[O] [bug] broken file links

2016-12-24 Thread Samuel Wales
some file links are broken in maint that used to work.

ebbc675bd9890c451ad01910fa2625fa78baac9b is the first bad commit
Date:   2016-11-13 10:58:23 +0100

the links are like this.

Thu 11:55} asdfasdf]]

the original is like this.

  * CONVERSATION [2016-12-22 Thu 11:55] asdfasdf

if you follow, you get a hang.

[O] difficulty installing org-plus-contrib

2016-12-24 Thread joakim
During install with package.el I get errors like:

org-attach.el:42:1:Error: Symbol’s function definition is void:

I'm using the repo:
("org" . "http://orgmode.org/elpa/;)

Am I doing something wrong?
Joakim Verona

Re: [O] show only top level TODO in agenda and ignore sub level TODOS in agenda?

2016-12-24 Thread Stig Brautaset

Xebar Saram  writes:

> Thx stig. while thats an option i would prefer to keep the actual TODOS and
> not use lists for this

Another option is to use a different keyword, for example "PROJECT", for
things that have sub-TODOs, e.g.

| * PROJECT start writing paper
| ** TODO Collect data
| ** TODO add references

For that to work you may want to put something like this at the top of
the file:


Finally, a third option is to add a TODO (or TOPLEVEL) *TAG* and do
something like this at the top:


Then, you can do

| * TODO start writing paper :TOPLEVEL:
| ** TODO Collect data:SUBTASK:
| ** TODO add references  :SUBTASK:

You can filter for :TOPLEVEL: or :SUBTASK: from the agenda view. Of
course, you don't need both and it may be easier to just add one or the

Hope this helps!


[O] Release Org 9.0.3

2016-12-24 Thread Bastien
Hi folks,

Org 9.0.3, a bugfix release, is out.

Enjoy, and merry christmas to everyone!


Re: [O] Proper git settings to stay with master?

2016-12-24 Thread Achim Gratz

Am 23.12.2016 um 20:49 schrieb John Hendy:

Sure... I get that that I *can* do that. I just wondered why I
*needed* to do that.

When you are in a "detached HEAD" situation, you will always have to 
tell git explicitly to switch to some other commit (most likely a 
branch).  Git pull works with branch heads, but you've not checked out 
any, so it won't do anything and can't, since it will potentially lose 
data if it tried.

This makes sense. I don't know why this never happened before, but
checking out a specific commit makes sense.

Checking out a specific commit not at the branch head, to be precise.

> Perhaps I was bisecting

something in the past and checking out various commits? Once you check
out *something*, do you always have to re-checkout something else to
undo this effect (and make it like the default)? As in if I check out
a commit and then =git pull=, it won't go back to master?

Git status tells you where you've currently checked out.


(on the road :-)

Re: [O] Insert git hash into exported document

2016-12-24 Thread Michael Welle

Eric S Fraga  writes:

> On Friday, 23 Dec 2016 at 17:34, David Talmage wrote:
>> I'd like to insert the git hash of HEAD in the org-mode documents that
>> I export.  Is there an easy way?  I'm exporting to LaTeX.
> Anything you can do in a shell could be exported to LaTeX.  E.g. I do
> the following with mercurial in one of my documents:
> #+begin_src org
>   ,* Recent change history
>   ,#+name: changehistoryshellblock
>   ,#+begin_src shell :exports results :results output
> hg log --template "{date|shortdate} {desc|firstline}\n" --limit 10 
> fresa.org
>   ,#+end_src
> #+end_src
do you have some mechanism that warns you if you try to export
uncommitted changes? I'm not sure how such a process should be designed.
I think most of the time you publish preliminary revisions and then you
will hate such a warning. On the other hand, I often do work twice when
publishing the final revision, because I forget to checkin and then the
history in the export is wrong.
