RE: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

2019-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 It may not only have consciousness in it, but as Maharishi said, be nothing 
but consciousness, self-interacting.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2019 9:20 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?



 Nice hearing from you again!  Is it time for the old members to come back 
according to the jyotish chart of this site?  Regarding your comment,  I agree 
with you in part.  But I would add that it is like a machine with consciousness 
in it.  I got this idea from a Stanford professor who presented a lecture 
stating that galaxies can emerge in any parts of the multiverse, implying that 
a witness is needed to materialize the event.  He implied that the witness 
could be any of  the Olympus gods.  Or in Vedic terms, the witness could be any 
of the devas or prajapatis, who are discussed in the Srimad Bhagavatam.


mailto:rick@...> wrote :
 I think the universe is an evolution machine, starting out as hydrogen and 
evolving more and more complex forms which can more fully embody the 
Intelligence from which the universe arose.


 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 10:59 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

 A scientist says NO.  Is that logical?  One can say it creates worlds 
eternally.  These worlds may or may not have human beings in them.  Isn't that 
a purpose?  What do you think?



 Based on the current discoveries in physics, this same conscious is the factor 
that makes matter in the universe.  As such, it is possible over time that 
matter can evolved into a conscious being, such as a human being.  So, it is 
possible that the exoplanets can have conscious beings living there.  But, 
given our current technology, it would be impossible to prove this theory to be 


RE: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

2019-09-27 Thread Rick Archer [FairfieldLife]
It may not only have consciousness in it, but as Maharishi said, be nothing but 
consciousness, self-interacting.

Rick Archer
Buddha at the Gas Pump

Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2019 9:20 PM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?


Nice hearing from you again!  Is it time for the old members to come back 
according to the jyotish chart of this site?  Regarding your comment,  I agree 
with you in part.  But I would add that it is like a machine with consciousness 
in it.  I got this idea from a Stanford professor who presented a lecture 
stating that galaxies can emerge in any parts of the multiverse, implying that 
a witness is needed to materialize the event.  He implied that the witness 
could be any of  the Olympus gods.  Or in Vedic terms, the witness could be any 
of the devas or prajapatis, who are discussed in the Srimad Bhagavatam.

mailto:rick@...>> wrote :

I think the universe is an evolution machine, starting out as hydrogen and 
evolving more and more complex forms which can more fully embody the 
Intelligence from which the universe arose.

Rick Archer

Buddha at the Gas Pump

Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 10:59 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

A scientist says NO.  Is that logical?  One can say it creates worlds 
eternally.  These worlds may or may not have human beings in them.  Isn't that 
a purpose?  What do you think?

RE: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

2019-09-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 [HA]: The Object Or Knowable Is By Nature Sentient, Mutable And Inert. It 
Exists In The Form Of The Elements And The Organs, And Serves The Purpose Of 
Experience And Emancipation.
 [IT]: The Seen (objective side of manifestation) consists of the elements and 
sense organs, is of the nature of cognition, activity and stability (Sattva, 
Rajas and Tamas) and has for its purpose providing the Purusa with) experience 
and liberation.
 [VH]: [BM]: [SS]: The seen is of the nature of the gunas: illumination, 
activity and inertia; and consists of the elements and sense organs, whose 
purpose is to provide both experiences and liberation to the Purusha.
 [SP]: The object of experience is composed of the three gunas—the principles 
of illumination (sattwa), activity (rajas) and inertia (tamas). From these, the 
whole universe has evolved together with the instruments of knowledge—such as 
the mind, senses, etc.—and the objects perceived—such as the physical elements. 
The universe exists in order that the experiencer may experience it, and thus 
become liberated.
 [SV]: The experienced is composed of elements and organs, is of the nature of 
illumination, action and intertia, and is for the purpose of experience and 
release (of the experiencer).
 Obs! prakaasha, kriyaa and sthiti are synonyms for sattva, rajas and tamas! 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

2019-09-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I concur that this explanatory account, i.e. of physical creation through the 
Agency of the Christ Universal, with reference to the individual Jesus of 
Galilee appearance - may not fit closely with theological ideas of conservative 
Christians but it fits closely with oft repeated theological statements such as:

 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was 
God..." John 1:1
  (partial explanation…of the Father’s Selfhood) 
 "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in 
earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or 
principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he 
is before all things, and by him all things consist." Col.1:16-17
  (partial explanation…the Christ was present in the earth Sphere when it was 
without form, that is when it was non-material. When matter began to be He was 
the Master Spirit through whom the Father wrought into orderly constellations 
the material universe, the Creator of all, working through the Christ, 
produced, after ages of continuous urge, the cosmos - Earth and the whole 
Cosmos of matter is the Body of Christ - The Christ descended with matter as 
matter descended by precipitation) 
 "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us..." John 1:14

  (partial explanation…the Christ Who came to Galilee was but the 
Earth-expression of the Christ Universal. He, by Whom man came to be and to 
persist, thought forward into matter, and His thought took on expression in 
Jesus of Nazareth)

 I think that we err if we make too literal those spiritual realities (albeit 
theoretical to many) that limited minds associated with physical senses 
designed to experience a physical universe (partial purpose of the universe) 
simply do not have the capability or capacity of grasping. 



 PS. I must apologise for my lack of attention to words in a previous post. I 
said that Formless Will was to become acting as some energising force etc. but 
that would give the wrong impression, in my opinion, because, in short, 
Formless Will itself always remains Formless or it should cease to be itself. 
It would be fairer to say that Formless Will is the cause of creative potential 
on behalf of the Supreme Being, and that creative potential should be the 
foundation of some energising force etc. 









RE: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

2019-09-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]


 Thank you for your synopsis of the concept.  However, IMHO, the concept is not 
currently discussed in academia or theological circles.  The concept may upset 
many conservative Christians since it does not fit closely to ideas from the 
Protestant or Catholic church.

---In,  wrote :

 There is no video to be referred to as the extract I have used is taken from a 
series of books entitled The Life Beyond The Veil first published in 1920 
(given during the Fist World War), which received a fairly large readership due 
to Lord Northcliffe, proprietor of the national newspaper the Daily Mail, 
regularly publishing the scripts in that widely read newspaper. 


 Interestingly, the exceptional reference, in my opinion, to a type of 
self-referral creative principle, i.e. that – prior to spiritual form, there 
was formless Will to become acting as some dynamic entity operating from 
outside and superior to creation, and that the Earth became, in its own turn, 
interpreter of the meaning of the work of the ages which had become articulate, 
at length, in Earth's genesis – that is, it reproduced from itself the 
principle of creation and gave it expression – was placed firmly in the 
consciousness of relative circles of the British public 100 years ago (and 
further afield), a long time before Maharishi spoke of the manifestation of the 
entire creation from the self-interacting dynamics of consciousness.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

2019-09-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
There is no video to be referred to as the extract I have used is taken from a 
series of books entitled The Life Beyond The Veil first published in 1920 
(given during the Fist World War), which received a fairly large readership due 
to Lord Northcliffe, proprietor of the national newspaper the Daily Mail, 
regularly publishing the scripts in that widely read newspaper. 


 Interestingly, the exceptional reference, in my opinion, to a type of 
self-referral creative principle, i.e. that – prior to spiritual form, there 
was formless Will to become acting as some dynamic entity operating from 
outside and superior to creation, and that the Earth became, in its own turn, 
interpreter of the meaning of the work of the ages which had become articulate, 
at length, in Earth's genesis – that is, it reproduced from itself the 
principle of creation and gave it expression – was placed firmly in the 
consciousness of relative circles of the British public 100 years ago (and 
further afield), a long time before Maharishi spoke of the manifestation of the 
entire creation from the self-interacting dynamics of consciousness.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

2019-09-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]


 Your explanation is interesting too.  But I believe I would like a fuller 
explanation in a video format.  Do you have a link to a webpage that shows the 
pastor giving a lecture about his ideas?  Thanks.

---In,  wrote :

 According to Patañjali:

 prakaasha-kriyaa-sthiti-shiilaM, bhuutendriyaatmakaM bhogaapavargaarthaM 


 Thank you for this interesting and thought-provoking thought.

 In the physical universe we have elements and activity with apparent stability 
throughout, and we have a concrete sense of reality given to such by the 
material senses and a material mind. This is a relative truth and yet 
paradoxically, in my opinion, it is also a falsehood.

 The material senses along with the physical mind when given prominence over 
the Beingness which transcends the Material both within and without, will 
always be subject to the seeming permanence of the laws of the Material or the 
physical universe - such as those which promote life and harmony, those which 
when allowed cause a passionate and confused disharmony, those which are able 
to bring chaos and the breaking down of life.

 As both the Material and the Spiritual appear to exist together, yet one is 
only transitory while the other is the only true permanent reality, the 
physical universe provides the experience and testing ground for liberation 
from that which is false. Thus, in this sense, the purpose is release from 
falsehood and therefore spiritual evolution with the goal of the realisation of 
Perfect Reality.

 Yogic philosophy is always meaningful and interesting and yet, in my opinion, 
it is only one way of viewing reality – and like all earthly  words, they can 
never relay true reality to the earthly mind, they can only point in a certain 
direction for further expansion of conscious understanding and knowingness.

 I prefer to see the physical universe as being but one small yet absolutely 
essential stage in the overall spiritual evolution of the Life-aspect gifted 
within. In short, I see the physical universe as being brought into being for 
the raising up and the bringing Home of the children of the Supreme Being, so 
that they are now having a full set of experience is all matters of Life and a 
perfectly blended will in complete unity with the will of the Supreme Being.

 In my opinion, total comprehension of the perfect reality of the Supreme Being 
is far beyond the radius of the human mind. There being such a diversity of 
human minds, there are created naturally a diversity of opinions as to perfect 
reality. So it is seen that there are some who view the Absolute Being as an 
intelligent Force in the sense that there is no real living Being as such – 
rather a universal Force. At the other extreme there are some who view the 
Supreme Being in an anthropomorphic sense and they attribute an often crude 
understanding and likings and dis-likings of human beings to their conception 
of the Supreme Being. Neither, in my opinion is true, and this earthly world 
will have been left behind a long time before the ability to cognise that 
reality is made one’s own.

 I personally prefer to view the physical universe, its creation and its 
purpose, in terms associated with the Spiritual Christ of the Supreme Being – 
an overall picture and reasoning available to any human being, young or old, in 
the blink of an eye. And when using the term Spiritual Christ, I am referring 
to that which, in my opinion, existed long before the appearance of the One in 
earthly flesh called Jesus 2000 years ago, long, long before the physical 
universe came into being.

 For instance, I like the following account of the creation of the physical 
universe given in the vestry of the Rev. Vale Owen. One does not have to 
believe how the account came, it is the content of the message and not 
necessarily the messenger which is both meaningful and instructive, in my 

 "The Christ was present in the earth Sphere when it was without form, that is 
when it was non-material. When matter began to be He was the Master Spirit 
through whom the Father wrought into orderly constellations the material 
universe, as now you understand it. But, although He was present, yet He 
Himself was also formless, and took upon Himself, not material form but 
spiritual form, as the universe became endued with its outer manifestation, and 
so took form of matter. He was behind the whole phenomena, and the whole 
process passed through the Christ as the ages went along and matter grew from a 
chaos into a cosmos. That were not possible except for some dynamic entity 
operating from outside and superior to the chaos, and working downwards and 
into that chaos. For order cannot come out of what is lacking in order except 
by the addition of a new ingredient. It was the contact of the Christ Sphere 
with chaos that resulted in the cosmos.

 "Chaos was matter in potential state. 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

2019-09-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
According to Patañjali:

 prakaasha-kriyaa-sthiti-shiilaM, bhuutendriyaatmakaM bhogaapavargaarthaM 


 Thank you for this interesting and thought-provoking thought.

 In the physical universe we have elements and activity with apparent stability 
throughout, and we have a concrete sense of reality given to such by the 
material senses and a material mind. This is a relative truth and yet 
paradoxically, in my opinion, it is also a falsehood.

 The material senses along with the physical mind when given prominence over 
the Beingness which transcends the Material both within and without, will 
always be subject to the seeming permanence of the laws of the Material or the 
physical universe - such as those which promote life and harmony, those which 
when allowed cause a passionate and confused disharmony, those which are able 
to bring chaos and the breaking down of life.

 As both the Material and the Spiritual appear to exist together, yet one is 
only transitory while the other is the only true permanent reality, the 
physical universe provides the experience and testing ground for liberation 
from that which is false. Thus, in this sense, the purpose is release from 
falsehood and therefore spiritual evolution with the goal of the realisation of 
Perfect Reality.

 Yogic philosophy is always meaningful and interesting and yet, in my opinion, 
it is only one way of viewing reality – and like all earthly  words, they can 
never relay true reality to the earthly mind, they can only point in a certain 
direction for further expansion of conscious understanding and knowingness.

 I prefer to see the physical universe as being but one small yet absolutely 
essential stage in the overall spiritual evolution of the Life-aspect gifted 
within. In short, I see the physical universe as being brought into being for 
the raising up and the bringing Home of the children of the Supreme Being, so 
that they are now having a full set of experience is all matters of Life and a 
perfectly blended will in complete unity with the will of the Supreme Being.

 In my opinion, total comprehension of the perfect reality of the Supreme Being 
is far beyond the radius of the human mind. There being such a diversity of 
human minds, there are created naturally a diversity of opinions as to perfect 
reality. So it is seen that there are some who view the Absolute Being as an 
intelligent Force in the sense that there is no real living Being as such – 
rather a universal Force. At the other extreme there are some who view the 
Supreme Being in an anthropomorphic sense and they attribute an often crude 
understanding and likings and dis-likings of human beings to their conception 
of the Supreme Being. Neither, in my opinion is true, and this earthly world 
will have been left behind a long time before the ability to cognise that 
reality is made one’s own.

 I personally prefer to view the physical universe, its creation and its 
purpose, in terms associated with the Spiritual Christ of the Supreme Being – 
an overall picture and reasoning available to any human being, young or old, in 
the blink of an eye. And when using the term Spiritual Christ, I am referring 
to that which, in my opinion, existed long before the appearance of the One in 
earthly flesh called Jesus 2000 years ago, long, long before the physical 
universe came into being.

 For instance, I like the following account of the creation of the physical 
universe given in the vestry of the Rev. Vale Owen. One does not have to 
believe how the account came, it is the content of the message and not 
necessarily the messenger which is both meaningful and instructive, in my 
 "The Christ was present in the earth Sphere when it was without form, that is 
when it was non-material. When matter began to be He was the Master Spirit 
through whom the Father wrought into orderly constellations the material 
universe, as now you understand it. But, although He was present, yet He 
Himself was also formless, and took upon Himself, not material form but 
spiritual form, as the universe became endued with its outer manifestation, and 
so took form of matter. He was behind the whole phenomena, and the whole 
process passed through the Christ as the ages went along and matter grew from a 
chaos into a cosmos. That were not possible except for some dynamic entity 
operating from outside and superior to the chaos, and working downwards and 
into that chaos. For order cannot come out of what is lacking in order except 
by the addition of a new ingredient. It was the contact of the Christ Sphere 
with chaos that resulted in the cosmos.

 "Chaos was matter in potential state. Cosmos is matter realised. But, this 
being so, matter as realised is but the phenomenal effect of that dynamic 
energy which, added to inertia, produced motion. Motion itself is the sum of 
the activities of will considered potentially. Will, passing from the potential 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

2019-09-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]


 Can you give us an answer in English?  Thank you.


---In,  wrote :

 According to Patañjali:

 prakaasha-kriyaa-sthiti-shiilaM, bhuutendriyaatmakaM bhogaapavargaarthaM 


RE: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

2019-09-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 According to Patañjali:

 prakaasha-kriyaa-sthiti-shiilaM, bhuutendriyaatmakaM bhogaapavargaarthaM 


RE: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

2019-09-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]


 Nice hearing from you again!  Is it time for the old members to come back 
according to the jyotish chart of this site?  Regarding your comment,  I agree 
with you in part.  But I would add that it is like a machine with consciousness 
in it.  I got this idea from a Stanford professor who presented a lecture 
stating that galaxies can emerge in any parts of the multiverse, implying that 
a witness is needed to materialize the event.  He implied that the witness 
could be any of  the Olympus gods.  Or in Vedic terms, the witness could be any 
of the devas or prajapatis, who are discussed in the Srimad Bhagavatam.

us---In,  wrote :

 I think the universe is an evolution machine, starting out as hydrogen and 
evolving more and more complex forms which can more fully embody the 
Intelligence from which the universe arose.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 10:59 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

 A scientist says NO.  Is that logical?  One can say it creates worlds 
eternally.  These worlds may or may not have human beings in them.  Isn't that 
a purpose?  What do you think?


RE: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

2019-09-18 Thread Rick Archer [FairfieldLife]
I think the universe is an evolution machine, starting out as hydrogen and 
evolving more and more complex forms which can more fully embody the 
Intelligence from which the universe arose.

Rick Archer
Buddha at the Gas Pump

Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 10:59 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

A scientist says NO.  Is that logical?  One can say it creates worlds 
eternally.  These worlds may or may not have human beings in them.  Isn't that 
a purpose?  What do you think?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

2019-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Hey, Bhairitu!  I'm glad to see you're still around.  To answer your question, 
I would have to say that the universe is decipherable and can be understood by 
science.  Otherwise, no scientist, like Hawking or Tyson can say anything about 
the universe.  Even MMY has accepted many of the modern ideas in physics and 
cosmology--albeit explained in Vedic terms and principles.

---In,  wrote :

 Does it need a purpose?
 On 9/17/19 8:59 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
 > A scientist says NO.  Is that logical?  One can say it creates worlds 
 > eternally.  These worlds may or may not have human beings in them.  
 > Isn't that a purpose? What do you think?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Does the universe have a purpose?

2019-09-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Does it need a purpose?

On 9/17/19 8:59 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
> A scientist says NO.  Is that logical?  One can say it creates worlds 
> eternally.  These worlds may or may not have human beings in them.  
> Isn't that a purpose? What do you think?