Re: Question about dist-cvs make targets

2010-01-07 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 DC == David Cantrell writes:

DC I was using 'unused-patches' until the packaging guidelines had us
DC change Patch lines to use %{name} if that applied.

Please quote chapter and verse there.  I don't recall any guidelines
requiring such a thing.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Need a sponsor: mod_proxy_html (apache)

2009-12-10 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 MB == Mat Booth writes:

MB Here is a list of review requests that are not yet assigned to a
MB reviewer:

Rather than huge bugzilla queries, why not just ?

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: A silly question about our FC tag

2009-11-16 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 IRP == Itamar Reis Peixoto writes:

IRP because renaming it will cause problems,

Actually not if done in conjunction with a release bump, such as we do
with a mass rebuild.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: conflict between seedit - selinux-policy and qstat - torque-client

2009-11-04 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 RK == Rudolf Kastl writes:

RK 2. qstat and torque-client both provide a qstat binary... is there
RK anything done to get that resolved upstream? or is it a conflicts
RK and forget scenario?

This one, I think, should be easily resolvable with alternatives.

Actually I think all but a small number of the currently conflicting
packages could be fixed up pretty easily.  Currently it doesn't seem
that there's any sort of enforcement outside of the original package

The way around this is, of course, for someone to spend some time
generating the current list of conflicting packages, proposing
solutions, and working with FESCo in the case that those solutions are
not applied.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: conflict between seedit - selinux-policy and qstat - torque-client

2009-11-04 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 ST == Steve Traylen writes:

ST Would be happy for an alternatives solution. I have yet another
ST /usr/bin/qstat for a POSIX interface to batch on the way at some
ST point.

Turns out that the other queuing systems (torque and gridengine) have
already renamed their qstat binaries (to qstat-torque and qstat-ge).  I
would expect that other queuing packages should do the same.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Ubuntu shows updates / security updates on shell logins

2009-11-04 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 RWMJ == Richard W M Jones writes:

RWMJ Newly installed Ubuntu 9.10, when you log in over ssh you may see:
RWMJ 34 packages can be updated. 10 updates are security updates.

What a terrible idea.  My users, who are welcome to ssh into a number of
machines at my site, have no need to see that information.

RWMJ Actually I was trying to work out how it's implemented.

Get information, append to /etc/motd.  You could parse yum output in a
cron job if you really wanted it.  It would almost certainly be better
to mail that information, though, if the admin really wants it.  I often
go some time without actually having to ssh into many of my server.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Pyhton image

2009-11-04 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 JM == Jonathan MERCIER writes:

JM Dear sir, I have open a bug:
JM But i have any answer! What can i do?

Somehow acquire patience?  Work on debugging the problem yourself?  You
haven't given much time at all for the volunteer on the other end of
that bug report to look at it (not even three weekdays).

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Buyer Beware: A Major Change in NFS (in Rawhide) is about to happen

2009-10-27 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 SD == Steve Dickson writes:

SD On the server (Which is suggested): Add the following entry to the
SD /etc/exports file:

SD / *(ro,fsid=0)

SD Note: 'fsid=0' is explained in the exports(5) man pages.

Could someone comment on any potential security issues that exporting
the root in this way exposes?  If all of my exported filesystems happen
to live under /export, can I export that directory instead of '/' and
have things work properly?  If, for whatever reason, I need to export a
file system that doesn't live in /export, would I still be able to mount

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Perl RPM Requires/Provides

2009-10-16 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 ES == Emmanuel Seyman writes:

ES Note that there's only the option of selectively removing the
ES automatically found values:

Well, actually if you look at what's on that page, it should be pretty
obvious how to simply not call the old __perl_provides or
__perl_requires scripts and not get any automatic Perl dependencies.

 - J

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

Re: Removing provide statement from an existing spec file

2009-09-29 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 SSF == Stefan Schulze Frielinghaus writes:

SSF If I interpret the naming guidelines right, then a period is not
SSF allowed in a package name.

Could you indicate where in the naming guidelines you see that a period
is not valid in a package name?

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: [KDE] Which Phonon? Phonon backend - GStreamer or Xine?

2009-09-29 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 FJR == Jaroslav Reznik writes:

FJR * Phonon backend not as mature as Xine one
FJR  - missing functionality

Perhaps you could supply more detail as to which functionality is

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Where is Callum Lerwick / seg?

2009-09-23 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
I know that Callum has in the past had periods where he is very busy.
Given that he's asked for assistance before, and that no reasonable
maintainer wouldn't want help from experienced packagers when busy, I
went ahead and approved agoode and rdieter's requests for watchbugzilla,
watchcommits and commit privileges on the openjpeg package.  I did not
approve oliver's requests as he only requested commit access without
asking for watchbugzilla or watchcommits, which I don't think it a
terribly good idea.  I also did not approve the requests for
approveacls, just in case Callum still wishes to maintain control over

Also, note the EPEL is orthogonal to this; if the maintainer doesn't
respond one way or another to a request to branch for EPEL, the policy
says that you can just branch for EPEL without them.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fwd: [Bug 249824] Review Request: - listen to radio stations

2009-09-21 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 MAS == Michel Alexandre Salim writes:

MAS Who is this Piotr Drag and why is he suddenly Cc:ing himself on
MAS very old bug requests?

I assume you mean un-ccing himself.  Do you believe he has violated
some rule by removing himself from the CC list of several bugs?  I can't
see how he's done anything even remotely improper.   I can't see why his
identity eveen remotely of any concern.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Question about .bs files

2009-09-16 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 OP == Orion Poplawski writes:

OP Can anyone tell me what the purpose of an empty *.bs files in the
OP auto directory tree would be?  Do we need to package them?

You shouldn't package them.  There's a reason the specfle template
deletes them:

# Remove the next line from noarch packages (unneeded)
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name '*.bs' -a -size 0 -exec rm -f {} ';'

 - J

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

Re: how to determain those no longer required packages

2009-08-29 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 AT == Axel Thimm writes:

AT I don't think apt traces whether a packages was a pulled in manually
AT or automatically, does it?

yum does keep track of many things in the yumdb and I think the reason
key is supposed to track this, but for me it seems reason is always
user.  I think the intent is to track packages which were installed
because the user requested them directly separately from packages which
were pulled in purely because of dependencies.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: tests in %doc?

2009-08-28 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 SK == Stepan Kasal writes:

SK Hello, I have noticed that some of the perl module packages do pack
SK their tests in the %doc subdirectory. Is that intentional?

One maintainer insists on doing it.  I think it's pointless, but I gave
up arguing long ago.

 - J

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

Re: Strange message from Bugzilla

2009-08-24 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 MAS == Michel Alexandre Salim writes:

MAS When a review is granted, the mail always says $REVIEWER has
MAS granted $REVIEWER's request for fedora-review. Shouldn't the

That's just a by-product of the way we abuse bugzilla's flags for the
review process.   '?' is supposed to indicate the request and '+' the
resolution, as with CVS requests.  But for reviews we need three states
(review not started, review in progress, approval), hence no flag, '?'
and '+', respectively.  When a flag goes from '?' to '+', bugzilla
generates the message you mention.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Emacs packaging guidelines fix for XEmacs

2009-08-21 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 JJ == Jerry James writes:

JJ Would someone who has editing rights to
JJ please do a global
JJ search and replace:

Could we have some explanation of why these changes are needed?  Have
these directories changed location recently?  Are there versions of
Fedora where these changes will not apply?  What about RHEL/EPEL?

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Emacs packaging guidelines fix for XEmacs

2009-08-21 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
Certainly the text not agreeing with the templates is something we need
to fix.  I've changed four references of xemacs/site-packages to
xemacs/site-packages/lisp in two specfile templates.  Please
double-check that everything is correct.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: TeX Live 2009 for Fedora

2009-08-20 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 JN == Jindrich Novy writes:

JN These virtual provides, such as tex(tex), tex(latex) or tex(xetex)
JN were added at the beginning of the year 2008 so it works at least
JN for Fedora 9 and higher.
JN We should file bugs for these packages.

There are many, many more packages that require tetex-latex at build
time.  Notably every R package, most likely because of

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: TeX Live 2009 for Fedora

2009-08-20 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 JLT == Jason L Tibbitts writes:

JLT There are many, many more packages that require tetex-latex at
JLT build time.  Notably every R package, most likely because of

I have adjusted the guideline page to reference tex(latex), but I
believe this will cause issues for EPEL as no RHEL version seems to have

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: soname number bump for audit-libs

2009-08-10 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 SG == Steve Grubb writes:

SG It would have been in before feature freeze if sc-audit hadn't
SG gotten stuck in package review.

A couple of points here, since you seem to be blaming the review
process for the lateness of this package:

Submitting a new package request and expecting it to be reviewed in
under a week is simply not reasonable.  Sorry, it just isn't.  If
reviews are going to be blocked on package reviews, get those reviews in
early, not at the last minute.

If something important, like a new feature or something disruptive like
this is going to be held up by a package review but needs to get done by
feature or alpha freeze time, please make an announcement to that
effect, or at least indicate that in the review itself.  The review in
question ( said
nothing about this issue.  Otherwise the reviewers have no idea that
they should prioritize this review.

People go on vacation occasionally, or run out of free time.  As far as
I know, nobody is paid to review packages and we all have other work to
do.  If an important review gets blocked behind someone who is not
responding, let someone know about it.  I stole and finished the xz
review because it turns out the person doing the review went on vacation
and the entire mass rebuild was blocked on us getting xz in.

Bottom line: We can get things done when we know about them needing to
get done.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: soname number bump for audit-libs

2009-08-10 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 SG == Steve Grubb writes:

SG I was doing the package review and someone else took it from me.

You had it assigned to yourself with the fedora-review flag set?

Looking at, it
seems that it was assigned to you but the flag was not set.  I certainly
would have asked before taking the review in that case; I can't say why
Jochen didn't but you're certainly welcome to ask him.  Were I you, I
also would have just taken the review back, especially after Jochen
failed to reply to the updated package in comment 5.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Review

2009-08-05 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 JL == Jussi Lehtola writes:

JL (I'm not very sure, however, about the current policy of wanting
JL sponsors to review first packages. IMHO anyone should be able to
JL review them, just as long as a sponsor goes through them and some
JL inofficial reviews by the submitter. It's less work for the sponsor
JL that way :D)

Anyone can review anything, sponsor, sponsored, or not a packager at
all.  The difference is who can approve a package and sponsor

It is certainly quite reasonable for a non-sponsor to review that
package and get it into shape so that a sponsor can come along, double
check, and click the various buttons.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Review

2009-08-05 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 JL == Jussi Lehtola writes:

JL That's what I think, too, but
JL thinks otherwise: 

Actually it just says what I said more succinctly.  An informal review
can be done by anyone.  The actual full review and approval must be done
by a sponsor.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: F12 rpm on F11 (rpmlib(PayloadIsXz))

2009-08-01 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 AT == Axel Thimm writes:

AT Is there an upgrade-rpm-for-F11 available?

In updates-testing.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Rawhide mock builds broken

2009-07-31 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 JK == Jesse Keating writes:

JK Hrm, so I wonder about this.  Does exim rely on the group ownership
JK at all for anything?  Would it make sense to have a general
JK 'service' or 'nobody' group that these things could be tossed in if
JK the group isn't to be used, to avoid taking dynamic GIDs on the
JK host?

It just so happens that I actually use Exim (on mail servers, ssmtp on
everything else), and it does use group memberships for various things.
It also happens that in F-11 it also somehow got GID 93 for itself in
addition to the UID 93 that it requests.  So useradd must have changed
its behavior quite recently.

JK Or should we say that if you are going to take a specific UID, you
JK need to take the GID to match it?

Past behavior of useradd seems to do that automatically (or at least it

I don't think it's bad for exim to groupadd 93 first, but honestly I
don't know what happens to existing installations that may have a
different GID set up and I don't want to break anything.  I guess such
systems would be running rawhide and this is a bug fix, so

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Rawhide mock builds broken

2009-07-31 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 JLT == Jason L Tibbitts writes:

JLT So useradd must have changed its behavior quite recently.

It could be shadow-, I guess, but that was built in
rawhide on the 16th of this month and I've done plenty of builds since

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Rawhide mock builds broken

2009-07-30 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
Today I tried to do some rawhide builds in my usual mock setup (running
on updated x86_64 F11), but somehow I can't even init a chroot due to:

Executing command: ['/usr/sbin/groupadd', '-g', '498', 'mockbuild']
Child returncode was: 4

GID 498 is already occupied by exim, which gets pulled in because cronie
depends on /usr/bin/sendmail and exim has the shortest name.  (cronie is
needed because of crontabs, which is a dependency of rpm.)  Exim has no
requirement that it get group 498; it only calls useradd so this must
just be bad luck.

Obviously this didn't always happen; I have no idea what has changed to
cause this situation.  Anyone have any ideas for getting mock going

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Rawhide mock builds broken

2009-07-30 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 JK == Jesse Keating writes:

JK Mock is trying to add a user / group that matches the user / group
JK calling it.  Is the user calling it of gid 498?

That's the GID of the mock group on the host.  It's not my primary GID,
but I guess that doesn't matter.  It would explain why I'm the only
person unlucky enough to run into this.

JK I thought there was a bug open asking rpm to split off the cron job
JK into its own package (or drop it all together, or put it in a doc as
JK an example) so that we could avoid this in the minimal install
JK cases.

That might help this specific case, I guess, but perhaps there's a more
general problem.  If mock absolutely requires that it be able to create
a group in the chroot with the same GID as the mock group on the host,
then perhaps we should reserve a static GID for mock.

JK exim may need to adjust it's scriptlets to make use of the proper
JK uid/gid.

Exim doesn't actually create a GID.  It just creates UID 93 and does not
call useradd with -g, so an 'exim' group is created with a random GID.
As far as I know it's always done this.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: rpms/kmess/F-11 kmess.spec, NONE, 1.1 .cvsignore, 1.1, 1.2 sources, 1.1, 1.2

2009-07-29 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 TM == Till Maas writes:

TM Please explain why.

The details are in the review ticket; I neglected to check where my
message was going before I sent it.  But basically, it's not permissible
to say your package is a clone of X where X is a trademark.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: openssh-blacklist - careless waste of space.

2009-07-24 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 YK == Yanko Kaneti writes:

YK Seriously wtf!?

Can't answer that.

YK And where is the frikken package review for it?

Unfortunately neither the reviewer nor the packager updated the ticket
title with the changed name of the package.  I've fixed that.

I don't see any mention of the size of the package in the review.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Is BuildRoot still mandatory?

2009-07-20 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 BP == Björn Persson bj...@rombobjö writes:

BP So my question is: If there are no plans to build a package on any
BP distribution release where a BuildRoot tag is needed, and it is
BP known that the package won't build cleanly on such a release, is a
BP BuildRoot tag still required for the package to be approved for
BP Fedora?

The packaging guidelines have yet to be changed to indicate any
circumstances where a buildroot tag is not required.  That may happen
in the future, but it has not happened yet.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposal to Drop Fedora 12 Features

2009-07-16 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 d == drago01 writes:

d Afaik those are blocking on xz review request rel-eng to coordinate
d a mass rebuild

The xz review had stalled; notting asked me to step in but somehow it
slipped my mind for a day.  I just went ahead and took it over; there
are a couple of things to look at but it should all be wrapped up
tomorrow if notting's around.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: epel-release in Fedora repos?

2009-07-14 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 JK == Jesse Keating writes:

JK At 7000+ srpms there is no way I could evaluate each and every one
JK for validity before submitting it for a rebuild.

I think the point is that the package owner should have deleted it
from devel so that there would be nothing for rel-eng to rebuild.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: epel-release in Fedora repos?

2009-07-14 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 TM == Till Maas writes:

TM Imho if the devel branch is a problem, then it should not be
TM created when the package is imported to CVS, if it is a epel-only
TM package.

The devel branch is mandatory, but that doesn't mean that the package
owner has to import anything there if they don't need it.

Honestly, though, packages that will be in EPEL but not in Fedora at
all are very rare exceptions and retooling the infrastructure to
handle them specially would be something of a waste of effort.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Mass-Package Orphanage

2009-07-03 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 NDN == Nathanael D Noblet writes:

NDN I'm wondering if it is possible to be a co-maintainer with
NDN someone willing?

In general, all you need is a sponsor.  The usual route to that is via
the submission of new packages, but it's not the only way.  I happen
to be a sponsor, so that's not an issue.

What is an issue is that fact that the horde suite is somewhat
delicate and security sensitive, and not really the best set of
packages for a first-time packager.  This is somewhat offset by the
fact that the packages already exist and just need maintenance.

I think that if you're interested, you should start by requesting
watchcommits and watchbugzilla on at least the Fedora branches of
those packages.  (I have no desire to maintain the EPEL5 branch, so
someone else needs to step in to take care of that one.)  The URLs

Later we can progress to sponsorship and commit access.

I still hope we can find at least one other person to assist in
maintaining these packages.  Otherwise I fear I will just end up
orphaning them again.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Mass-Package Orphanage

2009-07-03 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 DS == Dodji Seketeli writes:

DS Interesting. I thought people were obliged to submit _new_
DS packages to request sponsorship,

Any user can request sponsorship without doing anything.  That doesn't
mean they're going to get it, of course.  It is the sponsor's
responsibility to monitor and mentor the person they've sponsored, and
they make the decision about who they wish to sponsor.  (And here I'm
talking about the packager group only, not any other group which also
has sponsors and which may have their own rules.)  It is true that one
significant path to this is the submission of new packages.  I don't
think you'll find it anywhere documented that the only possible path
is the submission of new packages.

DS Out of curiosity, could you point me to a reference documentation
DS that explains the process to sponsor a co-maintainer who is not a
DS fedora packager already ?

If you're a sponsor, you just go to the account system and sponsor
them (assuming they've already applied, of course).  The procedure
isn't any different than any other situation where someone is
sponsored into a group.

DS The only link I was aware of was this one:
DS where it's stated: You should make sure that it is a new
DS package. 

That's the document on submitting new packages, yes.  As such, you can
expect that it talks about submitting new packages.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: rawhide report: 20090702 changes

2009-07-02 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 MC == Matej Cepl writes:

MC So, how should I propose to FESCO exclusion of DiveIntoPython
MC (BTW, wonderful book), Jules Verne and anything else we find?

Open a ticket on their trac (

The issue here is that the guidelines explicitly permit documentation
and help files; diveintopython is obviously documenting Python, and if
it was bundled with the Python tarball then there wouldn't be any
question at all about this.  So I'm not really sure that the place
where you draw the line is all that clear.

At least the python package itself includes some reasonable
documentation about the language.  But the package that spawned this
duscussion, the device drivers book, actually documents the kernel
where the kernel doesn't really document itself.  And there are other
reviews for this kind of thing pending: javanotes, for example
( covers Java for
which we have little in-distro documentation, and there's at least one
other package submitted by the same person.  Make sure that the line
you draw is clear with regards those packages as well.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: rawhide report: 20090702 changes

2009-07-02 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 MC == Matej Cepl writes:

MC Well, I always understood, that documentation which is part of
MC normal package is OK, but source package which contains nothing
MC else than documentation isn't.

If that was the case, then I see 17 -docs packages that build
completely separately from any other package.  Some upstreams package
their documentation in separate tarballs, and so these can be built
from separate source packages.  (And often this makes sense, as the
documentation package doesn't have to change when a bug is fixed in
the main package.)

So you could have a rule that says the package has to directly
document some program in the distro, but then the Linux device drivers
book does just that.  I don't think anyone would reasonably want to
exclude the python-docs package (built as a separate source package
containing nothing other than documentation) but I know I can't
articulate just how diveintopython is different.

Honestly I think this would be easier if we had a separate content
repository, because then the decision wouldn't be about excluding some
things completely but instead about which repository to put them in.
I recall some discussion about that but I don't know what the end
result was.  Honestly I don't care either way except that I need to
know what to do with this javanotes review ticket I've taken; I'd just
like to be able to point people to a clear decision.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fedora LaTeX SIG?

2009-06-11 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 JL == Jussi Lehtola writes:

JL On 06/02/2009 07:27 AM, Jindrich Novy wrote:
 New version texlive-2008 (to be in f12): one single texlive package
 generating 3944 subpackages / 1065 MiB
JL Oh. My. God.

Please read the whole thread; that was the initial proposal, not the
final one.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fedora LaTeX SIG?

2009-06-11 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 NM == Nicolas Mailhot writes:

NM I didn't see this before but I can only agree with the replies:
NM this is an insane plan. Nobody is ever going to review properly a
NM 2.7 MiB spec file, updating will be hell, etc.

Isn't it nice, then that the final plan is different from the
initially proposed one?  I see that you read the thread, so why bother
commenting on something that's not currently being proposed?

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: rpms/polkit-gnome/devel polkit-gnome.spec, NONE, 1.1 .cvsignore, 1.1, 1.2 sources, 1.1, 1.2

2009-06-09 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 MB == Mathieu Bridon (bochecha) writes:

MB After each item in the review guidelines, add a [more] link that
MB points to the relevant section in the packaging guidelines ?

Do you realize that the document already has footnotes doing exactly

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Agenda for the 2009-05-26 Packaging Committee meeting

2009-05-26 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 J == Jason L Tibbitts writes:

J The Packaging Committee will meet Tuesday, 2009-05-26 at 17:00UTC
J in the #fedora-meeting channel on

Due to lack of quorum, this meeting is postponed to Tuesday,
2009-06-02.  I will send an updated agenda as the meeting approaches.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Removing %clean

2009-05-26 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 TC == Tom \spot\ Callaway writes:

TC Is anyone opposed to that?

It's hard to oppose anything that frees us from carrying around all of
this useless crap in every specfile.  If we ever want our packaging to
be considered sane, we have to make progress towards getting rid of
stuff we don't really need and dumping the inexplicable random stuff
that just gets included verbatim in every specfile without most folks
understanding why it's there.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Agenda for the 2009-05-26 Packaging Committee meeting

2009-05-25 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
The Packaging Committee will meet Tuesday, 2009-05-26 at 17:00UTC in
the #fedora-meeting channel on

FPC works from the agenda at; there's just
one item currently on the agenda:

Phase out Buildroot -

Users who wish to bring proposals before the committee are encouraged
to read
Anyone is welcome to create drafts under and to update; such
updates will automatically appear on our agenda.

 - J

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Packaging CPAN modules for Fedora, the Oslo QA Hackathon, CPAN::Porters

2008-03-12 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 GS == Gabor Szabo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

GS So if you do find a module with problematic licenses it would be
GS great if you could check if CPANTS has
GS also caught that issue.

This is good news; Perl modules have often been a source of licensing
trouble due to missing or contradictory licenses.

Please also note that in Fedora, problematic license applies to the
plain Artistic license, so if a package licensed under the original
Artistic license (not the clarified or 2.0 versions) and does not also
have some other license (such as in the Same as Perl GPL+ or
Artistic) then it is unfortunately not acceptable for Fedora.  For
example, Net-SinFP has 104.17% Kwalitee on the CPANTS site but is
not acceptable for Fedora because it carries only the Artistic

 - J

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

Re: Packaging CPAN modules for Fedora, the Oslo QA Hackathon, CPAN::Porters

2008-03-12 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 GS == Gabor Szabo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

GS What others would you include in that list?

The current set of approved licenses should be at (which isn't responding for me
at the moment, so I can't cut'n'paste for you).

 - J

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

Re: Packaging CPAN modules for Fedora, the Oslo QA Hackathon, CPAN::Porters

2008-03-11 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 DC == Dave Cross [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DC I've always had a sneaking suspicion that what I've got are good
DC enough for me, but not for Fedora's repositories.

Well, modern cpanspec generates pretty good specs.  Generally what you
need to do is verify the license (which unfortunately seems to be the
most time-consuming bit these days), change the License: tag
appropriately, and add build dependencies (BuildRequires:) sufficient
to get the module to build in mock and be able to run as much of its
test suite properly.  A quick glance over the Summary: and
%description helps as well.

If the license is unambiguous, this takes a couple of minutes plus
whatever time it takes mock to run.  Submitting the review takes a
couple of minutes more.  Generally Perl packages are reviewed quickly
because the reviewer usually just needs to verify that you've done the
stuff in the previous paragraph.

 - J

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

Re: How to have Perl packages co-maintained by perl-sig?

2008-03-10 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 SK == Stepan Kasal [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SK But I'm not going to make a request now, as I do not want to
SK interfere with Jason's activity.

I was done with what I was doing about ten minutes after I sent my
message, which is over six days ago.  I only did Alex's packages.

 - J

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

Re: License tag for perl modules

2007-08-10 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 RN == Robin Norwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RN So you may want to update the license field as you go (Not
RN blindly, of course...there are probably exceptions).

I think there may be a few modules out there which are Artistic
_only_, which it seems makes them unacceptable for Fedora.  I honestly
had no clue that the artistic license was considered non-free until
spot started the recent licensing work.

 - J

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

Re: License tag for perl modules

2007-08-10 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 PH == Paul Howarth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PH rpmlint (at least up to rpmlint-0.80-2) still complains about
PH this:

Yes, Ville has indicated that he's fixing this.

 - J

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

Re: License tag for perl modules

2007-08-10 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 IB == Ian Burrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

IB Why would Artistic license be considered unacceptable for Fedora?

It's in the Bad Licenses list at the bottom of

IB Also, the Artistic 2.0 license is different.

Yes, as recognized on the above page.

IB It should be tagged separately.

It isn't?  It sure seems to be tagged separately to me, according to
the above page.

 - J

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

Re: mark pod files as %doc?

2007-08-08 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 CG == Chris Grau [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

CG Which means they'd be installed under
CG /usr/share/doc/%{name}-%{version}, right?

No, it means they'd be marked as %doc and therefore wouldn't be
installed with an --excludedocs install.

 - J

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

Re: Archive::Zip - 'unauthorized' release.

2007-06-04 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 RN == Robin Norwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RN Is there a general policy for this sort of situation, and if not,
RN should there be?

I'm not sure we could make one.  When upstream forks (or pseudo-forks
as seems to have happened here), we're going to have to figure out
what to do on a case-by-case basis.

RN Should something be added to the perl packaging guidelines,

I don't see that any of the basic issues are perl-specific.

RN and what do you think we should do in this instance, other than
RN wait for a response from Adam?

Well, I think we should always try to stay well-informed as to the
state of the upstream developers and in good communication with them.
It never hurts to ask them what's up and get their opinions on what we
should be doing with their packages.

 - J

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

Re: Test::Pod::Coverage tests...

2007-05-07 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 RC == Ralf Corsepius [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RC You don't want to know about the bugs and deficits your packages
RC suffer from?

Well, to play devil's advocate, if we're to consider lack of
documentation coverage a bug and block inclusion of packages due to
those bugs, then we shouldn't even have a kernel.

Of course we should run test suites, and we should of course block
packages when those test suites fail but are expected to pass.  But
blocking due to lack of documentation coverage is pushing things a bit
beyond the bounds of reason.

 - J

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

Re: The next time you need to build a stack of modules...

2006-05-18 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
 SP == Steven Pritchard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SP I just tried this with OpenFrame (something I manually built all
SP the dependencies for a while back), and it looks like I'm down to
SP 5 required modules that aren't in Extras already.

Looks like I'll have more Perl modules to review.

 - J

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

Kernel for SMP VIA C3 machines

2006-03-23 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
I have a couple of VT310-DP boards (together in a little 1U case,
nice) and found that FC-5 won't do SMP on them.  (The i686 kernels
won't run on this chip.)

What's the cleanest way to add an i586-smp (or better yet, MVIAC3_2-smp)
build target to the existing kernel SRPM?  Currently I'm working from
Fedora CVS (FC-5 branch) which looks like it has reorganized the
config generation a bit.

 - J