[Educasup] Journée d'étude "Langage, pensée et perception" ( Nantes, 3/12)

2021-11-19 Par sujet Michael Murez
Chères et chers collègues,

Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le programme d'une journée d'étude "Langage,
pensée et perception" qui aura lieu le 3 décembre 2021 à l'Université de
Nantes (salle C248, bâtiment Censive). Il sera demandé aux participants,
dont le nombre sera limité, de respecter strictement les gestes barrières.
Si vous souhaitez assister à cette journée, merci d'écrire obligatoirement
au préalable à michael.mu...@univ-nantes.fr

Bien cordialement,

Michael Murez

9.30 – 10.30 Brent Strickland (IJN, Paris) *Re-thinking core cognition:
Core physics in adult vision and its theoretical implications*

10.30 – 10.50 Dawei Bai (IJN, Paris) *The solidity principle in visual

11.10 – 11.50 Michael Murez (CAPhi, Nantes) *Are mental files transparent?*

11.50 – 12.10 David Schwitzgebel (IJN, Paris) *Seeing possible objects*

14.00 – 14.20 Andreas Falck (IJN, Paris) *Interference from parallel task
representations: are others' beliefs special?*

14.20 – 15.00 Chiara Brozzo (Logos, Barcelone) *Transformative Experiences:
Many More Than You'd Think*

15.20 – 15.40 Enzo Corpel (Nantes) *Illusionism and Moral Error Theory*

15.40 – 16.20 Sophie Keeling (Logos, Barcelone) *Agent's awareness and
responding to reasons*

16.40 – 18.00 Eric Mandelbaum (Baruch College/CUNY Graduate Center, New
York) & Nicolas Porot (UM6P, Rabat) *The Best Game in Town: The
Re-Emergence of the Language of Thought Hypothesis Across the Cognitive


[Educasup] Journée d'études sur l'action et le libre arbitre, 23 Septembre 2019, Nantes

2019-09-07 Par sujet Michael Murez
23 Septembre 2019
*Journée d'études sur l'action et le libre arbitre*
Centre Atlantique de Philosophie (Université de Nantes)

Lieu: Salle C248, bâtiment Censive, Chemin de la Censive du Tertre
44313, Nantes.

La journée d'études aura lieu en anglais, avec la possibilité de poser des
questions en français. Pour plus d'informations, écrire à:


10h - Nadine Elzein (Oxford) "Processes, Events, and Disappearing Agents"

11h30- Philippe Lusson (NYU Paris) "More structures of agency:
understanding the role of normative and evaluative attitudes"

14h - Jean-Baptiste Guillon (Universidad de Navarra) "The Free Will Problem
as an Integration Problem"

15h30 - *Conférence atlantique de philosophie 2019*
Tim O'Connor (Indiana University Bloomington) "How Do We Know That We Are

Résumé : Nous, êtres humains, sommes enclins à croire que nous sommes
libres - que ce que nous faisons est souvent et dans une large mesure
‘dépendant de nous’, grâce à l’exercice d’un pouvoir de choix pour prendre
ou nous retenir de prendre une des possibilités alternatives dont nous
sommes conscients. Je mettrai à l’épreuve la source et la justification
épistémique de notre ‘croyance en la liberté’ et proposerai une conception
qui ne repose pas principalement sur notre expérience en première personne
de nos choix et de nos actions. J’envisagerai ensuite plusieurs réponses
incompatibilistes à l’objection de certains compatibilistes, selon lesquels
le statut épistémique ‘privilégié’ dont jouit la croyance en la liberté (et
que ma conception assume) ne supporte qu'une conception minimale et donc
compatibiliste de la nature de la liberté.

Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici:  

[Educasup] CFA OASIS 2 in Nantes Oct.16-18 Extended deadline

2019-06-19 Par sujet Michael Murez
Ontology As Structured by the Interfaces with Semantics 2 (OASIS 2) will
take place in Nantes, France, on October 16-18, 2019. This is the second
in a series of interdisciplinary conferences on formal semantic ontology
organized by the CNRS-funded international research network OASIS.

Invited speakers:

Sudha Arunachalam (New York University)
Rose-Marie Déchaine (University of British Columbia)
Nicola Guarino (ISTC - CNR)
Angelika Kratzer (UMass Amherst)
Brent Strickland (IJN - CNRS)


The OASIS conference series aims to promote conversation and
cross-fertilization across different disciplines, using ontological
questions as shared reference points. The broad questions in the
background are these:

1. What basic ontological building blocks do we use to talk and think
about the world?
2. How do these building blocks get combined?
3. How do grammatical and cognitive phenomena motivate the answers to the
first two questions?

We welcome contributions from semanticists as well as from researchers in
domains of cognition that interface with semantics. We would like the
OASIS conferences to help foster new perspectives and to provide a forum
around which a new research community can coalesce.

The first installment of the series, OASIS 1 (Paris, November 2018)
brought together researchers from formal semantics, natural language
syntax, philosophy, psychology/psycholinguistics, language development,
neuroscience/neurolinguistics, and computational linguistics. Some
aspects of the exchanges at OASIS 1 are summarized on the OASIS 1 site
(http://oasis.cnrs.fr/oasis1) and on Gillian Ramchand's blog
(https://gillianramchand.blog/2018/11/ ). The range of talks at OASIS 1
gives an indication of the kinds of topics that we welcome at OASIS
conferences. There were, for instance, talks about flexible aspects of
linguistic meaning, about categorization in verbal vs. nonverbal
populations, about the acquisition of counterfactuality and its linguistic
expression, and about the format of syntactic structure from an embodied
cognition perspective. The OASIS credo at http://oasis.cnrs.fr/credo
lists a variety of topics relevant to the broad questions that interest


We invite submissions of abstracts for 30-MINUTE ORAL PRESENTATIONS (+ 10
minutes discussion) on any topic pertaining to the shared interests and
assumptions of the OASIS network, as well as for POSTER PRESENTATIONS WITH
LIGHTNING TALKS. Abstracts should be submitted via the EasyChair page
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=oasis2 . The EXTENDED submission
deadline is 9am GMT on Saturday June 29 2019.

Abstracts must be anonymous and should be at most 2 pages (A4 or US
Letter) in length, including examples and references, using a 12pt font
with 1 inch (2.5 cm) margins on all four sides. These limitations will be
strictly enforced. A single author can send no more than one
singly-authored and one co-authored abstract, or two co-authored
abstracts. Your submission should specify whether it is to be considered
for an oral presentation or a poster. We will not accept papers that at
the time of the conference have been published or have been accepted for

Please keep in mind that this is an interdisciplinary conference, and
write your abstract accordingly. This means that the broad goals of the
research (e.g. to understand language architecture, to understand brain
architecture) and any subgoals should be mentioned. We very much welcome
work that brings attention to data from less-familiar languages; if you
propose such an abstract, keep the dataset as streamlined as possible to
give the audience a chance to understand the issues at stake. Finally, if
you work in a formal framework, your proposal must be explained in words
as well as in your formal framework.

Contact address: oasis2-info AT services.cnrs.fr .

Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici:  