Finalizers: the Legend that Won't Die

2003-02-27 Thread George Russell
Manuel wrote (snipped)
I have just read Hans Boehm's POPL paper on finalizers.  His
suggestion for the use of finalizers in single-threaded
systems is to provide a `runFinalizers' routine, instead of
relying on the asynchronous execution that, as established,
requires support for concurrency.  I am not sure whether we
have given this option really serious consideration.
I can only see one problem with this.  Suppose you have the following
sequence of events:
   x = seq (unsafePerformIO runFinalizers) y
   finalizer = [... something involving x ...]
[... attach finalizer to something ..]
[... something becomes free, putting finalizer on the to-be-done list ...]
[.., computation requiring x ...]
Then during the computation of x the following things are liable to happen:
(1) Evaluation of x begins.  x is blackholed.
(2) runFinalizers is invoked.
(3) finalizer is begun.
(4) finalizer needs value of x.  Ooops, what do we do now?
Is it safe to run runFinalizers anywhere except in the main IO trunk?  Otherwise you
always have the risk of coming a cropper on blackholed values, don't you?

FFI mailing list

Re: haskell finalisers driven underground

2003-02-04 Thread George Russell
I think essentially there are only three ways you can have Haskell finalizers.
(1) every FFI implementation must implement concurrency.  I'm not convinced it must
be preemptive, but at the very minimum you need some sort of concurrency, since you 
some arbitrary number of finalizers (plus the main thread) all running together, all 
the same space of potentially half-way evaluated values, and so all needing the ability
to go to sleep and wake up whoever is half-way through evaluation.  This is a problem 
NHC, and possibly also for Hugs, so can't be done.  However it is how GHC does it.
(2) allow values to be evaluated more than once.  This breaks various important 
optimisations, and so right now is not an option for anyone.
(3) delay the finalizers until there are no half-way-evaluated values.  For example,
for non-concurrent Haskells, immediately before or after a primitive IO action in the 
trunk of a program (not inside unsafePerformIO !).  This would work fine for many 
people, like 
me, but those purists who do very long pure computations without ever troubling the IO 
impurists who run lengthy calculations inside unsafePerformIO, or statists who do 
computations in the state monad, may be surprised by the long delays before their 
gets run.

At the moment the consensus seems to be not to have Haskell finalizer in the standard, 
but leave
them up to the implementation.  I think I'm secretly hoping NHC will implement (1) or 
forcing Hugs to bow to market forces.
FFI mailing list

Objections to runAtomically

2002-10-17 Thread George Russell

I don't like runAtomically either, because once again it assumes a global lock.  This
is fine for GHC or Hugs or NHC on single processors, but it would be a pain if you had
multiple processors.  You can't avoid locking between processors altogether of course;
atomicModifyPVars and the unsafePerformIO hack I just posted require data to be
updated consistently (you don't want the same unsafePerformIO being evaluated twice).
However that is not so bad because the locking is only on particular bits of data;
it's reasonable that access to particular thunks or PVars will be owned by one 
processor or another, so that if two processors are working on independent bits of
state they can chug along perfectly happily without locking each other, and only need
to talk when one processor wants to get at a bit of state owned by another.

Although Alastair suggests compilers might try to spot when runAtomically can be used
safely without stopping all but one processor, I think analysis of IO actions to check 
potential conflicts might be even harder than getting Hugs to run Haskell finalizers 
It would require region analysis and probably worse.

However we don't really need to discuss this anyway, since I don't think either 
runAtomically or atomicallyModifyIORef need to be in the FFI standard.  I'm quite happy
to leave this open.
FFI mailing list

Re: The Revenge of Finalizers

2002-10-17 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
   I don't know how to achieve the same goal with
  I do.  To modify ioRef1 and ioRef2 simultaneously, write
  atomicModifyIORef ioRef1 (\ contents1 - unsafePerformIO
  ioRef2 (\ contents2 - blah blah))
  The actual modification will take place when the result or
  contents of ioRef1 or ioRef2 get evaluated.
 I don't understand how this works.  Unless I'm missing something, you'll
 see the contents of ioRef1 at the point at which the first
 atomicModifyIORef takes place, but the contents of ioRef2 from the time
 at which the unsafePerformIO is evaluated, which is some unspecified
 time later.

Perhaps we're talking about different sorts of atomicModifyIORef?  I am now
thinking of atomicModifyIORef as having the type

IORef a - (a - (a,b)) - IO b

Thus when it is called the effect is to construct (1) a thunk of type (a,b) containing
the application of the function to the thunk previously in the IORef; (2) a thunk 
fst $  the thunk from (1) of type (a,b), which is put in the IORef; (3) a thunk
containing snd $ the thunk from (1), to be returned.  Subsequent evaluation of the 
result of 
atomicModifyIORef will force the thunks in (1) and (3) to be evaluated, meaning the
unsafePerformIO gets evaluated.
FFI mailing list

Re: The Revenge of Finalizers

2002-10-17 Thread George Russell
Simon Marlow wrote:
  I'd hoped that blockFinalizers would be useful for defining other
  primitives but since it won't even work for GHC, I agree that PVar
  will meet most of our needs.  (An even simpler design might be to
  extend our IORef implementations with 'atomicallyModifyIORef'.)
  So, is this a design that we could agree on?
 I like it.  I'd vote for 'atomicModifyIORef' rather than a new PVar
 type, though.
Yes, I think I would too.  So that's the end of PVars.

Just to check, is there any problem implementing

atomicModifyIORef :: IORef a - (a - (a,b)) - IO b?

(Especially for NHC?)  Because that's the type I would like it to have.
I can see a number of applications for this function . .
FFI mailing list

Re: The Revenge of Finalizers

2002-10-17 Thread George Russell
Alastair Reid wrote:
  So, is this a design that we could agree on?
  I like it.  I'd vote for 'atomicModifyIORef' rather than a new PVar
  type, though.
 Ok, onto the second question:
   Can we use atomicModifyIORef to make our code finalizer-safe?
 I see potential problems wherever two IORefs need to be modified
 atomically.  Obviously, it's easy enough to change code like this:
   foo :: (IORef a, IORef b) - IO ()
   foo (ref1,ref2) = do
 modifyIORef ref1 f
 modifyIORef ref2 g
   foo :: IORef (a,b) - IO ()
   foo ref = do
 modifyIORef ref (f `cross` g)
 More difficult would be something composite objects where multiple
 IORefs need to be updated 'at once'.  With MVars, you'd use a single
 MVar as the lock for the whole object and then use IORefs for mutable
 bits within the tree.  You'd use a similar approach with a construct
 like blockFinalizers.  I don't know how to achieve the same goal with
I do.  To modify ioRef1 and ioRef2 simultaneously, write

atomicModifyIORef ioRef1 (\ contents1 - unsafePerformIO ioRef2 (\ contents2 - blah 

The actual modification will take place when the result or contents of ioRef1 or 
ioRef2 get

It's horrible of course, but we've got unsafePerformIO in the FFI standard so why not?
You cannot get deadlocks (because atomicModifyIORef won't deadlock), but instead you 
get non-termination.  GHC at least detects this non-termination and produces an
Exception: loop or something of the sort.  To avoid the non-termination, you 
need to
order the ioRefs in some way or use some similar strategy, just as you'd have to for 

In fact for UniForM this strategy looks more reliable than our existing one of using 
since at least atomicModifyIORef is guaranteed to leave something in the ioRef, while 
MVars you have to watch out for someone killing the thread at an inconvenient time when
the MVar is empty.
FFI mailing list

Re: The Revenge of Finalizers

2002-10-17 Thread George Russell
Alastair Reid wrote:
   I don't know how to achieve the same goal with atomicModifyIORef.
  I do.  To modify ioRef1 and ioRef2 simultaneously, write
atomicModifyIORef ioRef1  (\ contents1 -
   unsafePerformIO ioRef2 (\ contents2 -
   blah blah))
  The actual modification will take place when the result or contents of
  ioRef1 or ioRef2 get evaluated.
 I must be missing something because this seems to be riddled with race
 In particular, if ioRef1 is updated by a lazy function, then the write
 to ioRef1 happens but the write to ioRef2 does not.
Yes but so what?  The write to ioRef2 will happen when you try to evaluate
something from the unsafePerformIO.  You can do that right away (seq'ing whatever
the first atomicModifyIORef returned) if it makes you feel happier.

EG (to take an actual example of something I use to implement composable events in
Haskell) we can implement a function

simpleToggle2 :: IORef Bool - IORef Bool - IO (Just (Bool,Bool))

which attempts to flip the two IORefs from True to False (if they are both True);
otherwise returning their actual values.  Then you could code this something like this
(no I'm not going to check if it passes GHC)

simpleToggle2 ioRef1 ioRef2 =
  res - atomicModifyIORef ioRef1 (\ contents1 -
 unsafePerformIO (atomicModifyIORef ioRef2 (\ contents2 -
if contents1  contents2 
 (contents2,(contents1,Just (contents1,contents2)))
  seq res (return res)

Then the first atomicModifyIORef replaces the contents of ioRef1 by a thunk, and
returns another thunk.  The seq then proceeds to evaluate this thunk, causing
the unsafePerformIO to be run, which changes ioRef2.

There IS a potential problem, because if you run simpleToggle2 on the same ioRef

simpleToggle2 ioRef ioRef

or if two threads run simpleToggle2 simultaneously on the same ioRefs but in opposite 

simpleToggle2 ioRef1 ioRef2 || simpleToggle2 ioRef2 ioRef1

or in general you have n threads simultaneously running simpleToggle on a cycle of 
you can get non-termination, because you will find your thunks get linked in a 
circular chain,
with each one depending on the next.  This is exactly the same as what happens if you 

writeIORef x (unsafePerformIO (readIORef x))

and then attempt to evaluate the contents of x.  However you also have exactly the 
same problem
when you try to implement simpleToggle2 on MVar Bool, except there you get deadlock 
The solution in both cases is to put some constraint on the ordering, for example 
construct some
well-founded linear order on ioRefs such that simpleToggle2 ioRef1 ioRef2 is never 
called unless
ioRef2  ioRef1 (I think it's that way round).

If you all you have is a data structure containing two IORefs, and the only accesses 
you want
to these IORefs are (a) individual access, with a guaranteed terminating update 
(b) joint access, then the solution is simply to make sure that (say) you always 
access the first
ioRef first.  Then I think you have guaranteed termination.  This is exactly the same 
with MVars.
So although some Haskell purists (mentioning no names) might object to using 
like this, it does not seem to make matters worse than using MVars, since it's purely 
a question
of taste whether you prefer non-termination or a deadlock.
FFI mailing list

Re: The Revenge of Finalizers

2002-10-17 Thread George Russell
Simon Marlow wrote:
 Don't you run into a problem even if the two threads use the same
 ordering?  Suppose
   - thread 1 does the atomicModifyIORef, and gets preempted before
 doing the seq
   - thread 2 does its own atomicModifyIORef, and the seq.  Thread 2
 gets an inconsistent view of the IORefs.

No.  At the time of the seq in thread 2, the thunk (call it Thunk 2)
returned by the second atomicModifyIORef will refer to the thunk (Thunk 1)
put in there by the first atomicModifyIORef.  The seq will cause the
unsafePerformIO from the second atomicModifyIORef to be evaluated.  This
will come to the if statement which will demand the value of Thunk 1.
This will in turn provoke the evaluation of Thunk1.  This will cause
the action of thread 1's simpleToggle2 to be evaluated to completion.

Sadly there does seem to be a problem (with GHC) if Thread 1 is
asynchronously interrupted while the unsafePerformIO is being done.
I'm afraid there isn't any way of avoiding this I can think of excepting
putting a blockAsynchronousExceptions or whatever it's called around
the seq.  Still, at least that would work, because since 
atomicModifyIORef does not block, there is no reason for it not to.
For the equivalent solution with MVars it does not work, and you
need a more complicated arrangement of blocks and unblocks.
FFI mailing list

Re: Objections to runAtomically

2002-10-17 Thread George Russell
Alastair Reid wrote:
  This is fine for GHC or Hugs or NHC on single processors, but it
  would be a pain if you had multiple processors.
 By 'pain' you mean slow?
 Since  90% of uses of runAtomically will be with modifyIORef, we can
 avoid this overhead by providing atomicModifyIORef in the IORef
 library as well.  Multiprocessor GHC is free to implement it more
 efficiently if necessary/ convenient.
I'm not convinced the overhead is going to be all in modifyIORef.
For one thing runAtomically once again assumes the existence of some
linear ordering on all state operations performed by the program.
I don't have any experience of programming for multiple processors so
I don't know what repercussions it would have for the run-time system,
but it seems possible that there would be some, even in stateful operations
which have nothing to do with runAtomically.  It seems to me that the
majority of locking in a multi-processor system is going to be one-to-one;
one processor wants permission to get at a bit of state owned by another
processor.  However you are asking for something different, where one
processor wants to broadcast a stop-running message to every single other
processor, at the same time as perhaps other processors are also trying
to do the same thing (so you need some mechanism for arbitration).  Of
course it will be possible, but since Alastair seems to be happy for the
IORef to contain atomicModifyIORef anyway, I don't see a pressing need for
the additional primitive.
FFI mailing list

Re: The Revenge of Finalizers

2002-10-17 Thread George Russell
Alastair Reid wrote:
  However in general I think we can hide some of the horribleness from
  the user:
  modify2IORefs :: IORef a - IORef b - (a - b - (a,b,c)) - IO c
  [horrible code deleted]
 And if they need to update 3 IORefs or a list of IORefs?
It would be a fairly trivial matter to generalise the code I posted to
such cases.  But in my own experience three-way or multi-way
synchronisations are only required very rarely.  I have yet to come across
a case where we needed them here at Bremen, and we do use concurrency an
awful lot.
 Writing code like that yourself and getting it right and portable
 between compilers seems to be ludicrously hard.
 I can't tell if that code is right (my gut says no). 
Well I'm afraid my gut disagrees.  Also I think I've adequately
addressed all the specific concerns raised so far.
 Worse though, I
 don't even know what semantic framework to use to reason about it if
 we want to be sure the code will work in the presence of strictness
 analyzers, eager evaluation, parallel evaluation, fully-lazy
 evaluation, etc.  Operational reasoning and reasoning by example
 struggle with such a task.
Well I don't think we have a theoretical semantic framework for reasoning
about most of the FFI, including especially unsafePerformIO.  However
the main assumption that is being made by the code I gave is that
the thunks containing the unsafePerformIO's do not get multiply evaluated.
I think this is a reasonable assumption to make.  I am not scared
by any of the buzzwords you give.  For example, a strictness analyzer
which wrongly attempted to evaluate the unsafePerformIO inside the lock
and got into trouble as a result would in my opinion only have itself to
blame.  The same would apply to eager evaluation.  For example, such
methods might also get into trouble with the perfectly reasonable code:

x - takeMVar y
   z = seq x (error Not to be evaluated)
putMVar y z

seq z

since it would presumably raise an error prematurely when the MVar was
empty.  This is of course without any use of unsafePerformIO; one would
expect eager evaluators/strictness evaluators to be especially careful
about going round unsafePerformIO, if they did it at all.  As for
parallel evaluation I just don't see the problem, provided precautions
are taken to make sure unsafePerformIO's are not multiply evaluated.
I don't know what fully-lazy evaluation is, and how it differs from the
normally lazy variety.
FFI mailing list

Re: Objections to runAtomically

2002-10-17 Thread George Russell
Alastair Reid wrote:
 It assumes that side effects can be linearized.  Every theory of
 concurrency I know of makes the same assumption.
I don't know if the Java Language Specification counts as a theory of
concurrency but you will find if you check that side effects are *not*
linearised in that language.  This is also true of the Java Virtual
Machine.  Thus it would be a problem if, say, someone were to compile
Haskell to JVM.
FFI mailing list

Re: The Revenge of Finalizers

2002-10-17 Thread George Russell
Simon Marlow wrote:
 However, I think we're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist yet.
 All the libraries we have which are affected can be fixed by using
 atomicModifyIORef, and even if one were to arrive which can't be fixed
 in this way, the chances that someone would also want to use it from a
 finalizer are rather low.
 I think a more pressing problem is whether Haskell finalizers can be
 implemented in Hugs properly - any thoughts on the problem I raised
Yes, I agree.  I really think that now we can consider the problem of
whether it is possible to do useful communication between finalizers
and the rest of the Haskell world to have been settled in the affirmative.

 PS. I've implemented atomicModifyIORef in GHC and am testing it now.
Yippee.  I shall look forward to using it, especially if it is faster
than the equivalent construction using modifyMVar.
FFI mailing list

Re: Objections to runAtomically

2002-10-17 Thread George Russell
George Russell wrote:
 Alastair Reid wrote:
  It assumes that side effects can be linearized.  Every theory of
  concurrency I know of makes the same assumption.
 I don't know if the Java Language Specification counts as a theory of
 concurrency but you will find if you check that side effects are *not*
 linearised in that language.  This is also true of the Java Virtual
 Machine.  Thus it would be a problem if, say, someone were to compile
 Haskell to JVM.
Having said that, of course JVM's do permit global locking, so you could
implement runAtomically.  The effect would be that while you wouldn't
have a single global ordering of side effects, runAtomically would appear
to work in any of the linear orderings as observed by the separate
threads (or something like that, I'm not digging up the fiendishly
complicated chapter 7 or 8 or whatever it is of the JVM specification
at this time of night).  I suppose I have to concede that runAtomically
is at least implementable.  I still don't think it belongs in the FFI
specification though; as Simon M says we seem to be able to do everything
anyone can think of using atomicModifyIORef.  It's not that I don't
think locking primitives are a good idea, but runAtomically seems to
be an awfully crude one.  It also incidentally would trash any
functions which implicitly rely on, say, worker threads.  For example,
some optimisation algorithm could repeatedly try to improve on the 
best possible solution until interrupted by an Exception from a worker
thread indicating that time was up.  Of course you couldn't write such a
function in NHC, but in GHC such a technique is potentially useful,
and you wouldn't necessarily want to have to tell the user that the
function could not be called from inside runAtomically.

Could we not at least replace the global lock by a local one?
For example
   newLock :: IO Lock
   synchronize :: Lock - IO a - IO a
would specify a Java-like mechanism, by which synchronize would delay
the action if necessary so that no two actions were simultaneously
performed on the same lock.  The big question would be, can this be
implemented with Haskell finalizers in NHC?  I think for NHC you would
simply implement Alastair's runAtomically, and wrap synchronize in it.
Then you would know that if in the middle of synchronize lock action,
there was another attempt to synchronize on lock, the lock could not
be due to a finalizer running inside action (since new finalizers are
blocked and finalizers are properly nested), so must be due to action
itself, so we must deadlock.  Thus for NHC this is mildly more complicated
(and inefficient) than having a global runAtomically.  For Hugs/GHC
we can easily implement a Lock as an MVar ().  The only disadvantage I
can see is that for NHC you are delaying new finalizers indefinitely
during the duration of the synchronize'd action, but of course this is
equally true of runAtomically in NHC.  Where this solution wins is that
you don't have to delay anything in Hugs or GHC except where the user
explicitly requests it.
FFI mailing list

Re: The Revenge of Finalizers

2002-10-16 Thread George Russell

(message referred to follows)

Alastair suggested implementing blockFinalizers rather than PVars.  However I
dislike this for two reason:
(1) I'm rather attached to PVars.  Not just because I suggested them (actually
I think I stole them from Einar Karlsen) but because it looks to me as if they
could be implemented very efficiently and would be quite useful.  If we take the
more general interface:

newPVar :: a - IO (PVar a)
updatePVar :: PVar a - (a - (a,b)) - IO b

then PVar's are absolutely guaranteed not to block, and updatePVar can be implemented
as an atomic operation in any of GHC, NHC and Hugs, and I suspect it should even be 
pretty easy to implement it directly in C (since all you are doing is moving pointers 
to thunks around).  
In particular I would like to petition Simon Marlow to include updatePVar in this way 
in GHC, 
because (unlike the corresponding solution with MVars) it could very cheaply be 
guaranteed to 
work atomically (with MVars you need complicated patterns of expensive block-exception 
primitives to stop asynchronous exceptions mucking things up).  Furthermore although 
you cannot provide
updatePVarIO :: PVar a - (a - IO (a,b)) - IO b
you can implement something fairly similar to it if you are naughty by giving 
updatePVar a 
function which returns an unsafePerformIO'd action.  The action will then of course be 
at some outspecified date when the user tries to read the contents of the PVar.  For 
UniForM at
least there is an application for this which would plug an existing embarassing hole 
in the
events code, namely that you mustn't throw asynchronous exceptions at threads which 
use events.

(2) blockFinalizers looks fine for Hugs and NHC which only have a single-thread model, 
but it
looks tricky in general where we do not have a conception of during.  Effectively 
that means
an implementation on a parallel architecture which accesses state has to come up with 
arbitrary order of state accesses, just so that it can rely on it to
specify blockFinalizers.  Of course PVars assume an ordering of state accesses, but 
only between
accesses to the single PVar.  (There is a similar problem lurking with unsafe 
external calls,
which is probably why they are called unsafe.)

(3) The implementation of PVars Alastair gives using blockFinalizers also will not 
work in general
unless you also specify that Haskell finalizers are properly nested.  This is OK for 
NHC, maybe not
for Hugs, certainly not for GHC.  This is not of course a problem for PVars since the 
reason is that 
Hugs and GHC have concurrency, and on a concurrent machine you would naturally 
implement PVars using 
MVars (if not as primitives in their own right).  

Alastair Reid wrote:
  However even if Haskell finalizers + MVars are impossible in NHC, I
  don't think Haskell finalizers + mutable state have to be.  For
  example another mutable variable we could have would be a PVar which
  is always full and has functions [snip]
  updatePVar (PVar ioRef) updateFn =
[stop any new finalizers running]
a - readIORef ioRef
writeIORef (updateFn a)
[reenable finalizers]
return a
 Just for the record, I think that if we were to pursue this approach,
 then the right primitive to add is:
   -- |
   -- Execute argument atomically with respect to finalizers.
   -- Nested calls to blockFinalizers are allowed.
   -- That is, while executing the argument, no finalizers will start
   -- to execute.
   -- (Finalizers that are already executing may continue to execute.)
   blockFinalizers :: IO a - IO a
FFI mailing list

Re: Finalizers Ride Again

2002-10-16 Thread George Russell

Alastair Reid wrote:
  [snip] I don't see that it's necessary for us to come to a decision
  right now about PVars unless we want to put them in the FFI
 But what if we can't agree on something like PVars or we decide that
 Haskell finalizers plus yet another synchronization mechanism is worse
 than C finalizers?

Well the first problem (not agreeing on something) is a problem for the
Mutable State Standardisation committee (not us).  As for Haskell finalizers
plus yet another synchronization mechanism, PVar's are
not yet another synchronization mechanism because the whole point is that
NHC at least has no synchronization mechanism, and if we are going to have
a standard synchronization mechanism (which as I've argued is a good idea)
something like PVars are needed, if we are to take it that P/V/MVars are all
impossible.  Even if there were no FFI standard, I think PVars or something
like them would be a good idea, otherwise it would be impossible to write functions
like Alastair's newObject/killObject so that they could be ported between NHC
and other Haskell systems.
FFI mailing list

Why I want Haskell finalizers

2002-10-16 Thread George Russell

The document which Simon and Alastair have kindly put together asks for more details
about why I want foreign garbage collectors to be able to call back to Haskell.  Well
I can't supply many details, because this is not immediately required by the 
project we are working on at Bremen.  However the problem is a fairly simple and 
one.  If you have Haskell talking to some other language with a garbage collector, be
it Java or SML, then at a given point of the program you can in general expect to
have Haskell holding stable pointers to objects referenced from their world by the 
other language,
and vice-versa.  The most obvious way of garbage-collecting these is for each language 
reference the foreign objects using its own version of ForeignPtr's, which then 
the other's RTS that the corresponding stable pointer is no longer required.  This 
mechanism does
not handle circular pointers (Haskell references an ML object, which in turn 
references the
original Haskell object again) but it is at least a start.  Furthermore as a 
programmer I think
my response to circular dependencies would be to try to avoid them, for example by 
cycles by making some of the links weak, since a general solution would be fairly 
I think in any case a general solution would very probably use finalizers to handle 
while doing some complex pointer-chasing to detect and break cycles.
FFI mailing list

Finalizers compromise

2002-10-16 Thread George Russell

I like what Simon and Alastair have written in the finalizers document.  However 
I don't think there is any proposal I can wholeheartedly support, so I have to produce 
my own, which is a mixture of almost all the proposals (1)-(5).  I hope though that
this proposal will at least provide a framework which everyone can accept.
The basic idea is that we accept that we cannot agree upon a final version of the
FFI standard at this time, so we (a) make an interim change to the standard; 
(b) experiment with Haskell finalizers; (c) agree a method for settling discussion 
in a few months time.  If anyone else has any better way of putting this discussion 
out of its misery, please let's hear it.

Here is the proposal in detail:

(1) We change the names of newForeignPtr and addForeignPtrFinalizer to
newUnsafeForeignPtr and addUnsafeForeignPtrFinalizer.  This can be considered
frozen and a settled part of the standard; people can start coding with them
right away.
(2) We also include functions

newForeignPtr :: Ptr a - IO () - IO (ForeignPtr a)


addForeignPtrFinalizer :: ForeignPtr a - IO () - IO ()

However we should make it clear in the standard that (a) implementations only 
*may* choose to implement these functions, or may only implement them with 
(b) the specification of these functions, or whether they exist at all, 
should be regarded by users as something that is particularly likely to change before 
the final cut.   We can put this section of the standard in italics to indicate its
provisional nature.

(3) In the meantime Hugs, GHC, NHC should attempt to implement these functions (using
for example Simon's patch) and we see how we get on, for example if there are
more insuperable difficulties.

(4) Also Hugs, GHC and NHC should implement PVars, with the interface

newPVar :: a - IO (PVar a)
updatePVar :: PVar a - (a - (a,b)) - IO b

and we can see if they adequately address Alastair's concerns about mutable state 
(unless he already considers them adequately answered).  Of course for Hugs and GHC
the implementation is completely trivial, and if you can't find a student with
10 minutes to spare to write them in terms of MVars, I will be happy to oblige . . .

NB.  The question is not here Are PVars the best/only possible implementation of
concurrency, just Do they provide a useful and implementable way for Haskell 
to communicate.

NB2.  If Alastair insists on blockFinalizers instead, I don't think we need to
argue the point, but I would object to having blockFinalizers in the
FFI standard, since blockFinalizers seems to me to make too many assumptions about
the nature of the implementation (that state changes by Haskell have some sort
of universal ordering for example).  I would also object to having PVars in the
FFI standard, since there may be a better way of implementing thread-safe
common state. 

(5)  Since perhaps we will not have unanimity even if we do all this and come back in 
a year, 
perhaps we should all agree now some decision procedure.  My suggestion is that we 
agree now 
that we will either
(a) cast newForeignPtr and addForeignPtrFinalizer out of the standard altogether;
(b) make them compulsory 
(c) settle some alternative specification/type for them
when at least two of {the NHC team}, {the Hugs team}, {the GHC team} consent.
Hopefully this will not take too long, perhaps about 6 months.
FFI mailing list

Re: Why I want Haskell finalizers

2002-10-16 Thread George Russell

Alastair Reid wrote:
 George writes:
  If you have Haskell talking to some
  other language with a garbage collector, be it Java or SML, then at
  a given point of the program you can in general expect to have
  Haskell holding stable pointers to objects referenced from their
  world by the other language, and vice-versa.  The most obvious way
  of garbage-collecting these is for each language to reference the
  foreign objects using its own version of ForeignPtr's, which then
  instruct the other's RTS that the corresponding stable pointer is no
  longer required.
 So what you want is for the Java GC to call hs_freeStablePtr on all the
 Haskell objects that just died?
No, that's only a partial (and indeed very incomplete) solution.  It relies on
the Java GC knowing that that particular reference to the Haskell StablePtr
is the only one that matters, and vice-versa for the Haskell GC.  If you want any
slightly more complicated logic (such as if Java has multiple references to
the same StablePtr, or if you want to detect if this particular freeStablePtr
might free a circular data structure) you'll have to write it in C.
FFI mailing list

Re: Finalizers strike back

2002-10-11 Thread George Russell
Alastair Reid wrote:
  [snip] I'm not sure I really understand the problem.  The FFI
  standard (Release Candidate 4, the one I have printed out here) does
  not define IORefs, and of course Haskell 98 doesn't either.
  Therefore, although this code is broken, this particular example
  doesn't matter if all we are considering is code written in Haskell
  98 + FFI.
 If there's no shared mutable Haskell state, writing finalizers in
 Haskell buys you little - what does a finalizer do other than cleanup
 shared state?  (Note that it doesn't cleanup unshared state - what
 would be the point?)
 What I hear you saying is that the FFI standard should depend on a
 concurrency standard.  I think there was a strong sentiment that we
 should avoid this.  I agree though that it is necessary if we allow
 Haskell finalizers.
I think we should remember that the FFI standard has to address various
(1) those who want to implement portable code in just FFI + Haskell98.
This group does not have access to functions for conveniently manipulating
mutable state, therefore Alastair's problem with IORefs will not be a problem
for them.  However Haskell inside finalizers will at any rate not harm them.  
it is incorrect to say that just because there is no Haskell mutable state, there
is no reason such people may want it to be possible to call Haskell while a finalizer
is running.  Consider someone who, say, calls out from Haskell to Java (to do funny
graphics, say) and writes a finalizer which calls Java code.  At the same time, they
also want to do some completely separate pure computation in Haskell, which is made
available to Java.  Since Java at least does have preemptive concurrency, while
it is running at all, it is perfectly possible that Java will call the Haskell 
while the Java finalizer is running.  You want a license to make the roof fall in at 
point; I don't think you should have it.
(2) those who want to implement portable code in FFI + Haskell98 + something else.
(I suspect this is the larger group.)  To discuss this at all we simply have to
speculate about what something else might be.  One obvious something else is 
mutable state.  Alastair is assuming that something else is IORefs but not MVars.
However I assert this is implausible or at least unfortunate, because for reasons I've
explained, it would normally be a good idea for implementations and programmers to 
and use MVars, even if they do not provide and use concurrency, since otherwise you
can't write functions like Alastair's newObject and killObject without making 
assumptions about the properties of the implementation.  If NHC does not provide MVars,
I think it should.  I apologise to Malcolm, but in any case I doubt if implementing 
in a world with only one thread would cost him a great deal of effort.

To sum up, it's NOT that I want the FFI standard to depend on concurrency.  It's once 
that I don't want the FFI standard to depend on the absence of concurrency (as 
IORef code does).
FFI mailing list

Finalizers strike back

2002-10-10 Thread George Russell

Alastair wrote
 More importantly though, this does nothing at all to guarantee
 atomicity of Haskell code that manipulates global variables.  Consider
 a data structure consisting of a list of objects.  The main thread
 might add to this list and do searches in the list and the finalizer
 removes objects from the list:
   type State = IORef [Object]
   -- used by main
   newObject :: Object - IO ()
   newObject o = do
 os - readIORef state
 writeIORef state (o:os)
   -- used by finalizer
   killObject :: Object - IO ()
   killObject o = do
 os - readIORef state
 writeIORef state (filter (/= 0) os)
 Some possible interleavings of the IO actions in these functions can
 result in an object not being added to or removed from the object
I'm not sure I really understand the problem.  The FFI standard (Release Candidate
4, the one I have printed out here) does not define IORefs, and of course 
Haskell 98 doesn't either.  Therefore, although this code is broken, this 
particular example doesn't matter  if all we are considering is code written in 
Haskell 98 + FFI.

However to me this code just looks totally wrong because of course I use GHC,
a system with preemptive scheduling, and would regard it as incompetent to use
anything other than an MVar here.  Even for Hugs I don't like this code, because
the functions newObject and killObject will fail in the future should anyone try to
port them to a system with pre-emptive concurrency, unless the maintainers are careful
to avoid running them concurrently.  So as Hugs has MVar's, I think it is bad practice
not to use them here, unless you have some very good excuse (like being desperate for
performance).  You're basically implementing an API which has the hidden condition that
the two functions must not be called simultaneously.

But in any case it's somewhat woolly just to talk in terms of existing compilers.  
we posit that there is a GlobalVariables standard.  Then indeed Alastair's example 
fall over.  So we can say that here is a problem which occurs with Haskell98 + FFI + 
However I would expect a GlobalVariables standard to specify both MVars and IORefs.  
The reason is precisely because of this sort of thing.  Of course, as Alastair says, 
if all
you're interested in is a single-threaded implementation, MVars seems a waste of time 
either they don't block at all or they deadlock.  But they *are* very necessary if you
are intending to write code which may in the future be run on an implementation with 
concurrency.  It's precisely the same reason as why the FFI standard has a threadsafe
keyword; although it is these days usually unnecessary, it is nevertheless very 
important to have
it there because of what might happen in the future.  

So I can sum this up by saying (1) a GlobalVariables standard should specify both 
MVars and
IORefs.  (2) Someone writing finalizers on a Haskell98 + FFI + GlobalVariables 
would have absolutely no excuse for using code such as that Alastair has given, since 
is a really blinding example of where MVars are needed.  Anyone writing a finalizer 
be aware (indeed the FFI standard should say) that the finalizer may be run at any 
(after all, when else would you expect it to run) and should take precautions against 
This is much better than expecting them to rely on arcana such as the details of Hugs
scheduling strategy.

In any case I disagree with Alastair when he says bugs of this sort are as bad as bugs 
by calling Haskell from a finalizer in Hugs.  At least in this case Haskell's RTS is 
healthy.  Assuming the crash comes reasonably often, you can narrow it down by putting 
loads of print statements, until eventually you get to the stage of asking Who put 
what into
the State variable.  Not very pleasant, but you will get there.  However if I 
understand it
correctly, calling Haskell from a finalizer under the FFI may lead to nothing but a 
Furthermore print statements will not help you because the finalizer might have been 
anywhere; at the best you will only find out where the GC happened.  Even if you guess 
that the
reason Haskell's RTS blew up at just that point was because of a rogue finalizer 
during which
an external Haskell function happened to be called, you have no way in Haskell of 
out what that finalizer might be, even less of finding out what external Haskell 
function the
outside world was trying to invoke.
FFI mailing list

Re: FFI digest, Vol 1 #218 - 3 msgs

2002-10-02 Thread George Russell

Alastair Reid wrote:
 I maintain that it is better to specify something simple and for GHC
 to document that it goes beyond the specification just as it does for
 unboxed types and the like.
I don't believe it's at all simple to specify that Haskell-land may not
be invoked at any time during the duration of some C function.  I'm not
even sure I know what duration means, in the presence of concurrency.
 What's the point in going to all the effort of coming up with a common
 specification, all of us hacking our implementations to match the
 spec, endless arguing over details of the syntax, types, libraries,
 etc. if it doesn't achieve the goal of improving portability?  It
 would have been much easier if we'd left our (incompatible)
 implementations alone and not made an effort at defining a portable
 ffi spec.
People who only call C in a fairly simple way can still port their FFI
code between Hugs, GHC and NHC.  We all know that the current mechanism
is a huge improvement on the old non-portable ones.  However anyone who 
goes beyond this needs to be aware of elephant traps, and we should not 
expect them to read the specification in detail to do so.
   Since I regard this caveat as an extremely
  important one (for example, it severely limits the use of the FFI to
  link to languages like Java, which also have their own GC)
 I just want to note that I believe what you really need is a bunch of
 entrypoints into the runtime system not the ability to call Haskell
You also need entrypoints into (say) the Java runtime system, if you
are going to interact with Java.  Otherwise how are you going to tell
Java that one of your Haskell-provided callbacks must be delayed until
Hugs has finished its garbage-collection?  Or are you proposing that
anyone linking Hugs with Java must implement a lock (in Java) which
blocks every single callback to Hugs during Hugs GC's?

  it needs to be stated very clearly in the documentation of those
  implementations which have it, rather than being left as an
  embarassing hole which the user will only discover after a long and
  painful analysis of the core-dumps.
 Note that the problem is _exactly_ the same problem faced when using
 foreign functions which were declared using the 'unsafe' calling
 convention.  The only difference I can see is that unsafe calls are
 much more common so they are more of a problem.
The difference is that the unsafe calling convention uses the word unsafe.
People who use features which are labelled unsafe may be assumed to be
aware of the elephant traps in the specification.  If they aren't it's their
own fault.

The reason most calls at the moment are unsafe is because the FFI has mostly
been used to link directly to C code in a fairly single-threaded way.  I'm not
sure even this is a good idea, since we can't go on assuming a single native
thread for much longer.  
FFI mailing list

Finalizers etcetera

2002-10-02 Thread George Russell

In fairness I should state that here at Bremen we do not currently need Haskell 
I was thinking of another application altogether, but I don't particularly want to go 
details of that.  There are however particular reasons (such as galloping concurrency) 
I think Alastair's proposed hooks would be impractical in that case, even if they were
provided by both garbage collectors, which they wouldn't be.

I don't think we are coming any nearer to a solution on this.  There seem to be three 
(1) Alastair's: keep the signature as it is, with the restriction.  Add miscellaneous 
allowing C to do things to the Haskell world without actually entering it.
(2) Mine: keep the signature as it is, but remove the restriction, at least so that if 
decide to impose the restriction anyway, they have to document it very clearly.
(EG Hugs implements the FFI standard [ref] with the restriction that finalizers may 
not call
back into Haskell (see paragraph [whatever]).
(3) Manuel's: reverse the change altogether.

Ideally I'd like Manuel's solution, except that we obviously can't force Hugs and NHC 
to comply
with it.  I think therefore I prefer my solution in that it makes clear you can write 
portable FFI code which runs on any implementation with or without the restriction, 
but non-trivial
use involving interaction with foreign garbage collectors and the like is likely to 
fall over.

I don't deny that it is likely to be possible to write non-trivial applications 
finalizers in several languages even in Hugs, but you will have to provide various 
hooks which are in 
general quite inappropriate.  Other choices might be some kind of lock which could be 
operated from both 
the Haskell and C world (since then it would be possible, painfully, for a C finalizer 
to arrange for a 
Haskell thread sleeping on the lock to wake up, if enough scheduling points arise).  
Or as Alastair
suggested, you can at least arrange for some Haskell functions, like freeStablePtr, to 
be made
available in the C world.  Such things might be a good idea in Hugs or NHC (obviously 
it's not for
me to say), if Haskell finalizers really are impossible.  But in general I think it is 
simply absolutely inappropriate for such solutions to be specified in the standard, 
since they seem to assume too much
and impose too much work on the user, if the user is happy to use GHC.
FFI mailing list

Re: FFI digest, Vol 1 #218 - 3 msgs

2002-10-01 Thread George Russell

Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
 George Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,
  Simon Marlow wrote
   PS. I'm sorry to keep banging on about this.  Ultimately it doesn't
   really matter to me that much, since I only really use mallocForeignPtr.
   I guess I was just intrigued to see if the problem was really as
   difficult as we'd thought.
  I'm glad you are banging on about it.  But since it looks unlikely that there is 
  to be agreement on the matter, I suggest the following compromise.  We remove the
  restriction that finalizers may not call Haskell functions in the main body of the 
  but add a note that says that implementations may opt to impose such a restriction,
  provided they document it in some standard way.
 That's as good as not defining it at all.  
I agree that it's extremely unsatisfactory, but it seems the best option (to me) of 
it is not going to be accepted.  So at least it would be better if GHC's documentation 
We implement the FFI while Hugs and NHC's said We implement the FFI with the caveat 
finalizers may not call back into Haskell, as specified in section [blah].  Since I 
regard this
caveat as an extremely important one (for example, it severely limits the use of the 
FFI to
link to languages like Java, which also have their own GC) it needs to be stated very 
in the documentation of those implementations which have it, rather than being left as 
embarassing hole which the user will only discover after a long and painful analysis 
of the

 And given that
 the type signatures of the two versions are different, it
 isn't even a matter of imposing a runtime restriction.
No, that's not true.  I'm happy with the existing signature (addForeignFinalizer 
a pointer to an external function) since that will often be just what you want.  I'm 
unhappy with the restriction that the roof may fall in if by any means whatever a 
function is called from the outside world during the duration of that foreign function.
FFI mailing list

Re: Updates to FFI spec: performGC

2002-09-12 Thread George Russell

Alastair Reid wrote:
 Region-based systems have the quite wonderful property that garbage is
 disposed of promptly - you don't have to wait for the next GC for the
 memory to be released.  Which means that performGC becomes a nullop.
This is not entirely true.  Firstly, some region-based systems could use stacks of some
sort, which might mean hanging onto something recognised as garbage until it is 
to pop the stack.  Secondly, the user may think that something is garbage at the time 
performGC, although the compiler is not yet able to prove that it is.

I agree with those who regard it as extremely undesirable to rely on the 
algorithm to carry out important actions (like closing a window or a file), if it 
at all when they happen.  I think performGC should be seen more as something like
C's register storage attribute, which is a friendly hint to the compiler but nothing

Manuel's new wording (except for the typo advices instead of advises) expresses 
perfectly, so there probably isn't much point in discussing this further.
FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-11 Thread George Russell

Alastair Reid wrote:
 What you're asking Hugs and NHC to do is: add a function to a list
 whenever you have a finalizer to run; make sure the interpreter will
 test that bit whenever it is in a position to perform a context
Am I really asking that much?  In that paper you wrote you already propose
that the Haskell system implement functions which tell C when it enters GC and
when it leaves GC.  So what it seems you need is for this to set a flag so that
(1) When the (Foogle) finalizer runs, it runs normally if this flag is unset (no GC is
running, so presumably safe).  Otherwise add the action to a queue.
(2) When Haskell leaves GC it checks the queue and runs any pending actions,
backing up if it's necessary to do so.

The flag and queue need to be atomically accessed, but since (for Hugs and NHC)
you are assuming only one OS thread, that should be enough.  You don't for example 
have to
worry about exported functions being called absolutely everywhere.
 The cost is going over all data structures in the system making sure
 that operations on them are suitably atomic.
If something like that would work, the cost during normal operation would only be
the cost of setting and clearing the flag at the start and end of GC, and checking the
queue at the end of GHC. 

I'm sorry, it's frightfully arrogant of me to argue over details of Haskell compilers 
their implementors, but what else can I do here?  Anyway the point is a general one; 
can we implement
FFI without needing the whole machinery of concurrency?  
  If it's really impossible for NHC or Hugs to implement this, I think
  I would still rather it was left to the NHC and Hugs documentation
  to admit that exported Haskell functions basically don't work in
  some circumstances, rather than to the GHC documentation to say that
  actually they do.
 It's a matter of taste how you do these things.

If we take it that there is no way for a finalizer to call functions exported from NHC 
or Hugs,
my personal preference would be to regard this as an undesirable implementation glitch 
should be documented in the NHC and Hugs documentation.  This would then be something 
users of
the FFI with NHC and Hugs have to worry about, rather than users of the FFI in 
general.  I don't
think it makes the FFI worthless for NHC and Hugs, any more than the recent discovery 
that IO is
not really a monad on most implementations makes the Haskell standard worthless.
FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-11 Thread George Russell

Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
 BTW, having two languages with separated heaps interact is a
 big mess as soon as you can have cycles, which you usually
 cannot exclude.  Alastair already pointed that out and
 Martin Odersky also has nice stories to tell about this.
Yeah yeah I know, indeed I think I pointed it out in the message which
started this whole discussion.  In the example application I am thinking of,
I think cycles can be excluded in the first instance.  In general I think
there are various rather complicated things one might do in the finalizers 
to deal with cycles, and frankly I'd rather be able to write the code for
this in Haskell rather than in C.
FFI mailing list

Re: Updates to FFI spec: performGC

2002-09-11 Thread George Russell

Alastair wrote about performGC (snipped)
 It'd be nice to say that it has to be a full GC - but I've no idea how
 to specify that in a non-operational (i.e., implementation dependent)
I certainly don't think you should constrain implementations to be able to perform
a full GC in any sense.  It is possible if unlikely that someone will get along
to implementing the HaskellKit, where GC is entirely dispensed with and replaced by
region analysis.  Even if that's not the case, I certainly hope that one of these days
someone will get along to implementing a Haskell compiler that does at least some easy
region analysis.  Also there are probably hard-real-time GC algorithms (like Baker's 
treadmill) or
algorithms which are close to being hard-real-time (like the train algorithm) where 
doing a
full GC would be a major pain.
FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-10 Thread George Russell

Manuel wrote (snipped)

 I have changed this in the spec now.  I attach the wording
 used in the spec.

 \item[newForeignPtr ::\ Ptr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO (ForeignPtr a)]
   Turn a plain memory reference into a foreign object by associating a
   finalizer with the reference.  The finalizer is represented by a pointer to
   an external function, which will be executed after the last reference to the
   foreign object is dropped.  On invocation, the finalizer receives a pointer
   to the associated foreign object as an argument.  Note that there is no
   guarantee on how soon the finalizer is executed after the last reference was
   dropped; this depends on the details of the Haskell storage manager. The
   only guarantee is that the finalizer runs before the program terminates.
   Whether a finaliser may call back into the Haskell system is system
   dependent.  Portable code may not rely on such call backs.
 \item[addForeignPtrFinalizer ::\ ForeignPtr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO
   ()] Add another finalizer to the given foreign object. No guarantees are
   made on the order in which multiple finalizers for a single object are run.

I think this is all a rather murky area.  Consider two systems, let's call them
Haskell and Foogle, which both operate heaps and do their own storage allocation,
but also communicate over similar FFIs.  We might very reasonably
have situations where fairly complex  inter-language pointers exist, so for example 
Haskell holds a 
ForeignPtr to something in the Foogle heap; the pointed-to Foogle object in turn 
a Haskell object (presumably provided via StablePtr).  Now suppose Haskell wants to
drop the ForeignPtr.  Then the logical thing for the finalizer to do is to tell Foogle 
that Haskell is no longer interested in the Foogle object.  This then gives Foogle
the chance on its own garbage collection to in turn drop the Haskell StablePtr.  In 
this means somehow running StablePtr.freeStablePtr.  However this scheme I don't know 
that's legal, because the Haskell finalizer you need to run freeStablePtr is 
provoked by the initial Haskell finalizer.  

This is a pity, because this might actually be a fairly good way of managing garbage 
between Foogle and Haskell.  Of course you would need at least reference counters (if 
you can
guarantee there are no cycles containing both languages) or something more powerful 
but reference counters at least can be provided.  Furthermore I do actually have a 
real case
in mind where I might use something like this, though I'd rather not go into details 
at this

I'm afraid I haven't been following this thread lately, so I don't know what the big 
is about calling Haskell from a finalizer; I suppose it's something to do with us 
being in the
middle of garbage collection.  However wouldn't it be better to allow finalizers to 
somehow provide
an action which may call Haskell, but (a) may be performed at some later date (such as 
when the GC is
over); (b) consequently, may not assume that the pointer finalized still points to 
FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-10 Thread George Russell

Malcolm Wallace wrote
 I don't see the problem.  The Foogle garbage collector runs separately
 and asynchronously to the Haskell GC.  A Foogle object is released
 by the Haskell collector, then at a later moment in time, a Haskell
 object is released by the Foogle collector.  Where is the conflict?
Does at a later moment in time mean that it is late enough that we can
be sure calling Haskell will be OK?

Look, suppose for simplicity that Foogle implements an identical FFI to
Haskell.  So we have

(Haskell ForeignPtr A) == (Foogle StablePtr A)
(Foogle StablePtr A) points to (Foogle ForeignPtr B)
(Foogle ForeignPtr B) == (Haskell StablePtr B)

Haskell frees (Haskell ForeignPtr A) thereby causing the finalizer.
This presumably does the Foogle equivalent of freeStablePtr on A.
This *may* trigger an immediate Foogle garbage collection (I think Foogle's
RTS is within its rights if it does), so that Foogle now wants to finalize
Foogle ForeignPtr B.  The Foogle finalizer action for foreignPtr B involves
calling back to Haskell so that (Haskell StablePtr B) can have freeStablePtr
applied to it.

Now is the FFI specification going to guarantee that however quickly the
Foogle garbage collector executes the Haskell finalizer, things will work.
It seems to me the wording suggested does not guarantee this.  All it says
that the finaliser cannot portably call back into the Haskell system.  But
when the finaliser provokes an immediate GC which calls back into the
Haskell system?

I'm altogether rather puzzled by this notion of FunPtr's which are allowed to
call Haskell back at some times and not others.  Nor do I understand how it's
supposed to work, say, on truly parallel Haskell implementations.

 Why do you suggest a need for reference counts?  In the absence
 of cycles, surely the existing two garbage collectors (howsoever
 implemented) are sufficient.
Garbage collectors need roots.  If I understand the situation correctly,
a StablePtr is itself a root, until explicitly freed.  If you are handing out 
the same object via the same StablePtr to several
different Foogle things, it seems to me you might attach a reference counter
to the StablePtr, so that when Foogle says I am no longer interested in this
(Haskell) StablePtr, you decrement the reference counter by 1, and deallocate
if it reaches zero.  Alternatively of course you could create a fresh StablePtr
every time something is passed to Foogle.

I think reference counters are sometimes used in things like CORBA, where 
a similar problem arises.  Of course they cannot cope with interlanguage cycles.
FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-10 Thread George Russell

Alastair Reid wrote
 We should provide a C function hs_freeStablePtr and explicitly
 say that it is safe to call this from inside a finalizer.
This would be the simplest solution, but would not permit you to do
anything more sophisticated at the Haskell side, such as reference counting
or more complicated strategies to check for possible cycles.  You might end
up having to do all your inter-language GC code in C, ugh.
FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-10 Thread George Russell

Malcolm Wallace wrote
 Quite simply, no finaliser (whether in Foogle or Haskell) should
 be capable of triggering a garbage collection within its call.
 This condition is absolutely necessary to prevent a cascade effect
 of cross-language garbage collections, where a finaliser in Haskell
 could trigger a GC in Foogle which triggers another (nested) GC in
 Haskell etc.
Unfortunately some sort of cascade is exactly what we want and need when
the Haskell finaliser indicates that Haskell is no longer interested in some
Foogle object, which means Foogle can run a GC which indicates Foogle is no
longer interested in some Haskell object and so on . . .

 Thus, if Haskell.freeSomething calls Foogle.freeSomething, and
 Foogle.freeSomething cannot cause a Foogle GC, then no Foogle
 finalisers are run yet, and so Foogle *cannot* call the Haskell world
 until the Haskell GC is complete.  After that, it doesn't matter
 when the Foogle finaliser decides to run.
But surely Foogle has no way of knowing when the Haskell GC is over?
Suppose Haskell does

[enter GC]
[run finaliser 1]
[run finaliser 2]
[leave GC]

Then you want Foogle to delay any Haskell calls consequent on finaliser 1 until [leave 
don't you?  How can it?

Is it really so difficult to create some queue of delayed functions which can be 
to from C and which nhc checks every time it does leave GHC?
FFI mailing list

Re: HTML Please

2002-07-03 Thread George Russell

I much prefer HTML to PDF, LaTeX or PS.   I can set the font size to be comfortable for
my eyes while still leaving space on my screen for an XEmacs window.  Also you can do 
searches of HTML.
FFI mailing list

Re: References to values and weak references.

2000-11-08 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
  (1) the ability for FFI to give me access to an external
  value as well as an external
  function, as in
 foreign import "default_arguments" defaultArguments :: Addr
 We have this.  It's called "foreign label", but it's in an obscure part of
 the documentation - you're not the first person to miss it :)
Oh alright, found it, thanks!
 Do you know how to use existing support for weak references in the
 linker/assembler?  I believe GNU as/ld has them, but I can't find any
 reference in the docs.
I've never used weak references, but I would wager that any of the systems
ghc works on supports them.  I suppose there are two problems:
(1) You need to get weak references into the object files.
(2) You need to get the linker to do something sensible with them.
For example, for SunOS 5.7 "man ld" yields the following option: 
   -z allextract | defaultextract | weakextract
which adjusts ld for different policies for linking weak references.

FFI mailing list