Hi Gavin and others. 
Try Information in biological systems ( 
http://web.ncf.ca/collier/papers/Information%20in%20Biological%20Systems.pdf ) 
(Handbook of Philosophy of Science, vol 8, Philosophy of Information ( 
 ), 2008, Chapter 5f). It isn't complete (you need some of my other papers to 
get the quantity of information innate, transmitted (causally) and received, as 
well as its effects. 
Information, causation and computation ( 
http://web.ncf.ca/collier/papers/CollierJohn%20formatted.pdf ) (Information and 
Computation: ( http://astore.amazon.co.uk/books-books-21/detail/9814295477 ) 
Essays on Scientific and Philosophical Understanding of Foundations of 
Information and Computation, Ed by Gordana Dodig Crnkovic and Mark Burgin, 
World Scientific) http://web.ncf.ca/collier/papers/CollierJohn%20formatted.pdf
Causation is the Transfer of Information ( 
http://web.ncf.ca/collier/papers/causinf.pdf ) (1999) 
Complexly Organised Dynamical Systems ( 
http://web.ncf.ca/collier/papers/Cods.pdf ) with C.A. Hooker (1999) 
Hierarchical dynamical information systems with a focus on biology ( 
http://www.mdpi.org/entropy/papers/e5020100.pdf ) (Entropy 2003) 
There are others that might be relevant on my web page 

Professor John Collier  
Philosophy, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Durban 4041 South Africa
T: +27 (31) 260 3248 / 260 2292
F: +27 (31) 260 3031
email: colli...@ukzn.ac.za>>> On 2012/03/16 at 11:14 PM, in message 
<1331932479.81758.yahoomail...@web96106.mail.aue.yahoo.com>, Gavin Ritz 
<garr...@xtra.co.nz> wrote:

Hi FISers
Can anyone show me a calculus for Information relating to biological systems?

And if so show me the relationship with conceptual mathematics?


Dear FISers:
Pedro and Plamen raise good and welcomed points regarding the nature of 
physics, information, and biology. Although I believe in a strong relationship 
between information and physics in biology, there are striking examples where 
direct correspondences between information, physics, and biology seem to 
depart. Scientists are only beginning to tease out these discrepancies which 
will undoubtedly give us a better understand of information.
For example, in the study of cognition by A. Khrennikov and colleagues and J. 
Busemyer and colleagues, decisional processes may conform to quantum statistics 
and computation without necessarily being mediated by quantum mechanical 
phenomena at a biological level of description. I found this to be true in 
ciliates as well, where social strategy search speeds and decision rates may 
produce quantum computational phases that obey quantum statistics. In such 
cases, a changing classical diffusion term of response regulator 
reaction-diffusion parsimoniously accounts for the transition from classical to 
quantum information processing. Thus, there is no direct correspondence between 
quantum physicochemistry and quantum computation. Because the particular 
reaction-diffusion biochemistry is not unique to ciliates (i.e., the same 
phenomena is observed in plants, animals, and possibly bacteria), this 
incongruity may be widespread across life.
Best regards,
Kevin Clark

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