[Fab-user] Log integratiing extra commands

2010-02-10 Thread Nicolas Steinmetz

Back to fabric, I rewrote yesterday my perl deployment tool in fabric.

So far, I handle the basic use case simple deployment.

I have other UC to implement :

   - backup (quite easy)
   - complex deployment

For complex deployment, i may need to run extra commandes like run some
scripts on one or serveral frontal servers or on a given db.

I would like to avoid providing a new fabfile and was looking for taking
into account some extra commands which would not be used for simple
deployment. Any clue ?

My other concern is that I would like that all actions are written to a log
file so that I can audit if a deployment went well or not. Deployment on
preprod/prod are not made by me but by the firm which manages our servers.
So far I have the feeling that logging facilities are limited to
stderr/stdout in the current console.

Any way to generate a log file that contains all info that are displayed to
the users in the console ? I would like both logging and displaying at the
same time.


Nicolas Steinmetz
http://www.steinmetz.fr - http://nicolas.steinmetz.fr/
Fab-user mailing list

Re: [Fab-user] Log integratiing extra commands

2010-02-10 Thread Nicolas Steinmetz

2010/2/10 Jeff Forcier j...@bitprophet.org

 Hi Nicolas,

 On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Nicolas Steinmetz
 nsteinm...@gmail.com wrote:
  For complex deployment, i may need to run extra commandes like run some
  scripts on one or serveral frontal servers or on a given db.
  I would like to avoid providing a new fabfile and was looking for taking
  into account some extra commands which would not be used for simple
  deployment. Any clue ?

 Could you provide an example here? I'm afraid I don't quite follow
 what you're asking :)

Yep, of course :-)

For now, I have a commands.upd file which can contains commands to execute
against some servers :

Ex :

remote front cd /var/www/myapp  php path/to/script.php -s arg : will
execute the given command on all frontals
remote once front cd /var/www/myapp  php /path/to/script2.php -s arg -u
arg : will execute the command on the first frontal only
remote db mysql -uusser -ppass -e SQL Query : will execute the query
on all db servers

So my perl script actually :
* first push files on given servers (db or frontal according to a tree
structure of the package)
* execute content from the commands.upd file

Most of the time, I do always the same thing in my commands.upd file : clear
cache and update version in DB. But sometimes, I can have extra commands to
pass (for ex, when I deploy a new town in my app, I have some jobs to run
for initialising the meteo block or stations list or ...

This scripts are part of my app but I need to call them.

So I used to have so far most of the time the same commands.upd file that I
extend for a given release with some required commands.

I would like to do the same without modifying the fabfile.py (to avoid that
at next release there are some old scripts that would be run because they
were forgotten).

Is it clear enough ?

  My other concern is that I would like that all actions are written to a
  file so that I can audit if a deployment went well or not.

 Your assumption that output currently only goes to stdout/stderr, is
 correct -- however, there are plans to change this. See
 http://code.fabfile.org/issues/show/57 :)

 There's also nothing preventing you from logging your own messages
 using the Python logging module, but that obviously doesn't cover the
 actual stdout/stderr.

 However, all calls to run() and sudo() return strings containing
 stdout, and those strings also have a '.stderr' attribute containing
 stderr -- so you could still rig something up to log both types of
 output to a file.

 Again, however, we have plans to make that a lot easier or automatic,
 in the future.

Ok, thanks for the information - Will try to see what can I do with the
current .stderr, before 1.0 lands.

Nicolas Steinmetz
http://www.steinmetz.fr - http://nicolas.steinmetz.fr/
Fab-user mailing list

[Fab-user] Deploying to different path db on same server

2010-01-12 Thread Nicolas Steinmetz

It's quite a long time I used Fabric and as new needs raised in my firm, I'm
considering playing back with fabric.

My concern is that I have a website which use 6 web servers and 1 database.
Now that our service concerns not only Europe but also Asia. Therefore, as
an impact, I have a new database and a new file system structure :
/app/europe/  /app/asia

As I will have to deploy the same package on both side but at a different
time due to time zone, I would like to do stg like :

fab deploy europe db1 db2 db3
fab deploy asie db4

This way :
- files will be deployed to /app/{geo_area}/
- db script will be run against specified db

Is it feasible or do I have to build 2 packages; one for each FS  related
DB ?

Nicolas Steinmetz
http://www.steinmetz.fr - http://nicolas.steinmetz.fr/
Fab-user mailing list

Re: [Fab-user] Deploying to different path db on same server

2010-01-12 Thread Nicolas Steinmetz

2010/1/12 Jeff Forcier j...@bitprophet.org

 In the lates stable Fab release, you can easily paramaterize your
 tasks with task arguments; see:


 So you could pretty easily write a single deploy task that goes
 something like this (paraphrasing for the most part, the emphasis is
 on the paramaterization):

def deploy(region, databases):
databases = databases.split(';')
put('my files', '/app/%s' % region)
for db in databases:
run('psql -U user %s  /path/to/script.sql' % db)

 Fully explicit invocation would look like this:

$ fab deploy:region=europe,databases=db1;db2;db3

 Or you can just use positional args and do this:

$ fab deploy:europe,db1;db2;db3

 Either one would result in calls such as:

put('my files', '/app/europe')
run('psql -U user db1  /path/to/script/sql')
run('psql -U user db2  /path/to/script/sql')
run('psql -U user db3  /path/to/script/sql')

 Hope that helps; let us know if there are additional concerns or if
 I've missed your point :)

It *really* helps - I can now dive more into fabric to satisfy my needs :-)

You got the point (at this stage at least, evil is always in details) ;-)

So you may hear from me soon :-)))

Thanks again,
Fab-user mailing list

Re: [Fab-user] Error with arguments for local

2009-05-25 Thread Nicolas Steinmetz
2009/5/24 Jeff Forcier j...@bitprophet.org

 Glad to hear it!

 By the way, in my travels I tend to see the local workstation
 environment referred to as dev or development (the shared/QA
 internal server being staging, and the live system being, of course,
 production or prod). Not sure what you renamed your local to but
 there's a suggestion :)

Yep but as I used for the ssh connection to test it, I made the
association with localhost and tends to be local at the end. As it worked
with roles, I did not have the issue so far ;-)

Nicolas Steinmetz
http://www.steinmetz.fr - http://nicolas.steinmetz.fr/
Fab-user mailing list

Re: [Fab-user] Error with arguments for local

2009-05-24 Thread Nicolas Steinmetz
2009/5/24 Jeff Forcier j...@bitprophet.org

 Hey Nicolas,

 I'm guessing you may be defining your own function called 'local'
 somewhere in your fabfile (or otherwise importing something with the
 same name into your fabfile.) Can you check on that for me? Can't
 think of any other possible reason why fabric.operations.local would
 claim it takes no arguments.

You're absolutely right, I did not see this at a first glance. With
rewriting local and prod roles, I fall into this caveat :-ยง

Now fixed with renaming the local function, it works like a charm :-)

I set the list as cc as I forgot them last time ;-)

Thanks for your feedback,

Nicolas Steinmetz
http://www.steinmetz.fr - http://nicolas.steinmetz.fr/
Fab-user mailing list

Re: [Fab-user] specifying login and password?

2009-02-18 Thread Nicolas Steinmetz
2009/2/18 Timothee Besset tt...@idsoftware.com


 New user .. finding documentation very, very scarce ..

 Is there a way to specify login and password along with the hosts list?
 I want to use fab to configure a fairly large number of machines with
 different access settings.

One solution would be to use ssh connections with key (and then without
managing login  password). It depends whether your architecture allows it
or not.

Not really a direct answer, sorry.

Otherwise, did you look at sudo command, you should be able to use a login
and maybe a password too.

Hope it helps a little bit,
Nicolas Steinmetz
http://www.steinmetz.fr - http://www.unelectronlibre.info/
Fab-user mailing list

Re: [Fab-user] Connecting to a remote host through an ssh gateway

2009-02-16 Thread Nicolas Steinmetz
2009/2/16 Matt Colyer m...@adroll.com

 I have been sitting on some patches to get this to work. It is necessary
 to both patch paramiko and fabric to get it to work but I use it on a
 daily basis (and would love to see it integrated).

 I attempted to get my patch accepted into paramiko but I didn't get a
 single response when I posted it to their list. The project doesn't seem
 to be too alive these days.

I just found this (sorry it's in french) but it could help you in some way
with ssh connection through several machines (like the use case you
described) and it's in python.


Maybe Google Translate can help you :)

Nicolas Steinmetz
http://www.steinmetz.fr - http://www.unelectronlibre.info/
Fab-user mailing list

Re: [Fab-user] Fabric 0.1.0 ran away from home.

2009-02-16 Thread Nicolas Steinmetz
2009/2/17 Christian Vest Hansen karmazi...@gmail.com

 But that's not it! Fabric 0.1.0 requires Python 2.5, so if you're on
 2.4 and absolutely cannot upgrade, then this release is not for you :(

Congrats :-)

For the py 2.4 compatibility, I think the python 2.4 users (at least me)
cannot blame you but more their distros as python 2.5 and 2.6 are released
since a long time (especially for py 2.5).

I'll still use fabric for my personnal purpose. For the professional one, it
looks we are moving to a specific java based solution (as Perl  Java has
been set as firm standards :-/ )

Related to Jeff's purpose to (try to) move to twisted, I read some articles
on Twisted those last days, it looks quite interesting (even if it may be
more complex in some ways to become familar with twisted). Interesting to
see where it can lead us.

Nicolas Steinmetz
http://www.steinmetz.fr - http://www.unelectronlibre.info/
Fab-user mailing list

Re: [Fab-user] python version requirement

2009-01-20 Thread Nicolas Steinmetz
2009/1/20 Christian Vest Hansen karmazi...@gmail.com

 Yes, that's the state of the current master.

 However, the latest release 0.0.9 works on py 2.4, and I'd like we did
 something about that line before the next release.

I reported this issue some time ago for master version, I hacked a little
bit with what I found here :


Jeff mentionned that he was to include the code from django which do the
same - but I guess he did not have time for this so far.

Nicolas Steinmetz
http://www.steinmetz.fr - http://www.unelectronlibre.info/
Fab-user mailing list

Re: [Fab-user] Re: module - package

2008-12-08 Thread Nicolas Steinmetz
Hi Christian,

2008/12/8 Christian Vest Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I pushed a fix to another latent reference to a wrong `env` and bumped
 up the version number.

 I wonder what people think. Is it good enough to merge? Are we close
 to a release with this?

Does it include some fix regarding roles, depends  the py 2.4 compatibility
to know if it's woth testing in my environnement.


Nicolas Steinmetz
http://www.steinmetz.fr - http://www.unelectronlibre.info/
Fab-user mailing list

Re: [Fab-user] Question on roles and depend vs invoke.

2008-12-01 Thread Nicolas Steinmetz

2008/11/23 Jeff Forcier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  It looks related to last Jeff's commits, unless it requires a new syntax
  for commands.

 Could be, although those changes were pretty simple so I'd say it's
 equally possible to be something related to roles/depends -- plus from
 your examples, you're not using args at all? Will definitely keep my
 arg-parsing stuff in mind when I debug, though.

With last commits (I got master from this morning), I have the following
error on a py 2.4 machine (with the functools patch I mentionned earlier,
not the one from django) :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] fabric]# fab deploy_test
Fabric v. 0.0.9.
Running deploy_test...
Chaining prepare_db...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/fabric.py, line 1373, in main
  File build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/fabric.py, line 1271, in
  File build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/fabric.py, line 1295, in
  File build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/fabric.py, line 265, in lambda
  File build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/fabric.py, line 697, in invoke
  File build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/fabric.py, line 1300, in
  File build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/fabric.py, line 1326, in
TypeError: argument 2 to map() must support iteration

But this time, fab prepare_db or fab prepare_web does not work anymore. It
looks it's at the role definition level but do not see the point so far.


Nicolas Steinmetz
http://www.steinmetz.fr - http://www.unelectronlibre.info/
Fab-user mailing list

Re: [Fab-user] Question on roles and depend vs invoke.

2008-11-18 Thread Nicolas Steinmetz
2008/11/17 Jeff Forcier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm relatively committed to making sure Fabric works on 2.4, so I'll
 see if I can scrounge up some time to take a peek at this in the near
 future. Can't promise anything soon -- really busy! -- but I've
 starred this email in my GMail so I won't forget. With luck it'll be a
 small thing to tweak, backwards compat usually is.

It looks there are at least one implementation of functools for python 2.4 :


I added it instead of the import statement and for now (fab, fab list) works
like a charm. I will go on this way and keep you informed about this.

Fab-user mailing list

Re: [Fab-user] Question on roles and depend vs invoke.

2008-11-18 Thread Nicolas Steinmetz
2008/11/18 Nicolas Steinmetz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] fabric]# fab preprod deploy_test
 Fabric v. 0.0.9b.
 Running preprod...
 Running deploy_test...
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/fabric.py, line 1356, in main
   File build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/fabric.py, line 1254, in
   File build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/fabric.py, line 1278, in
   File build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/fabric.py, line 266, in lambda
   File build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/fabric.py, line 685, in invoke
 TypeError: _execute_command() takes at least 3 non-keyword arguments (2

 It looks related to last Jeff's commits, unless it requires a new syntax
 for commands.

I forgot to say that fab preprod prepare_db and fab preprod prepare_web
works nicely. I have the issue only on deploy_test.

Fab-user mailing list