Re: [Elecraft] K2 panadapter bandwidth?

2017-04-07 Thread Don Wilhelm


What band?  That is dependent on the width of the bandpass filter which 
will vary from band to band.
Are you sure it is not falloff from your soundcard - that is another 
source of falloff in the stream, as well as the bandwidth of your SDR 
receiver - I know nothing about the FiFi SDR, so I cannot comment on 
thatm only raisse the possibility.


On 4/8/2017 12:28 AM, Harry Yingst via Elecraft wrote:

I was curious as to those running a panadapter with the K2.
How much bandwidth are you able to see?
I hooked up my FiFi SDR to the IF out and at 192 khz the band edges are faded 
Thank you

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Re: [Elecraft] Was Amplifier - Now RF exposure limits

2017-04-07 Thread Walter Underwood
To bring it back to amateur radio, I found FCC publication OET65b fairly 
straightforward. No need to exercise what I learned in the fields & waves class 
I took in college (got a C+, I think).

I expect the program is handy, but it is Windows-only, so I can’t use it. But 
the FCC worksheet can be completed with simple arithmetic. Every US amateur 
needs to fill out the worksheet.

If you are using a mag loop, you need to do a different calculation for near 
field exposure. Roughly, keep yourself one meter away and other people at least 
two meters away. The fields are very strong near the loop.

Walter Underwood
CM87wj (my blog)

> On Apr 7, 2017, at 9:58 PM, Vic Rosenthal  wrote:
> I strongly disagree. The heating effect - which is the only scientifically 
> verifiable effect from RF exposure - is far smaller at HF than radar 
> frequencies. Yes, you don't look into a horn antenna of an operating radar 
> transmitter, but a 20 meter dipole is a different story entirely. The 
> exposure limits mandated by the FCC (and by the authorities in this country 
> too) serve only to cover various butts against opportunistic lawsuits. 
> Vic 4X6GP
>> On 7 Apr 2017, at 22:55, Gmail - George  wrote:
>> Ed & Brian,
>> My father had severe health consequences from working in a classroom with 
>> operating military radars!
>> Since the adoption of OET 65 in the late 90s, all licensees (including Hams) 
>> have had the responsibility to insure their station is in complete 
>> compliance with RF exposure limit guidelines.
>> Most likely during your last license renewal or application for a new 
>> license, you checked a box stating you would insure compliance with 
>> non-ionization radiation limits.
>> Those guidelines are contained in bulletin OET 65.
>> For Hams OET 65 Supplement B 
>> (
>> gives us some shortcuts to insure compliance without the tedious 
>> calculations. Many of the tables were provided by ARRL & the W5YI Group.
>> There are also calculators available on the internet to make it quite easy. 
>> Googleing "amateur radio oet 65 calculator" returned many to choose from.
>> The only caveat I will give is that most of the shortcuts and calculators 
>> are for a single transmitting antenna at a specific location. Multiple 
>> radiating antenna WILL change the protection distances - Field Day & group 
>> contesting come to mind!
>> Use to be we had to submit OET 65 compliance statements when licensing all 
>> transmitters for Broadcast Stations ranging from 150 MHz to 23 GHz. I 
>> believe we finally could use just a blanket cover statement ; but it has 
>> been a while since I licensed a non-Ham transmitter.
>> You do need to insure you are in compliance - to protect your family, 
>> friends, neighbors and yourself.
>> 73
>> George
>> AI4VZ
>> From: brian
>> "Considered dangerous" isn't quite right.  The jury is out of the exact
>> danger levels of RF for all the various frequencies.  These distances
>> are more of an accepted limit that protects you from inquiries regarding
>> RF exposure.  Pointing to the distances being met helps get you off the
>> hook.
>> People will be surprised to see how small the distances these
>> calculations are-- especially at lower frequencies.
>> One note often overlooked. The distance is defined as the distance from
>> feedpoint (usually center) of the antenna.
>> Also the duty cycle can be considered in the calculation.  There are
>> stock duty cycles for SSB and CW given in the documentation.
>> Antenna gain may have to be included.
>> It used to be that anything at 100 watts and below at HF was exempted.
>> I believe that has changed.
>> 73 de Brian/K3KO
>>> On 4/7/2017 16:06 PM, Edward R Cole wrote:
>>> In the USAmerica ham's now have the *responsibility* of determining the
>>> safe operating zones for each antenna per FCC regulation.  I doubt many
>>> ever do the calculation.  Fortunately Australian ham Doug MacArthur (sk)
>>> VK3UM (a well known eme'r) has written a program which you can download
>>> for free.  I will simulate the emf fields base on your input data like
>>> antenna, power, height, band and produces the legal exclusion zones
>>> where RF exposure is considered dangerous.
>>> Its not hard to use and provides some interesting if not surprising info
>>> about your station safety.
>>> As I already stated, it is the legal requirement for all US hams to have
>>> evaluated safe range for humans before operating.
>>> Eg:  half-wave dipole, 1400w, line loss 0.5 dB, 14.2 MHz: exclusion =

Re: [Elecraft] Was Amplifier - Now RF exposure limits

2017-04-07 Thread Vic Rosenthal
I did this too. They cut the carrier just long enough for me to get up above 
the base insulator. We used to joke about being complicit in radiating trashy 

Vic 4X6GP

> On 8 Apr 2017, at 03:05, Fred Jensen  wrote:
>> On 4/7/2017 4:05 PM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:
>> Remember, the microwave oven was "invented" by an engineer working around
>> magnetron RF sources and discovered the "Hershey" chocolate bar in his shirt
>> pocket had melted. When he figured out why, the "Radar Range" (first brand
>> of microwave oven) was born.
> So the story goes.  However, I believe I invented the microwave oven when I 
> discovered I could cram a hot dog into the feedhorn and it would heat up in a 
> few tens of seconds.  Sadly, Amana came along with the name "Radar Range," 
> and "cram it into the feedhorn" as a name was consumer toast.  I've also 
> noted that chocolate bars get really soft in my shirt pocket, magnetrons or 
> not.
>> One cold night in the late 1950's, working outside on a flight line of F-86D
>> fighters lined up wingtip to wingtip for preflight repairs and testing, I
>> concluded I must be catching the flu. I felt weak hot and sweaty after
>> several minutes talking with someone. We were standing in front of the
>> planes, most of which had the nose radomes removed for testing the
>> fire-control radar systems. Looking up, I noticed the radar antenna of one
>> plane across the way with someone sitting in the cockpit was pointing
>> directly at me. On a hunch, I took a few steps to one side and the antenna
>> twitched to follow me. I immediately moved completely out of the way and
>> within a short time I felt quite normal.
> Working my way thru college at the local TV station, the CE offered me $50 
> each time to climb the tower and replace the clearance lamps twice a year.  
> FAA requirement.  They sent me to climbing school at the local utility, 
> provided an approved harness, I "climbed" on a ladder inside the tower with a 
> fall arrestor hooked to a cable down the center.  $50 was big money then.  We 
> were on a ridge, I could see the Pacific after 100 ft or so, wind was 
> constant, and it was cold even in summer.  I climbed in the warmest part of 
> the day, and we were on the air of course.  The last clearance lamps were at 
> the base of the mast holding the turnstile antenna, bottom of which was about 
> 40 ft above me.  I warmed nicely doing those three lamps, and it made the 
> downhill leg a lot more comfortable.  OSHA today would have had a cow.
> I use an HOA-Stealth antenna with my K3 at home, an end-fed wire along the 
> wooden fence.  I did the calcs, and at 100W, we're definitely safe.  I do 
> flash the two touch lamps in the bedroom on 80 and 160 but those things will 
> turn on if I sneeze. [:-)
> The calcs are really easy on the on-line devices, I used the ARRL one.  Paste 
> the results in your station notebook and you're home free.
> 73,
> Fred ("Skip") K6DGW
> Sparks NV USA
> Washoe County DM09dn
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Re: [Elecraft] Was Amplifier - Now RF exposure limits

2017-04-07 Thread Vic Rosenthal
I strongly disagree. The heating effect - which is the only scientifically 
verifiable effect from RF exposure - is far smaller at HF than radar 
frequencies. Yes, you don't look into a horn antenna of an operating radar 
transmitter, but a 20 meter dipole is a different story entirely. The exposure 
limits mandated by the FCC (and by the authorities in this country too) serve 
only to cover various butts against opportunistic lawsuits. 

Vic 4X6GP

> On 7 Apr 2017, at 22:55, Gmail - George  wrote:
> Ed & Brian,
> My father had severe health consequences from working in a classroom with 
> operating military radars!
> Since the adoption of OET 65 in the late 90s, all licensees (including Hams) 
> have had the responsibility to insure their station is in complete 
> compliance with RF exposure limit guidelines.
> Most likely during your last license renewal or application for a new 
> license, you checked a box stating you would insure compliance with 
> non-ionization radiation limits.
> Those guidelines are contained in bulletin OET 65.
> For Hams OET 65 Supplement B 
> (
> gives us some shortcuts to insure compliance without the tedious 
> calculations. Many of the tables were provided by ARRL & the W5YI Group.
> There are also calculators available on the internet to make it quite easy. 
> Googleing "amateur radio oet 65 calculator" returned many to choose from.
> The only caveat I will give is that most of the shortcuts and calculators 
> are for a single transmitting antenna at a specific location. Multiple 
> radiating antenna WILL change the protection distances - Field Day & group 
> contesting come to mind!
> Use to be we had to submit OET 65 compliance statements when licensing all 
> transmitters for Broadcast Stations ranging from 150 MHz to 23 GHz. I 
> believe we finally could use just a blanket cover statement ; but it has 
> been a while since I licensed a non-Ham transmitter.
> You do need to insure you are in compliance - to protect your family, 
> friends, neighbors and yourself.
> 73
> George
> From: brian
> "Considered dangerous" isn't quite right.  The jury is out of the exact
> danger levels of RF for all the various frequencies.  These distances
> are more of an accepted limit that protects you from inquiries regarding
> RF exposure.  Pointing to the distances being met helps get you off the
> hook.
> People will be surprised to see how small the distances these
> calculations are-- especially at lower frequencies.
> One note often overlooked. The distance is defined as the distance from
> feedpoint (usually center) of the antenna.
> Also the duty cycle can be considered in the calculation.  There are
> stock duty cycles for SSB and CW given in the documentation.
> Antenna gain may have to be included.
> It used to be that anything at 100 watts and below at HF was exempted.
> I believe that has changed.
> 73 de Brian/K3KO
>> On 4/7/2017 16:06 PM, Edward R Cole wrote:
>> In the USAmerica ham's now have the *responsibility* of determining the
>> safe operating zones for each antenna per FCC regulation.  I doubt many
>> ever do the calculation.  Fortunately Australian ham Doug MacArthur (sk)
>> VK3UM (a well known eme'r) has written a program which you can download
>> for free.  I will simulate the emf fields base on your input data like
>> antenna, power, height, band and produces the legal exclusion zones
>> where RF exposure is considered dangerous.
>> Its not hard to use and provides some interesting if not surprising info
>> about your station safety.
>> As I already stated, it is the legal requirement for all US hams to have
>> evaluated safe range for humans before operating.
>> Eg:  half-wave dipole, 1400w, line loss 0.5 dB, 14.2 MHz: exclusion =
>> 3.06m radially; safe height 2.60m for FCC.  Also provides ARPNSA and CEU
>> radiation limits.
>> 73, Ed - KL7uW
> __
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Re: [Elecraft] Was Amplifier - Now RF exposure limits

2017-04-07 Thread Wes Stewart
I spent a good part of my career at Hughes Aircraft working on the Phoenix 
Missile transmitter/receiver unit.  Being an RF guy I was asked once to design 
and build a 225 MHz PA that would deliver a couple of hundred watts output when 
driven by an HP608 signal generator. The object was to drive a 10 dB gain Yagi 
that would illuminate a Phoenix in a lab to simulate what the missile was seeing 
under the wing of an F-14 on the deck of the carrier Enterprise.

Phoenix had a feature called MOAT (missile-on-aircraft-test) that preformed some 
limited tests just before the aircraft was launched.  A lot of failures were 
happening that could not be repeated after the aircraft was removed from the 
flight deck and the missile unloaded.  Of course this was an operational PITA 
that needed fixing.  It was finally hypothesized that the failures were due to 
RFI from the AN/SPS-32 OTH radar that was a feature on Enterprise.  Some 
analytical type determined that 100W into the Yagi 10 feet from the missile 
would be the equivalent of what the missile and the deckhands were seeing on the 
carrier deck.

Since our lab didn't (yet) have an anechoic chamber large enough to do the test 
these guys planned to do it in a regular lab environment.  I told them that I 
would (and did) build the PA, but I didn't want to be anywhere near it during 
the testing.  I'm glad I wasn't on the carrier deck either.

Wes  N7WS

On 4/7/2017 5:05 PM, Fred Jensen wrote:

On 4/7/2017 4:05 PM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

Remember, the microwave oven was "invented" by an engineer working around
magnetron RF sources and discovered the "Hershey" chocolate bar in his shirt
pocket had melted. When he figured out why, the "Radar Range" (first brand
of microwave oven) was born.
So the story goes.  However, I believe I invented the microwave oven when I 
discovered I could cram a hot dog into the feedhorn and it would heat up in a 
few tens of seconds.  Sadly, Amana came along with the name "Radar Range," and 
"cram it into the feedhorn" as a name was consumer toast.  I've also noted 
that chocolate bars get really soft in my shirt pocket, magnetrons or not.

One cold night in the late 1950's, working outside on a flight line of F-86D
fighters lined up wingtip to wingtip for preflight repairs and testing, I
concluded I must be catching the flu. I felt weak hot and sweaty after
several minutes talking with someone. We were standing in front of the
planes, most of which had the nose radomes removed for testing the
fire-control radar systems. Looking up, I noticed the radar antenna of one
plane across the way with someone sitting in the cockpit was pointing
directly at me. On a hunch, I took a few steps to one side and the antenna
twitched to follow me. I immediately moved completely out of the way and
within a short time I felt quite normal.
Working my way thru college at the local TV station, the CE offered me $50 
each time to climb the tower and replace the clearance lamps twice a year.  
FAA requirement.  They sent me to climbing school at the local utility, 
provided an approved harness, I "climbed" on a ladder inside the tower with a 
fall arrestor hooked to a cable down the center.  $50 was big money then.  We 
were on a ridge, I could see the Pacific after 100 ft or so, wind was 
constant, and it was cold even in summer.  I climbed in the warmest part of 
the day, and we were on the air of course. The last clearance lamps were at 
the base of the mast holding the turnstile antenna, bottom of which was about 
40 ft above me.  I warmed nicely doing those three lamps, and it made the 
downhill leg a lot more comfortable.  OSHA today would have had a cow.

I use an HOA-Stealth antenna with my K3 at home, an end-fed wire along the 
wooden fence.  I did the calcs, and at 100W, we're definitely safe.  I do 
flash the two touch lamps in the bedroom on 80 and 160 but those things will 
turn on if I sneeze. [:-)

The calcs are really easy on the on-line devices, I used the ARRL one.  Paste 
the results in your station notebook and you're home free.


Fred ("Skip") K6DGW
Sparks NV USA
Washoe County DM09dn 

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[Elecraft] K2 panadapter bandwidth?

2017-04-07 Thread Harry Yingst via Elecraft
I was curious as to those running a panadapter with the K2.
How much bandwidth are you able to see?
I hooked up my FiFi SDR to the IF out and at 192 khz the band edges are faded 
Thank you 

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Re: [Elecraft] Was Amplifier

2017-04-07 Thread Edward R Cole


First off,its apparent you did not look at the program I gave the 
link to.  Had you done that you would see factors for modulation, 
duty-cycle, antenna gain, etc.

Next,I could not recall the FCC paper: OET 65B, but VK3UM based his 
spreadsheet on this paper a similar papers done by European 
authorities; note the "safe"levels differ between which gov't 
authority is used.  The FCC did thorough study and came up with the 
guideline since they realized not all parties had the equipment or 
expertise to measure near-field RF power density.  Thus the 
simplifying guide which will generally suffice.

More likely one can enter a few known parameters about their station 
vs a total field density measurements.

I was responsible for 62 FCC commercial licenses and seven 
transmitting sites, so I did the FCC calcs by hand with calculator 
way before Doug wrote his  EMR program.
Also did mw safety measurements in the 1970's at NASA Goldstone 
Facility.  The 25mw/cm^2 measured at two miles would not pass today's 
limits.  85-foot dish pointed at you running 20KW CW at 2115 MHz.

I too have experience effects of mw radar testing with open waveguide 
(3kW peak).  Took about ten minutes to start getting a 
headache.  Then I threatened the stupid tech doing that with certain 
bodily injury if he did not use the dummy loads - duh!

I merely wanted all you on the list to know of this handy resource 
for calculating your RF exposure per gov't standards.  Its a minimum 
to try for.

73, Ed - KL7UW

Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2017 16:27:18 +
From: brian 
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Was Amplifier
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

"Considered dangerous" isn't quite right.  The jury is out of the exact
danger levels of RF for all the various frequencies.  These distances
are more of an accepted limit that protects you from inquiries regarding
RF exposure.  Pointing to the distances being met helps get you off the

People will be surprised to see how small the distances these
calculations are-- especially at lower frequencies.

One note often overlooked. The distance is defined as the distance from
feedpoint (usually center) of the antenna.

Also the duty cycle can be considered in the calculation.  There are
stock duty cycles for SSB and CW given in the documentation.

Antenna gain may have to be included.

It used to be that anything at 100 watts and below at HF was exempted.
I believe that has changed.

73 de Brian/K3KO

73, Ed - KL7UW
Dubus-NA Business mail: 

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Re: [Elecraft] kx2 utility for linux on Raspberry Pi

2017-04-07 Thread Matt Zilmer
If raspbian supports wine, you might try it.  You'd have to expose a COM 
or /dev/ttyUSBx port to the guest OS.  This might be a hassle, but once 
you get it working you'd probably be a hero to a bunch of Rasp 
Pians(hm... sic?).


matt W6NIA

On 4/7/2017 8:51 PM, murphy wrote:

Has anyone successfully installed the kx2util software on raspbian for
the raspberry pi 3?  The RPi-3 is a wonderful host for wsjtx and
fldigi.  It controls the kx2 like a dream with only two short audio
cables to a $5 usb sound card and the included usb cable.  I can then
control my kx2 via the RPi-3 using a virtual network computing window on
a remote desktop.  This allows me to control the kx2 in the drafty, cold
shack from the comfort of my computer room upstairs (or anywhere else,
for that matter).  The only drawback is getting kx2util installed so I
don't have to drag it upstairs for an upgrade.  I would appreciate
detailed instructions if anyone has had success!  Thanks - Murphy, KB3EOF
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"A delay is better than a disaster."
-- unknonwn

Matt Zilmer, W6NIA

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[Elecraft] kx2 utility for linux on Raspberry Pi

2017-04-07 Thread murphy
Has anyone successfully installed the kx2util software on raspbian for
the raspberry pi 3?  The RPi-3 is a wonderful host for wsjtx and
fldigi.  It controls the kx2 like a dream with only two short audio
cables to a $5 usb sound card and the included usb cable.  I can then
control my kx2 via the RPi-3 using a virtual network computing window on
a remote desktop.  This allows me to control the kx2 in the drafty, cold
shack from the comfort of my computer room upstairs (or anywhere else,
for that matter).  The only drawback is getting kx2util installed so I
don't have to drag it upstairs for an upgrade.  I would appreciate
detailed instructions if anyone has had success!  Thanks - Murphy, KB3EOF
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Re: [Elecraft] Was Amplifier

2017-04-07 Thread Bill Frantz
indicates 100W and below is exempted for 160M thru 15M. The 
figure for 12M is 75W, 10M thru 1.24M is 50W, 70cm is 70W and 
it's over 100W the rest of the way up.

73 Bill AE6JV

On 4/7/17 at 9:27 AM, (brian) wrote:

It used to be that anything at 100 watts and below at HF was exempted.
I believe that has changed.

Bill Frantz| If you want total security, go to prison. 
There you're
408-356-8506   | fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. 
The only | thing lacking is freedom. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

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[Elecraft] For Sale

2017-04-07 Thread Tom S Bingham

Hi All,

I am selling my KX3 station to finance another Elecraft purchase.
For sale is a KX3, PX3, and KXPA100 plus cover, stand, cables, manuals, 
and Fred Cady book.

If you are interested please visit my web site and 
click on KX3 Sale.

Contact me off list if you are interested:

Thanks and 73,

Tom Bingham WB7EUX
SKCC 9833S
NAQCC 6346

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Re: [Elecraft] Was Amplifier - Now RF exposure limits

2017-04-07 Thread Fred Jensen

On 4/7/2017 4:05 PM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

Remember, the microwave oven was "invented" by an engineer working around
magnetron RF sources and discovered the "Hershey" chocolate bar in his shirt
pocket had melted. When he figured out why, the "Radar Range" (first brand
of microwave oven) was born.
So the story goes.  However, I believe I invented the microwave oven 
when I discovered I could cram a hot dog into the feedhorn and it would 
heat up in a few tens of seconds.  Sadly, Amana came along with the name 
"Radar Range," and "cram it into the feedhorn" as a name was consumer 
toast.  I've also noted that chocolate bars get really soft in my shirt 
pocket, magnetrons or not.

One cold night in the late 1950's, working outside on a flight line of F-86D
fighters lined up wingtip to wingtip for preflight repairs and testing, I
concluded I must be catching the flu. I felt weak hot and sweaty after
several minutes talking with someone. We were standing in front of the
planes, most of which had the nose radomes removed for testing the
fire-control radar systems. Looking up, I noticed the radar antenna of one
plane across the way with someone sitting in the cockpit was pointing
directly at me. On a hunch, I took a few steps to one side and the antenna
twitched to follow me. I immediately moved completely out of the way and
within a short time I felt quite normal.
Working my way thru college at the local TV station, the CE offered me 
$50 each time to climb the tower and replace the clearance lamps twice a 
year.  FAA requirement.  They sent me to climbing school at the local 
utility, provided an approved harness, I "climbed" on a ladder inside 
the tower with a fall arrestor hooked to a cable down the center.  $50 
was big money then.  We were on a ridge, I could see the Pacific after 
100 ft or so, wind was constant, and it was cold even in summer.  I 
climbed in the warmest part of the day, and we were on the air of 
course.  The last clearance lamps were at the base of the mast holding 
the turnstile antenna, bottom of which was about 40 ft above me.  I 
warmed nicely doing those three lamps, and it made the downhill leg a 
lot more comfortable.  OSHA today would have had a cow.

I use an HOA-Stealth antenna with my K3 at home, an end-fed wire along 
the wooden fence.  I did the calcs, and at 100W, we're definitely safe.  
I do flash the two touch lamps in the bedroom on 80 and 160 but those 
things will turn on if I sneeze. [:-)

The calcs are really easy on the on-line devices, I used the ARRL one.  
Paste the results in your station notebook and you're home free.


Fred ("Skip") K6DGW
Sparks NV USA
Washoe County DM09dn

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Re: [Elecraft] Variable Scan Rate

2017-04-07 Thread Drew AF2Z

Having a user settable variable scan rate would indeed be very nice.

And for muted scanning it would be nice if the user could set the scan 
pause time.


On 04/07/17 15:58, Ron Reis wrote:

Haven't seen any comments on K3 frequency scanning -- maybe most folks
don't use it.  But it would sure be handy if we could change the scan rate
by rotating the VFO-B control when in scan mode.
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Re: [Elecraft] Was Amplifier

2017-04-07 Thread Jim Brown

On Fri,4/7/2017 9:27 AM, brian wrote:
"Considered dangerous" isn't quite right.  The jury is out of the 
exact danger levels of RF for all the various frequencies.  These 
distances are more of an accepted limit that protects you from 
inquiries regarding RF exposure.  Pointing to the distances being met 
helps get you off the hook.

In informal conversation with Ed Hare, W1RFI, several years ago, he 
observed that based on consensus research, FCC limits on radiation were 
quite conservative (that is, erring a lot in favor of safety).

73, Jim K9YC

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Re: [Elecraft] Was Amplifier - Now RF exposure limits

2017-04-07 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Setting exposure limits to anything potentially harmful is a legal and
medical minefield. The best I ever hope for is guidance, not limits. 

As George notes, some people have suffered significant harm from RF fields.
Others, not at all. 

Remember, the microwave oven was "invented" by an engineer working around
magnetron RF sources and discovered the "Hershey" chocolate bar in his shirt
pocket had melted. When he figured out why, the "Radar Range" (first brand
of microwave oven) was born.

One cold night in the late 1950's, working outside on a flight line of F-86D
fighters lined up wingtip to wingtip for preflight repairs and testing, I
concluded I must be catching the flu. I felt weak hot and sweaty after
several minutes talking with someone. We were standing in front of the
planes, most of which had the nose radomes removed for testing the
fire-control radar systems. Looking up, I noticed the radar antenna of one
plane across the way with someone sitting in the cockpit was pointing
directly at me. On a hunch, I took a few steps to one side and the antenna
twitched to follow me. I immediately moved completely out of the way and
within a short time I felt quite normal. Relating the experience to other
people working the flight line, I learned it was a common occurance. The
concept of being "cooked" by RF radiation was new and no one thought much of
it. I don't think I, nor did I hear of anyone else, being injured by the
experience, although I was thereafter careful not to stand in front of a
transmitting radar antenna again. Not that Lockheed wasn't paying attention.
We used to gather around the tailpipes on break after an engine run,
occasionally roasting a hot dog or sausage on a stick held up just inside
the afterburner which often still glowed red, and they quickly forbade that
practice for safety reasons. But non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation was
not on anyone's "radar" so to speak back then. 

73, Ron AC7AC 

-Original Message-
From: Elecraft [] On Behalf Of Gmail
- George
Sent: Friday, April 7, 2017 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Was Amplifier - Now RF exposure limits

Ed & Brian,
My father had severe health consequences from working in a classroom with
operating military radars!

Since the adoption of OET 65 in the late 90s, all licensees (including Hams)
have had the responsibility to insure their station is in complete
compliance with RF exposure limit guidelines.

Most likely during your last license renewal or application for a new
license, you checked a box stating you would insure compliance with
non-ionization radiation limits.
Those guidelines are contained in bulletin OET 65.
For Hams OET 65 Supplement B
gives us some shortcuts to insure compliance without the tedious
calculations. Many of the tables were provided by ARRL & the W5YI Group.

There are also calculators available on the internet to make it quite easy. 
Googleing "amateur radio oet 65 calculator" returned many to choose from.

The only caveat I will give is that most of the shortcuts and calculators
are for a single transmitting antenna at a specific location. Multiple
radiating antenna WILL change the protection distances - Field Day & group
contesting come to mind!

Use to be we had to submit OET 65 compliance statements when licensing all
transmitters for Broadcast Stations ranging from 150 MHz to 23 GHz. I
believe we finally could use just a blanket cover statement ; but it has
been a while since I licensed a non-Ham transmitter.

You do need to insure you are in compliance - to protect your family,
friends, neighbors and yourself.


From: brian

"Considered dangerous" isn't quite right.  The jury is out of the exact
danger levels of RF for all the various frequencies.  These distances are
more of an accepted limit that protects you from inquiries regarding RF
exposure.  Pointing to the distances being met helps get you off the hook.

People will be surprised to see how small the distances these calculations
are-- especially at lower frequencies.

One note often overlooked. The distance is defined as the distance from
feedpoint (usually center) of the antenna.

Also the duty cycle can be considered in the calculation.  There are stock
duty cycles for SSB and CW given in the documentation.

Antenna gain may have to be included.

It used to be that anything at 100 watts and below at HF was exempted.
I believe that has changed.

73 de Brian/K3KO

On 4/7/2017 16:06 PM, Edward R Cole wrote:
> In the USAmerica ham's now have the *responsibility* of determining 
> the safe operating zones for each antenna per FCC regulation.  I doubt 
> many ever do the calculation.  Fortunately Australian ham Doug 
> MacArthur (sk) VK3UM (a well known eme'r) has written a program which 
> you can download for free.  I will simulate the emf fields base on 
> you

Re: [Elecraft] K3S SSB TX monitor - feature request

2017-04-07 Thread Phil, GJ4CBQ

Fair comment, Joe.

My apologies.  Your original posting was spot-on.  I was distracted by 
mention of button assignments and macros; as your solution implies, not 

Interesting discussion, nonetheless.


On 07/04/2017 22:42, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:


*You* need to read the responses.  If Richard will *TURN OFF*
CONFIG:SPRK+PH, there will be no monitor feedback when using
the headphones.  Simple, effective, and completely documented
in the Owner's Manual (and has been since the very first K3).

Richard admits that he does not need the speakers when he is
using headphones/operating SSB.  There is no reason not to
simply mute the speakers when using phones.


   ... Joe, W4TV

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Re: [Elecraft] K3S SSB TX monitor - feature request

2017-04-07 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV


*You* need to read the responses.  If Richard will *TURN OFF*
CONFIG:SPRK+PH, there will be no monitor feedback when using
the headphones.  Simple, effective, and completely documented
in the Owner's Manual (and has been since the very first K3).

Richard admits that he does not need the speakers when he is
using headphones/operating SSB.  There is no reason not to
simply mute the speakers when using phones.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 4/7/2017 3:19 PM, Phil, GJ4CBQ wrote:


It might be worth your while re-reading Richard's posts.

What he is asking for is the **automatic** toggling of the monitor
function on insertion and removal of the headphone plug, without the use
of a macro.

The CONFIG:SPRK+PH setting does not achieve this.  And yes, I've been
using the PF2 key in the manner you describe for some years now.

Bob's suggestion of using the line out sounds promising, but I think
Richard is looking for a solution that doesn't involve an external
headphone amplifier.

Phil, GJ4CBQ.

On 07/04/2017 19:06, Jim Brown wrote:


Do you not read responses to your posts? Or do you reject anything that
contradicts what you seem to have made up your mind to believe? Several
of us have told you exactly how to accomplish what you want to do. I've
been doing it for almost as long as I've owned a K3 (2008 for the first
one).  NO changes are needed to the radio or the firmware. It's all
there. All you have to do is follow the advice you have been given. I
also suggest that you study the manual for the radio. It's all there.

73, Jim K9YC

On Fri,4/7/2017 1:03 AM, Richard Lamont wrote:

As there appears to be no way of doing this at the moment, I guess this
is a firmware feature request.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 FW 5.58?

2017-04-07 Thread Don Wilhelm


It is classified as "Field Test" right now.  If you want to try it, 
email Wayne directly (as he requested).


On 4/7/2017 3:51 PM, Ken K6MR wrote:

Trying to use the new AR command (switches the Rx ant on/off), but I see it was 
added in FW 5.58.  Latest versions I find (both beta and released locations) is 

Anyone know where it is?

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 loss of rx signal

2017-04-07 Thread Gmail - George
Try using a sharp soldering aid to "tighten" the female connector contact on 
the K3 & P3.
Pry the female center contacts inward just a bit.

-Original Message- 
From: Bill Breeden
Sent: Friday, April 7, 2017 1:18 PM
To: Jim LeFevre
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 loss of rx signal


I too had an issue with a couple of cables between my K3 and P3. Had to
wiggle the cable every few days to get rid of the extra noise on the
P3.  Finally replaced the cable with a 3 foot Amphenol BNC cable, part
number 115101-30-36.00 and have never had the issue again.  The cable is
made with LMR-100, which is skinny and flexible.  It's currently in
stock at Mouser for $18.66.


Bill - NA5DX

On 4/7/2017 11:09 AM, Jim LeFevre wrote:
> I'm replying late to this subject as I've been out of town and have many 
> digests to go thru...speaking of Amphenol BNC's: I have had continuing 
> problems with the original cable to go from K3 to P3 from day one. Yes, 
> those great folks at Elecraft sent me a replacement cable gratis, but I 
> have to deal with this every time I'm on the radio. I've cleaned, tweaked 
> and replaced, and the display problems come back eventually. I'm shopping 
> for making my own, and want to use amphenol solder (clamp) style for 
> RG-58. I've boiled it down to 31-2 and 31-212 (not 31-212RFX). On the 
> technical drawings the pins are drawn as a different shape! I can't see 
> any other difference except for price. I plan on also cabling to the RX 
> ANT In. Several posts were made regarding this subject including a link to 
> the general amphenol BNC page, without sharing which specific part you 
> use. Could you please share the exact part you use and why? Thanks! Jim 
> WN8A

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[Elecraft] Variable Scan Rate

2017-04-07 Thread Ron Reis
Haven't seen any comments on K3 frequency scanning -- maybe most folks
don't use it.  But it would sure be handy if we could change the scan rate
by rotating the VFO-B control when in scan mode.
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Re: [Elecraft] Was Amplifier - Now RF exposure limits

2017-04-07 Thread Gmail - George
Ed & Brian,
My father had severe health consequences from working in a classroom with 
operating military radars!

Since the adoption of OET 65 in the late 90s, all licensees (including Hams) 
have had the responsibility to insure their station is in complete 
compliance with RF exposure limit guidelines.

Most likely during your last license renewal or application for a new 
license, you checked a box stating you would insure compliance with 
non-ionization radiation limits.
Those guidelines are contained in bulletin OET 65.
For Hams OET 65 Supplement B 
gives us some shortcuts to insure compliance without the tedious 
calculations. Many of the tables were provided by ARRL & the W5YI Group.

There are also calculators available on the internet to make it quite easy. 
Googleing "amateur radio oet 65 calculator" returned many to choose from.

The only caveat I will give is that most of the shortcuts and calculators 
are for a single transmitting antenna at a specific location. Multiple 
radiating antenna WILL change the protection distances - Field Day & group 
contesting come to mind!

Use to be we had to submit OET 65 compliance statements when licensing all 
transmitters for Broadcast Stations ranging from 150 MHz to 23 GHz. I 
believe we finally could use just a blanket cover statement ; but it has 
been a while since I licensed a non-Ham transmitter.

You do need to insure you are in compliance - to protect your family, 
friends, neighbors and yourself.


From: brian

"Considered dangerous" isn't quite right.  The jury is out of the exact
danger levels of RF for all the various frequencies.  These distances
are more of an accepted limit that protects you from inquiries regarding
RF exposure.  Pointing to the distances being met helps get you off the

People will be surprised to see how small the distances these
calculations are-- especially at lower frequencies.

One note often overlooked. The distance is defined as the distance from
feedpoint (usually center) of the antenna.

Also the duty cycle can be considered in the calculation.  There are
stock duty cycles for SSB and CW given in the documentation.

Antenna gain may have to be included.

It used to be that anything at 100 watts and below at HF was exempted.
I believe that has changed.

73 de Brian/K3KO

On 4/7/2017 16:06 PM, Edward R Cole wrote:
> In the USAmerica ham's now have the *responsibility* of determining the
> safe operating zones for each antenna per FCC regulation.  I doubt many
> ever do the calculation.  Fortunately Australian ham Doug MacArthur (sk)
> VK3UM (a well known eme'r) has written a program which you can download
> for free.  I will simulate the emf fields base on your input data like
> antenna, power, height, band and produces the legal exclusion zones
> where RF exposure is considered dangerous.
> Its not hard to use and provides some interesting if not surprising info
> about your station safety.
> As I already stated, it is the legal requirement for all US hams to have
> evaluated safe range for humans before operating.
> Eg:  half-wave dipole, 1400w, line loss 0.5 dB, 14.2 MHz: exclusion =
> 3.06m radially; safe height 2.60m for FCC.  Also provides ARPNSA and CEU
> radiation limits.
> 73, Ed - KL7uW

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[Elecraft] K3 FW 5.58?

2017-04-07 Thread Ken K6MR
Trying to use the new AR command (switches the Rx ant on/off), but I see it was 
added in FW 5.58.  Latest versions I find (both beta and released locations) is 

Anyone know where it is?


Ken K6MR

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Re: [Elecraft] K3S SSB TX monitor - feature request

2017-04-07 Thread Graham Kimbell
I have spkrs and phones on all the time and with mon set to a low value 
between 3 and 6, I can hear myself in the phones, but there's no 
feedback from the speakers. Does this help?


On 07/04/2017 15:47, wrote:

  When I'm using a voice mode with a microphone, I need the TX monitor
>   audio to appear in the headphones and NOT the speakers.
>   I need this to happen automatically, every time I plug in or unplug the

>   headphones, without having to do anything else.
>   Is there any way of configuring the rig to do precisely this?

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Re: [Elecraft] K3S SSB TX monitor - feature request

2017-04-07 Thread Phil, GJ4CBQ


It might be worth your while re-reading Richard's posts.

What he is asking for is the **automatic** toggling of the monitor 
function on insertion and removal of the headphone plug, without the use 
of a macro.

The CONFIG:SPRK+PH setting does not achieve this.  And yes, I've been 
using the PF2 key in the manner you describe for some years now.

Bob's suggestion of using the line out sounds promising, but I think 
Richard is looking for a solution that doesn't involve an external 
headphone amplifier.

Phil, GJ4CBQ.

On 07/04/2017 19:06, Jim Brown wrote:


Do you not read responses to your posts? Or do you reject anything that
contradicts what you seem to have made up your mind to believe? Several
of us have told you exactly how to accomplish what you want to do. I've
been doing it for almost as long as I've owned a K3 (2008 for the first
one).  NO changes are needed to the radio or the firmware. It's all
there. All you have to do is follow the advice you have been given. I
also suggest that you study the manual for the radio. It's all there.

73, Jim K9YC

On Fri,4/7/2017 1:03 AM, Richard Lamont wrote:

As there appears to be no way of doing this at the moment, I guess this
is a firmware feature request.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3S SSB TX monitor - feature request

2017-04-07 Thread Bob Wilson, N6TV
On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 1:03 AM, Richard Lamont  wrote:

> I'm just trying to keep the TX mon audio (from the mic) in the
> headphones and out of the speakers, without having to use macros or
> fiddling with controls. (All my macro buttons are used up, and if I
> forgot to push the button I'd be either missing sidetone or getting
> feedback next time I transmit. And fiddling with controls wastes time in
> a contest or pileup.)

To repeat, try setting MON to 0, and connect headphones to the LIN OUT jack
(perhaps through a PC), and set CONFIG:LIN OUT to =Phones.  Tap [2] and set
the the LINE OUT MON level (T=) at the LIN OUT jack to a comfortable
level.  Then leave your headphones plugged in there.

Now there is no way that TX MON audio will get to the mic. via the
speakers, but you will hear plenty of monitor in the headphones (always).
To mute the speakers, plug something into the headphone jack (doesn't have
to be headphones).  To unmute, unplug.  Leave your headphones connected all
the time, to the LINE OUT jack.

If you want to operate CW with speakers (really?) you'l have to turn up the
monitor.  You won't have to fiddle with anything else unless you're trying
to use the SubRx.

> As there appears to be no way of doing this at the moment, I guess this is
> a firmware feature request.

It's not clear if the hardware is capable of routing the voice monitor to
the headphones without also routing it to the speaker.  You can set the
LINE OUT monitor level separately from the speaker / headphone monitor
level, which comes pretty close to what you need.  I guess what you're
asking for boils down to a request for three independent monitor level

1. Speakers
2. Headphones
3. Line out

And you also probably want different monitor level's to be remembered for
each mode.

Bob, N6TV
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Re: [Elecraft] K3S SSB TX monitor - feature request

2017-04-07 Thread Jim Brown


Do you not read responses to your posts? Or do you reject anything that 
contradicts what you seem to have made up your mind to believe? Several 
of us have told you exactly how to accomplish what you want to do. I've 
been doing it for almost as long as I've owned a K3 (2008 for the first 
one).  NO changes are needed to the radio or the firmware. It's all 
there. All you have to do is follow the advice you have been given. I 
also suggest that you study the manual for the radio. It's all there.

73, Jim K9YC

On Fri,4/7/2017 1:03 AM, Richard Lamont wrote:

As there appears to be no way of doing this at the moment, I guess this
is a firmware feature request.

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Re: [Elecraft] Amplifier

2017-04-07 Thread Jim Brown
Problems like what Dennis is describing are often caused by failure to 
properly bond together all equipment in the shack, to bond that 
equipment to building ground, and to bond all building grounds together.

That said, the original KIO3 board fails to follow the good engineering 
practice of connecting cable shields to the shielding enclosure at the 
point of entry. This failure is, sadly, widespread in ham radio, 
computers, and consumer gear of all sorts. It is a MAJOR cause of hum, 
buzz, and RFI. It was brought to the attention of the world of pro audio 
by Neil Muncy, W3WJE (SK) in a landmark AES paper in 1994.

Problems caused by this design failure are greatly reduced by the proper 
bonding outlined above, and by the use of ferrite common mode chokes on 
wiring connected to the defective equipment. Proper bonding is described 
in the slides for a talk I've given to several ham conventions. The 
concepts have been incorporated into a new ARRL book on power and 
grounding by N0AX.

73, Jim K9YC

On Fri,4/7/2017 12:42 AM, Vic Rosenthal wrote:

Hmm, I am running 1.2+ kW to a dipole on the roof about 20 feet above my K3, 
which has no RF problems though other devices in my shack do!

Vic 4X6GP

On 6 Apr 2017, at 19:28, Dennis Watkins  wrote:

I would suggest that a redesign on the K2/K3s would be a starting point.  The 
cheesy connectors on the back of the k3 will not stand up to a strong field  
from a 1.5kw amp with the tower  mounted to the house. To much leakage for me.

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[Elecraft] Fwd: Fwd: KPA500/KAT500 For Sale

2017-04-07 Thread Richard Thorne

Sorry I wasn't specific enough.

Both the amp and tuner sold this morning.  Thanks for all the interest.

Rich - N5ZC

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Fwd: KPA500/KAT500 For Sale
Date:   Fri, 7 Apr 2017 08:42:49 -0500
From:   Richard Thorne 
To: Elecraft Reflector 

Amp is sold.

Rich - N5ZC

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:KPA500/KAT500 For Sale
Date:   Thu, 6 Apr 2017 08:16:54 -0500
From:   Richard Thorne 
To: Elecraft Reflector 

I have a KPA500/KAT500 for sale.

Includes interface cable that goes between both units and a USB/serial
cable for each unit.  I have the original shipping boxes.

$2300 shipped USA only.  I accept paypal add 3%.

More info here:

Rich - N5ZC

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 loss of rx signal

2017-04-07 Thread Bill Breeden


I too had an issue with a couple of cables between my K3 and P3. Had to 
wiggle the cable every few days to get rid of the extra noise on the 
P3.  Finally replaced the cable with a 3 foot Amphenol BNC cable, part 
number 115101-30-36.00 and have never had the issue again.  The cable is 
made with LMR-100, which is skinny and flexible.  It's currently in 
stock at Mouser for $18.66.


Bill - NA5DX

On 4/7/2017 11:09 AM, Jim LeFevre wrote:

I'm replying late to this subject as I've been out of town and have many 
digests to go thru...speaking of Amphenol BNC's: I have had continuing problems 
with the original cable to go from K3 to P3 from day one. Yes, those great 
folks at Elecraft sent me a replacement cable gratis, but I have to deal with 
this every time I'm on the radio. I've cleaned, tweaked and replaced, and the 
display problems come back eventually. I'm shopping for making my own, and want 
to use amphenol solder (clamp) style for RG-58. I've boiled it down to 31-2 and 
31-212 (not 31-212RFX). On the technical drawings the pins are drawn as a 
different shape! I can't see any other difference except for price. I plan on 
also cabling to the RX ANT In. Several posts were made regarding this subject 
including a link to the general amphenol BNC page, without sharing which 
specific part you use. Could you please share the exact part you use and why? 
Thanks! Jim WN8A
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Re: [Elecraft] Fwd: KPA500/KAT500 For Sale

2017-04-07 Thread Bill Johnson
How much for kat500?

Have a great day!
Bill J

From: Elecraft  on behalf of Petr, 
Sent: Friday, April 7, 2017 9:44:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Fwd: KPA500/KAT500 For Sale

I know that you mentioned CONUS only but in any case if you will be so nice
to sell it to me then I will be happy. PayPal is OK. Thanks in advance. 73 -
Petr, OK1RP, FOC 1745.

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Re: [Elecraft] Was Amplifier

2017-04-07 Thread brian
"Considered dangerous" isn't quite right.  The jury is out of the exact 
danger levels of RF for all the various frequencies.  These distances 
are more of an accepted limit that protects you from inquiries regarding 
RF exposure.  Pointing to the distances being met helps get you off the 

People will be surprised to see how small the distances these 
calculations are-- especially at lower frequencies.

One note often overlooked. The distance is defined as the distance from 
feedpoint (usually center) of the antenna.

Also the duty cycle can be considered in the calculation.  There are 
stock duty cycles for SSB and CW given in the documentation.

Antenna gain may have to be included.

It used to be that anything at 100 watts and below at HF was exempted.
I believe that has changed.

73 de Brian/K3KO

On 4/7/2017 16:06 PM, Edward R Cole wrote:

In the USAmerica ham's now have the *responsibility* of determining the
safe operating zones for each antenna per FCC regulation.  I doubt many
ever do the calculation.  Fortunately Australian ham Doug MacArthur (sk)
VK3UM (a well known eme'r) has written a program which you can download
for free.  I will simulate the emf fields base on your input data like
antenna, power, height, band and produces the legal exclusion zones
where RF exposure is considered dangerous.

Its not hard to use and provides some interesting if not surprising info
about your station safety.

As I already stated, it is the legal requirement for all US hams to have
evaluated safe range for humans before operating.

Eg:  half-wave dipole, 1400w, line loss 0.5 dB, 14.2 MHz: exclusion =
3.06m radially; safe height 2.60m for FCC.  Also provides ARPNSA and CEU
radiation limits.

73, Ed - KL7uW

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 loss of rx signal (part# correction)

2017-04-07 Thread Jim LeFevre
Oops, I meant 31-2 and 31-202, as the 31-212 is for rg 59. 

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Re: [Elecraft] Amplifier

2017-04-07 Thread Mike Harris
I had the opportunity to borrow an R&S professional field strength meter 
from the local telco when there were concerns over the installation of 
mobile phone towers in town. The worriers obsessed over the towers but 
completely ignored the little transmitters they and their kids would be 
clamping to the side of their brains.

My HF beam is 12.5 metres high on a tower. With 1kW from the amp, 
standing directly at the base of the tower the field strength measured 
was well below the guidlines for RF exposure.

Living at the base of a steep sloping ridge to the south it was easy to 
elevate myself to the plane of the antenna beaming at me from about 35 
to 40 metres. When the TX at 1kW was keyed there was no indicated 
increase in field strength over the background reading. Also duty cycle 
comes into play.

There are a couple of FCC bulletins, OET65 and specifically for radio 
amateurs OET65B which go into a lot of detail on this subject. They are 
dated late 1997 and I've not check to see if there are more recent 


Mike VP8NO

On 07/04/2017 09:50, Wes Stewart wrote:

I assume you're commenting on the 1KW 20' away, although failed to say
so.  Turn this scenario around: pretend that you were trying to do
medical treatment or research by heating your body to a biologically
significant temperature. How much power to a transducer 20' away would
it take?

On 4/7/2017 3:10 AM, Bill wrote:

That proximity would scare me - I'd feel like I was on a skewer in a
microwave oven.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 loss of rx signal

2017-04-07 Thread Jim LeFevre
I'm replying late to this subject as I've been out of town and have many 
digests to go thru...speaking of Amphenol BNC's: I have had continuing problems 
with the original cable to go from K3 to P3 from day one. Yes, those great 
folks at Elecraft sent me a replacement cable gratis, but I have to deal with 
this every time I'm on the radio. I've cleaned, tweaked and replaced, and the 
display problems come back eventually. I'm shopping for making my own, and want 
to use amphenol solder (clamp) style for RG-58. I've boiled it down to 31-2 and 
31-212 (not 31-212RFX). On the technical drawings the pins are drawn as a 
different shape! I can't see any other difference except for price. I plan on 
also cabling to the RX ANT In. Several posts were made regarding this subject 
including a link to the general amphenol BNC page, without sharing which 
specific part you use. Could you please share the exact part you use and why? 
Thanks! Jim WN8A
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[Elecraft] CAT software

2017-04-07 Thread Alan. G4GNX
I don't want to start an apps war, but I'd like some information so that I 
can make decisions to suit my personal (RF) needs.

I've been gradually putting the new shack together and have connected the K3 
to the PC using an Edgeport USB, 4 port RS232 facility. I've connected 
FLDIGI directly and I've installed LOG4OM, although it's not directly 
connected to the K3 yet. I also have no problems updating firmware on the 
K3, KPA500 and KAT500 as well as the Icom IC7100, all using separate 
discrete ports.

I now need to make a decision on which bridging software to use for RS232 
CAT control (NOT firmware updating). LP-Bridge would seem to be very 
suitable, or possibly OmniRig, but neither quite as convenient as 
Win4K3Suite. There are possibly others, but I don't want to generate a 
massive list here.

I'm happy enough to use the Elecraft Utilities for many things, so I ask 
myself whether I would really need the sophistication of Win4K3Suite, given 
that I'm happy enough to write my own macros and press buttons on the rig 

Please don't criticise the various products, but I would be very pleased to 
hear real life experiences and constructive comparisons of the suites that 
are available for use with the K3, peripherals and other software, to help 
me decide the best way to go.


Alan. G4GNX

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Re: [Elecraft] Amplifier

2017-04-07 Thread Edward R Cole
In the USAmerica ham's now have the *responsibility* of determining 
the safe operating zones for each antenna per FCC regulation.  I 
doubt many ever do the calculation.  Fortunately Australian ham Doug 
MacArthur (sk) VK3UM (a well known eme'r) has written a program which 
you can download for free.  I will simulate the emf fields base on 
your input data like antenna, power, height, band and produces the 
legal exclusion zones where RF exposure is considered dangerous.

Its not hard to use and provides some interesting if not surprising 
info about your station safety.

As I already stated, it is the legal requirement for all US hams to 
have evaluated safe range for humans before operating.

Eg:  half-wave dipole, 1400w, line loss 0.5 dB, 14.2 MHz: exclusion = 
3.06m radially; safe height 2.60m for FCC.  Also provides ARPNSA and 
CEU radiation limits.

73, Ed - KL7uW

Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2017 10:42:32 +0300
From: Vic Rosenthal 
To: Elecraft Reflector 
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Amplifier
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii

Hmm, I am running 1.2+ kW to a dipole on the roof about 20 feet above 
my K3, which has no RF problems though other devices in my shack do!

Vic 4X6GP

73, Ed - KL7UW
Dubus-NA Business mail: 

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Re: [Elecraft] XG3 and short whip as an air standard

2017-04-07 Thread Alan Bloom

One thing to keep in mind is that the XG3 has a square wave output so
there are lots of harmonics.  One consequence is you can't use it with a
directional coupler to measure SWR unless you filter out the harmonics
somehow.  Also you may need to worry about interference to other
services, although the power level is low enough that may not be an issue.

Alan N1AL

On 04/07/2017 04:03 AM, David Cutter wrote:

The XG3 has a calibrated output into a 50ohm load and can be varied
over a wide range of power and frequency.  How can I use this as a
standard source for field strength measurements?

For instance, could I build passive networks to match a whip to the
XG3 on each band of interest and calculate the radiation from the
whip knowing its input from the network?  Since the XG3 output is
variable, the loss in the networks can be adjusted to suit.

Could I use, say a *standard* 1m copper wire whip (ie <<1wavelength
on HF) to easily obtain uV/m? It could all be mounted in a biscuit
tin as I once saw in a magazine many years ago.  Connecting a similar
whip to the K3 with its calibrated dBm facility, I'm hoping this
could all connect together in a modest home facility for
experimentation and learning.

David G3UNA

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[Elecraft] Need help with K3S / DxLab using digital modes

2017-04-07 Thread Jerry
Is there someone out there that can help walk me through setting up WinWarbler 
with the Elecraft?

Please email me at jerry at molaver dot org


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Re: [Elecraft] Does the KAT500 Save the tune scheme

2017-04-07 Thread Dick Dievendorff
Yes, the configuration save includes all the tuning parameters.

There is a serial port command and the KAT500 Utility uses that to erase
memories.  See KAT500 Utility, Configuration, "Erase Antenna Tuner
Memories".   You can erase tuning solutions stored by band for each of the 3
antenna connectors.

73 de Dick, K6KR

-Original Message-
From: Elecraft [] On Behalf Of Jerry
Sent: Friday, April 7, 2017 07:20
To: Elecraft Reflector 
Subject: [Elecraft] Does the KAT500 Save the tune scheme

GM All,


I have just spent some time "teaching" my KAT500 to remember the tuning
parameter for my antenna. My questions is; when I do a save configuration
using the utility application, does the utility also save the tuning
parameters that the KAT500 was taught? That also brings up another question;
what can cause the KAT500 to "forget" the tuning parameters?


Best regards,


Jerry, W1IE


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Re: [Elecraft] Fwd: KPA500/KAT500 For Sale

2017-04-07 Thread Petr, OK1RP/M0SIS
I know that you mentioned CONUS only but in any case if you will be so nice
to sell it to me then I will be happy. PayPal is OK. Thanks in advance. 73 -
Petr, OK1RP, FOC 1745.

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[Elecraft] Does the KAT500 Save the tune scheme

2017-04-07 Thread Jerry
GM All,


I have just spent some time "teaching" my KAT500 to remember the tuning
parameter for my antenna. My questions is; when I do a save configuration
using the utility application, does the utility also save the tuning
parameters that the KAT500 was taught? That also brings up another question;
what can cause the KAT500 to "forget" the tuning parameters?


Best regards,


Jerry, W1IE


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[Elecraft] Fwd: KPA500/KAT500 For Sale

2017-04-07 Thread Richard Thorne

Amp is sold.

Rich - N5ZC

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:KPA500/KAT500 For Sale
Date:   Thu, 6 Apr 2017 08:16:54 -0500
From:   Richard Thorne 
To: Elecraft Reflector 

I have a KPA500/KAT500 for sale.

Includes interface cable that goes between both units and a USB/serial
cable for each unit.  I have the original shipping boxes.

$2300 shipped USA only.  I accept paypal add 3%.

More info here:

Rich - N5ZC

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Re: [Elecraft] Amplifier

2017-04-07 Thread Wes Stewart
I assume you're commenting on the 1KW 20' away, although failed to say so.  Turn 
this scenario around: pretend that you were trying to do medical treatment or 
research by heating your body to a biologically significant temperature. How 
much power to a transducer 20' away would it take?

On 4/7/2017 3:10 AM, Bill wrote:
That proximity would scare me - I'd feel like I was on a skewer in a microwave 

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Re: [Elecraft] Amplifier

2017-04-07 Thread John Dolan
What Cheesy connectors are you referring to?


*Many of life's problems can be solved by simply deciding what we can do
without. -JohnDolan *

*Many of life's problems can be solved by simply deciding what we can do
without. -JohnDolan  *

On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 3:42 AM, Vic Rosenthal  wrote:

> Hmm, I am running 1.2+ kW to a dipole on the roof about 20 feet above my
> K3, which has no RF problems though other devices in my shack do!
> Vic 4X6GP
> > On 6 Apr 2017, at 19:28, Dennis Watkins  wrote:
> >
> > I would suggest that a redesign on the K2/K3s would be a starting
> point.  The cheesy connectors on the back of the k3 will not stand up to a
> strong field  from a 1.5kw amp with the tower  mounted to the house. To
> much leakage for me.
> __
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[Elecraft] [OT] GA QSO Party This Weekend

2017-04-07 Thread Ian Kahn

Thank you for allowing an off-topic use of bandwidth. This weekend is the
56th Georgia QSO Party. The contest runs 1800 UTC Saturday - 0400 UTC
Sunday, and again 1400 UTC Sunday - 2359 UTC Sunday, on your favorite HF
bands. Contacts with all 159 Georgia counties will be available, and the
contest has categories for both CW/digital and SSB contacts, or a mix of
both. I'll be on the air as KM4IK from my home QTH in Fulton County,
working 15m, 20m, 40m, and 80m, as conditions allow, in the SSB portions of
the bands. I hope to work everyone this weekend!

Thanks and 73,

Ian Kahn, KM4IK
Roswell, GA  EM74ua
10-10 #74624  North Georgia Chapter #2038
PODXS 070 #1962
K3 #281, P3 #688 KAT500 #860, KPA500 #1468
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[Elecraft] XG3 and short whip as an air standard

2017-04-07 Thread David Cutter
The XG3 has a calibrated output into a 50ohm load and can be varied over a wide 
range of power and frequency.  How can I use this as a standard source for 
field strength measurements?  

For instance, could I build passive networks to match a whip to the XG3 on each 
band of interest and calculate the radiation from the whip knowing its input 
from the network?  Since the XG3 output is variable, the loss in the networks 
can be adjusted to suit.  

Could I use, say a *standard* 1m copper wire whip (ie <<1wavelength on HF) to 
easily obtain uV/m? It could all be mounted in a biscuit tin as I once saw in a 
magazine many years ago.  Connecting a similar whip to the K3 with its 
calibrated dBm facility, I'm hoping this could all connect together in a modest 
home facility for experimentation and learning.  

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Re: [Elecraft] Amplifier

2017-04-07 Thread Bill
That proximity would scare me - I'd feel like I was on a skewer in a 
microwave oven.

Many of life's problems can be solved by simply deciding what
we can do without. - John Dolan

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Re: [Elecraft] K3S SSB TX monitor - feature request

2017-04-07 Thread Richard Lamont
On 07/04/17 06:59, Bob Wilson, N6TV wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 1:53 PM, Richard Lamont  > wrote:
> When I'm using a voice mode with a microphone, I need the TX monitor
> audio to appear in the headphones and NOT the speakers.
> I need this to happen automatically, every time I plug in or unplug the
> headphones, without having to do anything else.
> Is there any way of configuring the rig to do precisely this?
> It's a reasonable feature request, though I'm not aware of any other rig
> that automatically turns the mic. monitor ON when you plug in
> headphones, and automatically turns the mic. monitor OFF when you unplug
> headphones and listen on a speaker.  Of course this is something you
> only want to do on phone.  When operating CW, and maybe digital, you
> always want the monitor ON, even when using speakers.

Agreed 100%.

When you plug headphones in, there's a delay of about a second before
the speakers mute. This strongly suggests that the muting is controlled
by software, not just by cutting the speaker analogue audio directly on
the back contacts of the headphone jack. So presumably the rig's
software 'knows' when headphones are plugged in.

> I do not understand you want to listen to both headphones and speakers
> at the same time, unless you have someone else in the shack who wants to
> hear what's going on  with no risk of feedback from the speakers.

I don't wish to listen simultaneously on both headphones and speakers.
That isn't the problem.

I'm just trying to keep the TX mon audio (from the mic) in the
headphones and out of the speakers, without having to use macros or
fiddling with controls. (All my macro buttons are used up, and if I
forgot to push the button I'd be either missing sidetone or getting
feedback next time I transmit. And fiddling with controls wastes time in
a contest or pileup.)

I use 'enclosing' headphones (Sennheiser HD25, Beyer DT100) that mean I
cannot hear my own voice well enough without some sidetone, and this
makes speech more difficult.

As there appears to be no way of doing this at the moment, I guess this
is a firmware feature request.

I'm not aware of any other rig that does what I'm asking for.
Historically, however, rigs had a single audio power amplifier and
relied on 'dumb' switching of the amplified audio using the back contact
on the headphone jack to mute the speaker. I'm inferring from the one
second delay mentioned above that the K3S hardware is capable of
supporting a smarter approach, even if firmware doesn't, yet.

Richard G4DYA
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Re: [Elecraft] Amplifier

2017-04-07 Thread Vic Rosenthal
Hmm, I am running 1.2+ kW to a dipole on the roof about 20 feet above my K3, 
which has no RF problems though other devices in my shack do!

Vic 4X6GP

> On 6 Apr 2017, at 19:28, Dennis Watkins  wrote:
> I would suggest that a redesign on the K2/K3s would be a starting point.  The 
> cheesy connectors on the back of the k3 will not stand up to a strong field  
> from a 1.5kw amp with the tower  mounted to the house. To much leakage for me.
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