Re: coloring books

2015-11-12 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with <>

ya know, there is a plus and minus side to having a fjord horse coloring 

there are only really 4 colors you can use on the horses. however, then you 
don’t have to buy as many crayons….. ;)

laurie with

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Re: coloring books

2015-11-11 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with <>

coloring books are no longer just for kids. i have several i purchased for both 
enjoyment, relaxation and stress relief. the only thing that would make it 
better is to have fjords to color.

well done, ladies!

laurie with and
Iduna Acres Laila, who reminds me of eric clapton every time i see her

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Re: skylar

2015-07-24 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

thank you to all who expressed the sympathy about my loss of skylar. i have 
also heard from others who have experienced the same thing, and my heart goes 
out to you. our big strong equines can be taken down be the smallest things. 

skylar taught me a lot about horses, riding and myself. she was sent to me to 
continue what oz could no longer do. she was feisty, sassy, opinionated, herd 
boss and fearless. i took her to a desensitising clinic shortly after i got 
her. i had only ridden her a few times, but she was a rock star. there was 
nothing there that bothered her. other participants asked why i was there, 
since she was so good. i told them it was me that was scared, not her.

we struggled. she always wanted to go faster. our attempts at a canter were 
usually a train wreck. but we worked on it. and in recent days, we were 
learning how to actually slow down, to listen when i said No we cannot jumps 
the trot poles. i realized a lot about my riding skills. i learned to quietly 
get her to slow down and listen. it worked.

and then i lost her. after speaking with my vet, i am thinking perhaps there 
was something going on that finally came to a head sunday night. she was 
getting girthy. she would stop walking and not want to go forward. she was 
constantly farting (scuse my language). we just though it was normal fjordie 
quirks, and we will never know for sure.

if you are not on Facebook, i had 100s of notes of support from our Fjord 
family around the world. and others who have experienced the same pain. we are 
not alone.

i also posted that i am extremely fortunate to have found another fjord who 
will be able to continue what skylar began. i am purchasing Iduna Acres Leila 
from Candy Lund in wisconsin. she is a 10 year old daughter of WH Stone and has 
done everything. from the photos i have seen, she is stunning to look at, but 
also has the wonderful Fjord qualities we all so love. she excelled at her 
first years in Blue Earth, and has the same soft eye and calm demeanor we look 
for. i am very grateful to her owner that she will entrust this lovely mare to 
me. Skylar has told me in her own way that it is ok. i will be picking her up 
on August 1st.

again. thank you to our entire Fjord family. i have known since early on that 
Fjords come with an extended family. i am proud to be a part of the celebration 
of this glorious breed.


laurie with

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2015-07-20 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

i lost Skylar last night to a sudden and very painful bout with colic. it came 
on in the barn cross ties when i was brushing her, about 6:30 and by 8:30 at 
the vet knew we could do nothing to help her. she had a ton of pain meds, but 
nothing was relieving her. they think it was a twisted intestine, and surgery 
had no guarantees and a high price. i made the horrible decision to let her go, 
way too soon. she would have been 20 this saturday.

she taught me a lot about mares, my riding, and life in general. 

i know i want another fjord in my life. the hole they leave is too great not to 
fill. but the grieving will come first. she and Oz are reunited with his old 
friend Bogie at the bridge. better hope they have an infinite green pasture up 
there, because i am sure these three will be cleaning it up…….

laurie with

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Re: blue earth

2015-07-01 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

for some reason this didn’t show up, so if it’s a duplicate i apologize… 
refers to the blue earth video of the 20th anniversary.

i should mention that this is a video that i did before we had digital cameras, 
and isn’t professionally edited, however, i think it’s pretty good.

as i watch it again, some of the parade highlights include Bob Gudknecht 
driving the 6-up team pulling the stagecoach, various carts and drivers, Phil 
Oden did the introduction of the parade and the history of the horse. the 
Norwegian wedding procession and costuming.
Presentation of the flags and anthems for Norway and USA.
Neil Sorum giving the history of the show, from 6 horses the first year to 130 
in 2005.
Recognition of the original starters of the show…
Demonstrations of Fjord versatility in driving, riding, jumping, log 
pulling… was the year of the rarely seen Zebra dun Fjords, ridden by the 
Poirier sisters….

it runs about 45 minutes.

laurie with

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2005 blue earth

2015-06-28 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

while cleaning house today, i came across a bunch of copies of the video from 
the 2005 Blue Earth 20th Anniversary celebration. it starts with the Norwegian 
wedding procession, and then all the demos of the fjord versatility. lot of 
great old memories…….if anyone is interested in a copy, i will sell for $5 each 
plus mailing. it runs almost 40 minutes with clips of some of the original Blue 
Earth organizers and Midwest members. how can that possibly have been 10 years 

laurie with

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Re: loki

2015-05-13 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

that just made me smile! thanks for sharing….

laurie with

On May 13, 2015, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

Just have to share what my almost 25 yr. old Liten Loki did at our county's
first annual Festival of the Horse.

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hay nets

2015-01-23 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

speaking of hay nets……….i bought a nibble net (brand) for oz, and am now using 
it since skylar goes in at night, for the time being. when using it, we just 
stuffed it in, and she pulled it out in less than an hour, leaving it empty all 

when i moved her back to where we used to board, there is an onsite worker who 
really likes and understands the horses. instead of just stuffing the hay in, 
he sort of rolls it into a tight wad, and then stuffs in several of them. 
because they are in there tightly, and there are not so many loose pieces 
sticking out, it takes her a lot longer to eat. very smart man.

laurie with, and skylar, who is not at all that pleased with this “great” idea.

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thank you, steve

2015-01-22 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

here is what i selected before i replied to what steve said……….everything that 
shows on my reply right now starts with this sentenece and ends with his 
comment about mac fans. so much easier than scrolling through rows and rows of 
repeat text.

by the way, steve, Mac is still working just fine, thank you very much :)

i’m on the way to the barn for Skylar’s pedicure, and then a short ride.

laurie with

On Jan 22, 2015, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

PS -- Since Hell has not frozen over the Mac stuff here is what I find with
Google rather than my ever having touched a Mac keyboard. If I got anything
wrong, I won't be hurt if any Mac fans set the record straight.


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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2015 #10 REQUEST

2015-01-20 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

i miss this list, too. however, steve, can you explain one teensy little thing 
again? how to clip your response so that we don’t end up scrolling through 3 
days of previous responses. it gets so long, and sometimes i end up scrolling 
past new stuff.

many thanks.

skylar says hi to all, Oz has welcomed his old roommate Bogie across the 
bridge. i am sure they are causing mischief even as we speak…er…type.

laurie with

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Re: cold

2015-01-19 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

yes, here in minnesota just west of minneapolis, we had some -20 stuff last 
week. skylar just puffed up her coat. yesterday when it was about 25 and i 
rode, i noticed she is starting to blow out those longer hairs. spring in 
coming. eventually.

laurie with

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Re: yellow pony farm

2014-11-19 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

kay, kay, kay…..we don’t need to wish you luck. you come with your own luck, 
and a lot of it.

i have seen your pix of the little diva, and i am glad the boys are learning 
their proper status when a queen shares their pasture. with a flick of an ear, 
she will turn them into serfs, ready to do any small thing she demands of them. 
they will discover the grass is HER grass….likewise HER hay……….HER treats, etc. 
they will defer to her wishes or pay dearly for it.

well, actually once they realize she is the top of the heap, there is no need 
for dominance. skylar (short round) needs merely to flick an ear and the two 
geldings she is out with (not fjords, i know…..she must suffer with sub 
standard room mates) bow to her prominence.

the last time she went through her royal cycle, which i would never have known 
she had, the minions in her pasture and the next one circled around her to pay 
their respects, sniffing with great reverence. she stood silent and regal for 
their admiration, while they giggled and goggled like young school boys in love.

skylar sends singer the best wishes, knowing she has a great realm to watch 
over with braveheart and bogie.

laurie with

On Nov 19, 2014, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

 The YPF herd has expanded from 2 to 3! 

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2014-10-03 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

jim, i totally feel your pain. your description brought tears to my eyes. there 
is no easy way to let them go, even when they tell you it’s ok. i am pretty 
sure my beloved Oz met him at the bridge to teach him all his crazy tricks. 
peace and hugs.

laurie with

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2014 #137

2014-08-25 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

congratulations! what a great job and a great pony. they are really making 
their mark in the dressage arena lately, and while i don’t ride dressage, i 
have a lot of friends who do. several here in minnesota are making fjords more 
visible here as a horse that is not only cute, but very versatile.

good luck with levi’s future.

laurie with

On Aug 25, 2014, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

could not be   more proud of him as he won his class with a 65.5% at Training
Level with a rider for whom this   was also her first recognized dressage show

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[no subject]

2014-07-10 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

this was posted on our local training blog…..

The featured breed for the fall issue of the Cross Country magazine is the
Fjord. If you have a Fjord and compete in dressage and eventing and would
like it featured in the next issue, please contact Sarah Whiteley at (with your name, your horses name and what
discipline/level) by August 1st. 

Sarah Bliss Whiteley

MWI Veterinary Supply

Outside Sales Representative

Cell: 763-276-3340

Fax: 855-854-3946

laurie with

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Re: fjords and dressage

2014-07-06 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

i am finding the discussion about fjords and dressage very interesting, but 
from a different perspective. when i got Oz, i got started in dressage because 
in many cases that’s the only type of boarding facility you can find in a 
certain area. you have very little options, at least where i was, to do 
anything else. and most barns expect you to take lessons, since that is their 
source of income.

Oz had dressage experience with his former owner, so it wasn’t a bad thing for 
me to learn. it taught me balance and the value of a good seat, etc., but it 
was never my goal when i got a horse. it was just what was where i was.

i think, and this is just my opinion, so please don’t flame me, that dressage 
seems to get elevated to the level of being the pinnacle of what you can do 
with your horse. it’s nice to see western dressage coming along, which gives us 
a more relaxed version of it, though i know that some dressage riders look down 
on it as not real…….hey, dressage means training, and that’s what it 
encompasses, no matter what the saddle and clothing look like.

so…..what did i want when i got my first horse, was back in 2001? a horse. a 
horse i could ride around our pastures, and have a nice, relaxed time. i didn’t 
even know what dressage was. and i am not saying i didn’t love all the time i 
spent with my beloved Oz, even though we were at dressage barns until he 

now, at almost 68 (and i don’t know how that happened!!), i have the lovely 
Skylar (nicknamed short-round) at a little private place, where i can ride her 
or not, depending on my day, not being required to take lessons, but able to 
just hack her out in her pasture, the hayfield or gravel driveway…..or just the 
indoor and free lunge her, letting her buck, canter and squeal. Can she do 
dressage? Yes, she has. but now is our time to just be.

laurie with

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2014 #98

2014-06-19 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

i have a ton of fjord photos. anything in particular you need?

laurie with

On Jun 17, 2014, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

his message is from: Ardeth Obenauf
I am looking for some recent photos of Fjords to accompany an article for a
national magazine.  The request is for headshots or at liberty poses.  If
you have high resolution shots that you would be willing to let us use,
please email me at

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Re: stall/outdoor

2014-02-26 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

i think i should clarify my terms from yesterday’s post. up here (in da frozen 
nortland tundra) we refer to stall board as coming in at night, but with 
turnout during the day. she would be out during daylight, pastured with a 
couple of other horses. sorry for the confusion. no way would i keep her 
indoors all the time. my bad.

laurie with

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2014 #40

2014-02-26 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

mary, this it too funny. i have seen this with both my fjords…….turn them out 
in the indoor, let ‘em go. they give one squeal, one gallop to the far end, and 
then stand there admiring themselves in the mirror. so i trudge all the way 
down there, while they watch me in the mirror, and then we repeat the process, 
with them stopping with there nose on the door.

laurie with

On Feb 26, 2014, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

This Fjord was so funny.  He would run around a few times, buck, kick up his 
heels, roll, dutifully as if imitating what he saw the boarders do, then he 
would come  stand at the gate waiting for me to come get him.  

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stall vs. outside

2014-02-25 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

i have always kept skylar outside 24/7, and she thrives on it. someone saw her 
napping the other day, lying down in the snow. silly girl. she has the typical 
yak hair that they get in the winter.

the barn i am at changed hands last fall, and though we thought it would be a 
good change, it’s turned out to be anything but. almost everyone that i knew 
there has already left, and the new owner is the main reason. he and his wife, 
who has been battling breast cancer took over, and even though HE promised big 
changes, it’s not happening. there has been a revolving door of workers, 
trainers, barn managers, boarders, etc., because he finds problems with 
everyone he hires. he has told boarders to get out RIGHT NOW if they do 
something he doesn’t like. and though he claims to love horses, it’s mostly his 
own that he cares about. the stalls are not bedded well, water has frozen in 
the outdoor tanks, some of the fencing doesn’t work, etc. etc. he is a bully, a 
liar, and is having an affair with the manager of our local Dover store! she 
has her horses there, and acts like she owns the place, but she is not a nice 
person. the owner’s wife has filed divorce papers, so who knows wha!
 t’s going to happen.

i know, it’s sounds like a soap opera. i come in sometimes and there is nobody 
there, and most of the stalls are empty. we used to have a lot of very talented 
kids and teens who rode there, but they are all gone. the ones that stayed 
left, because their kids all heard about the behavior of the owner because they 
go to school together. almost every local barn knows about it, because the 
horse community here in the minneapolis area is very interconnected.

i like the facility, large indoor and outdoor, close to home. but the 
atmosphere has become toxic and it’s affecting the horses.

i have found a small, private place, about 5 miles farther away, with a 1200 
foot driveway, so the horses aren’t right up to the road, like they are where i 
am. the barn is heated, with automatic waterers, they custom feed the horses 
with what they need. i think there are maybe 10 stalls. they grow their own hay.

 it’s owned by a woman about my age and her husband, and her daughter runs it. 
the daughter has shown horses in the pinto/paint circuit (she knows kristin 
lee), and went to school for equine management. she teaches, but lessons are 
not required. there is no outdoor, but the property is large, and a local park 
with trails is close by. it would force me to learn to be comfortable away from 
the arena, which is one of my little fears. there is a nice group of middle 
aged women who board there, and the owners live right there. they come down in 
the evening and do a bed check, or is that stall check?

the only down side is that there is only indoor board. i have always thoughts 
our fjords do better outside, but am thinking this is a much better atmosphere 
for skylar.

any input?

laurie with

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Re: dustenai

2014-01-31 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

gayle, i am so sorry. i am sure she will be happy keeping oz in line. it’s 
never an easy decision.

laurie with

On Jan 31, 2014, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

I am so sorry to hear about Dustenai's passing.  I know she's with Molde 
and Patty.  It's always those of us left behind for whom I feel the sorriest.  
I know those who cross the Bridge are safe, well and happy but it doesn't keep 
good-bye from breaking your heart.

Kay Van Natt

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Re: my boys

2014-01-28 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

i am SO glad to hear the boys are on their way home. it’s hard when they don’t 
feel good, and we get so worried.

laurie with

On Jan 28, 2014, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

My boys are in my trailer and we are in our way home!! Yahoo!

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Re: Riding Horseback in Purple

2014-01-28 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

i just downloaded it from Amazon. congratulations. i can’t wait to start 

laurie with

On Jan 28, 2014, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

So I hope Riding Horseback in Purple is a small gift back from Bocina and
me.  I'll be in touch with some of you individually.  But as a group, I
thought I would let you know that the e-book version showed up on one site
yesterday, and the print version is just starting to show up on Amazon.  I
think this means that both are widely available now, but you may still need to
ask at most bookstores and perhaps include the ISBN number

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2014 #20

2014-01-22 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

the last post is a hack. Beth Gerst, you might want to check your email.

laurie with

On Jan 22, 2014, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

Subject: Urgent Attention

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Re: fjord history

2013-11-09 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

speaking of old things Fjord…….i recently found, on ebay, a Breyer booklet from 
1995. It's volume #3 number 3, Just About Horses. the featured horse is the 
Fjord, and on the back it announces the Breyer Fjord is coming soon. The photos 
on the front and back cover are credited to none other than Brian and Ursula 
Jensen. 2 inside photos are from Los Trigos Ranch, with comments in the article 
by Lindsay Sweeney of Vestlandgard Fjords in Vermont…..

fun stuff to find

laurie with

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Re: fjords and chubby old ladies

2013-09-25 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

KAY, thanks. i totally agree with your statement on the right fjord is great 
for those of us mature riders. though i started up nervously with Oz when i 
got him, i have to say he was always super kind and forgiving of my mistakes. 
the kids at the barn loved him in lessons, and he returned that with obvious 
fondness for them. about the only naughty thing he did was not always steer the 
best, but in retrospect, that might have had to do with his ringbone.

along comes Skylar. she is alpha in the pasture. no question. and she has a 
little more forward tendencies than oz ever had. however, she is becoming my 
rock. nothing bothers her, and while she would still rather gallop up a hill 
than walk, if i ask for a walk, i get a walk. one of the girls at the barn 
loves riding her, and everyone who has been on her has said she is fun. 

i like her. we are still a work in progress, since she does have a tendency to 
try and push through the bit. but she is close to the ground, perfect for this 
almost 67 year old. nothing bothers her and she is making me a better rider.

laurie with

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2013 #142

2013-08-01 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

 this is a test. i have sent a message to the list twice, and it hasn't shown 
 up………..i am trying to see what the problem might be.

laurie with

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Re: personalities and relationships

2013-06-24 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

i too am enjoying this discussion about the differences in horses within the 
breed, especially in the light of having recently lost Oz and getting Skylar.

when i first got on her, aside from the difference in height and width, she 
felt quite different than oz. she had a quick, rather uncontrolled trot that 
frightened me when compared to Oz's smooth, quiet one, which i had experienced 
for all those years i owned him. i lived with him for 9 years, almost to the 
day, and i agree that it took time for us to bond. at first he was kind of just 
there. i was coming off a bad experience on another horse, and carried some 
of the fear over to him. it did take us a couple of years for me to trust him 
and vice versa. once we became a pair, he was the best horse i could have 
imagined. he was patient, quiet, put up with kids, etc. you guys have heard all 
his stories. the only thing he never learned to live with was plastic bags, a 
small concern in the grand scheme of things. i never came off him, though i did 
fall down twice from steping wrong dismounting bareback. but he never spooked 
badly enough to unseat me. he was quiet, and slowed do!
 wn quite a bit at the end when the ringbone took over.

skylar at first felt out of control. she was running through the bit, and on 
one of my first rides on her, trotting fast across the diagonal, she spooked at 
something and i darn near came off. it scared me a bit and made me wonder if i 
had made a mistake. but….that was her last spook. we did a despooking clinic, 
and she was so good i am sure several people wondered why we were even there. 
it gave me a big boost in my confidence, which of course translate straight to 
the horse. we still have our struggles now and then when she wants to get fast, 
but she listens. and on the ground, she is almost perfect. there were many 
times when oz would grass drive on the way back to his pasture, and it took a 
lot of work to get his head up. skylar walks quietly, starts to look that way, 
but keeps walking on a voice request. if i just assume in my mind that she will 
do something, it works.

i totally understand the concept, too, of them being different when coming to a 
new owner. i moved oz several times during our life together, and he was always 
settled almost the minute he got where we were  going. with skylar, i was a new 
owner, and i could see her struggling to adjust with no idea who i was. she was 
at the first place where i owned her for only a couple of months when i moved 
back to my old barn so i could ride with my friends. it took her a day or so to 
adjust to new roommates (after she told them that she was in charge), but since 
i was there, i think she also felt comfortable and not abandoned. after getting 
used to the barn schedules and procedures, she is fine. she is used for lessons 
and campers and birthdays, and does just fine with the kids. with me she still 
tries to move out more quickly, or she spends her time calling for her friends. 
however, i have learned things about keeping her moving and making her work, 
and she is improving. our canter is!
  still a train wreck, but we are working on it, and i am losing my fear of 
that gait. she is a gem.

as for tack, i found an oversized bridle for her at a website called buckaroo 
leather, though her head isn't quite as large as oz's was but still bigger than 
other breeds. the thing that i find strange is that i had to get her a 6 bit, 
yet her muzzle is cob size. go figure.  i did find her a very nice gentle curb 
with a low port and fairly short shanks that angle toward her rather than being 
straight, which seems quite gentle. i wish i could remember where i found it so 
i could share the information. every now and then she still gets high headed 
with it, but i find she will still try to run through the happy mouth mullen i 
use on the english bridle.

i can't imagine myself with another breed.

laurie with

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Re: fjord escape story

2013-04-13 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

i have a funny Oz story about his great escape. it was several years ago at a 
different barn than the one i board at now. i had ridden, and put him back in 
his pasture in the evening. morning came, and when the barn workers showed up, 
his gate was open and he was gone. he was found in the hay storage barn, 
happily eating from a round bale.

the second time, at the same barn, the stall board horses had gone in, and i 
looked out and he was wandering toward the pasture next to his, which had a 
round bale. food always kept him in range of the barn.

shortly after that i realized that he had learned how to unhook the chain on 
the gate. it had one of those with the slot that the chain link fits into. from 
then on, he also had a clip on the chain. that stopped his wandering.

however, he was found, at one time, lying on his side, trying to reach under 
the fence toward hay in his neighbor's pasture.

he was a very silly boy.

laurie with

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2013-04-07 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

i would like to thank everyone who sent responded to me after having oz put 
down. i truly appreciate the sentiments and comments. he was quite the special 
horse and touched many lives. while i miss him terribly, i admit i feel as if a 
heavy weight has been lifted. the last two years were spent worrying and 
wondering about his lameness, which weighed heavily on me. i know now that he 
is pain free, and has sent me assurances several times to let me know it was ok.

skylar, though quick and out of shape, is coming along. she gives me a fjord to 
concentrate on, and makes it easier to think of the happy times with oz. she is 
easy to get along with, i enjoy her small size, and i swear at times she is 
channeling oz with the things she does. she is a blessing in my life, and i am 
lucky to have two of these special ponies to share my life with.

i don't think i really owned oz. he shared his life with everyone he met, i was 
just the fortunate one who got to spend the most time with him. i never met 
anyone who didn't like him. he is missed.

laurie with  skylar, the energizer bunny
and oz, watching to make sure she does it right

laurie with

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2013-03-26 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

i posted this the other day, and like my last one, it didn't show up….perhaps
i used the wrong email…….

with a heavy heart i must report that today Oz the great and powerful, as
nicknamed by Kay Van Natta, was humanely euthanized at noon, exactly 2 months
shy of his 18th birthday. the ringbone that had plagued him for the last two
years, and caused his retirement last fall, had gotten to the point where even
walking was painful. consulting with our vet, i realized that none of the
solutions that might be available had a chance of relieving his pain.

several days ago, while falling asleep, and sending him messages in my mind,
as i usually did, he sent me a vision. in fact he sent it three times, and it
was very clear to me that he was telling me it was ok to let go.

the procedure was done by a vet with whom i am friends, and my wonderful
friend carol supported me through the day. we brushed and combed him, and
stuffed him full of all the treats he loved.

he will be sorely missed. he had a huge presence to go along with his large
size, and he left a part of him with everyone he encountered. he leaves a
gaping hole in my life. i am very lucky to have skylar with a shoulder to cry
on, because to not have a fjord in my life is too painful to even imagine.

laurie with

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duett saddle

2013-01-24 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

hi, all. i know this is hard to believe, but my Duett Companion A/P saddle, 
purchased for oz, does not fit skylar, so i am selling it.

it is 32 wide with an 18 seat. duett has a website, telling about their 
saddles, and the companion is listed, however, while this one is brown and 
black, the parts that are brown are not the red/brown shown online. i'm not 
sure if it's an older model, however, the color difference won't change its 
ride ability. it's in very good condition, everything is solid, there is some 
scuffing where the stirrup leathers go, but the leather is in good shape, with 
no cuts, tears or cracking.

i am asking $750 or B/O, and will ship anywhere for $50. if you have been 
looking for a nice wide designed for a chubby pony, this is a great saddle.

laurie with, and oz, the great though rather slow lately, and skylar, who likes 
to move

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2012 #281

2012-12-06 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

pat, i did not think you intended to flame me, please accept my apology if 
that's how it seemed.

thanks for the lineage information. i had looked at it briefly, to find she is 
related to june wheeler's Bjorne, but haven't had a chance to dig deeper. wow, 
marcus….that is really cool. i have been trying to send mental images to oz, 
and let him know he has a girlfriend on the way. he says oh. ok. just so she 
doesn't eat my hay. and all the hay is MY hay.

he has lived with mares before, including tanya bailey's therapy mare, viola, 
so i expect it will be an easy transition for them. he is also out with a mini, 
who even after 2 months of having oz there, runs circles in the pasture every 
time oz leaves. it's too cold for him to get that sweaty, so hopefully with 
another horse in there, he will settle down since there will always be someone 
with him.

my emotions have been on a roller coaster all year, so my apologies if i have 
seemed fractured. it started with the knee replacement, and then with oz 
obviously getting more lame, though he was slightly off for the whole year, 
that took a toll on me. also, my mom is 91 and her health is failing. then just 
before thanksgiving my sister's son (my nephew) was murdered in colorado, and 
that of course, has hit the whole family hard. so the thought of the loss of my 
only sanity was weighing heavy on my mind.

On Dec 6, 2012, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

 Your Maggie Lane Skylar mare is a well bred addition, her linage has
 given us such horses as Advent Hill Oliver and Spruce Hill Marcus via
 the bottom side with Ljosa and the top side with Rudaren and Orrjo -
 the 'creme de la creme'  Steinfinn

laurie with

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2012 #279

2012-12-04 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

On Dec 4, 2012, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

 Ellen made the right call for Oz - retirement.

thanks for the post, pat. 

with everything that has gone on, i have to consider the costs, since i am not 
wealthy. my horse is my therapy, my entertainment, my buddy in what spare time 
i have. i am partly retired, and work 2 part time jobs. i don't drink, smoke, 
eat out, go to movies, play golf, etc. i spend time with my horse. period. it's 
much more satisfying and peaceful than any man made entertainment. i get by. 
and i admit to being concerned with the cost, but please don't flame me. you 
all know how i feel about my horse. and i want to be able to ride. he has been 
off for over a year, and most days i ride him bareback at a walk for about a 
half hour. the vet has said that is good for him, keeping his joints moving.

the reason i had mentioned putting him down, is that the vet also said that if 
we can't control his pain, that would be our last option. right now he seems to 
be pain free and happy and not ready for that yet.

that said, i just turned 66 yesterday and am not ready to hang up my riding 
boots yet. for my birthday, i have finally given into our common adage, and 
purchased another potato chip……..i hope you get the reference :) sometime 
before christmas, maybe even this week, Maggie Lanes Skylar will be joining Oz 
in his pasture…….i am very grateful to marilyn olson and tiffany for allowing 
me to make her part of my horse family. she is 18, cute and sound, and a FJORD.

as for OZ, for right now, he's staying put. i am going to find ways to pay 
board for both. the lovely girls (young women) who manage the barn where we are 
tried to crunch their numbers to see if we could reduce the board costs, but 
couldn't. but the thought of oz going someplace else had all three of us in 
tears. so somehow i will make it work. and oz can continue to make us all smile 
with his goofiness and love. if a perfect situation for therapy should come up 
i will consider it, but for the moment, he stays put.

i feel better, and excited to be able to ride again…...

laurie and oz, the great and fuzzy, who wants to know when the cute chick is 

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2012-11-30 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

hi, all, i am just throwing this out to see what options might be out there….

as you may know, oz has ringbone in his pasterns. i have had him injected 3 
times, the last one the day before thanksgiving, and he is still lame. i ride 
him now bareback with a halter for maybe 20 minutes indoors, but he is lame. it 
hasn't changed his attitude about food, however, and he still eats, complains 
about not getting enough, and mooches for treats. the only ones he gets now are 
made for insulin resistant horses and have no molasses or sugar. he is still 
his old, sweet self and has charmed the people in the new barn.

i am going to try and find a situation for him where he can still work without 
being ridden, or with very little. while we were at my last barn, he 
participated in many therapy groups and camper situations. he loved the kids, 
and they loved him. at the camps he was groomed, painted and loved on, and 
simply fell asleep in the cross ties while the kids scurried around him. he 
connected deeply with the troubled kids who were in the therapy program, to the 
point of hugging his last partner when the sessions were over. i think he would 
do very well in a situation like this.

i am looking for options, if anyone knows of any, to place him. seems to me a 
much better solution than just putting him down. he has so much to give and i 
am heart broken with his condition. i really want to do right by him, and if it 
means sharing his talents and abilities with a program that helps kids, then 
that is the best job for him.

thanks for any input

laurie with

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Re: cinch chix nets

2012-10-08 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

hi. i found the post about the cinch chic nets to be interesting and went to 
their website. it almost looks like a better net for oz. has anyone had 
experience with the extremely small openings? would that be a good option for 
just putting an entire bale in his pasture? i worry that he would simply stay 
there all day and manage to eat too much.

i have a nibble net for him, but he manages to empty and then has a lot of time 
on his hooves. at the end of the month he is going from the dry lot to the 
outdoor pasture, along with a mini. the grass is pretty much shot, but he will 
be getting hay. the cinch chic net looks like it might be a way for him to have 
longer access to hay, which i think they all need in the winter. it could be 
placed in the shelter and attached to the wall to keep it dry.

any info or experience would be appreciated.

laurie and oz the wonder pony, who mostly walks nowadays

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Re: shockwave/coats

2012-09-11 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

thanks for all the input, everyone. mary, that link had a lot of encouraging 
information. we have good days, and not so good. yesterday i rode him bareback 
indoors, and he kept giving the evil eye to the arena door when it rattled in 
the wind, but he didn't seem to be limping. 

as for coat, ever since i have had him, oz has grown a thick winter coat. last 
year was the only time he was clipped, because he was used for kid lessons in 
the evening and would get too hot to go back outside. so he stayed inside at 
night and had blankets.

i have always watched him hold onto at least the long hairs under his chin 
until late spring. even when he's done shedding the big hunks, i end up 
trimming under there. he gets smooth during the short period of summer when he 
has a short coat, but never really shiny like a dark horse or another breed 
might be. he also seems to start up the winter hair right after or during the 
time he sheds the summer coat. he is starting on the winter coat now, even 
though we had a very hot summer. here in minnesota, when it was below zero he 
used to come in looking like a bear. he was born in Idaho and has always been 
in the northern states.

on another note….Dover Saddlery just opened a store right next to the Target 
where i work. and i start working there 3 mornings a week on Thursday! (i'm not 
quitting target, but will work less hours)….eventually more responsibility when 
i learn the ropes, plus an employee discount!

laurie with

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shockwave therapy?

2012-09-10 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

is anyone familiar or had shockwave therapy on their horse? the vet who is 
helping me with oz suggested that as one of the steps in trying to control his 
pain. i have looked into it online, and it seems to be successful in pain 
reductions in some cases. and the price isn't unreasonably high, which i'm 
afraid is a concern for me, even though i wish it wasn't.

right now he is quite ouchie, two weeks after his injections. i have been told 
that they can get quite lame and then the joint will fuse on its own and the 
pain goes away, and i hoping that this is what is going on. we had such a nice 
quiet bareback ride a few days ago, but yesterday it was clear he was sore and 

i purchased a nibble net, and it is very effective at slowing down his hay 
consumption, thus making it last longer with less hay. it also keeps it from 
getting tossed on the ground and wasted. he is not fond of the diet he is on, 
but he is making progress as far as slimming down.

laurie, and oz, the wonderful but hungry

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oz retirement…long

2012-09-01 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

trish, i have to say that Elph sounds like he has it made in the shade. i 
notice he's on quiescence, as is oz. both are lucky boys.

oz has officially retired from the world of training barns and giving lessons. 
i took him to the U of M vet last monday to get him checked again for his 
ringbone and ongoing lameness. Dr. Ernst at that facility is a fantastic vet, 
very open and thorough, and even though he is busier than anyone i have seen, 
he always takes time for his patients. he actually called me on a saturday, on 
his way to the airport for a trip out of the country, to tell me he could see 
us the day he got back. amazing.

the news was nothing new, oz has ringbone in his front pasterns. we injected 
them, with suggestions to return to aluminum shoes with a heel wedge, and light 
riding at a walk when he is not painful. he is also now on a  strict diet, 
since he put on weight after not being used for kid lessons due to the lameness 
issues. the usual….no grass, limit hay intake, dry lot, etc.

the good news is that i found a small, private boarding barn just as close to 
me as the one he had been at, which had close to 40 horses. this one has 2 
others, and one belongs to the owners. the girls who manage the place are 
wonderful…helpful, accommodating and loved him immediately. the owners live 
there, so someone is always there at night. 

they have a dry lot available which is next to the one with the other two 
horses, so he has company during the day. at night he goes into the outdoor 
pasture with his muzzle, and there is a cow next to him. i don't know yet what 
he and the cow thought, but i will stop after work and check him out. they will 
give him his supplements and i am to talk to them if i need Anything! it is 
very peaceful and quiet and i love it already.

i got him a nibble net, which he started working on immediately, since he was 
already unhappy that i made him stop grass diving. 

he settled in quite nicely the first day, and when i get there he's usually 
sleeping in the corner of the pasture next to the other two. his pain level has 
gone down considerably so we rode a bit yesterday. they have a sand indoor, and 
the outdoor is the dry lot he's in. behind the next to pastures is a grass 
field, with mowed paths we can walk. and it's all level, no more big hills to 
come down, which seemed to make him hurt more. both the outdoor arena and the 
outside board pasture are attached to the indoor and the stable area, so i can 
get to him right away, which is a big improvement for me, too.

i am totally amazed at the many lives my horse has influenced and touched. i 
know i posted the asberger's rider, and he has been used for lessons, camps and 
birthday parties at the place we left. there were children (and adults) who 
came in nervous and/or afraid of horses, and every single one loved oz. there 
were 4 camp sessions in august, and he was painted, poked and prodded…..a dozen 
kids learned how to take a horse's temp when they were talking about health 
issues….brushed, braided and bandaged….walked, trotted and hugged. his impact 
was amazing. kids would come into target where i work and tell me they knew i 
am oz's mom and how much they loved him.

he was used for therapy groups for kids with difficulties, and gave hugs to the 
participants when the sessions were over. even the barn owner, who drove me to 
the new place, kissed his nose and said she loved him.

so now we have OUR time, no crowds, no drama, no more overused muddy pastures 
with other horses who want to make him run when he shouldn't. one other boarder 
who is similar in age to me with a 25 year old arabian mare… job is to keep 
him comfortable and pain free, and love on him. he has turned out to be the 
most remarkable horse i could have ever imagined, who has taught me and many 
others the meaning of trust and learning not to fear.

laurie with

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Re: insulin resistance

2012-07-19 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

On Jul 19, 2012, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

  Do many Fjord owners have issues with IR or Cushings
 with their horses? I don't think my mare has any symptoms from what I recall
 of IR, I definitely don't think so for Cushings. She's got crest on her neck

i have has a problem with this with Oz. at one time he was incorrectly 
diagnosed with cushing's, and a second test proved he did not have it. however, 
he has had a crusty neck and weight problems, and is on a thyroid med.

i also have him on a supplement called Quiessence, at the recommendation of a 
vet. she saw him when he was overweight. it is for horses that tend to be easy 
keepers, and it has helped with his weight reduction. the main supplements in 
it are magnesium and chromium. he also gets HS35, which he was started on when 
he was at Kathy Johnson's fat farm for fluffy fjords, a great source of 
vitamins, minerals and omega oils. i use it as the base for his other 
supplements, rather than grain. he gets about a cup a day.

right now he is in excellent shape and looks great. unfortunately, his ringbone 
has him lame, so we are moving to a new, quiet barn. i am hoping to be able to 
still ride him slowly and carefully, since he needs to keep moving, but he's 
pretty much going to be a retiree.

i am saddened to hear of Lee and Flick. Lee had such a presence, and i have 
special photos of kit's granddaughter doing barrels with Flick from the 2006 
fjord show. they were both special horses.

laurie with

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oz the people whisperer

2012-07-04 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

the past couple of weeks oz has been mentally off as well as physically. he 
wouldn't take gummy bears, he hung his head the minute he was in the cross ties 
and fell asleep, he was walking slow, etc.

the last couple of weeks i have been very depressed about his condition, and 
trying to make the change to a new barn. i think since i talked to lisa and 
decided to stay where we are, my mood has relaxed and i have stopped crying at 
the drop of a curry comb.

today i went to the barn to check on him. he's been staying indoors with a fan 
since yesterday, as are the indoor board horses. i took him to the cross ties 
for some brushing, let him roll in the arena and then hosed him down. he was 
very much more alert, holding his head up, and begging for gummy bears and 
taking them. he just seemed more relaxed and happier. he sticks his head out 
the stall door and smiles at everyone who goes by.

just saying………..

laurie, and oz, who really is norwegian and not a southern belle…….gonna be 100 
here again today

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Re: ringbone/salt/et al

2012-07-03 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

interesting discussions. the vet's description of ringbone is pretty much what 
my vet told me when i had oz X-rayed. i know this was starting a couple of 
years back. i wonder if there could be a correlation between overweight and the 
ringbone. i think in people with bad knees (like mine, both replaced) and 
weight. it all puts more stress on their joints.

as far as his case, the vet told the barn manager, that keeping moving is the 
best thing for him. not hard riding, but schlepping around kiddos in lessons 
would be fine, or my wandering around the farm with him. the weight issue is 
part of it, and he is at a very good weight now. between his muzzle, and the 
lessons, he is healthier looking than ever. his feet look very good, and i am 
amazed at how much larger they are now than before we started shoeing with the 
ringbone in mind.

as far as salt, the first riding instructor i had was very much into natural 
remedies and healing, and highly suggested redmond salt, even the blocks of it 
that were chipped off and larger block of it. if oz is in the mood for salt, he 
has in the past eaten to the point of peeing a lot, but this is something he 
does frequently. i can almost always count on him to pee just after we get into 
the arena to ride. it's kind of joke with us.

right now we are dealing with heat/humidity, as isso, most of the nation. 101 
is predicted for tomorrow. yesterday when i went to the barn in the morning, i 
found oz eating standing out in the sun. his muzzle was off, which is good, 
because i think it restricts their breathing in some cases. however, even 
without it, he was breathing hard. i hosed him down for quite some time and 
then was lucky enough there was an empty stall, where i put him in with a fan. 
later in the day he was a lot better, but stayed in overnight. today he went 
out for a little while, but they brought him in about noon, hosed him down and 
let him stay inside.

the owner has very nicely allowed me to keep him indoors until it cools down. 
it doesn't seem to bother the other outside boarders like it does him.

i also spoke to her yesterday about moving him, since i felt he wasn't always 
riding sound, and she (and all the kids there) is so fond of him, she gave me 
the option of keeping him there without increasing my costs or charging me for 
lessons i won't take. she totally took me by surprise, and i am pleased. i 
didn't want to leave my best friend and the others friends there. half of the 
riding aspect for us is the social one, and there are several of us mature 
women who regularly ride there in the morning.

so we are staying put, and i can stop stressing out quite so much.

laurie with

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2012 #159

2012-07-02 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

thanks, everyone. jean, i would have no problem with letting him walk with the 
kids. but…..we are at a dressage barn, and i am not sure if she would go for 
that. part of our agreement is that he is used for lessons for the kids and 
beginners, but if he can't be, she's going to charge me to take lessons that i 
don't want to and can't afford to take. i'm not saying i am anywhere near a 
perfect rider, but at my age i don't plan to show in dressage and simply can't 
afford the extra cost. the owner can be a nut case, nice one day, bitchy the 
next, so it's hard to deal with her unless you can tell what kind of day she is 

i have found an ideal place to keep in, same distance from my house. it's small 
and private, no lessons required (no instructor) and very well maintained, 
which i can't always say for the place i am now. i stay where i am because my 
best friend rides there. however, if i need to move him, this place is ideal. 
small, only 8 stalls and they are looking for a few more boarders. the only one 
they have now is 70 years old and has a 25 year old arabian. i should fit right 
in. and the board is less, also.

he IS on outside board with lots of trees and a shelter, so in answer to the 
heat problem, i have no choice to bring him in.

On Jul 2, 2012, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

 Hi Laurie,
 If you retire Oz, could he still be used for the younger kids to walk around 
 on and
 they could learn to groom, etc?  Seems like that would give him something 
 that he
 could do...
 Jean i

laurie with

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Re: aging and horses

2012-05-08 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

thanks, kay. you give us all hope.

'course i will be 66 () this year and oz is 17. we have both had our 
lameness issues, but right now both of us are semi-sound. his ringbone 
injection really helped and he is quite active in the pasture, from what i hear.

he is used for kid lessons several times a week, and he's very good with them. 
i ride a couple of days, and even with two phony knees, i still love just 
meandering around with him. we have even tried a couple of canters.

i am so proud of him. last week we had a schooling show at the barn. i chose 
not to ride, so three of the young girls who take lessons there rode him. i 
think the oldest was 8 or 9, the youngest was 6!

the six year old got FIRST in walk/trot equitation. he was a gem.

in the other two classes, which were gaming, he got second in egg and spoon, 
and tied for first in ride-a-buck. they were both tickled.

he goes out with his muzzle, gives a try to get if off on a tree, but this one 
stays. he's reduced to flipping hay in the round bale and hoping some pieces 
fall in the bucket, or else settles for whatever grass he can get. and he 
looked great.

we are both a little older, hopefully a little wiser, perhaps a little more 
sore than we had hoped, but he's my heart horse and i am going to work my butt 
off to keep being able to ride.

laurie, and oz, the svelte

On May 8, 2012, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

  Braveheart is 14, Bogie is 20,  I'm 67...and all 3 of us still have
 adventures planned! 

laurie with

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oz update

2012-04-10 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

i am very pleased to say that the injection that oz had in his pastern has made 
a big difference in how he feels and moves. i would say he is at 95% of normal. 
i let him rest for a week, and then tried him with some light riding with no 

yesterday i rode him for a good half hour with lots of trotting both 
directions, and he was good. he's back in the lesson program, giving lessons to 
kids again. they have missed him, and he does so well with him. there is a 
short clip of him with a young girl rider on my Facebook page.

it's obvious he needs some muscle toning on the side he's been favoring, but 
he's no longer avoiding moving that direction, and seems quite happy. except 
for his muzzle. there are at least 3 other horses at the barn who wear a 
muzzle. they are all quite normal, i see them wandering around, sleeping, 
trying to get a little grass through it.

oz? see other short video. he's at the round bale trying to suck hay into the 
muzzle. sigh. fjords never give up.

laurie and oz, the king of the bucket heads

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Re: ringbone

2012-03-30 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

thank you, everyone, for your ideas and input.

i should clarify he has seen two vets for this process. one is a lameness 
specialist who works at the U of M, who also does body and healing work. the 
other is at anoka equine, our local vet, who have some good lameness 
specialists on staff.

i know several people mentioned previcox, and i should have mentioned that he's 
been on that for several months, on the advice of the lameness vet, who 
recommended that over bute. she also recommended quiescence, which is good for 
horses that tend to keep weight on and have crusty necks.

we also increased his dose of thyroid supplements. what he had been getting was 
not sufficient for his size. and because he is somewhat IR, some of the natural 
supplements can't be given to him.

he also gets HS35, which is a balanced vitamin/mineral combination that he was 
started on when he was at kathy johnson's for a while.

and also red cell.

so, i don't want to add much more to his list, depending on what happens with 
the injection. one thing i can say about all the stuff he's been getting, plus 
being able to keep in on indoor board for a while (with turnout) is that he has 
taken off considerable weight. the vet from the U says his weight is great, and 
he looks good. i have also noticed he is much more alert that he used to be, he 
doesn't fall asleep in the cross ties any more. i think that was part of his 
not getting enough thyroid meds. he's generally happy and nosy, and everyone 
loves him.

we have also gone back to shoes, since barefoot was just not working for him. 
he tested pain free in the feet when she was here the other day, which is what 
eventually led us to the ringbone.

i will ride him tomorrow and we will see where we are in the process. the other 
day i turned him loose in the indoor arena to let him roll, and when he saw 
horses running in the pasture outside, he turned, squealed and bucked, then 
took off running across the arena. stoic, yes…..but still able to have fun.

On Mar 30, 2012, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

 I agree with both Wendy and Mary.  Anything you give a horse, whether is it
 prescribed or homeopathic, has potential and real side effects. It's a good
 idea to talk to your vet about any proposed treatment even if you chose a
 homeopathic remedy.

laurie with

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2012-03-30 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

ok, one more question.

now that i finally have found a way to keep a muzzle on houdini, i have 3 
options as to when he wears it, and would like input.

he is boarded. he was on inside board for a few months in exchange for being a 
lesson horse for kids, so with that we could limit his intake. this weekend he 
goes back on outside board. i simply can't afford indoor.

he is out with several other horses, and lush does not in any way describe 
their pasture. thank goodness for small favors.

the barn workers will put on and take off his muzzle as i request. my dilemma 
is… i leave in on only all day, do i leave it on only at night, or should 
he wear it all the time? it would come off when he's ridden, of course. i am 
trying to figure a schedule that will allow the most time with it on and do the 
most good at keeping his weight down. i have no option for a dry lot or private 

thanks again

laurie with

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2012-03-27 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

today i finally took oz to anoka equine vets. the lameness specialist 
determined that he has something going on below the knee on the left front, and 
that his feet are no longer sore. the losing weight has helped a lot.

however, what they found through testing and X-rays is that he has some 
arthritic signs in the pastern. he said it's high ringbone, which i know is not 
as bad as low ringbone, but still has me concerned. he ran through totally all 
the information he had about it, and options to treat it, knowing that it won't 
go away but we can help relieve his pain.

what we chose to do was a pastern injection with hyalorinic (?) acid/cortisone. 
he should show improvement in 5 days or so, and can go back to light riding. so 
i am keeping my fingers crossed that it takes. there are other options 
including bute, which isn't a long term shot, though he has had it before and 
it helped and he doesn't seem to have any digestive problems from it. then it 
goes up to hoping the joint would fuse, or fusing it with surgery.

has anyone else had this with their fjord? any ideas or input? i, of course, am 
not happy, but need to keep hopeful that he can improve. someone said he was 
channeling my pain from my knees. it almost sounds like it.

he, by the way, charmed everyone at the clinic. we were there for several 
hours, standing, testing his gaits, X-rays, etc. and he was calm and quiet. he 
smiled at the techs, and accepted itches that made him make the silly face. 
what a good boy.


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forum and oz update

2012-03-24 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

first, I want to thank everyone for listening to our western dressage 
presentation at the fjord forum. it's fun to see so much interest in this 
developing new discipline. if you didn't get information, please check out our 
website. in Minnesota it's the national organization is some states already have an affiliated club 
(colorado for one) and others are in the works. in the Midwest feel free to use 
the Minnesota site, Wisconsin and Illinois are still working on it. also, 
please don't confuse us with any organization that is not affiliated with the 
national organization, western dressage association of America.

and, ozwhat can I say? he was such a trouper, even with the heat. as I 
mentioned, when we all got here in Minnesota a few years ago for either the 
winter meeting or the national 25th it was almost 90 degrees colder. we lucked 
out this year.

I had him checked again with my lameness vet. she's very pleased with his 
weight, and his feet are no longer painful. we have traced it to something in 
the pastern or fetlock area on the left leg. I am taking him to Anoka equine 
for X-rays and testing to see what we do next. at least this is progress.

he thanks all his fans for the nice comments, and it was fun to meet others and 
finally put faces to names. especially fun was Jeanne poirier, who when I 
introduced myself said, quote...nice to meet you, where is oz? LOLOL

it was a great to see everyone again, and thanks to everyone who made the 
meeting run so smoothly, and to sue plein for inviting us to speak.

laurie, and oz, the spring fuzzy pony

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laurie/oz update

2012-02-25 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

i haven't posted lately, mostly because on january 6th i had my second knee 
replaced. i was kind of dreading having it done, since the one i had six years 
ago still gives me pain, but i must say this has been a pretty remarkable 
recovery. anyone who has had this done knows how hard it is. the PT can be 
hell, but you have to do it in order to walk normally. i went through a couple 
of rough weeks about 4 weeks into it, crying at any little thing, wishing it 
was over, blah blah blah.

but, suddenly at 5 weeks, things improved dramatically. i had my balance back, 
the pain for the most part was gone, and i could walk without a cane.

after my 6 week followup, i whined my surgeon into clearing me to ride again. 
after all, i ride indoors, on oz (who unfortunately has been lame lately) who 
has 4 year olds ride him in lessons, has only two speeds - slow and eat, i use 
a mounting block, and promised to only walk. at 6 weeks and 5 days post 
surgery, i got on him for the first time since the day before surgery. the leg 
was strong enough to go over his back, and to walk up and down the block. happy 
camper here.

with the first knee i didn't ride again until 4 months.

laurie with

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fjord meeting/forum

2012-02-25 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

hi, all. i am a board member of the western dressage association of minnesota, 
an official affiliate of the national organization. sue plain has asked us to 
do a demonstration and presentation of what western dressage is.

i had planned to use oz, but he has been lame on and off for some time, and i 
am not sure he will be sound by then. i am just checking to see if anyone who 
is coming here to minnesota for the forum might be bringing a horse and would 
be willing to ride a western saddle and help us show what we are about. oz has 
done it for ages, since i always ride western but use my dressage lesson 
training to make him move better within himself.

i am contacting people i know here, but thought perhaps someone else might be 
willing to help us out. since we are a fjord organization, having a fjord to 
discuss it with is probably what we want.

many thanks. hope to see a lot of you here in minnesota in a few weeks.

laurie, and oz, who is shedding his long coat, and growing out his clipped 
hair. pretty soon they will meet in the middle and he will look normal again. 
he has lost some weight and is looking good, but we are still having feet 

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Re:saddle issues

2011-09-06 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

sue, i have used a string girth on oz and had good luck with it. the cinch
that i found hard on the horses are the neoprene. they seems to cause pain
more than any of the others. i assume you are riding a western saddle?

one thing that might help is a breastplate. i have always used one with oz, at
least until his present saddle pad which kept the breastplate from fitting
loose enough. but, it really does help with the saddle slipping side to side.

also, do you use a mounting block? that has always helped me, though with my
knees i never could get on without one.

On Sep 6, 2011, at 7:52 PM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

  I, too am having saddle issues. Our boys are round as apples and
 mutton withers.  We cannot keep our saddles tight. I have used a neoprene
 saddle pad or a reg fleece lined pad, new leather cinch straps, nylon cinch
 straps and all types of belly bands...except the traditional string

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Re: oz and barefoot

2011-08-27 Thread laurie with

This message is from: laurie with

many thanks to everyone who answered on here and/or emailed me. just  
to clarify, i'm in minnesota and we had a VERY wet spring/summer. oz  
is outside boarded, which suits him fine, but he does get the effect  
of a lot of wet ground.

what we would see is head bobbing, especially to the left at the trot,  
where he seemed to really be sore when turning. it looked like he was  
favoring the left leg, and i  wondered if it was a shoulder problem.

the injections he had were into the coffin joint, trying to reduce the  
inflammation that might have been there. this vet was talking about  
nerving him if this didn't work, and i immediately said no.

my gut told me he was tight and/or off balance. the vet that gave him  
shots doesn't believe in chiropractic and adjustments, but then again  
he's not my regular vet, particularly since he's always giving you the  
gloom and doom interpretation of what's going on.

two days ago one of the horses at the barn was getting a session of  
cranialsacro therapy, almost like a combination of chiropractic and  
massage. she had time, so she also worked on oz. what she found was  
imbalance, and some tender areas. she did gentle neck flexion, and  
guess what.he was uneven and sore, particularly on the left. she  
worked with him in both directions and his flex improved and was even  
on both sides. she did other work, but it's a lot to try to describe.  
however, the last one was pulling the tail, which i learned at a  
TTouch clinic. lately when i have done it, he clamps his tail. when i  
brushed his tail yesterday, it was soft and relaxed.

the best part.when i got the to barn yesterday, he was being  
ridden in his second kid's lesson of the day. and he was sound! if you  
are on facebook, i posted a photo of the boy who was doing the lesson,  
and then rode him bareback. what a happy pair.

anne longfellow and bjorne know this clinician, and also the trimmer  
she uses. i am going to go see them and talk about it and go from there.

i love my farrier. he's working his butt off trying to get oz  
comfortable again. i think, however, it's time to dump the shoes and  
give it a try. i promise to get boots and not whine if he's ouchy for  
a while.

laurie and oz, the best pony at the barn, and also the hairiest with  
winter hair starting already!!!

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Re: knee

2011-08-15 Thread laurie with

This message is from: laurie with

thanks for the input on my knee and oz.

he had injections in both front feet today, the vet happened to be at  
the barn and had some extra time to watch him trot and do some flexion  
tests. sorry, i wish i could remember what he told me he used, but it  
went into the front of the leg right above the hoof. hopefully, it  
will help him feel better.

as far as his food source, he does not get treats, except perhaps 3  
gummi bears. i don't think they can affect him much, since they are  
very tiny. he's on HS35, a supplement and thyroid meds. he is on  
pasture, which is really grazed down, but vet said that's not always  
good because then they are getting new grass. nuts. i don't have much  
choice about it, there is no dry lot where i am, so we refitted his  
muzzle today to see if it will stay on better.

as far as riding, i am getting that covered. the barn manager/ 
instructor (who is VERY good) is going to ride him once a week in  
replacement of the lessons i paid for and couldn't take. she will  
monitor how he is moving and get him back in balance and better shape.  
two other women at the barn, including my best friend carol, whom many  
of you have met at blue earth, will also ride him. and, he will be  
used as a lesson horse. we are getting a LOT of new students, many of  
them young girls, and he loves doing lessons with them. the barn  
manager tells me she can keep him as busy as i want with lessons.

i am officially old now, since i just got my medicare cards. lots of  
paperwork for that and the medical leave. at least i can still get to  
the barn to hang out. i might try the clicker training, but the arena  
floor is hard to walk on, and i have been using a cane lately...

so, thanks again, all. when i left oz was snoozing in a stall with his  
lovely blue vet wrap on the front feet.


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knee replacement #2

2011-08-14 Thread laurie with

This message is from: laurie with

after having my left knee replace in 2006, i have been living on  
borrowed time for the right one. last tuesday it told me in no  
uncertain terms that it needs to be done. it has been painful for  
several months, and when i got off a very short ride on oz, i could  
barely walk.

i can no longer stand at work (PT cashier at tarjay), so i am taking  
temporary disability until medicare will start in december. while i am  
off, i will work on dropping some extra weight and getting the muscles  
stronger for the recovery.

what breaks my heart is not being able to ride for the next 6 months.  
oz and i have been alternating being off all summer, and the heat was  
too much for riding most of july. i am hoping friends will ride him  
for me, and he can also be used for a lesson horse. he needs to lose  
some weight (as well as me) but i haven't been able to put the hours  
on him that he needs.

laurie, and oz, who doesn't care one bit if he has to work or not

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lyme in horses

2011-08-03 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

i am throwing this idea out to see if anyone has had any experience with lyme 
disease in horses…..

i have been dealing with off and on problems with oz since spring. he's been 
ouchie on occasion on his front feet, and other times just kind of off, 
especially turning to the left.

i had his feet xrayed by the vet, and everything looked fine. we have tried 3 
different kinds of shoes, hoof hardener, bute for a short time, he spent time 
inside for 4 days when he was sore and lost a shoe……i just don't even know that 
to do any more. my farrier has been working hard with me trying to get him 
sound, but so far we are stumped.

i just read the symptoms of lyme and one of the things described is not wanting 
to work and a change in attitude. oz has always been a pretty easy boy to ride, 
but lately has been kind of difficult. my friend has been riding him because my 
knee is to the point of needing replacement, and i am trying to keep him 
moving. she called him rude after the last ride because he wouldn't turn, 
wouldn't go, when he went he wouldn't stop, etc. and i found him difficult the 
last couple of times i rode…….trying to ride circles he would almost run into 
the fence rather than just do the circle. and his canter, which he really 
likes, was very choppy and difficult to keep going.

so if anyone has ever seen behavior or actions like this, or even had lymes, i 
would love some input.

i have a farrier appointment in a week, and i am also thinking of calling to 
have a blood test just to satisfy myself. 

this is very hard on me right now, since i am working on scheduling my second 
knee replacement soon, and i can't ride right now. he's gotten a bit too heavy, 
and i have people lined up who will ride him, but i need to make sure he's not 
lame…….sigh. they also like using him in lessons, but can't if he is off……….

laurie, and oz

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Re: heat and humidity

2011-07-18 Thread laurie with

This message is from: laurie with

well, the real heavy duty weather hit the fan today. i went out mid  
morning to check oz, and he was really panting, as were most of the  
horses. they were in the midst of bringing everyone inside, and even  
outside board  horses got to come in. i had already decided oz was  
staying inside.

when he came in i hosed with cold water, scraped him off and repeated  
until he felt cooler to the touch. then he had some beat pulp with  
electrolytes which he gladly ate, and then fell asleep in front of the  
power fan in the tack up area. we set him up a stall with a fan, and  
when i left he was doing his usual lying down nap, and his breathing  
was close to normal. all the barn girls are amazed at his naps. when  
they use him for camp, he always lies flat out and sleeps. i am going  
back later today to check on everyone and make they all have water. i  
have to think being inside with the fan is a lot better than outside  
in the sun.

at least two more days of this and it's brutal. i hope to leave him  
in, but i know he will get antsy after a while, but it's just too hot.  
and riding is totally out of the question.

laurie, and oz, who naps for a living, when he's not eating

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ozzie and his muzzle

2011-07-04 Thread laurie with

This message is from: laurie with

i know you have all heard me comment on oz and his propensity for  
removing his muzzle, halter, or anything on his head.

i purchased the new version of the best friend muzzle with an extra  
strap in front and all sorts of adjustments, they call it houdini  
proof..ha, but not fjord proof. oz discovered that even though his  
pasture buddies look at him strangely, they refused to help him remove  

taking matters into his own hooves, he looked around his pasture and  
discovered a downed tree trunk had just enough fingers of wood on the  
root end that he could hook the strap on it and it  
popped. the quick release worked just like it's supposed  
to...darn. one day i put it back on him, and watched him simply  
walk to the log, bump his head against it, and off it came. all the  
barn workers know to look for it at the end of the log. i tried duck  
tape around the fastex buckle, nothing worked

i had about given up in frustration, when my dear friend carol  
suggested laughingly that i should just put a plastic bag on the end  
of the tree, since oz is still afraid of them. so, we tried it.

the look on his face was priceless when he walked toward the end of  
the log. he stared. he stood. he tried to rub it off on the smoothly  
cut end...he stared more. he started carefully toward the other  
end.and the bag moved. for a long time he tried to determine which  
was worse, the hatred of the muzzle or the fear of the bag. the bag won.

he stomped over to the spot where he always sulks along the fence. and  
sulk he did. it was apparent in his entire body. when i went out later  
in the day, it was still on, and he RAN to me at the,  
puleeeze take it off. i did, but then we went for a ride :)

gotta love that pony

laurie, and oz (gotta hate that muzzle...and the bag)

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Re: tender feet

2011-06-12 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

On Jun 12, 2011, at 8:42 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

 My mare Gaven has very tender feet

boy, can we relate to the tender feet issue. my guy oz goes through  
this every spring, and it was especially bad this year because here in  
minnesota we had a monsoon season rather than spring. i think it  
rained for 6 weeks straight. he was very sore, to the point of calling  
out the vet to do xrays to see if something else is going on.

thank goodness for my very patient and available farrier (how many  
will shoe a horse while said horse is using his back as a headrest  
while he sleeps in the cross ties). we determined his heels were sore  
and first tried aluminum egg bar shoes with a slight lift. not bad,  
except oz lost one in both of the pastures he was in this spring.  
amazingly i found one 3/4s buried in a muddy foot print in the far  
corner of one pasture. there is still a reward out for the other one.

after the vet check we did determine he needed more lift in the heels,  
so he is now in regular shoes with a plastic lift which protects the  
frog. he is doing super.

however, as far as the softness, on the recommendation of my farrier  
we tried Durasole. it's a liquid which is spread on the sole, first  
daily for a week, then as a monthly touch up. we started it after we  
did the round shoes and his feet were still very soft. when the  
farrier returned after the vet visit, he was astounded on how much  
harder the hooves were, even in such a short time. that stuff really  

i am also really pleased the the vet and farrier spoke with each other  
about oz's problems and worked together to help get him sound again.  
we have a very talented young rider at my barn who rode him the other  
day and cantered the crap out of him. it was one of the best canters  
i've seen him do, and his soreness issues were gone.

laurie, and oz the wonder pony, who can easily be seen in the pasture  
with his neon orange bell boots

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oz and western dressage

2011-05-14 Thread laurie with

This message is from: laurie with

oh, that rhymes, doesn't it?

just a small brag about our western dressage clinic last weekend...we  
had a great variety of breeds there, and it was interesting to see the  
different ways they worked and carried themselves. oz was the only  
fjord, and he had the cute factor down completely.

however, he also knew his stuff. thanks to paula for his early formal  
dressage training, and the work we have done together, the clinician  
said there was very little he could add to how i ride him. he was  
soft, round, relaxed and of course, cute. i was proud of him, and it  
was a nice validation to be told i am a good rider after my years of  
self doubt.

we have been having some foot problems, as always in the spring, but i  
think they have worked themselves out. yesterday we had a great  
lesson, light again, working on turns on haunches and forehand,  
leading to small successes at rollaways and such. good pony.

laurie and oz, the western dressage king (for a day)

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oz and the muzzle

2011-05-14 Thread laurie with

This message is from: laurie with

it's muzzle time. best friends has made a new muzzle with a change in  
design and extra straps which they call houdini horse proof. oz has  
proven you can't call it fjord-proof.

thursday after my ride he had it on. when my pasture partner came to  
ride later, it was off. she looked everywhere. after our lesson  
yesterday, i walked the entire mud sucking pasture, bad knee and all,  
looking for it. on my way back to the fence, i glanced at this huge  
fallen log that i looked all around the first time past it. sitting  
nicely on the end, tucked behind the root area, was the muzzle. the  
plastic buckle had broken, as it should. i laughed out loud.

fixed the buckle, and tramped across the pasture again. why are they  
always at the far end of the pasture when we are looking for them. i  
got the muzzle back on, readjusted it for better fit. first oz got  
really mad at one of the mares he shares the pasture with because she  
wouldn't help him get it off. good, i thought, nobody will help him. i  
headed for the gate. halfway there i turned around in time to see him  
walk to the big stump again, tap his head against it and the muzzle  
popped right off. sigh. back i go. put it back on, gave him the stink  
eye and hoped for the best.

if anyone is interested, i posted a photo of the infamous muzzle on my  
facebook page.

i love my pony.

laurie, and oz, who field tests muzzles

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2011 Minnesota Horse Expo

2011-05-14 Thread laurie with

This message is from: laurie with

we had a fantastic turnout of fjords, including some new participants  
this year. as usual, the fjord aisle (yup, we have our own aisle) was  
packed with visitors and kids who love to see the funny horses with  
the mohawks.

and as usual, we did a stellar demonstration. i may be a little smug,  
but after watching many of the other breeds, almost without exception,  
our group provides a sterling ride. the horses are clean, the riders  
look happy and well dressed for the type of riding they are doing, and  
also we have GOOD riders. in several other demos, i was quite  
concerned about the lack of balance and skill shown, with several  
coming close to coming off their mounts. gotta love the fjords.

i posted a video of our long demo (they actually gave us 9 minutes as  
opposed to other groups who rode 4-5 minutes) both on facebook and on  

youtube link:

on a special note, dave and sue lusty celebrated their 50th  
anniversary by again joining everyone at the expo. they provided a  
yummy dinner for us all, and their cart was adorned with a sign  
announcing the event to the crowd. congrats!


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Re: spring fordies

2011-04-10 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

mary that gives a whole new twist to the old dancing on dad's shoes.

if anyone is interested, i posted a couple of new oz videos on  
facebook under my name. i am having tremendous trouble with my still  
painful after 5 years knee replacement, and two of the other riders at  
the barn are riding oz several times a week. it helps get him back in  
shape, which i can't do since i can't ride long enough without pain.  
he is looking really soft and round in the videos, and i am really  
pleased with it. we are doing a western dressage clinic the first  
weekend in may, and possibly a demo in the evening, if i am up to it.

i am seeing a new orthopedic surgeon in minneapolis this week, in the  
hopes of finding a solution to the unrelenting pain. the knee works  
like it should, but it has never once been pain free in the last 5  
years. it really wears a person down.

On Apr 10, 2011, at 9:39 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

 My husband came to her rescue
 and grabbed hold of her arms and pulled right out of her boots.  In  
 order to
 not get too muddy, she had to put her stocking feet on Jon's boots,  
 and they
 did this sort of wierd dance over to the gate. Both of them were  
 cold and
 muddy to the knees, but laughing at their predicament.

laurie with

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spring fjordies

2011-04-09 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

oh, mary, i also own one of those dappled fjords, who often times is  
mistaken for the rare black fjord. everything runs downhill right into  
their pasture, and ends up at the gate. the horses of course trample  
it even worse when they come to the gate. there are a couple of spots  
that are about calf deep (even muck boots are in danger), and i know  
that oz doesn't like walking in the really deep stuff. strange for a  
horse who doesn't mind sleeping in a manure pile. such loveable  
ponies. i don't think he will be totally clean until july.

On Apr 9, 2011, at 1:07 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

  We are sitting up here with the dregs of winter, and my
 horses are finding the nice warm manure piles to lay down on and  
 look like
 dappled brown Fjords!  Mud season is in full swing,

laurie with

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horse fairs

2011-03-25 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

On Mar 25, 2011, at 9:24 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

  Horse Fairs

please don't forget that april 29-may 1 is the minnesota horse expo.  
the fjords have a large presence there, and do several demos. it's  
always nice to have fjord owners come by and chat. the visitors always  
love our breed. so if you are around, come to the fairgrounds and say  

laurie with

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shoes update

2011-03-16 Thread laurie with

This message is from: laurie with

got oz re-shod again this week, and that helped with his ouchiness.  
but, as with last year, he had gotten some major chips, so we had to  
be sure they would stay on.

i got a lot of input, information and suggestions, and want to thank  
everyone who emailed me. i talked with my farrier, who had also been  
thinking about ways we could get him going without pain and allowing  
his feet to spread. one of his suggestions was a glue on pad or shoes,  
and that's what we are going to try in a few weeks. when his feet  
settle. he, too, would like to see oz end up barefoot if possible, and  
thinks that might be a way to get him to that stage.

thanks again, everyone

laurie, and oz, the fuzzy, muddy, shedding huge yak

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shoe issues

2011-03-11 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

hi, all. i know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and 
over and expecting a different result. that's kind of what i feel like i am 

i took oz's shoes off a few weeks ago, with the hope of working through the 
ouchies so he can go without. he has always seemed to have sore feet, and has 
had shoes on for a long time. right now he seems quite uncomfortable in the 
indoor arena along the rail where the footing is harder.

does anyone else have problems along these lines? how long would you suggest i 
wait until i give up and put shoes back on, or do you think he can finally 
overcome it? are there fjords who always need shoes?

thanks for any input you might have.

laurie, and oz, who sheds out at least two poodles every day when he gets 

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saddle dilema

2011-02-10 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

we had a master saddle fitter come to the barn the other day because  
two of us have been having troubles fitting our horses. i got a  
dressage saddle, a nice older albion, XW 19 inch that i thought might  
fit both of us but wasn't sure. it doesn't fit him. we might or might  
not be able to adjust it, but i am not that emotionally attached to it.

i then told her that i rode in a Balanced Ride Saddle, which really  
got her attention since she knows how well built they are, and the  
principles behind them (google john fallis saddles if interested). i  
have been riding in mine since before i got oz. imagine my shock when  
we put it on and she immediately said it was too tight on his withers  
and bridges on his back. i never expected that, and felt guilty that i  
didn't realize it for all this time.

i didn't expect to be trying to find saddle options, but here i am.  
there is a possibility that it can be used with a contoured wool pad,  
but not for sure. i contacted the maker (these are all done by hand  
and custom made. i got one made by my former riding instructor's  
husband who worked with john fallis on his methods) who said he can't  
make it bigger, and i would have to buy a custom one if i wanted one.  
he suggested that most of the ones that can be found for sale used  
most likely won't fit a fjord. and even used, they aren't cheap.

i am crushed right now. my finances this year are really sucky. i  
don't want to ride him on a saddle that doesn't fit, and i have ridden  
this one for so long i have no idea what else is out there. any ideas  
or suggestions?

treeless? aussie? i'm not so worried about the dressage, but i am  
getting into the western dressage movement, and really need to fix this.


laurie and oz the yak

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2011 #14

2011-01-20 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

linda, i am so with you on this one. winters like this i love the barn  
staff where oz is. they are out every day in this constant snow and  
now below zero, taking care of all the ponies. i can't handle it like  
i used to, arthritis and all, bum knee, but i keep riding...unless of  
course it's -14 like it's supposed to be tonight.

sven is 24? where has the time gone

On Jan 20, 2011, at 10:19 AM, fjordhorse-digest wrote:

 Would be nice to have the energy level and strength of a younger  
 person now
 and then...the hay bales are getting sooo heavy.
 And, yes, I am whining because I am so tired of winter and
 COLD...arthur-ritisand, the penguin walk.
 Below zero tonight..again.

laurie with

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2011 #7

2011-01-10 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with

 i think i listed my new email incorrectly. the correct version is  
 below my signature.

winteroz loves it, i hate it.

laurie with

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Re: My reasons for posting about Gjest

2009-09-23 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb

This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb

Jen, you might want to re-read this part of Carol's message, though I doubt 
it will change your mind.

#3 -  I felt strongly that we had made the right decision with Gjest.  He
was 32 years old, and in good health.  Good health for a 32 year old
horse.  However, despite our long-term efforts to keep him going, he was
slipping physically, and just recently, he was slipping in spirit.  --  It 
the right decision for Gjest, but it was a horrible decision to have to 

It was horribly hard to let him go.  ---  As many people have said, keeping
him alive would have been the easy way to go . . . for us, anyway.

And just for the record, I owe no loyalty to Carol. And if you want off the 
list, you have to do it yourself.

Laurie Lamb 

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Re: Fjord piggy bank

2009-07-22 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb

This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb

Hi Catherine,

If this is still available, do you have pictures?

- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 11:02 AM
Subject: Fjord piggy bank

This message is from:

Hey -

I have a fjord horse piggy bank I was going to place on ebay but thought 

offering it here first.  $30.00 plus shipping.  If you are interested, I
will sell it to the first to reply to me privately. Thank you. (It is new
and in original box. Baby Buckaroo is the name of the bank. )

Catherine Lassesen

1-541-825-3027 Southern Oregon

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Christmas ideas

2008-09-07 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb
This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  If you are having trouble finding the ebay listing for these pins, do an
advanced search for the seller name haflingers111. This should pull up her
listings. She currently has 9 up. If you can't find her, email me and I'll
send you a link to one of her listings.

Laurie in NW Washington

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Re: New Fjord Item on Ebay!

2007-11-29 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb

This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The print on ebay was on a Christmas card that I found at Tractor Supply. 

Does anyone know where I can get more of these for Christmas cards??
Debi Crocker
Willow Hill Fjords
Waterford, Pa.

You should be able to get them at Jody's website. 

Laurie in NW Washington

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2007 #227

2007-10-03 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb

This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

very strange. doesn't that look like one of pat holland's drawings? pat, 

you in a new business?

I talked to the lady that makes these. She owns the design. It was made from 
the photo of a Fjord belonging to a friend of hers (Pat, maybe?). I ended up 
ordering two shirts from her. Very nice lady. Owns a carriage driving 
business and her husband makes harness. They own Clydesdales, Halflingers, 
and just got a spotted draft.

Laurie in NW Washington 

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Fjord shirt on ebay

2007-10-02 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb
This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just thought I'd share this with you all. I found an auction on ebay for a
sweatshirt with a really nice Fjord embroidered on it. She has some other
designs too, but this was my favorite. I'm really surprised that no one has
bid on it. Take a look. Auction ends tomorrow morning.

If the link doesn't work, the item number is 330169990292.

Laurie in NW Washington

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Re: Breyer Dun Fjord for Sale

2007-06-28 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb

This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am doing this rather than Craig's list or E-bay because I

want some one who loves fjords have this rather than some collector.


Some of us are both. : )

Laurie in NW Washinton

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Cart and Harness for sale

2007-04-02 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb
This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry. I forgot to say the cart is a Bellcrown.

Laurie in NW Washington

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Cart and harness for sale

2007-04-01 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb
This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For Sale: Super Bantum Deluxe 2 wheel cart. Easy entry. Winding axle,
removable back step, basket under the seat. 1 set of traditional length
shafts. 2 sets of competition length shafts. Fitted cover. 2 25lb weights that
bolt to the back step. New paint job, dark green (powder coat). Used for
pleasure driving and a few CDE's. Very stable cart. No wrecks.

Zilco Advanced harness with stainless hardware. Buckle in traces with quick
release snap shackles (the good ones). Comes with 2 breechings, 2 girths, 2
Bowman bridles, and 2 5 1/2 Rimples Mullen mouth Liverpool bits. 2 sets of
reins, 1 Zilco (black with rubber grips), 1 Beta (brown). Also includes 1
Zilco English riding bridle with reins. 1 dark green Ultra Lite driving whip.
1 orange vinyl caution sign. 1 number carrier for back of cart. 1 large fleece
lined canvas bag.

This was all used on horses ranging from 14.2 to 15.3. Everything is in good
condition. Email for questions or photos. $4500. Firm. I want to sell this all
together. Would prefer to sell to someone who can pick up. I'm in NW

Laurie Lamb

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Re: comments, behavior choices

2006-11-25 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb

This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for your storys about Libby, David. I like hearing these storys every 
bit as much as the ones about Fjords that are being shown. It just continues 
to show how versitile these guys are.

Laurie in NW Washington 

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Bellcrown cart for sale

2006-10-21 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb
This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bellcrown Super Bantum Deluxe with torsion suspension, winding axle, front
entry with step. Has backstep for navigator and wire basket under seat. 38
wheels, shafts 38 wide at singletree. Singletree has pigtail ends. Used with
14.1 drafty Fjord and 15.3 QH. Comes with 3 sets of shafts (2 marathon, 1
traditional), fitted cover, weights for backstep, number holder, and caution
sign. Recently powder coated dark green. Used for CDE and pleasure driving.
Very stable. Email for photos. $3000 Located on Whidbey Island, WA

Laurie Lamb

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Re: Stallion Review

2006-09-05 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb

This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I read on the NFHR site that they are going to try to get a 
professional to video the Evening of Dancing Horses as well as part of the 
Evaluation and Horse Show. What about the Stallion Review? As Pat said, this 
many stallions have not been represented in one place in NFHR history. How 
could we not tape it? Is the cost too much? I do realize it would be quite a 
job. I know that I'd love to see it and the only way that will happen is 
thru video/DVD. Here's hoping.

Laurie Lamb 

Re: intro and questions

2006-08-06 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb

This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Also, surely you know Dave has moved out to the West Coast now! Oregon I 

That would be NW Washington, Jean.


Re: learning to drive

2006-07-22 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb

This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Was thinking in terms of a runaway, not as fast or as powerful as a 
fjord or larger horse,  and equipment lighter with minis, so maybe a bit 
easier to control or accident not as nasty, but with older bones 
crashingMaybe not?  Definitely I see the need for training equally as 
for a larger horse though.  Carts closer to the ground and thinking  a 
bail out or crash would be less velocity:)

  Please don't lull yourself into thinking that you won't get hurt driving 
a mini. My first driving experience (many years ago) was driving a very 
small pony (not sure if it was a mini). Everything was going fine until 
something spooked her and then it was off to the races and I couldn't stop 
her! We went thru a fence before it was all over. Thankfully no one was 
hurt. Maybe a more experienced driver could have stopped her. I don't know. 
I do know that it turned me off from driving for a very long time. I figured 
if I couldn't stop that little pony, what on earth made me think I could 
stop a horse? The answer is, you can't. It all comes back to training.

Laurie in NW Washington

Re: TEACH not berate

2006-06-25 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb

This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Lisa,

   It wasn't my intention to berate. I was voicing my frustration over that 
ad as well as others. I had thought about contacting her myself, but decided 
not to. I figured that others far more involved and informed (like you) 
would do it. Glad to hear that you did and got a positive response.


Re: dreamhorse ad

2006-06-24 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb

This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Barb,

AH.  Well, nothing can be done if he is not registered.  Too bad,  though!


But the other one is. (The one looking to trade breedings for a Yorkie.) And 
will take any breed. I'm guessing he won't be registered for long. By the 
way, he's only a yearling!


Re: dreamhorse ad

2006-06-24 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb

This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I did not see that one, he did not come up under the search  perimeters.

Hi Lynda,

I did a search for it again and the ad is gone. Must have already got 
some feedback about it.


Libby photo from 2001

2006-05-28 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb
This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm trying to find the lady that had the rather nasty driving wreck at
Libby in 2001. I think I finally found the picture I got of her right before
it happened. I think her name was Kathy. Does anyone remember for sure who it
was? Is she on the list? I'd like to get her the photo if I can.

Thanks for the help.
Laurie Lamb

Re: what do you tow with?

2005-10-17 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb

This message is from: Russ and Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I personally prefer Ford, and I would not go with less than the F250. I 
used one of those for years, hauling a 2 horse slant and a 4 horse aluminum 
gooseneck. We upgraded to a F350 dually about 2 years ago and I'll never go 
back as long as I'm hauling the gooseneck.

Laurie Lamb 

Logo Change

2004-08-20 Thread Russ Laurie Lamb
This message is from: Russ  Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Didn't someone say that the NFHR was just looking into changing the logo? I
don't think anyone said they were just going to do it.

Laurie Lamb

Re: T-shirt

2004-07-27 Thread Russ Laurie Lamb
This message is from: Russ  Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Krist,

  Here's one for you to check out. This one has a driver, but it's close
to what you want. This is the link for the main site, . This one takes you right to the Fjord design,

Laurie Lamb

 This message is from: Krist Martinsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Does anyone know where I could get a t-shirt that has a Fjord and Cart on
 front (no driver) and the saying Driven a Fjord Lately)?

Truck for sale in NW Washington

2004-07-25 Thread Russ Laurie Lamb
This message is from: Russ  Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1978 Ford F-250 Trailer Special, 460, Auto, PB, PS, tilt steering, cruise
control, extended cab, running boards, 1 ton suspension, heavy duty
transmission, transmission cooler (full tow package). Front and rear
receiver hitch, fold down gooseneck hitch, spray in liner (Rhino). Trailer
brake controller, dual batteries, good tires. Body in good shape, minimal
rust. 140,000 miles. 2 owners. Great towing vehicle! $2500 OBO. 360-678-1551
(evenings best) Located on Whidbey Island.

Laurie Lamb

Fjord Herald photos

2004-01-05 Thread Russ Laurie Lamb
This message is from: Russ  Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear listers,

 Just a reminder (or request) to those who submit photos to the Herald.
If someone has taken the time to take photos for you that you like enough to
use, please remember to include photo credit when you submit the photos. It
disappointing to do the work and not get credit for it.

Laurie Lamb

Re: Rubber Reins/Heat/Fly Spray

2003-04-06 Thread Laurie Lamb
This message is from: Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Remember that if you get fly spray on the rubber reins they will melt in

I don't know about rubber reins, but I have synthetic's (Zilco, Beta
Biothane). I just have to stick with water based fly spray. No problems. I
use Ultra Shield. Works great.

Laurie Lamb

Gelding for sale

2003-01-14 Thread Laurie Lamb
This message is from: Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I won't take up too much space on the list with this. If anyone is looking
for a fjord gelding, please take a look at the page I've been working on for
info about him.

Laurie Lamb


2002-11-04 Thread Laurie Lamb
This message is from: Laurie Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We just had one here in the Pacific Northwest at 9:03 pm. Haven't heard
how big it was yet. Just kind of rolled on thru.


Re: fjords as kids horses

2002-08-08 Thread Laurie Pittman
This message is from: Laurie Pittman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Everything that everyone has been talking about as Fjords for kids is true
 with ANY breed.  Why do you just say Fjords.  Sheri Kane hit the nail on
 head, it is a respect issue.  That is true with any breed, just like she
 So the Fjords will show their strength or go their own way if they don't
 respect you.  Do you know what other breeds do, bolt, rear, buck, bite,
 too will shove, evade the bit, etc etc etc. Fjords can do these too, but
 the most part they get bully.

Of course Fjords can do all these things. The point was that they are often
described as bomb proof and perfect childs/beginner horses. Of all the
calls I had on Tor, that was what they were all looking for. There's no way
I'd sell him as a childs horse. He's too strong and too strongwilled.
Needless to say, I still have him.

Laurie Pittman

Fjord for sale

2002-03-19 Thread Laurie Pittman
This message is from: Laurie Pittman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just thought I'd mention that I still have Tor for sale. Anyone looking
for a nice big gelding that drives? He's a brown dun, 14.1, 8yo, drafty
build. If you'd like to find out more about him, please contact me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Asking $6500.00 OBO. Located in NW Washington.

Laurie Pittman

Re: Congrats Laurie Russ is Lucky.

2002-01-16 Thread Laurie Pittman
This message is from: Laurie Pittman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 How exciting, yes Russ seems to be a keeper, does he cook?

Not only does he cook, but he does dishes too! : ) And, he thinks fjords are

Thank you, from both of us, for all the well wishes, both on and off the
list. It means a lot to both of us.

Laurie and Russ

On a brighter note - OT

2002-01-15 Thread Laurie Pittman
This message is from: Laurie Pittman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Some of you met my boyfriend, Russ, at Libby last year (he had a great
time, by the way). Well, last Saturday night he asked me to marry him. I was
really set up for it too. We were out with some friends when one of his
buddies asked me when I was going to make an honest man out of him. I
replied that I would if he would ever ask me seriously, (he'd always joked
about it before). He snapped around and said really? He then dug a box out
of his coat pocket, slapped it on the table and told me to put my money
where my mouth was. He then got down on his knees and seriously asked me to
marry him. Once I got over the shock, I said yes. : )

 Don't have a date yet, but it will be no later than the fall I think.


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