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From: "Robert Patterson Finale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu Aug 7, 2003  10:57:01  AM US/Eastern
To: "Finale List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Finale] TAN: OSX Booklet printing (e.g., w/ Acrobat Reader)

This is a followup to yesterday's thread. It appears that booklet printing is only available in OS9. (This is yet another example of OSX not-ready-for-prime-time-ness.) In Google searches I've found many bitter complaints that booklet printing has (so far) been orphaned in OSX on a variety of printers, i.e., apparently all of them. If anyone knows of an OSX solution, I'd love to hear about it. (I wonder if using Acrobat 5 in Classic would work!)

If printing in Classic works for you generally, then yes, there should be no problem printing from the classic version of Acrobat 5.

- Darcy

Boston MA

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