To Kayte: Re: Pete Shelia Crackers EVERYONE

2006-10-05 Thread wendy
Hi Kayte,

I'm  just now getting to all my email; life's been
crazy!!!  I named Cricket for his jumping ability and
because he was black.  The name was perfect for him.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> O Wendyim so sad about Cricket! But what a
> GREAT name! May I ask  why 
> he was named Cricket? That is precious.
> kayte and Crackers

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Re: To: Kayte

2006-09-03 Thread gblane
Unfortunately,  some vets do that - if they encounter an FELV cat, 
they recommend euthanization - I hate it, but it's true.

Fortunately, when I encountered my 1st FELV cat (Calawalla Banana 
Boo-boo), the vet was wonderful - didn't recommend Euth, just said 
that it might limit her life expectancy.  Also said that the virus 
didnt' live very long outside the body fluids.

I still know of vets in this town that euth. FELV and even FIV cats, 
simply because  Sad.


At 10:45 PM 9/3/2006, you wrote:

Hi Kayte and welcome to the group!

I live in Arizona and for some reason most of our vets here are 
scared of the disease and don't really have a lot of knowledge about 
it.  At the time, Angel had no symptoms at all.  It was just the 
fact that she tested positive.  There is no way I was going to let 
him euthanize her since she had no symptoms.  I had brought her home 
and started searching the internet for information and that is how I 
found this wonderful group of people.  I only had Angel since July, 
but she was such a sweet girl and as long as she was by my side, she 
was happy.  She became ill last weekend and died on Wednesday.  This 
disease hit her very fast..she was only 5 months old.

I wish there was a way to get our vets here more educated and up to 
date on this disease. It's frustrating.

Good luck to you!


As many of you know, the vet I had originally taken Angel to wanted 
me to have her euthanized right away after she tested positive.  I 
had spent weeks looking for a new vet for her and finally decided to 
try this one, when she became ill and needed to be seen last week.

I just wanted to share that a lady from the vets office had called 
me last Wed. to check on Angel.  I had to share the bad news and 
tell her  I had lost Angel.  Anyway, the vet himself sent me a 
condolence card in the mail yesterday and I really thought that was 
nice.  I mean, how many vets take the time to do that?

It was very comforting to me.

that was very sweet of them. my name is kayte and i am new to this 
group and disease. i was wandering why did your old vet want angel 
to be euthanized? was she sick? i just found out Friday night my 
baby crackers 5yr old was pos for luekemia and my vet didn't mention 
anything about euthanization. i have learned a lot from all u 
wonderful people and am crossing my fingers crackers is a false 
positive or that he passes this sad disease...also i am so sorry for 
angels passing.

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To: Kayte

2006-09-03 Thread kandbz_ mom
Hi Kayte and welcome to the group!     I live in Arizona and for some reason most of our vets here are scared of the disease and don't really have a lot of knowledge about it.  At the time, Angel had no symptoms at all.  It was just the fact that she tested positive.  There is no way I was going to let him euthanize her since she had no symptoms.  I had brought her home and started searching the internet for information and that is how I found this wonderful group of people.  I only had Angel since July, but she was such a sweet girl and as long as she was by my side, she was happy.  She became ill last weekend and died on Wednesday.  This disease hit her very fast..she was only 5 months old.      I wish there was a way to get our vets here more educated and up to date on this disease. It's frustrating.      Good luck to you!   
  Karen[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:As many of you know, the vet I had originally taken Angel to wanted me to have her euthanized right away after she tested positive.  I had spent weeks looking for a new vet for her and finally decided to try this one, when she became ill and needed to be seen last week.       I just wanted to share that a lady from the vets office had called me last Wed. to check on Angel.  I had to share the bad news and tell her  I had lost Angel.  Anyway, the vet himself sent me a condolence card in the mail yesterday and I really thought that was nice.  I mean, how many vets take the time to do that?       It
 was very comforting to me.      that was very sweet of them. my name is kayte and i am new to this group and disease. i was wandering why did your old vet want angel to be euthanized? was she sick? i just found out Friday night my baby crackers 5yr old was pos for luekemia and my vet didn't mention anything about euthanization. i have learned a lot from all u wonderful people and am crossing my fingers crackers is a false positive or that he passes this sad disease...also i am so sorry for angels passing. 
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