Re: The Off Icon

2009-08-05 Thread Kara Rawson

Jon wrote:
 I've been through a dozen of these posts about 1.4's UX (wherein I
 learned that the developer takes quite an attitude toward
 complainers, whiners, and layabout do-no-gooders, so I'll expect a
 witty retort that the developer's been through millions of them).  I
 wholeheartedly agree with the points above.   I'll make a bullet list
 of wishes, since I want you to know I take this seriously and I'm not
 a whiner.  Also I hope to be listened to.  I generally love Firebug
 and have written emails complimenting it, and I have thanked the devs
 for their hard work and a great useful tool.  So here we go:

 - Lose the on/off functionality.  *Since this is an add-on* the
 close button shouldn't quit, or change settings in the background,
 etc etc.  Want to quit Firebug? Tools-Add-ons-Disable.
this is worse then what is going on now. You must restart firefox to 
have plugins disabled and enabled. and unfortunatly due to the nature of 
firebug being a debug utility, it dramatically slows down webpages. Up 
to atleast 2x slower. Turning FB on and off is a common occurance, and 
having to restart my browser everytime for thsi just doesn't make any sense.
 - Go back to the old visible/invisible paradigm rather than the new
 off/minimize paradigm.  Call what you now consider the Minimize
 button's functionality the Close button.  The minimize feature is
 superfluous if the close button does what any other addon's close
 button does, which is disappear (but continue to work for us when we
 need it in a few minutes.)
i agree, i like the its on or its off, no minimize. if i want more 
screen realiestate i just detach FB from the tab
 - Firebug should run all panels, by default, for any domain, on any
 web page, on any tab.  We can always set the preferences to disable
 for all pages or enable for all pages
ummm no, firebug makes your html and css and js rendering super slow, as 
it checks and tracks all of this.
 - The Net tab should show me all the requests that have been going on
 before I displayed firebug, that means what happened while minimized,
 without refreshing the page.  I thought this was the way it worked
 before which is why I'm surprised we need to refresh now.  Did it not
 work that way before?  Regardless, Firebug should always have been
 paying attention.  The resources are minimal to do this and un-
 streamlining the add-on to gain 20K of resources is a poor trade.
the internets don't work like that. There is more to resources then just 
RAM overhead. such as cpu cycles and networking stuff, as well as i/o 
bandwidth and such. How is firebug going to know about something when 
its not activated, coding ESP is not feasible. Im a big fan of not 
having software of plugis sniff my network connections with out me 
telliong it to do so on a specific address.
 - You seem to be convinced that people need to get used to new button
 placement even if they were poorly placed to begin with.  You can
 categorize the interface as mimicking a standalone application
 (minimize restore and close, _ [] X), but you can also categorize this
 as an addon with its own rules as before - Plus if you keep moving
 buttons around and you piss off your current users simply to gain
 (millions of brand new???) users.
who cares long as it does the job its not like anyone is paying for thsi 
shyt neways.



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great compliment tool for firebug

2009-08-05 Thread Kara Rawson

i needed some more verbose network monitor for speed tests on some 
webapps, and came across thsi simple yet very useful tool

Firefox Throttle

basically this util sits in your browser status bar and displays current 
up and down rates, with the addition to toggle on throttle limits for up 
and down independently.

i know this has its own plugin, but something of this functionality 
would be extremely helpful if it was embedded into firebug. even just 
displaying current up and down in the tooltip when hovering over the 
FBicon would be a great addition. just some things to ponder. :)


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disable for IE tab

2009-07-29 Thread Kara Rawson

okay, so i have a nifty plugin i use called IE tab which lets me switch 
between IE instance and FF instances within a FF browser tab. FB should 
be completely disabled natively when using an IE tab and not a FF tab. 
FB does not work at all when you use IE tab, obviously.

A simple check should be made to see if this tab is using IE tab, and if 
so disable it for that tab.

if you can figure out how to get FB to work with IE tab, thats even 
better, but i dont think its easily possible, as the IE tab just overide 
the expected DOM html, and injects a active x kinda object, whyich loads 
an instance of IE within FF, rather then loading IE in a separate 
windowed process.


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Re: BUG: CTRL+F12 is overruled by Firefox

2009-07-29 Thread Kara Rawson

johnjbarton wrote:
 On WinXP CTRL+F12 still opens Firebug in a new window for me.

 In any case we won't change the key bindings. But you can:
 Firefox  Tools  Firebug  Customize Shortcuts

 The bug reporting url is


 On Jul 29, 10:49 am, jonas-e wrote:
 Is this the place to report bugs?

 Firebug 1.4.1 error with FF 3.5.1:
 CTRL+F12 is overruled by Firefox as undo close tab. Hence this
 shortcut no longer works with Firebug. With previous versions of
 Firefox, ctrl+F12 opens Firebug in a seperate window - which is
 something I need very often.

 By the way: Great great tool, thanks - I couldn't live without it! I
 use it every day at work for debugging and designing web applications.

mine works in XP Pro sp3


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Re: Using console.log for debugging causing errors on site

2009-07-29 Thread Kara Rawson

Laurakeet wrote:
 If I am using console.log for debugging locally do I need to make sure
 I remove those statements once I have pushed my code to a live web
 page? What if random users don't have firebug? Will it break my forms
 or other pages?



yeah, its prolly a good idea to remove those. there are some spiffy txt 
editors which can find and remove nodes of htm and such, i think 
crimison editor has a feature like this, its nice cuz it searches for 
text within multiple files using wildcards and like. leaving the code in 
there wont break anything, but i have seen firefox and IE throw some 
random errors on console logging stuff.

for more complex apps, you can make a console.log wrapper function which 
calls this, then inside this wrapper function put a conditional to check 
if debug mode is on or off. So when you go to deploy onto production you 
can just toggle that boolean off, and it shouldn't spit that code out to 
your end users. Generally i just make it a habbit to remove all of it, 
as its not needed and wastes cpu cycles, and bytes.


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Re: How do I publish my changes back to the live site?

2009-07-27 Thread Kara Rawson

Werth Sensei wrote:
 Hi All:

 I'm new to firebug, and WOW, it opens the world to me.  I can find
 just about everything that I need to find and then change it with my
 web authoring software.  However, I've found something on my site with
 firebug that I need to change that I CAN'T figure out the location of
 in my authoring software, so I would like to know after I test my
 change with firebug how I can then save that tested change directly to
 the web site, bypassing my authoring software.

 Please let me know and thank you all so much!  ( I realize that this
 is probably the dumbest question ever, but I have searched quite a few
 website and this forum and couldn't find an answer on how to save
 changes to my web site with firebug.)  Now, I am ready to receive your
 instructions so I can see just how dumb I feel right now that I can't
 find the SAVE CHANGES or PUBLISH CHANGES button in firebug.  Talk
 to you all soon.




No question is a dumb question, only question not asked are dumb. For 
starters firebug is a debug utility for javascript and it is also used 
for inspecting html / DOM (document object model). Unlike your authoring 
software which is that, auhtoring software, it does not publish to your 
website or save the file to your file system. Nowadays web pages are a 
series of resources located on remote computers, and mashed together 
into a single url.

Generally if you want to make some changes and compare it to something 
your editor spits out, then that would be called a diff. IE change some 
stuff in firebug, copy yoru changes to notepad, save them, then use a 
diff program to compare the changes line by line.

if you find yourself using firebug to actually develope your website on, 
you are doing something wrong, ytou are using the wrong tool for the 
job. Yes firebug has and mimics alot of functions your IDE or authoring 
software has, but again its just a debugging utility, meaning its only 
mean to peer into what your working on. With that said, maybe tyou 
should try using a better authoring program, or learn how to get yours 
to do what you want.

hope that helps a little


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Re: Downgrading of Firebug possible?

2009-07-24 Thread Kara Rawson

Nicolas Hatier wrote:
 dm wrote:
 On a separate note, just as a nit, would it be possible to prevent
 firebug from closing, then reopening on reload? It's just a visual
 thing, but irritating in the same way as too much animation on a web

 AND it triggers a resize event on the web page, which may be annoying 
 when trying to debug tricky jabascript-based UI...





jabascript. nice typo.

jabascript the hut. ROFL. sorry, i couldn't help myself =)


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Re: Nice product. Icon sucks.

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

Kirby wrote:
 Seriously, I'm NOT complaining.  I made a simple suggestion.  What
 brought on the complaining was the essentially go f*ck yerself reply
 that I got back.

 My website has not been updated in AGES.  It's not designed for
 firefox because, from a purely business aspect, I really don't care
 about support for FF.  I spend my time doing other people's sites.
 Most of them are not designed for firefox because outside the geek
 zone, no one uses it.  That whole nearly half number being floated
 around falls to pieces when you separate the wheat from the chaff:
 take that same poll, exclusing hackers, hobbiests, enthusiasts and
 linux zealots, and FF hardly makes a blip on the radar screen.  Take
 that same poll and include only Corporate and Industrial users, and
 you find that Corporate America is decidedly IE and will be for a long
 time.  And that's where I work.  Corporate Intranets.  That means IE.

 And, yeah, I do agree that changing boats after leaving the shore is
 risky.   I'm OK with that.  I'm just asking Is it ok with you that
 99% of the people who look at your product are going to think
 'ROACH'?  If so, then Bob's yer uncle, and have a good time.  But one
 way or another, ROACH is exactly what 99 out of 100 people are going
 think the instant they see your product.  If you're OK with that, then
 more power to ya.

 And, yes.  I am an information architech.  (u. programmer+)

 I'd wager that I've written more code and implemented more systems
 than everyone else in this thread combined.  And I am NOT kidding.

 Oh,... and have a nice day.  ;-)

 On Jul 1, 3:26 pm, Kara Rawson wrote:
 @ Mr. kirby

 you are an idiot.

 stop complain and being rude to people who volunteer there time.

 you should spend more time debugging your crappy looking website,

 which doesn't work in FF.

 on a side note im a professional graphic designer / artist and engineer.

 i love the FB logo, i think its mad cute.

 @kirby, i betcha didn't know that it also does more damage to your brand
 by changing it out after it has beem saturated in the market. secondly
 why does it matter for something that doesn't get sold. You should
 download the source and rebrand it with some fancy graphics you think
 are kewl, and sell it. See how that works out for yea. prolly not well,
 as no one cares what the logo looks like. to me and prolly 99.9 of other
 engineers its merely a button to push when you wanna debug a website.

 i actually take a little offense to you calling yoruself a information
 systems archtect. do you even know what that is or what they do?


your site is still broken in FF, you should spend more time priotizing 
your tasks then bitching to us about how you personally dont like the 
look of a bug because you have some type of bug phobia or something or 
have a hunch that the rest of the world might not use or accept an open 
source project used mainly by developers whom couldn't give two shyts 
about a bug icon for the app, i think alot of these dev wouldn't give a 
shyt one way or another no matter what it was, atleast its not just txt 
saying FB or something lame like that.

to me it seems you would rather use this discussion group more as your 
personal soap box, so that you can point your finger at people and devs 
here, while you rant about your superior coding abilities.

news flash, if FF doesn't matter so much, why are you using a FF plugin, 
and further more why are you posting on a dev group for this said FF 
plugin...?? This plugin is designed for web app devs whom use FF, not 
the mainstream end user, explain y it matters?


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Re: Nice product. Icon sucks.

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

sir_brizz wrote:
 Actually, even on a site I run that is targeted at young mothers,
 still a massive portion of the reported browsers by Google Analytics
 are Firefox (and by massive I mean greater than 20%). Ignoring Firefox
 is even more stupid than ignoring IE6, since Firefox pretty closely
 follows web standards and your site being utterly broken in Firefox is
 probably indicative of your disregard for the standards.

 On Jul 16, 11:02 am, Kirby wrote:
 Seriously, I'm NOT complaining.  I made a simple suggestion.  What
 brought on the complaining was the essentially go f*ck yerself reply
 that I got back.

 My website has not been updated in AGES.  It's not designed for
 firefox because, from a purely business aspect, I really don't care
 about support for FF.  I spend my time doing other people's sites.
 Most of them are not designed for firefox because outside the geek
 zone, no one uses it.  That whole nearly half number being floated
 around falls to pieces when you separate the wheat from the chaff:
 take that same poll, exclusing hackers, hobbiests, enthusiasts and
 linux zealots, and FF hardly makes a blip on the radar screen.  Take
 that same poll and include only Corporate and Industrial users, and
 you find that Corporate America is decidedly IE and will be for a long
 time.  And that's where I work.  Corporate Intranets.  That means IE.

 And, yeah, I do agree that changing boats after leaving the shore is
 risky.   I'm OK with that.  I'm just asking Is it ok with you that
 99% of the people who look at your product are going to think
 'ROACH'?  If so, then Bob's yer uncle, and have a good time.  But one
 way or another, ROACH is exactly what 99 out of 100 people are going
 think the instant they see your product.  If you're OK with that, then
 more power to ya.

 And, yes.  I am an information architech.  (u. programmer+)

 I'd wager that I've written more code and implemented more systems
 than everyone else in this thread combined.  And I am NOT kidding.

 Oh,... and have a nice day.  ;-)

 On Jul 1, 3:26 pm, Kara Rawson wrote:

 @ Mr. kirby
 you are an idiot.
 stop complain and being rude to people who volunteer there time.
 you should spend more time debugging your crappy looking website,
 which doesn't work in FF.
 on a side note im a professional graphic designer / artist and engineer.
 i love the FB logo, i think its mad cute.
 @kirby, i betcha didn't know that it also does more damage to your brand
 by changing it out after it has beem saturated in the market. secondly
 why does it matter for something that doesn't get sold. You should
 download the source and rebrand it with some fancy graphics you think
 are kewl, and sell it. See how that works out for yea. prolly not well,
 as no one cares what the logo looks like. to me and prolly 99.9 of other
 engineers its merely a button to push when you wanna debug a website.
 i actually take a little offense to you calling yoruself a information
 systems archtect. do you even know what that is or what they do?

Thank you that wwas what i was trying to get at, you put it more 
elequent than i


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Re: Nice product. Icon sucks.

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

Steven Roussey wrote:
 Any chance someone might take, oh... four minutes and change it a

 Any chance you might take, oh... four minutes and change it a bit??
 Offer a better icon? No??

 Have you asked Firefox to add neato flames?? Did they they immediately
 say, oh gosh, you are sooo right, we'll change it right away?

 Just for fun, I called M$ and asked them to change their corporate
 logo. They haven't done it yet. Maybe I'll wait to vent until
 tomorrow... And I give *them* money for their products. They should do
 it faster...



yeah you know what i did, just figure out how to hack M$ logos in the 
sys resource files, honestly if this icon bothers you so much, im so 
tempted to make a custome FB logo plugin that lets you use images from 
say flicr or something, then we can all make our own and no more 
bitching about these stupid f'ing logos. Man, why doesn't someone fix 
some bugs in here ^_^

side note, IF we aren't to use the current c ute bug for an icon, what 
did this hack want us to make it?? whats his suggestion, alien space 
ship? or a lemming


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Re: Nice product. Icon sucks.

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

Pete Wilson wrote:

 --- On Thu, 7/16/09, Tripp Lilley wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 13:02,

 I'd wager that I've written more code ...

 Gee whiz, mister! You're a ... a Subjunctivist! But that's so ... weaseley! 
 so wishy-washy! Doncha' think? Kirb, get outta' the woulds! Step up and lay 
 your treasure right on the table, as Tripp so vividly proposes:

 if you're going brag about your dick in a room full of male
 porn stars, you'd better be ready to whip it out and back it up.

 Ha-ha-ha! Beautiful!

 emend level=slight male OR female -- don't need to own a dick to rate a 
 dick, ime. /emend

 -- Pete, always ready with the ad hominem, the OT



well if you ever need a report made for your M$ access DB you use at 
home to manage your grocery list, let him know, he is a whiz at changing 
the banners at the top of these reports so they match your mood.

honestly though, overall i feel kirby has really contributed alot here, 
i feel so honored to have such an experience and well versed information 
archetect communicate these prolific ideal to us, the lowly testers and 
devs of a crap plugin to an inferior browser used by no one in the world.

now let me grace you mr kirby with some of my intelliect

this is u

as you claim

is the 21st century glorified web master, nothing more,

this however

is what i am, as are a majorty of other devs and testers are on thsi group.

there is a huge difference. yours is considered web dev and html crap, 
ours is engineering, have a nice day.


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Re: Nice product. Icon sucks.

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

Kirby wrote:
 Again, consider the audience.  Your audience is overwhelmingly NON
 Corporate.  And even in that young, hip audience, FF is garnering only
 20%.  I'm really suprised it isn't higher, given your audience.

 But this is only proving my point.  Split out the business/industry/
 corporate users from the tech/geek/enthusiast/zealot users, and you
 will find the former overwhelmingly IE (and staying so), and the
 latter is the only sector where FF is going to gain any momentum.

 As for my site bring broken in FF and that indicating my lack of
 standards:  Dude, you have NO idea!  ;-)  I'm so non-standard on that
 site that there isn't even a DOCTYPE set.  The whole thing is running
 in IE Browser quirks mode.  And I'm Ok with that.  Know why?  Cause I
 can trust that 99% of my target audience will see it jsut fine because
 they are using a browser that I can anticipate and predict it's

 And predictable behaviour beats the heck outta any neato product no
 matter how standards compliant it tries to be.  None of them are.
 Pick one, and you can predict its behaviour, and know how to work
 around it and what to avoid.

 Again, I have a very specific IE-Only target demographic.

 How's your site doing?  What's it do?   How long has it been running?
 Is it a commercial endeavour?   I'm just always curious about other
 people's projects.


 On Jul 16, 12:11 pm, sir_brizz wrote:
 Actually, even on a site I run that is targeted at young mothers,
 still a massive portion of the reported browsers by Google Analytics
 are Firefox (and by massive I mean greater than 20%). Ignoring Firefox
 is even more stupid than ignoring IE6, since Firefox pretty closely
 follows web standards and your site being utterly broken in Firefox is
 probably indicative of your disregard for the standards.

 On Jul 16, 11:02 am, Kirby wrote:

 Seriously, I'm NOT complaining.  I made a simple suggestion.  What
 brought on the complaining was the essentially go f*ck yerself reply
 that I got back.
 My website has not been updated in AGES.  It's not designed for
 firefox because, from a purely business aspect, I really don't care
 about support for FF.  I spend my time doing other people's sites.
 Most of them are not designed for firefox because outside the geek
 zone, no one uses it.  That whole nearly half number being floated
 around falls to pieces when you separate the wheat from the chaff:
 take that same poll, exclusing hackers, hobbiests, enthusiasts and
 linux zealots, and FF hardly makes a blip on the radar screen.  Take
 that same poll and include only Corporate and Industrial users, and
 you find that Corporate America is decidedly IE and will be for a long
 time.  And that's where I work.  Corporate Intranets.  That means IE.
 And, yeah, I do agree that changing boats after leaving the shore is
 risky.   I'm OK with that.  I'm just asking Is it ok with you that
 99% of the people who look at your product are going to think
 'ROACH'?  If so, then Bob's yer uncle, and have a good time.  But one
 way or another, ROACH is exactly what 99 out of 100 people are going
 think the instant they see your product.  If you're OK with that, then
 more power to ya.
 And, yes.  I am an information architech.  (u. programmer+)
 I'd wager that I've written more code and implemented more systems
 than everyone else in this thread combined.  And I am NOT kidding.
 Oh,... and have a nice day.  ;-)
 On Jul 1, 3:26 pm, Kara Rawson wrote:
 @ Mr. kirby
 you are an idiot.
 stop complain and being rude to people who volunteer there time.
 you should spend more time debugging your crappy looking website,
 which doesn't work in FF.
 on a side note im a professional graphic designer / artist and engineer.
 i love the FB logo, i think its mad cute.
 @kirby, i betcha didn't know that it also does more damage to your brand
 by changing it out after it has beem saturated in the market. secondly
 why does it matter for something that doesn't get sold. You should
 download the source and rebrand it with some fancy graphics you think
 are kewl, and sell it. See how that works out for yea. prolly not well,
 as no one cares what the logo looks like. to me and prolly 99.9 of other
 engineers its merely a button to push when you wanna debug a website.
 i actually take a little offense to you calling yoruself a information
 systems archtect. do you even know what that is or what they do?
 kara- Hide quoted text -
 - Show quoted text -

your site is non standard compliant cuz you dont know what the fukk you 
are doing, html pages are in essence xml documents, this shows your 
understand or lack of how xml document work. The inability to work to 

Re: Firebug or GreaseMonkey bug?

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

sir_brizz wrote:
 With latest version of Firebug (1.4.0) and GreaseMonkey, I get these
 message at console.

 Greasemonkey getFirebugConsole() error:
 (new TypeError(context is undefined, chrome://firebug/content/
 consoleInjector.js, 95))

 That a GreaseMonkey issue?

i think so, check this out



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Re: Nice product. Icon sucks.

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson
 from the chaff:
 take that same poll, exclusing hackers, hobbiests, enthusiasts and
 linux zealots, and FF hardly makes a blip on the radar screen.  Take
 that same poll and include only Corporate and Industrial users, and
 you find that Corporate America is decidedly IE and will be for a long
 time.  And that's where I work.  Corporate Intranets.  That means IE.
 And, yeah, I do agree that changing boats after leaving the shore is
 risky.   I'm OK with that.  I'm just asking Is it ok with you that
 99% of the people who look at your product are going to think
 'ROACH'?  If so, then Bob's yer uncle, and have a good time.  But one
 way or another, ROACH is exactly what 99 out of 100 people are going
 think the instant they see your product.  If you're OK with that, then
 more power to ya.
 And, yes.  I am an information architech.  (u. programmer+)
 I'd wager that I've written more code and implemented more systems
 than everyone else in this thread combined.  And I am NOT kidding.
 Oh,... and have a nice day.  ;-)
 On Jul 1, 3:26 pm, Kara Rawson wrote:
 @ Mr. kirby
 you are an idiot.
 stop complain and being rude to people who volunteer there time.
 you should spend more time debugging your crappy looking website,
 which doesn't work in FF.
 on a side note im a professional graphic designer / artist and engineer.
 i love the FB logo, i think its mad cute.
 @kirby, i betcha didn't know that it also does more damage to your brand
 by changing it out after it has beem saturated in the market. secondly
 why does it matter for something that doesn't get sold. You should
 download the source and rebrand it with some fancy graphics you think
 are kewl, and sell it. See how that works out for yea. prolly not well,
 as no one cares what the logo looks like. to me and prolly 99.9 of other
 engineers its merely a button to push when you wanna debug a website.
 i actually take a little offense to you calling yoruself a information
 systems archtect. do you even know what that is or what they do?
 kara- Hide quoted text -
 - Show quoted text -


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Re: Nice product. Icon sucks.

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

WTF is

 IE Browser quirks mode.

is that an option in the file menu or something


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Re: Why doesn't inspect hide/minimize the firebug window anymore?

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

Jay wrote:
 I don't know how to be any clearer. What part are you struggling with

 In 1.3.x and down:

 Hit the Inspect button ... Firebug cedes focus to the Firefox tab it's
 inspecting (it either blurs itself or calls focus on the Firefox tab
 it's inspecting [I'm guess the latter])

 In 1.4:

 Hit the Inspect button ... The Firebug window stays exactly where it
 is ... it does nothing ... you have to minimize it to or move it to
 get it out of the way of the Firefox tab you want to inspect.


 On Jul 17, 11:36 am, johnjbarton wrote:
 It would be helpful you can be very specific about what you mean by
 this behavior.


 On Jul 16, 6:18 pm, Jay wrote:

 When you hit the Inspect button in the Firebug window ... this was
 the way it functioned for me up until the 1.4 release. Now that I
 think about it, it was more like the Firefox tab that was about to be
 inspected regained focus...
 Am I the only one who saw this behavior in the old version?
 On Jul 13, 10:49 am, johnjbarton wrote:
 I've not seen or heard of this hide on inspect behavior.  Under what
 conditions would the UI hide?
 On Jul 13, 6:08 am, Jay wrote:
 Why doesn't inspect hide/minimize the firebug window anymore? You used
 to be able to click the inspect button and it would then show you the
 current firefox tab. Now firebug just stares at you dumbly and you
 have to minimize it to get it out of the way. I assume this change was
 a request but can't we leave the original functionality in and have it
 as an option toggle?

i have FB 1.3.3 and 1.4b7 and neither minimize the way you describe,

what your saying is that when you click inspect you want it to minimize 
FB so you can view the entire page?

the feedback i get when click on inspect, it focus the html tab in FB 
and highlights the dom section in relation to what dom object im 
hovering overo n the page.

i do think this would be a good option minimize on inspect, as there are 
certain times where i would find this convient.


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Re: Nice product. Icon sucks.

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

 Seriously, folks.  If you want to get market penetration (shut up,
 Tripp.  Don't even go there...;-) a little attention to naming
 convention might be helpful.  I'm not gonna rush out and buy easy
 peasy to trust my business data to.  I'm not sure how much trust I
 should put in a product whose author thought a suitable animal to
 describe it was a lizzard.
i have GIECO insurance is that bad? they have a lizzard as a mascot?

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Re: Why doesn't inspect hide/minimize the firebug window anymore?

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

Jay wrote:
 Hi Kara:

 I believe you've got the idea. I'm surprised to hear that your 1.3
 version doesn't work as mine did. Do you have Firebug 1.3's window
 directly over the top of Firefox? Or do you have one on one monitor
 and the other on another monitor?
okay that makes more sense, i was able to reproduce your bug. Yeah that 
is very annoying, i changed around my workstation a bit, i used ot have 
multiple monitors per one computer, so i would always have my FB in 
another window. But now i have multiple computers all with one monitor 
using synergy to link em.

you are correct, 1.4 doesn't bring the FF window to focus, 1.3 does, is 
there a bug report filed for this?
 Serious question: when you click the Inspect button isn't your next
 action to click an element on the page in Firefox itself? Should you
 have to move/minimize Firebug on your own? 1.3 seemed to move itself
 out of the way (for me at least) ... 1.4 doesn't. Was curious if this
 was a bug, intentional or if something had gone haywire in my 1.3
 installation that had actually provided a beneficial result.

if FB is inline within your browser, when inspecting, it should minimize 
automatically. Which it doesn't, so i cant tell you how many times i 
have to click minimize when inspecting, and then focus some off inspect 
when i go to minimize, therefore starting this vicous cycle of clicking 
till i get it right. SO... generally i just leave it inline, but drag 
the height o like 100px or less.

i would actually like to see functionality of inspect work like 1.3 with 
an addition of auto minimize on inspect. This should be an option, 
minimize when inspecting (for inline FB isntances).



 On Jul 17, 1:01 pm, Kara Rawson wrote:
 Jay wrote:
 I don't know how to be any clearer. What part are you struggling with
 In 1.3.x and down:
 Hit the Inspect button ... Firebug cedes focus to the Firefox tab it's
 inspecting (it either blurs itself or calls focus on the Firefox tab
 it's inspecting [I'm guess the latter])
 In 1.4:
 Hit the Inspect button ... The Firebug window stays exactly where it
 is ... it does nothing ... you have to minimize it to or move it to
 get it out of the way of the Firefox tab you want to inspect.
 On Jul 17, 11:36 am, johnjbarton wrote:
 It would be helpful you can be very specific about what you mean by
 this behavior.
 On Jul 16, 6:18 pm, Jay wrote:
 When you hit the Inspect button in the Firebug window ... this was
 the way it functioned for me up until the 1.4 release. Now that I
 think about it, it was more like the Firefox tab that was about to be
 inspected regained focus...
 Am I the only one who saw this behavior in the old version?
 On Jul 13, 10:49 am, johnjbarton wrote:
 I've not seen or heard of this hide on inspect behavior.  Under what
 conditions would the UI hide?
 On Jul 13, 6:08 am, Jay wrote:
 Why doesn't inspect hide/minimize the firebug window anymore? You used
 to be able to click the inspect button and it would then show you the
 current firefox tab. Now firebug just stares at you dumbly and you
 have to minimize it to get it out of the way. I assume this change was
 a request but can't we leave the original functionality in and have it
 as an option toggle?
 i have FB 1.3.3 and 1.4b7 and neither minimize the way you describe,

 what your saying is that when you click inspect you want it to minimize
 FB so you can view the entire page?

 the feedback i get when click on inspect, it focus the html tab in FB
 and highlights the dom section in relation to what dom object im
 hovering overo n the page.

 i do think this would be a good option minimize on inspect, as there are
 certain times where i would find this convient.



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Re: Why doesn't inspect hide/minimize the firebug window anymore?

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

johnjbarton wrote:
 Changing focus is not releated to minimize.

 On Jul 17, 10:06 am, Jay wrote:
 You're splitting hairs about something that in the end has the same
 result. I have no idea whether Firebug minimizes itself, blurs itself
 or focuses the Firefox tab that it's inspecting. The point is that
 whether Firebug 1.3.x cedes focus, minimizes or launches itself to
 Pluto it manages to remove itself from view the second the user hits
 the Inspect button so that the user can clearly see the tab he's

 I didn't see this in the changelog and couldn't find any active
 discussion about it which is why I brought it up here.


 On Jul 17, 12:54 pm, johnjbarton wrote:

 On Jul 17, 9:46 am, Jay wrote:
 I don't know how to be any clearer. What part are you struggling with
 In 1.3.x and down:
 Hit the Inspect button ... Firebug cedes focus to the Firefox tab it's
 inspecting (it either blurs itself or calls focus on the Firefox tab
 it's inspecting [I'm guess the latter])
 According to this description I would say in 1.3, inspect causes
 focus to change.
 This description says nothing about Firebug minimizing.
 In 1.4:
 Hit the Inspect button ... The Firebug window stays exactly where it
 is ... it does nothing ... you have to minimize it to or move it to
 get it out of the way of the Firefox tab you want to inspect.
 This description says nothing about focus. So I conclude that you are
 reporting that 1.3 changed focus but 1.4 does not. That does not match
 the subject line.

i think jay meant to use focus not minimize on the initial post. we need 
a glossary lol.


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Re: disable firebug 1.4.0b4 per domain

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

Matt wrote:
 I would like to have the ability to block Firebug for specific sites
 and be on by default for all other websites.

 My problem now is that for most web applications that I work on, I
 want Firebug to be enabled--mostly because of the error count in the
 browser's status bar (or else a lot of time is wasted, not knowing a
 page has JavaScript or CSS errors on it) but also because it is an
 extremely powerful and useful extension.  However, I also participate
 in many public developer discussion mailing groups so I need to have
 an email account where spam filtering is really good and that means I
 need to use Gmail.  Unfortunately, Gmail is non-functional/non-
 responsive when Firebug is enabled.

 Currently, I have 2 competing choices:
 1. Have Firebug off by default and lose time by not being notified of
 JS and CSS errors
 2. Have Firebug on by default and lose time when trying to check my
 email waiting for Gmail to time out and then once it finally lets the
 Firefox process respond to user interaction, temporarily disable

 Even just a simple about:config preference to define a regex for URL
 matching would be perfect for me.  Please consider this.

 In the mean time, does anyone know of any extensions that can report
 the JS/CSS error count in the status bar like Firebug does?  If I had
 an extension like this, then I would be perfectly okay with choice #1.

 Thank you,

 On Jul 7, 11:38 pm, Nick Foster wrote:

 I think the thing that is missing is the ability for Firebug to
 maintain it's state between tab switches - like becoming a background
 process. I am not sure if this is a bug or part of the new feature.
 I don't know what you mean here. Firebug maintains meta-data for each
 tab you've activated it on. But if you select a tab that is not
 active, like GMail, then Firebug suspends. Background activity on the
 other tabs is not tracked while suspended. Note that the Firefox tabs
 are an illusion: there is only one process here and one set of debug
 APIs. We cannot suspend GMail and not the other tabs (well actually I
 think we could get close by filtering, but we don't do it yet).
 I understand the idea of single processes. See below your steps
 (below) as I am not experiencing what you are describing.

 Either way perhaps you can help me by suggesting the settings I should
 use to enable Firebug permanently on certain tabs butdisableit
 permanently on other tabs, and I still want to be able to minimise
 Firebug (but it carries on running) for the tabs it is activated on -
 as far as I can see this is only possible with domain based
 I guess you are another victim of the [X] change. I'll spare you the
 detail and go right to the suggestion:
 1. Uncheck On for all and Off for all.
 2. On the sites you want to debug, open Firebug. That activates
 Firebug for the site.
 3. Don't push [X]. That deactivates the site, you don't want it.
 4. To minimize, either use the [_] minimize function or hit the
 Firebug Status bar icon.
 5. To unminimize, hit the Firebug Status bar icon.
 I followed your steps exactly and I think I get it - it seems to be
 working as 1.3 now. I think the thing that was confusing me was the
 Off for all Web Pages  On for all Web Pages menu options. It
 seems it is really a three way switch:

 * On for all Web Pages
 * Off for all Web Pages
 * User Activated per Web Page

 (switching the first two off doesn't instinctively mean the third)
 Just having the two options in the menu caused confusion and so
 perhaps you should extend it to three mutually exclusive options.

 Also can you clarify what 'Web Page' means? Does it mean domain - as
 in two FF tabs both on the same domain will have Firebug switched on
 or does it mean on a FF tab by tab basis?
 Will Firebug remember my settings between FF restarts ie. Session
 Manager style? - It seems too but perhaps you can confirm.



 Note that minimize is a property of Firebug now, not of the site/tab.
 F12 is bound to the same toggle by default.


sounds like maybe firebug should have a quiet or stealth mode, which it 
just sniffs for errors, but doesn't rerender the DOM or any of that 
fanciness. IE doesn't create a super resource load on the browser. FB 
typically makes evrtying run twice as slow.

Ive run in the same damn problem as you, arrrgh. My recomendation (dont 
take this the wrong way) use thunderbird to check your gmail. Yes i know 
what you are thinking, but for now it solves the problem.


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Re: Nice product. Icon sucks.

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

Bob Hassinger wrote:
 On Jul 17, 2009, at 12:30 PM, Kara Rawson wrote:

 WTF is
 IE Browser quirks mode.

 is that an option in the file menu or something


 That is a pretty important thing for people concerned with cross  
 browser/cross version compatibility to know about.

 Maybe I missed a smily in there somewhere?  :-)


you did, i am very familiar with

in fact that site is what broken me of my non standard compliancy, i 
realize that the world doesn't need another cowgirl web deverloper, as 
you are just overwhelmed by all of the quirks this guy has discovered/


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off button has grown on me

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

okay so at first i opposed the off text to the off button, but after 
using it for a few days now, i don't mind it, and infact i prefer it as 
i now rarely click on the wrong button IE min or max.


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Re: off button has grown on me

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

Luke Maurer wrote:
 Well, it's certainly better than having no text (though the new icon
 helps anyway). But I still find it akin to a Norman door.

 - Luke

 On Jul 17, 11:02 am, Kara Rawson wrote:
 okay so at first i opposed the off text to the off button, but after
 using it for a few days now, i don't mind it, and infact i prefer it as
 i now rarely click on the wrong button IE min or max.


LOL. maybe just the text Off would look better?


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Re: off button has grown on me

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

sir_brizz wrote:
 Same, although its size can be a little annoying sometimes, the Off
 text at least forces me to remember not to click it :)

 On Jul 17, 12:02 pm, Kara Rawson wrote:
 okay so at first i opposed the off text to the off button, but after
 using it for a few days now, i don't mind it, and infact i prefer it as
 i now rarely click on the wrong button IE min or max.


is it possible to shift the icon to the right a tad bit. if you take a 
closer look at the left margin between the bug button and the broder its 
about 6px maybe, the margin on the right is about 8 maybe 10px. i know 
its trivial, but it looks shifted a bit.


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Re: Why doesn't inspect hide/minimize the firebug window anymore?

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

Jay wrote:
 Thanks for looking into this and taking the time to reproduce this
 Kara. I really appreciate it.

 I'll file a bug report on
 later today.

 Thanks again!

 On Jul 17, 1:47 pm, Kara Rawson wrote:
 Jay wrote:
 Hi Kara:
 I believe you've got the idea. I'm surprised to hear that your 1.3
 version doesn't work as mine did. Do you have Firebug 1.3's window
 directly over the top of Firefox? Or do you have one on one monitor
 and the other on another monitor?
 okay that makes more sense, i was able to reproduce your bug. Yeah that
 is very annoying, i changed around my workstation a bit, i used ot have
 multiple monitors per one computer, so i would always have my FB in
 another window. But now i have multiple computers all with one monitor
 using synergy to link em.

 you are correct, 1.4 doesn't bring the FF window to focus, 1.3 does, is
 there a bug report filed for this?

 Serious question: when you click the Inspect button isn't your next
 action to click an element on the page in Firefox itself? Should you
 have to move/minimize Firebug on your own? 1.3 seemed to move itself
 out of the way (for me at least) ... 1.4 doesn't. Was curious if this
 was a bug, intentional or if something had gone haywire in my 1.3
 installation that had actually provided a beneficial result.
 if FB is inline within your browser, when inspecting, it should minimize
 automatically. Which it doesn't, so i cant tell you how many times i
 have to click minimize when inspecting, and then focus some off inspect
 when i go to minimize, therefore starting this vicous cycle of clicking
 till i get it right. SO... generally i just leave it inline, but drag
 the height o like 100px or less.

 i would actually like to see functionality of inspect work like 1.3 with
 an addition of auto minimize on inspect. This should be an option,
 minimize when inspecting (for inline FB isntances).


 On Jul 17, 1:01 pm, Kara Rawson wrote:
 Jay wrote:
 I don't know how to be any clearer. What part are you struggling with
 In 1.3.x and down:
 Hit the Inspect button ... Firebug cedes focus to the Firefox tab it's
 inspecting (it either blurs itself or calls focus on the Firefox tab
 it's inspecting [I'm guess the latter])
 In 1.4:
 Hit the Inspect button ... The Firebug window stays exactly where it
 is ... it does nothing ... you have to minimize it to or move it to
 get it out of the way of the Firefox tab you want to inspect.
 On Jul 17, 11:36 am, johnjbarton wrote:
 It would be helpful you can be very specific about what you mean by
 this behavior.
 On Jul 16, 6:18 pm, Jay wrote:
 When you hit the Inspect button in the Firebug window ... this was
 the way it functioned for me up until the 1.4 release. Now that I
 think about it, it was more like the Firefox tab that was about to be
 inspected regained focus...
 Am I the only one who saw this behavior in the old version?
 On Jul 13, 10:49 am, johnjbarton wrote:
 I've not seen or heard of this hide on inspect behavior.  Under what
 conditions would the UI hide?
 On Jul 13, 6:08 am, Jay wrote:
 Why doesn't inspect hide/minimize the firebug window anymore? You used
 to be able to click the inspect button and it would then show you the
 current firefox tab. Now firebug just stares at you dumbly and you
 have to minimize it to get it out of the way. I assume this change was
 a request but can't we leave the original functionality in and have it
 as an option toggle?
 i have FB 1.3.3 and 1.4b7 and neither minimize the way you describe,
 what your saying is that when you click inspect you want it to minimize
 FB so you can view the entire page?
 the feedback i get when click on inspect, it focus the html tab in FB
 and highlights the dom section in relation to what dom object im
 hovering overo n the page.
 i do think this would be a good option minimize on inspect, as there are
 certain times where i would find this convient.

awesome... atleast we have accomplished something for the day... verses 
some other threads that have been going on ^_^


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Re: disable firebug 1.4.0b4 per domain

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

johnjbarton wrote:

 On Jul 17, 10:53 am, Kara Rawson wrote:
 sounds like maybe firebug should have a quiet or stealth mode, which it
 just sniffs for errors, but doesn't rerender the DOM or any of that
 fanciness. IE doesn't create a super resource load on the browser. FB
 typically makes evrtying run twice as slow.

 With changes in Firefox we can't assign errors to the correct window
 with out the Script panel enabled and with the Script panel enabled
 eval() processing is on by default. If you don't use the JS debugger
 for eval() you can try setting Firebug  Script  limiter(all) to



is there a way we could link all of these relate prefernces to one 
master option toggle, like a button to have FB run on the most minimist 
settings? Would the most minimal settings to FB yeild accepatble load 
times and such. (Maybe use gmail as the acid test?)??

maybe stealth mode could just report on whats going on with firefox's 
error console???


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Re: Nice product. Icon sucks.

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

Kirby wrote:
 No.  HTML pages are HTML pages.  XHTML pages are more like XML. But
 ultimately, the only thing that is XML is XML.

 You really aren't lsitening to me.  My site is non std compliant
 because I made it that way.  There's absolutely no sense in taking the
 extra time and expense to fill a gap that doesn't exist.  And that is
 exactly the mentality behind the zealot mindset.  They cower at the
 foot of compliance without ever even asking themselves, is there any
 need for such extra time, work and expense?

 I need to drive a nail.  But we want to hold meetings on whether I
 should use the roofing hammer that I already have on hand, or wait
 until a suitable sledge hammer can be developed.

 You code to meet the need of the user, not to meet the standards of
 the tool you just WANT to use.  I don't go out and buy tools and then
 try to figure out what I can build.  I decide on what I want to build
 and I use ANY tool that lets me do it, and the one I'll use is the one
 that does the job in the quickest and most efficient manner.

 For a specific example that you've cited: my site (so you think
 anyway) would not be easily scalable in size.  But it was known from
 the beginning that it will never grow beyond it's current size.  Not
 ever.  Not under any circumstance.  The whole thing was written, start
 to finish, in one evening, to meet the needs of one specific group of
 people.  And that ain't FireFox users.

 Government works the way you think.  And we see the results of that


who cares, this is a firebug dev group, if you aren't gonna talk 
directly related to FB please stop spaming the group

the only thing i gathered from all of this, is that you think our icon 
is silly cuz you think it looks like a cockroach or lizard.

i asked then, what is your suggestion to change it to

still waiting on a response...

and with that i bid you good day sir


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Re: Nice product. Icon sucks.

2009-07-17 Thread Kara Rawson

Kirby wrote:
 Wow.  That got smarmy.

 What I am is a 25-year consultant for EDS, CSC, Bell Aerospace/
 Textron, UtiliCorp United, Deloitte  Touche, the last twelve years of
 which have been independent consulting under the Wallace Info name.  I
 have done intelligence work for both the FBI and also my State
 Narcotics Bureau.

 Every single prescription written by any doctor, and filled in any
 pharmacy in the State of Oklahoma, is processed through a system that
 I wrote.

 All of Clear Channel Television's TV station's traffic, scheduling and
 contract management, from Washington State, to South Florida are run
 on an intranet that I wrote.  I think they keep recipies in it too!

 A large portion of UtiliCorp United natural gas logistics and
 nominations system is run on software that I developed.

 Add to that the literally hundreds (so many I've lost count of them)
 of databases, websites, intranets, pieces of software, systems, and

 Currently, we are working on getting all 8 of our locations tied
 together on VPN, through the cloud.  (I know, that was kinda
 unnecessary...)  This is going to involve tying half the business
 running on linux to the other half running on Windows Server.

 I am at the moment also working on building our SQL Server 2008
 cluster and getting log shipping setup so we can hot swap a SQL Server
 when the VPN is ready.

 And, occasionally, I take work on the site developing websites.

 Is that the bit you are refering to when you say I am a glorified
 webmaster, nothing more...?

 Just wanting to be clear, before I make any comment to address that.


seriously who the f cares.unless you have a /_real_/ suggestion, please 
stop wasting our time.


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Re: Firebug 1.5a14 and 1.4b10

2009-07-15 Thread Kara Rawson

alfonsoml wrote:

 On Jul 15, 2:44 am, John J Barton wrote:
 Icon updates to finish 1.4:


 This sentence worries me a little: In Firebug 1.5, we plan to have
 break on next in all panels, doing different cool things.

 Having a button that does different things depending on where you are
 is likely to create as much confusion as the change to the Close/Off
 button in 1.4

 I really don't know what you have planned, but I would beg you to
 please think carefully about it. For most of the people Firebug is
 just a tool, they don't want to spend time learning all the things
 that are changed between releases. In fact, I bet that lots of people
 would be pleased if they could just run 1.1 or 1.2 with very little
 changes to how it worked.
 We are slow animals, and once we learn our way we might be too


from what i learned in UI classes in college was that it is very bad to 
change dynamically change the functionality of activation components. IE 
do not have one button that looks the same providing different 
functionality based on the state, to get around this you need to change 
the look and feel of the button to match the state. food for thought


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whats up with the Off text

2009-07-15 Thread Kara Rawson

whats the deal with the Off text to the right of the icon to close 
firebug. This is overly redundant and doesn't provide users with any 
additional feedback onto what the site does, Tooltips are good enough, 
if someone cant figure out how to read the tooltip they prolly shouldn't 
be using firebug.


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Re: icon colors

2009-07-15 Thread Kara Rawson

johnjbarton wrote:

 On Jul 15, 9:13 am, Kara Rawson wrote:
 since we are on the topic of icons, how much work would it be to have
 the firebug activation icon in your browser switch to a firefly on its
 back when its off rather then just have it grey, you know like what bugs
 look like when they are dead. This would be cute, and funny. just a
 random idea.

 A practical reason to use icon orientation rather than just color is
 that some users cannot detect the color difference easily due to
 differences in eyesight.


understood, however i thought tooltips were designed originally for 
accessiblity. Honestly though at the end of the day, long as it does its 
job Fb that is, im a happy camper.


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Re: icon colors

2009-07-15 Thread Kara Rawson

Mike Collins wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Kara Rawson wrote:

 johnjbarton wrote:
  On Jul 15, 9:13 am, Kara Rawson wrote:
  since we are on the topic of icons, how much work would it be
 to have
  the firebug activation icon in your browser switch to a firefly
 on its
  back when its off rather then just have it grey, you know like
 what bugs
  look like when they are dead. This would be cute, and funny. just a
  random idea.
  A practical reason to use icon orientation rather than just color is
  that some users cannot detect the color difference easily due to
  differences in eyesight.
 understood, however i thought tooltips were designed originally for
 accessiblity. Honestly though at the end of the day, long as it
 does its
 job Fb that is, im a happy camper.


 The point of having the icon change color, is, I assume, to be able to 
 tell at a glance whether Firebug is on or off, so having to hover for 
 a tooltip doesn't really work there.  Of course, I can't really tell 
 how this works for other people, but I personally cannot tell the 
 difference with the orange and grey bugs unless I look at them 

 I really like the dead bug idea, I just wish I had the design skills 
 to make the icon.


i dunno, these are just some suggestions from what ive read though this 
on going activation and icon discussion. The red and blue color 
suggestion i made, was more for distinguishing from the close button 
from the other two, so users whom aren't color blind have a less chance 
of clickinbg the wrong button. I personally can see the orange to grey 
difference, however others like yourself dont notice it as easily which 
is y i suggested changing the shape of the icon to a dead bug on its back.

as far as graphics go, ill see what i can whip up that looks neet.


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Re: icon colors

2009-07-15 Thread Kara Rawson
Bob Hassinger wrote:
 If we can relate Firebug to firefly, then note a firefly blinks  
 only when it is active and stays dark when it is inactive.   How about  
 an icon that reflects that analogy?
that is a great idea, i think having firebug blink like every so many 
seconds would be kewl, pretty easy to do too as far as gfx are 
concerned. To me this seems very clever, which reflects how clever the 
tool is in addition.
 Watching all this dialog go back and forth about the UI I keep  
 thinking a significant part of the problem for me is that the UI is  
 not documented (and it keeps changing without documentation of the  
 changes).  At least there is no documentation to speak of that is  
 readily at hand when it is in use.  The result is that the user learns  
 the interface by discovery and implication, and discovers changes by  
 the same process.  Between analogs that do not match individual  
 understandings, changes from one release to another, and bugs that  
 lead to incorrect mental models of what is going on the tool becomes  
 difficult to use and evokes the flood of objections.
i cant count how many questions or posts ive read about bugs whihc are 
just users not knowing how to use the interface in general or a changed 
and revised UI (IE the new fb beta version)
 I think understanding what is going on in those terms might help  
 everyone get closer to a common view of what is going on and what is  
 needed.  There are a pretty complicated set of concepts going on in  
 Firebug as to states and so on.  People need to at least know what is  
 intended so they can adapt their mental models and they can  
 differentiate between misunderstandings and bugs.
i think in a way thats what all of these discussions are evolving into.
 Firebug needs to be easily discoverable and that means it has to draw  
 on established interface paradigms.  People bring established  
 understandings of what various interface elements do in an app or  
 tool, and what states to expect in an app.   Having different states  
 that are not obvious, and different effects for common UI elements has  
 to be avoided, or at a minimum well documented.
personally speaking i haven't really noticed any majoy UI revisions or 
changes, other then the activation model and minor polishing, it took me 
about 2 mins to get used to the new version. I think putting together a 
doc guide and using that as a design and implementat`ion litmus would be 
excellant and prolly clear up atleats half of these invalid discussion 
 Less seriously:  Firebug needs a couple of things that would relieve  
 the maintainers of a large part of the messages and questions and give  
 them lots more time to actually develop.  The new user must sign a  
 release acknowledging that Firebug can not change the code on a host  
 site before they can use the tool.  Second, Firebug needs a big button  
 that installs in a new profile.  It would be good if it would be  
 automatically invoked when the user runs into a problem too...  ;-)
i agree with you on that one, i think its important to dumb the tool 
down during the install, meaning directly tell users that this t ool can 
not and will not change code on servers, that is a major pitfall to new 
web app dev's. Knowing is half the battle. =)

 On Jul 15, 2009, at 12:28 PM, johnjbarton wrote:


 On Jul 15, 9:13 am, Kara Rawson wrote:
 since we are on the topic of icons, how much work would it be to have
 the firebug activation icon in your browser switch to a firefly on  
 back when its off rather then just have it grey, you know like what  
 look like when they are dead. This would be cute, and funny. just a
 random idea.
 A practical reason to use icon orientation rather than just color is
 that some users cannot detect the color difference easily due to
 differences in eyesight.



ive also attacked two firebug logos for the dead bug, tell me what you 


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inline: fbdead_logo_1.jpginline: fb_dead_logo1_transparent.png

Re: A bit confused here.

2009-07-13 Thread Kara Rawson

Faivon wrote:
 I'm sorry ... I've read through stuffs and still kinda confused about
 one thing.
 Do firebug really change the site's CSS and HTML? I mean, if I went to
 google site and use Firebug to remove the logo or modify the form,
 does google actually change? I kinda doubt it..
 So Firebug just provides virtual changes only?



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Re: I hate the new design.

2009-07-13 Thread Kara Rawson

johnjbarton wrote:

 On Jul 13, 12:31 pm, IAmThatStrange wrote:
 Ditto here, I don't want it on for all pages either.  I work with
 Typo3 (a CMS) and hate having firebug open with the interface, yet I
 need it open for the pages I am working with.  Its irritating.

 Then 1.4 should work well for you.


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Re: Hidden Activated List Unacceptable

2009-07-09 Thread Kara Rawson

FoamHead wrote:
 I know there's been a lot of discussion about 1.4's new activation
 model and I don't want to rehash it, but I would like to request one
 thing: if FireBug is going to remember which sites I activated FireBug
 on, then I need an interface to view/manipulate that list. 1.3 at
 least had the ability to disable for all, but 1.4 has nothing. It is
 completely unacceptable for FireBug to do anything based on a list
 that I am forced to remember.

 Above aside, as a relatively lightweight FireBug user, I don't
 understand why FireBug should even care what the URL of the site is.
 It seems infinitely easier to make FireBug turn on/off per tab
 regardless of which URL each tab goes to. FireBug shouldn't need to
 remember anything -- all tabs start off and a single click opens the
 FireBug window, activates the Console and Script sections, and reloads
 the current page (tho you should be able to configure exactly what


+1 thats a great idea for a list.


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Re: New Activation Model

2009-07-09 Thread Kara Rawson

Bob Hassinger wrote:
 This famous quote comes to mind:

 God grant me the serenity
 to accept the things I cannot change;
 courage to change the things I can;
 and wisdom to know the difference.

 Rako, you are chasing a hopeless result.  Even if you manage to get  
 Firebug to be less helpful, there will be another tool, and another,  
 and another.  Firebug is only one of many tools even now. You can not  
 possibly plug up the holes as fast as they are developed.

 Security through obscurity can only give an allusion of protection  
 that diverts ones efforts that should go into measures that can really  
 ensure protection.

 Every end user has full and unlimited access to whatever you send to  
 their computer (including everything in referenced files like external  
 Javascript and CSS files), for as long as they want it.  If a browser  
 can understand the code then a human can.  Fundamentally there is  
 little difference between intentionally obfuscated code and just plain  
 old poorly written code.  An interested person goes through the same  
 process to sort it out.  In essence once you send it to them you have  
 given up any possible trade secret protection and your only real  
 option is copyright (or maybe patent).  And still, enforcement of  
 those protections is only really feasible in major situations with a  
 lot of money involved.

 By its nature Javascript is just not the tool for you when you need to  
 hide your logic or coding, or provide security for your site/data.   
 You have to do it so that users never have access to it in any form -  
 say in host side processing for example.

 Consider the balance for this one:  On one side we are looking at  
 widely beneficial capabilities many people will find very helpful.  On  
 the other side you want those benefits denied to them so you can have  
 the illusion of restricting access to what can not really be  
 protected.  I think the choice there is easy - one person's illusion  
 of gain, against the whole user communities's real gain.  I suspect  
 that is a pretty easy call.

 On Jul 9, 2009, at 4:10 PM, Luke Maurer wrote:

 You must be using a pretty wimpy obfuscator if a mere code formatter
 will undo it. If your IP is the big issue here, won't you be using
 something that does more than get rid of whitespace? Like renaming
 local and private variables to nonsense? That's not something that
 Firebug *could* undo, with or without DRM-style permission bits.

 - Luke

 On Jul 9, 11:56 am, Rako wrote:
 I agree with you, that there is no need for Firebug to obfuscate JS
 What I object, is the request to implement features that would
 counteract the obfuscation created by the owner of the site.
 What I suggested, is a method, through which owners of web-sites  
 allow/forbid the use of FB by strangers to debug their code.
 I think FB should not try to display obfuscated code more legibly.
 This would tantamount to try to decifer encripted data.
 I have no objection to stand-alone programs to make obfuscated code
 more legible, but as a feature of Firebug it would be criminal.
 Would you like to have programs around that spy-out your passwords,
 decript your private emails? I would not.
 Please do not turn Firebug into Spyware.

 On Jul 8, 6:47 pm, Rob Campbell wrote:

 Rako, further obfuscation of JS code will never be a feature of
 Firebug. Most minimized JS is already quite obfuscated and, if
 anything, we'll produce a mechanism to display it more legibly,  
 by extension or with a feature.
 As for the Off vs [X] button, I really feel this was a bit of a  
 effort and a discussion that blew the issue out of proportion. Now
 we've implemented this change to appease a noisy few. Most users  
 learn that the [X] button means Close / Off after they've used it.
 It behaves similarly to how you'd expect a close button to work in  
 other area of Firefox or the OS. I, for one, will be glad to see the
 Off label go away as soon as possible.
 On Jul 7, 3:33 pm, Rako wrote:
 I do not rant.
 I simply explain why is this extension/modification to/of the
 activation needed.
 Perhaps my reasoning offends you (are you one of the reverse-
 engineers?), but it is not going to change my reasoning.
 On Jul 7, 12:34 pm, alfonsoml wrote:
 On Jul 7, 8:32 am, Rako wrote:
 I agree with all you say, but what annoys me, are the requests  
 for new
 features in FB to enable reverse engineering.
 Then place your rants in those threads.
 This is already too heated, please, don't mix unrelated things.


ummm i thought FB was suppose to do the opposite of obfuscation, like 
make code easier and faster to understand and debug. btw thats a great 
quote, every dev should know that by heart. M$ 

Re: Network Monitoring on IE

2009-07-07 Thread Kara Rawson

C wrote:
 Is there a way to monitor traffic in IE6/7 ? Does anyone know any
 proxy software or IE plug-in that will allow me to analyze an measure
 the traffic ?

 The gantt chart Firebug has is very useful - I have to analyze the way
 IE handles the download of HTTP elements and then optimize that based
 on the findings.

 Any good tip will help!

 Thanks in advance !


wireshark. its free and nothing works as well. its not entry level 
though, but has a GUI


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Re: VERY SIMPLE Feature Request: Auto-focus the console input

2009-07-02 Thread Kara Rawson

soapergem wrote:
 I use Firebug all the time, and it's fantastic, and in doing so I've
 thought of one thing that would make web debugging ever so slightly
 easier. I am a person who tends to use the keyboard, and I generally
 avoid using the mouse as much as possible. So whenever I need to bring
 up Firebug on a page, naturally I just hit F12. However, it's a little
 bit annoying that when I press F12, causing Firebug to pop up in the
 Console tab, the actual console entry line isn't selected. This
 means that if I want to type a JavaScript command on a page, I do the
 following steps:

 * Press F12
 * Click the console input
 * Type command

 But I would really love to cut it down to just this:

 * Press F12
 * Type command

 It's safe to assume that by pressing F12, I want to use Firebug, so I
 think it's safe to also assume that I want the focus on Firebug. Or at
 the very least, if you don't agree that it's safe to assume so, you
 could add a checkbox option under Console to toggle this behavior.
 Can this small feature be added in future releases? In any case,
 thanks for the fantastic tool.


+1 i use the keyboard like too. its annoying not havingt it focus.

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Re: How to uninstall Firebug

2009-07-02 Thread Kara Rawson

Tom wrote:
 How do you uninstall Firebug?  I can't find the prgram on my PC.  It's
 not in my program files under Firebug or Parakey.  Any suggestions?
 Thanks.  Tom


its a plugin, you delete it from firefox. you can manually go into your 
firefox profile directory and delete it. too, but i wouldn't recommend 
that to start with lol.


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Re: I hate the new design.

2009-07-01 Thread Kara Rawson

whatcould wrote:
 Chiming in. As a JS developer, I miss the old behavior too.

 Today I had the unfortunate experience of thinking my javascript was
 broken for some reason. Turns out firebug had deactivated itself, and
 when it's inactive doesn't even catch console.log calls -- so my app
 was working when FB was open, but halting execution (on console.log)
 when I closed FB (so I could have more screen real estate, mostly).

 Only now (on further exploration) do i see that FB stays on when you
 click the bug -- but disables when you click the (x).

 I'm not sure what the old behavior was exactly, or how different it is
 from the new behavior, but some kind of upgrade message about the
 change would have been very helpful.

 On Jun 30, 1:22 pm, sir_brizz wrote:
 Once again, I have to agree. I have a co-worker who just upgraded to
 3.5 and naturally upgraded FireBug. He didn't even know that Firebug
 wasn't working the way it did before AT ALL. He thought it was just
 broken and unusable. I'm sure he is not an isolated case of this.

 The new activation model makes sense, but it is NOT easy or

 On Jun 30, 11:13 am, MorningZ wrote:

 2) The activation logic must be simple so, it isn't a barrier for new
 users and/or for users who user Firebug just time to time
 This just isn't correct...
 Even a new user, or a time to time user, would *expect* that if:
 - They told Firebug to Watch Requests, Turn on Console, etc etc  (the
 three checkboxes when then panel is pulled)
 If Firebug is told to do that, then whether he/she opened a new
 browser window, opened a new tab, stuff like that, then Firebug should
 bedoing it's thing.. not require it to be activated and the panel
 pulled up.  that's just very unfriendly to developers (and isn't
 that your core/target group of people using this awesome tool?)
 As said, 1.2 and 1.3 behaved like this, why rip that behavior out
 totally?It's like what Microsoft seems to do all the time they
 try to dumb down their User Interfaces so much, that they absolutely
 kill it for people who *really* use it day to day
 Look, I don't have your stats on usage or really any idea of what you
 consider average user or power user, but you asked earlier in this
 topic for some specific dislikes and I and others posted them
 replying with can't satisfy everyone is just weak.
 On Jun 30, 12:48 pm, Francis Lewis wrote:
 If you could do that, that would be awesome and save me a lot of
 work :)
 I have hated the way the activation works in 1.4x, so I created a new
 firebug plug-in, but I haven't had time to actually code anything into
 it yet.
 Hopefully we can get a group of people working on this… that would
 make it easier for all of us :)
 I have a discussion forum for web developers on
 You can contact me there if you're interested (username is Handyman)
 and we can setup a forum and repository (if needed) for it.
 On Jun 30, 9:21 am, Trevan Richins wrote:
 You can make firebug always on (right-click the icon in the bottom bar).  
 I've also been playing around with an extension for my own development 
 that forces firebug to always be on for my development domain.  I've got 
 issues with it where it is minimized when it shouldn't be or maximized 
 when it shouldn't be, and I've never tested open in new window but it 
 is working fine for me.  The email thread where I've asked questions 
 about the extension is titled Help with extension to enable Firebug at a 
 specific domain.  I could post my code and let you try and make it work 
 for you.


using either or is abotu the same IMHO, i do prefer the older to the 
newer as it was faster to use, the new one is more annoying to look at 
request sand switching between tabs.


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Re: I hate the new design.

2009-07-01 Thread Kara Rawson

sir_brizz wrote:
 Personally, I just find the new method inconvenient in almost every
 aspect. It feels like, intentional or not, that FireBug is rewritten
 from scratch every time a new version comes out because features are
 drastically changed between versions as opposed to bugs being fixed
 and new features added.

 I wasn't a fan of the activation model in 1.3 but I grew into it over
 time. The current activation model takes that one step further than
 the 1.3 model away from the 1.2 model.

 In 1.2, I appreciated being able to have Firebug always on and disable
 it on specific sites. I like to have it available all the time in case
 I want to use it, none of this refreshing the page repeatedly to get
 what I want. This is my preferred activation model.

 In 1.3, my typical use-case was simply to whitelist any domains I was
 going to use it on often as soon as I went to them. This way I never
 had to wonder if, for example, Firebug was running on ANY of my
 development sites (all on the same domain). With only slight
 modifications, this activation model could have easily been made to
 work like 1.2 for users who were interested. After one moment of
 annoyance, I could have all of my sites functioning with Firebug with
 NO ACTION from me.

 In 1.4, while the functionality makes sense, I have to go through a
 lot of steps (AND avoid clicking the X) to get Firebug up on a
 site, and it seems file or folder based or something. On first run, I
 have to:

 *) Right click Firebug icon
 *) Enable all panels
 *) Click to open Firebug
 *) Refresh the page
 *) Check things
 *) Minimize Firebug (don't click the X or you have to start all over!)
 *) Come back to the page at some later time and again avoid clicking
 the X during use, which disables Firebug and messes up the domain
 setting again.

 This doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Previously, You go to your
 domain, click to open firebug, check all the boxes and the button and
 you never have to worry about messing that setting up again unless you
 do it intentionally.

 In my opinion, all of this could be avoided by having two modes for
 Firebug, whitelist mode and blacklist mode. In whitelist mode, Firebug
 is always disabled and you can enable it for specific domains. In
 blacklist mode it is always enabled and you can disable it for
 specific domains. There is no worrying about the bug icon, clicking
 the wrong buttons, or anything and setup can default to whichever
 makes most sense.

 I'm positive that eventually I'll have just rolled the new activation
 model in to my workflow, it's just annoying to have to do so when the
 old model worked just fine for me. I used many of the 1.4 alphas and
 saw complaints about the new activation model come in all the time,
 but they are always passed off as either the activation model having
 bugs or the user just using it wrong. I don't recall anyone
 complaining this much about the model in 1.3, because, whether you
 preferred it or not, it was intuitive and easy. The new model, so far,
 just isn't (or, especially, isn't as intuitive as the old model).

 On Jul 1, 12:14 am, johnjbarton wrote:
 On Jun 30, 9:30 pm, MorningZ wrote:

 I'm in Visual Studio, i built my project, and choose the file to view
 in browser
 Ok right away I see your problem. Does Visual Studio generates as a
 new file name every time? And it's not a web site so you don't even
 have a domain correct?

 So Flock (version 2.5) opens up, Firebug (i'm on 1.4.0b3) comes up
 disabled., that is the annoying
 Just to help the communications, we would not call that up disabled.
 Rather we would say closed (because you have no UI) and suspended
 because the icon is gray.

 So now i have to click the bug to activate, which also opens the
 panel, which i am running 3 monitors but not very high resolution so i
 can't actually read/use what i am working on because the panel is
 hogging up the viewport
 If you had ever done this in the past for that URL, Firebug would
 already be active.

 So now I have to make another click to undock, and then drag it to
 another monitor it just so i can read/use the web page
 I like undock but we call it detach.  If you had been detached
 before, you would stay detached.

 Sure, that simple example may sound like well, it's just a few
 clicks, but as a professional developer, I am having to do that a lot
 of times over and over and over on a given 12 hour workday.. and i
 am closing and opening windows all the time (as that first screenshot
 causes a new page/tab to open)
 I do not consider this sequence you describe to be trivial. (Sounds a
 lot like what I have to do to develop 

Re: Nice product. Icon sucks.

2009-07-01 Thread Kara Rawson

@ Mr. kirby

you are an idiot.

stop complain and being rude to people who volunteer there time.

you should spend more time debugging your crappy looking website,

which doesn't work in FF.

on a side note im a professional graphic designer / artist and engineer.

i love the FB logo, i think its mad cute.

@kirby, i betcha didn't know that it also does more damage to your brand 
by changing it out after it has beem saturated in the market. secondly 
why does it matter for something that doesn't get sold. You should 
download the source and rebrand it with some fancy graphics you think 
are kewl, and sell it. See how that works out for yea. prolly not well, 
as no one cares what the logo looks like. to me and prolly 99.9 of other 
engineers its merely a button to push when you wanna debug a website.

i actually take a little offense to you calling yoruself a information 
systems archtect. do you even know what that is or what they do?


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Re: Extremely Disappointed in New Activation Model - Old Method Better

2009-07-01 Thread Kara Rawson

sir_brizz wrote:
 Sorry, but what does 8,000 beta users have to do with anything (and
 how is such a number tracked, anyway? I've downloaded Firebug alphas/
 betas from at least 5 unique locations and I'm sure many others have
 done the same)? The people posting here are the people that care about
 Firebug development, and the ratio represented should, roughly,
 correlate back to that entire 8,000. If not, then what use is any
 statistical analysis in the world today? They wouldn't do it if the
 methods weren't mostly proven. Frankly, if satisfaction rate is
 anywhere near 50%, I would see changing the activation model as an
 utter failure and complete waste of time (I'm sorry to say).

 The current functionality is overcomplicated and inconvenient. Here's
 how I explained it to a friend (and this is all true based on my
 testing of 1.4b3):

 you click the bug, it turns on for the current tab
 you refresh, and all the panels work for the current page
 oh, but first you have to right click the bug and say enable all
 if you click the bug then firebug will stay open on that tab
 if you want to hide the panel, you have to click minimize not the x
 if you mistakenly click the x, you have to then click the bug, refresh
 the page, then minimize
 if it's minimized and you go to another page, it disables
 if you go back to a page it was enabled on, it re-enables
 but of course if you hit the x on accident, it forgets that setting

 Okay, now let's compare that to 1.3:

 Click bug
 check three boxes
 click a button

 So, how can we continue to claim this is not more complex? It
 absolutely is!

 On Jul 1, 2:32 pm, johnjbarton wrote:
 Yes, but you are taking 72% of a tiny fraction of all Firebug users.
 We had about 8,000 beta users, so even if 40 people here did not like
 it, 40/8000 is only 0.5%, so we have 99.5% satisfied users.  Do you
 buy that? Me neither, so let's give up trying to count people who
 You're assuming that 100% of the people who didn't like it complained.
 You bet. Any assumption is as good as any other one. Which is why one
 can't use it as a proxy for voting.

@ sir b
i agree at this point. +1

OMG im sick of reading all of this, just change it to a white and black 
list, if its on its on, keep it on till you shut it off by clicking the 
button, K.I.S.S.


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Re: I hate the new design.

2009-06-30 Thread Kara Rawson

johnjbarton wrote:
 We'd be interested in what problems you are encountering. The design
 work for 1.4 is complete; we use beta just for bugs not design
 changes. Our goal is to make Firebug work well for as many users as


 On Jun 29, 3:39 pm, Dan wrote:
 Dear Firebug,
 Please do not keep the design in the latest beta. It is messing up all
 my habits and is constantly wasting my time.


at first i didn't like the new design, but it grew on me, only took a 
few mins to get used to it. I use both, as i used FF3.5 with the latest 
FB and FF3.1 with the older stable release of FB. using both side by 
side, the new version actually is alot easier to use, its just a little 
difference, IMHO a better flowing, UI. I also agree with spending more 
time on getting it to work well with as few bugs as possible.


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Re: Ability to change hotkeys

2009-06-30 Thread Kara Rawson

ne_skaju wrote:
 Hi, please make ability to change hotkeys.
 For example, ctrl-shift-c for “inspect” is not very comfortable, I
 like more IE 8 style (ctrl-b; even if it conflicts with other



this is a common and very useful feature of alot of my audio and multi 
tracking apps. As i have my own personal set of hot keys i typically use.


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Re: break on particular user input events

2009-06-26 Thread Kara Rawson

Canny wrote:
 Hi guys,

 I am fresh to this charming web application debugging tool. But after
 some study, I still can't find a way to setup breakpoints in JS file
 so that every time certain event is triggered, the execution will
 pause there in debugging mode. Is this really possible with Firebug?



go to the script tab, select the resource you wanna debugg, then click 
all the way on the left of the line number of the line you wana break. 
if you click the breakpoints tab on the panel to the right of this you 
will see an itemized list of break points, you can also click on watch 
tab to set watches on specifc classes, functions or class members 


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Re: break on particular user input events

2009-06-26 Thread Kara Rawson

Canny wrote:
 What I am looking for is actually a little bit different from an
 ordinary conditional break. What I want to do
 is to automatically pause at certain event handlers, e.g., a key press
 event, without explicitly identifying the
 location of the event handlers function. This is interesting in cases
 where the whole JS file is obfuscated so that
 it is hard to find the handler's entry point. Another use case
 motivating this debugging feature is that sometimes
 you may want the program to pause whenever the XMLHttpRequest send()
 is invoked, while it might be tedious
 to exhaust every appearance of the send() function call.

 --- Canny

 On Jun 26, 2:44 pm, Kara Rawson wrote:
 Canny wrote:
 Hi guys,
 I am fresh to this charming web application debugging tool. But after
 some study, I still can't find a way to setup breakpoints in JS file
 so that every time certain event is triggered, the execution will
 pause there in debugging mode. Is this really possible with Firebug?
 go to the script tab, select the resource you wanna debugg, then click
 all the way on the left of the line number of the line you wana break.
 if you click the breakpoints tab on the panel to the right of this you
 will see an itemized list of break points, you can also click on watch
 tab to set watches on specifc classes, functions or class members


if you wanna break at an event, create a new function which listens 
and/or intercepts these events. the function doesn't have to really do 
anything, then in your debugger just put a break at where you declare 
your function. the debugger will pause the app everytime this function 
gets called, IE when the event is triggered.

debuggers do not let your break on conditions like that, thats is not 
what they are designed for or how they work, atleast in the java and js 


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Re: break on particular user input events

2009-06-26 Thread Kara Rawson

johnjbarton wrote:
 In Firebug 1.4, the Break On Next button will break in to Javascript
 on the next event.  It is the double bar thing.
 In Firebug 1.5, we plan to have BreakOn features for all of the
 panels, so you will be able to break on
   next javascript (Script)
   request  (Net)
   response (Net)
   DOM mutate mozPaint (HTML)
   Style change (CSS if we can figure it out).
good luck with that one ^_^
   Error (Console)

 On Jun 26, 1:37 pm, Yan Huang wrote:
 But I am using firebug on someone else's web service only available online.
 Strictly speaking, I am
 not debugging the application, rather trying to reverse engineering part of
 the application.

 I guess most sophisticated debugging tools like *gdb* offer this feature
 (i.e., break on arbitrary function
 invocation point specified by a string name). I am not sure whether there is
 a traditional debugger that
 can break at event-handling functions for an arbitrary event specified by
 its string name. I think this is
 indeed a very useful feature for working with JavaScript programs too.

 If Firebug can't do this for the moment, anyone knows other tools offer the
 functionality for JavaScript?

 --- Canny

 On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Kara Rawson wrote:

 Canny wrote:
 What I am looking for is actually a little bit different from an
 ordinary conditional break. What I want to do
 is to automatically pause at certain event handlers, e.g., a key press
 event, without explicitly identifying the
 location of the event handlers function. This is interesting in cases
 where the whole JS file is obfuscated so that
 it is hard to find the handler's entry point. Another use case
 motivating this debugging feature is that sometimes
 you may want the program to pause whenever the XMLHttpRequest send()
 is invoked, while it might be tedious
 to exhaust every appearance of the send() function call.
 --- Canny
 On Jun 26, 2:44 pm, Kara Rawson wrote:
 Canny wrote:
 Hi guys,
 I am fresh to this charming web application debugging tool. But after
 some study, I still can't find a way to setup breakpoints in JS file
 so that every time certain event is triggered, the execution will
 pause there in debugging mode. Is this really possible with Firebug?
 go to the script tab, select the resource you wanna debugg, then click
 all the way on the left of the line number of the line you wana break.
 if you click the breakpoints tab on the panel to the right of this you
 will see an itemized list of break points, you can also click on watch
 tab to set watches on specifc classes, functions or class members
 if you wanna break at an event, create a new function which listens
 and/or intercepts these events. the function doesn't have to really do
 anything, then in your debugger just put a break at where you declare
 your function. the debugger will pause the app everytime this function
 gets called, IE when the event is triggered.
 debuggers do not let your break on conditions like that, thats is not
 what they are designed for or how they work, atleast in the java and js


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Re: break on particular user input events

2009-06-26 Thread Kara Rawson

Yan Huang wrote:
 But I am using firebug on someone else's web service only available 
 online. Strictly speaking, I am
 not debugging the application, rather trying to reverse engineering 
 part of the application.

 I guess most sophisticated debugging tools like /gdb/ offer this 
 feature (i.e., break on arbitrary function
 invocation point specified by a string name). I am not sure whether 
 there is a traditional debugger that
 can break at event-handling functions for an arbitrary event specified 
 by its string name. I think this is
 indeed a very useful feature for working with JavaScript programs too.

 If Firebug can't do this for the moment, anyone knows other tools 
 offer the functionality for JavaScript?

 --- Canny

 On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Kara Rawson wrote:

 Canny wrote:
  What I am looking for is actually a little bit different from an
  ordinary conditional break. What I want to do
  is to automatically pause at certain event handlers, e.g., a key
  event, without explicitly identifying the
  location of the event handlers function. This is interesting in
  where the whole JS file is obfuscated so that
  it is hard to find the handler's entry point. Another use case
  motivating this debugging feature is that sometimes
  you may want the program to pause whenever the XMLHttpRequest send()
  is invoked, while it might be tedious
  to exhaust every appearance of the send() function call.
  --- Canny
  On Jun 26, 2:44 pm, Kara Rawson wrote:
  Canny wrote:
  Hi guys,
  I am fresh to this charming web application debugging tool.
 But after
  some study, I still can't find a way to setup breakpoints in
 JS file
  so that every time certain event is triggered, the execution will
  pause there in debugging mode. Is this really possible with
  go to the script tab, select the resource you wanna debugg,
 then click
  all the way on the left of the line number of the line you wana
  if you click the breakpoints tab on the panel to the right of
 this you
  will see an itemized list of break points, you can also click
 on watch
  tab to set watches on specifc classes, functions or class members
 if you wanna break at an event, create a new function which listens
 and/or intercepts these events. the function doesn't have to really do
 anything, then in your debugger just put a break at where you declare
 your function. the debugger will pause the app everytime this function
 gets called, IE when the event is triggered.

 debuggers do not let your break on conditions like that, thats is not
 what they are designed for or how they work, atleast in the java
 and js


one word, maybe its two but whatever ^_^


you can try venkman thats a way more robost and if not the most advanced 
debugger for js out there. its a little to robust for my tastes as i 
like to keep it simple.


i definatly see a use for an event debugger, where you can set 
breakpoints on specific user agent events, which is what i think you 
mean after chatting about this.

it would be great if you could say set a watch for event type 301 or 
dblclick etc. it would also be nice to be able to see the stack trace 
when the event occurs IE during the pause break.

just some ramblings


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Re: Firefox/Firebug can't deal with files longer than 65535 lines long

2009-06-24 Thread Kara Rawson

Hernan Rodriguez Colmeiro wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 16:40, Kara wrote:
 i have the same problem when debugging gwt gxt. i have like one line
 that consists of 100k+ lines of compiled code. a reverse obfuscator
 would be awesome so i can actually do line breaks and see whats going on.

 Maybe a little OT, but the GWT compiler has an optional parameter to
 compile to nice code. Is really really helpful when debugging GWT
 code in Firebug.



whats the arguments or options to make this happen, ive been poking 
around for something that would do this

thanx in advance


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Re: Firefox/Firebug can't deal with files longer than 65535 lines long

2009-06-23 Thread Kara Rawson

Steven Roussey wrote:


i have the same problem when debugging gwt gxt. i have like one line 
that consists of 100k+ lines of compiled code. a reverse obfuscator 
would be awesome so i can actually do line breaks and see whats going on.


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Re: Finding file location of inline styles

2009-06-19 Thread Kara Rawson

Dgreen97 wrote:
 I've worked with firebug for quite a while now and I frequently run
 into inline styling CSS in the code while I'm working on
 Joomla CMS. It sometimes takes hours to find the file that contains
 this inline style code. Is there any way to find which file has this
 code with firebug or any other program? I've looked forever for a
 program to do this and I haven't been able to find one. If firebug
 could identify which files had the inline styling it would be
 absolutely awesome.


so are you trying to find inline styles that are static or dynamically 
added by JS. if its static, use a text search crimison editor has a 
really good search for text in files function, if your trying to search 
for dynamically added stuff, thats a bit more tricky, you can expand all 
of the content nodes in the HTML tab, pasted it all into a txt file, (of 
all the files you are looking in), do a find in that new txt file, then 
try to match some type of static content with where this dynamic stuff 
is added, once you have some static content to match, then just do a 
search content in all files, find the general location, then you will 
find the location where this dynamic inline stuff occurs.

overal it sounds like you are tacking this problem from the top down, 
really you should be trying to solve these problems from the bottom up, 
meaning searching within the source code that generates the html, and 
css and not the actual compiled code, it would be like digging though a 
bunch of obfuscated JSNI looking for a specific value to reverse 
engineer, becuase i dont have the src's to look at.

firebug also dynamic searechsdynamic html content if you use the search 
filter box in the top right.


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Re: CSS Questions

2009-06-18 Thread Kara Rawson

Jordo84 wrote:

 My team at work is currently in the process of developing our CSS to
 be commensurate with the current DITA standards. I have some general
 questions regarding the use of DITA and any other information
 regarding these topics would be helpful.

 1.What information do you need to gather from your subject matter
 experts to follow the new template and create a procedure, concept, or
 pre and post requisites?

 2.What is the course of action for writing a procedure that is
 inclusive within itself and does not have any pre or post requisites?

 3.What have you found to be the most effective way of cleaning out/
 scrubbing the current documentation to make it easier to convert to
 topic based templates?


a few things

A) please post that on the correct forum
B) sounds alot like some college class questions.
C) WTF does DITA which is xml architecture for tech papers have to do 
with CSS. you should be using XSLT for styling XML


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Re: Firebug window appears on the right of the browser window

2009-06-18 Thread Kara Rawson

pliant wrote:
 It was Widerbug.  I removed that and now its back to the bottom.  Too
 bad you can't switch between having it at the bottom or at the right.

 On Jun 18, 9:00 am, Jan Odvarko wrote:
 This feature is also implemented by Widerbug - Firebug 
 Perhaps it's installed?

 On Jun 18, 5:43 am, johnjbarton wrote:

 You mean Firebug in an external window?
 Which version?
 On Jun 17, 6:40 pm, pliant wrote:
 It just started doing this recently.  How do I get it back to the
 bottom again?

put in a request to widerbug.

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Re: Feature Request: Break on DOM Object Event

2009-06-18 Thread Kara Rawson

AdamV wrote:
 Hey guys,

 I don't know if this is either possible or even reasonable but I'll
 propose it anyways.

 Its not always feasible to put a breakpoint in the JavaScript source.
 This is true, for instance, if you're working with third party code
 (I'm running through the behaviour of a commercial CMS right now) or
 if functions may have been overloaded.

 It would be nice if you could select an Element, and select an event
 on which to start debugging. So I can select some button and start
 debugging the click event. When the click event happens, the debugging
 start. This would allow you to know ALL the functions that are called
 by the event.



+ 1

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Re: Feature Request: Break on DOM Object Event

2009-06-18 Thread Kara Rawson

Trevan Richins wrote:
 The break on next doesn't work that well.  I have events for onHover and 
 onClick on an element and with the break on next', I can't use it to debug 
 the onClick events, because the onHover event always fires first.

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of 
 Jan Odvarko
 Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 10:36 AM
 To: Firebug
 Subject: Re: Feature Request: Break on DOM Object Event

 I think you are looking for Break on Next feature (you need 1.4).
 Just click on the pause button available in Firebug toolbar (it should
 start flashing) and do something on the page (e.g. press a button),
 the debugger will break at the first executed javascript line.

 Anyway, I like the approach you have indicated. Just a few days ago we
 have been discussing how to further extend the current Break on Next
 with something like : Break on XHR, Break on CSS, etc..


 On Jun 18, 6:24 pm, AdamV wrote:
 Hey guys,

 I don't know if this is either possible or even reasonable but I'll
 propose it anyways.

 Its not always feasible to put a breakpoint in the JavaScript source.
 This is true, for instance, if you're working with third party code
 (I'm running through the behaviour of a commercial CMS right now) or
 if functions may have been overloaded.

 It would be nice if you could select an Element, and select an event
 on which to start debugging. So I can select some button and start
 debugging the click event. When the click event happens, the debugging
 start. This would allow you to know ALL the functions that are called
 by the event.



i agree break on next works like crap. i would like to see something 
like break on next and even maybe a break on next with sometype of regex 
match or filtering, ~k

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Re: script doesn't show up on script panel

2009-06-18 Thread Kara Rawson

Owen Corpening wrote:
 I have been using firebug every day for 18 months and it just quit 
 working. I am just trying to achieve a working setup again.

 I have to do 100% of my debugging with logging right now ... I really 
 don't care what version I am using. If no one can help me, fine, I 
 guess I have to create a VM to test with or something blech

 *From:* Elias
 *To:* Firebug
 *Sent:* Thursday, June 18, 2009 3:37:57 PM
 *Subject:* Re: script doesn't show up on script panel

 Thank you for your reply. I checked out the description of 1.4b2 on
 the releases page, and it seems like it only works on the beta of
 Firefox 3.5. I use Firefox and Firebug regularly for my job and I am
 sorry to say I'm not willing to take the time to experiment with a
 beta product for a beta browser. I spend enough time dealing with
 enough bugs. If there is a way to make 1.4b2 to work in Firefox
 3.0.11, I may consider it. However, I will keep what you said in mind
 and try the final version 1.4 when it is finished.



i use it when i need to debug using logging in non FF browsers and such.

another option is to not use the console.log and to use javascript error 
/ warnig / dialog console.

throw foobar;


throw new Error(bleh)

hope that helps some


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Re: Save edited Page/HTML

2009-06-18 Thread Kara Rawson

talaric wrote:
 I often use firebug as a WYSIWYG html editor/manipulator to remove ad-
 blocks, left and right navigators on pages before printing. But many
 times I really wish I could save that edited page just as is, and not
 with all the junk cluttering the main content area. Is it possible to
 extend it to include Save as edited feature ? If I copy/paste the
 html then I lose firefox's translation of image urls etc. to local

 Although I'm not entirely sure this is within the scope of Firebug, I
 understand where you're coming from.  I tend to use a combination of
 webdeveloper toolbar and firebug not as much as a WYSIWYG editor
 (there are better tools for that) but rather for tweaking css rules to
 get them right - because a) I hand code pretty much everything and b)
 the results are immediate (no reloading the page to see the changes
 take effect)

 I almost always forget to transfer css corrections I make in firebug
 back to the source css file and then lose them.  :)  I blame myself
 for that.


yes i agree thats all its made for tweaks. this saves me hundreds of 
hours each year. Rather then hand code some shyt, compile, test, repeat 
12 times or more, now i just code the stuff up, and tweak the UI with 
the realtime layout tab. The rulers are a life saver.

if you really want the modified code, use another extension like 
greasemonkey or such which lets you save modified css and html to a 
page. Also try developing your css inlinewhen testing, and then moigrate 
to extrenal sheets when you know its 100%. then you can literary just 
copy and paste into your external sheet.


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Re: Save edited Page/HTML

2009-06-18 Thread Kara Rawson

johnjbarton wrote:
 Kevin Decker has Firediff extension, our first effort to support edit-
 and-export. As soon as we wrap up 1.4 we will spend more time on
 extension support.

 No one has worked on full export of the live objects to my knowledge.


 On Jun 18, 3:02 pm, talaric wrote:
 I often use firebug as a WYSIWYG html editor/manipulator to remove ad-
 blocks, left and right navigators on pages before printing. But many
 times I really wish I could save that edited page just as is, and not
 with all the junk cluttering the main content area. Is it possible to
 extend it to include Save as edited feature ? If I copy/paste the
 html then I lose firefox's translation of image urls etc. to local
 Although I'm not entirely sure this is within the scope of Firebug, I
 understand where you're coming from.  I tend to use a combination of
 webdeveloper toolbar and firebug not as much as a WYSIWYG editor
 (there are better tools for that) but rather for tweaking css rules to
 get them right - because a) I hand code pretty much everything and b)
 the results are immediate (no reloading the page to see the changes
 take effect)

 I almost always forget to transfer css corrections I make in firebug
 back to the source css file and then lose them.  :)  I blame myself
 for that.


thats a great idea, i definatly would love to see a diff in firebug, it 
would convient for me to be able to diff obfuscated JSNI for reverse 
engineering purposes, to see wchich and what sections of the compiled 
JSNI changes, based on how the source code changes.

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Re: Feedback Suggestions to the new version

2009-06-10 Thread Kara Rawson

Jan Odvarko wrote:
 A) allow users to customize netview so that, columns are hidable and
 resizable. IE i wanna make my title column really wide and the
 response time narrow. i have very long requests i wanna inspect.
 I like the idea, could you please report a new issue so, it isn't lost
 in the noise.
 B) provide some type of filter on the net, which lets me delimit what
 requests are shown based on what matchs in the filter, handy for just
 display specific requests for debugging.
 There is already set of buttons on the Net panel's toolbar (All, HTML,
 CSS, etc.) that are used to filter content of the panel. Is this what
 you want, or can we extend it somehow?
yes i do use those buttons,an example say i wanna only show requests 
that contain the text Now i only will 
see requests that match that regex. or say filter for specific url 
paramerts, like only show request which contain someparam=somevalue. 
for example i have a form which posts to 4 requests on submit. i wanna 
be able to filter to just see say only 1 of the 4 matching by regex. i 
would suggest putthing this input field to the very right on the toolbar 
which contains the html, css, js  tab buttons on the net panel. 
after we hash out the details ill submit the ticket on google =)
 C) add an optuion to the console which lets you display net requests,
 like how the old version display them.
 The Console panel still has an option Show XMLHttpRequest that
 should work with Firefox 3.5. Just to note that there was a bug in
 3.5b4 that broke this so, please test with recommended 3.5 version
gotcha, yes i had that option selected. let me know what and if any 
information you would like about my useragent for debugging purposes if 
 D) have option to allow user to format response text. IE i always
 return xml and its a real pain having to format it manually for every
 request i wanna inspect. Sometype of inspector or navigator like the
 html tab has would be nice, IE color coding of nodes aattributes and
 values.  Maybe make it smart so yu candetect if its xml, json or
 something else.
 There is already a JSON explorer (available if a net response is JSON)
 so, yes having another panel (like XML explorer) fits exactly into the
 concept. I don't  think there is a bug for this. Could you please also
 report a new issue for this?
thats what i had in mind, rigth now the html tab formats it to html, 
kinda useless lol. DONE!!!
 E) create net panel option to allow you to always display request
 regardless if your on the tab or not, sometimes i have to switch
 between tabs, and state machines i have running are doing frequent
 The tab here means Firefox tab or Firebug's panel?
 If you right click on the Firebug icon in Firefox status bar and pick
 On for all web pages does it solve the problem?
disregard, this is the bug with not show xmlrequests in console.
 i dont know how and if you can implement something like this, but a
 mechanism to watch or inspect comet payloads. in my development i use
 alot of comet to push events and such to client apps. It would be soo
 handy to feed firebug a comet url or something, and have it just
 inspect and tail the payload coming in to the iframe.
 More users already requested this, could this be related to: ?

 If not, more detailed explanation how this should work (from the user
 perspective) would be useful. Perhaps an idea for a new Firebug
humm, i dont think its fully related. What im envisioning is another 
thing like the console tab, which basically just lists the comet 
payloads. one payload per line, then maybe something to be able to 
expand each payload like in the net tab for requests. expanded item 
could display like RFC3339 format time, the size, amount of chars, 
etc maybe even detect if its html or xml or JSON, and format the 
text, like the net tab also does for requests. Im thinking of something 
separate. IMHO i see the net tab as a way to peer into my AJAX requests, 
console tab to know whats going on IE event logging  for error report 
stack tracing, and a new COmet tab, which monitor incoming data. I have 
a project coming up in the next year which will have a multiple comet 
payloads coming in from multiple servers. That coupled with filtering, 
would make it a snap to debug different data streams.
 Thanks for great feedback!

no problem, im just glad to add a few more issues onto your growing 
backlog of 600 bugs ^_^.
honestly ive used firebug for years now, and never a complaint. one of 
the most useful, and well designed applications out there, and yes i 
call it an app even though its a firefox plugin. one of the best things 
ff has going