Re: [Felvtalk] Husband has passed away..... :( terrie

2011-04-02 Thread Alice Flowers
Terrie-My sincerest condolences on your husband's passing. 64 is way too 
young. You are lucky to have had a soul mate to share in the rescue and caring 
of so many sweet fur babies. He was lucky to have you and he is with the kiddos 
at the bridge-sharing head bonks and purrs. God Bless   Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Please add Rosie to CLS

2011-03-29 Thread Alice Flowers
Rosie passed last night, I could not bear to watch her wasting away. The 
Lymphoma had
beat her. We had her on Pred and Leukeran-which shrank the mass near her throat 
first week, then it came back with a vengeance the next week. We increased it 
other day on the Leukeran to no avail. She was also on Lasix, Lysine, iron, b 
Interferon. She always came into the kitchen and waited for me to give her the 
but the last few days she began to clamp her jaw, like enough. She was being 
syringe fed,
she couldn't eat-the mass in her neck got so large and hard. Her eyes became 
empty and
she just wanted to hide, she was miserable. When I came home from work last 
night, I 
knew it was time. Thank you to the wonderful vets and staff at Sacramento Cat 
for staying late so we could help Rosie join her man, Murphy at the bridge-he 
passed in
October from Lymphoma and anemia. Rosie is our 6th and last FeLV kitty-her 4 
passed in their first year from anemia, despite all  our efforts. I have never 
felt so defeated
and empty in my life. I did not have a clue about FeLV when we rescued the 
It has been a long and sad 2 years, Rosie and Murphy each just made it to 2 1/2 
yrs old.
Bless all of you fighting this battle-it is a long, and difficult journey, but 
these babies deserve
all the love in the world.  Alice with Miso and Sachi-the 2 negatives we 
when Rosie
got so depressed when she was left alone after Murphy passed.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Rosie's mass has returned

2011-03-22 Thread Alice Flowers
Rosie had such a great check up with the mass almost gone-now she is sleeping
most of the time and I have been feeling the mass grow large again. She is on 
Leukeran every 3 days and pred daily with interferon 2x a day. I am calling the
Dr tomorrow to see what we should do. I am beat down by this disease. Alice 
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Rosie's Check Up Today-Pretty Good!

2011-03-16 Thread Alice Flowers
WooHoo!! Rosie had a great check up today!! The mass in her throat / neck was 
much smaller in just 3 weeks on the Pred / Leukeran regime. We are going to 
decrease the Prednisolone and keep up the Leukeran. Ultrasound showed no 
Lymphoma in her abdomen (so far)Her hot, red ears may get better with the 
lower dosage. Dr said she had good color, no temp. Looks like with luck and 
purrayers, she may be around to thump on Miso a bit longer!  Alice and the 
kids-Rosie, Miso and Sachi (the 2 negatives I adopted a few months ago)
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Wyatt and Booker T. Please add to the CLS :( :(

2011-03-16 Thread Alice Flowers
Sherry-My heart goes out to you-Bless you for giving these precious babies all 
the love that you do. I don't know how you and the others do it-over and over. 
My heart has been shattered by losing Rosie's 4 brothers and Murphy, who was 
tossed into the feral colony that we rescued Rosie and the boys from when they 
were about 8 weeks old, Murphy was about 6 months old when we brought him 
home-all 6 were positives and I didn't have a clue what we were up against. We 
are down to just Rosie being positive and the 2 negatives we adopted when she 
was devastated with Murphy's passing in October and she was all alone. But you 
have the strength to take in all the positives and give them the love and care 
they need, not just cage them away in a dark room-you give them your heart and 
energy-they blossom and thrive in your care. Thank you and all the others who 
give so much of yourselves. All of our fur kids are playing together with 
boundless energy, free of the anemia, Lymphoma and all the other opportunistic 
ailments they so easily succumb to. I am so thankful there are people like you 
with the big hearts out there to save these babies.  Alice 
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Rosie's Lymphoma-Still Hanging In There!!

2011-03-14 Thread Alice Flowers
Going on 3 weeks since her labs and diagnosis Feb 24. She's been on 5 mg 
prednisolone 2x a day along with 1cc of Interferon squirted in her mouth. She 
also gets a shot of PennG every 5 days and one Leukeran pill every 3 days. 
had 5 Leukeran pills so far.  Last week she began sneezing alot so I added 
again. To make it easier, I crushed the 1/2 tab of Cypro and combined it inside 
one gel cap with the pred-there was room left in the cap so I added a pinch of 
Lysine and a tiny bit of iron for good luck. I divided one of Murphy's iron 
capsules I had left since he went to the rainbow bridge in October. One iron 
into 6 of the gel caps. She has been eating and drinking fine-too much-she was 
meowing constantly-at first I thought she was in pain, but she wanted 
treats...constantly. The Pred has her eating too much-she was sleek, now she 
seems all bloated and has a belly and waddles-not a pretty look for a princess! 
She also sleeps a lot. I tried to feel for the mass in her left lymph node by 
her throat and it does seem to be smaller. I'll call her Dr tomorrow to see 
about the Pred dosage and her being all bloated. Thanks for all the 
far, so good-I am not ready for her to join her 4 brothers and Murphy-mom needs 
her princess here!  Alice, Rosie, Miso and Sachi  (2 FeLV- kitties adopted 
Murphy passed away)
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Thank Goodness For This Group!

2011-02-27 Thread Alice Flowers
I was thinking this morning about this group-All of us trying to save or 
our kitty's lives, or to keep them comfortable for as long as possible. Trying 
different treatments or none-we are all the same. Getting comfort or's a hard journey. I can say that I have tried different 
things with my 6-Spent a huge fortune-so far lost 5 in 2 yrs and now having to 
watch Rosie in a downward spiral. Nothing has worked to save mine, maybe 
prolonged their lives by what...minutes, days, months-I don't know. Two and a 
half years ago, I had never heard of this damn disease-maybe because I hadn't 
had a cat in over a decade, just Aussies and horses. God bless the really 
special people who take in positive kitties knowing there is heartache up the 
road, but have saved them from being euthanized because of a positive 
test-they're not all accurate. I am rambling, I am sad-but so grateful for all 
the shoulders to cry on. Every time I log on, more babies have gone to the 
bridge, finally free to play together and wait for us.  Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Rosie's biopsy results-BAD

2011-02-25 Thread Alice Flowers
She has a very aggressive lymphoma. This was the biopsy on her lump in the 
throat / neck area. Started on Pred and ordering Leukeran. Staying on 
and may give LTCI.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Waiting for Rosie's biopsy now.

2011-02-24 Thread Alice Flowers
What I had prayed for was an abscess-the vets don't think I am going to be that 
lucky. They did a couple of needle aspirations and we will wait for the 
They want me to begin pred and pennG right away while we wait. Keep her on the 
Interferon to help her immune system because the pred will suppress it. She is 
extremely bright, no temp-has gained almost 1/2 lb since her tonsillitis in 
January. She has been hallway racing with Miso and wrestling too! Picture of 
health-God I hate this disease.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Purrayers for our Rosie

2011-02-20 Thread Alice Flowers
We thought she was the survivor-She is the last of the litter of 5 kittens we 
caught in Oct 2008. Her 4 brothers passed in 2009, a month apart. She made it 
2 years, now 2 1/2tonight I felt a lump on the  left side of her neck. 
am hoping our vet is open tomorrow. She is not showing any pain-I checked her 
neck and throat because she gagged a little tonight, but nothing came up. She 
had tonsillitis in January and was on Zithromax-she came out of that just fine. 
I am dreading this-we just lost Murphy in October from Lymphoma. Rosie was so 
lonely when he passed-she became depressed-slept all of the time, we were so 
worried-she checked out fine, we had her blood work done-all ok. We ended up 
adopting 2 negative kitties-a male that was 6-7 months old and a female that is 
9-10 months old. The rescue vaccinated each one twice for FeLV and kept them an 
extra month-their vet thought they would be fine since they were pretty mature 
and were already negative. She has been running and playing again and we 
all was well in the world. I hope this lump isn't Lymphoma.  Alice...owned by 
Rosie, Sachi and Miso!!
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Interferon - darn Andy!!

2010-12-16 Thread Alice Flowers
Poor Andy!! He can be a little tongue in cheek at times, but believe me-he has 
been there with the most compassion and kind words when we were struggling to 
keep our sweet babies alive. He loves his kitties as much, if not more than 
I know-which probably helped him to be the best people dad ever! We are all on 
the same journey-some people get really lucky and their cats remain healthy for 
ages-I lost Rosie's 4 brothers before they reached a year old-they were on 
Interferon 2x a day, no lapses. Murphy, who we just lost the end of October 
after a heroic struggle with anemia, a rebound with Epogen, then diagnosed with 
Lymphoma, another anemia setback which did not respond to increasing the 
We had Rosie and Murphy on LTCI (over a year) and Interferon. He was 2 1/2 and 
had been found in the same feral colony our litter of positive kittens came 
from, a friendly throw away. Andy was there in our corner, always kind and 
caring, offering support. This is the same fella that threw the name Pirate 
into the name hat (on my facebook page) when I got the one eyed kitten! LOL If 
the kitten would of had a black and white spotted face, maybe..but the name 
Miso won out-my 1/2 Asian heritage and his miso coloring. Anyway-SacTown boy is 
a good-un and I'll vouch for him.  Alice Flowers-Clark
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] how to know if your only needs a friend?

2010-12-16 Thread Alice Flowers
I was not sure if getting a kitten would be the right thing for Rosie because 
she was so territorial when we brought Murphy home after he tested positive at 
the spay/neuter clinic and they were going to euthanize him if I didn't come 
pick him up quickly. She hissed and stalked him forever, but he was so mellow 
and stayed clear. At the time, she still had 2 of her brothers that she would 
cuddle up with and play with. After the 2nd brother passed, she walked the 
at night yowling and crying. It took a long time, but she finally stopped being 
mean to Murphy and they would lie side by side, birdwatching and they stayed 
fairly close to each other all day. Not the cuddly relationship, but they were 
company for each other. When Murphy passed, she again began to cry at night and 
spent alot of time sleeping. She checked out ok at the vet-she was just sad. 
When we brought Miso home, we had a large wire crate about 4 feet long with 2 
doors. He stayed in that most of the first few days. Rosie would charge at him, 
hissing and screaming-not a pretty sight. When he was eating or drinking, she 
tried to smack him through the bars of the cage! We had to barracade that side 
of the cage. We began to let him out in short intervals. Luckily, he is about 6 
months old and as big as her and very outgoing. Oh-he also has only one eye, 
which was a concern-we trimmed her nails. He followed her everywhere, when 
turn to thump him, he laid down and was submissive, she would stop and walk 
away. He followed her everywhere-she did thump him a few times without using 
claws and it didn't faze him at all. He loved all the toys and was so busy that 
he drew her into playing a few times. Now it's been almost a week and they are 
inseparable, she has her spark back and is playing all the time. It's been a 
really long time since she's played like a kitten, since her brothers died over 
a year ago. She never did have that relationship with Murphy-he was too afraid 
of her, I think. This one eyed kitten is fearless and so full of energy! We 
adopted another kitten the same age, solid black, about 6 months old and he 
be coming home in 3-4 weeks, after his 2nd FeLV vaccine. I hope things go as 
well. Miso still gets crated at night and he's fine with it, still alot better 
than the small cages at the adoption center. I am so grateful for CATS (Cats 
About Town Society) rescue group for allowing us to adopt these sweet babies 
truly going the extra mile, getting them vaccinated and keeping them the extra 
month. They are all vaccinated, tested and FeLV negative, neutered, 
microchipped, clean and well socialized kittens that I have seen at the Natomas 
Petsmart near us (Sacramento, CA). I think keeping him in the big crate and 
letting her get used to him slowly the first few days really helped. I hope 
things go as well with the next one. I figured she was happy cuddling with her 
original brothers that it may work out fine. Also in the back of my mind is 
in case she becomes ill and passes away, the kittens will still have each 
We have learned the hard way that it can happen so quickly. We have tried so 
hard to save them, even a transfusion for Jack, but he had such a bad reaction 
that we asked them to stop. Ahh-here comes Rosie now with a toy mouse in her 
mouth that she just stole from Miso!! Life is good again.  Alice Flowers-Clark 
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Question About Inegrating Positive and Negative Cats

2010-12-14 Thread Alice Flowers
Well, here we go into the fray!! After losing 5 FeLV+ boys in the past 1 1/2 
years and suffering the worst heartache and financial strain-we were down to 
just Rosie-littermate to 4 of the boys who passed first, a month apart, all by 
the time they were a year old. We just lost Murphy the end of October, he was 2 
1/2, and our big, elderly Aussie on Nov 6. We went to Petsmart to get some dog 
food and a local rescue had their adoptable kitties there. I had already asked 
the SPCA, been honest with Rosie's FeLV+ status-they said no kitty for me. I 
fell in love with 2 of the boys there and had picked one out-a semi long haired 
lilac colored kitty. He was so cuddly and also played tough with the other 
kittens-he was about 5 months old and fully vaccinated for the regular stuff 
neutered. I asked them to consult their vet about letting me adopt-they did and 
she said no problem!! They kept him an extra month and vaccinated him twice for 
FeLV. He had already tested negative for it. So Miso has been home for a week 
now and our home is active again-Rosie is playing-they chase each other all 
the house! Oh-Miso had been a feral baby-and had a badly infected eye which had 
to be removed-but he isn't hampered at all by it!! He is 100 mph all over the 
place and up the cat trees! When we went to pick him up, I visited the first 
kitty and he wants to live with us also-so we adopted him too-he's a solid 
black, compact kitty-mellow purr machine, also about 6 months old-the rescue 
people were so happy-he'd been with them for a long time-black kitty syndrome, 
guess. But I had gravitated to him first because my lap kitty that passed 2nd 
was Jack-a solid black boy who insisted on cuddling with me as soon as I got 
home every day and I missed him so much. So in a month, he will be coming home 
to our kitty disneyland-with a living room full of cat towers and pop tents, 
ball toys in the tracks and tons of kitty toys! I can't wait. But I think it 
helps to get older kittens who have already tested negative and then 
vaccinate-it may not be foolproof, but we are trying. Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Stacy and Sweet Spanky: Spanky's chest cavity fluid - rutin?

2010-11-23 Thread Alice Flowers
Hi Stacy-I was thinking of you and Spanky today while I was at work-staring at 
Murphy's photo on my wall. Yes-we did use the Rutin, thanks to Dawn's tip and 
our vet was pleased with how it helped to clear his fluid out-he was on Lasix 
initially and I think we lowered the dose after about a week with the Rutin. I 
got the Rutin tablets and used a pill grinder-put it into #3 gelcaps that I get 
from the vet. I gave him 2 a day. It is a natural herb type thing (I as sooo 
scientific!). Perhaps some lasix and Rutin? The fluid was almost completely 
within weeks. I am purraying as hard as I can for you and your sweet baby. 
and Rosie...  missing the 5 boys so much!
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Stacy and Spanky

2010-11-13 Thread Alice Flowers
Stacy-I have you and Spanky in my purrayers! I know how difficult things are 
right now. It seems you are on the right track, trying to find a non-invasive 
way to shrink those darn granulomas. You know, it's only been almost 3 weeks 
since Murphy passed-it seems like an eternity. Our vet clinic said they have 
learned so much in the past 2 years we have been battling FeLV with our 6 
kitties-especially with Murphy-I think they are more positive with the small 
victories we did have. We did draw the line on doing transfusions, feeding 
tubes, iv fluids-as long as he was happy, we kept trying. I miss him every day 
and Rosie does too. Hugs to you and Spanky! Alice and Rosie
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Murphy is gone.

2010-10-27 Thread Alice Flowers
You asked if he passed at home. No, I got home from work and checked on him, he 
was laying stretched out on the bedroom floor. Glenn had syringe fed and 
him through the day. He was breathing harder than normal, he had been breathing 
fast, trying to get oxygen. I kept thinking any day he'll begin to improve like 
he did in July and August when he first crashed with anemia. I gave him some 
pedialyte and carried him to the bathroom to see if he needed to use the litter 
box. For the first time, he did not stand up and his sides were heaving-he laid 
out on the linoleum and even laid his head on the floor, which he has never 
when anyone was near. He was always alert and watching his people and 
interacting. His eyes were clear, but he was exhausted. After a lot of tears 
wavering back and forth, we ended up taking him to the emergency vet clinic. It 
was very hard, but I did not think he was going to last very much longer, maybe 
another day and thought it would be cruel to let him go through the night 
to get enough oxygen-the anemia robbed him of all the rbcs needed to circulate 
oxygen. He was the bravest and most willing little guy-always came in for his 
meds when he thought it was time, never fussed. He was truly our little prince 
and our lives have a huge emptiness right now. Rosie is having a time trying to 
figure out where he is, but I think she will be ok in a while. We took him to 
the crematorium and have picked his little picture urn and his name plaque.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Murphy is gone.

2010-10-26 Thread Alice Flowers
 Murphy has passed to the bridge tonight to join Buster, Oni, Jack and 
Schatzi-Rosie's 4 brothers that passed last year. He was 2 1/2. Glenn and I saw 
in his eyes tonight that he was tired. He gave it all he had but in the end 
took him too.We will miss him so much-he filled the house with his incredible 
personality. He always ran to the door to greet everyone-he never knew a 
stranger. I will miss his big, poly-dactyl feet going clickity-click around the 
house and how he could leap up the wall and turn the light switch off and on 
when he chased the laser toy. Rosie will miss giving him vampire kisses-she's a 
tough love kinda girl and she is the last Mohican of the 6 FeLV+ kitties we 
began this journey with. Thanks to all of you for your kindness and caring. 
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Thank you for sharing Murphy's journey-we learned so much from all of you here!

2010-10-26 Thread Alice Flowers
This has been a long journey and we have so much to thank all of you for. First 
of all, most of the people in our day to day lives haven't got a clue what we 
are going through. We had Rosie to the vet today for her check up-she's been 
sneezing a bit the last few days. She got her CBC drawn (results tomorrow) and 
she checked out perfect, but a little PennG and cypro to see if we can nip the 
sneezing-so far tonight she has not sneezed. I'll add the Lysine for good 
measure. Murphy did sneeze right in her face a few times recently. She will 
barely touch wet food the last week since Murphy hasn't been eating along side 
of her. Last night about 1 am she was wailing-carrying her toy around the 
Glenn got up and spent some time with her in the living room so I could get to 
sleep, I had to work today. Our vet was so kind-Dr Krysta at the Sacramento Cat 
Hospital and she said they have learned so much with Murphy and treating FeLV 
with open eyes and minds. Thanks to this board, we discovered the Imulan 
LTCI-they ordered it for us over a year ago. I believe it did give us more time 
with Murphy. Thanks to Dawn and the suggestion to try Rutin for the fluid in 
lungs-the vet was amazed at how great his lungs sounded after a short time with 
the Rutin-she said they used it for another condition but had never considered 
using it for FeLV cats and the fluid in their chests with the Lymphoma. When 
Rosie came home from the vet today, she searched the entire house for 
the first time in her life, she is solo. I'm not sure what to do, but time will 
help. I am so grateful for all of your support the last year or so. Our lives 
are much enriched with learning how precious every day is. Gratefully, Alice, 
Glenn and Rosie
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Murphy's not bouncing back yet

2010-10-23 Thread Alice Flowers
He is still super lethargic and I am back to syringe feeding him. His gums are 
still really pale-I am just praying that he can recover from this last 
challenge. For a day he was acting like he was making a quick recovery, but has 
backslid-his eyes are bright and he finally left the bedroom and is in the 
kitchen, lying on the floor. I worry less when he joins the world rather than 
hide away.  Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Murphy's vet visits

2010-10-23 Thread Alice Flowers
He is at the vet's quite a bit:

7/23  first anemia crash, pcv 18.5 tp 4.2 cbc also done hct 22.3 hgb 5.1
7/29  pcv 23 tp 5.0
8/06 pcv 27 tp-forgot to get it  cbc  hct 22.5  hgb 6.9
8/13 pcv 19 tp 19
8/28 cbc  hct 33.9  hgb 12.5
9/17 cbchct 38.7 hgb 11.6   breathing fast-diagnosed with Lymphoma
10/01 pcv 36 tp 6
10/19 pcv 28 tp 4.9 but he was a bit dehydrated so #s may be off
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Murphy's vet visits / what he looks like

2010-10-23 Thread Alice Flowers
Murphy is the most beautiful black / white, sorta fluffy tuxedo boy. He was 
either a throw away or a lost kitty that was in with the ferals-he was a sweet 
and friendly boy-we posted his photos in the local newspapers and craigslist 
a month, not one response. We then took him to clinic to neuter, vaccinate and 
find a foster home for him so he could find a family. I didn't want him to come 
to my home with the 5 FeLV kittens I already had rescued from the ferals and 
tamed. The clinic called and said he was positive and was going to be 
unless I came right away and picked him up. So we brought him home and said it 
was Murphy's Law-LOL hence his name. He has the biggest paws with 3 thumbs (7 
toes) and goes clickity when he walks around the house. He is the official 
greeter, like a nosy puppyloves everyone. I was not a cat person, but 
raising the 6 kitties has me totally a cat nut job! I am smitten with his 
sweetness and will miss him so much. He has the biggest eyes, maybe part 
persian, has a fluffy coat, not real long but is soft and he has a spring 
tail that is always straight up in the air. Even with all the meds and 
treatments he has had, never held a grudge, he normally comes into the kitchen 
and waits when it's time. His pic and Rosie's too are on my facebook (along 
all my FarmVille therapy!!) if you want to see him, go to my photos and they 
under my random photos album.   We only have 2 out of the 6 that we began 
with.  Alice Flowers-Clark
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Murphy is improving!! Beginning to eat on his own!!!

2010-10-21 Thread Alice Flowers
Wooo Hooo!! Before I left for work this morning, I gave him his meds 
1cc into the mouth, and the capsules-one with doxy and cypro, one with lasix 
1/2 pred, I fill the extra space in those capsules with powdered Lysine, and 
cap with Rutin, so his am is 3 capsules and in the pm he gets one more with 
iron). Washed it down with unflavored Pedialyte and then 3 syringes (I use the 
3cc) of watered down AD food from the vet. I left instructions for Glenn and my 
son Corey to try to give him some food and Pedialyte throughout the day. When I 
got home tonight he came wobbling out into the kitchen to greet me!! I 
am ecstatic at this point. I gave him his meds and fixed some food, some fancy 
feast and another dish of AD. I put him up on the counter (I have to feed above 
Aussie height!) in the spare bathroom and he worked on the fancy feast for 
awhile. He came into the kitchen for some kitty treats, then laid down for 
awhile. When he woke up, I carried him into the bathroom where the litter box 
was (we took the cover off of it) and he went in by himself!! He is still real 
wobbly and spends most of the time lying down, but he is more alert and wanting 
to spend time near us, not in the dark spare room. A little while ago I felt 
something brush my legs, I looked down expecting Rosie but it was Murphy!! He 
laid down quickly and I sat on the floor petting him and talking to him. He'll 
get another 21 units of  Procrit tomorrow night. Man, all of your purrayers are 
working!! Hopefully he is going to keep improving, good thing they have 9 
Another funny thing-last night when I walked past Rosie, she reached out and 
smacked my leg. I turned around and walked past her to see what she was trying 
to do and she smacked me again!! I think she is feeling neglected!! I haven't 
spent much time with her since Monday with all the worrying about Murphy. So 
tonight I have been playing with her-she likes to race ahead of you and do a 
forward roll, flop over on her back and have you rub her tummy! Thanks for all 
of your purrayers and kind thoughts. This is a battle not easily won and these 
little victories are sadly temporary for the most part, but I am grateful for 
every day. I just want the last 2 kitties to be with us longer, it hurts so 
much.   Your friends, Alice, Glenn and the kids Rosie n Murphy  
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Murphy-still not eating or drinking

2010-10-20 Thread Alice Flowers
He is still refusing to eat or drink on his own. I am using a little syringe to 
give him water and plain Pedialyte and also some watered down AD food from the 
vet. While I was at work today, Glenn was able to carry him to the litter box 
and he did pee in it (Murphy-LOL), so the plumbing is still functioning. He 
spends most of his time sleeping, but for a short while tonight he actually 
walked into the kitchen and sat down, I was able to give him his meds and some 
food and water with the syringe. He is still very pale and way too quiet. I 
him a Procrit shot last night with a prayer that he will bounce back, but I 
don't know. Hopefully he will want to eat tomorrow. In July, he was like this 
for 2 days, then began feeling better fairly quickly except for the sneezing 
drippy nose. Got my fingers crossed and saying little purrayers all day long. 
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Aww Geez-Murphy's starting to crash-vet visit today

2010-10-19 Thread Alice Flowers
This is the craziest roller coaster!!! Geez-Sunday Murphy was a busy bee, all 
happy and jabbering up a storm. He was finally feeling better with a week of 
Lysine under his belt and the sneezing and sniffles were subsiding. Yesterday 
was fairly quiet but I thought he may have done too much the day before. Last 
night he did not eat, went into the spare room and laid on the floor in the 
dark. Not his style, normally he's nearby. This morning he laid in the kitchen 
until he got his meds, then didn't want to eat. I was able to call the vet from 
work and get him in this afternoon. We just got home. His PCV dropped 10 pts to 
28 and may be even lower because he's a bit dehydrated. We will bump the 
up to 2x a week and increase the iron caps to every night instead of every 
night. Maybe we lowered the dose too quicklyhe began the end of July with 
his first crash at 3x a week with the Procrit, then we dropped it to 2x-he 
bounced back so well that we dropped him to once a week when his HCT got to 38 
two weeks ago. His lungs still sound good, but breathing is a little labored 
from being anemic. Ultrasound showed a little fluid around the heart, but 
nothing like the fluid in his chest in July and August, temp is normal, eyes 
clear. So please friends, more little purrayers for my bestest buddy!!  Alice 
and the kiddos!
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Murphy-One week on the Lysine and much improved!! (after 2 weeks of dripping and sneezing)

2010-10-17 Thread Alice Flowers
It's been a rough two weeks with poor Murphy and his drippy and sneezy nose. He 
got so lethargic and became congested in the nose that by mid-week he wasn't 
eating much. I started him last Sunday on the Lysine. He will not eat anything 
with Lysine added, nor will he go near those expensive Lysine treats that I 
bought at the vet's office. I didn't try it in the water because I have water 
all over the house 2-3 dishes for him and Rosie and also a 5 gallon water 
dispenser for the 3 Australian Shepherds that co-rule our home. The cats drink 
out of it also. I put the powdered Lysine into the #3 gel caps that I get from 
my vet. I think I went overboard the first day-gave him 2 in the AM and 1 in 
PM-u oo-he had the runs the next day-poor boy was dripping outta both 
ends. Not a fun clean up when you have a fluffy cat!! I called the vet and they 
said I could try saline spray and/or a mild Afrin spray for his nose-steam (he 
already perches on the toilet seat every night while I shower, so I turned the 
fan off to keep the steam in the room). So then I disassembled all the gel 
caps-one had doxy and cypro and the other had the lasix and pred. I filled all 
the empty space in the caps with Lysine and reassembled them. So maybe he was 
getting 3/4 to a whole caps worth of Lysine 2x a day. On Thursday I gave him 
LTCI and Procrit injections-he's once a week on each. He was still sleeping 
Friday, but his nose was less drippy and he seemed brighter. Today he is 
following me all around the house and is more involved and talking again. 
Oh-another thing I tried, on Wednesday I diluted some Afrin nasal spray with 2 
parts saline spray and gave him a few squirts into the snoot- He went into 4 
wheel drive trying to escape! He was not a happy kitty at all, so it may have 
helped for a short while, I only did it once. Thank goodness he is such a 
forgiving soul. He is feeling much better today, hardly any sneezing and barely 
any drips. He was jabbering away in the kitchen this morning, sitting on his 
little throne (I have a little plastic step cuz I'm short. It's in the corner 
the kitchen and he claims it as his throne.) He wouldn't shut up until he and 
Rosie got their 1cc of Interferon and he got his meds, 3 capsules. He sits and 
waits for them, then when that's done, he expects fresh wet food! Anyway-that's 
our little update-I am a believer in the Lysine now, but it takes a little time 
to knock out the Herpes virus that we think flares up whenever his immune 
is low. Doe anyone know how long he can be on it?   Alice  (Rosie and Murphy 
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Another Murphy relapse-now URI

2010-10-10 Thread Alice Flowers
Another Murphy relapse...poor boy is all congested and sneezy with a URI, he 
began with light sneezing earlier this week, I gave him a PennG shot Friday 
night because he had sneezed so much that he was getting bloody droplets. Now 
he's really getting plugged up. I called the vet to see about reducing his 
prednisolone dose because steroids suppress the immune system. He's been on 
Lasix and Pred for 3 weeks since his diagnosis of Lymphoma. We are cutting him 
down to 1/2 from 5mg 2x a day to once a day. I have put some L-Lysine powder 
into gel caps because he will not eat it in his food nor eat the very expensive 
Lysine treats we tried in the past. Seems the Lysine is supposed to help keep 
the herpes virus (viruses in general) from replicating. This  flares up every 
time his immune system is low and he ends up with upper respiratory problems. I 
know he's not feeling well because I've waken up with him snuggled with me on 
the bed for the last 2 mornings. He normally doesn't get on the bed, he likes 
sleep by the open slider screen door. I am still optimistic because his 
breathing is still better, hopefully the fluid is still gone from his chest 
area, he was in for his check up a week ago and the vet was impressed with how 
clear his lungs sounded. Maybe he picked up a bug from the exam room-he was 
wandering on the floor, my fault for letting him move around. He's such a 
person, he likes all the people at the vet clinic and wants to see what they 
doing. I hope the Lysine helps soon. They said if he's still congested, we can 
try a mild Afrin nasal decongestant. He's not that bad yet, I don't think, just 
somewhat depressed. Not eating as much, but still eating the AD and all the 
gravy from the fancy feast plus some dry food. I know some may be tired of 
hearing about Murphy, but I think it may help to keep hope alive, he keeps 
bouncing back since the end of July when he became so anemic that by the first 
of August I had to syringe feed him for a few days. He is on Procrit now just 
once a week instead of 3x a week. Please, purrayers help!!  Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Another Murphy relapse-now URI / Sharyl

2010-10-10 Thread Alice Flowers
Hi Sharyl-I was thinking about the once a day being alot at once anyway-so I 
I have fixed up his weekly pill box (am-pm LOL) and split the pred caplet into 
and will give one morning and night. Thanks so much for the suggestion!! He is 
bit brighter tonight and talking a bit!  Thanks again!! Alice n Murphy
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Another Murphy relapse-now URI / trmckelvey

2010-10-10 Thread Alice Flowers
Terry-I will ask about the azithromycin , we used it alot the first year for 
the URIs. Strawberry flavor from the Walmart pharmacy-it was the children's 
version. He has had regular CBCs all along and also checked for Hemobartonella 
and always negative for any mycoplasmas. Since beginning the LTCI last Sept, he 
has had 10 CBCs. We did testing in the beginning to monitor how he was doing 
while we went from weekly to bi-weekly then monthly LTCI injections. Then 
since his anemia crash in July to see how well he's recovering so we can reduce 
the Procrit injections (from 3x a week to 1x a week now). I think they suspect 
it's a flare up of the Herpes virus-he's had quite a bit of that this last 
but in the beginning I thought he may have had allergies and didn't jump on it. 
Thanks so much! Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Kris-Avis n Murphy and some random thoughts

2010-10-03 Thread Alice Flowers
Kris-just looking back over the past 2 years with the 6 kitties, as a total 
amateur on FeLV, here are some of my random thoughts.  Interferon-Good-I am 
to be giving it-not a cure, but it may keep the virus somewhat at bay.  LTCI-it 
gave me alot of hope, and still does-but for cats like mine who are infected 
from a very young age or in utero, I feel it helps them develop a stronger 
immune system than they would normally have. They seemed to not get URIs after 
we began the LTCI.  My only experience is with the one litter of 5 feral 
and Murphy, a sweetie who ended up in the same colony-either a throw away, or 
lost. There are people here that have so much more knowledge and have helped 
lots of rescued kitties with FeLV-probably not giving all the stuff, but that's 
fine-It's very expensive and I don't think it's really a cure anyway. But they 
are giving the cats a chance to live and be cared for, maybe for the first time 
ever-they were probably going to be euthanized quickly at the shelters. They 
giving them a loving touch, maybe a sunny window to snooze in. I could not do 
rescue-Bless all those that do. I have tunnel vision when it comes to my 
I look at Murphy and know we are on borrowed time now-he's only 2 1/2 (I didn't 
count on my fingers the other day and typed 1 1/2-LOL) but as long as he is 
comfortable and happy go lucky, we continue the little battles. He waits in the 
kitchen for his meds morning and night-takes less than a minute for the 
Interferon and the 3 capsules. He eats like a horse most days. He is Rosie's 
only companion now since her 4 brothers passed. She will be running around the 
house in the middle of the night, wailing when he passes, looking for him like 
she did for her brothers. That makes me really sad, plus he is my little shadow 
when I'm not at work.  I guess it's a melancholy Sunday for this old lady-LOL
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Interesting article on FeLV

2010-10-03 Thread Alice Flowers
I just found this on the internet:
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[Felvtalk] Murphy's little comeback-he definitely has 9 lives!!

2010-10-01 Thread Alice Flowers
  We just got back from Murphy's vet check. The end of July, he was 
with anemia-(in office PCV 18) HCT 22.3  RBC 3.5   HGB 5.1 even his Absolute 
Reticulocyte count was 35200 and the lab notation said a count of over 5 
evidence of regenerative anemia-which he was below that level. Our vet had us 
give him Procrit 3x a week, Doxy, Cypro and an iron supplement. He was getting 
Interferon 2x a day and we bumped the LTCI to every 2 weeks. He rebounded from 
that-in 2 months he went to HCT 38.7  RBC  6.48  HGB 11.6.
   Then 2 weeks ago he seemed to be breathing really fast-I took him in and 
his lung sounds were raspy and an ultrasound showed lots of fluid pockets, so 
much that she couldn't see his heart or lungs-she suspected Lymphoma-sent us 
home with Lasix and Prednisolone to add to his meds 2x a day, lowered the 
Procrit to 2x a week and we bumped his LTCI to once a week. Dawn on this list 
said Rutin helped-I immediately went to the health food store and bought the 
tablets and a pill grinder and put the powder into #3 gel caps and gave him 2 a 
day.  She thought that he may not make 2 weeks judging by the fluid and how 
trouble he was having with his fast breathing-it's 2 weeks today and his lung 
sounds are good-the fluid is 99.5% gone!!! His gums are still nice and pink. We 
did not do a CBC, but the in office PCV was 36!! I told her about the Rutin and 
she was impressed (thank you Dawn!!!) and said that they had used it for other 
conditions, but didn't think of using it on FeLV cats-now she will!! We will 
stay on the same meds for now but drop the Procrit to only once a week since he 
seems to be regenerating now.
I am so grateful for this list and all of the selfless people out there 
trying to give these kitties a good life, no matter how short. I have learned 
much from all of you and I am no longer afraid to ask my vet questions and to 
what I feel is good for my babies. We are all in a limbo trying keep our cats 
healthy and happy. This disease is horrible-we lost the 4 brothers a year 
agoI was not ready to lose Murphy-he is such a happy and silly cat-he's a 
poly with 3 thumbs-he goes click click when trotting down the hallway and acts 
more like a puppy than a cat. He's not a lap cat, but is right there and likes 
to lay nearby and reach out and keep a paw on you-just likes to touch. He and 
Rosie automatically come into the kitchen morning and night and wait for their 
meds-she is just on Interferon and LTCI monthly-her HCT was 44.7 a few weeks 
ago. Our vet said to come back in a month for CBCs!! Purrayers and positive 
thoughts-at least today.Alice and the furry cats that own us!!
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Murphy's little comeback-he definitely has 9 lives!! jbero (Jenny)

2010-10-01 Thread Alice Flowers
Hi Jenny! OK-we live at the vet-LOL   With FeLV, the sooner you can nip 
in the bud, the better. Murphy was put on Cyproheptadine in April for 
sneezing-we thought allergies because he liked to hang out at the screen door 
watch the birds. I had been giving fewer LTCI shots-went to 8 
end of July he became anemic-still sneezing and now lethargic,  he had lost 
almost a pound in the 3 months. 
July 23-He has always tested negative for FHM (formerly known as 
Hemobartonella). We added the Doxy 2x a day (1/4 of a 100mg tab that I put in a 
gel cap with the 1/2 tab of 4 mg Cypro) on  July 23, along with Procrit 3x a 
week and the iron capsule 1x a day. Still on Interferon 1cc 2x a day (both he 
and Rosie). I think the Doxy as more of a preventative measure. He had lots of 
URIs his first year. Absolute Reticulocyte count was 35200. Autoplatelet 
744..Large platelets present, Slight Howell jolly bodies persent. No FHM seen. 
Went to every 2 wks with the LTCI.

Aug 6 he had a temp of 104.7 and was given a shot of .5 ml PennG which I 
repeated every 5 days at home. But his in-office PCV was up to 27 from 18 in 
July. CBCs- RBC 3.07 HGB 6.9 HCT 22.5  Autoplatelet 897  Platelets appear 
increased Large platelets present  Absolute Reticulocyte count 70610 Marked 
degree of regeneration.

Sept 18-Breathing too fast-103.5 temp ultrasound showed fluid in the chest 
cavity and she could not see his heart and lungs on the test-his breathing was 
raspy. Added Prednisolone 5mg 2x a day and Lasix 1/2 tab 2x a day (I put both 
one gelcap)  CBC showed RBC 6.48  HGB 11.6  HCT 38.7  (no reticulocyte done) 
 Auto Platelet 621 Platelets appear increased. Decreased Procrit to 2x a week 
and Iron capsule to one every other night. Added Rutin when Dawn wrote about 
using it and it helped her cat-1 gel cap 2x a day. LTCI once a week.

Today Oct 1 Marked Improvements! ultrasound showed very scant fluid -lung 
sounds great. In office PCV 36 TP 6-continue the meds except decrease the 
Procrit (21 units in an insulin syringe) to once a week-mucous membranes nice 
and pink, temp 101.1, up to 11 lbs 1/2 oz (from 10 lbs Aug 6 but he was 12 lbs 
year ago) Come back in a month for CBC (Hahahaha-we didn't know if he was going 
to make it to this appt and now it's see ya in a month!!) Wooo Hooo!! He has a 
good appetite-loves the AD wet food from the vet, strained ham is his favorite 
baby food-he eats dry food really well also-blue buffalo with probiotics and a 
few other premium grain free holistic foods without fishmeal (some fishmeal is 
preserved with carcinogens). I do let him have some junk food-LOL cuz he loves 
the hairball control treats in the silver package, and he is a fluffy boy.

I hope you can make sense of the numbers. It's one heck of a roller coaster 
ride.  Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Kris re: Murphy and Rosie's meds so far

2010-10-01 Thread Alice Flowers
Aww Kris-I am so sorry you are going through this and we all have to meet 
here-Avis' numbers are so similar to Murphy's in July. I am so glad your little 
terrier has found his soulmate-LOL I'll try and remember the questions I tend 
Interferon-we had caught a litter of 5 wild little ferals, (Oct 2008 about 8 
old) all with snotty faces, some had eyes glued shut with yellow mucous, one 
sores inside his mouth (calici virus?)-treated all for URIs, ear mites, fleas, 
ear and eye infections, worms-you name it-we got them all well after days and 
nights of taming, cuddling, washing snotty faces and scrubbing butts-original 
goal was to tame, neuter, vaccinate and adopt out the kitties. Got them their 
kitten shots-they looked nice and healthy-took them to be tested-all 5 
That vet kinda just stared at us and asked what are you going to do with 
them?-I said we just got them healthy-look at them, purring little fur 
balls-she said some people opted to euthanize FeLV+ cats and you don't want 
around non FeLV cats...well, I didn't know about the disease-we went home 
and rather than adopt them out and take a chance they be let outdoors, kept 
them-I guess I showed her LOL. Got them all neutered. We found a nice vet 
clinic-cats only and got them on the Interferon when they were about 4-5 months 
old. It was 1cc once a day. With their bad immune systems, someone was always 
sick-we had a constant prescription for Zithromax at the Walmart pharmacy-we'd 
get the bigger bottle and add our own water at home so we could mix up 1/2 at a 
time as needed-the kittens got really used to the strawberry flavor! Then we 
found Murphy in with the feral colony the kittens came from-he was such a sweet 
kitty-fluffy tuxedo with all those toes! 7 on the fronts, he looked like he was 
wearing ov-gloves. Unfortunately we left him there while we posted photo ads in 
the paper and on-line-surely someone was missing him-a month, not one call. We 
decided to take him to clinic and get neutered and vaccinated to adopt out-we 
got the call, he was positive and they were going to euthanize him unless I 
wanted to add him to my gang. So being Murphy's law-he got a name! The 4 
brothers died a month apart, beginning when Buster was 8 months old-the anemia 
hits so fast. One day he was playing hard-somersaults, running-2 days later he 
was at the vet with PCV of 8. The second one, Jack we rushed to UC Davis in the 
middle of the night-we opted to try a transfusion-he had a bad reaction during 
the procedure, we told them to stop and let him go to his brother. You know, we 
took the remaining 4 to UC Davis, thinking they would be more advanced and have 
something great to treat them-got all the blood work done and exams. Nothing 
more to tell us than we had already been learning. I was so desperate to find 
help.Then Oni, he became anemic and died at home in my son's arms-horrible.The 
last was almost a year old when he became anemic-had trouble breathing and was 
crying out-he went to Davis at midnight, when they gave him the shot, fluid 
bubbled out of his nose. Anemia seems to hit so darn quickly. That was Aug 09. 
After finding some articles on line regarding the peak anti viral qualities of 
 Interferon (Alpha) not lasting 24 hours, we discussed with our vet the 2x a 
and she did not think it would hurt them. We found the articles on LTCI and 
them to our vet and asked her to order it for us. She spoke with their vets and 
thought it may help boost their immune systems. We began in Sept 09 with once a 
week for a month, then every 2 weeks for a month, then monthly etc. We kept 
on their CBCs and they seemed to be doing well, so I decided to go to 6 and 8 
weeks on the injections. Then Murphy became anemic in July and he actually, 2 
weeks after beginning the Procrit, stopped eating and moving-I was using a 
little syringe to give him canned AD and strained baby food (chicken and ham). 
I'd give him a syringe full (only 3cc)  of water every half hour or so. On the 
3rd or 4th day he became more alert and began to eat on his own but I'd still 
give him water now and then to keep him hydrated. It takes time to get the body 
working again-I do not know for sure how the Procrit (Epogen) works but I think 
the kidneys have a role in RBC production and it stimulates the kidneys to 
produce that element (a hormone?? I don't know) in case the kidneys have quit 
making it. He is not CRF as far as I know and the fact that we can reduce the 
Procrit so quickly seems to point to his kidneys functioning ok. This is a 
horrible disease-your babies can be sleek, shiny pictures of health and energy 
one day and be on death's door the next-I have never cried so much in my 
lifeand I was not really a cat person...I guess I is one now! LOL. Rosie 
is now a year and 2 months-she is the survivor of the litter, a small sleek 
tabby-very hyper-busy and Murphy is about 2 months older-the polar 

Re: [Felvtalk] Murphy's check up and the week after / Dawn-I got the Rutin

2010-09-23 Thread Alice Flowers
Dawn-I went to the health food store right away and got the Rutin-pulverized 
tablets and put it in gel caps. I am giving it 2x a day with his other meds. 
breathing is easier-5 days now on the Lasix and pred along with the cypro and 
doxy and iron. We are cutting the Procrit shots down to 2x a week and I will 
bump the LTCI to once a week-his HCT went up almost 6 points to 38.9 and RBC is 
6.48, HGB is 11.6. I still am numb-he survived the anemia crash and is in 
ranges again just to be hit with lymphoma. Some of what I read up on the Rutin 
said it has anti cancer qualities along with being an antioxidant. All I can do 
is pray the lymphoma goes into remission, but the vet said it would be 
quick-maybe a week or two if she had to guess and we are approaching a week. 
you never know. He is absolutely the sweetest boy and my shadow. I am dreading 
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Murphy's check up

2010-09-17 Thread Alice Flowers
We seemed to have the anemia under control with the Procrit (epogen) and iron, 
doxy and cypro, but we got hit hard today. I told our vet that although he 
good with color in his mucous membranes, he looks to me to be breathing too 
fast. She checked and his lungs sounded raspy-the ultrasound showed that he has 
pockets of fluid and lymphoma. We are going to be giving lasix and pred for the 
short time he has left. This FeLV has ravaged our little family-soon Rosie will 
be the last kitty standing out of the 6 we began this awful journey with 2 
ago. I am sick and cannot think-this is too much to bear. 
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Murphy's check up-Dawn / Procrit

2010-09-17 Thread Alice Flowers
I will go to the health food store tomorrow to see if I can find the Rutin!
When we began with Murphy's anemia crash on 7/24 his RBC was 3.5, HGB 5.1, HCT 
On 8/28 his RBC was 4.8, HGB 12.5, HCT was 33.9  I really think the combo of 
doxycycline (in case there was any parasites or other bacterial secondary junk) 
cyproheptadine because he had been sneezy and it helped with his appetite-the 
iron caps to help the anemia. The Procrit was only 21 units in an insulin 
syringe-easy to give at home sub q 3x a week. He had quit eating and drinking 
for a few days and I was using a syringe to feed him-he had lost almost 2 
pounds-from 12 lbs to 10-today he was back up to 10 lbs 13 oz. I just feel like 
we crossed a big hurdle just to hit a brick wall. I am tired of losing my 
and crying. Whoda thunk it-I didn't even have a cat at all for over a decade 
before we trapped the feral babies-and I'd take a bullet for these guys-there 
has been so much loss, so quickly. This whole group has been on the same path 
with our sweet innocents.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Please add grey and white kitten to the CLS list

2010-08-16 Thread Alice Flowers
Karen-how lucky she was to have a kind touch and care in her final moments-no 
little one should have endured whatever torture she received. It breaks my 
heart-this goes on every day. People should have to pay for doing this to God's 
creatures-but they get away with it over and over. Thank you for helping 
has joined all of our angels.  Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Murphy is improving!!

2010-08-15 Thread Alice Flowers
It is one day at a time-the roller coaster is going up this week. Last Sunday 
evening I thought he would not make it through the night. I had spent the 
weekend hand feeding and watering him with a syringe-he spent most of the time 
stretched out on the bed. We went ahead and gave him the Procrit (Epogen) and 
LTCI shot-I put them in one syringe so I would only have to give him one shot. 
He didn't even flinch. I thought he'd be gone by morning. I woke up at 5:30 to 
get ready for work and I didn't see him on the bed-I went to the kitchen and 
both he and Rosie sitting at the open slider door screen (it was a nice cool 
evening-we left it open) watching the birds at the feeders!! He came trotting 
over complaining about breakfast-got his meds and ate a decent amount of wet 
a few morsels of dry. He slowly improved over the week and we had a vet appt on 
Friday (8/13). They did an in house PCV, but it was 19-I think the last time he 
may have been dehydrated-it was 27-28 and the time before it was 18.5  (7/23). 
She was happy with the pinkness of his gums-not real pink, but not that death 
white color we dread.  His fever was gone, back down to 100.5 from 104.7 the 
week before. She suspected he had a herpes virus-he developed a little lesion 
the top of his nose that has healed. Luckily we picked up our LTCI order that 
day-she said she wanted to keep him on it weekly for now until his numbers get 
back up. I will never try and space the LTCI 8-10 weeks apart. That is when he 
crashed with this anemia. Luckily his last CBC on 8/7 stated that the Absolute 
Reticulocyte count of 70610 shows that it is so far a regenerative anemia. I 
have the higher calorie wet food from the vet and he really likes it. We are 
taking it a day at a time, but he is perking up-he still sleeps alot-but in his 
usual spots near the desk and he is wanting to stay near us. He isn't up to 
leaping for the top of the bookcase yet. When I woke up this morning, he was 
jabbering at me, lying between the pillows and watching the young pheasants 
eating spilled birdseed from the feeders through the low bedroom window at the 
head of the bed. We watched the birds for awhile, then I got up-he raced to the 
kitchen ahead of me, wanting his breakfast! He got his pills and a good 
breakfast. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but today is a good day. He 
to stay on the Procrit 3x a week, doxy 2x a day, interferon 2x a day, LTCI once 
a week, and iron capsules once a day. We will give one more PennG shot for good 
measure-they last 5 days. I am grateful for your purrayers-I do believe they 
help immensely! I am lucky to have such kind vets-they take us at a moments 
notice. I think it helps to have a cat only practice to go to, (Sacramento Cat 
Hospital) plus they are open minded and progressive-they did not hesitate when 
asked them to order the Imulan after they read up on it.  This is a hard 
we are all on, we lost the 4 brothers last year despite trying the transfusion 
and other meds. It helps to have people who understand-sometimes even family 
members look at us like we are insane-LOL   Alice and Glenn - owned by Sweet 
Rosie and Mr Murphy! 
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Murphy is tired

2010-08-08 Thread Alice Flowers
My little man is sleeping alot. The weirdest thing is that he has been sleeping 
with us the last few nights and is spending days on the bed-he never does this. 
He is the one perched on the cat tree, on a bookcase or in his favorite 
cardboard boxes near the computers.  I have been giving him syringes of water 
his mouth to keep him hydrated. I have been adding water to his wet food with 
the supplements. When he is up and about, he wants to be really near-when I go 
out into the garage-he waits by the door for me to come in. I don't know if his 
time is now or a while, but I am overwhelmed with heartache-I do not think he 
will survive this roller coaster ride. Poor Rosie is having to amuse herself as 
he is not playing anymore, gone are the nightly hallway races that end at the 
top of one of the cat trees. He is still on all the meds and I'll give him an 
LTCI along with the Procrit today, but he seems so tired.  I hate this disease.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] LTCI Rumor

2010-08-07 Thread Alice Flowers
I am hearing that after Sept or so, the new distributors of the LTCI will only 
sell 10 packs-this is going to make it very difficult for most of us to 
afford-plus the price went up. I think they are wanting the veterinarians to 
carry the product in stock-but I am thinking most won't - Like my vet...I 
researched and found the product and begged them to order it for me. Has anyone 
else heard anything about this??
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] LTCI Rumor (for Heidi)

2010-08-07 Thread Alice Flowers
Heidi-here is a good link that describes the product:
It is from the Imulan Company and it's called LTCI. There has been increased 
interest in the product for FeLV and FIV cats. I have had 2 cats on it for 
almost a year. Does it work, I don't know as both of mine are still 
I truly believe their health has been improved with this product. We lost 
Rosie's 4 littermates last year before they reached a year old-Rosie is turning 
2 this month!! YAY! The literature said that some cats can fight off the virus 
and test negative. Rosie is doing great but Murphy has been struggling the past 
2-3 weeks with anemia, but is trying hard to rally back. He became so anemic a 
few weeks ago and I thought we were going to lose him. I think part of it may 
due to trying to go 2 months and more between injections. Before that-they were 
both in the high 30s with HCT, and actually Rosie's last HCT was on 7/24 and it 
was 46.5. I started the treatments before they became ill, some people begin it 
when symptoms appear and they find this product out there in web searches. I 
hope your sweet little baby stays healthy. As you can tell from the postings on 
this site, many of us have lost our dear fur-children, I don't think it ever 
gets easier. Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] LTCI etc..Interferon Heidi

2010-08-07 Thread Alice Flowers
We were giving all 6 kittens Interferon once a day 1cc orally. After the 4 
brothers passed, we went to 2x a day after reading that it doesn't keep the 
virus from multiplying the full 24 hours. Plus, our cats have never had a 
reaction to taking it once a day, they even come in the kitchen and sit when 
it's time for the little squirt. We are all just scrambling for any hope. I am 
lucky that our vet really cares for our kitties and supports us in obtaining 
LTCI for us and is just a phone call away. Here is the passage from that 
document on Interferon:

#1) NEVER give with food. Inteferon breaks down in the stomach with stomach 
acid. Always squirt it directly into the mouth where it is absorbed in the 
and throat lining. 
#2) ALWAYS keep refridgerated. It's useless if it hits room temperature. Keep 
unused dilutions frozen until needed. It's unknown how long Interferon stays 
effective in the fridge. Keep unused dilutions frozen until needed. 
#3) It's USELESS to do on/off dosing. It MUST be given every 24 hours to 
maintain consistent levels in the bloodstream. (See excerpts below regarding 
peaks and valleys). It must be kept in the blood at all times. On/Off protocols 
are worthless because it progresses forward in times of no intervention. 
It is relatively new, and being used off-label which means no studies were 
done for FDA approval in animals. The use of Interferon for feline viruses was 
experimental and the results that vets who use it are seeing are being shared 
and tried by others. Most of the medications used in veterinary practise are 
off-label human medications that have FDA approvals based on human trials and 
you will not find specific studies done on cats or dogs unless the drug was 
specifically developed for, and tested in animals for FDA approval. 
Interferon is Interferon. It acts the same way in cats as it does in humans. 
recent understanding that low doses can be as effective as the higher, more 
toxic doses and a better understanding of diluting and freezing the Interferon 
to extend its shelf life has meant great strides in it's use in veterinary 
medicine. The purpose of low dose Interferon in cats is to mimic the same 
that are naturally produced in response to a viral attack. 
Many people ask what is the connection between human viral treatments and 
feline, and why should I care? The connection is this. Viruses all work the 
way. They may be species specific, but their biochemical mechanisms are the 
same. Just as we use human Amoxycillin to treat bacterial infections in both 
humans and cats, so too can human anti-virals work to help reduce viral loads 
cats. Interferon works the same way against the Hepatitis C virus in humans. 
If you read the La Roche link you will see that the primary functions of 
Interferon are: anti-viral, anti-proliferative and immunomodulatory. It 
interferes with the virus replication. By keeping the level of the virus down 
in the host's system it allows the cat's own weakened immune system to help 
suppress symptoms. The lower dose in veterinary practise is not designed to 
eradicate the virus as it is with Hepatitis C. Cats chronically infected with 
FIV or Herpes will always have the virus, so the high dosage therapy is of 
really no use. The idea is to either replace or supplement the levels of 
Interferon the cat is either not producing or not producing enough of. 
Interferons are natural virus killers. There are definitely some immune 
benefits to Interferon but it's primary function is to keep the viral load in 
the system down. 

Jere Hough
Three Times Weekly Is A Terribly Poor Way to Dose Interferon 
This is a great article and also discusses the development of longer acting 
pegylated interferons to better manage the peak and valley effects of the 
current generation of Interferons: 
“PEAKS AND VALLEYS - Because interferon has a half-life in serum of only about 
-10 hours. This means it peaks in the body at about 12 hours and is then 
metabolized and excreted. At 24 hours after injection it is barely measurable. 
By 36 hours it is not detectable with current measurements. During this peak 
is a rapid, dramatic drop in viral load. As the levels of interferons quickly 
drop to negligible levels at about 24 hours viral loads start rapidly climbing 
again. By 48 or especially 72 hours much of the gain in viral reduction has 
In other words, viral loads in the body fluctuate directly and rapidly along 
with levels of interferon in serum, and when plotted on a graph look like a 
wave, or a roller coaster. This graph, along with a description of this 
phenomena, can be viewed on many websites and texts on the subject, including 
the page. These peaks and valleys have been followed 
for days in human subjects, and are invariably similar in those who respond to 

[Felvtalk] Fingers Crossed-Murphy gets a check up this morning

2010-08-06 Thread Alice Flowers
Well, in the last 2 weeks, Murphy has gone from crashed and not moving with 
white gums and little appetite to slowly improved and now pretty normal acting. 
He does sleep a bit more and doesn't race around the house with Rosie (hallway 
racing), but does fly up the cat tree to the ceiling once or twice a day and 
will make it to the top of the bookcase in the spare room for a nap. On 7/23 
PCV was 18.5 and TP 4.2. Almost a week later his PCV was 23 and TP 5.0 on the 
house test. The CBC from the lab test on 7/23 showed RBC 3.52, HCT 22.3. I 
it's the Procrit injections that are helping-he's had 7 in the last 2 weeks-we 
are giving them at home to save a little $ and trips to the vet. They've (both 
cats) also had their LTCI injection 2 weeks ago. His gums 
and tongue are definitely pink now, much better from the gray-white of 2 weeks 
ago. He's also been on Doxy 2x a day, Interferon 1cc 2x a day, an iron capsule 
once a day. I've been mixing a little lysine powder and Missing Link (vitamin 
Bs and stuff like kelp) supplement with their wet food. So we have our paws 
crossed and are saying purrayers! I know deep down that this darn disease will 
win eventually, but we are fighting as best we can. We've had so much loss 
already losing Rosie's 4 brothers last year-they (and we) were so cheated, not 
making it to a year old. Alice and Glenn-fur parents
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Murphy-PCV is up to 27-28 but has a fever

2010-08-06 Thread Alice Flowers
What the heck-we can't get well!!! His gums are looking nice and pink-his PCV 
the office is up to 27-28 from 2 weeks ago. His temp was 104.7 today when it 
been 101.6 the last 2 visits-7/23 and 7/29. That explains his dry, warm nose. 
They gave him a shot of PennG and I will repeat in 5 days at home and to keep 
him on all the meds like we have been the last 2 weeks. He's been on 
for 2 weeks. He is down only 2.5 oz but overall has gone from 11 lb 15 oz in 
November to 10 lb 2 oz today. He looks bright, but is sleeping a lot. I don't 
get it-what is causing the fever???
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Murphy has improved! Keep Purraying!!

2010-07-26 Thread Alice Flowers
I am cautiously optimistic. After a bad Friday and Saturday when he slept and I 
cried, I woke up Sunday (yesterday) and he raced me down the hall and he was 
talking again-he ate a little here and a little there. He napped off and on, 
not all day like on Saturday. My parents came over and he was the official 
greeter-he's like a puppy-he runs towards any noises to see who's here while 
Rosie is running the other way to hide until she feels safe. I gave him an 
injection of the Procrit Friday evening and he is getting the Doxy 2x a day and 
an iron capsule 1x a day. Interferon 1cc orally 2x a day. I gave the LTCI 
injection to both Rosie and Murphy (it was 4 weeks from the last injection) 
night. I woke up this morning and he was his usual busy self-jabbering about 
what he wanted for breakfast and wanted it now! So I gave him his Doxy (1/4 tab 
put into a capsule and I give a small syringe of water after to make sure it 
gets washed down) then his wet food. They have the dry food free choice. I just 
got home from work and he greeted me-his gums are still pale and he's napping 
now. I don't know how this is going to turn out-hopefully his recheck on 
Thursday will be good news when they check his PCV. I'll give another Procrit 
injection tonight, Wednesday and Friday. I hate this disease so much-it has 
already taken Rosie's 4 brothers, why can't it leave us the last 2? Man-my 
goes out to all the people who will deliberately take in the FeLV kitties, 
knowing what may be in store. In just the past 1 1/2 years that I've been 
watching the posts on this site-overwhelming sadness over all of our losses and 
the pain is so deep. I still miss the brothers that passed and the joy we had 
raising them up to almost adults. They may have been born feral, but you cannot 
put a price on the joy they brought us. In fact, their feral mother is now a 
spoiled house cat-she slowly, over a years time decided she likes sleeping on 
sister in law's bed-LOL. I will keep you posted on Murphy's condition-I dread 
any bad days, but I know this disease has no mercy.  Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Now it's Murphy-I can't take much more

2010-07-24 Thread Alice Flowers
Murphy has been sneezing-We took Murphy and Rosie in yesterday for check ups 
blood work. They did an in house PCV on him because his gums were pale. He is 
anemic at 18.5%. This is the beginning of the end. I had hoped that after 
Rosie's 4 brothers last year that we would get a reprieve. I had hoped that the 
vet's rough rule of 1/3 would apply to us since we began with 6. We had Rosie 
and her 5 brothers-and Murphy, the friendly kitten that was tossed into the 
feral colony that we caught Rosie and the boys from after trapping and 
their mother-1/3 of kitties would succumb quickly, 1/3 would die young and 1/3 
generally live fairly uneventful lives for quite a while. Murphy is becoming 
lethargic at times, sometimes stretching out and sleeping on the floor-not his 
usual pose-he is my eagle, if he isn't on the computer desk next to me-curled 
in an envelope box (any box will do-he has even tried to squeeze into a box 
barely big enough for his head-LOL)-he is asleep in the spare room-on top of 
bookcase! He has a talent of springing from the floor and landing in a box on 
top of a 4' cabinet without touching the edges-he is like a little antelope 
his springy legs. Murphy is the king of cats-I have never been owned by such an 
awesome kitty. He is beautiful with his fluffy, tuxedo coat, huge eyes and even 
huger paws-he has 7 toes on his front feet and 6 on the backs. He can snag a 
toy tossed at him like in mid-air like a baseball player and can even pick up 
things using the extra toes like fingers. I cannot believe this is happening 
again. We have begun Procrit, iron supplement and Doxy for the sneezing/cold 
thing he has going on-his lungs are clear, but a little wheezing in his throat 
area. Wish us luck-I am so sad right now and keep tearing up. I can't take much 
more of this disease, so much loss for all of us.  Alice and Glenn (humans), 
Rosie and Murphy-furkids
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Now it's Murphy-I can't take much more

2010-07-24 Thread Alice Flowers
Terry-thank you for keeping Murphy in your thoughts. He has consistently tested 
negative for Hemotropic Mycoplasmas. His Absolute Reticulocyte count is now 
35200. Both Murphy and Rosie have been on LTCI injections since last September. 
We began treatment before any symptoms appeared and their HCT levels were in 
high 30s, low 40s. I just got the faxes on their blood tests. Murphy's HCT is 
22.3, Rosie's is 46.5. I am thinking of giving them another injection tomorrow, 
the last one was June 27-it will be 28 days-but the other thing is, should I do 
both cats or just Murphy? Is there such a thing as having a too high HCT level 
(like Rosie's 46.5)?  Just watching my Murphy sleep and hurting because we 
stop this train wreck.  Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Murphy's tests came out gibberish

2010-05-08 Thread Alice Flowers
Sorry to look and see all the careful typing came out all run together. I will 
see if I can put dashes between the numbers.???
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] trying again to post Murphy's results

2010-05-08 Thread Alice Flowers
I am going to put asterisks between them-


the dates**04/2501/08***11/21/09***reference
Neutrophil Seg***85*62*34***35-75
Auto Platelet63887?343**170-600
Absol. Neutophil Seg**6630**3844**2244*2500-12500
Absol. Lymphocyte*546***1798***36301500-7000
Absol. Monocyte390*248330***0-850
Absol. Eosinophil***234***372***396*0-1500
Absol. Basophil***000**0-100
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Just checking in...Murphy and Rosie

2010-04-24 Thread Alice Flowers
I've been off boards for a bit-This whole FeLV thing is so sad-reading all the 
new people's posts desperately seeking information and hope (like me a year and 
a half ago). Then reading as our sweet little babies lose their battle with 
this dreaded disease-Like the 4 sibling brothers I had. We have been lucky so 
far with Murphy and Rosie since starting the Imulan treatments last September 
(before they had any symptoms). Their bloodwork has been pretty good-both have 
HCT in the 35-39 range. We got behind in the blood testing and have an appt 
today because Murphy has developed a sneeze that appears to be allergies, but I 
cannot take a chance-so we will have them both checked and I may get brave and 
order another FeLV test-This is so hard financially-in a year and a half-we had 
the 6 kitties to the vets on numerous occasions-tried one transfusion that 
didn't help ($1500 for that alone) we are damned if we do and damned if we 
don't-it rips your heart out-we
 tried to treat this disease and have spent our savings - got behind and are 
fighting foreclosure...(over 7500 in vet bills in the past 1 1/2 yrs on the 6 
kitties-and that's not the old dogs or horses) it's a disease of the heart-we 
were so heartbroken and desperate to save this feral litter-we loved them so 
muchand we weren't even cat people until we rescued them. Their sweet 
little faces and kitten could you resist?? Anyway-the last 2 
appear to be well so far and we were at 8 weeks apart with the injections-have 
one dose each left and I've postponed giving it to stretch the dollars. So we 
are headed to our vet for check ups and blood work today. I just want to say 
bless you to all of you-this is a battle not won too often, but your support 
and kind words have helped so many of us!
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] MeMe-Jane I am sorry

2010-03-05 Thread Alice Flowers
She is a beauty, I am so sorry for your loss-just reading about her brings back 
tears and memories of our boys also-This disease is so unpredictable and 
horrible. She had so much love in your home and her life was cherished. I am 
truly sorry. Alice Flowers-Clark
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Stryker Please add to the CLS :(

2010-02-14 Thread Alice Flowers
Sherry-Isn't it amazing how these kitties know just how to make you love them? 
Stryker was so lucky to have you as his mom-it's not the length of time but the 
quality-you gave him his dignity and the very best of times! Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Lyttle Guy passed away

2010-02-06 Thread Alice Flowers
James, my deepest sympathies-nothing prepares us for this sadness. You were a 
great dad and LG will always be with you in your heart-remember the great days, 
not the last days. Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Bitzer Please add to the CLS :(

2010-01-21 Thread Alice Flowers
Sherry-bless you for giving him a chance-my boys will be waiting at the bridge 
to greet him. He will have so much fun with all of our kitties who are now 
healthy in the rainbow's light. I'll never understand this disease.   Alice 
with Rosie and Murphy
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Mozart Update

2010-01-16 Thread Alice Flowers
Jason, my heart is so heavy reading about Mozart. We have suffered the sadness 
that you and your wife are going through with your baby. I am praying for a 
miracle for Mozart. We are doing well with the Imulan, but our 2 remaining cats 
weren't having anemia problems when we began, they were just constantly sick 
with one URI after another and other little illnesses. We haven't had a sniffle 
or cough since the end of Oct. Is he still eating and drinking? We lost 4 young 
brothers last year to anemia that came on so quickly-From a few days to two 
weeks from symptoms of anemia beginning to non-moving. They had to fed fed at 
the end. Everyone on this board is so awesome and caring-seems some days we are 
tilting at windmills-but we are all dreaming of the day this damn disease can 
be controlled or cured. We are all sending positive prayers  vibes for your 
family. Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] question

2010-01-14 Thread Alice Flowers
Aww Jane-I hope MeMe gets better quickly. I have both of mine on LTCI and they 
are both doing great with it. We began Rosie and Murphy the first of Sept with 
weekly injections and are now on 6 weeks between the injections. We just got 
their CBCs done last week and they both have HCTs at 39.5. We began the LCTI 
before they began to crash. It was right after we lost Rosie's 4 brothers to 
anemia before they reached a year old. Our vet, Dr. Krysta (Wozniewicz) at the 
Sacramento Cat Hospital has spoken to the Imulan veterinarians and says that 
they are very helpful. Perhaps your vet can speak with them about MeMe? Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] More about Ben's Zapper treatments

2009-12-21 Thread Alice Flowers
Natasha-Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us desperate parents! 
Does the cat need restraint by you, or is he sedated during the treatments? The 
word Zapper brings shocking to mind, but I'm sure it's more like the 
treatments at the chiropractor. How does he act during the treatment-can you 
feel the electrical pulses? I currently have our 2 on the Imulan treatment, and 
they are doing really well, but this treatment sounds really exciting also. 
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] gassy cat

2009-12-13 Thread Alice Flowers
Hmmm-maybe you're hugging him too tight!! LOL! But seriously, after having the 
6 positives, I began researching the food. So many popular brands, Hills 
included, contain carcinogens. The big baddie is Ethoxyquin-with Lymphoma a 
common disease of FeLV kitties, I tried to eliminate that from their diet-they 
are at our mercy, having to eat what we put in front of them. Just do a google 
search for ethoxyquin in pet food-it is shocking! I am now feeding a 
combination of Evo, Felidae (certain formulas, the fish meal has Ethoxyquin-so 
avoid that) and mainly Blue Buffalo. I think all are made with human grade 
ingredients and contain probiotics-my cats are less farty these days and much 
shinier. I wish I had known about the ingredients years ago, I lost my last 3 
big dogs, 2 Aussies and a mixed breed to cancer. It was horrible to go through. 
I have subscribed to a site that reviews pet foods and lists all the red flag 
ingredients and also rates each food.
 Many animal fats and meat by products can mean stuff from the rendering 
plants-diseased animals and euthanized pets-containing the euthanasia 
drugs  also. There have been articles on pets having horrible reactions to 
foods with those chemicals in it. All we can do is try, thank goodness 
(somedays) for the internet.It does help with research. Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] gassy cat

2009-12-13 Thread Alice Flowers
Ahh-the true test of a mother's love! Root a toot! Just do a search on-line. 
Type in Evo Cat Food and it will bring up their website to click on. They all 
have store locators-just usually put in your zip code. I can get the Blue 
Buffalo brand at Petsmart or Petco along with my local feed dealer-they have a 
really great pet food dept with a good selection of holistic style foods. 
Felidae is made by the Canadae people. The others-Evo and Felidae I get at the 
feed store. The site that lists pet food and the ingredients is Petsumers? 
Reports- I think-the truth about pet food...It costs something like $17 for a 
year-but it has both dog and cat foods and treats listed and alerts you on food 
recalls and important pet news. I now have my dogs on the Blue Buffalo dry food 
after seeing the brands I had used had bad ingredients and by products and 
way too much grain and garbage.  Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Help - I can't get LTCI in Georgia!

2009-12-11 Thread Alice Flowers
I am shocked that your vet cannot order it. It's not even a drug per se. 
Perhaps your vet can contact another vet that can order it? My vet is the 
Sacramento Cat Hospital and if you google it, they have a website with all 
their contact info. As I type this, Rosie has Murphy in a headlock and is 
trying to bite his eyehe has these huge persian-like eyeballs and fluffy 
hair-she is a sleek tabby from a feral colony and loves to terrorize him these 
days even though she's half his size. I believe they'd both be dead if we 
hadn't begun the Imulan before they began crashing like Rosie's 4 brothers did. 
(The 4 brothers didn't see their 1st birthday.) These two have so much 
energy-galloping up and down the hall-one minute she's chasing him and then 
when they reverse directions-he's chasing her! I absolutely love it-not a 
sneeze or a sniffle since Sept, when they were constantly sick before the 
treatments. Rosie is 16 months old, Murphy just a few months
 more. I am only giving the subq injection every 6 weeks now. (It was once a 
week for 4 weeks in the beginning, then 2 weeks, 4 weeks etc). If I didn't have 
the Imulan, I have been reading alot of great things about the IV vitamin C 
therapy-I just read an article that said it cured a bad case of H1N1 in a 
human-but I didn't try to verify it-there is alot of information out there on 
the IV vitamin C-I do believe it is worth checking into. 
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Help - I can't get LTCI in Georgia! to Hotmail Junk!!!

2009-12-11 Thread Alice Flowers
OK-I didn't realize that we are in the same area!! How crazy is that? I live in 
Rio Linda (Sacramento County) with my kitties, horses and antique Aussies (all 
over 10 yrs old). Citrus Heights is within 15-20 minutes away. Small World!
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Bridget will be started on LTCI Gloria B. Lane

2009-12-05 Thread Alice Flowers
I am so excited for you! Let us know how she does. I will be giving Rosie and 
Murphy their 7th injection tomorrow-we are at the 6 week interval (this is the 
first time we have gone 6 weeks) now. I still give them the interferon. We have 
switched to a combination of Felidae and Blue Buffalo dry food, plus wet food 
morning and night right after the interferon. These two kitties are doing so 
well, knock on woodthey play for hours now-Plus they both fetch their soft 
mouse toys and wait for you to throw them-they won't stop pestering until we 
throw them!! Good luck with the treatments! Alice, Rosie and Murphy
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Rosie and Murphy Update-LTCI

2009-11-22 Thread Alice Flowers

We just got the results back from the lastest blood tests-They are still doing 
great on the Imulan LTCI. We began them in Sept after losing 4 kitties in 5 
months (Rosie's brothers). Only one made it to a year old. They developed the 
anemia so quickly and died within a week of showing symptoms of slowing down. 
We were desperate to save the last 2 and found references to the Imulan product 
and begged our vet to order it for us. They have had 6 injections so far (1st 4 
were a week apart, then 2 weeks apart. We are at 4 weeks apart now-the next is  
Dec 4th-then we go to 6 weeks apart-very easy, we give the injections at home 
to save money) and their HCT levels are great-they have s much more energy 
and race around the house-I have never seen them play so much. We didn't want 
to wait until they showed signs of becoming anemic to try it, I hold onto hope 
that maybe, just maybe they can beat this blasted disease. But they have always 
tested positive (4
 tests in the past year) the last test June 3rd at UC Davis. I am almost afraid 
to get them tested again and probably won't for awhile. But their HCT levels 
range from 36-41 and Murphy has gained a half pound since Sept-Now up  to 11 
lbs 15.5 oz and little Rosie is a solid 10 lbs 1 oz-she surprises us because 
she is so petite-her paws look like kitten feet! But then you pick her up and 
get surprised, you expect maybe 5-6 pounds, not 10! Our vets are really excited 
about the product, this is their first experience with it. We are still giving 
the Interferon 1 cc orally 2x a day for good measure, since it is  relatively 
cheap and is also somewhat anti-viral. (I'm on the fence with the 
Interferon...we were giving it to the other 4 that died..I think the dose is 
really low to have much effect on the virus when it ramps up)  I am just glad 
we didn't wait to start. Even if we just gain months or even a year or two, it 
will be worth it-losing the 4 siblings
 in such a short time was heartbreaking. Another thing we noticed...knock on 
wood firstthey have not had a sneeze, vomited or had the runs since we 
began the LTCI, even Murphy's bad molar is pefectly fine, no gingivitus. We had 
open prescriptions for antibiotics in the past because of the constant 
infections. We are still very anxious over their health, but are beginning to 
relax a little bit. 

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Jenny-I am so sorry about Autumn

2009-11-02 Thread Alice Flowers
I don't know why, but I've been thinking about her and had been wondering how 
things have been going. I think it's the leaves changing-I look out my window 
to see what the old nags are doing out in their little field and see the 
mulberry trees turning colors and dropping leaves in the wind-I kept thinking 
Autumn...and then I realized you've been quiet, then I worried. I am so very 
sad-this #!*% disease steals our youngest from us. I lost the 4 brothers, 
Rosie's littermates this past year-only one made it to a year old, just barely. 
When I read of the Imulan product through your postings and Christy and Gray 
Kitty's postings-I knew I had to try and catch this before it became full blown 
anemia-their bloodwork at UC Davis in June was showing changes-nothing real 
bad, just indicators of anemia signs, little things-Murphy's and Rosie's tests 
said slight anisocytosis-the same as Oni who passed at 10 1/2 months (July) and 
Schatzi-he died right at a year old
 mid August. Buster and Jack had died already in May and June. My little feral 
litter-who knew that these sick little ones would turn our world upside down in 
such a short time. I pray for all our babies-it seems when they have the virus 
from birth or shortly after, it's almost surely a death sentence at a young 
age. I am glad we are trying the LCTI and we are still giving the Alpha 
Interferon 2x a day. They have soo much energy now-they play and play. I never 
knew they could be so energetic. Even if it's temporary (I am hoping it's not) 
it is so worth it. It's giving us time we need to have with them and not worry 
constantly about if this is itand I noticed, neither one has had a sniffle 
or a sneeze since beginning the LCTI...strange...we were constantly buying 
antibiotics-we had constant refills of Zithromax at the Walmart 
pharmacy...knock on wood-but it's been over 2 1/2 months since their vomiting 
and diarreah spell. Strange how a good month
 seems like a lifetime when your kitties have been sick most of their lives. 
Jenny-Autumn is in good company-she is free of this horrible disease and is 
running and playing with all of our kitties now-she was so loved and I know she 
is ok. You are a very special lady with a big heart and I appreciate all I've 
learned here from you. I can hear Murphy galloping around the living room, 
chasing Rosie (he has a little bell) and I am grateful that I have this extra 
time with them. I have you and the others who are the pioneers with these new 
products to thank. So it was not in vain.  Alice 
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Jenny-How is Autumn??

2009-10-31 Thread Alice Flowers
Just wondering how she's doing-We are into our 2nd month with the treatments 
and all is great with our 2. Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Interferon Thoughts??

2009-10-09 Thread Alice Flowers
Hooray for you and your vet! I think it's a good idea. We began losing our 
kittens at around 7 1/2 months old. We lost 4 littermates before they hit a 
year old-well, the last was exactly a year old. They were a feral litter and 
must have been born with the virus. We began Interferon when they were about 5 
months old-1cc orally once a day. After the 3rd one passed away, I read up on 
the anti viral qualities and it seems one dose only stays at an active level 
about 1/2 a day. We began giving it 2x a day and still lost another one. We 
have the last littermate, the only female-Rosie, a sleek tabby and another 
non-related male-Murphy, a cool, fluffy tuxedo polydactyl (7 toes) that was 
tossed into the feral group-these 2 are just over a year old. We began the 
Imulan last month-before the anemia hits hard-we want these 2 to live so badly. 
On the baseline CBCs, Rosies platelets were low-2 weeks later they were in the 
normal range! The other levels are coming
 up too-PCV are higher. They are still testing positive (4th test) They are 
getting so energetic and playful-I can't belive they are the same cats! Murphy 
loves to chase the laser pointer now-he can leap up the wall and above the 
light switches-he can hit the switch with his big paws and turn the lights off! 
Rosie is addicted to fetching her little sheepskin mousie. It's just exciting 
to have active cats, we never realized until now that they were rather 
sluggish-slept a lot. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but every minute 
we have is a gift. We can't give up yet-and the Interferon is easy-they come 
over and wait to have their doses. The injections take just a few seconds-we 
are saving money by doing them at home. You can't begin soon enough to be 
proactive andtry and slow the virus down-when they are infected so young, they 
crash so quickly-our first, Buster, was playing hard one day and crashed the 
next with his HC at 10. Thank you for caring so
 much for your baby. You can learn a lot by scrolling through the earlier 
posts. We are all learning from each other. Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Check up and 2nd CBC since beginning Imulan treatment

2009-10-02 Thread Alice Flowers
We have our 2nd check up and blood draw to see how they are doing on the 
Imulan. Rosie had a low platelet count 2 weeks ago-her baseline CBC right 
before she got her first shot. We'll have to find out what it means. I still 
have them on the Interferon twice a day. They have much more energy these days 
and are galloping after the laser pointer and I can hear them at night running 
around the living room-chasing each other up the cat trees. They are eating 
really well-acting as close to normal as I've ever seen. I just hope it's not 
the calm before the storm. I'm slowly switching their dry food from the Taste 
of the Wild, which I learned has preservatives that are a know 
carcinogenthe last thing I need when cancers are too common in FeLV cats. I 
joined the Petsumer site that reports on pet foods-so many have animal fats 
which can be fats from rendering plants-including euthanized animalsanother 
health issue. I think they are doing pretty good, but
 I can help but think of Algernon.
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Amanda and Tora's passing

2009-10-02 Thread Alice Flowers
I am so sorry for your loss-Tora knew he was loved so very much. Lymphoma is 
one of my biggest fears. Tora was so young-I am glad he has his father to go 
with him over the bridge. This is the worst disease-stealing our young 
furbabies from us. Hugs  Alice - Murphy and Rosie
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Just wondering-Isn't the purpose of this site for progressive treatment?

2009-10-02 Thread Alice Flowers
I was directed to this site because of the Mission Statement being one of 
progressive treatments. I don't understand the negativity towards people who 
opt to treat their cats with newer treatments. If you don't want to treat, 
that's fine-it's just really mean to knock the people who are treating and have 
hope still. I did just lose 4 kitty brothers in the past 6 months-I only tried 
to transfuse one...forgive me for wanting him to live. The last one (at just a 
year old)  did not get that, but he screamed out while he panic-ed and couldn't 
breathe due to all the fluid in his chest-forgive us for having him euthanized 
to spare him a few hours of agony. The fluid came bubbling out his nostrils 
after his last breath. We probably should have gone to the movies until he 
passed. Why are you on a site constantly harping at and about people who are 
trying the products that are listed on this site as showing promise.I don't 
get it at all-I know you care
 about your pets, why can't you allow us to care for ours? What I do know is my 
2 remaining cats have so much energy now-they beg to play with the laser 
pointer, Rosie brings her favorite mousie for us to throw so she can play 
fetch-are they suffering?? Quite the opposite, these 2 are having fun finally! 
I haven't had a cat in over 12-15 years, then rescued these 6 kittens last 
year-I didn't have a clue-never even knew anyone with FeLV cats.  Please 
forgive me for wanting to learn and try and treat the disease. I did not expect 
this site to have all the nasty cattiness (ha-ha) of some of the other sites 
when I read the website's opening page-have you read it? Here is a portion of 
it cut and pasted from the site:
Our mission in presenting the information on these web pages is intended to 
help those whose feline babies are not responding to traditional veterinary 
methods of treating feline leukemia. People should be forewarned that many vets 
are skeptical and will resist using these newer treatments. We urge folks that 
encounter such opposition to seek out another vet that is willing to administer 
these medications as recommended below. In July of 1997, the Central States 
Veterinary Conference held in Kansas City, Missouri held discussions on these 
newer methods and were optimistic about their use in treating FeLV+ cats. For 
more details on the protocols for these drugs, please review the book, The 5 
minute Veterinary Consultant: Canine and Feline by Tilley and Smith 1997. 
Although we are not veterinarians, much of the information available here was 
written by veterinarians. Our sole purpose in presenting these pages is to 
educate people on newer, more effective treatments for feline leukemia. Ours is 
a not-for-profit endeavor, even though we may mention companies by name that 
sell some of these products. Veterinarians and researchers are encouraged to 
send comments and contributions for this site to me: James G. Wilson 

NOTICE: All materials at this website (including HTML pages, text pages, and 
images) are the property of the owner of this website. This includes external 
links to some Geocities sites, Fortunecity sites, and Prohosting sites. Under 
no circumstances are these pages to be copied, altered, or otherwise 
misrepresented. All other external links (including image links) are the 
property of those website owners. 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Just wondering-thank you Sharyl

2009-10-02 Thread Alice Flowers
Finally a voice of reason and kindness...Can I afford to treat this way? No-I 
could have paid my 5 yr old car off in the last year's vet bills and I wouldn't 
be behind in my mortgage. Maybe it's menopause or empty nest syndrome...But I 
had a few yard sales, bought enough hay for my old horses for the winter. I 
still need to get some more Rimadyl for my arthritic dogs. I am still selling 
off stuff I don't need. I live at Walmart, BigLots and the dollar store, but I 
get top stuff for the cats and dogs to eat.I take peanut butter and jelly every 
day for lunch. I just so desperately want the last 2 to live...but if they were 
getting sick from the Interferon, I'd stop in a heartbeat-they come over and 
wait to take it. Giving antibiotics was a bigger hassle when they had URIs and 
Bartonella...Treating for ear mites was a pain too, but I did it-I guess I 
shouldn't have? If the Imulan proves to be a good treatment and enough vets 
use it-the price will
 eventually go down. I save money by doing the injections at home. I work full 
time, but I may have to go back to sewing in my spare time. I try and help with 
TNRing the ferals with a local group, network and donate food and litter to  
individual rescuers. Seems like the people willing to do the most-have the 
least. I just don't understand why people who  are so adamantly  against all 
the things this site promotes seem to ger off on bashing the people who are 
getting information from this site on treating their sick pets. Perhaps they 
can get the owners of this site to change their Mission Statement.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Whoo Hooo!! CBCs are in-Rosie and Murphy

2009-10-02 Thread Alice Flowers
Our vet just called-the blood tests results from this morning are back and they 
are both improving! Rosie's platelets are in the normal range too! She said 
there is a buzz in the office and they have been telling their other patients 
about this product and how it appears promising. We will retest in 2 weeks and 
will be cutting down from once weekly injections. This one tonight will only be 
the 3rd one. We are following the manufacturer's protocol to be sure it is 
effective. We did not wait for them to crash before starting the treatments, 
hoping to get months, not weeks-but it is looking better than that, but I am 
afraid to hope for too much-I am grateful for every healthy appearing day.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Interferon-Article that explains why I now give it 2x daily

2009-09-30 Thread Alice Flowers
Here are some excerpts from some research on Interferon-I have been giving it 
2x a day-orally 1 cc to Rosie and Murphy. I had been giving it onece a day to 
the other 4 that passed away. I always give it right before the canned 
food-they both come into the kitchen and pester me, Murphy bangs the cabinet 
door until I get the little syringe filled. Then they sit and wait for the 
little squirt, Rosie will tilt her head sideways-she likes it squirted on the 
right side of her mouth, I don't have to force them to take it, it's just the 
routine. I even tasted it, just tastes like saline solutine-similar to sinus 
rinse or saline nasal spray. I have not noticed any side effects, except maybe 
lately, combined with the Imulan treatments the last 2 weeks-they are playing 
much more and are awake for longer periods and are looking for things to get 
into. They are making up for being so sick the first year.
Jere Hough
Three Times Weekly Is A Terribly Poor Way to Dose Interferon 
This is a great article and also discusses the development of longer acting 
pegylated interferons to better manage the peak and valley effects of the 
current generation of Interferons: 
“PEAKS AND VALLEYS - Because interferon has a half-life in serum of only about 
7 -10 hours. This means it peaks in the body at about 12 hours and is then 
rapidly metabolized and excreted. At 24 hours after injection it is barely 
measurable. By 36 hours it is not detectable with current measurements. During 
this peak the is a rapid, dramatic drop in viral load. As the levels of 
interferons quickly drop to negligible levels at about 24 hours viral loads 
start rapidly climbing again. By 48 or especially 72 hours much of the gain in 
viral reduction has been lost. 
In other words, viral loads in the body fluctuate directly and rapidly along 
with levels of interferon in serum, and when plotted on a graph look like a 
sine wave, or a roller coaster. This graph, along with a description of this 
phenomena, can be viewed on many websites and texts on the subject, including 
the page. These peaks and valleys have been followed 
for days in human subjects, and are invariably similar in those who respond to 
As interferon levels go up viral loads go down immediately. Then as IFN levels 
drop, viral loads increase again rapidly. In the period from 24 to 48 hours 
viral loads peak to erase most of the gains made. In standard TIW dosing the 
increase in viral loads is even more pronounced during the 72 hour break once 
each week.” 
1) NEVER give with food. Inteferon breaks down in the stomach with stomach 
acid. Always squirt it directly into the mouth where it is absorbed in the 
mouth and throat lining. 
#2) ALWAYS keep refridgerated. It's useless if it hits room temperature. Keep 
unused dilutions frozen until needed. It's unknown how long Interferon stays 
effective in the fridge. Keep unused dilutions frozen until needed. 
#3) It's USELESS to do on/off dosing. It MUST be given every 24 hours to 
maintain consistent levels in the bloodstream. (See excerpts below regarding 
peaks and valleys). It must be kept in the blood at all times. On/Off protocols 
are worthless because it progresses forward in times of no intervention. 
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Fw: Big Prayers for Lukey and Sally

2009-09-28 Thread Alice Flowers

I am saying multiple, multiple prayers for you both!! How many injections has 
he had so far? We just gave the 2nd one Friday night to Rosie and Murphy. We 
had lost Rosie's 4 brothers within a 5 month period and they were so young, 6 
1/2 months to just turned a year old. We had tried a transfusion that went 
badly on the 2nd brother. We've had them on Interferon for a long time and now 
are giving it 2 times a day-it just slows the virus down, but it is ever 
advancing. We didn't wait for our last two to crash...we know it's coming. We 
begged our vet to order the Imulan and she did. They are as anxious as we are 
to see how it goes. Yes, we all know it is just an Aid, as everyone here 
does. It is posted as such on the Imulan website. What I do know is that Rosie 
and Murphy are playing much more and much harder-they fly around the house-up 
and down the cat trees and are now chasing each other-something they haven't 
done before. They have spent 85% of their
 short lives on antibiotics for one infection after another. In June and July, 
I thought Murphy was going to die-he was vomiting and had diarreah so bad- 2 
courses of Zithromax and he pulled through. After watching Schatzi-the last 
brother to pass, struggle to breathe as his lungs filled with fluid and he 
cried out over and over-his heart rate through the roof and he was panting-his 
little ribs and chest heaving to get oxygenno, this is the hardest 
thing to go through as a parentdriving in the middle of the night again 
to UC Davis to release him from his agony like his 3 brothers before him-a 
monthly ritual. I didn't ask for a litter of sick feral kittens a year ago, but 
it is what I got. I didn't ask to fall in love with these 6 kittens, but we 
did-and thank goodness, my husband, my son and his wifewere as smitten as I am. 
I HAVE TO TRY to save these last 2 and I don't want to be told basically that I 
am a fool. I work long hard days, we
 are already struggling-but we CHOOSE to buy the Imulan and we are saving money 
by administering the shots at home. Our vet will work with us on the CBCs every 
2 weeks (Rosie's platelets were low last week) -and this treatment is way 
cheaper than a transfusion. Bless all who are staying hopeful and positive that 
someday we will find a Treatment Aid that helps these poor babies. Alice
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] First Doses of Imulan For Murphy Rosie

2009-09-19 Thread Alice Flowers
We have our fingers crossed!! We arrived at our vet's office right after the 
shipment arrived. Rosie and Murphy had their exams and blood drawn for 
baselines-CBCs and their 3rd FeLV tests. We have previous tests from June 3rd 
this year also. Those tests showed that Murphy's levels were changing (similar 
to Schatzi's who just passed less than a month ago). We are really concerned 
for our last 2 cats because Rosie (tabby) is the only female of the litter of 
5-her 4 brothers have passed away in the last 5 months from severe anemia. She 
has just turned a year old last month-she insists on a game of fetch several 
times a day with her lamb's wool mouse. (she has plucked most of the wool 
off and I can't find another one.) Murphy is a semi long haired, polydactyl, 
tuxedo boy with 7 toes on each front foot and a spare on each hind foot-He was 
dumped into the feral colony that Rosie and her brothers came from. He is the 
sweetest boy, so playful and just wants to
 hang out with you-he follows you around like a dog. He looks like he 
has Ov-Gloves on! Anyway-this disease seems like a switch is flipped on and 
there is nothing we can do to save them-we are hoping that using this product 
before the symptoms of anemia appear will give us some chance of them surviving 
for a long time. Maybe by taking a proactive approach we will be able to turn 
the odds a little. We are beginning with one injection a week for a month, then 
every two once a month. Blood will be drawn every two weeks at 
first. We had the first injections at the vet's office today (the tech 
did Murphy's and she watched while I gave Rosie's). I will be giving the 
remaining 8 doses at home to save costs. We'll have the blood test results back 
Monday. Say a little prayer for us.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] IMULAN

2009-08-30 Thread Alice Flowers
After hearing about this product-I called our vet here in Sacramento and she 
agreed to order it for us. I want to try it because we lost the 4th kitty this 
morning-my son drove him to UC Davis emergency early this morning because he 
was struggling to breath and crying out. Out of the 5 kittens in the 
litter-Schatzi is the 4th brother to pass in 41/2 months-he just turned a year 
old this month- we even tried a transfusion that Jack had a reaction to and was 
euthanized (over $1500). Buster, the first to die-screamed out...Oni died in 
Corey's arms. I still have the sister, Rosie and another cat-Murphy, the tuxedo 
polydactyl that was dumped into the feral colony that the litter came from-he 
was positive also. So why do I want to try this product? I have HOPE that it 
may prolong Rosie and Murphy's lives-These 6 have been on antibiotics most of 
their lives-Finally now it's been a good month and a half without them, maybe 
we've turned a corner. We have upped
 them to Interferon 2x a day. When the FeLV switch gets tripped-they just crash 
so fast. If we can postpone it for months or years.that's great. We are 
down to 2 cats left out of 6-we have cried rivers of tears, and spent over 6 
grand-and we weren't cat people a year ago. How do we know it will work? We 
don'tbut if we don't try, no one will know. What I do know is that Rosie is 
due to die soon-being from the same litter, she is due to crash with anemia 
like all her brothers. But I have HOPE, otherwise I should just euthanize the 
last 2 now and call it a day. Rosie and Murphy are racing up and down the 
hallway and up the cat trees right now-they are healthy (appearing), loving 
and happy. They are a year old-I think they deserve to live longer. Alice, 
Rosie and Murphy
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Sherry Mo

2009-08-16 Thread Alice Flowers
My deepest condolences.we all share your loss of a lovely boy. He is surely 
making friends with 3 of my boys, littermates that passed in the last 3 
1/2 months. All of our babies are playing in the garden by the bridge, no bug 
is safe!  hugs  Alice
Felvtalk mailing list