[FairfieldLife] Re: Will FFL Still be Archived and Accessible on Mail-Archive.Com After Dec 15, 2020

2020-11-20 Thread Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
> 1) Will FFL Still be archived and accessible on Mail-Archive.Com after Dec 
> 15, 2020?
As far as I know, mail-archive is not connected to Verizon/Yahoo, so it should 
be available until the site goes away.

> 2) The FFL archives appear to only go back to about March 2005. Some great 
> conversations occurred in the three> or so years prior to that. Does anyone 
> know of a way to access those?
I suppose it's possible that someone out there downloaded the entire FFL 
message archive before Yahoo deleted it, but I rather doubt it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL at Yahoo! closing..

2020-10-20 Thread Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 FFL 1999-2020 R.I.P. JGD

On Tuesday, October 20, 2020, 6:47:02 AM CDT, Doug Hamilton 
dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]  wrote:  

Farewell to Yahoo-groups.. 

For whatever ‘corporate’ reason they are dissolving all Yahoo-Groups. 

An archive of posts made to Yahoo FFL (FairfieldLife) still exists for research 


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Well-informed Covid-related choices, moving forward by cardiologist

2020-05-21 Thread Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 The top five comorbidities of hospitalized NYC covid-19 patients are 
hypertension, obesity, diabetes, morbid obesity, and coronary artery disease. 
Right now is clearly a particularly good time to lose weight and improve 
metabolic health.


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Post with 0 votes and 4 views.



On Thursday, May 21, 2020, 10:14:26 AM CDT, Brianna Delott 
briannadel...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]  wrote:  
 " but it is not clear if other diseases like obesity, asthma, immune 
disorders, etc. increase risk appreciably. "

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[FairfieldLife] Fw: Toxics, the dome and the Amish. Not green. Not leadership. Not Cool.

2015-09-07 Thread Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Of possible interest here...
- Forwarded Message -
  From: "Fairfield Citizen karlherzl2...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: fairfieldlife-ow...@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 7, 2015 11:44 AM
 Subject: Toxics, the dome and the Amish. Not green. Not leadership. Not Cool.
Hello -
Perhaps the group could offer insights into this controversy. It appears the 
repair job on the roof of the meditation dome for men is being done with highly 
toxic, suspected carcinogenic, chemical products, and Amish contractors who use 
teenage laborers. Some of these laborers appear very young. No safety gear 
appears to be in use.
Why is the college using toxic (suspected carcinogen) products on the dome roof 
Why is the college not requiring protective equipment on adults and teens 
working on the roof as a condition of the contract? (Harnesses, respirators, 
Is the roof repair project genuinely compliant with Iowa and Federal law 
regarding dangerous workplaces and children? Is the system being gamed?
Why is a college that offers degrees in sustainable living, and loudly touts 
itself as organic, sustainable, Non-GMO and "conscious" using toxic chemicals 
on the roof of their meditation dome?
Why didn't the college insist on the use of green products, consult with green 
experts or follow LEEDS best-practices and guidelines?
A survey asking for community feedback about these issues was shared today: 

Thanks -Karl 


[FairfieldLife] Great Beyond Dispatch #2

2015-06-23 Thread Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

- Forwarded Message -
  From: TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com
 To: Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com 
 Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 11:01 PM
 Subject: Alex, can you make *another* post to the forum for me?
Alex, you have been an honorable voice in all of this, so I'm going to ask you 
for one additional favor -- can you post this update to the group? Thanks in 

Hi guys and gals,

I wanted to pass some information along to you to help with your ongoing 
discussions, not to mention your vote. I have sorta been following things on 
FFL, although not closely, so I have noticed that Doug Hamilton is *still* 
managing to stonewall everyone here and NOT give a reason why he deleted my 
access to Fairfield Life. At the same time, he has suggested strongly that he 
and Rick are in complete agreement on it (from post #417314):

Yes, Turqb and Serious are gone from FFL by moderation. I am only the CEO. My 
master is the list owner. We had quite sufficient back and forth about this 
before taking our additional time to go in to pull the moderation levers in the 

Well, I wish to shed a little light on this claim. Rick *finally* replied to my 
email to him, sent NOT to ask to rejoin FFL (there has been such a display of 
scumbaggery by a few here that I have serious doubts that I *would* rejoin 
FFL), but to focus on what for me is the larger issue of abuse of power. It 
took Rick several days *to* reply, and when he did (in a couple of posts), he 
made the following points:

1. He does NOT agree that FFL posters should be prohibited from criticizing 
David Lynch, as Doug attempted to enforce.

2. He does NOT agree that an FFL moderator should be able to delete a poster 
from the forum without giving a specific reason why. 

3. He has NOT been moderating the moderator and following Doug's actions *as* 
moderator. He doesn't have the time. I got the strong impression that he has 
not read a single one of the many posts surrounding this issue, and has no 
intention of ever doing so. In other words, if you're waiting for Rick to 
intervene and make a wise, informed executive decision on all of this, you'll 
be waiting forever. 

4. He does NOT know the reason that Doug deleted me from FFL. Doug has been 
stonewalling Rick, just as he has everyone else. If Rick is telling the truth 
in his emails to me (and I see no reason to disbelieve him), then Doug is LYING 
above about having been in communication with Rick about my removal. He is also 
LYING about the back and forth between Rick and himself. The truth is more as 
Alex told it -- Rick is simply *not interested* in Fairfield Life, and has 
neither the time nor inclination to follow a thread of posts and get to the 
bottom of any issue. 

5. Rick suggests that he bowed to Doug's constant demands to be made moderator 
as an experiment, and so far has had to trust him to do the right thing. Repeat 
-- he has NOT been involved in any of the decisions or pronouncements that Doug 
has made.

6. Rick specifically mentioned that he had been afraid that Doug would try to 
run things as his Buck persona, and made it clear that this was NOT what he 
wanted. Doug supposedly agreed, although I think we all know that if he did he 
was LYING to Rick about that, too.

That's all I know. I will happily make the whole email exchange available to 
Alex if he asks me to do so, so that he can affirm that I am not distorting 
what Rick said. 

I do NOT have any suggestions for those of you still on FFL, and suffering 
under the obvious attempt by a spiritual stormtrooper to take over the forum 
and shape it into his sick, twisted vision of community. I have specifically 
NOT asked Rick to reinstate me, and will not do so -- if he decides to, that 
will be his decision. 

Thanks to many people here for the great writing and the many times you have 
stood up for yourselves and done the right thing. Good luck working all of this 
out. I'm just writing you to let you know that from my perspective it really 
does look as if YOU are the ones who have to work things out -- you *really* 
aren't going to get any help from Rick on this. 

Turq / Barry



[FairfieldLife] Fw: Alex, can you post a question to the forum for me?

2015-06-19 Thread Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I have zero idea what's going on, but I'll at least let him say goodbye.
- Forwarded Message -
  From: TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com
 To: Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com 
 Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 5:46 AM
 Subject: Alex, can you post a question to the forum for me?
It appears that Doug has gone ahead with his threats and has deleted my access 
to Fairfield Life. I'm just wondering how he justifies doing this based on 
supposedly offending posts of mine made back in May when on June 9th in post 
#416493 he explicitly said:
In moderation at this point I feel “the past is a lesser state of evolution” 
and I am going forward with a clean slate on everyone and not one is on 
moderation in any way from this point. I would only suggest in our going 
forward that folks take the time to actually read the Yahoo-groups guidelines 
if they want to continue fluidly posting on FFL. We should appreciate your 
cooperative collaboration on this.  -JaiGuruYou! 

Seems to me there is more than a little hypocrisy, double-dealing, and outright 
dishonesty going on here, and since Doug has eliminated the possibility of me 
bringing this question up to the group myself, I figured I'd ask you to do it 
for me. 

Thanks for everything. You have been more than fair in all of your dealings 
with Fairfield Life and with the odd group of characters who have posted there 
over the years. I wish that sense of fairness and honesty was equally present 
in the newest moderator. 

Barry...ooops, do I get in trouble for using my own real name?  :-)

P.S. To everyone else, so long and thanks for all the fish...



[FairfieldLife] Fw: Fwd: [Science of Counsiousness(Creative Inteligence)] http://www.pchauvancy.com/inspiration-and-knowledg...

2015-03-21 Thread Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

- Forwarded Message -
  From: Sharalyn Pliller teko...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife] 
 To: FairfieldLife Moderator fairfieldlife-ow...@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2015 9:18 AM
 Subject: Fwd: [Science of Counsiousness(Creative Inteligence)] 

Begin forwarded message:
Date: March 20, 2015 at 11:33:24 PM CDT
To: Science of Counsiousness(Creative Inteligence) 
From: Philippe Chauvancy notification+pppkp...@facebookmail.com
Reply-To: Reply to Comment 
Subject: [Science of Counsiousness(Creative Inteligence)] 

| Philippe Chauvancy posted in Science of Counsiousness(Creative Inteligence)
|  | 
| Philippe Chauvancy | 4:24am Mar 17 |

|  | Science of Being,Art of living - Diving into Atman, from a person willing 
to remain anonymous
| www.pchauvancy.com |

I returned to the Patanjali Dome for the first time in many months. I have been 
absent due to circum... |



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