i would like to get the input from the user using textinput boxes and add them 
to the arraycollection defined in the code below.

i had defined a method addToArray for serving the purpose.what should be the 
type of the arguments passed to that function.
th code follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; 
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
private var bookSales:ArrayCollection = 
new ArrayCollection(
[{bookType: "Fiction", Sales: 143},
{bookType: "Nonfiction", Sales: 189},
{bookType: "Technology", Sales: 178},
{bookType: "Self-help", Sales: 224}]);
private function chartLabel(dataItem:Object, field:String, 
index:int, dataPercent:Number):String
return dataItem.bookType + " represents \n" + dataPercent + 
"% \n of our sales";
private function addToArray():void{
<mx:Panel title="Pie Chart">
<mx:PieChart width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{bookSales}" 
<mx:PieSeries field="Sales" labelPosition="callout" 
<mx:GradientEntry color="#E9C836"/>
<mx:GradientEntry color="#AA9127"/>
<mx:GradientEntry color="#A1AECF"/>
<mx:GradientEntry color="#47447A"/>
<mx:GradientEntry color="#339932"/>
<mx:GradientEntry color="#339998"/>
<mx:GradientEntry color="#6FB35F"/>
<mx:GradientEntry color="#497B54"/>

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