In my case its like following
http can be replaced by rtp

On 18 January 2011 12:45, Suneet Shah <> wrote:

> So how should I modify the ffmpeg command to add a container?
> If I add "Format mp4" to the ffserver.conf file, that still doesn't fix
> it.. I think I understand what you're saying, but I'm not sure how to modify
> the ffmpeg command to make this work:
> The command I use right now is:
> ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1920x1200 -i :0.0 -vcodec libx264 -vpre
> lossless_ultrafast -threads 0 -s 640x480 http://localhost:8090/feed1.ffm
> On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 11:06 PM, nandan amar <>wrote:
>> On 18 January 2011 12:25, Suneet Shah <> wrote:
>>>  [Sorry for the double mail, accidentally hit tab + enter on the first
>>> one]
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm having issues trying to live stream H264 video with FFserver, and I'm
>>> hoping someone can help me out. I am using ffmpeg to capture my desktop,
>>> ffserver to stream it, and trying to open the stream in VLC. VLC connects to
>>> the stream but does not display any video. The ffmpeg line seems to connect
>>> to ffserver (e.g. it streams), and when I go to the stat page on ffserver it
>>> shows that the stream is there..
>>> Any idea what I'm missing or what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.
>>> Here's what I'm doing.
>>> 1. ffmpeg command:
>>> ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1920x1200 -i :0.0 -vcodec libx264 -vpre
>>> lossless_ultrafast -threads 0 -s 640x480 http://localhost:8090/feed1.ffm
>>> 2. VLC:
>>> rtp://localhost:5554/stream.sdp
>>> Note: if I try rtsp://localhost:5554/stream.sdp VLC gives me a
>>> connection error. Since this is an SDP file I would have expected RTSP to
>>> work.
>>> 3. FFserver.conf
>>> Port 8090
>>> RTSPPort 5554
>>> BindAddress
>>> MaxHTTPConnections 1000
>>> MaxClients 200
>>> MaxBandwidth 10000
>>> CustomLog -
>>> NoDaemon
>>> <Feed feed1.ffm>
>>> # ffmpeg http://localhost:8090/feed1.ffm
>>>  File /tmp/feed1.ffm
>>> FileMaxSize 2000M
>>> </Feed>
>>> <Stream stream.sdp>
>>>  Format rtp
>>> I have tried for HTTP and there I used format as following
>>   Format mpeg
>>  I was streaming a mpeg video.
>> In your case also, format should be the container name which will contain
>> your H.264 video like flv/mp4/mkv etc and that will be your file extension
>> also
>>>  Feed feed1.ffm
>>> VideoCodec libx264
>>>  VideoBitRate 300
>>> VideoFrameRate 25
>>> VideoSize 640x480
>>>  AVOptionVideo coder 0
>>> AVOptionVideo bf 0
>>> AVOptionVideo flags2 +mixed_refs+fastpskip
>>>  AVOptionVideo flags +loop
>>> AVOptionVideo cmp +chroma
>>> AVOptionVideo partitions +parti8x8+parti4x4+partp8x8+partb8x8
>>>  AVOptionVideo me_method hex
>>> AVOptionVideo subq 7
>>> AVOptionVideo me_range 16
>>>  AVOptionVideo g 250
>>> AVOptionVideo keyint_min 10
>>> AVOptionVideo sc_threshold 40
>>>  AVOptionVideo i_qfactor 0.71
>>> AVOptionVideo b_strategy 1
>>> AVOptionVideo qcomp 0.6
>>>  AVOptionVideo qmin 10
>>> AVOptionVideo qmax 51
>>> AVOptionVideo qdiff 4
>>>  AVOptionVideo refs 3
>>> AVOptionVideo directpred 1
>>> AVOptionVideo trellis 1
>>>  AVOptionVideo flags2 +mixed_refs+fastpskip
>>> AVOptionVideo wpredp 0
>>> AVOptionVideo flags +global_header
>>> NoAudio
>>> #AudioCodec aac
>>> #AudioBitRate 96
>>>  #AudioChannels 1
>>> #AudioSampleRate 44100
>>> #AVOptionAudio flags +global_header
>>> ACL allow localhost
>>> </Stream>
>>> <Stream stat.html>
>>> Format status
>>> ACL allow localhost
>>> </Stream>
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> ffserver-user mailing list
>> --
>> Amar Kumar Nandan
>> MS by Research
>> IIIT-Bangalore
>> Karnataka ,India , 560100
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>> ffserver-user mailing list
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> ffserver-user mailing list

Amar Kumar Nandan
MS by Research
Karnataka ,India , 560100
ffserver-user mailing list

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