Re: Leonidas - Lion for single screens

2009-05-09 Thread Rahul Sundaram
On 05/09/2009 03:17 PM, Martin Sourada wrote:

 Now, how can you test it. The packages in questions are:
   * leonidas-backgrounds, leonidas-backgrounds-common and
 leonidas-backgrounds-lion-dual for the default design
   * leonidas-backgrounds-lion and leonidas-backgrounds-lion-dual for
 the lion on single screens
   * leonidas-backgrounds-landscape for the Beta wallpapers
 and you can get them from koji [1].

leonidas-background-dual is needed by leonidas-background-lion?  That
doesn't make much sense. I don't have a dual screen and I just want to
install the background for the single screen.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: F11 DVD label, how does this look like?

2009-04-06 Thread Rahul Sundaram
Jayme Ayres wrote:
 Wow can you send me a... hu 20.000 cd/dvd? lol!
 With a low cost of production like that will not produce interesting the
 media in India and send them to the Americas and Europe?

We could but the cost advantage of producing in India will probably be
lost in the distribution cost to other countries. Production cost has
never really been a problem for us.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Wanted: a Graphic Designer

2009-04-05 Thread Rahul Sundaram

The Ohio Linux Fest team is looking for a volunteer to do some graphic
design for the upcoming conference in 2009. From what i gathered, the
primary job would be to maintain a consistent look across materials
distributed and create any logos or other graphic design work needed


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 11 Beta release banner

2009-03-12 Thread Rahul Sundaram
Paolo Leoni wrote:
 Hi there, we are near to F11 Beta release, so I've two candidates for
 the beta release banner:
 The first is a non-themed version, while the second uses a part of Mo's
 wallpaper mockup.

Like the second one, way better. Text is more readable and it matches
the beta release wallpaper. Thank you, for working on this.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

A Visual Desktop Tour of 10 Fedora Releases

2008-12-01 Thread Rahul Sundaram


Interesting to look back at the changes

A Visual Desktop Tour of 10 Fedora Releases

Fedora is without doubt one of the most prolific Linux distributions 
around. In the span of only 5 years, the Fedora Project has already 
unleashed 10 major versions of Fedora.

Let's take a trip down memory lane and have a visual desktop tour of 
this wonderful distro starting from its inaugural version that was 
released on November 6, 2003 until its most recent version that was out 
just a few days ago.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Fedora 10 preview release shines like a star

2008-11-06 Thread Rahul Sundaram


I tested the preview release in VirtualBox using the GNOME Live CD 
installer. I was particularly impressed with the high quality of the new 
desktop wallpaper image, which comes from the Solar artwork theme. The 
whole user experience felt amazingly polished. Fedora 10 is really 
shaping up nicely and feels like its going to be a very strong update


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Artwork Quality (was Re: Sound themes)

2008-10-29 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Mike McGrath wrote:

Perhaps they should also register themselves via the bottom of this page:

Create an IRC channel at #fedora-desktop and get involved.  FWIW, I've
never heard of a Fedora Desktop team.

Well, there is already a #fedora-desktop channel. Unfortunately it is in 
Gimpnet instead of Freenode and tends to be more disconnected from the 
Fedora community as a result but the Fedora desktop team believes that 
that since they are build around GNOME, the advantage of a better 
connection with the upstream community outweighs the disadvantages.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Solar backrounds - enable by default?

2008-10-15 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Bill Nottingham wrote:
Martin Sourada ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said: 

We need to enable them by default, I believe Mo is taking care of it?
There's one concern though - the size of the package is 37.4 MiB. Is
there a chance to make it smaller, or is it the best we can achieve?

That may be an issue for the livecd. The existing desktop-backgrounds
package (that's put on the livecd, and includes the waves images)
is 14MB.

So the ones we have are very high resolution. We could scale
them down to smaller more common resolutions and I am sure
save a lot of space. But if people want to install the
higher resolution ones, (say for a 30 monitor or dual
screens) what's the best way to package that?

We can split up the high res ones into a separate sub package so it is 
available in the repo but not installed by default. Live CD is always 
cramped for space so we need to be careful there.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo Icon Theme in F10?

2008-10-13 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Martin Sourada wrote:


most of you probably know, but I'll write it again - Echo Icon Theme is
the default icon theme in F10 since Beta (for testing purposes and
exposition to wider audience) and I am one of the feature owners. The
change is rather small (in that it does not break things, replaces just
graphics, no code) but pretty much exposed. I'd like to make clear that
we are not going to go against general opinion and I deem it natural for
the Art (since it's art) and Desktop (since it's going to be default in
Gnome Desktop) Teams to decide whether we are ready or not.

Because of the nature of the change it is IMHO possible to make the
decision last minute (i.e. around the development freeze). What I'd like
to ask you now is the preferred way to decide upon it. Should we hold a
irc meeting, do a mail vote, set up a vote in the fedora voting system,
other way? I'd prefer the vote in the fedora voting system (opened for
Art and Desktop team members only), but if you think otherwise would be
better, don't hesitate to suggest.

I also think that about three or four days for the vote should be
enough, so I propose the voting dates to be set to
2008/10/23--2008/10/26. Is that OK with you?

Thanks for your comments,

Since FESCo already made the decision that it sticks if the coverage is 
good enough, what does the current status look like for the base icons?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Candidates for Fedora 10 CD/DVD sleeves

2008-10-06 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Jarod Wen wrote:

Hi all,

I have just finished my first attempt: two candidates for the live cd, 
one for the install dvd. 

The style of the design follows the previous version used in Fedora 9. 
Most of the sources used in these design are from the source of Solar 
theme of Fedora 10. Since I am a newbie in design using Gimp and 
Inkscape, there are lots of learner's attempts... Please don't hesitate 
to give me any suggestions to improve the source files.

You can find them from the link:

IIRC, the number of different colors shoots up the printing cost of the 
material drastically. Shades of the same color is ok. You might want to 
keep that in mind.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

GIMP 2.6 packages

2008-10-06 Thread Rahul Sundaram


RPM packages


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: fedora forum banner

2008-10-01 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:

Fedora forum just got upgraded recently. I took some opportunity to
redesign the banner by replacing the fedora hat with the logo. forum
word is using MgOpen Modata typeface and the background will remain the
same. I would like to verify if the banner is legal and can be used on
Fedora forum. You will see the current banner and the concept.

I would strongly recommending taking this opportunity to replace the 
blue hat with something else.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo vs the destkop

2008-09-24 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Martin Sourada wrote:

Apart from that, while gnome icon theme strives to be default icon theme
gnome-wide, echo would like to be default fedora-wide (in the future).
It has the caveats that we need to maintain some amount of compatibility
with both gnome icon theme (gnome default) and oxygen icon theme (KDE4
default) to keep the dissonances low. Also it has the pros that we can
better focus on covering fedora/redhat specific apps, like
system-config-* that the other icon themes are overlooking/ignoring.

One of the things it can help fix is gaps in the icon theme 
specification as well.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Ech0] Features for Fedora 10 Beta

2008-09-19 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Andreas Nilsson wrote:

The reason for my concerns was because some kind of predictability in 
the look of feel across distros was the reason Mozilla agreed to do 
Linux visual integration in the first place (the alternative was keep on 
using the WinXP style). 

Predictability can only be achieved by having everyone adopt the same 
look which I don't think is going to happen. What you really want is 
integration instead.

Mozilla integrates well with the current theme (atleast for GNOME and 
Xfce) which is what we really want ISV's to be doing as well. You can 
clearly see that the current icon and set is being used by Firefox in 
the different screenshots from Fedora, Ubuntu etc. If they don't do 
proper integration and simply copy and use some icons, I would consider 
this a con for the ISV's.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: R: Last-minute request - any packagers for wallpapers in beta?

2008-09-10 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Samuele Storari wrote:

Hi mairin,

If u give me 10 minute i will upload a larger image of invinXble.

Can I?

Please do although no one thus far has volunteered to do the packaging 

Is this supposed to be a new package or a modifying of a existing one? 
If so, which one?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Good news about Echo

2008-09-05 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:

Fesco has accepted echo-icon-theme as default icon theme for Fedora 10.[1]
Which means we need to push harder to include as many icons as possible using
guideline and echo-artist tool now available on rawhide and is waiting for
people to get them on both Fedora 8 and 9[2]. To get more details about
echo-icon-theme, please visit the website[3].

Good move.

Was comps.xml updated to reflect the new default in rawhide? Any 
communication with the desktop and kde teams?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo for F10? [was: Re: [Echo] One Canvas workflow + making commits easier]

2008-08-27 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Wed, 2008-08-27 at 01:27 -0700, Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:

So let's get both artwork and desktop team decide by consensus to
include echo-icon-theme as default iconset for Fedora 10.
It is used not only on fedora project wiki but alsoo smolt, transifex
and It will be an opportunity to get feedback.


Just for information, nodoka-notification-theme wasn't accepted by Fesco
as feature, even though they seem to be OK with the change (so we
changed it recently). It seems like artwork things are preferred to be
decided by the Art Team rather than Fesco. I have a feeling it might be
same for Echo. In this case I personally think Echo should be put on
evaluation by Art Team and Desktop Team. If both agree it's ready for
default we can roll it in ;-)

The thing is, we haven't decided what we expect from default icon theme.
How big the coverage needs to be, what needs to be covered, ...

Some information on the current % would be good.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: R: Re: InvinXble Updates

2008-08-27 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Creative Commons works have to be CC-BY or CC-BY-SA only to be 
compatible with Fedora. See:

-ND and -NC can't be allowed unfortunately.

According to that page, Fedora is also OK with -ND, even the this is not 
considered Free by FSF, only -NC is forbidden (but it is a good thing to 
avoid -ND, something like Samuele's derivation would not permitted by -ND).

Speaking of -ND, the only place where I think it may fit is the 
Wallpaper Extras gallery, for photos, but even there is makes things 
more complicated, so it is not forbidden but not recommended either.

Note that the licensing list is not based on just the art project 
requirements. ND may be good enough for things like game content. If art 
work project wants to only permit content which allows derivative work, 
that's a choice they have.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: R: Re: InvinXble Updates

2008-08-27 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Note that the licensing list is not based on just the art project 
requirements. ND may be good enough for things like game content. If 
art work project wants to only permit content which allows derivative 
work, that's a choice they have.

Yeh but it is completely infeasible to use an ND licensed source image 
in your derivative work! It just doesn't make sense.

Right. I was just saying artwork as a sub-project can limit the 
licensing sub-set to what makes sense here.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Tracking logo approval requests

2008-08-04 Thread Rahul Sundaram


Do we have a instance of RT or trac setup to keep track of logo 
requests? If not, should we?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Tracking logo approval requests

2008-08-04 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Does anyone else want to help me with the queue? Last time I checked, 
no. I'd rather not uproot my system (thunderbird templates), which while 
manual actually works quite well for me, if there's no good reason to.

I think there is value in having a public and more transparent record of 
logo approvals(besides your mailbox) regardless of how many people are 
processing the queue. Hopefully the revised trademark guidelines (in 
progress) would reduce the need for this process for the most part.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [F-10 Feature?] Nodoka notification theme

2008-07-14 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Martin Sourada wrote:


as some of you might know, I'd like to make new notification theme (the
currently ugly bubbles [0] with various messages like package updates,
battery status, incoming mail, etc.) for Fedora 10 and I am quite
unsure, as it is rather a small change, albeit quite visible, whether to
create a Feature page for it. 

It is a visible change and requires testing from more folks. I guess 
that would qualify for making it a feature.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora10 Theme Proposal

2008-07-11 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Klaatu and Gort wrote:

Thanks!  And happily, the background color is highly flexible and 
easily changed.  But surely you mean too bright not too dark?  It 
seems to me that the backgrounds that I have posted are very light 
when compared to F9, or to the evening and late-night colors for F8.

What I would like to see is the same background in an actual desktop 
with the panel, menu, desktop icons etc just for the perspective.

Uh... right click, save as, change the background, look at it a couple 
of seconds and return to your previous one?

Of course but I was talking about publishing screenshots for more than 
myself from the folks proposing themes.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora10 Theme Proposal

2008-07-10 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Klaatu and Gort wrote:


Thanks!  And happily, the background color is highly flexible and easily 
changed.  But surely you mean too bright not too dark?  It seems to me 
that the backgrounds that I have posted are very light when compared to 
F9, or to the evening and late-night colors for F8.

What I would like to see is the same background in an actual desktop 
with the panel, menu, desktop icons etc just for the perspective.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Pencil project - Sketching tool

2008-07-07 Thread Rahul Sundaram


Maybe this will come in handy.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Echo] start-here icon DRAFT

2008-07-04 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Klaatu and Gort wrote:
Does anyone know what the policy on re-using (or remixing perhaps is a 
better term) the official Fedora wallpaper is?

IIRC, all of the artwork is GPL or dual licensed under GPL/ Creative 
Commons attribution share alike license. At any rate, remixing is 
explicitly allowed for any Fedora artwork as long as you give credit. So 
reusing the artwork while putting a note somewhere on the original 
source should do.


Avoid thread hijacking.

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: banners are out of date

2008-05-13 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Valent Turkovic wrote:

This seams out of date.

We have some stuff at: 

Can you please merge them?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: gnome splash and screensaver lock dialog

2008-04-15 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Mark wrote:

sad that things so simple need to be done upstream while fedora
patches away anything that might give them patent issues. lust look at
normal codecs that work for everyone (mpeg, mp3 you name it).

In many cases, we don't need to patch anything or we can upstream the 
patches where the functionality gets separated as plugins. This is the 
case with gstreamer plugins as an example.

A longer explanation is available at


Ps: I still think that the themed dialog should be the default but that 
is a different argument.

Fedora-art-list mailing list


2008-04-07 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Pavel Shevchuk wrote:

That's really interesting question.

GNOME is maintained by general Desktop SIG, KDE is maintained by KDE
SIG, but everything else is just put in repository without much
additional love. Seeing how popular XFCE is on low horsepower
computers like EeePC, this raises question - shouldn't we have XFCE

Well, I maintain the Xfce spin and there is just two people working on 
packaging Xfce. We usually sort things out in bugzilla or IRC. I 
discussed briefly the idea of a SIG but that hasn't happened yet. If 
anyone is interested in contributing, I can create one.


Fedora-art-list mailing list


2008-04-07 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Frank Murphy wrote:

On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 02:41 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Ok. We are running a informal poll in fedora-devel list to estimate 
interest in this. Let's see.


Should I join fedora-devel list?

If you want offer your comments on this, sure.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: revised f9 wallpaper

2008-04-06 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Hi folks,

I've received a few complaints about the f9 wallpaper (it seems the 
sulphur is really unpopular) and I've been experimenting with 
alternative designs for it but trying to keep the same look and feel of 
the rest of the artwork.

This is one of the ideas I've been working with -

Do you think it's a good direction? Do you have ideas on how to bling it 

What people didn't seem to like was the flames on top. The original
sulphuric waves gray wallpaper and associated artwork was very good IMO.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: revised f9 wallpaper

2008-04-06 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Hey Luya,

Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:

It looks like a underwater view of the wave. I think these wave needs to
be dynamic i.e spreading toward. It will be also an opportunity to take
advantage of the script Matthias created from Fedora 7 where the wave
varies weekly.  The effects should be subtle.  Máirín, do you have the
svg version? I will give a try tonight.

That would be awesome! Give me maybe 45 minutes to clean it up and I'll 
send it here. One thing though, when working with this file you've gotta 
put it in outline mode otherwise the blurs will slow your machine to a 
halt. Also, I've been rendering the bitmaps on the command line, eg:

inkscape --without-gui --export-png=0003b.png 0003.svg

Of note is the fact that the new GDM loads up the default desktop 
wallpaper and it seems that a fancy wallpaper with animations and 
effects would really slow down the GDM load time which is not a nice 
user experience since the whole system feels slow at that point. If my 
guess is right, keeping the wallpaper very simple is the way to go.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: revised f9 wallpaper

2008-04-06 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Matthias Clasen wrote:

On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 02:48 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Of note is the fact that the new GDM loads up the default desktop 
wallpaper and it seems that a fancy wallpaper with animations and 
effects would really slow down the GDM load time which is not a nice 
user experience since the whole system feels slow at that point. If my 
guess is right, keeping the wallpaper very simple is the way to go.

Animated backgrounds should not be significantly slower at initial
loading, unless you make them change at sub-second rate...

(somewhat OT)

I haven't really run any benchmarks or anything but the new GDM does 
seem to load slower on a few systems I am running rawhide on including 
this laptop. If you need any more information that can help fix it, let 
me know.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: 9 swirls - another fedora 9 concept

2008-04-04 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Andy Fitzsimon wrote:

okay so I love the idea of growing flying high.. BUUUT

What about our distro remixing culture?

Simple:  I was thinking I could draw on a torrent of waves


Fedora 9 is going to be doing a lot of things, for alot of different
people, all at once.

This potential should occupy the minds of our users. How do we involve
it in our artwork?

For us graphics geeks, fedora is a production studio .. for others,
its a server, a workstation, a command centre, a directory server and
a portal to the web !
Fedora 9 is what you make of it and we're still all working together,
flooding in one direction.

lets illustrate this unified effort through a wave..  a fierce body of
water moving with such potential and momentum that it curls up in upon
itself..  forming a 9 shape

The metaphors for infinity and freedom still exist with large volumes
of water...  think the ocean

lets play.
ive attached a svg!

This is cool. I like it a lot.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 10 theme ideas

2008-04-04 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Martin Sourada wrote:

Me too, but the pictures posted before by Mo and others inspired me to
the idea of using gears as the main theme. Originally I thought it would
look interesting if we did something like ink-painted gears on papyrus
(or old looking paper), something that might look ancient but
time-resisting. However, quick search on flickr showed some other
interesting concepts:

I played a bit with gears. Attached are two completely different 
implementations (there is still *a lot* of room remaining for further 
polishing) of the gear concept (loseless versions, sources available at

Nice but please drop the text. I am adding a new rule to the artwork 
page about this.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [F10 theme proposal] Gears Round 1

2008-04-04 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:
With a bit of impulse from Martin, here is the formal proposal for a F10 
theme: Gears

The focus of this theme is technology: technology advancement is one of 
Fedora's main goals and gears are a classic metaphor for technology.
A secondary message of the theme is the golden era of Fedora: we are 
so confident in our distro that we think Fedora 10 is (will be) the 
distro marking the start of the golden age of Linux (and, of course, the 
best Fedora yet.

The current implementation uses a steampunk look and feel, it is a good 
technology symbol, a large playing field for our imagination and also 
something quite original for a Linux desktop (for for any desktop).

Well Enlightenment as a desktop environment has been using gears as a 
symbol for a long time now.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [F10 theme proposal] Gears Round 1

2008-04-04 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Nicu Buculei wrote:
The current implementation uses a steampunk look and feel, it is a 
good technology symbol, a large playing field for our imagination and 
also something quite original for a Linux desktop (for for any desktop).

Well Enlightenment as a desktop environment has been using gears as a 
symbol for a long time now.

OK, we may not be the firs, maybe exclude the original wird from the 

BTW, those are gears or a sun? (sun - light -  enlightenment) Do they 
use gears in desktop art?

That seems to be right. They look somewhat similar but they probably 
denote sun rather than gears.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 10 theme ideas

2008-04-02 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Mark wrote:

Doesn't theme talk cover everything you see (including wallpapers and nodoka).

The discussion for themes that are release specific does not include the 
window manager theme. You should post ideas on Nodoka separately.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Release counter for F9

2008-03-31 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Jon Stanley wrote:
On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 8:22 AM, Nicu Buculei 

 A first thing would be, IMO, to define when we start counting. I see 

 possible scenarios: either from a certain number of days in advance (30
 days sounds plausible) or from the Release Candidate.

The problem with starting this far out is that we're still not
entirely sure if we're going to slip the release date or not, based
upon the slips that we've had so far in the schedule (we've lost about
2 weeks to slips thus far).  We're trying like hell to release on 4/29
as planned, but there's a (not so) small chance that won't happen.  It
would look fairly bad to turn back the clock when/if we slip.

This is why we probably should escalate this to the right level and get 
an advice (as good as it could be made, we all know delays may happen 
even in the last week) about the date.

I believe ReleaseEngineering is the proper entity to ask about this, do 
we have anyone here connected to it?

CC'ing rel-eng.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: logo and such

2008-03-21 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Ian Weller wrote:
I was wondering: who came up with the current Fedora logo (the f with 
the infinity symbol)? -- ian

Answered at


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Anyone working on Waves GDM/KDM theme?

2008-03-19 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Kevin Kofler wrote:
Is anyone working on a display manager theme for Waves yet? For F7 and F8, we 
(KDE SIG) have ported the GDM themes to KDM, but I don't see any GDM theme on 
the F9 final artwork page yet.

To anyone working on this: be warned that both GDM and KDM changed 
significantly between F8 and F9, so please don't design against the F8 

Atleast for GDM, there is no requirement for any separate theme under 
the new design IIUC.

KDE SIG probably would have to do its own thing.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Where to ask for Help?

2008-03-18 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Frank Murphy wrote:

Sorry for the bandwidth.

Who can I get some help\advice  from about getting apps 
Firstly into rpms (fedora specs), 

eventually into Fedora Project, as they mature.

Looking at :

If you wiki access, add them to

If you want to maintain them yourself,


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Round 3] Alternative wallpapers for Sulphuric Waves

2008-02-25 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Martin Sourada wrote:

I noticed you attached the darker version to the Waves page [1]. I
decided to give it another try and created a version that is neither
that light like the first tries nor that dark like your try. I attached
it to the page [1]. 

I think now is the time for us to settle on one single color, do the 
base wallpaper and start the other associated graphics, from grub to 
splashes (the deadline is coming).
So we have so far one gray and 3 shades of blue, which is the one we are 
going forward with? opinions? informal votes? post here...



Fedora-art-list mailing list

Fedora Xfce Spin - Look and feel, Nodoka issues

2008-02-17 Thread Rahul Sundaram


Some ongoing discussions on #subject at

If folks have any opinions, feel free to share them as comments in the 
bugzilla report.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

[Fwd: Please test: Major version update of F8 inkscape]

2008-02-14 Thread Rahul Sundaram
Hi Fedora testers,

Upcoming release of Inkscape 0.46 will fix many bugs of 0.45, some of
which were reported also to our bugzilla, and some of which are
security. Rather than backporting those we'll move to the new version
once it's out.

Last prerelease is available for testing and should be stable enough for
production use. I submitted it to updates-testing some time prior to
stable version so we minimize risk of regressions. Now your assistance
and help is needed -- please grab the new version and report any issues
you hit with the new version, especially if anything that worked in 0.45

inkscape-0.45.1+0.46pre1-4.fc8 is pending [1] now. Once it or a later
version is pushed you'll be able to install it with yum
--enablerepo=updates-testing update inkscape.


Lubomir Kundrak (Red Hat Security Response Team)

fedora-test-list mailing list
To unsubscribe:
---End Message---
Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Please test: Major version update of F8 inkscape]

2008-02-14 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Upcoming release of Inkscape 0.46 will fix many bugs of 0.45, some of
which were reported also to our bugzilla, and some of which are
security. Rather than backporting those we'll move to the new version
once it's out.

Did anyone else test this package? If so, did you have problems using 
any font other than bitstream vera sans? it won't let me switch fonts.

I haven't tested the package but note that Bodhi, the Fedora update 
system supports a light weight means of providing feedback and karma 
(positive or negative voting) that determines whether the update should 
be pushed into the main repository or not.

Mo has already commented on it but if others testing this package might 
want to do so.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Please test: Major version update of F8 inkscape]

2008-02-14 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Rahul Sundaram wrote:

inkscape-0.45.1+0.46pre1-4.fc8 is pending [1] now. Once it or a later
version is pushed you'll be able to install it with yum
--enablerepo=updates-testing update inkscape.


I am new to Bodhi, can anyone enlighten me how can I install  a package 
which is pending and was not yet pushed to mirrors?

Everytime a maintainer pushes a package, it has to be manually signed 
and pushed to the repository by the administrators, usually Jesse 
Keating or Luke Macken.

Before it is pushed, the package is available in the Koji build system 
via the web interface.  In this case,


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Art Studio Status

2008-02-12 Thread Rahul Sundaram


A few questions:

 * What is the general status of the spin?
 * What are the base minimum set of packages that we need before we can 
do a release?

 * Do we have a explicit wishlist of packages sorted by priority?

I am interested in helping out by driving it through the current process 
for creating spins and maybe help in packaging some applications but the 
amount of information and links in the wiki is completely overwhelming 
and I need someone or a team to help me understand the status better.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora Mascot Idea....

2008-02-08 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Chad Bloem wrote:


I was looking at the Fedora WIKI page and I stumbled across the 
information regarding the need for a mascot. It mentioned that they 
wanted an animal design wrapped into the current icon. I slapped 
together an idea. Máirín Duffy was kind enough to suggest Inkscape (had 
to figure it out) to clean up the design and pointed me to these email 
addresses. Got it installed, played with it this afternoon. I have 
attached it as an SVG.

A interesting idea but not one I like. A variation of the Fedora logo 
would have the same protections as the logo itself and leads to the same 
issues we are trying to avoid by suggesting the use of a mascot that 
lends itself to artistic freedoms and creative uses. Keep the mascot 
completely separate from the logo.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo future

2008-02-06 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek wrote:

@Kelly: tell me, why XFCE can use GNOME's icon themes with success and 
KDE cannot?

Jakub, Please just discuss artwork contributions and ideas here and be 
polite about it. You insist on creating off-topic threads and flame 
baits every now and then which is not useful to anyone.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Help with the metaphor... [Fwd: And the F9 codename winner is...]

2008-01-28 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:
Can someone help me understand the metaphor behind the Sulphur name? 
The only thing I can think of is sulphur is somewhat related to dragons 
and dragons are, like werewolves, mythical creatures. How far am I?

Not very far


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Tangoish Fedora logo in Mist-inherited default icon theme

2008-01-25 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek wrote:

And that's stupid... Trademarks... Fedora is opensource, yep?

So why is it restricted with trademarks?

Free and open source licenses cover copyrights and not trademarks. 
Trademarks are required to protect a brand and the brand is valuable 
enough to be protected. Otherwise anyone could do a distribution that 
wipes off hard disks and call it Fedora.  There are hundreds of 
different FOSS projects where the brand is protected including the Linux 
kernel, Apache, Mozilla Firefox and so on.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Tangoish Fedora logo in Mist-inherited default icon theme

2008-01-25 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek wrote:

Dnia 25-01-2008, pią o godzinie 14:35 +0530, Rahul Sundaram pisze:

Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek wrote:

And that's stupid... Trademarks... Fedora is opensource, yep?

So why is it restricted with trademarks?
Free and open source licenses cover copyrights and not trademarks. 
Trademarks are required to protect a brand and the brand is valuable 
enough to be protected. Otherwise anyone could do a distribution that 
wipes off hard disks and call it Fedora.  There are hundreds of 
different FOSS projects where the brand is protected including the Linux 
kernel, Apache, Mozilla Firefox and so on.

Thanks to trademarks Iceweasel and Icedove projets started... Because of
opensource and trademarks. They were patched Firefox and Thunderbird,
until war began.

This is a common misconception. Debian's problem with Firefox was 
trademark primarily but the copyright license of the Firefox logo.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Hi Fedora Art list!

2008-01-22 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Jeff Spaleta wrote:

On Jan 22, 2008 9:02 AM, Máirín Duffy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is Fedora TV only for video?

It's what I care about...but i think its for images as well.  Just
depends on what's actually working :-

The reason I ask is that this group in particular has been in great need 
of a better solution for sharing images and their sources other than our 
wiki which is slow and unreliable. Is there somewhere I can go to find 
out more about it?

Greg Dek


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: A Thought About F9 Artwork

2008-01-13 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Valent Turkovic wrote:

It have the ability to bring some really talented people to fedora and 
they will contribute, but they use proprietary tools (photoshop and the 
like). Is that forbidden to use non OSS apps in making fedora themes? I 
heard that before in some post but I wasn't sure so please clarify.

I don't think it is a rule but using the tools within Fedora is 
definitely strongly encouraged.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: A Thought About F9 Artwork

2008-01-01 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Steven Garrity wrote:

I proposed a seasonal Spring/Fall theme set to coincide with the
time-based release schedule of Fedora back in November. I've been trying
to create a page for it on the wiki, but I'm having trouble getting my
account created (probably my own fault).

Are you following What 
exactly is the problem you are running into?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: A pretty please (regrading Fedora 9 theme)

2007-12-30 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Valent Turkovic wrote:

I have seen this:
and it frightens me if this is going to be the Fedora 9 theme... or
anything near this. If these are only sketches then ok. clearly highlights that 
these are theme *concepts* and a couple of previous releases have 
followed the same schedule.

If you have ideas, feel free to propose more concepts like these. You 
don't have to be an artist to do that but eventually contributions will 
decide how the final artwork is going to look like.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Imagine

2007-12-26 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Imagine a theme around this

Do you want to make this an offical proposal? :)

I was thinking of it primarily as another way to convey the idea of 
freedom. So technically it would just be a part of

Not exactly that image but the general impressions from it. Our themes 
have been so far abstract and I think actual people in a photograph or a 
 realistic graphics rendering of a similar image might be a good thing 
to try.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: GDM Idea

2007-12-17 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Uno Engborg wrote:

Matthias Clasen skrev:

On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 11:52 -0800, Mark wrote:

lock dialog (why it's not styled anymore?).

That's exactly what i asked a while ago.. that was in the F8
development cycle.. and a mockup (and even working version) of a
themed lock dialog (in full F8 style) was made. guess it somewhere
failed to get in the official package. It looked good enough to be
included and i believe the idea was to include it in F8.

It is included. You just need to turn it on.



Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Infinity 24 for KDE

2007-11-14 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Rex Dieter wrote:

Laith Juwaidah wrote:

I made a small --literally-- script that does that (change the
background), it is to be used with KDE's advanced desktop options and the
24 pictures that can be found here[1].

The script itself can be found on my fedorapeople[2].

Can you provide (step-by-step) instructions on how to set this up?  Where to
download Wallpapers, how to configure the KDE desktop, etc.?

Better yet, can we push this functionality in as an update so that KDE 
by default in Fedora 8 does this?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

[Fwd: F8 Nodoka Engine Animation Disabled by Default]

2007-11-12 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Hi all,

On F7 I had installed the Nodoka engine from source with animation
enabled. I liked it enough to create a theme for it, given the dearth
of themes available at the time. I posted it on gnome-look for those
that might be interested:

I was curious as to why, on F8, the default RPM is created with
animation disabled?  I confirmed this looking at the spec file for it

There is a note by Martin in version 0.5-2 on July 27, noting that the
--enable-animation configure option was removed.

Were problems identified or was this an aesthetic decision?

I'd like to put forth a motion to restore the animation option, if the


Marc Schwartz

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Fedora-art-list mailing list

Comment on Nodoka

2007-10-30 Thread Rahul Sundaram


Sorry about this one, but it’s possibly a little pet peeve. The new 
GTK+ theme in Fedora 8 is not to my liking at all. It is clearly 
unfinished (progress bars for example) and the gradients on the buttons 
look (to me) like blisters on human skin. Not only does it look bad, but 
I seriously doubt the code quality is as good as the engines in the 
gtk-engines module. There are a lot of very important things to consider 
when writing a GTK+ engine, as it will be running on every single GTK+ 
application. Just look at the number of bug reports and issues 
associated with Ubuntu’s “Ubuntulooks” engine as an example of what can 
go wrong (and the original Clearlooks had it’s fair share of very nasty 
bugs too). The engines in gtk-engines are rigorously tested and very 
well maintained, so I really don’t see any advantage in using yet 
another theme engine.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Opinions on icons

2007-10-15 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek wrote:

Dnia 13 X 2007 16:06:26, Rahul Sundaram napisał(a):


Looks you could get a icon designer contributing.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

I... dislike them, but this is only my opinion.

I think we need less opinions like that. The exact nature of the icons 
themselves aren't as important as the interest to contribute at this stage.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Explaining Spins

2007-10-13 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Another idea to keep more with the spins remix and DJ kind of 

'spins are like a custom mix tape or DJ set of software available in 
fedora, lovingly remixed and put together by community members to appeal 
to specific tastes' and have 3-4 djs with headphones on at the 
turntables, with music notes and floating paraphenalia associated with 
the spin, maybe a banner hanging down from each dj table stating what 
spin it is.

What do you folks think? Any other ideas for illustrating quickly what a 
Fedora spin is?

I think we reused this analogy already and we should continue to promote 


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Opinions on icons

2007-10-13 Thread Rahul Sundaram


Looks you could get a icon designer contributing.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: FUDCon logo

2007-10-12 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

1 is distinctive but the faces look childish.

Is this a little better?

This is better yeah but eyes look cold. Maybe add some expression with 
eye lashes?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: FUDCon logo

2007-10-11 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Hi folks,

Let's get this over with and get a final logo, okay?

I went through all the feedback and came up with the following set of 5 
logos for final consideration, including proposals from Francesco 
Fantoni, Nicu Buculei, and myself:

Which should be *the* logo? Which fits the Fedora 'feel' or 'brand' the 

1 is distinctive but the faces look childish.

I like 2 although the blue seems smeared over the n.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Games Spin: Look and Feel

2007-10-09 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:

with source:

and a F8 touch:

This background is too distracting IMO. English text on the background 
is also not good for L10N reasons. Can we maintain the subtle nature of 
the default Fedora 8 background while providing a gaming look?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Games Spin: Look and Feel

2007-10-02 Thread Rahul Sundaram


As you might be aware, the Fedora Games SIG has been working on a games 
spin of Fedora and we got tentative approval do just that. An early 
version is planned to be out shortly and another to match the Fedora 8 

I would like to get some unique look and feel for the games spin which 
can be as simple as a different background. Can the art team help me 
with that?  We are packaging a wide variety of games but we have a focus 
on 3D intensive ones since one of the goals of the Live DVD is to test 
out hardware for performance before you buy them. So keep that in mind 
and be creative.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Infinity GDM mockup

2007-09-19 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Matthias Clasen wrote:

Here is a screenshot that shows some problems with the user list. If you
have enough users to make the list scroll, you notice that a) the
theming of the scrollbar is not ideal and b) the last item leaks out.
It actually overlaps the wrong password messaged that may appear below
the list.

Thanks Matthias and everyone else for the quick and detailed feedback! 
I've got a new version that hopefully is better:

The amount of options seems to be a bit high and makes the interface 
appear cluttered and the square big borders appears rigid.

I like Steven's mockup at 
much better.

Thinner borders and the number of options at three seems just right. 
Fonts colors are less contrasting. The shadows are highlighted better.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Infinity GDM mockup

2007-09-19 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Which ones are you seeing? Are you just looking at the screenshot I 
sent? Because in actual use the 'disconnect' button doesn't actually 
appear. Are there other buttons you think should go?

They don't need to go but a couple of them could be put under a menu if 
there are more than two or three.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo bad

2007-09-17 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek wrote:

So, Fedora 9 will include Echo icons (surely)

As has been said already, that decision will be made depending on how 
well the theme coverage is among other factors. You might want to avoid 
making such assertions on your own.

Other icon themes can very well exist in parallel with Echo.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: rhgb at shutdown

2007-09-16 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Jonathan Roberts wrote:

On 16/09/2007, Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm a fedora user for about 2 years now and have never saw RHGB at
shutdown. My guess is that there is no graphical shutdown in fedora.

You'll not see RHGB on shutdown.
Why? Because of X11. X11 cannot be running, when system is becomming
level 0/etc. (graphical subsystem is down, services are getting down).

There are few chances: migration to bootsplash, splashy, usplash or

Would there be any possibility of just having a non-verbose shutdown
option? i.e. just a blank screen?

This is really the wrong list for this discussion. The mechanisms of 
shutdown or using RHGB have nothing to do with art. fedora-devel or 
fedora-desktop list is more suitable and it has already been discussed 
in both.

All services don't need to be shutdown mythologically as it happens now 
and some of them can just be killed without any side effect. Someone 
will have to look in that which will potentially speed up shutdown.

There has also been some discussions on using splashy and what is 
missing currently at

See some of the related discussions on the same thread for more details.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: rhgb at shutdown

2007-09-16 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek wrote:

Would there be any possibility of just having a non-verbose shutdown
option? i.e. just a blank screen?

I don't know, I'm not developer, but I think it is possible with 
bootsplash, splashy or usplash (Red Hat will not be satisfied of RHGB 

On the contrary, that is the plan anyway


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Art Studio Strategy (was Re: Art Studio Spin?)

2007-09-13 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 23:50 +0200, Máirín Duffy wrote:


- Should we try to get something out as quickly as possible? Our first 
version will built strictly from components already in Fedora? If we 
took this approach would it be too late to make the F8 launch? (I 
imagine not?)

My opinion: not. I think its better to release late but high quality
spin then early half made one.

That really depends on whether there is a lot more packages needed that 
are currently missing in Fedora and whether you message it as a 
experimental spin or a more complete one.

I am of the opinion that we could get a early spin out by Fedora 8 and 
message it explicitly as a experimental spin with the intention to have 
a more complete spin by the next release or somewhere in between.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Art Studio Strategy (was Re: Art Studio Spin?)

2007-09-13 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:

The missing packages are mostly content: fonts, brushes, clipart. I 
don't think anyone named yet an application needed but not available yet 
in Fedora.

If there are such packages, I am willing to help in packaging them.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Art Studio Spin?

2007-09-10 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Máirí­n Duffy wrote:

And, yeah, I think there are a lot of value-add bits like fonts and 
brushes and the like that would make it really awesome. Essential? 
Necessary? No, but... I'd be interested in making a spin that is 
basically a dream Fedora for me :)

I am not trying to rush you or something, but in the spirit of the 
release early, release often philosophy I advice you to not wait until 
your dream is full, instead set a close date and put out *something*, 
even if it is only the Desktop spin with a couple of new packages added 
(and a few other removed), this will help spread the word and get new 

An relatively easy way to do this is to send a kickstart file to rel-eng 
so that they do a release of the spin with the periodical rawhide images 
or test releases. You might also want to post to advisory board list for 
a getting a discussion ongoing and approval to do this spin as part of 
the Fedora 8 release.

We already have a electronics lab, devel and desktop spin coming up. 
Hopefully art studio and maybe a games spin would be ready too. Would be 
nice to get a assorted set of spins this way.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Like the look of F8T2

2007-09-10 Thread Rahul Sundaram

John Poelstra wrote:

Great job to the people who worked on and updated the splash screens and 
icons in F8T2. I think they look nice!  Will there be corresponding gdm 
login screen and backgrounds to replace the balloons?

Yes. See


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Round 3 Default Artwork Decision

2007-08-26 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirí­n Duffy wrote:

Nicu Buculei wrote:
This attached mockup (I never did a RHGB screen before) is how I think 
it should look like: plain and simple but nice and with the same theme.

Nicu, I used your mockup to create an image and tried it out in RHGB - 
it looks *really* slick. The only thing is that I can't change the 
background color without rebuilding the package so I'm going to get some 
help on that. Can't seem to take a screenshot either... sigh :)

By the way, I have updated the grub artwork, added syslinux, and also 
the firstboot artwork for Infinity.

Does the syslinux image have to be different from the grub image?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Round 3 Default Artwork Decision

2007-08-23 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Martin Sourada wrote:

Yes, I noticed that also. It looks a little unpolished. Dunno whom to
address about it though... I think it's a rhgb bug (or a feature?), I've
been noticing it since the first Fedora I used (FC3) and we've changed
the theme several times since then.

File a bug report against RHGB. I don't think it is theme related.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Round 3 Default Artwork Decision

2007-08-23 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Thu, 2007-08-23 at 23:02 +0200, Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Martin Sourada wrote:

Yes, I noticed that also. It looks a little unpolished. Dunno whom to
address about it though... I think it's a rhgb bug (or a feature?), I've
been noticing it since the first Fedora I used (FC3) and we've changed
the theme several times since then.

File a bug report against RHGB. I don't think it is theme related.


Doing a routine search first for existing bugs in rhgb I've found a one
[1] that looks pretty much like the issue we discuss here. But I want to
be sure that it's the same issue before reopening it, so if anyone can
check it (as I am a little in doubts about it), it would be
appreciated :)

Yep. Reopen.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora Infinity Update

2007-08-13 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirí­n Duffy wrote:

Hey folks,

I've been playing around with the Fedora Infinity wallpaper this weekend 
trying to get something I felt really comfortable with because I felt 
that what we had at the end of round 2 just didn't have the level of 
polish and 'bling' I think we were hoping for.

Anyway this is what I ended up with:

What do you think?

Would you mind posting some screenshots with the rawhide window manager 
and icon themes? It would be good to see how that looks. I think thps 
steps should stand out more prominently. I like the first one because 
the infinity part of it distinctly stand out and the third one because 
  the stars add more perspective to the other plain purple sky.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora Infinity Update

2007-08-13 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Máirí­n Duffy wrote:

Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Máirí­n Duffy wrote:

This sounds like a bit of an urban myth? I've never heard of this and 
I've a design degree - I would love to know where you've heard this?

Purple is the Gentoo color. See including their icon 

Isn't it kind of silly to reject any single color because of its 
symbolic meaning to another distro? Even SLES has used blue as the 
primary color in some of its themes:

The purple is an accent color, not the primary color. If we were to 
reject particular colors because of their symbolic meaning elsewhere, 
we'd have no colors left to work with.

Also, Gentoo doesn't have much to do with this part of the thread?

Not asking anyone to reject Purple. Just pointing out that it is already 
being used predominantly in another distribution and that to a extend 
invalidates the argument that people dont like purple as a color.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Nodoka theme

2007-08-12 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Martin Sourada wrote:

I had that though also. I'll probably ask on the test list for help with
testing tomorrow and point them to the for now.

You might want to announce this in fedora-devel list soon. I think there 
would be a lot of interest in a new GNOME theme.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Echo icons] Problems loading email icon

2007-08-05 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Martin Sourada wrote:


I logged into my account at (username mso) and when I
try to add an icon it says 'operation not permitted'.

Have you checked your password/ssh keys? Talked to infrastructure team?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Echo icons] Problems loading email icon

2007-08-05 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Sun, 2007-08-05 at 20:20 +0200, Rahul Sundaram wrote:

talked about it to infrastructure team yet, should I?
If you have trouble uploading your files to your 
account you probably should but I might have misunderstood your issue.


Yes, probably you misunderstood. I have problems uploading icons to
luya's account through mine account. But it should
work, quoting Luya [1]:

Ah ok. I am not sure you can do that though.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: About contributing to this project

2007-08-04 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Anuja KR wrote:

Hi All

I am a free lancer and wish to contribute some designs to the art 
project. Please let me know whether I can contribute, if so whats the 

thank you.

The procedure is outlined in 
but the simplest way to get started is to upload your designs somewhere 
publicly and send a link here for feedback.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Good News On the Fedora 8 Theme Decisions

2007-07-27 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Kelly wrote:

On Thursday, July 26, 2007 2:05 pm Máirín Duffy wrote:

- F8 default theme engine:

FESCo would like to see us make a decision on the default theme engine
for Fedora 8. Basically, if Nodoka is ready in time (the feature freeze
is Aug 28, might it be ready by then and testable by test 2, Sept 6?),
are we all comfortable with it being set as the default theme? How about
if Echo doesn't make it? (I'm using the Nodoka metacity theme right now
with the current default icon set, Mist, and I think that they
complement each other quite well. So I personally don't see there being
a dependency on Echo for Nodoka. What do you think?)

I will continue to push the opinion that at this point in Fedora's history, 
the theme engine should REALLY be based on QtCurve...

How would that work for GNOME?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Good News On the Fedora 8 Theme Decisions

2007-07-26 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Matthias Clasen wrote:

On Thu, 2007-07-26 at 12:36 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Matthias Clasen wrote:

On Thu, 2007-07-26 at 14:05 -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:

- F8 default icon theme:

Another decision we have to make is if we are comfortable with Echo 
being the default for F8, and how complete we would require Echo to be 
before it can be set as the default. Echo is not actually on the 
proposed feature list [1] for F8, however. This may be an issue in 
getting it into F8; I'm not sure. Would we be happy with Mist for 
another release? Do we agree the 

There should be no issue with getting Echo into F8, considering it was
already in F7...
Even if you do want to consider this a new feature and propose this as 
the default icon them, you still would have time till the feature freeze 

Seriously, just because we have this new feature process, we don't have
to force everything through it.

Not suggesting it for this particular change but a better understanding 
is good since it was asked for.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Good News On the Fedora 8 Theme Decisions

2007-07-26 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Matthias Clasen wrote:

On Thu, 2007-07-26 at 14:05 -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:

- F8 default icon theme:

Another decision we have to make is if we are comfortable with Echo 
being the default for F8, and how complete we would require Echo to be 
before it can be set as the default. Echo is not actually on the 
proposed feature list [1] for F8, however. This may be an issue in 
getting it into F8; I'm not sure. Would we be happy with Mist for 
another release? Do we agree the 

There should be no issue with getting Echo into F8, considering it was
already in F7...

Even if you do want to consider this a new feature and propose this as 
the default icon them, you still would have time till the feature freeze 


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Moving Echo icons to a better host?

2007-07-22 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:


I managed to get a few break being recently with Graphics Design classes. Echo
icons are currently located on wiki. Unfortunately, the wiki
is not a good place to upload a large amount of icons because of its slow
speed. I am considering to move Echo icons to a host like or better to ease the process of uploading icons. seems to be a viable choice but it will require change
for the tools created by J5, echo-pull. Since the host using https protocol, I
am sure if echo-pull script will work. However, the advantage of is a faster way to upload icons via git. Any comment?

Yes. IMO hosted is a much better place for the icons.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [New Feature Proposition]: Nodoka Theme

2007-07-17 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Martin Sourada wrote:


following advice from Rahul [1] I propose a new Feature for Fedora 8 -
Nodoka Theme. The Nodoka theme is currently targeted on Gnome and
contains metacity theme, gtk engine, gtk theme and gnome metatheme. It
is supposed to work with echo-icon-theme therefore the metatheme package
requires echo icons as well. I've submitted review requests for
inclusion in rawhide [2][3] and created a feature wiki page [4].

If you'd like to test it, rpms for i386 (and older ones for x86_64) and
noarch are available on the NodokaTheme wiki [5].

Also I'd like to ask for hosting the sources on fedorahosted. Could
someone point me as to how/where can I ask for it?

Got to ask in fedora-infrastructure list.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Nodoka theme engine

2007-07-16 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Martin Sourada wrote:


I released new version of the Nodoka gtk {engine;theme}[1]. I made a new
function for setting gradient and the old forwarded through this one
with parameters that use murrine engine. Nodoka styling uses different
parameters... So I updated most of the widgets to the new styling. They
should be now able to render  with nodoka styling and murrine styling
(depending on chosen style). I also added shadows to button, editbox and
derived component. Another notable change is added deepness to
progressbar. Also, I reworked the radio button and the check button. 

Those were changes mostly to the engine. As for the Nodoka gtk theme I
changed the colouring of the scroll bar and got rid of the blue on

You might want to follow the new feature process to get this into the 
Fedora 8 feature list.

I am running the new theme as default in Fedora 7 now. Will provide more 
feedback late.r


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: The process is confusing, the red tape frustrating.

2007-07-09 Thread Rahul Sundaram

John Baer wrote:

I find it frustrating working in an environment shadowed by legal fine
print and constant legal warnings (ie. By hitting Save Changes you put
your changes under the WikiLicense. If you don't want that, hit Cancel
to cancel your changes). I have not run across this disclosure on any
other wiki.

It is present in many wikis including wikipedia and they have similar 
rules on using material under various copyright licenses. Go ahead and 
look for yourself. You might find it frustrating but even if you ignore 
the legal sceneario (which you really can't) attribution is considered 
basic courtesy.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: official Sticker?

2007-07-08 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicolas Mailhot wrote:

Le samedi 07 juillet 2007 à 21:28 +0200, Gerold Kassube a écrit :

Why we don't create such official stickers and announce them for free
usage on the fedorawiki; we can see, that the used sticker seems to be
stolen from Nicu from his page at

To be fair I've seen very similar stickers discussed on local Fedora
lists, so the shop probably lifted a design we failed to finish and make
official. I wouldn't be surprised if an extensive search found this
sticker either on current fedora wiki pages or on archived ones.

So why don't we finish the design and put up in the wiki?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: official Sticker?

2007-07-08 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Nicolas Mailhot wrote:

Le dimanche 08 juillet 2007 à 14:10 +0530, Rahul Sundaram a écrit :

Nicolas Mailhot wrote:

Le samedi 07 juillet 2007 à 21:28 +0200, Gerold Kassube a écrit :

Why we don't create such official stickers and announce them for free
usage on the fedorawiki; we can see, that the used sticker seems to be
stolen from Nicu from his page at

To be fair I've seen very similar stickers discussed on local Fedora
lists, so the shop probably lifted a design we failed to finish and make
official. I wouldn't be surprised if an extensive search found this
sticker either on current fedora wiki pages or on archived ones.

So why don't we finish the design and put up in the wiki?

IIRC the main stumbling block was trademark issues since such a sticker
is pretty much limited by area to a re-composing of the Fedora logo. So
the trademark guardians need to state clearly what they are ready to

Is there any candidate proposals that are accepted within the art work 
team. Mo should be able to tell you whether they match the usage 
guidelines for the logo. That is all that matter IMO.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: F8 Theme [Other Stuff]

2007-07-07 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Kelly wrote:

On Friday, July 06, 2007 8:45 pm Leo wrote:

On 05/07/2007, Kelly wrote:

I mean, the capabilities of the graphical boot system are present in
the Linux kernel itself

Is this true? In which version of kernel?

I can't name off a specific kernel version, but I know that other distros 
(notably openSUSE and Mandriva) perform graphical boot using stuff directly 
in the kernel instead of a separate program. - 
This is the one I used to use.  It uses mkinitrd to load the images 

A few seconds later:  Okay, I found the site for it.  The patch isn't part of 
the official kernel, so I was incorrect when I said it was.  Though I still 
imagine it'd be faster and easier to use the kernel itself to do graphical 
boot than to use a separate program to do so.

Anyway, the site is here:

There are very good reasons this patch is not in the upstream kernel 
including the design and quality of the code. Even if we ignore that and 
patch the kernel, it will delay updates because of the maintenance 
overhead so no its not duplication. Read the spec Nicu pointed out.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 8 theme (Sounds)

2007-07-07 Thread Rahul Sundaram

John Baer wrote:


I put together a wiki page of sounds from the free sound project which 
I am currently using with Fedora 7.

Better sound themes is a good effort though I am not sure whether we 
need to enable it by default.

I don't consider sounds as part of the art themes or in the domain of 
the artwork team at all. You should probably post to fedora-devel list 
and talk to the maintainers involved.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Fedora 8 theme proposal] Fedora Nodoka Round 1

2007-07-07 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Martin Sourada wrote:
Please post screenshots or link to them in the wiki. Installation 
instructions to try out the theme would also be nice.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

We are still making changes to the theme. I did something more or less
final, Daniel hadn't comment it yet. You can see the screenshot in my
fedoraforum post [1]. Feel free to add your comments. I will make a rpm
for easy installation when we decide with Daniel that it's complete

Yes. I would prefer a RPM package for testing changes. Have you done any 
benchmarks to see how well it performs compared to the default theme?

Better or atleast equivalent performance is important.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Fedora 8 theme proposal] Fedora Nodoka Round 1

2007-07-07 Thread Rahul Sundaram

Martin Sourada wrote:

As for the rpm. I've just created it [1]. As for the performance - I
tested only metacity theme, I don't know how to do benchmark on gtk
theme, but Daniel says murrine engine is faster then clearlooks. Here
are the results for metacity:

$ metacity-theme-viewer Clearlooks
Loaded theme Clearlooks in 0.01 seconds
Drew 100 frames in 0.17 client-side seconds (1.7 milliseconds per frame)
and 0.324083 seconds wall clock time including X server resources
(3.24083 milliseconds per frame)

$ metacity-theme-viewer Nodoka
Loaded theme Nodoka in 0.01 seconds
Drew 100 frames in 0.08 client-side seconds (0.8 milliseconds per frame)
and 0.141556 seconds wall clock time including X server resources
(1.41556 milliseconds per frame)

Nodaka is considerably faster here. Are you using the Murrine or 
Clearlooks engine? I have heard that Murrine is faster and more 
customizable too.

I have installed the package and will be using it for sometime and hope 
to give more detailed comments. Some initial feedback:

It has a distinctive look. Theme appears to be more glossy than the 
current default. The title bar and especially the minimize, maximize and 
close buttons are rather large. I don't see the tab like effect in the 
menus that was there in some of the mockups. Can you add that? The 
scroll bar blue matches the window buttons but the title bar is a darker 
blue. Should that somehow match? We should probably have darker as well 
as ally variants.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

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