Re: [Elecraft] Don’t throw those old DOS computers away

2021-06-28 Thread kevinr

Hi Jerry,

   Good luck with extending your own user interface.  I am sure there 
are contest logs listed somewhere on the web.  Not only would you get a 
list of CW ops who contest, you could also grab their details to fill in 
more fields.  Then scan that list with the partial call you copied.  
Even brute force search algorithms would be fine.

   As far as slicing and dicing data Perl, awk, and sed can do wonders 
with extracting, and formatting individual fields.  Plus they are 
already available on your OS.  A two line script with any of them can do 
what you want.

   The killer app for contesters seems to be N1MM.  I think you will 
have more fun writing your own since you know exactly what you need and 
what you like.  Building your own app should not be shamed.

    GL & 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS

On 6/28/21 2:54 PM, jerry wrote:

So what's the hot ticket nowadays on logging software?

 I rolled my own, but it's
quite primitive.  It runs on my Linux server and I access it via a web 
browser.  It gives me a pair of clocks at the top - local and UTC.  At 
the bottom, there's a big text window for copying code. In between - 
the list of contacts, plus a form for entering a new one.  The current 
UTC timestamp is automatically put in.  The latest contact has a 
button for ending it - and putting in the "end" UTC timestamp.

  It was easy to do that, because I already wrote substantial software 
in support of my business, and the infrastructure was all there - 
webserver, SSL, libraries for linking multiple pages, templates etc etc.

   I'm sure that other people have written logging software with 
features I can barely imagine.

  Right now, I'm thinking of having it automatically nominate text in 
the CW copy window for new contacts"anything that looks like a 

  Also need something to slice & dice the logbook data for contest 

    - Jerry KF6VB

On 2021-06-28 14:16, Michael Walker wrote:

I agree with Jim on this one.  :)

Mike va3mw

On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 4:55 AM Jim Brown  

Yes, he SHOULD throw it away and learn modern logging software. Among
other things, that modern software can easily link computers from
multiple stations in a club setup. That's important, because each
station can see the other's log. We work QRP battery with a single K3,
and are often weak at the other end of the QSO. When logging computers
are linked, each station sees the QSOs we've already had on 20 (easier
copy) when we work them on 40, 80, and 15, so it's rare for them to 

a fill if they are networked.

It was disappointing to see that so many hams fail to continue their
ongoing education by learning new stuff, like modern logging software.
I'll be 80 in the fall, a ham since age 15, BSEE in 1964, and I still
try to learn new stuff every day. BTW - I do LOTS of FT8 and MSK144 on
6M and FT8 on 160M, our QRP CW operation was all CW. W6JTI and I made a
combined 680 QSOs. I've been using K1JT's digital modes for more than
ten years. So have a bunch of OTs I know. And when I was taking a break
from CW, I worked FT8 on 6M (along with K6EU, our primary VHF op) to
pass out our rare grid (CM86). That VHF station ran high power and was
not part of our QRP FD operation from a contesting point of view. Tom
and I were simply lighting up our rare grid.

73, Jim K9YC

On 6/28/2021 1:34 AM, David Wilcox via Elecraft wrote:
> One of the hams running our CW tent used his old favorite logging
program and brought along an old DOS computer to run it……. I can’t 
the name of the program but it worked well and he racked up a good 
Everyone was shocked to see the old big DOS computer sitting on the 

I guess one should never throw anything away that works and you are
comfortable with it.

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Report

2021-06-20 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Conditions were not so good.  Some QSB with a side order of QRN.  I 
received a number of emails though.  Fathers were being feted.  Twenty 
meters was good to the east and south.  Forty meters was good to the 
west.  Temperatures are creeping up with some wind.  I was awakened by 
fog rain falling from the trees. Large drops made it sound like a storm 
was starting; but they lasted for less than a minute.  I looked out the 
window to see dense fog with a tree showing here and there.  By 7 AM it 
was clear.  I hope it returns before the dry season begins.

  On 14050 kHz at 2200z:

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K4JPN - Steve - GA

K4WJ - John - FL

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

WM5F - Dwight - ID

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

   Until next week 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


Mr. Spock, remind me to tell you that I'm sick and tired of your logic.

That is a most illogical attitude.

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2021-06-19 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

    The weather changed a few days ago.  The cool, wet days became 
sunny and mild.  That is due to change again.  Sun with high 
temperatures and wind.  I'm glad the forest is so wet because it will 
take a few more days for it to dry out.  Luckily this blast of heat will 
end by Friday.  Folks south of me are not so lucky.  They are testing 
the electricity grid with their A/C units.  Good thing it's a dry heat.  
Stay hydrated folks.

   Propagation seems unchanged.  I would rather it was different.  
Nostradamus predicted a solar event for 2021; maybe his forecast will 
prevail.  There are a number of schools of thought, but you only really 
know a cycle's activity level when it has passed.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


After the hummingbird incident last week this article seems timely.  
Without the sun to light her iridescence she appeared brown and gray.  
Steller's Jays in the shadows sometimes present as brown too.  Sun 
brings both species to full resonance.

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2021-06-13 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Today was at or near 100% humidity, which drains my reactions and my 
brain.  Low blood sugar added extra dits, or whole words. Occasionally 
my mind would start spelling something else entirely. Soon we will 
switch to the dry season like those farther south so I get a reprieve.

   Medium to deep QSB made life interesting, there were a few summer 
storms out there causing problems too.  Roy described drought 
conditions.  I would not mind at all if these clouds of mine moved their 
way east.  They are wet enough to make the journey.  Steve alternated 
between ESP and S5 with rapid QSB. Dave found me right after the net and 
mentioned I had come up out of the noise.   On the next net Brian told 
me I had been ESP to him on 20, at best.  On forty he was S7 to me with 
mild QSB.  Jim came next with a fine signal from Idaho at 569 and slow 
QSB.  Dale tried to win the high temperature award but that had been 
taken by Roy.  Dwight was truly ESP.  I know he replied to one of my 
calls but I could not work him.  Forty meters was indeed moving as we 

   When the rainy season breaks I will get back to antenna work. I want 
four choices by the time the snow falls.

  On 14050 kHz at 2200z:

K6XK - Roy - IA

W5TO - Robert  - TX

K4JPN - Steve - GA

AB9V - Mike - IN

W8OV - Dave - TX

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K7TXA - Jim - ID

K6PJV - Dale - CA

WM5F - Dwight - IA

   Until next week 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


“Arthur Dent: What happens if I press this button?

Ford Prefect: I wouldn't-

Arthur Dent: Oh.

Ford Prefect: What happened?

Arthur Dent: A sign lit up, saying 'Please do not press this button again.”

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement and birding report

2021-06-12 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   It was a chilly, wet week.  Rain was slow, mostly continuous. The 
trees love it, there is new growth showing on all of them. The diffused 
lighting had me guessing about a hummingbird's species.  My first guess 
was immature female Anna's Hummingbird. I don't have much experience 
with the immature ones.  They change to adult plumage as they are given 
flight instruction.  A one second long sun break showed me some 
iridescence.  There was a strong gray bar on the leading edge of her 
exposed wing.  Luckily she sat ten feet away for about five minutes.  It 
took a few minutes to scan through all the possible colors of the Anna's 
Hummingbird.  In bright light they are very colorful.  However, that is 
not the base color but an effect of the light.

The third image was the best match if I subtracted the lighting. The 
gray bar is much fainter when the plumage is well lit.

  Yesterday I wrote my brother in Wisconsin about the weather. 
Temperatures here were trying to break the 50 degree barrier.  He told 
me it was 101 degrees with rain falling at the rate of 1 1/2 inches per 
hour.  I imagine the humidity was above 90 too.  While it does not get 
as humid as it does in Houston 'tis enough, twill serve.

  Propagation holds steady at not great.  But there is an article on from a so called 'heretic'.  If the Terminator Event 
happens soon we will see a strong cycle.  They are not predicting 1957 
levels but hope springs eternal.  Time to call Arnold :)  This is 
another statistical study.  What is the range of probabilities?  You 
never know how propagation will change until you test it.  Is the cat alive?

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


Yes, of course! The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch! 'Tis one of the sacred 
relics Brother Maynard carries with him. Brother Maynard! Bring up the 
Holy Hand Grenade!

How does it, um-- how does it work?

I know not, my liege

Consult the Book of Armaments!

Armaments, chapter two, verses nine to twenty-one

And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, 
bless this Thy hand grenade that, with it, Thou mayest blow Thine 
enemies to tiny bits in Thy mercy."
And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs and 
sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals and 
fruit bats and large chu--

Skip a bit, Brother

And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. 
Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the 
number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. 
Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that 
thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, 
being the third number, be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand 
Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, 
shall snuff it."


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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report 19th Anniversary Edition

2021-06-06 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Conditions were mostly poor.  A little QSB with steady noise. But 
the antenna work helped.  Some stations were ESP on one antenna while S6 
to S9 on the other.  I need to order more coax so I can have more 
choices.  Two antennas cut for band frequencies and two others cut so 
matching is required.

   The glass is full no matter the outcome.  I get to use my K3 and 
practice my CW.  The fourth stage of fishing is when you forget to bait 
the hook while enjoying the day.  I just checked, with my callsign as the DX.  On 
twenty meters my signal landed at four distances, tending toward the 
Northern tier of states.  On forty meters the antennas triggered beacons 
west of the Rockies.  I heard thunderstorms and reports of 
thunderstorms.  I had signal strength readings between 8 and 10 dB from 
NH and MA.  A few more antenna choices will improve my coverage and 
increase my chances of working you.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4JPN - Steve - GA

  On 7047/5 kHz at z:

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K7TXA - Jim - ID

WM5F - Dwight - ID

   It was a good anniversary.  Next year the net won't land on the 6th 
so I thought it important to celebrate today.  Uncle Irvin was in the 
101st Airborne.  He and his group jumped inland during the night before 
the landing.  They were to prevent a Panzer division from reaching the 
beach without blowing up any bridges. He said it was an interesting few 
days.  Later he got run over by the Battle of Bulge.  He was not in 
Bastogne that day, but dodging soldiers in the snow a few miles outside 
of town.  He said that was less interesting.  I thought it fitting to 
commemorate his experience.

   Until next week 73,

    Kevin.  KD5ONS


Sometimes everything seems dark and without hope.
When you begin feeling this way, it’s important to remember
that these are the consequences of being realistic.

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net 19th Anniversary Announcement

2021-06-05 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   This week was sunny and hot.  Plants and insects grew very well.  I 
was able to build three antennas but only raised one of them.  I am coax 
challenged.  A few more runs plus an antenna switch will be on order 
soon.  Four antennas should give me paths into much of North America.  
If the bands ever strengthen the world may open up again.  I have 
checked in folks from European and Asian Russia, Hungary, Iceland, 
Ireland, a few South American countries, and a few island nations in the 
Pacific.  There were a few African contacts with at least one from the 
Middle East. None, so far, from South or Southeastern Asia.  I did 
forget to mention both Australia and New Zealand.  I missed Antarctica 
but logged him via relay.

   I started the Elecraft CW Net on June 6th, 2002.  Many people have 
checked in over the years.  The format of the directed net was designed 
by N0SS, Tom Hammond (SK).  He helped for many years as an alternate net 
control from Missouri.  I miss him.  Wayne, N6KR, once asked me how I 
had kept running the net for so long.  I told him it had become a 
habit.  A good habit.  One where I get to meet new people and learn a 
bit more about the regulars.  I think I have been skunked only once and 
for only one of the two nets. Sometimes the bands are just too poor.  
Other times folks are busy with holidays.  But I still get a few folks 
each week.

   Procedures have changed a little since the beginning.  I am finally 
learning how to run a net.  The only strict rule is to have fun.  Well, 
the directed net part is kind of strict too, but without some control 
there is chaos.  Much like the transition from laminar to turbulent 
flow.  A little disorder is OK as long as everyone knows who is talking 
to whom.  "Little whorls have lesser whirls and so on to viscosity."

  Tomorrow will be the 19th anniversary celebration of the Elecraft CW 
Net.  Lime jello, cookies, and cherry pie for the lucky few.  Oh and 
fresh sour dough bread.  Now for an entree :) The rhododendron are in 
full bloom as are the nicely scented False Solomon Seal.  Many species 
of butterflies are enjoying a feast. Both species of hummingbirds are on 
display (Rufous & Anna's).  So warm up your heaters and get  your tubes 
glowing (I can dream) and see if the bands will support comms to NW 
Oregon (where it is back to 50 degrees with rain).

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)    Maybe way off if I can 
find room.

  7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


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2021-05-30 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   As I had suspected twenty meters was filled with contesters. Signals 
receded into the distance like grain elevators on the plains of Kansas.  
I scanned from 14003 to 14110 kHz without finding a gap.  So I went back 
to writing code.

   Forty meters was open after the contest closed down.  QSB ranged 
from moderate to weak.  Noise levels kept dropping as time passed.  I 
wasn't expecting to reach far on forty; I had been checking with RBN all 
week with no signals east of the Rockies. Twenty meters was better with 
reports from the Maritimes of Canada to Florida, North Carolina, 
Connecticut, New York and many points west.

   The forecast is for sunny, dry weather most of the week.  I will 
cut, build, and hang a new antenna by the weekend.  If all goes well I 
will replace the second antenna too.  Then I can celebrate the 19th 
anniversary of the Elecraft CW Net next week with fresh copper.

  On 7048 kHz at z:

WM5F - Dwight - ID

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

   Until next week 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


    Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
    “Sir,” said I, “or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
    But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
    And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
    That I scarce was sure I heard you”—here I opened wide the door;—
    Darkness there and nothing more.

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2021-05-29 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   The twenty meter net may or may not meet tomorrow.  That depends on 
whether there will be room amoungst  the WPX folks. The second net won't 
be a problem: it will begin the moment after the contest closes.  
Conditions are not auspicious.  However, that has not stopped us yet.  
The sun was active earlier in the weak but less so today.  By the way: 
next Sunday, June 6, the Elecraft CW Net will be 19 years old.

   Sometime in 1957 my brother put headphones on my head so I could 
hear his new shortwave receiver.  He found he could keep me out of his 
hair for hours after he showed me how to use the tuning knob and the 
gain controls.  I was hooked on all the odd noises I could find.  
Listening became a habit I maintained until I graduated from high 
school.  The bands are still filled with odd noises.  Many new ones as 
our neighborhoods fill with electronic gadgets.  But there are still the 
old standards.  Whistling noises which move through the passband.  Snaps 
of distant lightning. Hearing my own callsign echoed a little out of 
sync.  Fewer AM heterodynes, but far more SSB signals.  Then there is 
phantom CW found in static the day after a contest.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)    Maybe way off if I can 
find room.

  7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


May my silences become more accurate. - Theodore Roethke

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2021-05-23 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

  I was met by a wall of noise, filled with waves of even louder 
noise.  I think there may have been QSB but it was too hard to tell.  My 
ears are still ringing.  Both bands had limited check ins.  Roy 
mentioned we were in the midst of a storm. has a video 
of a solar flare tossing plasma out into space.  One of those blasts 
must have hit Earth because the auroral oval changed a great deal since 
this morning.  However, once the noise abates there should be a period 
of improved propagation.  One of these days the solar flux index will 
get into the three digit range.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4JPN - Steve - GA

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

   Until next week 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


“I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, 
and it's very difficult to find anyone.'

I should think so — in these parts!  We are plain quiet folk and have no 
use for adventures.  Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things!  Make you 
late for dinner!”

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2021-05-22 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   It was a cool, wet week.  This slowed the biting flies quite a bit.  
I was able to go out hiking without getting eaten too badly.  Wind 
helped too.  If anything it is more green than last week.  The ferns are 
unrolling, adding their hue to the mix.  The hemlock are adding new 
growth and some of the Doug fir are too. Time to add another antenna 
before the ferns get too thick.

  The sun is waking up.  Multiple CMEs have been shot out of AR2824.  
In a day or two they should be aimed at us. mentions we 
may notice unusual propagation below 20 MHz.  They did not elaborate.  I 
expect more noise and QSB, hopefully that will help me dig you out.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


“There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. You 
certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always 
quite the something you were after.”

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2021-05-16 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

  Conditions approached poor from worse.  However, I was able to work a 
few of you, especially on 20 meters.  Forty meters seemed barren.  RBN 
did report my signal in Central Canada.  Thankfully, propagation reports 
mirror my own.  One of these days propagation has to improve, it can't 
get much worse.

   Spring weather reports were mild except for California where coastal 
storms kept things cool and wet.  Here warm weather brings hatch after 
hatch of biting flies.  I can gauge insect population by watching the 
hummingbird feeder.  When there are few insects it's level drops much 

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6XK - Roy - IA

KL7CW - Rick - AK

K4JPN - Steve - GA

AB9V - Mike - IN

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

WM5F - Dwight - ID

   Until next week 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


Each player gets six cards, except for the player on the dealer's right, 
who gets seven, except on Thursdays when they get five.

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2021-05-15 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Less rain and more sun have the forest growing swiftly.  It smells 
very good.  The biting flies have been very friendly, I wonder what they 
eat when I'm not around?  The hummingbirds have been very active.  
Eating some of the insect population and draining the feeders.  One of 
them flew into the window right next to me.  He flew to a nearby branch 
and shook his head.  I thought their reactions were better than that.

  I read about a new battery chemistry which uses aluminum in a 
graphene matrix.  Charge rate up to 60 times faster than lithium ion 
batteries.  3000 Wh/kg sounds adequate.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

   Until tomorrow,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


The odds of being dealt a Royal Fizzbin are astronomical.

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2021-05-09 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Conditions were poor today.  Lots of QSB which both helped and 
hindered.  Rain was the common subject.  Folks were getting some but 
more would be helpful.  NW Oregon had three days of red flag warnings in 
April.  Dale mentioned smoke in Central California. What will July bring?

  On 14051 kHz at 2200z:

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

NO8V - John - MI

K6XK - Roy - IA

AB9V - Mike - IN

KL7CW - Rick - AK

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

WM5F - Dwight - ID

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

   Until next week 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


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2021-05-08 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Another chilly, wet week.  Spring progresses slowly up here. The 
rain has made it very green.  Moss really does grow on the north sides 
of trees in Oregon.  It grows on most of the rest of the tree too.  But 
circular objects only have two sides: in and out.  Propagation remains 
weak.  The sun tossed a CME, it missed. Bands should be fairly quiet, 
which can help.  Maybe QSB will be helpful and pull you up for a moment.

   If you wish to exercise your gray cells to examine other circular 

   Or if you wonder about cats:

How did they keep the goat from gnawing through the rope?

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


The ship was the pride of the American side
Coming back from some mill in Wisconsin
As the big freighters go, it was bigger than most
With a crew and good captain well seasoned
Concluding some terms with a couple of steel firms
When they left fully loaded for Cleveland
Then later that night when the ship's bell rang
Could it be the north wind they'd been feelin'?

The wind in the wires made a tattle-tale sound
When the wave broke over the railing
And every man knew, as the captain did too
'Twas the witch of November come stealin'
The dawn came late and the breakfast had to wait
When the gales of November came slashin'
When afternoon came it was freezing rain
In the face of a hurricane west wind

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2021-05-02 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Both bands were weak and unstable, here one minute, gone the next.  
However, QSB improved signals enough to copy some of what you were 
sending.  I was switching from one antenna to the other. I could hear 
better on one and you could hear better on the other.  Roy remarked on 
how dry it has been.  I read crop forecasts last week which predicted 
poor harvests of hard wheat and canola.  If you like pasta it might be 
good to buy a little extra for storage.  Or invest in commodity futures.

   I plan to use my telescope to inspect both antennas. Something just 
doesn't seem right about them.  Maybe a connection has shorted or 
broken.  Or build another one just for practice. With the wind I 
receive, a spare every other year is good.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

KL7CW - Rick - AK

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4JPN - Steve - GA

AB9V - Mike - IN

NO8V - John - MI

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

WM5F - Dwight - ID

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

   Until next week 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


The groaning trencher there ye fill,
Your hurdies like a distant hill,
Your pin wad help to mend a mill
In time o’ need,
While thro’ your pores the dews distil
Like amber mead.

His knife see Rustic-labour dight,
An’ cut you up wi’ ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like onie ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm-reekin, rich!

Then, horn for horn, they stretch an’ strive:
Deil tak the hindmost, on they drive,
Till a’ their weel-swall’d kytes belyve
Are bent like drums;
Then auld Guidman, maist like to rive,
Bethankit hums.

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2021-05-01 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   It was a week of rapid growth.  Ferns are now three feet tall and 
leaves are filling the empty spaces in the trees.  Bird species keep 
changing.  I heard a Mourning Dove the other morning.  They are not 
regulars here, must have been moving through.  The gray jays are very 
spread out now.  They don't flock the house when I step out.  The 
hummingbirds have lots of insects to eat.  They eat some of the biting 
flies which is appreciated.

   Propagation seems weaker now.  I have been testing twenty and forty 
meters for the last few days with little luck.  Earlier in the week I 
was doing better with the reverse beacon net.  Today was worse.  While 
the sun is not very active, the volcano in Iceland is doing better.  
Lava flow has increased as has the venting of gasses.  They propel the 
magma 100 feet into the air or higher.  There is only one vent now 
creating and breaking a spatter cone.  Flow rate around 8 cubic meters 
per second.  It has been quite a show.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


There was three kings unto the east,
Three kings both great and high,
And they hae sworn a solemn oath
John Barleycorn should die.

They took a plough and plough'd him down,
Put clods upon his head,
And they hae sworn a solemn oath
John Barleycorn was dead.

But the cheerful Spring came kindly on,
And show'rs began to fall;
John Barleycorn got up again,
And sore surpris'd them all.

The sultry suns of Summer came,
And he grew thick and strong;
His head weel arm'd wi' pointed spears,
That no one should him wrong.

The sober Autumn enter'd mild,
When he grew wan and pale;
His bending joints and drooping head
Show'd he bagan to fail.

His colour sicken'd more and more,
He faded into age;
And then his enemies began
To show their deadly rage.

They've taen a weapon, long and sharp,
And cut him by the knee;
Then tied him fast upon a cart,
Like a rogue for forgerie.

They laid him down upon his back,
And cudgell'd him full sore;
They hung him up before the storm,
And turn'd him o'er and o'er.

They filled up a darksome pit
With water to the brim;
They heaved in John Barleycorn,
There let him sink or swim.

They laid him out upon the floor,
To work him further woe;
And still, as signs of life appear'd,
They toss'd him to and fro.

They wasted, o'er a scorching flame,
The marrow of his bones;
But a miller us'd him worst of all,
For he crush'd him between two stones.

And they hae taen his very heart's blood,
And drank it round and round;
And still the more and more they drank,
Their joy did more abound.

John Barleycorn was a hero bold,
Of noble enterprise;
For if you do but taste his blood,
'Twill make your courage rise.

'Twill make a man forget his woe;
'Twill heighten all his joy;
'Twill make the widow's heart to sing,
Tho' the tear were in her eye.

Then let us toast John Barleycorn,
Each man a glass in hand;
And may his great posterity
Ne'er fail in old Scotland!

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2021-04-25 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Conditions were not good.  QSB was moderate while noise was weak.  
Forty meters was stronger than twenty with more QSB.  I thought the CME 
would cause more hiss but I did not hear it. Weather reports were all 
over the place.  Four sites with rain, two with snow, a few sunny.  
Temperatures from 35 to 82 degrees. I expect there is some wind with 
those differences.  Here it is foggy and wet but much more green than 
last week.  The leaves decided it was time.  The ferns have grown a foot 
in the last day.  They needed this rain.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6XK - Roy - IA

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

   I walked through the house and counted five T-squares hanging on the 
walls.  There is another one, but it's for cutting drywall ;)  Three of 
them are inherited so I can use that in my defense. However, if you need 
to lay out a sign quickly, or cut glass for that matter, they are very 
handy.  Then there are those times when the power is out and I need to 
draw an isometric view of some idea which is bugging me.

   Until next week stay creative & 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play. 
-Arnold J. Toynbee

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2021-04-24 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   It was a good week.  Sunny and chilly, now wet and foggy.  On 
Wednesday I was out pruning when I saw a largish, white raptor ridge 
soaring past.  The next opening gave me more markings.  An elbow patch 
underneath the wing and little color.  It seemed familiar, accipter of 
Oregon was my first search.  I got five hits but none of them fit.  For 
some reason most photos show hawks from above.  When was the last time 
you saw a hawk from above?  I digress.  I grabbed my Hawks field guide 
and searched for regional falcons.  Still no luck.  Then I scanned the 
photos of the underside of the wings.  That got me the right markings 
but it was not a falcon, or a hawk.  It was an osprey.  Must have been 
soaring from the Tualatin River watershed north to the Columbia River.  
Incorrect assumptions led me astray.  The pointy wings, which hinted 
accipter, were really him while he was slowing down by "crowing".  Since 
there are no rivers or lakes nearby I did not think of a water bird.

  A CME hit today.  The auroral oval is very much awake. However, the 
solar flux rate is down to 77.  This suggests noisy conditions with QSB, 
of course.  There are some sunspots too.  One of them is active and 
aimed at us.  You never know.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


Slide rule: Post Versalog II, far, far away

Drafting set: Dietzgen, five feet away

Triangle set: Post, five feet away

Mechanical pencil: Kohinoor, eight feet away

Architectural ruler: within arm's reach

Engineering ruler: five feet away

Closest drawing board, with T-square: ten feet away

Mechanical drawing classes: 2 years in high school, 1 semester in college.

Typing class: 1 year in high school -- topped out at 65 wpm

16 years of training by a WWII Marine Corps Drill Instructor: priceless :)

I use my typing skills every day.  The construction techniques I learned 
in mechanical drawing help me draw with modern CAD tools about once a 

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Re: [Elecraft] Firesign Theater

2021-04-22 Thread kevinr

Where's the fire Danger?  In your eyes, Lt Bradshaw!

Don't crush that dwarf, hand me the pliers.

All Hail Marx and Lennon

73,  Kevin.  KD5ONS

On 4/22/21 11:46 AM, Ken Widelitz wrote:

Wow, lots of Bozos on the Elecraft buss. I'm still waiting for the K4
electrician to build mine.

73, Ken, K6LA / VY2TT

On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 11:41 AM Dave Cole  wrote:

Do you live in an award winning communications trailer?  Can you jump
the hole to the center of the Earth?  Is your first name Nick?  Do you
know the Lonesome Beet?  If so, then you might be a Bozo...

73, and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z)
ARRL Volunteer Examiner
ARRL Technical Specialist, RFI
ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources

On 4/22/21 8:47 AM, Josh Fiden wrote:

I’m not the only Firesign Theater fan!

Can’t wait to have some quality time hearing receive audio in the cans

(not just a hamfest).

Josh W6XU

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 22, 2021, at 6:49 AM, Henry Pollock - K4TMC 


See Subject Line...Happy Reading!

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2021-04-18 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Both bands were weak and unproductive.  QSB was deeper on 20 than on 
40 meters.  Noise was higher this week.  The web cams at the 
Geldingadalir volcano now have increased resolution and the sound is 
working.  The sub-woofers are moving the house as the lava flies.  I 
hope they are making a time lapse movie from this live feed.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

NO8V - John  - MI

K4JPN - Steve - Ga

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

Until next week stay well.

  73, Kevin.  KD5ONS


The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play. - 
Arnold J. Toynbee

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2021-04-17 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   The new fire station near Manning had a sign which read, "Warning, 
sunshine ahead."  After a long, gray winter the sunbreaks have become 
continuous.  Yesterday the daffodils started to open around 10 AM.  By 
noon they were fully open.  This is after five weeks of growth.  The 
hummingbirds are feeding heavily.  With temperatures in the low 80s we 
are all feeling dehydrated.  They live in constant hunger, it makes them 
a little grumpy.

   The auroral oval is more pronounced than last week though the 
sunspot count is low.  News is the cycle will peak ahead of schedule.  
Maybe we will get a double peak once again.  I have spent the week 
watching the live feed from the volcano in Iceland.  That caused me to 
look up Dante's poem.  He never once mentions lava but does relate all 
manner of boiling substances. Curiously the ninth circle of Hell is made 
of ice.

   California quail worked through the front yard.  The varied thrushes 
and robins had fluffed the detritus layer so the quail had better 
pickings.  The Oregon juncos are attacking the mirrors on my truck while 
the pileated woodpeckers chortle through the woods looking for prey.  A 
few grouse are calling with their low toned whumping.  Currently a saw 
whet owl is filing away.  With all this aural input it is unnecessary to 
turn to electronics.  I have not turned on the BCB gear in a month.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


A few interesting links.  Krita tutorials, navigate a eukaryotic cell, 
live feed lava, how to separate sensation from memory, and the next 
stage of the chip shortage.


    ptr = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));

    ptr->next = home;
    ptr->prev = home->prev;

    home->prev->next = ptr;
    home->prev = ptr;


    ptr = home->next;

    home->next->next->prev = home;
    home->next = home->next->next;


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2021-04-11 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Both bands had more QSB than I had expected.  There was more noise 
on 40 meters compared to 20.  There were only a few reports of snow.  
Mostly sunny and warm was a common theme.  It was not very wet this 
winter, I hope the dry season does not bring too many fires.  Two years 
ago they were bad around here.  Last year they were bad farther south.

  On 14051 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6XK - Roy - IA

AB9V - Mike - IN

K4JPN - Steve - GA

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6XK - Roy - IA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

Until next week stay well and 73,

   Kevin.  KD5ONS


You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant
Walk right in it's around the back
Just a half a mile from the railroad track
You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant

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2021-04-10 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   I awoke to an inch of snow with more falling.  That lasted until 
mid-afternoon.  Then it started to hail followed by sleet and finally 
pellets of snow.  Lastly it started raining so the snow is gone.  Good 
day to watch the volcano in Iceland.  At least one of their web cams has 
succumbed to the lava when a new fissure opened. for a night time view.

   The auroral oval is very weak today.  Low flux readings too. There 
was a sunspot earlier in the week but it is gone now.  Cycle 25 is 
barely underway.  I hope to hear you tomorrow afternoon.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


"Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time 
to pause and reflect." -- Mark Twain

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2021-04-04 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   There was more QSB than I had expected.  On twenty meters an 
operator would be strong one second and gone the next.  On forty meters 
there was more noise with less QSB.  I had to move downward to avoid the 
RTTY folks on forty.

  On 14050.4 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

NO8V - John - MI

KL7CW - Rick - AK

K4JPN - Steve - GA

W8OV - Dave - TX

  On 7046.5 kHz at z:

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

KL7CW - Rick - AK

   It was a quiet, sunny Easter.

Until next week 73,

    Kevin.  KD5ONS


Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture
will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.  ~ Plato

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2021-04-03 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   There have been a number of sunny days this week.  They are starting 
to form a pattern :)  I saw a few trilliums as I struggled through the 
thicket of hemlock along the southern edge of my land.  I did find a few 
places where the deer had made a path, but they are rather  short.  If I 
follow I have to go on my hands and knees.  I would rather find another 
way.  There are more bedding areas now, some opening up to my east as 
the alder grow taller.  Soon the deer will be more common at this 
elevation as their fodder grows.

  A tiny sunspot showed up today.  Solar flux is still low at 72 sfu 
with a weak auroral oval.  But there are more hours of sunlight now, at 
least in the northern hemisphere, providing more time to ionize the 
Heaviside layer.  I replaced the lighting in my shack which should 
improve my mood, if nothing else.  Oregon's winter offers little 
sunshine, even artificial light can make a difference.  However, a day 
spent bushwhacking through the alder is even better.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


I was advised to read journal papers in biology, ecology, and 
linguistics while taking courses in grammars, artificial intelligence, 
robotics, and control theory.  This week I was reading about how flies 
employ their halteres as sensors to determine angular velocity.  The 
information gathered is sent to a central pattern generator controlling 
their flight muscles.

"Central pattern generators (CPG) are neurons or neural circuits that 
produce periodic output without requiring patterned input." Artificial 
neural networks mimic neural pathways in animals. Worms and insects have 
simple neural structures making them easy to study and model.  I created 
a neural network to simulate the motion of a frightened sea slug.  In 
the case of the tritonia sea slug, a single nerve input triggers the 
generator to alternately flex the slug's dorsal and ventral muscles to 
propel it away from danger.  If the triggering enervation ceases, the 
cycle continues for a set period of time.  If the danger persists the 
generator keeps getting triggered, adding another cycle.

The pattern generator allows the organism to use its other nerves, for 
other purposes, while the CPG does its job.  If it was on a computer, 
this method would be called distributed processing.  More complex 
organisms have more generators.  A house fly has numerous generators, 
from those for flight, to those used for cleaning itself.  Avian species 
use CPGs for their songs and mating rituals.  Mammals have generators 
for gait or brachiation, as well as for digestion and other behaviors.  
Neural pathways can be enhanced through training, we call it muscle memory.

I wrote my training set using backpropagation through time to train a 
recurrent neural network.  If I had built a robotic sea slug this would 
have been its escape mechanism.  More recent studies show the pattern 
generators can be nested allowing a great deal of control through only a 
few neurons.  I expect people to use numerous trained neural networks as 
a basis for larger, nested networks.  Leave the weightings trained into 
individual networks fixed, as you train them to work in concert, 
tweaking the interlinking neurons for more complex tasks.

If your little gray cells need exercise here are some links to follow:

Remember: neural plasticity is good but it requires you to forget at a 
certain rate.  It is the Red Queen dilemma for engineers :(

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2021-03-28 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Gusting winds have slowed enough to allow the snow to fall. Weather 
reports of 80 degrees with sunshine were appreciated. Spring takes a 
while to get here.  Twenty meters seemed noisy and weak.  Forty meters 
had less noise and less QSB.  Hopefully solar activity will increase 
soon; luckily it has nowhere to go but up.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

NO8V - John - MI

K6XK - Roy - IA

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K7TXA - Jim - CA (for the moment)

WM5F - Dwight - ID

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K6DGW - Skip - NV

  Until next week stay well and 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


You know, Mr. Tully, you are a most fortunate individual.

I know!

You have been a participant in the biggest interdimensional cross rip 
since the Tunguska blast of 1909!

Felt great.

We'd like to get a sample of your brain tissue.


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2021-03-27 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   The rain has been falling less often.  Today there was sun for much 
of the day.  I followed the eastern edge of my property from corner pole 
to corner pole.  This was next to impossible before they thinned the 
forest.  Bright green moss dominated the scene. It is too early for the 
ferns and alder leaves.  Very few insects.  That will change.  However, 
more snow is due tomorrow. Luckily the daffodils aren't blooming yet.  
They often get covered by the last big snow of the season.

   The sun has a few spots but there is more activity coming. During 
the equinox ions slip through cracks in our magnetosphere. For a few 
weeks aurora are stimulated with fewer ions.  I am unsure how this 
relates to propagation.  But the longer daylight period enhances the 
ionosphere.  I don't expect too much noise but I don't expect strong 
signals either.  We shall see.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


The flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow dies;
All that we wish to stay
Tempts and then flies.
What is this world’s delight?
Lightning that mocks the night,
Brief even as bright.

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

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2021-03-21 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Conditions were adequate to better.  QSB was deeper on 40 meters.  
The band was changing quickly.  Signals ranged from S1 or less to S9, 
sometimes in the same sentence.  Spring is starting. Flowers are 
blooming ranked by elevation.  The daffodils are blooming down in Banks 
while the snow drops are just starting here.  Birds can keep feeding on 
the same species by flying upward a few hundred feet.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4JPN - Steve - GA

AB9V - Mike - IN

KL7CW - Rick - AK

  On  7047.5 kHz at z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

  It is almost biting fly season.  When that starts I work in my 
greenhouse.  Birding by ear is the only way possible with the 
condensation steaming the walls.

  Until next week 73,

  Kevin.   KD5ONS


Here's neither bush nor shrub, to bear off
any weather at all, and another storm brewing;
I hear it sing i' the wind: yond same black
cloud, yond huge one, looks like a foul
bombard that would shed his liquor. If it
should thunder as it did before, I know not
where to hide my head: yond same cloud cannot
choose but fall by pailfuls.


Alas, the storm is come again! my best way is to
creep under his gaberdine; there is no other
shelter hereabouts: misery acquaints a man with
strange bed-fellows. I will here shroud till the
dregs of the storm be past.

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2021-03-20 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   It was a soggy, gray week.  The hummingbirds returned after a three 
week absence.  They told me exactly where the feeder should be located.  
Today the sky cleared for an hour.  Long enough to see the moon.  The 
snout and fore-paws of the rabbit on the moon were showing.  Then back 
to fog.

   The sun is shooting streams of ions at us.  I expect the bands to 
sound like hard, fine snow blowing on corn snow.  Yes, there should be 
over a dozen different words for snow.  A small sunspot is showing.  The 
auroral oval has increased since yesterday. Solar flux remains low, near 
the bottom-most reading of the recent doldrums.  Luckily the sun is 
shining longer in the Northern hemisphere, charging the ionosphere just 
a little longer each day.  Even soggy Oregon weather cannot stop that.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


B - None that I more love than myself. You are a
counsellor; if you can command these elements to
silence, and work the peace of the present, we will
not hand a rope more; use your authority: if you
cannot, give thanks you have lived so long, and make
yourself ready in your cabin for the mischance of
the hour, if it so hap. Cheerly, good hearts! Out
of our way, I say.


G - I have great comfort from this fellow: methinks he
hath no drowning mark upon him; his complexion is
perfect gallows. Stand fast, good Fate, to his
hanging: make the rope of his destiny our cable,
for our own doth little advantage. If he be not
born to be hanged, our case is miserable.


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2021-03-14 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Signals were fair to good on both bands.  They were quiet as well.  
Quiet normally means weak propagation so I received more email than 
check ins.  Oh well, you never know until you try.  I almost missed both 
nets because I was busy listening to bird songs.  If I played the right 
ones I was taken back to canyons, prairies, mountains, marshes and 
streams I had visited in my past.  The right bird song brought back the 
smells, the insects, the heat, and humidity too.  My very own TARDIS.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

AB9V - Mike - IN

K4JPN - Steve - GA

KB9AVO - Paul - IN

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

   Until next week stay well and 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


Ever since I was a young boy, I've played the silver ball
From Soho down to Brighton, I must've played 'em all
But I ain't seen nothin' like him in any amusement hall
That deaf, dumb, and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball

He stands like a statue, becomes part of the machine
Feelin' all the bumpers, always playin' clean
Plays by intuition, the digit counters fall
That deaf, dumb, and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball

Ain't got no distractions, can't hear no buzzes and bells
Don't see no lights a-flashin', plays by sense of smell
Always gets the replay, never seen him fall
That deaf, dumb, and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball

I thought I was the Bally table king
But I just handed my pinball crown to him

Even on my favorite table, he can beat my best
His disciples lead him in, and he just does the rest
He's got crazy flipper fingers, never seen him fall
That deaf, dumb, and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball

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2021-03-13 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   The week began with wet weather.  Perfect for an net search to 
follow a hint by K0DTJ.  Brian mentioned the Merlin phone app, which 
helps you identify birds. Part of it 
is sound files.  Deeper digging got me to which had exactly 
the sound files I wanted.  $20 for over 4000 sound files from 900 
species of birds in Canada, the US, Mexico, and parts of South America.  
It is interesting to notice the regional dialects of a species.  The 
local Pileated Woodpecker population may not understand the call from 
their Carolina cousins.  This summer I will put a few speakers out this 
window and see who I can attract.  Last night the Saw Whet owls woke me 
up.  Maybe I should play their tune during the daytime :)

   One small sunspot is showing, while the auroral oval is stronger 
than last week.  Flux is at 77 sfu.  I expect more noise with deeper 
QSB.  However, you never can tell until you try.  I took a hike to check 
the growth on the thinned trees.  Along the way I tightened the guy 
lines to my antennas.  The winter winds had pulled them upward on the 
shrubs they were holding.  When the weather turns sunny again I will 
trim the central tree of dead branches.  That will let me raise the 
antenna about twenty feet. Then I can test how it works when it is not 
behind a wall of soil.  Luckily that is on the western side; off to the 
east the way is open well into Washington.  On a clear day that is where 
Mt. St. Helens would appear.

Notice the time change.  Same sun angles as last week just one hour 
later on our normal clock.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


They took me down the grading station
And they classified me zed
'Cause of over population
They told me that I would soon be dead

But I slipped out of the force field
And hid beneath the monorail
But the automatic blood hounds
Lord, they're soon hot along my trail

Now if I had been a scholar
With computer working hard
Then my molecular structure
Would not be on the grader's card

So, I know that they will get me
Put my index in the brain
Then, the atoms of my body
Will be disposed of, Lordy, down the drain

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2021-03-07 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   As I had suspected the bands were not too good.  I was getting 
reports of QSB but experiencing none myself.  Noise was a little higher 
but signals were not.  I am not sure where twenty meters was landing 
since neither Ken nor Steve found me without repetitions.  I tried both 
antennas to vary my pattern.  Then I replied on whichever received better.

  On 14050 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K4JPN - Steve - GA

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

From this sparse sampling I had the worst weather.  Hail, snow, sleet, 
rain, and fog.  It did get sunny before the second net but the rest of 
the week will bring more snow.

  Until next week 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


You know not even the coastal villages was safe from
them big clams. You know them big clams had an inland
range of about 15 miles. Think of that. I mean our
early pioneers and the settlers built little houses
all up and down the coast you know. A little inland
and stuff like that And they didn't have houses like
we got now, with bathrooms and stuff. They built little
privies out back. And late at night, maybe a kid would
have to go, and he'd go stomping out there in the
moonlight. And all they'd hear for miles around...
/[loud clap/belch]/one less kid for America. One more
smiling, smurking, humungus giant clam.  -- in the key of A

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[Elecraft] Late Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2021-03-07 Thread kevinr
Sorry for this being so late. I had sent it last night but from the 
wrong email account.  With Thunderbird you are not always sure from 
which account you are sending.  Oops.

Good Evening,

It is time to prepare for migration season.  I scan a few bird books to 
memorize identifying marks.  Birds normally appear in low contrast 
locations, looking little like they do in photos. Habitat and behavior 
let you narrow your choices, but I find the best method is to learn 
their calls.  Even if you don't see them you can mark them off your life 

A good source of bird songs is the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. They have 
quite a list of Eastern songbirds as well as other species.  This is the 
same lab which developed Spectrogram; the program many  of us used to 
adjust our K2 filters.  I need to find a similar site for the Western 
part of the continent.  Many species pass through on their way to Alaska 
and Canada.  I only see them one or two days a year.  It is my best time 
for spotting a new one.

Now to gather a goodly number of their recordings, and start listening.  
Much like CW, it takes practice to learn more species' songs and calls.  
Some birds make ten to twenty different sounds. There are a few which 
can only be differentiated by their calls; the species look exactly the 

The sun has a fading spot and some solar wind flowing.  Low flux 
readings with a feeble auroral oval.  Propagation may be weak, but the 
noise should be less.  Listening for faint bird calls in the forest is 
much like this However, that is why we do these nets. Learn about 
propagation and break the enforced containment of the age.  Hopefully 
spring will bring improvement in both areas.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at z Monday  (4 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
and thus the native hue of Resolution
Is sicklied o'er, with the pale cast of Thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment,
with this regard their Currents turn awry,
And lose the name of Action.

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2021-02-28 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Signals were fair to OK on twenty meters.  Steve had fast QSB but 
noise was low.  Forty meters changed from the first minute onward.  
Signals were strong but everyone faded with time.

  Some signs of spring but only those to the south had flowers. There 
are pockets of snow here in the shade.  I had lots of traffic today.  
About a dozen motorcycles came through, testing the mud.  Plenty of clay 
mixed in so they have a slippery challenge.

  John did mention ice and wind.  Perfect antenna eating weather.  Days 
are getting longer, I expect 40 meters to keep improving.  We were done 
before dusk today so I did not lose anyone in the middle of a contact.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

NO8V - John - MI

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4JPN - Steve - GA

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

KG7V - Marv - WA

WM5F - Dwight - ID

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

AE6C - Denny - CA

Until next week 73,

   Kevin.  KD5ONS


// rotate sphere 90 degrees up
    Rot = matGen(0.0, 0.0, 90.0);
    for (int i=0; iobject[scn->objects].faces; i++)
        for (int j=0; jobject[scn->objects].face[i].vertices; j++)
            scn->object[scn->objects].face[i].vertex[j] =         // 
move vertex to center
            scn->object[scn->objects].face[i].vertex[j] =         // 
rotate  vertex around center

            matTvec( Rot, scn->object[scn->objects].face[i].vertex[j] );
            scn->object[scn->objects].face[i].vertex[j] =         // 
return vertex to where it was



   buoy = mass( ambient, ptr->getRadius() )
   - mass( ptr->getTemp(), ptr->getRadius() );
   ptr->setX( ptr->getX() + ptr->getVX()*t );
   ptr->setY( ptr->getY() + ptr->getVY()*t - buoy*g*t*t + g*t*t );

   ptr->display( ptr->getColor() );

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2021-02-27 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

  We had a week of sunspots.  Solar flux is up slightly with some 
auroral activity.  The sun is also rising earlier and setting later.  
Buds are forming on my lilacs.  The hummingbird left during the last few 
weeks of snow.  It is almost time for them to come back :)

   I am a curious person, or so I've been told.  I try to write 
efficient code.  What began as a brute force search method using five 
lines, has grown.  First, a binning data structure gave me improved 
performance, with a search taking 16 lines of code.  But only about a 5x 
increase in speed.  Edge, face, and corner cases were devouring 
processor cycles like they were free.  While taking a shower, I thought 
of unrolling the loops to create a search tree, then pruning for edge, 
face, and corner effects.  I found the speed I wanted, with an 8x 
increase (40x from brute force). However, the code is now 257 lines 
long.  At this rate, the search will run instantaneously when I have 
written infinite lines of code.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at z Monday  (4 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


Life is strange.  You can get famous for creating a list of non-cometary 

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2021-02-21 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Both bands were OK.  Twenty meters was quite active with DX 
contesters.  I had to move down to find a frequency.  Holding it was not 
easy.  QSB was mild on twenty meters, deeper on forty. Weather reports 
came in milder than last week.  Sun most places, it even came out here 
just before sunset.  Noise levels were about the same on both bands.  
Twenty got longer as time went by.  Forty meters held up for over thirty 

  On 14050.2 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6XK - Roy - IA

KC6VFD - Leonard - CA

K4JPN - Steve - GA

KE3X - Kennan - DC

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6XK - Roy - IA

WM5F - Dwight - ID

K6PJV - Dale - CA

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K7TXA - Jim - CA

AE6JV - Bill - NH

   Until next week 73,

   Kevin.  KD5ONS


 Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture 
will never be understood, let alone believed by the masses.  ~ Plato

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2021-02-20 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   After two weeks a new sunspot has appeared.  We are also in a stream 
of solar wind.  Our ionosphere is being refreshed.  The auroral oval is 
strong at the moment.  Hopefully things will settle down a bit for 
tomorrow.  Noise levels are still fairly low maybe the signals will pop 
out.  I expect both bands to change during the nets due to the time of 
year.  Twenty meters has been getting longer but I'm reaching different 
parts of the US.

   By the time the snow stopped falling I had about a foot.  Even with 
the rain there is still a three to four inch covering.  One morning I 
turned the faucet only to hear a gurgle.  I slogged through the sloppy 
snow to the pump house only to find the relay stuck on.  OK, a reset.  
But that didn't work.  Neither did my confused glare.  So I shut off the 
power to the pump and did other chores.  A few hours later I turned the 
breaker back on and reset the relay.  A few iterations of that and now 
the water is running.  For some reason it thought the well had run dry 
in the rainy season.  Maybe the confused glare helped.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at z Monday  (4 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


Examples ... show how difficult it often is for an experimenter to 
interpret his results without the aid of mathematics.     — Sir John 
William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh

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2021-02-14 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Twenty meters was busy.  The RTTY folks were on 14050 and above.  
The WES folks were below 14050.  I found a spot, and held it, from 2150z 
onward.  However, I only had one station find me. I did pick up a stray 
from New York while waiting to start the net.  Weather reports were 
fairly normal for February.  The Midwestern folks insisted on putting 
either minus ahead of the number or below zero after it.  I think they 
both may be wearing hats and gloves this week.

   QSB was moderate on both bands.  40 meters did change rapidly over a 
few minutes.  As the solar cycle picks up I think this change will be 
less sharp.  I need to check the MUF, it might be close to 7 MHz.  Noise 
was low on each band.

  On 14049.0 kHz at 2200z:

WA2JSB - Robert - NY

K6XK - Roy - IA

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

WM5F - Dwight - ID

K6XK - Roy - IA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

  I plan to spend some time being snowed in.  With all the snow it is 
pretty quiet and the traffic has been cut to one vehicle a day.  Even 
the aircraft beacon at the top of mountain is not well used.  But ears 
adjust.  As there is less noise they find the level below.  I don't 
think I have ever been in a truly sound free environment; even in a cave 
there was the dripping.  Mr. Bell studied this logarithmic response and 
has his name misspelled as its unit.  Volt(a), Ampere, ohm, Oersted, 
Henry, but bel?

  Until next week enjoy your version of winter.

  73,   Kevin.  KD5ONS


"I'm endeavoring, Ma'am, to construct a mnemonic memory circuit using 
stone knives and bear skins."

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2021-02-13 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Two of three storms has passed through.  Luckily, there was little 
freezing rain, but there was a moderate amount of snow.  A foot so far 
but nothing like what's going on south and east of me.  Skiing in the 
Cascades will be good.

  I built a new computer recently.  I bought my first one in 1978.  
1.774 MHz with 16 kilobytes of RAM.  The new one has 8 cores running at 
3.6 GHz with 32 gigabytes of RAM.  A 16,000 fold increase in speed and a 
2,000,000 increase in main memory. Another 16,000 x increase in speed 
would be nice :)

   No sunspots are visible.  There is a stream of solar wind.  I expect 
QSB from that as well as some noise.  But more ions are good.  They just 
need a little discipline.  Watching aurora displays helps you see the 
magnetic field of earth.  At first the aurora was a disordered blotch 
but after an hour the field forced the colors into sheets and 
streamers.  I saw thin streaks shooting from the north all the way to 
the southern horizon for an hour, then the curtains appeared.  As the 
storm progressed the colors spread across the whole sky in an orderly 
fashion.  SW Wisconsin circa 1975.

Hopefully the power will remain on tonight and tomorrow.  We shall see.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at z Monday  (4 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


“Tell him: ‘One who puts on his armor should not boast like one who 
takes it off.’”

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[Elecraft] Antenna and Propagation class notes addendum

2021-02-13 Thread kevinr
I spent last night waiting for the power to go out reading these lecture 
notes.  I found part of the file was missing.  Upon further digging I 
found the original site where the entire class is located.  My rusty 
German helped me find it.  Luckily it is technical German where the 
words are one line long :)  That gave me a foot in the door allowing me 
to translate a few parts of the compound word.

That led me to :

The noise segment has more math than does the rest.  Luckily, the 
propagation section has very little math and a lot of substance. I found 
this lecturer's pace and order very good, much better than the text we 
used in my second antenna class.

Do not let the math intimidate you.  Read the text around it and you 
will gain a lot of information without needing to work all the 
problems.  I found a few Bessel functions which still give me pause.  
These notes are from a class about two years ago so it covers cell phone 
antennas, both in the hand held unit and in the towers which repeat the 
signal.  The section on beam forming methods was interesting too.

Good luck, learn much, and 73,  Kevin.  KD5ONS

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[Elecraft] Antenna and Propagation class notes

2021-02-12 Thread kevinr

As usual I was looking for something else when I found an interesting 

This is an introduction to antennas and propagation without too much 
mathematics.  It ranges from analyzing wire antennas to patch antennas.  
There is a good discussion of noise too.

A little over 100 pages long but covers the topics well.  You even get 
problems to work out :)

Unfortunately there is no 3 hour long final examination.

   73,  Kevin.  KD5ONS


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Re: [Elecraft] K2 filter optimisation

2021-02-12 Thread kevinr
I was curious so I searched for alternatives.  I used the search string 
"spectrum audio graphing application for macintosh linux OS" and found a 
number of applications you could use to tune your K2.  I have not used 
any of them.  I simply wanted to see what was out there.  Options are 
available for Linux users as well as those using the recent Mac 
operating systems.  My last Mac was the IIvx which used a Motorola chip 
from the 68000 family.  Everything I had written on previous Macs worked 
on it; even some from my 100 day box.  That was the one with the 
designer's signatures embossed on the inside of the case.

   GL & 73,   Kevin.  KD5ONS


On 2/12/21 11:43 AM, Don Wilhelm wrote:


Spectrum Lab runs on Windows and Linux, but Mac is not specifically 
mentioned.  Google for it and read for yourself.

If you have a Windows machine, you can use Spectrogram.  Download from 
my website - Scroll to near the bottom of the home page 
to find the links.


On 2/12/2021 3:59 AM, Ian Maude wrote:

Hi all,
It’s been a while but good to be back.  I have just resurrected my K2 

had to do a reset due to not having any sidetone.  This meant a certain
amount of realignment.
When I originally aligned this (back in 2004) I was able to use 

to align the filters well.  Is there a modern replacement for this,
preferably for Mac?

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2021-02-07 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Twenty meters had a moderate level of noise with some QSB. Signals 
did drop to S2 or lower but copy was OK.  Forty meters had less noise at 
first, but by the end it grew louder.  There were a few digital contacts 
going on nearby.  Twenty moved on me, arriving at the East Coast by the 
end of the net.  QSB on forty meters was about the same rate as on twenty.

   It may be a CW net but the topics vary: gardening, dog training, 
antenna projects, varmit wrangling, cold commiseration, birding tales, 
weather reports, propagation study, and vicarious warmth.  I receive the 
latter when I hear about sun and 60 degree temperatures.  Currently it 
is snowing.  It is brisk around the Midwest as well.  Below zero 
readings after dark.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

NO8V - John - MI

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K4TO - Dave - KY

K6XK - Roy - IA

KL7CW - Rick - AK

AB9V - Mike - IN

K3EW - Phil - MD

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

W8OV - Dave - TX

KM6ZX - Brian - CA

   Until next week stay warm & 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


One summer afternoon Mrs Oedipa Maas came home from a Tupperware party 
whose hostess had put perhaps too much kirsch in the fondue to find that 
she, Oedipa, had been named executor, or she supposed executrix, of the 
estate of one Pierce Inverarity, a California real estate mogul who had 
once lost two million dollars in his spare time but still had assets 
numerous and tangled enough to make the job of sorting it all out more 
than honorary.  Oedipa stood in the living room, stared at by the 
greenish dead eye of the TV tube, spoke the name of God, tried to feel 
as drunk as possible.  But this did not work.

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2021-02-06 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

    Late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning I was awakened by a 
loud noise.  Then another.  It was a Barred Owl, right outside my 
window.  He kept it up for about thirty minutes, until he moved off and 
I fell back asleep.  They are regular visitors, as are Saw Whet owls.  
Spotted owls are a less frequent, but once you associate them with their 
call, you hear them a few times a year.  Sitting at a radio digging for 
stations on shortwave was good practice for birding.

   The sun has no sunspots showing but there is activity from the 
backside.  A CME blasted off sideways.  In two weeks we may be treated 
to more sunspots.  The auroral oval is bright so the ionosphere is 
charged.  I expect more noise than recently with faster QSB.

   There is a little snow left from the last storm but more coming 
tomorrow.  I slipped down the mountain for supplies early in the week 
and I'm ready for the next storm.  Snow level will drop to 1500 feet, 
about 500 feet below me.  If the power stays on I can stay busy.  If it 
goes out I can read the magazines piling up.  As long as it does not 
drop below zero I'm fine.  If it does it just means I'll be working more 
on wood than on the computer :)

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at z Monday  (4 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


The Walrus and the Carpenter
   Were walking close at hand:
They wept like anything to see
   Such quantities of sand:
"If this were only cleared away,"
   They said, "it/would/be grand!"

"If seven maids with seven mops
   Swept it for half a year,
Do you suppose," the Walrus said,
   "That they could get it clear?"
"I doubt it," said the Carpenter,
   And shed a bitter tear.


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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2021-01-31 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   My prediction of medium QSB came true.  I gave one report as S3 to 
S9 with a clear signal.  Noise was very light too.  But, both bands kept 
changing.  By the time I closed the first net everyone had disappeared.  
On forty meters I started off strong then got weaker as time passed.

   Those of us on the West Coast are thankful our antennas survived the 
recent storms.  Winds were high with a variety of flying objects ready 
to attack antennas.  Most of my antenna breaks are caused by snow 
bending the limbs of my fir trees until they pull the wire into parts.  
Even though I do not tie the legs of the antenna how the wire slides 
depends on the type of snowfall.  Luckily, this week had a foot of very 
dry snow instead of the normal slush.

   The glacier forming in Iowa is being thwarted one shovelful at a 
time.  Keep up the good work Roy :)  Mostly, reports were of staying 
inside, away from the nasty weather.  Propagation is good enough to keep 
people busy on many bands using a variety of modes.  I tested my new 
headphones on 75 meters, then I moved back to the CW portion where 
conversations are less medical.

  On 14050.8 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

AB9V - Mike - IN

K6XK - Roy - IA

NO8V - John - MI

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

W8OV - Dave - TX

   Until next week 73,

   Kevin.  KD5ONS


In the footsteps of Napoleon, the shadow figures stagger through the winter
Falling back before the gates of Moscow, standing in the wings like an 

And far away behind their lines, the partisans are stirring in the forest
Coming unexpectedly upon their outposts, growing like a promise
You'll never know, you'll never know, which way to turn, which way to 
look you'll never see us
As we steal into the blackness of the night you'll never know, you'll 
never hear us

And evening sings in a voice of amber, the dawn is surely coming
The morning road leads to Stalingrad, and the sky is softly humming

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2021-01-30 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   It snowed for much of the week.  The trees would fill with about 
four inches, their limbs would bend almost to the ground.  I saw a 
number of birds taking advantage of the cover during the heaviest 
snowfall.  Some perched, looking forlorn, while the others kept 
searching the cracks in the bark for insects.  Then a slight rise in 
temperature would cause the snow to release and fall to the ground.  
Currently it is raining but the ground is still covered with snow.

   The sun is spotless again with some activity.  The auroral oval 
shows the ionosphere is charged.  Lower activity keeps the QSB slower 
while the bands are more quiet.  The sun is moving north again.  Days 
are longer and sunsets are later.  Forty meters is time sensitive; about 
thirty minutes before local sunset brings better conditions.  One hour 
before sunset is too early, while right at sunset propagation changes 

  After reading many recommendations for the Sony MDR-7506 headphones I 
bought a pair.  They are very comfortable.  CW sounds good in them but 
so does a wide range of music.  Chopin to Blue Oyster Cult :)  They came 
with an adapter for the plug to switch from 1/8" to 3/8".  That is not 
unusual, what is new is the way it connects.  Instead of simply plugging 
on there are a few threads so the adapter is firmly attached if needed.  
Now to test if I can hear a little deeper into the noise.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at z Monday  (4 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


Two broken tigers on fire in the night
Flicker their souls to the wind
We wait in the lines for the final approach to begin
It's been almost four years that I've carried a gun
At home, it will almost be spring
The flames of the tigers are lighting the road to Berlin
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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2021-01-24 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

Conditions were pretty good on both bands.  A little less noise on 40 
meters with a little more QSB than on 20 meters.  Winter weather 
prevailed across the Northern tier of states.  My snow depth depends on 
the snow line.  If it is low I can get feet of snow in a few days.  But, 
if it remains high enough, I will only get a few inches.  Deer at the 
bird feeder was in one report. I've seen squirrels climb on them but 
never deer.  However, corn fed deer goes well with carrots and potatoes.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

NO8V - John - MI

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4JPN - Steve - GA

K2HYD - Ray - VA

AB9V - Mike - IN

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6XK - Roy - IA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

KG7V - Marv - WA

W8OV - Dave - TX

I think February is a good month for studying seed catalogs.  The ground 
is too hard to till but you can begin making plans.  I will try more 
root crops this year since they grow better than leaf crops at this 

   Until next week 73,

   Kevin.  KD5ONS



“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, 
every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has 
been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing 
day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists 
except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”  -- 
George Orwell

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2021-01-23 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   It was a good week.  I felt like the snail on the side of a well 
though.  Some successes, some failures but I am still on the side of the 
well.  I wonder what the snail feels like when he reaches the top and 
starts down the outside?  There was some sun shining into my well.  
Above freezing with little rain.  However, sometime tonight the snow 
starts falling.  By Wednesday there should be more than enough to cause 

  The sun is more active than last week.  Three small sunspot groups 
now with more over the limb.  A stream of solar wind is due on the 
25th.  For now the bands should be quiet with medium levels of QSB.  
Neither of my antennas was hit by flying limbs.  There are fewer weak 
limbs remaining after the thinning.  I hiked the property a few days ago 
and found the smaller diameter slash is mulching nicely.  The alders are 
self thinning which provides good sleeping areas for the elk and deer.  
The grouse are in a down cycle, I did not flush any of them.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at z Monday  (4 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of 
external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of 
heresies was common sense.

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2021-01-17 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Both bands were better than I had anticipated.  Low noise with mild 
QSB helped me copy better.  Rick commented after the first net that 
propagation was good for him to all of us.  The time change for the 
second net helped.  Signals got stronger for the first portion then 
began to fall.  We can keep this time slot as the sun returns.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

NO8V - John - MI

W0CZ - Ken - ND

AB9V - Mike - IN

K4TO - Dave - KY

K4JPN - Steve - GA

KL7CW - Rick - AK

  On 7047.5 kHz at z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6XK - Roy - IA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

W8OV - Dave - TX

K4TO - Dave - KY

   Until next week 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


He holds him with his glittering eye—
The Wedding-Guest stood still,
And listens like a three years' child:
The Mariner hath his will.

The Wedding-Guest sat on a stone:
He cannot choose but hear;
And thus spake on that ancient man,
The bright-eyed Mariner.

'The ship was cheered, the harbour cleared,
Merrily did we drop
Below the kirk, below the hill,
Below the lighthouse top.

The Sun came up upon the left,
Out of the sea came he!
And he shone bright, and on the right
Went down into the sea.

Higher and higher every day,
Till over the mast at noon—'
The Wedding-Guest here beat his breast,
For he heard the loud bassoon.

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2021-01-16 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   The sun has become more active.  There is one tiny sunspot with a 
group of them around the limb, ready to pounce.  The solar flux reading 
has yet to notice the new spots.  The auroral oval seems more pronounced.

   Please notice a time change for the 40 meter net.  Signals started 
strong last week but dropped as the net went along. Moving earlier 
should help but 30 minutes may be too much.  We shall see.  Maybe 0015z 
would be better :)  If signals are strong enough we can test each boundary.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at z Monday  (4:00 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


while (!godot)  {  wait();  }

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2021-01-10 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

Both bands were surprisingly strong.  Low noise with little QSB was very 
pleasant.  I had to reduce my gain as each net went on. Cool weather 
everywhere which fits the season.  Most reported stay at home tasks 
which also fits.  I expect to leave the house later this week for the 
first time this year.  I have worked from home off and on since the 
'70s, it has gotten much easier.

The lack of sunspots did not seem to matter.  Signals were very clear.  
I can't find an image of the back side of the sun.  An active area 
slipped over the limb about two weeks ago.  It is due to return any time 
now.  Hopefully it did not dissipate along the way.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

NO8V - John - MI

W0CZ - Ken - ND

AB9V - Mike - IN

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4JPN - Steve - GA

KL7CW - Rick - AK

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0030z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K4WJ - John - FL

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

W8OV - Dave - TX

   Enjoy your week 73,

   Kevin.  KD5ONS


First, do no harm.  It would be wonderful if they taught this to 
software engineers.

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2021-01-09 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   I saw a large ball of burning gas in the sky today.  Then I realized 
it was the sun.  How soon we forget.  This sight was buffered by the 
stiff wind and chilly temperatures.  Smells like snow.  Good day for a 
hike.  I took a path quite less taken, steep in fact.  I found elk sign 
while checking the perimeter.

  The sun has been blank.  Six days now without a spot.  I thought we 
had passed that portion of the cycle.  Solar flux has dropped to 75 
sfu.  But the former sunspot area is due to reappear soon.  The auroral 
has increased since I last noticed.  Our ionosphere is getting excited; 
must be the CW contest activity.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0030z Monday  (4:30 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


 Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
 and thus the native hue of Resolution
 Is sicklied o'er, with the pale cast of Thought,
 And enterprises of great pitch and moment,
 with this regard their Currents turn awry,
 And lose the name of Action.

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2021-01-03 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Conditions changed during both nets.  On twenty meters the noise 
kept growing until I could not hear anything.  On forty meters signal 
strength changed during a contact.  QSB was mild to medium on both nets 
which meant a few S0 reports.

   Winter continues to be mild except for the folks farthest south, 
both mentioning cold and freezing.  Be thankful your temperature is 
still above zero, when life gets very interesting. There was mention of 
glaciation in Iowa.  This is not unprecedented though it has been a while.

  On 14051 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

NO8V - John - MI

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4JPN - Steve - GA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0030z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6XK - Roy - IA

AB9V - Mike - IN

K4WJ - John - FL

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

W8OV - Dave - TX

   Until next week 73,

  Kevin   KD5ONS


Therefore the prudent keep quiet in such times, for the times are evil.

  -- Kvetchmeister Amos

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2021-01-02 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   The year rang in with rain and fog.  I stepped outside to listen.  A 
minute later the local hummingbird buzzed my shoulder. He flew to a 
nearby branch and flashed his gorget at me.  Even on such a gray day it 
was very bright.  Resonance strikes again.

   The sun's spots are sliding over the limb.  This week's spots have 
yet to arrive.  Flux is at 81 sfu with a mild auroral oval. That should 
mean less noise.  But the only way to know for sure is to test the 

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0030z Monday  (4:30 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


The more the words, the less the meaning, and how does that profit anyone?

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2020-12-27 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Noise was low on both bands and QSB was moderate.  Some of you were 
surprisingly strong.  Forty meters was longer than twenty meters, 
reaching all the way into New Hampshire.  My weather was mild compared 
to most of you.  I heard snow, blizzard, wind and power outage.  Some of 
that wind passed here days earlier, downing trees and cutting power.  
Currently the moon is shining with a forecast of a sunny day.  Good for 
hiking and working on the wood pile.  Time to work off a little more 

  On 14051 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

NO8V - John - MI

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4TO - Dave - KY

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0030z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

W8OV - Dave - TX

AE6JV - Bill - NH

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

Until next week stay well and 73,

   Kevin.  KD5ONS


He lay, the intangible self that was Hugh Starke, bellied down in the 
darkness of the alien shell, quiet, indrawn, waiting.  Panic crept up on 
its soft black paws.  It walked around the crouching ego and sniffed
and patted and nuzzled, whining, and then struck with its raking claws.  
After a while it went away, empty.

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2020-12-26 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   I had sun for Christmas, what a change of pace.  Currently it is 
back to normal with fog and rain.  My lone hummingbird holdout is 
present at the feeder a few times a day.  I can't imagine what keeps him 

   Solar flux is rising again - 88 sfu at the moment.  One of them is 
breaking in half.  A bit of solar wind is due on the 29th.  Propagation 
should be OK to good this week.  QRPers on the East Coast won't have to 
work so hard :)

  If you are interested in working off a few kilocalories of stored 
Christmas you can exercise your fingers on either net.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0030z Monday  (4:30 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


I remember every detail. The Germans wore gray, you wore blue.

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Net Signal strengths as heard in New Hampshire

2020-12-23 Thread kevinr

Thanks Bill,

   It is nice to know the propagation conditions from the other end.  
During the last month I have been able to reach the opposite coast each 
week, on both twenty and forty meters.  The QRP operators do make it a 
challenge but my quiet location helps.  I run at 100 watts on my K3 into 
a homebrew vertical.  Check ins range from 1.5 watts to 1500 watts so I 
have to be quick on the AF gain.  The sun has been a great help by 
waking up and repopulating its surface with spots, some of which have 
been active.  Noise has been lower too, probably due to the season.

   Enjoy the winter festivals and see you on Sunday,


 Kevin.  KD5ONS


On 12/23/20 1:23 PM, Bill Frantz wrote:
Note: These reception reports are read from the S meter on my K3 in 
Peterborough, NH. The antennas are: 2 element 20M wire beam pointed 
toward Arizona, a 40M dipole pointed a bit further west, and an 80M 
dipole pointed toward Arizona.


20M SSB noise s2

k7brr s4
wb9jnz s6
k1nw s3 ri brian 4974 k3
ns7p s2 no copy
nc0jw s6
n4nrw s5
n0mpm s3
w7rek s2 about RS 32
n3kcb no copy
w9xmt s3 RS 43
k0gwg s3 RS 33
 s2 RS 22
k1dih no copy
w6omx s1 RS 22
 whole band got weak
? s3 k3 8343 qsb
ns7p s2 RS 32 1841z
n6pgq s3 RS 43 (band getting better)

40M noise s3 - broadcast qrm starting at 1900z brought noise up to s5

wm6p s6
k1nw s4
k8nu s6
nc0jw s6
wb9jnz s7
ai4vz s5
kd9qav s6
kb9avo s7 k3s 11103 paul
kb4chp no copy
wn8a s6
kb9nfq s5
kd9nxu s6 tony

40M CW s0 noise

kd5ons s3 rst 439
k6pjv s3 rst 339
k4wj s6

80M 3.817 s7 with ATT on

kb9avo s9+5
wb9jnz s9+5
w9wt s9+5
nc0jw s8-9
ab3na s9 chuck md
kd2ufc s7 no copy
wm6p s9+10
wy3t s9

Bill Frantz    | "The only thing we have to   | Periwinkle
(408)348-7900  | fear is fear itself." - FDR  | 150 Rivermead Rd #235 | Inaugural address, 3/4/1933  | Peterborough, NH 

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2020-12-20 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Conditions were good on both bands.  Lots of strong signals from the 
East.  QSB was slow and steady.  I was asked if I took rig information.  
At that point I realized I knew what kind of rig each of you was 
running.  We used to exchange serial numbers before the K3 came along.  
Then more of them checked in.  Over time we ceased checking numbers and 
morphed a bit.  Now we exchange tidbits of information on this and 
that.  When a new rig or antenna pops up it gets mentioned too.  Facts 
build up over the years :)  Maybe I have done this too long; I know my 
hand was complaining by the end of the second net.  Hopefully, as 
conditions improve, I can convince a few of you to call from farther 
east or south.  That gives another perspective and a longer baseline.  
Something to consider.

  On 14050 kHz at 2200z:

NO8V - John - MI

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K4TO - Dave - KY

AB9V - Mike - IN

K6XK - Roy - IA

KB3FBR - Joe - PA

  On 7047.6 kHz at 0030z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K4TO - Dave - KY

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

KL7CW - Rick - AK

K4WJ - John - FL

AE6JV - Bill - NH

  I know some of you will have a chance to view the Jupiter Saturn 
conjunction.  The rings will appear closer than some of the moons of 
Jupiter.  I doubt they mean the Galilean moons :)  Good luck and clear 
skies to you.

Merry Christmas.

   Until next week 73,

   Kevin.  KD5ONS


It was Aurelius’ simple recipe for improvement and for happiness.
“If you seek tranquillity, do less.  Do only what is essential. Which 
brings a double satisfaction, to do less, better."

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2020-12-19 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   I spent the last week at Gloom Central ™️.  Shortened days, foggy 
weather, with near continuous rain broken only by the occasional snow 
fall.  It is peaceful.  Gets me to clean the house and cook a lot.  It 
would be a good time to lay radials but I am weak.

  The sun is more quiet than last Sunday.  Today is the first spot free 
day in weeks.  Hopefully that will not continue.  Solar flux has dropped 
to 82 SFU.  The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the 21st will be 
something.  Folks are capturing the rings of Saturn and the moons of 
Jupiter in one image.  The skies will clear on the 22nd so I will get to 
see it a day later.  I plan to assemble the telescope for a look.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0030z Monday  (4:30 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


Canst thou, O partial sleep, give thy repose
To the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude;
And in the calmest and most stillest night,
With all appliances and means to boot,
Deny it to a king?

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2020-12-13 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Subjects of the nets included: persistent but dry snow, router 
setup, conditions on the high bands, CUDA code, dry wells, skimming 
leaves from pools, and the elevation of my mountain home.  Never a dull 

  On 14049.75 kHz at 2200z:

NO8V - John - MI

K6XK - Roy - IA

K0JFJ - Nick - AZ

K2HYD - Ray - VA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0030z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K4WJ - John - FL

W6JHB - Jim - CA

WI6O - John - CA

   The sun was helpful, but neither band was as strong as it was last 
week.  Luckily the noise level was low while QSB was not as deep.  Power 
levels ranged from 12 watts to 1500.  It is always fun to test the 
airwaves and see how you all are doing.  Only 18 months until our 
anniversary; we need a theme :)

   Until next week 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


PV = nRT

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2020-12-12 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Snow line keeps moving either above me or below me.  I have had 2 
inch flakes of snow falling while it is raining hard.  Then it all goes 
quiet as the snow prevails.  I have had as much as two inches of snow 
but for the moment there is less than an inch.

   The sun is less spotty this week while solar flux is at 83 sfu.  The 
recent CME was not as strong as predicted.  Sky watchers did not get the 
forecast show.  However, Jupiter and Saturn are coming into a nice 
conjunction.  Hopefully I will get a break in the clouds around the 21st 
of December.  I would limber up my Tele Vue refractor.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0030z Monday  (4:30 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


H psi = E psi

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2020-12-06 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

Puppy training, snow blowing, bird feeding, and weather covers the list 
of topics from the twenty meter net.  Right as I called NO8V the ferns 
started to move about twenty feet in front of me. A very sleepy doe woke 
up as I gave him a 539.  Then, as he was chatting, another doe woke up 
about ten feet behind the first. First they stretched then started 
eating.  The sword ferns provide food and act as mattresses, how convenient.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

NO8V - John - MI

K6XK - Roy - IA

AB9V - Mike - IN

K4JPN - Steve - GA

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0030z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K4TO - Dave - KY

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K4WJ - John - FL

W8OV - Dave - TX

Only one complaint of cold.  From Kentucky no less.  But snow, followed 
by rain and clouds is always daunting.  Some time around late January 
the steady gloom of the Pacific Northwest becomes oppressive.  Folks 
have been known to travel east of the Cascades to see what the sun looks 
like.  There was mention of chilly weather from California's central 
valley.  I took that report with a grain of salt :)

Until next week stay well 73,

   Kevin.  KD5ONS


Sync, cinq, sunk

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2020-12-05 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Not much rain, a little sun, and a lot of wind.  What a week. The 
alders have been thinned.  The roads are covered with branches (trunks) 
up to six inches in diameter.  The rest will now grow faster.

  The sun has had a string of active sunspot groups.  A few flares 
tossed solar material aimed in various directions, but none at the 
earth.  Nevertheless solar flux is above 100.  Conditions should be good 
for both nets.  The forty meter net starts right at local sunset.  That 
sun angle lets me work farther to the east with varying degrees of QSB.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0030z Monday  (4:30 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


There is no spoon

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2020-11-29 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Conditions were pretty good on forty meters.  A little QSB but the 
band was quiet.  During the net I watched a loaf of bread rising on a 
heater next to me.  I could not be sure how long the net would last so I 
did not put it in the oven.  So it kept rising, and rising.  By the time 
it did start baking it was pretty big.  I got a soft loaf of bread with 
great texture.

   I am glad I did not put the loaf in before I started because the net 
ran fairly long.  People were chatty today, telling me stories about 
this and that.  I turned the radio on around noon and scanned the bands 
from 40 to 10 meters.  Forty was dead at that time while twenty was 
pretty active.  Fifteen meters was wall to wall stations.  Ten meters 
had a fair share of them too.  The upper bands are waking up again.  It 
was fun to hear where my antenna could reach.

  On 7047 kHz at 0030z:

K6XK - Roy - IA

W6JHB - Jim - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

   Until next week 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

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[Elecraft] 1/2 Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2020-11-28 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   It almost got sunny today, then a wall of fog passed over. Now the 
moon is partly visible above the fog.  This week I saw a group of deer 
browsing their way through that foggy day.  I did not know they ate 
sword fern.  Those stay green all winter, the other ferns feed the 
soil.  New crops of mushrooms.  The cooler weather chooses different 

  Propagation is pretty good when the sun cooperates.  SFU at 106.  It 
seemed stuck at 70 for over a year, now it has jumped. The sunspot 
groups are getting large again too.  The auroral oval is not too big.  
However, there is a major contest going on.  I expect that to improve 
conditions all by itself.  They should be having fun with the sun this 
active.  It also means I will cancel the 20 meter net.  The 40 meter net 
begins half an hour after the close of CQ Worldwide DX contest.

Please join us tomorrow on:

 7047 kHz at 0030z Monday  (4:30 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


Fate is not without a sense of irony

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2020-11-22 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   There was little noise on either band.  QSB was mild, except for 
those east of the Rockies on 40 meters.  There was a flutter on all of 
you.  Mostly it was reports of a chilly drizzle.  Wind too.  Cold wind.  
Snow is in my forecast, sometimes I look forward to it.

   I created some antenna radiation patterns as 3D objects last night.  
They are running on my 3D engine.  Its simple hidden face algorithm is 
very confused with the toroidal pattern of a loop antenna.  Sometimes 
the mistakes make the most interesting displays.  Once I tame them down 
I will add a UI to control a few of the parameters.  Height above ground 
changes the patterns, sometime drastically.  I had forgotten how much 
fun it was to write these models.  This morning I wrote a new Bessel 
function solver for the loop antenna.  Machines are much faster than 
when I first wrote this code.  I can step more finely for a smoother 
image.  I need to write a better hidden surface routine.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

NO8V - John - MI

W3NP - Dave - WV

K4JPN - Steve - GA

K6XK - Roy - IA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K2HYD - Ray - VA

  7047.5 kHz at 0030z:

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

AE6JV - Jim - NH

K4WJ - John - FL

W8OV - Dave - TX

   Signals were loud today.  Solar flux was up but I'm not sure what 
happened to that solar breeze.  I did not hear it at all.


    Kevin.  KD5ONS


"If you would compliment Polybius you would not have to eat lentils."

"If I eat lentils I don't have to compliment Polybius."

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2020-11-21 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   It was a great morning.  Lots of sunshine with clear skies. The cool 
weather keeps the fog in the valleys and the mountain tops clear.  At 
night the fog dims the lights from towns nearby and the stars are 
bright.  I took a walk to check on the trees. It has grown too cold for 
the mushrooms, there were not many.  Not many spider webs either.  All 
of the alder leaves are down making it much easier to see.

   The sun is more active.  We are entering a stream of solar wind 
today so I expect some noise tomorrow.  At its worst it sounds like snow 
blowing against a tin roof.   Luckily the tones of CW cut through.  
Solar flux has risen again, to 82 sfu.  I will change the forty meter 
net time due to sunset.  But not by much, 15 minutes earlier.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0030z Monday  (4:30 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


Metrics for chaos and uncertainty :

S = k ln omega
sigma x sigma p >= h / (4 PI)

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2020-11-15 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Both bands were stronger than they were two weeks ago.  Less QSB on 
twenty while on forty meters had less on those farther west with a fast 
flutter on those to the east.  The sun angle seems about right for 
longer distance work on forty.  By the end of the second net it was dark 

   Topics ranged from tuning vertical antennas to humans being launched 
into space, Boise real estate to Midwestern snow storms. Low noise 
helped me dig a little deeper to work PA and VA.  It has been a while.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6XK - Roy - IA

NO8V - John - MI

K2HYD - Ray - VA

KB3FBR - Joe - PA

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0045z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

W6JHB - Jim - CA

K4WJ - John - FL

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

W8OV - Dave - TX

   I am working on some code to visualize antenna radiation patterns as 
animated 3D surfaces.  This is an extension of work I did for my grad 
school thesis.  There are many variables I could modify as user 
controlled parameters; I need to pick those which effect the system the 
most or are the most important to amateur use, while setting the others 
as fixed.  These patterns are created from equations straight out of a 
text book so you can track how each variable is introduced into the 
theory.  I need to tune my dynamic-circular queue for steady state 
performance.  The display loop needs to get fed enough frames, quickly 
enough, or have a governor added to it.

   Until next week have fun and get on the air more, the bands are healthy,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


del dot E = rho / e0
del dot B = 0
del cross E = -dB/dt
del cross B = mu0 ( J + e0 dE/dt )

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2020-11-14 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   It has been a wet, gray, and gloomy week.  So I completed my 
plumbing to do list.  The best part was not having to go to the hardware 
store to do so.  I had thought that was impossible. Today it has been 
very windy.  The trees are getting trimmed. Every minute or so there is 
a whump on the roof.

  The soggy deer have been moving through and I am greeted by a grouse 
working their way through the bear berries.  I can count on them 
flushing as soon as I open the front door.  The logs I brought in from 
the forest are getting washed off.  That helps the chainsaw stay 
sharper, longer.

   The sun has been active but the SFU has dropped from its high point 
of 95 down to 82.  That is still higher than it has been. Local sunset 
is at 4:42 so the second net starts in the dark. After tomorrow I may 
need to move it earlier again.  With our new solar cycle starting up you 
never can tell what propagation will do.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0045z Monday  (4:45 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


e0 = 8.854187 * 10^-12  Farads/meter

mu0 = 4 * pi * 10^-7  Henries/meter

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[Elecraft] [OT] QSB simulation

2020-11-09 Thread kevinr

Good Afternoon,

   We all deal with QSB when we make contacts.  The slow rise and fall 
of signal strength or the fast flutter which chops things into pieces.  
I wanted to get some idea of how our radio signals bounce off the 
ionosphere.  So I wrote some code to simulate it. It is simple model but 
I found out how non-linear the reflections are.

   I wrote the code for a Windows environment, but run it under Wine on 
my Linux box just fine.  You Apple folks can use Wine too since there 
are no fancy calls in this application.  If you would like to try it for 
yourself download it here :

  Have fun,

 Kevin.  KD5ONS

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Cancellation

2020-11-08 Thread kevinr


   Due to the sweepstakes contest there will be no CW nets today.  
Gives me time to do some serious fall cleaning.  I hope the solar flux 
remains high.  It is over 90 right now after years stuck at 70.  There 
is also a large sunspot group.  The new solar cycle has arrived.

   See you next week,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2020-11-01 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Propagation is improving.  Signals have gotten better over the last 
month.  Less background hiss with milder QSB.  Parts of the country do 
have a rapid flutter, which doesn't help.  I copied the KB3 station as 
KB3UDR and KB3FDR but little else.

  More dog training, winterizing efforts, yard work, and outdoor 
activity reports.  The loggers left piles of wood cut into lengths from 
6 to 20 feet.  If I can pick it up I put it into the truck to cut up 
later.  Once the rainy season begins in earnest the paths are too muddy 
to traverse.

  The sun angles were good for both nets.  I'll keep the times where 
they are for now.  The forty meter net ended just as it was getting 
dark.  Signals were good.  The twenty meter net took a while to wake 
up.  The band seemed to be moving from beginning to end.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

NO8V - John - MI

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6XK - Roy - IA

KB3?DR -

AB9V - Mike - IN

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0045z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K6XK - Roy - IA

AE6JV - Bill - NH

W8OV - Dave - TX

  Until next week, enjoy autumn, and 73,

 Kevin.  KD5ONS


Generally, you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance

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2020-10-31 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   It was a good week for mushrooms.  Cool nights, cool, sunny days.  
Many large, red amanita popping up.  A large group of sunspots popped up 
too.  Solar activity has been higher over the last few weeks.  SFU was 
at 85, today it's at 80.  There were some flares but none directed at 
earth.  The noise level should be like last week.  However, the time 
changes this week for those of us cursed by Ben Franklin.  Please notice 
the listed times. Depending on conditions either or both times may 
change.  One never can tell.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0045z Monday  (4:45 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


"/Then, during the Third Reconciliation of the Last of the Meketrex 
Supplicants, they chose a new form for him, that of a giant Sloar! Many 
Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar 
that day, I can tell you!/"

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2020-10-25 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Conditions were better than I had expected.  QSB was not too deep or 
fast.  Some noise but signals popped out easily.  I thought there would 
be more hissing noise from solar wind.  The cold which is passing over 
me is causing high winds to my south. Folks in California reported fires 
were being pushed back.  With gusts over 50 mph those fires may roar to 
life again.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

NO8V - John - MI

W0CZ - Ken - ND

AB9V - Mike - IN

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K4JPN - Steve - GA

K4TO - Dave - KY

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0045z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K4TO - Dave - KY

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K4WJ - John - FL

K6PJV - Dale - CA

W8OV - Dave - TX

   Snow blower prep, yard work, radio dog school, and some antenna 
projects came up.  I have a truck full of fire wood which needs to get 
refilled a few more times.  And stove pipe to replace.  Sheet metal bites.

   Until next week you all stay safe,

   73, Kevin.  KD5ONS


// The soap salesman algorithm

while (TRUE)






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2020-10-24 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   It was a cool, gray week.  I'm sure the last hummingbird has left.  
A front moved through and the temperature is dropping.  I think it rose 
to 42 today.   Tomorrow night should drop to 23 degrees, with snow by 
morning.  The plants are in the house.  One good thing is the freezing 
weather makes wood easier to split. The daily frost heaves work into the 
ends, expanding any cracks present.

   The sun has fewer spots than last weekend.  The solar wind is 
higher, with solar flux at 72.  Signals will be weaker than last week 
with higher noise.  I expect the QSB to be varied and interesting.  On 
Monday I had an advertisement land in my in box. Normally I can 
withstand good deals on high tech toys but this one has a strong force. While it is not Tony Stark's 
computer it would do very nicely. 128 cores driving four GPUs would keep 
me busy writing code. Vacuform the World's Fair?  Piece of cake.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0045z Monday (5:45 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


float dist(struct pt a)
    return sqrt(dot(a, a));

struct pt norm(struct pt a)
    return div(a, dist(a));

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2020-10-18 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   QSB was mild today and signals were clear.  Both bands gave signals 
from all over; I did not work the same state twice in a row.  Florida 
was surprising but I have worked CT recently.  I think we are past the 
bottom of the solar cycle and working our way up the next one.  I had 
expected more noise but even the storm noise was less.  Maybe it's the 
transition into cooler weather. Ken did report snow and slippery streets.

  It is time for me to concentrate on gathering wood for the winter.  
Cooler weather helps even though the humidity is rising. This year I 
have plenty of wood cut to size.  It just has to get from where it is to 
where I need it.  Seems like moving wood around is most of its work.  
Cutting and splitting take less time.  However, there is little need for 
me to design an exercise plan to stay fit.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

NO8V - John - MI

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4TO - Dave - KY

AC5P - Mike - OK

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K4JPN - Steve - GA

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0045z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K4TO - Dave - KY

WM5F - Dwight - ID

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K4WJ - John - FL

AC0E - Jim - KS

   Thank you for the years of fun.

Until next week stay well & 73,

   Kevin.  KD5ONS


“Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will 
ever regret.”

― Ambrose Bierce

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2020-10-17 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   I took a walk today to find more wood.  After two weeks of rain the 
sunny weather coaxed out quite a few mushrooms.  The chanterelle 
population was high before the thinning.  I thought it would take a few 
more years before they came back.  The slash is rotting into the soil 
with many mushrooms pushing through.

   The rain also cleaned the slate of tracks.  I found the latest elk 
paths while walking to my NW corner post.  It will take more rain before 
the intermittent stream there starts flowing.  Cedar like keeping their 
roots moist so they enjoy the channel.

   SFU at 77.  It has been quite some time since it was this high.  
Sunspot 2776 is not threatening, but rather, crackling with solar 
flares.  QSB will be interesting tomorrow.  It will be a fun test.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0045z Monday (5:45 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


[About Zim's attack on his home planet:]

Zim: I put the fires out.

Almighty Tallest Red: You made them worse!

Zim: Worse...or better?

Almighty Tallest Red: You will be sent to a planet so mysterious, no one 
has even heard of it!

Almighty Tallest Purple: Right! And those who have heard of it dare not 
speak it's name!

Zim: What's it's name?

Almighty Tallest Purple: Oh, I dare not speak it!

Zim: I'm an unstoppable death machine you know.

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2020-10-11 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   QSB made life interesting.  It varied from slow waves running from 
S3 to S9 followed by faster rates as I copied farther west. By the time 
I landed in CO or TX the rate began chopping characters.  I had to ask 
W0LI for many repetitions.  Each element was being broken into dits.  
First I copied the trailing LI but kept hearing VE9 or JA1 for the 
prefix.  Finally the W0 portion popped out.  Thanks for the patience Dick.

   One weather report stuck out: Roy's 82F and sunny.  Makes me want 
beach front property in Iowa.  Then sanity breaks my bubble when I 
remember the biting insects.  It is easy to make a blood donation there, 
just walk outside on a humid summer night.  Dave was working on his deck 
while Ken had been evacuated from church because of a power outage.  It 
is wet in the SE and in the PNW. If only I could ship the excess to 
where it is needed.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4TO - Dave - KY

K4JPN - Steve - GA

W0LI - Dick - CO

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0045z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

WM5F - Dwight - ID

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

W8OV - Dave - TX

    I finished the second net with visions of barbequed chicken, 
salmon, and shrimp.  Too bad I had none of them.  So I settled for an 
inch and a half thick steak with rice and beans.  Too bad Oregon is so 
far from Maine, the lobster is rather pricey here. They go well on a 
grill too.  Plenty of limes and butter.

   Until next week stay well & 73,

    Kevin.  KD5ONS



*FOOK *  Oh Deep Thought, your task is this. We
 want you to tell us -- the Answer.

Long pause.Deep Thought bleeps and bloops.

*DEEP THOUGHT *  The what?

*LUNKWILL *  You know. The answer.  To Life...the

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2020-10-10 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   It was a good week to sleep with the windows open.  Cool breeze, 
some rain, and a few owls.  One night it was a single Saw Whet owl 
filing away for hours.  The next night started with two owls making 
generic owl noises.  Then one of them broke into the familiar Barred Owl 
call.  They kept this up until I fell asleep. Luckily the loggers are 
back, but this time of year they arrive especially early: around 4 AM.  
This company leaves no slash behind.  And you wondered where chip board 
came from.

   The sun has two sunspots which pose no threats of solar flares.  
Seems so ominous when that's what we desire.  Strange. The solar flux 
index is a bit higher.  The sun will be a bit lower this week for the 
second net.  That means after dark for folks east of the Rockies.  Here 
the sun will be filtering through the canopy.  But with the weather the 
way it is I'll probably not see it for the clouds.  Fire danger has 
dropped another notch, which is comforting.  Hopefully, this weather 
system is bringing rain to Northern California too.  They could really 
use a few inches right now.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0045z Monday (5:45 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


"The Milliard Gigantubrain?", said Deep Thought with unconcealed contempt.
 "A mere abacus, mention it not."

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2020-10-04 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

  I had noise from a storm north of me during the twenty meter net.  
QSB was at medium which sometimes helped.  The forty meter net had 
stronger signals than last week with less noise.  There were folks in 
the CA contest above and below me.  It was hard to find an opening on 
twenty meters but on forty I had better luck.

  On 14050.88 kHz at 2200z:

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4JPN - Steve - GA

AC5P - Mike - OK

K1SW - Dick - CT @ 12 watts

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0045z:

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6XK - Roy - IA

K1SW - Dick - CT

Smoke reports were encouraging.  High haze in some spots, foggy mornings 
in others.  Hopefully we can stop coughing soon.  The cloudy weather off 
shore may come inland and douse the fires.  I keep hoping for the sun to 
become active again too.  Half full at all times ...

   Until next week 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 CW Chirp

2020-10-04 Thread kevinr
I got a report of my K3 chirping a few years ago.  My power supply 
failed soon after that.  During the net my CW became more and more 
chirpy as time went on.  Check your voltage, it may be the cause.

   GL,  Kevin.  KD5ONS

On 10/4/20 4:17 PM, Dana Roode K6NR wrote:

Just finished operating the California QSO Party as K6VO.  I received a
report of a bad CW chirp and have a recording of how that sounded.  Has
anyone had any issues with K3s chirping?  At this point it's only reported
on 80 meter CW, so it may be RF getting somewhere.  I think my power supply
is good.  I have not been able to recreate yet listening to a remote

Any initial thoughts appreciated.

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2020-10-03 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   I have never seen a single elk.  They always appear in groups.  
First three or four, and then more pop out of the background.  Unless 
they move it's hard to tell they are standing fifty feet away.  This 
week the wind was very light but coming toward me.  I saw a few out of 
place bushes and stopped moving. The group resolved into ten elk.  
Finding the bull took about five minutes.  He was way off to my right 
eating something green.  The cows were spread over a hundred yards or so 
also eating something green.  Today I found a well defined path in the 
NE corner of my property.  Once they re-establish their trails it is 
easier to find my way around.  The slash from the thinning is making 
soil. Much of it was broken, dead branches.  One wet winter and they are 

   I expect QSB will be deep and varied tomorrow.  The solar wind has 
been hitting it this week.  That means a noise like winter wind full of 
snow.  But we have past the bottom of the cycle.  I think.  It has been 
a week since the last meager spot.  I recycled a broken power supply 
this week.  Traced the circuit, tested voltages, and found the bug.  
Quite literally.  There was a scorched caterpillar under the leads to 
the voltage regulator. When the supply died there was an odd sound to 
it.  I just pulled another PS from another project to run my 
transceiver.  The "debugged" supply is now feeding another transceiver.  
I use it to listen to AM radio stations after dark when they cut power. 
Switch the mode to lower sideband and it works fine.  Fading is much 
less and fidelity is higher compared to the AM mode at night.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0045z Monday (5:45 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2020-09-27 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Neither band was very noisy.  There were different types of QSB, 
sometimes simultaneously.  One of them was like the picket fencing you 
get on FM.  It made copy interesting.  Mild to warm fall weather was 
reported with a few antenna projects.  Smoke and then rain have 
prevented me from working on mine.  Now to get enough wood in for winter 
before the trails get too muddy.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

NO8V - John - MI

K4TO - Dave - KY

K4JPN - Steve - GA

W8OV - Dave - TX

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0045z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K4TO - Dave - KY

W8OV - Dave - TX

   The sun is setting much earlier these days.  It is time I moved the 
forty meter net a little earlier.  Or just start guarding the frequency 
sooner and see who can respond.  The cooler weather has helped the fire 
fighters contain more of each fire. The smoke levels in the Central 
Valley are dropping too.  It will take a stronger cold front to push the 
rain south of the Siskiyou Mountains.

   Until next week 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


All in a hot and copper sky,

The bloody Sun, at noon,

Right up above the mast did stand,

No bigger than the Moon.

Day after day, day after day,

We stuck, nor breath nor motion;

As idle as a painted ship

Upon a painted ocean.

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2020-09-26 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   I received over five inches of rain this week, the air is much 
fresher.  There is some solar activity: a sunspot, a G2 class storm, and 
higher flux readings.  It will be noisy but the signals may be 
stronger.  I expect QSB to be deep and rapid.  The nets will be 

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0045z Monday (5:45 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of 
wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it 
was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the 
season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of 
despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were 
all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in 
short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its 
noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for 
evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."

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2020-09-20 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Conditions were a bit better on forty meters than they were on 
twenty.  QSB was faster there but signals were stronger.  Even though 
the sun is still blank forty meters bounced east of the Mississippi.  
Weak and warbly, but copy was 50% or better.  There was more band 
noise.  I didn't hear thunderstorms but it did sound like wind.  There 
were ghost signals where I could not copy a letter, to QRM who could not 
hear any of us.  However, propagation is only part of what we do.  I get 
to hear about antenna projects, gardening, birding, yard work, house 
work, painting, weeding, dog walking, and many other fascinating 
topics.  It is rarely the same from week to week.  It reminds me of 
going to the old country store with the pot belly stove.  Folks would 
gather around it and tell stories about this and that.  Something I have 
not heard on ECN is one about calf pulling.  Just hasn't come up I guess.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6XK - Roy - IA

NO8V - John - MI

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0045z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K1SW - Dick - CT

K9FN - Dave - IN

K6PJV - Dale - CA

    Until next week remember to warm your hands before milking a cow.


  Kevin.  KD5ONS


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2020-09-19 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   I went for a hike this afternoon.  The mist was hanging in the air.  
It felt great to breath without smoke or ash in the air.  It has rained 
off and on for the last two days.  East of Portland they received over 2 
inches.  Hopefully that held true farther south.  I noticed a lot more 
birds flying around.  They didn't like the smoke either.  Plants and 
trees look a month older than normal.  They don't like breathing carbon 

   It has been a month since the sun had a spot.  The word is cycle 25 
has begun.  I wish it would show a more spirited entry. I spent the week 
writing some graphics code for a 3D engine.  Each trigonometric function 
requires a conversion factor.  Really, who thinks in radians?  "I'll cut 
this board at an angle of PI/4 +/- 2 deciradians."  I'll stick with 360 
degrees instead.  If it was good enough for the Babylonians it's good 
enough for us.  Fie on radian measure.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0045z Monday (5:45 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


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2020-09-13 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Signals were stronger than last week with less noise on both bands.  
QSB was a little higher on forty meters.  Most of you reported very nice 
weather.  Even out west the weather is not too bad once you allow for 
all the smoke.  It certainly makes working outside difficult.  Staying 
inside helps but I still have a stuffy nose and a mild headache.  My 
begonias don't like the smoke either, they are rapidly losing blossoms.

   The forty meter net improves as the days grow shorter.  I was able 
to reach Texas again.  Hopefully there will be some new sunspots this 
week.  That would help my reach.

  On 14050.8 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

NO8V - John - MI

AB9V - Mike - IN

K6XK - Roy - IA

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0045z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

W8OV - Dave - TX

I plan to work inside again this week.  I need to collect wood but 
exercise in these smoky conditions makes the headaches worse. A week of 
rain starting tomorrow night will help.  Maybe they will slow the fires 
in the Cascades and clear our skies.  2020 has been quite a year.  I'm 
waiting for January so we can start over.

   Until next week 73,

  Kevin.  KD5ONS


cutting angle = degrees(atan2(twist, PI() * caliber))

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2020-09-12 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   The wind switched direction on Tuesday to come out of the east.  
Within an hour I could see the smoke flowing through the trees.  Then 
ash started falling.  Luckily the smoke did not smell like a local 
fire.  It was from a fire in the Gifford Pinchot Forest in Washington.  
The power went out just after dinner and stayed off until dawn.  Same 
thing on Wednesday but the smoke stream would flow north of me for a 
while.  But the power went out again for the night and back on again at 
dawn.  While I was busy up here, four large fires started along the west 
side of the Cascade Range.  Then the wind stopped blowing and the 
Willamette Valley filled with smoke.  By Thursday the west half of the 
state was solid smoke.  On Friday all of Oregon, all of California, and 
half of Washington was solid smoke.  The fires aren't close but they are 
very large.  Rain on Tuesday will make a big difference.

  The smoke is dense enough to interfere with my wireless 'net 
connection to the top of the mountain.  Last night I watched movies 
across my local network instead of streaming one from the 'net.  It 
slowed to where it was hard to send email.  Here is a link to a GIS map 
you can set for hot spots and fire updates.  It gives you a feel for the 
activity level of each of the fires.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0045z Monday (5:45 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2020-09-06 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Conditions on both bands was OK.  Not a lot of noise, some QSB, 
signals were easy copy.  Weather reports varied, to put it mildly :)  
Frost and snow along with smoke and 113 degree temperatures.  There will 
be a lot of wind with a temperature differential like that.  We are due 
for a week of high, to extreme, fire danger here in Oregon.  All of the 
recent clearcuts make life safer.  However, the hunters are now out 
searching for the deer and elk.  My twenty acres of tall trees draws 
each of the three species.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6XK - Roy - IA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

KL7CW - Rick - AK

NO8V - John - MI

K4JPN - Steve GA

AE7US - Rocky - OR

AC5P - Mike - OK

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0045z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

WM5F - Dwight - ID

KL7CW - Rick - AK

K6PJV - Dale - CA

AE7US - Rocky - OR

  Until next week stay safe from the fires, the wind, and the snow.  
Stay hydrated too, that always helps :)

  73,  Kevin.  KD5ONS


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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2020-09-05 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0045z Monday (5:45 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


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Re: [Elecraft] W1 Programming???

2020-09-04 Thread kevinr
I just wrote a little code using Posix standards under Ubuntu with g++ 
for my compiler.  Looks like USB is treated as a normal stream of 
characters.  The most difficult part was finding my USB thumb drive in 
the file system.  Under Ubuntu it is in the /media folder.  Once I 
located it I was able to read from it, and write to it, using 
straightforward code.  The W1 wattmeter should react the same way.  
Write a trap to catch the data packet then a little code to parse it 
however you like.  I did not know it would be so simple: open(), read(), 
write(), close().

Since Macs are running Linux, with enhancements, writing code to catch 
the wattmeter's data stream should not be difficult.  I assume you can 
send it commands too.  You will need to determine how a data packet is 
formed but that is part of the fun.

   73 and GL,

   Kevin.  KD5ONS

On 9/4/20 2:46 PM, James Bennett via Elecraft wrote:

I just ordered the nifty little W1 Wattmeter. I see that it can supply serial 
data to an external program, and that there is a free download of a Visual 
Basic program on the Elecraft web site. I use a Mac and a Raspberry Pi and do 
not have VB on either, nor do I want to. I’m fairly proficient in several other 
programming languages and am thinking that I might “roll my own”, starting on 
the Mac.

I know that this is a stretch, but has anyone done this? I know - hahahaha… OK, 
how about anyone out there who has read serial data (coming over USB with the 
Elecraft Serial->USB cable? Any pointers or links to documentation on how to do 

Jim / W6JHB
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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2020-08-30 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   Conditions were fair to OK on both bands.  Slow QSB on everyone on 
both bands.  There was a storm somewhere on 40 meters.  A steady grumble 
behind the code.  Everyone described cooler weather.  Even in 
California, but they're hoping for less smoke.  There are more fires in 
Oregon, still east of the Cascades.  Drought conditions prevail 
throughout the Great Basin across to the Great Plains.  Ken in North 
Dakota had rain and the start of fall.  Dave mentioned rain too.  It has 
been a few weeks but there have been a couple foggy mornings here.  
Those really help the forest keep moist.  Roy had cooler, much less 
windy weather.

   At the end of the first net I saw the ferns falling over about 
thirty feet in front of me.  They would fall over and then drag 
themselves into a hole.  I never did see the rodent but I am sure of who 
was doing it.  The local mountain beaver - Aplodontia rufa pacifica.  I 
just found out there is a subspecies living north of San Fransisco:  A. 
rufa nigra.  They love to dig burrows into the side-hills, I rarely see 
them in flatter areas except under piles of slash.  They do move around 
in the daytime but you never see them.  They LOVE rhododendrons.  Mine 
rarely have a chance to get very tall, they all get eaten.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

NO8V - John - MI

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4TO - Dave - KY

W8RBF - Allen - MI

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0045z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K4TO - Dave - KY

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

I've got "Run Silent, Run Deep" on pause.  Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster.

   Until next week stay well 73,

   Kevin.  KD5ONS


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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2020-08-29 Thread kevinr

Good Evening,

   It has been dropping into the 40s each night this week.  I almost 
started a fire in the woodstove. But, by noon it was back to 70 again.  
I collected a lot of dry, bucked up wood and got my exercise.  Ten more 
truck loads and I'll be started.  While I was complaining to the jays I 
must have used my hands too actively.  I saw three sets of ears flick in 
my direction.  About a hundred yards away, through the thinned fir 
trees, I saw a doe, then a yearling, followed by this year's fawn.  They 
weren't moving too fast but they were looking at me.  So were the jays.

   I reviewed a few of my college texts this week: "Fundamentals of 
Applied Electromagnetics" by F. T. Ulaby and "Antenna Theory - Analysis 
and Design" by C. Balanis.  All my book marks and penciled in notes sped 
things up a bit.  Now I need to spruce up the code I wrote around three 
of the antennas I modeled.  My code gave me radiation patterns for 
training neural nets for 1/2 wave dipoles, 1/4 wave monopoles, and full 
wave loop antennas.  It will be fun to add transparency and shading 
while I map them as 3D objects in space.  I need to revamp the sliders 
controlling height above ground and orientation.  They were a kluge when 
I created them, but worked well enough to create data sets to train my 
adaptive ARTmap neural nets.  Ulaby's book is a great primer on fields 
and waves.  Chapter 9 introduces antenna analysis for a 1/2 wave dipole.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0045z Monday (5:45 PM PDT Sunday)

  Kevin. KD5ONS


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Re: [Elecraft] Inverted L for 160 meters

2020-08-25 Thread kevinr
I have to be very careful of raised wires on my property.  If they are 
not above the height of an elk's antlers I am in trouble.  I plan to 
bury them.  This is something I've never done before which has its own 
merit.  I have plenty of wire scrap from broken antennas so the 
non-resonant, buried radials work better for my circumstances.  I need 
to calculate the feed point impedance to see if I need to design a balun 
for the system to work.  Once my main project is done I'll have more 
time for modeling each method.

   Thanks for all the ideas guys,

   73,  Kevin.  KD5ONS

On 8/25/20 5:23 PM, Wes wrote:
You probably should get acquainted with Rudy Severns, N6LF. 
(  He has written more than you ever 
want to know about vertical antennas,

More specifically to your case, are you planning the radials to be 
elevated?  If so, they need to be the same length, in fact some effort 
should be made to get all of the currents the same.  The last thing 
you want is a fifty ohm feedpoint impedance with a shortened vertical 
(which is what an L is).  There is evidence that elevated radials are 
an improvement over on-the-ground or buried radials.  Mine are on the 
ground, mainly because 1) I didn't want to give up radiator height to 
raise the radials, 2) all of the big guns bury theirs and I don't have 
room for full length radials anyway in my cactus patch.  See my QRZ 
page for evidence.

My modeling shows a little bit of directivity away from the horizontal 
wire, but it's negligible.

Wes  N7WS

On 8/25/2020 4:23 PM, kevinr wrote:
From what I can find, and what I can calculate, five wires, each ~130 
feet long, could make a nice inverted L for 160 meters.  One leg for 
the vertical and horizontal portion of the antenna.  Four legs for 
the counterpoise (ground plane).  There are many broken wire antennas 
stored in my shed which are fodder for the radials. Do all of the 
legs for the counterpoise need to be 1/4 wavelength or can I 
substitute some shorter lengths?  The feedpoint should somewhere 
above 50 ohms impedance.  As I add more radials that number will 
reach 50 ohms asymptotically.

I can get the vertical part up to 70 or 80 feet above ground with the 
rest of it horizontal.  Most of the radiation should take place from 
the vertical part since it is closer to the feed point.  But there 
should be some effect from the direction of the horizontal portion.  
How strongly does the direction of the horizontal portion effect the 
radiation pattern of the antenna system?  My property allows me to 
point it from 300 degrees around to 200 degrees so I have plenty of 
options.  Between 200 and 300 degrees there is a road used by 
loggers, and the folks maintaining the towers at the top of this 
mountain.  They can break any antenna lower than 80 feet above 
ground.  Spar poles and cranes clear out any dead limbs across the road.

Inquiring minds...

Kevin.  KD5ONS

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Re: [Elecraft] Inverted L for 160 meters

2020-08-25 Thread kevinr
I am hearing quite a difference between my inverted V and my 1/4 wave 
over a ground plane.  For the last few weeks I've been hearing less 
noise on the vertical.  Enough less to pull more ops out of the noise.  
When I try the inverted L I expect there to be a little more noise than 
the vertical, but less than the doublet. Now to test that hypothesis.

   Kevin.  KD5ONS

On 8/25/20 5:04 PM, David Gilbert wrote:

Pretty sure there are some significant pattern differences between ANY 
horizontal antenna and a vertical one on 160m ...  at least at heights 
practical for amateur radio purposes.

That's probably why.

Dave  AB7E

On 8/25/2020 4:49 PM, Lyn Norstad wrote:
Good gracious.  Why does everyone overthink 160m?  OK, maybe just 
because it's fun.  I get that.

But as to operation, I have one (1) antenna, and it is a 360 foot EDZ 
(dipole) cut for 3.5 MHz.  It's great on all bands, 160 - 6m.  No 
radials needed.

Specifically I worked 47 of the 50 states in one 24 hour period on 
160m (holdouts were AK, HI and NV - all picked up within a day or two).

I could 'splain more, if anyone is interested.

Lyn, W0LEN

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of kevinr

Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2020 6:24 PM
To: Elecraft Reflector
Subject: [Elecraft] Inverted L for 160 meters

  From what I can find, and what I can calculate, five wires, each ~130
feet long, could make a nice inverted L for 160 meters.  One leg for the
vertical and horizontal portion of the antenna.  Four legs for the
counterpoise (ground plane).  There are many broken wire antennas stored
in my shed which are fodder for the radials. Do all of the legs for the
counterpoise need to be 1/4 wavelength or can I substitute some shorter
lengths?  The feedpoint should somewhere above 50 ohms impedance.  As I
add more radials that number will reach 50 ohms asymptotically.

I can get the vertical part up to 70 or 80 feet above ground with the
rest of it horizontal.  Most of the radiation should take place from the
vertical part since it is closer to the feed point.  But there should be
some effect from the direction of the horizontal portion.  How strongly
does the direction of the horizontal portion effect the radiation
pattern of the antenna system?  My property allows me to point it from
300 degrees around to 200 degrees so I have plenty of options. Between
200 and 300 degrees there is a road used by loggers, and the folks
maintaining the towers at the top of this mountain.  They can break any
antenna lower than 80 feet above ground.  Spar poles and cranes clear
out any dead limbs across the road.

Inquiring minds...

Kevin.  KD5ONS

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Re: [Elecraft] Inverted L for 160 meters

2020-08-25 Thread kevinr
Two reasons why I want to use an inverted L.  One) it fits my property 
well.  Two) I have never tried one before.

I currently have an extra long doublet.  I can't remember the exact 
length but seem to remember over 120 feet for each leg.  The tuner on my 
K3 just won't match it below 2:1.0 so I don't want to transmit on it.  
It hears well enough but just won't match.

Reason number two pushes me onward :)

   73,  Kevin.  KD5ONS

On 8/25/20 4:49 PM, Lyn Norstad wrote:

Good gracious.  Why does everyone overthink 160m?  OK, maybe just because it's 
fun.  I get that.

But as to operation, I have one (1) antenna, and it is a 360 foot EDZ (dipole) 
cut for 3.5 MHz.  It's great on all bands, 160 - 6m.  No radials needed.

Specifically I worked 47 of the 50 states in one 24 hour period on 160m 
(holdouts were AK, HI and NV - all picked up within a day or two).

I could 'splain more, if anyone is interested.

Lyn, W0LEN

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of kevinr
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2020 6:24 PM
To: Elecraft Reflector
Subject: [Elecraft] Inverted L for 160 meters

  From what I can find, and what I can calculate, five wires, each ~130
feet long, could make a nice inverted L for 160 meters.  One leg for the
vertical and horizontal portion of the antenna.  Four legs for the
counterpoise (ground plane).  There are many broken wire antennas stored
in my shed which are fodder for the radials. Do all of the legs for the
counterpoise need to be 1/4 wavelength or can I substitute some shorter
lengths?  The feedpoint should somewhere above 50 ohms impedance.  As I
add more radials that number will reach 50 ohms asymptotically.

I can get the vertical part up to 70 or 80 feet above ground with the
rest of it horizontal.  Most of the radiation should take place from the
vertical part since it is closer to the feed point.  But there should be
some effect from the direction of the horizontal portion.  How strongly
does the direction of the horizontal portion effect the radiation
pattern of the antenna system?  My property allows me to point it from
300 degrees around to 200 degrees so I have plenty of options.  Between
200 and 300 degrees there is a road used by loggers, and the folks
maintaining the towers at the top of this mountain.  They can break any
antenna lower than 80 feet above ground.  Spar poles and cranes clear
out any dead limbs across the road.

Inquiring minds...

Kevin.  KD5ONS

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[Elecraft] Inverted L for 160 meters

2020-08-25 Thread kevinr
From what I can find, and what I can calculate, five wires, each ~130 
feet long, could make a nice inverted L for 160 meters.  One leg for the 
vertical and horizontal portion of the antenna.  Four legs for the 
counterpoise (ground plane).  There are many broken wire antennas stored 
in my shed which are fodder for the radials. Do all of the legs for the 
counterpoise need to be 1/4 wavelength or can I substitute some shorter 
lengths?  The feedpoint should somewhere above 50 ohms impedance.  As I 
add more radials that number will reach 50 ohms asymptotically.

I can get the vertical part up to 70 or 80 feet above ground with the 
rest of it horizontal.  Most of the radiation should take place from the 
vertical part since it is closer to the feed point.  But there should be 
some effect from the direction of the horizontal portion.  How strongly 
does the direction of the horizontal portion effect the radiation 
pattern of the antenna system?  My property allows me to point it from 
300 degrees around to 200 degrees so I have plenty of options.  Between 
200 and 300 degrees there is a road used by loggers, and the folks 
maintaining the towers at the top of this mountain.  They can break any 
antenna lower than 80 feet above ground.  Spar poles and cranes clear 
out any dead limbs across the road.

Inquiring minds...

Kevin.  KD5ONS

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[Elecraft] Fwd: no8v: APF Primer? - 2020-08-25

2020-08-25 Thread kevinr

Here is John's method for using the APF feature on his K3.

   73,  Kevin.  KD5ONS

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:no8v: [Elecraft] APF Primer? - 2020-08-25
Date:   Tue, 25 Aug 2020 12:20:14 +
From:   John Gibson 
To: kevinr 

Hi Kevin,

I have used APF to find you on ECN/20. When QRN/QRM was high and signals 
were weak, APF sometimes enabled me to hear and recognize you by the 
rhythm of your sending. Without APF, I could not hear you at all.

Normally I tune for you with a WIDTH of about 25 Hz, but when I switch 
to APF, I also broaden WIDTH to its default CW value of 400 Hz to help 
minimize ringing. I also change the tuning rate to FINE to avoid missing 
the APF peak. It should be possible to automate both of those changes on 
the K3, although I have not yet done so.

APF is no panacea. It does ring, which makes copy difficult. But 
sometimes it saves the day.


John, no8v

 on behalf of kevinr 

Sent: Monday, August 24, 2020 10:33 PM
To: Elecraft Reflector
Subject: [Elecraft] APF Primer?

I have used APF a number of times. Sometimes it worked, but often the
ringing makes it hard to hear anything intelligible.

I have a two families of questions to hopefully remedy my problem.

1) What are the best band conditions to try APF? Does it work under
medium QSB against medium to high noise levels? Is it better on 80, 40,
or 20 meters?

2) What are the procedures to use APF on your K3, KX2, KX3, etc.? How
should I set the bandwidth of the filter I'm already using? How do I
peak the APF performance? Does the set up change on a per band basis or
does one setting fit all cases?

As I mentioned, I have gotten it to work well a few times, but usually
the signal sounds buried in a hard walled well. Then I get emails
telling me how well it worked during ECN. My interest is renewed, hence
my questions.


Kevin. KD5ONS


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[Elecraft] APF Primer?

2020-08-24 Thread kevinr
I have used APF a number of times.  Sometimes it worked, but often the 
ringing makes it hard to hear anything intelligible.

I have a two families of questions to hopefully remedy my problem.

1) What are the best band conditions to try APF?  Does it work under 
medium QSB against medium to high noise levels?  Is it better on 80, 40, 
or 20 meters?

2) What are the procedures to use APF on your K3, KX2, KX3, etc.?  How 
should I set the bandwidth of the filter I'm already using?  How do I 
peak the APF performance?  Does the set up change on a per band basis or 
does one setting fit all cases?

As I mentioned, I have gotten it to work well a few times, but usually 
the signal sounds buried in a hard walled well.  Then I get emails 
telling me how well it worked during ECN.  My interest is renewed, hence 
my questions.


   Kevin.  KD5ONS


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