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Short version:

Would people here be willing to install PyGTK 2.x and pygtkglext (OpenGL 
on GTK) and related files on their machines *if* there was a Python-based 
software package they *really* wanted to use?  Mac and Windows are of 
issue mainly, since GNU/Linux probably is probably trivial install. Does 
anyone under Mac or Windows have happy experience doing that for either 
PyGTK or the 3D extension pygtkglext (either in a home or a lab setting

Long version:

While exploring the issue of restricted evaluation environments (I am 
considering having PataPata windows communicate by passing textual Python 
programs :-) I came across this on Python 3.0 wish list:
Include wxPython or PyGtk in core library [for Py3K]? Would anygui also 
be a good option. Place Tkinter into legacy status? (Musing again. Seems 
like we need a more mainstream, higher performance standard GUI in the 
core distribution. wxPython is very popular, so I suggested it as an 
option. The PyGtk is an awesomely thin layer over the C library and it 
makes Gtk objects look like native Python classes.)

Now given the wx bashing lately (including from the OSI Chandler project I 
linked to), and the Cairo blessing(?), that PyGTK comment got me thinking. 
Also, Francois mentions somewhere he wanted to move beyond TK for his work.

Well, I just implemented a rudimentary TK proof-of-concept version of 
PataPata. And the inspector is live in the world. And I am not as 
dissatisfied with the look or performance of TK as I thought I would. 
[Though of course it still needs more work.(*)] BUT, I read that, and the 
squeaky gears in my brain start creaking, thinking, hmmm, Python2.x, GTK, 
and Cairo?.

And after a Google, this link has me pretty excited:
  Writing a Widget Using Cairo and PyGTK 2.8
and so I tried the file there and it ran on my Debian machine without 
needing to install anything (though I have in the past installed lots of 
stuff, so I don't know about stock distributions of Debian Python, but 
clearly this support is just an apt-get away apparently, at least as far 
as Cairo).

 From the link:
Cairo is a powerful 2-dimensional graphics library designed to support a 
number of modern graphics techniques including stroking, alpha blending 
and antialiasing. It supports multiple output formats, which allows 
developers to use the same code to display graphics on the screen, print 
them to the printer or accelerate them with OpenGL. As of GTK+ 2.8, GTK+ 
has been integrated with the Cairo 1.0 rendering library, giving 
developers access to this flexible graphics API. PyGTK added Cairo support 
in the 2.8 version. See the wiki for further info.

There is also PyGtkGLExt for Python 3D OpenGL support (though I have not 
tried it):
Example Python 3D program:

I really like the idea of using something like Cairo if it is picking up 
steam (see my previous post in Elementary Graphics Library). And 3D 
support sounds good too (rather than the TK developers leaving behind TK's 
togl :-( ). As I reflect on it, I am also willing to trade-off 90% of 
popularity for PataPata right now in terms of easy install for Mac/Windows 
*if* it would make my life under Debian easier to get something neat 
working that I and a few others want to use, and has the promise of 
picking up easy install in a couple of years (like if Python3K went with 
pyGTK as a default). Plus I already have wx and tk versions, so it's not 
like people could not try the basic idea on those platforms.

The issue is more a matter of where I shoudl be putting more energy, since 
if I could use GTK and Cairo and PyGtkGLExt for cross-platform widgets, 2D 
graphics, and 3D graphics, then long-term it makes it easier for me to 
maintain a system using common cross-platform standards, especially 
because I don't have to put in much of an extra dumbed down 
compatibility layer. For example, I can just pass GTK events around 
rather than translate them to my own; I can use Cairo calls rather than my 
own simplified 2D context; I can assume everyone is using the same way to 
access 3D graphics rather than try to abstract initialization out; and so 
on. Now, this compatibility issue is a bit more complex, because I would 
like to run PataPata things as applets on Jython, but I'm not sure that is 
important enough at the start to prevent using an otherwise promising 
cross-platform solution CPython works with, given that I'm not sure how 
important Applets really are, and in the future there might be more 
person-power to make some GUI object wrappers that runs both on GTK and Swing.

Obviously, I could search the PyGTK and gtkglext list archives:
but I was 

Re: [Edu-sig] Accessibility to non CS types?

2006-05-31 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
francois schnell wrote:
 Thanks Doug I begin to gather all this on a single page (while testing
 googlepages in the same shot...):

Wow! Beautiful page. Thanks for that and the two new videos.

I'm being mostly quiet because I am mostly coding(*). :-)

--Paul Fernhout
(*) ... coding a TK version. The wx widget dragging bug under GTK (plus 
other comments here including in the graphics library thread) led me to 
question using wx further for this. Yet, I want this thing to be usable 
quicker if people are interested right now than doing all my own widgets 
in something like Cairo (nice as that would be long term). So, throwing 
even more performance to the winds, I'm trying to make a TK version of 
PataPata for easy install since TK comes with Python by default (even on 
the Mac?), better accessibility to what Python programmers already know 
(e.g. your liberlab software is in TK), and hopefully be able to support a 
variety of embedded TK widgets (and Pmw widgets too, etc.). The very first 
PataPata proof of concept was with TK and had Morph copying issues, but 
that was before the properties work for wx, so now, bringing the two 
together, that works (you can now copy a TK button). BUT, I'm stuck on 
intercepting all ALT mouse activity so embedded widgets can be dragged 
without messing with their individual events handlers (which I could do as 
in a try with passing on right click menu events [like I did with the wx 
Button], but is inelegant and may have other problems). New code is in SVN 
at patatpata/trunk/PataPata/ (several files) and you can drag all but the 
Button, and menu interact with all morphs, but the inspector and shell are 
gone for the moment, so a big step backwards at the moment. :-) Not worth 
using, though it would be nice to know if it ran on other people's systems 
if you want to check it out from SVN (the wx version is still there, but 
renamed PataPataViewerWX). But if I *could* get the embedded widgets to 
drag, then I could fairly quickly make and maintain the development GUI in 
itself, as a separate Morph world of wrapped-TK-widgets Morphs. :-) 
Anyway, one Tkinter book later (_Python and Tkinter programming_) plus 
lots of newsgroup reading, and I'm still not sure how to do it correctly. 
Something about writing my own mainloop I think, to get the mouse event 
before the button or other widget does. But I have a few other leads too.
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] Elementary graphics library

2006-05-31 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Thanks for these other links and comments (especially on wx).

Putting all the dozens of options together, I definitely think PyCairo 
makes a lot of sense because it has been adopted under Linux for GTK (and 
for Mozilla), so it almost certainly has a future, and would make a solid 
choice for the library of drawing my own cross-platform widgets, and would 
avoid me even wanting to write a cross-platform compatibility layer 
because I could just use it as is (which relates to the original poster's 
question, although in their case I can still see the point to a 
simplifying wrapper for education, though less so the need to have 
multiple back ends).

However, there is an ancient Chinese proverb that when confronted with 
making a decision between 100 different alternatives(*), the best choice 
is always to Run Away!. :-)

So, along those lines, I decided to start using TK again (used in the 
first PataPata proof of concept) for several reasons including mostly it 
is the Python default. I am trying to use its widgets rather than draw my 
own, and ignore cross-platform font problems, speed issues, bitmap drawing 
issues, and so on for now. I wanted something to give me some fast 
progress on the HyperCard/widget front, and at least now I can drag TK 
buttons now under GTK 2.6 with proper feedback. Though who knows what else 
will be broken or missing -- I already had to borrow Idle's tree widget. 
:-) I am also stuck with the tk canvas for drawing (until I understand how 
PIL works? Or until PyCairo can render to a TK Canvas or Frame?) Also on 
the plus side, OpenGL should then be available through togl (though I have 
not tried that, looks like it may no longer be supported?).

Still liking wx for general stand-alone applications though. :-)

The funny thing is, since PataPata is its own Squeak-like beast, the TK 
widgets actually look kind of funky and retro in it. :-)

Amazing how much of these decisions often hinge on easy installability and 
ready availability. So, as another comment for the original poster, can TK 
as a backend meet the basic graphics operations desired?

--Paul Fernhout
(*) Or a nasty rabbit with long sharp pointy teeth.

Dethe Elza wrote:
 The full set of Ginsu 2D interfaces for only $9.95 a month?  But
 wait, there's more...
 Mirra is a 2D openGL python library. It defines a set of classes to
 render primitive shapes (Text, Pixel, Line, Circle, Rect, Bitmap,
 BitmaPolygon) and manages rendering and user input (mouse and
 keyboard). Mirra focuses on interaction and implements an event
 listener and classes that receive mouse events. (in a way like
 macromedia director or flash do).
 It runs using pygame(SDL) but it can also be used under wxPython.
 Mirra is also thought to teach students (basically design and
 multimedia students) programming in python by playing around with
 Create SVG (XML for 2D) images using Python.
My head is spinning. :-)
 Just wait till we delve into 3D %-)
Just a thought: rather than a new GUI implementation, improving the Python
GUI FAQ with lots of this information and pros and cons and so on might be
a very valuable effort just by itself.
 I think this is an excellent idea.
So much of choices depends on
specifics and tiny details. For example, I'm fairly happy with wx, but
there is this bug with dragging certain widgets under GTK 2.6.
 I haven't used wx for some time, but when I did it a) sucked on OS X,
 and b) seemed to be a random mix of reasonably polished widgets and
 half-baked crap that would be as useful as writing your resume in
 crayon.  It also suffers from being huge and very Windows-focused. I
 can understand using it on Windows (beats using MFC, but so does
 hitting yourself with a ball-peen hammer), but I think it goes
 downhill as you move to Linux and drops off the cliff when you go to
 OS X.  Just my impression, though I've seen the same feelings
 expressed elsewhere.  I'd sooner use PyGame, and PyGame sucks for
 general UI/event handling (by itself, there are libraries on top of
 PyGame which help).
 Of all the systems, I think PyCairo has the most momentum (and also
 has OpenGL hardware acceleration). Mozilla and GTK are both moving to
 Cairo, so it's getting lots of real-world use, profiling, bug-fixing,
 and speed-ups. This makes it a bit of a moving target, but the APIs
 should be fairly stable even though the implementation is in flux.
 Caveat emptor. I haven't spent a lot of time with any of these (on the
 Mac I can access Quartz from Python, which works for me).  I'm
 planning to explore further for an article or blog at some point, but
 any recommendations I make at this point have to be taken with a huge
 grain of salt.
 And of
course, I also want platform independent fonts (and I'm not sure how to
get those best, wx uses sizers to get platform independent dialog looks,

Re: [Edu-sig] Accessibility to non CS types?

2006-05-31 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 I'm pleased you have become so enthusiastic about Paul's work.

I know you know this, but just as an obligatory disclaimer, if PataPata is 
any good, while I can (and will :-) certainly take some credit for yet 
another attempt at putting constructivist educational ideas (and a 
prototype-programming paradigm) into a Pythonic context, the vast bulk of 
the ideas are coming through others like David Ungar, Adele Goldberg, John 
Maloney, Randy Smith, Maria Montessori, Dan Ingalls, Alan Kay, Seymour 
Papert, Grace Llewellyn, Diane Balestri, David Ferguson, and so on -- even 
Richard Stallman for the free software movement, and of course Guido van 
Rossum, for making Python so approachable and already prototype-ish.

So, shoulders of giants and all that. :-)

By the way:
   Shoulders of Giants -- A Paper on the Inevitability of Open Source 

And there is nothing like even one interested user to motivate 
improvements. It's not so much recognition as just the thought it might 
actually be useful(*) and so worth the continued investment of time 
relative to other priorities and interests.

--Paul Fernhout
(*) From Winnie-The-Pooh: Chapter 7: Piglet was so excited at the idea of 
being Useful that he forgot to be frightened any more, and when Rabbit 
went on to say that Kangas were only Fierce during the winter months, 
being at other times of an Affectionate Disposition, he could hardly sit 
still, he was so eager to begin being useful at once.
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] Accessibility to non CS types?

2006-05-30 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
 Cairo might not be accessible to an 
Applet?] Basically, that is a Squeak-like approach, sending in mouse and 
key events into a world of custom Morphs. So I plan to pull out the 
wrapped wxButton and go to pure Morphs pretty soon. Still, it was worth it 
to actually wrap a few wxWidgets because that caused the improvements in 
the property system. Should doing the basic widgets prove too difficult, 
then I can fall back on wrapping wxWidgets or TK widgets or even GTK 
widgets etc.

If you know of any GPL compatible sources of widget sets in Python to draw 
from, that could really help a lot in terms of minimizing wheel 
reinvention (Dethe just posted some which I need to look at). Right now 
I'm thinking of PythonCard for the event naming structure, and maybe Pyxel 
and OcempGUI and GNU Smalltalk for some implementation ideas. The GUI uses 
wx right now, but I've been musing over using Cairo or something like it 
instead -- but it would be best if whatever is used can work both in 
Python and in a Jython Applet (either as a simple layer written for 
PataPata that works on both, or as one library like Cairo that might work 
in both). For now, my default is to just do some basic drawing with wx and 
then port it to Jython/Swing at some point.

I also have a few more things I want to add to properties from Smalltalk, 
mostly automatically tracking dependencies and sending changed messages, 
but more on that if/when I get to that.

You wrote: make PataPata a good imagination amplifier ! That sounds like 
a good concept to always keep in mind as it develops.

All the best.

--Paul Fernhout
By the way, I was the one mentioning Ocaml :-) though I mainly see it as a 
much better C than something I want to be coding in all of the time. I 
prefer Smalltalk-like and Self-like systems with dynamic objects, 
including Python, but that's because, except for coding the VM or certain 
libraries, I am more interested in changing the system while it runs (like 
Smalltalk  Python can) than having the fastest system (like OCaml  C 
can). Naturally, for other people working on other problems (especially 
numerically oriented-ones), their priorities may differ.

francois schnell wrote:
 On 29/05/06, Paul D. Fernhout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Wow!  Thanks for making that Flash recording:
 That is a neat demo showing things I had not even thought of, like with
 the jumping Morphs (and far beyond my presentation skills).
 Well what I''m doing here is not really a neat presentation it's just 
 when I find something interesting like this I like to show it to other
 people :)  (I'm also very much into Free Culture and Free Software
 My wife is now
 finally impressed somewhat with what I am doing. :-) The version you are
 using did benefit from her trying an earlier version and her feedback on
 it, as several things she (also a programmer) tried that were hard or
 confusing or generated errors, I made easier or fixed.
 Oh , send also to her mes homages and congratulations from the french man
 :) (my English spouse still have nearly no idea what I'm doing with
 electronics bits and computers all over the place).
 To answer your first question: To add a method, try right-clicking in the
 yellow inspector pane [...]

 Dear me ... I didn't think you already have that and didn't try ... it 
 great thanks ! fun times ahead :)
 To answer your second question: To execute a method in another morph, you
 must first have a pointer to that morph directly. Ideally, that would be
 supported by cut and paste in the inspector, but you can't do that yet.
 However, you can, say, go to Morph 0 and add a field and call it morph1
 and then when asked for the value, enter (without quotes):
 world.morphs[1] which will evaluate to Morph 1 in the world. Then you
 could reference self.morph1 in any method of Morph 0, like to call
 self,morph1.X() directly.[...]
 Great my objects can now talk to each others ! It will be awesome when
 you'll also have quick integration of this. :) More fun times ahead :))
 I'm guessing you're using WinXP? Nice to see the wxWindows button 
 I'm mainly using  XP for software  I don't  have  on my  Ubuntu Dapper
 (like quick sreencasting, itunes/podcasts for my ipod, etc). I have one
 screen/keyboard/mouse and a switch quickly between the Linux and XP box.
 So many times one does things and thinks no one notices or cares, so I'm
 very excited to see someone trying it (and going to the effort to make a
 Flash video, too). Thanks again for trying it and the encouragement.
 Well ... maybe it's why Einstein said it's difficult for people to
 understand what they never experienced (ie in our case a visual hands-on
 squeak-like familiarity of objects land) , that's also why he said that
 imagination is more important than knowledge. I believe it's Alan

Re: [Edu-sig] Elementary graphics library

2006-05-30 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
 also want platform independent fonts (and I'm not sure how to 
get those best, wx uses sizers to get platform independent dialog looks, 
but the sizes may still vary across platforms). Maybe this 2D, 3D, and 
Python GUI efforts needs a web site or blog or something? Some place where 
the nitty gritty details gets hashed out? Might be one already? Kind of 
like this one for programming languages?
But specific to Python and graphics and user interaction?
Might be something to think about if it does not already exist.

--Paul Fernhout

Dethe Elza wrote:
 On 5/28/06, Paul D. Fernhout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you haven't already, you could check out:
The ImageDraw module provide simple 2D graphics for Image
 objects. You can use this module to create new images, annotate or
 retouch existing images, and to generate graphics on the fly for web
The aggdraw module implements the basic WCK 2D Drawing Interface
 on top of the AGG library. This library provides high-quality drawing,
 with anti-aliasing and alpha compositing, while being fully compatible
 with the WCK renderer.
matplotlib is a python 2D plotting library which produces
 publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and
 interactive environments across platforms. matplotlib can be used in
 python scripts, the python and ipython shell (ala matlab or
 mathematica), web application servers, and six graphical user
 interface toolkits.
   Kiva is a multi-platform DisplayPDF drawing engine that supports
 multiple output backends, including Windows, GTK, and Macintosh native
 windowing systems, a variety of raster image formats, PDF, and
 DrawBot/NodeBox (OS X only, but useful as examples of simple 2D systems)
DrawBot is an powerful, free application for MacOSX that invites
 you to write simple Python scripts to generate two-dimensional
 graphics. The builtin graphics primitives support rectangles, ovals,
 (bezier) paths, polygons, text objects and transparency.
Cairo is a library for drawing vector graphics. Vector graphics
 are interesting because when they appear on screen, they don't lose
 clarity when resized or transformed.
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] Elementary graphics library

2006-05-30 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
 Just a thought: rather than a new GUI implementation, improving the Python 
 GUI FAQ with lots of this information and pros and cons and so on might be 
 a very valuable effort just by itself. So much of choices depends on 
 specifics and tiny details. For example, I'm fairly happy with wx, but 
 there is this bug with dragging certain widgets under GTK 2.6. And of 
 course, I also want platform independent fonts (and I'm not sure how to 
 get those best, wx uses sizers to get platform independent dialog looks, 
 but the sizes may still vary across platforms). Maybe this 2D, 3D, and 
 Python GUI efforts needs a web site or blog or something? Some place where 
 the nitty gritty details gets hashed out? Might be one already? Kind of 
 like this one for programming languages?
 But specific to Python and graphics and user interaction?
 Might be something to think about if it does not already exist.

To answer part of my question, there was a Python GUI sig but it got 
retired in 1999. And I can't access the archives for some reason (when I 
wanted to see why):
The link:
goes to:
The requested URL /pipermail/gui-sig/ was not found on this server.

There is the ongoing Python Image Processign SIG
though I had thought that was more oriented around the specific PIL package.

It seems to me that graphics are a powerful way to show people something 
in terms of education, as well as a powerful way for kids to learn about 
themselves through visualization, so having all these choices made neat 
and tidy on a web site (or log kept up to date) for beginners or educators 
who want to make software seems like a good thing. Presumably the demise 
of Gui-sig suggests it is hard to keep up that sustained level of 
interest? But I know I see questions on this on the Python mailing list 
(i.e. what GUI should I use) all the time. Before this question was asked 
here, I had never really thought about how many options for Python and 
graphics and GUIs there really are -- dozens it seems. So, clearly any 
sort of effort put in this direction (including the original poster's plan 
to make simple wrapper) is going to be in the right direction.

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] Elementary graphics library

2006-05-28 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
If you haven't already, you could check out:

   Pyxel is a python library that provides a dynamic, interactive, highly 
portable, graphical environment.  It makes diagrams and widgets look 
identical in whatever underlying environment it supports.

   The OGL library was originally written in C++ and provided to wxPython 
via an extension module wrapper as is most of the rest of wxPython. The 
code has now been ported to Python (with many thanks to Pierre Hjälm!) in 
order to make it be more easily maintainable and less likely to get rusty 
because nobody cares about the C++ lib any more.
   (bottom of that pages has more alternatives, like the next)

PIDDLE is a Python module for creating two-dimensional graphics in a 
manner that is both cross-platform and cross-media; that is, it can 
support screen graphics (e.g. QuickDraw, Windows, Tk) as well as file 
output (PostScript, PDF, GIF, etc.). It makes use of the native 2D drawing 
calls of each backend, for maximum efficiency and quality. It works by 
defining a base class (piddle.Canvas) with methods for all supported 
drawing primitives. A particular drawing context is provided in the form 
of a derived class. PIDDLE applications will be able to automatically 
select an appropriate backend for the user's environment. 

and of course PyGame or PySDL or even the OpenGL Canvas stuff (there are 
probably more) for ideas and to see what others have done before in pure 
Python and you could possibly build on. Or even PyGeo if your focus is 
mainly on geometry instead of arbitrary 2D graphics (I wasn't sure).

There are a lot of charting and plotting and other graphics packages out 
there with Python bindings (including Cairo, which you are looking at as 
your first backend target). You can ask yourself if a newer API really 
gets you that much over these existing things? Will it really be that much 
simpler once you really try to make it useful? And if you have a 
crossplatform backend already like Cairo or wx, does it gain you that much 
to abstract above that if can you simplify it somehow, versus just make a 
simple interface to one cross-platform library (which may be hard enough)?

Now, it still might be worth doing for you even if the answers are no, but 
to maximize your effectiveness it is nice go in with your eyes open about 
whether you are doing this to learn and to have fun, to improve an 
existing thing, or to make something new that fills an empty niche (or to 
try do do all three); that is a question I often wrestle with for my own 
projects. :-)

--Paul Fernhout

Johannes Woolard wrote:
 As part of my Summer of Code proposal, I said i would write a simple
 graphics library.
 I've spent the last couple of hours brainstorming this, and written it all up:
 If anyone has any comments/ideas I would love to hear them!

Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] new python // and /

2006-05-26 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
I would just like to point out that Python (compared to Smalltalk)
has always done division wrong, and the new approach still does division 
wrong, IMHO, from a mathematical (not implementation) perspective. :-) In 
a dynamic object system, especially one oriented towards beginners at all, 
the proper result from division of two whole numbers is a fraction. 
Fractions can be represented as a special type of mathematical object 
different from either an integer or a floating point number, with the 
order of promotion when mixing various types being integer - fraction - 
floating point. Multiplying two fractions should still yield a fraction 
(unless it reduces, e.g. 3/5 * 5/3 -- 15 / 15 -- 1). Smalltalk has done 
this for twenty plus years. It's the way mathematicians work on the 
chalkboard (if any still do. :-) when working with equations and reducing 
terms. It lends itself to generalizations, like including units into 
expressions and reducing or multiplying units. if the mathematics library 
is written to be extensible. It's the way grade school math is taught. It 
avoids a loss of precision (converting, say, 2/3 to the imprecise 
0.3) until explicitly required (e.g. float(2/3)). If you 
want a float from a fraction, then in such a system you should generate it 
yourself, either by making one of the numbers a float (e.g. 3.0 / 5) or by 
taking the fractional result and converting it to a float (float(3/5)). 
Obviously float(2/3) in Python as it is now yields 0.0 not 
0.59998. Python as a community is still stuck in an integer 
vs. floating point mindset left over from C, IMHO.

Having said that, I don't necessarily think Guido is making the wrong 
decision for the overall Python community or language, e.g. his comments here:
Just one example of how when a language goes down one path from a set of 
choices, it kind of gets stuck with them, and builds a community 
comfortable with those decisions (where others uncomfortable with them use 
other systems); the same is generally true for mailing lists about any 
topic :-).

The bigger issue here is actually that in Smalltalk these sort of things 
are done by user accessible libraries, and so you could use a different 
math library or extend the current one without changing the language, 
whereas in Python (especially in the past) they are more under the covers 
hidden in C and built into the system, at least as far as is generally 
thought and discussed. Still, here is Python implementation of fractions 
done by Mike Hostetler:
(haven't tried it myself though.) So, it is possible. And as Python moves 
to more generally unified types and objects by default, stuff like that 
may be done more and more as more people think of it. And I think it would 
be nice for a standard to evolve for that, especially from a using Python 
to teach mathematics standpoint.

Personally, I think that since one isn't going to be doing much serious 
number crunching computation in Python itself (compared to NumPy or some 
other library accessed through Python) that having fractions in Python 
isn't much of a performance issue in practice (more a coding style change 
if anything to be explicit about floats). But it certainly is a potential 
major compatibility issue, so I can see the argument for the current 
approach, although to be fair, any minor change affecting math is a major 
compatibility issue, and the current behavior of 2/3 == 0 is always 
surprising. It would seem problematical to beginners to need to learn yet 
another operator, yet another inconsistency, and so on, before it is 
needed; I have no problem by itself with a // operator, which is useful 
in special circumstances, as is one to yield a remainder, see for example:
So I think from a pedagogical point of view, getting kids to use // when 
/ really should be OK at the start and maps onto the infix syntax they 
already know is at the very best an ugly necessity to gain other Python 
benefits, given how Smalltalk shows that operator is not needed for 
routine mathematics or for beginners.

Still, given the current situation, I think your suggestion makes sense.

--Paul Fernhout

Andrew Harrington wrote:
 As I gear up to write or translate lessons for Crunchy Frog, I would 
 like feedback on one general issue: 
 //  -- the new integer division operator.
 // is already legal in Python 2.4, though / still means the same thing 
 for integers.  That is to change in Python 2.5, that is already in alpha 
 / as integer division will able to be set to mean the old operator or 
 always mean real division (I forget which is the default in 2.5).
 I think this is an excellent change in Python.  I would encourage using 
 // for integer 

Re: [Edu-sig] Refocusing on Capabilities (was PySqueak)

2006-05-26 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 About your prototyping experiments:  I'm interested in learning more 
 about Self and would gladly attend lectures on same, at OSCON or 
 wherever.  Then I could better follow your logic.

Save yourself the airline fair :-) and just watch online:
At least to see the basics.

For textual statement of the key issue, see:
The problem: Traditional object languages are based on a deep-rooted 
duality. Classes define the basic qualities and behaviours of objects, and 
instances are a particular object based on a class. ... Unless one can 
predict with certainty what qualities the objects will have in the distant 
future, one cannot design a class hierarchy properly. All too often the 
program will evolve to need added behaviours, and suddenly the whole 
system must be re-designed (or refactored) to break out the objects in a 
different way. Experience with early OO languages like Smalltalk showed 
that this sort of issue came up again and again. Systems would tend to 
grow to a point and then become very rigid, as the basic classes deep 
below the programmer's code grew to be simply wrong. [My note: I think 
Squeak got to that point of rigidity long ago. :-) ] Without some way to 
easily change the original class, serious problems could arise. ... In 
general, such changes had to be done very carefully, as other objects 
based on the same class might be expecting this wrong behavior: wrong 
is often dependent on the context. ... The problem here is that there is a 
duality, classes and instances. Self simply eliminated this duality. ... 
This may not sound earth shattering, but in fact it greatly simplifies 
dynamism. If you have to fix a problem in some base class because your 
program has a problem, simply change it and make copies of that new object 
instead. No other program will see this change. ... This dramatically 
simplifies the entire OO concept as well. Everything might be an object in 
traditional system, but there is a very fundamental difference between 
classes and instances. In Self, there isn't.

Now this perhaps paints an overly rosy picture of the solution. In 
practice, how libraries are written and what tools you use make a big 
difference too. And Python's use of namespaces make possible management of 
some of these issues in a different way. Still, I think there remains of 
core of truth to this, at least as a sense of the overall tone of 
development. You really need to see it in action, like with the video, to 
really grasp what is possible and what is different about, at the very 
least, the GUI development paradigm (which in some ways is not that unlike 
Delphi or VB, but applicable to even regular objects).

 My layman's question, after reading your posts, is:  why not just keep
 Python pythonic and Self selfish?
 In other words, Python already has a very strong paradigm, very simple 
 to learn.  Why mess with that?  I guess I'm a purist in that regard. 
 But that doesn't make me a language bigot, as I fully respect the right
 of other languages to define themselves around equally strong, yet
 different, paradigms.  I'm also biased towards OO.
 That doesn't mean I think the lambda calculus people can't hack their 
 own brands.  They already do, and quite successfully by the look of 

This is a good question and a good related comment.

In general, you are right of course. And I understand your point about
language bigotry. I agree, and I think it is not bigotry to say a language
does certain things well, and if you want to do those things well and
easily, stick with its  mainstream approach. Languages have cultures and
paradigms, and you swim against them at your own cost (especially in terms
of productivity).

Still, I wonder if dominant paradigms in the future will be mainly OCaml
(or a derivative) as a better C, and something derived from Self (maybe
with Python syntax) as a better Smalltalk. I understood the value of OCaml
much better when I stopped thinking of it as a Python or Smalltalk
replacement but instead as a C/C++ replacement. I'm not even sure the
OCaml community sees themselves that way; they almost certainly don't. :-)

Python is stuck in the middle there, and sometimes that is a great place
to be (especially at the right time), and sometimes it isn't (especially
if times change, in part due to its own success). I feel Python as a
community right now as it contemplates its own evolution is torn between
types and prototypes. Like Squeak, it has developed its own approach
to solving the type problem by having a mini-language in the PyPy project,
but, while I think it is a neat thing to try, I am left wondering if
perhaps it might be better to just use something like Ocaml for that
purpose. As an analogy, I read there was a Basic English that all
aircraft pilots and control 

Re: [Edu-sig] Accessibility to non CS types?

2006-05-26 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 Now they open a tutorial or book on such as Python, and immediately
 feel lost.  There's a lot of new jargon, and not many references to
 languages they already know.  Where is Python for Pascal

As in my longer email previous, I think part of the answer is in better 
tools and libraries, and that is why HyperCard, VB, or Delphi became 
popular. While TK is nice, not having a good generally purpose default GUI 
development system with the power of, say, Hypercard that everyone points 
to as a no-brainer for any beginner to use is a weakness from a beginner 
standpoint IMHO.

I think Self leads the way here in generality with one inspector that can 
be used to build GUIs, programs, or just sets of objects. And here is an 
attempt to bring that ease of use to Python, building on ideas from Self 
(and Squeak): :-)
Doesn't succeed yet perhaps in making that beginner friendly, but a start.
(PythonCard is much better choice for current work though.)

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] Refocusing on Capabilities (was PySqueak)

2006-05-23 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
Say, Kirby, speaking of data rich content, can you suggest any Bucky
Fuller-ish or synergetics-type graphics or clip art under a
free-as-in-freedom license somewhere on the web I could use to spice this
demo up when I move beyond having everything in one file?
 Click around in my websites.
 A lot of what's in synergetics is generic concepts organized in
 sometimes novel ways, but not owned in the sense the icosahedron is
 not owned, nor the sphere packing lattice we call the CCP etc.
 So often what's fun, given Python and a few tools, is to generate
 one's own images (no permission required).

Excellent idea. And probably what I'll do if I go down that path. Thanks 
for the suggestion. Now just to get a three-D turtle going again in 
Python... :-)

 However, if you want already-ready images, there's lots at  If you have any questions about a specific
 image, just sent me off-list email.  

Thanks for the generous offer; I may do that.

== a bit of a copyright and licensing rant follows, but it is not meant 
personally  ===

In practice, though, as a free software developer who dislikes paperwork, 
it's probably more work to ask (perhaps multiple times as new things are 
of interest) for permissions than it is worth, compared to, as you 
suggest, doing my own stuff programmatically (or otherwise).

In practice, I almost never think something is worth using enough to ask 
for permissions; I just don't use it and look for something else, or I 
even abandon the project.

I also would have to trust a longer copyright paper trail. This is not to 
suggest anything sleazy by anyone, just that it's easy in copyright issues 
for miscommunication or misinterpretations to arise as to what is 
permitted when someone other than the original author or copyright holder 
makes a formal statement. So what one person who knows the author or 
current owner thinks they can do safely often looks a lot less safe to 
someone else coming at things second or third hand and relying on indirect 

Looking for stuff that is already clearly licensed is generally just 
easier, like at:
which links further to various other similar sites:
[No Bucky stuff I could find though.]
Googling on free clipart first leads me to commercial sites it seems. 
:-( Are there any other good free clip art sites people recommend for use 
for clip art for Python programs?

Or perhaps now that I think of it, Wikipedia could be a source:
There are two GFDL images on the Bucky page.
Or more broadly, lots of GFDL images here:
Unfortunately the GFDL license is GPL-incompatible! I've already had words 
with Richard Stallman about this, :-) but so far I haven't been able to 
get him to acknowledge how evil GPL-incompatibility is for a content 
license (especially one the FSF promotes)! :-) From:
The GNU FDL is incompatible in both directions with the GPL: that is GNU 
FDL material cannot be put into GPL code and GPL code cannot be put into a 
GNU FDL manual. See also:
   Why You Shouldn't Use the GNU FDL
which suggests, among other things, just using the GPL instead for 
content. Ironically, this FSF page expounds on the problems with some 
Creative Commons licenses being GPL-incompatible,
but is strangely silent on GFDL/GPL incompatibility issues which IMHO are 
similar. I'm hoping that incompatibility gets fixed in later versions of 
the GPL or GFDL. I've already had it make impossible another project 
(building GPL-d simulations based on Wikipedia content).

I'm not sure yet on Python-license and GFDL content compatibility; I think 
they might work, except the GFDL would take precedence and might not 
really give permission to run the combined work?

I'm really picky about these licensing issues, because it is so easy to 
use something incorrectly and recently the formerly civil problem of 
copyright infringement in the USA has been turned into a criminal offense 
(felony), and though it is not yet often enforced, it is made easily 
enforceable by broad interpretations of what it means to make a profit 
from redistributing something.
See also for example this slashdot article and also my comments here:
So, best to stay on the safest ground when possible and when building 
stuff for others to use, and an example of the chilling effect of such 
copyright legislation on innovation in the USA (or, another 
infrastructure problem :-).

 Joe Moore has a lot of images.
 Plenty of other sources.  Fuller School is definitely data rich (huge

Re: [Edu-sig] PySqueak: More on Croquet and 3D

2006-05-18 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 That will never happen, except sure, maybe *some* people will eat
 their own dog food in this regard.  In general though, people are too
 curious to ever alight on one generic omniembracing containment
 system.  That's what reality is for.  Within reality, all GUIs are
 special case.

Good point. Funny thing is, as I think about it, that Croquet to some 
extent perhaps repeats the thought of the original Macintosh Desktop -- 
that is, give people a desktop they are comfortable with and they can 
easily use it. The problem is, that things didn't always do what people 
expected, and the desktop metaphor can be pretty limiting.

By the way, as I though about your use of first person (I) and third 
person (he/she/it) for interface types (exemplified by 3D shooter vs. 2d 
map with markers) I realized that for completeness one should consider 
second person (you) interfaces, which I would think would be more like 
conversations, e.g. (Computer, you should really print out my reports, 
please. :-). [I have worked somewhat in the past on such speech driven 
second person interfaces.] Likely there might be other versions related to 
tense or indirect reporting of things. Some more ideas here:
 From there: The grammar of some languages divide the semantic space into 
more than three persons. The extra categories may be termed fourth person, 
fifth person, etc. Such terms are not absolute but can refer depending on 
context to any of several phenomena.

 That being said, let's use Croquet sometimes, why the hell not?  I'd
 especially like it on a much bigger screen with a projector, and with
 less of an Alice in Wonderland flavor (I've already got Alice, the
 computer game, which twists the scenario into something darker and
 more gothic -- closer to Batman in flavor, and therefore more
 comfortingly all-American in my book (but who wants something that
 twisted for an interface? (we should at least be able to skin
 Croquet in some dimensions, according to personal taste, if it really
 purports to be more of an operating system and less of an

Interesting idea...

 Some will experiment with other shapes of screen.  Imagine the
 challenge of fitting a GUI to an hexagonal frame.  Very Klingon.  Very

Definitely the promise of making systems you can glue together.

By the way, no hexagons yet, but this project
is up to
which finally has gotten to the point where I can edit what morphs do in a 
very limited sense. You have to put your code in like this:
   PrototypeMethod(self, def grow(self): print 'grow changed'\n)
and you can only modify existing methods.

These proof of concepts have brought home hard one major language 
impedance mismatch issues trying to use Python to be like Self or 
Smalltalk: Python is oriented around supply a function and then calling 
it, whereas Smalltalk and Self are oriented around message passing. Thus, 
implementing doesNotUnderstand is possible in Squeak/Self, as is 
executing code on simple accesses (e.g. self spam), whereas under Python 
I can't assume what someone retrieving a function or variable plans to do 
with it. That also leads to the issue of dynamically wrapping methods and 
the overhead for it in memory and computation in Python.

Also, I need to think through initialization better, because otherwise 
prototypes which are filling the role of classes have their lists or 
dictionaries shared across all instances, whereas I really want those per 
item. I have a workaround in place but I don't like it. And that gets back 
to a problem with my very first prototype using TK, where I copied a 
prototype which inherited from a TK widget, but the widget itself was not 
duplicated. I guess I could duplicate that widget as part of a special 
init or copy constructor. If I can manage that trick, then I could have a 
hope of embedding TK or wx widgets into a world of prototypes.

I've continued to look at other languages in terms of how the approach 
some of these issues, and came across this little idea:
The best writing is rewriting, wrote E. B. White. Every good writer 
knows this, and it's true for software too. The most important part of 
design is redesign. Programming languages, especially, don't get 
redesigned enough. To write good software you must simultaneously keep two 
opposing ideas in your head. You need the young hacker's naive faith in 
his abilities, and at the same time the veteran's skepticism. You have to 
be able to think how hard can it be? with one half of your brain while 
thinking it will never work with the other. The trick is to realize that 
there's no real contradiction here. You want to be optimistic and 
skeptical about two different things. You have to be 

Re: [Edu-sig] PySqueak: More on Croquet and 3D

2006-05-17 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 Computer games will often emulate both aesthetics, as does ordinary
 fiction.  We're accustomed to a mix of first and third person.

You put it perfectly.

And I think that is what bothers me about Croquet in a sense as a proposal 
for the interface (especially for kids). The Croquet approach chooses to 
focus all interaction with the system through a first person 3D world on 
the computer display, with third person applications perhaps within that 
(e.g. a simulated sheet of 2D graph paper in that 3D world). I am more 
accustomed to think of the computer as displaying third person 
information, and then sometimes I'm willing to suspend disbelief for a 
first person interface within a window on that third person desktop. Even 
if the window takes up the entire screen (or all screens :-), I know the 
third person perspective lies underneath it if I stop that application. 
Ignoring the RD aspects of Croquet (it's a good effort, breaks new 
ground, etc.), right now, I don't think computers (and interface 
technology) are not going to be close enough to 100% reality to make it 
worthwhile to channel all our interactions with them *first* through a 
first person 3D view. Certainly, if we get the Holodeck (with smell and 
force feedback) I'll revise that opinion. :-) And so also, from a 
perspective of priorities of making Squeak-like or Self-like things happen 
using Python in a learning (or developer) context, I think the Croquet 
aspects are less important than the interactive 2D tools aspects.

By the way, the seventeenth proof of concept of Prototypes in Python with 
the rudiments of a tree browser for 2D Morphs (though the browser is in wx):

 Anyway, I think the degree of realism needed, and in what dimensions,
 is very application-specific.  That's why it's dangerous for the OS to
 weigh in too heavily with a graphical view.
 I don't imagine oil executives want cartoony avatars on screen, but
 having all present gaze upon a shared view of some new drilling area,
 complete with high def representations of rigs, pipelines (current and
 projected), equipment and crews, makes the meeting more effective and

You're absolutely right here. I think 3D is a great thing for visualizing 
data to understand issues and help solve problems, and a great way to 
communicate whatever the 3D representation chosen (realistic to whatever 
degree or even totally schematic or even mathematically abstract). And I 
can even see the value of ActiveWorlds type 3D with avatars for occasional 
meeting or even specific projects. To be clear, and to agree here, I have 
nothing against 3D. I was playing with VTK and the Python bindings for it 
the other day as on possibility for an underlying toolkit for a PySqueak, 
and can see the real value of it for looking at scientific data in general 
using Python. And I can see further how working in 3D could be very 
motivating to learn programming (if the package makes that easy to do, 
such as VPython or Alice attempts). And I think Croquet is a wonderful 
attempt to make it easy to do 3D collaborative applications. But, in 
considering Croquet as the evolution of Squeak as a kids programming 
environment I see an implicit intent based on my interpretation of Alan 
Kay's intent (perhaps in error?) that Croquet is what we should all use 
all the time when we are at the computer. I think that implicit intent is 
what bothers me, because, perhaps conditioned by experience (?), I think 
approaching the computer (as it exist now and for the next ten to twenty 
years) expecting a third person experience is better (i.e. more flexible, 
less disappointing, more effective for most tasks) than approaching it 
expecting a first person experience (where that first person experience 
will be missing things for the foreseeable future). Anyway, a 
philosophical point of interface design for me to muse over some more.

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] PySqueak: More on Croquet and 3D (was: Just ran...)

2006-05-14 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 All good RD Paul.  In my book, these are some of the deep issues, and
 finding the right combination of libraries is not an easy job.
 Regardless of the ultimate fate of your particular project, you're
 adding to your repertoire plus carving out the basis of some kind of
 graphical framework others might use, and that's a positive thing.

Thanks for the kind words.

Also, I am forced to wrestle with the issue of what are my specific 
subgoals here (thinking of a PySqueak which is easy for beginners to use 
and experts want to use as well)?
They sort of are, roughly speaking:
* to have Self prototypes in Python as an option (check, though 
inefficient :-),
* to have a Self GUI in Python (brooding over),
* to port our 3D educational software to Python and this system (half 
done, the translating to Python part, but need to settle on widgets),
* and to make Python development with running systems as interactive and 
fun to use as that of a modern Smalltalk (just scratching at the network 
debugging approach outlined earlier, but also already have the reloader 
window I use with Jython),
* 3D simulated worlds in Python (less importance now to me, but of 
potential long term interest in terms of simulation).

I've been trying out the latest version of Croquet some more as I ponder 
this 3D and widget issue. I think I am getting past the Wow factor -- 
though it still remains pretty neat. Of course, as always, I was impressed 
more by watching the Alan Kay presentation videos like of drawing a fish 
in 2D and having software make it 3D and swim away than by using it myself.
Ignoring some walkbacks and exceptions when starting some of the demos, 
par for the course for my experience Squeaking, what I am left with is the 
same feeling I get when I watch pretty good 3D modeling of people -- which 
is sometimes a bit disconcerting (in a bad way). :-)

To explain, when you see cartoons of people, or mechanically rendered 
sprites of people with no serious attempts at skin texture or hair luster, 
you think, wow this is cool, and it is fun to look at. In my mind, that is 
something like using 2D apps or the command line. It does cool things its 
own way, and you can respect that. You get the immediacy people here talk 
about, and having no (or few) expectations about what it should do base 
don reality, nothing feels wrong (although it may still be confusing). 
But, when you look at images of people rendered in 3D that is pretty good 
(say 99%), they often look like corpses, because they are good enough to 
set in motion a whole bunch of reality based expectations we have for how 
other people should look, while not meeting them. Slightly drab hair? 
Maybe they are sick? Skin that looks like rubber? A sign of death. For 
more on this, see:
   Realistic Human Graphics Look Creepy [article discussed]
So, by analogy, when you make fairly realistic 3D environments, but not 
100% realistic, you may be worse off for trying, because you raise 
expectations you can not fulfill, and the differences make people 
unconsciously feel uneasy, creepy, or frustrated. To be clear, I'm trying 
to make an analogy here; Croquet as a 1.0 beta demo does not attempt 
realistic human avatars, just a silly bunny rabbit avatar which looks 
cute. My point is about the 3D world aspect versus the real world.

So, in this case, with Croquet and 3D, perhaps more realism is actually a 
worse experience. And perhaps that unconsciously drives some of Alan Kay's 
interest in better 3D rendering? Yes, in theory you can get really good, 
but until you get there (when? 2020? 2040?), the results are sometimes 
almost more disappointing the closer you get to realism. I think Croquet 
may be facing that in the 3D realm. It activates expectations, like moving 
in 3D, but then you are confronted with how awkward it is to use the mouse 
to virtually walk. You see a cube of blocks that invites you to take 
one, but when you put it back, there is no gravity to make it drop back 
into place, so it just oddly floats there. A slip of the mouse and the 
rabbit falls off the green carpet, to where? And it takes a bit of 
slogging to get back to anywhere interesting. I can see portals, but I 
can't shortcut click to them; I need to proceed slowly to them, and if I 
could click, and I suppose there is some trick perhaps, then I break the 

Obviously, specific popular 3D games solve many of these problems within 
the game in a fun suspension of disbelief way, and can be entertaining 
for twenty hours or so, and even leave you wanting more, e.g. a recent 
favorite of ours:
Beyond Good and Evil
but, they do not seek to be the comprehensive life-time-of-use experiences 
that Croquet is implicitly claiming to be for right 

[Edu-sig] PySqueak: Which 3D package should I use?

2006-05-13 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Well, I've finished a simple 2D proof of concept with prototype 
inheritance and some user interaction of dragging (using wx):
(Just dragging five related squares around, but shows basic prototype 
ideas in a Pythonic? style, i.e. initially you drag a parent and children 
move, then you drag a child and it no longer tracks the parent x,y as it 
has a private copy of x and y after dragging.)

So, now I'm thinking of making a simple 3D version. But what 3D library to 
use? This has been discussed here before, for example:
but I wanted a current perspective three years later (if it has changed).

The (enviable) problem is that there is so much to choose from now! See 
this list for example:
  A small collection (72 packages) of pointers to Python software for 
working in three dimensions
Which should I use from all of those 72 packages? Obviously, that depends 
on my needs.

In the past, we bundled our own 3D graphics engine (a 3D turtle) into what 
we wrote, but it does finally seem like 3D graphics are common place.  So, 
I want to go with the best current standard, and that seems to be OpenGL.

In the short term,  for PataPata (my PySqueak) proof of concept tests, I 
just want something 3D-ish that I know other people will have an easy time 
installing alongside their regular Python 2.3/2.4 distribution. First, I 
just want to put up some 3D objects that people can drag around. That's 
fairly simple. But later, I want to pop up GUI elements (menus, lists, 
editors) to support people doing Self-like things. That's harder.

So, here are the longer term needs:
* Python bindings (obviously :-)
* OpenGL based (to get hardware acceleration).
* Good current level of support and longevity.
* Easy installation and configuration on Mac OS X, Windows, and GNU/Linux.
* Existing support for at least the rudiments of GUI widgets in the 3D.
* Not a moving target. :-) [Though perhaps I could compromise on that 
point if it was very cool.]

I'm OK with it being complex as I plan on hiding that. I already know 3D 
graphics, e.g. have written my own 3D turtle and learned 3D on the SGI, 
though that was all many years ago, but still, I'm rusty.

License really doesn't matter to me as long as it is free in a FSF sense 
and can be in the free part of a Debian distribution.

Being lazy, and short on time, it would also be nice if it already easily 
handled issues like managing a world of 3D objects and knowing which was 
clicked on (and where). Here is an overview of that issue:
That issue of easily displaying 3D objects and then mapping from mouse 
clicks back to what is clicked on are key to the application in the long 
term, if I were to emulate any of what Croquet can do.

It would be superb if it had widgets with openGL (lists, text, etc.) with 
Python bindings. Even for that, using GLUT, there are a few choices on the 
vrplumber page above. I have not used any such packages. I don't want to 
emphasize that too much though. I'm OK with working with simpler 
components. So it doesn't have to have everything. And it is possible I 
might just punt on that for now and have a separate 2D GUI for that sort 
of stuff. If displaying 2D widgets in 3D makes the selection of 3D 
graphics packages harder, even though Squeak has it, I'm OK right now even 
with a compromise that the 3D environment might have control panel 
objects that when you got close and clicked on them you got a separate 2D 
window in wx or TK on your system where you could do the usual GUI things 
(with sliders, etc.). In general, right now I'm fine with having a system 
that mixes 2D and 3D windows for different activities, though I'm sure how 
to do that best may be an issue, and I can see the merit of having 
everything in 3D to make it easier to share visible state across multiple 

Anyway, I'm wondering if I should just go with PyOpenGL, or maybe the 
OpenGL Context, at the start, as being fairly easy to install with the 
least dependencies? (I already have that running on my Debian GNU/Linux 
machine, though with some issues.)

But other choices like VTK as a base or maybe even using Blender somehow 
certainly look intriguing. And, looking through recent discussions, maybe 
I should look harder at Soya, at the very least to get a sense of how they 
used various technologies?
(Looks like it is very Python oriented, but Tom Hoffman suggested it was a 
tougher install...) Still, there is so much to choose from. For example, 
SLUT addresses issues I'd have down the road with Croquet style networking:
 From there: Slut is a programming framework for generative, synthetic, 
interactive, network-enabled graphics. And from:

Re: [Edu-sig] PySqueak: more on the cultural divide among paradigms

2006-05-07 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
John Zelle wrote:
  [Thoughtful outline of important design point
  (and differences in priorities) snipped.]
 I know I'm asking a lot, but I also think it's all doable. This to me would 
 the foundation for a better than Squeak Python environment. The saving the 
 state issue seems secondary to this basic foundation. How can we even talk 
 about saving the state of widgets that we don't own.

On saving the state of non-Python widgets we don't own, in theory, a well 
written widget set like wxWindows should support queries on all the states 
of all widgets. Still, in practice, sometimes they assume you will 
remember externally what state you set something to, especially if they 
pass the value on to another layer (like the OS). For example, what if a 
bitmap is somehow converted into a native representation and the original 
discarded (not sure this is a problem, just making one up)? But I think 
those cases could be ignored at the start? And then treated as bugs in the 
widget set API? Clearly the most common things for having a list or text 
box selection or label, those should all be queryable. But, having not 
tried to do this, there could easily be unexpected gotchas, especially 
moving across multiple widget sets. I know in years past I have had this 
problem of missing accessors when writing code for applications that want 
to restore their exact window layout on reopening. And clearly, you could 
not move a saved image to a platform without bindings (and probably the 
same version of bindings) for the widget set the image was saved using. 
But in any case, while this is a vexing problem, and likely entails 
writing lots of widget specific code for each widget set, essentially it 
just involves creating a function for each type of widget that knows how 
to query and restore its state. However, obviously, that is a lot of code, 
and then it has to be maintained, and perhaps special cases ad widget sets 
changed. So, mostly doable I think (especially with something like wx, 
where you can submit changes to the project to fix access bugs), but a pain.

But I agree that if you design your own widget set using Python code, and 
it is represented by Python objects, then any major concerns about this 
save/restore issue go away. And I don't think this is reinventing the 
wheel as much as one might think, becuase any project with a compatible 
license coudl be looked at to get ideas or code for these basic widgets. 
For example, Lazarus and FPC if you can live with the LGPL license (and I 
conveniently have written a Delphi-Python translator that does 80% of the 
translation work. :-)

And I'm thinking now that even just the basics (using native fonts, like 
with a wx canvas) might be good enough for a proof of concept system, 
since you can do a lot quickly with a just text, icons, lines, and colored 
boxes (even without embedding dynamically generated bitmaps and bitblit!). 
You can build a whole development environment with mainly lists and menus 
(a wrapping text box for code is the hardest part). But it will probably 
look like the first released (1.13?) version of Squeak (until a lot of 
more work gets done). :-)

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] PySqueak: Self as the source of many ideas in Squeak

2006-05-07 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Ian Bicking wrote:
 Zope went down that path with through-the-web development with the ZODB 
 as the image.  I think everyone agrees that didn't work.  Smalltalk has 
 pursued that with more vigor, but I was never comfortable with the 
 image.  In some ways you can read my comments as me figuring out just 
 why I dislike the image model.

Well, everyone? :-) Check out for what was, last 
I heard, a major Zope site.

Still, a lot of peopel agree with you, so there are clearly issues here.
For all I know, that group is unhappy?

I myself like images you can build from text when you want to, but that 
has never been the focus of most Smalltalks (and isn't for Squeak so far).
But, I think a truly Pythonic approach might insist on building objects 
from text, although it is true that we have pickle, which uses text, but 
not as a Python program.

 I think it's important to figure out, because the image model seems very 
 compelling for an education environment.

And John also made some of those points indirectly. I think from a 
classroom standpoint, teachers generally want to be in control of what 
the student sees, at least at first, and they also have short classes (45 
minutes) where they do not want to waste time on configuration. So, 
preparing an image for kids and seeing it pop up exactly like you made it, 
whatever the hardware (like Squeak can do) is a big win in a classroom 
setting. Of course, I'm not big on conventional classrooms :-), but I 
think images are desirable for independent or informal learning as well, 
which can happen in fits and starts, where you might do something 
intensely for days and then not revisit something until months later. And 
it would be nice if everything was just the way you left it. Also, as a 
developer of (hopefully open) educational simulations, I see the value in 
being able to deploy the simulation as an image which people could then 
modify to their own needs. So this is an area of overlap regardless of 
educational paradigm.

Granted though, if you want to learn about the details of the machine you 
are on, or the notion of a software stack, like Kirby pointed to a week or 
two ago, in terms of getting into the specifics of GNU/Linux, then images 
are hiding stuff you might want to make visible. (Of course, you could 
open a terminal window from your running image. :-)

I think a big issue with images is that they presume that you will put 
in the time to learn the tools assembled in the image (assuming the image 
is mainly about learning programming) rather than use some older ones you 
are comfortable with already. It is much easier to type text on the 
command line or use your favorite text editor than to learn an IDE 
(especially when you are learning a new language at the same time). But 
the value of learning an IDE can be immense in terms of letting you manage 
complexity far beyond what you can do with a text editor.

It is funny how we can all accept that learning to play a musical 
instrument like the flute might take years of concentrated study to even 
get a good tone out of it, but we expect computers to be engaging on a 
minute by minute basis. Or, we just accept that learning to touch type 
takes days of practice. But computer IDEs? Do they really need to be like 
video games, engaging and addictive from the first quarter?

John Holt wrote on this when he talked about hard fun (also mentioned 
here recently in another context I think) and how playing music, 
considering the suffering involved to get good at it, could hardly be 
described as fun, but there certainly is something there for many people 
that keeps it engaging as a transcendental experience (as a sense of 
flow). Still, I think people here are right when they suggest typing at 
the command line an doing text processing produces feedback that keeps 
people engaged. The question is, can a graphical IDE do that, and I think 
the answer with Self might usually be yes. I think the answer with 
Squeak is sometimes no though, but I have real experience with that, 
and have still never used Self. :-)

Still, the E in CP4E is about Everyone, so I can see the value in 
trying to make things accessible to broader audiences. My hope is that 
both the expert and the novice can be satisfied by a better system, and I 
think Self (or to a lesser extent Squeak) helps show that way, 
prudcing a system I can love as an expert, but (taking their word for it, 
at least for Self :-) I think novices can warm to quickly as well. That 
gets back to the point I made on innovation -- satisfying both needs at 
once (e.g. expert and novice both love it) rather than compromising 
somewhere between them (e.g. not so hard for novices, but not so 
interesting for experts).

I can see the value of all this from the GUI side, with various desired 
display options defined in the class or prototype. But again, Python 
object are (or should be :-) constructible from scratch without calling a 

Re: [Edu-sig] PySqueak: Self as the source of many ideas in Squeak

2006-05-06 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Ian Bicking wrote:
 Some things other people have done (like Logix: makes me think that this could be done in 
 CPython now, with just some fiddling in the compile process.  I think 
 the Python object model (which can't easily be changed) is already 
 flexible enough for this.
 And ignoring some syntactic details you could do this in current CPython.

Interesting concept, to put it mildly. And also interesting under future 
work they say:
Although Python has provided a great launch pad for Logix, we may switch 
to another platform at some point. Efficiency and security are two areas 
that are somewhat lacking with a Python foundation. What are the 
alternatives? Maybe Mono, maybe Parrot, maybe C--, maybe LLVM...

I know that is one of the reasons I still think about doing something (at 
least proof of concept) in Jython -- because it can piggy back on the Java 
JVM security model, and I might also consider writing a low level routine 
for handling networked programming in Java (if speed was an issue, after 
doing it all first in Jython). [But, I've also been looking at working 
with the Idle codebase too, by building on its RPC functionality.]

Still, the less I can mess with the syntax the better, I think. That's why 
I lean towards just having one Prototype class.

 I think that Ian's suggestion is the most sensible strategy for 
 in that direction and continuing to maintain community interest in a
 PySqueak inclined towards Self-like prototypes and a related GUI for
 constructivist educational use (and other general use as well).
 And if metaclasses turn out to not be the best approach,
 still anything simple which preserves the Python syntax
 while giving the new features (say, having all prototypes inherit from 
 a common class which overrides __getattr__ and __setattr__ to
 simply look into the instance to find data and behavior?)
 I think it could be easier than that.  I think a lot of the more 
 declarative programming I do really has prototypes underneath it. 
 (Ironically in Javascript I never find a need for prototypes, except to 
 simulate classes.)  

Of course, you probably don't have a Self-like environment for Javascript. 
:-) Or is there one? I've never done much with JavaScript.

I did once listed about 100 reasons to use VisualWorks Smalltalk over C+++ 
without having to talk specifically about object-oriented programming 
issues -- just focusing on the environment and the libraries and the VM 
and issues like garbage collection and integrated fine-grained version 

Anyway, I tried to follow your example, but I am still left confused as to 
how it is easier than creating GUI tools that manipulate all instances of 
just one Prototype class? Your example still seems focused on making 
classes. With one class, a few lines of code to search for values through 
parent slots and you're done? Essentially, for any prototype-ish work, one 
would just work with instances of this one class. Am I missing somethgin 
vital here? Are you thinking about one class per one prorotype object? Is 
that for performance reasons?


  class Prototype:
...   def __getattr__(self, name):
... print name
  x = Prototype()
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

Of course it fails trying to call the None returned by default in 
__getattr___ because the code just prints the field name, but you see I 
could just have that __getattr__ method look into a field of the object 
and return the function, or if it was not there, then start looking into 
parent slots and recursing until it found it or gave up with a call to a 
does not understand function (itself hookable).

I do think there might be issues to resolve in how instances of this class 
interact with other python classes. But I am not sure how complex those 
issues are, since everything to Python still looks just like a typical 
python class. All calls work the same way? Or do they?

The issues might have more to do with the GUI and it being able to handle 
dealing with instances of other classes, but that could be done in the 
usual way such as with inspectors and such that Idle defines. A bit 
klunky, but probably serviceable as a start?

Anyway, something to think more on. A proof-of-concept Prototype class and 
a GUI to manipulate it should not be that hard. (Famous last words. :-)

Designing programming systems is so easy when you stop caring about 
performance (at least in the short term). :-) But the advice I was given 
long ago is, slightly updated, is: by the time you get it debugged and 
anyone has noticed it, computers will be fast enough to run it. :-)

Anyway, are there compelling reasons why creating one class per prototype 
is useful or better? Or maybe I am just missing something here.

Perhaps it is confusing in that we are talking about 

Re: [Edu-sig] PySqueak: Self as the source of many ideas in Squeak

2006-05-06 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Ian Bicking wrote:
 This is all not to say that modifying Python source in a manner 
 different than ASCII is infeasible.  Only that source and runtime 
 have to be kept separate to keep this process sane.  Images -- which 
 mingle the two -- have never felt sane to me; clever, but not 

Well, perhaps sanity is overrated. :-)

And Smalltalk has been managing this for thirty years. :-)

But it is true, it requires a bunch of special purpose tools. Changeset 
browsers. A change log. External source code control. Image cloners. and 
so on. Probably a Python that stored a running image as Python program 
files might need some specialized tools too.

And I will go further and agree that I find mixing running application 
state (like what windows are opened or what the stack looks like) with 
application data (your email, your accounts receivable) is pretty scary too.

But again, one needs some sort of tools to help you with that, and there 
is no reason some things can't be in the image and other things not in it.

In a Smalltalk system, generally there is at least a file with library 
source code and a file with user additions to that as a current change 
log. Although in the case of Squeak, it can decompile methods (if it saves 
comments) even if you don't have the source code. One of the people on the 
project (Alan Kay or Dan Ingalls?) quipped something to the effect that a 
Squeak image was really a source code compression algorithm with a 
development environment thrown in for free.

But, a Smalltalk image is generally saved as binary objects. But now that 
disk is cheap and cpu cycles plentiful, storing an image as python program 
files seems OK to me resource-wise.

  Unfortunately we do not have very good abstractions in
 Python related to source, so they have to be invented from scratch.  The 
 AST might help, but higher-level abstractions are also called for.  For 
 instance, you might define a color interactively in some fashion, and 
 the color gets serialized to:
import color
color.Color(r, b, c)
 That color object might be immutable (probably should be), but the 
 *source* isn't immutable, and the source means something.  How can we 
 tell what it means?

I'm not sure anyone needs to ever tell what that means, except the Python 
parser when it reads in the code and runs it (in the context of other code 
it also loaded). Obviously when code is being written out which can 
reconstruct a current object tree, then the writing process needs to 
understand what it means by each piece of code, especially as it might 
refer to previously defined bits to shorten or make more readable the 
output code file. But since it is writing the code, there should not be 
any ambiguities of intent. The hardest issue perhaps becomes making the 
results look as close to human written Python as possible (say, using 
class to define a class instead of making a plain object and turning it 
into a class by setting fields).

 I can imagine a bit of interaction between the source and the runtime to 
 do this.  For instance, we might see that color is bound to a specific 
 module, and color.Color to a specific object.  We'll disallow certain 
 tricks, like binding color dynamically, monkeypatching something into 
 color.Color, etc.  Ultimately figuring out exactly what color.Color is 
 isn't *easy*, but at least it is feasible.
 Using existing introspection we can figure out some parts, some of the 
 sorts of things that IDEs with auto-completion figure out.  They can 
 figure out what the arguments to Color() are and the docstring.

Perhaps you are thinking about this from the point of view of something 
like PyDev parser, which reads Python code to syntax highlight it and 
perhaps  provide code assistance. But, since the code has already been 
read, and we are manipulating the object tree directly, we know what 
everything means, because we just look at what the objects are directly by 
  inspecting them. Granted, some of those objects represent code, and the 
code may be wrong or ambiguous or confusing from the users point of view, 
but that is ignorable by the code writer, which just writes out the 
snippet of code the way a user put it in.

 But, you can also imagine adding an editor or other things to that 
 object; a richer form of __repr__, or a richer editable form than the 
 ASCII source.  Maybe there would be a flag on Color that says it can be 
 called without side effect (meaning we can speculatively call it when 
 inspecting source); and then the resulting object might have something 
 that says it can be displayed in a certain way (with its real color), 
 and has certain slots you can edit and then turn into a new Color 

I can see the value of all this from the GUI side, with various desired 
display options defined in the class or prototype. But again, Python 
object are (or should be :-) constructible from scratch without calling a 
class' init function. So, given 

Re: [Edu-sig] PySqueak: Self as the source of many ideas in Squeak

2006-05-06 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Maybe we are still thinking about different things here.

I'm going on the presumption that Python, like Smalltalk, have various 
roots which are things like (in Python) the loaded modules, the active 
threads and their stacks, and perhaps some other state. A Python world of 
objects is defined by these, since if any Python objects exist but are not 
reachable somehow, they can't effect the system. As I reflect on that, I 
can see how in theory outside forces that get a handle into object memory 
might make changes and such things might exist in other processes or 
threads, but that would just be a broken VM (or VM abstraction) to me more 
than a problem to solve. :-)

So, going on this assumption that all Python objects of interest are 
reachable from these roots (even if some of the roots themselves might be 
only known to the VM, like the current thread?) then a recursive procedure 
can flow down through from these roots and write one big text file 
consisting of mainly:

# big module
import lots_of_stuff
temp1 = object()
temp1.__class__ = Point
temp1.x = 10
temp1.y = 20

temp2 = object()
temp2.__class__ = Point
temp2.x = 40
temp2.y = 50

temp3 = object()
temp3.__class__ = Rectangle
temp3.origin = temp1
temp3.extent = temp2

modules.mymodule = object()
modules.mymodule.__class__ = Module # or whatever?

modules.mymodule.myrect = temp3

And so on. Now obviously this gets tedious, so an optimizing writer would 
instead produce:

# module mymodule
myrect = Rectangle(Point(10, 20), Point(40, 50))

But that's a matter of a smart writer, which I think is doable. Just think 
of it as like optimizing code (although maybe in reverse. :-)

Now the problem you point out, that there may be several ways to reference 
an object is obviously a real one. But a smart writer should handle that 
(with a little handwaving by me. :-) But essentially, like with pickle, 
the writer would know it has to write the definition for a function out 
somewhere, and so it would pick a good spot, and then other references to 
that function could refer back to the first place it was defined. (Or it 
could be put in a temp variable which was later deleted after it was done 
being used.) Even if the writer picked a bad spot, the problem would only 
be that the code looked harder to read and understand, not that it would 
not recreate the same objects in memory that were written out (though 
perhaps at  different locations; I'm presuming that would not matter -- if 
it did, then that might be a problem requiring VM changes or some fancy 
object creation order footwork, which would almost certainly mess up the 
code's readability). As I've just casually glanced at the CPython VM 
source code, and only just a bit more at the Jython code, I don't know 
enough off hand to see whether there might be other bigger problems.

Anyway, I still don't see a show stopper (unless it is specific object ids 
or exact memory locations being important -- perhaps affecting dictionary 
hashes or some such thing?). Difficulties yes, maybe painful ones, but no 
showstopper so far as I can see to writing out running code as Python 
files (again, unless the above object ID issue).

I can see that nicer source will likely result from tracking commands as 
the user defines them, as you suggest. But still, my focus isn't on 
readable source. That's more a nice to have feature from my set of 
priorities for GUI oriented construction and programming. What I am more 
interested in is, can the running program be changed, and can the changes 
be saved so they can be reloaded? So, our priorities may diverge there, 
but that's OK -- makes life interesting. :-)

--Paul Fernhout

Ian Bicking wrote:
 Interactive sessions are source.  The OB1 I referred to is the actual 
 object in memory, which has no real name, though it can be referenced 
 directly in memory.
 Maybe a better example is something in HTConsole right now.  Any 
 function you can get your hands on in HTConsole is editable, in-place. 
 So you can do:
import random
 And you'll get a form that shows the source to that function, and lets 
 you edit it.  That works fine in-memory.  But saving that is hard.
 There's actually lots of ways to get access to a function.  When you get 
 random.choice, you are actually getting access to a method of a 
 singleton stored in the random module.  When you edit that, you are 
 editing the method.  How do you represent that edit as source?  Do you 
 see that the function is available as random.choice.im_func, or 
 random.Random.choice?  Or a property, which might be available as 
 SomeClass.some_property.fget.  There's lots of paths to functions, and 
 the function alone doesn't necessary know how to get to it.  And 
 functions are relatively easy; other objects can be much harder...
 items = range(5)
 The contents of items cannot be edited in place, because they are 
 recreated dynamically.  They can only be modified by later 

Re: [Edu-sig] PySqueak: Self as the source of many ideas in Squeak

2006-05-06 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

Thanks again for this pointer.

I've added two more proof of concept files to PataPata.

The second one demonstrates inheritance with a parent and two children,
as well as graphically displaying the morphs. See:
I started trying to do it in OpenGL (which I have had working before) and 
got some errors so punted and chose wx and 2D for that. I don't like 
making initial proof of concepts that rely on too many dependencies.
OpenGL remains a real possibility down the road, but this one problem just 
shows how installation issues can bite you (in this case, I had commented 
out the driver for it in my xorg.conf file when I was having other
problems related to one of my two ATI cards having problems driving its 
secondary display head, and didn't care to restart X in the middle of my 
development to try fixing that.)

The third P.O.C. demonstrates the problem your solution addresses.

I found two other variants of solutions on the web (differences include 
are who does the wrapping etc.), and I need to decide how best to proceed 
on that.
Links to these three options including yours:
[The latter two are more specific to Prototype inheritance in Python.]

Going to be traveling much of next week, so probably not much more 
activity on this for a while. Frustrating to me as I think this is just 
picking up some speed. A little OpenGL, a few Self-like GUI widgets for 
inspecting values like in the movie of just rectangles and lines and text, 
using a wrapper approach for inserting methods into prototypes, adding a 
remote debugging process perhaps derived from Idle, making some program 
writing code derived from pickle perhaps, dropping in some bitmap and icon 
content from our garden simulator, and the result might be a nice proof of 
concept constructivist educationally-oriented system in a week's work or 
so. Obviously not everything, and with very rough edges, but something 
that could show the basic ideas. Sigh. With distractions, and part-time, 
be nice to get all that together by the end of June, if that, 
realistically. No promises though.

Thanks again for your feedback.

--Paul Fernhout

Ian Bicking wrote:
 For direct assignment, you might find the magic_set decorator I wrote 
 useful: (toward the 
 It lets you do:
def spam(self): print 'hi'
 which handles the closure to add instance methods directly to instances 
 (which doesn't work if done just through assignment), among other 
 assignments.  It uses the name of the first argument (self, cls, or 
 anything else) to determine what kind of function you are trying to create.

Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] PySqueak: Self as the source of many ideas in Squeak

2006-05-05 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
In continuing to contemplate what are the essential ideas of Squeak in
terms of using them in an educational environment resting on Python, I
decide to revisit some of Squeaks' roots. Many of these are in Self, a
prototype based programming language (and IMHO a constructivist one too).
The main page for Self:

I had read of Self, and met one of the key people once at a conference,
and I was inspired by many ideas from those interactions, as well as work
with NewtonScript (the native programming language of the Newton, also
inspired by Self), but I had never seen the Self system in action. It
turns out there is a 15 minute or so video on Self, linked to from here:
Kirby, you mentioned the persuasive power of videos in another context,
and I suggest viewing the high definition version of the videos there
would be useful in seeing how a graphical environment for students could
approach the immediate feedback of the command line, especially with most
of today's students who are presumably already point and click mouse

The key principles mentioned in movie for Self's design are based on ideas
from the physical world, and are summarized as:
   * Directness (everything is potentially visible and touchable)
   * Uniformity (you can consistently change everything)
   * Modelessness (always running, so no editing/running distinction)
Self also demonstrates multiple people doing activities together in one
(2D) environment. [BTW Neometron's Learningworks was about 3D communities
using Smalltalk and was deployed a decade ago, which shows some other
roots of Squeak/Croquet roots here.]

 From the paper here (first seen in a link below):
Finally, in designing Self, we have learned one lesson by making
mistakes: examples can persuade the designer to include additional
features which later turn out to produce incomprehensible behavior in
unforeseen circumstances. This might be called the language designer's
trap. Minimalism, simplicity and consistency are better guides. They
benefit every programmer, not just the ones who need advanced features. We
suspect that many of today's object-oriented languages could profit by
dropping features.

In my own work in Smalltalk development, knowing that Self existed, and
having experience with prototypes in Newtonscript, I was often frustrated
by Smalltalk not having Self's elegance. And I think many of the issues
Self addresses (particularly eliminating a class side / instance side
distinction) are very important to making programming easy to get into, as
well as keeping it more fun. In the movie near the end they make the
distinction between telling objects what to do (writing code) and just
banging them around into position (which Self's GUI helps support, in
addition to programming). By building in Morphic (the Self GUI paradigm)
  Squeak tries to get this Self leverage, but I think, given Squeak's use
of Smalltalk (which has classes), Morphic always seemed to me to be rather
inelegantly bolted on (this is not a slam at the developers, just an
inherent problem of a class based programming system trying to work with
dynamic constructivist material).

One of the things I have always liked about Python is its use of
dictionaries for storing values in instance objects. This is
computationally inefficient compared to looking up things by position in
an array as C or Smalltalk do, but it is more flexible in terms of taking
any specific instance and adding more data fields to it, so it is
efficient in a human-oriented way and can lend itself somewhat to this
sort of prototype based work. So, another idea when thinking about
PySqueak is: how can Python better support prototype based development? As
well as: how can what we have with Python2.4/Jython2.1 now be used to do
that in interesting ways?

Now this certainly isn't a new idea, see for example these discussions:
or Prothon's apparent successor, PyCS:
[However, the Prothon and Pycs links seem to be down right now, I read
them through the Google cache just now as this project is new to me,
perhaps an indication the project is ended?]

These three key principles above, relating to a dynamic nature of the Self
system, are probably needed to support any constructivist approach to
software creation and use. But notice how they are the opposite of the
principles behind something like C++ or other statically typed languages,
which focus on data hiding, specialized interfaces, and set-in-stone
compiled applications. Or as Alan Kay put it:

Re: [Edu-sig] PySqueak: Self as the source of many ideas in Squeak

2006-05-05 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
 Or, as Ian Bicking points out here in Initial thoughts on Prothon:
  [with quoted text from Ian which had python metaclasses\n
  pasted in it by me by mistake.]


Sorry to mangle your eloquent writing by accidentally pasting python 
metaclasses in the middle of it (up till 4am writing inspired by seeing 
the Self video, sorry).

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] PySqueak issues: image storage

2006-05-04 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
In trying to further think through what would be involved in supporting 
Squeak-like (or just Smalltalk-like) capabilities for Python in 
constructivist education, on reflection, I think the single biggest issue 
is that of the Squeak/Smalltalk image. There are lots of other issues, 
but I am now thinking those are more easily solvable by just programming, 
often using existing Python libraries, than this one, which is more 
reflective of deeper issues.

For those of you unfamiliar with the notion of a Smalltalk image, it is 
essentially this: you can pick save image from your running Squeak 
environment and the whole running vm's object memory is saved to one file. 
Then when you start up Squeak and specify your image file, everything is 
back the way you had it when you saved (in theory) -- windows, open files, 
open socket connections, everything. In practice, open socket connections 
and open files sometimes can't be reopened (the port may be in use for a 
server socket, or a server may be down for a client socket), files may 
have been deleted or locked and so can't be reopened, a database may have 
changed, and so on. (And making this work under the covers can be 
non-trivial.) But, as least, the system tries to put everything back the 
way it was, and it almost always does a perfect job for plain GUIs. What's 
more, you can bring this file to any machine on any OS and processor that 
runs a fairly similar version of Squeak (like moving Mac/PPC to 
GNU/Linux/AMD64), and just start it up and you are back where you saved. 
And here is the key point: you get all this for free when you work with 
Squeak. You generally don't have to use a pickle library yourself, or 
write object saving and loading code for your windows, or do anything like 
that. It just works.

Why is the image so important for the novice user in a constructivist 
educational setting? If a learner is learning by building, then it stands 
to reason that tomorrow they would like to learn by building on top of 
what they have already built more often then they would want to start from 
scratch. Starting from scratch can be a good learning experience, no 
doubt, but it gets old if you do it over and over again. So, when a 
learner can save their image and reload it tomorrow, they are exactly 
where they left off. So, if they are in the midst of building a simulation 
by dragging graphical widgets around, then they just save it, and tomorrow 
there it is. And here is they key: they never had to write any saving or 
loading code to do this. And neither did the author of the underlying 
package they are using. This is a big thing IMHO. It lets the learner 
focus more on what they are doing without the distraction of how can I 
save and load this.

Now, in practice, Squeak does save and load things outside the image. It 
uses files to store code, communicates over sockets, uses databases, and 
so on. In some ways, using an external file to save, say, your email seems 
much safer than storing it just in an image (which is a binary file and 
could easily get corrupted). To do that, an application has to use some 
explicit form of representing objects as text and reading them back in 
itself. If you want to share a small part of your image, like just the 
simulation you wrote, then it makes sense to be able to export that part 
(preferably as text) and share it (most smalltalk have some support for 
this equivalent to pickle or xml object writing). So the image isn't 
everything. But for the basics of where windows are, what widgets are in 
them, and what dynamic objects exist in the environment, it does a great job.

So, where is the Python PySqueak problem? The graphics widget set is the 
biggest issue (sockets, files, databases, etc. are hard, but simpler). 
Smalltalk are designed from the ground up to do this. In Squeak's case, 
all the widgets are native, so their state is defined purely by Smalltalk 
objects. In other Smalltalk which use native widgets, the issues are 
thought through at the beginning on how the windows will be created and 
then recreated on reloading an image and that part is usually hidden from 
the user. And how to figure out what native GUI widgets are up on the 
screen and how to save that and reload it, all transparently to the user, 
is a non-trivial thing, and it varies from widget set to widget set. Since 
Python wants to be platform agnostic, and since there are a lot of widget 
sets out there (x, wx, tk, swt, swing, gtk, qt, mac flavors, mozilla and 
other web browser widgets, etc.), plus a lot of code written for them, 
that means a bit of a problem. I think in theory one could write widget 
set savers and reloaders that know enough about a specific widget set to 
walk the tree of displayed widgets and rebuild it. But, that is a lot of 
work that needs to be done for each widget set. And then, ideally, that 
all needs to work with existing widget using code not written to use a 
well designed library that hides 

[Edu-sig] Slashdot article: Do Kids Still Program?

2006-04-29 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
From his journal, hogghogg asks: I keep finding myself in conversations 
with tertiary educators in the hard sciences (Physics, Astronomy, 
Chemistry, etc.) who note that even the geeks—those who voluntarily choose 
to major in hard sciences—enter university never having programmed a 
computer. When I was in grade six, the Commodore PET came out, and I 
jumped at the opportunity to learn how to program it. Now, evidently, most 
high school computer classes are about Word (tm) and Excel (tm). Is this a 
bad thing? Should we care? Do you think the desire to program computers 
has declined in the younger generations? If so, what reasons might you 
cite as the cause?

Lots of discusssion related to the themes of edusig and CP4E.

--Paul Fernhout

Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] PC terminology to end processes? (was Re: Tips ...)

2006-04-26 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 Learning to kill a process is pretty basic.  I'll have kids start 'em
 just to kill 'em.  They enjoy the sense of power this gives them.

I see the value in encouraging kids to have a sense of their own power, 
but I have a script on my system (just for myself) which lets me type 
stop instead of kill.

Even in a virtual world of computing, is teaching kids to kill a good 
message? Language does effect thought to an extent.

I feel a bit the same way about some user manuals that go on about 
depressing or hitting buttons. Press is a better choice I think.

Also, someday those processes might represent sentient AIs and attempting 
to kill them might have serious consequences. Perhaps good to to get 
kids thinking about the potential rights of any sentience, even now. :-)

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

[Edu-sig] Bootable Python CDs?

2006-04-26 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
I previously wrote:
 Then you would have a custom Python which would be useful for wandering 
 faculty (assuming the admins let you reboot the machine, and it was 
 configured to allowing booting from removable media).

I just noticed this:
Welcome to your Python CD! This is a bootable CD based on [Debian 
GNU/Linux and KNOPPIX. The special thing about it is that it has lots of 
Python stuff!

Anyone used it?

I'm curious: is it even practical to expect to walk into most modern 
educational computer lab in a typical school and expect to be able to 
reboot all the computers to run from your own Python CD? Do people's 
school computer labs typically allow a boot from removable media?

I know it was quite possible to boot your own stuff when I ran an 
educational computer lab (or rather, impossible to stop. with those 
motherboards) but that was a long time ago (back in the days of 5-1/4 and 
Token Ring). I don't know what typical admin policies would be now. But 
todays' motherboards seem much more likely to have an option for picking 
the boot medium on reboot (but also more options to disable media booting 
which you would need to get into the BIOS settings to change).

--Paul Fernhout
Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] Shuttleworth Summit

2006-04-22 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

You are prudent to avoid politics in your public comments as the leader 
and BDFL for the free Python community (a double edge of celebrity, and 
you handle it well). And we would expect no less of you. :-)

But the reality is politics is about resource allocation, including that 
done by a community of free and open source developers, so it plays into 
any design discussion (even if only done implicitly). Humans live and 
breath politics, even when they make a decision just to go code in a 
corner (which is not always a bad decision, of course. :-).

Or, to paraphrase Carl von Clausewitz:
Software is is merely a continuation of politics [by other means]. :-)
[Though see the article for the rest of that story.]

And perhaps Kirby and I are not so far apart in some ways. :-) Certainly 
almost anyone on this list is looking for something better than what we 
have now for math and science education, with the hopes Python can be a 
part of it. I am very impressed with what Kirby is able to do with using 
existing Python tools for education. I can just wonder how much more he 
could do in a more post _Voyage from Yesteryear_ context, where compulsory 
schools have withered away as we know them now. :-)
See also Hogan's _Mission to Minerva_ for more on an alternative vision of 
schooling (presented in passing):

If you are looking for a middle way for Python, then by all means, make 
something attractive for both unschooling and schooling. Or, as an 
approach, write something for constructivist open-ended unschooling (like 
we did with our Garden Simulator) and then get someone like Kirby write a 
curriculum guide for it for when teachers choose to use it in school. :-) 
Seriously though, I'd rather Kirby wrote such a guide than someone less 
inspired, and as long as school exists, you need someone like Kirby to 
interface with them and their ways of doing things. And if you follow some 
of Alan Kay's ideas, that is probably where you will end up.

Consider what Alan Kay says here:
BC : So is the Dynabook just another potential learning tool?
AK : It's just like a musical instrument. You don't need it. The most 
important thing about any musical instrument is that you don't need the 
damn thing in the first place. Because people all have got an instrument 
inside them. If you have a great musician and a bunch of children, you've 
got music, because that person can teach them how to sing. On the other 
hand, you can have the best instruments in the world, but if the music 
teacher is no good, nothing's going to happen. You can look for the music 
inside the piano, but that's not where it is. Same thing with the 
Dynabook. You don't need technology to learn science and math. You just 
absolutely don't need it. What you need to have are the right conditions. 
In music, if you've got the right conditions and you've got music 
happening, then the instruments amplify what you've got like mad. The best 
thing a teacher can do is to set up the best conditions for each kid to 
learn. Once you have that, then the computer can help immeasurably. 
Conversely, just putting computers in the schools without creating a rich 
learning environment is useless -- worse than useless, because it's a red 
herring. There's a sense something good is happening, when nothing real is 
happening at all. Marshall McLuhan made the point that one of the crucial 
things about printed books was that you didn't have to read them in a 
social setting, such as a classroom. People can pursue knowledge 
independently and from the most unorthodox, subversive, or just plain 
weird points of view. But that is rarely how things are taught in school. 
Most educators want kids to learn things in the form of belief rather than 
being able to construct a kind of skeptical scaffolding, which is what 
science is all about. The ability to explore and test multiple points of 
view is one of the great strengths of our culture, but you'd never know it 
by looking at a classroom. Science today is taught in America as a secular 
religion. But science is not the same as knowing the things learned by 
science. Science itself is a stance in relationship to knowledge. In order 
to do science, you have to give up the notion of truth. Because we don't 
know the world directly; we know the world through our mind's 
representational systems, which are like maps. Science is a map that is 
always incomplete, and so it can always be criticized and improved. And 
that's why it's so effective at, say, treating diabetes, or whatever. 
Because the map is incomplete, it can always be improved, and so it is the 
best way to deal with what is. One of the problems with the way computers 
are used in education is that they 

Re: [Edu-sig] Moving forward an educational Python environment

2006-04-22 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

It's really exciting to see the idea moving forward of Squeak concepts
running on a stable Python base that all was under conventional free and
open source licenses, and that Squeak-like technology could finally be
in the free part of a Debian-based distribution.

I'm certainly willing to throw my hat in the ring (not to discourage
anybody else, though :-); however, see the end for some limitations.
I'm posting this to the edusig list because people might be interested in
commenting on these ideas or working them into their own proposals.

I'm happy to privately send a resume (since we are talking funding here),
but for now instead here are my initial thoughts on how I would approach
this. Obviously, these notions could be refined by talking to other people
(especially Squeakers) at the start. And tactics would also depend on who
else wanted to help. Essentially they cover choice of language and
technologies, and then a sketch of a development plan. The major parts of
the development plan as I see it initially would include roughly in order:
* adding more support for changing Python applications while they are
* getting a Smalltalk-like language on top of Python that uses Python
libraries, (optional, but Squeaker-friendly)
* integrating in a HyperCard/PythonCard derivative,
* stress testing the system by getting one or more major constructivist
educational applications under it (like our Garden Simulator),
* adding eToys and Logo support,
* and finally moving into work on supporting 2D/3D Croquet-like
capabilities (the last item being what would take a very long time, having
future subplans, and so on).

How polished any of those things end up being would be a function of how
much other people get involved; I would see my initial goal to get the
systems working together under Ubuntu and then hope others will see value
in them and help keep them going as I take on a more coordinating role as
time goes by (though I'd rather be coding when I can, especially in such a
neat system.)

=== objective ===

The overall objective would be to capture the excitement Alan Kay conveys
about Squeak Smalltalk, eToys, Croquet and so on, but do that on a stable
and freely licensed Python base. The specific goal would be using Python
to deliver constructivist educational activities, both helping people
create 3D simulations and helping people use a variety of programming
styles (code, icons, HyperCard, etc.). Integrated communications from
multiple users is important in the full system, though perhaps not at
first? The system should both be novice friendly and of interest to experts.

As per my previous comments, overall I'd personally focus more on
supporting constructivist self-education without a teacher's direct
involvement or the need for a specific curriculum (beyond simple
tutorials, etc.). However, I'd concede such a system in use within the
classroom would be better than what schools have now, and it would be nice
to have someone write school curriculum units related to it (though I
personally would not want to make a lot of design concessions for school
as opposed to home use, though I don't expect they are needed much anyway).

=== choice of Python ===

On Python vs. Jython: I'm quite happy to work mainly in Python and not
Jython, despite my earlier (and see below) plugs for Jython. :-)
One can make strong arguments for basing the project in CPython too. :-)

I'd still argue though that if you want a browser plugin then using Jython
somehow is the best way to go, and I would not want to put any effort
myself on plugin support if the project was done in CPython (though would
be still happy to coordinate that if someone pursued that). My thinking is
that if plugin applets really mattered, we'd see  more of them already
with Jython. Once a good system is working, Jython could still be a web
deployment vehicle for some parts of the system (like eToys or stand-alone
simulations, though probably requiring a compatibility layer). I don't see
IronPython as a good candidate because of the patent uncertainty etc.
related to dotnet/Mono issues, especially if GNU/Linux is a first platform.

=== tool philosophy ===

Keeping with the Python philosophy, I would see this as a suite of tools
which each might be supported by different technologies (including
different GUI libraries). To keep this manageable, I would focus first on
something that runs on top of Debian GNU/Linux. Ubuntu is such a platform,
and would be the obvious development platform and test place for packages,
though I currently run plain Debian, so I would have to switch eventually.

However, I would keep in mind Mac and Windows support in a choice of
cross-platform approaches (likely one or more of wxWidgets, SDL, and
OpenGL, though I found the Mozilla idea intriguing too) and perhaps
developing a compatibility layer for some parts of the system. But making
cross-platform support a priority would only come in as others committed
to be at active 

Re: [Edu-sig] Shuttleworth Summit

2006-04-22 Thread Paul D. Fernhout
kirby urner wrote:
 I've read some Gatto and know about unschooling.  But how does that
 tie in to your advocacy for Jython, for example?  

No direct link.

I just think Jython is great technology considering Java's (technically) 
undeserved success in the market. :-) Also, if you want browser plugin 
support for Python, Jython already has it running as a Java applet, and 
that will cover more versions of more browsers than anything we can 
realistically hope to support with another flavor of Python. If plugin 
support is not important, then CPython seems a better choice to me
for an educational Python with the least licensing and deployment and 
dependency issues and with the greatest current support.

  And what does this
 sentence even mean:  Mark sets out to do good; my worry is how many
 Bucky Fullers the curriculum he plans is about to grind to ruin.

In the context of the previous statement there, and if you consider 
Gatto's points about just about every inner-city kid he taught being a 
potential great success at contributing something to society,
as well as the actual success of a place like the Albany Free School with 
kids who have problems at other conventional schools:
it means that schooling centered around the current needs of the 
curriculum instead of the current needs of the student actively harms the 
potential of most kids. And, as Gatto suggests, modern schools were 
designed to do just that -- to be levelers, not amplifiers. In order to 
level someone, you need to grind them down one way or another to fit some 
standard. :-( Today Bucky Fuller might have been placed in a special ed 
class and then likely put on Ritalin for obsessing about those dried peas 
and not paying enough attention to the teacher in class. Drugged up and 
labeled a failure from kindergarten, he might never have developed enough 
self-esteem to think great thoughts (or make them known to the world). 
Granted, schools do try to raise others up to the standard (but usually 
fail miserably at that anyway, which is OK, because it failures 
paradoxically justifies the need for schooling, because the kid is usually 

As Gatto points out, the ironic thing when we say schools are failing, 
is that the reality is that schools are actually succeeding at what they 
were designed to do. They were designed mainly by industrialists
to make most people into compliant factory workers and consumers. Ideal 
consumers and factory workers from an industrialist point of view are not 
skeptical people -- thus the focus on science as a collection of facts, 
not a way of skeptical thought. The problem is just that the purpose to 
which they were designed in a very public way two to three generations ago 
(with ultimately the buy-in of most people at the time) is no longer the 
purpose which we now desperately need them to fulfill (which is now to 
create citizens for a dynamic and technology oriented 21st century) We are 
facing a variety of specific issues resulting in part from the very 
success of consumerism and industrialism, and it is often that the success 
of one generation turns out to be the problem of the next as conditions 
change in part from that success. For example, the US had a lot of 
productive factories for two generations, so now the problem is more what 
to do with all the stuff we have (including how to power it and recycle it 

 I can't understand your logic yet.  The commitment is to bottom-up
 curriculum development, not one guy (not me, not anyone) imposing some
 top-down compulsory must learn thing, except insofar as we tie to
 the pre-existing national curriculum for South Africa.

Hundreds of years ago, most kids learned what they needed to know from 
family and community, though some wealthy people had one-on-one tutors for 
their kids. The notion of sticking a bunch of kids the same age together 
in a room and expecting them to all learn the same thing at the same time 
is only in the last century or so, and it is clearly not how children 
learn best, since kids are ready to grasp ideas at very unpredictable 
times. It is a waste of a child's and a teacher's time to try before they 
are ready -- whether reading, writing, arithmetic, or other things, but 
that waste is exactly what an age based curriculum demands. So no 
curriculum, even a bottom-up one that expects kids to learn something in 
a specific year (let alone in a specific month or day) is going to be good 
for kids overall. Enough such interactions grinds down kids into tiny 
fractions of what they could of been (and it is not too good for the 
teachers psyche either); it makes many kids actively hate education, or at 
least hate and fear specific subjects (often math, but also often 
reading). Boredom by itself isn't torture and is an important part of 
life, but forcing kids to be in boring situations they 

Re: [Edu-sig] Shuttleworth Summit

2006-04-22 Thread Paul D. Fernhout

A fair enough request.

Summary: Schooling is not the same as education. Any country seeking to 
develop is not going to improve itself in the 21st century by adopting an 
outdated child management method called schooling -- which even in the 
USA has been discarded by the parents of about one to two million 
homeschooled and unschooled kids (and growing). Efforts to change 
schooling with open ended technology have a history of failure (e.g. 
Lego/Logo) as the school system micromanages them to neutralize their 
potential. Propping up such schooling systems may be ultimately 
counterproductive and simply prolong the suffering, as opposed to 
investing funds into newer ideas, like free schools or home-based 
unschooling. Ideally, instead of a school, put a free-admission science 
and technology museum and library as an educational resource center in 
every community which kids can visit whenever they want (100 successful 
demonstration centers might change public opinion). Focus investments 
where the solutions are coming from, not where the problems are caused. A 
future educational Python should focus more on being a good match for 
those new educational paradigms than trying to prop up the old failing 
one. So, design an educational Python evolved from Squeak ideals that is 
good for use in TuxLabs, Fablabs, science centers, libraries, and homes. 
If it is also helpful to kids at school, that would be a nice bonus.

--Paul Fernhout
A mantra for those who would help others who are disadvantaged with less 
likelihood of alienating them (especially in other countries): I help you 
not out of charity, but out of a realization that my own liberation is 
bound up with yours. I hope someday you pass on this gift to others when 
you are able to.

Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Is there any way you could say this in less than 20 lines? As it
 stands it's way too long for me to read.
 I'd like to present Shuttleworth's POV in capsule.
 South Africa's educational system is bankrupt (not literally but
 practically). With limited means compared to the SA department of
 education (see the financials downloadable from
 Shuttleworth is trying to provide something useful for SA's poorest
 kids to prevent a whole generation from being lost. I severely doubt
 that whatever might fix the US educational system will work in SA.
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