[Felvtalk] Lost my Jack-Jack today

2008-10-14 Thread Wendy Griebel
My little furbaby Jack-Jack crossed the bridge today. He had cancer and 
was not responding to treatment. We will miss him greatly.


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods-giving fluids

2008-07-20 Thread Wendy Griebel
You can also give fluids subcutaneously . Basically you would use a 
syringe and go just under the skin and inject sterile water. You can get 
the water at any grocery store. I have used this method before. You can 
do it about every hour to two hours. I did this with not only one of my 
kittens and two adult cats, but also with a 1 1/2 week old puppy. It can 
be tiring. Also there is a formula that I use to help them along.

One can of evaporated goats milk
One cup of PLAIN yogart ( do not use lowfat or flavored)
One egg yolk
Two teaspoons of karo syrup
Mix all together and and try putting it in a bowl for him. If he will 
not drink on his own then use a dropper or syringe to slowly give him 
some. My kitties seem to LOVE this formula, It is high in calories and 
will keep glucose levels up.


catatonya wrote:
 I didn't find how to give fluids on this list, but I'll keep looking 
 for new ideas.  One site said hang the bag from the ceiling with a 
 hook.  that worked well, but I couldn't tell how much I was giving. 
 lol.  I just gave them as long as he would let me and it looked like 
 he had a nice 'bump'.

 */MaryChristine [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 i THINK it was on this list that i first saw the reference, and
 i'm pretty sure it's on one of the big crf sites--hopefully
 someone here can help. there's a page that shows how to clip a
 cat in the same way that momcat's scruff them, to immobilize them,
 and make it possible to hydrate them by yourself.

 earlier this year, winn feline foundation
 (www.winnfelinehealth.org http://www.winnfelinehealth.org/)
 actually did research on this technique, using a variety of
 commonly found household clips, so that you do NOT have to go out
 and buy the cat-specific one i can't find ANYTHING these days,
 so hopefully someone else saves these things in a more logical

 On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 1:27 PM, catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 His creat is 2.5.
 He will come to me and let me stick him, but then he struggles
 to get away. Maybe I should try putting him in a carrier?
 Most of the pages I saw had 2 people to help, and I don't have
 anyone here but me.

 */Sharyl [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 Tonya, you just do what you can do.  For a CRF kitty with
 a Crea value in the high 3's daily fluids are generally
 needed to maintain adequate hydration.  Add water to the
 canned food to increase his water intake.  Set out lots of
 bowls of water in various places to encourage him to
 drink.  Mine love to drink from a bowl in the bath tub.
 For me fluids take less than 5 minutes from start to
 finish but I do not warm the fluids.  Never did and mine
 are fine with that.  But each kitty is different as to
 what they will tolerate.  Could you manage EOD (every
 other day). 
 In the end we do what we can and hope for the best. 
 Luckily I'm retired.  Between my CRF Pequita, Sissy and
 Rocket with FeLV+ quarantined in my bedroom and Daisy's 4
 FeLV+ babies quarantined out in the garage my 2 healthy
 kitties don't get much attention right now.   And I have a
 dumpster colony I feed daily and am trying to set up a TNR
 program for. 
 Obviously your Mom and Grandmother take priority.  I'll
 say a prayer for both of them

 --- On *Sat, 7/19/08, catatonya /[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 From: catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] low phospherous foods
 To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
 Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 11:20 AM

 Thank you so much Sharyl,
 I ordered some of the phosphorous binder. I hope it
 helps.  Both you and Belinda said you didn't think I
 should be giving fluids only once a week. how many
 times a week do you think I should give them.  Daily
 is just not doable.  I have 3 very sick cats, plus a
 sick grandmother and very sick mother to take care of
 right now..  I know I'm making excuses, but I
 can only do what I can do..

 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 Tonya, I always say the best food for a CRF kitty
 is the lowest phos canned