Hi Joey,
I know this is a late reply, but just reading your email.  I wanted to point 
out that even though you may not allow your cats outside, that does not 
preclude that a flea (or more) did not get tracked in on your shoes/pants or 
someone else's.  That can and does happen.  
How is Oscar doing?  What did the vet end up saying?

 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret Meade 

----- Original Message ----
From: Joey Dickens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 6:13:14 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Help with Anemia questions...

Hey, I appreciate all the answers I've gotten thus far--I'm Oscar's mommy--the 
cat who has feline leukemia and severe anemia.  Since I was still reacting to 
the news (i.e. crying) when the vet was explaining everything to me over the 
phone last week, I have decided to meet him for a consultation tomorrow to get 
some answers.  I want to be able to ask him everything, so I was wondering if 
you all could help me with some questions to ask him.  What I'm pretty much 
wondering is if there is anything to do to help him live longer (but I probably 
need specifics) and I need to ask him if there is a recommended food that Oscar 
should be eating due to his Anemia.  

Does anyone know of any supplements that I should ask the vet about?  Vitamins, 

Does anyone know of some specific foods that I should ask about?

Has anyone tried anything before with an Anemic cat that helped them pull out 
of it?  

Oscar does not have fleas, and none of the other cats in our household do 
either.  They are all strictly indoor cats, so I appreciate the warning to stay 
aware of fleas, but that isn't the cause of his anemia.  I will certainly keep 
an eye out for them, and I will also be careful how I treat them if fleas do 
pop up.

I would really like to pick the vet's brain, but I would like to do it with a 
little more information in mine so I can ask him educated questions.  Thanks in 
advance for all of your help :)  

Joey and Oscar

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