Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Did you try the black light method? If you take them into a dark area and shine the black light on it if it glows greenish it is definately ringworm.but be careful sometimes ringworm does not glow green.Hideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, I noticed that there are some bald spots and flakey inside of ear on all of my four kittens and the mama’s nose as well…and I think they are ringworm – though they still have URIs that come and go and can’t get rid of (over several weeks now) for some reasons….

Any suggestions on treatment? How worried should I be? Have a purrfect day

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
My most recent kitten Mystery had ringworm, without my knowledge and I brought her in my house of 10 cats, 1 dog and my sonmy FeLV+ cat is the only one that caught it and of course I did is really bad, I used an antibactial spray three days on and 1 day off for 3 weeks and that helped, with me I took Difulcan and used rubbing alcohol on the wounds, it was not fun ;-([EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Cats that have had URI often bust out in ringworm...welcome to my world.Its from the lowered immune system. I use blue start ointment and it never fails you can get it in any pharmacy. Or in real bad cases I take them to the vet and he gives them a liquiddon't know what it is though works every time. 
its contagious to humans and to other animals so careful when handling them.
BTW the interferon on my URI negative kittens has made all the difference in the world. Have a purrfect day

Re: Ringworm

2005-10-31 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Luckily my son has still not gotten it ;-))[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Children are more suseptible than adults but if you have dryer sking then you are more likely to catch it. I caught it when Bramble had it. You can apply iodiene on the ringworm areas to help the fungal spores from spreading - Bramble used to like the iodiene as it is kept in the fridge so must be soothing too.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel BrambleHave a purrfect day

Re: Ringworm

2005-10-31 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I can sort of pin point how I got it and it was from a scratch.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Children are more suseptible than adults but if you have dryer sking then you are more likely to catch it. I caught it when Bramble had it. You can apply iodiene on the ringworm areas to help the fungal spores from spreading - Bramble used to like the iodiene as it is kept in the fridge so must be soothing too.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel BrambleHave a purrfect day

Re: Shadows and Bramble

2005-10-28 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Wonderful story and a wonderful thought, I am sure you saw Bramble.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I thought I'd share thisI had a strange exprience this morning. I got up around 6.30am to go to the bathroom which is next door to my bedroom. It was dark and I did not put any lights on as I intended to go back to bed. Of course the cats stay with me and I close the door so they don't get anywhere near my dog Candy (still strange saying dog instead of dogs). For a second I saw the perfectly formed silhouette of a cat walk out from my bedroom and stopped in front of the bathroom. I thought I had left my door ajar and that Minstrel was coming out of the bedroom for a look around. I was clapping my hands and hurrying to stop her going downstairs but the cat shadow just stayed there not moving. When I got up and went over there was nothing there and my door was shut tight so it was definitely not Minstrel. I didn't think anything of it at the time but I do believe in spirits and
 that space outside the bathroom is where Bramble liked to lie. He used to walk from the bedroom and lie there if I was in the bathroom. It's bizarre but I do wonder if he's found his way home. If he has then it's the first time I've ever seen the spirit of a pet who I put to sleep. I did have the ghost of one of my dogs when she died at home with cancer but she dissapeared when Gemma, Deano  Candy appeared - it was nice to have her there though - she would appear walking out from her usual spots to get her toast in the morning. It may have been nothing but the silhouette was so defined and walked out so clearly.Fingers crossed - I will talk to my angels as I do sometimes and ask them to revisit.Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel  Angel Bramble Have a purrfect day

Re: map of FELVtalk members -

2005-10-19 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
That is so cool, now when we can transport kitties easier.
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
And hey, there's Michelle, in England!At 12:24 PM 10/19/2005, you wrote:Thanks!That is so cool!In a message dated 10/19/2005 9:20:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:Hey check out  Someone posted it on another list. You add your name and it produces a map showing where everyone is.  Gloria[]Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo
 Group! a Homeless Pet![]'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS[]Have a purrfect day

Re: I have a sick kitty, help...

2005-10-15 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Sorry to hear about Rascal, but know that there is a great chance that all will be well after this hump you guys are handeling right now. 

Kittens can be vaccinated at 12 weeks, or so I am told they can also be tested earlier than that, I just vaccinated a 11 week old and all seems to be fine with her.

Good luck and keep us posted.
CherieMichele [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
We have a cat named Rascal. He is 2.5 years old and very much loved, and this includes my husband. He is a "7" toed tabby with a great disposition. He was diagnosed today with feline leukemia by Dr. Seely at Banfield Veternary Clinic in Grand Junction Co.His WBC is 3.7 and his platelet count is still okay. His temperature today was 104 at the clinic. He is still drinking and eating some. I have been giving him 50cc of subQ Normal Saline and he just finished Clavamox about 4 days ago and he has been getting better since starting on Metronitazole 3 days ago. He had not been purring or meowing much until after he started on this drug. The doctor now has added Amoxicillin to his treatment and is looking into adding Interferon as well. He is looking at where to get some for him.We have been keeping him inside with us.What additional treatment can be done or
 suggested?Next, how young can a cat be to receive the vaccination for this and tested for this.thank you for any information that you can help me with.Michele Mazzaemail me at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]cell msg #: 970-901-9729PeoplePC OnlineA better way to Internethttp://www.peoplepc.comHave a purrfect day

Re: Please Help!!

2005-10-15 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am so glad you rescued that baby, humans CAN NOT GET Feline lukemia do not worry about it, and you should definately take her to a vet and get her checked out, if she is having trouble breathing.
Please, please keep us informed...I am worried about the baby
Cheriebrit n/a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I found a little tiny kitten on the side of the road one day while i was walking home from school the kitten look kind of malnutricioned and very vulronable to male cats trying to kill it so I took responsibility for the cat and took it home for the night. actually i should mention today is friday i found it thursday afternoon. it was also raining and the kitten was very wet and no mother cat was around (i think someone had dropped it off). My question to you is the next day the cat was having trouble breathing, symptons like it was going to die but i was wondering if you could tell me if there are any physical health concerns to worry about if the Kitten did have Feline Lukemia I really need to know, because the kitten died shortly after we left this morning. id very much appriciate your help and thank you so much its a very tough situation! (ie: if i had the kitten on like blankets and things or clothes would there be any physicals signs that humans could
 get feline lukemia? Please feel free to email me back whenever you get time thank you all sooo much i very appreciate it!!

Brit B

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Re: OT: Sorry Guys, just can't help myself :)

2005-10-15 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Oh my good...why do we always see this, she is adorable, I have cross posted this and am talking to my mom about taking her.Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Ok this ad was posted today on the Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP ads, and I just can't imagine this cutest little sweetie being euthanized. This little girl is only 8 weeks old and FIV positive, I haven't seem a kitten this cute in a while, please cross post this to anyone you know. This little girl is named Buffy and really needs to be saved: she is absolutely adorable ... she is in Florida.-- BelindaHappiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties ...http://www.bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittenshttp://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candle Light Service (affordable hosting  web design) Designs (non-profit web
 sites)http://bmk.bemikitties.comHave a purrfect day

Re: HELP...Skunk

2005-10-09 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Thanks so much.I will try that too, VA definately smells better after two baths one at Petsmart and a medicated one from the vet..maimaipg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is a product called Odo-Ban that is the greatest for even worse odors than skunk -- try very decayed rodent bodies. Works great when a tom cat sprays too. It is available at SAM'S Club and I am sure other places.

- Original Message - 
From: Terri Brown 
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: HELP...Skunk

Bathe him in tomato juice.


Terri in NJ

- Original Message - 
From: Cherie A Gabbert 
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 7:52 AM
Subject: HELP...Skunk

My dog got spraqyed by a skunk how do I make him smell better to transport him to the vet for a bathany ideas???
Please help
Have a purrfect day
Have a purrfect day

Re: My Ziggy

2005-10-02 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Welcome, Laura we all hope Ziggy livesa long healthy life.Laura Bond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
hi! my name is Laura and I am a new subscriber to this list and this is my first submission. I just wanted to tell you about my cat Ziggy. I rescued him from a chicken coop where he had no food, water, or litter. He adjusted well and when he was neutered, the vet told me he had Feline Leukemia. That vet was basically uninterested in treatment and told me "he'll die in 6 months to 2 year, just make him comfortable", with that curt reponse, i decided to get a second opinion. I took him to Falls Road Veterinary Hospital in Baltimore Md. This is where world famous vet Dr. Kim Hammond (on the radio, and T.V., also helps out with animal rights on movie sets" calls home. I met with Dr. Huggins, and we discussed Interferon, which is what many people diagnosed with HIV or AIDs take. This medicine encourages kitty's white blood cells to keep him
 healthy. I thought the treatment would be expensive but it only cost me 30$ for a 2 month supply (not bad)!. Ziggy is adjusting well and LOVES his medicine, which the doctor flavored with tuna. He is doing well and hopefully will live a long, full life. To everyone out there keep your hopes up and get a second opinion! It's the best thing I could have done. If you would like to talk personally wrtie to [EMAIL PROTECTED]_Is your PC infected? Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee® Security. a purrfect day

Re: Kittypoo

2005-10-02 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Does it only happen when she sleeps? If that is the case she might be having nightmares about her ordeal, my dog has those frequently, I wake him gently and pet him to let him know he is ok now. I have had good success with the animal communicator [EMAIL PROTECTED]she might be able to help you and Kittypoo.
Lohna Esteb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My cat I rescued turned out to have this disease. She has done just great for several years.She got out, and was gone for 6 weeks. she came back but I can tell it was stressful for her.She is having strange almost seizure like episodes when she is asleep. I have seen her head kind of jerk in the past, but this is her feet and head and eyes and she hisses.I didn't realize there was anything I could do to help her. Please advise about food and anything else I should be doing. The messages are so many and it's hard to find out what I should start doing. I'm sure her immune system needs to be helped. She is a feral cat, but she lets me pick her up since she returned. I think she knows she is sick.LohnaHave a purrfect day

Re: Need advice quick please

2005-09-30 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Fever? Anyone else sick? is she sneezing? or coughing?Terri Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


No. She has been behaving normally otherwise.

I felt her belly, and I don't feel anything. She's a little tender, but I don't feel any hardness or obstructions, but I'm not a vet. She feels normal to me though. 

I will check out the link. Thanks.


- Original Message - 
From: Cherie A Gabbert 
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: Need advice quick please

I am sorry to hear about Guinevere, does she have any other symptoms? I did find one article.

hope this helps somewhat...keep us posted
CherieTerri Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm trying not to panic, but Guinevere (2 years old, FeLV-) has been vomiting since yesterday afternoon. She continued to try to eat and drink, but a little while ago, I tried to tempt her with her favorite treats, and she refused them and them vomited up whatever water she drank. It has a pinkish tint to it.

Suggestions? My vet is closed, and I spent all available cash on Salome' 2 weeks ago. I was approved for CareCredit today, but the vets that take it are closed as well.

=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' =^..^=

Furkid Photos! FeLV Site: Personal Page:
Have a purrfect day
Have a purrfect day


2005-09-29 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
My dog got spraqyed by a skunk how do I make him smell better to transport him to the vet for a bathany ideas???
Please help
CherieHave a purrfect day

Re: HELP...Skunk

2005-09-29 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Thanks, another question is he never set foot in the house reaks how do I fix that, any thoughts?Kat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Cherie -Do you have any Vinegar? (Apple Cider/White/Balsamic it doesn't matter)Do you have any Douche? Do you have any Tomatoe Juice?There is also a product you can get at pet supply stores called Skunk off.Whatever you do have on hand - drench him in it - sort of like basting aturkey - over and over. This should help alleviate the overwhelming smellsomewhat. Good luck.Kat (Mew Jersey)On Thu, 29 Sep 2005, Cherie A Gabbert wrote: Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 04:52:30 -0700 (PDT) From: Cherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: To: Subject: HELP...Skunk My dog got spraqyed by a skunk how do I make him smell better to transport him to the vet for a bathany ideas??? Please help Cherie
 Have a purrfect day CherieHave a purrfect day

Re: HELP...Skunk

2005-09-29 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I feel so bad for him he had to stay outside and then I took him to get de vehicle is still airing out.Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've heard tomatoe juice too. Poor baby, and poor you!NinaKat wrote:Cherie -Do you have any Vinegar? (Apple Cider/White/Balsamic it doesn't matter)Do you have any Douche? Do you have any Tomatoe Juice?There is also a product you can get at pet supply stores called Skunk off.Whatever you do have on hand - drench him in it - sort of like basting aturkey - over and over. This should help alleviate the overwhelming smellsomewhat. Good luck.Kat (Mew Jersey)On Thu, 29 Sep 2005, Cherie A Gabbert wrote: Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 04:52:30 -0700 (PDT)From: Cherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject:
 HELP...SkunkMy dog got spraqyed by a skunk how do I make him smell better to transport him to the vet for a bathany ideas???Please helpCherieHave a purrfect dayCherie  Have a purrfect day

Re: HELP...Skunk

2005-09-29 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Too cute ;-))Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gee, Cherie, I have no suggestions on that. My husband once called me on his cell phone from the driveway of our house to '"come and get YOUR skunks off the porch" so he could get in the house! He didn't want to risk getting sprayed and they were dining on the food I keep out there for whoever needs to eat; maybe a cell phone for doggie?? It's always something, isn't it

Good luck!

Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No tomato juice on hand, but I am going tohave it in the futurehe is getting de-skunked, now I have the house to de skunk.tamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

TOMATO JUICE! Bath him in better than anything on the market.Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

My dog got spraqyed by a skunk how do I make him smell better to transport him to the vet for a bathany ideas???
Please help
Have a purrfect day

Yahoo! for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 
Have a purrfect day
"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

Yahoo! for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. Have a purrfect day

Re: Wink is home, Eduardo is not

2005-09-29 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Constant worry with cats outside, I do not like it one bit.good thoughts coming you way, I am glad to hear about Wink.Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Wink came home last night and looks like quite the little Franken-kitty! She wouldn't eat at the vet and wouldn't eat at home. She just wanted to say in her carrier on the fluffy blanket and have us pet her. She was up this morning when I got up and did eat a bit. My husband is on vacation and she was sitting on his lap rubbing her little head on the paper when I left, apparently as happy as a little clam! The side of her face is all shaved and stitched as is the top of her head because they needed to drain there, too. The biopsies won't be back until next week, so we just want to get her eating and keep her cozy.

My sort-of-feral Eduardo has been outside with the outside cats this summer. He's very passive and he has a lot of trouble with Tramp who is a big bully. He was doing well in the little zone he had carved out for himself, but he hasn't been home in over a week. I think it was he who ran from a cat fight I broke up (naturally Tramp was involved) but I couldn't really see; all I saw was a black behind running. My neighbor claims she's seen him in the bushes, but he is not coming when I call him (we had reached the point where he would) and I have not seen him. I put all the outside cats in the garage yesterday and today so I'm hoping, hoping that he feesl safe enough to come home. I miss him so. I can't stand having outside cats; I'm not looking forward to the heating bill, but I will be delighted when the weather turns cold enough that they don't want to leave their beds by the furnace.

All your good thoughts and wishes are so appreciated; it means so much to me to have you all!!!

Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

Yahoo! for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. Have a purrfect day

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 147-Skunk

2005-09-29 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Thanks I will go to that site.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Our dog was sprayed two years ago right in the chest- and I was told the smell could linger on him especially when wet, for several weeks. We tried tomato juice, shampoo, etc., but, nothing worked very well. He did getsprayed though, square in the chest, eyes watering, drooling, etc. "Dogs" has four recipes for shampoo mixtures you can try. I tried the first recipe but, it was true, every time he got wet for weeks he smelled a little skunky! Good luck though- it really stinks!Have a purrfect day

RE: HELP...Skunk

2005-09-29 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
too funny ;-))tamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

These are pretty funny! SO, I'll relate the only skunk story I have: A friend of mine in college had a descented skunk as a pet, she lived in a rural area and as a hobby fed all the wild critters...birds, squirrels etc... Her boyfriend, later to be husband, never had animals growing up, but was very fond of all of Char's. Unfortunately he let an indoor only cat of her's out of the house and while they eventually got the cat back, he took a load of lectures on the importance of watching that the animals didn't get out. Anyway, a few weeks after the cat incident, he went over to Char's house and saw "Squiggy" the skunk wondering around the side yard. Happily determined to throw her words back at her, Kevin kept trying to pick up Squiggy hoping to ring the door bell with the beloved escaped pet in his arms and to spout the same LONG lecture back at herafter about three near misses, Char, who had heard his car pull up and was wondering WHY he
 hadn't come in yet went to the door and opened it...the REAL Squiggy in her armsKevin saw her out of the corner of his eye, just as he made a semi successful lunge at the skunk he THOUGHT was Squiggyand got sprayed full on! THAT'S where I learned about using Tomato Juice to cut the stink ...(which by the way Kevin and Char received 40 cans of for their wedding shower!)Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Kerry, I live in a small city but the country is not at all far away and when I was getting on the highway one early spring morning, I thought I saw a dog standing on the side of the road. He loped off and as I got closer I could see it was not a dog, but a coyote (literally less than a mile from my house).
I always have a leash in the car and was preparing to pull over! I sent my husband an email later in the day relating the incident and his response, was, "well, have you found him a home or do we get to name him?"!! If I had skunks snoozing on the couch I don't even know if he'd notice!!

Julie"MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That's pretty funny. Mind you, I don't think anyone's significant other on this list could be blamed for wondering when the day is going to come that theyarrive home tofind a coupla skunks cosying up by the hearth or stretched out on the sofa. Hey, they're all God's creatures, right! :)

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Julie JohnsonSent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 9:07 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: HELP...Skunk
Gee, Cherie, I have no suggestions on that. My husband once called me on his cell phone from the driveway of our house to '"come and get YOUR skunks off the porch" so he could get in the house! He didn't want to risk getting sprayed and they were dining on the food I keep out there for whoever needs to eat; maybe a cell phone for doggie?? It's always something, isn't it

Good luck!

Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No tomato juice on hand, but I am going tohave it in the futurehe is getting de-skunked, now I have the house to de skunk.tamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

TOMATO JUICE! Bath him in better than anything on the market.Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

My dog got spraqyed by a skunk how do I make him smell better to transport him to the vet for a bathany ideas???
Please help
Have a purrfect day

Yahoo! for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 
Have a purrfect day
"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet. 

Yahoo! for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. =00 

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Re: Skin Problem

2005-09-27 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Thanks, I have made an appointment for her to come.catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It could still possibly be ringworm, but of course it could be any type of allergy. Probably should check with vet if it gets worse If it's an allergya little pred. might help.

tCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Two on her hind quarterscatatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

where are the spots?Terri Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Hi Cherie,

I don't really have any experience with this. What are you feeding her? Maybe she has a food allergy. Or maybe there isn't enough fat in her diet.

Just a thought. Perhaps someone with more experience than I will get back to you.


=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' =^..^=

Furkid Photos! FeLV Site: Personal Page:

- Original Message - 
From: Cherie A Gabbert 
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 2:42 AM
Subject: Skin Problem

Hi all,
I have a question my FeLV+ Amber has a skin problem, she has formed two spots with no hair loss and some scaling.Does not glow so I do not suspect ringworm, any thoughts? Thanks

Have a purrfect day

Have a purrfect day
Have a purrfect day

Re: Skin Problem

2005-09-26 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Thanks Michelle, Amber has two spots on her hind quarters, I am tring Apple Cidar Vinegar twice a day, we will see how that works
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Charlie, an FIV+ cat at the shelter, developed this and it kept getting worse. He got two steroid shots (I can not remember the name of the steroid but it started with a T) and then was on prednisone for a few weeks. I also removed him from the feral cat yard and put him in the shelter, and he got treatment for ear mites and had his ears cleaned out. He got better. I found him a home and he completely recovered, from having lost about 1/2 his fur and having lots of red patches, to being fine. To this day we do not know what caused it-- him scratching because his ears itched, him having an allergy to something in his surroundings, stress, or none of the above.
MichelleHave a purrfect day

Re: Skin Problem

2005-09-25 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Thanks Terri, but no new foods or any changes in her diet at all, thanks for the input though.
CherieTerri Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Cherie,

I don't really have any experience with this. What are you feeding her? Maybe she has a food allergy. Or maybe there isn't enough fat in her diet.

Just a thought. Perhaps someone with more experience than I will get back to you.


=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' =^..^=

Furkid Photos! FeLV Site: Personal Page:

- Original Message - 
From: Cherie A Gabbert 
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 2:42 AM
Subject: Skin Problem

Hi all,
I have a question my FeLV+ Amber has a skin problem, she has formed two spots with no hair loss and some scaling.Does not glow so I do not suspect ringworm, any thoughts? Thanks

Have a purrfect day
Have a purrfect day

Re: Skin Problem

2005-09-25 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
What do you know about Apple Cidar vinegar?.I also heard that might work[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I use lysine for skin problems along with the omega 3 fatty acids. its worth a try.
KarenHave a purrfect day

Re: Paulie is gone

2005-09-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
So sorry to hear the Paulie is gone, but I am sure he is happy and playing with no pain, I am so sorry for you loss.
CherieJulie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Friends,

Paulie slipped peacefully away a short while ago. It was what I hoped for him. He was quite calm and sleepy from the tranquilizer and the injection was smooth and easy.

Nina, he's surely with Grace.

Thank you all for your thoughts and good wishes; most people don't understand why one would choose to share a home with feral cats and certainly don't understand how losing one of so many can leave the house so empty.

Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Have a purrfect day

Re: playing at the bridge

2005-09-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am sorry you are in this situation, but at least all our babies found love and comfort before their journey..I sit here with a heavy heart, so many senseless losses, so much pain I often ask myself why does this happen
TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
between grace's passing, and learning of paulie's journey, i lay on mycouch while a six-week-old ocikitten lay under my shirt, taking hislast breathsi hope that grace and paulie will take him under their wings and teachhim all about being a cat, since he really never had a chance to beone this time around. i wonder if there is such a need right now, atthe bridge, for wonderful cats, because of all the people who weresent flying home with these mighty storms? GLOW to all the critters,of all species, who have and may soon find their way home--MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892Have a purrfect day

Re: Question about Euthanasia and my Grace

2005-09-22 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
That is true just the shot would be so much better can you make an appointment for Friday, so at least you have some more good bye time.
CherieBarb Moermond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm so sorry you're going through this right now, it's so hard. If you're worried about them finding a vein, you could request that they inject her parenterally, that's how my vet helped Ninja - no worried or stress about finding a vein and using an IV, just a shot.Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Michelle,Thank you so much for answering my post. When I was struggling with gathering the energy it took to actually write, I was thinking of you. I wanted your opinion about this. I wish I were braver. Funny, isn't it, I always think of myself as strong and brave, but when it comes to this... I just feel helpless and humble.N[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Nina, I am so sorry. I do not think lack of fat makes veins smaller  or harder to find, so though I may be wrong, I do not think that  should be a concern. You know how I am, though, I do not think I  would do it at all since she does not seem to be in active pain. I do  think the annoyed look she has probably has to do with discomfort of  some sort-- I have seen most of them get like that toward the end  (Simon was like that both times that
 I thought he was dying). I  personally would probably just keep giving her little bits of valium  if it made her feel good and stretch in the sun and want a dog treat.  At least until things got worse. And you could try to wait for the  vet she likes then, at least. Anyway, that is just me, and how I do  things. I know that we are all different with death. And I have not  always thought that I did the right thing, either. MichelleBarb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." - Anonymous

Yahoo! for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. Have a purrfect day

Re: Question about Euthanasia and my Grace

2005-09-22 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
A Grace and all our furrbabies heal the broken hearts, then when they leave us they tend to break all over again...Are they going to come to your house, so you do not have to move her?
Thanks Cherie,I just called my Internist's office and they will be able to squeeze me in tomorrow at 9:30. I know you all know how this feels. The final moment, the realization that there's nothing left to do, nothing left to try. How can a heart break over and over again?NCherie A Gabbert wrote: Nina, That is true just the shot would be so much better can you make an  appointment for Friday, so at least you have some more good bye time. Cherie */Barb Moermond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote: Nina, I'm so sorry you're going through this right now, it's so hard.  If you're worried about them finding a vein, you could request that they inject her parenterally, that's how my vet helped Ninja - no worried or stress about finding a vein and using an IV, just
 a shot. */Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote: Michelle, Thank you so much for answering my post. When I was struggling with gathering the energy it took to actually write, I was thinking of you. I wanted your opinion about this. I wish I were braver. Funny, isn't it, I always think of myself as strong and brave, but when it comes to this... I just feel helpless and humble. N [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Nina, I am so sorry. I do not think lack of fat makes veins smaller  or harder to find, so though I may be wrong, I do not think that  should be a concern. You know how I am, though, I do not think I  would do it at all since she does not seem to be in active pain. I do  think the annoyed look she has probably has to do with discomfort of
  some sort-- I have seen most of them get like that toward the end  (Simon was like that both times that I thought he was dying). I  personally would probably just keep giving her little bits of valium  if it made her feel good and stretch in the sun and want a dog treat.  At least until things got worse. And you could try to wait for the  vet she likes then, at least. Anyway, that is just me, and how I do  things. I know that we are all different with death. And I have not  always thought that I did the right thing, either.  Michelle Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito "My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." - Anonymous
  Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.  /Have a purrfect day/ /Cherie/ // Have a purrfect day

Re: Question about Euthanasia and my Grace

2005-09-22 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am sorry to hear about MacKenzie, it is so hard and hurts so much, be strong for him, he needs you now.
Cheriejanine paton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all, I'm going through this same thing and am so gratefulfor all the experience and calmness on this subject. And Nina, I don't feel so crazy since reading how youare feeling the same way.My cat MacKenzie is not positive, but he is dying. His breathing is mostly quieter now, but very shallow.He's not hiding at all but has picked a spot on ourbedroom floor under a window. He's stopped eating,and stopped drinking too I think. He can't reallywalk more than one or two steps. My husband and I had this strong feeling that at leastfor now he wants to be here but it's a little tough tosit with. MacKenzie has been a homeopathic patient for the 3yrs he's been with us, so that's how were handling itfor now too. Janine Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: My Beloved Group, First of
 all, I'm sorry I haven't been able to participate fully in the  group this last couple of weeks. I love you all, but for the last  couple of days, I haven't even been able bring myself to read the  posts. I'm physically and emotionally exhausted by Grace and my last  efforts to bring her back to health. Yesterday, I finally resigned  myself to thinking of our time together as 'death bed vigil'. Those of  you that know me, know that I pray all your babies are safe and healthy,  and those that are losing, or have lost the battle; my love is with  you. I don't know what I would have done without the love and support  of this group. You have been a Godsend to me and my sweet fur angels.  Yesterday morning Gracie "told" me she does not want to stay. Among  other signs, I was syringe feeding her and
 she refused to swallow. I'm  trying my best to make peace with her decision. I know you understand.  She hasn't eaten on her own for a long time now and she's skin and  bones. She spent a nice peaceful day, and I did my best to just "be  with her". During the afternoon she made it clear that she didn't want  to be sung to, or touched. It's so hard on me to watch her pull away.  At one point, she seemed a bit agitated so I ground up a tiny bit of  Valium and gave it to her in water. She was so relaxed she even did a  stretch-semi roll out on the patio in the sun. She did something that  startled me, and got my hopes up again. (I just can't stop believing in  miracles). I was giving the dogs treats and she was laying on the  couch. Well, we have this thing Grace and I.  Whenever the dogs get 
 treats she'd come bounding over the barrier and expect one too. When  she saw me giving the dogs treats this afternoon, she jumped off the  couch. I started to cry, because I thought, there's no way she's going  to take a treat. I put one in front of her anyway and you could have  knocked me over with a sigh. It took her a minute to decide to eat it,  but she not only ate that one, but 3 more. Then she ate 3 or 4 pieces  of kibble! My hopes were short lived though.  I've been up with her most of the night. She still doesn't want my  attention. She doesn't even want me to look at her, it's breaking my  heart to say goodbye, and I guess it may be making it harder for her to  go, although that is not my intention. It's not like I don't want her  to leave her body, I do. I want her suffering to be over.
 Yesterday,  when I knew it was time, I called my Internist's office to see if Dr.  Ortega would be willing to help her cross. Grace has always liked Dr.  Ortega, and I thought she would be calmest with her. Well, my Internist  isn't going to be in the office until Friday. It doesn't seem possible  that Grace will still be here by then. My stance has always been, that  when I know it's the end, when I know that the chance of a recovery  after treatment isn't possible, then it's time to help them cross. Even  though Grace is peaceful, (she just lays on her side and breathes  shallow, but relaxed breaths), I have a hard time letting nature take  it's course. It's arrogant of me, but I can't stand seeing her like  this. I'm also so worried about her being in pain, when I look in her  eyes, she doesn't seem
 in pain, but she doesn't seem like herself  either. I wouldn't mind vacant, but it's almost like she's... not quite  angry, more like annoyed to still be here.  Just to let you know... Over the past week or so, I think I may have  mentioned it, we've been following an extensive homeopathic regime with  the help of a practitioner named Darla Palmer.  While it didn't save  Grace, it did bring her back into her body, and for brief glorious  moments, back to me. It was such a joy to see the Grace I know and love  shining out of her eyes again.  Anyway, here's my question: Can anyone tell me how difficult it is to  put an animal to sleep in an emaciated condition?  Of course, I don't  want to make things harder on her, I want to ease her suffering. What  if they can't find a vein, because they're so
 small? I just want 

Re: new cat coming--advice needed

2005-09-19 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I have had great success with introductions..actually I am introducing one right now.I keep the new one closed up for a day and take blanets out on the new ones room for the others to smell...then day two I leave the door open and let everyone meet (with me there of course) I do this 4 or five timesthen day three, fourI keep the door open ONLY when I am at home, there is usually a lot of hissing but that is it by day five an I keep it open at night when I can listen then by day six and seven they are pretty used to each other, so the new one may hide but often enough one of the others has taken her under their wing.

GODD LUCK :-))"MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear friends, I need some advice!

One of the NJ FeLV cats will be coming soon--possibly this Wed--to join my 2 remaining feral kitties (Mickie who's got FeLV, and Momcat who has tested neg twice).
Mickey and Momcat live in my 2nd bedroom.

I have 2 Qs--

1. d'you think Ineed to introducethe new little guyslowly--I'd have to keephim in my bedroom while I'm at work, which could mean he'll be on his own for long stretches. :( (It's such a long time since I've had to introduce anyone---my brood all came as an existing colony.) Little new guy, by the way, is supposed to be people-friendly. I'm hoping it will help bring my two round. 
Cherie, whodoes rescue---she's the angel that took all the NJ cats--said she didn't think I needed to keeplittle new guyseparate (like in a crate, the other option I mentioned to her). But everythingI read in the past says I should introduce them s-l-o-w-l-y. 

2. D'you think I should remove the negative cat, Momcat, from the room because otherwise she could contract FeLV from the new cat if it were a different strain of FeLV. (I'm very hazy on this stuff but I think I recall Sally in San Jose talking about different strains.)Momcat's never been vaccinated for FeLV. She's still scared, and I really don't want to upset her further at this point. I dream of integrating her woth my bunch one day. It will be awful trying to catch her--much worse than the kittens and they were difficult enough.

All opinions much appreciated!! Thanks in advanceKerry

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor

This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Have a purrfect day

Re: So many losses...

2005-09-17 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Nina we are here for you...let us be your strength
CherieNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Terri B, Terri D and Bonnie,I'm so sorry for all the heartache and loss. I'm sitting here numb with the grief of it. My little Gracie is fighting for her life and it's so hard to imagine how we will bear it all. I have no words, only sadness. Sometimes it's so hard to keep fighting. I'll write again when my strength returns. In the meantime know that I love you, appreciate you and feel your pain.NinaHave a purrfect day

Re: Our Beautiful Salome'

2005-09-16 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am so sorry for you loss Terri, just know that you and Dan can always find comfort here.
Big warm huggs and head butts
cherieTerri Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Maybe this is what I get for bragging.

Our Big Beautiful Girl, her Daddy's Salome', has left us for the Rainbow Bridge as of 10:15 AM this morning.

She had been doing so well -- was sick only once in her whole life, last summer. She got over that URI all by herself, without antibiotic. She stopped eating just about 5 days ago. No visible reason, but then she started vomiting, and had loose stool. We finally took her to the vet on Wednesday thinking maybe she had swallowed something that was causing stomach distress. We checked her for blockage, and ran a blood panel.

X-rays were clear. Some distension due to gas, but no foreign objects or anything. However, her white cell count was 8, her kidneys were not functioning to capacity, and her liver was in end stage failure. We brought home an anti-emitic and amoxi-drops, but she still refused to eat, would not allow force feeding, and vomited up the medication.

This morning, she had bloody diarrhea and bloody urine. Her Daddy (my husband Dan) finally saw that he needed to end her pain. Her bottom was all swollen and leaky and her bones were starting to show. She was looking hollow -- not much of her left when she would make eye contact.

I have a splitting headache. My husband is weeping, and beating himself up over this, even though we know that she was suffering and is now free from her pains. Now she is free to romp and play with her sisfurs and her brofurs that have gone before her -- especially her litter-mate Ruthie-Girl, who has been waiting for her sisfur Salome' at the Rainbow Bridge for 9 years.

Whether or not she was truly FeLV+ I don't really know -- but I am grateful that I had the privilege of sharing her life on earth. I thank God that He entrusted her to our care, and that she saw fit to bring us her baby brofur Travis to taker her place in playing with the soda bottle caps and paper bags. He is so much liker her already, it's scary. He's like both of them -- Salome' and Ruthie both.

The furkid photos link in my signature has pictures of her for any of you who don't remember what she looked like, or for those of you who just want to take another look.

To my felvtalk family -- Please add her to the next Candle light service? I thank God every day that He provided this list. I don't think I would have gotten through these past 6 years without all of you to fall back on -- in both times of sorrow and in times of joy.

Goodnight, my sweet darling Salome'...

=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec and Salome'=^..^=

Furkid Photos! FeLV Site: Personal Page: a purrfect day

Re: Atlanta and Athens :(

2005-09-16 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am sorry Terri, it is such a horrid disease..but aren't they all, at least they had you for a little while.
huggs and head butts
cherieTerri Durham-Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Atlanta (white with tabby) and Athens (grey tabby) born 4-3-05, wereboth pts yesterday Both had FELV (tested 2 times) and Atlanta couldhardly walk and Athens was on his way. Decided to let them go gentlyand with out anymore pain. These are the last two of the five siblingsthat tested positive. The one brother - Rome, tested negative 2 monthsago, retested yesterday and is still negative, he will now be adoptedout.I hope I never have this disease again, but I am sure I will being thatI do rescue. This has made me realize what a horrible disease this isalong with FIP . 3 of the 5 died from FIP but I am sure it wasbecause of the FELV and their immune systems not being able to fightanything off :(We seem to have a high rate of FIP in this area .. :(Heavy heavy heart in Oakdale, CATerrips please add them to the
 candle lite service for Monday - thank you--Terri Durham-StoneSafe a Life "Spay and Neuter"Live well, Love much, Laugh OftenHave a purrfect day

Re: OT: Help - a 5 wk old kitten swallowed a tip of the nipple in the bottle..

2005-09-15 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Have you tried LaxatoneI am not sure if you can actually make a cat poop but a laxative might also work
CherieHideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I need your advise – my 5 week old baby, Ceaser chewed and bite off the top of the nipple (rubber) of the bottle – not the whole top, but about a half or 1/3 – I took him to the vet.. and he felt that the time has passed so it’s too late for trying to make him throw up … he said that I will have to watch the sign of vomiting and stuff… when I left the house this moring.. he was sort of hiding which he does not do usually --- so now I am worried.. any advise?? (I was told that I need to keep feeding him often to flush it out..)Have a purrfect day

RE: OT: Help - a 5 wk old kitten swallowed a tip of the nipple inthe bottle..

2005-09-15 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Sorry it was worth a shot though ;(

Could you ask the vet to reccomend some sort of laxative, I know Pumpkin helps them poop.Hideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I couldn’t find Laxatone at the store I just went – and bought hair ball paste.. and after I bought,,, I was reading the instruction and said “don’t’ give to a cat younger than 6 months.. bummer!!

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cherie A GabbertSent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 11:41 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: OT: Help - a 5 wk old kitten swallowed a tip of the nipple inthe bottle..

Have you tried LaxatoneI am not sure if you can actually make a cat poop but a laxative might also work

CherieHideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I need your advise – my 5 week old baby, Ceaser chewed and bite off the top of the nipple (rubber) of the bottle – not the whole top, but about a half or 1/3 – I took him to the vet.. and he felt that the time has passed so it’s too late for trying to make him throw up … he said that I will have to watch the sign of vomiting and stuff… when I left the house this moring.. he was sort of hiding which he does not do usually --- so now I am worried.. any advise?? (I was told that I need to keep feeding him often to flush it out..)

Have a purrfect day


Have a purrfect day

Re: laser toy

2005-09-10 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
They do not fall off the face of the Earth...other people get them, but you sometimes will not...go figure, I have been having big time issues with the emailing and I have just decided to wait it out and hopefully it will fix itself, just like it messed itself up...I use the same address above also, and sometimes I do not see my own emails...
CherieKarolyn Lount [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Help...I need your help. I keep sending messages to the email address Ihave(shown above) and they seem to fall off the face of the earth...canyou help me by replying with the e-mail address you useHave a purrfect day

Re: Geroge's passing

2005-09-07 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am really sorry to hear about George, my heart goes out to you.
CherieHideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, my beloved George whom I rescued two month ago crossed the bridge yesterday – he had a very labored breathing for the past few days, the vet felt that he was having a hard time overcoming URI due to the compromised immune system from FIV – he had been so well, he had a very good appetite.. but he never could really gain weight. He was very jaundiced and yellow ness did not really go away,, but he was doing so good..though,, Since he is a feral boy,, I really did not want to stress him out taking him to a vet all the time…..though. I did sense the his last days might have been approaching as I felt that it must have been painful to breath so heavily.. and he was getting so skinny regardless of his appetite…the vet thought that his throat was very inflamed, and was going to call him the first thing yesterday morning to see if I could give him predisone… but he did not make it

I must have know that something was going to happen that morning, because I couldn’t sleep since 4 am that day..I was so nervous and was wide awake, kept thinking of George… I would go check the room and see how he was doing.. and would go back (he would get stressed more if I were around since he is a feral boy).. so I would go back,, one time, I heard really loud breathing, and I saw him trying to eat the food from the plate.. so I wanted to leave him alone so he could eat.. so I did.. and an half hour later or an hour.. I went back into the room.. and I did not hear his breathing noise in the room.. I got so scared… and I looked around..and called his name..and he was lying on the floor by the food plate with his eyes and mouth open.. and I ran over to him and held him… he was still warm.. but he had passed already.. I cried and cried and held him, and I wrapped him with a blanket..
 and put him on the table by the window…. He looked so painful with his eyes and mouth were open.. and I wish that they weren’t.. but then, an interesting thing happened.. I went back to visit George by the window in the room an half hour later .. and this time.. his eyes and mouth were completely closed and he looked so peaceful.. looked like he was just sleeping..with no more pain…

I have lots of regrets for thing I have done or I haven’t done for George.. things that I would regret for the rest of my lives and things that ended up shortening his lives and things that I would never forgive myself for.. but. I talked to Jasmine, my AC this morning and she talked to George for me.. and I still feel very sad, but I also feel very peaceful. George is doing fabulous right now, he said... he is a little sad.. but he is feeling very good. We talked about a lot of things.. but at the end he told me that.. don’t think that he is just a little helpless cat,, he is much more.. especially now,, he is free, and he can be an advisor for me --- as I do have a tendency to try to control every situation I encounter.. and I beat up myself when I can’t anyway, he gave me some advise which I found very very helpful to continue my life..
George said that he would like to meet me again,, probably not in my life time… I left the conversation, asking him that if he would talk to me again.. and he said yes.. I told him that I love him and will miss him very much…. And at the end,, he told me that he loves me, too…. George has been always a little feral boy.. and it meant the world to me to know that he loves me….I buried him at his favorite spot in the garden.. the place he used to hang out…

Thank for all the prayers you have given for George in the past… now George has passed..please pray that George will be continue to be happy, and continue to have a good life and that some day…I will meet him soon.

HideyoHave a purrfect day

Re: laser toy

2005-09-07 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
My whole crue loves that toy, I do not have any toys that they play with as a group but this is one.of course flies, boy do they love the flies.

Cheriejanine paton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Kerry, Most of my cats love the laser. No matter how quietlyI try to take it out of it's hiding spot, some of themwill actually wake up immediately and come running. Ifind it amazing that they know the difference betweenthe noise the chain on the laser makes and dozens ofothers similar noises.I used to worry about it teasing them also, until onecat, whenever I took my finger off the switch, cameover and smacked my arm, looking straight into myeyes, until I turned it back on - then she was back topretending it was really something to chase.And another will just stop and look over his shoulderat me as if to say Aw, come one, turn it back on! (and this one I don't consider to be the brightest ofthe bunch )So, I decided then they must know, they're just suchgreat pretenders. Janine---
 "MacKenzie, Kerry N."<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Glad someone mentioned the laser toy--I do use it occasionally because it's the one thing that never fails to get my 2 quarantined cats moving. But the reason I only use it occasionally is that I worry about the frustration element-they think there's something to catch but they can never succeed. Ditto those cat videos showing birds etc, with all the sound effects. I used to play them, but worried about the cats becoming depressed. I'd love to hear other opinions. Is there any reliable info out there on how chasing intangible objects affects cats? If I thought they were really ok, I'd use them more often. Kerry -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barb
 Moermond Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 2:51 PM To: Subject: Re: Bandy and supplements   I would be cautious in using laser pointers as toys - I know they love it and I bring mine out a couple times a year, but it can make some kitties go a little nuts. One of the clinic cats where I take my boys lost it after having played with the laser toy and kept looking for the red dot to the point she was attacking other kitties. No more lasers and she was on meds for a while but is OK now. Just something to keep in mind!  --- maimaipg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:   My alternative vet recommends transfer factor and  MacroForce for boosting the immune system. The  active ingredient in Macro Force is available in  other brands. This just happens to be the
 easiest  to get in my area of the country. She also uses  laser (as has me use a regular laser pointer) on  various points on the cat's body. It acts sort of  like acupuncture. You would have to get someone to  show you the points or try to figure it out from the  internet. Keep the light out of the eyes. But  enjoy running the light in circles around the cat.   Mine love to chase the little red dot they can't  catch. For $20 it is a wonderful toy even if you  can't figure the alternative med stuff out. It  stimulates their interest and gives them exercise  that has to help their morale.  - Original Message -   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   To:   Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 10:11 AM  Subject: Re: Bandy and
 supplements  I do not think that any supplements will help with  the anemia directly unless it is iron anemia, which  is very rare in cats and probably is not the case  with him. I would put him on 500 mg per day of  Lysine, split into two doses, and a multi-vitamin  supplement (like Pet Tinic, which does have iron)  and maybe switch on and off between echinacea and  astragalus every week. I would mix them into baby  food twice per day in small doses and let him eat  them. People also rave about Transfer Factor, which  I have not tried yet, so maybe that as well. I would  start with one at a time so if he does not want to  eat the baby food you will know which supplement he  does not like.  Michelle   Barb+Smoky the
 House Puma+El Bandito Malito  "My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."  - Anonymous__ Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.  

  IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek 

Recent Losses

2005-09-06 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Hi All
I do not believe I am getting all the emails from the list still, and I have not had time to check the archives, to individually comment and offer condolences. 

I am so sorry for all of the recent losses, I light a candle for our dearly loved furrbabies that have taken the walk over the bridge, to that wonderous place on the other side, I hope one and all realize that they are never really truly gone, always loved and remebered by us the ones who they watched over and loved while they were a part of our enriched livesthey are truly healthy and happy now, eating the grass and playing with the bugs.

Again I offer my deepest condolences, and heartfelt huggs and headbutts to all
CherieHave a purrfect day

Recent Losses

2005-09-06 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Hi All
I do not believe I am getting all the emails from the list still, and I have not had time to check the archives, to individually comment and offer condolences. 

I am so sorry for all of the recent losses, I light a candle for our dearly loved furrbabies that have taken the walk over the bridge, to that wonderous place on the other side, I hope one and all realize that they are never really truly gone, always loved and remebered by us the ones who they watched over and loved while they were a part of our enriched livesthey are truly healthy and happy now, eating the grass and playing with the bugs.

Again I offer my deepest condolences, and heartfelt huggs and headbutts to all
CherieHave a purrfect day

Recent Losses

2005-09-06 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Hi All
I do not believe I am getting all the emails from the list still, and I have not had time to check the archives, to individually comment and offer condolences. 

I am so sorry for all of the recent losses, I light a candle for our dearly loved furrbabies that have taken the walk over the bridge, to that wonderous place on the other side, I hope one and all realize that they are never really truly gone, always loved and remebered by us the ones who they watched over and loved while they were a part of our enriched livesthey are truly healthy and happy now, eating the grass and playing with the bugs.

Again I offer my deepest condolences, and heartfelt huggs and headbutts to all
CherieHave a purrfect day

Re: Recent Losses

2005-09-06 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
At least I am not the only one
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Cherie , I'm not getting all my mail either and I get multiple copies of some. Sheila Have a purrfect day

Re: Our Wonderful, Dedicated Belinda

2005-09-02 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Wonderfully put Patti, Belinda is a pillar amoungst us all. She has done so much and maintained such a place in all hearts and the CLS that gives us all comfort.

Thank you Belinda Huggs and Purrs
and thank you Patti for your heart felt email.
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just wanted to take the time to give Belinda the recognition  thanks she deserves for being "The Angel" amongst us in our group

The time, energy and love she puts into maintaing our CLS site is incredible!
It certainly takes a "very special someone" to keep up with all the losses, sickness, and special needs in our group Yet, week after week she does a remarkable job.

There is so much "sorrow", and many times you see the multiple losses an indiviual has encountered in such a brief time, (Just as I recently did experience), that sometimes on Mondays I just light my candles and say my "own" prayers, because it can be so painful to see the list grow..

Tonight is Thursday, and it was tonight that I went thru the service, prayers and candlelighting
Before that I actually took the time and went over ALL the lists for our departed fur-angels over the years.
It has truely been a "bittersweet" experience for me..
Not only did memories come flooding back to me about my own, dear "fur~angels, but also the memories of going thru these tragic losses with other list members over the years.
How sad it is to see just how many losses so many of us have gone thru, yet, here we are. STILL..
It certainly says much about this wonderful list and our members.

It is with hearfelt thanks to Belinda that we can mourn our losses, celebrate their lives and ALWAYS remember them  what special places they have in our hearts.
And, knowing, one day, we will ALL be reunited as "WE" cross The Bridge to be greeted by our departed fur~angels.
Heartfelt thanks to you Belinda, for giving us that gift, which I do believe encourages each and everyone of us to go on..
Much Love,
PattiHave a purrfect day

Re: pet victims of Katrina--donations!!

2005-09-01 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
This is great Thank you, I will forward these websites to all I knowCherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks, Julie...I wish I could do more...I just checked out the HoustonSPCA's and Humane Society's websites...the SPCA is offering to take inany pets of refugees staying in Houston and the Humane Society isoffering a free clinic through the holiday weekend where staff willvolunteer their time to give cajun-refugee pets free medical care andvaccinations...these are wonderful organizations, if anyone wishes todonate, please visit their websites at and !!!Jen"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will beunique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; Youbecome responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine deSaint-Exupéry"If you talk to the animals they
 will talk with you and you will knoweach other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and whatyou do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief DanGeorge- Original Message -From: Julie Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Thursday, September 1, 2005 2:38 pmSubject: Re: pet victims of Katrina What you were able to do is wonderful, Jen! I cannot even imagine  what conditions there are like; by all accounts it's Hell on earth.  It's heartbreaking and I think of the animals and children and the  sick who can't understand what's happened to them. The only place  I know of that is currently soliciting donations specifically for  animal rescue from this horror is in case anyone is interested.  Julie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thankfully, most of the animals in those pics have their owner's
  with  them! We actually hit the Houston SPCA and Humane Society here in  Houston to drop off food and supplies...The SPCA took in over 250  homeless animals from the Louisiana SPCA and the Humane Society is  going hotel-to-hotel, shelter-to-shelter to drop off much needed  food  for other animal-refugees! We actually ran into another woman at  Sam's Club who saw our cart-load of food and mentioned that word  went  out at Petsmart and Petco about the SPCA's call for food and  donations  for the the woman immediately picked up about 500  lbs.  of food and dropped it off at the's good to know that  the  animals haven't been forgotten in this tragedy!    "But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will  be  unique in
 all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the  world;  You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." -- Antoine  de Saint-Exupéry  "If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will  know  each other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and  what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." -- Chief Dan George  Opens a link to click on to view the images of some of the pets in  the storm. I know it's been discussed, wasn't sure anyone had seen  the pictures. And these are only a few from ONE network. Lots of  animals trapped on roofs and in houses.  Jenn Adopt a cat from UCAT rescue:  Adopt a FIV+ cat: Adopt a FELV+ cat: "Saving one animal won't make a difference in the world, but it  will make a world of difference for that one animal."~~~ I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special  needs cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life. Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they  add up until she earns a free can of formula! PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!  If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing  address you can send them to, to help feed Bazil! No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.18/86 - Release Date:
  8/31/2005  "I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. "   "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged  by the way its animals are treated."  Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)   Paws Come WITH Claws!!!  If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think  your decision to acquire a pet. __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Have a purrfect day

Re: For Amy - Leuk Positive Cat

2005-08-31 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am still not getting emails, but when they come through I will respond if I can...Kerry and Amy, I too am in Chicago I can help transport, if possible.
Cherie"MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Amy, if kitty Homey is still homeless/about to be euthanized, andthere's a way for him to be transported to Chicago, I'll take the littlefellow. (I have no wheels/driver's license myself unfortunately.)My only worry is how he would cope with being restricted to the guestbedroom/catroom -- the only space I have for the FeLV kitties. Anyway,let me know what the situation is when you have a moment...thanks, Kerry-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amy WilkinsSent: Monday, August 29, 2005 5:50 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Leuk Positive Cat Yet again, somebody has contacted me about helping outa leukemia positive kitty. Sorry to always bedropping these on you guys but I just got married andthen came
 home and adopted 2 more cats (1 FIV+ and 1FeLV+) the next day. I'm out of room and I wanted towrite and see if anybody can take this cat. I'll setup transport if anybody has room for him. Here is a copy of the e-mail I got about him. I alsohave pictures of him that I will send to anybody thatis interested. I need to find somebody within acouple days or she will be euthanizing him. He is inRochester, NY but I'm willing to set up transport upto 8-10 hours away. (copy of e-mail) Dear Amy: Per Judy Newman's (Habitat for Cats?) request, I amwriting you to ask for your help, if you are able toat all. You have no idea how much I appreciate thework you do for animals. You are an angel. Judyasked me to give you as much information about thiscat as I could. I have been feeding feral/homeless cats for over 3years now, every single morning at 5:30 am. (beforethe owners get there, as they are not
 the nicestpeople when it comes to compassion for these animals),through rain and snow, behind Lorraine's Restaurant onCulver and East Main. I have seen quite a fewdifferent animals, but the one I am now speaking ofjust came about last Tuesday. After putting the foodand water out, this cute cat let me come close to it,then actually allowed me to scratch his head. As Istarted to get up, he sidled up to my leg and startedto follow me back to my car. The next morning, I didnot see him, but on Thursday, with cage in the backseat and a towel to grab it with, he allowed me topick it up and I brought it home to my back bedroom,where, although a bit frightened, he let me pet himand he gobbled up food. His demeanor is sweet. At first, I thought itcouldn't be homeless due to its sweet way, but thegreasy coat, and matted fur, and malnourished bodythat the veterinarian told me told me this morning ithad, convinced me
 otherwise. At home I took awashcloth and tried to bathe it the best I could. Heeven has started to play with strings. I had made an appointment for it on Monday, today, the22nd of August for its shots and neutering. I havesix other cats whom I have rescued over the years. Iwas planning on trying to find a home for this onebecause as you know, its hard on the other cats in thehouse - especially when they are all so territorialalready! I brought the homeless kitty in this morningand the vet immediately called me to say they had ittested and it has feline leukemia. Which broke myheart. I called Humane Society as I have heard ofsanctuaries for these cats. They referred me to JudyNewman. The reason this breaks my heart the most, is that thiscat is less than a year old, has very beautiful green,loving eyes, purrs for me, plays with me, loves to beheld and rub his nose against your face. He is alsolitter
 trained. He is like a black/brown stripedmedium to long haired beauty. I love him already somuch, but know I can't keep him with the other cats inthe house. The vet did the neutering procedure this morning, andgave him his rabies and distemper shot. They alsocleaned his mats out of fur. I had him scheduled for4 pm. to be put to sleep, but then received the callfrom Judy an hour ago saying there may be hope, withyou. And I know that is a slight chance, but Amy, youhave no idea how much you have helped already, knowingsomeone out there cares about something that theyhaven't even seen. If you had by now, you would be inlove. He is just the sweetest. I called the vet andasked them to give him the name "Homey" for now, sothat he at least will have had a name in his shortlife. I just called the vet and told them I would bepicking up the cat today at 4pm, at least for a fewdays, and am going to take him home and
 give him somegreat meals and loving, until I hear back from you. Amy Wilkins Woof Wagonwww.woofwagon.comStart your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP has moved its Chicago office to Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606. Email addresses, 

Re: Won't Eat....Please Help

2005-08-30 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
WooHoo I finally got a messageI will give my two cents on a subject I am assuming is still open...I use cooked hamburger, or 95% raw hamburger...also you can try yogart, plain

I am excited to be backyeah
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have found that mine like Gerbers better than Beechnut, probably because it is junkier!
MichelleHave a purrfect day

Re: Mandy

2005-08-26 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Glad to hear it Julie, keep us posted...on the results ;-))

I would also like to say, I am responding to the few emails coming through, so I may have missed quite a few, this is the first one I have gotten today. Sorry all ;-((
Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Wendy just called and they are sending the biopsies (5) out to a lab. She was going to try and remove the mass, but there is so much tongue involvement that she feels a veterinary oral surgeon should do it. She hoped to have some idea of what was going on, but feels that it's just impossible to tell without the biopsy results.

Mandy is coming home tonight; no worse (probably a little sore, but I'm having pain medication prescribed), but also no better. She truly does not seem to be in any pain and is eating well and bopping around like her ususal good-natured self.She'll have a smorgasbord to choose from tonight! 

It will be good to have our little girl home and we'll just have to see what the tests show next week.

Thank you everyone for all your good thoughts and wishes.

Hugs and headbutts to all.

Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page Have a purrfect day

Re: Please add Butternut to the CLS - MISSED EMAILS (group)

2005-08-25 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
To the group...
I am sorry for all the missed condolences, I have been down for two days and this is the first email that has come through from the site.

I am sorry for all your recent losses, Susan Butternut sounds precious and I am sure out of pain.

On an up note, I have brought a new baby into my house her name is "Baby" and she is just an itsy bitsy thing, I will have her picture up on my website starting Sept 1stshe was not planned but very loved ;-))

Sorry I have been out of touch, I have been really sick for about two months now and I am just recovering
Big huggs all around
CherieSusan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How neat! My Creamsicle was my foster kitty but he ended up being the little one who sleeps curled up in my arms every night - and on top of me every time I sit down - so he isn't going anywhere! Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I have a 'Creamsicle', too!!! Yummy!Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Hmmm. I've also got Popcorn and Creamsicle and last fall lost Orange Julius!Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I'll bet they are, Susan! "Those Mom's of ours were always thinking about FOOD"!

Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks, Julie - I wonder if they are laughing at us for the names we come up with!Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Dear Susan,

I am so sorry for your loss; my heart breaks for you. How wonderful that Butternut was lucky enough to join your family and spend his too-short life surrounded by love. I hope your memories will comfort you and I know how terribly hard it is, but I also hope you can celebrate his life and not simply mourn his passing. I'm sure he's found Tater Tot and they're having a grand time and speculating about why we're so fond of food-related names.

Take care of yourself.

Love, Julie
Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yesterday I lost Butternut to this evil disease. He was 3 1/2 years old - so I know he has lived longer than most babies born positive - but is wasn't long enough. It never is, is it. I am in Arkansas and over 3 years ago there was a situation in the northern part of the state - out in the sticks somewhere - where lots of cats were left at a trailer park of some sort. It was in the news that a vet had been hired to euthanize them all.2 members of our rescue group headed up there to see what could be done -- all they managed to save was one little orange tabby boy, Butternut, who tested positive for feleuk. Since I already had feleuk babies, including Gloria's Mittens and my Leader and their littermates, who were the same age as Butternut, I took him. He has been wonderfully healthy and happy and very much loved for the whole of his short life. 

Over the last couple of days he went downhill fast and yesterday lost the use of his hind legs. We chose to free him before he began to really suffer. I know he is playing at the Rainbow Bridge with Mittens and the rest of our feleuk babies. Thanks."I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet. 
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around "I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet. 

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page "I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet. 
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Have a purrfect day

Re: Thanks

2005-08-22 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
He does belong with you ALWAYS
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thankyou all for kind words over Brambles passing. I am at peace becase I know it was right for him. He told me he had had enough and I am in no doubt of that. I can't remember who it was here who suggeted communicating with your cats in that way but I thank you so much - it is the way I will go in future - it was a learning experience but so spiritual - I listened and I heard - and it was right each time. What does upset me is that Buddy and Minstrel are upset now - both are disturbed and looking around for him - especially Buddy as she looked after him and washed him - I was doing well but havejust rolled around screaming in tears trying to explain to them what had happened. 

What I did forget to say though in my last mail is that when I took Bramble in from the sanctuary I promised I would never let him down and that I would never dessert him (as his last 2 owners dumped him when he was sick) - I recited this promise to him today and his ashes are coming home to stay with me despite only having him for a short time- I loved him as much as I ever could and he belongs with me.


Have a purrfect day

Re: My little man has gone to rainbow bridge

2005-08-21 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
So sorry to hear that, I am sorry about Bramble, my thoughts are with you
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My dear boy Bramble was put to sleep about an hour ago. I mentioned yesterday that he started to get very stressed with syringe feedingdespite trying to be as calm as possible for him. But aside from that - he was drinking excess so I wondered about this kidneys failing, he went a bit wobbly and very depressed, started to waste and started to hide for last two days. I kept bringing him out to cuddle him but he was so sick. After going through FIV before and knowing how much of a fight Bramble has had for the last 2-3 years with FIV related symptoms I knew that this was the rihgt time for him to go - he was telling me that he had had enough. When I was last really concerned about him I spoke to him and explained that I love him and really want to help him but that if he had had enough and wanted to leave his body here that it was ok and he couldstay in spirit - he got very uncomfortable about this andalong with signs I had got from praying etc.. I felt he wanted
 to stay and we kept fighting - this time I spoke to him and he just purred and nuzzled me - he lifted his head up and kissed my mouth - and gave me a little need as if to say I've had enough nowplease help me. His affection and kneading was different this time is was very much a cry for help and comfort.

I planned to take him to the vets tomorrow but he was getting more lathargic by the minute so today I phonedand thankfullyhis usual vet was in. 

Today he cuddled up to me for about 90 minutes before we went to the vet andI was telling him about what would happen - he clung on to me and put his paw i my handand was the most content I've seen him for a while - it was as if he knewit would be our last time together.The vet did her best to try and find something that was treatable whilst I stood sobbing away (she was fighting tears too as she got a bit attached to Bramble) and then said that one of his kidneys had enlarged quite a lotwhich was not the case when he was there about a week ago -she agreed she thought it was time and so I asked for a sedative for him first. He reacted strongly to that and vomited which I haven't seen before but eventually after fighting it for a while calmed down and lay on his fluffy blanket -I kept telling himiy was ok togo to sleep. After he was put to sleep I covered him up with his head and paw sticking out and he looked snug andpeaceful
 - I gave him lots of kisses and told him to come home whenever he wanted to - and to go and find my last cat Tidge at rainbow bridge until I get there. Once injected he passed quickly and peacfully.

I couldn't put him through anymore - he had mentally given up so I had to help him go. Never gets any easier and heart breaking every time - but I am happy that everything was done for him inthe end and happy that he is no longer in pain because I know he was starting to be in pain. It was worth taking him from the sanctuary for the short 4 months or so we had - he was a special little man and a very brave one.

I will stay a group member though as I still have Minstrel and Buddy

MichelleHave a purrfect day

Re: Saying goodbye to Bramble

2005-08-20 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am so sorry to hear about this, you will know what is best for your beloved Bramble, but in case you wanted to ask him, I have recently had Kat ( Kathleen A. Berard,Animal Communicator, Vibrational Essences Practitioner and Holistic Care Consultant KATALYST FOR ANIMAL WHOLENESS, INC. [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Communicatewith Venus about the whole peeing thing, and we are working on Venus's issues. You might want to give her a call, and see if she can squeeze you in, if not I am sure you know in your heart of hearts that this is the right thing to do...I am so sorry you have to make this choice, even though rest assured what ever you choose is the best for your baby. Good luck
Huggs Cherie


I thought I'd better update - it saddens me to say that on Monday I will most likely be saying goodbye to my boy Bramble. I know I've been here before wondering if I should put to sleep or not - at all other times I had doubt and it felt wrong - now it feels right. He hasn't taken well to assisted feeding and is just getting scared of feeding time despite being as gentle as possible with the syringe - I'm getting less and less food in him each time. The interferon Omega has not killed off the calici like it did last time. He refuses to eat unassisted and is trying hide himself away. After going through so much I think he is now suffering and has had enough. He is alos being affectionate in a different manner than normal when I put him on my knee. When I asked him if he'd had enough he purred and nuzzled me - last time he got very restless.

I think it's time - part of me hopes he passes quietly in his sleep before Monday but I doubt he will.

Michelle, Bramble, Minstrel BuddyHave a purrfect day

Re: CLS for belinda and all the group

2005-08-13 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I too feel for you, I am so sorry for your losses, they will always be with you, sleeping and cuddeling with you, as long as you can remember.Hugs coming your way
Cheriecatatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm so sorry for your losses.

tonyamaca cats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
hi dear group,i have been mostly lurking lately, and so sad for recent losses, yoursand mine, that I couldn't write, kind of a frozen state...I want to send hugs for evey one of you that is struggling with diseaseand of course for all of you who have lost a dear friend recently. here it has been a hard battle too. on may 27 our lovely Riso died atera terrible night. He had been diagnosed with pancreatitis, which isfatal, and given 2 months to live. he lived for 8 months of reasonablelife quality with our care, but finally his little body couldn'fight anylonger, and his last night he spent almost in comma, with an IV line athome, at bed with us, and he died peacefully in his sleep. I could bearit because we knes he was going to die, so we were at peace since wegave him the best we could.but then Kurt got sick..he was
 the light of my lie, 9 1/2 yo, he was theone who made me understand cats, we communicated with each other in away I fear i will never be able to with any other creature. I miss himso much. he died on july 17, and i couldn't stop holding him until weburied him, he was cold and stiff, ... I never had so much troubleletting go... I still feear to go to bed every night, because myinstinct is always to call him. he slept by my side, with his little pawover my neck for years, now i misss him as if a part of my body isgone...I know only you can understand what I am talking about...Belinda, could you please add Riso and Kurt to the CLS? it helps to seethem remembered in some place. Also could you please add Canelo, anadorable orange tabby who belonged to my nephews, and was killed by acar last july 27. thank you so much for being theer, at the end of the line.sad Macarena and the 13
 furballs.ChileHave a purrfect day

Re: Pos kittens - swollen belly

2005-08-11 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am sorry Terri, but you did the right thing for your kitty. Huggs to you
CherieTerri Durham-Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
HiI took him in and yes I know it was FIP (if you would of seen his stomach -like someone had blown a huge balloon up inside it and it was just an overnight swelling up) and then the vet confirmed it (she pulled fluid outof tummy) ,,, we have had a lot of FIP kittens seems it is pretty bad inthis area,,, probably due to the over population and inner -breeding So my little Angel "Albany" was put to rest today, I will not let anyanimal suffer - I had another kitten just go through it and I waited to longand it was so sad to see him in pain, I swore never again never to let onego that far.Terri (very heavy hearted in Oakdale)ps no one but me in the bathroom... since they are positive they arecomplety isolated from all the others who are all negative.Nina wrote: Oh Terri, how awful! I know from your
 previous post how terribly overwhelmed you are with rescue and to have something like this happen on top of it all! I'm so sorry. I do TNR too, and rescue so many that come to me and I'm ALWAYS nervous when the go to get neutered. Does the vet have any idea why the little boy died? It's so sad. And then to find your little angel, (I'm the proud mom of a felv litter too), develop such a scary symptom! How can you be so certain it's FIP? It could be something else. Did you try to save her/him? What did the vet say? One of our list members had success with FIP using Transfer Factor. I'm praying that it's something else so the other kitties aren't in so much danger. Has anyone else come in contact with the kittens in the bathroom? My thoughts, prayers and sympathies are with you. I wish I could be there with you to help you battle this, but all I can do is try and send you strength
 through the computer. Bless you for taking this on, Nina Terri Durham-Stone wrote: Had a Rotten day today One of our Male kittens ( 3.5 months old) died after his neuter, although everyone else seems fine, worried and keep checking them but they are all up and moving around and almost back to the norm.  Then regarding my 5 out of 6 kittens that tested Felv Positive, (they get re-tested on Thursday) - Well tonight I went in the hall bath to feed and one of them has a belly like someone blew up a balloon in him - this happened over night, cause last night he was fine. I am sure it is FIP and I have dealt with this in the past and no nothing we can do ,,, just hurts - these babies were born here, I even filmed their birth  What a rotten day today ... so sad :(
  Terri  -- Terri Durham-Stone Safe a Life "Spay and Neuter" Live well, Love much, Laugh Often   --Terri Durham-StoneSafe a Life "Spay and Neuter"Live well, Love much, Laugh OftenHave a purrfect day

Re: Pos kittens - swollen belly

2005-08-10 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am so sorry or your loss...what a terrible thing to go through.My heart goes out to you
Terri Durham-Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Had a Rotten day todayOne of our Male kittens ( 3.5 months old) died after his neuter,although everyone else seems fine, worried and keep checking them butthey are all up and moving around and almost back to the norm.Then regarding my 5 out of 6 kittens that tested Felv Positive, (theyget re-tested on Thursday) - Well tonight I went in the hall bath tofeed and one of them has a belly like someone blew up a balloon in him -this happened over night, cause last night he was fine. I am sureit is FIP and I have dealt with this in the past and no nothing we cando ,,, just hurts - these babies were born here, I even filmed theirbirthWhat a rotten day today ... so sad :(Terri--Terri Durham-StoneSafe a Life "Spay and Neuter"Live well, Love much, Laugh
 OftenHave a purrfect day

Re: Hi Everyone

2005-08-09 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am sorry to hear about you husband's problems, but I am happy that you both are getting back to normal (whatever that means). You have had one Hell of a year so far, I just hope with all my being that the remainder goes better for you and yours.
I am happy to hear about Brownie, and his head butting, but saddened for Tater Tot, I am sure they were great comfort to both you and your husband through his ordeals. I will send Tater Tot all the positve vibes I have left in me, and great big hugs to you and yours.

Stay upbeat and positive, you sound like your families driving force ;-))

Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Friends,

I tried to get thru my overflowing (months!) of email and it just wasn't going to happen. I can see that we have suffered some terrible losses and my heart goes out to everyone who has lost a beloved companion; I hope your memories will comfort you. It also seems that we have new members; the reason for finding this group is always sad, but you will never find a group of more loving, caring friends.

Some of you might remember that last winter my husband was diagnosed with multiple aneurysms; the most serious was in his abdomen and after weeks of tests and referrals, he was scheduled for surgery because the abdominal aneurysm was felt to be in danger of rupture. He had that surgery and came through it well. He was home for about a week and one morning we were up having coffee and he suddenly got this really strange look on his face; I asked if he needed pain medication and he said, "no; I'm blind". OK; bit of a heart-stopper there. He was rushed to the ER and it was finally determined that his left carotid artery was completely blocked and he'd actually had blood flow stop temporarily. He was transferred by ambulance back to the hospital in Hartford where he had his prior surgery (we live about 30 miles east) and had emergency surgery to clean out the artery. I repeatedly asked how this could have been missed after all the screening that was done
 pre-surgery since he is a high-risk patient (diabetic and known cardiac blockage). I really got no answers and I am angry to this day thathe could easily have died or been left permanently impaired. His sight did return and we feel fortunate, but once again, I feel my trust in the medical community erode a bit further. We absolutely did not intend to sue anyone; we simply wanted to be sure that absolutely everything that he SHOULD be screened for (how can you ask for it if you don't know about it?) he was screened for. He's left with some numbness on one side of his face that primarily bothers him when he trims his beard (says it feels weird), and a big scar from behind his ear to his collar bone; big deal, right? I told him it just makes him look tough! I was out of work for a bit caring for him (he's now back to work, too) and came back to a nightmare of project deadlines, office moves, a new boss, and a generally toxic workplace!

On the kitty front, Brownie (FIV+) had both his eyes removed and he is like a different cat! He rubs his head all over now; it obviously hurt too much to do it before. I will never use the vet who initially screened him again. 

Tater Tot is in the hospital on an IV and being evaluated. He had a mild cold about 2 weeks ago and I took him in and we decided to give sub-q fluids and Lysinesince he does have herpes and it just seemed to be a particularly bad flare-up (I was given a sample of a new veterinary lysine gel to try and evaluate; thumbs down! It was way too think and 500mg worth was a really big blob that he was having no part of; so stick to the capsules until they reformulate, is my advice!). Since then, I've observed him straining to poop and passing tiny little stools and by this weekend it was obvious that fluid was collecting in his belly. The aspirate didn't look like typical FIP fluid, but it's being sent out and bloodwork and many other tests are being done. My heart is just breaking for him; he's only six years old and been sick so much of his life. They've already warned me that whatever is going on is not good but I just pray that it's
 treatable. Please think good thoughts for him.

It's been a hot, muggy and miserable summer here in the Northeast and I am having a terrible flea outbreak; I swear that I have some mutant strain of super-fleas that nothing will kill! I've used Borax successfully for years, and at one point (in a room I have sealed off)they were jumping out of it! I'd left an absurd amount on the floor (like half an inch; thinking, "I WILL kill you") and I went in to check and vacuum it up after a few DAYS and they were leaping out of it biting me! I swear they were bigger and stronger than before I put the Borax down! I've had to use Frontline on everyone (Program for the ferals because I can slip it into their food) which I hate to do because I think it's so dangerous (it takes fingernail polish off!!!) but I have 3 cats who get terrible dermatitis 

Re: Georgie IS FOUND!!!

2005-08-09 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Wonderful news ;-))"MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear all
I just wanted to thank you all for all your prayers and support for Georgie--it worked!!!
I got this email from Nancy today! (Of course, I asked for the "story" and that's in the 2nd email.)
So good to hear this news--and I know you'd all want to hear it too.

After nearly a week of you-know-what for Steve and I …Georgie was found safe and sound late Saturday night…I'm sparing the details but if anyone wants the story, let me know. He is recouping from his adventure. He's thinner (and smaller than I remembered) but overall looks good and appears healthy. We are watching him closely and loving him tons. He appears to have a better appreciation for his family. We are getting lots of kisses and he is more vocal now. I took yesterday off just to love him!! 
Thanks everyone for your thoughts, prayers and support during this difficult time.

Here's the story...
To make a long story short, we got a call on Saturday that led us near St. George's church (can you believe?). It wasn't him but my husband had a feeling. Late that night (around 9:30) after passing out flyers and looking for him we went home. My husband went to water our garden and I decided to go back and sit on the patio. I had been putting food out and the food in the front and back were nearly empty. We decided to move the food so we could see out our bedroom window to see who was eating it. As soon as I did, we heard a meow coming from the dark sidewalk. I wasn't sure if it was Georgie or not but I got down on my knees and called him. He came close and I tried to grab him but he ran off. He didn't go very far and howled/meowed. I called him again and jingled his food. He came close. I picked him up. I handed him off to my husband (who stated he wasn't go to let him go for his life) and ran to the front to get
 his carrier. We shoved him in it and then took him to the front to see if it was him. After confirming certain details, we realized it was indeed our Georgie and we jumped up/down and hugged each other and realized what a blessing we received.
We went to St. George's church Sunday morning. My husband didn't have a dry eye the entire mass.=00

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Re: Bramble is worse

2005-08-05 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am so sorry to hear about Bramble I have been off and on and tring to follow as best I can but,
Have you tried an animal communicator?
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Today Bramble is worse - he is very lethargic, has swollen lymph nodesand refuses to eat showing no interest in food. Iforce fed him bits but he gets stressed by it all. He looks so depressed and I fear that he is starting to give up - if he is the same over weekend I think I will need to help him pass.I know I need to not cry and be distressed in front of him but I am just sobbing my heart out. The vet has given a vitamin B complex that sometimes helps stimulate appetite to try over the weekend but I think my boy is getting too tired now after his brave fight. If it was just pain related I may have considered temporary feeding tube but today is more disengaging and complete lack of motivation or interest and I don't think it's fair to do the feeding tube if he has truly had enough - I can't put him through anymore if he is saying no more.

Michelle, Bramble, Minstrel  Buddy.Have a purrfect day

Re: I'm back

2005-07-31 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Glad to have you back Kerry, we were all worried ;-))Kerry MacKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear everyoneI'm sorry I haven't been in touch till now--it's taken me much longer thanusual to get back in the groove what with everything that happened before Ileft and then having to leave my parents last weekend who although they'regetting along more or less fine could do with some extra help--I am more andmore torn about whether I should remain here or go back to UK. I got backhome a day late (because of flight cancellation) and then to top it all Icame back to a computer that until now would only receive, not send, email.Aaargh.Just wanted to thank everyone who wrote such lovely caring messages afterFlavia and Snowball -- I will be replying individually over the next day ortwo. I also need to catch up with the list generally-- meanwhile please knowmy heart is with those who have suffered losses, and my prayers are withthose
 kitties who are ill.I thought it would be hard collecting the ashes today but managed tomaintain my composure (the vet staff probably dread my arrival these days).Thanks for all your concern. It's good to be back. I love you people.till laterlove and hugs, Kerry- Original Message -From: "Nina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:50 PMSubject: Has anyone heard from Kerry MacKenzie? Hi Everyone, Have I missed a post from Kerry MacKenzie? She was suppose to be back around the 23rd. NinaHave a purrfect day

Re: Has anyone heard from Kerry MacKenzie?

2005-07-29 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Not to my knowledge...I hope everything is ok with her.Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Everyone,Have I missed a post from Kerry MacKenzie? She was suppose to be back around the 23rd.NinaHave a purrfect day

Re: overwhelmed

2005-07-27 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
First take a breather for yourself, you are not doing Sebastian any good by stressing yourself, they can feel our emotions sometimes more than we can feel them. Second myFeLV+ Amber has been on Interferon for two years now, and it took about two or three months to see a significant difference, I know it is hard but pleasebe patient all the stuff you are doing could be working but with no visible results to you...I hope this helps and I am keeping you and Sebastian in my thoughts always 

I have not written anything for a while. I have been very overwhelmed with Sebastian's problems and I keep trying things that do not seem to work. I recently took Sebastian to Virginia Tech's Veterinary hospital (because of everyone's recommedations). I am so upset that he is getting sicker. I feel that I am overlooking his problems because I do not want to face them. I love him so much and I can not stand to see him this way. I took him to the veterinary hospital because he has almost lost all control of his hind legs. They are becoming so weak and he has used the bathroom on himself a few times because it is hard for him to get in and out of the litter box. The vets are worried that his problems are nuerological, so I set up another appointment with the nuerology department.He also twitches and has like muscle spasms or something when he is sleeping. It is like his body can not rest. The vets told me that they
 would like to do a spinal tap and a special X-ray where they shoot dye into his spine.All of this has to be done under Anaestheia. There are alot of risks with these tests. Putting a FELV+ kitty under involvees alot of risks and they said that if something goes wrong with the spinal tap he could be paralyzed. I do not know what to do. What what you do? I need help making this decision. 

Currently, Sebastian is taking methylcobalamin and AHCC-vitamins. I also started him on Interferon. It is just the Interferon that the vet gave me. Should I get some other type of Interferon? WHat is everyone else using? Should I give him more supplements and vitamins everyday? I will do anything for him. I just do not know what all I should/can do right now. I need alot of help.Have a purrfect day

Re: thoughts Adri is dead

2005-07-23 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
No it is not wrong Adri, is a part of your life now and forever...cry and embrass your thought and feelingsAdri was not "just a cat" Adri was an extension of your being.Martha Alejandra Moreno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you.Since I am new in town I do knowmany people here. Your words and support mean a lot for me.
I have been thinking very "weir" things: Do you think animals have soul? do they move to another place? how we knowif they don't just disappear?
You know? I could help notice that I never have cry for the people that have diein other countries in the war,starving in Africa, accidents, etc I mean I feel very sorry and I think it is awfull; butI never have cryed for them as I have cried for Adri. Adri is just a cat. Is it wrong?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Adri is deadDate: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 02:53:51 EDTI am so sorry I know exactly how you feel. I am going through the same thingwith my Buck, but he is still holding on. I think he really wants to go bewith his brother. Give Chemalots of love. I'll be praying for you.SheilaHave a purrfect day

Re: Adri is dead

2005-07-22 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am so sorry for your loss, take comfort in that Adri has no more pain and is playing with all the other animals that have crossed over.Martha Alejandra Moreno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you all for your words. I am feeling very bad. 
I still have chema, he is also FeLV(+) (I adopted Adri and Chema at the same time, i didn't know they had FeLV). Chema has been pretty heathly. I really hope he will be heathly for looong time.
it is heartbreaking see chema looking for Adri
From: "Terri Brown" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Help for AdriDate: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 18:57:26 -0400Don't punish yourself over this. It isn't your fault. I understand why you feel that way though. my husband said the same thing after we lost our fourth FeLV+ cat, Alec. It just got too painful.Keep your chin up.Terri B in NJ - Original Message - From: Martha Alejandra Morenomailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 5:03 PM Subject: Re: Help for Adri I feel horrible. They are my first pet ever. I do not want to have a FeLV(+) cat never again. This is to hard to live
 again From: "Terri Brown" [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: To: Subject: Re: Help for Adri Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 16:54:01 -0400  Uh-oh  Sounds like she's got anemia. Has she been tested for hemobartinella? If she has and is not infected, the vet may (unfortunately) be correct..I've lost 3 due to severe anemia. It's devastating, I know.  Positive vibes and hugs coming your way.  =^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=  Furkid Photos! My FeLV Site: My Personal Page:  - Original Message -  From: Chrismailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  To:  Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 4:49 PM  Subject: Help for AdriI'm not really experienced enough to give you specifics. I know there are other people on this list who are and perhaps they can give you some suggestions. I know that getting her to drink is real important so anything you can do to get her to take some water. also, try to feed
 her anything at all-water from a can of tuna, baby food (without onions), turkey breast, yogurt, cottage cheese, absolutely anything that you think she might try. Did the vet see her? What did he say was going on with her? I know that sometimes they want to run a lot of tests but he should have been able to give you a better idea of what's going on with Adri.. Chris   [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -Original Message-  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martha Alejandra Moreno  Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 4:43 PM  To:  Subject: re: She is very pale, she does not want to eat, to drink, to walk, she barely moves; (she never meauw) but since today when she try to
 walk and fall she start to make a very sad noise it is not a normal meaw is loud and different I do not how to decribe it Have a purrfect day

RE: postings

2005-07-20 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
They have been far and few bewtween coming my way Hideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I haven't seen any postings at all lately - and I have a problem withother list, too, just wanted to double check if something is wrong withmy computer..Have a purrfect day

Re: Our boys' B-day!

2005-07-20 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Happy B-day boys. birthdays are great. Have a purrfect day

Description: JPEG image

Re: Spanky - CLS

2005-07-15 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Please accept my condolences, I am so sorry to hear about Spanky...headbutts and kisses mean the world.
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Belinda, Please add my boy Spanky to CLS he was felv + and had a pu surgery two years ago. He was fine this morning eating going to litter box. This was so unexpected I am in complete shock. He showed no sign of sickness. He was gray and white rag doll 12 years old. He gave me kisses and headbutts everyday even when he was not feeling well. He was so gentle and loving and I can't imagine waking up tomorrow and not seeing his beautiful face. You would think after losing so many precious ones that it would get easier, but this has really broken my heart.Sheila Have a purrfect day

Description: JPEG image

Re: Alum foil

2005-07-12 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Well so far so good, I am looking for Scotch Gaurd and things to deter them.
Cheriecatatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I tried this once. For maybe 2 days they were afraid of the foil. Then they played with the foil, tore it into bits, and peed in the area. You might have better luck though! It's always worth a try.

tDel Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The noise of their pee on the foil might tend to foil the act. My house would be well decorated, but it is definitely an interesting thought. 


- Original Message - 
From: Cherie A Gabbert 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: Bottom Lip/Cherie

I did just look up Rodent ulcer and I am pretty sure that is what she seems to have gotten a little worse but only slightly, the vet will be here next Tuesday, I am calling her tomorrow to see if she can send me something or tell me how to make Candy feel better.

Thanks for you insight

By the by regarding urinating problems, I read putting aluminum foil is the trouble spots might help deter marking.Del Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sunny James had a swollen upper lip on one side ... rodent ulcer ... it disappeared on its own. At the time I could not remember what I had read about it and asked in this group because I, too, was concerned about it being contagious ... it is not. Usually from food allergies. Since Sunny James' fat lip did not reoccur, I wondered if it had been an allergic reaction to an insect bite. 


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 8:12 PM
Subject: Bottom Lip/Cherie

I seem to recall someone on the list a few years ago having kitty that had this on their lips. Forgive I can't remember who it was for the life of me.

In a message dated 7/11/2005 2:25:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Our group has had one kitty with a rodent ulcer on the upper lip. The vet put him on steroids. Not considered contagious.GloriaOn Jul 11, 2005, at 1:20 PM, Cherie A Gabbert wrote: 1) I have a slight problem, my Himmie Candy has a sore on her bottom  lip, that I can not identify, any thoughts? She is a negative to  FeLV and I have a vet coming out next week, I am just worried that  it could spread to the others. 2) I have to join the "pee club" I seem to have someone, not sure who  have little accidents in two corners of the house, any thoughts how  to determine which one it is...I only have one male but it is not  vertical spraying and it is not alot... Any help would be appreciated ;-))

 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue
Have a purrfect day
Have a purrfect day

RE: Alum foil

2005-07-12 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am having a hard time, determining who is doing it.Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Had the same experience trying to keep them off a new couch (silly me!)—it was so much fun picking up shreds of aluminum foil all over the apt for weeks. Ultimately, got a cover for the couch…. As for peeing, I have one who will periodically start up—not UTI’s—she is on Clonicalm  it really seems to work for her… (knock on wood)

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of catatonyaSent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:30 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Alum foil

I tried this once. For maybe 2 days they were afraid of the foil. Then they played with the foil, tore it into bits, and peed in the area. You might have better luck though! It's always worth a try.

tDel Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The noise of their pee on the foil might tend to foil the act. My house would be well decorated, but it is definitely an interesting thought. 


- Original Message - 

From: Cherie A Gabbert 


Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 9:38 PM

Subject: Re: Bottom Lip/Cherie

I did just look up Rodent ulcer and I am pretty sure that is what she seems to have gotten a little worse but only slightly, the vet will be here next Tuesday, I am calling her tomorrow to see if she can send me something or tell me how to make Candy feel better.

Thanks for you insight

By the by regarding urinating problems, I read putting aluminum foil is the trouble spots might help deter marking.Del Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sunny James had a swollen upper lip on one side ... rodent ulcer ... it disappeared on its own. At the time I could not remember what I had read about it and asked in this group because I, too, was concerned about it being contagious ... it is not. Usually from food allergies. Since Sunny James' fat lip did not reoccur, I wondered if it had been an allergic reaction to an insect bite. 


- Original Message - 



Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 8:12 PM

Subject: Bottom Lip/Cherie

I seem to recall someone on the list a few years ago having kitty that had this on their lips. Forgive I can't remember who it was for the life of me.

In a message dated 7/11/2005 2:25:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Our group has had one kitty with a rodent ulcer on the upper lip. The vet put him on steroids. Not considered contagious.GloriaOn Jul 11, 2005, at 1:20 PM, Cherie A Gabbert wrote: 1) I have a slight problem, my Himmie Candy has a sore on her bottom  lip, that I can not identify, any thoughts? She is a negative to  FeLV and I have a vet coming out next week, I am just worried that  it could spread to the others. 2) I have to join the "pee club" I seem to have someone, not sure who  have little accidents in two corners of the house, any thoughts how  to determine which one it is...I only have one male but it is not  vertical spraying and it is not alot... Any help would be appreciated
 ;-)) Cherie

Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA.
 Siamese Rescue

Have a purrfect day


Have a purrfect day

RE: Alum foil

2005-07-12 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Has anyone heard about this kind of behavior when the females are in heat?Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Had the same experience trying to keep them off a new couch (silly me!)—it was so much fun picking up shreds of aluminum foil all over the apt for weeks. Ultimately, got a cover for the couch…. As for peeing, I have one who will periodically start up—not UTI’s—she is on Clonicalm  it really seems to work for her… (knock on wood)

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of catatonyaSent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:30 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Alum foil

I tried this once. For maybe 2 days they were afraid of the foil. Then they played with the foil, tore it into bits, and peed in the area. You might have better luck though! It's always worth a try.

tDel Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The noise of their pee on the foil might tend to foil the act. My house would be well decorated, but it is definitely an interesting thought. 


- Original Message - 

From: Cherie A Gabbert 


Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 9:38 PM

Subject: Re: Bottom Lip/Cherie

I did just look up Rodent ulcer and I am pretty sure that is what she seems to have gotten a little worse but only slightly, the vet will be here next Tuesday, I am calling her tomorrow to see if she can send me something or tell me how to make Candy feel better.

Thanks for you insight

By the by regarding urinating problems, I read putting aluminum foil is the trouble spots might help deter marking.Del Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sunny James had a swollen upper lip on one side ... rodent ulcer ... it disappeared on its own. At the time I could not remember what I had read about it and asked in this group because I, too, was concerned about it being contagious ... it is not. Usually from food allergies. Since Sunny James' fat lip did not reoccur, I wondered if it had been an allergic reaction to an insect bite. 


- Original Message - 



Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 8:12 PM

Subject: Bottom Lip/Cherie

I seem to recall someone on the list a few years ago having kitty that had this on their lips. Forgive I can't remember who it was for the life of me.

In a message dated 7/11/2005 2:25:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Our group has had one kitty with a rodent ulcer on the upper lip. The vet put him on steroids. Not considered contagious.GloriaOn Jul 11, 2005, at 1:20 PM, Cherie A Gabbert wrote: 1) I have a slight problem, my Himmie Candy has a sore on her bottom  lip, that I can not identify, any thoughts? She is a negative to  FeLV and I have a vet coming out next week, I am just worried that  it could spread to the others. 2) I have to join the "pee club" I seem to have someone, not sure who  have little accidents in two corners of the house, any thoughts how  to determine which one it is...I only have one male but it is not  vertical spraying and it is not alot... Any help would be appreciated
 ;-)) Cherie

Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA.
 Siamese Rescue

Have a purrfect day


Have a purrfect day

Re: RE: Alum foil-females in heat

2005-07-12 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
That sounds like what is happening here, I was told I can not get her fixed while she is in heat.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Our Lola went into heat a few days before we had her spayed andproceeded to "mark" most of the cat beds! But she would just squat andlet out a few drops of urine...never completely released the contents ofher bladder... :)"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will beunique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; Youbecome responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine deSaint-Exupéry"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will knoweach other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and whatyou do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief DanGeorge- Original Message -From: Cherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2005
 11:27 amSubject: RE: Alum foil Has anyone heard about this kind of behavior when the females are  in heat?  Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Had the same experience trying to keep them off a new couch (silly  me!)?it was so much fun picking up shreds of aluminum foil all over  the apt for weeks. Ultimately, got a cover for the couch?. As for  peeing, I have one who will periodically start up?not UTI?s?she is  on Clonicalm  it really seems to work for her? (knock on wood)Chris  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:Felvtalk- [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of catatonya Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:30 AM To: Subject: Alum foilI tried this once. For
 maybe 2 days they were afraid of the foil.  Then they played with the foil, tore it into bits, and peed in the  area. You might have better luck though! It's always  worth a try.  t  Del Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:   The noise of their pee on the foil might tend to foil the act. My  house would be well decorated, but it is definitely an interesting  thought.   Del   - Original Message -From: Cherie A GabbertTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSent: Monday, July 11, 2005 9:38 PM   Subject: Re: Bottom Lip/Cherie  I did just look up Rodent ulcer and I am pretty sure that is what  she seems to have gotten a little worse but only  slightly, the vet will be here next Tuesday, I am calling her  tomorrow to see if she can send me something or tell me how to make  Candy feel better.  Thanks for you insight  By the by regarding urinating problems, I read putting aluminum  foil is the trouble spots might help deter marking.  Del Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:   Sunny James had a swollen upper lip on one side ... rodent ulcer  ... it disappeared on its own. At the time I could not remember  what I had read about it and asked in this group because I, too,  was concerned about it being contagious ... it is not. Usually  from food allergies. Since Sunny James' fat lip did not reoccur, I  wondered if it had been an allergic reaction to an
 insect bite.   Del   - Original Message -From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSent: Monday, July 11, 2005 8:12 PM   Subject: Bottom Lip/Cherie  I seem to recall someone on the list a few years ago having kitty  that had this on their lips. Forgive I can't remember who it was  for the life of me.  In a message dated 7/11/2005 2:25:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:   Our group has had one kitty with a rodent ulcer on the upper lip.  The vet put him on steroids. Not considered contagious.  Gloria  On Jul 11, 2005, at 1:20 PM, Cherie A Gabbert wrote: 
  1)  I have a slight problem, my Himmie Candy has a sore on her bottomlip, that I can not identify, any thoughts? She is a negative to   FeLV and I have a vet coming out next week, I am just worried  that   it could spread to the others.   2)  I have to join the "pee club" I seem to have someone, not sure  who   have little accidents in two corners of the house, any thoughts  how   to determine which one it is...I only have one male but it is notvertical spraying and it is not alot...   Any help would be appreciated ;-))  Cherie Terrie Mohr TAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS SIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUE Owner/Driver Check sites for available Siameses for adoption!  Click Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group!  Click Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo Adopt a Homeless Pet! http://www.petl

Re: Bottom Lip/Cherie (rugs)

2005-07-12 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I already replaced it an hour ago, I cleaned the floor and the wall, with 409, Oxy clean for pet stains and odors then I sprayed Zero Odor, then lastly I sprayed Feliway...I am keeping my fingers crossed...I did get the rug on sale foraround$305.00 yeah ;-))[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You BOUGHT a $450 area rug?!!!??? (Oo)

You must not be as much of a crazy cat lady as some of the rest of us. We don't even have cheap $6 bath mats on the floor. I have one, but I keep it thrown up over the shower bar, and only use it during showers, as soon as I am dry, I pick it up and throw it back up out of "cat pee reach". I forgot to put it up yesterday, and now I have to wash it today, it's in the "cat pee" hamper now.

I wouldn't suggest replacing the rug it will just be ruined again.Rugs are areal waste of money if you have cats.

I have a "rug" at the door entrance. It's a2 foot long cut section of heavy-dutyrubber backed high traffic carpet runner (the industrial stuff you see at businesses in the aisles). If they pee on it, the pee stays on it, and doesn't soak through to the carpet under it. I take it to the car wash down the road, pour a gallon of undiluted vinegar on it, let it soak for 5 minutes, and then spray it with the high pressure car soap (it's hot), then rinse it with the high pressure rinse. I got it at a reducedprice at the hardware store, because it was a remnant, cost me $12 ($6 a foot).

~~~yeah, I used quite a bit, they seem to hit two corners only, regretfully they ruined a $450 area rug by the front door, that will now need to be replaced ;-((No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.12/46 - Release Date: 7/11/2005Have a purrfect day

Re: RE: Alum foil-females in heat

2005-07-12 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I will call other vets and see what the general concensus is...thanks ;-))[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Yeah, I had heard that as well...I think there's some debate about theissue which, I believe, comes down to how confident the surgeon is withperforming a spay on a female in heat...perhaps something to do withblood vessels (associated with the uterus/ovaries) being enlarged andthe risk associated with nicking one of those vessels, or something tothat effect...I'm not entirely sure. But Lola was certainly in heat,and I even mentioned this to the vet the day of the surgery having heardthat a cat in heat shouldn't be spayed...but my vet didn't even bat aneye...and Lola came through with flying colors! :)"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will beunique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; Youbecome responsible, forever, for what
 you have tamed..." --Antoine deSaint-Exupéry"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will knoweach other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and whatyou do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief DanGeorge- Original Message -From: Cherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:54 amSubject: Re: RE: Alum foil-females in heat That sounds like what is happening here, I was told I can not get  her fixed while she is in heat.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Our Lola went into heat a few days  before we had her spayed and proceeded to "mark" most of the cat beds! But she would just squat and let out a few drops of urine...never completely released the  contents of her bladder... :)Have a purrfect

Re: Bottom Lip/Cherie (rugs)

2005-07-12 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am getting the idea slowly but surely, I have leather kitchen chairs that of course are ripped beyond repairthe door jams in the house are ripped beyond repair, (even though I do try) even the new rug I just put down is already snaggedclawing doea not bother me PEE bothers me big time.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hee, hee! I've even gone to the extent of removing all of the carpet inthe house and replacing with ceramic tile/laminate wood flooring (Ihighly recommend the Armstrong's edition made exclusively forLowe's...withstands spills and cat claws peeling out at 100 miles andhour)...and the rugs are the cheap berber/industrial rugs that you canpick up at Walmart for $30 (they don't seem to be as comfortable to peeon and withstand claw sharpening)...two mottos at our house: "if itcan't be ruined, we don't buy it" and "we can't have anything nice!" :)"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will beunique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; Youbecome responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine deSaint-Exupéry"If you
 talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will knoweach other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and whatyou do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief DanGeorge

You BOUGHT a $450 area rug?!!!??? (Oo)

You must not be as much of a crazy cat lady as some of the rest of us. We don't even have cheap $6 bath mats on the floor. I have one, but I keep it thrown up over the shower bar, and only use it during showers, as soon as I am dry, I pick it up and throw it back up out of "cat pee reach". I forgot to put it up yesterday, and now I have to wash it today, it's in the "cat pee" hamper now.

I wouldn't suggest replacing the rug it will just be ruined again.Rugs are areal waste of money if you have cats.

I have a "rug" at the door entrance. It's a2 foot long cut section of heavy-dutyrubber backed high traffic carpet runner (the industrial stuff you see at businesses in the aisles). If they pee on it, the pee stays on it, and doesn't soak through to the carpet under it. I take it to the car wash down the road, pour a gallon of undiluted vinegar on it, let it soak for 5 minutes, and then spray it with the high pressure car soap (it's hot), then rinse it with the high pressure rinse. I got it at a reducedprice at the hardware store, because it was a remnant, cost me $12 ($6 a foot).

~~~yeah, I used quite a bit, they seem to hit two corners only, regretfully they ruined a $450 area rug by the front door, that will now need to be replaced ;-((No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.12/46 - Release Date: 7/11/2005Have a purrfect day

Re: Bottom Lip/Cherie (rugs)

2005-07-12 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Creates a funny pitcure ;-))TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
my ideal would be to have a concrete floor, radiant heating, with a DRAIN in the middle of said floor to make washing so much easier. would artfully stencil the floor to create room divisions. (you know, oval flower border around the dining room table, faux marble for the bathroom.)-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892 Have a purrfect day

Re: Bottom Lip/Cherie (rugs)

2005-07-12 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
As many of us probally have ruined is not even worth getting the soft pawsmy cats are happy as clams to get their claws in any new piece I get ;-))TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
i just recently adopted out a darling little maine coon foster--he's an absolute sweetheart, but like many, he was allowed to play with teeth and claws as a tiny one and doesn't realize he's a BIG cat nowhe went to a home with a $3000 couch, and fancy wool rugs! (oh, my, let me tell you, that was NOT what he lived with here fur sure!).. hee hee... so he is now happily wearing his soft paws to protect his new home!-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892 Have a purrfect day

Re: Bottom Lip/Cherie (rugs)

2005-07-12 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Ok, I ordered the Anti-Icky Poo and the Liqui-Zyme from the Vet will not fix her, until she is over being in long is this going to last.I hope all this crap worksBarb Moermond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have to remind ya'll about 2 products.

Anti-Icky Poo (honest!) - my vet has it but I haven't had to use it yet:

Liqui-Zyme - my vet carries it, had stopped for a while, but started again. One of them used it to get INTACT male spray out of a suitcase. Worked perfectly. I LOVE this product!

United Laboratories website is 

here's a link to the Material Safety Data Sheet for Liqui-Zyme:'liquizyme'Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I already replaced it an hour ago, I cleaned the floor and the wall, with 409, Oxy clean for pet stains and odors then I sprayed Zero Odor, then lastly I sprayed Feliway...I am keeping my fingers crossed...I did get the rug on sale foraround$305.00 yeah ;-))[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

You BOUGHT a $450 area rug?!!!??? (Oo)

You must not be as much of a crazy cat lady as some of the rest of us. We don't even have cheap $6 bath mats on the floor. I have one, but I keep it thrown up over the shower bar, and only use it during showers, as soon as I am dry, I pick it up and throw it back up out of "cat pee reach". I forgot to put it up yesterday, and now I have to wash it today, it's in the "cat pee" hamper now.

I wouldn't suggest replacing the rug it will just be ruined again.Rugs are areal waste of money if you have cats.

I have a "rug" at the door entrance. It's a2 foot long cut section of heavy-dutyrubber backed high traffic carpet runner (the industrial stuff you see at businesses in the aisles). If they pee on it, the pee stays on it, and doesn't soak through to the carpet under it. I take it to the car wash down the road, pour a gallon of undiluted vinegar on it, let it soak for 5 minutes, and then spray it with the high pressure car soap (it's hot), then rinse it with the high pressure rinse. I got it at a reducedprice at the hardware store, because it was a remnant, cost me $12 ($6 a foot).

~~~yeah, I used quite a bit, they seem to hit two corners only, regretfully they ruined a $450 area rug by the front door, that will now need to be replaced ;-((No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.12/46 - Release Date: 7/11/2005
Have a purrfect day
Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." - Anonymous

Sell on Yahoo! Auctions - No fees. Bid on great items.Have a purrfect day

Re: Bottom Lip/Cherie (rugs)

2005-07-12 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
here here you said it.TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
"we can't have anything nice!" sure you can--isn't that what the CATS are for? i have AUTHENTICpersian rugs, gleefully shed daily in copious quantities, andabsolutely EVERYTHING goes with calico, and who can beat basic black,or tuxedo? with a little red-and-white tossed in for contrast?someone reminded me that our cats add, "ambience"--which thedecorating firms charge highly for!-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892Have a purrfect day

Re: Bottom Lip/Cherie (rugs)

2005-07-12 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
TOO FUNNY ;-))Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This conversation reminds meJenn stopped by my house the other day and I didn't think anything of it at the time but I am sure she must have noticed the litter box on top of the dresser in the window...For some reason my cat with both hind legs crippled doesn't like to use a litter box on the floor...I have found that often times it easier to just put a litter box where they choose to go rather than have them go all around trying to find the place they are comfortable.Of coarse this box that's right up in plain sight for any humans coming by becomes everybody favorite box...but on the other hand its the easiest one to scoop tooTad[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oh, the first thing I did when I moved into this apartment was peel back all the carpeting and see if there was any usable floor underneath. Luckily, in the bedroom there was decent wood floor, so I was able to toss the carpet in that room. The office has a very thin indoor/outdoor type of carpet with no padding overindustrial tile, and the cats don't seem to like to pee on it (if they do, I'll take the carpet out). The livingroom is an issue, under it, is plain plywood, and it has, literally, about 5000 nails all across the entire floor. it would LOOK HORRIBLE if I pulled up the carpet. Since I rent, I'm not going to sink a ton of money into adding nice flooring myself, so we just deal with spots as they occur in there. That's why I paid a deposit :)

~~~Hee, hee! I've even gone to the extent of removing all of the carpet inthe house and replacing with ceramic tile/laminate wood flooring (Ihighly recommend the Armstrong's edition made exclusively forLowe's...withstands spills and cat claws peeling out at 100 miles andhour)...and the rugs are the cheap berber/industrial rugs that you canpick up at Walmart for $30 (they don't seem to be as comfortable to peeon and withstand claw sharpening)...two mottos at our house: "if itcan't be ruined, we don't buy it" and "we can't have anything nice!" :)
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.12/46 - Release Date: 7/11/2005
  Have a purrfect day

Re: OT: 2 questions

2005-07-11 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
What is a rodent ulcer?Gloria Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Our group has had one kitty with a rodent ulcer on the upper lip. The vet put him on steroids. Not considered contagious.GloriaOn Jul 11, 2005, at 1:20 PM, Cherie A Gabbert wrote: 1) I have a slight problem, my Himmie Candy has a sore on her bottom  lip, that I can not identify, any thoughts? She is a negative to  FeLV and I have a vet coming out next week, I am just worried that  it could spread to the others. 2) I have to join the "pee club" I seem to have someone, not sure who  have little accidents in two corners of the house, any thoughts how  to determine which one it is...I only have one male but it is not  vertical spraying and it is not alot... Any help would be appreciated ;-)) Cherie Have a purrfect day
 CherieHave a purrfect day

Re: Bottom Lip/Cherie

2005-07-11 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Do we know the cause?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I seem to recall someone on the list a few years ago having kitty that had this on their lips. Forgive I can't remember who it was for the life of me.

In a message dated 7/11/2005 2:25:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Our group has had one kitty with a rodent ulcer on the upper lip. The vet put him on steroids. Not considered contagious.GloriaOn Jul 11, 2005, at 1:20 PM, Cherie A Gabbert wrote: 1) I have a slight problem, my Himmie Candy has a sore on her bottom  lip, that I can not identify, any thoughts? She is a negative to  FeLV and I have a vet coming out next week, I am just worried that  it could spread to the others. 2) I have to join the "pee club" I seem to have someone, not sure who  have little accidents in two corners of the house, any thoughts how  to determine which one it is...I only have one male but it is not  vertical spraying and it is not alot... Any help would be appreciated ;-))

 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue a purrfect day

Re: Bottom Lip/Cherie

2005-07-11 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I did just look up Rodent ulcer and I am pretty sure that is what she seems to have gotten a little worse but only slightly, the vet will be here next Tuesday, I am calling her tomorrow to see if she can send me something or tell me how to make Candy feel better.

Thanks for you insight

By the by regarding urinating problems, I read putting aluminum foil is the trouble spots might help deter marking.Del Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sunny James had a swollen upper lip on one side ... rodent ulcer ... it disappeared on its own. At the time I could not remember what I had read about it and asked in this group because I, too, was concerned about it being contagious ... it is not. Usually from food allergies. Since Sunny James' fat lip did not reoccur, I wondered if it had been an allergic reaction to an insect bite. 


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 8:12 PM
Subject: Bottom Lip/Cherie

I seem to recall someone on the list a few years ago having kitty that had this on their lips. Forgive I can't remember who it was for the life of me.

In a message dated 7/11/2005 2:25:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Our group has had one kitty with a rodent ulcer on the upper lip. The vet put him on steroids. Not considered contagious.GloriaOn Jul 11, 2005, at 1:20 PM, Cherie A Gabbert wrote: 1) I have a slight problem, my Himmie Candy has a sore on her bottom  lip, that I can not identify, any thoughts? She is a negative to  FeLV and I have a vet coming out next week, I am just worried that  it could spread to the others. 2) I have to join the "pee club" I seem to have someone, not sure who  have little accidents in two corners of the house, any thoughts how  to determine which one it is...I only have one male but it is not  vertical spraying and it is not alot... Any help would be appreciated ;-))

 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue a purrfect day

Re: canned pumpkin for constipation

2005-07-09 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I just do a table spoon out of the can no water.BONNIE J KALMBACH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
About how much is given? It's mixed with water, yes?Thanks, Bonniewww.elephants.comHave a purrfect day

Re: canned pumpkin for constipation

2005-07-09 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
It worked for Amber. ;-))CherieBONNIE J KALMBACH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Cherie,Thanks does this work when a cat is severely constipated? Original Message -From: Cherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Saturday, July 9, 2005 11:02 amSubject: Re: canned pumpkin for constipation I just do a table spoon out of the can no water.  BONNIE J KALMBACH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: About how much is given? It's mixed with water, yes?  Thanks, Bonnie Have a purrfect day Cherie  Have a purrfect day

Re: Fu's severe constipation was:: canned pumpkin

2005-07-09 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
The canned pumpkin worked on Amber within 3 hours, but she was not in the stage FU is in, I am not sure what to do.Regretfully I would take her to the vet, but maybe not let the vet do anything, maybe they can tell you what to do
How long should I wait for the canned pumpkin to take effect? I laced it with SEB. I'm thinking of taking him to the emergency vet - who I don't much trust. I've had bad luck there. The vet gave him a gentle enema yesterday because I was so concerned as Fu had nearly died after getting an enema three years ago. Fu is 19 and very frail with hyperthyroidism and his intestinal cancer is probably out of remission.I've also done fluids today; he had 100ml last night and vet said to give him 100 ml twice a day. I gave him 50 ml early this morning, thinking that it might be too soon to give more as the last dose was after midnight. I've also given him 3ml lactulose, and Laxaire. I fear I may have to go to the emergency vet. I think I'll give the second 50 ml of fluids Original Message -From:
 Del Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Saturday, July 9, 2005 2:05 pmSubject: Re: canned pumpkin for constipation You do realize that a severely constipated cat can go into shock?  I have not read all of the posts and don't know how long since  kitty has not pooped ... can you give kitty an enema? Your vet  can or sell you the enema gizmo. My Tito was still going some and  I didn't know he had a problem until he began trying  unsuccessfully to poop ... fairly soon he began vomiting and  trembling. He was in bad shape.  Del - Original Message -  From: BONNIE J KALMBACH  To:  Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 12:35 PM Subject: Re: canned pumpkin for constipation   Cherie, Thanks does this work when a cat is severely constipated?  Bonnie
  - Original Message - From: Cherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Saturday, July 9, 2005 11:02 am Subject: Re: canned pumpkin for constipation   I just do a table spoon out of the can no water.BONNIE J KALMBACH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:  About how much is given? It's mixed with water, yes?Thanks, Bonnie  Have a purrfect day  Cherie Have a purrfect day

Re: OT:getting flea topicals on a cat who doesn't like contact/Nina, Cherie, Miche

2005-07-08 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Any time we can help
Good Luck ;-))
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Nina, Thanks for your input on your success with touchy cats! I see that speed is a big factor. You are good!! No, I didn't see the recent thread on Revolution, hmmm... I have used it on him before with no problems, though, when he was in a big kitty condo temporarily for meds taking. I use Advantage mostly with my cats and dogs but I purposefully got Revolution for Simms because he tends to scratch around his ears and I worry he might have ear mites. He would never let me get close enough to check him out (yet) so I figure I can treat his mites, if he has them, along with his fleas.Cherie, I can't see myself sitting on Simms but hey, anything is possible! I was thinking from what you wrote
 that maybe I could scruff him. I can get my hands on him, just can't hang on, so maybe scruffing would work. Michelle, Thanks for the warning on the Revolution. That's awful what happened with Bramble, poor guy. I do have Advantage so I could give Simms that instead but was hoping to treat the mites, too, although not 100% sure he has them.Thanks everyone!Anne and Jimi Too Cool, Simms and Sophie in MI among other furry friends Have a purrfect day

Re: Please add Flavia to CLS Belinda

2005-07-06 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I feel for your loss, I am sorry and I hope you will recover for Flavia. She is watching and missing you from the Bridge. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Kerry MacKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear allMy sweet, gorgeous little girl Flavia is gone.It all happened so quickly. When I went in to check on her at 9.30am (shehad seemed fine at 6am and later), she was hiding in the carrier, and seemedto be breathing more rapidly than the others. I also noticed than someonehad vomited--a first, if my memory serves me right, since they all arrivedin December 2003. I figured it was probably Flavia. Someone else has alsobeen urinating a little over the past few days out of the box--again, afirst. I thought it was probably Flavia.So, seeing her fast breathing, I panicked, and took her immediately to thevet I saw yesterday, Dr Teuber, and she confirmed that her respiratory ratehad increased since yesterday. We ran a PCV, and it had plummeted to 10,from 16 1/2 at 4pm yesterday.I actually think Flavia was ready. She didn't want to play at
 all last night(she hasn't been able to play the way she used to--leaping in the air tocatch the "bug"--for a few weeks, presumably because she hasn't had theenergy). Her quality of life was going downhill. It's a pity we didn't get achance to use the IR, which I had had fedexed to 2 clinics. (Her IR wouldhave probably begun later this week--I had the housecall vet set up, andjust had to set a schedule.)I was/am a mess, but Flavia and I had a long cuddle, which was reallylovely, and helped a lot, for which I am very grateful. The vet was awonderful woman, who I only met yesterday (Dr Teuber at Higgins, Belinda--dotell your Chicago friend.). Looks like I may not have terminated myrelationship with Higgins after all...I am grateful that Flavia gave me the signs today, while I was still hereand able to help her.act on it immediately. The thought of her fighting forbreath for hours, or suffering in any way, while I was gone, and no
 one hereapart from the petsitter 30 mins a day, was not something I could accept. (Idid not want to hospitalize her.)I'm going to miss her terribly. I loved that little soul. I've been a bit ofa mess over the thought of losing her for the last 2 weeks, and shed moretears than I thought humanly possible. She was a tabby, very feminine,elfin-faced, with streaks of auburn and coffee and cream on her undersideand a long, beautiful, elegant tail. Last night I stroked her with a featherfor a long time and she really enjoyed it--stretching luxuriously. And, ofcourse, she became much more willing to be stroked and held over the pastfew days.Thanks to everyone for their prayers and good wishes. If I'm not in touchagain today, I send lots of healing vibes for all the sick kitties, and I'llbe in touch again the weekend of the 23rd.Goodbye, my gorgeous Flavia.Kerry- Original Message -From:
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 10:52 AMSubject: Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 5, Issue 3...for Michelle L. Dear Michelle L.: There is no point (and much risk) in vaccinating an immune-compromised cat who is FIV+ or FeLV+. Vaccinations are an assault of sorts to the immunesystem and can be detrimental to even a cat with a normal immune system. Thereis much good info about the risks of vaccines on the website,or I would recommend highly the book by Dr. Martin Goldstein, The Nature ofAnimal Healing. Some vets do still believe that the FIV and FeLV viruses are related, but more recent research tends to show they are not just substrains of thesame virus. The best that we can do for immune-compromised cats is to providethem with the healthiest possible diet, provide immune support
 and protect them from exposure as best we can to undue stress to their immune system due toemotional challenges, enviromental toxins or other cats that may carry pathogensthat their immune system cannot withstand. Other cats are really more of athreat to the FIV+ or FeLV+ cat than vice versa. I have not done much research on FIV, but got a crash course on FeLV in '03-04 with two unrelated kittens I rescued in Oct. and Nov. '02 whoturned out to be FeLV+. The strain of FeLV virus (call it FeLV-A) that cats pass one to another causes significant immune suppression, but little else. It isthrough recombining with a cat's DNA and mutating that the more virulent subgroups occur, the FeLV-A+B that is associated with lymphoma or other cancers andFeLV-A+C that is associated with nonregenerative anemia/leukemia. In the worsecase scenario it is possible for both
 subgroups to develop to FeLV-A+B+C. Atpresent the mechanism which prompts such mutations is not known. This explainswhy some cats live for years, even with the virus in their bone marrow, while others crash and succumb early on. Have you found out there is a similar progression for cats who are FIV+? In general, they seem to have a betterprognosis for long-term survival than do 

Re: Please add Snowball to CLS Belinda

2005-07-06 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
My goodness Kerry..I am speechless, two in one day I feel for you, I am so sorry you are going through this, you are such a good mommy, just know that your babies love you and miss you thoughts and prayers are with youextra big huggs coming your way
CherieKerry MacKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It's been a painfulday. I lost my gentle giant Snowball this afternoon. I never expected that.
He was breathing rapidly when I got home from the clinic. I thought at first he was stressed because of losing his girlfriend Flavia. I couldn't take the risk, tho, so I rushed him to the clinic. His lungs were full of fluid. Only 25 per cent was not full and even that was compromised. I discussed it with the same vet I saw this morning. I couldn't risk him dying while I was gone, and that seemed a very real possibility. 
Snowball was the biggest cat, a flamepoint, but he wouldn't hurt a soul. He was terribly timid. He stopped playing a couple of months ago, butI thought it was a lazy phase, because he had been pretty lazy before.
The other little ones would enjoy batting him when he was below them on the tree. He never batted them back. he was too gentle. He knew he could squash them if he wanted too, but he didn't want to hurt them.
I'm in shock for Snowball, and I guess Flavia, tho she has been so ill, and I need to process it.
Please send prayers for my remaining Mickey and Momcat. They are going to be feeling very down and scared, and I'm scared they'll stop eating.
I haven't read your replies yet because I just got back, and I have to leave in 30 mins, and I haven't finished packing.
But there were lots--I'm so grateful. I'll read them when I get back. 
love and hugs to all
- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: Please add Flavia to CLS Belinda

I'm sorry, Kerry. If herPCV plummeted that fast, she probably either had a bleed somewhere or was killing off her own red blood cells (hemolytic anemia). That is what they told me with Simon when he went from 16 to 8 overnight. 
MichelleHave a purrfect day

Re: OT:getting flea topicals on a cat who doesn't like contact

2005-07-06 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Well at least you made me smile, Simms is a smart one, (but aren't they all). One of mine does not like to be pet or touched so I wait until she is sleeping then I grab her favorite toy play with her a bit and then believe it or not I sit on her, I get her between my legs and grab the scruff of the neck then apply the flea medicine, fast and furious. Sitting on her she is captured but still has some sense of freedom...just a thought
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi everybody, Just wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to get some Revolution on a cat (my boy, Simms, FeLV+ carrier) that doesn't like to be touched much. Simms has been scratching a lot lately. He is such a sweetheart but being tricky with me. I have actually gotten my hands on him twice but somehow he struggles so well and fast and hard that it stuns me how quick he can ditch my grasp. I have tried putting his favorite treat on a dish in the bathroom and put a rope on the doorknob and when he entered once, I pulled the rope from around the corner, but no dice, he was too quick. I have had luck with a big fishing net in the past, once with him, but he is wise to that trick, too, now. I tried casually dropping a blanket on him but he
 caught on to that really quickly. I have a humane live trap but it would be pretty difficult to get him hungry enough for that to work with my feeding all my other cats twice a day plus my greedier cats would probably have to be busted all the time, ha.  Anybody been in this situation and have some tips for me and my boy? Anne and Jimi Too Cool, Simms and Sophie, among other furry friends in MI Have a purrfect day

Re: pics of all FIV and FELV cats rescued from closed Angel Wings Sanctuary

2005-07-04 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am here and reading all these, I am so disturbed by it all and the fact that my house is full, and I have another addition coming ina month or two, but if there is anything I can do to help, finacially or emotionally please let me know, I looked at the pictures and I feel so helpless.
Thanks Cherie
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: FIV+ cats from AW so far) FELV+ cats from AW so far)
Jennhttp://ucat.us No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/37 - Release Date: 7/1/2005Have a purrfect day

Re: Farewell Angel Ling Thanks to all!

2005-06-29 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I know it was hard, I am glad you made it through, great big hugs coming your way...I will keep both you and "Angel Ling"in my thoughts.
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jen, Kerry, Nina, Joan, Cherie, Joanne, Wilma, Cynthia D, Heike, Gloria, Jenn, Tonja, Lou W, Merinda, MaryChristine, Kat (Mew Jersey), Annie, Marva, Janice, Denise W, Laurie, Julia, Anne, Tammy, Kari, JJ Bear, Adrienne, Sheila, T from FELV Group, Angela, Michelle, Jayne, Belinda, Sonja, Kathy and to those that I don't know by first name.

Thanks to you all for your thoughts and prayers pertaining to "Angel Ling" and I. It was much appreciated. 
My Vet was awesome at this time of need and was able to get me right in. He spoke to Ling and ask him if he was ready to cross to the bridge.That he knew he was tired and wanted to sleep. 
God,he was so sincere I started bawling my eyes out...he understood to let Ling go and it was the right decision. I havebeenwithpets numerous times being PTS but Ling went so fast, so that told me he was ready.
This is the same Vet thathad been treating him since I got him.
I know I didn't have him all that long (6 months maybe) but it was long enough for me to become attached to him. He was the perfect Siamese he was anunique guy. Wished all were like him in certain ways. I will miss him dearly. :(

 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue a purrfect day

RE: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Good luck to you both Terrie, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Cherie"MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wishing you a peaceful last day with Ling, Terrie. I'm glad he willhave youwith him. That's the most important thing--that he knows he is truly loved till the end, and beyond.
Big hugs to you both

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barb MoermondSent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:12 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(
Wishing you and Ling peace and calm and a smooth passage to the Bridge for Ling

hugs[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Good morning all,
 Remember the Senior Siamese that was willed to me?
Well, I'm going to be taking him to the Vet today to send him off to the bridge. He is in the final phase of kidney failure. I don't want him to suffer anymore so I have decided to let him go. He has stopped eating three days ago. I have force fed him and he is throwing it all back up. He has also been fed intravenously as well. He has loss so much weight as well. 
He was about 15 yrs old when I got him. He was in poor health and all. He was Hyper-T so that didn't help matters. He had 7 claws imbedded into his pads (minor surgery) and Ear Mites prior to me getting him.
I'm going to do this without my husband around because he always makes it harder. (he is a softy)
So wish "Ling" a safe journey to the bridge.

 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue the Hous! e Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." - Anonymous 

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Re: non profit status

2005-06-27 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Interesting question, and one I have often thought aboutI have no disadvantages that come to mind but please, I too am interested.
CherieHideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a question, as you may know, I rescue cats (most of are strays) with special needs – I fund everything with my income right now and it’s getting very difficult – as I try to give them the quality food, quality care.
I have a what’s called a “refuge” permit from the animal services in the city – and I was told by the officer and by other people that I should get a non-profit status (501C) – I know what it is – but what would be the down side of getting such a status? I know you can get donations and tax break and all that – but I wanted to consider some of the disadvantage by getting it - Have a purrfect day

Re: George update part III

2005-06-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Wonderful news;-))
CherieHideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

George is doing very good – he is eating well and his face seems to less swollen – I had noticed before that his entire face looked swollen before, and I realized after the blood work, it was probably due to the liver abnormality – his eyes and mouth don’t seem to be so pushed – I am hoping that it correlates with his liver function recovery progress.

I have been trying to pet him a little by a little – now I can scratch his face and I can give him a massage on his neck – he is cautious, but never tries to bite or scratch me at all – he is such a good boy!
I am going to start giving him some fluid with V-C in it (I waited for a bit so that he is not too stressed) starting today so that it will help his liver to start working normally again by flushing toxins out.

Thank you fro all the prayers for George, but please continue to pray for George that he will only get better, as you know, with liver problem, you just never know what could happen the next moment - Have a purrfect day

Re: Flavia further update

2005-06-23 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Positive thoughts coming your way, I am sure th eothers just need some time to adjust again, all will be well, I am sure of it, hang in there.
Kerry MacKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wanted to let you all know how Flavia is, but first I apologize for not being able yet to replyto your kind individual emails--thank you so much--it's been a crazy two days. 
Flavia's hematocrit went from 6 (or 7.5 depending on which reading) to 17 with the transfusion. She had dep and dex today (THANK YOU MICHELLE) and antibiotics--the vet did not want to put her on Pred, felt it would be too much for her--and tonight her hematocritwas up to 21.So, she's home, and acting pretty normal, eating drinking, going in box, and being very curious about everything in the room. She's sort of still letting me pet her but I think she's reasserting her feisty feral self as well. I'm sleeping in their room tonight. I took lots of pix of her when we got back tonight. One or two should be really good.
Snowball is not being nice to her--he's snarling at her. And she was his girlfriend not so long ago. Well, we've all been there, right. Still, I'm a bit upset on her behalf. The others didn't exactly welcome her back with open paws. She's alone in walking around and checking out the room. The others are all hiding (or snarling) as if she's a major threat to them.
We go back to vet on Saturday to check the hemato again. That will be a critical time. Please send positive thoughts for Flavia and for the test result at the vet Saturday.thanks again for all the fantastic support. It literally is a lifesaver. Kerry

- Original Message - 

From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 3:49 PM
Subject: RE: Flavia update

Hi, Kerry, I haven’t seen your postings today, I am wondering how your baby, Flavia is doing after the transfusion – I hope she is doing better –

Love and hugs to you and Flavia..


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kerry MacKenzieSent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 7:00 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Flavia update

Dr Dodin called and said the hematocrit came back as 7.5. As I feared, it's nonregenerative anemia. She said we need to see how Flavia does tomorrow morning after the transfusion (she was also in an oxygen tent last time I saw her), and all being "well" will prescribe Depomedrol and Prednisone. My poor little furball. She must be terrified. She has to go back to the clinic for monitoring tomorrow am.--I'll be picking her up from emergency and delivering her there at 8am.

Katyis is a littlepd offafter his mission of mercy. Clumsy me,I couldn't get the bandage around his leg off properly--he kept fighting me. Now I see he succeeded doing it himself--didn't need my help.

I hope there's no return to emergency services any time soon. 


Have a purrfect day

Re: (UPDATE) Attention: Noah's Ark Rescue / Blind Kitten

2005-06-20 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
That is wonderful news and I love the names...two of mine are named Venus and Thor...Greek mythology is great for namesI am so glad you got two, that will definately make it easier.
CherieKat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi All,I picked up the blind kitten this weekend (he's actually a She), and oneof her sisters (I figured her sister would help her adjust faster).No names yet, but I'm leaning towards Artemis and Athena from mythology.(Artemis: Greek Goddess of the night and the hunt. Protector of women.Athena: Goddess of wisdom, war, art, industry, justice, and skill.) Theyare both 4-5 weeks old, grey  black tabbies. I'm bottle feeding them atthe moment, but hope to get them eating on their own in a week or 2.I'll try to get some pictures...Kat (Mew Jersey)On Fri, 17 Jun 2005, Mari Kolbe wrote: Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 10:47:50 -0500 From: Mari Kolbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: To: Subject: Re: Fwd: [NJCares] Attention: Noah's Ark
 Rescue / Blind Kitten-Attention Kat I am so glad to see that this kitten is indeed going to be rescued. The request for help has been posted on a dozen different lists by many people. There have been a couple of offers to rescue this kitten but no one seemed to know if the kitten still needed help or had been rescued. It would be nice Kat, if you could have the original poster you responded to forward this information to the original list with the request to cross post so that first everyone would know this little one has a home, secondly it does all of us in rescue good to see a happy ending to a rescue story - it is what keeps us going and thirdly time spent posting this kitten's plight could be then spent on the next little one who needs our help. I know that there is a little blind kitten in Clayton, Alabama that really needs help finding a home and possibly one of the
 individuals who expressed interest in your little guy could arrange to have him transported to them. Again, Kat - thanks for posting that he had been rescued and bless you for opening your home and your heart to this special little kitten. We provide a forever home for special needs babies and have several little ones who are blind from birth defects, URI's or torture - they have got to be the sweetest little creatures. /mari On 6/16/05, Kat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:   Hi,  I'm the one who is picking up the blind kitty from Teresa.  My name is Kat Mundell and I do volunteer, rescue and fostering  with Noah's Ark Animal Welfare Association in Ledgewood, NJ.  (a no kill shelter).  The shelter's number is (973) 347-0378 in case you'd like to  call them and verify who I am.  Their hours are M-TH
 11:00am - 2:30pm  F-SU 11:00am - 3:30pm  Kat (Mew Jersey)   On Thu, 16 Jun 2005, Joan Doljan wrote:Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 11:09:11 -0700 (PDT)   From: Joan Doljan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Reply-To:   To:   Subject: Fwd: [NJCares] Attention: Noah's Ark Rescue / Blind Kitten   -Attention Kat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 13:21:37 EDT   Subject: [NJCares] Attention: Noah's Ark Rescue / Blind Kitten Hi, I was told by Teresa, who has the blind kitten in NY, that a volunteer  from   Noah's
 Ark rescue in NJ would be taking him this week. Teresa does not  even   know the last name of the person she is giving the kitten to. Could  someone   from Noah's Ark please confirm that you are, indeed, picking up the  blind   kitten? She said the person who is picking him up is named Cat. Thanks!   Shell   --  /mari (SpiritCat)  Until there are none, adopt one.  SpiritCat and the Mooseheart Mumpkees  of southeastern Texas  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Have a purrfect day

Re: George update - part II

2005-06-20 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Good luck with George, I think you should give him an oral relaxer in his food, then you might not have to knock him out, or have to hold him down. 

I am so glad Squeaky slept with you last night that is such a good positve start.

Positive thoughts are still coming your way ;-))
CherieHideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you SOOO much everyone for sending George and myself a positive energy and prayer!!
I finally CAUGHT George last night – I tell you it was one of the most scary things I had to do (emotional wise). I knew that I was not going to be given a second chance if I messed it up, but I also did not want to regret by not trying since I did not know how long he was going to come see me regularly like he has been for the past two weeks, which has been a miracle to me as well.

Anyway, I finally caught him in a fish net, and it was not a pretty site – he got all tangled in a net and I had a very difficult time to transfer him from the net to a dog trap – I had to tear up all the net to get him out - but no matter how difficult it was, I was so determined not to mess it up – I kept apologizing to George about scaring him like this while I was doing it – poor baby, his mouth was bleeding from the net – I felt so bad – but I somehow he knew that I was doing so to help him (because he did not bite me (and he so could have), and let me scratch his head during this trauma-

He is in a crate right now, he ate all the food I gave to him last night (chicken with broth) and even ate some dry food, too – I was very glad, because some feral cats I rescue usually don’t eat for at least 24 hour or so due to the stress – 

I am planning to take him in to a vet soon, am not sure if I should have them anesthetize him for a brief time so that they can draw a blood from him and check him out thoroughly (I hate to do that to him), or try to hold him without anesthesia which also can be stressful. He is not neutered yet, but I would like to wait until his health recovers and I know what we are dealing with before I have him go though the surgery.

I also let Squeaky out from a crate (she is the one who has been tested negative, positive, equivocal, and indeterminate and all that stuff on FIV test since March) – she was in a crate for so long, I couldn’t do it to her anymore – I promised her a good life when I re-trapped her after my neighbor dumped, and I feel like I was not keeping my promise to her though I only mean to keep her in a crate for a very short amount of time, and I did not expect this test results back that way for that long – anyway, she IS finally OUT of a crate – when I did, I cried so hard, I did not know why, but the tears couldn’t stop falling – I guess I was glad that she was finally out - she is very cute, she still goes back to a crate to sleep as she feels safe there – but I am leaving the door open so that she can go back and forth if she wants to – this morning I found her on the bed with me, as soon as
 she saw me wake, she freaked out and jumped down…

Please pray that George’s health will only get better going forward! Thank you again everyone for your support!

HideyoHave a purrfect day

RE: George update - part II

2005-06-20 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I have not seen any reaction, and I have used it a few times, with the cats that are hard to test and have hold still for periods of timeI personally like that so much better than knocking them out since you have no idea what he has yetgood luck and keep us informed.
Hideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you!. I forgot the option- do some cats have aversion reaction to the drugs?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cherie A GabbertSent: Monday, June 20, 2005 12:31 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: George update - part II

Good luck with George, I think you should give him an oral relaxer in his food, then you might not have to knock him out, or have to hold him down. 

I am so glad Squeaky slept with you last night that is such a good positve start.

Positive thoughts are still coming your way ;-))

CherieHideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you SOOO much everyone for sending George and myself a positive energy and prayer!!
I finally CAUGHT George last night – I tell you it was one of the most scary things I had to do (emotional wise). I knew that I was not going to be given a second chance if I messed it up, but I also did not want to regret by not trying since I did not know how long he was going to come see me regularly like he has been for the past two weeks, which has been a miracle to me as well.

Anyway, I finally caught him in a fish net, and it was not a pretty site – he got all tangled in a net and I had a very difficult time to transfer him from the net to a dog trap – I had to tear up all the net to get him out - but no matter how difficult it was, I was so determined not to mess it up – I kept apologizing to George about scaring him like this while I was doing it – poor baby, his mouth was bleeding from the net – I felt so bad – but I somehow he knew that I was doing so to help him (because he did not bite me (and he so could have), and let me scratch his head during this trauma-

He is in a crate right now, he ate all the food I gave to him last night (chicken with broth) and even ate some dry food, too – I was very glad, because some feral cats I rescue usually don’t eat for at least 24 hour or so due to the stress – 

I am planning to take him in to a vet soon, am not sure if I should have them anesthetize him for a brief time so that they can draw a blood from him and check him out thoroughly (I hate to do that to him), or try to hold him without anesthesia which also can be stressful. He is not neutered yet, but I would like to wait until his health recovers and I know what we are dealing with before I have him go though the surgery.

I also let Squeaky out from a crate (she is the one who has been tested negative, positive, equivocal, and indeterminate and all that stuff on FIV test since March) – she was in a crate for so long, I couldn’t do it to her anymore – I promised her a good life when I re-trapped her after my neighbor dumped, and I feel like I was not keeping my promise to her though I only mean to keep her in a crate for a very short amount of time, and I did not expect this test results back that way for that long – anyway, she IS finally OUT of a crate – when I did, I cried so hard, I did not know why, but the tears couldn’t stop falling – I guess I was glad that she was finally out - she is very cute, she still goes back to a crate to sleep as she feels safe there – but I am leaving the door open so that she can go back and forth if she wants to – this morning I found her on the bed with me, as soon as
 she saw me wake, she freaked out and jumped down…

Please pray that George’s health will only get better going forward! Thank you again everyone for your support!


Have a purrfect day


Have a purrfect day

Re: flower and petal

2005-06-17 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Personally, I think you should bring Flower home, I definately woPeggy Rankin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I want to say thank you all, for your thoughts and answer some of your questions Thorne was introduced to the family last July. Flower has been with me for 13 years and Petal for the last 5. They have all lived together for this time. MY concerns are for Petals sadness she wants to be contstanly petted and before she didn't want anything to dowith me. My house is so quite now, and Petal seems lost. Can I really bring Flower home? Is there anything Else I can do To ease petals depression? Thank you again for the support.

Discover Yahoo!Find restaurants, movies, travel  more fun for the weekend. Check it out!Have a purrfect day

Re: Bramble

2005-06-17 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
How does his Fur feel, Amber had that problem when I got her, and for two or three months, she had no hair by her ears at allvitamin E helped her.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The boy was doing so well - I've come home to find he has scratched fur and skin off the side of his face over the last couple of hours and it's a big chunk. He will need to go back to the vet tomorrow but he is not going to that particular vet - I'll demand a different vet. He either has an allergy which I suspect as he has scratched around his ears since coming here despite having his ears syringed - we can be sure that ear mites are not the problem as he also had the revolution treatment. It may also be seizure related though as he also was tugging at fur on his leg whilst groomingso I don't know. But saying that Minstrel also has a bit of a runny nose and scratches her ears and she hasn't got ear mites either. I will try a different food. Hopefully the vet will give him a steroid jab to stop the itching.

I am scared because this is what happened to my last FIV girl before we knew she was FIV - afterthey withdrew treatment in preparation for dermatology her system collapsed. So he most likely has an allergy and seizure problems and needs treatment for both. I'm not sure if steroids would interact with seizure meds and his heart med.

Michelle, Bramble, Minstrel, BuddyHave a purrfect day

Re: faster breathing

2005-06-17 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Michelle, You have been through so much, I hope nothing is wrong with Lucy, sending positve vibes your way. Please, Please keep us informed.

I am feeling stressed about Lucy, and do not know if it is reasonable or I am just paranoid. A few times over the past week, including tonight when I got home from being gone for 2 days, it has seemed to me like her breathing is faster than normal. She is purring all the time when I look carefully at her, so it is purring breaths, but it seems twice as fast as the other cats. I tried to count her breaths but can not see or feel them, only can hear the purrs through her nose. She is otherwise eating, playing, purring, etc. normally. I of course always fear lymphoma because I have lost mine to that. Some of you have had cats with lung tumors. Was this a first symptom, or was there wheezing and visible breathing?
MichelleHave a purrfect day

Re: OT- Fun Quiz

2005-06-17 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am sure we all are helpless slaves to our cats ;-))catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I imagine everyone would fall into the same category as me. lol. Here's a cute quiz you can take to see how much of a 'cat person' you are! Have a purrfect day

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